80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 15:38:29

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 15:38:29
It looks like only a matter of time before Coronavirus makes its way to blighty. But its ok, the US have the cure.

"Trump on Tuesday said the US was “very close” to a coronavirus vaccine, which is at least a year away from being available in the best scenario. The White House later said the president was instead speaking about the Ebola vaccine approved two months ago."


Title: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 15:43:03
It looks like only a matter of time before Coronavirus makes its way to blighty. But its ok, the US have the cure.

"Trump on Tuesday said the US was “very close” to a coronavirus vaccine, which is at least a year away from being available in the best scenario. The White House later said the president was instead speaking about the Ebola vaccine approved two months ago."

It's a good job he didn't order the dismantling of the US Federal epidemic management system in 2018 or they might have something to worry about. Although apparently coronavirus is just a Chinese/left-wing/whoever else is the enemy du jour conspiracy to undermine his re-election bid anyway.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 16:09:39
My eldest's school is closed for the remainder of the week.  Some staff & kids returning from a school ski trip in N Italy showing 'mild flu-like symptoms'.

Similarly one of the offices in Canary Wharf has closed as one of its staff members who has come back from a country where the virus is prevalent has shown flu symptons. I'd happily work from home for the time being!

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 17:03:44
The thing is, flu is still a big killer with c500k deaths worldwide per year. And we actually have a vaccine for that yet it still causes havoc. No "self isolating" though, just sneeze/cough over whoever you like cos "it's only flu".

Truth be told, Influenza is more deadly. 2019-nCoV, while yes capable of causing death to those with mostly underlying or pre-existing conditions, the Fatality Rate (FR) is just 8%. We're also still talking very small numbers in epidemic senses. When matched against flu, worldwide cases are in the c3m bracket (an FR of c18%) annually. Even at the current rate 2019-nCoV would be on track for c500k cases and 40k deaths. That figure is unlikely, as cases are showing signs of plateauing and as the Northern Hemisphere pushes towards warmer temperatures, the virus cannot live as long.

I reckon it'll max out at around 250k cases with 10k deaths (FR c4%). WHO reckon the final CFR (Case Fatality Rate) will be less than that at c2%. But who am I to make any such claims?

I still think the media is doing a sterling job of scaremongering though. I've had people say to me they think it will evolve into some indestructible superbug that can't be eradicated (see Influenza), and will slowly wipe out the human species. When giving them comparable data versus Flu, they almost disregard and ignore it. That alone shows you the effect the media can have upon Joe public.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 18:13:15
The thing is, flu is still a big killer with c500k deaths worldwide per year. And we actually have a vaccine for that yet it still causes havoc. No "self isolating" though, just sneeze/cough over whoever you like cos "it's only flu".

Truth be told, Influenza is more deadly. 2019-nCoV, while yes capable of causing death to those with mostly underlying or pre-existing conditions, the Fatality Rate (FR) is just 8%. We're also still talking very small numbers in epidemic senses. When matched against flu, worldwide cases are in the c3m bracket (an FR of c18%) annually. Even at the current rate 2019-nCoV would be on track for c500k cases and 40k deaths. That figure is unlikely, as cases are showing signs of plateauing and as the Northern Hemisphere pushes towards warmer temperatures, the virus cannot live as long.

I reckon it'll max out at around 250k cases with 10k deaths (FR c4%). WHO reckon the final CFR (Case Fatality Rate) will be less than that at c2%. But who am I to make any such claims?

I still think the media is doing a sterling job of scaremongering though. I've had people say to me they think it will evolve into some indestructible superbug that can't be eradicated (see Influenza), and will slowly wipe out the human species. When giving them comparable data versus Flu, they almost disregard and ignore it. That alone shows you the effect the media can have upon Joe public.

Its almost as if there is something potentially closer to home that the media would rather not talk about!

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 19:15:43
The thing is, flu is still a big killer with c500k deaths worldwide per year. And we actually have a vaccine for that yet it still causes havoc. No "self isolating" though, just sneeze/cough over whoever you like cos "it's only flu".

Truth be told, Influenza is more deadly. 2019-nCoV, while yes capable of causing death to those with mostly underlying or pre-existing conditions, the Fatality Rate (FR) is just 8%. We're also still talking very small numbers in epidemic senses. When matched against flu, worldwide cases are in the c3m bracket (an FR of c18%) annually. Even at the current rate 2019-nCoV would be on track for c500k cases and 40k deaths. That figure is unlikely, as cases are showing signs of plateauing and as the Northern Hemisphere pushes towards warmer temperatures, the virus cannot live as long.

I reckon it'll max out at around 250k cases with 10k deaths (FR c4%). WHO reckon the final CFR (Case Fatality Rate) will be less than that at c2%. But who am I to make any such claims?

I still think the media is doing a sterling job of scaremongering though. I've had people say to me they think it will evolve into some indestructible superbug that can't be eradicated (see Influenza), and will slowly wipe out the human species. When giving them comparable data versus Flu, they almost disregard and ignore it. That alone shows you the effect the media can have upon Joe public.

The mortality rate with influenza is approximately 0.1%. The coronavirus appears to be more than 20 times deadlier.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 19:29:40
Did I read somewhere that the Coronavirus  started with Pangolins?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 19:34:23
Dunno, but that bloke and his mrs that were on the cruise ship who are on the news everyday are getting right on my tits

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 20:36:52
The mortality rate with influenza is approximately 0.1%. The coronavirus appears to be more than 20 times deadlier.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but;

c3 million cases
= 17/18%
c500,000 deaths

It's also not "the coronavirus". There have been plenty of strains of "coronavirus". Usually H1N1/H1N2 etc is the name associated to the A sub type of Influenza (or Seasonal Flu). This is Covid-19 or 2019-nCoV. I mild strain of Influenza (that they don't have a vaccine for yet).

Back on original point. How do you get to 0.1% for Flu? That'd require 500million cases per year or 1 in 14 for wordwide pop at 7bn. Yet the case figures are 1/100th of this at best, at 5m.

I think you may be looking at US figures only where it falls at c0.1%. The US figures may be a little more unique as people there tend to get a Flu Shot every year, regardless if age or need. Thus their mortality rate is likely to be very low. But I'm talking wordwide figures and as stated that is c17/18%. There is a range between 5% to 20% though.

Edit: The US CDC figures tend to include ALL cases (even the mild ones). Whereas WHO uses medium to severe case data.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 21:27:25
Forgive me if I'm wrong but;

c3 million cases
= 17/18%
c500,000 deaths

It's also not "the coronavirus". There have been plenty of strains of "coronavirus". Usually H1N1/H1N2 etc is the name associated to the A sub type of Influenza (or Seasonal Flu). This is Covid-19 or 2019-nCoV. I mild strain of Influenza (that they don't have a vaccine for yet).

Back on original point. How do you get to 0.1% for Flu? That'd require 500million cases per year or 1 in 14 for wordwide pop at 7bn. Yet the case figures are 1/100th of this at best, at 5m.

I think you may be looking at US figures only where it falls at c0.1%. The US figures may be a little more unique as people there tend to get a Flu Shot every year, regardless if age or need. Thus their mortality rate is likely to be very low. But I'm talking wordwide figures and as stated that is c17/18%. There is a range between 5% to 20% though.

Edit: The US CDC figures tend to include ALL cases (even the mild ones). Whereas WHO uses medium to severe case data.

You can't compare mortality rates for severe cases of flu with that for all cases of THE coronavirus. The CDC estimates 31 million people caught the flu in the US this season. Obviously there is a danger in extrapolating that over the entire world, but given estimated deaths each year are between 250,000-500,000 it wouldn't be anywhere near that percentage even if all the deaths were in the US(estimates are between 12,000-30,000 from 1st Oct 19 to 1st Feb 20).

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 22:49:38
I'm going on WHO data. However we can't* use estimated or historical data with 2019-nCoV as it is still ongoing. If we were to only use severe cases of 2019-nCoV then the projected CFR would be higher (*I say we can't, we can but doing so doesn't guarantee accurate numbers).

If we only use closed case data for Covid-19 at present (2.7k deaths/33k closed cases = 8%) but we have another 48k ongoing cases with 8.9k classed as serious/critical. Even if all 8.9k were to die we would have at present numbers, 11.6k proj deaths/81k proj close case = 14.3%.

We can't rely on projected data in an ongoing case. One because that elevates it way higher than the current rate. Two, we already know the case rate is starting to plateau.

As to why CDC uses ALL data for Flu and WHO seemingly only uses medium to severe cases, I have no idea but when comparing world data, it is equally unfair to use data from only one country (albeit one with 300m people) for Flu and world data for Covid-19.

I get your point but until Covid-19 is "over" and we know the extent of deaths to severe/medium cases ratio. We will have no idea of the real CFR%.

The point really being, using deaths only, is that Flu has a range of 250k - 600k per year. At present Covid-19 has 2.7k  (ongoing) after 2 mnths. IF we have to project and replicate Covid-19 over the short historical data available, there would be 486k cases with 16.2k deaths giving 3.33%.

For measure, MERS, which hardly anyone heard much about had a CFR of 34.4% (some 840+ deaths from c2.4k cases).

All we do know is that 2019-nCoV has some way to go to surpass the number set by Influenza. Factor in that Flu does have vaccines and it still pulls in a good chunk of deaths. Imagine if there were no Flu vaccine, and there would be even more deaths to Flu. At present 2019-nCoV has no vaccine but as stated, case numbers are plateauing. Indicating being contained. So when a vaccine becomes available, if "THE Coronavirus" is still around/rears itself again, we should and hope that death numbers would be much lower.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 23:06:53
Oi you two! Stop interrupting Horlock and Paul’s drivel  ;)

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 08:32:35
I'm going on WHO data. However we can't* use estimated or historical data with 2019-nCoV as it is still ongoing. If we were to only use severe cases of 2019-nCoV then the projected CFR would be higher (*I say we can't, we can but doing so doesn't guarantee accurate numbers).

If we only use closed case data for Covid-19 at present (2.7k deaths/33k closed cases = 8%) but we have another 48k ongoing cases with 8.9k classed as serious/critical. Even if all 8.9k were to die we would have at present numbers, 11.6k proj deaths/81k proj close case = 14.3%.

We can't rely on projected data in an ongoing case. One because that elevates it way higher than the current rate. Two, we already know the case rate is starting to plateau.

:sigh: You could have just said you used the wrong figures. Okay, one more post and I'm done.

As to why CDC uses ALL data for Flu and WHO seemingly only uses medium to severe cases, I have no idea but when comparing world data, it is equally unfair to use data from only one country (albeit one with 300m people) for Flu and world data for Covid-19.

I get your point but until Covid-19 is "over" and we know the extent of deaths to severe/medium cases ratio. We will have no idea of the real CFR%.

It's not equally unfair, by using the death rate for severe cases of flu you massively distorted it's risk versus coronavirus. Even if we had a figure for deaths from severe cases of coronavirus, how deadly a virus is in severe cases tells us nothing about how deadly it is to catch. That's a complete red herring.

I couldn't find a figure for global infections so I extrapolated the figure for the US across the world, something I pointed out was a danger(the US figure could have been an anomaly, or the US could have a much higher infection rate per year than the rest of the world). I wasn't trying to get published in The Lancet though, I was just highlighting how wildly out your figure was.

39 million cases of flu in the US is about 12% of the population. Let's be slightly cautious and say it's 6% for the entire world(I know that could still be too high).

6% of the world's population is about 450,000,000.

Estimated flu deaths each year are 250,000-500,000

That gives a fatality rate of 0.055-0.11%

The point really being, using deaths only, is that Flu has a range of 250k - 600k per year. At present Covid-19 has 2.7k  (ongoing) after 2 mnths. IF we have to project and replicate Covid-19 over the short historical data available, there would be 486k cases with 16.2k deaths giving 3.33%.

For measure, MERS, which hardly anyone heard much about had a CFR of 34.4% (some 840+ deaths from c2.4k cases).

That's some goalpost-shifting Reg would be proud of. I actually agree that there is too much scaremongering and people get too hysterical, but as Aristotle said, 'Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil'. It looks to be spreading and current rates of death are far higher than from flu, so people are concerned. Dismissing things can be just as dangerous as exaggerating them. There's a reason China has gone to such extreme measures to try and contain it, and the only public figures I've seen dismissing it's severity are Trump and batshit crazy Cambodian dictator Hun Sen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 09:05:16
The CDC stats show that the flu had a death rate of approximately 0.1% in 2018-2019.

Coronavirus is thought to have a death rate of around 1%, making it MUCH more deadly. While healthy individuals should have little reason to be concerned, that 1% could still result in millions of deaths if it is not contained. In my novice opinion, it seems that it is too late to contain it.

There are also other concerns because, as a new virus, it is still unpredictable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 09:16:51
We used to have the Corona man come round on a Friday evening with his fizzy pop🥤

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 09:17:59
We used to have the Corona man come round on a Friday evening with his fizzy pop🥤

I remember him. I wonder what the death rate of that stuff was.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 09:19:24
We used to have the Corona man come round on a Friday evening with his fizzy pop🥤
Thursday in Gorse Hill where i grew up, Cherry was my favourite.

As for the virus, I see lots of rumours that it was created in a lab in China coming out on the US press, I doubt we will ever really know the truth. As FH says the unpredicability is the thing with this, it could well mutate yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 09:22:19
Why do these ‘things’ invariably originate in China? Some suggest it’s their poor animal welfare.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 09:26:18
We used to have the Corona man come round on a Friday evening with his fizzy pop🥤

I think the milkman used to bring it around. Fizzy pop and 2 pints of silver top.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 09:54:15
Why do these ‘things’ invariably originate in China? Some suggest it’s their poor animal welfare.
When you say "invariably", there's been two - SARS (aka bird flu) and this. But yes both have been ascribed as being due to poor animal welfare, or rather the initial outbreaks have been traced back to poor hygiene/welfare standards in open air livestock markets. Plenty of other such "panic pandemic" diseases that didn't come from China - Ebola and HIV for example more recently, or the "Spanish Flu" pandemic of the 20th century.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:01:10
It looks like only a matter of time before Coronavirus makes its way to blighty. But its ok, the US have the cure.

"Trump on Tuesday said the US was “very close” to a coronavirus vaccine, which is at least a year away from being available in the best scenario. The White House later said the president was instead speaking about the Ebola vaccine approved two months ago."

Encouragingly, he's now put Mike Pence in charge, a man who's public health policies (or rather lack of as he ignored the public health considerations in favour of ideology) were directly responsible for a widespread HIV outbreak in Indiana when he was governor.
So that will all work out fine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:01:26
Spanish flu may have originated in China ;)

One of the few regions of the world that were seemingly less affected by the 1918 flu pandemic was China, where there may have been a comparatively mild flu season in 1918 (although this is disputed, see #Less-affected areas). There were relatively few deaths from the flu in China compared to other regions of the world.[24][25] This has led to speculation that the 1918 flu pandemic originated from the country of China itself.[26][27][28][29] The relatively mild flu season and lower rates of flu mortality in China in 1918 may be explained due to the fact that the Chinese population had already possessed acquired immunity to the flu virus.[30] Thus in 1918, China was spared from the worst ravages of the pandemic, due to the apparent greater resistance to the virus among the Chinese population compared to other regions of the world[31][32]

But I get your point regardless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:02:34
I'm fucked....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:02:48
Im off to Naples start of Aprill. Would the club consider opening up Stratton Bank for me to watch our title run in?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:09:15
I've had a dry tickly cough for a few days now, no shortness of breath though. Well no more than normal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:10:43
My Daughter's class have just returned from a skiing trip to northern Italy, and straight back to school. I'm sure none of them came into contact with the virus, but it's obviously going to be a concern for the next couple of weeks!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:11:30
I was in Rome last August.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:18:47
Spanish flu may have originated in China ;)
Bollocks :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:20:04
Anyone can be a carrier of the virus, but they may not get the symptoms til weeks/months down the line.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:20:37
So this is a disease that could selectively wipe out hipsters? There's an upside to everything :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 11:02:05
My Daughter's class have just returned from a skiing trip to northern Italy, and straight back to school. I'm sure none of them came into contact with the virus, but it's obviously going to be a concern for the next couple of weeks!

You better not post on here for the next 14 days then!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 11:08:54
You better not post on here for the next 14 days then!

Or only post in this thread?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 11:23:51
You better not post on here for the next 14 days then!

 :D My daughter didn't go on the trip, but several of her friends did. I look forward to seeing you all at the CG on Tuesday  :puke:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 11:31:55

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 11:32:53
Gnasher is going to kill everybody. If you see him outside then you should hit him with sticks and stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 11:44:55
Gnasher is going to kill everybody. If you see him outside then you should hit him with sticks and stuff.

A long stick, to avoid contamination.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 11:46:57
Good point.

Better still - throw bricks from afar.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 11:50:50
Good point.

Better still - throw bricks from afar.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 14:45:53
The CDC stats show that the flu had a death rate of approximately 0.1% in 2018-2019.

CDC only covers data extrapolated for the US. WHO covers data for...the world.

WHO states cases of severe seasonal flu are 3-5m, with 250k-600k deaths annually.

As I've already stated. The 2019-nCoV case rate is already starting to plateau. Especially in the countr(ies)y with most cases. China with around 79k of the 81/82k cases worldwide. Most other countries have very low cases. Only Italy seemingly having a higher case to death ratio. But we must stress. The numbers are still very small.

All this will be fucking chip paper by May.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 14:50:03
CDC only covers data extrapolated for the US. WHO covers data for...the world.

WHO states cases of severe seasonal flu are 3-5m, with 250k-600k deaths annually.

As I've already stated. The 2019-nCoV case rate is already starting to plateau. Especially in the countr(ies)y with most cases. China with around 79k of the 81/82k cases worldwide. Most other countries have very low cases. Only Italy seemingly having a higher case to death ratio. But we must stress. The numbers are still very small.

All this will be fucking chip paper by May.

Don't forget Iran is almost certainly lying about its numbers. They have a 10% death rate which doesn't correlate with the rest of the world.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:10:24

WHO states cases of severe seasonal flu are 3-5m, with 250k-600k deaths annually.

Provide the figures for ALL cases of flu or your numbers are meaningless and should be ignored.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:22:19
(1) Even if we had a figure for deaths from severe cases of coronavirus, how deadly a virus is in severe cases tells us nothing about how deadly it is to catch. That's a complete red herring.

(2)I couldn't find a figure for global infections so I extrapolated the figure for the US across the world...

39 million cases of flu in the US is about 12% of the population. Let's be slightly cautious and say it's 6% for the entire world(I know that could still be too high).

6% of the world's population is about 450,000,000.

Estimated flu deaths each year are 250,000-500,000

That gives a fatality rate of 0.055-0.11%

1. It wouldn't be "deadly to catch". It's likely it is highly contagious, like the flu. But SO FAR contagion to deaths is low and importantly (and already pointed out) the case rate has started to plateau.

2. I already mentioned the "Flu would have to have 500m cases worldwide" to match the 500k and 0.1%  US death data from CDC. Yet that would be a pure guess. Which would be understandable for Covid-19 as it doesn't have enough historical data. With Flu (for Worldwide figures), we should not be having to guess. You probs missed me mention it, amongst my letter to the Lancet.

I think we'll both be choosing figures that suit both our narratives but until Covid-19 epidemic has ended then we both won't know the real figures. Should be done with by May.

On another note, there is quite a bit about the source of Covid-19 being a developed and released pathogen (of a Flu variant) from a Lab in Wuhan.

What concerns me more is that the current UK government seemed very slow to react. Maybe they have information that means they didn't need to respond erratically or rush people home? Or maybe they're so inept that if a scenario developed, where a much quicker and contagious pathogen were leaked here, our current government don't appear as equipped to deal with or respond to a much more threatening outbreak. When mirrored to their recent response.

And yes this is coming from someone who previously worked in a capacity to respond to such attacks. I was confident back then and I was confident in my colleagues as well as any contingency. I'm sure plenty on here will have a good chuckle "NoShop?! Trained as part of an Emergency Response team relating to Chemical & Nuclear warfare? Massive lolz."

Anyway, that's another story.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:29:17
According to this, there were 29 million cases of flu in the USA. It’s the complications brought on by the flu that kills people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:29:42
Provide the figures for ALL cases of flu or your numbers are meaningless and should be ignored.

Of course they should, oh master of the TEF.

I can only use world data that is available and that data comes from the WHO. Seeing as the WHO deal with data concerning the World and not just one country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:33:13
Don't forget Iran is almost certainly lying about its numbers. They have a 10% death rate which doesn't correlate with the rest of the world.

Indeed but even then we are still taking very small numbers. I wouldn't necessarily trust Iranian press releases, then again - I don't trust many press releases any more   :-(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:34:33
You are trying to compare deaths from ALL instances of coronavirus with only SEVERE instances of the flu.

It's apples and pears. It tells us nothing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:44:56
I’m off panic buying!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:47:17
2000 mile border with China, and Russia has 0 cases. Go figure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:49:18
2000 mile border with China, and Russia has 0 cases. Go figure.
That Novichok has wiped the floor with Corona

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:51:16
Just reading a bit about the Spanish flu 1918 to 1920, killed 25 million in the first 25 weeks  :eek:
What was unusual is that it affected the young adults more than the elderly and young.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 15:57:28
Just reading a bit about the Spanish flu 1918 to 1920, killed 25 million in the first 25 weeks  :eek:
What was unusual is that it affected the young adults more than the elderly and young.

Killed more than the 1st and 2nd world war put together. I'm on a Local Govt corona committee and rolled that out last week. That stopped anyone panicking for sure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:03:30
You are trying to compare deaths from ALL instances of coronavirus with only SEVERE instances of the flu.

It's apples and pears. It tells us nothing.

So basically you're disregarding Influenza data from the WHO?

I actually provided data from medium to severe flu and projected medium to severe case data from Covid-19 (amongst all the rambling). I know exactly the difference between ALL and SEVERE. No need to be so condescending Mr Flashheart. It's ok, I know shit becomes cyclical on here so;

If we take the current medium to severe case figures of c46k for Covid-19 and match that with current deaths c2.8k gives us a CFR (at present) of c6%

Do the same for Influenza Sub Type A (H1N1/H1N2) - aka Seasonal Flu - c3-5m medium to severe cases annually to deaths annually 250k - 600k (I'll use the middle for both if ok with you) so c4m (msc) to c400k (d) gives us a CFR of c10%. As previously stated the annual range can be 5% - 20%.

Anyway, I'm sure a percentage of you will be having a glorious tug about this in the Lounge  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:16:14
2000 mile border with China, and Russia has 0 cases. Go figure.

Russia has had 2 cases. However population and logistics isn't the most high end thing along that border so less chance of transmitting but it's still an interesting point.

Considering viruses like this trend to thrive in colder conditions it does raise a few questions as to why Russia, and Scandinavian countries have had only 1/2/3 cases so far? Maybe this is where Covid-19 is a little weaker and doesn't like it extreme cold?

Likely those cases are just from returning travellers but it makes for more interesting discussion than going back and forth over numbers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:16:36
Anyway, I'm sure a percentage of you will be having a glorious tug about this in the Lounge  :pint:
I think you've rather overestimated the level of interest your flu debate is generating. Although tbf personally I'm finding it quite interesting :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:18:05
So basically you're disregarding Influenza data from the WHO?


I am saying that you are comparing apples and pears.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:22:19
Incidentally, I found this:

If this is right, then out of all known active cases of coronavirus, 18% are considered to be serious or critical. I wonder how that would compare to the flu? My guess is that serious cases of the flu would be a much, much lower percentage of overall cases.

Having said that, I don't even know how 'serious' is being defined here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:29:25
Any data on man-flu mortality? Or being caught mid-ship?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:30:31
Any data on man-flu mortality?


I've died from it several times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:35:23
Despite, I think, only 1 confirmed case in Greece, the government have ordered ALL carnivals throughout the country to be abandoned.

Talk about overkill

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:43:58

I am saying that you are comparing apples and pears.

Well read the whole of that last response and you'll see I'm not. But whatever FH. Can't beat one of the Master & Commanders of the TEF :soapy tit wank:
Funny though, you do always target me on here as soon as you disagree with me. Yet there's tons of things we do agree on yet you never interact then?   :hmmm:

Incidentally, I found this:

If this is right, then out of all known active cases of coronavirus, 18% are considered to be serious or critical.

Having said that, I don't even know how 'serious' is being defined here.

Agreed. The term 'serious' could of course be defined/interpreted differently. This could easily change figures depending in how they wanted to be represented.

Makes me think of when big companies have research done, to make their product be percieved in a positive way. When independent research labs come out and have produced data that contrasts this. Phillip Morris at Big Tobacco would be a good example of disregarding independent data and using their "preferred" labs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:48:43

Funny though, you do always target me on here as soon as you disagree with me. Yet there's tons of things we do agree on yet you never interact then?   :hmmm:


You are an odd one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:56:29
That's nothing new but good way to avoid answering the question.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 17:36:03

This is definitely a reliable source because the website has the word science in it. Some COVID-19 stats in there for the interested... 15% mortality rate for the over 80s, 10.5% for those with cardiovascular disease, 7.3% for diabetes patients and 2.3% overall mortality although all are likely overestimated due to the number of mild cases not diagnosed. Still, these mortality rates are high and a significant number of people will be rightfully worried if they get it which is why the media is shitting the bed about this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 18:03:33
which is why the media is shitting the bed about this.
The media are shitting the bed about this because they know sensationalist scare stories sell papers and generate clicks. Not saying this isn't actually quite scary this time, but the media would be shitting the bed whether it was the new Black Death or the new Black Lace. They've long since given up on their primary duty of providing actual information.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 18:17:54
Not read this all the way through yet, but what I have read is interesting.

The media are shitting the bed about this because they know sensationalist scare stories sell papers and generate clicks. Not saying this isn't actually quite scary this time, but the media would be shitting the bed whether it was the new Black Death or the new Black Lace. They've long since given up on their primary duty of providing actual information.

Ah the media.... from the tweetbox this morning...

Anna Roberts
CORONAVIRUS: Are you keeping your secondary school child at home because you think your child's school should be shut, but it isn't? If so email [email protected] or DM me, thanks, Anna

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 18:19:17

This is definitely a reliable source because the website has the word science in it. Some COVID-19 stats in there for the interested... 15% mortality rate for the over 80s, 10.5% for those with cardiovascular disease, 7.3% for diabetes patients and 2.3% overall mortality although all are likely overestimated due to the number of mild cases not diagnosed.

Yet the headline itself is misleading "Why some Covid-19 cases are worse than others?"

Well the overriding factor is people. People with different levels of health/immune systems/toleration. The virus itself isn't known to have been mutating into other strains (yet). So the reason why some cases might be worse, isn't the virus so much but hoomans.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 18:21:57
Not read this all the way through yet, but what I have read is interesting.

Ah the media.... from the tweetbox this morning...

Anna Roberts
CORONAVIRUS: Are you keeping your secondary school child at home because you think your child's school should be shut, but it isn't? If so email [email protected] or DM me, thanks, Anna

Ffs Anna! How to turn Mumsnet into a worried frenzy.

I think I may have read that Atlantic article already. May have been another but was definitely Atlantic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, February 28, 2020, 04:11:21
There’s got to be a chance of the Tokyo Olympics being called off if this doesn’t settle down soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, February 28, 2020, 07:04:26
That's what? 5 new countries today?

Including Nigeria. Something like this might run riot in Africa.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Friday, February 28, 2020, 07:33:12
We've only had 16 confirmed cases in the UK from nearly 8000 people tested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 28, 2020, 09:15:09
I'm reminded of this  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Friday, February 28, 2020, 09:15:26
All this will be fucking chip paper by May.


I'm taking sensible precautions, checking the news and following latest govt advice etc. but I don't buy into the doomsday predictions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 28, 2020, 09:17:29
Yep, bird flu, swine flu etc. A different strain appears from time to time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, February 28, 2020, 09:39:46
I'm inclined to go to the Winchester for a nice cold pint and just wait for it to blow over?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, February 28, 2020, 10:03:19
Yep, bird flu, swine flu etc. A different strain appears from time to time.
Spot on 4D. We had the same panic over both of those

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, February 28, 2020, 10:09:41

Jesus. Fucking. Wept. Self-isolation is clearly the only answer for people like these. They should be encouraged to lock themselves in their houses and not come out. Ever.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, February 28, 2020, 11:23:01
TBF  If it went to epic proportions in the UK I could see football postponements. Rugby have already done it for the Italy six nations games.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, February 28, 2020, 11:28:38
TBF  If it went to epic proportions in the UK I could see football postponements. Rugby have already done it for the Italy six nations games.

UAE Tour also gone pop, mid race.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, February 28, 2020, 11:57:16
TBF  If it went to epic proportions in the UK I could see football postponements. Rugby have already done it for the Italy six nations games.
Yes of course. But "Sounds like a very good chance the season could end this weekend. Tomorrow could be the last game.." is just twattery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, February 28, 2020, 12:11:42
Spot on 4D. We had the same panic over both of those

Yep. Yet how many people in the UK (honestly) heard of or remembers MERS when it happened. Not to get into a "numbers" debate but that had a CFR of 34.4% ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, February 28, 2020, 13:05:58
MERS' mortality rate is one of the reasons containment was possible, same for Ebola & SARS.  High mortality rates combined with severe illness to most patients means they do not interact with others so freely.  That why this one has the "potential" to be a threat - a higher mortality rate (or so it seems based on what data is available so far) but still a very low one overall which means people are more likely to contract and pass on.

The reality is it doesn't even have to be a global event with high deaths to create a problem worthy of reporting - it already has due to the location of the original outbreak.  Supply chains have already been impacted, profits will be taking a hit right now, it's the economic impact this one will be remembered for, even if it goes on to be well contained.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, February 28, 2020, 13:19:40
The rhetoric from those that know about this stuff seems to be shifting towards inevitability.

We've had our first Brit casualty, apparently. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Friday, February 28, 2020, 13:24:55
Those who lurk in the corridors of power across the globe might not be overly upset if a significant percentage of over 80's for example were lost to the virus. This one or the next one. It matters not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, February 28, 2020, 13:31:00
Those who lurk in the corridors of power across the globe might not be overly upset if a significant percentage of over 80's for example were lost to the virus. This one or the next one. It matters not.

They would in the UK, that's their powerbase!

We've had our first Brit casualty, apparently. 

We have albeit not in the UK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, February 28, 2020, 13:49:17
They would in the UK, that's their powerbase!
Not only that, Priti Patel's relying on them to gather in the harvest and work in the care homes looking after themselves!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, February 28, 2020, 13:55:27
I've been wondering whether someone can sit Trump down in front of a TV and pop World War Z on, pretend it's news coverage and see if it changes his view on the effectiveness of big walls.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, February 28, 2020, 14:47:28
I've been wondering whether someone can sit Trump down in front of a TV and pop World War Z on, pretend it's news coverage and see if it changes his view on the effectiveness of big walls.

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Close the thread. I could see him doing a press conference off the back of it. Maybe show him Cloverfield too and explain that it's footage recovered from the camera of a deceased witness. 28 Days Later would work too but he may recognise Christopher Eccleston as "isn't he that Dr dude?! I like him. Very intelligent. I would like him as my doctor."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, February 28, 2020, 18:23:08
I would not be surprised if some games are played behind closed doors. WHO have declared their highest emergency level now - albeit without declaring a pandemic.

I'm not sure how that works TBH, surely it would have to be a pandemic at least to be the highest level?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Friday, February 28, 2020, 18:49:38
Work colleagues are now gleefully preparing for the inevitable quarantine once the first confirmed case in Bristol emerges.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, February 28, 2020, 19:06:56
I'm not sure how that works TBH, surely it would have to be a pandemic at least to be the highest level?

I thought that too. Maybe it has to be ranked at the highest level for a sustained period until it is deemed a pandemic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, February 28, 2020, 19:17:22
Another thought. Call me a dubious cunt (because that is what I am) but FUD. I wonder who high up the chain, has vested interests to make some cut price investments.

A nice wedge to be made by anyone if investing is your game. If you're looking to get in, this is an opportunity. This won't affect the markets forever and your investments will soon be up.*

With fear, uncertainty and doubt being spread by misinformation you can look back in a year and be happy you put in a grand or whatever you can afford.

*They may go down before they go up but that's fine, chance to buy in cheaper. More gains later on  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, February 28, 2020, 19:34:29
There will be some bargains to be had for sure. In crashes like this, even companies and industries that aren't effected can get trashed. I'd beware of companies that it will have a material impact on trading though, even if you think it will be short lived. Some without strong balance sheets will be pushed to the brink, even if does fizzle out.

Another way to think about it is, which companies will benefit if it carries on? Home delivery services for example. NCYT has had a pretty huge rise because they've got a testing kit I think, I haven't looked into how well positioned they are to capitalise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, February 28, 2020, 19:48:31
It has brought a funny story, for me given my industry, around investments.  For all the glitz and glamour, algorithms and high flyers making decisions, Zoom Technologies keeps getting a share price boost thanks to being of a similar name to Zoom Video Communications.  On the day the latter launched their IPO, the former saw their share price go from 0.005 cents per share to $5!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, February 28, 2020, 20:27:44
It has brought a funny story, for me given my industry, around investments.  For all the glitz and glamour, algorithms and high flyers making decisions, Zoom Technologies keeps getting a share price boost thanks to being of a similar name to Zoom Video Communications.  On the day the latter launched their IPO, the former saw their share price go from 0.005 cents per share to $5!

Did you have any shares Rob? That's the kind of anomaly to spot/predict.  For fun though it would be worthwhile diversifying in several shares under a similar name of an established company. I'm no pro at all but my own take is when the common or "media" traders tell you things are bad and we should sell. I buy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, February 28, 2020, 20:55:47
Did you have any shares Rob? That's the kind of anomaly to spot/predict.  For fun though it would be worthwhile diversifying in several shares under a similar name of an established company. I'm no pro at all but my own take is when the common or "media" traders tell you things are bad and we should sell. I buy.

That's called contrarian trading. It can be hugely successful, if you get it right. The old dear's fella made a bundle on investing in house builders at the height of the global financial crisis. As I mentioned before you have to be careful that whoever you invest in can ride out the storm, and it's also when hidden problems tend to come out. As Warren Buffet said, 'Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, February 28, 2020, 21:03:36
Every trader or share dealer should be made to work in a coal mine or an abattoir for a month. Mainly just for being useless human beings with no purpose, except self purpose.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, February 28, 2020, 21:09:17
Every trader or share dealer should be made to work in a coal mine or an abattoir for a month. Mainly just for being useless human beings with no purpose, except self purpose.

Yeah, if you want to hate humanity more you should read some of the discussion boards for Ncyt. People getting excited about the spread of the virus. It's the same with oil stocks and probably loads of other things I haven't thought of, glee about conflict in the Middle East etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, February 28, 2020, 21:16:55
I'm good as i am without getting more depressed about things thanks!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, February 28, 2020, 22:28:18
That's called contrarian trading. It can be hugely successful, if you get it right. The old dear's fella made a bundle on investing in house builders at the height of the global financial crisis. As I mentioned before you have to be careful that whoever you invest in can ride out the storm, and it's also when hidden problems tend to come out. As Warren Buffet said, 'Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.'

Indeed. I have several investments in various places. It is a high risk strategy but with certain ones I'm sure they have the capital behind them, to "ride out" multiple set backs. I'm also prepared/comfortable knowing I can afford to lose what I've put in. Nothing is at risk per se (only what I've put in) and most of them are long term investments.

There are two or three that have very consistent trading patterns on a month to month basis. These are considered very high risk but I would be comfortable rolling the dice on them more so than some of my football bets. More often than not people don't get involved because they hear the top end horror stories of people putting all their eggs into one thing and then some more (that they don't have). When it goes tits up they are truly fucked.

Once I get to a certain position, I'll take out what I put in then "play" with a chunk and leave some just to mature (hopefully).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 13:43:50

An official guidance-cum-myth sheet. I'm not sure but it seems to be targeting very thick, beer swilling racists mostly.

A lot of the "questions" on there are incredible but the penultimate one...well. I'll let you all have some fun with this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 14:21:47

An official guidance-cum-myth sheet. I'm not sure but it seems to be targeting very thick, beer swilling racists mostly.

A lot of the "questions" on there are incredible but the penultimate one...well. I'll let you all have some fun with this.

You need to have a word with them about their figures  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 14:38:01
You need to have a word with them about their figures  ;)

 :soapy tit wank: You got me there!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Crispy on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 17:52:08
Cheltenham Festival 13/8 to get called off due to the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:19:20
Cheltenham Festival 13/8 to get called off due to the virus.
Racing people will bet on anything :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:20:45
France has banned all gatherings of over 5000 people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:21:33
France has banned all indoor gatherings of over 5000 people.
Makes a difference

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:22:53
Is a football stadium indoors or outdoors?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:23:36
Is a football stadium indoors or outdoors?
Hmm, good question. Ask the French :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:37:28
Makes a difference

If that happens here I lose work on 2 Lewis Capaldi shows and a Pussycat Dolls tour.

I wonder if it falls under force majeure or will my employers claim on insurance and honour my wages.

If not, anyone want to buy a kidney?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:44:31
Hmm, good question. Ask the French :)

We don’t need to now we have left the EU. 🤣🤣🤣

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:48:08
We don’t need to now we have left the EU. 🤣🤣🤣
As usual, spectacularly missing the point. Woosh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:49:23
If that happens here I lose work on 2 Lewis Capaldi shows and a Pussycat Dolls tour.

I wonder if it falls under force majeure or will my employers claim on insurance and honour my wages.
Surely they'd be insured for that if it's by govt order? Same as claiming on holiday insurance if the Foreign Office put your destination on a "Oooh, I wouldn't if I were you" list?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 19:59:04
We do have cancellation insurance.  Depends on the terms.  Acts of God and Force Majeure can be used to get out of an awful lot buy insurers.  We'll see. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 20:00:17
We do have cancellation insurance.  Depends on the terms.  Acts of God and Force Majeure can be used to get out of an awful lot buy insurers.  We'll see. 
Fingers crossed for you. If it starts to have a serious economic impact, I'm looking at a triple whammy on top of Brexit and IR35. Oh happy days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 20:02:16
I'm hoping it will fuck up the Baht.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 20:04:05
I'm hoping it will fuck up the Baht.
Bit harsh, STFCBarts's not even posted on here for ages

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Crispy on Saturday, February 29, 2020, 20:12:34
Racing people will bet on anything :)

They certainly will! Currently £672,851 matched on the market.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 01:08:04

Small model but still. Correlates with my earlier posting RE:Factsheet-cum-Mythbuster!


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 12:18:28

Small model but still. Correlates with my earlier posting RE:Factsheet-cum-Mythbuster!

Although it's actually a load of bollocks, and 38% of Americans did NOT say they wouldn't drink Corona because of the coronavirus. Just misleading PR guff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 13:43:07
Can you still get 10p back on the bottle ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 13:59:01
Time to jump off a cliff, what with Brexit and the Conservatives in for a decade. Achoo, achoo.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 14:03:18
Is a football stadium indoors or outdoors?
I think they said this does not apply to football

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 14:35:12
How many deaths have the UK had?

‘Cemeteries and crematoriums are also reported to be drawing up plans to deal with a rise in bodies, with families possibly being allowed to hold funerals in their homes, schools, pubs or hotels if churches and chapels become overwhelmed.’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ronnie21 on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 14:42:18
Confirmed case just over the border in Tetbury, getting closer

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 14:51:45
there's currently only 35 cases confirmed  in Britain.

obviously it could get far far far worse.

I think I heard government contingency planning is made on a 70% population infection rate.

if my maffs ain't screwy, that's 464K deaths.

let's hope we get nowhere near worst case

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 14:54:56
I’ve had a sore throat for 3 days. It’s the first sign apparently!

Run for the hills!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 15:32:53
there's currently only 35 cases confirmed  in Britain.

...and I think if we're all honest, we know it'll be significantly more in reality.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 18:07:21
Although it's actually a load of bollocks, and 38% of Americans did NOT say they wouldn't drink Corona because of the coronavirus. Just misleading PR guff.

My error but I read it as 38% of 737 people interviewed and not the whole of the USA of course. But if it's bollocks my only excuse (and poor one) is I read it at 1am and pretty much posted it here after reading so didn't check!

How many deaths have the UK had?

‘Cemeteries and crematoriums are also reported to be drawing up plans to deal with a rise in bodies, with families possibly being allowed to hold funerals in their homes, schools, pubs or hotels if churches and chapels become overwhelmed.’

That's quote is horribly scaremongering towards the public way more than is necessary. There aren't going to be mass deaths here from it. Yes a lot of people may catch it (still believe the numbers will be small relatively) but a lot aren't going to die and not in genocidal impacting style ways.

Think the operative word there is "if".

1. there's currently only 35 cases confirmed  in Britain.
2. obviously it could get far far far worse.
3. let's hope we get nowhere near worst case

I'm sure you're aware Batch but;

1. Confirmed cases really doesn't mean confirmed deaths. I wish the media would stop painting it like this.
2. It could but it won't get far, far, far worse here.
3. We won't. 450k-500k UK Deaths is quite frankly not going to happen in a year or even 10 years.

Just for a look at a different virus, which seemingly doesn't stop people going about their day to day lives;

Mosquito-borne diseases kill around 3000 people per day, every year. Many have conveniently forgotten about the fucking Zika virus though, of which there's no specific treatment for it. Yet we don't see everyone in those affected countries losing their shit "just in case they get it". No one sunbathes in Brazil do they? Yet Zika has an 8.3% CFR. Malaria has, wait for it, 200 million new cases reported every year too.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 18:16:58
of course I know the difference between cases and deaths . 400k deaths is 70% of UK population infected, 1% mortality.

I'm not saying we'll get a 70% infection rate. I've no idea. it'll hopefully be like sars/bird flu/swine flu. nasty  but nowhere near as bad as could be.

I'm just pointing out the reason the government is talking in those terms  is because they are planning to worst case.

if they didn't plan to that, they'd be negligent.

scarring the public may have a positive effect on this case anyway. namely self isolation precautions where needed, and being more sanitary in hygine.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 18:33:25
Sorry. I agree with all of that except the last bit. Well it'll have a positive effect for the government, by doing what they love doing...keeping people in their demographic boxes. I can understand what you're thinking though.

I just feel the pudding is being over-egged way more than necessary and that's my personal opinion. If only then, the government were this proactive and zero tolerant when it came to humanitarian issues like racism and suchlike.

Unfortunately, they'll only really worry anyway when it has a danger of effecting their investment funds (which in some markets, may have already done) "call to action!"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 18:45:06
My error but I read it as 38% of 737 people interviewed and not the whole of the USA of course. But if it's bollocks my only excuse (and poor one) is I read it at 1am and pretty much posted it here after reading so didn't check!
It's not even that. 38% of the 737 said they didn't intend to drink Corona, but that wasn't related to coronavirus, just they didn't intend to drink it because (e.g.) they didn't drink it normally anyway. Only 4% of the 737 said they didn't intend to carry on drinking Corona and it's not clear whether that is because of coronavirus or just because. As a proper pollster commented in the factcheck piece of the claim that 38% of Americans are going to stop drinking Corona because of coronavirus "It's a sensational, inaccurate, and flat-out dumb thing to say that is not based in the data at all."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 18:46:59
Mosquito-borne diseases kill around 3000 people per day, every year. Many have conveniently forgotten about the fucking Zika virus though, of which there's no specific treatment for it. Yet we don't see everyone in those affected countries losing their shit "just in case they get it". No one sunbathes in Brazil do they? Yet Zika has an 8.3% CFR. Malaria has, wait for it, 200 million new cases reported every year too.
Yeah but they're all foreign people so they don't count. This could affect British people for Gods' sake!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 20:24:37
Yeah but they're all foreign people so they don't count. This could affect British people for Gods' sake!

Zika? I’ll raise you with Ebola.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, March 1, 2020, 20:28:53
It's not even that. 38% of the 737 said they didn't intend to drink Corona, but that wasn't related to coronavirus...As a proper pollster commented in the factcheck piece of the claim that 38% of Americans are going to stop drinking Corona because of coronavirus "It's a sensational, inaccurate, and flat-out dumb thing to say that is not based in the data at all."

Quoted and noted  ;)

Yeah but they're all foreign people so they don't count. This could affect British people for Gods' sake!

I know! I know! Bloody disgusting that God hasn't waded in on this and had his say! After all it is usually his "way".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Monday, March 2, 2020, 19:13:06
3 cases in my town now. Imported from Italy. I preferred pasta and Sergio tachinni

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 10:18:24
Not really been following this much, because frankly, i don't care. Its mass propaganda and scaremongering.

Had an email from a colleague in the states telling me that someone legitimately arrived to work yesterday in full hazmat suit. I have not reason to believe this person is lying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 10:58:52
Not being one to read the tabloids, all I've read is mostly 'sober' reporting on what the WHO are saying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 11:33:19
i don't care. Its mass propaganda and scaremongering.

The press are certainly reporting what *could* happen in a sensationalist way. But its hardly bullshit, just may not happen.

The govenment are very much preparing for the worst and hoping (and taking measures) for the best.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 12:05:53
I’m struggling to make sense of the government’s scenario.

So far, there have been 90,000 cases of Coronavirus with approx 3000 deaths - worldwide.

The government reckons there’s a possibility of 48 million cases and 500,000 deaths - in the UK!

Bring out yer dead!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 12:18:19
Are you looking forward to your visit in a few weeks Aud? :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 12:26:22
The government reckons there’s a possibility of 48 million cases and 500,000 deaths - in the UK!

Possibility not probability. Its too late to plan if things turn for the worst.

Hancock was on radio 4 earlier, it was pointed out that 2-4% of the population needing hospitalisation would be 2 million+ - hence no chance - hence home nursing. Said they were in the process of buying use at home respirators!

Timeframe given for it to get worse was "weeks" and timeframe for getting back tgo normal  was months.

But again - what *could* happen not will.

its much like bird flu to my mind. The government stockpiled tamiflu - then realised it didn't do as muuch as they thought. Thankfully not needed en-mass.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 12:34:35
It's akin to buying travel insurance.

The chances are that you will not need to use it, but you'd be very glad that you did have it if you did need it.

Could you imagine if it did hit the country and the government had no plans to deal with it? That, and it's all very well of accusing people of scaremongering, but the chances of it becoming a pandemic would likely switch from possible to inevitable if measures were not taken to contain it.

If it does not become a pandemic, then the reason would probably be down to the restrictions that have been made on movement and what not. Still, you'd get rather a lot of people saying the restrictions were all a waste of time because the pandemic didn't happen *logic*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 13:10:53
Are you looking forward to your visit in a few weeks Aud? :)
Yep. I’ll be there OK.

Unless football has been turned off!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 13:22:05
There are plenty of valid reasons on a daily basis to criticise this government.

Preparing for the worst in this scenario isn’t one of them. They have to do it, it would be downright irresponsible to not plan in this way, it certainly isn’t scaremongering.

I’m sure the plans would be a shambles should the worst occur but that’s not the point

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 15:45:16
All the best people.

I think we need a vaccination against stupidity?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 15:57:27

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 16:17:38

Fair fucking play from RC-C there. I think he's redeemed himself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 16:22:59
Fair fucking play from RC-C there. I think he's redeemed himself.
Just for the record, I made it up ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 16:23:18
Fair fucking play from RC-C there. I think he's redeemed himself.

I think that's going to turn out to be a parody account.

Just for the record, I made it up ;)

Ah, damn good work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 16:28:10
Just for the record, I made it up ;)

Glad to have been well and truly rogered on that one. Would love it if he tweeted it though. Would show great humility.

Good work and happy returns for the other  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 16:28:34
I think that's going to turn out to be a parody account.

Ah, damn good work.

Indeed. I love it  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 16:29:24
Glad to have been well and truly rogered on that one. Would love it if he tweeted it though. Would show great humility.

Good work and happy returns for the other  :pint:
Thank you :)

Yes I think RCC went to tweet it but the phone slipped through his hands onto the floor ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 16:37:09
Thank you :)

Yes I think RCC went to tweet it but the phone slipped through his hands onto the floor ;)


Booom booom! I did tell him that wearing "Magic" gloves from the Flea market were not the kind of sponsors he should be attracting. He took my advice and invested in Flora instead  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 17:19:05
Neville southall tweeted that yesterday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 17:58:06
Neville southall tweeted that yesterday

Yeah he did, Max Rushden retweeted it. Tres amuseant whoever made it up!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 17:58:29
Think can safely say that the cyclists being quarantined after the UAE Tour was halted mid race are getting bored now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 18:02:18
Yeah he did, Max Rushden retweeted it. Tres amuseant whoever made it up!
Indeed, I take no credit for the joke, but I added RCC to it and changed the words a little as hes a much more useless keeper than Southall ever was and ex Town too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 11:33:16
Scientists: you should wash your hands because of Coronavirus.

People: I'm gonna stop flying, hoard masks, work from home & totally rearrange my life.

Also Scientists: the climate crisis will kill millions - we must use clean power & change how we get to work.

Same people: No way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Briggany on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 13:10:04
Problem is I don't think we can afford to be blase about it, or be dismissive of those that are genuinely worried. It does spread faster than the common cold or flu, and it does currently have a higher mortality rate based on reported cases (not including cases that aren't detected), that's going by the number scientists are putting out there on a plethora of non media sites.

I'm not worried about catching the virus as I am 30 and fairly healthy (bar asthma), I could handle it. What I am slightly concerned about is catching it and then giving it to my 88 year old Grandad who survived Shingles, Bowel Cancer, and a stroke in the last 4 years, along with the two major surgeries and as a result has the immune system of a kebab. He catches it and he will not cope well with it and most likely succumb to the disease its causes. Grandma would also not deal with it as she is ill all the time and has the added hardship of dementia and not eating enough.

I think the media are hyping it up a bit, but most countries are making decisions and giving out updated based on facts and scientific evidence. You can't tell me that all these powerful organisations are also buying into the hype the media are creating?

Whats annoying is all the panic buying, but I can understand it as its the human condition to try and increase your odds of survival by preparing. Everyone should always have a few extra days worth of tinned food just incase something happens, not a massive stockpile but enough to get you through a few days.

I will definitely be buying an extra tin of soups or beans on my next shop but not filling up a trolly with a months supply. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 13:26:29
I'm going to ask the misses to go out and buy a load of food and stuff.

I'm not panicking about the virus, but I'd better at least get something in before everybody else goes on a panic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 13:33:33
There’s a flock of sheep not 50 yards from our door. They won’t miss one!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 13:40:40

I think the media are hyping it up a bit.

I'm restricting my news source on it to the BBC's website and, as shite as they have been in recent months, they are doing a pretty good job of reporting the facts only.

If people are getting their news from the tabloids then they only have themselves to blame. Not that I'm accusing anybody of that, except for those that are.

Has the daily mail managed to blame Muslims yet?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 13:41:03
Australia had a serious outbreak of panic buying toilet roll. People were buying literally dozens of rolls, trolleys full. I mean, tissues I could kind of understand but bog roll? WTF?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 13:48:28
My best mate was hanging out with his mate from Australia and dropped her off at the airport on Saturday.

She's just tested positive for Coronavirus and he has to be quarantined for two weeks. Hope he doesn't have it as I was at the Scunny game with him on Tuesday!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 14:05:17
You probably do - this is what the increased testing is going to show, lots of people do because it's been out and about travelling the world for months.  The mortality rate will drop as a result, but that doesn't mean it's not something to worry about - the impact on the elderly is going to be the thing to watch.  The nursing home in Washington State and the Cruise Ship being good examples of what will happen when those at risk in confined spaces can expect to face once exposed.  For most of us, the Aussie bog roll approach is probably all we'd need to worry about IF we never saw another human being and could transfer it on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 14:06:21
As it happens, I've booked a cruise - the prices were slashed and I imagine it will be much less busy than normal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 14:15:24
Australia had a serious outbreak of panic buying toilet roll. People were buying literally dozens of rolls, trolleys full. I mean, tissues I could kind of understand but bog roll? WTF?

They have dock leaves there too  ???

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 14:19:12
My best mate was hanging out with his mate from Australia and dropped her off at the airport on Saturday.

She's just tested positive for Coronavirus and he has to be quarantined for two weeks. Hope he doesn't have it as I was at the Scunny game with him on Tuesday!

Not MP?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 14:30:26
Has the daily mail managed to blame Muslims yet?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 14:46:14
It shocks me how many men don't wash their hands after using public urinals and very often after taking a dump - just straight out the door afterwards. Filthy animals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 14:52:28
I think I have an order that might be coming from China, there isn't a restriction on goods is there?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 15:34:20
I think I have an order that might be coming from China, there isn't a restriction on goods is there?
No, it doesn't survive on surfaces for more than a few days, if that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 15:35:50
Less amusinlgy there's already been racist attacks as a result of the virus. Or using the virus as an excuse, might be more accurate

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 21:03:57
A great footballer, but:


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 21:07:47
Less amusinlgy there's already been racist attacks as a result of the virus. Or using the virus as an excuse, might be more accurate

I witnessed a black guy deliberately bump into a Chinese guy today. When the Chinese guy asked what the problem was, he was told to " Fuck off you coronavirus shit" The human race is fantastic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 21:33:55
What a prick.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 21:38:02
It shocks me how many men don't wash their hands after using public urinals and very often after taking a dump - just straight out the door afterwards. Filthy animals.

I think I was definitely in the minority in washing my hands when I left the delightful toilets in the Townend on Tuesday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 6, 2020, 11:34:19
WHO has revised the mortality rate to 3.4%.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 6, 2020, 11:47:52
WHO has revised the mortality rate to 3.4%.
To be clear, that is a mortality rate for reported cases. Which is, obviously, accurate for what it is, but can give rise to some misleadingly alarming headlines about how deadly it actually is. Without wanting to do a Trump, it's likely the mortality rate for all cases is significantly lower as there will be many thousands of undeclared and undetected cases that do not result in death

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 6, 2020, 11:56:47
Thanks Paul, I think we are all aware of that. *

The point is that it still appears to be killing more people than previously thought.

*That was a bit more 'bitey' than was intended, but the 'akshuallys' on social media in general recently have been grating a tad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 6, 2020, 12:01:03

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Friday, March 6, 2020, 12:15:12
It shocks me how many men don't wash their hands after using public urinals and very often after taking a dump - just straight out the door afterwards. Filthy animals.
Trouble is,  no matter how well you wash your hands if the guy in front of you hasn't what's the first thing you do ??, use the same door handle to get out of the bogs,  makes the whole thing a pointless exercise !!.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 6, 2020, 12:18:39
Trouble is,  no matter how well you wash your hands if the guy in front of you hasn't what's the first thing you do ??, use the same door handle to get out of the bogs,  makes the whole thing a pointless exercise !!. (1:5o) onwards

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Friday, March 6, 2020, 12:22:26
Trouble is,  no matter how well you wash your hands if the guy in front of you hasn't what's the first thing you do ??, use the same door handle to get out of the bogs,  makes the whole thing a pointless exercise !!.

I wait for someone else to either walk in or walk out, then hold the door open with my foot. This can be an issue in some underused public conveniences, where you could wait hours or even days before someone else walks in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Friday, March 6, 2020, 12:24:53
I wait for someone else to either walk in or walk out, then hold the door open with my foot. This can be an issue in some underused public conveniences, where you could wait hours or even days before someone else walks in.
   :D :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 6, 2020, 12:26:04
Trouble is,  no matter how well you wash your hands if the guy in front of you hasn't what's the first thing you do ??, use the same door handle to get out of the bogs,  makes the whole thing a pointless exercise !!.
It really doesn't. By the same logic, there's no point ever having a bath or shower because at some point you'll just get dirty again. Obviously at some point you will use your hands and they will come into contact with an unclean surface. The point is to keep washing your hands regularly to mitigate the chances of the virus spreading.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, March 6, 2020, 12:27:50
I might wear some disposable gloves to the game tomorrow.
Are we still likely to be frisked at the turnstiles?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 6, 2020, 12:46:40
I might wear some disposable gloves to the game tomorrow.
Are we still likely to be frisked at the turnstiles?
If you ask nicely

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, March 6, 2020, 15:52:43
First case reported in Swindon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Friday, March 6, 2020, 15:54:46
First case reported in Swindon
Mask as well as gloves tomorrow then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Friday, March 6, 2020, 15:55:37
No worries, I'm coming from Reading tomorrow where we had the first death and we've had loads of confirmed cases. Super spreader.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 6, 2020, 15:57:56
Mask as well as gloves tomorrow then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, March 6, 2020, 16:32:03
Seen this earlier....

Less than 0.5% of patients aged under 50 have died, according to the Chinese Centres of Disease Control.

However, that figure spikes rapidly to:

1.3% in their 50s
3.6% in their 60s
8% in their 70s
15% over 80
These are not the true death rates, as some patients still being treated may yet die and many mild cases are going unnoticed.

And those who were already sick

The death rate for people with no other health problems is 0.9%.

However, this rises to:

6% in people with high blood pressure
6% in people with long-term lung problems such as those caused by a lifetime of smoking
7% in people with diabetes
11% in people with cardiovascular disease

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, March 6, 2020, 22:06:34
Obviously as this continues 1000s of businesses will suffer reduced revenue. As this is a football forum however, imagine the effects on lower league clubs if games were played behind closed doors. premier league etc dont need fans due to tv. would season ticket holders be given refunds? would you ask for it back if you couldn't watch again this season but knowing that the club would suffer huge financials?

clubs suffer in the summer without games but that can be forecasted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Saturday, March 7, 2020, 08:50:44
Potentially could just make Ifollow available to everyone, possibly not going to get the same kind of revenue but could help

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 9, 2020, 12:54:17
With the death rate in Italy shooting up over the weekend, they're now seeing a mortality rate of about 4.9% of *confirmed* cases. That's a lot worse than even the WHO figures last week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 9, 2020, 12:57:31
With the death rate in Italy shooting up over the weekend, they're now seeing a mortality rate of about 4.9% of *confirmed* cases. That's a lot worse than even the WHO figures last week.

One thing to note in Italy is the age distribution. Italy has a larger proportion of older citizens due to the birth rate of 1.9, which means that the population is shrinking and the average age is increasing, this is not the case in other countries. Consequently the mortality rate is likely to be higher.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, March 9, 2020, 13:33:43
Italy actually has the 5th highest average age in the world - so on that basis it makes a lot of sense.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 9, 2020, 14:18:11
The death rate of confirmed cases is at nearly 4% in America, although they have a fucked up health system.

And US stocks tumble 7% as soon as they open before being temporarily halted. Lots of people reckon it's going to be a seriously bad crash.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Monday, March 9, 2020, 14:25:42
Potentially could just make Ifollow available to everyone, possibly not going to get the same kind of revenue but could help
Because temporary and exceptional and with the club retaining 70% of the fee it could certainly help.  By no means impossible that it will come to this.  Although a few mates or families gathered together would diminish viewer revenue potential, unlike actual gates at the CG.  

Perhaps some advertising might help also, eg Andrex, handgel and tinned food?  Imagine Cruising by contrast can't be too optimistic at present.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 9, 2020, 14:43:49
The death rate of confirmed cases is at nearly 4% in America, although they have a fucked up health system.

And US stocks tumble 7% as soon as they open before being temporarily halted. Lots of people reckon it's going to be a seriously bad crash.

Did I read somewhere that if you get compulsorily quarantined in a US hospital you have to pay for the privilege, nice!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 9, 2020, 14:51:38
Because temporary and exceptional and with the club retaining 70% of the fee it could certainly help.  By no means impossible that it will come to this.  Although a few mates or families gathered together would diminish viewer revenue potential, unlike actual gates at the CG. 

If it came to closed door games or a delay in the season then the FA will have to work out how to financially help out the likes of us. Assuming the Government doesn't legislate financial relaxation to help cashflow.

iFollow revenues won't cut it .

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 9, 2020, 14:53:03
Did I read somewhere that if you get compulsorily quarantined in a US hospital you have to pay for the privilege, nice!

Land of the free...but not in cash terms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 9, 2020, 14:54:58
Did I read somewhere that if you get compulsorily quarantined in a US hospital you have to pay for the privilege, nice!
There was a guy on the radio the other day explaining why they have and will continue to have a massive rate of underdetection and hence more infections due to not diagnosing cases who then continue to wander round infecting people. At the moment, they don't have enough testing kits. They're ramping up production but it's going to be a race as to whether they can outstrip the rate of the virus spreading. Even if they do, lots of people who should be getting tested won't because while the tests themselves are free, associated costs will vary from state to state and even hospital to hospital. In some places it will be completely free. In others, the test will be free but the patient will be expected to pay for the doctor/nurse to administer the test, the lab time to analyse the results, the room in the hospital where the test is administered etc i..e only the test kit will be free, you'll get billed for everything else which could run into 1000s of dollars. Add in that there's no paid sick leave in the US and lots of people are not going to be able to afford to self-isolate or to even get tested to see if they should. It's a recipe for a disastrous failure to contain the spread.

Never has the case been so starkly made that the NHS and the welfare state are a public good from which we all benefit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Monday, March 9, 2020, 15:07:06
If it came to closed door games or a delay in the season then the FA will have to work out how to financially help out the likes of us. Assuming the Government doesn't legislate financial relaxation to help cashflow.

iFollow revenues won't cut it .

I do wonder actually. 70% of income from iFollow subs at £10 in the UK - I wonder if the club clear £7 net on tickets once all matchday costs have been accounted for. If average ticket price is say £16 with STs and concessions (and I bet it's less), £7 would be over 40% margin, which I'll wager is rather more than we make on matchdays. Just a question of how many people would sign up.

Worst thing is it could create a habit...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 9, 2020, 15:13:57
One thing I didn't realise is how much more widespread this already is compared to other major viruse outbreaks. I've always said its going to be like SARS was...but it isn't

             Year        Cases      Deaths      Mort     Countries
Ebola      1976,      33577,    13562,      40.4,     9
Nipah      1998,         513,        398,      77.6,     2
SARS      2002,       8096,        774,       9.6,      29
MERS      2012,       2494,        858,      34.4,     28   
COVID-19 2020,  111365,      3892,        3.5      102

Thank crap that the mortality rate is "only" 3.5% in mostly in "Rooney terroritory".
If it really takes hold though....but I guess signs from China are encouraging

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 9, 2020, 15:17:29
I do wonder actually. 70% of income from iFollow subs at £10 in the UK - I wonder if the club clear £7 net on tickets once all matchday costs have been accounted for. If average ticket price is say £16 with STs and concessions (and I bet it's less), £7 would be over 40% margin, which I'll wager is rather more than we make on matchdays. Just a question of how many people would sign up.

Worst thing is it could create a habit...

You have a point, season ticket holders would presumably get it free (home games)? Plus a fair few technophobes that wouldn't bother/be able to.

Its interesting point you make though. Could be right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 9, 2020, 15:25:47
There was a guy on the radio the other day explaining why they have and will continue to have a massive rate of underdetection and hence more infections due to not diagnosing cases who then continue to wander round infecting people.

Amazing how much America and Iran are similar (Iran do not test which is why its been so lively over there!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 9, 2020, 15:43:49
I guess signs from China are encouraging
They're not. The Chinese have basically imposed martial law over wide areas of the country to contain it, including the full nine yards of Cultural Revolution style public beatings, disappearing people etc. Not sure any western country would be prepared to accept that so we can't really draw much from their model

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 9, 2020, 15:48:19
We’re booked in to visit at the end of the month. I’ve got no problem with it but Mrs Audrey had a very bad bout of pneumonia a few years back which left her with a scarred lung. Not surprisingly, she’s a bit more wary.

Not sure what to do, tbh.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 9, 2020, 16:34:40
My boy's just been telling me all about the carbonaravirus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 9, 2020, 16:48:20
My boy's just been telling me all about the carbonaravirus.
It's highly contagious, let's hope he hasn't pasta it on

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 9, 2020, 16:58:59
It's highly contagious, let's hope he hasn't pasta it on
Was that a linguinistic error?

Or a slip of the penne?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, March 9, 2020, 18:06:59
There was a guy on the radio the other day explaining why they have and will continue to have a massive rate of underdetection and hence more infections due to not diagnosing cases who then continue to wander round infecting people. At the moment, they don't have enough testing kits. They're ramping up production but it's going to be a race as to whether they can outstrip the rate of the virus spreading. Even if they do, lots of people who should be getting tested won't because while the tests themselves are free, associated costs will vary from state to state and even hospital to hospital. In some places it will be completely free. In others, the test will be free but the patient will be expected to pay for the doctor/nurse to administer the test, the lab time to analyse the results, the room in the hospital where the test is administered etc i..e only the test kit will be free, you'll get billed for everything else which could run into 1000s of dollars. Add in that there's no paid sick leave in the US and lots of people are not going to be able to afford to self-isolate or to even get tested to see if they should. It's a recipe for a disastrous failure to contain the spread.

Never has the case been so starkly made that the NHS and the welfare state are a public good from which we all benefit.

Whilst using a potential disaster, during the disaster, is not usually good form for making a political point.  I do wonder if this will see the door beginning to be pushed ajar for some form of guarantee'd minimum healthcare coverage.

The vast majority of illnesses and healthcare tend to be described as things that happen to the individual, whereas this is going to be someone elses fault that you get it, every time!

I have no doubt that a big % of the population here would avoid testing through fear of charges.  There was a case in Florida of a person claiming they were charged for a test - the industry quickly moved to dispel such a notion by pointing out he had presented with symptoms without any of the triggers for Covid-19, so he was tested for multiple illnesses.  On insisting he got the Covid-19 test, he was administered for free.  This of course completely missed the point that he wouldn't have gone in for anything if the world had not been informing everyone who is ill that they might have Covid-19, so while the test was free he did indeed get a whopping bill by going in for it!!!!

Trump was at the CDC on Friday and when asked about the ship in port at San Fran he said he wasn't keen on them being allowed off because it would make the USA numbers looks bad.

So, a combination of private healthcare and a President who knows fuck all about anything =  prime conditions for an epidemic to spread I imagine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, March 9, 2020, 18:22:26
So, obviously the source of this article delights in pointing out it's own bias, but the quotes are quotes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, March 9, 2020, 22:52:46

To add something from the other side of the media spectrum over here.  Goes to show the challenge anyone faces in changing the mentality towards Healthcare in the USA - this article basically encapsulates the views of most people I talk to about the NHS - they cannot get their heads around the concept.  In this article, it mentions how everyone with insurance will have the test covered - that still means anyone without insurance is playing a lottery, and once you find out you have it it you will need to pay for treatment, or pay to avoid getting it (depending on your insurance cover and the costs the end up with for the drug/vaccine).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 10:20:51
On a more positive note, I've been pleasantly surprised by the way the British Govt has handled it.

Listened to the experts, followed their advice, kept up a consistent message.

I would have expected some stupid grandstanding by Boris by now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 10:28:12
On a more positive note, I've been pleasantly surprised by the way the British Govt has handled it.

Listened to the experts, followed their advice, kept up a consistent message.

I would have expected some stupid grandstanding by Boris by now.

He dis suggest on the political Bear Pit of This Morning one option was just to let it run its course which wasn't the brightest solution, I assume it has been pointed out to him that this approach would affect the Tories disproportionately!

More embarrassingly for anyone who saw Newsnight...

The BBC: ‘save us, save us, you’ll miss us when we’re gone’.

Also the BBC: ‘I know, let’s put Nigel Farage on Newsnight to talk about the Corona Virus’

Although TBF I think it’s good that the BBC has tried to understand the story from the point of view of a parasitic, destructive virus that forces its host to self-isolate from its nearest and dearest at great financial cost. (Taken from Twitter!)


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 11:13:24
It's easy for them to say 'let's just take it on the chin' when they have access to private medical care. (And be at the front of the queue). It smacks of the rich elite coming out with bollocks like 'we're in it together' when talking about austerity and what not.

There's only a certain number of respirators in Britain. What happens if/when these are all used and people need them, regardless of whether or not they have coronovirus,

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 11:15:45

There's only a certain number of respirators in Britain. What happens if/when these are all used and people need them, regardless of whether or not they have coronovirus,
Thats when the rich get pushed to the front of the queue as you implied.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 11:17:05
Thats when the rich get pushed to the front of the queue as you implied.
Although thinking about it,  they wouldn't be in any queue,  they would all have private health insurance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 11:29:43
In all fairness, the UK private healthcare systems is fantatsic for elective surgery, not so great for Emergency Care, given the Doctors need to do their hours at the NHS first.  If what you need is some TLC while getting a cyst removed, a bottle of wine and a decent meal to wash the pain down, private works wonders.  If you need the ICU, I;d pop into the nearest NHS hospital.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 12:26:28
Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis - who was at the home game on Friday - has announced that he has the Coronavirus. He met with the squad before the game and also met with loads of fans.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 12:30:11
Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis - who was at the home game on Friday - has announced that he has the Coronavirus. He met with the squad before the game and also met with loads of fans.

Loads of people panicking on twitter saying call all games off!

God sake

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 12:35:32
Loads of people panicking on twitter saying call all games off!

God sake

He also owns Olympiacos who are playing Wolves this week and was at the Emirates the other week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 12:52:56
Loads of people panicking on twitter saying call all games off!

God sake
Think it’s inevitable now that we are going to end up with games behind closed doors now which will be shit. Fuck knows what they’ll do about refunds on lost season ticket games and what not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 13:04:33
But there's no restriction on flight travel it seems

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 13:16:09
Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis - who was at the home game on Friday - has announced that he has the Coronavirus. He met with the squad before the game and also met with loads of fans.
(Pinched from some bloke on twitter)
I remember Nottingham Forest being one of the most feared teams of the football league in the 80s.

They have achieved that again in 2020

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 13:17:57

Going Dutch? Think the translated dubbing makes it  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 13:32:19
Think it’s inevitable now that we are going to end up with games behind closed doors now which will be shit. Fuck knows what they’ll do about refunds on lost season ticket games and what not.

As long as it aint this weekend, just got me train ticket!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 14:17:23
Loads of people panicking on twitter saying call all games off!

God sake
Just shows how people panic. I very much doubt if he is the ONLY person to have attended a game since this started to have caught the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 14:23:18
Think it’s inevitable now that we are going to end up with games behind closed doors now which will be shit. Fuck knows what they’ll do about refunds on lost season ticket games and what not.
Peterborough's chairman, who seems to have a view on most things, has, I believe, suggested season ticket holders only.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 14:35:13
As long as it aint this weekend, just got me train ticket!

I don't care how resilient this virus is, anyone who's been to Boundary Park knows it can't survive there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 14:41:46
As long as it aint this weekend, just got me train ticket!
Probably be the Salford game knowing our luck, will give them an unfair advantage as they are used to playing in a quiet empty stadium.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 14:46:20
People are killing each other on the roads daily. Could be prevented if people took more care. Shame that isn't given the attention that this virus is.
My brother's best mate is currently fighting for his life after a twat in a Porsche caused a pile up last week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 14:47:32
Think it’s inevitable now that we are going to end up with games behind closed doors now which will be shit. Fuck knows what they’ll do about refunds on lost season ticket games and what not.
I'd be slightly more concerned as to whether the govt/FA/League will compensate clubs if they are ordered to play behind closed doors. The lost revenue could be the final straw that sends some clubs to the wall, esp in L1 and below where there's a much greater reliance on revenue from ticket sales.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 14:51:19
Quote from: Arriba
People are killing each other on the roads daily. Could be prevented if people took more care. Shame that isn't given the attention that this virus is.
My brother's best mate is currently fighting for his life after a twat in a Porsche caused a pile up last week.

ah shit, not the ciren one?

hope he pulls through mate

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 15:03:23
ah shit, not the ciren one?

hope he pulls through mate

Yes mate. Hoping so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 16:53:21
Yes mate. Hoping so.
Really sorry and hope he makes it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 18:02:40
Obviously as this continues 1000s of businesses will suffer reduced revenue. As this is a football forum however, imagine the effects on lower league clubs if games were played behind closed doors. premier league etc dont need fans due to tv. would season ticket holders be given refunds? would you ask for it back if you couldn't watch again this season but knowing that the club would suffer huge financials?

clubs suffer in the summer without games but that can be forecasted.
it's going to happen

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 18:13:12
Bloody hell mate you quoted yourself thrice!  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 18:15:39
Arriba - hope your brother's mate pulls through :/

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 18:35:33
Valencia fans making a mockery of the order to have their game played behind closed doors --- by turning up en masse OUTSIDE the stadium anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 18:45:03
Bloody hell mate you quoted yourself thrice!  :pint:
dont know what your on about! 😉

Pep has said football without fans is pointless. I agree. postpone. cancel euros and extend seasons

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 20:47:06
Ive had 7 shows cancelled today and am rather worrying about my a 10 date arena tour in April going and leaving me with no work for a month.

The joys of self employment.

American acts are seeing their shows cancelled in mainland Europe and realise that they cant afford to come over and just do the UK (hence why it better if we have strong ties and frictionless travel with the European union, but that fucked)

So the question is, do I need 2 kidneys and will a 48 year old kidney from someone who's worked for 25 years in live music go for enough to see me through this crisis!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 22:01:14
Due to only having one working kidney I have on advice from my hospital here in Malaga began self isolating
I hate the human race in general so currently loving it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 22:11:15

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 23:23:30
That's where all the bog roll in my Tesco went to...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 23:29:42
...M-m-m-my Corona
M-m-m-my Corona (Yeah!)

When you gonna give to me, g-give to me
Is it just a matter of time, Corona?
Is it d-d-destiny, d-destiny
Or is it just a game in my mind, Corona?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 00:16:20
South Korea have got a handle on outbreak without shutting cities down by, as far as I can tell, increasing testing and making the names and recent locations of those with the disease publicly available

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 06:05:40
Man City vs Arsenal postponed this evening. Club statement at 1am.

Some arsenal players met the olympiakos/forest owner the other night.

Just play the stiffs instead, quick enough to do it in the cups

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 07:10:17
super thickie MP Nadine Dorries has it. one degree of separation from the PM.

BoE drop 0.5% off interest rates as a measure to help

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 08:43:08
South Korea have got a handle on outbreak without shutting cities down by, as far as I can tell, increasing testing and making the names and recent locations of those with the disease publicly available

I'm assuming, as per China, once the authorities starting implementing serious containment measures the general public did as they were told.

Should we get to the stage over here of any form of lockdown I fully expect a sizeable proportion of the great British public will blindly ignore the authorities because they know better 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 09:01:26
I'm due to fly to Paris for work at the end of the month. As is stands, per my company guidelines, all non critical business travel is to be canceled. Which is fine, as i'm not paying for is myself but i don't get that T+E back so now have to find that money from somewhere when i re-book it.
I can change my flight for a minimal fee but the Hotel was non-refundable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 09:58:45
I'm due to fly to Paris for work at the end of the month. As is stands, per my company guidelines, all non critical business travel is to be canceled. Which is fine, as i'm not paying for is myself but i don't get that T+E back so now have to find that money from somewhere when i re-book it.
I can change my flight for a minimal fee but the Hotel was non-refundable.

T+E? Time and effort? Wait, what?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 10:02:05
Man City vs Arsenal postponed this evening. Club statement at 1am.

Some arsenal players met the olympiakos/forest owner the other night.

Just play the stiffs instead, quick enough to do it in the cups

Might want to rephrase that in that current context.  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 10:15:40
T+E? Time and effort? Wait, what?
Sorry. Travel and Expenses

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 10:26:00
Sorry. Travel and Expenses

Sorry, you get get your travel and expenses costs back despite company policy stopping you going???

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 10:31:47
Ive had 7 shows cancelled today and am rather worrying about my a 10 date arena tour in April going and leaving me with no work for a month.

The joys of self employment.

American acts are seeing their shows cancelled in mainland Europe and realise that they cant afford to come over and just do the UK (hence why it better if we have strong ties and frictionless travel with the European union, but that fucked)

So the question is, do I need 2 kidneys and will a 48 year old kidney from someone who's worked for 25 years in live music go for enough to see me through this crisis!

That's horrible.  I know someone well who also works in the events industry and is also self-employed...and in a similar situation.  It may seem dire at the moment, but there will be an end to this.  The Independent was reporting yesterday that the peak could be as little as two weeks away.  Keeping my fingers crossed for you and everyone else similarly affected.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 10:47:36
Sorry, you get get your travel and expenses costs back despite company policy stopping you going???
Yes, i booked this trip last year. As soon as i booked and paid, i filed my expense claim. That's how it works. If i have to cancel the trip, its not me who is out of pocket, its my company.

My qualm is that say we have an annual travel budget of £3000 and this trip was £500, we wont get that £500 back in the budget.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 10:52:08
Yes, i booked this trip last year. As soon as i booked and paid, i filed my expense claim. That's how it works. If i have to cancel the trip, its not me who is out of pocket, its my company.

My qualm is that say we have an annual travel budget of £3000 and this trip was £500, we wont get that £500 back in the budget.

Apologies I didn't word my post very well.

So you have been paid for the trip that isn't happening but will need to fund a subsequent visit out of your own pocket despite the company making you cancel the initial one, or is it just an interbnal company funding/budget issue (which I assume they will have to address anyway?)?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 11:16:39
At my work, preparations in earnest for the majority of non essential staff to work from home have begun.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 11:30:32
Apologies I didn't word my post very well.

So you have been paid for the trip that isn't happening but will need to fund a subsequent visit out of your own pocket despite the company making you cancel the initial one, or is it just an interbnal company funding/budget issue (which I assume they will have to address anyway?)?
Ahh gotcha, no, i wont need to fund out of my own pocket, i'd tell them where to go if they asked. Im sure there will be some form of budget adjustments at some point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 11:38:22
As we seem to be providing updates on our work situation;

On our project we have been split into 2 teams. (I'm in team A). Team A has to work from home for 2 weeks, and then 2 weeks in the office and then at home for 2 weeks etc. Team B has to work in office for 2 weeks and then 2 weeks at home and then office for 2 weeks etc.

I was sick with manflu last week so i've been WFH a week and a half. Its been good on the whole but it does make you miss the daily commute and office days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 12:02:06
At my work, preparations in earnest for the majority of non essential staff to work from home have begun.


All our American offices are already 'closed' so only a matter of time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bedford Red on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 12:17:49
At my work, preparations in earnest for the majority of non essential staff to work from home have begun.

My work want to prepare for this, but not a chance they could get it all set up in time, so if we have to stay away from work, i think i'll just be doing whatever i want (they may amaze me and come up with something but that would be a big surprise)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 12:17:59
Managed to get on a train at Bristol Parkway this morning.
Jammed in like sardines until Cheltenham.
I'm guessing that Coronal Virus is a new local strain of Covid 19.

Other than that the service and also Birmingham New Street seemed less busy compared with making the same journey a couple of weeks ago.

With regard to the football in particular, hope it doesn't come to empty stadiums or postponements.
Looks like some scope for the EFL season to extend into May if required.
Imagine the season being declared as void. Just our luck eh.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 12:22:18
I think schools will be shutting so to reduce the risk of spreading.

A lot of headteachers are planning this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Briggany on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 12:23:31
My work are being vigilant. They were preparing at the end of january for us to work from home.

They are effectively going to quarantine the entire office for a minimum of two weeks, but are preparing for a full month of working from home, possibly more.

Suits me as most of my work is fairly automated so I will get more time to play games and watch series haha.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 12:27:55
I work at home anyway, so it won't make much of a difference for me. As long as my work-flow is not interrupted and I don't see why it would be *touches wood*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 12:46:23
The latest office advice I am hearing is that you should only now use your own pen. Take your own pen with you everywhere. Do not under any circumstances use someone else's pen.

Office Pen Stealers, you know who you are, your revolution is over. You lost. Get over it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 13:06:00
Impossible to work from home at my place of work and even if most of the UK was in shut down we would still have work to not sure what Royal Mail’s contingency plan would be...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 13:07:44
Impossible to work from home at my place of work and even if most of the UK was in shut down we would still have work to not sure what Royal Mail’s contingency plan would be...

Robots and drones?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 13:11:30
Impossible to work from home at my place of work and even if most of the UK was in shut down we would still have work to not sure what Royal Mail’s contingency plan would be...

Knowing RM, roll the ill and dead into the gutter and bring in new people on half the wage. Right Unionists?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 13:15:41
Knowing RM, roll the ill and dead into the gutter and bring in new people on half the wage. Right Unionists?

I dunno, I can only speak for Swindon Mail Centre but there is plenty ill and dead currently employeed anyway...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 13:24:00
Conference on Coronavirus cancelled due to, erm, Coronavirus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 13:25:59
40 patients in GWH awaiting test results...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 15:17:53
In some ways it's refreshing that a mere microbe can put G8 countries into lockdown.

Maybe a stark reminder that humankind is not above nature after all.

Meanwhile in the real world, a good time for a dabble in the stock market for those with the wherewithal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 16:42:47
trying to source anti-bac for the business is painful to say the least but with the whole of the country trying to buy it's understandable.

Every supplier seems to be having delivery at the end of the month. Be interesting to fast forward that far and see whether it will be even needed.

In 2 weeks they are expecting the peak and I am expecting a huge hit of trade just in time for half term :no:

I don't think its over dramatic to be worried about how long this will go on for seeing as it has barely started.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 16:55:45
The WHO have now declared a pandemic.

I had no idea Pete Townshend knew so much about this stuff.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 17:09:01
trying to source anti-bac for the business is painful to say the least but with the whole of the country trying to buy it's understandable.

Just do what everyone up here is apparently doing and nick if from A&E .

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 17:41:51
I had no idea Pete Townshend knew so much about this stuff.

His specialist 'research' lies elsewhere.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 18:17:10
We had our first case confirmed at work today, we are also all supposed to log in at 8pm this evening to see if our vpn can deal with 20,000 people working from home

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 19:25:13
We had our first case confirmed at work today, we are also all supposed to log in at 8pm this evening to see if our vpn can deal with 20,000 people working from home

I've been talking with BT and Virgin account managers today. All those expecting to work from home might not be doing much. The residential broadband infrastructure is already struggling peak work hours. If you get logged in. leave it logged in would be my advice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 19:28:20
In some ways it's refreshing that a mere microbe can put G8 countries into lockdown.

Maybe a stark reminder that humankind is not above nature after all.

Meanwhile in the real world, a good time for a dabble in the stock market for those with the wherewithal.

  It is what will get us. Not a nuke. The tundra and the poles are thawing and there are bacteria alive that we have no resistance to. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a bat's head, but something that thawed out that started this off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 19:33:43
Dr. Jonathon Quick reveals on Ch4 News that JHU (John Hopkins Uni.) produced results from a "Pandemic Preparedness" study six months ago. The study showed that the average preparedness was around 44 out of a possible 100.

I think it was Trump who used this data to say that the USA was the most prepared. Indeed the report does put them top with 83.5 (UK was 2nd) but as we know, this will mean nothing if you don't action your preparedness. Trump seems to think that being prepared is enough...

JHU GHSI Report -

JHU Article -

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 20:00:28
I dunno, I can only speak for Swindon Mail Centre but there is plenty ill and dead currently employeed anyway...

and that's just the Goans

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 20:14:07
Ive had 7 shows cancelled today and am rather worrying about my a 10 date arena tour in April going and leaving me with no work for a month.

The joys of self employment.

American acts are seeing their shows cancelled in mainland Europe and realise that they cant afford to come over and just do the UK (hence why it better if we have strong ties and frictionless travel with the European union, but that fucked)

So the question is, do I need 2 kidneys and will a 48 year old kidney from someone who's worked for 25 years in live music go for enough to see me through this crisis!
I hope your not on the Biff Byford solo tour in April :tumbleweed:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 20:19:37
No.  I have just seen some machinehead shows cancelling.  Im supposed to be doing a couple in June.  Dont know if they've gone yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 20:59:34
the list is on here

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 21:28:57
Mrs does the shopping online Wednesday for Thursday delivery.
Due to the stockpiling twats no slots till sunday.
Worse than xmas apparently.

Will actually have to go shopping now  :suicide:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 22:12:54
Lad is a genius. I would say the same as his dad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 22:26:06
Mrs does the shopping online Wednesday for Thursday delivery.
Due to the stockpiling twats no slots till sunday.
Worse than xmas apparently.

Will actually have to go shopping now  :suicide:

Popped into my local Tesco earlier today, almost no veg, no toilet rolls, paracetamol, disinfectant, etc etc etc

Media has stirred this up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 23:11:38
Popped into my local Tesco earlier today, almost no veg, no toilet rolls, paracetamol, disinfectant, etc etc etc

Media has stirred this up

Yup. MSM in sensationalist shocker  ::)

In another note all this bullshits regarding  "no handshakes" in football/sports matches at the beginning, yet at the end of matches...what are players doing? You guessed it...  :poofs:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 05:46:06
NBA season suspended till further notice

Trump bans all incoming flights from europe for 30 days, apart from bizarrelly, the UK

Football season set to be played behind closed doors

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 06:22:49
NBA season suspended till further notice

Trump bans all incoming flights from europe for 30 days, apart from bizarrelly, the UK

Football season set to be played behind closed doors

All not to be sneezed at.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 06:52:40
Tom hanks has got it.

travolta is being tested. He's got chills, and they're multiplying...

(one of those is true)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 08:47:34
Every football game in England will reportedly be held behind closed doors
No games are to be shown in pubs and will be streamed live to ticket holders
Government plans to combat coronavirus spread could be unveiled on Thursday
A Cobra meeting is expected to move the official response to the 'delay' phase
This will result in a crisis plan being unveiled for football, according to The Times

Football can’t survive in the lower leagues. This won’t work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 08:52:25
Football can’t survive in the lower leagues. This won’t work.

The problem is, what's the alternative?
A delayed season still kills cashflow, and we have a squillion players OOC on June 30th.

Lower leagues needs financial help too in such circumstances. That much is obvious. But it extends down to non-leeague and out to loads of business.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:00:59

So China is basically the Liverpool of corona. I’m likening spain where I am to wolves. Diamond princess is Sheffield United ,totally unexpected to be up there.
Sadly the UK is Norwich

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:06:44
Yup. MSM in sensationalist shocker  ::)

In another note all this bullshits regarding  "no handshakes" in football/sports matches at the beginning, yet at the end of matches...what are players doing? You guessed it...  :poofs:

Klopp being Klopp. :soapy tit wank:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:09:43
The problem is, what's the alternative?
A delayed season still kills cashflow, and we have a squillion players OOC on June 30th.

Lower leagues needs financial help too in such circumstances. That much is obvious. But it extends down to non-leeague and out to loads of business.

It’s tough because no one knows how long this would last. Postponement would hurt but at least there is a chance on income down the line. Closed doors offers nothing. If they are stopping it being shown in pubs etc what is the point of playing. Would it still be on the radio?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:14:17
The problem is, what's the alternative?
A delayed season still kills cashflow, and we have a squillion players OOC on June 30th.
Play games behind closed doors, stream footage on iFollow as usual and give access to those who have existing match tickets (inc season tickets), but people can also choose to "pay on the day" as currently. There would still be substantial loss of revenue which would need the govt to step in. Or maybe solidarity payments from the PL who don't rely on gate money? Or a bit of both?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:17:42
I think season ticket holders should be willing to forfeit the remaining games as well. I know that I would be willing, but there'd still be many others demanding refunds (potentially helping to put their club on the brink).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:18:06
Play games behind closed doors, stream footage on iFollow as usual and give access to those who have existing match tickets (inc season tickets), but people can also choose to "pay on the day" as currently. There would still be substantial loss of revenue which would need the govt to step in. Or maybe solidarity payments from the PL who don't rely on gate money? Or a bit of both?

There are clubs without ifollow isn’t there? There’s no right or wrong for this but it’s a complete mess that’s going to happen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:28:02
There are clubs without ifollow isn’t there?
No it's an EFL deal, applies to the whole league.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:29:15
I think season ticket holders should be willing to forfeit the remaining games as well. I know that I would be willing, but there'd still be many others demanding refunds (potentially helping to put their club on the brink).
Absolutely, but if games are streamed on iFollow and made available to ST holders that way, you'd have to be a special kind of twat to still ask for a refund. So there will be several doing just that .....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:32:08
you'd have to be a special kind of twat to still ask for a refund.

Therein lyeth the problem.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:34:48
Play games behind closed doors

That's not an alternative to playing behind closed doors :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:42:41
I think season ticket holders should be willing to forfeit the remaining games as well. I know that I would be willing, but there'd still be many others demanding refunds (potentially helping to put their club on the brink).

Was thinking about this earlier. I'm fine with that if I get iplayer to home games. As a sweetener they could include a home cup game or something next season (if we get one).

TBH I don't think it should need a sweetner, if it isn't obvious we are in unprecidented health crisis and bigger issues exist, then there is no hope for those people..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:51:56
That's not an alternative to playing behind closed doors :)
Well, arguably not, no :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:55:40
Has there been any word from the EFL on potential postponements / behind closed doors yet?

Personally I'd postpone the games. The season finishes early this year anyway, pushing it back a month wouldn't do too much harm.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:55:55
Whilst it’s not really the point of discussion right now but I imagine eventually ‘going to football’ will become obsolete and clubs will just have state of the art in door ‘x’ G pitches with a few cameras set up and everyone who wants to watch will stream it.

Again, I don’t know the specifics but the amount of stadium related overheard you’d loose must outweigh the stadium related income.

What with working till the early hours of a Saturday morning and with a young family i’d be much more inclined (and able) to sit my arse down on the sofa at 14:59 and watch the football than getting up, showered, dressed and physically going.

Probably talking decades from now but think it will happen at some point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: reeves4england on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:57:32
Bought tickets for Walsall (A) yesterday, and as somebody who can't get to many games due to geography it's pretty gutting. Seems like the right call though sadly.

I'll be after a refund for the tickets. Had it been a home game I might have let it slide.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: reeves4england on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 09:58:16
Whilst it’s not really the point of discussion right now but I imagine eventually ‘going to football’ will become obsolete and clubs will just have state of the art in door ‘x’ G pitches with a few cameras set up and everyone who wants to watch will stream it.

Again, I don’t know the specifics but the amount of stadium related overheard you’d loose must outweigh the stadium related income.

What with working till the early hours of a Saturday morning and with a young family i’d be much more inclined (and able) to sit my arse down on the sofa at 14:59 and watch the football than getting up, showered, dressed and physically going.

Probably talking decades from now but think it will happen at some point.

Conversely, a month or two of games behind closed doors could show football to be nothing without the fans, and actually serve to prevent this from happening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:01:59
Has there been any word from the EFL on potential postponements / behind closed doors yet?

Personally I'd postpone the games. The season finishes early this year anyway, pushing it back a month wouldn't do too much harm.

Wouldn't do any good either. This won't be over in a month. Govt are publicly talking about 2-3 months and that seems optimistic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:10:07
Therein lyeth the problem.

I asked the question on the fb ‘group’ partly trolling, and the second response i had said that they should get a refund for the games remaining if they are played behind closed doors

Will go down as force majeur wont it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:12:34
The current advice is that those most at risk of death from the virus are those who are elderly with existing serious underlying problems. That sounds like an excellent description of most Football League clubs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:16:14
I get the possibly playing behind closed doors to stop the spread but there's a million ppl a day using the tube apart from other public transport. Italy has stopped all movements bar work and family emergencies. Bit pointless stopping attending football to allow everything else to continue.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:18:49
Full disclosure, I work at GWH.

This morning all non-clinical staff have been asked if they are prepared to help in a clinical capacity in the event of an outbreak.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:19:19
We are talking about behind closed doors, whilst Italy is in shut down this has been our response.



Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:44:01
I get the possibly playing behind closed doors to stop the spread but there's a million ppl a day using the tube apart from other public transport. Italy has stopped all movements bar work and family emergencies. Bit pointless stopping attending football to allow everything else to continue.

Heard rumblings they are preparing for the underground to be shut down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:48:29
Lad is a genius. I would say the same as his dad.
I'd say he's a little shit bandit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:52:33
We are talking about behind closed doors, whilst Italy is in shut down this has been our response.



Future Town End on the right?  :sherlock:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:01:55
Heard rumblings they are preparing for the underground to be shut down.

Speaking to a colleague who lives in Hemel Hempstead yesterday, they have a fair few cases locally but as probably 80 odd% of the working population cram onto a train in and out of London everyday its inevitable, same for anywhere in the commuter belt. Add to that I know any number of people based up here who are up and down to London weekly without a complete lock down spread is just an inevitability. There are 26 trains a day from Lancaster to London, each holding c.500 people, no way you can reasonably manage that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:08:23
La Liga suspended.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:15:28
La Liga suspended.
For two matches, so far. And Real Madrid players in quarantine after one of their basketball team tested positive for the virus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:18:43
I wonder how long the 'it's all a load of shit' brigade are going to dig in for.

Not directed at anybody here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:30:32
I wonder how long the 'it's all a load of shit' brigade are going to dig in for.

Not directed at anybody here.
I agree that measures need to take place on a country wide level to prevent the virus spreading, so large events of any kinds being canceled etc
From a personal/individual level, i have no intention of changing any of my daily habits, just carrying on as normal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:32:05
 When I was a kid there was a building on the Marlborough Road out near Ogbourne, which intrigued me as it seemed in the middle of nowhere... it got knocked down however in the mid 60's.  It was the Isolation Hospital, where people with infectious diseases were treated.  

 I guess it wasn't the only one in the country, but by the mid 60's the contagious diseases had largely been eradicated.... like the Stratton Workhouse it was somewhere I thought I'd like to avoid ending up in.

 Perhaps Johnson's pledge of 350 mill a week for the NHS and 40 new hospitals could be spent on a retro Isolation Hospital campaign.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:34:51
Cobra discussing school closures today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:41:41
McLaren pull out of F1 Australian GP after member of team confirmed.

Surely its got to be pulled or made non-championship race now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:42:12
Ireland shuts all schools and colleges

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:44:10
Ireland have closed their schools, colleges and childcare facilites until the 29th... we'll surely be following suit.

McLaren have pulled out of the Aussie GP as a team member has tested positive for it, the event should never have gone ahead anyway. They even had a fully open public day yesterday, so fucking dumb.

This country's repsonse has been shocking so far, seeming pretty blase about the whole thing...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:45:04
I suspect more are working from home round here as noticed net speed has dropped a bit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 11:58:17
Cobra discussing school closures today.
Thought the argument against that was that with increasing numbers of families with both parents working, emergency childcare if they shut schools is likely to fall on grandparents who are most at risk. Just shows how complex the whole thing is, no easy answers, downsides to every proposed panacea

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:04:33
UEFA suspending Europa and Champions League, apparently.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:04:39
Just shows how complex the whole thing is, no easy answers, downsides to every proposed panacea

... and Trump got rid of a load of CDC people recently - the very people that know about this stuff and will be aware of 'unexpected' consequences that others would not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:04:44
Thought the argument against that was that with increasing numbers of families with both parents working, emergency childcare if they shut schools is likely to fall on grandparents who are most at risk. Just shows how complex the whole thing is, no easy answers, downsides to every proposed panacea

If anything it could be more contained by having kids in schools. no way is everyone just going to sit at home.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:11:51
... and Trump got rid of a load of CDC people recently - the very people that know about this stuff and will be aware of 'unexpected' consequences that others would not.
Pfft! If there's one thing we've learned from the 2016 referendum over here and Trump's 2016 victory over there it's that we don't need "experts". Trump will just be able to build a big wall to keep coronavirus out, any extra bits he can just ask his good friend Farage about now the BBC have apparently appointed him as their goto guy for coronavirus advice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:12:59
UEFA suspending Europa and Champions League, apparently.
Ha ha Liverpool will be gutted :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:20:46
Shouldn't every country just stop all people leaving and entering until this virus is under control?
It's been spread by people travelling so just stop that. Am I missing something here or what?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:27:13
Shouldn't every country just stop all people leaving and entering until this virus is under control?
It's been spread by people travelling so just stop that. Am I missing something here or what?
Global recession? Although that seems inevitable now anyway

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:29:20
Thought the argument against that was that with increasing numbers of families with both parents working, emergency childcare if they shut schools is likely to fall on grandparents who are most at risk. Just shows how complex the whole thing is, no easy answers, downsides to every proposed panacea

They will shut down just to reduce the risk.

If this does happen, internet usage will go through the roof. People won't be able to work from home because of contention.

The NHS, already crumbling, is going to really struggle. There are face masks, but not all staff can use them and they don't fit all staff. Staff have to have some vigorous tests on the equipment before use. We are not equipped enough.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:34:05
Ha ha Liverpool will be gutted :)
Fuck Liverpool.  What about STFC?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:37:44
Cobra meeting expected outcome: status expected to move from "containment" to "delay". If situation worsens, it may be escalated to "faffing" and once the bodies are piling up in the streets, we could possibly escalate still further to "fiddling while Rome burns"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:46:13
Shouldn't every country just stop all people leaving and entering until this virus is under control?
It's been spread by people travelling so just stop that. Am I missing something here or what?

It's too late for that now - the rate of spread in Communities is where it is now coming from - it seems, from reports, like it's not carrying much out in the open, but once you get confined locations with a carrier, it seems to spread like wildfire.  There was a lawyer in NYC who appears to have given the virus to at least 50 direct contacts, and a conference where over 70 attendees have contracted it, not to mention the nursing home that now has a lot of spare beds in Washington State.

It's now time to move to protect people who would likely get very sick and avoid a stampede at the Hospitals.  You can't stop it, but you can slow it's progress to those who would need hospital care.  You should probably be taking over large buildings as well, to act as field hospitals.  I know people will say it's over reacting, but the reality is that Hospitals do not carry large over capacity, so it doesn't actually take much to overwhelm them on top of every day needs to be in one.  While a number of viruses have spread in the past without huge death tolls, there is often a hidden impact of increased mortality from other causes at the same time due to that strain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:49:41
not to mention the nursing home that now has a lot of spare beds in Washington State.

Well, that's good timing considering the circumst...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: cdakev on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:50:46
They will shut down just to reduce the risk.

If this does happen, internet usage will go through the roof. People won't be able to work from home because of contention.

The NHS, already crumbling, is going to really struggle. There are face masks, but not all staff can use them and they don't fit all staff. Staff have to have some vigorous tests on the equipment before use. We are not equipped enough.

Who say's the NHS is crumbling ?.  My wife is a nurse and they have responded very positively. Yes they are under massive pressure and hopefully the govenment will support the NHS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: cdakev on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 12:52:14
I wonder is football will be suspended in this country ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 13:02:08
I wonder is football will be suspended in this country ?

Been suspended all season in bournemouth

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 13:42:55
Who say's the NHS is crumbling ?.  My wife is a nurse and they have responded very positively. Yes they are under massive pressure and hopefully the govenment will support the NHS.

My wife is also a nurse. They are all underpaid, overworked. Patients in hallways etc. It is overstretched. All staff have responded positively, but they will struggle. They need the help. A&E have 13 bank shifts available just for saturday. It's crazy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 13:46:24
Who say's the NHS is crumbling ?.  My wife is a nurse and they have responded very positively. Yes they are under massive pressure and hopefully the govenment will support the NHS.
I think he was talking over the last decade rather than the immediate response to coronavirus. The Italian media were using horrified stories of patients being treated in corridors to demonstrate how bad the crisis had got there - that's been normal here for years. Don't underestimate the impact of years of underfunding

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 15:34:17
I know people are going to get all "timmy tantrum" with me and while I agree, the most vulnerable (elderly/those with underlying conditions) should be our priority in keeping safe. Yet isn't it just common sense that we do all the time during Flu/bug season? "Oh I won't go and see your Nanna who has Emphysema as I've got a cough myself. Don't want to risk it." We do it all the time. This is no different in that respect.

Yet here is the kicker. Yes I'm aware this is a highly contagious pathogen but it is only deadly mostly to those most vulnerable, like most things. We may contract it. Likely a lot of us have had a cold/sniffle/man flu/full blown flu/the shits etc. Yes we've contracted something and our body has dealt with it over the course of a couple to few weeks. Same again, if I say "Oh I've had the shits the last few days John, don't get too close." the  response is likely "Ffs mate, I'll keep my distance. I don't want that!"

But here we are, closing down society, showing the very midst of what George Orwell wrote about fictionally and Professor Jared Diamond wrote about roughly 20 years ago, regarding societal collapse. No doubt others have too. Society being vulnerable to falling, when we remove just a few links in the chain of a modern (westernised) society. I'm not for one minute saying Covid-19 is a load of shit (other bacteria are available) but we have been 'happy' to allow Influenza to continually wreak havoc for years upon years. My point is, we actually have vaccines (that have to be adapted from season to season) for Influenza and yet it still kills a fuck ton of people annually. Already in USA alone, Flu has killed 16k+ people since December to Feb.

Now again, I'm not saying one dick is bigger than the other. I agree with some of the steps government have taken and largely done so in a controlled manner. I'm quite surprised. I expected BoJo to have come out all Trumponian claiming we are the 2nd best most prepared country and that alone will stop a virus from spreading. Less on Farage the better.

I'm looking at this from a media viewpoint. The way the MSM are reporting pretty much every single "positive case" for Covid-19 here, as if every one of those people are going to die. If the media reported nearly every positive Flu case, well they couldn't, there are so many. Even if the media tried to report all Flu deaths, the news would just be full of it. They'd have to report c200 Flu deaths per day in the USA (just for December to Feb).

So my conclusion is, with Flu also being highly contagious yet somewhat controlled by a vaccine; how come the world has been seemingly happy to go about their lives quite normally, while 100s of thousands of people die from flu every year? Happy to get on public transport, go to packed public events, fill shopping malls every weekend with H1N1 spores flying around like some kind of erratic phlegm aids. Is it social conditioning? Is this yet another way of controlling the masses with FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt), via media?

The human species by design is very "pack" oriented and largely prefers to be led or told what to do (there are exceptions). Even if that leader isn't so great. Even if those that lead don't even tell the truth or feed us obscure information (a boss at work for e.g), We have our doubts from time to time but we don't want to been seen as irrational or difficult. Mostly for fear of looking stupid or having a different viewpoint within the popular societal consensus. So as long as we are being told what to do, when to be there, etc. We, for the most part are fine with being led. Maybe Orwell was on to something and possibly Pfr Diamond too.

Feel free to come and pick apart the bits that don't sit right with you or you disagree with. Likewise feel free to provoke thought and discuss, as we do. On a totally unrelated part -i'm still impressed that Grospot Nob went so long without noticing such a change. Good work, even if immature :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 15:39:12
We know how bad Flu is

We don’t know how bad Coronavirus could be or, more importantly, know for sure how it’s spread

That’s it isn’t it??

Edit, after reading that missive properly. You answered it yourself. We know how flu works. There’s a vaccine for flu to allow vulnerable people to be treated ahead of time, minimising the impact. Hence, little concern

We don’t know how coronavirus works. We don’t have a vaccine for it, so the only way to minimise the impact on vulnerable people is to take these measures to stop the virus from spreading too far. It’s really not rocket science

Once a vaccine is developed and we have a better understanding of the disease, then instead of having a cold and flu season, we’ll have a cold flu and coronavirus season, and id imagine things will be back to the ‘normal’ you describe. But we’re not there yet are we

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 15:59:20
Collymore suggesting that it’s going to be announced tomorrow that the rest of the season will be played behind closed doors with season ticket holders able to stream games.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:03:01
Until some players get sick and teams withdraw. This season will be suspended at some point. Fuck knows what that'll mean for promotion and relegation but I bet we get fucked over.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:06:49
Collymore suggesting that it’s going to be announced tomorrow that the rest of the season will be played behind closed doors with season ticket holders able to stream games.

PV will need to start charging for his match text commentaries.  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:15:56
Maybe a wrongful comparison but I don't remember total shutdown during the Sars outbreak, which if I do remember was a far more serious virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:21:00
Collymore suggesting that it’s going to be announced tomorrow that the rest of the season will be played behind closed doors with season ticket holders able to stream games.

Isnt that what he said at 11pm last night

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:23:39
Maybe a wrongful comparison but I don't remember total shutdown during the Sars outbreak, which if I do remember was a far more serious virus.

But also more likely to cause significant symptoms, and less contagious. Meaning it was a lot easier to contain.

It's partly that coronavirus is so mild in so many cases that makes it so dangerous, because it means a lot of people will be passing it on unawares. Coronavirus will end up killing A LOT more people than Sars as it is and, the more infections there are, the higher the risk of a mutation.

It already has mutated once, bit thankfully not into something more deadly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:35:39
Fucking hell:

Anyone who thought they'd got rid of the eugenicists in Downing St when that weirdo kid got fired might want to think again. "Herd immunity" = let the weak die, the survivors will be stronger for it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:38:23
Isnt that what he said at 11pm last night
Probably I just saw some journo retweet it. As Johnson is about to announce we are entering the ‘delay’ phase I don’t think it’s too wide of the mark. I don’t think you’ll be watching us play at Oldham on Saturday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:39:20
Maybe a wrongful comparison but I don't remember total shutdown during the Sars outbreak, which if I do remember was a far more serious virus.

SARS was 3x more deadley but much better contained. This is from a couple of days ago

           Year        Cases      Deaths      Mort     Countries
Ebola      1976,      33577,    13562,      40.4,     9
Nipah      1998,         513,        398,      77.6,     2
SARS      2002,       8096,        774,       9.6,      29
MERS      2012,       2494,        858,      34.4,     28   
COVID-19 2020,  111365,      3892,        3.5      102

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:46:51
Did I read or hear somewhere that eventually COVID-19 will just become another variety of seasonal flu and will be a constant ‘companion’ every year?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:47:53
Fucking hell:

Anyone who thought they'd got rid of the eugenicists in Downing St when that weirdo kid got fired might want to think again. "Herd immunity" = let the weak die, the survivors will be stronger for it.

Its quite a good article as to why though. Essentially 'its going to happen anyway' is the key premise-  so lets try and control its rate of spread .

And with a likely spread through Africa and Americas that it will be around for a while - so immunity is going to be the only way given no vaccine is going to be available for quite a while.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:51:25
Did I read or hear somewhere that eventually COVID-19 will just become another variety of seasonal flu and will be a constant ‘companion’ every year?

It looks possible, but we'll have COVID jabs eventually. Hopefully.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:51:36
SARS was 3x more deadley but much better contained. This is from a couple of days ago

           Year        Cases      Deaths      Mort     Countries
Ebola      1976,      33577,    13562,      40.4,     9
Nipah      1998,         513,        398,      77.6,     2
SARS      2002,       8096,        774,       9.6,      29
MERS      2012,       2494,        858,      34.4,     28   
COVID-19 2020,  111365,      3892,        3.5      102
We haven't learned how to contain from that experience?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:54:39
BoJo speaking.

He's actually come across OK.

Basics are as you were *for now*
Sports OK *for now* - but the issue is it puts strain on resources (emergency services)
People should self isolate with persistent cough/fever
In future the whole family will need to self isolate if 1 gets syptoms.
No schools overseas trips.
No cruises for elderly (advice)

Its going to get worse, and extra measures may need to be put in place as we go towards the peak.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:55:20
We haven't learned how to contain from that experience?

I take it as simply being of different characteristics to SARS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:57:26
Medical bod  - we are 4 week behind Italy and some other Euro countries. Peak yet to come.

Its likely we have between 5-10K infected right now but only 500 confirmed. Steep curve yet to come. We need to protect people during the pleak period.

Now trying to delay peak and bring the peak down

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 16:59:18
"Medical bod" makes the fairly reasonable point that in order to make closing schools worth it you'd have to do it for 3-4 months and good luck keeping children isolated for that period of time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 17:02:18
"Medical bod" makes the fairly reasonable point that in order to make closing schools worth it you'd have to do it for 3-4 months and good luck keeping children isolated for that period of time.


The whole thing seems to have made very good points. Assuming they are right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 17:03:07

The whole thing seems to have made very good points. Assuming they are right.

Yep. As with many things, it's quite a lot more complicated than just "lock everyone inside for a week and jobs a good 'un"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 17:16:11
Medical bod shows some political naivety by suggesting that their top planning modelling rate is 80% infections, then says that's speculative, unlikely etc. and not the main point.

Bet that's every paper's headline tomorrow, unfortunately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 17:20:14
Medical Bod looks worrying like Failing Grayling!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 17:22:48
Africa appears to be relatively spared for now, although I supposed the real figures could be far higher than reported. Something like this could be devastating there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 17:24:41
They've been saying 40-70% for a while, as the rate of infection.  The known cases double after something like 5 days, and what we are starting to see is that in certain conditions is spreads with a very high rate of infection from person to person.

We have two early case studies to use - China & Italy.  One of them appears to have stunted the spread by locking everyone up (still can;t be certain) and the other is being crippled by throwing arms up in the air at the nasty Coronavirus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 17:41:11

The whole thing seems to have made very good points. Assuming they are right.

Didn’t see the press conference, but credit where it’s due the government seem to be acting sensibly in handling all of this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 17:52:47
Africa appears to be relatively spared for now, although I supposed the real figures could be far higher than reported. Something like this could be devastating there.

I would say the reason it hasn't so much is temperature related. It doesn't like anything too warm an also by accounts doesn't like extreme cold either. Loves that kind of temperate fridgy temp of around 6 to 12 celsius.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 18:18:13
I would say the reason it hasn't so much is temperature related. It doesn't like anything too warm an also by accounts doesn't like extreme cold either. Loves that kind of temperate fridgy temp of around 6 to 12 celsius.

More likely travel.

There is a chance the virus doesn't carry as well in Hot and Humid air, but that won't kill it off.

The issue with this strain appears to be the longevity on surfaces.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 18:22:25
the BBC r5 expert suggested that it only lives 1 day on cardboard, much less on other surfaces.

Also pointed out that living that long doesn't mean at a threshold that can be infectious

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 18:47:54
All EFL games ON this weekend with no restrictions

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 19:18:27
the BBC r5 expert suggested that it only lives 1 day on cardboard, much less on other surfaces.

Also pointed out that living that long doesn't mean at a threshold that can be infectious

Think it was 2 days + on steel and plastic though.  4 hours on Copper.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 19:31:30
More likely travel.

There is a chance the virus doesn't carry as well in Hot and Humid air, but that won't kill it off.

The issue with this strain appears to be the longevity on surfaces.

I was going to mention travel as of course, a lot of African countries don't have the disposable to travel as often. So factor in. The temperature thing is important though. A weakened pathogen (and as I'm aware this doesn't travel too far as an airborne pathogen; only up to 7ft/2m). The longevity on surfaces is a big debate. In controlled refrigerated conditions it's been claimed to "survive" for upto 9 days, yet in reality how many homes or locations are at a constant controlled temp of say 6c? But that data doesn't say on what surface, how porous or non porous etc. I believe that data is a scenario that would never bee seen in regular day to day life (unless you work in a fridge for 9 days without leaving?!). So then it depends on the surface. Most reports say several hours to 3days. But again all this depends on temp/humidity/surface etc.

Warmer weather would weaken it, no doubt. It's essentially a version of Flu, just without the vaccine (yet) so it will dissipate as warmer weather ensues. I'm sure you're measured and intelligent enough Rob to realise that a pathogen "surviving" doesn't necessarily mean it maintains the same level of that, if it has been weakened.

It's a dangerous buggar but I still believe this will be all but gone by around end of May/early June. That's only my opinion though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 19:35:14
@rob so it does, he didn't mention that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 20:19:53
I was going to mention travel as of course, a lot of African countries don't have the disposable to travel as often. So factor in. The temperature thing is important though. A weakened pathogen (and as I'm aware this doesn't travel too far as an airborne pathogen; only up to 7ft/2m). The longevity on surfaces is a big debate. In controlled refrigerated conditions it's been claimed to "survive" for upto 9 days, yet in reality how many homes or locations are at a constant controlled temp of say 6c? But that data doesn't say on what surface, how porous or non porous etc. I believe that data is a scenario that would never bee seen in regular day to day life (unless you work in a fridge for 9 days without leaving?!). So then it depends on the surface. Most reports say several hours to 3days. But again all this depends on temp/humidity/surface etc.

Warmer weather would weaken it, no doubt. It's essentially a version of Flu, just without the vaccine (yet) so it will dissipate as warmer weather ensues. I'm sure you're measured and intelligent enough Rob to realise that a pathogen "surviving" doesn't necessarily mean it maintains the same level of that, if it has been weakened.

It's a dangerous buggar but I still believe this will be all but gone by around end of May/early June. That's only my opinion though.

I have no knowledge on what may happen in warmer months that would add anything to the discussion.  What seems very likely though is that the Western world will struggle to contain this in the way China were eventually able to.  So, even if it does dissipate in the summer, at the current rate of infection, that could still be a massive impact in countries like the USA (which still isn't really testing anyone, let alone preventing the spread - although private business & organisations appear spooked enough to do stuff without being told now).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pete on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 20:52:01
Cobra meeting expected outcome: status expected to move from "containment" to "delay". If situation worsens, it may be escalated to "faffing" and once the bodies are piling up in the streets, we could possibly escalate still further to "fiddling while Rome burns"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 21:32:15
"Herd immunity" = let the weak die, the survivors will be stronger for it.

Herd immunity is not a callous "let the weak die" concept.  It protects the weak.

I may be wrong but if you can say that then I very much doubt that you have had to watch a daughter grow up who is unable to take various vaccines, who is exponentially more vulnerable to the diseases they protect against and is entirely dependent on herd immunity to protect her from them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 21:33:42
As soon as I posted that I thought I was rather shitty.  Sorry, touched a nerve.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 22:15:04
Mikel Arteta has it now. Full Arsenal squad in quarantine

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 22:21:47
Mikel Arteta has it now. Full Arsenal squad in quarantine

that's the behind closed doors plan out the window.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 22:29:02
Emergency Premier League meeting tomorrow now.

That’ll be saturday off then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 22:34:27
I have no knowledge on what may happen in warmer months that would add anything to the discussion.  What seems very likely though is that the Western world will struggle to contain this in the way China were eventually able to.  So, even if it does dissipate in the summer, at the current rate of infection, that could still be a massive impact in countries like the USA (which still isn't really testing anyone, let alone preventing the spread - although private business & organisations appear spooked enough to do stuff without being told now).

Oh for sure a global economic domino effect is happening now. I do feel that world powers are still talking with their fiscal heads on as opposed to their health heads. I don't doubt they have their opinions on potential deaths etc. but feel more that they are more concerned on economic effects.

All it really shows is how weak a westernised world is in terms of the material elements and make up of our society. This results in the parts of our species panic buying anything and acting irrationally. That is in part at the hands of MSM to blame. On the plus, it also shows that we do have the frameworks in place to recover from catastrophe. I still would personally question if we had to deal with something much more dangerous (what that is/could be, I'm not certain at this moment in time), whether we should be capable of recovering.

It's easy to criticise governments of course and in the case of a pandemic I think we all have to put our allegiances aside and work together (I'm talking parliament here). Currently I think the UK government are doing as much as they need to, under guidance from those better informed. I don't know enough about the US Gov to know if (again allegiances aside) they are doing similar. News stories tell us one thing over here but that may be very different to the actuality. Much like the picture in Italy. Responses at present seem to be very stereotypical of said nations. UK Gov- Keep calm and carry on. Italy Gov - Passionately erratic...and so on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 22:39:10
Emergency Premier League meeting tomorrow now.

That’ll be saturday off then

Will probably have the ridiculous scenario (because two separate entities) where the Premier League call off their matches and the EFL ones go ahead. That would just be laughable but I won't be shocked if that were to arise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 22:57:39
Will probably have the ridiculous scenario (because two separate entities) where the Premier League call off their matches and the EFL ones go ahead. That would just be laughable but I won't be shocked if that were to arise.

I can see it happening for now. If no EFL players or management are affected carry on. before Arteta they were prepared to let it roll. It will only take one case though to make it all stop. Even behind closed doors won’t stop unless players and management effectively self isolate together between games with no family contact.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 23:00:54
F1 finally officially off.  talk about last minute,

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 23:20:59
F1 finally officially off.  talk about last minute,

I swear I heard on Ch4 News that it was cancelled and that was around 7.30pm. Still 7 or 11 makes little odds to people who travelled to Straya. Not a cheap spectator sport.

Think Hamilton spoke a lot of sense saying I don't get why we are even here, considering the circumstances. Of course, his team pulled out beforehand. Something like F1 at least is a little easier to schedule even if an inconvenience. They can afford to put a race into one of the free weeks in the calendar or extend/stagger their season if necessary.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, March 13, 2020, 05:09:18
I would say the reason it hasn't so much is temperature related. It doesn't like anything too warm an also by accounts doesn't like extreme cold either. Loves that kind of temperate fridgy temp of around 6 to 12 celsius.

Not correct with this one

"However, she said having sports events played behind closed doors could be counterproductive as it might instead lead people to gathering in pubs "in the warmth, where viruses love it"."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, March 13, 2020, 05:41:47
Not correct with this one

"However, she said having sports events played behind closed doors could be counterproductive as it might instead lead people to gathering in pubs "in the warmth, where viruses love it"."

Who are you quoting here? Also, there's a difference to a load of infected people meeting "in the warmth" passing it around. Allowing it to gestate. To a naturally higher temperature caused by a geographical location. Somewhere where it is eternally late spring/early Summer. The virus won't be strong enough to likely show few symptoms.

This isn't some totally unbeknown bug. It has a lot of similarities to Flu and of course other Coronavirae(uses??). It just happens that they don't have a vaccine for it. Yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 08:56:04

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:07:45
Who are you quoting here? Also, there's a difference to a load of infected people meeting "in the warmth" passing it around. Allowing it to gestate. To a naturally higher temperature caused by a geographical location. Somewhere where it is eternally late spring/early Summer. The virus won't be strong enough to likely show few symptoms.

This isn't some totally unbeknown bug. It has a lot of similarities to Flu and of course other Coronavirae(uses??). It just happens that they don't have a vaccine for it. Yet.
The plural is viruses

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:10:23
Overnight 2 friends have been diagnosed with this down here in Somerset/Dorset, I haven't seen them for a few week so am probably safe, only a few friends in common and I have not been in contact with them either for a few weeks.

Not overly concerned but I am on the "at risk" list, its wierd going from not concerned at all to being mildly concerned about my own health in a matter of a few hours.

The green "all is fine" warning bulb has been switched onto a slightly flickering amber bulb now for me!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:12:42
Its been a tough 24 hours for The Mail.



Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:19:49
Overnight 2 friends have been diagnosed with this down here in Somerset/Dorset, I haven't seen them for a few week so am probably safe, only a few friends in common and I have not been in contact with them either for a few weeks.

Not overly concerned but I am on the "at risk" list, its wierd going from not concerned at all to being mildly concerned about my own health in a matter of a few hours.

The green "all is fine" warning bulb has been switched onto a slightly flickering amber bulb now for me!

We apparently have it 'in the village', much as yourself I am on the vulnerable list, but actually looking online from the normal expert organisations there seems to be no evidence at the moment that it interacts with my condition, of greater concern is my missus who has asthma albeit not chronic so fingers crossed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:23:48
We apparently have it 'in the village', much as yourself I am on the vulnerable list, but actually looking online from the normal expert organisations there seems to be no evidence at the moment that it interacts with my condition, of greater concern is my missus who has asthma albeit not chronic so fingers crossed.
Yeah as far as I know its not hit Chard yet my friends live in Sherborne and Yeovil so 20+ miles away so I see them rarely but I have obviously the cancer treatment but also around 1/3 of each lung missing from the previous blood clots and I have COPD and Bronchiectasis too.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:25:59
Yeah as far as I know its not hit Chard yet my friends live in Sherborne and Yeovil so 20+ miles away so I see them rarely but I have obviously the cancer treatment but also around 1/3 of each lung missing from the previous blood clots and I have COPD and Bronchiectasis too.


Stay safe mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:29:37
I'm now working from home for the forseeable future as my employers have started their plan of action.

Until 3 or 4 years ago you used to have to put a pretty watertight business case to work from home approval and now? Now it's the saviour!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:31:40
Stay safe mate.

Thanks mate, going to not risk it too much now, shit got a bit more real for me all of a sudden.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:35:08
Yeah as far as I know its not hit Chard yet my friends live in Sherborne and Yeovil so 20+ miles away so I see them rarely but I have obviously the cancer treatment but also around 1/3 of each lung missing from the previous blood clots and I have COPD and Bronchiectasis too.


Look after yourself fella!

if nothing else who is going to help me with my IT issues!  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:47:20
I'm working from home as work wants to test VPN capacity.

but they don't want us taking monitors and docking stations off site.

try coding and testing with 3 VMs on a 15 inch laptop .... grr

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:47:38
I'm now working from home for the forseeable future as my employers have started their plan of action.

Until 3 or 4 years ago you used to have to put a pretty watertight business case to work from home approval and now? Now it's the saviour!

Short of playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 all day, I'm gonna find it kind of difficult to work from home... :hmmm: coming down with a cold as well, which is looooovely.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:49:41
a cold....

isolate isolate isolate

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:55:08
I'm working from home as work wants to test VPN capacity.

but they don't want us taking monitors and docking stations off site.

try coding and testing with 3 VMs on a 15 inch laptop .... grr

Which is fine. When workers and kids are off then contention on lines is going to be absolutely manic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 13, 2020, 09:57:26
yeah, agreed. but you have to know your own systems will cope first..

if we are government ordered to lockdown then there's not much that can be done to control network capacity

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:01:13
We have the same issue. We are being proactive as the leadership cannot make decisions. We have RDP but are uploading to sharepoint in preparation.

We were planning on doing this anyway in the summer so it's all good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:03:06
Its way outside my area of knowledge and expertise but we do seem to be doing things rather differently (rightly or wrongly!)


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:16:47
Any Network engineers on here? Cisco are giving out licenses for Umbrella, AnyConnect and Webex and Microsoft Teams is currently free too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:21:26
"BREAKING: Premier League and EFL look set to announce both will be suspended until at least Apr 4th, when situation will be reviewed. Hearing EFL board agreed on this unanimously. Premier League meeting happening in 10 mins when clubs will be urged to follow suit"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:32:12
My other half is presently trying to get our (entirely normal) weekly online shop finalised, whilst she has got a slot for tomorrow morning (booked on Tuesday and it was the earliest slot available) it now transpires they have not got a large percentage of the stuff we would normally order.

People need to calm the fuck down, its getting to the stage that deaths are going to be self inflected in this country!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:33:16
"BREAKING: Premier League and EFL look set to announce both will be suspended until at least Apr 4th, when situation will be reviewed. Hearing EFL board agreed on this unanimously. Premier League meeting happening in 10 mins when clubs will be urged to follow suit"


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:33:38
I wonder how much damage Cheltenham being held will have. For here and Ireland in particular. All about the £££ though it would seem

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:35:18
My other half is presently trying to get our (entirely normal) weekly online shop finalised, whilst she has got a slot for tomorrow morning (booked on Tuesday and it was the earliest slot available) it now transpires they have not got a large percentage of the stuff we would normally order.

People need to calm the fuck down, its getting to the stage that deaths are going to be self inflected in this country!

I gave up trying to do an online shop as they had bugger all.
Went to lidl instead.
No soap, cleaning fluid, bog rolls, pasta in there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:40:55
I gave up trying to do an online shop as they had bugger all.
Went to lidl instead.
No soap, cleaning fluid, bog rolls, pasta in there.

But I bet you could get a welder, a cycling jacket and some German sausage!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:46:43
Short of playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 all day, I'm gonna find it kind of difficult to work from home... :hmmm: coming down with a cold as well, which is looooovely.

Fuck knows what RM will do

I guess shut the main centres and not pay us?!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:04:03
But I bet you could get a welder, a cycling jacket and some German sausage!

Haha. Aquarium goods yesterday. I bought a retro games console that doesn't work too 😂

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:06:02
Fuck knows what RM will do

I guess shut the main centres and not pay us?!

God knows mate, they can't organise a piss up in a brewery at the best of times, that cunt Rico will probably use it to buy a fuck ton more shares...

Sniffles really isn't what they're looking at when they ask folks to self isolate, right?  :hmmm: ???

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:15:28
Any COD MW players on here? Looks like that's all i'll be doing this weekend. +

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:17:46
Xbox? *waves*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:19:27
Any COD MW players on here? Looks like that's all i'll be doing this weekend. +
yup, have you tried Warzone yet, plenty of hours to kill on it :guns:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jutty274 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:24:08
Any COD MW players on here? Looks like that's all i'll be doing this weekend. +

I do on the PS4

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:28:58
God knows mate, they can't organise a piss up in a brewery at the best of times, that cunt Rico will probably use it to buy a fuck ton more shares...

Sniffles really isn't what they're looking at when they ask folks to self isolate, right?  :hmmm: ???

No, I don’t know either. Doubt they do either.

I mean we can’t work from home and it’s really a question of whether we’ll get paid if we are forced to not attend work.

I mean I’d have to dip into my savings and could take the hit but no everyone will be in that position.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:37:22
But I bet you could get a welder, a cycling jacket and some German sausage!
The A-team could have taken on an army with that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:41:04
Xbox? *waves*
Thats fine, we can cross play.

stfcchubbs or stfc_chubbs i never know which one to give out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:41:32
yup, have you tried Warzone yet, plenty of hours to kill on it :guns:
Warzone if great, not managed a win yet.

stfcchubbs or stfc_chubbs i never know which one to give out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:54:41
Warzone if great, not managed a win yet.

stfcchubbs or stfc_chubbs i never know which one to give out.
I can never win in the Gulag :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, March 13, 2020, 12:03:00
I can never win in the Gulag :)
Yeah, its annoying that it.

I dont have many friends online so i have to resort to playing with randoms who don't communicate and just do their own thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 13, 2020, 12:03:49
Warzone if great, not managed a win yet.

stfcchubbs or stfc_chubbs i never know which one to give out.

Add me. Sippo04. Will be on tonight from 8ish.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 13, 2020, 12:47:43
Own up. Who’s done a bit of stockpiling?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, March 13, 2020, 12:52:18
Exact opposite haven't been shopping in 3 weeks. Down to last 2 bog rolls.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Friday, March 13, 2020, 12:52:23
Own up. Who’s done a bit of stockpiling?

I'm waiting for rationing to be introduced.... I was born into 50's rationing, and aside from the 70's petrol rationing haven't known any since.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, March 13, 2020, 12:55:49
Fuck stockpiling, I’m looking forward to some looting.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 13, 2020, 13:00:53
There's some video on social media of looters in Australia.

A lot of people are going to see that and think: "Fuck me, I hadn't thought of that. Can't wait"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, March 13, 2020, 13:08:40
Have the looters from the 2011 riots been released yet?

Gig tonight for me, & seaside tomorrow. What happened to the "and carry on" bit? Maybe you could stay at home & fill in a mental wellbeing survey.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, March 13, 2020, 14:24:22
Looking forward to actually being able to get a table in Soho tonight.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 13, 2020, 14:25:27
Going to help celebrate 'Holi' at an Indian restaurant tonight at the Power Station. I wonder if restaurants and bars will be quieter?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 13, 2020, 14:27:38
Going to help celebrate 'Holi' at an Indian restaurant tonight at the Power Station. I wonder if restaurants and bars will be quieter?
Or like in Italy and shut totally!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 13, 2020, 14:33:14
Or like in Italy and shut totally!

that would be no use at all :) Surely Uber Eats and Deliveroo could make a killing here? Their drivers are all covered and protected and with empty roads should be able to deliver the food when hot?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 13, 2020, 14:35:38
On the plus side of all this, once all passed, that holidays to Italy should be quite cheap to boost the economy?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 13, 2020, 14:37:09
we got a cheap flight to HK just after SARS, so yeah, the airlines will need the revenue big time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, March 13, 2020, 15:13:07
Yeah, its annoying that it.

I dont have many friends online so i have to resort to playing with randoms who don't communicate and just do their own thing.

You have me but you don't communicate to me :D

I am on as BernimanUK if anyone to add..  see you all in the warzone :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, March 13, 2020, 15:20:17
You have me but you don't communicate to me :D

I am on as BernimanUK if anyone to add..  see you all in the warzone :)

I never see you online. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, March 13, 2020, 15:39:39
On the plus side of all this, once all passed, that holidays to Italy should be quite cheap to boost the economy?

I havent booked flights to Portugal yet for this reason

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Friday, March 13, 2020, 16:15:32
What are the options:

1.  leave tables as they are with promotion and relegation determined on incomplete position (unfair on teams with games in hand)
2.  apply points average to unplayed games to determine table (helps teams with games in hand)
3.  deem remaining games all 0-0 (helps teams with games in hand, unsuccessful ones more than successful ones)
4.  abandon the season with no promotion or relegation (not easy in premier league with CL and Europa or for choosing who does play in EFL Cup early rounds)
5.  attempt to play the games as normal asap but perhaps before June 30 (not much time for players or clubs to plan ahead)
6.  attempt to play games behind closed doors (with I Player pay per view)
7.  too many games and not enough time? Then have some sort of play off based on the present table where issues at stake  (eg  Wycombe are out of the Lg 1 play offs, on goal difference only, but have a game in hand)
8.  play play offs
9.  team finishing top of play off places awarded promotion or drawing of lots.

July would be litigation time (with penalties to decide if hearings not concluded ;) )

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Friday, March 13, 2020, 16:29:16
...or use all the results from the corresponding fixtures to calculate the remaining results....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 13, 2020, 16:36:13
...or use all the results from the corresponding fixtures to calculate the remaining results....
Modern day version of the "pools panel"!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Friday, March 13, 2020, 16:42:11
...or simulate all the games on FIFA 20.

Make them full 90 minute matches and put them on iFollow

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 13, 2020, 16:49:53
Maybe those with games in hand should be allowed to play them. Albeit behind closed doors if necessary.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:17:16
We should simply recognise the realities of modern football and arrange the teams in each league in order of wealth.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:20:55
Or in order of the complexity of the closest roundabout?

I don't see how anybody could disagree with that to be fair.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:21:11
Expect a big jump in London tomorrow/Sunday on the figures. Been bat shit crazy today in the world of Local government. If there isn't a big jump, there is some serious lying/misinformation/breakdown in reporting going on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:21:53
Or in order of the complexity of the closest roundabout?

I don't see how anybody could disagree with that to be fair.

Genius.  Problem solved.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:22:26
Genius.  Problem solved.

Franchise will be delighted

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:26:13
Despite there being zero cases of Coronavirus here on the island, as from tomorrow all cafes and restaurants will close. As per Italy only pharmacies and food stores will be open.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:30:22
Expect a big jump in London tomorrow/Sunday on the figures. Been bat shit crazy today in the world of Local government. If there isn't a big jump, there is some serious lying/misinformation/breakdown in reporting going on.

I suspect the official figures are nonsense, we are in the sticks here yet there is a case in our village and in both of the neighbouring villages.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:31:47
London Marathon gone, along with the Giro

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Friday, March 13, 2020, 18:04:14
I suspect the official figures are nonsense, we are in the sticks here yet there is a case in our village and in both of the neighbouring villages.
ditto here in our village (Shere, pop. 1,000 or so) where the surgery closed this pm.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, March 13, 2020, 18:06:07
Have the looters from the 2011 riots been released yet?

Gig tonight for me, & seaside tomorrow. What happened to the "and carry on" bit? Maybe you could stay at home & fill in a mental wellbeing survey.

What a prick.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Friday, March 13, 2020, 18:07:04
London Marathon gone, along with the Giro
Wales v Scotland egg chasers off tomorrow too.  There's going to be f.a. sport on tv as we hunker down >:(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 13, 2020, 18:21:22
Exact opposite haven't been shopping in 3 weeks. Down to last 2 bog rolls.
Set the garden hose to power jet mode and you’re sorted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 13, 2020, 18:22:01
In the meantime...

The Thai health minister is warning Thais to keep away from farangs (westerners) because they don't wear masks, they never wash, and they don't change their clothes. No, I am not exaggerating.

He is also blaming coronavirus cases in Thailand on farangs bringing it into Thailand from their countries. Somehow ignoring the plain fact that it originated in China.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, March 13, 2020, 18:30:44
Has the mob with burning torches been out yet?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Friday, March 13, 2020, 18:47:58
In the meantime...

1. they don't wear masks

2. they never wash

3. and they don't change their clothes

1. We don't

2. Brits abroad

3. See 2 plus people on those Thai tourist trails do look scruffy nearer the end (except the buff ones in their vests)

I'm with the Thai health minister on all of this (China oversight aside) :toocool:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 13, 2020, 18:51:59
1. We don't

2. Brits abroad

3. See 2 plus people on those Thai tourist trails do look scruffy nearer the end (except the buff ones in their vests)

I'm with the Thai health minister on all of this (China oversight aside) :toocool:

To be fair, it does apply to rather a lot of our kinsmen. Some of them are a fucking mess.

It does amuse me when some people I meet in pubs complain that Brits are so often depicted as pissheads.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, March 13, 2020, 19:08:47
So here in spain we are now in a state of emergency. However we can still buy toilet rolls and sanitizer . I just don’t get it????

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, March 13, 2020, 19:15:15
So here in spain we are now in a state of emergency. However we can still buy toilet rolls and sanitizer . I just don’t get it????

I thought that was just self-imposed by the autonomous region of Catalonia putting themselves in lockdown? Yet the rest of Spain is very much on a par with the UK - No?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, March 13, 2020, 19:21:56
National state of emergency, worst hit is actually Madrid. Over 2000 cases there. Now army on the street, all bars restaurants etc shut in the capital too.

Catalan, rioja, Galicia, Madrid, and parts of Leon and the basque region in lockdown. Malaga province is probably next followed by the rest of Andalucia.

Easter parades look like they may be cancelled which is a fucking huge deal here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, March 13, 2020, 19:31:33
I see a lot of countries are closing their borders, wonder if the UK will follow suit?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Exiled Bob on Friday, March 13, 2020, 19:40:35
I see a lot of countries are closing their borders, wonder if the UK will follow suit?
Thought that was what Brexit was all about.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Friday, March 13, 2020, 19:51:38
The British medical/scientific community seem to have done their best to avoid simply following the herd and have come up with their conclusions (right or wrong) based on their interpretation of the facts.

In the end, however, everyone buckles under the pressure.  I fear that there is no end to the kneejerk overreaction from here.

As usual, ill-informed social media knows best.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 13, 2020, 19:56:23
The British medical/scientific community seem to have done their best to avoid simply following the herd and have come up with their conclusions (right or wrong) based on their interpretation of the facts.

And the British constabulary appears to have decided that the Accuri case should not be investigated...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, March 13, 2020, 19:59:35
National state of emergency, worst hit is actually Madrid. Over 2000 cases there. Now army on the street, all bars restaurants etc shut in the capital too.

Catalan, rioja, Galicia, Madrid, and parts of Leon and the basque region in lockdown. Malaga province is probably next followed by the rest of Andalucia.

Easter parades look like they may be cancelled which is a fucking huge deal here.

Just got off the phone with my mum who lives in Portugal.

If you are found to be out whilst suppose to be self isolating it is punishable by 5 years in prison.

Limiting numbers in shops, restaurants etc, all parades cancelled

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: hefty toe on Friday, March 13, 2020, 20:10:46
Anyone know how Swindon's finances will operate with no games? Will insurance cover player wages?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 13, 2020, 22:28:40
Just checked my wife's temperature and it's 34.

Does that mean she's dead?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 13, 2020, 22:31:18
if it's in fahrenheit the quite possibly.

mind you, she has been hanging around with a westerner, she was warned

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, March 13, 2020, 22:45:49
Just checked my wife's temperature and it's 34.

Does that mean she's dead?

You'll be arrested if you do..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 13, 2020, 23:04:24

mind you, she has been hanging around with a westerner, she was warned

Fair point. she had it coming

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 09:17:50
An early halt to the season would have been very much welcome in recent years given the dross served up at STFC, so it is typical something like this occurs when we are on track for our first promotion and possibly title for almost a decade!

I have tried to read up as much as I can and all noises suggest the peak isn’t actually expected until another 10-14 weeks. Making a return to action a long way off. However, the suggestion is very much that the season will not be ‘voided’ - due to the integrity of the competition, legal challenges etc.

By all accounts nothing is being ruled out, including significant re-scheduling to the 20/21 season if this one has to be finished over the summer - what happens with regards to players contracts is anyone’s guess.

One thing for sure is that this will be very messy....and I’m missing the football already!!

Enjoy the first of many non-football Saturday’s TEF’rs  :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 09:37:06
Anyone know what situation swindon supermarkets are like? I take my mum to do her weekly shop on Saturdays and I’m worried he shelves will be bare.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 09:44:05
In Asda West Swindon, my wife has just got home saying there is plenty of fresh fruit and veg , cheese , meat, milk etc, but no loo rolls, no pasta, no Iboprufen or paracetomol, few biscuits, and  cereals running low. Also no eggs or flour.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 09:56:23
Anyone know what situation swindon supermarkets are like? I take my mum to do her weekly shop on Saturdays and I’m worried he shelves will be bare.

I popped to Asda Orbial at 7am and a lot of the shelves were empty (baked beans, pasta, rice, biscuits, porridge etc) but plenty of bread, milk, cheese, fruit & veg. Asda are looking at shutting their stores at midnight - 6am so that they can restock shelves as there are too many shoppers turning up during the night plus some getting abusive.
Lidl this morning was basically the same as Asda short on certain items but ok with others

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 11:38:14
The British medical/scientific community seem to have done their best to avoid simply following the herd and have come up with their conclusions (right or wrong) based on their interpretation of the facts.
Not sure that's true of the medical/scientific *community*, there seems to be significant dissenting voices to the "herd immunity" line the CSO is pushing. It's interesting though that many companies are taking it upon themselves to implement social distancing ahead of govt advice to do so. There doesn't seem to be much trust in the official advice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 12:51:13
Given we’ve got a winter World Cup in 2022, and noise sounds like it’s a couple of months until the worst is over, would the authorities that be consider restructuring next season to start later and get prepared for the enforced winter break in a few years?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 15:30:09
This panic buying is fucking ridiculous. There's no need. And eggs for fucks sake. Why are people panic buying eggs?!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 15:37:32
Yeah supermarket was full of bedraggled workers today, think they are feeling the pressure big time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 15:47:47
This panic buying is fucking ridiculous. There's no need. And eggs for fucks sake. Why are people panic buying eggs?!
So they can binge on them and give themselves constipation when the bog roll runs out :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 15:55:55
Found this earlier for those looking for some enlightenment on the legal position as to what might happen regarding refunds, player contracts etc

TLDR: Sports lawyers haven't got a fucking clue either

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 15:56:27
Every day is pancake day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 16:14:32
Every day is pancake day.
Full of tossers?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 16:49:14
Full of tossers?

And egg poachers apparently!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 18:05:29
And we have lockdown!!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 19:36:51
This panic buying is fucking ridiculous. There's no need. And eggs for fucks sake. Why are people panic buying eggs?!

Hopefully they are panic buying contraceptives as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 19:40:52
I'm sending the misses out for supplies next week. It's not that I'm panic buying, but every other cunt will be. Kind of like one of those self-fulfilling prophecy jobbies.

I'll be getting food n shit, though. Not bog roll.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 19:43:38
I'm sending the misses out for supplies next week. It's not that I'm panic buying, but every other cunt will be. Kind of like one of those self-fulfilling prophecy jobbies.

I'll be getting food n shit, though. Not bog roll.

The way it's going there won't  be any food to buy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 19:46:32
Wife stocked up a bit. Not so much panic buying as panicking about the panic buying, obviously we don’t want to run out of the essentials

...and Calpol, trying to get some bloody calpol...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 19:55:57
Not so much panic buying as panicking about the panic buying

Same thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 20:19:17
Not sure that's true of the medical/scientific *community*, there seems to be significant dissenting voices to the "herd immunity" line the CSO is pushing. It's interesting though that many companies are taking it upon themselves to implement social distancing ahead of govt advice to do so. There doesn't seem to be much trust in the official advice.

Yes you're right, I should have said the govt medical advisors, not the whole community.  Not many of the UK critics have resonated with much credibility to me however.  Certainly I'd rather trust Chris Whitty, whose career has been focussed on combating major infectious diseases around the world, rather than the ignorant ramblings of Jeremy fucking Hunt.

Appreciate that a major exception is the WHO woman making the point that we don't know enough yet about Coronavirus to be sure that it will behave like Smallpox, measles etc. re herd immunity.

I think that the company distancing is inevitable.  Combination of human nature and the modern blame culture.  People always feel happier to be seen to be taking action.  And companies tend to get blamed or sued for failure to act but rarely for over-reacting unnecessarily.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 20:23:44
My daughter's grounded until it blows over (might be a while I know).

She had a bronchial infection earlier this year and she's had pneumonia in the past. It's not so much coronavirus I'm concerned about, but what if she gets another infection and there are no beds for her?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 20:30:40
you can't be too careful there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 20:35:46
My daughter's grounded until it blows over (might be a while I know).

She had a bronchial infection earlier this year and she's had pneumonia in the past. It's not so much coronavirus I'm concerned about, but what if she gets another infection and there are no beds for her?

What's the intensive care beds situation like in Thailand? 

I listened today to a Uk A&E consultant saying that we have nothing like Italy's capacity here in the UK which didn't exactly sound great.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 20:41:48
What's the intensive care beds situation like in Thailand? 

I don't know to be honest.

They do have decent universal health care, but I very much doubt it can handle a pandemic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 20:46:55
Anyone got a shopping list for potential lockdown? Without this panic buying bollocks, I'm thinking...

Half a pig

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 21:18:33
I did our weekly in Asdas this morning, the level of panic buying is incredible, as well as toilet roll, painkillers, soap and pasta, the shelves were also empty for flour, noodles, rice, tinned tomatoes (and purée), beans and, strangely, bin bags. Fortunately I can live on crisps.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 21:53:00
The whole panic buying thing is only going to escalate further. Reckon next week will get interesting to say the least.

Where's Boris by the way? Gone missing like when the country was under water?
I think Trump is a fucking arsehole but at least he's actually doing something about this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 22:00:39
I did our weekly in Asdas this morning, the level of panic buying is incredible, as well as toilet roll, painkillers, soap and pasta, the shelves were also empty for flour, noodles, rice, tinned tomatoes (and purée), beans and, strangely, bin bags. Fortunately I can live on crisps.

I was there this morning and no biscuits!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 22:07:27
So everything is shut except supermarkets and pharmacies. We have been told to stay indoors. Public transport has been cut by 50% and is only allowed to be a third full.
You can go to work if essential but the police and army are patrolling the streets and you are only allowed out if you are going to buy food, medication or to the bank.

Supermarkets will be stocked up as normal and transportation of food and essentials is taking priority

This is initially for 14 days but might be longer

I reckon this is you lot by next weekend

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 22:22:27
With rain  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 22:26:40
So everything is shut except supermarkets and pharmacies. We have been told to stay indoors. Public transport has been cut by 50% and is only allowed to be a third full.
You can go to work if essential but the police and army are patrolling the streets and you are only allowed out if you are going to buy food, medication or to the bank.

Supermarkets will be stocked up as normal and transportation of food and essentials is taking priority

This is initially for 14 days but might be longer

I reckon this is you lot by next weekend

Everybody home with nowhere to go so you can imagine the hostile atmosphere at the supermarkets marshalled by bouncers at every aisle

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 22:49:36
Yes you're right, I should have said the govt medical advisors, not the whole community.  Not many of the UK critics have resonated with much credibility to me however.  Certainly I'd rather trust Chris Whitty, whose career has been focussed on combating major infectious diseases around the world, rather than the ignorant ramblings of Jeremy fucking Hunt.

Appreciate that a major exception is the WHO woman making the point that we don't know enough yet about Coronavirus to be sure that it will behave like Smallpox, measles etc. re herd immunity.
Well yes I wasn't referring to Jeremy Hunt. But as you say the WHO seem to be raising a collective eyebrow at the way we're approaching things. John Ashton, former NW regional director of public health has slated the official line, on Question Time and in media interviews since. This evening, over 200 scientists have signed an open letter saying the govt's approach will risk lives ( And there's another open letter signed by around 200 experts in the field of behavioural science, questioning the strategy around not declaring stronger measures around social isolation earlier (

I don't know who's right - I'm not a virologist or an epidemiologist - I suspect there probably isn't a "right" answer, just several "least worst" options. And rest assured I'm following all the official advice around washing hands etc. But the "herd immunity" strategy is far from proven and there are serious scientific and medical people, including those who *are* qualified to discuss this properly who seem to be very alarmed at the approach the govt is taking.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 01:17:44
Anyone got a shopping list for potential lockdown? Without this panic buying bollocks, I'm thinking...

Half a pig

R.E.M's, It's End of The World (As We Know It). On loop for full effect so the neighbours think you've succumbed to a nihilistic way of life, within the realms of the circumstances.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 05:48:40
Just think of all the State Pension money they’ll save with all the old folk they’ll sacrifice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 07:34:45
Just think of all the State Pension money they’ll save with all the old folk they’ll sacrifice.

Would not surprise me at all in the slightest

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 07:37:31
Where's Boris by the way? Gone missing like when the country was under water?
Surely you don’t expect him to work weekends?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 07:43:00
Just think of all the State Pension money they’ll save with all the old folk they’ll sacrifice.

I worked out very roughly that @ 1% fatality rate and being in the main coffin dodgers as some of you have termed the elderly on here, oh and right wing gammons, coupled in with the leftie ones who are collateral damage and not forgetting the medically challenged that the government will save about £5.5b per annum. I’m just waiting for when this blows over for someone to suggest another referendum on rejoining the EUSSR and suggesting the cull of aforementioned could swing the result. Still maybe the pension age may come back to 65.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 07:50:58
At 10pm last night the city of Malaga showed their appreciation to the doctors and nurses fighting corona.
Was right across the whole city

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 08:26:27
Restores some faith in human nature, after the widespread panic buying by the selfish amongst us.

At 10pm last night the city of Malaga showed their appreciation to the doctors and nurses fighting corona.
Was right across the whole city

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 09:10:58
Restores some faith in human nature, after the widespread panic buying by the selfish amongst us.

What a class touch and so refreshing from seeing the British supermarkets being ransacked

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 09:49:50

Just the loneliness will finish some people off if they do this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 10:05:43
Government are out of touch on this. Both my parents and my in laws got calls from their Gp's saying to stay in no visitors on Friday until further notice.

I also know they aren't fully reporting fatalities, in London certainly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 10:19:34
I’m not saying the uk isn’t doing enough but....

My mate managed to fly from heavily infected Madrid to Gatwick this morning. 240 people from Madrid just walked into England unchecked. Ridiculous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 11:05:05

Just the loneliness will finish some people off if they do this

Those that are online could always join this forum, you know bit of old fresh meat to ridicule and dismiss as coffin dodgers, gammons and all the shit that flies around on this site directed at that sector of the population. Should add a bit of interest to some on here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 11:10:11
You’re a glass empty sort of person

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 11:22:03
WTF is a gammon, apart from sunday dinner?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 11:25:20
If you have to ask the chances are you are one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 11:25:28
WTF is a gammon, apart from sunday dinner?

Fuck knows mate but if you’re my age vote conservative and for brexit, you’re a gammon... so.. I do love a nice joint of smoked gammon at Christmas though, roast or boil 😁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 11:45:49
As of yet, my flight it Paris on 31st is still on, albeit changed about 20 times. My hotel on the other hand has closed, so i have nowhere to stay.
I think we know how this will end.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 11:54:10
We are supposed to be going to Turkey on the 19th of April.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 11:58:06
WTF is a gammon, apart from sunday dinner?

Explained here: Gammon (

The phrase took off/went viral a couple of years ago after a journalist used it in an opinion piece.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:11:35
Quote from: DV Canio
We are supposed to be going to Turkey on the 19th of April.

and there was I thinking Tenerife in August was looking dodgy.

hope your insurance pays out of the worst happens. I've not even checked ours yet..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:12:18
Is it a term used to label people that keep on spouting political bollocks in unrelated threads like a spoilt child that can't have their own way?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:15:22
While we're all in football purdah over the next few months, the rather splendid gent behind has created playlists of over 2000 matches on YouTube from 1950s to 1992. Can see that getting a lot of use in this house over the next few months

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:21:33
and there was I thinking Tenerife in August was looking dodgy.

hope your insurance pays out of the worst happens. I've not even checked ours yet..

The wife told me (no idea what her source is) that there is only one reported case in Turkey...

We just have to wait my understanding is we’d only get our money back if they cancel our holiday not if we cancel is...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:32:56
We are supposed to be going to Turkey on the 19th of April.

We’re hopefully going out to Turkey around Easter but we haven’t booked our flights yet. Speaking to friends who live out there that say some flights from 9 countries are banned but Uk and Ireland are not. I suspect that will remain in place for a while as these 2 countries provide huge economical impact on the country. You may or may not know that you no longer need a Visa if you have a UK or Ireland passport. (found out today)

I’m waiting for news as to whether my work is doing wfh for the foreseeable future and then I’m going to book first available flights to Turkey and work from ‘home’ out there!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:37:52
The wife told me (no idea what her source is) that there is only one reported case in Turkey...

We just have to wait my understanding is we’d only get our money back if they cancel our holiday not if we cancel is...

It was 5 yesterday. 6 today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:41:05
We are supposed to be going to Turkey on the 19th of April.

Yep I like that, Turkey and gammon go nicely 😁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:41:53
I've been helping a few guys on twitter who have had their holidays cancelled, it's certainly tough times. One thing it's highlighted is how many people wait until last minute to get their insurance

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:42:09
Is it a term used to label people that keep on spouting political bollocks in unrelated threads like a spoilt child that can't have their own way?

Wow, who knew.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 12:45:11
and there was I thinking Tenerife in August was looking dodgy.

hope your insurance pays out of the worst happens. I've not even checked ours yet..

A friend recently booked a trip to Dubai in April. I wish I had their nonchalance (and bank balance).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 13:08:19
Sobering stuff.

Italians over 80 'Will be Left to Die' as Country Overwhelmed by Coronavirus (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 13:10:45
Went shopping and bumped into someone who i used to work with and his mrs. Nothing odd about that, but they had a full shopping trolley each. I asked ‘stocking up?’ Half jokingly, to get the response ‘well you can never be too sure, how long we might have to stay off if we have to’

Jesus fucking wept

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 13:17:43
A friend recently booked a trip to Dubai in April. I wish I had their nonchalance (and bank balance).
I know its a bit different but was speaking to a US colleague on Friday and he was telling me how cheap domestic flights are right now. Return flight from Newark to Tampa, Florida is $55 ($30 of that is taxes)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 13:26:32
At 10pm last night the city of Malaga showed their appreciation to the doctors and nurses fighting corona.
Was right across the whole city

Is that you getting a tune out of the saucepan Mex?  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 13:32:30
I have just bought a load of shopping trolleys while they are still a pound.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 13:34:20
Drove past Farmfoods this morning.
There was actually a queue of people waiting for it to open, things must be getting serious folks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 13:36:19
You may or may not know that you no longer need a Visa if you have a UK or Ireland passport. (found out today)

I’m waiting for news as to whether my work is doing wfh for the foreseeable future and then I’m going to book first available flights to Turkey and work from ‘home’ out there!

That's great news regarding the visa waiver (although it was simple enough), does that mean now that time spent in Turkey can be longer (without visa)? Asking for a friend, as I may 'work' out there remotely one day. I have a couple or three friends out there and they used to do the old "just nipping to Rhodes" trick but I believe that has been stamped down by the Turkish Gov.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 13:52:29
Drove past Farmfoods this morning.
There was actually a queue of people waiting for it to open, things must be getting serious folks.
Its a vicious circle. You have the panic buyers who are unnecessarily stocking up on items. This in turn causes panic across the non panic buyers because they are now panicking that there will not be anything left when they do need it,  ergo, they now feel the need to panic buy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 14:13:51
That's great news regarding the visa waiver (although it was simple enough), does that mean now that time spent in Turkey can be longer (without visa)? Asking for a friend, as I may 'work' out there remotely one day. I have a couple or three friends out there and they used to do the old "just nipping to Rhodes" trick but I believe that has been stamped down by the Turkish Gov.

Not completely sure to be honest. Think 90 days is still the maximum. Eventually we’re going to try and get residency permits.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 14:20:23
There’s only so much most people can get in a freezer. Generally, tinned food sucks.

The only thing I’ve probably overstocked on is bread flour and yeast.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 14:36:32
1 wonder how long it will be until the government allows lorry drivers special dispensation, to work over their driving hours,
so that there are plentiful supplies of hand wash and bog rolls on the shelves?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 15:13:47
Iceland in town was pretty quiet and well stocked. Bought a few items, had 1 person in front of me in the queue. No problems. Seems the big supermarkets are having the idiots going mad in them. They're watching each other and copying the behaviour

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 15:33:00
Iceland in town was pretty quiet and well stocked. Bought a few items, had 1 person in front of me in the queue. No problems. Seems the big supermarkets are having the idiots going mad in them. They're watching each other and copying the behaviour

Sainsbury's don't seem to be affected like Asda, Tescos, Aldi and Lidl

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 16:08:29
Sainsbury's don't seem to be affected like Asda, Tescos, Aldi and Lidl

Yesterday, Morrison's over Eldene was lacking in toilet roll but otherwise, not very busy and shelves pretty full.
Aldi in Upper Stratton was a bit busier but nothing too crazy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 16:12:48
Iceland in town was pretty quiet and well stocked. Bought a few items, had 1 person in front of me in the queue. No problems. Seems the big supermarkets are having the idiots going mad in them. They're watching each other and copying the behaviour

There comes a point where all the stockpilers will have fully stockpiled, and the shops will go through a lean phase where people are not buying much as they run down their supplies.  Spare a thought for the poor bastards eating their 720th consecutive pasta dinner on Feb 22nd, 2022.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 16:13:16
I can’t be doing with shops and the people in them so tried to go via the online route. First available slot is in 8 days!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 16:18:26
There comes a point where all the stockpilers will have fully stockpiled, and the shops will go through a lean phase where people are not buying much as they run down their supplies.  Spare a thought for the poor bastards eating their 720th consecutive pasta dinner on Feb 22nd, 2022.

No idea what replacements you will get if you've ordered biscuits,rice,pasta,porridge oats,toilet rolls etc😳

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 16:48:45
Government are out of touch on this. Both my parents and my in laws got calls from their Gp's saying to stay in no visitors on Friday until further notice.

I also know they aren't fully reporting fatalities, in London certainly.
How do you know that? Genuine question, not a dig. And does the update to 35 today account for that? i.e. is it just a case of lagging on making figures public or are you suggesting there's more systemic under-reporting going on?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 17:00:21
I was at a big supermarket in Bournemouth this morning, went in around 9.30 and there were about 100 queuing to get in. Got out around 10.10am and the car park was full, people looking for spaces.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 18:16:56
Can I just reiterate a point I made earlier.

A plane of 200+ people from Madrid- one of the most infected cities on the planet right now, landed at Gatwick this morning and not one person was checked. They all dispersed throughout England many of them on public transport.
This is one plane of many!

Why the fuck are they not being checked???

The uk government lack of doing a fucking  thing is tantamount to manslaughter. Seriously.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 18:21:57
Don't fret.
I'm sure Boris, after taking the weekend off as usual will have a prepared statement to bluster his way through tomorrow to put us all at ease.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 18:23:31
Don't fret.
I'm sure Boris, after taking the weekend off as usual will have a prepared statement to bluster his way through tomorrow to put us all at ease.

This is unbelievable, have been hearing this for the past couple of weeks though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 18:33:46
Johnson is a part time PM.  He is not in charge, and doesn't do detail.  He does what his advisers tell him to.

Tomorrow morning, he'll get a briefing from someone about what's been going on over the weekend.  Right now, he's still sleeping off a boozy roast dinner while Carrie is updating her Instagram account with pictures of animals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 18:54:06
Johnson is a part time PM.  He is not in charge, and doesn't do detail.  He does what his advisers tell him to.

Tomorrow morning, he'll get a briefing from someone about what's been going on over the weekend.  Right now, he's still sleeping off a boozy roast dinner while Carrie is updating her Instagram account with pictures of animals.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 18:58:30
Can I just reiterate a point I made earlier.

A plane of 200+ people from Madrid- one of the most infected cities on the planet right now, landed at Gatwick this morning and not one person was checked. They all dispersed throughout England many of them on public transport.
This is one plane of many!

Why the fuck are they not being checked???

The uk government lack of doing a fucking  thing is tantamount to manslaughter. Seriously.

I thought all you europhiles should be happy for this? Then they can pile in to our NHS facilities and deprive everyone else who has a right to it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 18:59:08
Don't fret.
I'm sure Boris, after taking the weekend off as usual will have a prepared statement to bluster his way through tomorrow to put us all at ease.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:00:42
I can’t be doing with shops and the people in them so tried to go via the online route. First available slot is in 8 days!

Oh dear, how sad, never mind, lovely boy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:05:05
Do you think LL wasn't able to buy a 16-roll pack of bog rolls in Asda this morning or something?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:10:39
Can I just reiterate a point I made earlier.

A plane of 200+ people from Madrid- one of the most infected cities on the planet right now, landed at Gatwick this morning and not one person was checked. They all dispersed throughout England many of them on public transport.
This is one plane of many!

Why the fuck are they not being checked???

The uk government lack of doing a fucking  thing is tantamount to manslaughter. Seriously.

3000 Athletico Madrid fans were in Liverpool on Wednesday for the Champions League game when they couldn't have attended their own home games at that time.  Certainly seems strange.

That said, I just heard a doctor on 5Live with Colin Murray say several times that it's likely that everyone will get the coronavirus in the UK at some stage, it's just about ensuring infections are spread across the year so that public services can cope.  If someone doesn't get it in this phase, they are likely to get it in the next phase.  The exceptions will be those that don't get it by the time a vaccine is developed.

That was very sobering.  When Colin asked him to repeat what he said, there was actually dead air for a few seconds.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:11:40
Do you think LL wasn't able to buy a 16-roll pack of bog rolls in Asda this morning or something?

No, he’s just a gargantuan imbicile.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:12:10
No, he’s just a gargantuan imbicile.

Says you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:12:53
Says you.

I’m sure I won’t be alone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:21:59
I’m sure I won’t be alone.

I’m sure too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:26:05
I thought all you europhiles should be happy for this? Then they can pile in to our NHS facilities and deprive everyone else who has a right to it.

As much as I love the NHS the spanish health system is vastly superior. I have used both extensively and it’s scary how far the NHS is lagging behind. Why the hell would the spanish want to travel to the UK to use an inferior service? Genuine question?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:34:25
I’m sure too.

Love you really LL. stay safe in these difficult times :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 20:18:01
As much as I love the NHS the spanish health system is vastly superior. I have used both extensively and it’s scary how far the NHS is lagging behind. Why the hell would the spanish want to travel to the UK to use an inferior service? Genuine question?

My folks live in Spain and the health service they have enjoyed over the last fifteen years has been brilliant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 20:50:28
How do you know that? Genuine question, not a dig. And does the update to 35 today account for that? i.e. is it just a case of lagging on making figures public or are you suggesting there's more systemic under-reporting going on?

I'm on the DR planning for a Local Authority. I know there were 2 deaths Friday in the borough, They reported 1. But the one they reported was in hospital, and the 2 I know about weren't. I don't think it's deliberate misinformation, just they don't really know the full picture.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 20:54:44
Yesterday, Morrison's over Eldene was lacking in toilet roll but otherwise, not very busy and shelves pretty full.
Aldi in Upper Stratton was a bit busier but nothing too crazy.

Every supermarket and wholesaler near me has been stripped bare of pretty much everything vaguely useful. I'm looking forward to winalot casserole this week. My weekly shop cost me £44 so i'm not moaning, and I didn't queue for 5 hours. I win.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 21:53:14
If this leak to the Guardian proves even to be partially accurate ...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 22:01:45
GWH has run out of masks for staff to wear...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bedford Red on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 22:35:49
I've just got in from a lovely three days in Amsterdam. It was very very quiet there, and i think all the people on the Eurostar coming back could have fitted in half a carriage.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 23:35:12
I'm on the DR planning for a Local Authority. I know there were 2 deaths Friday in the borough, They reported 1. But the one they reported was in hospital, and the 2 I know about weren't. I don't think it's deliberate misinformation, just they don't really know the full picture.
If that's the case, that's staggering incompetence on the part of the national authorities. If you are aware of 2 deaths due to coronavirus, then I assume those deaths have been diagnosed as due to the virus, but they've either not been reported up the chain or not been logged because they're not in a hospital. It's one thing to not bother testing cases outside hospitals and prisons, which seems to be the case now, but to not log the deaths? That's beyond negligent.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, March 16, 2020, 00:08:13
Not completely sure to be honest. Think 90 days is still the maximum. Eventually we’re going to try and get residency permits.

Was kind of hoping that 6 months/120 days was the new limit as would be easier to go "semi-permanent", return to blighty for December for a month, spend month to month in a few other places then head back out May (that would be the plan and then as you say, try to eventually get residency if I enjoy the longer stints). I'll ask my mate who is an ex pat and another who is Izmir born and bred, out there to see what the "official" line is.

Have to catch you for a pint out there some time. If you can handle the natter  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, March 16, 2020, 01:53:27

For those in the high risk groups (like you would be for any other virus), whom we should be looking out for at any time, not just now. Keep your eyes (or ears) on Brazil. A lot of work going on there and while the MSM seems to be enjoying the sadistic element of treating every new positive case, as if it were a death sentence; there could be more positive areas that they could focus on (we know that won't happen).

Out of interest though. It would be fascinating if the MSM were to report every positive case of Influenza and the current deaths since Devember too. Truth is they couldn't as there would be too many to report and fuck me panic levels would go beyond. People would be hot-footing it over to Switzerland to finish themselves off. Oh fuck, you can't even do that there's a flight ban!

In all seriousness, the article above gives strengthened hope to those in the upper 5% of most at risk.

Edit: Here's the WEEKLY data produced by PHE for the week ending 1st March 2020 for Influenza:

c5k ILI cases with c650 hospitalisations and c35 ICU admissions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, March 16, 2020, 09:40:41
GWH has run out of masks for staff to wear...

I don't know where you are getting your information from but this is the latest in a long line of bollocks statements from you. I have literally seen people wearing masks this morning.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, March 16, 2020, 09:46:10
My read is that the government strategy is for a decent chunk of the population who is healthy to get it, and build immunity. There's a lot of interesting reading on this idea (akin to herd immunity, but protecting the most vulnerable).

Protect the vulnerable, reduce and delay the peak through self-isolation and sensible social considerations, limit the impact on the economy by not closing everything and mitigate against an even more lethal second wave.

The European countries that are on complete lock down - what's the end game? As soon as they lift restrictions, they're in the same position or worse.

The only criticism I've got to this point is comms - but it's an unpalatable message to try and communicate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 16, 2020, 09:51:59
I don't know where you are getting your information from but this is the latest in a long line of bollocks statements from you. I have literally seen people wearing masks this morning.

It is not bollocks. My wife was on a night shift in SCBU on Friday. She called the premises team, and they said they had run out. SCBU never even had a delivery. I am not one to bullshit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, March 16, 2020, 09:58:54
They are not dishing out face masks to people who don't need them. Tell her to read her emails, everyone should know this.

I can screenshot if you really like?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, March 16, 2020, 10:02:16
Massive fallout in my office. My boss has said she is gonna work from home for the forseeable future as she's a bit concerned (her fella has cancer and is at risk).

Someone in a different team on an IM channel called her pathetic for 'overreacting and causing panic'. All hell broke loose. Quite entertaining

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, March 16, 2020, 10:12:39
Is the Prime minister still self isolating or will he do his fucking job?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 16, 2020, 10:14:29
Is the Prime minister still self isolating or will he do his fucking job?
Going by his track record, he has always been an oaf, so technically nothing has changed, work as normal :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 16, 2020, 10:30:42
Thread derailing again, this isn't the politics thread  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, March 16, 2020, 10:57:31
This forum has always derailed. It's a political issue anyway 🤷‍♂️

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 16, 2020, 12:15:52
Best coronavirus advice I've seen so far: "Behave as if you might be spreading it, not as if you’re trying to avoid it."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 16, 2020, 12:18:11

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Monday, March 16, 2020, 12:43:43

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 16, 2020, 13:38:39
Looks like we are going into full lockdown mode from Wednesday. Complete ban on citizens going anywhere either than to get groceries or medicines.

Did a Lidl shop today with Mrs Audrey - only one of us allowed into the shop. We will now get issued with a card when wanting to do a shop - much like the numbered tickets you get for queuing for certain things. Each customer must be 2 sqm away from the next customer.

We’ve had zero cases on Kefalonia!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 16, 2020, 14:09:26
Its being rumoured that as of later in the week racing is to be held behind closed doors only, not altogether clear why if that's Ok the same cannot be done for football?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 16, 2020, 14:18:29
Its being rumoured that as of later in the week racing is to be held behind closed doors only, not altogether clear why if that's Ok the same cannot be done for football?
Not the same level of person-person contact for participants in racing as there is in football

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 16, 2020, 14:23:16
I'm told that in some parts of Italy they aren't intervening on >65 year old catching it.

seems unlikely to me, but that's what an Italian doctor who has colleagues over there said...

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 16, 2020, 14:24:26
Its being rumoured that as of later in the week racing is to be held behind closed doors only, not altogether clear why if that's Ok the same cannot be done for football?
no longer a rumour . from Tuesday

football wasn't closed to protect the public.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, March 16, 2020, 14:37:36
Wfh across the company from tomorrow, expecting at least two months. Interesting times ahead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, March 16, 2020, 14:56:46
I'm told that in some parts of Italy they aren't intervening on >65 year old catching it.

seems unlikely to me, but that's what an Italian doctor who has colleagues over there said...

I think it is true, they are certainly already very public on the point having been reached where decisions need to be taken on where to exert the effort that is available.  Think one Doctor described as trying to decide how to help after an atom bomb.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 16, 2020, 15:07:20
Did a Lidl shop today with Mrs Audrey - only one of us allowed into the shop.

Did you go to the pub?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 16, 2020, 15:14:18
Did a Lidl shop today with Mrs Audrey - only one of us allowed into the shop.
That's your own fault for going shopping dressed in school uniforms :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 16, 2020, 15:20:48
Richard Branson - THE BILLIONAIRE - lays off his staff for 8 weeks WITHOUT PAY.

How many people will be able to last for 2 months without income. The amount of money involved would be nothings to somebody like him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Monday, March 16, 2020, 15:24:11
I hope those who are quick to say why aren't we copying this country or that country stop and read the following;

COVID-19 Why we are right to be scared, and what we can do about it. A thread that was first posted on Twitter, replicated here.

Who the hell am I? I’m a former Army officer who runs a charity these days, and isn’t a scientist.

I’ve an Environmental Sciences BSc sure, but not ‘an expert’ virologist, epidemiologist, or human factors guy. But - I do speak the language, and I am an expert on where the right answers lie.

From 2000 on I trained at Porton Down to specialise in chemical, biological & radiological warfare, deploying in support of UK interests around the world. Christmas 2000 on the Iraq border commanding manned biological detection systems, and things got really busy in 2001.

I started 2001 tracking the virology of F&M in the fields of Cumbria and Devon, but by end of the year I was in Kabul, dealing with some extraordinary challenges, including unsecured Russian Cobalt-60 sources, and Anthrax veterinary vaccine production facilities.

By 03 I was a Major, Chief of Staff to Dep Comd of the Iraq Survey Group. The bloke showing Dr David Kelly around Baghdad days before he returned to face enquiry. I’m not a blind government fanboy. Let's say I learnt the dangers of conflating politics & science the hard way.

I was on the staff at Porton Down, working on a host of projects including planning for military aid to civil authorities, incl pandemics.
So, COVID-19
Scary, isn’t it? I think so too.
There’s also an abundance of information out there, and you’ve questions.
I’ve an answer.

The teams behind the Chief Scientific Advisor are extraordinary.
They are genuinely the world leaders in their fields, and they are ridiculously good at their jobs.
They aren’t googling the answers, or parroting a line that they just heard from a pushy presenter on TV.

The plans for this stuff are incredibly comprehensive, and help a government to act decisively, and at the right time.
So much in response is about timing – and too soon can be more dangerous than too late.
Look at the second (winter) wave of Spanish flu (graph from CDC)

That long game is what they - the experts are considering now.
Pictures of smiling Chinese people removing masks are propaganda, not science. That’s designed to cause an emotional response, and not in your interests
Success of early containment can only be judged in years.

We – in the UK, right now, are doing incredibly well.
We’ll protect our vulnerable best by responding promptly when the time is right, and the people who hold that responsibility deserve our trust and our support.

That takes guts. I know that. Now, more than ever.

Government scientists, advisors and staff also have families, elderly relatives, the immunocompromised.
They aren’t automatons, they feel that weight of responsibility.

Party politics simply doesn’t come into it. It just doesn’t.

So don’t pander to it, or point score.

If your knowledge of the subject of pandemic is such that to understand the history of Spanish Flu you need to google it, then your dissent, because you are scared, has only one place.

Your inner monologue. Keep it to yourself.

Be brave. Read up on the .gov advice.

This is even more important than if you have a following for reasons other than your epidemiological expertise, so, some simple advice:

Shut the fuck up, you are scaring people.

People like Piers Morgan might have a voice, but they’d kill us all if we listened to it. Mute them.

Lastly, don’t feel bad about being scared. I’ve been scared, many times, don’t mind admitting it.

Turn off and mute the noise of those who seek personal gain by instilling fear and doubt in others. Those that pander and promote the worst in us. Be Kind.

So, look after each other, particularly those who are less able and more at risk.
Look after yourselves, your own mental as well as your physical health.

Follow the science.

Wash your hands.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Monday, March 16, 2020, 15:30:10
Taken from another forum but also interesting;

I am trained as an epidemiologist and a communicable disease physician. I have also worked in predictive modelling in healthcare and in international health systems development. I am not, however, claiming to be an expert, but I would like to make an few observations...

1... it is unwise to draw parallels from one country to another. Many factors will be different from place to place, population age structure, population density, breadth of healthcare coverage, reliability and breadth of testing facilities, reliability and breadth of contact tracing capability, stage of spread when control measures were first introduced, population mobility, and many other things.

2... epidemic curves are a base case estimate and bear little comparison with real world spread. The more a disease spreads, the less reliable they become and the more complex a situation is, the less predictive they will be.

3... In the UK, the actual experts on this sort of thing are known as "Consultants in Communicable Disease Control". In other countries there are different arrangements. While others, such as intensive care specialists, microbiologists, virologist, mathematicians, journalists, acute physicians, behavioural psychologists have a contribution to make, they are not experts on disease spread in the community and should not be regarded (or present themselves) as such

4... Almost everything that I have seen on social media is misleading and inaccurate. Some of it is extremely dangerous. If you want high quality information, you can get it from the health ministry, public health authority or health system of the country you are in. If you don't want to rely solely on government information, look at the official statements from reputable health orientated universities and departments. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Johns Hopkins and the TH Chan School of Public Health at Harvard are a good place to start. The World Health Organisation has good information, but it has to work in a range of very different countries and so may not be the most practically useful for a particular country.

5... we are not testing everybody in the world, so we can't reliably measure death rates. A simple totting up of the numbers will be a massive overestimate. In addition to this, the way people are tested varies massively from place to place. A low number of cases could mean not much disease or not enough testing.

6... There are only two meaningful strategies for managing an emerging infection. The first is containment, where you isolate cases and trace and test their contacts. If spread within a community becomes too great, this strategy becomes ineffective. The second strategy is herd immunity. The basis of this is that when a certain proportion of people have become immune to an infection, it can no longer spread and so people who are not immune are protected. This is why we vaccinate children. Part of a herd immunity strategy is to protect people at particular risk of harm until lots of low risk people are immune, so the disease can't spread to the vulnerable. A herd immunity strategy is not about culling the vulnerable, it is about protecting the vulnerable. This is a new infection and we are learning about it and our immune responses over time. Strategies will change and develop as knowledge grows

7... in many outbreaks, more people die (usually of things like heart attacks and strokes) because they can't get access to healthcare than die of the infection itself. It is extremely important to make sure that health services are not overwhelmed so that people can get the help they need.

8... there are three key ways we can protect health services. Firstly we need to ensure that, if we don't need to seek healthcare we stay away. Secondly, we "flatten the curve" to stretch out the number of people getting the infection over a longer time period, so they don't all arrive at hospital at the same time. Finally we need to ensure that we have enough people to staff our health and care services. If people can't get childcare, they may not be able to work, so we must be very cautious about closing schools etc.

9... nothing is simple and every action will have risks of negative consequences that we may not initially be aware of, so if something that is obvious to you is not happening, it doesn't necessarily mean that others are stupid or wicked, it is more likely that you are missing part of the picture...

10... social isolation can do a great deal of harm to people, particularly older people and the more vulnerable. As containment and delay measures increase it will be really important that our friends, families and neighbours are supported. If we all check in on those around us, no one will suffer unnecessarily. Now is a good time to start sharing phone numbers.

11... wash your hands

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 16, 2020, 15:51:46
Richard Branson - THE BILLIONAIRE - lays off his staff for 8 weeks WITHOUT PAY.

How many people will be able to last for 2 months without income. The amount of money involved would be nothings to somebody like him.
I think you mean the tax exile billionaire who sued the NHS for 10s of millions of pounds, depriving it of funds that could now be being used to combat this crisis and who is demanding a £7.5bn handout to save his failing business, again money that could be used to help all of us while he holes up and sits the whole thing out on his private island. That billionaire?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 16, 2020, 16:19:13
Northern Premier League suspended until further notice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 16, 2020, 16:22:22

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 16, 2020, 16:57:52
Northern Premier League suspended until further notice.

Can imagine it'll all be off now we are into the next phase of distancing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Monday, March 16, 2020, 17:13:32
But are we gonna do Stonehenge tomorrow.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, March 16, 2020, 17:20:34
Tonight's press conference is a bit odd - everyone being 'urged' to avoid social contact where not necessary, but almost nothing is being mandated closed? Seems an odd combination.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 16, 2020, 17:23:29

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 16, 2020, 17:24:01
it's also odd - no pubs, clubs, restaurants and theatres

off you go to school tomorrow though ...

I get tying up patents with childcare, but ??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Monday, March 16, 2020, 17:26:56

Virtual gigs seem to be the in thing at the moment. I've watched a couple live on Facebook and Twitch. Good fun.

Feel sorry for the bands who rely on touring as their income, I'm seeing Billionaires asking the government for handouts when its these guys, the musicians, the artists and pretty much anyone self employed that need help the most.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 16, 2020, 17:28:21
Tonight's press conference is a bit odd - everyone being 'urged' to avoid social contact where not necessary, but almost nothing is being mandated closed? Seems an odd combination.

By leaving decisions in the hands of venue owners rather than demanding it, means that the government will not be liable for losses if places choose to close. I also assume it will not make insurance engage?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 16, 2020, 17:33:06
So while Branson is asking for £7.5bn bail out from the government whilst demanding his staff take 8 weeks unpaid leave, in France  Louis Vuitton are turning their factories over to produce hand sanitiser FOC for the French Health authorities...

Ever think we may have lost our way as a nation a little....

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 16, 2020, 17:39:27
not really a fair comparison.

there were rumours Air France-klm would need one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, March 16, 2020, 18:07:35
Bransons a cock

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 16, 2020, 18:08:55
Quote from: tans
Bransons a cock
a beardy cock at that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 16, 2020, 18:28:34
grass roots football suspended.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 16, 2020, 18:33:51
Virtual gigs seem to be the in thing at the moment. I've watched a couple live on Facebook and Twitch. Good fun.

Feel sorry for the bands who rely on touring as their income, I'm seeing Billionaires asking the government for handouts when its these guys, the musicians, the artists and pretty much anyone self employed that need help the most.
I'm self employed, had a few cancellations but hanging on in there, good job as would have to get in line behind Branson and all the other rich fuckers going cap in hand

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 16, 2020, 18:49:56
So I'm ok to go to work where there are 1200 people, but not to the pub where there are less than 20. Yep good one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, March 16, 2020, 19:09:22
So I'm ok to go to work where there are 1200 people, but not to the pub where there are less than 20. Yep good one.

How many of those kids would need to be looked after by their grandparents during the day though? Recipe for a disaster

We are in unique times and the answers aren’t simple

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 16, 2020, 19:15:29
It's not necessarily the kids. It's the staff in the schools which are off. We have 4 off in one school. Cover supply teachers don't want to go into schools.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 16, 2020, 19:16:02
How many of those kids would need to be looked after by their grandparents during the day though?
Or by a parent who is a medical professional or works in a supermarket etc etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 16, 2020, 19:17:52
There are worse things than panic buying bog rolls

Thanks to the Yanks for finding a new low

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 16, 2020, 19:31:53
Meanwhile in Holland....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 16, 2020, 20:29:58
Just pinched this from another page, kind of makes sense now.

COVID-19 plan for UK

I’m going to explain Boris’s method for anybody who doesn’t quite get it. I’m not saying if I agree with his plan or not but here goes:-

His plan is to segregate all vulnerable people (older, ill and at risk) let’s call this group A

Anyone looking after the older, ill and at risk can be group B

The general population, generally healthy can be group C

Group C needs to go about it’s business keeping the country moving, kids at school and us at work

Group B looks after group A and avoids contact with C

Group C is allowed to contract the virus and because it’s generally healthy it can cope with it better than group A

Group A and B are almost self isolating without the virus to avoid putting a strain on the NHS and reducing the risk of getting the virus and then needing the NHS

Group C (the generally healthy) go through the cycle of contracting the virus self isolating and being looked after by healthy family members, friends and the local community.

Anyone who has complications gets looked after by the NHS while groups A and B are kept away. The NHS are not strained by A and B while its looking after complicated cases in C

As group C comes full circle and recovers it divides into groups that take group B’s position looking after group A allowing group B to go though the cycle

With group B and C though the cycle, group A is free to have the NHS to itself because B and C are now clear from illness and infection and hopefully have a degree of immunity from getting it again this season.

Hope this helps

Everyone has a job to do for the above to work

Stay safe..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, March 16, 2020, 20:37:43
for those that are self employed, have you gone through your insurance for cover of loss of income and has anyone spoke with insurance companies to see if you are covered?

for me unfortunately- it looks like its an add-on that was not selected on the policy. i would imagine that its impossible for me to now act. i am lucky enough that i could go without income for quite a period but that's not to say it isn't needed if a claim would allow.  

edit* (

But while many policies do have business interruption coverage, a significant number of these policies exclude compensation for communicable disease outbreaks, a change many insurers made after the SARS outbreak of 2003.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 16, 2020, 20:45:01
for those that are self employed, have you gone through your insurance for cover of loss of income and has anyone spoke with insurance companies to see if you are covered?

for me unfortunately- it looks like its an add-on that was not selected on the policy. i would imagine that its impossible for me to now act. i am lucky enough that i could go without income for quite a period but that's not to say it isn't needed if a claim would allow. 
what insurance, I only have liability :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, March 16, 2020, 20:49:27
what insurance, I only have liability :hmmm:

if its only liability then i guess that only covers 3rd party against you.

a lot of policies include personal accident and loss of earnings.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 16, 2020, 20:52:42
if its only liability then i guess that only covers 3rd party against you.

a lot of policies include personal accident and loss of earnings.
cheers, its not bad for me at the moment, if it does get dodgy i'm going to have a go at getting some of that budget handout :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, March 16, 2020, 21:24:02
Reading pub/restaurant pages on Facebook saying they will open and ignore the advice. Their followers are all saying fuck Boris etc. Unless there is a lockdown like Spain have and tomorrow France introduce, ordered by our government any advice will be ignored. The good old British spirit is now a selfish I'll do what I like non society.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 16, 2020, 21:34:59
I agree Artiba, but humans have always been selfish.. not everyone, but enough.

Thing is, if  the government act like it's an advisory thing through not enforcing it can they honestly be surprised?

It's the same all over. look at the fans that gathered outside PSG for their closed doors friendly....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 16, 2020, 21:37:40
Reading pub/restaurant pages on Facebook saying they will open and ignore the advice. Their followers are all saying fuck Boris etc. Unless there is a lockdown like Spain have and tomorrow France introduce, ordered by our government any advice will be ignored. The good old British spirit is now a selfish I'll do what I like non society.
I don't blame the pubs and restaurants tbh, if the govt want them to close they need to set out an order forcing them to close, then the businesses can claim on their insurance. Without that, if it stays as "advice", they're fucked. A lot of them could go under. I know what you're saying about the individuals though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, March 16, 2020, 21:40:03
Just pinched this from another page, kind of makes sense now.

COVID-19 plan for UK

I’m going to explain Boris’s method for anybody who doesn’t quite get it. I’m not saying if I agree with his plan or not but here goes:-

His plan is to segregate all vulnerable people (older, ill and at risk) let’s call this group A

Anyone looking after the older, ill and at risk can be group B

The general population, generally healthy can be group C

Group C needs to go about it’s business keeping the country moving, kids at school and us at work

Group B looks after group A and avoids contact with C

Group C is allowed to contract the virus and because it’s generally healthy it can cope with it better than group A

Group A and B are almost self isolating without the virus to avoid putting a strain on the NHS and reducing the risk of getting the virus and then needing the NHS

Group C (the generally healthy) go through the cycle of contracting the virus self isolating and being looked after by healthy family members, friends and the local community.

Anyone who has complications gets looked after by the NHS while groups A and B are kept away. The NHS are not strained by A and B while its looking after complicated cases in C

As group C comes full circle and recovers it divides into groups that take group B’s position looking after group A allowing group B to go though the cycle

With group B and C though the cycle, group A is free to have the NHS to itself because B and C are now clear from illness and infection and hopefully have a degree of immunity from getting it again this season.

Hope this helps

Everyone has a job to do for the above to work

Stay safe..

I'm AA (i'll get a bra one day) I'm at home now from now for the foreseeable. Mind you was probably safer at work as I've been commuting on empty trains the last few days

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, March 16, 2020, 21:51:32
I agree Artiba, but humans have always been selfish.. not everyone, but enough.

Thing is, if  the government act like it's an advisory thing through not enforcing it can they honestly be surprised?

It's the same all over. look at the fans that gathered outside PSG for their closed doors friendly....

Good points.
I don't blame the pubs and restaurants tbh, if the govt want them to close they need to set out an order forcing them to close, then the businesses can claim on their insurance. Without that, if it stays as "advice", they're fucked. A lot of them could go under. I know what you're saying about the individuals though

Again good points. The most important from both of you is the "advice" part. It needs to be orders, but orders can see the government blamed if it doesn't work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, March 16, 2020, 23:22:00
Almost valid pints.

We must not eradicate this virus as one day it will save us from the martians.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 00:14:37
Chloroquin- the savior? Sure we will see more about this in the next week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 03:20:14
Interesting. If true could Quinine not also be considered? As well as Plaquenil. I don;y know huge amounts about Plaquenil (or Chloroquine) but they are chiefly anti-Malarial drugs. I know more about Quinine though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 06:57:41
Chloroquin- the savior? Sure we will see more about this in the next week.
Also the drugs used to combat HIV have proven successful against the virus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 07:15:13
As already said by many, the govt edict that we 'should' avoid pubs etc. is bizarre.  That is one area where they surely need to quickly hold their hands up, acknowledge they got it wrong and close them.

One area where I do disagree, perhaps naively, with earlier posters is that I believe the vast majority of people in this country will do the right thing if they are enabled to do it.  That means:
1.  Getting the financial support package working for people & businesses that need it.
2.  Ensuring that the govt message is clear & unambiguous.
3.  Getting the media to grasp that their primary job is to keep pushing that message and to be challenging it only when really necessary rather than because they think it is clever and newsworthy to push out contradictory messages.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 08:19:50
Interesting. If true could Quinine not also be considered?

On this basis I am going to crack open the G&T's.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 08:32:54
I'm meant to be staying to Brixham next weekend and attending a music festival in Paignton. I'm sure it will be cancelled. I can get a refund on my Airbnb but the pre bought train tickets are currently non refundable. I don't know whether to still go down and drive there and just go for walks and mind our own business really. Guess I'll wait until this time next week and see how things are🥴

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 08:39:36
I am currently fucking furious.

Ive lost all my work until at least May, but realistically I cant see my business getting back until August.

That sloping shouldered piece of shit Johnson has thrown my entire industry under the bus to protect his insurance company mates.

I was sitting watching his pathetic abdication of duty whilst running a show at the roundhouse.  We'd sold 2000 tickets and we are left with him telling the country not to go out.  Whether this is right or not he has to actually enforce it not just suggest it.  So Im left to make the decision of whether or not we open the doors on a gig.

We did and less than 48% of the ticket buyers came to it.

If he doesnt enforce a shutdown we get no support.  Our cancellation insurance does not get paid.  Our industry, the theatre industry, the comedy industry every creative art is fucked by this pathetic non leadership.

A massive crisis is happening and we have leaders showing nothing but self interest.

I really might as well declare bankruptcy now.  There is now no purpose, no need for me.

Absolute disgraceful cunt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 08:42:27
I am currently fucking furious.

Ive lost all my work until at least May, but realistically I cant see my business getting back until August.

That sloping shouldered piece of shit Johnson has thrown my entire industry under the bus to protect his insurance company mates.

I was sitting watching his pathetic abdication of duty whilst running a show at the roundhouse.  We'd sold 2000 tickets and we are left with him telling the country not to go out.  Whether this is right or not he has to actually enforce it not just suggest it.  So Im left to make the decision of whether or not we open the doors on a gig.

We did and less than 48% of the ticket buyers came to it.

If he doesnt enforce a shutdown we get no support.  Our cancellation insurance does not get paid.  Our industry, the theatre industry, the comedy industry every creative art is fucked by this pathetic non leadership.

A massive crisis is happening and we have leaders showing nothing but self interest.

I really might as well declare bankruptcy now.  There is now no purpose, no need for me.

Absolute disgraceful cunt.

I know my words are of no help but i am furious for you. I have a lot of friends in the music industry and its horrible seeing them fucked over. I really hope something changes and BJ does the right thing.
I wish there was more we could do to help.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 08:58:43
I am currently fucking furious.

Ive lost all my work until at least May, but realistically I cant see my business getting back until August.

That sloping shouldered piece of shit Johnson has thrown my entire industry under the bus to protect his insurance company mates.

I was sitting watching his pathetic abdication of duty whilst running a show at the roundhouse.  We'd sold 2000 tickets and we are left with him telling the country not to go out.  Whether this is right or not he has to actually enforce it not just suggest it.  So Im left to make the decision of whether or not we open the doors on a gig.

We did and less than 48% of the ticket buyers came to it.

If he doesnt enforce a shutdown we get no support.  Our cancellation insurance does not get paid.  Our industry, the theatre industry, the comedy industry every creative art is fucked by this pathetic non leadership.

A massive crisis is happening and we have leaders showing nothing but self interest.

I really might as well declare bankruptcy now.  There is now no purpose, no need for me.

Absolute disgraceful cunt.

Feel for you. The arts, retail and hospitality industries are the current front-line. No one knew how fast or how deeply the country would pay with its lives or livelihoods for electing a callous chancer manipulated by big money and cynical opportunists. The derogation of responsibility is shocking, especially when compared with the rest of Europe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 09:08:26
Old BJ made a right fuck up. I hope he slept well. I'm not very political, but that 'show' last night was a farce.

As others have said he needs to force the shut or nothing. Why did he even mention it? Pubs/Restaurants/Social events will all be affected. They can't claim on insurance as it's advised only.

This whole thing is farcical. I genuinely don't understand what is going on. This virus was around before christmas but no one battered an eye lid. People just got on with it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 09:25:02
As already said by many, the govt edict that we 'should' avoid pubs etc. is bizarre.  That is one area where they surely need to quickly hold their hands up, acknowledge they got it wrong and close them.

One area where I do disagree, perhaps naively, with earlier posters is that I believe the vast majority of people in this country will do the right thing if they are enabled to do it.  That means:
1.  Getting the financial support package working for people & businesses that need it.
2.  Ensuring that the govt message is clear & unambiguous.
3.  Getting the media to grasp that their primary job is to keep pushing that message and to be challenging it only when really necessary rather than because they think it is clever and newsworthy to push out contradictory messages.
Don't think you're naive at all. There will always be exceptions, always be some selfish dickheads, but if people are given clear messages and clear leadership, I agree they will in the main try to do the right thing. Sadly we're lacking in both at the moment.

One thing I missed last night but which has become apparent this morning is that this is a massive U-turn by the govt. Following a new modelling study done at Imperial College based on the data from Italy, the scientists are admitting now that the "herd immunity" strategy isn't going to work, at least not in the short term without a vaccine, and that we do need to move (albeit belatedly) to a much more stringent lockdown model.  That is what this is about. And while they have massively fucked up the communication of it, surely there will have to be a financial safety net for pubs and the entertainment industry in what Sunak announces today? Macron has unrolled a e300bn package in France to stave off the effects on the French economy. That gives some idea of how inadequate the £12bn announced last week now looks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 09:28:08

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 09:31:46

Brilliant. Nicking that.  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 10:51:43
Yup, very good  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 11:04:14
Don't think you're naive at all. There will always be exceptions, always be some selfish dickheads, but if people are given clear messages and clear leadership, I agree they will in the main try to do the right thing. Sadly we're lacking in both at the moment.

One thing I missed last night but which has become apparent this morning is that this is a massive U-turn by the govt. Following a new modelling study done at Imperial College based on the data from Italy, the scientists are admitting now that the "herd immunity" strategy isn't going to work, at least not in the short term without a vaccine, and that we do need to move (albeit belatedly) to a much more stringent lockdown model.  That is what this is about. And while they have massively fucked up the communication of it, surely there will have to be a financial safety net for pubs and the entertainment industry in what Sunak announces today? Macron has unrolled a e300bn package in France to stave off the effects on the French economy. That gives some idea of how inadequate the £12bn announced last week now looks.

Yes I've been heartened by stories of people setting up neighbourhood groups to look out for each other and arrange shopping etc. for their at risk neighbours.  In Bristol an impromptu voucher scheme has sprung up whereby you buy a voucher from your favourite local restaurant/bar/club/hairdresser which they'll redeem for the equivalent service when it becomes viable to do so.  Not practical for everyone to do of course, and not a universal solution, but gives not just  financial assistance to businesses but reinforces to them that their customers may have disappeared temporarily but they care that they keep going.

As for the govt, yes the budget never envisaged something like this.  Whether it should have done is not as relevant as whether Sunak is going to step up to the mark today. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 11:53:47
I feel for you Sax. I'm in the early stages of setting up my own creative management company (alongside my photography) and have been on the verge of getting my plan approved by lenders. That's currently in limbo. In the meantime, I had 2 filming shoots, a couple of gigs and a Charity Ball upcoming end of this month/into April. All cancelled of course.

It's not a huge order book granted but I am starting out. All this has fucked my current strategy but lack of clarity from Gov also means I'm left uncertain whether to change my own strategy. A lot of what I do relies on face 2 face networking too. It can work without for some things but I'm not really near that stage yet. Events, shoots, gigs etc need physical presence anyway. Potential art clients can view digital images/galleries of paintings/sculptures etc but they like to see them in the flesh more often than not.

I don't expect any help but for the short term I'm left back at pretty much zero. I think anyone knows starting any business from scratch isn't easy, sustaining it also.

All I can offer is at least when we come through this we will have a chance to rebuild. Creative arts and public will be hungry for entertainment.

At least we're not dead yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 12:31:02
On this basis I am going to crack open the G&T's.

Don't, you'll start a monumental shift of panic buying fucking Andrex to Schweppes  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 12:38:02
Euros -> 2021 according to Norwegian FA

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 12:39:58
I feel for you Pax. I'm in the early stages of setting up my own creative management company (alongside my photography) and have been on the verge of getting my plan approved by lenders. That's currently in limbo. In the meantime, I had 2 filming shoots, a couple of gigs and a Charity Ball upcoming end of this month/into April. All cancelled of

I don't expect any help but for the short term I'm left back at pretty much zero. I think anyone knows starting any business from scratch isn't easy, sustaining it also.

All I can offer is at least when we come through this we will have a chance to rebuild. Creative arts and public will be hungry for entertainment.

At least we're not dead yet.
Feel for you Bamboo, Good luck mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 12:40:11
Horse racing stopping until the end of April.
What are us gambling addicts expected to bet on?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 12:41:20
date when horse racing will really be on again?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 12:48:59
Govt now advising against non-essential foreign travel, warning that there is a risk people may not be able to return to the country if further travel restrictions are imposed (i.e. they are on the table)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: THE FLASH on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 12:53:20
Euros off...2021 now.

Havent read apologise if im late.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 13:00:35
Euros off...2021 now.

Havent read apologise if im late.
Just like the Summer Ball.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 13:35:45
Govt now advising against non-essential foreign travel, warning that there is a risk people may not be able to return to the country if further travel restrictions are imposed (i.e. they are on the table)

For 30 days.

Our holiday is in 32 days!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 13:43:31
Feel for you Bamboo, Good luck mate.

Yup.  Same.  Really shitty timing for you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 14:08:02
Feel huge sympathy for all of you being adversely affected, for now we are OK but who knows once Councils strat to grand to a halt etc.

On a slightly lighter note, any news whether we are taking part in this?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 14:30:04
I think I should be OK *touches wood*.

I do all of my work online and my clients work in related (online) fields. If anything, I might even see more work as people have more time to spend on personal projects. That, and other people in general are likely to be spending a lot more time on the internet (more ad revenue).

They've closed the pubs etc today though. Booo.

Also, I sent the wife our for 'a few bits in case'. We're now prepared for WWIII.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 14:32:10

Also, I sent the wife our for 'a few bits in case'. We're now prepared for WWIII.

Mrs Horlock07 had an online shop delivered today, not sure she really gets stockpiling as the main components were 6 wine boxes some Belgian beer and a load of Prosecco!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 14:32:46
Mrs Horlock07 had an online shop delivered today, not sure she really gets stockpiling as the main components were 6 wine boxes some Belgian beer and a load of Prosecco!
Mmmm Belgian beer, my favourite, what type?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 14:35:46
This whole thing is farcical. I genuinely don't understand what is going on. This virus was around before christmas but no one battered an eye lid. People just got on with it.

Having personally endured a lengthy, nasty, and has to be said, unusual bug pre and post-Xmas, this one is intriguing, having seen very many similar claims on social media. Don't recall reading of anyone with that winter bug being rushed into ICU and hooked up to a ventilator as a result, perhaps it went under the radar.

It's a comforting thought to believe you're immune from CV, potentially, but with hundreds of different strains of virus out there, many with similar symptoms, has to be wishful thinking, don't you think  ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 14:36:40
Mrs Horlock07 had an online shop delivered today, not sure she really gets stockpiling as the main components were 6 wine boxes some Belgian beer and a load of Prosecco!
Not sure you get it, sounds like she's nailed it!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 14:49:56
Mmmm Belgian beer, my favourite, what type?

Leffe Blonde, Asda's online selection is very limited. Am supposed to be going cycling in Belgium start of May so would have got the chance to stock up at Carrefour but suspect that's gone down the toilet now!

Having personally endured a lengthy, nasty, and has to be said, unusual bug pre and post-Xmas, this one is intriguing, having seen very many similar claims on social media. Don't recall reading of anyone with that winter bug being rushed into ICU and hooked up to a ventilator as a result, perhaps it went under the radar.

It's a comforting thought to believe you're immune from CV, potentially, but with hundreds of different strains of virus out there, many with similar symptoms, has to be wishful thinking, don't you think  ?

My Missus had a god awful bug/chest infection that just wouldn't shift over Christmas and January, however I suspect Sippo is reflecting upon the fact it was around in China around Christmas?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 14:52:08
Nope. In this country. My wife was ill, in November/December. There was a lot going around. We just got on with it. Night Nurse works wonders.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 14:56:01
Leffe Blonde, Asda's online selection is very limited. Am supposed to be going cycling in Belgium start of May so would have got the chance to stock up at Carrefour but suspect that's gone down the toilet now!
Leffe is ok as a bog standard quite drinkable.

I go to Belgium every couple of years and am off there again in August (fingers crossed!) Carrefour is decent and very cheap, always load the car up at one before we come back, so bloody cheap too, the beers I buy (normally nothing under 9% but up to 20%) are about £4 each here and in Carrefour they are 50p!

I get an order every month or 2 from either Beerwulf or Beers of Europe online.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:02:28
Leffe is ok as a bog standard quite drinkable.

I go to Belgium every couple of years and am off there again in August (fingers crossed!) Carrefour is decent and very cheap, always load the car up at one before we come back, so bloody cheap too, the beers I buy (normally nothing under 9% but up to 20%) are about £4 each here and in Carrefour they are 50p!

I get an order every month or 2 from either Beerwulf or Beers of Europe online.


We had got a good route planned which was going to include a visit here but shit happens, if not this year maybe next!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:03:38
Nope. In this country. My wife was ill, in November/December. There was a lot going around. We just got on with it. Night Nurse works wonders.
You're comparing apples with oranges. The danger from coronavirus is not primarily to people like you and your missus. It's to people who have existing illnesses that suppress their immune systems or existing bronchial conditions or people who are elderly. They are all at severe risk and may die if they catch it. If we all "just get on with it", then we run round spreading the virus and increasing the chance that the vulnerable will catch it and be severely ill or die.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:07:03
Nope. In this country. My wife was ill, in November/December. There was a lot going around. We just got on with it. Night Nurse works wonders.

But was that Coronavirus or just another of the plethora of shitty flu type bugs we have every year. As I said above my missus was absolutely rotten with it for about 6 weeks (which has made her very worried about Coronavirus as she has asthma which was shitty with this other bug). Everyone had a version of it in the village.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:07:31
See Barnet have laid off all non-playing staff, its going to bite football hard!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:08:01
We had got a good route planned which was going to include a visit here but shit happens, if not this year maybe next!
Like a bit of Westvleteren beer. Not done that Brewery but we are staying the night at Ypres in August so may look at it.

Last time we went and did the Gordon Brewery (my favourite beer ever) and if you can get there the Chimay Brewery is well worth it they make several beers that are only sold at the Brewery and their cheeses are amazing too, takes your mind off Coronovirus ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:14:07
You're comparing apples with oranges. The danger from coronavirus is not primarily to people like you and your missus. It's to people who have existing illnesses that suppress their immune systems or existing bronchial conditions or people who are elderly. They are all at severe risk and may die if they catch it. If we all "just get on with it", then we run round spreading the virus and increasing the chance that the vulnerable will catch it and be severely ill or die.
Whilst that is true, the same - if not worse - can be said of seasonal flu. Nobody bats and eyelid with that. If the old and unhealthy catch it the result is much the same.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:14:33
Like a bit of Westvleteren beer. Not done that Brewery but we are staying the night at Ypres in August so may look at it.

Last time we went and did the Gordon Brewery (my favourite beer ever) and if you can get there the Chimay Brewery is well worth it they make several beers that are only sold at the Brewery and their cheeses are amazing too, takes your mind off Coronovirus ;)

We were supposed to be having two nights in Wipers (it was planned basically as a beer and WW1 trip), so the plan was to have a spin out to Poperinge on the middle day, do the hops museum there then there is also a c.40k beer cycle ride from there that takes in the breweries.

My fave is probably Kwaremont, but might be a bit biased as had two big day long sessions on the Oude Kwaremont watching the Tour of Flanders!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:15:51
Whilst that is true, the same - if not worse - can be said of seasonal flu. Nobody bats and eyelid with that. If the old and unhealthy catch it the result is much the same.

There is a vaccine for flu, we could be 18 months away before we know of a vaccine for coronavirus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:18:06
Whilst that is true, the same - if not worse - can be said of seasonal flu. Nobody bats and eyelid with that. If the old and unhealthy catch it the result is much the same.

Coronavirus appears to have a MUCH higher fatality rate. If estimates of killing 1% of people are right, then that would mean it will kill 10x as many people as the flu does

It may also cripple the health system - putting people at higher risk of dying from other diseases.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:24:06
Whilst that is true, the same - if not worse - can be said of seasonal flu. Nobody bats and eyelid with that. If the old and unhealthy catch it the result is much the same.
"if not worse" - worse than death?
a) there is treatment for flu
b) the mortality rate seems to be far higher for coronavirus
c) the numbers requiring hospital treatment, even where they are not elderly, are far higher for coronavirus. Running the risk that the health service gets overwhelmed.

This is far worse than flu. Utterly astonished that that message hasn't got through yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:24:25
I thought it was 3%. great news if its 1%

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:24:50
"if not worse" - worse than death?
a) there is treatment and a vaccine for flu
b) the mortality rate seems to be far higher for coronavirus
c) the numbers requiring hospital treatment, even where they are not elderly, are far higher for coronavirus. Running the risk that the health service gets overwhelmed.

This is far worse than flu. Utterly astonished that that message hasn't got through yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:24:58
We were supposed to be having two nights in Wipers (it was planned basically as a beer and WW1 trip), so the plan was to have a spin out to Poperinge on the middle day, do the hops museum there then there is also a c.40k beer cycle ride from there that takes in the breweries.

My fave is probably Kwaremont, but might be a bit biased as had two big day long sessions on the Oude Kwaremont watching the Tour of Flanders!
Kwaremont is a bit on the weak side for my pallate, I normally drink nothing under 8% or 9%. Lovely area, we did the WW1 stuff last time and we are taking the step daughter this time for her first beer holiday!

Hope you get there!

We went to lay a rose on the Menin Gate for my Great Uncle who is named on it, very moving and the Belgies are lovely people and very friendly.

The 600,000 little orange scultures near Ypres is incredible at ComingWorldRememberMe.

Now back to Coronavirus.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:30:26
Feel huge sympathy for all of you being adversely affected, for now we are OK but who knows once Councils strat to grand to a halt etc.

On a slightly lighter note, any news whether we are taking part in this?

Answering my own question, yes.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:31:52
I thought it was 3%. great news if its 1%
We don't really know what it is because we don't know with any accuracy how many people are infected. It's running at around 7% in Italy. And we're at the start here. We won't have a good idea what the mortality rate is here until people start dying in numbers :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:32:58
There is a vaccine for flu, we could be 18 months away before we know of a vaccine for coronavirus.

But flu still kills thousands of people every year. The flu jab just reduces the risk of catching it. Still affects old people and underlying conditions.

Not being confrontational, but I genuinely don't understand it all. Maybe I won't. It just all seems a bit extreme for me. What happens when this phase passes and it returns later in the year?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:33:47
But flu still kills thousands of people every year. The flu jab just reduces the risk of catching it. Still affects old people and underlying conditions.
Read the other answers above. This is far worse than flu.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:41:37
But flu still kills thousands of people every year. The flu jab just reduces the risk of catching it. Still affects old people and underlying conditions.

Not being confrontational, but I genuinely don't understand it all. Maybe I won't. It just all seems a bit extreme for me. What happens when this phase passes and it returns later in the year?

Are you just choosing to ignore what others have already said?

It is expected to be FAR worse than the flu. It could kill A LOT of people. Potentially hundreds of thousands in the UK alone. Perhaps even more.

What is it about that that you can't understand? Genuine question.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:47:09
Lady who sits next to my wife at work tested positive earlier. Eek.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 15:56:08
The problem people are having with the flu confusion is that it's been around for years and we have vaccines that reduce the potential spread of the disease and impact of getting it, on top of the lower mortality rate.

On top of that Covid-19 is early in the epidemic stage in each country (it's very interesting looking at the various Day + graphs that are available to see how each country has a very similar curve after Day 1 - first patient).  Then you have different countries hit in different ways because they are reacting to it differently.  There is some good modelling available that shows through a simulation the impact various types of social distancing can have on spread and it appears the data is converging that the ONLY way to slow the curve sufficiently is practically isolation (China and to a lesser extent South Korea, where demographics of the outbreak helped them a bit).  Italy is currently showing what happens when the virus gets into a population with a higher age spread and more people with lung conditions.

Essentially - people see panic right now because of where we are at the curve vs Flu.  The problem is that not taking action today means a curve that pushes this well beyond Flu within a matter of weeks.

The mortality rate is also going to change rapidly because it impacts different age groups in different ways - so Italy may remain worse than most other countries and South Korea may have got lucky for now rather than being ahead of the curve.

This is at least 10x worse than flu in terms of potential deaths, if it is allowed to get to the same levels of infection as Flu before a vaccine is created.  Once you get a vaccine, assuming it is as effective, the higher mortality rate SHOULD mean it ends-up being less impactful over time than flu.  The panic is necessary - you cannot let this be let loose like Flu is now allowed to be (actually, it probably raises some good questions about how we handle that - things like people being scorned if they take days off when they are not at deaths door for example).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 16:21:18
Funny you mention South Korea, North Korea has been very quiet!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 16:27:34
Barnet have put all of their non-playing staff on notice of redundancy due to coronavirus. They won't be the last and this won't be the worst of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 16:29:02
You have got to love the guy....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 16:29:08
Are you just choosing to ignore what others have already said?

It is expected to be FAR worse than the flu. It could kill A LOT of people. Potentially hundreds of thousands in the UK alone. Perhaps even more.

What is it about that that you can't understand? Genuine question.

I don’t know. Maybe I am trying to think positive and don’t understand why all the panic stations. I understand it’s serious but maybe a bit naive on how serious it is. Everyone I speak to seems to think we are over reacting.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 16:40:52
Barnet have put all of their non-playing staff on notice of redundancy due to coronavirus. They won't be the last and this won't be the worst of it.

Mentioned 2 pages back  ;) keep up at the back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 16:49:47
Mentioned 2 pages back  ;) keep up at the back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:05:23
I don’t know. Maybe I am trying to think positive and don’t understand why all the panic stations. I understand it’s serious but maybe a bit naive on how serious it is. Everyone I speak to seems to think we are over reacting.

This is why I fear so many people will die.

Thinking positively will not prevent the spread.  Lockdowns will only slow infection rates if a vaccine is at least a year away.
Think about our population size and what it means if the majority get infected, which they inevitably will. Hospitals simply wouldn’t have the staff, beds or essential equipment to cope with the elderly or vulnerable people who will need medical attention. If the virus doesn’t kill them, the lack of specialist care will.

If you have grandparents or older parents, it’s really important you and everyone reading takes as many preventative measures as possible to slow the spread.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:09:16
Rishi Sunak is giving the press conference Boris should have given yesterday. Money for every business, guaranteed loans with no interest, suspending business rates. Three month mortgage holidays for anyone struggling with payments.

This is fucking action, not "we don't think you should go to the pub".

I realise it's not hard to look like a leader stood next to Johnson but this is how it's done.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:12:34
Rishi Sunak is giving the press conference Boris should have given yesterday. Money for every business, guaranteed loans with no interest, suspending business rates. Three month mortgage holidays for anyone struggling with payments.

This is fucking action, not "we don't think you should go to the pub".

I realise it's not hard to look like a leader stood next to Johnson but this is how it's done.
Indeed. £330bn in total, hopefully means we might have some kind of economy once we come out of all this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:14:02
Rishi Sunak is giving the press conference Boris should have given yesterday. Money for every business, guaranteed loans with no interest, suspending business rates. Three month mortgage holidays for anyone struggling with payments.

This is fucking action, not "we don't think you should go to the pub".

I realise it's not hard to look like a leader stood next to Johnson but this is how it's done.
Has he said anything particular to help out the entertainment/catering sector?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:18:24
Has he said anything particular to help out the entertainment/catering sector?

I think so. Talked about tax relief, grants for leisure and hospitality businesses, which I guess is broadly the same thing? Will need to wait for the detail but the theme of what he's saying is the Govt will support everything.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:29:56
Is the International community in general going to exert pressure on China to get rid of these disgusting ‘wet markets’ - the alleged starting point of Coronavirus?

There is a YouTube video doing the rounds of a girl eating a live chicken. I’d post it but, IMO, it’s too stomach churning.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:30:28
This is why I fear so many people will die.

Thinking positively will not prevent the spread.  Lockdowns will only slow infection rates if a vaccine is at least a year away.
Think about our population size and what it means if the majority get infected, which they inevitably will. Hospitals simply wouldn’t have the staff, beds or essential equipment to cope with the elderly or vulnerable people who will need medical attention. If the virus doesn’t kill them, the lack of specialist care will.

If you have grandparents or older parents, it’s really important you and everyone reading takes as many preventative measures as possible to slow the spread.

Precisely - Italy is now seeing over 200 deaths a day, a nation of similar size to the UK.  Even if they stalled the rate of increase now, that would be a much bigger impact than flu has.  Now remember that Italy has been in complete lock down for a week, not just asking people not to pop to the pub.  The reality is that if they hadn't taken action you could well expect that death rate to continue rising each day as well.  The good news is that Lombardy has actually seen a small decline in rate of increase now, so it does seem the lock down is beginning to have an impact (with a 14 day incubation period you can probably expect another week or two of bad news).

If the UK just let everyone carry on about their business, we'd be at 200+ deaths a day within a week from now, but we wouldn't have done anything to stop that rate of increase.  Italy has already shown the world that treating this like flu means you have about 4 weeks before you find yourself in a far worse daily situation than Flu has given us since the 60's, and the type of mortality rate that the 1918 Flu brought with it.  So yes, it could be just like that flu - fucking catastrophic.  We know enough these days to pause the spread and get vaccine's out to prevent 1918 from happening this time, thankfully.  BUT, ignoring it is not the way we do that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:32:10
Is the International community in general going to exert pressure on China to get rid of these disgusting ‘wet markets’ - the alleged starting point of Coronavirus?
Not just China, plenty of countries in the developing world have these kind of live animal markets. And "almost certainly not" is the answer I'd imagine, but you're right they should do

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:34:24
I think so. Talked about tax relief, grants for leisure and hospitality businesses, which I guess is broadly the same thing? Will need to wait for the detail but the theme of what he's saying is the Govt will support everything.
Hope there's support in there for folks on zero hours contracts as well. A lot of those people are on the edge anyway and foodbanks are already struggling to cope.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:35:43
These are strange times, the USA is on the verge of giving people financial assistance and subsidising private enterprise!  They'll be offering the vaccine and treatment free at point of care soon......Oh!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:38:02
Not just China, plenty of countries in the developing world have these kind of live animal markets. And "almost certainly not" is the answer I'd imagine, but you're right they should do
Wasn’t aware it was so widespread. You’d have thought the economic carnage wreaked on China might change attitudes - but I doubt it.

Apparently the pangolin being the source was their blood being let whilst still alive and poured over rice and eaten

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:47:33
A good announcement by the government today. Would imagine many pubs etc to close now the government have said they can claim on insurance for doing so

Would the lending of the £330bn likely come with restrictions e.g. has to be linked to expected income or cover a certain percentage of annual/6 monthly payroll??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 17:51:15
I bet the % of insurance policies that cover pandemics is appallingly low

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 18:03:39
Sunak spoke extremely well, as he did announcing the budget last week (his quip towards McDonnell was superb). He really does make Boris look even more bumbling which is some achievement!

Certainly better than last nights conference, let’s hope for more of the same....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 18:08:45
UEFA aiming for all European domestic leagues to be completed by 30 June.

Fat chance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 18:11:09
Compare and contrast, and this is just the start.

Germany - 8,639 confirmed cases, 23 total deaths.

UK - 1,950 confirmed cases, 71 total deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 19:23:36
Compare and contrast, and this is just the start.

Germany - 8,639 confirmed cases, 23 total deaths.

UK - 1,950 confirmed cases, 71 total deaths.
Is there any suggestion as to why the German mortality rate should be so much lower than ours?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 19:35:27
Is there any suggestion as to why the German mortality rate should be so much lower than ours?

Testing?? You’d imagine the Germans with their efficiency and all have done a lot more testing than we have?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 19:56:33
Hope there's support in there for folks on zero hours contracts as well. A lot of those people are on the edge anyway and foodbanks are already struggling to cope.
Apparently nothing for people on zero hours contracts, and help for mortgages but not those falling behind on rent. That's disappointing, leaving aside the morality of not helping the most vulnerable economically, it also means people with symptoms are likely to be faced with a choice of going to work anyway or losing their home. Which isn't going to help contain this thing. I hope this is wrong and it turns out there will be help for the zero hours workers and renters.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 20:01:05
Testing?? You’d imagine the Germans with their efficiency and all have done a lot more testing than we have?

Yep, with it possible up to 50,000 around the UK have the disease, the death rate is pretty low.
The NHS have only been testing people in hospitals and not those with mild symptoms, so the death rate will look higher that way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 20:07:33
Apparently nothing for people on zero hours contracts, and help for mortgages but not those falling behind on rent. That's disappointing, leaving aside the morality of not helping the most vulnerable economically, it also means people with symptoms are likely to be faced with a choice of going to work anyway or losing their home. Which isn't going to help contain this thing. I hope this is wrong and it turns out there will be help for the zero hours workers and renters.

The optimistic view on this is that these are harder problems that they'll need to work out a little more - an enforced mortgage holiday costs the banks who the government can just directly support/offer a few knighthoods to board members to mollify. Rent controls or banning evictions are just simply more complicated policies with more nuance required, which is obviously difficult to do in a crisis. I'd expect measure for these people to follow in the next few days - the mood music of the announcement was very much nobody left behind, even though I agree detail in these areas would be hugely beneficial.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 20:09:05
Is there any suggestion as to why the German mortality rate should be so much lower than ours?

Seems they think it is either early testing  - they started in January - or pure luck, with a higher proportion of the infected being of younger age.  Maybe a combination of the two.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 20:11:24
Yep, with it possible up to 50,000 around the UK have the disease, the death rate is pretty low.
The NHS have only been testing people in hospitals and not those with mild symptoms, so then death rate will look higher that way.
Good point, thanks chaps

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 20:12:01
The optimistic view on this is that these are harder problems that they'll need to work out a little more - an enforced mortgage holiday costs the banks who the government can just directly support/offer a few knighthoods to board members to mollify. Rent controls or banning evictions are just simply more complicated policies with more nuance required, which is obviously difficult to do in a crisis. I'd expect measure for these people to follow in the next few days - the mood music of the announcement was very much nobody left behind, even though I agree detail in these areas would be hugely beneficial.
Let's hope so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 20:21:17
Im still so angry I didnt watch.  I take it there was a massive amount of support for the self employed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 21:52:42
Im still so angry I didnt watch.  I take it there was a massive amount of support for the self employed.

your anger was regarding his wording which would directly effect your insurance, today he clarified this so probably worth you watching!

hopefully means you can claim

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 07:27:21
Yay! According to deceased psychic Sylvia Brown it’s going to turn out OK. This from her book ‘End of Days’ published in 2008(?).

‘In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 08:04:51
That's actually from a Dean Koontz book apparently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 08:25:34
Panic buying going through he roof apparently. Pubs ignoring advice and people not caring. Time to lock us down Boris. Follow Italy, Spain's and France's orders here too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 08:37:28
Panic buying going through he roof apparently. Pubs ignoring advice and people not caring. Time to lock us down Boris. Follow Italy, Spain's and France's orders here too.

Sadly, I suspect he's still trying to prove to himself and to everyone else just how different we are from the rest of Europe.  What works there doesn't work here, because we're British.

Eventually, I'm sure we'll follow the same route, at least for a period.  Johnson is not so much leading, as being led himself by events.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 08:46:06
I drove into a supermarket car park this morning to get some milk for work and drove straight back out. Absolutely rammed. Where do people put it all?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 09:11:15
Yep, with it possible up to 50,000 around the UK have the disease, the death rate is pretty low.
The NHS have only been testing people in hospitals and not those with mild symptoms, so the death rate will look higher that way.

This is another area where UK is at odds with WHO guidelines.  They are pushing very hard for continued testing.  We stopped the emphasis on testing once we started to move out of the containment phase.

The WHO line is that without testing you lose your understanding of how and where the disease is spreading and, for instance, how much of a problem will remain next winter.  I assume that the UK rationale is that once the outbreak reaches the size where it is pointless to try to trace and isolate the source of each infection then testing for non-serious cases is an inefficient use of resources that should be deployed elsewhere.

This is a huge extrapolation, but in the Ebola outbreak in Africa a few years back it was subsequently discovered that  the Ebola deaths had been reasonably contained but the huge amount of medical resources devoted to it had resulted in many times more avoidable deaths from other causes. It's possible that this is driving the UK govt thinking.  I think  that Chris Whitty was working in Africa at that time.

Probably another case where there is no absolute right or wrong stance.  Pros and cons in every direction.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 09:15:43
Yay! According to deceased psychic Sylvia Brown it’s going to turn out OK. This from her book ‘End of Days’ published in 2008(?).

‘In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.’
Bloody scary !!.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 09:16:59
Panic buying going through he roof apparently. Pubs ignoring advice and people not caring. Time to lock us down Boris. Follow Italy, Spain's and France's orders here too.

Went for a leg stretch last night near the Woodlands Edge, not full by any means but still quite a few in there ignoring 'government advice'.

Meanwhile over in Spain they're pulling over vehicles with more than one occupant inside, and turfing out the passenger. My elderly mum in lockdown over there was sat talking to a neighbour in the garden mindful of keeping their distance, and the guardia civil officer ordered the friend to go home. They all appreciate that these draconian measures are taken purely for the greater good.

Appears 'squashing the sombrero' is actively going on in Spain, whereas over here our 'leader' merely advises we all do it. Pathetic, and worrying in equal measure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 09:23:59
I drove into a supermarket car park this morning to get some milk for work and drove straight back out. Absolutely rammed. Where do people put it all?
Exactly the same !!,  walked the town yesterday,  not a loaf of bread or a single potato in any of the four supermarkets,  absolutely unbelievable, how much of the fresh food purchased will finish  up in the bin ??,  people need to get a life,   once the panic is over shops will not need to open for a week,  people will be living on their stocks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 09:28:18
Comment on tv last night  by someone in some government office,  'anything less than twenty thousand deaths would be a result'  Fuck me,  do we really understand how serious this is ?.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 09:38:52
That was the chief medical advisor

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 10:06:46
I went to Tesco's in Liden and got some milk and the last chunk of cheese they had. Items I needed. Apart from that they had very little. No bread, fresh veg/fruit or eggs etc.
I'm not even trying now for at least a week. Oh I got 48 cans of Carling premier from lawns offy yesterday for £10.99 for 24 cans if anyone's interested. Best before date end of the month.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 10:24:36
I'll be going to the pub on saturday if I can. Can't be cooped up in the house all day. It's supposed to be nice so I'll sit in the beer garden.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 10:27:42
Imagine if this virus had hit the UK September / October when all the colds started. The country would have literally gone into meltdown as everyone fearing the worse

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 10:33:14
Who says it won’t?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 10:37:01

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:02:19
Who says it won’t?
Quite so. A "second wave" around November is one of the predicted possible outcomes. But who really knows?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:07:15
Dunno if anyone else is bored as hell cancelling all their evening social plans, but I'm organising an online remote pub quiz this evening at 8pm if anyone wanted to join. BYOB.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:12:45
Glastonbury cancelled.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:38:35
It all makes you wonder where mankind will be as a whole in 12-18 months times. Hopefully battered and bruised but otherwise OK.

I expect a lot of changes will be made, including more people working from home. Which could be a good thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:41:33
Who says it won’t?

All we have to go on is that the worse seems to be over in China so hooefully with our control measures in place things will ease here over the next few weeks 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:42:42
It all makes you wonder where mankind will be as a whole in 12-18 months times. Hopefully battered and bruised but otherwise OK.

I expect a lot of changes will be made, including more people working from home. Which could be a good thing.

The broadband infrastructure would have to change. FTTP installation would need to be brought forward with a low cost.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:44:08
The broadband infrastructure would have to change. FTTP installation would need to be brought forward with a low cost.
Or nationalised even?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:44:57

All we have to go on is that the worse seems to be over in China so hooefully with our control measures in place things will ease here over the next few weeks 
It's over for now. It remains to be seen whether they get a second wave once they ease the restrictions put in place to help them control it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:50:38
It remains to be seen whether they get a second wave once they ease the restrictions put in place to help them control it

Which is one of the concerns.

It may not be that they have 'dealt' with it, but rather just locked it away behind a door for a while. Only for the door to be opened again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:50:39
Dunno if anyone else is bored as hell cancelling all their evening social plans, but I'm organising an online remote pub quiz this evening at 8pm if anyone wanted to join. BYOB.

sounds interesting. Won't people just cheat?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:55:04
Fantastic from Barnes Coaches

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 12:08:43
sounds interesting. Won't people just cheat?

I figure in our new world of being socially responsible (and more importantly, there not being a prize) then maybe not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 12:10:12
I figure in our new world of being socially responsible (and more importantly, there not being a prize) then maybe not.

You mean other than the spoils of glory?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 12:12:43
You mean other than the spoils of glory?

I may half-seriously post a bog roll to the winner.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 12:19:10
I may half-seriously post a bog roll to the winner.

Great touch!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 12:54:12
Quite so. A "second wave" around November is one of the predicted possible outcomes. But who really knows?

Hopefully it won't follow the last three flu pandemics, which all resulted in two or three waves over a period of up to 2 years.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 12:55:41

All we have to go on is that the worse seems to be over in China so hooefully with our control measures in place things will ease here over the next few weeks  

Sadly it doesn’t makes sense to believe the worst is over in China. There’s no vaccine and the virus won’t just go away. It’s great that they’ve contained the outbreak but as soon as lockdown stops and people move around, infections will spread again.

I wish that wasn’t the case but cannot see any other conclusion.

Am I wrong?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 13:00:57
Also, we are not even remotely close to doing what China did to stall it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 13:12:53
This is quite interesting, to contrast the Western approach

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 13:54:28
Jesus. Fucking. Wept.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 13:56:08
Jesus. Fucking. Wept.

That's some ratio!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 14:03:40
Conservatism. Not even once.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 14:15:18
Jesus. Fucking. Wept.

Expect to see more of this from journalistic shills as the rich and powerful conclude their fortunes are going to dwindle.

I suspect the spambots will be on overdrive soon sowing the seeds that the old and vulnerable will have to be sacrificed to save the economy.

I’d hoped this crisis might bring out the best in human nature, which it will in most cases but selfishness and greed will never go away seemingly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 14:20:01
Expect to see more of this from journalistic shills as the rich and powerful conclude their fortunes are going to dwindle.

I suspect the spambots will be on overdrive soon sowing the seeds that the old and vulnerable will have to be sacrificed to save the economy.

I’d hoped this crisis might bring out the best in human nature, which it will in most cases but selfishness and greed will never go away seemingly.
It will do both, depending on the nature of the people. Shitbags will be shitbags, most people are by and large decent and will continue to be decent. As a counterweight, in Feb the Police were granted emergency powers to detain people displaying symptoms of the coronavirus and force them to seek medical attention. Not one of the 44 police forces has had to use this power because "people are doing the right thing".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 14:38:02
So statement from education secretary at 5pm?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 14:45:26
So statement from education secretary at 5pm?
Will probably follow on from Wales and Scotland in shutting all schools from Friday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:09:09
Imagine if this virus had hit the UK September / October when all the colds started. The country would have literally gone into meltdown as everyone fearing the worse

Who is to say that we didn't already have a first wave (and no not a conspiracy theory) back in December and we're experiencing the 2nd wave now?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:10:28
Dunno if anyone else is bored as hell cancelling all their evening social plans, but I'm organising an online remote pub quiz this evening at 8pm if anyone wanted to join. BYOB.

Yeah I'm down for this. If I remember!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:17:35
In brighter news...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:27:28
I went to Tesco's in Liden and got some milk and the last chunk of cheese they had. Items I needed. Apart from that they had very little. No bread, fresh veg/fruit or eggs etc.
I'm not even trying now for at least a week. Oh I got 48 cans of Carling premier from lawns offy yesterday for £10.99 for 24 cans if anyone's interested. Best before date end of the month.
is Carling premier the one like Caffreys :hmmm:if so will get some of those as they are Gurt Lush :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:35:09
I don't understand how UK theme parks are opening as usual this weekend, nearly all other Countries have shut theirs, seems to be one rule for some

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bathtime on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:38:17

Great stuff

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:48:38
Okay, quiz update - I'm using Skype for this one and will find a better platform if it works and we decide to do any more.

It will start from just before 8pm UK time this evening, with the first questions 10-15 minutes later once we've all settled down. There are 30 questions so I'd expect it to take a bit over an hour to complete. It's all self marking and scores and marking are on trust. Teams of friends/family behind one screen are totally fine by me, obviously I'm inviting a bunch of people I know from work and other walks of life so I can't promise a full round on Swindon Town. But we are tangentially mentioned...

PM me for the invite link (there's a limit of 50 on the group so don't want to just post it publicly for now)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 16:01:18
I went to Tesco's in Liden and got some milk and the last chunk of cheese they had. Items I needed. Apart from that they had very little. No bread, fresh veg/fruit or eggs etc.
I'm not even trying now for at least a week. Oh I got 48 cans of Carling premier from lawns offy yesterday for £10.99 for 24 cans if anyone's interested. Best before date end of the month.
is Carling premier the one like Caffreys :hmmm:if so will get some of those as they are Gurt Lush :)

Yes it is

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 16:05:55
Okay, quiz update - I'm using Skype for this one and will find a better platform if it works and we decide to do any more

You considered using twitch or pscp? :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 16:15:34
Will probably follow on from Wales and Scotland in shutting all schools from Friday.

Who knows, there are rumours knocking around up here (source - someone's missus who works in NHS management) that the lock down could be from this evening?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 16:16:23
You considered using twitch or pscp? :)

I looked at Twitch this morning and it blew my mind, but will revisit over the weekend. Not looked at PSCP but again, one for later on!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 16:33:07
104 dead now in the UK, up from 71 the day before. That's an increase of 45% in one day.

If the total figure doesn't scare you --- the percentage increase should.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 16:33:33
Who knows, there are rumours knocking around up here (source - someone's missus who works in NHS management) that the lock down could be from this evening?

I reckon Friday, schools definitely as Sotland and Wales have shut theirs.
Whatever day it is its coming

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 16:39:08
I reckon Friday, schools definitely as Sotland and Wales have shut theirs.
Whatever day it is its coming

I'm inclined to agree, it would be mental to announce closing schools at 5pm the day before.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 17:13:00
The Lombardy region seems to have hit a point where they can't guarantee attending to any more new cases!  Just in-case anyone was left wondering why the "over reaction" from countries a couple of weeks behind the Italian outbreak.

NY is trying to obtain 50k new hospital beds, almost doubling it's capacity.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 17:17:54
and there goes schools, a levels and gcse in may June.

Friday last day, vulnerable and children of key workers will still be able to go in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bedford Red on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 18:01:44
I've been sent home from work as of tonight as i have asthma, as soon as they have a laptop for me i'll be working from home, got to sit and wait for the phone call to go and pick it up in the meantime.

I had my car in for a service at a local small garage today, the owner told me the government have offered a cash grant of £3,000 to help them through the crisis, and he told me that's about 1 1/2 weeks of turnover, so not going to be much use to them if people stop using them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 18:02:14
being self employed I have started to have a look at what support I would receive if/when I need it,
from what I can see its a bloody mine field and I might be wrong but by the looks of it it wont be much :eek:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 18:09:51
Who knows, there are rumours knocking around up here (source - someone's missus who works in NHS management) that the lock down could be from this evening?

Yeah I've been hearing stuff as well, the school closures friday might be smoke and mirrors and it happens tomorrow

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 18:17:17
I went to Tesco's in Liden and got some milk and the last chunk of cheese they had. Items I needed. Apart from that they had very little. No bread, fresh veg/fruit or eggs etc.
I'm not even trying now for at least a week. Oh I got 48 cans of Carling premier from lawns offy yesterday for £10.99 for 24 cans if anyone's interested. Best before date end of the month.
is Carling premier the one like Caffreys :hmmm:if so will get some of those as they are Gurt Lush :)

It's the smooth lager with the widget in the can so yes it's the one. So nice out of the fridge and poured in a glass. Go get some

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 18:24:28
Currently sat at avonmouth waiting for my tacho break to end(one EU law I'd love to see scrapped) roads much quieter today which is a welcome bonus of this virus I suppose.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 18:30:31
There’s got to be a tipping point whereby the country will implode on all levels - economic, social etc - when people will just have to go back to doing what they used to and the virus does what it does.

No point everyone continuing to cower in their homes as the country disintegrates around them.

And I say that as someone in an ‘at risk’ group.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 18:39:58
There’s got to be a tipping point whereby the country will implode on all levels - economic, social etc - when people will just have to go back to doing what they used to and the virus does what it does.
Thing is its not just the UK its basically almost all of Europe and a lot of the world.

How long will it take to get back to levels of production again for food/machinery/everything.

That is when it does get back to normal, that could take months with several companies not being able to make it through this crisis putting even more people out of work and on the (no) breadline.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 19:34:58
Currently sat at avonmouth waiting for my tacho break to end(one EU law I'd love to see scrapped)
Outrageous that the EU force our lorry drivers to eat Mexican food!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 19:37:58
I’m going to be without a car for a few weeks from Friday, have very little food in the house and don’t live within walking distance of a supermarket, so going to have to join the 6am crush at Tesco tomorrow to try and do a ‘normal’ big shop

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 19:38:51
There’s got to be a tipping point whereby the country will implode on all levels - economic, social etc - when people will just have to go back to doing what they used to and the virus does what it does.

No point everyone continuing to cower in their homes as the country disintegrates around them.

And I say that as someone in an ‘at risk’ group.

If that happens, hundreds of thousands of people will die in the UK according to all public health models and the NHS would be overwhelmed causing people who might not otherwise die, to also die. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 19:42:22
Given the global scale and mortality rate, we'd be looking at the Spanish flu being repeated, but with a bigger worldwide population.  Balancing that would be better healthcare facilities, but still the outcome of films.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 19:43:54
I suppose we could do a calculation of the potential financial impact and divide it by the death total, see if to comes to an acceptable cost per person?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 20:03:15
This is very simplistic, but nonetheless shows the variations that can occur through severe and early action:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 20:31:51
Currently sat at avonmouth waiting for my tacho break to end(one EU law I'd love to see scrapped) roads much quieter today which is a welcome bonus of this virus I suppose.
Do you drive a V8 Scania with a  frilly pelmet   :gay:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pookemon on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 20:32:05
We took the decision today to make immediate redundancies and shorten working week after an 80% drop in orders and our major customers told us that everything was on hold for the foreseeable future.   The govt money won't be enough or arrive fast enough - you can't apply for it yet and it's a loan.   There will be alot of businesses in the same boat.
 If it goes on for months will there be anything left apart from Netflix!

Boris said today that he wants to minimise suffering but has the loss of jobs, recession and increases in debt and mental health problems been factored in.

My 2 kids also affected as they have just had GCSEs and A levels cancelled and will now be at home for probably 5-6 months and can't even get a summer job or go bowling.   Daughter has no idea which uni she will end up in or even how that will be decided or if she has to repeat the year.

It is a unique situation but the balance in my opinion has swung too far, too fast.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: kirky69 on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 20:34:05
This is very simplistic, but nonetheless shows the variations that can occur through severe and early action:

With many ignoring the advice not to go to the pub, I expect matters will be moved from strongly advise to havent got a choice with everything shut down apart from food shops and pharmacies by Friday night.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 20:38:55
Outrageous that the EU force our lorry drivers to eat Mexican food!

Now that I would have no problem with. Arriba!

Do you drive a V8 Scania with a  frilly pelmet   :gay:


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 20:39:31
I'm "panicking buying" (stockpiling) my own money whilst I still can.

I had to lay off someone via a consultation process a couple of weeks ago, due to general economic pressures. None of us thought it would be this bad, what a shit time to be out of work.

I feel sorry for everyone already affected , it's a matter of circumstance but some of the reactive decisions haven't been clear and/or haven't been good.

Hopefully the test to detect antibodies is ready soon and widely available. I think the unavailability of testing has been a massive contributor to the situation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:13:46
With many ignoring the advice not to go to the pub, I expect matters will be moved from strongly advise to havent got a choice with everything shut down apart from food shops and pharmacies by Friday night.

surely this is unenforceable especially in rural areas. il be going to work on my own as normal on a midweek in a shutdown or not.

if a customer calls up and wants to come in what do I do. every work place is different and a blanket ban I cant get my head around. I'm currently having a house built, most tradesman can and do work on there own and if they have the materials and supplies should they stop?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:14:34
My 2 kids also affected as they have just had GCSEs and A levels cancelled and will now be at home for probably 5-6 months and can't even get a summer job or go bowling.   Daughter has no idea which uni she will end up in or even how that will be decided or if she has to repeat the year.

It is a unique situation but the balance in my opinion has swung too far, too fast.

I work for one of the big exam boards. The news this evening that the summer session has been cancelled will be devastating for our business. I wait to see how bad this gets, but it could well mean hundreds of redundancies.

What times we’re living in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:19:41
surely this is unenforceable especially in rural areas. il be going to work on my own as normal on a midweek in a shutdown or not.

if a customer calls up and wants to come in what do I do. every work place is different and a blanket ban I cant get my head around. I'm currently having a house built, most tradesman can and do work on there own and if they have the materials and supplies should they stop?

We’re on shutdown in France. You can’t go out without carrying a printed certificate saying you’re on one of five authorised purposes. If something similar comes to the UK, you won’t come and go as you like, and you won’t be getting a house built any time soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:22:56
sorry to hear that RF/pookemon.

frog - UK exam board?
My son is also in GCSE limbo. He's not overly academic, but he surprised me by being pissed off. guess he just wanted to get it done given the build up.

fuck knows how they resolve this.

mocks an indicator I suppose but many do better for the reals.

Teacher assessment far too variable and hardly standardised.

repeat the year isn't going to sit well.

like everything, there is no obvious right answer ...

I know it's pretty far down the list in the grand scheme of things.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:23:21
We took the decision today to make immediate redundancies and shorten working week after an 80% drop in orders and our major customers told us that everything was on hold for the foreseeable future.   The govt money won't be enough or arrive fast enough - you can't apply for it yet and it's a loan.   There will be alot of businesses in the same boat.
 If it goes on for months will there be anything left apart from Netflix!

Boris said today that he wants to minimise suffering but has the loss of jobs, recession and increases in debt and mental health problems been factored in.

My 2 kids also affected as they have just had GCSEs and A levels cancelled and will now be at home for probably 5-6 months and can't even get a summer job or go bowling.   Daughter has no idea which uni she will end up in or even how that will be decided or if she has to repeat the year.

It is a unique situation but the balance in my opinion has swung too far, too fast.

Italy had 475 deaths in a single day - a run rate that would equate to over 150k deaths in a year, without it growing, as it has been.  That is the data that is spooking everyone into taking action.

You only need to look at China to see one way out of this (hopefully) and that way is far beyond what is being done so far in the Western world.

The hope is another model comes about that avoids the China approach being needed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:24:14
With many ignoring the advice not to go to the pub, I expect matters will be moved from strongly advise to havent got a choice with everything shut down apart from food shops and pharmacies by Friday night.

I can’t see an issue going to a pub which has less than 20 people in it. If you feel ill, stay at home. I am hoping to go to sit in the beer garden on Saturday. Weather looks good for it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:26:40
but 1- 3% mortality and a best worst case of  70% infection out the numbers of deaths at a very large number indeed. and they've been stating those figures for a while.

I guess they thought they could change them, or that in fact Italy has shown that the threat isn't theoretical but it's happening despite their measured

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:27:58
surely this is unenforceable especially in rural areas. il be going to work on my own as normal on a midweek in a shutdown or not.

if a customer calls up and wants to come in what do I do. every work place is different and a blanket ban I cant get my head around. I'm currently having a house built, most tradesman can and do work on there own and if they have the materials and supplies should they stop?
do you need a plasterer :D,

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:28:52
Italy, unfortunately, is doing a good job at giving everyone a heads-up, that the data modelling was pretty accurate, and they've taken many of the steps we are now considering!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:30:03
Quote from: Sippo
I can’t see an issue going to a pub which has less than 20 people in it. If you feel ill, stay at home. I am hoping to go to sit in the beer garden on Saturday. Weather looks good for it.

1. it only takes 1 person to infect
2. they don't know that the disease is only infectious when showing symptoms.

I get the temptation. That's why if the government wants to do what it says it can't be left in our hands and must force closures. Which will ruin many people

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:30:13
sorry to hear that RF/pookemon.

frog - UK exam board?
My son is also in GCSE limbo. He's not overly academic, but he surprised me by being pissed off. guess he just wanted to get it done given the build up.

fuck knows how they resolve this.

mocks an indicator I suppose but many do better for the reals.

Teacher assessment far too variable and hardly standardised.

repeat the year isn't going to sit well.

like everything, there is no obvious right answer ...

I know it's pretty far down the list in the grand scheme of things.

Yep, Edexcel. I agree, if this year’s grades are decided on mocks and teacher evaluations, then the Class of 2020 will always be tainted with a stigma of partiality. A huge amount of science goes into calibrating fair and equitable exam questions, marking schemes and grade boundaries. Imagine if instead of that, your future hung on the appreciation of Mr Jones, head of Year 10...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: kirky69 on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:30:20
I can’t see an issue going to a pub which has less than 20 people in it. If you feel ill, stay at home. I am hoping to go to sit in the beer garden on Saturday. Weather looks good for it.

I dont think you will have the option Sippo - unless it's your garden of course!! My advice would be to stack up on booze for the house, as that could become the next bog roll!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:31:19
Yep, Edexcel. I agree, if this year’s grades are decided on mocks and teacher evaluations, then the Class of 2020 will always be tainted with a stigma of partiality. A huge amount of science goes into calibrating fair and equitable exam questions, marking schemes and grade boundaries. Imagine if instead of that, your future hung on the appreciation of Mr Jones, head of Year 10...

Welcome to the USA education system!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:32:05
1. it only takes 1 person to infect
2. they don't know that the disease is only infectious when showing symptoms.

I get the temptation. That's why if the government wants to do what it says it can't be left in our hands and must force closures. Which will ruin many people

He's trolling. Or a wanker, or both.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:32:28
@frog indeed. especially if Mr Jones doesn't really know you, and you've had several teachers over a year.

honestly don't know what I'd do.

it's all FUBAR

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:33:26
@sutton oooh. I've lost my sense of humour already.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:33:59
@frog indeed. especially if Mr Jones doesn't really know you, and you've had several teachers over a year.

honestly don't know what I'd do.

it's all FUBAR

You have no idea. We’re entering the twilight zone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:34:16
We’re on shutdown in France. You can’t go out without carrying a printed certificate saying you’re on one of five authorised purposes. If something similar comes to the UK, you won’t come and go as you like, and you won’t be getting a house built any time soon.

your in it first hand but i still cant see how it can be enforced in rural areas. my dads a farmer for example and will need to carry on etc and if i did close up my business i will still go up there and get building jobs done on my own its of no harm to anyone. its pretty much built, needs fitting inside- plasterers are in this week Woolster!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:34:50
Goes to show just how little effort is actually put into Pandemic planning.  I know it's a tough gig, and we have plenty of not quite Pandemics that give us false hope and make us think we over react.  However, who really believes anyone is working off of a script right now?  It's clearly being designed as we go along with some basic principles at play.  I can;t for one second think anyone has a scooby what the recovery part of this looks like.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:38:09
your in it first hand but i still cant see how it can be enforced in rural areas. my dads a farmer for example and will need to carry on etc and if i did close up my business i will still go up there and get building jobs done on my own its of no harm to anyone. its pretty much built, needs fitting inside- plasterers are in this week Woolster!

The idea is to ramp down activity/movement/interactions down as low as you can get them.  Some "essential" activity will be risked, like food production, medical services, utilities etc.  Eventually it HAS to be laws and enforced, otherwise you do get people popping to the beach still (I give you Florida which is under a State of Emergency but had packed beaches this week).  It's this inbetween stage that makes it worse to some degree - you keep people thinking it's all OK, no big deal, lets all just pop down the Winchester.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:39:30
I dont think you will have the option Sippo - unless it's your garden of course!! My advice would be to stack up on booze for the house, as that could become the next bog roll!!
Tesco beer section was almost empty this evening  :pint: never seen it that low

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:39:37
He's trolling. Or a wanker, or both.

Or neither. What’s the problem?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:39:58
Goes to show just how little effort is actually put into Pandemic planning.  I know it's a tough gig, and we have plenty of not quite Pandemics that give us false hope and make us think we over react.  However, who really believes anyone is working off of a script right now?  It's clearly being designed as we go along with some basic principles at play.  I can;t for one second think anyone has a scooby what the recovery part of this looks like.

Yes you are right. I've been involved in a few over the years, and it always stopped before it got serious (sars, swine, etc) This one is completely different,  It is going to be a world changer. Hopefully for the better when the dust settles. What that will look like no one knows as all of the plans are being made up as things change day by day. No thought is being given to when it stops, and that is understandable, as no one has a clue what the end game is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:41:54
Or neither. What’s the problem?

Just It's bad, worse than people think, and that comment
 annoyed me a bit, as people think it's going to blow over. It's worse than I thought it would be already. People do need to change fast.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:44:27
He's trolling. Or a wanker, or both.

Or astonishingly ignorant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:46:33
I am fairly certain people in Northern Italy felt the same way at one point - in fact they did, they interviewed people during the initial "lock down" that was a sort of try not to go out period.  People were sitting in cafe's having a wine, pointing out they had started to see a drop off in trade though.  So many false dawns create that feeling - very few people remember or were impacted directly by any of the last 3 big ones (I am excluding HIV as that one is still on-going and really did change society).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:47:04
your in it first hand but i still cant see how it can be enforced in rural areas. my dads a farmer for example and will need to carry on etc and if i did close up my business i will still go up there and get building jobs done on my own its of no harm to anyone. its pretty much built, needs fitting inside- plasterers are in this week Woolster!

I escaped Paris on Monday night before the shutters came down. Honestly the packed motorway out of the city was like May 1940, minus the Stukas!

Even out here in the country, nothing is moving. Farmers are essential workers who are allowed to carry on their business, but hardly a car went down our road all day. No one is going out except for necessities. Everyone is in an essential job, working from home or laid off. People understand it’s the only way to break this.

Amazing how times like this give you a new sense of priorities. Suddenly the salaries of the bankers and footballers are exposed for their perversity. In a stripped-down survival economy, it becomes very easy to understand who the highest valued workers are right now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:47:56
the loss of earnings worries me more than the virus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:50:35
the loss of earnings worries me more than the virus

And that's the mistake people are making, thinking small (i know that is an issue for many including myself) But although i'm not advocating heading to the hills. It could go that way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:52:17
the loss of earnings worries me more than the virus

This by far for me.

There's no safety net for me here and if I lose my main income then I only have a month or two's grace. Probably a better position than most but still worrying.

I've started to convince myself that spending some time living in a hut in a rice field may not be so bad after all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:55:11
Quote from: Sippo
What’s the problem?

not much

A great fuck off virus that threatens to rip through the world  causing hundreds of thousands/millions of premature deaths.

that's all

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:57:24
This by far for me.

There's no safety net for me here and if I lose my main income then I only have a month or two's grace. Probably a better position than most but still worrying.

I've started to convince myself that spending some time living in a hut in a rice field may not be so bad after all.

I'm thinking like that already, and that's changed from 48 hours ago, when it was just a funny virus. I'm seeing people at work going ill minute by minute. Ambulances everywhere, shops stripped. It might just be London in the UK, but as a non panicky person. it's certainly started to test me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 21:58:41
Oh we've already had food shops and supermarkets looted near me. In rich posh Surrey. That won't hit the news.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 22:02:28
Boris did say the London area was a bit ahead of the curve.

You're seeing almost certainly what we'll be seeing in a week or two.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 22:06:42
London, if not the whole country, will be locked down by the end of the week. Army on the streets.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 22:42:49
London, if not the whole country, will be locked down by the end of the week. Army on the streets.

I was told tonight the army are on standby for lockdown Friday. I've now read this from you and it's coming from other sources too. There is meat on the bones of this rumour it would appear.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 22:55:41
I'd be surprised to see the Army out so soon, surely that'd be a last resort?

Although they might call them in to help out with logistics etc, which would be a tad different to them being 'on the streets'. I would also not be surprised for the government to have plans drawn up to have the army 'on the streets' in that sense, but it doesn't mean they intend to implement them. It'd be irresponsible for them to not be prepared.

Fuck, we should not be talking about this in the sense that it could actually happen. But here we are...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 22:58:34
I was told tonight the army are on standby for lockdown Friday. I've now read this from you and it's coming from other sources too. There is meat on the bones of this rumour it would appear.

I've heard the same. But who knows it might just fizzle out tomorrow. That's what I'll sleep on.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 23:51:17
there were rumours tonight they were already on the streets of London, swiftly called in as bs though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Loobug on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 00:03:05
I work one minute from London Bridge and there were soldiers in the station (6 of them) in a group, not patrolling or looking on-duty but they were there when I went home today and armed police (2) outside the entrance at the road crossing when I arrived in the morning

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 00:09:34
Ladies & Gents...I introduce you to...

Donald Trump...President of the United States of America;

“...People are dying that never died before...”

It would only be incredible if he'd never said anything remotely stupid before.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 01:02:45
Hemingway innit? Trump's probably never read The Old Man and the Sea

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 05:59:19
Ladies & Gents...I introduce you to...

Donald Trump...President of the United States of America;

“...People are dying that never died before...”

It would only be incredible if he'd never said anything remotely stupid before.

He didn't say that. You've been had I'm afraid

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 06:51:39
2. they don't know that the disease is only infectious when showing symptoms.

They've known for weeks and weeks that it can spread before people show symptoms, plus some cases are asymptotic. It's been serious since that point in my opinion, although I never imagined it would be like this. I tried to persuade my mum to stop going out to things and she gave in when the government suggested as such. Too many won't listen and think they know better.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 06:52:47
The Italian army has been called in to the northern city of Bergamo where their crematorium can’t cope with the numbers dying on a daily basis. No funerals, just returned ashes from other cities’ crematoria.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 08:07:29
My wife went to morrisons this morning, just to get our weekly shop. She came back and broke down in tears. There is literally no food on the shelves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 08:18:21
They've known for weeks and weeks that it can spread before people show symptoms, plus some cases are asymptotic. It's been serious since that point in my opinion, although I never imagined it would be like this.  

That's why they gave up on 'containment' and switched to the 'herd immunity' strategy. Once the 'herd' reacted to the mooted casualty figures, it didn't result in the logical u-turn (aligning with WHO/European/Chinese harder lockdown measures), but a half-baked and unenforced delay and advice strategy. Ongoing.

They've also known for weeks that the NHS is seriously ill-prepared through lack of staff, PPE protection, ventilators and testing.

Incompetence,  or something more sinister, I really can't decide.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 08:39:46
My wife went to morrisons this morning, just to get our weekly shop. She came back and broke down in tears. There is literally no food on the shelves.

You see this post makes me really very angry. We have no kids or pets etc so in this situation we can very easily manage our food intake based on what we already had/have. I get that people are scared and will need more food and supplies as they now have kids at home etc but the level people are taking this to is causing untold misery.

Other people really need to take heed of the advice and stop this nonsense now. Its surely only a matter of time before there are full on fights/deaths even from people fighting over food that would NOT be a problem if people weren't so bloody selfish.

On the news last night they were saying that in Italy, where the situation is way worse, Italians are being very good with their behaviour and not stockpiling etc. I really don't get why we have this issue in the UK?

Is it down to Brexit? ;) (That's a joke before anyone starts)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 08:40:49
The great British public  ::)

I gave up this morning, only wanted to grab a couple of items from the store near where I work, and the cars were queueing to reach the car park. Bollocks to that. Good time for me to start my diet.  :nod:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 08:46:42
We stocked up a bit.

I know it's all silly but, considering everybody else is being silly, we're left with little choice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 08:52:40
There’s no problem with food here at the moment - and, being an island, everything has to be shipped in.

We have had zero cases but now people from Athens who have holiday homes here are moving over. No doubt some will be bringing it with them.

I’ve been baking bread and freezing home made chips, hash browns and roasties

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 08:54:05
I saw a supermarket delivery chap last night with a van full of food working on his own. That will soon change to ensure protection either by having security or a lock down enforced by police/army. Sadly I fear the UK will struggle to respond sensibly in the coming months. On the other hand just  :pint: and be merry whilst you can (or bottle).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 08:59:29
It's not surprising the reaction of a good chunk of society, look at the amount of selfishness on a day to day basis, the roads, cutting in at the bar  :). Whenever there is something like this then the selfish rise to the surface. Remember the fuel crisis when the strikes were on, people were filling jerry cans and loading the boot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 09:18:38
Is it down to Brexit? ;) (That's a joke before anyone starts)

Although I think we know what a Venn diagram involving stockpilers and hardcore brexiteers would look like

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 09:29:23
I'm loathe to mention the W word but the collective of the nation during those times when almost everyone had to make do with literally nothing was heart warming. There was sharing and caring and whilst there are good people now trying to show kindness and goodness by helping out the elderly and vulnerable etc but this pales into insignificance with the cumblankets fighting to get into Asda at 6am to buy 100 bog rolls and 10 kilos of pasta.

Now you have the child in America attempting to fuel race hate by changing the term of the virus from CoronaVirus or Covid19 to 'The Chinese Virus'. He knows what he is doing, creating a negative connotation of China and its people. Its going to lead to attacks by rednecks on Asian people in America and he doesn't care. What an absolute nasty piece of work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 09:35:25
I went to Morrison’s in Eldene at 6am this morning, which has more to do with the time I finish work and it’s location than anything else plus I was genuinely curious to see how manic it was.

Busy-ish and the toilet rolls coming off the shelf as soon as they were put on there. I bought some Pringles, a chocolate bar and some Disaronno and coke.

Not sure what everyone is actually expecting and what they think they need countless toilet rolls for?

The worst thing in all this was our son’s dermatology appointment being cancelled. His skin is a serious mess right now. We desperately need this appointment got a cancellation but then they cancelled all of then anyway. I think they turned the place where it would have been into the Coronavirus he has chicken pox just to irritate his skin further

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 09:38:01
My wife went to morrisons this morning, just to get our weekly shop. She came back and broke down in tears. There is literally no food on the shelves.
I get you won't get everything, but try local shops.

Jesse Smith's butchers in Ciren was fullymeat stocked , the veg shop (memory garden) near there too, the local shop had toilet roll (1x 4 pack per customer), etc, etc,  for example.

it's not ideal I know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 09:40:29
Quote from: Flashheart
We stocked up a bit.

I know it's all silly but, considering everybody else is being silly, we're left with little choice.

that's the problem, and a natural response.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 09:43:12
Well, at least people will have clean bums by the time they eventually catch the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 09:44:49
Just been given the option at work to isolate for 4 weeks due to diabetes and asthma. Obv took it.
Half a dozen others in same boat. Longer off for those with chronic problems. 3 months in some cases.

Luckily get full pay even if ends up being classed as sick. Benefits of working for a government agency I guess ( Post office )

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 09:45:09
that's the problem, and a natural response.

Domino effect isn’t it

...but...I’d really love to know who started the chain reaction. Like literally one person must have thought. This Coronavirus, I might need a lot of toilet roll. So they’ll pick up a few so then someone must have seen this and thought why are they getting so much toilet paper? They must know something I don’t, I better get some too. Then someone has seen these two pick up toilet paper and so on and so forth x100000””

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 09:48:03
Lifted from another forum

That is the percentage of people on the planet who have been confirmed as having the coronavirus.

Yes, I understand many countries are deliberately under-reporting their actual numbers so the figure should be higher.

Yes, I am aware that this figure is going to keep increasing until we find a vaccination.

Yes, I am aware that this virus has the ability to contribute to the death of many vulnerable people.

Yes, I am aware that raising awareness and taking it seriously helps prevent the virus from spreading quicker.

And yes, I am aware that certain short-term restrictions can be in our long-term benefit, however........

Does the percentage justify fear mongering in the media every day for about 2 months now?

Does it justify the acts of a bunch of selfish individuals in buying way more things than they need when there is no immediate threat to supply chains?
Does it justify governments restricting freedom of movement within their borders?

Does it justify governments expanding their powers and enforcing other restrictions on their citizens, possibly creating a protocol where any small (potential) crisis now warrants enhanced government power and restriction of freedoms?’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: reeves4england on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:01:26
Lifted from another forum

That is the percentage of people on the planet who have been confirmed as having the coronavirus.

Yes, I understand many countries are deliberately under-reporting their actual numbers so the figure should be higher.

Yes, I am aware that this figure is going to keep increasing until we find a vaccination.

Yes, I am aware that this virus has the ability to contribute to the death of many vulnerable people.

Yes, I am aware that raising awareness and taking it seriously helps prevent the virus from spreading quicker.

And yes, I am aware that certain short-term restrictions can be in our long-term benefit, however........

Does the percentage justify fear mongering in the media every day for about 2 months now?

Does it justify the acts of a bunch of selfish individuals in buying way more things than they need when there is no immediate threat to supply chains?
Does it justify governments restricting freedom of movement within their borders?

Does it justify governments expanding their powers and enforcing other restrictions on their citizens, possibly creating a protocol where any small (potential) crisis now warrants enhanced government power and restriction of freedoms?’

Whilst I agree with much of the sentiment, I find it sad that people saying this kind of thing never seemed to mind all the governments who restrict their citizens' freedoms routinely until it started happening (a) a bit closer to home, (b) in the interest of public safety and (c) as a temporary measure.

One good thing that could come from all of this is an awareness of how much of the world is governed and how the lives of many are lived.

But stepping down off that high horse for a moment, I couldn't agree more with the point about media fear mongering, and have been relived at the TV/radio shows and websites which have simply sought to provide straightforward information and answer people's questions. That's exactly the kind of media that is needed right now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:02:06

Does the percentage justify fear mongering in the media every day for about 2 months now?

Is this person aware of what is happening in Italy?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:05:27
They've also known for weeks that the NHS is seriously ill-prepared through lack of staff, PPE protection, ventilators and testing.

Incompetence,  or something more sinister, I really can't decide.
You can't just turn round a decade of deep austerity cuts in a matter of weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:07:55
I wonder how many lives have been saved by the huge reduction in pollution since this started?

So, just what are the conditions when things will be allowed to return to some sort of normality? Will it be a phased introduction of freedom of movement or a complete blanket ‘get back to normal’ mandate?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:21:19
I can’t see an issue going to a pub which has less than 20 people in it. If you feel ill, stay at home. I am hoping to go to sit in the beer garden on Saturday. Weather looks good for it.
1) People have tested positive for the virus without displaying symptoms so not feeling ill is no guarantee you're not spreading it
2) 10s of thousands of people will die from this (the CMO's "best hope" is "only" 20,000 deaths). People you know and care about will die. How many is down to how quickly the virus spreads. How quickly the virus spreads is down to people's behaviour. Like not doing stupid shit like going to a pub with "less than 20 people" in it that will all spread the virus not just to each other but to everyone else they have contact with
3) If the virus spreads quickly it will overwhelm the NHS, that will probably happen very quickly due to a decade of underfunding. At that point, people will start to die not just of coronavirus but because they can't get in intensive care for heart attacks, chronic diseases etc
4) If you think you won't get affected because you're not in a high risk group, in the US 40% of cases hospitalised are in the 20-54 age bracket. At the moment, they're largely not dying because there are enough intensive care beds and ventilators to go round. Once this thing peaks, there won't be. Then those people will start doing too because they can't be treated. Even if you are one of the wankers who think the old and sick are expendable because "I'm all right Jack", it's not just old people who will die from this.
5) If you find the current "social distancing" irksome, you're going to really hate a full lockdown when you literally won't be allowed out of your house unless you're a key worker or getting supplies (and possibly not even for that if they can sort out home deliveries). That will become necessary if people like you continue to do stupid shit like going to a pub with less than 20 people in it.

We are not islands, isolated from each other. We are all connected and how we behave affects everyone. If we make sensible choices and act like we are all responsible for each other we can limit the impact of this thing. If we act like selfish wankers, we're all going to be going to a lot of funerals, explaining to grieving families how it's all overhyped, it's just a bit of flu really and there's no reason to stop behaving like we are the only people who matter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:33:02
One of my colleague's building management companies has just informed them that they intend to raise service charges by 105%. The letter was dated yesterday.

What spectacular cuntery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:39:57
Letter from Sky just landed on the doormat. They're quick to recognize that thousands of people are about to be stuck in their homes for an extended period and so have increased the TV subscriptions from 1 April.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:55:57
Well said pauld.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:57:30
Letter from Sky just landed on the doormat. They're quick to recognize that thousands of people are about to be stuck in their homes for an extended period and so have increased the TV subscriptions from 1 April.
TBF this increase was announced 2 months ago and our price increase letter came 2 weeks ago before this mass isolation started happening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:57:41
Well said pauld.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 11:00:58
Letter from Sky just landed on the doormat. They're quick to recognize that thousands of people are about to be stuck in their homes for an extended period and so have increased the TV subscriptions from 1 April.

Had mine through at the end of Feb.
Much as it pains me to be fair to them I suspect that it's a planned increase that's been in the pipeline for a while.
Maybe they could hold fire for 3 months, particularly as the sports channels are having to delve into the archives at the moment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 11:03:02
Well, at least people will have clean bums by the time they eventually catch the virus.

Nope. Still have a shitty arse, just used some toilet paper to smear it around a bit. :fishing:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 11:14:58
Had mine through at the end of Feb.
Much as it pains me to be fair to them I suspect that it's a planned increase that's been in the pipeline for a while.
Maybe they could hold fire for 3 months, particularly as the sports channels are having to delve into the archives at the moment.

Oh, right.  My letter's dated 17 March.  :-[

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 11:15:26
Letter from Sky just landed on the doormat. They're quick to recognize that thousands of people are about to be stuck in their homes for an extended period and so have increased the TV subscriptions from 1 April.

There have been screenshots going around to pubs etc from sky saying that from 14th march they will not be charging them for subscription until regular live sport resumes as their businesses rely on people watching it at their venue. a good gesture

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 11:20:04
Letter from Sky just landed on the doormat. They're quick to recognize that thousands of people are about to be stuck in their homes for an extended period and so have increased the TV subscriptions from 1 April.

Start of the financial year innit, we likewise had letter this morning from BT informing us that stuff going up 1.5% from April 1.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 11:27:59
Nope. Still have a shitty arse, just used some toilet paper to smear it around a bit. :fishing:

I guess that the surplus bog rolls could be thrown around by a joyful public in the mass street jamboree when the nation is declared as virus free ( day).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 11:53:42
If anyone needs some basic shopping items the co-op at witchelstowe has cold meats, tinned goods,milk,cheese, veg, (a little bread left)etc. No eggs, soap,bog roll though. If you're a panic buyer I hope you don't see this 🖕

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 11:58:22

We are not islands, isolated from each other. We are all connected and how we behave affects everyone. If we make sensible choices and act like we are all responsible for each other we can limit the impact of this thing. If we act like selfish wankers, we're all going to be going to a lot of funerals, explaining to grieving families how it's all overhyped, it's just a bit of flu really and there's no reason to stop behaving like we are the only people who matter.

Agree with PaulD here, one thing I will say on the above - if we do indeed follow the trend in Italy you won't be going to funerals..  They are so overwhelmed with the amount of deaths, bodies are just being cremated and there is a queue of people turning up to pick up the ashes, that is how bad it has got out there.  Almost returning to the days of the black death and bring out your dead just with the added "pick up their ashes in a few days"..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 12:05:52
... and they're having to decide who gets treatment, and who does not. Some people are literally just being left to die. and Italy has more ICU beds per person than Britain does.

At least Thailand has a lot of affordable private hospitals in addition to the state health system. I'm making sure my insurance covers me, just in case. Better safe than sorry and all that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 12:15:09
... and they're having to decide who gets treatment, and who does not. Some people are literally just being left to die. and Italy has more ICU beds per person than Britain does.
Double in fact. And their health system generally hasn't been slashed to the bone the way ours has. One of the things that most shocked Italians into realising the scale of the problem a couple of weeks ago was pictures of patients being treated on trolleys in corridors. Thanks to austerity that's been normal here for years. We are probably the least well equipped country in Europe to deal with this in terms of capacity overload.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 12:19:44
It does still shock me that in the UK there is so much a "I'm alright Jack" "fuck the rest of the popluation" attitude from so many people, "if I catch it I won't die", more worried by running out of loo roll and pasta than anything.

Because you are not in the "at risk" category doesn't mean that you won't spread it inadvertently to people that ARE at risk.

I have come to the conclusion, although I kinda knew it before, that people in this country are a bunch of selfish self absorbed cunts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 12:25:54
The hidden impact is the key one, and Paul mentioned it - this will cause deaths for other reasons because the Healthcare systems are not designed to cope with surges.  In the USA, a private system where they don;t have any issues with resources - it can all be overcharged to the customers (patients) - there are some HC providers already running out of supplies.  6 months of surgical masks used in 1 month is the trend in some locations - they've resorted to making their own and sending out DIY instructions to the public to make some for them as well, as the supply chain cannot keep up.  That's a tiny detail, but now imagine how the entire systems, knitted together, can fall apart quickly if you get into a situation like Northern Italy did..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 12:37:30
A group of us were due to fly to Hamburg tomorrow for a stag weekend. The hotel have given us a full refund, HSV have said they’ll be refunding our match tickets but Easyjet have refused to allow us refunds on the grounds that the government have only advised against travel and haven’t banned it. That despite warnings that if you do travel, you could well end up stuck abroad with no government help to get back. Obviously not going so have rebooked for October at an extra cost of £48. Easyjet seem to be at the front of the queue with the begging bowl at the moment but charity only seems to work one way with them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 12:43:41
Nearly 18% of positively tested poeple HAD NO SYMPTOMS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 13:02:25
Football in England cancelled until 'at least' 30th April.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 13:04:31
A group of us were due to fly to Hamburg tomorrow for a stag weekend. The hotel have given us a full refund, HSV have said they’ll be refunding our match tickets but Easyjet have refused to allow us refunds on the grounds that the government have only advised against travel and haven’t banned it. That despite warnings that if you do travel, you could well end up stuck abroad with no government help to get back. Obviously not going so have rebooked for October at an extra cost of £48. Easyjet seem to be at the front of the queue with the begging bowl at the moment but charity only seems to work one way with them.
Same situation with RyanAir and a cancelled kids' football tour to Ireland. Hotel, catering, everything else have all agreed to full refunds. RyanAir are holding out. TBF don't think either are at the front of the queue with the begging bowl - billionaire tax exile Richard Branson sharp-elbowed his way to the front of the queue asking for a multi-billion pound handout for his Virgin Airways over a week ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 13:05:45
Quote from: Flashheart
... and they're having to decide who gets treatment, and who does not. Some people are literally just being left to die. and Italy has more ICU beds per person than Britain does.

I'm reliably informed you don't want to be over 65 in a hotspot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 13:08:11
Football closedown extended until end of April (at least)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 13:20:04
"The Football Association has also agreed that the current season can be "extended indefinitely" beyond the original end date of 1 June."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 13:22:45
Still don't think it's as simple as that RE: extending indefinitely but, meh, whatever.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 13:23:02
Does that mean our Tuesday night games will be on a Saturday?  ;D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 13:30:43
Does that mean our Tuesday night games will be on a Saturday?  ;D

I suspect that if/when it happens it will be 3 or 4 weeks of games Saturday - Tuesday - Saturday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:10:11
A group of us were due to fly to Hamburg tomorrow for a stag weekend. The hotel have given us a full refund, HSV have said they’ll be refunding our match tickets but Easyjet have refused to allow us refunds on the grounds that the government have only advised against travel and haven’t banned it. That despite warnings that if you do travel, you could well end up stuck abroad with no government help to get back. Obviously not going so have rebooked for October at an extra cost of £48. Easyjet seem to be at the front of the queue with the begging bowl at the moment but charity only seems to work one way with them.
Ive just been refunded my EasyJet ticket money - Athens-Gatwick and Gatwick-Kefalonia. I left it as late as possible as up until yesterday they were only  offering changing for future flights for free.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:12:41
Same situation with RyanAir and a cancelled kids' football tour to Ireland. Hotel, catering, everything else have all agreed to full refunds. RyanAir are holding out. TBF don't think either are at the front of the queue with the begging bowl - billionaire tax exile Richard Branson sharp-elbowed his way to the front of the queue asking for a multi-billion pound handout for his Virgin Airways over a week ago.

In all fairness, my brother had a full refund from Virgin.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:22:43
I confess I have bought in some extra dry food and a few extra bog rolls two weeks ago and stored it all in case of lockdown, which, at the time, I thought would be for maybe two weeks. Things have moved on. I have then shopped as normal, except I grabbed a couple extra beers this week, once work kicked me out. I don't consider this unreasonable as my wife is disabled to the extent that she cannot walk or drive anymore. All happened in quick time so we and young daughter are still coming to terms with it. She can't go to even the local shops, even with the mobility scooter, as the roads are full of nutters and cars are parked all over the paths. If I get sick, and I have a long-term illness that enables a free flu-jab, then they are screwed. I can't be the only one who has had to think like this and therefore, I declare me, very slightly less of a dick than the rest of the relatively healthy scrum shoppers.
Just saw an old boy in a supermarket forlornly walking the empty aisles for food. He had some salt and nothing else. Enough said.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:28:07
Just saw an old boy in a supermarket forlornly walking the empty aisles for food. He had some salt and nothing else. Enough said.

That's heartbreaking.  I genuinely fear for older (70+) folk who live on their own when the lockdown period happens.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:29:01
In all fairness, my brother had a full refund from Virgin.
Fair do's. That in no way alters the fact that Brason's a cunt though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:30:57
TBF this increase was announced 2 months ago and our price increase letter came 2 weeks ago before this mass isolation started happening.

I just rung up, my discounts ran out and my bill was et to increase by £20.
Rung them, asked and got it for £20 less than what im paying now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:35:45
I confess I have bought in some extra dry food and a few extra bog rolls two weeks ago and stored it all in case of lockdown, which, at the time, I thought would be for maybe two weeks. Things have moved on. I have then shopped as normal, except I grabbed a couple extra beers this week, once work kicked me out. I don't consider this unreasonable as my wife is disabled to the extent that she cannot walk or drive anymore. All happened in quick time so we and young daughter are still coming to terms with it. She can't go to even the local shops, even with the mobility scooter, as the roads are full of nutters and cars are parked all over the paths. If I get sick, and I have a long-term illness that enables a free flu-jab, then they are screwed. I can't be the only one who has had to think like this and therefore, I declare me, very slightly less of a dick than the rest of the relatively healthy scrum shoppers.
Think you're entirely reasonable there. And this and cases like this is why the online judging of people is just as bad as the panic buying. A mate of my missus works as a home help/carer in Wroughton. By the nature of it, her clients are elderly and/or vulnerable so she offered to get some bits in for them. Which led to her being all but hounded out of Tesco in tears by people who assumed they "knew" that she was being selfish, when she was actually trying to help. She's now had to get a uniform made so she can "prove" she is a carer (it doesn't prove anything but seems to work to be able to point to it when the witch-hunt mobs start up).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:40:31
All those people with their 1980's Bidet's are having the last laugh now.

Does anyone know if Reg is alright?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:45:38
The Police had to be called to shut down a Church flouting State rules on gatherings greater than 50 people in Louisiana:

“The virus, we believe, is politically motivated,” Spell told WAFB. “We hold our religious rights dear and we are going to assemble no matter what someone says.”

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 14:45:50
He's not even 70  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:15:50
All those people with their 1980's Bidet's are having the last laugh now.

Does anyone know if Reg is alright?
Was wondering that myself. Been worryingly quiet the past week or so. Might disagree with him occasionally ( ;) ) but hope the argumentative old sod's OK

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:17:32
A group of us were due to fly to Hamburg tomorrow for a stag weekend. The hotel have given us a full refund, HSV have said they’ll be refunding our match tickets but Easyjet have refused to allow us refunds on the grounds that the government have only advised against travel and haven’t banned it. That despite warnings that if you do travel, you could well end up stuck abroad with no government help to get back. Obviously not going so have rebooked for October at an extra cost of £48. Easyjet seem to be at the front of the queue with the begging bowl at the moment but charity only seems to work one way with them.

i had a napples trip booked for 5th april- easyjet emailed last week and confirmed choice of refund or new date of which i chose refund. seems strange how they arent doing this for all destinations

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:20:21
i know the stats are deceiving but it is still a bit crazy to see ONLY 3 confirmed cases in swindon and 9 in wiltshire.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:22:14
i know the stats are deceiving but it is still a bit crazy to see ONLY 3 confirmed cases in swindon and 9 in wiltshire.
That's because they're only testing people who are ill enough to be hospitalised. Not even testing front line medical staff which is insane, there must be hundreds, if not thousands, walking around with the virus not even aware of it while they are treating patients.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Briggany on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:36:09
There are way more than 3.

2 work colleagues have been confirmed to have it that live in Swindon/Bassett. And my friend has it.

I say confirmed as essentially they can't test everyone, so you call 111 and they decide whether you need a call back. Then you get a clinical call back with a health professional that will decide if you have it or not. These are "confirmed" cases. Essentially a best guess given symptoms.

Diagnosed cases are this that have actually had the test done.

I developed a cough last Wednesday and self isolated Friday. Works now closed and all staff are working from home for the next few months.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:38:10
All those people with their 1980's Bidet's are having the last laugh now.

Does anyone know if Reg is alright?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:38:53
Was wondering that myself. Been worryingly quiet the past week or so. Might disagree with him occasionally ( ;) ) but hope the argumentative old sod's OK

He was logged on an hour ago  :sherlock:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:40:32
He was logged on an hour ago  :sherlock:
Good, glad to hear he's OK. Or at least well enough to be checking up on us all.  :bye: Hi Reg!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:45:00
That's heartbreaking.  I genuinely fear for older (70+) folk who live on their own when the lockdown period happens.

We have booked an online delivery for my old man (83 next week) and his missus who live near Witney via our Asda account as they are struggling, problem is Asda seem to be out of stock of loads of stuff so a bit wait and see, but its all I* can do from 200+ miles away!  

* When I say I, its actually the wife who is organised. As she is a bit anal of running out of things by habit (if she takes the car out and the tank is half full she will put some petrol in!) she has been very organised meaning that we don't need to really panic buy (although she has been getting bits and bobs on our order for elderly neighbours and her mum and dad), we have two shops a week and she has always booked online slots as far ahead as she can to continue that, a cupboard audit with the 7 year old (off school) suggests we could do about 2 weeks before things get sticky.

I think habits are going to change a lot after this, we have to do online really as the nearest supermarket which isn't Booths (northern Waitrose) is Kendal which is about 20 miles away, plus we both hate shopping. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:59:24
For those with kids...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:07:56
We have booked an online delivery for my old man (83 next week) and his missus who live near Witney via our Asda account as they are struggling, problem is Asda seem to be out of stock of loads of stuff so a bit wait and see, but its all I* can do from 200+ miles away!  

* When I say I, its actually the wife who is organised. As she is a bit anal of running out of things by habit (if she takes the car out and the tank is half full she will put some petrol in!) she has been very organised meaning that we don't need to really panic buy (although she has been getting bits and bobs on our order for elderly neighbours and her mum and dad), we have two shops a week and she has always booked online slots as far ahead as she can to continue that, a cupboard audit with the 7 year old (off school) suggests we could do about 2 weeks before things get sticky.

I think habits are going to change a lot after this, we have to do online really as the nearest supermarket which isn't Booths (northern Waitrose) is Kendal which is about 20 miles away, plus we both hate shopping. 

Plenty of rabbits about  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:13:44
I've been accused of being selfish by a work colleague because I'm putting their loved ones at risk by going to the pub. Now, I don't consider myself as being stupid, but I don't understand their logic - if their "at risk" granny is nicely isolated at home, how does it effect her? Surely I'm only risking the health of the staff who have to be there, and other "selfish" folk who are also in the pub?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:18:58
Presume you have to get to the pub from work/home and then back again.

Are you certain you will NOT interact with absolutely nobody on your route?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:26:18
Presume you have to get to the pub from work/home and then back again.

Are you certain you will NOT interact with absolutely nobody on your route?

Virtually. And again, the people I may bump in to will not, by their logic, be people at risk.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:44:47
I've been accused of being selfish by a work colleague because I'm putting their loved ones at risk by going to the pub. Now, I don't consider myself as being stupid, but I don't understand their logic - if their "at risk" granny is nicely isolated at home, how does it effect her? Surely I'm only risking the health of the staff who have to be there, and other "selfish" folk who are also in the pub?
No, you and everyone else in the pub is risking the health of everyone you all then have contact with, and everyone they have contact with, and so on, which is how viruses spread rapidly through a community from small beginnings. From a couple pf pages ago:

1) People have tested positive for the virus without displaying symptoms so not feeling ill is no guarantee you're not spreading it
2) 10s of thousands of people will die from this (the CMO's "best hope" is "only" 20,000 deaths). People you know and care about will die. How many is down to how quickly the virus spreads. How quickly the virus spreads is down to people's behaviour. Like not doing stupid shit like going to a pub with "less than 20 people" in it that will all spread the virus not just to each other but to everyone else they have contact with
3) If the virus spreads quickly it will overwhelm the NHS, that will probably happen very quickly due to a decade of underfunding. At that point, people will start to die not just of coronavirus but because they can't get in intensive care for heart attacks, chronic diseases etc
4) If you think you won't get affected because you're not in a high risk group, in the US 40% of cases hospitalised are in the 20-54 age bracket. At the moment, they're largely not dying because there are enough intensive care beds and ventilators to go round. Once this thing peaks, there won't be. Then those people will start doing too because they can't be treated. Even if you are one of the wankers who think the old and sick are expendable because "I'm all right Jack", it's not just old people who will die from this.
5) If you find the current "social distancing" irksome, you're going to really hate a full lockdown when you literally won't be allowed out of your house unless you're a key worker or getting supplies (and possibly not even for that if they can sort out home deliveries). That will become necessary if people like you continue to do stupid shit like going to a pub with less than 20 people in it.

We are not islands, isolated from each other. We are all connected and how we behave affects everyone. If we make sensible choices and act like we are all responsible for each other we can limit the impact of this thing. If we act like selfish wankers, we're all going to be going to a lot of funerals, explaining to grieving families how it's all overhyped, it's just a bit of flu really and there's no reason to stop behaving like we are the only people who matter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:47:31
Firstly, if you are not under 19 (as data suggests) you are indeed at risk, just not as much.

Next - you may interact with someone and pass the virus on to them, they interact with someone more at risk, and so on.

Or, you pick up the virus and while you are less at risk you develop severe symptoms requiring treatment, during your hospital visit you interact with other patients, staff and visitors and on we go again.  Around half the patients in ICU beds are under 65.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:48:59
Is there really any need to call me a wanker?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:49:56
What about beer gardens? Are they ok?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:49:58
What chance have we got if we're still at the stage that this stuff has to be explained to people?  :doh:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:51:57
What about beer gardens? Are they ok?

Will you be able to mobile order from the table and have it delivered in a paper cup by a string and pulley system from the bar, pumped by a person in a Hazmat suit?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:53:11
What chance have we got if we're still at the stage that this stuff has to be explained to people?  :doh:

It's why China got to grips with it, eventually.  No negotiation, home or jail sir?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: herthab on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:56:34
I'd love to self isolate, as an asthmatic (albeit not 'brittle') I'm fully aware of the risk I'm posing to myself. Unfortunately I've no choice but to work and that work (lorry driver) isn't something that can be done from home. What I am doing though is limiting an social contact. Which I'm finding really easy, as I'm anti social at the best of times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 16:59:53
Is there really any need to call me a wanker?
No, and I didn't mean to directly call you a wanker. It was cut and paste from my original answer to Sippo this morning. And I didn't mean to call him a wanker either, it was more a general reflection on people putting their own fairly trivial self-gratification as more important than a deeply non-trivial public health issue.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:01:24
Another reason for treating a trip to the pub as a risk - if you do get ill, and did need treatment, 8% of the Italian Healthcare workforce is now infected thanks to treating the ill, and is beginning to suffer deaths in the Doctor population.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:01:41
What about beer gardens? Are they ok?
This has been answered multiple times. Why do you keep asking the same question (and getting pretty much the same answers) unless you're deliberately trolling?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:03:58
The time before we were on lockdown already seems like another age. I've left the house once in the last three days, for an hour. I read discussions like this as if they were from a history book.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:13:37
What chance have we got if we're still at the stage that this stuff has to be explained to people?  :doh:

Only yesterday I saw somebody claim 'it's just the flu'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:17:08
Only yesterday I saw somebody claim 'it's just the flu'
With nobs on

And bells and whistles

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:23:53
I've been accused of being selfish by a work colleague because I'm putting their loved ones at risk by going to the pub. Now, I don't consider myself as being stupid, but I don't understand their logic - if their "at risk" granny is nicely isolated at home, how does it effect her? Surely I'm only risking the health of the staff who have to be there, and other "selfish" folk who are also in the pub?

Italy reports 5,322 new cases of #Coronavirus and 427 new deaths.

Total number of cases reach 41035 and Total death toll reaches 3405

Fatality rate= 8.2%

And they are on lockdown and have been for an extended period already

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:27:00
Boris says we can beat this in 12 weeks

That’s us fucked then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:40:37
Not sure that was what he said if you listened to his answers to the subsequent questions

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:50:59
As evidenced by a small number on this thread, whilst the Govt "advise" people to (e.g) not go to the pub, there are a significant number of folks who will choose to ignore this advice, in spite of the obvious potential consequences for them or others.

The words leadership and Boris really cannot be used in the same sentence (unless to say he has no fucking clue how to lead other than telling folks what he thinks they want to hear). Trumpian leadership in evidence here.

We all need to take this seriously as the Govt do not appear to be doing so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:51:45
"We don't know where we are, how long this thing will go on for, but what I can say is this is going to be finite, we will turn the tide and I can see how we can do this in the next 12 weeks."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AldbourneRed on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:53:04
I read an insightful thread earlier, re-posted from an Italian Twitter user, which talks about the various stages of misunderstanding and denial their country went through over the last couple of weeks.

Sobering reading for anyone who hasn't yet twigged what could be to come:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:53:18
Supposed to isolating but did an online shop yet the bulk is out of stock, so had to go.
Shops are stripped bare. No bread,milk,toilet rolls, disinfectant or tinned food. Bugger all frozen food either.
Yet was only allowed 3 bottles of coke as no more than 3 items of anything  :-[

Ppl do realise that even on lockdown you will still be able to shop.
Selfish wankers.
Hope half their food spoils

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:58:38
EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has it now. Probably Johnson's fault.

The gradual phasing in of restrictions in the UK is being cleverly managed. Any cliff edge shutdown would have created a backlash. I think the government is managing the situation well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 17:59:05
"We don't know where we are, how long this thing will go on for, but what I can say is this is going to be finite, we will turn the tide and I can see how we can do this in the next 12 weeks."

When questioned he didn't adequately explain what turning the tide meant...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 18:05:24
When questioned he didn't adequately explain what turning the tide meant...

That reads to me as if they think it could take 12 weeks to stem the rise in cases, which seems reasonable given China and Italy's examples, if they force a lot of the closures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 18:13:08
One might infer that's what he meant but we shouldn't really have to rely on inferences.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 18:16:42
I think both Boris and the government have done a rather better job than others are giving them credit for.  Equating his efforts with Trump's disgraceful charade is particularly unfair.

The glaring exception is the failure to close down pubs and restaurants.  I don't understand the rationale.  It allows people to make bad choices and puts the financially desperate owners in an impossible position.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 18:24:24
Boris is Boris, but the Thai government are all over the place.

Different departments keep on contradicting each other over immigration etc and nobody knows what's going on. I got my visa extended just last week so hopefully I can avoid most of the fuckwittery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 19:23:02
The massive problem with plucking the 12 weeks figure out thin air is that while it's reassuring (and I get that, the nation could do with some reassurance) it also creates a pressure down the line. If in 10-11 weeks' time, social distancing and the more extreme measures that will be coming in the next couple of weeks (we'll need them because people keep going to the pub because they feel fine and it's just a bit of flu) are starting to have an effect and we start to see the peak flatten out, then there will be huge political pressure to open everything up again. And understandably so. The problem comes if that goes against the scientific and medical advice. Johnson has just created his own deadline. I'm not sure I trust him to resist the pressure he has put on himself tonight to do what is right for the country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 19:28:23
The glaring exception is the failure to close down pubs and restaurants. 
And not taking action to ensure key workers can actually feed themselves because by the time they finish their 12 hour shifts trying to save the rest of us the selfish wankers have stripped the shelves bare. And people who rent. And zero hours contract workers. And employees and freelancers in the entertainment sector. And anyone who works for a business that is asking it's employees to work unpaid for the next 4 weeks, 8 weeks, indefinitely. And not testing healthcare workers. And shutting down schools (but keeping them open for key workers) without a plan on how that should be done. And ..... and ..... at the margins, the list goes on. The common theme is that it is those at the bottom that are paying the heaviest price.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 19:32:14
The massive problem with plucking the 12 weeks figure out thin air is that while it's reassuring (and I get that, the nation could do with some reassurance) it also creates a pressure down the line. If in 10-11 weeks' time, social distancing and the more extreme measures that will be coming in the next couple of weeks (we'll need them because people keep going to the pub because they feel fine and it's just a bit of flu) are starting to have an effect and we start to see the peak flatten out, then there will be huge political pressure to open everything up again. And understandably so. The problem comes if that goes against the scientific and medical advice. Johnson has just created his own deadline. I'm not sure I trust him to resist the pressure he has put on himself tonight to do what is right for the country.

It's almost like Johnson is winging it.  Extraordinary stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 19:35:07
It's almost like Johnson is winging it.  Extraordinary stuff.
tbf everyone is to some extent. We've never been here before. But some countries seem to be better prepared than others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 19:39:47
I’m not a political person, but he is a clown. Shut the schools. Mentions key workers then doesn’t give a list. The schools need to know how many kids will be in for safeguarding, food, staff...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 19:42:20
In fairness, the novel nature of this means that, inevitably, this is all being done 'on the fly'. Everyone wants an answer now to every conceivable issue but I am not sure that this is possible.

I suspect that Corbyn is relieved that he didn't make it to number 10 after all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 19:46:02

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 19:50:30
In fairness, the novel nature of this means that, inevitably, this is all being done 'on the fly'. Everyone wants an answer now to every conceivable issue but I am not sure that this is possible.

I suspect that Corbyn is relieved that he didn't make it to number 10 after all.
Aren’t we all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 19:52:09
In fairness, the novel nature of this means that, inevitably, this is all being done 'on the fly'. Everyone wants an answer now to every conceivable issue but I am not sure that this is possible.
No it's not. But some level of guidance could have been drawn up. My missus works in the education sector with vulnerable and at risk kids and families. They've spent the day in meetings trying to work out who they allow in and who they don't based on a combination of how much at risk the child is and whether the parents are key workers. They've had no guidance on any of it. Not even a basic list of what constitutes "key workers". You could draw that list up in about 5 minutes. They're just throwing out policy and soundbites on the fly.

I suspect that Corbyn is relieved that he didn't make it to number 10 after all.
I think we all are. Just a shame either alternative was equally fucking useless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 20:00:27
I’m not a political person, but he is a clown. Shut the schools. Mentions key workers then doesn’t give a list. The schools need to know how many kids will be in for safeguarding, food, staff...

Daughter works in a private school in Newcastle. They were told today the school would be open for key workers kids. Yet no idea who the key workers are so no idea on numbers.
Could be 40 or 200. School only has 400 kids  :eek:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 20:18:57
Watching QT - Matt Hancock looks (and sounds) clueless and out of his depth.  Apparently 10,000 hand sanitizers have been shipped to NHS - no proof of this but that is probably is a lot less than one per GP surgery - great!

Why is the Sec of State for Health a PPE graduate like so many of his peers. I would like to think that a person with some kind of medical background might be better qualified.

Honestly  - zero confidence inspired by him. Watch QT and to quote Barry Davies - "look at his face, just look at his face"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 20:23:41
The head at my wee ones school has been going loco in email updates as they also just want to know what the criteria for kids who can still attend school actually is so they can plan accordingly.

It was oddly heartbreaking seeing the numbers of families drop on a daily basis throughout this weeks school run. The school attendance rate was 66% at my daughters school yesterday and it was definitely quieter today (they started merging classes a couple of days ago).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 20:44:59
Watching QT - Matt Hancock looks (and sounds) clueless and out of his depth.  Apparently 10,000 hand sanitizers have been shipped to NHS - no proof of this but that is probably is a lot less than one per GP surgery - great!

Why is the Sec of State for Health a PPE graduate like so many of his peers. I would like to think that a person with some kind of medical background might be better qualified.

Honestly  - zero confidence inspired by him. Watch QT and to quote Barry Davies - "look at his face, just look at his face"

He’s just said that zero hours contract workers will all be able to claim SSP but that isn’t true, only those earning at least £118 will qualify.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 20:52:08
Supposed to isolating but did an online shop yet the bulk is out of stock, so had to go.

I’m selfish for thinking about going to a pub garden, yet this bloke is supposed to be self isolating yet still goes out....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 20:52:54
No it's not. But some level of guidance could have been drawn up. My missus works in the education sector with vulnerable and at risk kids and families. They've spent the day in meetings trying to work out who they allow in and who they don't based on a combination of how much at risk the child is and whether the parents are key workers. They've had no guidance on any of it. Not even a basic list of what constitutes "key workers". You could draw that list up in about 5 minutes. They're just throwing out policy and soundbites on the fly.
I think we all are. Just a shame either alternative was equally fucking useless.

I agree that if you make a positive statement on something (such as keep the offspring of key workers in school) there has to be clarity.

It occurs to me that the govt won't let the economy go completely down the pan. On or around 12 weeks, all restrictions will go out of the window regardless of whether we have 'beaten' this.  Boris can say at that point we tried valiantly to stem the tide but that didn't work, so we'll let it do it's worst rather than let life as we know it go down the shitter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 20:58:44
I’m selfish for thinking about going to a pub garden, yet this bloke is supposed to be self isolating yet still goes out....

I apologise for needing to eat.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 21:02:25
I’m selfish for thinking about going to a pub garden, yet this bloke is supposed to be self isolating yet still goes out....

Are you on a fucking wind up Sippo?

Be honest, because if you are then it's wearing very thin.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 21:04:22
Pubs still getting customers from what I drove past again tonight (rat trap,crown,new Inn,dockle)
People are incredibly selfish. Pubs are still putting on gigs this weekend in the town too. Giving people a choice doesn't work. We have to have strict rules to beat the his virus. It's literally the difference between life and death for many people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 21:14:35
I apologise for needing to eat.

But you were supposed to be self isolating which means not leaving your house.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 21:15:29
Are you on a fucking wind up Sippo?

Be honest, because if you are then it's wearing very thin.

No wind up here. Not intentionally winding people up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 22:21:22
I’m now living in the 3rd worst affected country on the planet. I know what’s coming to you lot in a weeks time. This time last week we had the same amount as the UK does now and we were already on lockdown. I hate to say it but you’re fucked.
Good luck and stay safe

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 22:24:30
But you were supposed to be self isolating which means not leaving your house.

Even in fucking lockdown you are allowed to shop ffs.
Could just go without I guess  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 22:25:14
But at least we can still get a half of Ruddles down the local spoons.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 22:40:04
Quote from: mexico red
I hate to say it but you’re fucked.
Good luck and stay safe

cheers Mex. you too

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 23:16:23
I apologise for needing to eat.

Why did you need to eat cock?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 23:20:47
But you were supposed to be self isolating which means not leaving your house.
No it doesn't, although you're right about not going out to buy food. The advice is that you should not leave your house except
1) In medical emergency
2) Exercise, but not in crowded areas and not in groups and maintain the recommended 2 meters distance

TBF to wooly, the advice has changed in the last few days. Last time I looked you were OK to go out to get food and medicine. Now the advice is to get it delivered or dropped off by a friend.

This is half the problem, the advice changes so frequently that what you think you "know" is wrong a few days later.

Oh and btw, you are still (and will remain) completely and utterly wrong about being OK to pop down the pub for a pint. On a scale of 1 to "What the actual fuck do you think you are playing at?" wooly going out to get food is probably around a 1 or a 2, going to the pub is at least an 8.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 19, 2020, 23:23:48
Pubs are still putting on gigs this weekend in the town too.
Seriously? I get that pubs can't close without a govt order, it's financial suicide and I have every sympathy with them. But actively encouraging crowds? That's beyond irresponsible.

The govt need to just shut the fucking pubs, the restaurants, the theatres for Christ's sake, and pay the salaries of the staff. Then the owners of these businesses can stop having to choose between their responsibility to their staff and their responsibility to public health, which isn't a choice they should have to be making and Sippo might finally get the message and just get some tinnies in and drink them in his own garden. Or his kitchen. Wherever.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, March 20, 2020, 02:12:04

Not a huge model but potentially encouraging signs. We have to look at glimmers of light, which might be a lot harder for some.

But news like this can give us hope that we all can go to the pub again without fear, in time.

Edit: Pages 19 onwards for charts and tables if you don't want to read all the guff. Page 24 is of note, going forward.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 20, 2020, 04:04:36
For those ‘Must go to the pub’ types, have a read of this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, March 20, 2020, 04:58:28
I went out for a delightful fish supper in The Royal Oak, Old Town, Swindon yesterday evening. Our party consisted of people in their 30s, 50s, 60s & 70s. The venue was busy as were the two pubs afterwards. A band had cancelled but that was the only disappointment. I am going into work as usual at 9am today. I am going away this evening for a weekend break. I know of no-one who is ill due to this outbreak. How are all of you doing in your day to day lives away from trying to be strategists in unprecedented times?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Friday, March 20, 2020, 05:11:49
The gentle trolling has all the hallmarks of a Reg post. I assume that this is one of his other accounts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Friday, March 20, 2020, 07:48:05
Obviously the Brexit negotiations have been put on the back burner until the current issues have been resolved.

As there is little doubt that a shrinking of the economy is imminent, are we facing more problems immediately after?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, March 20, 2020, 08:00:14
The key worker list is out then. Doesn't go far enough as in my opinion they should also be the only workers allowed to go to work and leave their homes unless completely necessary. The government are being reactive rather than proactive. Not good enough

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, March 20, 2020, 08:10:19
I went out for a delightful fish supper in The Royal Oak, Old Town, Swindon yesterday evening. Our party consisted of people in their 30s, 50s, 60s & 70s. The venue was busy as were the two pubs afterwards. A band had cancelled but that was the only disappointment. I am going into work as usual at 9am today. I am going away this evening for a weekend break. I know of no-one who is ill due to this outbreak. How are all of you doing in your day to day lives away from trying to be strategists in unprecedented times?

Your best hope is that trolls are immune

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 20, 2020, 08:16:07
Idiots are dangerous. What makes it worse is that they are dangerous to other people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, March 20, 2020, 08:24:07
I went out for a delightful fish supper in The Royal Oak, Old Town, Swindon yesterday evening. Our party consisted of people in their 30s, 50s, 60s & 70s. The venue was busy as were the two pubs afterwards. A band had cancelled but that was the only disappointment. I am going into work as usual at 9am today. I am going away this evening for a weekend break. I know of no-one who is ill due to this outbreak. How are all of you doing in your day to day lives away from trying to be strategists in unprecedented times?

I have no words to describe the contempt I feel for you, and for anyone else behaving like this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:07:29
Why did you need to eat cock?

 :I'm a complete mofleakin Deak

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:09:21
Seeing some of the videos of people that have this, I don't wish it on anybody.

If I did have the option of deciding who gets it and who does not, however, those going to the pubs will be among the first on the list.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:14:35

TBF to wooly, the advice has changed in the last few days. Last time I looked you were OK to go out to get food and medicine. Now the advice is to get it delivered or dropped off by a friend.

This is half the problem, the advice changes so frequently that what you think you "know" is wrong a few days later.

I have a delivery slot for next week, next one available is mid April  :badmood:
Which wouldn't be so bad if half the stuff you ordered was actually delivered.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:15:07
Declaring an intent to go down the pub would be worth it just for the lecture from PaulD (informative and educational that they are).  :)

Tempting as it is to nip down the pub for a swift one. It’s just not worth it.
There will be plenty of opportunity for that once this thing is over.

Splendid isolation does warrant trying to source a delivery of some fine Trappist beer though!

For anyone who is struggling to get hold of some hand sanitiser then TCP diluted should do the job.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:16:14
Looks like I am not going to the pub on the weekend now.

Even though my argument still stands. Go in, buy pint, go out sit in the garden. Literally two/three minutes inside.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:30:26

Even though my argument still stands.

No, it does not. It never did, and it never will.

But if you don't get that by now then you're never going to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:43:11
Why don't we all just agree that nobody knows and behave?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:48:52
At the end of the day we still have to go to the shops and stand in a queue for ages.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:54:52
At the end of the day we still have to go to the shops and stand in a queue for ages.

We do, yes. There are some things that we cannot practically avoid.  

However, the way that viruses spread means that limiting (not necessarily completely cancelling) contact with other people can make a significant difference to the overall number of cases at any one time. It is exponential growth, meaning the more cases there are, the sharper the curve becomes. Even just a small decrease in the rate of spread could mean the difference between the health service coping, or being overrun.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, March 20, 2020, 09:55:18
I have a delivery slot for next week, next one available is mid April  :badmood:
Which wouldn't be so bad if half the stuff you ordered was actually delivered.

I'm fetching stuff for my vulnerable parents. Fetching and dropping at their door so not putting them at risk. I'm happy to get yours too if you want anything. DM a list and your address and I'll do what I can. Stay home if you can. I have to work so am out there anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:00:09
I'm fetching stuff for my vulnerable parents. I'm happy to get yours too if you want anything. DM a list and your address and I'll do what I can. Stay home if you can. I have to work so am out there anyway.

Cheers Arriba, appreciate,that really do. Am good for the mo and have a delivery slot for next week so hopefully be fine.
Will bear in mind if need arises tho.

Hope you and your parents stay safe

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:13:38
Is this crazy stockpiling just a Brit thing? I’ve just been down the supermarket here, no queues, nobody piling high their trollies, some - mainly old - people with masks.

Shelves stocked as per normal - maybe a little light on meat products. I only needed a bag of coffee beans and ingredients for Mrs Audrey to make a cake (more chance of dying there, I reckon!).

Being a small island with no huge warehouses filled with stock it’d be more understandable if people were going bat-shit crazy here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:19:51
Is this crazy stockpiling just a Brit thing? I’ve just been down the supermarket here, no queues, nobody piling high their trollies, some - mainly old - people with masks.

Seems to be a Brit and an Australian thing as friends over there are reporting similar.

Can't wait till December when the self inflicted Brexit food issues occur....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:34:24
Wow, just fucking wow. The US pharma company that makes a malaria drug that *might* be effective in treating coronavirus put the price up 100% in January when the Chinese started looking at it as a potential treatment. These people should be in jail.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:41:11
I have a delivery slot for next week, next one available is mid April  :badmood:
Which wouldn't be so bad if half the stuff you ordered was actually delivered.
The advice to get food delivered seems to be rapidly breaking down because you can't get the slots and as you say even if you can most of it doesn't get delivered. We had our weekly shop delivered last night, got about 1/4 of what we ordered. No frozen food, no tins, no rice and pasta obviously, very little fruit and veg. So yes it's all well and good the govt issuing the advice to not go out but if food isn't being delivered, it's difficult to see what people can do if they can't rely on help from friends and family.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:43:11
I have a delivery slot for next week, next one available is mid April  :badmood:
Which wouldn't be so bad if half the stuff you ordered was actually delivered.

We had 10 items missing yesterday and we didn't even order very much.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:48:25
As small person felt up to it she went to school this morning for the last day.

Got a massive pack of stuff from school to do with her whilst she is off, plus the teachers are going to remain in touch with the kids as appropriate using the net/phone so cannot fault them at all!

Popped into local village shop and chemist on way home, shop had all the essentials (shit loads of milk and bread) whilst the chemist had the calpol I needed and was splitting paracetamol prescription packs and selling them like that as they couldn't get any commercial branded stuff.

So if you want stuff maybe try the small locals rather then the supermarkets, hopefully the panic buying will calm down a bit now the lock down is nearly upon us.

What is this desperate need people have to go to the pub, Jesus this is the one time we are being actively encouraged to stay on the settee watching the telly for everyone's good!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:50:50
That video on the news of the poor nurse who had just finished a huge shift and popped into her local shop to get her shopping only to see empty shelves was heartbreaking.

Just signed up to do some volunteering locally. Not sure exactly what it is going to involve but even if its to deliver food or hand washing items then at least I can try and be useful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:56:21
For all our metal healths!


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, March 20, 2020, 11:05:58
Looks like I am not going to the pub on the weekend now.

Even though my argument still stands. Go in, buy pint, go out sit in the garden. Literally two/three minutes inside.

Sippo, watch this video (1 minute) about how the virus spreads through contact surfaces.

You’re right, going shopping is an inherent risk and the more people who get the virus, the riskier shop visits will become. But unless we all starve, or there’s another option, people have no choice.

But any other non-essential visit to any other business, building etc is an unnecessary risk which will contribute to spreading this quicker so that we’ll see the levels of death we can’t yet comprehend. It’s that serious.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 20, 2020, 11:14:59
This chart shows the recovery rate getting worse.

My guess is that it's because Italy's health system is struggling.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, March 20, 2020, 11:28:35
Well, thats my work trip to Paris officially off. Not that i was expecting to go but BA have officially canceled the flight now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, March 20, 2020, 11:50:36
If 18% of generally older people on the Diamond Princess were asymptomatic - maybe more because not everyone was tested - with a fatality rate of around 1%, how many of us might have or already have had it with no or mild symptoms? Another study of Japanese returnees from Wuhan came up with a figure of 30.8% asymptomatic.

Both of these studies are far from perfect but may offer hope that we are further along than thought. Of course we still need to do everything in our power to slow its spread, because we're already seeing how devastatingly it can overwhelm health services even in developed countries.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, March 20, 2020, 11:52:54
Well, thats my work trip to Paris officially off. Not that i was expecting to go but BA have officially canceled the flight now.

I'm booked on a BA flight next month (Amsterdam), how did you hear about the cancellation?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 20, 2020, 12:44:45
On a slightly brighter note as if we don't laugh we will cry.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, March 20, 2020, 13:14:34
I'm booked on a BA flight next month (Amsterdam), how did you hear about the cancellation?
They emailed and text me this morning. I've had about 3 emails in the last 2 weeks informing me they've changed the flight time (i guess they were trying to consolidate passengers into a few trips as possible) but today they've just flat out canceled it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 20, 2020, 13:36:48
Looks like BJ’s 12 weeks has been blown out of the water. A UK think tank says social distancing needs to be in place for a year - maybe alternating between very strict and more relaxed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, March 20, 2020, 13:39:49
They emailed and text me this morning. I've had about 3 emails in the last 2 weeks informing me they've changed the flight time (i guess they were trying to consolidate passengers into a few trips as possible) but today they've just flat out canceled it.

Cheers, hopefully the Dutch or us close our borders soon then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 20, 2020, 13:41:32
To be fair, 'think tanks' come out with all sorts of stuff and sometimes contradict each other (or even themselves).

It'd be too soon to say Boris's 12 weeks have been blown out of the water. Although that doesn't make him any less of a tool.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 20, 2020, 13:48:58
Reassuring to some, but not for everybody.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, March 20, 2020, 14:10:29

If in doubt, watch this interview from bloke in Italy hospital.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, March 20, 2020, 14:41:56
I have a wedding to go to next Friday that’s not been cancelled! Crazy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: THE FLASH on Friday, March 20, 2020, 15:03:51
It might be worth noting that NB Foods in Swindon (Food Wholesaler) are open.

Rivermead Industrial Estate
Rivermead Drive
SN5 7EX...not far from the Asda.

NB supply the Fast Food trade with Food and Drink. They do have a pay desk where you buy product and pay with cash and Debit Card (Not credit Card).

Go to the desk and order and pay and they bring it out on a trolley.

Bigger boxes on product of course.

Worth a go as desperate times.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 20, 2020, 15:23:40
trying to explain to my eldest that he can't go to Lydiard park to meet all his mates/fellow leavers later.

then again he's already been to school today ..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: scillyred on Friday, March 20, 2020, 15:33:34
Looks like Londoners with holiday homes are now decanting to their second homes in the South West !
No doubt bringing the virus with them, emptying the supermarkets & putting further strain on overstretched NHS resources.
I live on a very small island of 2,000 people, we continue to allow free travel in, including second home owners and even still holidaymakers !

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 20, 2020, 15:56:15
Looks like Londoners with holiday homes are now decanting to their second homes in the South West !
No doubt bringing the virus with them, emptying the supermarkets & putting further strain on overstretched NHS resources.
I live on a very small island of 2,000 people, we continue to allow free travel in, including second home owners and even still holidaymakers !

Scilly behaviour.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Friday, March 20, 2020, 16:35:05
Seeing some of the videos of people that have this, I don't wish it on anybody.

If I did have the option of deciding who gets it and who does not, however, those going to the pubs will be among the first on the list.

I've just watched a report on Sky News from a ICU in an Italian Hospital.  That really brought it home.  If you need convincing, take a look at it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 20, 2020, 16:39:25
that's the report that made me realise .. fuck

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 20, 2020, 16:52:50
Not sure if its been posted on here, but Swindon sees its first death from Coronavirus.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 20, 2020, 16:58:32
oh, that's sad

oooh no pub for sippo tomorrow

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, March 20, 2020, 16:58:48
Cafes, pubs and bars are told to close after a week of woolly "shoulds"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 20, 2020, 16:59:06
What a cunt. 😉

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, March 20, 2020, 17:03:48
80% of wages of furloughed workers being paid up until £2500 per month. That was needed. Backdated to March 1st, initially for three months.

Unlimited funding.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Friday, March 20, 2020, 17:04:50
But what about beer gardens?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 20, 2020, 17:07:28
80% of wages of furloughed workers being paid up until £2500 per month. That was needed. Backdated to March 1st, initially for three months.

Unlimited funding.
That's good. Anything for the self-employed/zero hours contract workers?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, March 20, 2020, 17:08:40
That's good. Anything for the self-employed/zero hours contract workers?

Talking about it now. Self-employed people can get universal credit? That doesn't sound spectacular.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, March 20, 2020, 17:24:33
It's a totally facile thing, but it annoys the hell out of me that as someone who has spent quite so much time in broadcasting, Johnson continues to whack the lectern next to his microphone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Friday, March 20, 2020, 17:31:33
I looked at the UC calculator last night.  It tells me I get nothing.  I presume its because I have a wife with a job and may have about £1k in the fucking bank in savings.

If this changes it and I get £92 a week, thats fucking pathetic.  They haven't thought about the self employed or those on zero hours at all.

We're an afterthought as usual.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, March 20, 2020, 18:02:21
Sax. As i'm aware (my Mum worked for DWP), the savings threshold is much higher than £1k. I'm sure it's around £15/16k.

Better news, they're lifting the cap on income. From Monday there will be no minimum income floor so you should be able to get it. It won't be lots granted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Friday, March 20, 2020, 18:24:24
Thanks.  I'll try again Monday.  I don't know why when I tried the UC calculator the other night it said I would get nothing.  My general impression is not positive at the moment and it seems the entire industry seems pretty pissed off.  I really don't know what to do beyond the next 2 months.

I cant dwell on it or Ill go mad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Friday, March 20, 2020, 18:36:47
Not sure if its been posted on here, but Swindon sees its first death from Coronavirus.

Same here in Bath at The RUH.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 20, 2020, 18:50:37
Not sure if its been posted on here, but Swindon sees its first death from Coronavirus.

There's 14 confirmed cases in swindon. So the adver is way behind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, March 20, 2020, 19:39:44
Thanks.  I'll try again Monday.  I don't know why when I tried the UC calculator the other night it said I would get nothing.  My general impression is not positive at the moment and it seems the entire industry seems pretty pissed off.  I really don't know what to do beyond the next 2 months.

I cant dwell on it or Ill go mad.

It's likely the site might not have been updated. It might not yet, since there will be an all hands on deck approach. Maybe a separate website will or is being set up to deal and process these influx of new claims? I'm sure when I checked a while back the "UC" pages were all in Beta with a proviso to inform of any problems! So maybe they are putting another site in place. I don't know but it would seem sensible and logical to do so.

Please don't go mad. Being in a similar industry, albeit a different angle and not as established as yourself, I still understand and it will be difficult. My only saving grace is I hadn't made any financial commitments that would leave me exposed. I "think" I'm just about covered for a while but likely only until end of June.

Weetabix and Pitta breads for tea! Yay. Keep it real and certainly talk/vent id you need to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, March 20, 2020, 20:25:33
My son just got home from work - drove past our local pub and said it was rammed! Really!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Friday, March 20, 2020, 20:28:15
Here's the thing.  HMRC know how much I earn.  They have 15 years of my accounts at their fingertips.  Why not look at that and say, right you can get a grant up to 80pc of that like the employees?  Rather than temping me with a potential of £90 odd quid a week?  That would prove to me that they are taking the entirety of the workforce seriously.  Put caveats into it, if you don't return to your work you have to pay it back.  That makes sense to me.  I don't really believe they take self employed seriously and this is not helping.

Anyway, Im not going to go mad.  It's been an odd week.  I worked Monday.  Since then Ive been at home, kids have been home since Wednesday.  It just all feels very unreal at the moment.  We'll just have to see what happens.

As it stands Ive got some understanding clients who are paying some fees - 1 all fees for March and April and 1 all fees for March - and some invoices to come in.  I should be ok until June.  An no one knows what the situation will be by that point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, March 20, 2020, 20:29:39
The rate for self employed is the same as SSP so will be £94.25 a week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, March 20, 2020, 20:37:35
And yet some people are still talking about scaremongering and over-reaction  :suicide:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Friday, March 20, 2020, 20:41:40
Just went for a stroll. Observed pubs not rammed but many more than every night this week. Lots of young folk in who are apparently immune or hoping for an early inheritance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Friday, March 20, 2020, 20:42:45
My son just got home from work - drove past our local pub and said it was rammed! Really!!!!!!!!
name the pub,, i'm thirsty :pint: :pint: :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, March 20, 2020, 21:21:00
I fucking hate the Tories but fair play for that today. They did the right thing. You can't help everyone but that was impressive. We'll worry about the implications and aftermath later eh! Let's just keep alive for now.

I'm still staggered by people's complete lack of understanding and negligence about this issue though. Pubs are busy tonight and many don't have a grasp of the seriousness of the situation. Moaning pubs are to shut etc. We have many selfish idiots in this country of ours.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 20, 2020, 21:44:16
well, they will realise in a few weeks if we follow Italy :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, March 20, 2020, 22:02:40
I fucking hate the Tories but fair play for that today. They did the right thing. You can't help everyone but that was impressive. We'll worry about the implications and aftermath later eh! Let's just keep alive for now.

I'm still staggered by people's complete lack of understanding and negligence about this issue though. Pubs are busy tonight and many don't have a grasp of the seriousness of the situation. Moaning pubs are to shut etc. We have many selfish idiots in this country of ours.

Agree 100%. We must be older and wiser I guess

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 20, 2020, 23:08:35
I fucking hate the Tories but fair play for that today. They did the right thing. You can't help everyone but that was impressive. We'll worry about the implications and aftermath later eh! Let's just keep alive for now.

I'm still staggered by people's complete lack of understanding and negligence about this issue though. Pubs are busy tonight and many don't have a grasp of the seriousness of the situation. Moaning pubs are to shut etc. We have many selfish idiots in this country of ours.

The people panic buying are worse. That has more of an impact. And no i am not trolling.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, March 20, 2020, 23:40:12
Problem now coming with the panic buyers is they will be running low soon and the shelves are still empty. Guess who will be queuing up and causing mayhem when a delivery lorry or two pulls in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, March 20, 2020, 23:41:36
I'd add we are utterly stripped in the shops where i am. so that may not be the case everywhere.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, March 20, 2020, 23:49:28
Limits seem to be in place now. Hopefully that will help. People are thick and selfish though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 03:26:53
The people panic buying are worse. That has more of an impact. And no i am not trolling.

I wouldn’t say anyone was trolling, these are unprecedented times.  On this, I agree.  Our WW2 relatives would be ashamed.  There are times in life where telling the govt to duck off is right, which is most of the time, now is not that time.   Ow is the time to listen and act out of an abundance of caution.  Have a pint or seven Sippo

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 06:24:30
Limits seem to be in place now. Hopefully that will help. People are thick and selfish though.

The problem is you can put limits on items but when family members split up in the queue what chance do we have

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 06:25:03
It amuses me that when gammons and pro Brexit types assert that people in this country did great things in the past and will do so again.  What this fails to recognise is that society has changed immeasurably and recent events show that a large section of the population are selfish twats who have no regard for others.  If certain historical events were replayed now with the current population, I am not sure that the results would be the same.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 07:21:15
Despicable opinion piece from the BBC. The opposite of what’s needed right now. Cites no evidence for his claim we could double ICU beds.

Feels like the influence of Cummings. Testing out public reaction. Sadly some of the greedy and selfish will believe sacrificing our old and vulnerable is a price worth paying to keep their own riches.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 07:58:30
Read it and weep. Literally.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 08:07:01
It amuses me that when gammons and pro Brexit types assert that people in this country did great things in the past and will do so again.  What this fails to recognise is that society has changed immeasurably and recent events show that a large section of the population are selfish twats who have no regard for others.  If certain historical events were replayed now with the current population, I am not sure that the results would be the same.

A bit like the young remainers ignoring advice on social gathering?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 08:09:00
I am not saying that selfishness is confined to the gammonati. It plainly applies across the board.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 08:10:20
Social distancing on the golf course today for me. No rakes in bunkers, no touching the flag, handshakes, have to do your own card and clubhouse closed. Home to my home bar for a skinful then errand running tomorrow. Stay safe folks...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 08:16:15
It amuses me that when gammons and pro Brexit types assert that people in this country did great things in the past and will do so again.  What this fails to recognise is that society has changed immeasurably and recent events show that a large section of the population are selfish twats who have no regard for others.  If certain historical events were replayed now with the current population, I am not sure that the results would be the same.

Thing we’ve found a new word to get the soapy tit wank treatment

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 08:25:44
I still dont know what its supposed to mean

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 08:47:08
I am not saying that selfishness is confined to the gammonati. It plainly applies across the board.

Or even the UK

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 09:20:33
Quote from: suttonred
I still dont know what its supposed to mean

What 'gammon'? it's an angry middle aged man who goes red in anger at the thought of somebody younger doing something they don't like....

the counter attack to 'Snowflake' and 'millennials'.

'ok boomer' seems to be the dismissive form used to gammons. incorrectly most of the time, because baby boomers are between 56-76 years old. Bloody millennials.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:25:01
I wouldn’t say anyone was trolling, these are unprecedented times.  On this, I agree.  Our WW2 relatives would be ashamed. 
Not this old trope again. The crime rate increased by over 50% in WWII, people would have panic bought but there was no internet to spread the panic as widely and quickly as there is now and rationing was introduced fairly early on. What you did have was hoarding and a thriving black market. So yes most people showed tremendous spirit, if only because they had no choice, but there were still plenty of the selfish minority (or possibly those who did have a good reason for hoarding or trying to get some dodgy eggs off a geezer) just as now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:29:15


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:30:43
A bit like the young remainers ignoring advice on social gathering?
I am not saying that selfishness is confined to the gammonati. It plainly applies across the board.
Really doesn't help categorising panic buyers as leavers and pub goers as remainers or vice versa. For one thing it's likely to be a load of bollocks and secondly it's needlessly divisive at a time when we need a feeling of solidarity and the collective good rather than sharpening existing divisions. And "gammon" is on a par with "n***er", just needlessy offensive, divisive and fuelled by hatred (and yes I understand it doesn't have the same historical weight etc etc, but it really doesn't put you in a good place using it).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:35:03
Really doesn't help categorising panic buyers as leavers and pub goers as remainers or vice versa. For one thing it's likely to be a load of bollocks and secondly it's needlessly divisive at a time when we need a feeling of solidarity and the collective good rather than sharpening existing divisions. And "gammon" is on a par with "n***er", just needlessy offensive, divisive and fuelled by hatred (and yes I understand it doesn't have the same historical weight etc etc, but it really doesn't put you in a good place using it).

Equating the word gammon to the n word is, frankly, laughable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:37:25
What 'gammon'? it's an angry middle aged man who goes red in anger at the thought of somebody younger doing something they don't like....

the counter attack to 'Snowflake' and 'millennials'.

'ok boomer' seems to be the dismissive form used to gammons. incorrectly most of the time, because baby boomers are between 56-76 years old. Bloody millennials.
So, I’m a baby boomer. Never knew that.

As for gammon. Mmmmm, gammon!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:39:07


You lot told me I wasn't allowed to the pub so I didn't go.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:40:59
The offensive use of the word "gammon" relates to skin colour and particular race. It's racist.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:43:50
Equating the word gammon to the n word is, frankly, laughable.

Wasn't equating it, but it's on the same spectrum. Needlessly offensive, driven on anger, prejudice (as in pre-judging that you know what that person will be like based on your own assumptions), looking to lump a whole load of people in the same bucket so they can be dismissed/ignored/written off. It's use says more about the user than the target. You can be better than that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:43:52
For anybody of the mindset that they will be OK, listen to this. According to this doctor, there could be only 1 ventilator to every 8 people that needs one in 2-3 weeks time in the UK. Young people are going to die as well. Young people ARE dying in Italy because they can't treat them. That could be you.

And if you're the kind of smart-arsed cunt that thinks it's clever and brave to say "If I die, I die" -  it might not be you. It might be a friend or a family member that YOU infected because you went out for a fucking pint. Was it fucking worth it? I have a family with 2 kids. I will be jolly well pissed off if I end up dead, leaving my family to fend for themselves because some selfish cretin chose to be irresponsible. 

Stop being selfish.

Stop being ignorant.

Stop being a cunt. (And I don't care if you are offended. People are LITERALLY dying because of idiots)

It is real. It is not something that might happen. It IS happening now and it will get worse, much worse.

Wake - the - fuck - up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:46:24
Well said. Stop being a cunt should be the national communication campaign. It could be reused for many times over once this is sorted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:49:48
Well said. Stop being a cunt should be the national communication campaign. It could be reused for many times over once this is sorted.
It could be the new "Keep Calm and Carry on". Like the idea of National Trust gift shops selling "Stop Being a Cunt" tea towels

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:50:56
Wasn't equating it, but it's on the same spectrum. Needlessly offensive, driven on anger, prejudice (as in pre-judging that you know what that person will be like based on your own assumptions), looking to lump a whole load of people in the same bucket so they can be dismissed/ignored/written off. It's use says more about the user than the target. You can be better than that.

I am sorry to say that I don't think that you have saved yourself there. You were equating the two terms and that's rather sad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:53:10
I am sorry to say that I don't think that you have saved yourself there. You were equating the two terms and that's rather sad.
Well I certainly didn't intend to. As I say I recognise the historical weight of the former term, which clearly brings a far greater weight with it. That doesn't make your use of a needlessly offensive term driven by anger any better. Let's agree to disagree eh?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:53:30
For anybody of the mindset that they will be OK, listen to this. According to this doctor, there could be only 1 ventilator to every 8 people that needs one in 2-3 weeks time in the UK. Young people are going to die as well. Young people ARE dying in Italy because they can't treat them. That could be you.

And if you're the kind of smart-arsed cunt that thinks it's clever and brave to say "If I die, I die" -  it might not be you. It might be a friend or a family member that YOU infected because you went out for a fucking pint. Was it fucking worth it? I have a family with 2 kids. I will be jolly well pissed off if I end up dead, leaving my family to fend for themselves because some selfish cretin chose to be irresponsible. 

Stop being selfish.

Stop being ignorant.

Stop being a cunt. (And I don't care if you are offended. People are LITERALLY dying because of idiots)

It is real. It is not something that might happen. It IS happening now and it will get worse, much worse.

Wake - the - fuck - up.
Just quoting this because it's a very very good post and it got buried at the bottom of a page, don't want people to miss it in the middle of pointless reductive "gammon" arguments

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 10:53:50
This is all going the same way as the political thread I fear.

Few people have been absent from the forum recently, Reg and Legends Lounge the main ones. Hope everyone is ok despite the spats on here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 11:00:38
Here's the thing.  HMRC know how much I earn.  They have 15 years of my accounts at their fingertips.  Why not look at that and say, right you can get a grant up to 80pc of that like the employees?  Rather than temping me with a potential of £90 odd quid a week?

Anyway, Im not going to go mad.  It's been an odd week.  I worked Monday.  Since then Ive been at home, kids have been home since Wednesday.  It just all feels very unreal at the moment.  We'll just have to see what happens.

May or may not help but if you do go down the UC/SSP route then you can get a the total amount advanced I believe. Again the amounts are not huge but it may help a tight patch.

Also not sure if you qualify but I found this and may be of interest to you. I think you might qualify tbh Sax. Worth a look

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 11:05:51
Here's the thing.  HMRC know how much I earn.  They have 15 years of my accounts at their fingertips.  Why not look at that and say, right you can get a grant up to 80pc of that like the employees?  Rather than temping me with a potential of £90 odd quid a week?  That would prove to me that they are taking the entirety of the workforce seriously.  Put caveats into it, if you don't return to your work you have to pay it back.  That makes sense to me.  I don't really believe they take self employed seriously and this is not helping.

Anyway, Im not going to go mad.  It's been an odd week.  I worked Monday.  Since then Ive been at home, kids have been home since Wednesday.  It just all feels very unreal at the moment.  We'll just have to see what happens.

As it stands Ive got some understanding clients who are paying some fees - 1 all fees for March and April and 1 all fees for March - and some invoices to come in.  I should be ok until June.  An no one knows what the situation will be by that point.

I've seen posts on Facebook that supermarkets are looking for staff.

I know it's probably far from ideal, but if there's bills to be paid...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 11:37:16
Well I certainly didn't intend to. As I say I recognise the historical weight of the former term, which clearly brings a far greater weight with it. That doesn't make your use of a needlessly offensive term driven by anger any better. Let's agree to disagree eh?

No problem. I am not going to try change deep seated attitudes around race and related terminology.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 11:57:26
Just been out to try and get basics, must admit although many shelves are empty I was able to get bread, milk, fruit and vegetables as well as a fresh chicken and a pack of chops, although in both cases these were almost the last ones on the shelves,  A few day's ago I would have had no chance !!.   Have the panic buyers finally filled all of their cupboards ?,  hope this is the start of a little bit of sanity.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:11:00
Just been out to try and get basics, must admit although many shelves are empty I was able to get bread, milk, fruit and vegetables as well as a fresh chicken and a pack of chops, although in both cases these were almost the last ones on the shelves,  A few day's ago I would have had no chance !!.   Have the panic buyers finally filled all of their cupboards ?,  hope this is the start of a little bit of sanity. 

Same. We popped out to get onions and eggs, tried 3 supermarkets and a corner shop. Onions were literally the only vegetable left in any of the 3 shops and couldn’t get eggs at all!

Hoping this nonsense might get back to some normality over the next few days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:14:03
Surely the panic buyers must be stocked up before too long?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:17:13
Surely the panic buyers must be stocked up before too long?
Must be like an episode of 'Hoarders' in some people's homes !!.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:20:32
Same. We popped out to get onions and eggs, tried 3 supermarkets and a corner shop. Onions were literally the only vegetable left in any of the 3 shops and couldn’t get eggs at all!

Hoping this nonsense might get back to some normality over the next few days.
Despite trying to self isolate due to being on the "at risk" list I had to go out and try to get some shopping and we have just 2 supermarkets one a Tesco and one a Lidl both similar sized.

Neither had any eggs, loo rolls, meat of any kind that is not frozen, even the frozen aisle was near empty. No dog food at all, no bread, no veg, no beers, wine, alcohol of any kind.

Fucking panic buying cunts need their balls ripped off with a rusty nail.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:23:22
you got any farm shops near you. just went to one and they had loads of most meaty things. not supermarket cheap though..

no black pudding mind

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:26:04
you got any farm shops near you. just went to one and they had loads of most meaty things. not supermarket cheap though..

no black pudding mind
Yes mate 2, tried them both, all out of everything.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:26:09
Despite trying to self isolate due to being on the "at risk" list I had to go out and try to get some shopping and we have just 2 supermarkets one a Tesco and one a Lidl both similar sized.

Neither had any eggs, loo rolls, meat of any kind that is not frozen, even the frozen aisle was near empty. No dog food at all, no bread, no veg, no beers, wine, alcohol of any kind.

Fucking panic buying cunts need their balls ripped off with a rusty nail.

Should we not be questioning why at this stage supermarkets haven’t adjusted their stock ordering to ensure they are getting more than was previously ordered so as to ensure they can stock their shops twice or 3 times a day? Currently it seems the shops are stocked and everything gets bought up in the first few hours meaning people who can’t get to shops first thing are left high and dry?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:26:33
Despite trying to self isolate due to being on the "at risk" list I had to go out and try to get some shopping and we have just 2 supermarkets one a Tesco and one a Lidl both similar sized.

Neither had any eggs, loo rolls, meat of any kind that is not frozen, even the frozen aisle was near empty. No dog food at all, no bread, no veg, no beers, wine, alcohol of any kind.

Fucking panic buying cunts need their balls ripped off with a rusty nail.
Slightly better than that up here PV, mind you I did go at 8.30 this morning,  shops are probably empty now, alcohol is obviously going to be the next thing we can't get hold of,  feel a bit for you not being able to get dog food,  what the hell are you going to put in your shepherd's pie now ?.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:27:42
We aren't at panic stations just yet but in 2 days time we may be! we have a couple of family members that can help out, will have to drive a bit further for stuff then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:28:14
Should we not be questioning why at this stage supermarkets haven’t adjusted their stock ordering to ensure they are getting more than was previously ordered so as to ensure they can stock their shops twice or 3 times a day? Currently it seems the shops are stocked and everything gets bought up in the first few hours meaning people who can’t get to shops first thing are left high and dry?
Probably because suppliers cannot keep up with demand.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:28:32
feel a bit for you not being able to get dog food,  what the hell are you going to put in your shepherd's pie now ?.
The dogs at this rate!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:30:00
Despite trying to self isolate due to being on the "at risk" list I had to go out and try to get some shopping and we have just 2 supermarkets one a Tesco and one a Lidl both similar sized.

Neither had any eggs, loo rolls, meat of any kind that is not frozen, even the frozen aisle was near empty. No dog food at all, no bread, no veg, no beers, wine, alcohol of any kind.

Fucking panic buying cunts need their balls ripped off with a rusty nail.

Now you'll understand my Facebook post (if you have seen it).

Have you tried a local butchers/grocers etc. I hope you're doing alright JJ. You shouldn't have to be going out to get your food.

Let's see if there's a local "Courier Angel" (not a fan of the term tbh) in your area. They've been popping up all over and doing great stuff. There are some people doing good and selfless acts of kindness. They'll be more than happy to get you your list of essentials etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:30:06
The dogs at this rate!
:dog: :dog: :dog:

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:33:48
muscle foods mate. mail order delivered chilled ready to freeze

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:35:06
A friend I was talking to earlier mentioned that some of the stuff stripped from supermarket shelves was ending up on EBay etc. Just had a look and you can buy brand new loo rolls at 75-99p. I suppose when we’re desperate we might consider used ones. Must be all those twats who can’t bulk buy concert tickets now so they’ve moved into groceries.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:36:23
Now you'll understand my Facebook post (if you have seen it).

Have you tried a local butchers/grocers etc. I hope you're doing alright JJ. You shouldn't have to be going out to get your food.

Let's see if there's a local "Courier Angel" (not a fan of the term tbh) in your area. They've been popping up all over and doing great stuff. There are some people doing good and selfless acts of kindness. They'll be more than happy to get you your list of essentials etc.
Not starting to worry too much as we have a couple of days food, we can still get a few veggies so not as bad as some I guess, we are practically veggie at the moment anyway but as far as I know there is nothing even remotely like the "courier angel" operating down here, we have a tesco delivery coming Tuesday but half of that is already "out of stock".

I just truly wonder why people start to panic buy anything, there is alwaysenough for everyone at the start, now its created so many problems for suppliers, shops and customers.

Its just fucking the moment....amber warning bulb not quite ready to be changed to red bulb just yet but its days away now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:41:08
Did an order with Parsleybox the other day, seen an ad in a magazine,   got 10 meals and two free 175ml bottles of wine for just 19.99,  meals are not frozen,  they can be stored in a cupboard for up to 6 months, only takes 2 minutes in the microwave but can also be heated in the oven.
Delivery is free and, believe it or not,  delivered next day.   Have only used one meal so far,  have had a lot worse !!, not massive meals but okay for me.Think the offer code was DMW33 or DMW333 if anyone is interested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:42:29
A friend I was talking to earlier mentioned that some of the stuff stripped from supermarket shelves was ending up on EBay etc. Just had a look and you can buy brand new loo rolls at 75-99p. I suppose when we’re desperate we might consider used ones. Must be all those twats who can’t bulk buy concert tickets now so they’ve moved into groceries.
Can supply second hand ones at 50p.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:42:55
Been going to local small  breweries to buy beer. Keeping distance and they are super clean. Got loads as their usual custom has dried up. They are desperate for cash. Doesn't help with bog roll but might help keep lubricated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12:51:37
Haven't been shopping since Weds so may be out of date but it wasn't too bad here in Reading, certainly compared to experiences of others. Number of empty or near empty shelves with no toilet rolls/medicine/eggs/flour etc. but still plenty of food if you were happy to adjust your diet to what is available.  Nothing like the "stripped bare" experiences elsewhere.

Think it will take a while before it dies down.  Supermarkets starting to reduce their product range will help.

Got to wonder how much of the hoarded food will never get used.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 13:06:23
My chest freezer packed up a couple of weeks ago, superb timing.
Wasnt in a position to replace it, now I am there arent any  :crash:
All the average size ones sold out everywhere, that's where all the stockpiling is going.
At least someone is making some money.

Tesco's are doing an NHS only hour tomorrow at 9 before store opens, need NHS ID, depends if they have anyone on the door checking or the usual free for all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 13:11:03
I did a shift in food retail this morning, I've not done one for years but was helping out a mate. I walked there and back to avoid public transport.

The walk back was terrifying. There are so, so many people outside. I get it's quite a nice day but people seem to think being outside is a magic immunity - there are large groups, people stopping to chat, playing games all sorts. I know some will be getting essentials from the shops and some are exercising alone and I'm not castigating everyone, but it's terrifying how blase people seem to be about this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 13:33:57
Oh and Arkells are doing beer deliveries thru their
If you like that sort of thing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 13:51:44
Best give Arkells a miss if you are running low on bog roll  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 13:58:59
Haven't been shopping since Weds so may be out of date but it wasn't too bad here in Reading, certainly compared to experiences of others. Number of empty or near empty shelves with no toilet rolls/medicine/eggs/flour etc. but still plenty of food if you were happy to adjust your diet to what is available.  Nothing like the "stripped bare" experiences elsewhere.

Think it will take a while before it dies down.  Supermarkets starting to reduce their product range will help.

Got to wonder how much of the hoarded food will never get used.
Just got back from my local Morrisons (Clacton-On-Sea) and had pretty much the same experience. It's important to record the relatively positive experiences as well as the 'horror stories'...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 14:29:41
I went to the big Asda this morning and kid you not was in a queue of 400/500 and it reminded me of previous years queuing up for play off final ticket sales 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 14:48:28
Mrs now has a persistent cough and tight chest so now we are self isolating. Am i right in thinking one week for her, and two weeks for me?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 14:49:41
Mrs now has a persistent cough and tight chest so now we are self isolating. Am i right in thinking one week for her, and two weeks for me?

Yep, as long as she's recovered after 7 days obviously:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 15:13:08
just been out to Millets Farm near Standlake, the farm shop had loads of meat eggs etc, on the way back stopped off at the Co Op in Southmoor to replenish supplies of San Miguel, a very chilled afternoons shop with no dross to be seen :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 15:58:42
Mrs now has a persistent cough and tight chest so now we are self isolating. Am i right in thinking one week for her, and two weeks for me?

Good luck.  Expect we're all going to be doing this at some point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 16:04:13
Just got back from my local Morrisons (Clacton-On-Sea) and had pretty much the same experience. It's important to record the relatively positive experiences as well as the 'horror stories'...
You are very lucky mate, obviously either better supply chain to there than down here in Somerset or you have less panic buying idiots.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 16:06:16
Does the ban on pubs also apply to places of worship?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 16:48:50
Does the ban on pubs also apply to places of worship?
Yep. CofE announced this a few days ago

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 16:52:38
Quote from: Valid Pint
Does the ban on pubs also apply to places of worship?

God has had 2000 years practice at this self isolation lark

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 16:54:49
Quote from: tans
Mrs now has a persistent cough and tight chest so now we are self isolating. Am i right in thinking one week for her, and two weeks for me?

hope she recovers soon mate.

I guess it could be anything, but you know the score of it it doesn't get better within 7 days/deteriorates- 111

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 16:56:49
has the daily Boris briefing been cancelled for today?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 16:58:41
Quote from: singingiiiffy
has the daily Boris briefing been cancelled for today?

it was about 1:30, without Boris

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 17:03:27
Hundreds of UK mosques remain open for Jumu’ah despite closure calls via
are they immune  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 17:13:41
Does the ban on pubs also apply to places of worship?
Why,  are you going to pray for a beer ?. :pint: :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 17:14:37
"One mosque in Manchester, Jameah Masjid E Noor, even announced a special Jama’ah for the over 50s."

Fucking hell.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 17:17:49
it was about 1:30, without Boris

Trump's is live now though.  Forgetting his blather, the public health officials are interesting to listen to and don't seem to bullshit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 17:26:24
hope she recovers soon mate.

I guess it could be anything, but you know the score of it it doesn't get better within 7 days/deteriorates- 111

Shes alright in herself, she even said if we didnt have the advice to stay at home etc, she’d be carrying on as normal. Hopefully just a cold or something, but as you say, you cant be too sure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 17:32:36
Shes alright in herself, she even said if we didnt have the advice to stay at home etc, she’d be carrying on as normal. Hopefully just a cold or something, but as you say, you cant be too sure.

If she does have it (and she's OK), she might be fortunate in a sense. She'll probably be immune so that's one less thing she'll have to worry about. This shit has barely even started yet.

Hoping she will be OK mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 17:41:46
it was about 1:30, without Boris
He doesn't work weekends

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 18:15:04
You are very lucky mate, obviously either better supply chain to there than down here in Somerset or you have less panic buying idiots.
Seems like it... ultimately though the shelves are going to keep getting refilled... there's a limit to how long the panic buying idiots can keep it up for.... isn't there?🤔

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 18:27:27
Yep. CofE announced this a few days ago
I just walked by some kind of Christian  church which had a notice at the entrance saying that services had be cancelled, but people were welcome to wander in & visit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 18:47:02
Quote from: woolster
Hundreds of UK mosques remain open for Jumu’ah despite closure calls ( via
are they immune  :hmmm:



Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 19:21:01
We live right in a town centre and although it’s quieter than normal, there’s loads of obliviots going about their normal routine without a care on the world.

Had a few nice cars drive past today (we’ve been working out the front of our house all day) and it suddenly dawned upon me it’d be a great time to go out in my car and drive like a cock on some driving roads -  maybe north wales and the like.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 19:44:40
I walked from Hayden wick to wroughton earlier, down the old train line and cycle paths. Probably passed about 50 people over two hours?? Where does that fit on the social isolation scale?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 19:46:52
Life appears to appears to have changed very little in a number of town centres.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 20:23:06
Just saw a glimpse of the future.  This is what the TEF will look like when JBZ is the only Town fan left …  :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 20:24:23
Just achieved my goal as being the last poster on every topic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 20:28:56
Looking to break the Pauld, flashheart  and Horlock monopoly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 20:30:30
I don't remember seeing this dude post before and now he's like a bad fart

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 20:31:18
And smells like one

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 20:38:55
I walked from hhHayden wick to wroughton earlier, down the old train line and cycle paths. Probably passed about 50 people over two hours?? Where does that fit on the social isolation scale?
Its Haydon Wick, now known as the parish to some.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 20:42:42
Might be calling into calne tomorrow. I hope that all is ok there

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 20:55:33
Is your surname Zebedee?  :sherlock:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 20:57:02
No link to the ford franchise

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 21:24:20
Its Haydon Wick, now known as the parish to some.

That's a fair old walk and quite a boring stretch between sparcells and Westmead

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 21:43:07  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 21:57:29
Christ, did I hear that right ?,  800 dead in one day in Italy ?,  think some people still don't understand how serious this is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 22:17:43
1100 dead today in spain and italy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 22:22:47
Those numbers are coming to Britain next week, or the week after. And they will get so much worse.

The numbers in Thailand are 'low' but still following an exponential pattern. We (Thailand) might be a 7-10 days behind Britain but it is coming.

I think that a lot of people do not understand what that means.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 22:58:13
the modelling is very scary. And yes there is a point about 'how many would die anyway'...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 23:12:38
the modelling is very scary. And yes there is a point about 'how many would die anyway'...

I would think that government statisticians (the ONS?) should be able to ascertain the extent of the overlap described in the article fairly quickly.  It should be relatively easy to spot a trend - for example, comparing the number of Mar 2019 deaths with the number of Mar 2020 deaths (when the data becomes available in a week or two).  You should then be able to get a better idea of the number of 'additional' deaths.

Feels a bit cold & clinical to be discussing people's lives in such a statistical way, but it's important to understand this kind of thing as quickly as possible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 23:16:38
Based on what we understand now, if me and my wife get covid and get through it, and my friend and his wife the same, are we both safe(ish) to hang out together at one of our houses?? I assume yes??

Thinking, rather selfishly, of summer birthday/bbqs. Are we going to end up in a situation where we have covid survivor only gatherings?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 23:18:41
And if there’s some kind of antibody test, will we end up with a situation in 3-4 months where establishments can open but you have to show proof before entering

Weird ennit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 23:23:35
And if there’s some kind of antibody test, will we end up with a situation in 3-4 months where establishments can open but you have to show proof before entering

Weird ennit

That's a really interesting thought.  But I think there's a big question mark still over whether catching & then recovering provides immunity in future.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 23:32:12
Oh yeah, it’s all unknown. But if there was a way of ‘proof’ I could see it being used as a way to start opening up places again in the future. That, or the plot device of a terrible film

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 23:54:36
I went to the supermarket today to get some essential beer. It was an improved experience. People still getting too close to me for my liking,  but I have always thought that even before the coronavirus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 00:45:28
This bit from the BBC link is important

‘As we get deeper into this crisis, we will need much greater intelligence on just how many lives are truly being saved, and compare that to the wider cost to society, so the government and the public can weigh up the best course of action.’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 07:14:17
A work mates sister in law and son died last night of corona. Starting to get too close to home here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 07:43:06
The missus’ employer, who I’ve said before on here are utter scum, are expecting their staff to continue working.

They’ve split the staff down the middle and have sent half home for 2 weeks, while the other half work. After 2 weeks they swap.

Where does proving catering to the 300 remaining essential staff (in the banking sector) fall under restaurant closures? Can they not bring a fucking packed lunch? I don’t want her there and she’s got anxiety about it.

A work mates sister in law and son died last night of corona. Starting to get too close to home here.

Shit. How old were they if you don’t mind me asking?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 09:19:54
Dominic Cummings is a nasty piece of work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 09:24:48
I went to the supermarket today to get some essential beer. It was an improved experience. People still getting too close to me for my liking,  but I have always thought that even before the coronavirus.

You can be 2 meters apart but if the trollies and baskets aren't sanitised what chance we got

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 09:32:39
You can be 2 meters apart but if the trollies and baskets aren't sanitised what chance we got

You don’t catch it by touch alone. You catch it by touching then touching your nose, mouth, eyes. If your anti bac/wash your hands after your visit then you remove that direct issue?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 10:20:20
Dominic Cummings is a nasty piece of work.

The link is from the Sunday Times.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 10:25:04
You don’t catch it by touch alone. You catch it by touching then touching your nose, mouth, eyes. If your anti bac/wash your hands after your visit then you remove that direct issue?

How long does anti bacterial last when your constantly touching things in supermarkets and it's so easy to forget not to scratch an itch newr your eye or face or even blow your nose

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 10:28:04
The link is from the Sunday Times.


TBH a lot of people think this still.

As least I’m seeing less comparisons to the flu now, slowly the truth is sinking in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 10:33:50
Shines a light on what happens when you trust the levers of government to 'wonks & weirdos'.  The great irony here is that, a few months back, pensioners were one of the demographics most likely to be cheering Cummings from the rafters.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 10:44:12
TBH a lot of people think this still.

As least I’m seeing less comparisons to the flu now, slowly the truth is sinking in

Word is that GSK corporate warrior Vallance is aligned with Cummings.

The marginalised Chris Whitty (CMO) advocated early lockdown measures to contain Ebola in an article only 2 years ago.

The UK with the advantage of data from those areas in the vanguard of the pandemic ignored WHO advice, pursuing its own strategy, based on its own ‘science’. PR is fielded by lackey Hancock & co who continue to lie constantly. “In touch with supermarkets” PPE and ventilator empty promises.

I despair.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 10:57:17
ebola is massively worse than this. not surprised he recommended lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 11:26:06
Due to attend a funeral this week.
No masses, so it will be a graveside service, immediate family and close friends only.
Weddings can be cancelled but people still have to be laid to rest, for the time being anyway.

Not sure if people who are passing away in care homes are being tested post mortem?
I suspect not, so the numbers of deaths from the virus might be higher than the official figures.
If this gets anywhere near as bad as Italy or now Spain then it will be carnage in care homes.
The workers in that sector have a big responsibility but I don’t think that they are classed as key workers.

Is caring for the elderly an “essential public service”?
Doesn’t look as if Dominic Cummings thinks it is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 11:56:08

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 12:05:00
If there’s about 50k cases confirmed in the UK, and boldly assume three times that are infected but haven’t been tested, then 99.8% of the population aren’t infected

The government have pretty much already committed to paying everyone (I know there’s holes in this. Don’t @ me), and bailing out businesses

Supermarkets have said there’s plenty of food to go round

Why don’t they just invoke what they did in China for a month?? £1,000 fines for people outside without valid reason, co-opt resources to increase home deliveries of groceries etc

Surely that will ensure incredibly minimal continual spread of the virus, without increasing government spend beyond what they’ve already committed too?? Then after a month you slowly open up places again (maybe halving max capacity) and strict restrictions on new people into the country (temperature checks and quarantines)

What problems are there with that, other than it being a really shit month

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 12:39:02
Due to attend a funeral this week.
No masses, so it will be a graveside service, immediate family and close friends only.
Weddings can be cancelled but people still have to be laid to rest, for the time being anyway.

Not sure if people who are passing away in care homes are being tested post mortem?
I suspect not, so the numbers of deaths from the virus might be higher than the official figures.
If this gets anywhere near as bad as Italy or now Spain then it will be carnage in care homes.
The workers in that sector have a big responsibility but I don’t think that they are classed as key workers.

Is caring for the elderly an “essential public service”?
Doesn’t look as if Dominic Cummings thinks it is.

I was due to go to a funeral wednesday but thats been cancelled, well attendance has.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:00:29

Why don’t they just invoke what they did in China for a month?? £1,000 fines for people outside without valid reason, co-opt resources to increase home deliveries of groceries etc

Surely that will ensure incredibly minimal continual spread of the virus, without increasing government spend beyond what they’ve already committed too?? Then after a month you slowly open up places again (maybe halving max capacity) and strict restrictions on new people into the country (temperature checks and quarantines)

What problems are there with that, other than it being a really shit month

This 100%,  but there will still be dickheads walking the streets.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:11:56
I had a look at jobs last night and people in my field don't appear to be expecting a slow down, which is reassuring. I know that could change, but still...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:33:07
The island is in lockdown. No reported cases. No incomers allowed.

Give it a week or 2 and open up again for the locals!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:33:20

How long does anti bacterial last when your constantly touching things in supermarkets and it's so easy to forget not to scratch an itch newr your eye or face or even blow your nose

Wear gloves

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:36:28
Wear gloves

Surgical type if you can

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:37:20
Wear gloves

But still on the gloves!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:38:54
But still on the gloves!
Wash gloves. Or wear disposables if you want to rock some of that "Hey I'm frontline" cool. This isn't hard

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:45:50
Wash gloves. Or wear disposables if you want to rock some of that "Hey I'm frontline" cool. This isn't hard

You're missing the point if there's particles of microscopic virus on trollies and baskets etc you can still cross contaminate even wearing gloves

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:48:45
You're missing the point if there's particles of microscopic virus on trollies and baskets etc you can still cross contaminate even wearing gloves
I know that. But you do what you can. It's all about reducing risk. So ideally, the best way of reducing risk is not going to the supermarket in the first place. But if you have to, you do what you can to reduce risk. And then obviously as soon as you get in, wash your hands, burn your clothes and lock yourself in the cellar for a week :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 13:50:49
I know that. But you do what you can. It's all about reducing risk. So ideally, the best way of reducing risk is not going to the supermarket in the first place. But if you have to, you do what you can to reduce risk. And then obviously as soon as you get in, wash your hands, burn your clothes and lock yourself in the cellar for a week :)

Now that is hardcore🙄

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 14:07:41
Moronic family who live opposite us have their oap mum round. They're the only fuckers I have nothing to do with in my street and this confirms them as the cunts they are to me.
Look down their noses at everyone and this sums them up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 14:30:11
ebola is massively worse than this. not surprised he recommended lockdown

Prof. Whitty concluded that the international response to the Ebola epidemic was not decisive and too slow. Many agreed.

Ebola is not a highly infectious airborne transmitter like CV. CV loves a crowd.

Cheltenham, Bath half and Stereophonics concerts et al all went ahead with the knowledge that CV was already on the island, amongst us.

The Govt response has been anything but quick or decisive, but apparently based on 'science'. Not the science of Prof. Whitty is all I'm suggesting.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 14:36:17
Moronic family who live opposite us have their oap mum round. They're the only fuckers I have nothing to do with in my street and this confirms them as the cunts they are to me.
Look down their noses at everyone and this sums them up.

Same here. The family you knew would be stupid enough to see their grandparents have just had BOTH sets of elderly grandparents around, and one lady could hardly walk. What is wrong with these people?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 14:41:13
Same here. The family you knew would be stupid enough to see their grandparents have just had BOTH sets of elderly grandparents around, and one lady could hardly walk. What is wrong with these people?

They're selfish idiots. This is why the government have to make everything an order if we're going to stamp this out

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 14:52:17
They're selfish idiots. This is why the government have to make everything an order if we're going to stamp this out

The govt have tried to go down the softly softly approach and provide advice for people but there are too many blasé people that think that they are either superhuman and not going to get sick or are completely oblivious to the fact that they can actually spread the virus to people that are actually going to fucking DIE from this.

I think it’s time for the Govt to really get hard and harsh with people. In 2 weeks the reality is really going to kick in, and HARD.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 14:57:10
So here in spain our lockdown has been extended for an extra 15 days. This surprised no one. Nearly 400 dead yesterday and another 3000 infected and we have been on arguably alongside China the tightest restrictions in the world.

If you are caught on the streets without a legitimate reason fines start at €600 going up to €30,000
Caught twice - 3 months in jail.

In Malaga province 33,000 fined last week

I live in a village in the mountains- think the size of cricklade- we are now not being able to leave the village. My friend went to do her shopping down the mountain to an Aldi and was stopped and was told to use the small express store in the village.

We are so hoping these figures start to slow.

Last Sunday we had 4,000 infected. So 22,000 in a week. The uk currently has 5,000. That’s how quick this can escalate and that’s with a quarantine

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 15:21:29
Are you able to walk dogs or anything mex??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 15:42:21
50m from your house once a day.

No outdoor exercise either

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 17:23:09
Fucking hell:

(TLDR: Paramedic working for SW Ambulance evicted by his landlady because she's scared he'll bring cv into the house. Fortunately now sorted for accommodation but FFS!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 17:27:20
I don't think this has been posted elsewhere and I make no apologies if it has because fuck me you have to listen to this from some one on the front line...powerful stuff...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 18:43:54
Just had to send a difficult email to our sons private tutor. I imagine his work has fallen off a cliff for now with all his GCSE & A level students rendering his services useless. Lovely bloke and a joy to have him in our house to help the lad. So if anyone needs a maths tutor in the future for their child I can pass on a solid recommendation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 18:52:21
Just had to send a difficult email to our sons private tutor. I imagine his work has fallen off a cliff for now with all his GCSE & A level students rendering his services useless. Lovely bloke and a joy to have him in our house to help the lad. So if anyone needs a maths tutor in the future for their child I can pass on a solid recommendation.

It's a sad, real life story that will be repeated a million times over all over the country.  You have to feel for every one of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 18:55:59
So here in spain our lockdown has been extended for an extra 15 days. This surprised no one. Nearly 400 dead yesterday and another 3000 infected and we have been on arguably alongside China the tightest restrictions in the world.

If you are caught on the streets without a legitimate reason fines start at €600 going up to €30,000
Caught twice - 3 months in jail.

In Malaga province 33,000 fined last week

I live in a village in the mountains- think the size of cricklade- we are now not being able to leave the village. My friend went to do her shopping down the mountain to an Aldi and was stopped and was told to use the small express store in the village.

We are so hoping these figures start to slow.

Last Sunday we had 4,000 infected. So 22,000 in a week. The uk currently has 5,000. That’s how quick this can escalate and that’s with a quarantine

Thanks for sharing how life is for you and really hope things improve for everyone soon. Can you please tell me if factories are working as I work in manufacturing and still no sign they want to shut us down

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 18:56:26
 on the news, Southend and Western Super Mare beaches packed today  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 18:59:36
on the news, Southend and Western Super Mare beaches packed today  

Check the daily mail online so was Brighton & Bournemouth seafront

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 19:23:40
I don't think this has been posted elsewhere and I make no apologies if it has because fuck me you have to listen to this from some one on the front line...powerful stuff...

That's chilling.

They're already at capacity - and this thing's barely even started.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 19:28:16
The social distancing and pub closure measures implemented on Friday only came about because of pressure from the French according to this story in the Telegraph (also carried in the Mail, Mirror and Times). So he only eventually did the right thing under pressure from the French.

Reuters version as Telegraph is behind a paywall

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 20:35:13
Well, Greece is in total lockdown now. Can’t go out unless you get a code from the authorities after filling in a form stating the purpose of your trip.

Also, thinking of banning over 65s from going out - period. I’m 65 in 3 weeks time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 20:40:50
Coronavirus: Plea for restraint as rural areas inundated with visitors escaping COVID-19
Oh Dear

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 21:09:38
Coronavirus: Plea for restraint as rural areas inundated with visitors escaping COVID-19
Oh Dear

Yeah, saw the Scottish turned away around 30 camper van's from the Nevis area in Fort William hoping to ride it out.
Twas on twitter and the replies from the Scots weren't exactly pleasant, Nationalistic much.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 21:09:58
All McDonalds closing totally until further notice

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 21:15:11
All McDonalds closing totally until further notice

Crazy we're still letting them in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 21:39:36 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 22:32:37
Coronavirus: Plea for restraint as rural areas inundated with visitors escaping COVID-19
Oh Dear

the cotswold water park is full of londoners in their 2nd homes at the lower mill estate etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 22:38:07
36 year old nurse with no underlying health issues in intensive care on ventilator in Walsall.
This could potentially wipe many of us out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, March 22, 2020, 23:03:34

Crazy we're still letting them in

Ffs that's ridiculous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: kirky69 on Monday, March 23, 2020, 01:39:40
Me and the missus have been self isolating for a week with mild flu like symptoms including persistent dry cough, temperature etc. Having felt slightly better yesterday, we have both gpne downhill a bit today. Sure we will be fine, but worrying none the less, particularly as I have an elderly mum with cancer, who for obvious reasons we have not seen over this period and wont be for a while yet as she will be one of the 1.5m in the highly vulnerable category. Does make you think about how precious life is and a reminder not to sweat the small stuff when things are going well.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 07:37:37
oh no kirky, if you feel up to it can can you check in regularly (daily?).

good without saying I hope you both get stronger soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 07:38:01
Quote from: Arriba
36 year old nurse with no underlying health issues in intensive care on ventilator in Walsall.
This could potentially wipe many of us out.
that's scared the shit out of me

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Monday, March 23, 2020, 07:42:30
The missus’ employer, who I’ve said before on here are utter scum, are expecting their staff to continue working.

They’ve split the staff down the middle and have sent half home for 2 weeks, while the other half work. After 2 weeks they swap.

Where does proving catering to the 300 remaining essential staff (in the banking sector) fall under restaurant closures? Can they not bring a fucking packed lunch? I don’t want her there and she’s got anxiety about it.

Right, this is now completely fucking mental. Off the fucking scale stupid. The people in ISS, who my missus works for, are like the idiots in parks and Snowdon. (She works in a restaurant And is expected to work, in case you don’t read above.)

  • Few of the staff are self-isolating - many are dicks who think it’s pointless
  • The bosses (who are self isolating and remote) are giving orders
  • The staff on my missus’s site are expected to cover for staffing shortages at other sites. They get there driven in a small minibus with the driver who’s a manager and thinks Corona Virus is a big joke and hasn’t changed anything in his life
  • Some of them are going to other sites today and “handing out” yes, fucking handing out, free sandwiches - they’ve been told to do this. They’re not dropping them off, but going to their sites specifically to do this face to face
  • On my Missus site, to encourage people to the restaurants, the food is now free. They’ve been told everyone has to hand it out
  • On top of this there are self-serve coffee machines and fridges with food in, more contact points than you can shake a stick at


Why should the bosses be deciding to jeopardise her (and the others staff’s) health while they do fuck all? Is there anything she can do about this? It’s literally making her sick with anxiety.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 07:50:51
that's fucking stupid Barry, off the scale stupid.

it's quite clear, if you aren't from the game family - stay 2m apart.

irresponsible in the extreme and could be fatal.

I dunno what to say/suggest

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 07:53:53
is this them? quite happy to post something anonymously throuh Twitter if you like. (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:01:20
One of my colleagues highlighted to our boss how fatally flawed the plan for working was, so she wrote a safer alternative plan and sent it to him. Fully adapted the same day - sounds like your better half may be onto a loser with her bosses but could be an idea?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:06:38
that's fucking stupid Barry, off the scale stupid.

it's quite clear, if you aren't from the game family - stay 2m apart.

irresponsible in the extreme and could be fatal.

I dunno what to say/suggest

I know. I’m fucking seething. She’s a nice person and doesn’t tend to really rattle cages sadly.

They never sack anyone, so I’ve said she should tell them to do one as I’m sure f they manage to sack her, she’d get them for constructive dismissal as they don’t have a say in hers (and my) health.

is this them? quite happy to post something anonymously throuh Twitter if you like. (

That’d be good, thanks. It’s facilities management for a huge multinational as well, so I’m sure they’re receptive to negative shit (the multinational - ISS couldn’t give a fuck about anyone). I’m going to try and find people to speak to - police? Environmental health? Council? Local MP?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:08:31
One of my colleagues highlighted to our boss how fatally flawed the plan for working was, so she wrote a safer alternative plan and sent it to him. Fully adapted the same day - sounds like your better half may be onto a loser with her bosses but could be an idea?

Good idea, thanks. But sadly they’re utter cunts where she works. She sent a series of emails to a boss and to this day she’s not even had an acknowledgement. Most emails from the higher ups and HR have always been canned responses. The company cares about nobody. At all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:12:33
36 year old nurse with no underlying health issues in intensive care on ventilator in Walsall.
This could potentially wipe many of us out.

The 34 year old Chinese Doctor, the whistleblower, urged colleagues to wear PPE on 30th December.

Early Feb he died, reported widely. This should have been a big feck orf red flag to the world.

Late March UK doctors say they’re ‘lambs to slaughter’, Matt Handcock ‘hears them’ and now trying to sort out distribution.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:18:36
New Zealand going into total lockdown for a month, and they have only had 100 cases.

Thats the way to do it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:22:50
The nuclear option would simply be to tell them where to stick the job, and to stay at home.  Alternatively, why not just say your wife has a runny nose, so staying home as a precaution?  Publicise the stupidity, certainly.  If 3 or 4 others do the same, surely they'll be forced to shut down?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:26:39
@barry - that is the right company in the previous post right?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:35:20
The nuclear option would simply be to tell them where to stick the job, and to stay at home.  Alternatively, why not just say your wife has a runny nose, so staying home as a precaution?  Publicise the stupidity, certainly.  If 3 or 4 others do the same, surely they'll be forced to shut down?

In the eyes of the NHS* I could be considered vulnerable - flu jab eligible, so we’re debating playing that card and saying I should be protected.

@barry - that is the right company in the previous post right?

Sorry, yes, thanks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:52:36

Until travelling on the Avocet Line I was ignorant to the fact that St James' Park train station is so utterly convenient for the football ground.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:54:47
Does anyone think we'll go into lockdown?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:58:59
cheers Barry

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:59:24
Quote from: 4D
Does anyone think we'll go into lockdown?

yes. people can't do as they're asked

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:04:24
Yep, by tomorrow at the latest I think.

Boris basically gave a last warning yesterday, behave or you will be punished

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:14:50
There was a report on the local news this morning saying that some ambulances in Kent had been vandalised (we're getting joint London and South East News at the moment) overnight.

You can always rely on the people of this country to raise the absolute fucking stupidity stakes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:16:52
There was a report on the local news this morning saying that some ambulances in Kent had been vandalised (we're getting joint London and South East News at the moment) overnight.

You can always rely on the people of this country to raise the absolute fucking stupidity stakes.

6 ambulances apparently.
In a separate incident Kent police had a car damaged too.

Wonder what goes on in some peoples heads.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:19:50
6 ambulances apparently.
In a separate incident Kent police had a car damaged too.

Wonder what goes on in some peoples heads.

Unfortunately nothing Wooly sadly. I just don't get it at all. :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:26:27

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:33:52
36 year old nurse with no underlying health issues in intensive care on ventilator in Walsall.
This could potentially wipe many of us out.
Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, MP and A&E Doctor was on radio this morning saying they're seeing increasing amounts of previously healthy 30 and 40 year olds seriously ill in intensive care with COVID-19. There's no "safe groups" for this thing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:39:20
Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, MP and A&E Doctor was on radio this morning saying they're seeing increasing amounts of previously healthy 30 and 40 year olds seriously ill in intensive care with COVID-19. There's no "safe groups" for this thing

If this isn't a wake up call for the pillocks who are just blatantly ignoring govt advice then nothing is going to be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:42:48
If this isn't a wake up call for the pillocks who are just blatantly ignoring govt advice then nothing is going to be.
For some it won't be a wake up call until its far far too late I am afraid to say, so many people, especially the younger previously less at risk group, with a blasé attitude to it all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:45:08
For some it won't be a wake up call until its far far too late I am afraid to say, so many people, especially the younger previously less at risk group, with a blasé attitude to it all.

Absolutely. You can imagine if they are told that they are responsible for the deaths of XX people that they would just shrug their shoulders.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 23, 2020, 09:47:48
Absolutely. You can imagine if they are told that they are responsible for the deaths of XX people that they would just shrug their shoulders.
So so sad and yes very true.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:17:51
I was following a white van this morning, some clever dick had wiped into the rear door "No toilet rolls are left in this van overnight"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:19:12
Does it not seem a bit convenient that after a weekend of huge swathes of people ignoring advice that suddenly young people are now in fact vulnerable, when they weren't before? I believe the nurse on Friday was propaganda and I believe this is too. Propaganda trying to achieve something useful, admittedly.

And before you jump all over me - yes I know it's serious, I'm taking it seriously and I think a lot of people aren't (and they're fucking selfish for behaving this way) but the scaremongering machine seems to be out in full force. Most people who get the virus are absolutely fine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:25:52
Does it not seem a bit convenient that after a weekend of huge swathes of people ignoring advice that suddenly young people are now in fact vulnerable, when they weren't before? I believe the nurse on Friday was propaganda and I believe this is too. Propaganda trying to achieve something useful, admittedly.

And before you jump all over me - yes I know it's serious, I'm taking it seriously and I think a lot of people aren't (and they're fucking selfish for behaving this way) but the scaremongering machine seems to be out in full force. Most people who get the virus are absolutely fine.

You may well be right. But maybe some people need scaring into doing the right thing. Appealing to their common sense, intelligence and sense of public good doesn't seem to be working for some people. Presumably because they lack all 3.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:26:56
I'm aware of two cases - a friend's brother and a friend's niece - where completely healthy young people are in a serious condition in hospital with this, one critical

It can kill anyone. It's less likely, but it can.

Me and wife are both WFH, showing no symptoms and we're isolating until we start coming down the other side.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:27:39
One member of the public has emailed one of our schools telling us that kids are congregating at the skate park. Ok. What is the school supposed to do about that? Yes there is a duty of care, but parents need to be more repsonsible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:28:48
One member of the public has emailed one of our schools telling us that kids are congregating at the skate park. Ok. What is the school supposed to do about that? Yes there is a duty of care, but parents need to be more repsonsible.

Fuck all to do with the school - as if they don't have better things to be doing.

Will be a police matter by the end of the week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:29:13
Perhaps their line of thinking is as the school you have a database of contact details for all the parents and could send out a blanket communication?

Ok, it’s an assumption on my part but fairly logical imo

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:30:02
Does it not seem a bit convenient that after a weekend of huge swathes of people ignoring advice that suddenly young people are now in fact vulnerable, when they weren't before? I believe the nurse on Friday was propaganda and I believe this is too. Propaganda trying to achieve something useful, admittedly.

And before you jump all over me - yes I know it's serious, I'm taking it seriously and I think a lot of people aren't (and they're fucking selfish for behaving this way) but the scaremongering machine seems to be out in full force. Most people who get the virus are absolutely fine.

It's not a new development. Similar stories have been coming out of China and Italy for weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:30:16
Although if they are going to ignore all the other advice not sure I communication from a school will get through

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:30:33
Nope. They think that it's the schools responsibility. It's not.

The school situation is scary. It's like a school holidays with limited staff in. Although one of our primary schools has 50 kids in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:54:55
Does anyone think we'll go into lockdown?

I have been saying to friends and acquaintances for over a week this was going to happen. So that’s a big yes from me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:11:20
Tonight has to be the night to lockdown. It's long overdue but all advice as usual is being ignored. The British public are fucking idiot's

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:14:12
Right, this is now completely fucking mental. Off the fucking scale stupid. The people in ISS, who my missus works for, are like the idiots in parks and Snowdon. (She works in a restaurant And is expected to work, in case you don’t read above.)

  • Few of the staff are self-isolating - many are dicks who think it’s pointless
  • The bosses (who are self isolating and remote) are giving orders
  • The staff on my missus’s site are expected to cover for staffing shortages at other sites. They get there driven in a small minibus with the driver who’s a manager and thinks Corona Virus is a big joke and hasn’t changed anything in his life
  • Some of them are going to other sites today and “handing out” yes, fucking handing out, free sandwiches - they’ve been told to do this. They’re not dropping them off, but going to their sites specifically to do this face to face
  • On my Missus site, to encourage people to the restaurants, the food is now free. They’ve been told everyone has to hand it out
  • On top of this there are self-serve coffee machines and fridges with food in, more contact points than you can shake a stick at


Why should the bosses be deciding to jeopardise her (and the others staff’s) health while they do fuck all? Is there anything she can do about this? It’s literally making her sick with anxiety.

Barry, is there a recognised Union at her workplace? even if not a member this should be first port of call. If there isn't a Union then no time like the present to join one and encourage her colleagues to do the same.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:15:00
I have been saying the same, it will be lockdown before Friday I am certain of that, and it could be as early as tomorrow, this is escalating so far and as Arriba says, the British public are essentially in the main idiotic morons.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:15:32
If this isn't a wake up call for the pillocks who are just blatantly ignoring govt advice then nothing is going to be.

You're presuming the 'pillocks' keep themselves informed by watching this sort of stuff, but they don't.

Had to back away from a neighbour earlier, he works nights for Royal Mail, who persisted on getting up close and personal to share his wisdom, and ended up in the hedge. He actually looked puzzled when I asked what the hell was he doing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:16:17
The supermarkets open an hour early for NHS workers and vulnerable people only.

Do the rest honor that? Do they fuck. It needs to be locked down. Fines and/or prison sentences for people that are our unnecessarily. I'm not sure how you'd stop the mass panic buying though. Clamp down on how much people can buy as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:17:18
My partner is 22 weeks pregnant, and work has told her to stay at home for 12 weeks to stay isolated. By my logic, to keep her chances of getting ill at a minimum, I should stay off too, otherwise I risk bringing it into our home and thus defeating the object. Does that make sense, as my employer has no policy or idea on this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:19:25
The supermarkets open an hour early for NHS workers and vulnerable people only.

Do the rest honor that? Do they fuck. It needs to be locked down. Fines and/or prison sentences for people that are our unnecessarily. I'm not sure how you'd stop the mass panic buying though. Clamp down on how much people can buy as well.

Maybe Boris should try reverse logic and tell people to go out and congregate in vast numbers and than panic buying is very much what should be done at this juncture, especially buying as much toilet roll as you can physically fit on your house.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:22:25
My partner is 22 weeks pregnant, and work has told her to stay at home for 12 weeks to stay isolated. By my logic, to keep her chances of getting ill at a minimum, I should stay off too, otherwise I risk bringing it into our home and thus defeating the object. Does that make sense, as my employer has no policy or idea on this.

A real tough one. If you're able to, work from home, and if not, keep clear of each other and keep everything clean. Essential that you follow current guidance whenever you enter your home. Good luck.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:24:58
Nope. They think that it's the schools responsibility. It's not.

The school situation is scary. It's like a school holidays with limited staff in. Although one of our primary schools has 50 kids in.

Mrs B has 30 in, so were orignally holding 2 classes but I guess that may expand with increased social distancing. The current rota has teachers and TAs working 2 days a week

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:28:14
I honestly don't think a lock-down is the way to go. Some people have legitimate reasons to have to be out and about, people just need to be sensible. If that mean, police/army patrols to stop the idiots going to the beach or kids congregating at the park then so be it, but full on lock-down is too excessive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:30:04
I disagree Chubbs. People aren't being sensible. If lockdown occurs, those that need to go out can. They just need to follow process.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:31:32
I disagree Chubbs. People aren't being sensible. If lockdown occurs, those that need to go out can. They just need to follow process.
I agree, lockdown is the only way forward in my opinion.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:31:39
What's paranoid today becomes sensible tomorrow.

I have even wondered whether I would be better sleeping in the spare room - on the basis that it would be really unhelpful if my wife and I were both infected at the same time.

Tbf, she would probably approve such a move, coronavirus or not  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:34:10
What would a lockdown mean though? Keyworkers to still go out I suppose. Allowed out for shopping/essentials?

How would it be policed? Could it be policed?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:09:29
My Missus' anxiety over came her nice side quite quickly in the end and she became a massive irritant at work. She started making sure, loudly, that everyone kept their distance and emailed a big boss explaining they have a duty of care to staff and it's unacceptable for them to be putting staff in harms way.

After a few hours someone higher up offered her to go home, afraid that it was because they just wanted her influence out of the way, she refused. Over the course of the next few hours they've sent most the staff home and might well be shutting up shop. About fucking time those idiots saw sense . Yay woman.

Barry, is there a recognised Union at her workplace? even if not a member this should be first port of call. If there isn't a Union then no time like the present to join one and encourage her colleagues to do the same.

There's not. But I've spoken to ACAS and, as mentioned above, I think they've seen sense. I believe they're just hoping to delay the business going down the pan, because without doubt ISS is going under soon enough imo. (Corona or not.)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:25:27
One lady on twitter filmed NHS stuff getting grief from other people when they were trying to get their shopping done. Even being prevented from entering the shop. Apparently they were accused of being entitled.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:29:49
One lady on twitter filmed NHS stuff getting grief from other people when they were trying to get their shopping done. Even being prevented from entering the shop. Apparently they were accused of being entitled.

Haha surprises me not and yes they should be entitled at the mo.
On the frontline.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:34:52
Time for Boris to "order it" not to "advise it".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:35:40
One lady on twitter filmed NHS stuff getting grief from other people when they were trying to get their shopping done. Even being prevented from entering the shop. Apparently they were accused of being entitled.
Crazy,   what is the matter with people ?,   NHS workers deserve priority and respect,  bet a lot of these moaners/stockpilers wouldn't have the bollocks to do the work these heroes do.  They do long shifts,  they need to eat and many cannot get to the shops during 'busy periods'.
We all moan about the NHS at different times,  but fuck, these people deserve medals not the shit they are getting from some selfish knobheads.
Hero's every one in my opinion.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:37:53
It's no wonder I have a dislike for people when there are so many knobheads in this country.  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:39:57
It's no wonder I have a dislike for people when there are so many knobheads in this country.  :)
Rather have a good dog, at least they do as they're told.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:48:32
Time for Boris to "order it" not to "advise it".


And have the army support the police if needed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:50:50
It's no wonder I have a dislike for people when there are so many knobheads in this country.  :)

The new anthem. Enjoy.  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:54:49

And have the army support the police if needed.
I have a few friends in the RAF based at Yeovilton, they are on high alert and all leave cancelled awaiting the call to aid any possible civil unrest(!) and helping the emergency services. 2 have been called back from manoeuvres in Norway early.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:00:41
I have a few friends in the RAF based at Yeovilton, they are on high alert and all leave cancelled awaiting the call to aid any possible civil unrest(!) and helping the emergency services. 2 have been called back from manoeuvres in Norway early.
Shouldn't they be abiding by the Official Secrets Act?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:05:38
What. A. Cunt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:15:05
What. A. Cunt.

Yeah, the situation isn't helped by a fair number of dysfunctional individuals in high office across the globe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:16:36
What would a lockdown mean though? Keyworkers to still go out I suppose. Allowed out for shopping/essentials?

How would it be policed? Could it be policed?

The UK has literally dozens of examples it could look to if it decided it needed to lock down. Continental Europe is looking on, amazed at how relaxed the government continues to be in Britain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:16:38
Signs that it may be levelling out in Europe. *fingers crossed*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:26:39
Just drove past North Swindon Asda (essential journey - taking wife, an NHS worker, to work). Cars queuing through Macdonald’s drive through back to the lights on Thamesdown Drive to get that essential last Big Mac before they close at 5pm. Probably 30-40 cars. Glad to see folks still getting their priorities right. :( :( :(


And please don’t someone say “it’s ok, it’s Drive through, they are more than 6 feet apart”, cos they are not 6 feet away from staff and it is not essential to have a last Big Mac!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:29:10
Apparently supermarkets are a bit more normal today, a bit short on long-life food still but plenty of fresh stuff.

With that in mind... anyone interested in a job lot of Imodium? Buyer collects.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:31:44
"No, but I seem to feel better when they're not around."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:36:12
Am I wrong in wanting to beat these yoofs?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:36:57
Signs that it may be levelling out in Europe. *fingers crossed*

Is there?? There was one day where the number of Italian deaths fell, but haven’t seen anything else to suggest that yet?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:39:37
Am I wrong in wanting to beat these yoofs?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:41:08
good question LS re pregnant partner. congratulations by the way

here are some steps you should be taking regardless

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:43:05

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:46:59

Yay. More hate-mongering. That's what we need right now.

Should be ashamed of yourself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 23, 2020, 13:50:17
Yay. More hate-mongering. That's what we need right now.

Should be ashamed of yourself.
what you going on about, i'm showiing the video,fair play to Robinson,i should be ashamed :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:
have a word with yourself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 14:05:35
you've got to feel sorry for Tommy. Trouble busy seems to follow him around


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 23, 2020, 14:18:49
what you going on about, i'm showiing the video,fair play to Robinson,i should be ashamed :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:
It's not like he has a track record of deliberately staging these videos to spread hate, make himself look good and keep the donations from the gullible flowing in. Fucking mug

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, March 23, 2020, 14:21:52
A video of tommy Robinson responding to aggression that doesn’t include any footage of the original aggression?? That’s unusual

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Monday, March 23, 2020, 14:42:16
Tommy Robinson is a massive cunt, no doubt about it. Please stop posting his nonsense here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 14:51:33
A video of tommy Robinson responding to aggression that doesn’t include any footage of the original aggression?? That’s unusual

At least it wasn't in the toddler's pool this time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:21:39
It's not like he has a track record of deliberately staging these videos to spread hate, make himself look good and keep the donations from the gullible flowing in. Fucking mug
4D posted about it so I put a video i saw on twitter about it. weather its staged or not is a  different matter, lighten up you Prick

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:24:23
Signs that it may be levelling out in Europe. *fingers crossed*

450 dead in one day and a rise of 4000 infections. That’s just spain and that’s not leveling out I’m afraid

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:25:08
Eh? I posted a news story link, don't think it mentioned him  ???

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:27:23
Eh? I posted a news story link, don't think it mentioned him  ???
no you didn't mention him, I put the video on to show who it was

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:28:30
450 dead in one day and a rise of 4000 infections. That’s just spain and that’s not leveling out I’m afraid

Believe Italy's stats are not in yet, lockdown was 12th March, fingers crossed that within the next couple of days the tide turns there. If not...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:29:43
no you didn't mention him, I put the video on to show who it was


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:33:03
 Italy no longer treating the over 60s - or, more precisely, they’ll have no access to a ventilator.

That’d be me fucked.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:34:06
4D posted about it so I put a video i saw on twitter about it. weather its staged or not is a  different matter, lighten up you Prick

what you going on about, i'm showiing the video,fair play to Robinson

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:36:45

yeah, if itwasn't staged as you seem to think it was then fair play to him

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:37:24

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:38:46
450 dead in one day and a rise of 4000 infections. That’s just spain and that’s not leveling out I’m afraid

It's the number of new cases I am looking at. Spain, Germany, and Italy all showed drops in the last couple of days. I'm just waiting to see the new figures when they're updated.

The thing is that the deaths were already in the system. Those dying today would have been in the system about 2 weeks ago. A drop in new cases now should hopefully mean fewer deaths further down the line. I know it's of no consolation to those suffering now, but it does suggest there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Let's hope I'm right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:39:55
I think we all hope you're right FH

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:41:02
Just seen a group of 7 or 8 kids walk by together, dropping litter and no apparent care in the world. ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 23, 2020, 15:43:51
wait, no.

Spain just registered an increase. Fuck.

Still waiting on Germany and Italy.

I'm getting this information here if anybody's interested. It breaks it down by country as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:01:14
My firm have just announced that they're furloughing some employees in order to claim government funding. On full pay rather than 80%, which is good I suppose but obviously it's going to be a bit awkward as it's not everyone.   

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:03:18
So, how does this thing end? How do things get back to normal? Countries will all get back in control at different times. Surely there won’t just come a day when governments don’t just say ‘OK, get back to normal’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: TownEnder on Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:22:05
A video of tommy Robinson responding to aggression that doesn’t include any footage of the original aggression?? That’s unusual
To be fair, why would anyone be filming until the original attack had taken place ??,  Surely a town centre, there must be CCTV to back it up either way, seems genuine to me but what do I know ??.  If true, then fair play to him at least he's got the bollocks to stand up to these wankers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: iamchris on Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:28:12
So, how does this thing end? How do things get back to normal? Countries will all get back in control at different times. Surely there won’t just come a day when governments don’t just say ‘OK, get back to normal’

BBC News did a feature on this the other day. Grim reading.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:40:31
My employers started the process to get as many people working from home on March 13. Work desktops going home for those who have got laptops.

Compared to experiences I've heard elsewhere, it seems that they were on it (even if the 13th was probably too late).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:47:22
No press conference today. PM in emergency Cobra meeting.

That’ll be lockdown incoming then.

Cant say the public weren’t warned..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:48:41
I've just driven through Wednesbury. Kids out playing, families out together. You'd think it was just a day off school for them. Roads busy too. We desperately need a lockdown today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:51:47
Ive taken my dog to the park behind my house a couple of times today. Not many people out, mainly other dog walkers and everyones taken huge steps away from each other when close by.

It hasn't been that difficult either!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 17:40:31
It's the number of new cases I am looking at. Spain, Germany, and Italy all showed drops in the last couple of days. I'm just waiting to see the new figures when they're updated.

The thing is that the deaths were already in the system. Those dying today would have been in the system about 2 weeks ago. A drop in new cases now should hopefully mean fewer deaths further down the line. I know it's of no consolation to those suffering now, but it does suggest there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Let's hope I'm right.

Spain has gone up and up and up. Wish it hadn’t

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Monday, March 23, 2020, 17:50:21
Ive taken my dog to the park behind my house a couple of times today. Not many people out, mainly other dog walkers and everyones taken huge steps away from each other when close by.

It hasn't been that difficult either!

Yes that was my experience.  Better than at the weekend.  Clearly not being repeated everywhere however.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, March 23, 2020, 18:07:01
So, how does this thing end? How do things get back to normal? Countries will all get back in control at different times. Surely there won’t just come a day when governments don’t just say ‘OK, get back to normal’

I think I mentioned in a previous post how we don;t seem to have people planning for that situation yet, which makes it so obvious that we didn't really have effective Pandemic plans in place - because we were constantly reacting rather than pointing to the next action in the plan.  That's not a criticism - every country is doing the same.

We have enough cautionary tales around us though, and now we have a few places showing what happens when you do try to get back to normal:

The three major pandemics in the 20th Century all had at least two distinct waves of infection and deaths.

On the positive side, we did return to normal after all three, eventually.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, March 23, 2020, 18:28:10
Yes that was my experience.  Better than at the weekend.  Clearly not being repeated everywhere however.

You're Reading as well right?

Actually think it's been sensible here, compating to what seems to be national levels.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 18:31:38
Quote from: Arriba
I've just driven through Wednesbury. Kids out playing, families out together. You'd think it was just a day off school for them. Roads busy too. We desperately need a lockdown today.

families living in same house going out was as per given advice, with precautions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Monday, March 23, 2020, 18:36:22
You're Reading as well right?

Actually think it's been sensible here, compating to what seems to be national levels.

Yes I am.  I was walking through Christchurch Meadows, between Caversham Bridge & Reading bridge.

There clearly are some appalling examples everywhere but I'm hoping that it's better than it seems on the basis that people tend to report the bad incidents because they're more newsworthy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 23, 2020, 18:36:37
I don’t know what it is - no, that’s not true, I know exactly what it is - but this whole crisis has rapidly got me down.

Sure, we’re pretty safe here in Kefalonia, but I watch the news and see people lying on the floor of a Madrid hospital coughing their guts up and even being, historically, a cynical old cunt, I find myself fighting back the tears.

I’m going to find this a personal struggle.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, March 23, 2020, 18:45:37
I don’t know what it is - no, that’s not true, I know exactly what it is - but this whole crisis has rapidly got me down.

Sure, we’re pretty safe here in Kefalonia, but I watch the news and see people lying on the floor of a Madrid hospital coughing their guts up and even being, historically, a cynical old cunt, I find myself fighting back the tears.

I’m going to find this a personal struggle.

You’re just being human. I’ve felt anxious and panicked. I’ve joined in with frivolous jokes and wisecracks. And I’ve also shed a few tears.

The best advice I’ve had so far is to tell yourself “I don’t know” every time your brain tries to ask you a question about what’s going to happen. Because you don’t know. No one knows.
But right now, in this actual present moment, you are safe. Keep on mitigating the risks and staying in the present moment.

I know it’s all easier said than done. But it has helped me. And I hope it helps others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Monday, March 23, 2020, 19:02:20
It's amazing how quickly you miss your boring, humdrum, stressful everyday life. I want it back - we all do🙁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 23, 2020, 19:12:55
Makes you wonder if they are actually still working to the "herd immunity" strategy:

Let's face it, the messaging so far hasn't worked so why not use the offer of free ads on Facebook etc to get the message across? The govt know it works, it's what won them the referendum campaign and won Johnson the election. They know it's highly effective. So why not use it now?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:05:05

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:17:03
families living in same house going out was as per given advice, with precautions.

It was families with other families by the looks of it. Groups. All close together.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:19:10
Quote from: Arriba
families living in same house going out was as per given advice, with precautions.
It was families with other families by the looks of it. Groups. All close together.
ah. quite different

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:19:34
Boris time

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:20:57
lockdown confirmed.

only allowed out for
 shopping.. essentials
 1 form of exercise a day
 medical need.
 traveling two and from work if absolutely       necessary

fines can be dished out.
all shops shut except food.
no weddings, religious gathering.
no gatherings of more than 2 people, other than people from same household

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:27:58
Need clear definition of what is necessary work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:33:15
Need clear definition of what is necessary work.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:34:39
To show you how serious this is, Boris Johnson just spoke from a script for eight minutes without a single deviation, joke or random Latin/classics reference.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:35:28
Bit of a catch 22 situation. With all restaurants etc closing then more people will be hitting the supermarkets.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:49:17
Are online shops still allowed to operate?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:50:58
Are online shops still allowed to operate?


Not sure whether that went far enough or not. Still a lot open to interpretation, particularly the ‘essential work’ clause. Will see how this plays out

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:52:13
Can be open but i dont think anything will be delivered bar food. personal opinion not fact

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 20:54:00
This all because of the selfish people going to the beach and snowdonia.

3 weeks is a long time. Necessary. I genuinely don't know how it will be policed. I suppose it's down to adult responsibility. People will still go out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:01:50
This all because of the selfish people going to the beach and snowdonia.

3 weeks is a long time. Necessary. I genuinely don't know how it will be policed. I suppose it's down to adult responsibility. People will still go out.

I can tell you how it’s policed here...,

There are very few people outside. The police are patrolling in cars everywhere . They stop you and ask you what you’re doing. If you’re food shopping you need to show a receipt . They pull over cars and ask, thing is your “lockdown “ isn’t really that. You can still go out and exercise. Parks are open. None of that here. You can only go out to buy food and only one person per car. Goto the pharmacies or walk a dog once a day 50m from your house. Police are everywhere here enforcing it. You get caught outside twice it’s 3 months in jail. In the bigger towns and cities it’s the police and the army.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:06:32
I don't have much confidence in our police force, but I hope they prove me wrong. They need to prove me wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:14:39
So, my car was booked in for an MOT tomorrow. How likely is it that that won’t be possible now? If I don’t get it done, I won’t be able to drive when necessary. Sod’s law eh.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:15:23
What if you are on your way to the shops Mex?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:17:23
So, my car was booked in for an MOT tomorrow. How likely is it that that won’t be possible now? If I don’t get it done, I won’t be able to drive when necessary. Sod’s law eh.

They haven't mentioned petrol stations either. Tyre centres, what if you get a puncture driving to the supermarket?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:17:43
What if you are on your way to the shops Mex?
I wondered that. Shopping list as alibi? Or maybe they escort you there and make you go in?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:18:49
I wondered that. Shopping list as alibi? Or maybe they escort you there and make you go in?

Here's my bag for life Senor  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:25:35
You can now only go to your local shop. They are not even letting us leave our village to go to a big supermarket. We have to shop in a Spanish version of a Tesco express. The police are reasonable, if you are legitimately on your way to the shops with a shopping bag they are fine. But if you’re taking the piss and just wandering around your fucked. The thing is people don’t want to be out. It’s not safe . They don’t want to get ill. They have respect for the police and more importantly in this case health workers. 10% of deaths in spain are doctors and nurses. There doesn’t seem to be the sort of idiotic behavior you seem to have I n the uk here. 4000 people a day are testing positive. The hospitals are full. They are no longer giving ventilators to over 60s as they have to make a decision on who has more chance of living. Someone over or under 60. That sharpens a nations mind

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Briggany on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:47:57
I picked a great time to move i to the country. Fuck all police around and I can walk through fields with not a soul around miles.

Pocked up a rescue dog on Friday as well so he will be getting a fair few walks. Took him on two today and saw no one the entire time!  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Monday, March 23, 2020, 21:59:38
Are online shops still allowed to operate?

Until I hear differently - Royal Mail is operating as normal.
We are all classed as key workers, in fact we’ve had no official communications from the top about the virus at all

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Monday, March 23, 2020, 22:05:05
You can now only go to your local shop. They are not even letting us leave our village to go to a big supermarket. We have to shop in a Spanish version of a Tesco express. The police are reasonable, if you are legitimately on your way to the shops with a shopping bag they are fine. But if you’re taking the piss and just wandering around your fucked. The thing is people don’t want to be out. It’s not safe . They don’t want to get ill. They have respect for the police and more importantly in this case health workers. 10% of deaths in spain are doctors and nurses. There doesn’t seem to be the sort of idiotic behavior you seem to have I n the uk here. 4000 people a day are testing positive. The hospitals are full. They are no longer giving ventilators to over 60s as they have to make a decision on who has more chance of living. Someone over or under 60. That sharpens a nations mind

My elderly folks are in lock down on the Costa Blanca and they are enduring a very similar experience to you. I am coming to terms with the fact that if they contract Covid 19 then I have seen them for the last time and won't get to even attend their funeral.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Monday, March 23, 2020, 22:27:30
I have been one of the first to criticise the Tories over the years but they haven’t put a foot wrong so far IMO. Boris gave people the chance to heed warnings and they didn’t - hence tonight’s outcome.

Like many, I am pleasantly surprised - long may it continue.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, March 23, 2020, 22:44:50
I dunno, the communication has been quite poor I’d say - too often instructions are up to interpretation, which is why you get people acting like idiots

I’ll give them credit for taking action in such uncertain times when there isn’t a rule book to follow, and don’t think now is the time for too much dissent either. I guess ultimately we won’t know for a few years if the steps taken were correct

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Monday, March 23, 2020, 23:28:48
Short memories.

You recall him sitting saying - 'we should take it on the chin, take it all in one go, and let the disease as it were move through the population.'

He sat on his fucking hands thinking herd immunity was the way to go and people will die because of it.

And the communication has been blurred to say the least.

He should have told my industry to close a week and a half ago.  In 3 days I had 22000 people in a sweaty venue.  He should have been closing that shit down.

Just an opinion mind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 04:27:03
Quote from: 4D link=topic=581
10.msg1542000#msg1542000 date=1584998123
What if you are on your way to the shops Mex?
Similar lockdown here as in Spain. There are 5 ‘reasons’ to be allowed out - shops, pharmacies, essential work, helping care for family members, short walk with dog.

Before you do any one of those there is a number you text giving your name, address and which of the above 5 reasons you want to go out for. You then get a confirmation code returned via SMS. If stopped and you have no code it’s a €150 fine for first offence, escalating to prison for any persistent offenders. You must also carry a passport/residents permit at all times.

At supermarkets you queue outside, 2 metres apart, and wait until your number is called before you go in. Numbers are strictly administered according to the size of the shop.

Nobody is complaining here, nobody really wants to be out anyway. There are no shortages, no selfish dickheads and a spooky calm everywhere.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 05:48:37
Similar lockdown here as in Spain. There are 5 ‘reasons’ to be allowed out - shops, pharmacies, essential work, helping care for family members, short walk with dog.

Before you do any one of those there is a number you text giving your name, address and which of the above 5 reasons you want to go out for. You then get a confirmation code returned via SMS. If stopped and you have no code it’s a €150 fine for first offence, escalating to prison for any persistent offenders. You must also carry a passport/residents permit at all times.

At supermarkets you queue outside, 2 metres apart, and wait until your number is called before you go in. Numbers are strictly administered according to the size of the shop.

Nobody is complaining here, nobody really wants to be out anyway. There are no shortages, no selfish dickheads and a spooky calm everywhere.

That sounds exactly the same as here. Queuing to get into shops, no one wanting to be out and that eeriness you talk of us spot on. The cars in the street here are all covered in the Sahara dust we get as they haven’t moved for two weeks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 06:47:55
Can’t really slag Boris off. Would you do a better job. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 06:52:23
Sports Direct and WH Smith classifying themselves as essential retail has to be about as low as it's possible to be. Not that anyone will be particularly surprised at Sports Direct at least.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 07:27:11
Anyone see Gove, on good morning Britain?
Fuck me, so fucking clueless and contradictory. They're gonna have to be more clear today as it still isn't sinking in. Idiots like him in the cabinet don't help.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 07:27:15
Can’t really slag Boris off. Would you do a better job. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

By and large it has been handled well. Listening to the best advice from those in the know, obviously medical then logistics, transport, economists etc. So much to consider, plus there are the similarities to all the western developed countries but crucially differences to to be considered in terms of spread and reasons why and how and the ability to deal with it. Lastly trying not to frighten the shit out of a number of generations that don’t know what a national emergency actually is and have had everything on a plate without question.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 07:31:24
Sports Direct and WH Smith classifying themselves as essential retail has to be about as low as it's possible to be. Not that anyone will be particularly surprised at Sports Direct at least.

Lot of Post Offices in WH Smith branches so maybe off the back of that.
Might take a day or two for some clarity to surface.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 07:33:14
Gove just told the BBC the complete opposite of what he told good morning Britain. The man is a fucking idiot. No wonder the public are confused

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 07:52:29
What did he say?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 08:06:22
Thailand announces a national emergency - but nobody knows what that actually means.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 08:06:58
Sports Direct make a u-turn and close their stores

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 08:13:05
good (sports direct). just asked them to delete my online account

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 08:50:38
Thailand announces a national emergency - but nobody knows what that actually means.

... due to come in force in 2 days time.

It is highly probable that it will involve banning people from travelling to the provinces. So now people have notice to do exactly that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:01:03
Looking in from the outside with the prior knowledge of experience throughout  Europe at their disposal I think the reaction of the uk govt is tantamount to manslaughter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:21:17
Can’t really slag Boris off. Would you do a better job. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.
He's done a shit job. Failed to prepare properly when there was time before it hit (and there was a couple of months' worth of warning as it was going through China/SE Asia while he was disappearing for the whole of Jan or crowdfunding "Bongs for Brexit"), so they're now playing catch-up to get frontline healthcare workers/social care workers the PPE kits they need, ventilators for hospitals, no testing for healthcare workers etc etc. When it hit us, wasted time with the "let the pensioners die" herd immunity bollocks, in the face of medical and scientific advice from all over the world, including public health experts in this country. Then dithered over implementing social distancing, giving the virus another 10 days to spread unrestricted. Shit communication to get the message across - e.g. telling people not to go to pubs, but leaving them open. I hear that confused some people as to whether they were still OK to go to the pub or not until he finally belatedly ordered them to shut. It's all been too little, too late, the virus has been allowed to spread uncontained for weeks. As a result we will have many thousands more deaths and have to endure the more extreme lockdown measures (because we're not in full lockdown yet) for weeks if not months longer than we need to have done. Dithering, blethering idiot, he has cost thousands of lives.

That said, it's early days. From here on in, he may step up to the plate and become the decisive leader focused on the national interest the country needs. I see no signs of that so far. We'll see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:22:26
Looking in from the outside with the prior knowledge of experience throughout  Europe at their disposal I think the reaction of the uk govt is tantamount to manslaughter.

The kind of reaction like implementing a measure AFTER a sunny weekend, do you mean ?

The kind of reaction like producing a list of underlying health conditions qualifying for 'the shield' that doesn't include people with chronic hypertension ? Lancet, BBC, Times, Guardian all reported the higher risk over a week ago. The US reports (below) that in Italy 76% of deaths have had said condition, up to 50% in China. Do you mean that kind of thing ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:29:29
What did he say?

He corrected and then clarified the position regarding the transfer of U18's between separated parents that have duel custody.

He initially said it wasn't permitted but then confirmed it was in his next interview, as long as the usual condtions are followed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:32:51
Ah well not 3 weeks for me, the government suggest 12 weeks lockdown, got this txt message yesterday afternoon....

NHS Coronavirus Service: We have identified that you're someone at risk of severe illness if you catch Coronavirus. Please remain at home for a minimum of 12 weeks. Home is the safest place for you. Staying in helps you stay well and that will help the NHS too. You can open a window but do not leave your home, and stay 3 steps away from others indoors. Wash your hands more often, for at least 20 seconds.

Read more advice about staying safe at home.

We will send you more messages with information.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: cdakev on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:36:08
He's done a shit job. Failed to prepare properly when there was time before it hit (and there was a couple of months' worth of warning as it was going through China/SE Asia while he was disappearing for the whole of Jan or crowdfunding "Bongs for Brexit"), so they're now playing catch-up to get frontline healthcare workers/social care workers the PPE kits they need, ventilators for hospitals, no testing for healthcare workers etc etc. When it hit us, wasted time with the "let the pensioners die" herd immunity bollocks, in the face of medical and scientific advice from all over the world, including public health experts in this country. Then dithered over implementing social distancing, giving the virus another 10 days to spread unrestricted. Shit communication to get the message across - e.g. telling people not to go to pubs, but leaving them open. I hear that confused some people as to whether they were still OK to go to the pub or not until he finally belatedly ordered them to shut. It's all been too little, too late, the virus has been allowed to spread uncontained for weeks. As a result we will have many thousands more deaths and have to endure the more extreme lockdown measures (because we're not in full lockdown yet) for weeks if not months longer than we need to have done. Dithering, blethering idiot, he has cost thousands of lives.

Really !!   He's been very clear with his messages, people have been ignoring his advice by socialising, go to the beach, gatherings in the park, bulk buying at the shops.

My wife is a nurse and is currently in isolation as the family now is many because fucking idiots can't follow instructions and think they know better !

That said, it's early days. From here on in, he may step up to the plate and become the decisive leader focused on the national interest the country needs. I see no signs of that so far. We'll see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:43:16
Quote from: Chubbs
So, my car was booked in for an MOT tomorrow. How likely is it that that won’t be possible now? If I don’t get it done, I won’t be able to drive when necessary. Sod’s law eh.

you probably know, but garages and petrol stations are in the exempt list.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:47:01
I don't think the government have used strong enough rhetoric. I am not hugely political and would feel this way if Blue, Red, Yellow, Green etc were in charge using the words that I've listened to in recent weeks.

I've adhered to the advice but the tone and wording has seemed, to me, quite wishy-washy at times with 'try and avoid' instead of 'DO NOT DO THIS'. The general public need this sort of stuff hammered home otherwise they're off to Snowdonia, their second homes in Cornwall or the Isle of Wight or on the nearest beach.

Ultimately, the saddest thing is that this situation should be uniting the nation but, as always, about point scoring and us vs. them.

Stay safe and don't be a dick.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:53:38
He certainly underestimated the “I know better than medical experts” attitude of a sizeable % of the population

You couldn’t account for the amount of Karen’s on Facebook saying it’s no worse than the flu

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:53:51
There are thousands dying across Europe. I really really hope this doesn’t happen in the Uk. More should have been done much much sooner.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 09:58:26
Why does Europe always end up being the epicentre of things?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:02:24
Why does Europe always end up being the epicentre of things?

Be a bit more specific. Things, such as?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:10:54
Coronavirus, wars.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:14:53
Thank god there are only wars in Europe

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:16:13
Ah well not 3 weeks for me, the government suggest 12 weeks lockdown, got this txt message yesterday afternoon....

Stay safe PV.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:17:39
Ah well not 3 weeks for me, the government suggest 12 weeks lockdown, got this txt message yesterday afternoon....

Stay safe mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:32:23
I appreciate thar being a front-line Secretary of State is not the greatest job at the moment but I get the impression that some ministers who I won't name (Gove and Hancock) would not guess at answers to question. Hancock, in particular, seems to state things that should have happened rather than things that did happen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:37:28
Why does Europe always end up being the epicentre of things?
It doesn't. SARS, MERS, Ebola, all hardly touched Europe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:43:16

The Korean war?
The Vietnam war?
WORLD war I and II.
The various civil wars in Africa.

I could go on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:43:18
Stay safe PV.
Stay safe mate.
Cheers lads, doing my best, lets see how all this shit pans out from now on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:47:33
Really !!   He's been very clear with his messages, people have been ignoring his advice by socialising, go to the beach, gatherings in the park, bulk buying at the shops.
He hasn't. Just look back a few pages in this thread, people arguing whether they are OK to go to the pub.
My wife is a nurse and is currently in isolation as the family now is many because fucking idiots can't follow instructions and think they know better !
If they'd used the time in Jan/Feb to buy in PPE kits for health workers instead of fuck-arsing about and only getting round to ramping them up yesterday (according to Matt Hancock, Health Sec), maybe she wouldn't be. That doesn't excuse the fucking idiots, though. But the govt's complacency about this so far has been appalling. They've consistently been weeks behind the curve and missed opportunities to suppress it early, and that will cost thousands of lives

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:48:20
Cheers lads, doing my best, lets see how all this shit pans out from now on.
I'd echo what BO and FH said. Look after yourself mush!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:50:50
I'd echo what BO and FH said. Look after yourself mush!
Cheers Paul.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:53:35
The Korean war?
The Vietnam war?
WORLD war I and II.
The various civil wars in Africa.

I could go on.

Please don't

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:56:12
He corrected and then clarified the position regarding the transfer of U18's between separated parents that have duel custody.

He initially said it wasn't permitted but then confirmed it was in his next interview, as long as the usual condtions are followed.

A bit more than that wasn't it. He completely bumbled and blubbed his way along like the clueless idiot he is. It was a car crash from him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 10:57:06
God forbid fatalities don't eventually outnumber Spain or Italy's, but if so, the Govt is going to have a huge problem justifying this laissez-faire response. Especially, when you consider the advantage of being behind the curve and benefit of advanced advice/warnings.

 'Taking it on the chin' when you had every chance to avoid it, is going to be a really hard sell.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 11:13:58
If they'd used the time in Jan/Feb to buy in PPE kits for health workers instead of fuck-arsing about and only getting round to ramping them up yesterday (according to Matt Hancock, Health Sec), maybe she wouldn't be. That doesn't excuse the fucking idiots, though. But the govt's complacency about this so far has been appalling. They've consistently been weeks behind the curve and missed opportunities to suppress it early, and that will cost thousands of lives

In Jan/Feb, they were too distracted by the approaching Brexit deadline to focus on anything else.  This is perhaps the most chilling example yet of the opportunity cost of Brexit - and the consequences of time & energy being diverted from what government should be focused on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 11:24:10
Im trying not to get involved with pointless shouting about the rights and wrongs of all this.  My opinion has been expressed.  But just one other point.  There's 20k less coppers.  A load less healthcare staff.  Austerity planned for us getting by when times were ok.  Now we're in a crisis and it's going the deaths that austerity contributes to are going to be a lot more obvious.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 11:43:21
I can't see how that's contraversial Sax

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 11:54:23
Perhaps some of the blame should be focused on the idiots casually carrying on and ignoring this situation. There's a lot of fuckwits about.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 11:54:48
I don't think the government have used strong enough rhetoric. I am not hugely political and would feel this way if Blue, Red, Yellow, Green etc were in charge using the words that I've listened to in recent weeks.

I've adhered to the advice but the tone and wording has seemed, to me, quite wishy-washy at times with 'try and avoid' instead of 'DO NOT DO THIS'. The general public need this sort of stuff hammered home otherwise they're off to Snowdonia, their second homes in Cornwall or the Isle of Wight or on the nearest beach.

Ultimately, the saddest thing is that this situation should be uniting the nation but, as always, about point scoring and us vs. them.

Stay safe and don't be a dick.

Great post.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 12:16:40
Perhaps some of the blame should be focused on the idiots casually carrying on and ignoring this situation. There's a lot of fuckwits about.

Given Corona beer is less than half price right now because it’s the only brand people aren’t buying, I think that’s proven!

Some people believe that a Government’s job is to protect people from their own damaging behaviour. Others don’t agree with this to the same degree. Others actively criticise any intervention as “Nanny State”.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 12:20:15
Right, this is now completely fucking mental. Off the fucking scale stupid. The people in ISS, who my missus works for, are like the idiots in parks and Snowdon. (She works in a restaurant And is expected to work, in case you don’t read above.)

  • Few of the staff are self-isolating - many are dicks who think it’s pointless
  • The bosses (who are self isolating and remote) are giving orders
  • The staff on my missus’s site are expected to cover for staffing shortages at other sites. They get there driven in a small minibus with the driver who’s a manager and thinks Corona Virus is a big joke and hasn’t changed anything in his life
  • Some of them are going to other sites today and “handing out” yes, fucking handing out, free sandwiches - they’ve been told to do this. They’re not dropping them off, but going to their sites specifically to do this face to face
  • On my Missus site, to encourage people to the restaurants, the food is now free. They’ve been told everyone has to hand it out
  • On top of this there are self-serve coffee machines and fridges with food in, more contact points than you can shake a stick at


Why should the bosses be deciding to jeopardise her (and the others staff’s) health while they do fuck all? Is there anything she can do about this? It’s literally making her sick with anxiety.

According to the Regulations, staff canteens (except for hospitals, care homes or schools), should have been shut from Saturday as per pubs etc.

Those managers keeping it open and instructing your wife to work committed a criminal offence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 12:21:56
See schedule Part 1

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 12:39:57
Speaking with some people at work yesterday and a couple of them think this is all for nothing, there's no real risk so they're carrying on as normal outside of work. You've either got to be stupid or wilfully ignorant to not see what's coming...

We finally got offered gloves and masks at work last night as well, there's some hand gel that's appeared in the mail centre as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 12:41:39
fucking hell

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 12:46:26
Fucking hell indeed.

Spain  and Italy over 100,000 cases and 10,000 dead

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 12:48:33
Fucking hell indeed.

Spain  and Italy over 100,000 cases and 10,000 dead

And that's with social distancing and lockdown :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 12:51:35
Idiots are dangerous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 12:58:09
What it needs is some sense of it being close to home, and how ridiculous the speed of infection is vs. those other viruses people are comparing it to, like flu.

"Bodies of Covid-19 victims are now being delivered to an ice rink that is being used as a temporary morgue in Madrid."

Stuff like that would probably ram it home a little.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 13:00:23
Also, Itallian officials believe there are probably 10 times the number of infected people than they have officially recorded - the impact of reaching breaking point and only focusing on the ill.  That would mean they estimate over 600k infected.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 13:06:35
This is what we're up against.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 13:08:44
This is what we're up against.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 13:09:51
My nan is high risk. I also have an aunt with bone cancer and an uncle with lymphoma.

I just received a message in FB from another family member. Was fucking dreading opening it. Thankfully it was nothing, but it's going to be that way for some time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 13:14:17
If on Facebook, look at the prime minister's latest post and read the comments. We are fucked. Full lockdown now is the only way.
The ignorance and stupidity continues. No other way..just keep everyone indoors except for a strict list. Bring in the army too

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 13:15:41
This is what we're up against.

Good lord.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 13:17:04
This is what we're up against.

Sometimes I hope natural selection will sort these problems out for themselves, but I know they'll take lots of good people with them. Jesus wept.  :doh:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 13:32:34
Playing devils advocate slightly, but if we think the true number of cases is around 500k (5k reported, assume 100 times that unreported), then that accounts for about 0.7% of the population - you’d assume these would also be more weighted to the major cities, particularly London

That means more than 99% of people currently aren’t able to spread the virus. All the shops are shut. Even if you flout the rules and go out for two or heaven forbid three walks a day, and don’t necessarily give a two meter berth to everyone you pass, then your coming into contact for fractions of seconds with people who are overwhelmingly unlikely to have the virus

I’m not trying to downplay the measures from yesterday, and agree with them completely. Also the numbers will change and infections will increase. I’m not really sure what I’m trying to say, other than for the time being your probably not going to become a massive superspreader if you go outside following the advice

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 13:48:38
The issue is allowing unbridled spreading - that 0.7% would be 1.4% within a few days, and so on.  It took something like 60+ days for the first 100k people to infected, then 11 for the next 100k, then 4 for the next 100k (Global).  It's that speed of increase that was the problem.  Partial social distancing may have slowed that increase down a little but evidence from Countries who had done that wasn't too promising - at best the increases took a little longer than with no restrictions.

Only a couple of places seem to have much success thus far:

China - complete lockdown, not even allowed to go shopping - probably impossible in most countries
Hong Kong - similar to China, isolated through testing early, now suffering a new outbreak as people returned
South Korea - learned from a 2015 outbreak of MERS that testing and extreme isolation and tracking was needed so acted quickly.  They tested rapidly to identify who had it, they also tracked people's movements through their phones, credit card purchases etc over the past 2 weeks.  They then published that data (not the names, just locations but down to the movie they watched in what cineam, what screen and what seat) to people to identify possible contacts and warn individuals of where to isolate.  They seem to have had quick growth in cases (mostly due to the cult in a single location) but have dampened it much quicker as a result.

We are too late probably to do what South Korea were able to do, we also don't know what happens there if it sparks off again, like in Hong Kong.

China is the closest model to what we are trying now - early signs there are positive, but we just don;t know how long it will last.  We may end-up having several waves of this before we can get a vaccine.  At least if we do get on top of it now we can take the South Korea route instead for the next wave - but that requires accepting a huge invasion of privacy.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 14:04:30
agreed Rob - what we don't know about China (wuhan) is wherever it will all kick off again when they come out of lockdown.

they are going to have to be shit hot at testing, tracing contact with anyone positive and isolating if it does.

that's what effectively controlled the first SARS/MERS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 14:05:40
This is what we're up against.
What the actual fuck! Stupid old dingbat needs euthanising before her and her ilk kill us all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 14:07:32
Doughty doing his bit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 14:16:47
agreed Rob - what we don't know about China (wuhan) is wherever it will all kick off again when they come out of lockdown.

they are going to have to be shit hot at testing, tracing contact with anyone positive and isolating if it does.

that's what effectively controlled the first SARS/MERS.
What the actual fuck! Stupid old dingbat needs euthanising before her and her ilk kill us all.

Well she seemed to be happy enough to die given what she said towards the end of her statement. What an absolute shit flute.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 14:21:30
After last week's shithousery over not wanting his pubs closed, nice to see Tim Wetherspoon keeping up his stiff challenge for "Biggest Shithead of the Coronoavirus Outbreak" title, along with Branson and Mike Ashley, by refusing to pay any of the 40,000 staff who work in his pubs until the govt money comes through at the end of April and telling them to go get a job in Tesco instead:

Hope everyone's taking note of which companies are doing their best to help and which ones are looking to profiteer for when this is all over.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 14:56:14
Bristol, really? I'm shocked  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 14:57:42
My friend (an NHS worker) said she's been told to keep her ID out of sight as there's been a few attempted muggings. Any NHS workers on here had the same?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 15:15:04
Shouldn't be wearing it outside work anyway. That's just basic common sense.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 15:19:55
Shouldn't be wearing it outside work anyway. That's just basic common sense.

Well apparently it isn't for some of your colleagues :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 15:20:38
They’re still at it!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 15:23:24
India order complete lockdown of 1.3 billion people!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 15:30:14
Some good news: Nadine Dorries, the health minister, has recovered from COVID.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 15:34:10
And Hancock has just told the Commons "where people absolutely cannot work from home they can go still go to work, indeed it's important that they do to keep the country running." No mention of essential work. Communication around this is still a shambles. Which suggests that even key Cabinet members don't actually know what the policy is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 15:37:11
And Hancock has just told the Commons "where people absolutely cannot work from home they can go still go to work, indeed it's important that they do to keep the country running." No mention of essential work. Communication around this is still a shambles. Which suggests that even key Cabinet members don't actually know what the policy is.

Good god. No one in continental Europe is in any sort of doubt as to the rules. Britain's drifting off its own sweet way.  :bye:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 16:50:06
...except Sweden, bizarrely.  They're even further behind the curve than we are.  Schools still open and no formal isolation advice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 16:54:14
Yet Denmark went into lockdown quicker than we did

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 20:01:21
Fuck. Ing. Hell.

You think you're being a bit harsh about how shambolic and how far behind the curve the govt are on testing, and then you read shit like this. Jaw dropping.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 20:06:54
This from the Financial Times today - leaves a lot of holes still, and maybe I’m just hoping for good news too much but surely the Financial Times reporting on a study from oxford professors might have some validity to it?? Might explain the anecdotal heavy colds that were prevalent around dec-jan also

Text below

The new coronavirus may already have infected far more people in the UK than scientists had previously estimated — perhaps as much as half the population — according to modelling by researchers at the University of Oxford.

If the results are confirmed, they imply that fewer than one in a thousand of those infected with Covid-19 become ill enough to need hospital treatment, said Sunetra Gupta, professor of theoretical epidemiology, who led the study. The vast majority develop very mild symptoms or none at all.

“We need immediately to begin large-scale serological surveys — antibody testing — to assess what stage of the epidemic we are in now,” she said.

The modelling by Oxford’s Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Disease group indicates that Covid-19 reached the UK by mid-January at the latest. Like many emerging infections, it spread invisibly for more than a month before the first transmissions within the UK were officially recorded at the end of February.

The research presents a very different view of the epidemic to the modelling at Imperial College London, which has strongly influenced government policy. “I am surprised that there has been such unqualified acceptance of the Imperial model,” said Prof Gupta.

However, she was reluctant to criticise the government for shutting down the country to suppress viral spread, because the accuracy of the Oxford model has not yet been confirmed and, even if it is correct, social distancing will reduce the number of people becoming seriously ill and relieve severe pressure on the NHS during the peak of the epidemic.

The Oxford study is based on a what is known as a “susceptibility-infected-recovered model” of Covid-19, built up from case and death reports from the UK and Italy. The researchers made what they regard as the most plausible assumptions about the behaviour of the virus.

The modelling brings back into focus “herd immunity”, the idea that the virus will stop spreading when enough people have become resistant to it because they have already been infected. The government abandoned its unofficial herd immunity strategy — allowing controlled spread of infection — after its scientific advisers said this would swamp the National Health Service with critically ill patients.

But the Oxford results would mean the country had already acquired substantial herd immunity through the unrecognised spread of Covid-19 over more than two months. If the findings are confirmed by testing, then the current restrictions could be removed much sooner than ministers have indicated.

Although some experts have shed doubt on the strength and length of the human immune response to the virus, Prof Gupta said the emerging evidence made her confident that humanity would build up herd immunity against Covid-19.

To provide the necessary evidence, the Oxford group is working with colleagues at the Universities of Cambridge and Kent to start antibody testing on the general population as soon as possible, using specialised “neutralisation assays which provide reliable readout of protective immunity,” Prof Gupta said. They hope to start testing later this week and obtain preliminary results within a few days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 20:13:10
It would be fantastic if all that was true.  But there are very many rich and powerful people with a vested interest in getting people back to work asap.  Look at Trump saying he wants to get people back to work by Easter when the US are barely at the start of their crisis.

I think we all have to be questioning and cautious whilst so many people are very sick and dying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ticker45 on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 20:27:28
I saw this view fom the OU regarding when the virus may have hit the UK posted elsewhere today and brought this to mind.

My son who is 42 lives and works in London and commutes on the tube every day. In the middle of January he came down with a hacking cough, a very tight chest (which left him breathless) and lasted a week. In in his words it was the worst feeling being ill than he had ever experienced before. At the same time two other people in his office suffered very similar illnesses. With hindsight it could well have been flu and the only way to know if it was Coronavirus is that he gets tested to find out, which is a bit unlikely given the current situation. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 21:26:04
I saw this view fom the OU regarding when the virus may have hit the UK posted elsewhere today and brought this to mind.

My son who is 42 lives and works in London and commutes on the tube every day. In the middle of January he came down with a hacking cough, a very tight chest (which left him breathless) and lasted a week. In in his words it was the worst feeling being ill than he had ever experienced before. At the same time two other people in his office suffered very similar illnesses. With hindsight it could well have been flu and the only way to know if it was Coronavirus is that he gets tested to find out, which is a bit unlikely given the current situation. 

When the antibodies test gets released, make sure he gets tested. If he’s had it, it’s highly likely he’ll be immune now. Plus it will help public health England to track whether the herd immunity theory is actually true. Let’s hope so, for all our sakes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 21:50:05
It’s certainly possible.  The Governor of N.Y. was recommending antibody testing today on the basis that their rapid expansion of testing was finding significant numbers and it would be a way of planning a return to some sort of activity.  That’s not to say it will be a knight in shining armour though, they still expect to more than double their hospital bed capacity.  Italy also think the real rate of infection is at least 10 times their recorded count.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 21:52:20
It would be fantastic if all that was true.  But there are very many rich and powerful people with a vested interest in getting people back to work asap.  Look at Trump saying he wants to get people back to work by Easter when the US are barely at the start of their crisis.

I think we all have to be questioning and cautious whilst so many people are very sick and dying.

Yep look at the jump on the dow jones and where people are investing. Oil, Credit etc etc. THe rich want their money back, and don't give a shit how.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 08:20:20
my sister, whose a nurse, has a tight chest and minor cough.

it's most likely to be pollen induced asthma. But because she a community nurse that visits old people she has been told to self isolate. this leaves 2 on the ground nurses out of 15.

Tests that are fast and effective are needed asap for NHS key workers so they can do the right thing in isolation terms. she could be back at work tomorrow if they did

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 08:35:09
Tests that are fast and effective are needed asap for NHS key workers so they can do the right thing in isolation terms. she could be back at work tomorrow if they did
This 100%.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 09:26:57
my sister, whose a nurse, has a tight chest and minor cough.

Hope she's ok Batch.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 09:34:10
Thanks. She's fine so far. Probably not even CV  anyway

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 09:44:33
Just been Morrisons. Well it really ain't sinking in. Mother's with young kids running free. Workers stood next to each other. None of them wearing gloves. Woman walked right up behind me by self service till and I told her to move away. The look she gave me soapy tit wank.
We are fucked. We really are

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 09:47:08
Just been Morrisons. Well it really ain't sinking in. Mother's with young kids running free. Workers stood next to each other. None of them wearing gloves. Woman walked right up behind me by self service till and I told her to move away. The look she gave me soapy tit wank.
We are fucked. We really are

Did our food shop earlier. Everyone keeping a respectable distance. Queues were full of people standing far apart. Everyone very sensible. Maybe it's just Swindon?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 09:48:12
Did our food shop earlier. Everyone keeping a respectable distance. Queues were full of people standing far apart. Everyone very sensible. Maybe it's just Swindon?

To be fair most were being sensible. Some of the staff, worryingly seem the most oblivious

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 09:48:44
Hope your sis will be ok batch 👍

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 09:51:51
A very close friend has now come down as confirmed with it, luckily I haven't seen her for about 4 weeks.

Shes luckily fairly fit and healthy so it shouldnt be a problem, but the net is closing in on so many people who are vulnerable, she works as a driver for special needs and disabled children, that does not bode well for so many high risk people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:00:31
I saw this view fom the OU regarding when the virus may have hit the UK posted elsewhere today and brought this to mind.

My son who is 42 lives and works in London and commutes on the tube every day. In the middle of January he came down with a hacking cough, a very tight chest (which left him breathless) and lasted a week. In in his words it was the worst feeling being ill than he had ever experienced before. At the same time two other people in his office suffered very similar illnesses. With hindsight it could well have been flu and the only way to know if it was Coronavirus is that he gets tested to find out, which is a bit unlikely given the current situation. 

I experienced similar having come back from Spain between Xmas and NY. I am vulnerable to such infections but this one was much worse. On reflection I had all the symptoms. I hope it ain't all my fault!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:17:20
Meanwhile, in Bangkok:


I expect a lot of the Bangkok population have head for the hills (paddy fields) by now. Taking the lurgy with them, no doubt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Oldwembley69 on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:26:21
I experienced similar having come back from Spain between Xmas and NY. I am vulnerable to such infections but this one was much worse. On reflection I had all the symptoms. I hope it ain't all my fault!

Yep had this locally in Swindon and family and a number of friends also. So what was this? I had the flu jab as well!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nick Bamosomi on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:31:23
I see Prince Charles has it now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:33:22
I see Prince Charles has it now.


Is he staying with Phil and her maj? You'd think Phil would be a goner for sure if he gets it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:38:28

Is he staying with Phil and her maj? You'd think Phil would be a goner for sure if he gets it.

They left to Balmoral yesterday, rather ignoring the guidance about people not fleeing for remote parts of Scotland...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:40:12
Yep had this locally in Swindon and family and a number of friends also. So what was this? I had the flu jab as well!

That's the point, without testing who knows.

Testing en-mass seems unlikely. But that kind of data is going to be critical in determining the long term planning, and probably in medium/short term too.

The thing I would say is they must know if the death rate spiked earlier in the year, even if they wern't testing for Coronavirus/COVID-19/SARS-Cov-2

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:46:58
Wonder if they could do it by post? Like a self test kit?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:47:31
Just got back from Selbymart where you have to stop in your vehicle while the market staff unload your trailer, then at arms length a gloved hand collects paperwork. Stopped in Snaith to buy some sausages and bacon where you queued 2n apart on the pavement, sanitised as you entered and stood in a marked area to place your order and pay by card. All very sensible but when I got back to the village , there were two vans of contractors parked next to each other so they could talk. Probably a foot apart, two in each vehicle

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 10:59:11
Wonder if they could do it by post? Like a self test kit?

Moot point. They are on order. We physically don't have them yet

This is the test to tell if you've had it already and are (at least for now) immune

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 11:15:59
There must be thousands - probably millions - of people who have had it and put it down to a seasonal bug.

According to reports the first spate of the, as then unknown, illness was around 12 December. So go back a bit for when it was actually contracted and it’s around the beginning of December.

From that time until it was actually recognised as a new strain and likely to become pandemic, there must have been huge numbers of people infected without knowing it - spreading it all over the world.

There are some anomalies I don’t quite understand. Why is it so rampant in Spain but very low numbers in neighbouring Portugal? Greece has low numbers as have the countries directly bordering Greece to the north - Albania, Bulgaria and the Slavic countries.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 11:27:01
There must be thousands - probably millions - of people who have had it and put it down to a seasonal bug.

According to reports the first spate of the, as then unknown, illness was around 12 December. So go back a bit for when it was actually contracted and it’s around the beginning of December.

From that time until it was actually recognised as a new strain and likely to become pandemic, there must have been huge numbers of people infected without knowing it - spreading it all over the world.

There are some anomalies I don’t quite understand. Why is it so rampant in Spain but very low numbers in neighbouring Portugal? Greece has low numbers as have the countries directly bordering Greece to the north - Albania, Bulgaria and the Slavic countries.

Not forgetting Russia!!  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 11:34:38

There are some anomalies I don’t quite understand. Why is it so rampant in Spain but very low numbers in neighbouring Portugal? Greece has low numbers as have the countries directly bordering Greece to the north - Albania, Bulgaria and the Slavic countries.

Not sure if it is still more common in countries around The Med, but maybe extended families living together might have contributed to increasing the rate of spread?
Didn't the countries bordering Greece to the north all close their borders at the time of the migrant crisis.
Not sure if that is still the case?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 11:35:58
oh dear

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 11:37:38
Prince Charles tests positive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 11:39:54
Another business to add to the list of shitheads who won't be getting any of my money along with Wetherspoons, Virgin etc for when this is all over: Travelodge evicting homeless families, against govt advice, with nowhere else for them to go to, and giving local authorities only a few hours' notice to try and arrange alternative accomodation. Class.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:00:11
I saw this view fom the OU regarding when the virus may have hit the UK posted elsewhere today and brought this to mind.

My son who is 42 lives and works in London and commutes on the tube every day. In the middle of January he came down with a hacking cough, a very tight chest (which left him breathless) and lasted a week. In in his words it was the worst feeling being ill than he had ever experienced before. At the same time two other people in his office suffered very similar illnesses. With hindsight it could well have been flu and the only way to know if it was Coronavirus is that he gets tested to find out, which is a bit unlikely given the current situation. 

Almost exactly the same experience here. About 10 days, over Christmas, I was the most ill I'd ever been. Huge spiking fever, tight chest, breathing problems.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:09:47
Prince Charles tests positive.

That will be a first the miserable old fucker

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:10:37
Public Health England publish flu stats for 2019-2020.  The latest report states that by week 3 of January 2020, "no statistically significant excess all-cause mortality by week of death had been seen yet overall or by age group in England this season".

If the coronavirus was widely circulating in December and January in the UK, surely that would have impacted the mortality rate?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:12:10
you'd think so. unless it mutated to something more deadly.

I don't know if that is possible or hasn't already been dismissed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:24:13
I was sick at Christmas and New Year. It wasn't terrible, but it was enough to keep me in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:36:39
Public Health England publish flu stats for 2019-2020.  The latest report states that by week 3 of January 2020, "no statistically significant excess all-cause mortality by week of death had been seen yet overall or by age group in England this season".

If the coronavirus was widely circulating in December and January in the UK, surely that would have impacted the mortality rate?

I think that the problem is that the excess winter deaths annually are so variable (can more than double or halve year on year) that it is difficult to spot the impact of a new killer unless the volumes are massive or it happens to hit in a high flu death year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:44:38
you'd think so. unless it mutated to something more deadly.

I don't know if that is possible or hasn't already been dismissed.

I thought that one of the standard characteristics of viruses is that whilst they can mutate to vaccine-resistant strains  they invariably mutate to less deadly strains.  Or is that more bollocks that I heard somewhere and now think is a fact?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:49:15
they invariably mutate to less deadly strains.  Or is that more bollocks that I heard somewhere and now think is a fact?

I read the same.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:53:43
I was sick at Christmas and New Year. It wasn't terrible, but it was enough to keep me in.
Similar. Put it down to catching a bug from the grandson who had just started nursery.

Had an annoying tickly cough for 3 weeks, bit lethargic and a bit short of breath. Not enough to keep me from doing things, just felt a bit run down.

The course of the virus is about 3 weeks from catching it and getting better (or dying).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 13:16:21
I think that the problem is that the excess winter deaths annually are so variable (can more than double or halve year on year) that it is difficult to spot the impact of a new killer unless the volumes are massive or it happens to hit in a high flu death year.

Yes, I know what you mean. But the majority of over 70s have an annual flu jab, which would have had no effect on the virus. So, if it was widespread, you would think there would still be a statistically significant spike from, say, November when flu is still killing people and causing admissions.

I’m not trying to be smart because wtf do any of us really know. I sincerely hope the virus was spreading like wildfire in December because it’ll mean far less people die.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 13:16:35
good point pax about variability...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 13:46:51
I thought that one of the standard characteristics of viruses is that whilst they can mutate to vaccine-resistant strains  they invariably mutate to less deadly strains.  Or is that more bollocks that I heard somewhere and now think is a fact?
No that is true (says the eminent virologist!). This was explained on an episode of the Infinite Monkey Cage which I listened to long before the Covid-19 outbreak, but annoyingly can't find it now. Viruses will mutate to both more and less deadly strains, but the less deadly strain will quickly become more prevalent through natural selection as the more deadly strain kills a higher proportion of it's hosts, thus limiting it's ability to propagate. Whereas the milder strain can also propagate undetected, as with Covid-19 where lots of people have it with fairly mild or even no symptoms, so go merrily about their way spreading it to the uninfected. It's one of the reasons why Ebola, although far more deadly than Covid-19, is easier to contain. If we ever encounter one that's highly infectious in a pre-symptomatic stage but has an Ebola style fatality, we're really fucked.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:04:51
Fucking hell

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:06:22
Antibody test could be widely available as soon as next week apparently, according to the editor of the times on twitter

Would be available through amazon or by going to boots/chemist (I’m guessing this bit is probably less set in stone)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:10:39
You'd need to make sure it goes on record, that you are immune.  That's how you can begin a planned return to activity.  China are giving people Green QR codes to display if questioned - it's all going to end-up like something right out of a film no matter what approach is taken I guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:17:07
Is there going to be a point where governments decide the economic damage is worse than the actual virus and just return to our daily routines?

Survival of the fittest at its most brutal? Hospitals are already deciding not to treat older virus patients in favour of younger ones.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:32:28
I notice news reports keep on saying her Maj is in good health, but no mention of whether she has the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:33:41
Bet Charles is trying to shower her with hugs and kisses (and coughs).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:38:37
I notice news reports keep on saying her Maj is in good health, but no mention of whether she has the virus.
Interesting, if indeed her maj and Chas do have the disease and expire from it then that will be a Harry stepping up to the plate far earlier than anticipated.

There are a lot of variables in there of course but that would be a huge turn around in a short period of time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:39:22
Bet Charles is trying to shower her with hugs and kisses (and coughs).
He is 71 himself so right in the "at risk" list himself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:40:29
He is 71 himself so right in the "at risk" list himself.

I think he was born in 1947 PV

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:42:17
Interesting, if indeed her maj and Chas do have the disease and expire from it then that will be a Harry stepping up to the plate far earlier than anticipated.

There are a lot of variables in there of course but that would be a huge turn around in a short period of time.
If enough of us are wiped out, you might be in line yourself!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:42:28
I think he was born in 1947 PV
November 14, 1948.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:43:16
If enough of us are wiped out, you might be in line yourself!
I would abdicate and let my son take over :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 14:44:58
Sir Richie Wellens first!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 15:03:29
November 14, 1948.

Ah, of course. The Queen and Philip were married in 1947.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 15:10:59
I'll be well pissed off if the Queen dies and we get our day of mourning in lockdown.

(too much?)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 15:31:45
I'll be well pissed off if the Queen dies and we get our day of mourning in lockdown.

(too much?)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 15:36:10
Interesting, if indeed her maj and Chas do have the disease and expire from it then that will be a Harry stepping up to the plate far earlier than anticipated.

There are a lot of variables in there of course but that would be a huge turn around in a short period of time.

William and his kids might have something to say about that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 16:05:52
New York State confirm 5000 more cases in a single day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 16:16:27
Fucking hell

Trump is like the leader of a cult. He’ll get those churches packed, the infection will spread exponentially but he’ll be fine with it if the Dow Jones goes up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 16:21:04
You'd need to make sure it goes on record, that you are immune. 

But the science is yet to prove you would be immune. The New Scientist published details of patients in Japan and China believed to have become infected a second time.
Like another coronavirus- the common cold - there may not be immunity just degrees of tolerance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 16:28:04
Is there going to be a point where governments decide the economic damage is worse than the actual virus and just return to our daily routines?
That's pretty much literally word for word what Trump said yesterday. Wants everyone back at work in 3 weeks and the churches packed for Easter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 16:32:18
Antibody test could be widely available as soon as next week apparently, according to the editor of the times on twitter

Would be available through amazon or by going to boots/chemist (I’m guessing this bit is probably less set in stone)
Being reported in the Graun now, initially to people in self-isolation, although how they're going to police distribution is anyone's guess. If the panic buying of bog rolls etc is anything to go by, there'll be a mad rush of thousands of the selfish healthy and the kits will run out in hours. Hopefully they at least reserve enough for NHS and social care staff and supermarket workers etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 18:10:13
You'd need to make sure it goes on record, that you are immune.  That's how you can begin a planned return to activity.  China are giving people Green QR codes to display if questioned - it's all going to end-up like something right out of a film no matter what approach is taken I guess.

Logan's Run.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 18:21:18
A member of Morrison’s staff verbally abused my wife today for shopping before work. Literally to the point where she wanted to cry. Apparently she wasn’t helping matters and was spreading the virus. I am awaiting a response from them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 18:28:30
A member of Morrison’s staff verbally abused my wife today for shopping before work. Literally to the point where she wanted to cry. Apparently she wasn’t helping matters and was spreading the virus. I am awaiting a response from them.

I'd be tempted to go to the adver, show the shallow-minded cunts up for what they are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 18:30:15
Being reported in the Graun now, initially to people in self-isolation, although how they're going to police distribution is anyone's guess. If the panic buying of bog rolls etc is anything to go by, there'll be a mad rush of thousands of the selfish healthy and the kits will run out in hours. Hopefully they at least reserve enough for NHS and social care staff and supermarket workers etc.

Johnson said they wouldn’t be available next online next week. It’s the right way to do it - it needs to be a controlled release of the tests, to those who need it most first.

I don’t think it should be available for people to buy. Give it to key workers and healthcare workers first, then distribute by postcode. If the results are particularly strong one way or another you probably won’t even need to distribute to everybody

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 18:31:16
I don’t think she’s want the hassle, oh and the arms crossed photo.

She was proper upset. Undeserved. She only went in, because the shops are shut by the time she finishes. She bought coffee, cereals, some biscuits and crisps. That was it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 18:58:22
Quote from: Sippo
A member of Morrison’s staff verbally abused my wife today for shopping before work. Literally to the point where she wanted to cry. Apparently she wasn’t helping matters and was spreading the virus. I am awaiting a response from them.

that's just odd. why did they?

was it NHS or vulnerable hour or something.

even if it was, there's a way to politely point it out

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 19:03:09
Was NHS hour. Really abnoxious person apparently. Not good is it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 19:03:33
does your Mrs work for the NHS?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 19:03:52

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 19:04:24
then that's just fucking odd. no, not good

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 19:08:14
Probably the daft cow who was chatting to her mate when I went on there. Not the brightest some of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 19:10:46
Some people are just selfish, ignorant and damn right disgusting.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 19:26:47
A member of Morrison’s staff verbally abused my wife today for shopping before work. Literally to the point where she wanted to cry. Apparently she wasn’t helping matters and was spreading the virus. I am awaiting a response from them.
That's fucking appalling mate. Please reassure your missus that most of us really appreciate the effort she and her colleagues are putting in and the risks they are taking. Despite some ignorant twats

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 19:29:05
Everyone's judging everyone else now ain't they. Gonna get worse too I think.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 20:12:17
That's fucking appalling mate. Please reassure your missus that most of us really appreciate the effort she and her colleagues are putting in and the risks they are taking. Despite some ignorant twats

After a 10 hour shift, she came home and burst into tears. I am furious.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 20:15:48
After a 10 hour shift, she came home and burst into tears. I am furious.
So you bloody should be. But being furious probably isn't what your missus needs right now. A bit of TLC and a chance to unload and unwind will probably help her more I'd guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 20:20:17
Trump is like the leader of a cult. He’ll get those churches packed, the infection will spread exponentially but he’ll be fine with it if the Dow Jones goes up.
and his haircut is " a bit iffy"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 20:45:35
Everyone's judging everyone else now ain't they. Gonna get worse too I think.
Yep, the moral high ground is getting mighty crowded

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 20:53:01
on a lighter note, buttcon has been set 5.

I think I have found some toilet roll ..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 20:57:12
on a lighter note, buttcon has been set 5.

I think I have found some toilet roll ..

Co-op usually has them early doors, so I was informed .
Luckily for us, my mrs always keeps a stock.
Have put some down in tomorrow's tesco delivery.
Will be surprised if they are delivered tho.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 21:02:04
I'm surprised it's still an issue. I guess people who didn't stockpile are low now so getting a healthy supply themselves

we are, though that's a consequence of Amazon selling them in 36 tools rather than a conscious decision

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 21:41:41
That's fucking appalling mate. Please reassure your missus that most of us really appreciate the effort she and her colleagues are putting in and the risks they are taking. Despite some ignorant twats

That’s a CrazySexyCool idea :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 21:59:45
So you bloody should be. But being furious probably isn't what your missus needs right now. A bit of TLC and a chance to unload and unwind will probably help her more I'd guess.

A big glass of red helped her.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 22:06:08

This is fucking scary. And this is the reality

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 08:54:33
According to the Regulations, staff canteens (except for hospitals, care homes or schools), should have been shut from Saturday as per pubs etc.

Those managers keeping it open and instructing your wife to work committed a criminal offence.

See schedule Part 1

The response to this is that it doesn't apply to them. They've now decided it's under Key Staff guidelines. They'll be keeping these staff in regardless.

The other day they stuck 3 of them in a minibus to deliver breakfast pastries to Manchester. Then they came back and went back to Manchester again with sandwiches.

There's talk of a load of staff being sent to Liverpool now. Again all going there and back in a fucking minibus. The bosses are cunts.

This is making me seethe. I don't know how they can get away with running these food outlets. (They don't run the restaurants anymore, just coffee shops and snack shops...)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 09:08:49
If any one wants to carry on playing FM20 for free. Just take your device offline and set your date back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 09:11:14
Question about Mortgage holidays? Looks like my company will be cutting salaries very soon. Its allready happened in out US HQ so only a matter of time.
Do you need to provide proof of this to apply for a mortgage holiday?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 09:29:35
here is Barclays FAQ, but your own provider may have different ways of dealing.. check website?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 09:33:36
here is Barclays FAQ, but your own provider may have different ways of dealing.. check website?
Cheers batch, my providers website just says "criteria needs to be met" but doesn't go into detail. There is not online form either. I'll just have to call them when i know whats happening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 10:05:18
Need to say something positive as I've only been doom and gloom lately.
 Been down to liden shops to return train tickets at the post office. Very strict there with people only allowed in when told to enter. Sanitizer and gloves available too. Staff very conscientious and giving clear instructions. Stay back etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 10:19:40
The response to this is that it doesn't apply to them. They've now decided it's under Key Staff guidelines. They'll be keeping these staff in regardless.

The other day they stuck 3 of them in a minibus to deliver breakfast pastries to Manchester. Then they came back and went back to Manchester again with sandwiches.

There's talk of a load of staff being sent to Liverpool now. Again all going there and back in a fucking minibus. The bosses are cunts.

This is making me seethe. I don't know how they can get away with running these food outlets. (They don't run the restaurants anymore, just coffee shops and snack shops...)

What type of workers are they delivering food to Barry?
Is your wife still having to work?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 10:52:31
What type of workers are they delivering food to Barry?
Is your wife still having to work?

Call centre staff and other people within Barclays. Don't know what the rest do I'm afraid.

She is still working, but she spends most of her time (at the moment) in the office as there's now no restaurant for her to manage. She's also outright told managers above her she won't be leaving her site to do any of this pointless shit they've found for the minimum wage staff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:05:21
Need to say something positive as I've only been doom and gloom lately.
 Been down to liden shops to return train tickets at the post office. Very strict there with people only allowed in when told to enter. Sanitizer and gloves available too. Staff very conscientious and giving clear instructions. Stay back etc.

I did first proper food shop for a week or so this morning.

Totally different experience from a week ago. Tesco only letting certain amount in the store at once, queuing outside at 2 metre intervals. All very civil, nobody moaning, I sensed a certain degree of community spirit.

There does seem to be a tendency to focus on stories relating to the actions of a minority of dickheads who think they are above the rules. Shit loads of good examples of the community spirit in action going on at the moment.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:05:33
There's talk of a load of staff being sent to Liverpool now. Again all going there and back in a fucking minibus. The bosses are cunts.
Fucking imbeciles.

I know he's a cunt, but Piers Morgan has a bee in his bonnet on this kind of pointless work. May be worth twittering him...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:10:59
Fucking imbeciles.

I know he's a cunt, but Piers Morgan has a bee in his bonnet on this kind of pointless work. May be worth twittering him...

Annoyingly Piers Morgan has been saying some very sensible stuff on Twitter and actually using his platform positively for once. *he says through gritted teeth*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:12:24
I don’t think it’s dawned on a lot of people just what the long term will be. I’m sure a lot think it’s just like staying indoors whilst a terrible storm is passing outside - when it’s gone it’ll be safe to go outside again.

This lockdown doesn’t stop people getting the virus - it just stops them getting it now.

They reckon, eventually, 80% of the population will contract the virus at some time as restrictions are lifted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:26:23
Call centre staff and other people within Barclays. Don't know what the rest do I'm afraid.

She is still working, but she spends most of her time (at the moment) in the office as there's now no restaurant for her to manage. She's also outright told managers above her she won't be leaving her site to do any of this pointless shit they've found for the minimum wage staff.

The Government has now published supplementary guidance which waters down the strict prohibition in the actual Regulations. It says:

Cafés and canteens at hospitals, police and fire service places of work, care homes or schools; prison and military canteens; services providing food or drink to the homeless.  (Can remain open)

Where there are no practical alternatives, other workplace canteens can remain open to provide food for their staff and/or provide a space for breaks. However, where possible, staff should be encouraged to bring their own food, and distributors should move to takeaway. Measures should be taken to minimise the number of people in the canteen / break space at any one given time, for example by using a rota.

There’s now enough grey area for some employers to exploit should they choose to. As you said the other day, surely bank staff can bring their own pack lunch.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:28:07
I don’t think it’s dawned on a lot of people just what the long term will be. I’m sure a lot think it’s just like staying indoors whilst a terrible storm is passing outside - when it’s gone it’ll be safe to go outside again.

This lockdown doesn’t stop people getting the virus - it just stops them getting it now.

They reckon, eventually, 80% of the population will contract the virus at some time as restrictions are lifted.

I had the same thought. Until a vaccine is developed, how are older people and those with health risks going to be able to leave the house with any confidence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:32:06
And who is going to get any vaccine first. The old? The already ill?

The cost of the lockdown will be mitigated by letting the old and ill take their chances. Less pensions, less social care, less strain on the NHS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:40:26
And who is going to get any vaccine first. The old? The already ill?

The cost of the lockdown will be mitigated by letting the old and ill take their chances. Less pensions, less social care, less strain on the NHS.
I am guessing that if there is a vaccine then the health care workers and those deemed in the highest risk from the disease will be first, followed by the other emegency services then the old and everyone else followed on afterwards.

Just my probably ill educated guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:42:04
Just plain evil.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 12:17:18
And who is going to get any vaccine first. The old? The already ill?

The cost of the lockdown will be mitigated by letting the old and ill take their chances. Less pensions, less social care, less strain on the NHS.

Vacines don't work if you already have it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 12:21:55
Vacines don't work if you already have it?
Indeed, its a vaccine not a remedy, prevention rather than cure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 12:55:50

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 13:02:20

What that doesn’t say Is thats what happened 7 days ago!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 13:08:42
There might be higher levels of activity than usual, according to the article, but other than that this happens all the time. It has done for years.

The press also likes to get in a tizz from time to time when our jets have to intercept Russian bombers. Again, it happens all the time. They even wave to each other.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 13:18:42
It does indeed happen all the time, I know this from having a fair few friends in the RAF and Navy based at Yeovilton, its unusual to make the press though.

The last time they came round the UK like this we were on a high alert and all leave was cancelled, the UK government IS taking the threat from Russia seriously.

I see several posts stating that despite their size that Russia have an incredibly low rate of Covid19 with just 658 cases and only 3 deaths in a population of 145m people. Thats probably more to do with not having open borders as we have in europe and there is a lack in freedom of movement.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 13:32:14
I am guessing that if there is a vaccine then the health care workers and those deemed in the highest risk from the disease will be first, followed by the other emegency services then the old and everyone else followed on afterwards.

Just my probably ill educated guess.

Not at all, this is surely the sensible view and you'd think testing, when they finally arrive, will follow a similar pattern. NHS, Care Workers and at Risk Members of the public first.

It's a better view than the Government is trying to kill off the elderly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 13:49:47
Clap for carers at 8pm tonight continental style

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 14:08:07
Our clap for the health workers and the police is ace in my little street. All the little kids who haven’t seen each other for 2 weeks are all shouting to each other. The clap itself lasts about 3 or 4 minutes then someone in the street plays a tune really loud and everyone sings 😀 last night it was Queen - I want to break free !

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 14:18:32
"We'll do whatever it takes to defeat coronavirus". Except join in a joint procurement scheme with the EU to secure ventilators which would see us being able to get them quicker and cheaper than trying to manufacture our own from scratch.

Literally putting Brexit ahead of people's lives. Absolutely criminal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 15:26:57
Clap for carers at 8pm tonight continental style

How long do you clap for?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 15:46:50
How long do you clap for?
As long as you want/can I guess

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 15:49:01
"The government has said it is currently changing the way deaths are recorded."
Wonder if that means they will be fiddled?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 16:09:53
No sure if its been mentioned but PornHub premuim is now free in the UK.
Just what i've heard/........

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 16:10:31
.........I see several posts stating that despite their size that Russia have an incredibly low rate of Covid19 with just 658 cases and only 3 deaths in a population of 145m people. Thats probably more to do with not having open borders as we have in europe and there is a lack in freedom of movement.

It is very strange. Plenty of Costa Blanca properties were sold to the Russians, the builders even adapted to their style to suit because of the demand. Driving down the N332 coastal road from Alicante loads of billboards were/are written in Russian.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 16:48:29
It does indeed happen all the time, I know this from having a fair few friends in the RAF and Navy based at Yeovilton, its unusual to make the press though.

The last time they came round the UK like this we were on a high alert and all leave was cancelled, the UK government IS taking the threat from Russia seriously.

I see several posts stating that despite their size that Russia have an incredibly low rate of Covid19 with just 658 cases and only 3 deaths in a population of 145m people. Thats probably more to do with not having open borders as we have in europe and there is a lack in freedom of movement.
Or Russia are just not reporting real figures.... Putin and his propaganda machine wouldn’t want to show any sign of weakness in his leadership.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 17:05:39
Well, I've been officially furloughed from the end of next week until the end of May. On full pay though, which is good of the company. Funny really, being suspended on full pay would have been the absolute dream a month ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 17:19:44
All systems go for me by the looks of it, I even had (unrequested) reassurances from my main client last night.

It looks as though I'm about to be as busy as I've ever been over the coming weeks and months. Which I am grateful for, but I am a tad envious of those that get (paid) time off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 17:27:46
Well, I've been officially furloughed from the end of next week until the end of May. On full pay though, which is good of the company. Funny really, being suspended on full pay would have been the absolute dream a month ago.
Looks like i'm set for a 10-20% salary cut, which make loads of sense being in IT and the past 2 weeks I've probably given the company 20-30% extra of my time and am probably expected to keep doing so to help keep the ship afloat. No chance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Stef Troll on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 17:58:45
Looks like the self employed will pay more national insurance in the future. About time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 18:06:56
"The government has said it is currently changing the way deaths are recorded."
Wonder if that means they will be fiddled?

More than 100 deaths today

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 18:19:54
More than 100 deaths today
113 apparently today taking the total to 578 deaths in total.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 18:24:36
"The government has said it is currently changing the way deaths are recorded."
Wonder if that means they will be fiddled?

Nope, according to rhe radio they are going to change the reporting period so that when they report at the end of the day it covers a 24 hour period. Yesterdays figures were slightly low whilst they swapped over. Hence the bigger jump today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 18:27:53
Looks like i'm set for a 10-20% salary cut, which make loads of sense being in IT and the past 2 weeks I've probably given the company 20-30% extra of my time and am probably expected to keep doing so to help keep the ship afloat. No chance.

That's the spirit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 18:57:39
For shame. Number of intensive care beds per 100,000 people

Lithuania 634.4
Germany 620.8
Bulgaria 595.0
Austria 580.0
Belgium 567.3
Slovakia 491.3
Poland 487.7
Hungary 428.9
France 428.0
Czechia 425.0
Slovenia 423.0
Luxembourg 419.0
Romania 402.6
Croatia 398.8
Switzerland 375.1
Estonia 366.5
Greece 346.3
Norway 342.5
Cyprus 341.3
Netherlands 332.4
Portugal 325.1
Finland 307.6
Italy 274.6
Denmark 261.7
Israel 240.6
Ireland 240.4
Spain 238.5
Sweden 234.5
UK 227.8

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:09:55

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:10:23
That's the spirit
I’ve none of that left.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:19:43
Looks like the self employed will pay more national insurance in the future. About time.
oh well, I will just do a few more cash in hand jobs to make it up :smugfu:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:26:52
Or Russia are just not reporting real figures.... Putin and his propaganda machine wouldn’t want to show any sign of weakness in his leadership.
Exactly this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:28:57
Credit where it's due. Rishi Sunak has been one of the few ministers (in fact the only one I can think of, but leaving some slack in case I've been unfair to anyone, certainly the only major dept head) to consistently look like he knows what he's doing in this crisis. Ironically given he's the newest member of the govt, he's the only senior minister who doesn't look like he's completely out of his depth.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Stef Troll on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:38:24
oh well, I will just do a few more cash in hand jobs to make it up :smugfu:

That’s what’s great about this. All those self employed people who have underdeclared their profits in prior years are now potentially getting 80% of a lower amount.

I’m happy as guaranteed to get my usual salary at the end of the month with pension and don’t have to wait till June to get a hand out.  😉

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:44:38
That’s what’s great about this. All those self employed people who have underdeclared their profits in prior years are now potentially getting 80% of a lower amount.
Don't think this is really the time for snark. A lot of people worried about how they're going to put food on the table, sniding at the self-employed on the spurious grounds they're all on the fiddle is up there with those that want clampdowns on benifits claimaints because they're all sat round lording it up on "our" tax money.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:46:29
oh well, I will just do a few more cash in hand jobs to make it up :smugfu:
Make sure you wear gloves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:48:04
That’s what’s great about this. All those self employed people who have underdeclared their profits in prior years are now potentially getting 80% of a lower amount.

I’m happy as guaranteed to get my usual salary at the end of the month with pension and don’t have to wait till June to get a hand out.  😉
good for you, never let a virus get in the way of worrying about other peoples finances

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:48:47
Make sure you wear gloves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Stef Troll on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:54:49
good for you, never let a virus get in the way of worrying about other peoples finances

I’m an accountant so I’ve been dealing with clients all day giving advice on what financial measures are in place to help them out. I just find it ironic as lots of clients have been “clever” in the past by under declaring their income being self employed. As a result they are now getting lower handouts from HMRC. Also the extra tax they should have paid could be of use to the NHS now and our general economy in general.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 20:13:17
I’m an accountant so I’ve been dealing with clients all day giving advice on what financial measures are in place to help them out. I just find it ironic as lots of clients have been “clever” in the past by under declaring their income being self employed. As a result they are now getting lower handouts from HMRC. Also the extra tax they should have paid could be of use to the NHS now and our general economy in general.
shouldn't you have advised your clients this was not good practice :facepalm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Stef Troll on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 20:16:35
shouldn't you have advised your clients this was not good practice :facepalm:

Yes I do but unfortunately there are people out there who thinks it’s clever to do cash in hand jobs to help pay their tax 😉

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 20:32:03
That clapping this evening was amazing - reminded me why I love this country so much.
We can get through this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 20:32:59
Yes I do but unfortunately there are people out there who thinks it’s clever to do cash in hand jobs to help pay their tax 😉
Martin Lewis is on now, he knows his stuff :toocool:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 20:44:50
That clapping this evening was amazing - reminded me why I love this country so much.
We can get through this.
  Gutted I missed this. I was getting a bit of shopping for my parents as they can't go out :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 21:09:45
bugger. I forgot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 21:14:42
Germany testing 500,000 people a week

● UK has tested 90,000 overall

● Covid death toll Germany 200 (population 83 million) 

● Covid death toll UK 580
(Population 65 million)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 21:21:20
● Covid death toll UK 580
That we know about. They're not picking up all the ones who die at home or in nursing homes as confirmed COVID-19 cases so they're going down as pneumonia or underlying conditions. They're only testing people in hospitals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 21:43:00
Thought I’d sign up for one of those groups which was apparently intended a resource to help vulnerable people, identify those who might need some shopping etc.

It’s not, it’s full of nosey curtain twitching wannabe vigilantes who I swear are going out all day just so they can report on a family walking in a park, or a single mum taking her kids to the shop, or 109 other things where someone probably hadn’t done anything wrong.

These people are literally the worst.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 21:47:52
Do you/they dress as Ninja's?  You should.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 21:53:59
That clapping this evening was amazing - reminded me why I love this country so much.
We can get through this.
Give a carer the clap  :headhurts:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 21:55:08
Do you/they dress as Ninja's?  You should.

Coincidentally Rob, I tried to turn my phone into a makeshift gopro/head camera today. My first attempt was to tie it to my forehead with an old dressing gown cord. It didn't really work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 21:59:49
Although this virus is horrible and we have a long way to go yet, I'm hopeful tonight that we can heal our broken nation. Years of hate and division can be beaten by decency, care and compassion. Jeez, even the Tory party are coming across as socialist's. There is hope and for now I back the current government. We must put aside political allegiances for the good of the nation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 27, 2020, 06:57:13
Nobody has given a thought to the thieves, burglars and shoplifters. How are they supposed to earn a crust with people at home and shop numbers limited.

Maybe the government could come up with a scheme.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 27, 2020, 07:05:54
Nobody has given a thought to the thieves, burglars and shoplifters. How are they supposed to earn a crust with people at home and shop numbers limited.

Maybe the government could come up with a scheme.

I had the dealers in mind the other day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, March 27, 2020, 07:06:50
Coincidentally Rob, I tried to turn my phone into a makeshift gopro/head camera today. My first attempt was to tie it to my forehead with an old dressing gown cord. It didn't really work.

I love you Ben :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Friday, March 27, 2020, 07:19:42
Trump says that the US churches will be packed by Easter.

Corbyn says that Sunak's emergency coronavirus spending proves that his 2019 election expenditure proposals were correct.

Thank god we didn't elect our village idiot.

In contrast, the trades unions are working proactively and positively with the government, ignoring huge ideological differences with a prime minister & cabinet who at best could be generously described as unproven and whose predecessors are at least partly responsible for our difficulties in coping with this pandemic, because that is in the best interests of the UK people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Friday, March 27, 2020, 07:25:34
Luckily my wife reminded me about the 8pm clap.

My road is pretty quiet at the best of times so wasn't sure if anyone would be out.  Completely wrong.  Everyone was.

My next door neighbour, who I suspect pisses rose-water rather than urine, was banging her pan as if her life depended on it.

Friends up the road have a daughter who is a newly qualified doctor.  Wife was crying.

Very moving.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, March 27, 2020, 07:29:45
bugger. I forgot

It seems most in my street and surrounding area did too  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 10:04:47
Clap was well observed in our quiet lane, every house out. I got a bit carried away and managed a couple of cheers of "You Meeeeeeds!!" to the amusement of my lads, the irritation of my missus and the general bafflement of our neighbours. The two runners who ran past as we were halfway through must have felt like they were doing the final section of a marathon as every house clapped them down the lane :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 27, 2020, 10:25:02
Our street gave it a good go as well, pleased to report. Also saw a fella on the top deck of an almost empty 137 bus applauding wildly as it went past :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Friday, March 27, 2020, 10:31:36
Completely forgot about the clap. My headphones were on and I was in a JavaScript related trance. Think my other half was similarly still working so no idea if my street got involved! Glad so many people did and my mate who lives in central Reading showed me a video which looked awesome.

Must remember to join in the next one

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:00:09
Disappointing response in my little part of Peatmoor. Hopefully, we'll step up for the next one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:04:28
Pretty poor on my bit of Wood Street. But then I do live opposite a presumabable empty hotel amongst loads of shut bars and shops.

Could hear a good bit of clapping out the back

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:09:29
The clap is pure fucking cringe. After 10 years or Tory austerity, waiting times through the roof, elective surgeries cancelled every year for the "winter crisis", no GP appointments, no mental health provision, this fucking country say down and thought "I'll have a bit more of that!" and returned Boris FUCKING Johnson to be PM.

If people really cared about the NHS they'd not fucking vote tory. If you voted Tory and stood outside clapping you get fucking get to fuck.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:09:50
The clap is pure fucking cringe. After 10 years or Tory austerity, waiting times through the roof, elective surgeries cancelled every year for the "winter crisis", no GP appointments, no mental health provision, this fucking country say down and thought "I'll have a bit more of that!" and returned Boris FUCKING Johnson to be PM.

If people really cared about the NHS they'd not fucking vote tory. If you voted Tory and stood outside clapping you get fucking get to fuck.

Yeah also this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:10:32
Boris has it?

e: Yep

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Maidenhead Red on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:11:11
Boris has it?

Apparently so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nick Bamosomi on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:12:00
Boris has it?

e: Yep


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:19:22
7,871 new cases and 769 deaths in Spain. In the last 24 hours :( That's with the lockdown, though those infections could will presumably have occured any time in the last 14 days( beofre symptoms show).

Stay safe Mex. Did they implement lockdown too late?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:19:32
Within minutes I’m seeing people having an issue with him having (presumably) quick access to a test.

Brains are wasted on some people

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:20:00
This means that cock Raab will step up doesnt it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:24:41
Are there any reputable sources for estimates of how many coronavirus deaths would be included in the ‘normal’ numbers for this time of year??

I’m guessing that % is small, but there must be some overlap

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:32:04
This means that cock Raab will step up doesnt it
Only if Johnson is seriously incapacitated. Given the lazy fucker goes missing for weeks at a time anyway, don't imagine it will make much difference.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:35:17
Boris has it?

e: Yep
The clap?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:43:41
Only if Johnson is seriously incapacitated. Given the lazy fucker goes missing for weeks at a time anyway, don't imagine it will make much difference.
He is going to be doing his addressing the nation/all work via video conferencing, so it won't make much difference I doubt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:53:46

Icelandic scientists say testing has already revealed that there are at least 40 mutations of coronavirus in Iceland, and the virus might develop to become more contagious, but less dangerous. These variants can also act as the fingerprints of the virus to trace its origin. Seven of the infected people were traced to an undisclosed football match in England, the team said.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:56:44
66 million people, 11,658 total cases, including both the heir to the throne and PM ?

Both with 'mild symptoms'. Figure the odds !

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 11:59:31
66 million people, 11,658 total cases, including both the heir to the throne and PM ?

Both with 'mild symptoms'. Figure the odds !
Better than you'd imagine I'd have thought given that both of them spend a lot of time meeting a wide variety of people, must greatly increase their chances of catching it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 27, 2020, 12:20:20
66 million people, 11,658 total cases, including both the heir to the throne and PM ?

Both with 'mild symptoms'. Figure the odds !

Are you implying some sort of conspiracy?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Friday, March 27, 2020, 12:23:01
Are you implying some sort of conspiracy?
The Russians are coming.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 12:27:20
Oh the irony: Mexicans are demanding a crackdown on Americans crossing the border

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, March 27, 2020, 12:34:16
Are you implying some sort of conspiracy?


We need somebody to fill that gap, think Dosser was the last full blown one we had

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Friday, March 27, 2020, 12:41:38
Oh the irony: Mexicans are demanding a crackdown on Americans crossing the border


No idea who the president of Mexico is, but if he could say something ignorant and offensive about Americans in a grammatically incoherent tweet then that would be wonderful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, March 27, 2020, 13:12:43
Are you implying some sort of conspiracy?

Implying it's far more widespread than total cases (11k) and the estimated current cases by the modellers (250k-500k) are suggesting.

That said, both HRH, PM (and Matt Hancock) meet plenty of folk, London hotspot etc etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, March 27, 2020, 13:13:41
Hancock has it now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 27, 2020, 13:16:39
Implying it's far more widespread than total cases (11k) and the estimated current cases by the modellers (250k-500k) are suggesting.

That said, both HRH, PM (and Matt Hancock) meet plenty of folk, London hotspot etc etc.

Ah, that makes sense.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, March 27, 2020, 13:25:00
It's entirely probable that more people have had it or do have it than tested numbers confirm, that's a given.  It's also likely the death toll is higher because previous deaths registered as Cardiac Failure and Pneumonia may well have been caused by the virus.   When you look at past Pandemics, a similar type of extrapolation is often used because the confirmed data is nearly always suspected to be an under reporting.

Somewhere like Italy is a good example - they've pretty much given up on being able to test everyone that should be, because the Healthcare system is breaking at the seems just to care for those ill enough to need treatment.  I think they believe you can multiply the confirmed cases by a factor of at least 10.

You also have incubation period to consider.  When you see somewhere like NYC registering thousands of positive cases a day now, that was from spread 10-14 days ago.  Again, you look at Italy and see the death rate per day in the many hundreds even after a couple of weeks of being in lockdown, same for Spain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, March 27, 2020, 13:41:07
Yes, likely explains the 12 weeks isolation notice to the vulnerable, implemented before the lockdown measure (partial).

Infection > 2 weeks worst case incubation > 1 week worsening symptoms > 6 weeks worst case ventilator etc > 3 weeks margin for error.

Lockdown in Italy Mar 12th, Spain 16th March, anticipate the stats downturn hopefully within a week, or so ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, March 27, 2020, 14:08:57
Apparently 190 more deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 27, 2020, 14:13:57
I still people saying 'it's bullshit', or 'exaggerated' or whatever.

The planet's population could be decimated and there would still be people denying it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 14:20:30
Surprise, surprise, the lockdown's become a curtain-twitcher's delight:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 14:27:21
Apparently 190 more deaths.
181 according to the BBC. That's still quite some leap, we seem to be entering an Italian-style phase of exponential increases in both deaths and confirmed cases (2921 increase today) :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, March 27, 2020, 14:29:41
Given that anything resembling a lock down didn't occur until start of this week, you can expect the numbers to climb for about 16 days or so, at least.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:03:30
will be interesting to see the data from this, assuming they do go back and review once this begins to die down:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:13:03
Surprise, surprise, the lockdown's become a curtain-twitcher's delight:

I go out twice day. Once at 6.30am just for a quick poo walk with the dog. Then we go out for longer in the day. I never see anyone that early.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:16:42
I go out twice day. Once at 6.30am just for a quick poo walk with the dog. Then we go out for longer in the day. I never see anyone that early.
No problem with the number of times you go out, but think you should do your shitting in your own house, not out walking with the dog. Even if you don't see anyone #notnicehabit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:18:55
Especially if you don't want NinjaBen to dob you in or take you down with his Assassin moves.  He's the one with the phone torch on his head, easy to spot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:23:05
No problem with the number of times you go out, but think you should do your shitting in your own house, not out walking with the dog. Even if you don't see anyone #notnicehabit

I fucking laughed so much at this I nearly shat myself  :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :D :D :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:24:43
Continuing the rollcall of shitty companies to boycott: McDonalds' *charity* have evicted the homeless family of a disabled boy stuck in a nearby hospital over fears he may have coronavirus:

A lot of companies showing their true character in crisis, good and bad

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:24:48

Glimmer of hope?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:26:38
A friend of my D-i-L back in the UK has died. 29 and was perfectly healthy.

Getting close to home, guys. Please take care.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:28:29
A friend of my D-i-L back in the UK has died. 29 and was perfectly healthy.

Getting close to home, guys. Please take care.

Sorry to hear that Audrey.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:35:52
A friend of my D-i-L back in the UK has died. 29 and was perfectly healthy.

Getting close to home, guys. Please take care.

Sorry to hear that Aud.

Interestingly, it’s been reported he had health issues, like the 21 year old girl who died too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:37:06
She told me perfect health. Are they trying to dampen down anxiety?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:39:51
I’m not doubting you for one second. I’m more pointing fingers at the ‘officials’ claiming they had underlying issues. That’s twice in a few days people in their 20’s have died, both with reported health issues that have been discounted by family and friends.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:40:04
Sorry to hear that Aud.

Interestingly, it’s been reported he had health issues, like the 21 year old girl who died too.
Her family said she was in perfect health in the intial reports

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:41:13
Her family said she was in perfect health in the intial reports

Exactly - but the ‘official’ figures said differently.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 15:42:09
She told me perfect health. Are they trying to dampen down anxiety?
Very probably. Govt are increasingly dealing with this as a war-like situation, control of information (propaganda) to placate the home front is one of the first steps you take in a war.

Very sorry to hear of this btw

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, March 27, 2020, 16:07:53
Chris Whitty, CMO down now. On the path to a GNU ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, March 27, 2020, 16:18:58
I’d imagine all of the cabinet probably have it, and most of government too. They must have spent most of the last few weeks in close proximity to each other

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, March 27, 2020, 16:21:47
Very probably. Govt are increasingly dealing with this as a war-like situation, control of information (propaganda) to placate the home front is one of the first steps you take in a war.

Very sorry to hear of this btw

I don't know enough to discount this view, but there is always the possibility that they uncover a previously unknown condition.  Certainly seen a difference in the UK vs USA (probably because it's private and they want their money) but people have regular check-up here, whereas people in the UK only tend to present when there is an actual problem.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 16:33:54
Chris Whitty, CMO down now. On the path to a GNU ?
Not until the interminable Labour leadership election has finally ended I wouldn't have thought. So some time around 2026

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 16:35:45
I don't know enough to discount this view, but there is always the possibility that they uncover a previously unknown condition.  Certainly seen a difference in the UK vs USA (probably because it's private and they want their money) but people have regular check-up here, whereas people in the UK only tend to present when there is an actual problem.
Fair point. Think "information management" is still more likely though tbh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, March 27, 2020, 16:49:09
Uh oh, Michael Gove is leading the daily press conference.

What could go wrong....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Friday, March 27, 2020, 16:57:25
Uh oh, Michael Gove is leading the daily press conference.

What could go wrong....

He should be okay as he's down an expert and we all know Britain have had enough of those...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, March 27, 2020, 17:04:22
Stay safe everyone, the way it’s going in the UK you’re going to be a lot worse than spain considering you’re still riding the bloody tube and hanging round parks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Friday, March 27, 2020, 17:24:16
Had to do a shop collection from my wifes grandparents today.

Only left the house this week for the daily exercise and a couple of local shop necessities and this afternoon was the first time I've seen the current supermarket queuing system and I must say it was really quite unnerving.

I have a young daughter so I can't spend all day fretting because she's at an age where she picks up on that sort of stuff (it's bad enough explaining why the school year has been pretty much abandoned).

People around where I live in Bristol seem to be adhering to the the rules, it's extremely quiet. But when I pass the park you still see young groups although they could be house sharers etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 27, 2020, 17:38:10
919 dead in a day in Italy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, March 27, 2020, 17:45:48
919 dead in a day in Italy

That's unbelievable considering they've been in lockdown for over two weeks and their numbers has been dropping over recent days

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 27, 2020, 17:50:14
And yet people are still looking for ‘loopholes’ to go for a walk in the country.

How many have to die, ffs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, March 27, 2020, 17:51:44
I saw three blokes buy disposal bbqs from greenmeadow stores then get in the same car and drive off. They certainly didn’t look like brothers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, March 27, 2020, 17:54:53
And yet people are still looking for ‘loopholes’ to go for a walk in the country.

How many have to die, ffs.

Treating it like a holiday with no consideration for others

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, March 27, 2020, 18:20:42
That's unbelievable considering they've been in lockdown for over two weeks and their numbers has been dropping over recent days

The worst cases seem to be lasting up to 21 days once Incubated.  Probably another week before we can really start to see if it had the desired impact.  I think the key indicator they are watching right now is new cases being hospitalised, because if that starts to shrink we should see a 2-3 week lag before deaths start to drop off a fair bit.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 27, 2020, 18:32:06
I was surprised that you can still test positive for coronavirus > 14 days after getting it . there was a Spanish nurse on the radio taking about it earlier.

It's it just the contagious phase that lasts 7 days?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 27, 2020, 18:33:59
I was surprised that you can still test positive for coronavirus > 14 days after getting it

It's it just the contagious phase that lasts 7 days?
In my txt messages I have got from the NHS, (they insists on txting the most at risk several times per day) that the infection risk is anything up to 14 days after contact.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, March 27, 2020, 18:41:05
I left my house yesterday for the first time in 17 days.

I had to drive into Malaga to collect loads of stuff from my office so that everyone could continue to work from home. A legitimate reason.
Malaga is about the same size city as Southampton. Totally deserted. I had to go into the center. The only vehicles I saw were army or police.
I was stopped and questioned and allowed to continue. Twice.

It was one of the eeriest experiences I’ve ever had.
So many people are ill and dying here . It’s now getting to the point where everyone knows someone with it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Friday, March 27, 2020, 18:59:00
Branson  appealing for millions from the Government for his airline seems a bit rich, after he is said to have screwed his own employees.  Is he rich enough to use his own money?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, March 27, 2020, 18:59:52
That twat sued the NHS. Not surprised in the slightest

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 27, 2020, 19:04:34
Branson  appealing for millions from the Government for his airline seems a bit rich, after he is said to have screwed his own employees.  Is he rich enough to use his own money?
Yes, he is a billionaire tax exile who lives on his own private island who, as tans says, sued the NHS for millions when he had a hissy fit about wanting to open up healthcare to his own private healthcare provider. Along with Ashley (Sports Direct), Tim Martin (Wetherspoons) should be firmly on anyone's "Profiteering cunts who's only thought was for their own bank accounts" post-virus boycott list.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 27, 2020, 19:07:06
Other British airline owners basically said he was a twat for asking and the money should be going elsewhere.

Him and his ilk should be boycotted once this is all over. It won't happen though. The gullible masses will still keep on handing over money to him.  The rich (through the press) will end up blaming the poor instead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, March 27, 2020, 19:19:43
I thought IAG put their own hands out as well?  I think you'd be hard pressed to find an airline that wasn't already State owned that isn't asking for help right now.  I think American Airlines went begging but realised they might have to give up some equity or refuse to buy back shares and give dividends so are backing off!  Boeing have done similar - although it could be argued they'd already fucked themselves ahead of this by selling a plane that was essentially broken.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: townforever on Friday, March 27, 2020, 20:02:56
to be fair to BA, they said they have plenty of cash, just not enough to pay there workers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, March 27, 2020, 21:08:47
Looking at the numbers of the US and their lack of action they're going to be absolutely fucked in a week or so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, March 27, 2020, 21:24:51
Looking at the numbers of the US and their lack of action they're going to be absolutely fucked in a week or so

But trump wants everyone in the churches for easter! What a prick

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 11:04:55
FT reporting this morning that UK was in EU meetings about joint procurement of ventilators - i.e. the "We didn't get the email" excuse is not just a pathetic excuse but a lie. And companies who were proposing to buy in ventilators from abroad and claim they could have had an extra 15,000 here now and a further 10,000 within the next two weeks are complaining they were ignored because the govt wanted to go with ventilators made in the UK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 11:27:50
Just been out to get some bits to keep me going. Morrison’s have this concert style rails to queue outside. I was only queued you for 15 min and then shop was nice and quiet, everyone was being civilised. It was great. Still not big roll mind. Should have done this 3 weeks ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 11:51:07
Damning article in The Lancet this morning. Good grief.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 13:20:28
Damning article in The Lancet this morning. Good grief.
PDF version here which some may find easier to read, although it's far from easy reading. TLDR: we are sleepwalking into a disaster built on complacency and poor leadership, and frontline NHS staff are being used as cannon fodder

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 14:03:40
The Department of Health says 17,089 people in the UK have tested positive for coronavirus and the number of reported UK COVID-19 deaths has risen by 260 to 1,019

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 14:05:37
The Department of Health says 17,089 people in the UK have tested positive for coronavirus and the number of reported UK COVID-19 deaths has risen by 260 to 1,019

We're starting to see numbers dying similar to Spain & Italy now.....scary times for everyone

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 14:06:09
NHS have apparently been in touch with a medical fetish site and had all their supplies of gloves and masks. Would be funny except for how clear it makes it how desperate the situation is for getting even a pretence of protective equipment to frontline NHS staff

We had months to prepare for this in January and Feburary. NHS staff are being used as cannon fodder

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 14:57:23
Damning article in The Lancet this morning. Good grief.

Damning, but not surprising - given the complete absence of political leadership at the start of this crisis.  Johnson is well known not to be a details man.  Too busy wanking himself dry over Brexit last month to prepare for the unfolding disaster.

This is him at the start of this month, describing how he went on shaking hands with Coronavirus patients.  He's not leading.  He's being led at every turn.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 15:29:38
NHS have apparently been in touch with a medical fetish site and had all their supplies of gloves and masks. Would be funny except for how clear it makes it how desperate the situation is for getting even a pretence of protective equipment to frontline NHS staff

We had months to prepare for this in January and Feburary. NHS staff are being used as cannon fodder
46 doctors dead in Italy from the virus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 15:41:04
NHS have apparently been in touch with a medical fetish site and had all their supplies of gloves and masks. Would be funny except for how clear it makes it how desperate the situation is for getting even a pretence of protective equipment to frontline NHS staff

We had months to prepare for this in January and Feburary. NHS staff are being used as cannon fodder

Blatantly fake.

People don’t realise that the face masks and gloves do not make a difference. The blue masks the general public are using don’t stop you getting the virus. If anything they stop you spreading it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: herthab on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 15:46:25
Blatantly fake.

People don’t realise that the face masks and gloves do not make a difference. The blue masks the general public are using don’t stop you getting the virus. If anything they stop you spreading it.

Is The Lancet article fake too?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 15:49:10
Which article is that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 15:51:05
I heard on a program this week that the countries with the highest death rates from this are the countries with the higher proportion of heavy smokers. China, Italy, Spain, Indonesia, USA, France, Iran etc.

If ever there was a reason to give up......

Even if it is closing the gate after the horse has bolted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 18:06:15
Can see some correlation there PV but I'm not fully convinced...

Indonesia has about 90 deaths
Turkey 75 deaths
Paraguay 3 deaths
Uruguay 0 deaths c250 cases

I highlight Uruguay because it's internationally recognised as a place where smoking is actively encouraged in the young by Big Tobacco. Bloomberg has been trying to sue them for their "advertising standards" over there - using his own money. He's been trying to do so for at least 10 years as much as I know.

But all of those above have high smoking rates so I guess like anything, it's a usual matter of extracting the data they want to develop on; in order to produce the story/findings they want to lead us to.

In any case - always a good time for anyone to quit.

On Covid-19, I'd say Netherlands must be panicking. They have c9.75k cases with c700 deaths. UK has c17k cases with c1k deaths. Belgium interestingly as their next door neighbours have c7.5k cases with c300 deaths. Netherlands having a population of around 17.5m puts their D per 1m P (Death per 1m pop.) at 40. UKs is 15 (based on 1020d/68m).

Which leads back round to smoking. Of course we know there are a lot of smokers (herbal) in the Netherlands.

I do wonder if social stereotyping has a role to play here too. The Dutch are very "free" open, relaxed and friendly, Italians are very touchy feely etc. The Spanish (esp in the South) are very accepting. Germans tend to know and respect personal space a bit more. I'm not saying everyone from those countries behave that way but if there's a trend, this social one may be a factor?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 18:08:42
Italy and Spain are Catholic. They have big families that are close to each other .

That's my take with absolutely no research whatsoever to back it up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 18:17:27
Italy and Spain are Catholic. They have big families that are close to each other .

That's my take with absolutely no research whatsoever to back it up

Hence "social stereotyping" in my post above :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 18:50:48
Can see some correlation there PV but I'm not fully convinced...

Indonesia has about 90 deaths
Turkey 75 deaths
Paraguay 3 deaths
Uruguay 0 deaths c250 cases

I highlight Uruguay because it's internationally recognised as a place where smoking is actively encouraged in the young by Big Tobacco. Bloomberg has been trying to sue them for their "advertising standards" over there - using his own money. He's been trying to do so for at least 10 years as much as I know.

But all of those above have high smoking rates so I guess like anything, it's a usual matter of extracting the data they want to develop on; in order to produce the story/findings they want to lead us to.

In any case - always a good time for anyone to quit.

On Covid-19, I'd say Netherlands must be panicking. They have c9.75k cases with c700 deaths. UK has c17k cases with c1k deaths. Belgium interestingly as their next door neighbours have c7.5k cases with c300 deaths. Netherlands having a population of around 17.5m puts their D per 1m P (Death per 1m pop.) at 40. UKs is 15 (based on 1020d/68m).

Which leads back round to smoking. Of course we know there are a lot of smokers (herbal) in the Netherlands.

I do wonder if social stereotyping has a role to play here too. The Dutch are very "free" open, relaxed and friendly, Italians are very touchy feely etc. The Spanish (esp in the South) are very accepting. Germans tend to know and respect personal space a bit more. I'm not saying everyone from those countries behave that way but if there's a trend, this social one may be a factor?  :hmmm:

The variations in the amount of testing(and in some cases the honesty of the reporting) make comparisons between countries in death rates pretty much pointless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 19:37:21
Bamboo in pointless post shocker  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 19:48:59
The variations in the amount of testing(and in some cases the honesty of the reporting) make comparisons between countries in death rates pretty much pointless.

As has been explained many times by the scientist but it doesn't stop people doing it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 19:54:36
Bamboo in pointless post shocker  :)

Without Ill informed commentary, this forum would cease to exist.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 19:57:36
I can only use the data that is available i'm afraid.

The point still stands that social stereotypying and behaviours, Nation to Nation could well be ONE factor in spread of cases. I don't know if there is a study in progress but from the outset there is a trend naturally where communities/families tend to spend more time together.

The UK isn't so "close" with one another nationally. In fact this whole self-isolating thing should be a walk in the park for many. In our modern society not many fuckers spend time talking to random people or helping a neighbour. We had started to live a more mundane/isolatory/i'm alright Jack style of life for several years now and something like Brexit (regardless of choice) divided us further.

Our larger Cities will of course see the brunt of cases, especially nodnoL, Brum, Manc & Liv. Unfortunately the more pop per sqm (some 9m in Greater London alone) comes with it more deaths, naturally :(

Metropolis of the 4 Cities stated above account for c26m people, that's around 40% of the UK population in those areas alone. If there are any trends you want to follow, be thankful if you live in a quieter Town or Village. Would not want to be anywhere near London right now and I think of my friends (and TEFers) who do live there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 20:02:05

The line to notice on those images being released is the bottom one

" of those hospitalised "

Implying only those who die in hospital are officially counted as only hospitalised are tested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 20:14:49
A fella that, thankfully, recovered from being seriously ill with the virus showed signs when he attended the League Cup Final.

Just shows how easy it has been for this fucking thing to spread exponentially.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 20:29:31
So that gives us 0.84% (of the tested cases to reported deaths) and if we factor all potential/unreported/unknown UK cases by upto 10x it pushes it to 0.084% (cases to reported deaths).

It's not nice to be number crunching live death data at all but it is important all the same.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 20:34:26

The line to notice on those images being released is the bottom one

" of those hospitalised "

Implying only those who die in hospital are officially counted as only hospitalised are tested.

Someone I know in GP practice has told me that all doctors are putting a plan into place Locally a data base for all other GPs in their area to access for their patients deemed to fall into a special care criteria in case of hospitalisation. So in other words if you were deemed to be a serious risk your details are now on a local data base which another GP can access in case your own GP falls ill enabling them to keep prescribing your medication and getting you to hospital if needed. Of those that get hospitalised with covid-19 the mortality rate is expected to be 70%.

This is serious shit for the most vulnerable amongst us.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 21:29:56  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 21:47:27
Seen this on Twitter,

The corona Virus travelled entire world from Wuhan but it did not reached Beijing and Shanghai... can anybody put light on this????

Forwarded as it...

Looks So Logical....After all Chinese Stock Market didn't crash....American and European Markets did....

Destroy other markets and be ready to capture them in every way

How to dominate the world quickly?


1. Create a virus and the antidote.

2. Spread the virus.

3. A demonstration of efficiency, building hospitals in a few days. After all, you were already prepared, with the projects, ordering the equipment, hiring the labor, the water and sewage network, the prefabricated building materials and stocked in an impressive volume.

4. Cause chaos in the world, starting with Europe.

5. Quickly plaster the economy of dozens of countries.

6. Stop production lines in factories in other countries.

7. Cause stock markets to fall and buy companies at a bargain price.

8. Quickly control the epidemic in your country. After all, you were already prepared.

9. Lower the price of commodities, including the price of oil you buy on a large scale.

10. Get back to producing quickly while the world is at a standstill. Buy what you negotiated cheaply in the crisis and sell more expensive what is lacking in countries that have paralyzed their industries.

PS: Pl read the book by Chinese colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, from 1999, “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s master plan to destroy America”, on Amazon. It's all there.

Worth pondering..
Just Think about this...

How come Russia & North Korea are totally free of Covid- 19? Because they are staunch ally of China. Not a single case reported from this 2 countries. On the other hand South Korea / United Kingdom / Italy / Spain and Asia are severely hit. How come Wuhan is suddenly free from the deadly virus?

China will say that their drastic initial measures they took was very stern and Wuhan was locked down to contain the spread to other areas. I am sure they are using the Anti dode of the virus.

Why Beijing was not hit? Why only Wuhan? Kind of interesting to ponder upon.. right? Well ..Wuhan is open for business now. America and all the above mentioned countries are devastated financially. Soon American economy will collapse as planned by China. China knows it CANNOT defeat America militarily as USA is at present

THE MOST POWERFUL country in the world. So use the cripple the economy and paralyse the nation and its Defense capabilities. I'm sure Nancy Pelosi got a part in this. . to topple Trump. Lately President Trump was always telling of how GREAT American economy was improving in all fronts. The only way to destroy his vision of making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is to create an economic havoc. Nancy Pelosi was unable to bring down Trump thru impeachment. work along with China to destroy Trump by releasing a virus. Wuhan,s epidemic was a showcase. At the peak of the virus epidemic. ..

China's President Xi Jinping...just wore a simple RM1 facemask to visit those effected areas. As President he should be covered from head to toe.....but it was not the case. He was already injected to resist any harm from the virus....that means a cure was already in place before the virus was released.

Some may ask....Bill Gates already predicted the outbreak in the chinese agenda cannot be true. The answer is. ..YES...Bill Gates did predict. .but that prediction is based on a genuine virus outbreak. Now China is also telling that the virus was predicted well in advance. that its agenda would play along well to match that prediction. China,s vision is to control the World economy by buying up stocks now from countries facing the brink of severe ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. Later China will announce that their Medical Researchers have found a cure to destroy the virus. Now China have other countries stocks in their arsenal and these countries will soon be slave to their master...CHINA.

Just Think about it ...

The Doctor Who declared this virus was also Silenced by the Chinese Authorities...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 21:49:14
Can't wait to hear your take on the Moon landings & 9/11.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 21:51:38
Are you fucking retarded?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 21:52:59

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:00:09
Can't wait to hear your take on the Moon landings & 9/11.
posted from twitter, nothing to do with me, just stated what some people are saying, chill out FFS,

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:02:32
Are you fucking retarded?
no im not you twat, judt posted what people have tweeted, you want to call me retarded to my face you cunt,

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:05:41
no im not you twat, judt posted what people have tweeted, you want to call me retarded to my face you cunt,

He would, but it would have to be from a 2 metre distance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:06:06

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:06:47
Are you fucking retarded?
that fucking word is out of order, next time town are at home please feel free to meet me in the Merlin or any pub of your choice, your a cunt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:07:04
posted from twitter, nothing to do with me, just stated what some people are saying, chill out FFS,

I'd rather you left bollocks like that on Twitter, to tell the truth.  What's the point of repeating it anyway?  If you believe it, then say so.  But if not, what's the point in amplifying pointless conspiracy theories at a time like this?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:07:33
And I get fucking shitted on for talking about social stereotypes?!  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Keep smoking the crack Woolster  ;)

I know they weren't your own words directly, I'd say the North Korea reporting is self explanatory, what with their penchant for the smoke n mirrors approach to PR.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:13:51
I'd rather you left bollocks like that on Twitter, to tell the truth.  What's the point of repeating it anyway?  If you believe it, then say so.  But if not, what's the point in amplifying pointless conspiracy theories at a time like this?
fuck you, I'll post what I want, didn't say I believed it, just what I read

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:14:49
I duly note your dislike of the word retarded and agree perhaps it is a bit strong so let me reword.

Are you a fucking moron?

As for your offer of a date.. I'm flattered but spoken for I'm afraid.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:17:08
Ps maybe don't post incredibly racist shit (and don't give me the "oh I didn't post it I just forwarded it on" nonsense) before you take the moral high ground hun x

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:18:31
And I get fucking shitted on for talking about social stereotypes?!  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Keep smoking the crack Woolster  ;)

I know they weren't your own words directly, I'd say the North Korea reporting is self explanatory, what with their penchant for the smoke n mirrors approach to PR.
all I said is I've seen this on Twitter,  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: THE FLASH on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:21:36
This virus is no more dangerous than usual flu and the world has made an overreaction...

Panic has led to panic....

These points raised at dinner tonight by Mrs Flash and her eldest daughter...

I disagreed but was shouted down as I didn't have proof...deaths v usual flu etc..

Both, I might add, are following the rules.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:24:05
Ps maybe don't post incredibly racist shit (and don't give me the "oh I didn't post it I just forwarded it on" nonsense) before you take the moral high ground hun x
I posted what I read on Twitter, at no point did I say I agreed with it, as I said your a cunt to use the word you did

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:26:19
Can't wait to hear your take on the Moon landings & 9/11.

It was all done by Chy-nah!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:27:36
Whoever invented the ignore button on this site is or was a fucking genius

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:28:27
all I said is I've seen this on Twitter,  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

If you repost something without comment, people will assume that means you agree with it and think it's important for others to see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:29:14
Whoever invented the ignore button on this site is or was a fucking genius
feel free to ignore me twat,

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:29:51
If you repost something without comment, some people will assume that means you agree with it and think it's important for others to see.

Fixed it for you. Not all do buddy  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:32:13
So that gives us 0.84% (of the tested cases to reported deaths) and if we factor all potential/unreported/unknown UK cases by upto 10x it pushes it to 0.084% (cases to reported deaths).

It's not nice to be number crunching live death data at all but it is important all the same.

Why would you include people who tested negative in any calculation of fatality?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:32:20
You're all very fucking special.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:33:21
If you repost something without comment, people will assume that means you agree with it and think it's important for others to see.

oh, I'm sorry, next time I post anything I will make sure I explain my feelings towards the said post

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:33:25
I was going to say pissed

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:34:06
You're all very fucking special.

How do I post that Spiderman pointing at another Spiderman GIF thingy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:34:35
You're all very fucking special.

So you think you’re thom yorke now?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:36:58
Fixed it for you. Not all do buddy  :)

Fair enough, but it's a reasonable assumption to make and most will.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:37:11
So you think you’re thom yorke now?

I wish I was special

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:37:51
Quote from: THE FLASH
This virus is no more dangerous than usual flu and the world has made an overreaction...


oh dear.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:38:05
I wish I was special

Your Dalek impression made me laugh the other day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:38:40
oh, I'm sorry, next time I post anything I will make sure I explain my feelings towards the said post

I don't give a fuck mate, just saying how it will be perceived.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:38:59
Quote from: flammableBen
I wish I was special[/quote]
so fucking special...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:43:35 (


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:45:49

oh dear.

Bit unfair on Flash there. You only quoted the first line. He goes on to say it was not his onion. Just in case others don't read back and then think it's the full quote :)

Any way fuck all this, I'm off for a beer...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:48:24 (

boring, but at least you will get the rest of the forum to laugh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:51:13
Wow. Fella copied and pasted something then gets a barrage of abuse. Granted, he doesn't endear himself with his equally insulting comebacks but come on, give a guy a break.
Times are pretty shit so is all this necessary?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:51:40

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 22:55:54
Wow. Fella copied and pasted something then gets a barrage of abuse. Granted, he doesn't endear himself with his equally insulting comebacks but come on, give a guy a break.
Times are pretty shit so is all this necessary?

thanks Arriba, my insulting comebacks were for a comment that is very hard to take

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:00:42
Oh man, the real victims are the people who copypaste post Tommy Robinson shit and borderline racist conspiract theory boloocks. Not even stuff they'd thought up on their own.

Sorry everybody.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:06:21
Ha, that's brilliant. Wake up sheeple, it's a Chinese conspiracy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:07:50


Thanks @woolster

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:08:39
Wow. Fella copied and pasted something then gets a barrage of abuse. Granted, he doesn't endear himself with his equally insulting comebacks but come on, give a guy a break.
Times are pretty shit so is all this necessary?

Careful. You'll get called a melt  :girlgiggle:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:09:06
Wow. Fella copied and pasted something then gets a barrage of abuse. Granted, he doesn't endear himself with his equally insulting comebacks but come on, give a guy a break.
Times are pretty shit so is all this necessary?

You fucking Melt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:15:06
Oh man, the real victims are the people who copypaste post Tommy Robinson shit and borderline racist conspiract theory boloocks. Not even stuff they'd thought up on their own.

Sorry everybody.
as explained days ago, someone posted that an old couple had been deliberately coughed on and would love to give said person a seeing too, I posted video of said iincident, at no point did I say i agree  with it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:17:00
as explained days ago, someone posted that an old couple had been deliberately coughed on and would love to give said person a seeing too, I posted video of said iincident, at no point did I say i agree  with it

Don't post shit and then make excuses for it. Fucking own it. Nothing worse than a coward.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:18:00
Thank you TEF.

The last few pages have put a smile on my face

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:22:19
Don't post shit and then make excuses for it. Fucking own it. Nothing worse than a coward.
fucking own it :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: I am no coward

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:22:23
Wow. Fella copied and pasted something then gets a barrage of abuse.

Fair comment.

But, if my memory serves me right, the same person also just 'copied and pasted' a Tommy Robinson video recently?

Maybe it's just a coincidence?

That's not a dig at you Arriba, just a (possibly incorrect) observation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:22:46
as explained days ago, someone posted that an old couple had been deliberately coughed on and would love to give said person a seeing too, I posted video of said iincident, at no point did I say i agree  with it

Either a) You are stupid enough that you think that posting random EDL videos on a forum isn't going to get a reaction,


b) You can all fill this in yourselfs.

Part 2: I'm not being talked about, lets copypaste something just as offensive.

e: I love trollling but this guy is shit and dull

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:28:40
Fair comment.

But, if my memory serves me right, the same person also just 'copied and pasted' a Tommy Robinson video recently?

Maybe it's just a coincidence?

That's not a dig at you Arriba, just a (possibly incorrect) observation.

I didn't see the Tommy Robinson video so cannot comment on that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:29:50
Either a) You are stupid enough that you think that posting random EDL videos on a forum isn't going to get a reaction,


b) You can all fill this in yourselfs.

Part 2: I'm not being talked about, lets copypaste something just as offensive.

e: I love trollling but this guy is shit and dull

I posted a video of the incident, fucking get over it, I don't give a shit about the EDL, just highlighted it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:33:48
I posted a video of the incident, fucking get over it, I don't give a shit about the EDL, just highlighted it

Either a) You are stupid enough that you think that posting random EDL videos on a forum isn't going to get a reaction,


b) You can all fill this in yourselfs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:41:08

OK,,can I ask you a question, being as you are offended with what I have copied and pasted, are you offended at someone being called a Retard when that offends certain people

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:46:48
OK,,can I ask you a question, being as you are offended with what I have copied and pasted, are you offended at someone being called a Retard when that offends certain people

Are you Deflecting?

I don't give a fuck if someone posting Tommy Robinson videos and copypaste racism gets upset about the term "retard". You're posting shit which is literally designed to directly incite hatred. I don't think it's something you get on your high horse about.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 23:48:03

Are you Deflecting?

I don't give a fuck if someone posting Tommy Robinson videos and copypaste racism gets upset about the term "retard". You're posting shit which is literally designed to directly incite hatred. I don't think it's something you get on your high horse about.

Let me ask you a question. Were your video/copypaste twitter effort just to get a reaction off people or did you think they were genuinely usefull to the conversation in the thread?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 00:11:59
Sorry, Ive been off of here, what with there being no football.  Have I missed something?

Could someone summarise who is angry with who and whether this solves our current crisis or not?  Most importantly are we going up to league 1 or not?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 00:17:25
Sorry, Ive been off of here, what with there being no football.  Have I missed something?

Could someone summarise who is angry with who and whether this solves our current crisis or not?  Most importantly are we going up to league 1 or not?

I'm angry with everybody. We don't know yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 00:21:39

Are you Deflecting?

I don't give a fuck if someone posting Tommy Robinson videos and copypaste racism gets upset about the term "retard". You're posting shit which is literally designed to directly incite hatred. I don't think it's something you get on your high horse about.
well I do give a fuck about the word retard, that video was for a quote, nothing more

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 00:27:29
well I do give a fuck about the word retard, that video was for a quote, nothing more

"That video was for a quote"?
 And that chinese shit from "twitter"?

Maybe you should lurk a bit more before posting? It takes a while before you get used to the TEF and what's acceptable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: woolster on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 00:33:00
"That video was for a quote"?
 And that chinese shit from "twitter"?

Maybe you should lurk a bit more before posting? It takes a while before you get used to the TEF and what's acceptable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 00:35:35

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 00:55:40
sorry for getting involved. :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 00:58:40
Didn't you block me on Facebook after throwing a strop, Ben?

Doesn't matter either way. I have to sleep.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 01:14:12
Didn't you block me on Facebook after throwing a strop, Ben?

Doesn't matter either way. I have to sleep.

I blocked everybody on facebook after throwing a stop. I've since made amends. Add me again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 01:26:37
What the fuck does that have to do with anything anyway?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 07:20:12
Waking up and reading last nights antics was almost better than a match day thread, almost.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 07:23:05
I didn't log in last night. Just wondered if anyone can summarise any significant key points arising from the reasoned debate. It will save me scrolling back through previous posts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 07:41:17
The Chinese are coming! The Chinese are coming!

Run for the hills!

Mmmmmm. Chinese.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 07:49:31
The Chinese are coming! The Chinese are coming!

Run for the hills!

Mmmmmm. Chinese.

Are we getting a visit from one of the overseas STFC supporters clubs in China? I seem to recall that in years gone by, some of our overseas friends from Scandinavia etc were presented to the crowd pre-match.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 08:07:26
A drunk chased a racist away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 08:15:43
We all know the Virus was bought over from China in January when Ighalo signed for Manchester United, in order to stop the season so Liverpool didn’t win the Premier League.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 08:27:04
Does anyone know the rules on sending non essential parcels? I've got stuff for sale on Ebay.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 08:47:15
We all know the Virus was bought over from China in January when Ighalo signed for Manchester United, in order to stop the season so Liverpool didn’t win the Premier League.
Made I chuckle!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bedford Red on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 08:51:20
Does anyone know the rules on sending non essential parcels? I've got stuff for sale on Ebay.

I took all my listings down a couple of weeks ago, and not listing anything until after this is all over.

I presume you're still ok to go and post things, but if there's really no need to go out i'd end your listings because of this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 09:00:37
You might get a snide shitty comment or two from the post lady if you go to the one at Shabbey Meads Tesco...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 09:14:49
A drunk chased a racist away.
So, just a regular night on the TEF

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 09:26:01
Does anyone know the rules on sending non essential parcels? I've got stuff for sale on Ebay.

No rules, we are inundated with pointless non essential parcels

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 09:27:19
I see we are all getting a letter off Boris telling everything we already know. Waste of time and money

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 09:29:56
I see we are all getting a letter off Boris telling everything we already know. Waste of time and money

I've just read it in the Daily Express online and at a cost of 5.8million

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 09:33:30
I've just read it in the Daily Express online and at a cost of 5.8million

Not really. Not everyone listens or watches the state-run BBC.

A similar exercise informed each household of the background to the referendum for the UK to leave the UK. Just to ensure we all had the facts & could make the correct decision.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 09:48:26
Not really. Not everyone listens or watches the state-run BBC.

A similar exercise informed each household of the background to the referendum for the UK to leave the UK. Just to ensure we all had the facts & could make the correct decision.

When is the UK leaving the UK? I may have missed that referendum.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 09:55:07
When is the UK leaving the UK? I may have missed that referendum.

Something David Icke's involved with maybe!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 10:01:11

Something David Icke's involved with maybe!
Talking of David Icke. There’s a dead lizard 🦎 on the roof of my wotsit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 10:06:57
Talking of David Icke. There’s a dead lizard 🦎 on the roof of my wotsit

Roasted to death in the summer heat maybe!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 10:15:46
When is the UK leaving the UK? I may have missed that referendum.

:-)  As soon as the Scots can get it sorted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 10:57:09
Fucking hell, it all kicked off on here last night didn't it? :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 10:58:01
Fucking hell, it all kicked off on here last night didn't it? :)

Yeah but at least I got a date out of it 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 10:58:27
What the fuck does that have to do with anything anyway?

I don't remember. I was rather drunk last night.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:00:49
Yeah but at least I got a date out of it 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:04:32
Booze and boredom are a potent cocktail for some.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:17:37
Fucking hell, it all kicked off on here last night didn't it? :)

Like talktalk and the good old days!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:22:08
This virus is no more dangerous than usual flu and the world has made an overreaction...

These points raised at dinner tonight by Mrs Flash and her eldest daughter...

I disagreed but was shouted down as I didn't have proof...deaths v usual flu etc..

Both, I might add, are following the rules......

Flash rules ???.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:22:32
Just had a quick glance back.

Oh my, that got a bit out of hand very quickly didn't it!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:28:05
You guys used to be fun.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:41:52
Who'd have thought Woolster would get in a knot over spinning a yarn.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:42:13
I step away for 48 hrs and this is what I come back to, you are all grounded..  oh wait..

I went shopping yesterday and saw 2 separate people losing their shit in the same shop, i reckon some people are starting to get a tad angsty :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:42:40
Does anyone know the rules on sending non essential parcels? I've got stuff for sale on Ebay.
Really impressed with the normal service they are still operating.   Assuming you can get to the post office everything is as normal,  collection's,  deliveries and over the counter services.    Fair play to these workers.
PS.    Finally last but not least, Fair play to all NHS Workers,  heroes everyone of you,  situation would be much worse without your continual persistence and bravery during these difficult times.    Thanks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 11:45:14
I had to pick up a couple of essentials earlier and all was well at my local supermarket in Bristol. Polite queuing, calm shopping etc.

I imagine Asda is Bedminster is World War 3 though (it is during normal times)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 12:20:12
Quote from: bamboonoshop
Bit unfair on Flash there. You only quoted the first line. He goes on to say it was not his onion. Just in case others don't read back and then think it's the full quote :)

da fuck you on about. how on earth did you think I was having a go at glash

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 12:20:22
You guys used to be fun.
No we weren't, the fun came from your injestment of huge amounts of alcohol and other substances that made it appear to you that we were fun when in actualy fact we were anything but.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 12:42:45
da fuck you on about. how on earth did you think I was having a go at glash
You taken up ventriloquism Batch? Gottle o geer...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 12:47:04
You taken up ventriloquism Batch? Gottle o geer...
Surely you mean Gatch :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 13:33:22
Who'd have thought Woolster would get in a knot over spinning a yarn.

Think was a lot to do with the retard comment.
With him having an autistic son.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 13:36:32

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 14:05:31
No we weren't, the fun came from your injestment of huge amounts of alcohol and other substances that made it appear to you that we were fun when in actualy fact we were anything but.

Well then, I used to be fun

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 15:09:07
no, you were not

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 15:31:59
Think was a lot to do with the retard comment.
With him having an autistic son.

I feel partly responsible for it kicking off, as I reacted first.  Guessing you might be related to Woolster.  If you are, tellhim no hard feelings.  No one needs aggro right now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 15:39:02
Think was a lot to do with the retard comment.
With him having an autistic son.

It really didn't need to escalate in the way it did, but it's probably worth reflecting on the way that he reacted to that will be the way many people will react to EDL bollocks or random conspiracy theories from the darker corners of the internet. But we could all do with less of the anger at the moment, and more honey badgers and sandwich competitions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 15:53:30
Talking of sandwiches, I did a bit of stocking up on tinned corned beef. Most excellent with mustard.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 15:57:19
Talking of sandwiches, I did a bit of stocking up on tinned corned beef. Most excellent with mustard.

HP sauce with mine!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 16:48:57
Surely you mean Gatch :D

Gash  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 18:02:41
Think was a lot to do with the retard comment.
With him having an autistic son.

Meant no offence to his son. I have autism in my family as well (and tbh, given the usual stereotype of autism is hyper intelligence I'm surprised that retard would ever be considered derogatory for autistic people). Retarded is probably more common, if still unkind, as slang for stupid. Which is what he was being and that's how it was intended.

To be honest though, given the nature of his mega offensive oft right wing and agressive posts I don't apologise if I did hurt his feelings. Wouldn't wanna make fun of his lad though, and I hope the apple has fallen far from the tree.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Sunday, March 29, 2020, 18:07:51
Back on the virus though. Interesting video on this tweet. Shows how rapidly its hit the states in the past week

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, March 30, 2020, 08:28:27
I’ve had a sore throat for 2 weeks now, I’m starting to wonder if I’ve had/got it. I’ve had no cough, fever or anything else though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 30, 2020, 08:37:18

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 30, 2020, 08:40:39
Does a TOR include a fine? £60? If so, that isn't enough in this climate and restrictions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 30, 2020, 08:52:23
I’ve had a sore throat for 2 weeks now, I’m starting to wonder if I’ve had/got it. I’ve had no cough, fever or anything else though.
Pretty sure a sore throat isn’t a symptom. Carry on!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 30, 2020, 08:54:01
It is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:06:30
Didn’t something like 50,000 people die in the UK from regular flu when we had the Beast from the East

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:10:09
I’ve had a sore throat for 2 weeks now, I’m starting to wonder if I’ve had/got it. I’ve had no cough, fever or anything else though.

same. iv put it down to this sharp cold wind

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:13:10
Excess winter deaths in 2017/2018 (year of Beast from the East) was 50k, average is 35k. Next couple of statistical years will be much higher.

I wonder if those patients who will die only as a result of hospital overburden will be included in excess winter deaths?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:15:54
It definately is a symptom. Me and the wife had has a sore throat for 2 weeks now, keeping a close eye on temperature. Loss of taste and smell is another strong indicator.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:22:38
It’s okay until I swallow and then the pain is awful - sound similar?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:24:11
Yeah we are the same, no other symptoms really, apart from we have a bit of a chesty cough but no sniffles, no other signs of a cold but sore throat, comes for a day then goes for a day then comes back, recurring.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:27:19
I've had a VERY mild sore throat recently. So mild that I barely noticed it. I only usually noticed it in the mornings when I was stirring and thought I'm probably going to get ill - but I didn't. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:32:41
We are all fucked then it sounds like.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:33:45
Have had a mild 'scratchy' throat for about a week now. Tree pollen gets to me this time of year, just putting it down to a symptom of the allergy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 30, 2020, 09:58:36
All you infected fuckers should be self-isolating on your own sub-forum :)

Looks like Cummings has got it now too, our leaders have clearly been doing a shit job of following their own advice. Presumably they think it doesn't apply to them like all the other rules.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 30, 2020, 11:34:12
the sore throat could just be a sore throat though.

no way to know until we go to the mass testing phase.

and yeah, flu death has been much higher than where we are now, but this could be massively worse if the current measures fail (which hopefully they won't)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, March 30, 2020, 12:08:08
If, in the unlikely event this kills on a similar scale to the flu, a lot of people would be claiming that it was a load of fuss over nothing.

But what if there was no lockdown?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 30, 2020, 12:12:56
Also, I presume the lockdown will be relaxed as and when the NHS is in a position to treat everybody who may still contract without busting a gut.

The ban on the movement of people here has been extended until May 10th. There are already murmurings of extending the tourist season, less taxes on hotels/airlines etc. Maybe, just maybe, there is a tiny shred of light at the end of the tunnel.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Monday, March 30, 2020, 12:21:52
I've got itchy nipples, is that a symptom?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 30, 2020, 12:24:39
No, you're lactating

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, March 30, 2020, 14:23:52
159 deaths in England today, a second successive drop in numbers.
Here’s hoping that continues.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, March 30, 2020, 14:48:16
Wasn’t there something last week that they’d changed the approach to how deaths were being categorised??

I don’t mean to sound sceptical, but surely would not expect deaths to start to fall until next week?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, March 30, 2020, 14:57:58
You would expect the death rate to start falling maybe 14 days after the infection rate, so it does feel a little early for that.  But you have to hope.  Two days' data is probably not enough to start talking about a trend, but I'm sure data from tomorrow and the day after will be watched very closely indeed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, March 30, 2020, 15:06:56
Well, if the figures are not being adjusted to suit, that's brilliant news, not getting carried away but is there possibly light at the end of the tunnel ?.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, March 30, 2020, 15:28:29
The Worldometer suggests 187 new UK Deaths today? Which is correct?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 30, 2020, 15:36:59
Deaths is the wrong figure to look at if you're looking for "light at the end of the tunnel". New confirmed cases will tell us more about whether we're reaching some kind of peak. That figure has risen again (2,619) after dropping slightly yesterday. But given we're not testing nearly enough people, it's also a fairly arbitrary indicator.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 30, 2020, 15:39:14
My wife said it's getting worse up at GWH. Corridors are empty but wards are rammed. Scary.

Children's ward has confimed case. Maybe more.

I went to a tesco express earlier. Queued up outside, then went in after 15 mins. Only needed bread and milk but it was surreal. It feels like a movie. It's a weird time to live in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 30, 2020, 15:43:38
I went to a tesco express earlier. Queued up outside, then went in after 15 mins. Only needed bread and milk but it was surreal. It feels like a movie.
"Sippo Gets Some Bread and Milk". Can't see it being a summer blockbuster tbh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 30, 2020, 15:45:26
It would start off being filmed in a beer garden.... need drastic music.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 30, 2020, 15:45:39
It would start off being filmed in a beer garden.... need drastic music.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: cdakev on Monday, March 30, 2020, 17:10:17
Deaths is the wrong figure to look at if you're looking for "light at the end of the tunnel". New confirmed cases will tell us more about whether we're reaching some kind of peak. That figure has risen again (2,619) after dropping slightly yesterday. But given we're not testing nearly enough people, it's also a fairly arbitrary indicator.

Peak set to hit Swindon in 2 weeks. They have put up a temporary morgue to deal with the amount of death's expected.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, March 30, 2020, 17:13:10
Just seen the Jack Grealish thing. What a cunt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Monday, March 30, 2020, 17:22:16
Deaths is the wrong figure to look at if you're looking for "light at the end of the tunnel". New confirmed cases will tell us more about whether we're reaching some kind of peak. That figure has risen again (2,619) after dropping slightly yesterday. But given we're not testing nearly enough people, it's also a fairly arbitrary indicator.

I would have thought the number of deaths is the only figure that gives any trend, as it's the only definitive number?

 Its way to early to say anything about a trend though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, March 30, 2020, 17:32:34
Hopefully it stays away from the old people’s’ home; in Germany it is going around them like wildfire and wiping out a large number

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 30, 2020, 18:13:58
Hopefully it stays away from the old people’s’ home; in Germany it is going around them like wildfire and wiping out a large number
I assume they're not being included in the official figures then as Germany currently has around 1/3 of the deaths we do?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 30, 2020, 18:45:37

Just simple incompetence?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, March 30, 2020, 22:16:12
Just watched Trump presser. Journo asks why South Korea has higher testing per capita than US.
Trump replies “No-one knows more about South Korea than I do. You know what the population of Seoul is? Do you? 38 million. Bigger than any of our cities”.

Apparently it’s about 10 million. And the entire population is 51 million. Then calls journo’s question nasty and snarky.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 08:16:00
Just watched Trump presser. Journo asks why South Korea has higher testing per capita than US.
Trump replies “No-one knows more about South Korea than I do. You know what the population of Seoul is? Do you? 38 million. Bigger than any of our cities”.

Apparently it’s about 10 million. And the entire population is 51 million. Then calls journo’s question nasty and snarky.

Supposedly 38m is what it what it says next to "elevation" on Seoul's wiki. It's so ridiculous I hope it's fake...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 08:55:10
Supposedly 38m is what it what it says next to "elevation" on Seoul's wiki. It's so ridiculous I hope it's fake...

More likely that Tokyo was just in the news. Tokyo has a population of 38m.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:12:39
I'm getting a bit pissed off working to be honest now. The public are buying shit loads online without a thought for the people having to deal with it all. It's shit they don't need. Those having to deal with it are not being protected properly and are potentially passing on/contracting the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:26:05
I'm getting a bit pissed off working to be honest now. The public are buying shit loads online without a thought for the people having to deal with it all. It's shit they don't need. Those having to deal with it are not being protected properly and are potentially passing on/contracting the virus.
I totally agree, shopping for foods and medicine is fine but why does Tracey in Bournemouth need a new coffee table and carpet delivered. Madness.

I think Bojo will cut that down by the start of next week as pretty much the rest of europe has done.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:29:51
Has to be food and medicine only. All the clothes retailers should be shut. And all the rest of non essential retail warehouses.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:31:03
I'm getting a bit pissed off working to be honest now. The public are buying shit loads online without a thought for the people having to deal with it all. It's shit they don't need.
Not all of it is. I've bought some food online, partly so I'm not taking it out of the supermarkets, and stuff that I've needed because I'm working from home that I wouldn't normally use. Yes I'm sure there's loads of people buying a lot of crap, but there's also a lot of stuff that people need *because* they are working from home.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:33:49
Not all of it is. I've bought some food online, partly so I'm not taking it out of the supermarkets, and stuff that I've needed because I'm working from home that I wouldn't normally use. Yes I'm sure there's loads of people buying a lot of crap, but there's also a lot of stuff that people need *because* they are working from home.

I'm not referring to necessary goods. Like what you're purchasing. It's the clothes, trainers, gadgets etc. Though I've heard of multipacks of sprite being posted. People can live without pop for a while.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:43:13
I'm not referring to necessary goods. Like what you're purchasing. It's the clothes, trainers, gadgets etc.
I know but the problem comes in defining "necessary". I'm a software engineer so a lot of what I've had to buy (spare keyboards, mice, KVM switch, USB hub etc) is firmly in most people's non-essential category. There's also the issue of some businesses surviving via online sales, which is less important than delivery workers' health, obviously, but we've already seen with some coppers trying to stop people buying Easter eggs (seriously), you can get carried away. A public education programme might be useful though, maybe make it mandatory for online retailers to put some of FH's "Don't be a Twat" logos on their sites.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:43:24
I'm getting beer delivered (Hop Kettle), it's not essential, so I could stop it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:44:37
If people don't buy stuff then more people lose their jobs. The economy crashes. Recession hits. Austerity tightens. How many lose their lives then? More than the virus would kill.

I understand your point but we need to be pragmatic. We need to keep the economy as stable as possible because otherwise we're all in for a much, much rougher ride when we get out of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:51:07
Hopefully it stays away from the old people’s’ home; in Germany it is going around them like wildfire and wiping out a large number

Had a call yesterday informing me that 3 residents in the care home my dad is staying at have contracted Coronavirus. I hate to think how it's going to end.

This is happening 10 miles from Swindon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 09:55:24
I assume they're not being included in the official figures then as Germany currently has around 1/3 of the deaths we do?

I don't know about Germany, but I read an article earlier that said care home figures are not being included in France.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:01:37
If people don't buy stuff then more people lose their jobs. The economy crashes. Recession hits. Austerity tightens. How many lose their lives then? More than the virus would kill.

I understand your point but we need to be pragmatic. We need to keep the economy as stable as possible because otherwise we're all in for a much, much rougher ride when we get out of it.

Why would they lose their jobs? Other employers have sent their workers home.  The economy is going to be fucked anyway. Recession inevitable. No idea how many that would kill, the same as the current crisis, the virus. Maybe deal with that first then resolve the rest after?

I don't think it's fair for some to be cannon fodder to keep the economy going. Still working, putting themselves at risk and will suffer all the aftermath of this too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:08:34
And I'm an utter cunt for saying this? Get fucked whoever keeps doing this. Coward.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:11:52
And I'm an utter cunt for saying this? Get fucked whoever keeps doing this. Coward.

(it wasn't me for what it's worth!)

Yeh I know what you're saying mate and to an extent I agree with you. I'm not ordering anything and I've stopped my other half doing it too. They don't have to be cannon fodder I don't think - if people can deliver things safely then it should happen. We need to keep going as normal as possible or else I'm genuinely terrified for what happens next.

From emails I've gotten from various online retailers there seems to be a contactless delivery system in place. Is that not sufficient? (not rhetoric - I genuinely don't know)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:13:29
12 year old girl dies of the virus in Belgium - youngest, so far, in Europe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:16:20
If people don't buy stuff then more people lose their jobs. The economy crashes. Recession hits. Austerity tightens. How many lose their lives then? More than the virus would kill.

I understand your point but we need to be pragmatic. We need to keep the economy as stable as possible because otherwise we're all in for a much, much rougher ride when we get out of it.
TBF taken to it's extreme, that's an argument for not implementing any kind of shutdown as well. It's a balance, definitely get that people at the lower end of the economy are going to suffer disproportionately from this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:16:39
(it wasn't me for what it's worth!)

Yeh I know what you're saying mate and to an extent I agree with you. I'm not ordering anything and I've stopped my other half doing it too. They don't have to be cannon fodder I don't think - if people can deliver things safely then it should happen. We need to keep going as normal as possible or else I'm genuinely terrified for what happens next.

From emails I've gotten from various online retailers there seems to be a contactless delivery system in place. Is that not sufficient? (not rhetoric - I genuinely don't know)

You're making fair points and were engaging like adults.
No problem with you at all.
I don't care if people call me a cunt either. I just think it's cowardly and a cop out from debate. A cheap shot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:18:51
I'm getting a bit pissed off working to be honest now. The public are buying shit loads online without a thought for the people having to deal with it all. It's shit they don't need. Those having to deal with it are not being protected properly and are potentially passing on/contracting the virus.

We are receiving traffic volumes well above what we get at Christmas with a massively high percentage of sick.

Does Karen really need her nail polish? Does Adam really need his gym shark clothes?
We have also seen no holt to the foreign parcels we receive. We are still getting our usual quota from China and have been since the start.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:20:01
I'm not really sure why we still have a karma system tbh, it only seems to cause trouble.

It's a genuinely difficult topic. I do think we probably still need some sort of delivery system to keep people sane, but it needs to be safe for those making the deliveries (and working in warehouses etc.) and needs to prioritise key items. Maybe those goals aren't all achievable, I don't know enough about the logistics industry to say.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:20:50
We are receiving traffic volumes well above what we get at Christmas with a massively high percentage of sick.

Does Karen really need her nail polish? Does Adam really need his gym shark clothes?
We have also seen no holt to the foreign parcels we receive. We are still getting our usual quota from China and have been since the start.
You guys (along with supermarket staff) should be supplied with face masks, gloves etc as mandatory (once there's enough for frontline health service staff).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:23:18
You guys (along with supermarket staff) should be supplied with face masks, gloves etc as mandatory (once there's enough for frontline health service staff).

We’ve been offered gloves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:23:18
I see the national broadcaster is doing their bit to help people remain calm and rational.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:26:49
(it wasn't me for what it's worth!)

Yeh I know what you're saying mate and to an extent I agree with you. I'm not ordering anything and I've stopped my other half doing it too. They don't have to be cannon fodder I don't think - if people can deliver things safely then it should happen. We need to keep going as normal as possible or else I'm genuinely terrified for what happens next.

From emails I've gotten from various online retailers there seems to be a contactless delivery system in place. Is that not sufficient? (not rhetoric - I genuinely don't know)

The contactless delivery is fine at the end point of the customer.
However, it won’t have been contactlessly processed and sorted to get to that point. It’s probably been through at least 5 pairs of hands in that process

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:27:24
We’ve been offered gloves.
TBF I suppose that should be enough in terms of touching parcels etc, as long as you're keeping strict rules on distancing from colleagues

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:30:13
TBF I suppose that should be enough in terms of touching parcels etc, as long as you're keeping strict rules on distancing from colleagues

Our canteen is now take away only. Tables and chairs have been moved out of the break areas. They have done minimal with the shop floor layout and people will be within the social distancing circle a lot of the shift.

Considering the general hygiene of the place I’m amazed it hasn’t gone through the Mail Centre like wildfire. All the other sickness bugs do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:38:21
Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy announces pay of all 550 non-playing directors and employees cut by 20% and "where appropriate" furloughing.
Also today, emerges Levy's pay package in 2019 went from £3m to £7m, inc £3m stadium completion bonus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:44:37
If it's not an airborne virus, I don't see how the 2m thing helps particularly to be honest. I think it's more of a psychological thing to make us have less contact of all sorts. Obviously no shaking hands, hugging, and you don't want to be near someone if they cough/sneeze.

I'm sure I could have furloughed but I'm still working, disinfecting handles/bannisters etc. I'd rather be doing something and I suppose it's helping if only in a small way. I wear gloves but no mask, partly because I want people(particularly kids) to feel normal when they see me. I just make sure I stand out of their way and smile.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:45:05
We are receiving traffic volumes well above what we get at Christmas with a massively high percentage of sick.

Does Karen really need her nail polish? Does Adam really need his gym shark clothes?
We have also seen no holt to the foreign parcels we receive. We are still getting our usual quota from China and have been since the start.

Crazy times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:48:09
If it's not an airborne virus, I don't see how the 2m thing helps particularly to be honest.
You spit when you talk, everyone does

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:52:50
You spit when you talk, everyone does

Makes sense now, cheers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 10:58:18
Looks like May 10th is the date here when restrictions will start to be lifted - depending, of course, on how things go from now on.

First to be lifted will be the restrictions on movement of people, followed by bars, restaurants etc reopening and, finally, the lifting of restrictions of flights into and out of Greece.

No idea on the time between each restriction being lifted. I read somewhere Greece will run out of money in June so they may have no alternative than to lift restrictions. This economic reality will be, I think, the ultimate reason countries relax their restrictions - virus free or not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:00:23
You spit when you talk, everyone does

Why oh why aren't we being encouraged to do this...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:17:53
I'm not really sure why we still have a karma system tbh, it only seems to cause trouble.

It's a genuinely difficult topic. I do think we probably still need some sort of delivery system to keep people sane, but it needs to be safe for those making the deliveries (and working in warehouses etc.) and needs to prioritise key items. Maybe those goals aren't all achievable, I don't know enough about the logistics industry to say.  
Hitting cunt and running is for cowards as far as I'm concerned and not in keeping with what a forum is about. Would be more interesting if the identity of those hitting the buttons were known. Then watch them hide 😂

On your second point, If safety guidelines were being followed then I'd agree. The problem is they are not. Distances are not being kept. Protective equipment at best is available but is not being used by many.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:18:19
Why oh why aren't we being encouraged to do this...
Presumably because we don't have enough masks for even frontline healthcare workers? But yes we could all wear scarfs etc. But then it's like the link I posted yesterday about the govt not following up on companies offering to produce/sell PPE kit, why aren't they doing that? Is it just incompetence or are they still trying to pursue herd immunity in some form by just doing lockdown really badly?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:26:45
The thing is, too many people focus on masks not giving any protection against them getting it. (I know masks do offer protection).

Too many are too thick and/or too fucking selfish to understand it's important to prevent others from getting it. If more of those who were just selfish understood that preventing other people getting it also makes them safer then more might wear them.

Quite why some people remain astonishingly ignorant considering the severity and scale of this thing makes me so fucking sad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:29:00
Too many are too thick and/or too fucking selfish to understand it's important to prevent others from getting it.
This is all you needed to say TBH. That sums it up for me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:42:08
Presumably because we don't have enough masks for even frontline healthcare workers? But yes we could all wear scarfs etc. But then it's like the link I posted yesterday about the govt not following up on companies offering to produce/sell PPE kit, why aren't they doing that? Is it just incompetence or are they still trying to pursue herd immunity in some form by just doing lockdown really badly?

That doesn't explain all the other countries' stances though does it, nor that of WHO as recently as yesterday. I'm not saying they're right, but it's not as simple as the tories have fucked things up so they can't advise us to wear masks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:42:29
Presumably because we don't have enough masks for even frontline healthcare workers? But yes we could all wear scarfs etc. But then it's like the link I posted yesterday about the govt not following up on companies offering to produce/sell PPE kit, why aren't they doing that? Is it just incompetence or are they still trying to pursue herd immunity in some form by just doing lockdown really badly?

By stealth I call it. Front line NHS staff exposure, this 'lambs to the slaughter' policy should mean immunity (hopefully !) for the vast majority to face the anticipated 'second wave' next winter ? Apparently there is enough PPE, it's on the record, but there is a 'logistics' problem.

Probably the same reason why joe public is not being encouraged to do as the Czechs are doing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:49:20
The thing is, too many people focus on masks not giving any protection against them getting it. (I know masks do offer protection).

Too many are too thick and/or too fucking selfish to understand it's important to prevent others from getting it. If more of those who were just selfish understood that preventing other people getting it also makes them safer then more might wear them.

Quite why some people remain astonishingly ignorant considering the severity and scale of this thing makes me so fucking sad.

This is one of the best posts on this entire forum.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:53:02

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 12:00:49
That doesn't explain all the other countries' stances though does it, nor that of WHO as recently as yesterday. I'm not saying they're right, but it's not as simple as the tories have fucked things up so they can't advise us to wear masks.
Given WHO advice is, and has always been, "Test, trace, isolate" and the govt have chosen to completely ignore that, not sure that "following WHO guidance" especially stands up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 12:03:06
By stealth I call it. Front line NHS staff exposure, this 'lambs to the slaughter' policy should mean immunity (hopefully !) for the vast majority to face the anticipated 'second wave' next winter ? Apparently there is enough PPE, it's on the record, but there is a 'logistics' problem.
Is that in the same way that we're carrying out 10,000 tests a day but we're not? Or that we have 8000 ventilators arriving this week but we don't? Or that we didn't know about the EU ventilators procurement scheme but we did? They are just randomly lying about this shit so if that's come from a govt spokesperson, I'd be inclined to take it with lorryloads of stockpiled salt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 12:17:56
GWH has no tests logistics must be an issue...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 13:41:55
367 UK deaths in previous 24 hours

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 13:43:39
GWH has no tests logistics must be an issue...

About 3 posts ago you claimed there was a confirmed case on the children's ward

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 13:44:21
367 UK deaths in previous 24 hours

I think sadly that was just England

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 13:45:47
Karma system disabled as people's feelings are getting hurt.

From now on, all posters should be calling each other a cunt in the open.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 13:48:34
Karma system disabled as people's feelings are getting hurt.

From now on, all posters should be calling each other a cunt in the open.

In the true spirit of the forum. You cunt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 13:50:46
Fuck off you utter bellend

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 13:55:59
Karma system disabled as people's feelings are getting hurt.

From now on, all posters should be calling each other a cunt in the open.

If you're referring to me let me assure you that wasn't the case. Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly enough?  Leave them there for all I care but let's know who is doing it and when.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 14:19:12
Amidst the gloom, a positive note to say what a fantastic achievement to convert the Excel centre in London into a makeshift field hospital in under 2 weeks. Also puts the lie on the conspiracy theorists saying the Chinese getting COVID hospitals built in 10 days "proves" the virus was deliberate/Chinese govt attack/ etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 14:29:46
Amidst the gloom, a positive note to say what a fantastic achievement to convert the Excel centre in London into a makeshift field hospital in under 2 weeks. Also puts the lie on the conspiracy theorists saying the Chinese getting COVID hospitals built in 10 days "proves" the virus was deliberate/Chinese govt attack/ etc
Hear absolutely amazing achievement which we should all be proud of 👍

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 14:32:57
About 3 posts ago you claimed there was a confirmed case on the children's ward

For staff you cunt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 14:54:36
This is the thinking of the free market right that lay behind the "herd immunity" strategy.

TLDR: a few hundred thousand of the elderly and vulnerable dying is just the price you pay to keep the economy ticking over: "It isn't worth spending £185bn to save them".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 15:30:22
Karma system disabled as people's feelings are getting hurt.

From now on, all posters should be calling each other a cunt in the open.

This is a shame - I only ever used it when people moaned about it though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 15:32:21
This is a shame - I only ever used it when people moaned about it though.

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 15:39:47
Karma system disabled as people's feelings are getting hurt.

From now on, all posters should be calling each other a cunt in the open.

Please bring it back.  Feedback is essential in all aspects of daily life.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 15:45:18

Whilst we were all worried about the virus no one thought about the impending animal rebellion

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 16:14:10

Whilst we were all worried about the virus no one thought about the impending animal rebellion
That's brilliant - "I for one welcome our new goat overlords" :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 18:39:55
Some sobering thoughts from Pepe Reina on the virus:

“I was very tired after experiencing the first symptoms of the virus,” he said. “A fever, dry cough and a headache that never went away. It was just that constant feeling of tiredness.

“The most difficult moment was when I could no longer breathe, the 25 minutes I ran out of oxygen. It was the worst moments of my life.

“The only real fear I had was when I understood there was no oxygen: endless minutes of fear, as if suddenly my throat had closed. As a result I spent the first six or eight days indoors.”

I've got a bit of a cold but fairly certain it's exactly that after reading how bad it was for Reina.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 19:50:22
I just want to be at home. I'd gladly take 80% of my wage to do so. It seems to me that anywhere still working is winging it. Playing the Corona virus lottery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 19:52:33
I need to go to Asda tomorrow night. Not looking forward to it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 20:00:23
I need to go to Asda tomorrow night. Not looking forward to it.

The biggie?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 20:06:19
Yeah orbital. Wife won’t let me take the kids so it’s going to be a 6pm trip.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 20:13:10
Yeah orbital. Wife won’t let me take the kids so it’s going to be a 6pm trip.

You’ll be fine, they’ve been a million times better this last week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 20:16:30
Best time to go, shops have been fine at that time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 20:29:11
Ok cool. What are  stocks like now? How many do they let in?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 20:32:13
Ok cool. What are  stocks like now? How many do they let in?

Not many at all from my experiences this week. Stocks are up and down. Toilet Roll still seems to be the main thing they don’t have.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 21:02:11
Except eggs. Cant get eggs anywhere

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 21:08:16
Unsurprisingly, AFC Bournemouth being cunty by telling the people who put youth team players up in board with them, that they wont be paying them anymore.

Sooner that poxy little fuckass club goes down the shitter the better

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 21:08:17
Except eggs. Cant get eggs anywhere

Randomly there is a coffee shop at the end of our road which has remained open - (not sure coffee is essential but there we are) and i noticed has quite a few eggs which it is selling for £5 a dozen!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 21:26:03
Looks likely we'll pass 1m people confirmed with the virus within a day or two.  Places like India worry me, having seen the chaos of their lock down and mass migration of construction workers all being jammed together to wait for buses.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 21:51:51
Looks likely we'll pass 1m people confirmed with the virus within a day or two.  Places like India worry me, having seen the chaos of their lock down and mass migration of construction workers all being jammed together to wait for buses.
Would imagine we’ve passed that already as sounds like China have completely lied about the true scale of it within Wuhan, some are saying as many as 40k+ actually died there. Who’d have thought a communist country with state controlled media and propaganda would do such a thing....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 05:55:25
Places like India worry me, having seen the chaos of their lock down and mass migration of construction workers all being jammed together to wait for buses.

As terrible as this has been and will surely get in western countries, it's the thought of it sweeping through places like India that really terrify me. Places where people live on top of each other can't social distance, and so many can hardly afford a day off work let alone more.

Health care systems that barely function at the best of times won't stand a chance to cope. I used to say in Cambodia that I'd rather die than end up in the provincial hospital there, yet so many would even avoid going there because they'd be scared of the bill at the end(if they weren't left to die on the floor because they had no bribe anyway).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 07:04:45
Randomly there is a coffee shop at the end of our road which has remained open - (not sure coffee is essential but there we are) and i noticed has quite a few eggs which it is selling for £5 a dozen!

You saying the £5 is dear?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 07:56:24
You saying the £5 is dear?

Are you asking me if I think £5 for a dozen eggs is expensive? If so, then yes!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 08:19:30
Tell who does the shopping in your house.. I usually pay between £2 and £2.50 for 6 free range.

God we're boring

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 08:31:10
Interesting piece about a drug being developed to combat Coronavirus.

Coronavirus: Potential drug treatment starts UK trials (

The drug company developing it has a slightly disturbing name (for anyone familiar with The Handmaid's Tale), but happy to look past that right now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 09:24:05
Tell who does the shopping in your house.. I usually pay between £2 and £2.50 for 6 free range.

God we're boring

Yes, yes we are :) I usually buy whatever is the cheapest but do try and get the free range ones if possible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 09:48:23
Some pretty bad articles coming out of Italy now, especially the south.

Our government appears to have fucked up on testing and then lied about it but at least they're throwing money at the problem.  In Italy there seems to be little being done by the government to assist people whose livelihoods have disappeared and banks are rejecting requests to delay loan repayments.

On the subject of banks, it's good that UK banks are suspending dividend payments which should encourage other sectors to follow suit.  Will screw everyone's pension pots even further but still seems right thing to do.

They seem to be rather more coy about whether they are going to cancel bonus payments however...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 09:53:29
On the subject of banks, it's good that UK banks are suspending dividend payments which should encourage other sectors to follow suit.  Will screw everyone's pension pots even further but still seems right thing to do.

They seem to be rather more coy about whether they are going to cancel bonus payments however...
They also seem to be being a bit slow/unwilling to dish out the govt-backed loans to small businesses. Hearing a lot of stories about businesses being refused emergency loans or told they're not eligible for the govt schemes. Seems the banks have forgotten how everyone else had to bail them out when they fucked up the global economy in 2008.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 09:53:51
Went to supermarket yesterday.  First time in 2 weeks.  15 minute queue outside, not bad.  Shelves pretty ok apart from pasta and flour.  Loads of toilet rolls so hopefully that madness has dissipated.

Had to recycle 2 weeks of wine & beer bottles in front of the queue which was a bit embarrassing.  One guy asked me if I liked a drink.  Blamed it on the wife.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 09:55:38
The only thing that's been a positive for me during this is the quietness on the roads. On the m4 at night you can go for over a minute without seeing anything on either side. Bizarre, but rather nice.

Oh and for eggs, try Waitrose. Bloody expensive mind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 09:56:12
They also seem to be being a bit slow/unwilling to dish out the govt-backed loans to small businesses. Hearing a lot of stories about businesses being refused emergency loans or told they're not eligible for the govt schemes. Seems the banks have forgotten how everyone else had to bail them out when they fucked up the global economy in 2008.

Ok.  Not good.  I thought the government was underwriting all bank loans?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 10:18:26
Ok.  Not good.  I thought the government was underwriting all bank loans?
No, apparently you can only access the govt backed loans if you wouldn't qualify for a commercial loan. So some banks are refusing to give companies access to the govt scheme because they would qualify for a commercial loan or being denied both commercial or govt backed because they were already in trouble. Companies arguing they'd have been able to trade their way out of it, banks saying they wouldn't. BBC had a piece on it this morning, but I've seen similar tales elsewhere and anecodotally on SM

TBF they do need to have some checks to stop complete chancers, but it's loans not handouts and seems like the banks are forgetting how we all bailed them out when they were up shit creek

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 10:18:31
Went to supermarket yesterday.  First time in 2 weeks.  15 minute queue outside, not bad.  Shelves pretty ok apart from pasta and flour.  Loads of toilet rolls so hopefully that madness has dissipated.

Had to recycle 2 weeks of wine & beer bottles in front of the queue which was a bit embarrassing.  One guy asked me if I liked a drink.  Blamed it on the wife.

Ooh, where in town can I take stuff for recycling, seeing as the tip is shut? Obviously only when I go to shop.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 10:31:32
My old departed mums last living sibling died yesterday in Swindon, they think he probably had Covid19 as he died due to complications with pneumonia, no post mortem will take place, so he may well have succumbed to this dreadful disease.

He was 86 and we have been told that even if I were not on 12 weeks sheidling that we would not be allowed to his funeral as it will be direct relatives only to a maximum of 10 attendees.

Disappointingly I hadn't seen him since before Christmas, luckily I hadn't seen him since before Christmas.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 10:45:14
Sorry to hear of your sad  loss PV.  Stay safe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 10:49:44
Thanks I will certainly try, just such sad situation to be in regarding the funeral etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 11:18:51
sorry to hear that PV..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 11:20:17
sorry to hear that PV..
Cheers mate, probably eventually this problem is going to happen to a fair percentage of the population in time, very sad times indeed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 11:24:50
Interesting piece about a drug being developed to combat Coronavirus.

Coronavirus: Potential drug treatment starts UK trials (

The drug company developing it has a slightly disturbing name (for anyone familiar with The Handmaid's Tale), but happy to look past that right now.

I'm taking hydroxychloroquine for my immune system condition. I could be immune to COVID, or it makes no difference as my immune system is already compromised. Hopefully I never have to test the theory!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 11:34:55
The only thing that's been a positive for me during this is the quietness on the roads. On the m4 at night you can go for over a minute without seeing anything on either side. Bizarre, but rather nice.

Oh and for eggs, try Waitrose. Bloody expensive mind.

I've just come back from my lunchtime walk and popped into Waitrose. They are well stocked in most things so picked up some fresh fruit etc. The only eggs they had left was quail eggs!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 11:49:25
Just to clarify we don't normally shop in Waitrose but figured I might be able to get more stuff there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 12:13:17
Thanks for the clarification Bob, I was worried you had joined the middle class

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 12:15:32
Just to clarify we don't normally shop in Waitrose but figured I might be able to get more stuff there.

Did you pick up some quinoa?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 12:15:45
Just popped to Morrison's Eldene and got everything I needed including infant Calpol and eggs. A successful shop.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 12:43:26
Did you pick up some quinoa?

Nope. Just fruit. I wouldn't even know which aisle quinoa is in, cereal?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 12:44:04
My old departed mums last living sibling died yesterday in Swindon, they think he probably had Covid19 as he died due to complications with pneumonia, no post mortem will take place, so he may well have succumbed to this dreadful disease.

He was 86 and we have been told that even if I were not on 12 weeks sheidling that we would not be allowed to his funeral as it will be direct relatives only to a maximum of 10 attendees.

Disappointingly I hadn't seen him since before Christmas, luckily I hadn't seen him since before Christmas.
Sorry to hear that PV. Think there will be a lot of stories like this over the coming weeks/months, sadly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 12:48:15
I've just come back from my lunchtime walk and popped into Waitrose. They are well stocked in most things so picked up some fresh fruit etc. The only eggs they had left was quail eggs!

Ha. Went there hoping for a more reserved shop. Never been before. Unbelievably expensive. It's like double the price for the same stuff as other shops. Don't get why anyone would shop there under normal circumstances. Won't be hurrying back

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 12:48:26
Sorry to hear that PV. Think there will be a lot of stories like this over the coming weeks/months, sadly.
Indeed mate, and thanks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 12:54:41
Ha. Went there hoping for a more reserved shop. Never been before. Unbelievably expensive. It's like double the price for the same stuff as other shops. Don't get why anyone would shop there under normal circumstances. Won't be hurrying back

Yeah its a shop designed for people who don't really need to worry about how much things cost. Funnily enough there was a documentary on Waitrose on Channel 5 last night and there was a bit about house prices which are actually inflated if there is a Waitrose nearby.

As you say, its just the same stuff at double the price, lunacy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 12:59:36
Sorry to hear about your loss PV. I agree I think this is going to get more and more common sadly. I now personally know 3 people that have died from it and half a dozen friends of friends.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:04:36
Another 563 dead now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:05:02
Sorry to hear about your loss PV. I agree I think this is going to get more and more common sadly. I now personally know 3 people that have died from it and half a dozen friends of friends.
Thanks Mex, I can return the feeling with your losses too, it is awful times, more worrying for those with severe health problems too like you, but this is now affecting far more younger people and with no underlying health problems.

I think the severity is now finally sinking home with a lot of people why were a bit blasé previously.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:06:22
Another 563 dead now.
So much for slowing down...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:13:27
Yeah its a shop designed for people who don't really need to worry about how much things cost. Funnily enough there was a documentary on Waitrose on Channel 5 last night and there was a bit about house prices which are actually inflated if there is a Waitrose nearby.

As you say, its just the same stuff at double the price, lunacy.

It's the type of place you go to for fresh foods, not brands - you clearly get brands from the cheapest place going.  I got drunk in that Waitrose once.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:15:15
USA getting close to 1,000 deaths a day now.  50/50 split round my way I think, of people who are taking it seriously vs. those who think it's all some sort of conspiracy by George Soros.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:17:22
Sorry for your loss JJ.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:18:25
So much for slowing down...
I think they've changed the way they are reporting on deaths, which is why there was the apparent dip on Monday and the apparent spike since then. Given the known time lags as well in adding deaths into the official stats, don't think it's a good idea to read too much into deaths stats on a day by day basis. Probably better looked at week to week. There's also the fact that they're not reporting all the deaths, it's pretty much only the ones who die in hospital who have been tested for it or where a coroner can be absolutely certain that it's COVID-19. So there will be a lot of people dying at home or in nursing homes where it's being put down as pneumonia etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:28:56
563 UK deaths latest

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:41:53
Sorry to hear your news, PV.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:46:19
As I said maybe 80 pages ago. This is going to get a lot lot worse for you all. It’s a shit thing to say but I can’t see any alternative. The UK is not even in lockdown. You can go the park, out for a walk, run etc. how many gates or park benches are you touching? Sorry to be dramatic but 563 deaths is more than spain and italy at this point in time in your process. Please stay safe. Even mystical goat ! The yellow fucker

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 13:56:28
For staff you cunt.

Wrong again. Confirmed in email yesterday we are allowed a set number of tests per day. Tests performed by Public Health Bristol.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: THE FLASH on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 14:16:49
My old Italian Barber has died from it....lived in Warminster for years.

Colleagues put on furlough today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 14:32:52
I don't know if it's been mentioned on here yet but, for those of you with BT Sport, you are now getting a month's credit because you may feel that £20 is too much for out of date wrestling.

I still can't do links but you have to go to and look for sport. It is not going to be an automatic credit yet so you have to request it at the moment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 14:44:54
It's the type of place you go to for fresh foods, not brands - you clearly get brands from the cheapest place going.  I got drunk in that Waitrose once.

Same, there is a big one in Canary Wharf with a wine bar.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 14:48:04
As I said maybe 80 pages ago. This is going to get a lot lot worse for you all. It’s a shit thing to say but I can’t see any alternative. The UK is not even in lockdown. You can go the park, out for a walk, run etc. how many gates or park benches are you touching? Sorry to be dramatic but 563 deaths is more than spain and italy at this point in time in your process. Please stay safe. Even mystical goat ! The yellow fucker

iv stopped watching the news and various media outlets. scare mongering doesnt help and for those that are staying at home and being sensible theres nothing that we can do to change this situation it's out of our hands except for volunteer work and making sure everyone in the family has what they need.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 14:50:24
Thanks Mex, I can return the feeling with your losses too, it is awful times, more worrying for those with severe health problems too like you, but this is now affecting far more younger people and with no underlying health problems.

I think the severity is now finally sinking home with a lot of people why were a bit blasé previously.

Sorry to hear PV. Going to be a tough time for all and loved ones are going to be lost so my heart goes out to everyone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 14:52:13
iv stopped watching the news and various media outlets. scare mongering doesnt help and for those that are staying at home and being sensible theres nothing that we can do to change this situation it's out of our hands except for volunteer work and making sure everyone in the family has what they need.

I’m not scaremongering. Well I suppose that’s the scary thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 14:54:34
As I said maybe 80 pages ago. This is going to get a lot lot worse for you all. It’s a shit thing to say but I can’t see any alternative. The UK is not even in lockdown. You can go the park, out for a walk, run etc. how many gates or park benches are you touching? Sorry to be dramatic but 563 deaths is more than spain and italy at this point in time in your process. Please stay safe. Even mystical goat ! The yellow fucker

I can't speak for others but I am VERY wary about not touching anything when I go out for my walk in the park, especially not gates and benches etc. However there are still people plonked on park benches reading etc!! I am way more conscious about not touching my face and as soon as I get home and take off my coat and shoes the first thing I do is wash my hands properly.

I think its going to get to the stage where there has to be a full shutdown however, we could very much see a day of 1,000+ deaths very soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:04:16
Why are we assuming our deaths are going to be worse than Italy’s when

- we have similar sized populations
- we have a younger population
- our infection curve is much shallower

What have I missed?? Surely it’s the number of infections, not deaths, that we need to be worrying about now - that’s your pipeline of future deaths (which is the most morbid thing I’ve ever written)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:05:37
I can't speak for others but I am VERY wary about not touching anything when I go out for my walk in the park, especially not gates and benches etc. However there are still people plonked on park benches reading etc!! I am way more conscious about not touching my face and as soon as I get home and take off my coat and shoes the first thing I do is wash my hands properly.

I think its going to get to the stage where there has to be a full shutdown however, we could very much see a day of 1,000+ deaths very soon.

as you should. even watching tv and seeing actors shake hands and hug etc it automatically your mind goes 'they shouldn't be doing that!' I'm not too fussed about what I'm touching in terms of shop doors etc because I no I'm not going to touch my face and I have anti bac in the car and wash hands when I get home.

not specifically pointing at you mex. theres 2 ways of looking at media scare stories. some people need a big fucking shake and need showing the way. but for those doing the right things already then it just adds to the worry.

that healthy 21 yr old that died of corona all over the news that didnt actually die of corona is a perfect example of media storm getting excited before facts are established.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:09:53
as you should. even watching tv and seeing actors shake hands and hug etc it automatically your mind goes 'they shouldn't be doing that!' I'm not too fussed about what I'm touching in terms of shop doors etc because I no I'm not going to touch my face and I have anti bac in the car and wash hands when I get home.

not specifically pointing at you mex. theres 2 ways of looking at media scare stories. some people need a big fucking shake and need showing the way. but for those doing the right things already then it just adds to the worry.

that healthy 21 yr old that died of corona all over the news that didnt actually die of corona is a perfect example of media storm getting excited before facts are established.

It does take a lot of concentrating to not be able to touch your face however. Before you know it you are giving your nose a quick scratch etc!!

There have been younger examples of people dying of Corona haven't there? A 13 year old only yesterday in London I think?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:10:21
Why are we assuming our deaths are going to be worse than Italy’s when

- we have similar sized populations
- we have a younger population
- our infection curve is much shallower

What have I missed??

the stats are very misleading on nearly every account. from China potentially lying, deaths being recorded differently, new case rates all depends on testing and whether people with mild symptoms or even none are being recorded. the only sad statistic is the death totals everything else I'm kind of ignoring.

the effect of this partial lockdown or whatever it is wont be seen for a while yet so it's no surprise that numbers are still going up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:13:23
Why are we assuming our deaths are going to be worse than Italy’s
Don't think we are, are we?
Surely it’s the number of infections, not deaths, that we need to be worrying about now - that’s your pipeline of future deaths (which is the most morbid thing I’ve ever written)
Yup, that and the fact the death stats are a bit prone to spikes and troughs due to time lags. Both clearly being wildly underreported though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:19:19
Don't think we are, are we?Yup, that and the fact the death stats are a bit prone to spikes and troughs due to time lags. Both clearly being wildly underreported though

Both spain and italy are showing decrease in new cases and increases in recoveries. only when it's over can we assess whether the response was correct.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:20:25
Both spain and italy are showing decrease in new cases and increases in recoveries. only when it's over can we assess whether the response was correct.
Or assess whether those decreases are just temporary blips. Agree about the response to some extent, although you can already identify from multiple changes of direction that some of the early response to CV here was a bit haphazard and that the response to the early warning signs coming from the Far East and later from Europe was criminally complacent. I'm thinking about the dithering over getting in PPE, preparing to produce/procure ventilators, test kits etc. And there is plenty of that still going on. You don't need benefit of overall hindsight to see that we were less prepared than we should have been in the near term.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:41:12
Or assess whether those decreases are just temporary blips. Agree about the response to some extent, although you can already identify from multiple changes of direction that some of the early response to CV here was a bit haphazard and that the response to the early warning signs coming from the Far East and later from Europe was criminally complacent. I'm thinking about the dithering over getting in PPE, preparing to produce/procure ventilators, test kits etc. And there is plenty of that still going on. You don't need benefit of overall hindsight to see that we were less prepared than we should have been in the near term.

yh we should have been going along as normal whilst stock piling behind the scenes and getting ready. with every country demanding the same equipment it was always going to hard but we could have approached uk companies to build earlier.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:50:43
Don't think we are, are we?

The post above mine did, and I took mex’s daily update of doom from the future to mean the same also possibly unfairly

Yup, that and the fact the death stats are a bit prone to spikes and troughs due to time lags. Both clearly being wildly underreported though

The volume of testing and types of testing are the two biggest things contributing to the sense of unease for me - for all we know the quoted death rates of 5-6% could be out by factors of hundreds if not thousands.

Speaking of, I see Amazon have changed their tune about selling the new antibody tests - they will instead be in charge of the logistics side of it - which I guess is good, and suggests they won’t be an open market free for all as first fearedand there may actually be some plan behind the distribution

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 15:55:15
yh we should have been going along as normal whilst stock piling behind the scenes and getting ready. with every country demanding the same equipment it was always going to hard but we could have approached uk companies to build earlier.
Anecdotally, we're not even doing that now, according to interviews with ventilator manufacturers. Add in Gove saying yesterday that we haven't got tests because there's a shortage of the chemicals needed but both BBC News and Robert Peston have spoken to Chemical Industries Association (trade body for manufacturers of chemicals) who have said that's not the case, there are plenty of the chemicals needed for reagents but they haven't been approached for them

Fiddling while Rome burns.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 16:00:13
It is not inconceivable that the UK and USA could see more deaths than Italy - you need to look back about 3-4 weeks and see how the reaction differed for starters.  The USA doesn't even have a full lock down in place in most regions.  Italy certainly seemed unique, but Spain is now following - the easiest way to transmit is be in contact with others, that wasn't really prevented.  You rely a bit on luck when you don't reduce contact - like the age differential between Italy and other places.

Another thing of note - while the number of deaths is clearly the single most important thing (unless you are Devin Nunes, a member of Congress over here), the number of people needing Ventilator support is also worth keeping an eye on.  A significant % of those people are surviving but with long term health issues likely due to scarring in the lungs.  Covid-19 may not get them, but it may open the door for other issues years down the line.

The whole sorry saga has certainly shown the World is not prepared for this.  Nobody is using a play sheet here, everyone has take it re actively and tried to learn from the previous country to get something wrong.  I don't know if you can prepare properly, but there are a bunch of lessons to be learned about preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.  We've sleepwalked into preparing for the best.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 16:09:49
Nobody is using a play sheet here, everyone has take it re actively and tried to learn from the previous country to get something wrong.  I don't know if you can prepare properly, but there are a bunch of lessons to be learned about preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.  We've sleepwalked into preparing for the best.
South Korea and Hong Kong (and possibly other Far East countries) both used lessons learned from SARS etc to prepare plans for another such outbreak that they have successfully put into practice to deal with this. They have learned the lessons from previous outbreaks and applied them, we and seemingly most other Western nations had the information from their experience available but failed to prepare for it. As you say, we have sleepwalked into this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 16:16:43
I think even those locations have made some miss steps, even though they were better prepared after fucking up a bit with SARS (SK noted that moving people around hospitals and not contact tracing caused problems last time).  Both have had increases after that initial headwind was dealt with - not allowing for the influx of people who may carry it.

It seems really odd to me, even allowing for a margin of error with China's reporting likely being massively under if anything, that people seemed to take an age to get to a point of realising it spreads easily!  What did they thing 80k plus in China were doing, passing it on on purpose?  As soon as you had a case you HAD to assume it was spreading.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 16:19:21
I think even those locations have made some miss steps, even though they were better prepared after fucking up a bit with SARS (SK noted that moving people around hospitals and not contact tracing caused problems last time).  Both have had increases after that initial headwind was dealt with - not allowing for the influx of people who may carry it.

Yes and it remains to be seen how they pan out long term once they start to ease restrictions. Clearly this is not the same as SARS but my point was, as you acknowledge tbf, that lessons were there to be learned. SK and HK did so, we didn't.

It seems really odd to me, even allowing for a margin of error with China's reporting likely being massively under if anything, that people seemed to take an age to get to a point of realising it spreads easily!  What did they thing 80k plus in China were doing, passing it on on purpose?  As soon as you had a case you HAD to assume it was spreading.
Quite so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 16:23:35
On a more positive note, it does look like they've started to ramp up the number of ventilators in the pipeline - 61,000 on order apparently. How long that pipeline is and how long they take to arrive will be crucial of course, but it is a positive step

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 16:38:49
On a more positive note, it does look like they've started to ramp up the number of ventilators in the pipeline - 61,000 on order apparently. How long that pipeline is and how long they take to arrive will be crucial of course, but it is a positive step

There do now seem to be some encouraging signs.  This and (as you mentioned before) the Nightingale temporary hospitals, in particular.  But I'm left with an abiding feeling that we started this work far too late.

We should have been preparing in earnest for this in February, but the PM was on holiday for half of the month.  His eye was not on the ball.  It was also immediately after 'Brexit Day', a day that Brexit supporters and the government, in particular, had been working towards for over 3 years.  That was where all of their energy was focused.  They were knackered, and had no time or energy left for this.  Yet another 'Brexit dividend'.

And as for the 'chemical shortages' excuse to explain the lack of testing, they might well be right.  Resources are finite and it's entirely possible that South Korea, Germany & others simply got there before we did...hence the shortages.

I have been impressed with some of the actions taken subsequently - particularly the financial measures taken by Rishi Sunak.  But when the inquests take place, as they will, I will be very interested to follow the explanations given for the early stage lack of testing and inadequate provision of PPE for medical staff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 16:40:08
Maybe we just could all have taken Turkmenistan's approach - It's not happening!  They've banned the use of the word and any reporting on it, and have zero cases, despite bordering Iran.  We simply had to to tell it to go away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 16:57:24
And as for the 'chemical shortages' excuse to explain the lack of testing, they might well be right.  Resources are finite and it's entirely possible that South Korea, Germany & others simply got there before we did...hence the shortages.
Not according to the Chemical Industries Association who were baffled by this excuse. Given it was Gove proferring said excuse, that's as close to a guarantee he was lying as you can get.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 16:58:33
Anecdotally, we're not even doing that now, according to interviews with ventilator manufacturers. Add in Gove saying yesterday that we haven't got tests because there's a shortage of the chemicals needed but both BBC News and Robert Peston have spoken to Chemical Industries Association (trade body for manufacturers of chemicals) who have said that's not the case, there are plenty of the chemicals needed for reagents but they haven't been approached for them

Fiddling while Rome burns.

What i don't get is why do they have to be asked, why can't they be proactive, they must know it's needed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 18:22:03
Just got back from Asda. Wasn’t too bad an experience but people still don’t understand distancing. Coughing over fresh produce. A couple couldn’t keep their hands off each other... Asda have added arrows for people to follow but most can’t seem to fathom that. One security guard explained to a woman and she still understand the reasoning behind it.

Most stuff in stock, but fresh meat, fruit and veg do not have long dates on. No bin bags. Little or no pasta. Running out of condiments.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 18:33:01
New restriction for us introduced. Only 1 person per car. Exception being 1 parent with child.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 18:37:47
I thought you didn't have any cases?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 18:38:48
Just got back from Asda. Wasn’t too bad an experience but people still don’t understand distancing. Coughing over fresh produce. A couple couldn’t keep their hands off each other... Asda have added arrows for people to follow but most can’t seem to fathom that. One security guard explained to a woman and she still understand the reasoning behind it.

Most stuff in stock, but fresh meat, fruit and veg do not have long dates on. No bin bags. Little or no pasta. Running out of condiments.

Long dates
I thought you could only get them at Xmas

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 18:42:56
I thought you didn't have any cases?
It’s obviously a Greek mandate for the entire country. Can’t really expect to have exceptions for bits of the country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 18:55:12
What i don't get is why do they have to be asked, why can't they be proactive, they must know it's needed.
They have stocks apparently, not sure what you want them to do? Throw them over the wall of 10 Downing St?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 21:48:12
Royal Mail bosses more interested in profits than the welfare of their own staff. Our CEO, Swiss-domiciled German Rico Back couldn't be bothered to be involved with a meeting with the Union today to discuss the serious issues facing the business. There's no social distancing in mail centres and delivery offices, nowhere near enough PPE made available for staff, gloves and hand sanitizer aren't available in most places. Junk mail still being delivered, one company asked RM to *not* deliver their advertising and were told they'd face a 100% cancellation penalty on top of the original fee being taken regardless. Stupid, stupid decisions from top to bottom that is risking the health and wellbeing of not only the staff, but also the general public. One manager in the meeting with the union described the situation as 'not as bleak' as was being suggested. I'd say this virus is pretty fucking bleak, to be fair... profits before people, they're a bunch of cunts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 22:46:18
Royal Mail bosses more interested in profits than the welfare of their own staff. Our CEO, Swiss-domiciled German Rico Back couldn't be bothered to be involved with a meeting with the Union today to discuss the serious issues facing the business. There's no social distancing in mail centres and delivery offices, nowhere near enough PPE made available for staff, gloves and hand sanitizer aren't available in most places. Junk mail still being delivered, one company asked RM to *not* deliver their advertising and were told they'd face a 100% cancellation penalty on top of the original fee being taken regardless. Stupid, stupid decisions from top to bottom that is risking the health and wellbeing of not only the staff, but also the general public. One manager in the meeting with the union described the situation as 'not as bleak' as was being suggested. I'd say this virus is pretty fucking bleak, to be fair... profits before people, they're a bunch of cunts.

Yeah saw a CWU post earlier, hand washing is sufficient.

Today, without even considering our offer Royal Mail have stated they will no longer engage with the CWU on working through the pandemic, they consider washing hands to be enough of a safety provision and say we are overstating our concerns.

Am sure the posties will get plenty of opportunity to practice that with most places closed.  
And RM now handling the covid 19 blood tests.
What could go wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 05:53:39
They won't even confirm whether those vulnerable workers who are currently off work will still get paid once they've used all their sick pay period...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 07:15:20
Revealing interview on radio with some guy from The Crick Institute who are one of a number of additional facilities that are now gearing up to take on additional testing.  Testing that they can turn around in 24 hours!

He came up with one of the better wartime metaphors that we are now being inundated with,  comparing all of these small semi-official bodies  to the flotilla of private boats that rescued the army at Dunkirk in the absence of sufficient suitable naval vessels.

The other telling thing was that he kept on refusing to answer the interviewer’s repeated questions as to why they hadn’t been asked weeks ago to get involved.  Eventually the rather surprised interviewer said “It seems like you’re saying ‘forget about blame for the moment, we need to focus on getting things done’ is that right?“.  The answer, of course, was that yes there needed to be a rigorous review of where we got things wrong (and right) but now isn’t the time except where that review will aid the situation going forward.

The government have clearly got a number of things very badly wrong.  I suspect that the Civil Service are also culpable.  In my experience when civil servants can’t do something that is needed their initial reaction is to focus their efforts on ingeniously administering that failure rather than coming up with an ingenious alternative, particularly if the solution is outside their normal remit.  The ability is there but it’s misdirected.

One of the depressing things about the daily Downing St briefings is how many of the questions are all about acknowledging past guilt rather than confirming future actions.  This country has bred politicians who believe that their primary attribute for success needs to be their ability to deny or deflect blame rather than their ability to get things right more often.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 07:43:29
Very worrying, isn't it.

You know things are not right when the Telegraph has started asking awkward questions.  Just weeks ago, it was little more than a Johnson/Brexit fanzine.  But read the front page this morning.  Looks like the inquest is already underway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 07:49:09
Very worrying, isn't it.

You know things are not right when the Telegraph has started asking awkward questions.  Just weeks ago, it was little more than a Johnson/Brexit fanzine.  But read the front page this morning.  Looks like the inquest is already underway.

Probably because there's too many of their business interests under threat.

Sorry, I meant other peoples' lives, not business interests. Only a terrible cynic would think such a thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 07:58:23
Been waiting to see what the banks did, and knew it would be fuck all unless made to.

my one hope form all this, and it's a big hope, is that the power of the banks and shady financial institutes  and systems are broken, and have to be restarted ethically

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 08:07:40
Very worrying, isn't it.

You know things are not right when the Telegraph has started asking awkward questions.  Just weeks ago, it was little more than a Johnson/Brexit fanzine.  But read the front page this morning.  Looks like the inquest is already underway.

"But... the Emperor has no clothes !"

Finally, it appears to be dawning.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 08:22:54
I'm a bit confused over the isolation period if you get covid 19 or the symptoms. PHE say 7 days from showing first symptoms, or 14 days if you share a house. There are some news reports I've read where WHO have said you could still be contagious after 2 weeks from the symptoms ending  ???

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 08:24:01
With only 2000 frontline staff having had a test, it shows how utterly inept and unprepared we are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 08:53:15
I'm a bit confused over the isolation period if you get covid 19 or the symptoms. PHE say 7 days from showing first symptoms, or 14 days if you share a house. There are some news reports I've read where WHO have said you could still be contagious after 2 weeks from the symptoms ending  ???

I'm with you, two of my engineers were isolated for 14 days, yet Prince charles is out possibly infecting old ladies a week later. I've no clue which is right

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 08:58:37
Every txt I have had from the NHS says 14 days from contact to symptoms, they say nothing about how long you may be infected though, but from watching TV things they are saying between 7 and 12 days of actually having the infection.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 09:38:49
I'm a bit confused over the isolation period if you get covid 19 or the symptoms. PHE say 7 days from showing first symptoms, or 14 days if you share a house. There are some news reports I've read where WHO have said you could still be contagious after 2 weeks from the symptoms ending  ???
WHO advice is you can still be contagious 14 days after *end* of symptoms; PHE say you're fine from 7 days after first signs (unless you're still ill). It's one of many areas where we seem to have chosen a different track from WHO, the most glaring being the decision not to follow Test, Trace, Isolate, Contain which has worked well so far in South Korea, for example.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 09:43:56
Best option I guess would be to allow 2 more weeks?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 09:49:19
Best option I guess would be to allow 2 more weeks?
Safest probably, yes. But I guess the PHE advice is geared toward getting people back to work/out of isolation quicker. So depends what you mean by "best". Certainly the UK approach appears to have been geared from the outset toward doing the minimum to avoid economic damage, first with the "herd immunity" nonsense which has now been abandoned. The isolation timeframes though I think were set during the phase when the strategy was still herd immunity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 10:02:52
They won't even confirm whether those vulnerable workers who are currently off work will still get paid once they've used all their sick pay period...

In the PO it's gone down as special leave so doesnt impact your sick record.
Well for the first month at any rate, will see what happens if that gets extended.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 10:08:52
Been waiting to see what the banks did, and knew it would be fuck all unless made to.

my one hope form all this, and it's a big hope, is that the power of the banks and shady financial institutes  and systems are broken, and have to be restarted ethically

Thought this might happen after the crash that the bankers engineered. They always miss out that last key word when rebuilding.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 12:07:40
Be different this time. My worry on the flip side, is they wont have learned anything and will try to extort rapidly when they think it's all clear, and that might be a spark for social disorder. There's a shit load to think about for old boris, that hasn't even come into thoughts yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 12:11:18
They have stocks apparently, not sure what you want them to do? Throw them over the wall of 10 Downing St?

Well find out where they are needed a deliver them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 13:32:16
Well find out where they are needed a deliver them.
Not sure you've quite got the hang of how govt procurement works tbh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 13:33:24
This might provide a bit of light relief for parents with younger kids trying to home school/fend off feral infants for a while, the author of the Gruffalo is starting a weekly broadcast this afternoon at 4.00:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 15:08:34
569 today's figures , 2921 total
Climbing towards Italian and Spanish levels daily.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 15:37:48
And this is where the timelines come into play- the deaths today are the result of infection 14-28 days ago.  There are a few examples of people who were infected in group congregations that are showing how this spreads rapidly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 15:43:59
There are still people not from the same family congregating though. Still non key workers going to work. We need to be stricter.

What else can the country do?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 15:46:40
The Phillipines president, Duarte, has told police to shoot anyone breaking Coronavirus lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 15:52:47
The Phillipines president, Duarte, has told police to shoot anyone breaking Coronavirus lockdown.
Assuming this is the same president who's crack down on drugs was to shoot anyone dealing or purchasing, then this does not surprise me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 15:56:37
On a more mundane meander, as a two car family and driving neither I'm thinking of SORN-ing one of them. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 16:03:10
On a more mundane meander, as a two car family and driving neither I'm thinking of SORN-ing one of them.  
Bit late now for this month,  should have done it on March 31st.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 16:10:42
 :doh:.  Thanks anyway.  Car insurers can't be too busy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 16:22:10
Anyone else fed up with seeing Chris ‘ domehead’ Whitty every 10 minutes?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 16:27:35
Anyone else fed up with seeing Chris ‘ domehead’ Whitty every 10 minutes?

You mean 'Old Stewie Griffin' right?

Also, what does the Greek 'Whitty' look like?

Anagram of, Christoper John MacRae Whitty -
entropic rich west, hath harm-joy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 16:31:19
This fella

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 17:03:25
Don't forget to clap, cry, be thankful, bang a saucepan at 8pm for our NHS and all keyworkers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 17:53:54
Don't forget to clap, cry, be thankful, bang a saucepan at 8pm for our NHS and all keyworkers.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 18:32:08
Wish I could have gone here.

(That's a joke by the way).

Wonder why the virus is spreading still.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 18:48:31
In keeping with 'Coronavirus acts of stupidity' theme:

Main jailed for 12 weeks for walking around a hospital despite not needing medical attention. Fuckwit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 2, 2020, 19:02:23
Govt have written off £13bn of debt owed by hospital trusts. Fair play, that has to be applauded.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, April 3, 2020, 05:43:53
Is it true that The Range is still open for business - next to Halfords?

If so, any idea why?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, April 3, 2020, 06:23:32
Is it true that The Range is still open for business - next to Halfords?

If so, any idea why?

Yes it is. It qualifies as an essential retailer under the Regs as it sells food, pet food/equipment and home maintenance equipment. Although the majority of what it sells aren’t good of that nature.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, April 3, 2020, 10:02:45

Tip of the iceberg. People home shopping like crazy ain't realising what this is doing. Royal mail are lying. It's a joke what's going on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, April 3, 2020, 10:10:05
Spain has only had 5 and a half thousand infections today!!!! It’s finally dropping after plateauing for 5 days!!!! :clap: :beers: :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, April 3, 2020, 10:14:20
Spain has only had 5 and a half thousand infections today!!!! It’s finally dropping after plateauing for 5 days!!!! :clap: :beers: :D
Fingers crossed the back of it has been broken there then, at last.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, April 3, 2020, 11:41:31
Had my mortgage payment holiday confirmed from 3 months today. Was very easy and i was surprised they didn't ask for any proof.
For clarity, i'm not pulling a fast one, my salary has been reduced by 20%

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, April 3, 2020, 11:42:29
that's good news chubbs, well done mortgage company

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, April 3, 2020, 11:54:24
that's good news chubbs, well done mortgage company
Will help, especially as i'm paying a mortgage for a house i'm not living in, but thats a story for another day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 3, 2020, 11:59:32
Spain has only had 5 and a half thousand infections today!!!! It’s finally dropping after plateauing for 5 days!!!! :clap: :beers: :D
Please god that continues!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, April 3, 2020, 12:42:44
Why does the nightingale hospital need a grand opening. Yes it was amazing how quickly it was done, and hats off to all the hardworkers who made it happen, but is it something we should be praising? IMO it's a sad occasion it has come to this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, April 3, 2020, 12:50:05
This forum is turning into the negative side Twitter a bit unfortunately. Over the last few pages the opening of a 4,000 bed hospital and the 8pm applause for the key workers have all drawn a bit of 'scorn'

Of course its a free country and people are more than happy to have their opinion but for me this negativity really is strength sapping.

And I get it, I really do, this is an extremely shit time for the many, not the few but it just seems like anything even remotely positive has to be pied.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, April 3, 2020, 12:50:39
Plus, there is a thread for all you negative Nancies already :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, April 3, 2020, 13:05:25
684 more.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, April 3, 2020, 13:09:23
Cheltenham festival being blamed for spreading the virus. Seems to have some truth to it too

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 3, 2020, 13:32:23
Cheltenham festival being blamed for spreading the virus. Seems to have some truth to it too
You may have seen more/different stuff to me but from what I have seen this seems to be based on 3 or 4 celebs who seem to have had it after being at Cheltenham?
a) They could have got it anywhere
b) There were 60,000 people there, if the best the papers can drag up is 3 or 4 cases, that hardly backs up the "epicentre" theory.

As I say, you may have seen more recent/compelling evidence than I have in which case my apologies :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, April 3, 2020, 13:35:23
Being suggested that countries - eg Greece, Portugal - that have compulsory vaccination against TB have a significantly lower rate of COVID-19 infection.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:18:19
Just been over sevenfields with the dog for it's walk. There are families playing in the streams, having picnics and generally having a good time. It is like the summer holidays.

What more can anyone do to stop it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:21:00
Premier League donate £20m to NHS, and advancing £125m to EFL and National League

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chubbs on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:24:09
Just been over sevenfields with the dog for it's walk. There are families playing in the streams, having picnics and generally having a good time. It is like the summer holidays.

What more can anyone do to stop it?
Shoot them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:29:55
Just been over sevenfields with the dog for it's walk. There are families playing in the streams, having picnics and generally having a good time. It is like the summer holidays.

What more can anyone do to stop it?

Noticeably more cars out on the road last couple of days, I'd expect to see more police stops in the near future. A mate got stopped on the m5 today. Allowed to go on his way as it was obvious he was working.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:33:04
Just been over sevenfields with the dog for it's walk. There are families playing in the streams, having picnics and generally having a good time. It is like the summer holidays.

What more can anyone do to stop it?

The weather forecast is getting better as well so its going to get worse unless proper draconian measures are put in place. Its a cliche I know but its always the minority of selfish bastards that ruin it for others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:42:49
Shoot them.

I wish I could. I would normally confront them, but what's the point? They are the type of people who just don't care.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:44:10
I think the police need to visit open spaces such as Seven Fields, Mannington Rec etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:47:30
Premier League donate £20m to NHS, and advancing £125m to EFL and National League
Good, the NHS bit is PR gesture but the money for lower leagues could make all the difference. PL Players to be asked to take 30% pay cut too:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:48:06
The weather forecast is getting better as well so its going to get worse unless proper draconian measures are put in place.
Draconian measures are already in place. They just need enforcing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Friday, April 3, 2020, 14:52:29
And who's going to enforce them?  Oh yes the police force that have not been cut to the bone over the last 10 year.  Maybe we should ask the home secretary.  If anyone can find her.  I think she's in a fridge with Boris Johnson and Rees Mogg.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, April 3, 2020, 15:00:31
Very convenient that Boris Johnson is still showing symptoms and need to self isolate for longer

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 3, 2020, 15:12:32
And who's going to enforce them?  Oh yes the police force that have not been cut to the bone over the last 10 year. 
TBF given there are comparatively less people around, the police should have more resources to deal with those that are (where they need dealing with)

Maybe we should ask the home secretary.  If anyone can find her.  I think she's in a fridge with Boris Johnson and Rees Mogg.
We can but hope

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:01:13
Just driven into Poxford. Seen a rise in traffic yesterday and today quite a few with multiple passengers (work vans, cars) buses virtually empty though. Lots of people out and about and can tell that many are definitely not from the same household. Thought we were making progress earlier in the week but I'm thinking it's on the slide again. Plenty of cretins will be out and about over the weekend I fear.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:11:19
Apart from sporting occasions - football, dogs - I have never chosen to go to Oxford.

Shame on you!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:22:45
On the flip side I just had a stranger walk past my house and moan at me for being out cutting the grass in my front garden as it’s an ‘unnecessary reason to be out of the house and putting people at risk’. I told him where to go as it’s just a completely stupid and antagonistic interpretation of the guidance, I’ve no time for people that think they can use this for some kind of power trip. He walked off muttering something like he was going to get an opinion from the police... I’ll probably get shamed on Twitter later as that seems a thing now as well.

I’m all for complying with the guidance but morons like this do more harm than good in terms of people sticking to it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:26:51
Spain has only had 5 and a half thousand infections today!!!! It’s finally dropping after plateauing for 5 days!!!! :clap: :beers: :D

Plateau is hopefully the word soon to be the word on everyone's lips soon enough. Which is now making me think of Madeira and the Grand Massif.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:32:39
On the flip side I just had a stranger walk past my house and moan at me for being out cutting the grass in my front garden as it’s an ‘unnecessary reason to be out of the house and putting people at risk’. I told him where to go as it’s just a completely stupid and antagonistic interpretation of the guidance, I’ve no time for people that think they can use this for some kind of power trip. He walked off muttering something like he was going to get an opinion from the police... I’ll probably get shamed on Twitter later as that seems a thing now as well.

I’m all for complying with the guidance but morons like this do more harm than good in terms of people sticking to it.

Indeed, anything to massage their egos by posting on social media. Hashtag holierthanthoufcukwits

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:32:42
Maybe we should ask the home secretary.  If anyone can find her.  I think she's in a fridge with Boris Johnson and Rees Mogg.

I get the reference RE: BoJo Fridge but in side a fridge, avec virus is somewhere it will love to happily thrive much longer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:36:37
On the flip side I just had a stranger walk past my house and moan at me for being out cutting the grass in my front garden as it’s an ‘unnecessary reason to be out of the house and putting people at risk’.
Ha ha what a fucking idiot. Did you not ask why he was walking past your house, thereby putting you at risk of coming into contact with his idiocy?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:37:06
On the flip side I just had a stranger walk past my house and moan at me for being out cutting the grass in my front garden as it’s an ‘unnecessary reason to be out of the house and putting people at risk’. I told him where to go as it’s just a completely stupid and antagonistic interpretation of the guidance, I’ve no time for people that think they can use this for some kind of power trip. He walked off muttering something like he was going to get an opinion from the police... I’ll probably get shamed on Twitter later as that seems a thing now as well.

I’m all for complying with the guidance but morons like this do more harm than good in terms of people sticking to it.

what a dickhead. You should have asked why he was out of his house the interfering troll.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:38:05
On the flip side I just had a stranger walk past my house and moan at me for being out cutting the grass in my front garden as it’s an ‘unnecessary reason to be out of the house and putting people at risk’. I told him where to go as it’s just a completely stupid and antagonistic interpretation of the guidance, I’ve no time for people that think they can use this for some kind of power trip. He walked off muttering something like he was going to get an opinion from the police... I’ll probably get shamed on Twitter later as that seems a thing now as well.

I’m all for complying with the guidance but morons like this do more harm than good in terms of people sticking to it.

One of our lads was stopped while cutting a hedge outside a block of flats by a copper yesterday. Said he'd have to go off and check if it was essential work. If even some police (who should have the guidelines explained to them) don't understand, then god help the general public.

If it was me I would have said, "I've come into contact with one person today. You!"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:39:35
Catch 22 with the weather. Want shitty weather so people stay indoors but also the sooner warmer weather comes the more chance this has of weakening it. Those proteins don't like the hotter stuff. Being the UK though we'll likely end up with some kind of incubating, thriving temp of 15/18c. We need mid 20c but even then people should still stay at home.

On the matter of Hydroxychloroquine or other Malaria tablets, while it may help a bunch of contracted cases, people should not be going out buying it (USA via Trump, I'm pointing at you). It is still uncertain and has chances of effecting people who have even minor heart conditions in a negative way. Caution to be exercised. If some very clever team can work on using part of the drug while diminishing the risks then we may well have something to work towards.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:46:42
brilliant timing of Royal London to cancel my unemployment protection.

actually it's the underwriters, but RL have known since fucking November it was going into windown.

obviously nobody is offering insurance now.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:47:52
brilliant timing of Royal London to cancel my unemployment protection.

actually it's the underwriters, but RL have known since fucking November it was going into windown.

obviously nobody is offering insurance now.


That sounds like one for the newspaper money columns.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:50:14
indeed. the letter did add "we'll see what we can do..." at the end of said letter.. so I'll wait and see if they temporarily underwrite..

Insurance companies are usually do generous too.

oddly I'm not worried about CV 19 taking my job. but the company is project based which currently ends in September (come on extension!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 3, 2020, 16:58:11
On the flip side I just had a stranger walk past my house and moan at me for being out cutting the grass in my front garden as it’s an ‘unnecessary reason to be out of the house and putting people at risk’. I told him where to go as it’s just a completely stupid and antagonistic interpretation of the guidance, I’ve no time for people that think they can use this for some kind of power trip. He walked off muttering something like he was going to get an opinion from the police... I’ll probably get shamed on Twitter later as that seems a thing now as well.

I’m all for complying with the guidance but morons like this do more harm than good in terms of people sticking to it.
If said dickhead returns (or manages to find a police officer as stupid as himself), you might find p 20 of this guide to the regulations for Police Forces in England useful. It was written by one of the leading chambers specialising in Police Law in the UK

"Regulation 6(1)provides that:“During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.”

73.For  the  purposes  of regulation  6(1), the “place where a person is living” includes the premises where they live together with any garden, yard, passage, stair, garage, outhouse or other appurtenance of such premises (r.6(3))"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 3, 2020, 17:00:30
On the matter of Hydroxychloroquine or other Malaria tablets, while it may help a bunch of contracted cases, people should not be going out buying it (USA via Trump, I'm pointing at you). It is still uncertain and has chances of effecting people who have even minor heart conditions in a negative way. Caution to be exercised. If some very clever team can work on using part of the drug while diminishing the risks then we may well have something to work towards.
There's already been several deaths of healthy people in the US from side effects of taking chloroquine after listening to Trump's witterings

Darwin Awards right there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, April 3, 2020, 17:04:38
If said dickhead returns (or manages to find a police officer as stupid as himself), you might find p 20 of this guide to the regulations for Police Forces in England useful. It was written by one of the leading chambers specialising in Police Law in the UK

"Regulation 6(1)provides that:“During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.”

73.For  the  purposes  of regulation  6(1), the “place where a person is living” includes the premises where they live together with any garden, yard, passage, stair, garage, outhouse or other appurtenance of such premises (r.6(3))"
I don’t think it would be hard to find a copper as stupid as him to be honest. Mark Cassidy got stopped by the police last week and told his work wasn’t essential so shouldn’t be working. Not sure how he could maintain a football pitch remotely and it’s not something that can just be left as it would be ruined....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 3, 2020, 17:09:21
I don’t think it would be hard to find a copper as stupid as him to be honest. Mark Cassidy got stopped by the police last week and told his work wasn’t essential so shouldn’t be working. Not sure how he could maintain a football pitch remotely and it’s not something that can just be left as it would be ruined....
TBF to the copper, I'd blame that on the lack of clarity in the govt's communication about this. They dithered over whether it was "essential travel for work" or "travel for essential work". There's a difference. Think that's why the barristers referenced above have produced that guide, it's quite useful. It also makes it clear that the regulations do not prohibit you driving somewhere to take exercise, although obviously common sense dictates that if 300 families descend on Coate Water at the weekend it's going to be impossible to maintain social distancing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, April 3, 2020, 17:17:42
TBF to the copper, I'd blame that on the lack of clarity in the govt's communication about this. They dithered over whether it was "essential travel for work" or "travel for essential work". There's a difference. Think that's why the barristers referenced above have produced that guide, it's quite useful. It also makes it clear that the regulations do not prohibit you driving somewhere to take exercise, although obviously common sense dictates that if 300 families descend on Coate Water at the weekend it's going to be impossible to maintain social distancing
True but I do think this is a dream for the more jobs worth coppers who like to poke their noses into everything. I saw some criticising people for buying compost with their shopping when if they are using it to grow their own fruit or veg this should be encouraged.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, April 3, 2020, 18:38:38
Apart from sporting occasions - football, dogs - I have never chosen to go to Oxford.

Shame on you!

Work. Though I do like to visit. Some great museums there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, April 3, 2020, 20:10:56
Catch 22 with the weather. Want shitty weather so people stay indoors but also the sooner warmer weather comes the more chance this has of weakening it. Those proteins don't like the hotter stuff. Being the UK though we'll likely end up with some kind of incubating, thriving temp of 15/18c. We need mid 20c but even then people should still stay at home.

On the matter of Hydroxychloroquine or other Malaria tablets, while it may help a bunch of contracted cases, people should not be going out buying it (USA via Trump, I'm pointing at you). It is still uncertain and has chances of effecting people who have even minor heart conditions in a negative way. Caution to be exercised. If some very clever team can work on using part of the drug while diminishing the risks then we may well have something to work towards.

I thought they said there was no evidence a change in weather would make any difference to the virus?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, April 3, 2020, 21:01:56
I’m not a scientist, but surely the fact it’s been killing people in both hemispheres at the same time means the weather argument doesn’t really hold up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, April 3, 2020, 21:47:16
I thought they said there was no evidence a change in weather would make any difference to the virus?

I'm saying it will be a factor in weakening the virus.

See the lipids (or the fat) that envelop the proteins, harden like a resin in cooler temps, thus stabilises the proteins. In hotter conditions and higher humidity, the lipid coating recedes and the corona (the protein fronds) become more unstable and more susceptible to breaking down. In this sense, the time it can last or "survive" (we have to remember it isn't bacteria and isn't living) on a surface is much less. For any protein to remain active it has to be enveloped (subsequently, native unenveloped proteins have not been found in viruses or bacteria). If one loses stability, the copy decreases and replication drops. Which is what we want to happen.

Outside of the body and airborne projection then becomes a more difficult condition for a Coronavirus. In this sense, it is likely we will then get an endemic or seasonal version of this SARS-CoV-2. Which of course is then easier to track, predict and control.

There was a study written about 11 years ago, that I was reading around 7/8 years ago so some of this sticks out and I can remember some but forgive me if it's not completely accurate, however one final point is the denaturation. So as you may be aware SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA strand as opposed to a DNA strand. It tends to be that RNA denatures at around 18c. If it's cultured...which we are hoping it isn't (unless you're on the conspiracy theory fence) the RNA denaturation is higher at about 25c.

Wish I could find the study and actually quote it. It might be (should be) online. I read mine in "real" paper format.

But don't take my word for it, I'm just a nobody who likes deconstructed pear based desserts  ;)

Again, it's mentioned with caution but external conditions will be a factor in helping to break down and weaken the virus. If Boris et al indeed is hiding in a fridge - he'd be better of getting in a Sauna.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 07:18:56
I’m not a scientist, but surely the fact it’s been killing people in both hemispheres at the same time means the weather argument doesn’t really hold up

I'd agree, Spain has been unseasonably hot with temps over 30 degrees. Truth is they don't really know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 07:38:51
I understood that that the weather could have some form of impact but if you dispense with social distancing and other related measures any impact is inevitably diminished.  Time will tell no doubt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 07:55:48
I was having a convo early this am with a shop owner. One of their shop neighbours got collard opening up the other day morning and breath tested. They registered over the limit, fair cop as you might guess? Well duly arrested they were shipped off to Gablecross where they were tested again. This next one hardly registered at all. Perplexed the rozzers tried it. One tested at 9 the other at 10. Turns out that over use of alcohol based hand sanitizers can be absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. This individual had literally had a cpl of glasses of vino the night before and like all of us felt ok to drive as you do, just goes to show.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 08:06:35
An article in The Times yesterday suggested that warm (eg. Mid 20s up) will reduce the infection rate by 0.5 per person. Current infection rate is 2.5 - ie. if you have it you infect on average 2.5 other people - so a hot summer brings that down to 2.0. Not much to hang onto

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 08:29:31
I was having a convo early this am with a shop owner. One of their shop neighbours got collard opening up the other day morning and breath tested. They registered over the limit, fair cop as you might guess? Well duly arrested they were shipped off to Gablecross where they were tested again. This next one hardly registered at all. Perplexed the rozzers tried it. One tested at 9 the other at 10. Turns out that over use of alcohol based hand sanitizers can be absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. This individual had literally had a cpl of glasses of vino the night before and like all of us felt ok to drive as you do, just goes to show.

What are the parameters

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 08:30:51
30 I think.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 08:36:11
Am i allowed to wash the car?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 08:40:33
Am i allowed to wash the car?

But only if you do my van 😉

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 08:45:37
30 I think.

Not even close

UK Gov site
Level of alcohol   England, Wales and Northern Ireland   Scotland
Micrograms per 100 millilitres of breath.      35           22
Milligrammes per 100 millilitres of blood   80           50
Milligrammes per 100 millilitres of urine   107           67

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 09:06:53
I'd agree, Spain has been unseasonably hot with temps over 30 degrees. Truth is they don't really know.

Its been pissing it down here for 2 weeks and a very cold- for here- 15 degrees

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 09:07:26
I was having a convo early this am with a shop owner. One of their shop neighbours got collard opening up the other day morning and breath tested. They registered over the limit, fair cop as you might guess? Well duly arrested they were shipped off to Gablecross where they were tested again. This next one hardly registered at all. Perplexed the rozzers tried it. One tested at 9 the other at 10. Turns out that over use of alcohol based hand sanitizers can be absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. This individual had literally had a cpl of glasses of vino the night before and like all of us felt ok to drive as you do, just goes to show.

Ah yes Tim. Did he threaten to sue them? 😂

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 10:15:13
The weather argument I think comes from other types of coronavirus which follow a seasonal pattern. No one really knows though I guess

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 10:47:22
Quote from: Tails
The weather argument I think comes from other types of coronavirus which follow a seasonal pattern. No one really knows though I guess

this is true.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 11:24:02
Listened to 5 live last night and all I can say it was truly depressing and at times terrifying. If you or anyone you know gets this, you best hope you are strong and don't get it bad.  They're already choosing who is going to hospital and who is left to die where they are. They're even sending people home from hospital to die.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 11:35:53
I know of someone who had it and luckily survived. They said it was the worse thing ever, but worse than that is it has effected them mentally. They hallucinate, panic and worry about little things like has that person washed their hands, is she allowed that bag...

Sad and hard times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 13:20:51
708 dead last 24 hours latest

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 13:32:57
Am i allowed to wash the car?

Can I wash my car during lockdown?

If your car is on your drive, it is probably safe to wash it, if you don’t come into close contact with anyone else outside of your household.

However, it isn’t necessarily essential.

I washed mine today. I went for a run first thing too. Shhhh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 13:35:57
I washed mine today. I went for a run first thing too. Shhhh


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 14:58:43
Liverpool FC now furloughing staff. Topping up the 20% of wages to ensure people arent left short.

Thats nice of them!

(£42m profit and £533m turnover last year)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 15:04:08
Liverpool FC now furloughing staff. Topping up the 20% of wages to ensure people arent left short.

Thats nice of them!

(£42m profit and £533m turnover last year)
Completely disgraceful for any PL club to be taking govt money to pay staff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 15:11:12

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 15:38:39
Liverpool and other multi million making companies trying this on should be told to fuck off by the government. Order the bastards to pay their staff from their vast sums of money. It's the British tax payers funding these tax dodging cunts yet again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 15:45:47
My nan got out of hospital today.

She didn't have the coronavirus, but she did have a respiratory infection. Too fucking close for comfort.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 15:55:06
glad she's on the mend fh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 17:17:29
The prem league, and the main big leagues will be fucked.  They just think the gravy train will keep rolling at the moment. No one will have money to fund the craziness to continue. If they somehow try to, or even can do it. There will be a massive backlash. Good luck to someone like Pogbas agent getting him half a mill a week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 19:03:22
A long but really interesting article on the health, political and economic impacts of both the coronavirus itself and the various strategies to combat it in the US, drawing on data from the US and around the world, as well as comparisons with previous pandemics and epidemics. A lot of it is US specific, but a fair bit would apply here too, especially the stuff later in the article about the economic impacts of early vs late lockdowns, suppression vs mitigation etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 19:10:59
The prem league, and the main big leagues will be fucked.  They just think the gravy train will keep rolling at the moment. No one will have money to fund the craziness to continue. If they somehow try to, or even can do it. There will be a massive backlash. Good luck to someone like Pogbas agent getting him half a mill a week.

I hope that if/when this is all over, as well as shunning certain  corporate entities, Joe public give lower league football a go instead. Wishful thinking perhaps.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 19:15:34
A long but really interesting article on the health, political and economic impacts of both the coronavirus itself and the various strategies to combat it in the US, drawing on data from the US and around the world, as well as comparisons with previous pandemics and epidemics. A lot of it is US specific, but a fair bit would apply here too, especially the stuff later in the article about the economic impacts of early vs late lockdowns, suppression vs mitigation etc

Interesting read, but it's one persons opinion based a lot on previous pandemics. I'm assuming he used Spanish flu for most of it, when there were barely planes, let alone anything else to factor in. He might be right, but i'd say the general 20/80 rule would apply here, as we are in unknown territory.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 19:17:04
Interesting read, but it's one persons opinion based a lot on previous pandemics. I'm assuming he used Spanish flu for most of it, when there were barely planes, let alone anything else to factor in. He might be right, but i'd say the general 20/80 rule would apply here, as we are in unknown territory.
No he also used more recent outbreaks such as SARS etc. He's actually very precise at where he's using data from for each bit and quite careful in his application of it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, April 4, 2020, 19:51:58
Yeah I got that but sars was very small, no comparison there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 01:54:29
Meanwhile, in Thailand:


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 06:32:55
To be fair seeing some of the bellends here, we could do with similar...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 11:19:49
I'm going to be fuming if the selfish thick twats who ignore the outdoor rules cause it to be banned. My daily cycle ride/walk is important in so many ways.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 11:42:48
I'm going to be fuming if the selfish thick twats who ignore the outdoor rules cause it to be banned. My daily cycle ride/walk is important in so many ways.

My experience within a 2 mile radius of my house has been very good since the lockdown.  Not sure whether we are a representative sample as we live within a few hundred yards of open countryside which is so much easier of course.

I think that the vast majority of people will be sensible.  However, even if a staggeringly impressive 99% of people behave responsibly that would still mean 675,000 people behaving irresponsibly which is a fuck of a lot of attention grabbing bad news stories for our wonderfully balanced and responsible press to feast on.

I hope common sense will prevail.  If the experts believe that this will need to go on for months then a long-term stay indoors lockdown will surely be impractical.  I know other countries have done it but have they really thought it through or simply knee-jerked? 

A lot depends on how the press choose to play it. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 12:07:51
I'm going to be fuming if the selfish thick twats who ignore the outdoor rules cause it to be banned. My daily cycle ride/walk is important in so many ways.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 12:16:11
Sadly, there are reports of quite a few flouting the regs which will only worsen as time goes by, with the inevitable consequences. I don't foresee anything other than an enforced and strict lockdown, probably sooner than we'd wish, and it'll also go on for much longer than we'd wish. Glass half empty caveat.

Referring to PaulD's earlier link....  when you consider we had the huge advantage of being 4 weeks behind Italy, and on an island, the decision to go for mitigation (herd immunity) rather than an early and strict suppression ( the hammer and dance ) has me scratching me head, must admit.

The overall economic impact of herd immunity appears to be worse too, according to the above. Don't get it.

PS Link doesn't appear to work ! Sorry.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 12:24:25
Quote from: 4D
I'm going to be fuming if the selfish thick twats who ignore the outdoor rules cause it to be banned. My daily cycle ride/walk is important in so many ways.

agreed, but there are some really think fuckers that are sadly intellectually incapable or too selfish to comply.

Most people are, but even locally it's not universal. Someone I went to school with lives in Sapperton, he's been moaning all week shit people driving to the village or nearby beauty spot for a walk or to take their dog out.

As the government fear, people's resolve will weaken over time. Especially as others are 'getting away with it'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 12:29:04
You have to treat people like the idiots they are. They'll ignore advice. The rules should have been tighter from the outset. The lockdown should be more strict and penalties enforced without any let offs. Obey rules or else. To serious an issue to fuck about with.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 13:23:38

Fuck sake. Look at the couple on the park bench in Battersea Park treating the whole thing like a joke. If they close the park on the back of that, where I enjoy my daily walk I’ll not be happy at all!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 13:27:08
Mostly the ignorant yoof

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 13:45:21
Fuck sake. Look at the couple on the park bench in Battersea Park treating the whole thing like a joke. If they close the park on the back of that, where I enjoy my daily walk I’ll not be happy at all!
Makes my fucking blood boil TBH mate, seems like a lockdown will be the only way to stop them.

Down here on loads of roads heading into Dorset/Devon to the coast there are police roadblocks stopping lots of day trippers, about time too, ignorant fucks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 13:47:05
Mostly the ignorant yoof
You’d think.

The Scottish Health Minister has been caught visiting her holiday home in Fife after lecturing everyone else to stay indoors.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 13:49:48
There's too many fuckwits who think the rules only apply to other people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 13:55:04
Sickening behaviour .  Lockdown would be so awful for those of us who followed the rules.  I wouldn't mind something like no movement further than one mile from your house, and having written evidence  why you are legally doing so, and enforced strictly by police.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 13:57:17
Makes my fucking blood boil TBH mate, seems like a lockdown will be the only way to stop them.

Down here on loads of roads heading into Dorset/Devon to the coast there are police roadblocks stopping lots of day trippers, about time too, ignorant fucks.

It’s the people’s mental welfare that I’m concerned about. I know even from the small cross section from this forum that people are already on the edge and so a daily walk/run/bike ride is absolutely crucial. If that’s taken away from them because of people’s selfish behaviour it’s going to be hugely disappointing and the British people need to have a long hard look at themselves.

It’s a couple of months that people are being asked to do this, not 10 years, can people really not adhere to this for what is, in effect, a minuscule percentage of a lifetime. *shakes ones head wistfully*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:04:16
Just done a 10 mile ride. You're right BO, it's as much mental as physical boost.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:04:44
I know even from the small cross section from this forum that people are already on the edge and so a daily walk/run/bike ride is absolutely crucial.
Absolutely, good job I am already a hermit so not being allowed out for another 10 weeks is less of a problem for me that it would be for so many, I am not taking the risk, they told me to stay in for 12 weeks so thats what I am going to do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:07:04
It’s the people’s mental welfare that I’m concerned about. I know even from the small cross section from this forum that people are already on the edge and so a daily walk/run/bike ride is absolutely crucial. If that’s taken away from them because of people’s selfish behaviour it’s going to be hugely disappointing and the British people need to have a long hard look at themselves.

It’s a couple of months that people are being asked to do this, not 10 years, can people really not adhere to this for what is, in effect, a minuscule percentage of a lifetime. *shakes ones head wistfully*

Spot on people's well being is crucial and it's so important to have a purpose each day otherwise your mental health can quickly deteriorate

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:13:06
went to go for a quick family bike ride down the cycle path. But so did everyone else. So we came home again.

exciting days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:13:36
The kids playgrounds by me are plastered in closed signs but there’s still kids in them and still adults sat on the swings and what not. Too many people think the world owes them something and they can do what they want.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:14:14
Quote from: theakston2k
The kids playgrounds by me are plastered in closed signs but there’s still kids in them and still adults sat on the swings and what not. Too many people think the world owes them something and they can do what they want.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:15:01
"Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives" - isn't that enough of a  purpose?  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:19:23
"Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives" - isn't that enough of a  purpose? 
Not for many it would seem.

Its your choice, the 3 options are - stay at home, in hospital or in a photo frame.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:36:27
They think it's something that will affect somebody else. The only way those cunts will wake up will be when their loved one croaks. Too late then though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 14:45:26
BBC reporting another 555 deaths in the last 24 hrs. Shocking

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:15:15
Something like 2800 in two days in the USA.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:16:56
Think the govt have already decided to go for a heavier lockdown, now they're just getting everyone wound up with those "Shocking pictures from Richmond Park" stories in the press so we'll all agree with it/think it's someone else's fault when they do. We're being teed up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:18:24
"Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives" - isn't that enough of a  purpose? 

Unless you are the Scottish health minister or Kyle Walker.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:18:56
Unless you are the Scottish health minister or Kyle Walker.
Or Matt Hancock or Boris Johnson

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:20:10
BBC reporting another 555 deaths in the last 24 hrs. Shocking
621, up to 4934

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:23:23
Absolutely, good job I am already a hermit so not being allowed out for another 10 weeks is less of a problem for me that it would be for so many, I am not taking the risk, they told me to stay in for 12 weeks so thats what I am going to do.

Passing on virtual best wishes PV. About as much use as ‘hopes and prayers’ but hopefully every little helps! :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:34:53
just had an almighty row with the eldest on why he can't go out for a cycle twice in one day.

he's 15 and turned into a right shit. which brings out the shit in me.. Quite frankly I am not sure how to handle it other than walk away and calm down

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nick Bamosomi on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:37:14
Two local food banks have put out an urgent request for more stuff, and our village arranged to have strategically placed boxes, wheelbarrows etc in driveways for folk to drop in the odd tin, packet or bottle as they pass by on their daily exercise. My box had quite a lot of tins put in when we went for our daily walk. When we got back, all that remained was a tin of tomatoes, the rest had gone.
I just hope the person that took the tins is someone in need.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:40:03
Think the govt have already decided to go for a heavier lockdown, now they're just getting everyone wound up with those "Shocking pictures from Richmond Park" stories in the press so we'll all agree with it/think it's someone else's fault when they do. We're being teed up

I agree.

On another note, what was the scottish medical woman playing at? Silly cow

I see Kyle Walker got himself a couple of brasses during lockdown too, fucking idiot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 15:40:52
Its your choice, the 3 options are - stay at home, in hospital or in a photo frame.

That would be a bloody good advert.  You should pass it on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 16:19:21
just had an almighty row with the eldest on why he can't go out for a cycle twice in one day.

he's 15 and turned into a right shit. which brings out the shit in me.. Quite frankly I am not sure how to handle it other than walk away and calm down

Let his tyres down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 16:26:31
hehe, his bike is locked in the garage at the moment

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 16:37:16
All the druggies who don't smoke their weed at home seem to be out, stinking the cycle paths.  :no:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 20:14:01
Johnson in hospital now, for ‘precautionary’ measures, whatever that might be

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 20:32:10
Johnson in hospital now, for ‘precautionary’ measures, whatever that might be
And the dregs of society celebrating it. Failing to accept the result of the election or BREXIT is one thing but this is a whole new low for some.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 20:37:14
Did wonder if he was worse than they were letting on with Hancock out and about. Can only wish him the best, without any need for caveats.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 20:38:27
And the dregs of society celebrating it. Failing to accept the result of the election or BREXIT is one thing but this is a whole new low for some.

And those on here that suggested him might be hiding?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 20:45:14
And those on here that suggested him might be hiding?
Only needed to see the videos of him to see he wasn’t at all well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 20:53:55
Regardless of your political allegiances it obvious that the country needs it prime minister at this time. I wish him well and a speedy recovery.
Hopefully the selfish scumbags out in force today in parks etc will finally take note. Not optimistic though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 20:55:59
Yep, no Boris fan but wish him a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 20:57:26
Get well.soon BoJo.

I thought Her Maj's address was a bit cringeworthy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, April 5, 2020, 21:35:49
The Irish PM has re-registered as a doctor and will work one shift a week to help out. Fair fucking play.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 6, 2020, 06:35:13
Regardless of your political allegiances it obvious that the country needs it prime minister at this time. I wish him well and a speedy recovery.
As usual, well said arriba.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, April 6, 2020, 07:35:05
even if you really really hate Boris, and would disgustingly use this to point score,, surely that would be tempered by having Dominic fucking Raab as designated stand in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, April 6, 2020, 08:00:17
Boris is a fucking knob, even his supporters would agree with that to some extent.

But we need strong leadership at this time, hopefully Boris improves and gets back to pointing us in the right direction and getting through this shit storm.

Only a true idiot would wish him worse health at this time, we are all in this together.

Lets get through this asap.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Monday, April 6, 2020, 08:47:56
Hope he is waiting for ages, gets put on a bed in the corridor, and gets treated by nurses wearing plastic bags.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 6, 2020, 08:59:29
Hope he is waiting for ages, gets put on a bed in the corridor, and gets treated by nurses wearing plastic bags.
Really? I despise the man as a hopelessly inept politican who must bear a huge share of the blame for how this virus has been allowed to spread in this country and for his own infection, but he's still a human being. No need for that, it diminshes you, not him

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, April 6, 2020, 09:12:15
There was predictably always going to be one attention seeking idiot posting something like that.

Best ignore it now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 6, 2020, 09:15:17
Nice to see Jacob Rees-Mogg is doing very nicely out of Coronavirus anyway as his disaster capitalism hedge fund urges investors to pile in and make "super normal" profits on the back of businesses failing due to the pandemic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, April 6, 2020, 09:19:14
Two local food banks have put out an urgent request for more stuff, and our village arranged to have strategically placed boxes, wheelbarrows etc in driveways for folk to drop in the odd tin, packet or bottle as they pass by on their daily exercise. My box had quite a lot of tins put in when we went for our daily walk. When we got back, all that remained was a tin of tomatoes, the rest had gone.
I just hope the person that took the tins is someone in need.
They'll be on Ebay by now !!.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, April 6, 2020, 09:21:47
Really? I despise the man as a hopelessly inept politican who must bear a huge share of the blame for how this virus has been allowed to spread in this country and for his own infection, but he's still a human being. No need for that, it diminshes you, not him

I can see his point in a sense.

It's not that I'd wish it on him; I would not wish it upon anybody. Including all of those that will be experiencing that very thing. However, it's a horrid thought that he'd get all the best treatment while others don't - especially considering he's partly to blame for the NHS struggling so much.

He'll pobably be in a private hospital/ward with 5-star facilities, though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 6, 2020, 09:23:09
He'll pobably be in a private hospital/ward with 5-star facilities, though.
He's in St Guys apparently, an NHS hospital. As others have noted, private hospitals aren't really geared up for this kind of thing. They're much more about jumping the queue for elective procedures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, April 6, 2020, 09:24:39
He'll still be in a private room at least.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, April 6, 2020, 09:26:14
I'd happily see him lined up against the wall when the revolution comes, but wouldn't want him to be uncomfotable with corona.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 6, 2020, 09:48:40
He'll still be in a private room at least.
Well yes but so would any political leader, if only from a security standpoint. There's plenty of things to criticise Johnson for, snarking about the terms of his hospitalisation isn't on IMO. Wish him all the best for a speedy recovery, followed by an equally swift resignation

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, April 6, 2020, 09:59:26
There's plenty of things to criticise Johnson for, snarking about the terms of his hospitalisation.

I'm not. I would expect any leader to have a private room.

Just pointing out the reality that it's very fucking unfair. He is largely responsible for the NHS being so unprepared, yet he doesn't experience that himself when it's him that needs help. I'm quite sure this is the point that mystical goat was making.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:06:46

Please sign this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:12:21

Please sign this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:14:17
Thank you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:28:52
Signed.  And good luck.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:35:13
Thank you

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:43:19
Signed. Good luck

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:44:47

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:46:30

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:46:36

Really? I despise the man as a hopelessly inept politican who must bear a huge share of the blame for how this virus has been allowed to spread in this country and for his own infection, but he's still a human being. No need for that, it diminshes you, not him

Absolutely. I hope he will be treated at the hospital in the same way lots of other people are.

And I think you've taken my comments as being way more spiteful than they really are. Don't miss an opportunity to vitue signal though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:48:57

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:56:59
I can see his point in a sense.

It's not that I'd wish it on him; I would not wish it upon anybody. Including all of those that will be experiencing that very thing. However, it's a horrid thought that he'd get all the best treatment while others don't - especially considering he's partly to blame for the NHS struggling so much.

He'll pobably be in a private hospital/ward with 5-star facilities, though.

Don't get in the way of PaulD's virtue signalling. He's all very sensible and better than us.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, April 6, 2020, 10:57:53
Thank you all. Appreciate it, I really do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 6, 2020, 11:00:09
And I think you've taken my comments as being way more spiteful than they really are. Don't miss an opportunity to vitue signal though.
Don't get in the way of PaulD's virtue signalling. He's all very sensible and better than us.
Jesus Wept. Using "virtue signalling" in exactly the same way the alt right do - as a synonym for "being a decent human being". Just when the "cunt" button's been removed. Fuck off the pair of you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Monday, April 6, 2020, 11:06:18
Jesus Wept. Using "virtue signalling" in exactly the same way the alt right do - as a synonym for "being a decent human being". Just when the "cunt" button's been removed. Fuck off the pair of you.

Wow, that riled you quickly. I'm still a human being you know. Resorting to that kind of language diminishes you not us.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 6, 2020, 11:26:14

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, April 6, 2020, 11:39:49
Just looks like crossed wires from you guys. Can happen when words are typed, not spoken.
Cyber shake hands and carry on as before.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, April 6, 2020, 11:40:08
Why do people insist on wearing the latex gloves? They are pointless unless in a medical environment. If anything they are worse. Just wash your hands people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Monday, April 6, 2020, 11:48:11
Signed 👍

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Monday, April 6, 2020, 12:23:46
Why do people insist on wearing the latex gloves? They are pointless unless in a medical environment. If anything they are worse. Just wash your hands people.

Are you trolling?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 6, 2020, 12:29:54

Please sign this


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, April 6, 2020, 13:14:12
403 deaths in last 24 hours in England. Big drop but too early to gauge a trend as weekend seems to have a tendency to be low for some reason.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, April 6, 2020, 13:42:17

Please sign this


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, April 6, 2020, 14:26:17
403 deaths in last 24 hours in England. Big drop but too early to gauge a trend as weekend seems to have a tendency to be low for some reason.

Need to focus on cases more so than deaths though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, April 6, 2020, 14:33:06
To be honest I interpreted MGs "Hospital corridor" comment RE: BoJo, as not with individual malice and hatred towards the PM but with an exasperation of the scenario many of us would/already have entertain(ed). I think he was highlighting such issues more within the NHS and that as human to human, he be treated as per all of us would be.

I can see why it might ruffle feathers in an instant response but most of us have seen MGs posts. Never realy comes across as a man with malice and hatred imo.

Then again, I am a melt so hey-ho  :girlgiggle:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, April 6, 2020, 14:41:53
Why do people insist on wearing the latex gloves? They are pointless unless in a medical environment. If anything they are worse. Just wash your hands people.

Me and my partner have worn gloves when going shopping. Seeing as people can't keep away from parks on sunny days the chances that they can't cough/sneeze in a safe way or practice good hand hygiene is highly likely. Do the shopping, take off gloves and dispose of them, go home and disinfect the shopping, then wash hands is now the standard routine for each of us.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, April 6, 2020, 14:49:58
And the wazzocks wearing face masks while still in their own cars.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, April 6, 2020, 15:00:58

Not sure if the above has been posted but those of you with some spare time on your hands might find it interesting. Was published Feb 28th 2020, titled "Preventing A Covid-19 Pandemic"

It's not particularly long for those not usually interested in typical journal publications.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 6, 2020, 15:16:11

More in the 'what is wrong with people' camp.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 6, 2020, 15:18:27
And another on the front line giving his life for the cause.

So sad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 6, 2020, 16:21:35

More in the 'what is wrong with people' camp.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 6, 2020, 16:33:59

I am not sure that really does it justice. What possesses someone to try and spit on produce in a supermarket?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 6, 2020, 16:34:54
Wierd and thick?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 6, 2020, 16:44:49
Wierd and thick?

that works! :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, April 6, 2020, 18:53:58
Why do people insist on wearing the latex gloves? They are pointless unless in a medical environment. If anything they are worse. Just wash your hands people.

Agreed. If you touch your face with a hand or a glove it makes no difference. If people like Si pie are taking off after shopping before entering car that works but most people I see drive off with them on- then transmitting to car and further.

At the same time if it makes people feel safe then let them crack on. I saw a bloke in the small village shop wearing a full on gas mask! Followed by continuous adjustment with his bare hands...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:02:33
PM to intensive care, apparently:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:07:29
Get well Boris!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:10:49
Not sounding good for Boris. Hope he pulls through.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:19:07

I mean I know it doesn't discriminate, but seeing someone with the best medical advice around going into intensive care really hits home that if the virus doesn't like you, you are in the shit.

good luck Boris Johnson

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:20:09
What Batch said.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:24:41
Think I read recently that COVID survival rate once you're in Intensive Care is not much more than 50%.  This is serious.  Really hope he fights this as best he can & pulls through.

And as Batch says, really hits home.  This could happen to any of us.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:30:47
Think I read recently that COVID survival rate once you're in Intensive Care is not much more than 50%.  This is serious.  Really hope he fights this as best he can & pulls through.

And as Batch says, really hits home.  This could happen to any of us.

Come on Boris, get well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:33:38
@ardiles you read right :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:50:20
They really do need to get control of Twitter, some of the comments responding to BOJO’s plight and Guardiola’s mum dying have been disgusting. I’m all for free speech but there is a limit!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:52:14
Not meant to be as cynical as it may sound but Boris in ICU, or even dying, is life-saving news for the country.

How many of us can possibly imagine that we are going to get better medical treatment than the Prime Minister?

If this doesn't get the morons to fall in line then nothing will.

This will save lives.

Good luck Boris.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:52:43
They really do need to get control of Twitter, some of the comments responding to BOJO’s plight and Guardiola’s mum dying have been disgusting. I’m all for free speech but there is a limit!

Agreed, saw some dumb bitch comment about partying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:55:45
I agree, if things like Twitter represent a cross section of modern society then god help us

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 6, 2020, 19:59:17
I was literally about to post about the twitter comments but it seems I’m not alone to be absolutely sickened by (and it does seem like a lot of people) horrible people who really need to have a long hard look at themselves. What the fuck has happened to humanity?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 6, 2020, 20:04:29
I was literally about to post about the twitter comments but it seems I’m not alone to be absolutely sickened by (and it does seem like a lot of people) horrible people who really need to have a long hard look at themselves. What the fuck has happened to humanity?

Mostly self absorbed pricks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, April 6, 2020, 20:05:15
I don't think you can generalise too much.  Twitter users are self-selecting.  You're more likely to be on there if you have something to get off your chest.  Very much doubt that it's representative of the population generally.  I tend to avoid it unless I want to see replays of our goals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, April 6, 2020, 20:12:26
People seems surprised by how many people are utter morons.  Use Pareto's law 80/20 is about right as usual. (and the 80% are morons)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, April 6, 2020, 20:14:23
50% of the worlds population are at or below average intelligence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, April 6, 2020, 20:16:20
Isnt that how averages are set? So that would never change. Or am I being a moron?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 6, 2020, 20:17:54
People seems surprised by how many people are utter morons.  Use Pareto's law 80/20 is about right as usual. (and the 80% are morons)

80/25 surely?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, April 6, 2020, 20:27:38
Coming on here would screw him up in more ways than that..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, April 6, 2020, 20:32:01
Isn't that how averages are set? So that would never change. Or am I being a moron?

On this occasion, that is very much the joke. But there are better ways of doing averages!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 6, 2020, 21:32:42
Mode, median, mean?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, April 6, 2020, 22:28:24

Wow... This woman is infuriating.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, April 6, 2020, 22:37:35
Agree with the comments about the twitter comments. Even if you think that, why fucking say it? Or post it on the internet? Just shut the fuck up.

Get well soon, Boris.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 05:45:52

Wow... This woman is infuriating.

I'd go further a very very stupid self serving idiot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 05:48:46

Wow... This woman is infuriating.

Those officers showed unbelievable patience and restraint.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 06:00:33
I’d kick her in the hole and chuck her in the river.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 06:36:43
problem is, she’ll get the view on YouTube. 3 hours exercise, mentally or physically, is not right. The

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 06:54:18
No need for Raab to deputise now as Iain Duncan Smith has declared Boris fit for work

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 08:01:52
Those officers showed unbelievable patience and restraint.

...wasted time and resources. Illustrates perfectly how 'policing with consent' shouldn't apply in a national emergency.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 08:04:45

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 08:12:27

What a dick. There was also something i noticed on the BBC website yesterday where some people who drove 10 miles to walk their dog crashed their car.

I note this morning that fuel prices have fallen which probably means that people are going to go out and fill up their cars to take advantage of the cheap prices. I'm assuming that petrol stations are open?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 08:26:46
How could they close?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 08:28:10
How could they close?

Yeah not sure I really thought that one through!! :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 08:55:20
80/25 surely?
Only if Diane Abbott is doing the figures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 09:02:59
And the wazzocks wearing face masks while still in their own cars.

On their own, okay. But when I take my dad to chemotherapy we both mask up and he sits in the back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 09:31:15
I see some people want to #clapforboris tonight. I definitely won't partake in that. I wish him a speedy recovery though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 09:37:43
I see some people want to #clapforboris tonight. I definitely won't partake in that. I wish him a speedy recovery though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 09:43:16
Me neither. I don't wish harm on him, but he hasn't suddenly stopped being a cunt because he got sick. Not that I'd be clapping from where I am anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 10:15:41
My wife told me off for posting on  her FB that he was an utter bell end but i hope he recovers. She said i was mean. The amount of likes it got shut her up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 11:09:19
Something to smile about from David Squires:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 11:21:43
My wife told me off for posting on  her FB that he was an utter bell end but i hope he recovers. She said i was mean. The amount of likes it got shut her up.

Did you give yourself a round of applause for being so clever.!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 11:33:42
Gove self-isolating as well now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 12:32:31
Gove self-isolating as well now.
He hasn't got it (yet), one of his family is showing the symptoms

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:01:19
No mention of lizards  ???

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:24:43
854 deaths for the 7th - inflated volumes accounting for reporting discrepancies over weekend

I think signs that growth is slowing - it’s an 8% increase on Saturdays numbers (+146) whereas the equivalent comparison the week earlier was a 46% increase (+120). Percentages will obviously always get smaller the bigger the pure numbers, but if we were in the midst of some runaway climb you’d expect the value increases to be much bigger this week than last

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:33:13
854 deaths for the 7th - inflated volumes accounting for reporting discrepancies over weekend

I think signs that growth is slowing - it’s an 8% increase on Saturdays numbers (+146) whereas the equivalent comparison the week earlier was a 46% increase (+120). Percentages will obviously always get smaller the bigger the pure numbers, but if we were in the midst of some runaway climb you’d expect the value increases to be much bigger this week than last
You may be right, but reporting over weekends is wildly unreliable as you noted so don't think doing comparisons involving Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues are especially reliable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:33:40
Sunderland and Crewe have furloughed their players as well as non-playing staff

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:40:49
Sunderland and Crewe have furloughed their players as well as non-playing staff

You could tell from the Netflix documentary that their Oxford-fan owner was feeling the financial pressure of not getting promoted (and that was last season)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:46:57
You may be right, but reporting over weekends is wildly unreliable as you noted so don't think doing comparisons involving Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues are especially reliable.

Yeah I know, but the Tue-Sat growth volumes are consistent WoW at least.

The Three day average today is actually LESS than it was on Saturday (635 today, 654 Saturday). Again, looking 7 days prior the trend was opposite (257 3 day average to Tuesday 31st, 185 3 day average to Saturday 28th)

Peaking this week would also be consistent with the timings of the lockdown and social distancing. Obviously there’s a huge number of unknowns in the data, and the veracity if it’s ability to give a ‘true’ picture is a little shakey. But if you take it at face value it gives reason for cautious optimism

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:49:31
Yeah I know, but the Tue-Sat growth volumes are consistent WoW at least.

The Three day average today is actually LESS than it was on Saturday (635 today, 654 Saturday). Again, looking 7 days prior the trend was opposite (257 3 day average to Tuesday 31st, 185 3 day average to Saturday 28th)

Peaking this week would also be consistent with the timings of the lockdown and social distancing. Obviously there’s a huge number of unknowns in the data, and the veracity if it’s ability to give a ‘true’ picture is a little shakey. But if you take it at face value it gives reason for cautious optimism
Hmm. We are still on a steeper climb of both deaths and new cases than Italy was at this stage apparently. And we know we are massively under-reporting the real scale of both. I wouldn't start breaking out the party poppers yet

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:50:23
You could tell from the Netflix documentary that their Oxford-fan owner was feeling the financial pressure of not getting promoted (and that was last season)

On the topic of Sunderland 'til I die, the marketing guy's Wiki is one of the more blatantly self edited ones I've seen recently:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:53:17
Hmm. We are still on a steeper climb of both deaths and new cases than Italy was at this stage apparently. And we know we are massively under-reporting the real scale of both. I wouldn't start breaking out the party poppers yet

Nah the nice weather is killing all the germs

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13:53:50
Nah the nice weather is killing all the germs

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 16:13:33
On the topic of Sunderland 'til I die, the marketing guy's Wiki is one of the more blatantly self edited ones I've seen recently:

About 15 years ago, when still a journalist, he was a regular contributor on an Oxford forum. His posts were always very good but he riled some with his pomposity.

Love that show, both series were fantastic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 16:23:51
About 15 years ago, when still a journalist, he was a regular contributor on an Oxford forum. His posts were always very good but he riled some with his pomposity.

Love that show, both series were fantastic.

Was he 'Eric Read'?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 17:22:59
Even the Sun's political editor picked up a startling admission from the Chief Medical Officer from this afternoon's press briefing

"Chris Whitty finally admits what no government minister has dared to on #Covid19 - Germany did what the UK should have done on mass testing: CMO: "Germany got ahead on testing, and there's a lot to learn from that"."

Raab very pointedly refusing to back Hancock's assertions (vague wishes?) that we would be up to 100,000 tests by the end of April.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 17:31:54
My wife has just got one of those NHS at risk letters. She is not happy. She wants to go to work, but they have told her to stay off. She is not happy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 17:55:22
can understand that, but you can't fuck about with health on this mate.

better she's safe

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 18:06:03
I know. Just a bolt out of the blue.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 18:34:39

I thought the rules were one lot of exercise a day, why didn’t they just ask her how she’d arrived at the bench, point out that walking there was her permitted exercise and then arrest her if she refused to move. Selfish idiot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 18:53:44
Nobody out clapping for Boris in my street which I'm glad about. He doesn't deserve it. I do hope he pulls through and is getting the best care. I say this because then, hopefully, he will champion the NHS and do a far better job for it than his predecessors have done.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 19:28:25
there was someone clapping in our street. they gave up after 30 seconds or so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 20:12:03
Even the Sun's political editor picked up a startling admission from the Chief Medical Officer from this afternoon's press briefing

"Chris Whitty finally admits what no government minister has dared to on #Covid19 - Germany did what the UK should have done on mass testing: CMO: "Germany got ahead on testing, and there's a lot to learn from that"."

Raab very pointedly refusing to back Hancock's assertions (vague wishes?) that we would be up to 100,000 tests by the end of April.

and the point on testing, that the USA is missing right now, is not how many you test now (you are simply verifying that it is everywhere) but how many you tested at outbreak and how effective you were at contact tracing and quarantine.  A bigger initial test surge with the right data could have stopped the spread to a degree, but once the cat is out of the bag, you can test a million a day if you like, it's a bit late.  Massive testing has a single purpose now - identify when we can start reducing across the board lock downs by being able to target who to keep at home.  You could probably mass test for exposure and, assuming it works this way, keep high risk safe, allow those who have had it out and about with restrictions and everyone else keeps being tested at regular intervals or at first sign of anything even remotely looking like the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 20:17:06
Was he 'Eric Read'?

No, disguised himself as 'Charlie_Methven' I think.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 21:41:37
Nah the nice weather is killing all the germs

Ooh that hurt. Love a sly cunt. Man after my own heart  :girlgiggle:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 08:25:24
My wife has just got one of those NHS at risk letters. She is not happy. She wants to go to work, but they have told her to stay off. She is not happy.

Good news, she has wangled being able to work! She has mild asthma but not on medication.

Dedication. I am proud of her.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 09:07:33
Well known Town fan and old mate of mine and many on here Derek Elston of the 2,000+ Town matches consecutively is seriously ill in hospital with Covid19, everything crossed for you to make a full recovery mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 09:15:26
Well known Town fan and old mate of mine and many on here Derek Elston of the 2,000+ Town matches consecutively is seriously ill in hospital with Covid19, everything crossed for you to make a full recovery mate.

Very sad news. A smashing bloke. Always says 'hello' when I bump into him at away grounds.

Get well soon, Derek. Keep fighting, mate!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 09:36:48
Well known Town fan and old mate of mine and many on here Derek Elston of the 2,000+ Town matches consecutively is seriously ill in hospital with Covid19, everything crossed for you to make a full recovery mate.

Very sad to hear. He's a lovely chap. Hope he pulls through

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 09:56:25
Israel Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, a man who previously claimed that the Coronavirus was "divine punishment against homosexuality" has tested positive for the disease.

Maybe it shouldn't but this did make me laugh a bit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 10:13:44
Good news, she has wangled being able to work! She has mild asthma but not on medication.

Dedication. I am proud of her.

Tell her thank you from the TEF

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 10:32:21
Israel Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, a man who previously claimed that the Coronavirus was "divine punishment against homosexuality" has tested positive for the disease.

Maybe it shouldn't but this did make me laugh a bit.

He'll certainly have some explaining to do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 10:41:14
He'll certainly have some explaining to do.
I know, I shouldn't laugh but, well, sometimes its hard not to.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 11:14:39
My wife has just got one of those NHS at risk letters. She is not happy. She wants to go to work, but they have told her to stay off. She is not happy.
ditto, and I've got mild asthma too (no medication).

my question is though, have you seen medical advice that the letter doesn't still apply in such a case?

I'm just wondering as I am only going out for a 30 minute walk a day. which I'll stop. But your Mrs works for the NHS so...

I'll not ignore it anyway mind

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 11:34:35
The problem with the letter is that it so vague. She didn't know why she got a letter and gave them a call.

I think going out is fine aslong as you don't see anyone. I suppose it's places like supermarkets where there are more people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 11:39:22
Well known Town fan and old mate of mine and many on here Derek Elston of the 2,000+ Town matches consecutively is seriously ill in hospital with Covid19, everything crossed for you to make a full recovery mate.
Sad news,  keep fighting Derek.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 11:45:03
Jimmy Greaves in hospital very ill too, thought to be Covid related, or least the same symptoms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 12:02:42
The problem with the letter is that it so vague. She didn't know why she got a letter and gave them a call.

No arguments there. My first thought was "what do I have, and how do they know?" Then I remembered the asthma :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 12:43:39
Friend of a friend works for GWH, who have apparently circulated an internal email saying a full lockdown is anticipated for the weekend, and tighter restrictions on when ambulances can be sent

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jutty274 on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 13:05:56
A well known town fan who drinks in the County Ground Hotel Alan Cotterell from passed away this morning from COVID-19.
Really sad news for those who knew him, it really starts to hit home when you know people who pass from it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 13:07:01
Do I know him Jutty?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 13:11:18
Knowing people who are dying or are going to die from this will become all to common. Such awful times these are.
Hope the full lockdown happens this weekend. It's long overdue

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jutty274 on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 13:11:57
Do I know him Jutty?
I'm not sure mate, he usually sits at one of the tall tables at the back near to the door to the toilets.

I can't remember how to post a picture on here, but here is his facebook page (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 13:20:24
A well known town fan who drinks in the County Ground Hotel Alan Cotterell from passed away this morning from COVID-19.
Really sad news for those who knew him, it really starts to hit home when you know people who pass from it.
Fucking hell, will there be any of us left when football finally kicks off again ??.  Don't think we realised a few weeks ago How serious this dammed thing is.  Stay Safe Boys.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 13:22:07
A well known town fan who drinks in the County Ground Hotel Alan Cotterell from passed away this morning from COVID-19.
Really sad news for those who knew him, it really starts to hit home when you know people who pass from it.
Oh shit, no. Please pass on his condolences to the family if you are in touch. Some may know him from online, used to post on some forums/boards as Mr Rotavator, absolutely smashing bloke.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 13:38:49
A well known town fan who drinks in the County Ground Hotel Alan Cotterell from passed away this morning from COVID-19.
Really sad news for those who knew him, it really starts to hit home when you know people who pass from it.

Oh crap, I don' know him. But I know of him in Town forum terms. My absolute condolances to his friends and family.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 13:40:32
This virus is a bastard. Pass on condolences.

I know 9 people here in spain who I regards as friends who have now died

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 13:46:58
My missus is over 60 and is semi-retired,  but the hospital is now requiring her to wear scrubs, wear all the PPE from now on and nurse in a COPD ward with some  corona-virus.  I am 78, and she is worried about catching it, and passing it on to me or having to separate within the house.

She says she would resign if I wished her to, but without being heroic  I think we all have to carry on, and take our chances, while being  as careful as we can.

I've bought my season ticket anyway, life goes on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 14:12:01
What an absolute fucking weapon:

(For those without twitter, this is a Bristol Tory MP who has "#StayHomeSaveLives" next to his twitter handle tweeting a link to an article in the Telegraph entitled "Open the churches for Easter – and give people hope". Or "and give people a lethal virus" as it perhaps should have been entitled)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 17:29:40
My missus is over 60 and is semi-retired,  but the hospital is now requiring her to wear scrubs, wear all the PPE from now on and nurse in a COPD ward with some  corona-virus.  I am 78, and she is worried about catching it, and passing it on to me or having to separate within the house.

She says she would resign if I wished her to, but without being heroic  I think we all have to carry on, and take our chances, while being  as careful as we can.

I've bought my season ticket anyway, life goes on.

All the best to both of you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 19:23:12
All the best to both of you.

Thank you. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 20:03:13
938 deaths in 24 hours  :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 08:44:57
938 deaths in 24 hours  :(
That's only deaths in hospital reported in the timeframe. Add on the time lag of deaths that happened over that 24 hours but hadn't yet been reported and the deaths outside hospital (around an extra 10% looking at the ONS weekly stats) and that's over 1000. We are well on course to surpass Italy and Spain to record the most deaths of any European nation. :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:00:16
I mean, a huge proportion of deaths in Italy and Spain aren’t in the official numbers either - and given quite how overwhelmed they were, particularly in Italy, I’d assume the numbers of those to be greater than they were/are here

And, while searching for the biggest bit of wood to touch, our healthcare service doesn’t appear to being quite as overrun as Italy’s yet - which is admittedly not a huge bar to hurdle, and not one we’ll be able to hurdle by much

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:01:04
And yesterday’s numbers also included numbers from Leeds and Manchester that weren’t previously recorded. So the true figure in previous days was higher, and yesterday’s lower

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:07:13
And yesterday’s numbers also included numbers from Leeds and Manchester that weren’t previously recorded. So the true figure in previous days was higher, and yesterday’s lower
ONS have been averaging this out over the week. We're not *yet* at the stage of the NHS being overwhelmed in the way that Italy and Spain have been but that's because we're a few weeks behind them, and we are on a worse trajectory than they were. Sorry, but I think you're clutching at straws, although obviously hope you're right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:21:50
An ED Locum doctor at GWH has died of the virus, announced this morning to staff. I guess it will be in the news later. He was a grandfather too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:23:28
An ED Locum doctor at GWH has died of the virus, announced this morning to staff. I guess it will be in the news later. He was a grandfather too.

Sad times. That temporary mortuary is filling fast.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:24:05
oh Jesus. There are no words to convey the bravery and gratitude to those quite literally making the ultimate sacrifice.

Condolences to the friends and family..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:25:33
and this is very grim reading indeed. I'm sticking my fingers in ears and hoping it's alarmist worst worst case

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:27:13
I still think people do not realise how bad it is. I genuinely believe some people do not have a clue. Until they know of someone who has been affected by this nasty little shit of a virus then they are blase about it!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:27:35
oh Jesus. There are no words to convey the bravery and gratitude to those quite literally making the ultimate sacrifice.

Condolences to the friends and family..

Hear hear. Of all the deaths that are announced, the NHS workers that sadly die really does hit home. I find comparing this to a war to be churlish really, but these guys really are on the 'front line' and to go about their daily work in the face of this invisible killer goes above bravery. Its not worth a lot but my applause tonight will be louder than ever for these guys. Absolute heroes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:27:46
They've just set-up a temporary morgue at the bottom of the road where I live in Bristol.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:28:54
and this is very grim reading indeed. I'm sticking my fingers in ears and hoping it's alarmist worst worst case

Perhaps the fuckwits who keep ignoring the rules will take a good look at this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:29:26
An ED Locum doctor at GWH has died of the virus, announced this morning to staff. I guess it will be in the news later. He was a grandfather too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:34:21
they need total lockdown for Easter, surely

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:36:59
they need total lockdown for Easter, surely

I agree unfortunately. The weather is really nice and people don't seem to be able to heed the govt advice so I think its probably sensible to err on the side of caution.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:38:12
As in what? No shops open? Most are shut bank holiday sunday. Like I said, people are still ignoring the rules.

We all knew this would be hard to police. Just go to Sevenfields on a daily basis, and you will see all sorts of people picnicing and have a good time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:39:09
I agree unfortunately. The weather is really nice and some people don't seem to be able to heed the govt advice so I think its probably sensible to err on the side of caution.
FIFY. I don't think the picture (of people violating lockdown) is nearly as bad as some would have us believe

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:42:49
Prime example.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:46:57
To that assuming an average of 10 people per party, that’s equivalent to 0.2% of the greater Manchester population breaking the rules

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 09:52:34
And, again to that point, the plans and assumptions around lock-downs included assumptions around people breaching them. I read that generally the level of compliance is higher than was assumed, but I can’t find the source for that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:11:18
I think we'll just see the lockdown in its current form until mid-May and then if we are on a downwards curve and the NHS is seen as being able to cope then things will be relaxed in phases. That is unless people completely abuse it over Easter.....

I've seen a lot of people saying the lockdown should continue indefinitely until we get to zero cases, that is nonsense in my view as that could be a year away for all we know and the country and economy would go to ruin in that time. Also a prolonged lockdown would cause long term health issues (mental and physical) going forwards so there is a fine balance to be had. You could be saving lives in the short term only to cause just as many in the long term, I'm glad I don't have to make the difficult decisions. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:14:37
I'd quite happily see social distancing continue after an ease of lockdown.  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:15:05
I think we'll just see the lockdown in its current form until mid-May and then if we are on a downwards curve and the NHS is seen as being able to cope then things will be relaxed in phases. That is unless people completely abuse it over Easter.....

I've seen a lot of people saying the lockdown should continue indefinitely until we get to zero cases, that is nonsense in my view as that could be a year away for all we know and the country and economy would go to ruin in that time. Also a prolonged lockdown would cause long term health issues (mental and physical) going forwards so there is a fine balance to be had. You could be saving lives in the short term only to cause just as many in the long term, I'm glad I don't have to make the difficult decisions.  

There will never be zero cases. They'll try and manage how many get it at once until there is a vaccine. We'll all get it, just hopefully not all in one go, and then until there is some form of jab to hopefully protect the vulnerable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:18:06
I think we'll just see the lockdown in its current form until mid-May and then if we are on a downwards curve and the NHS is seen as being able to cope then things will be relaxed in phases.
Think you're right. And that phasing could also be location-specific as well, assuming we actually implement test, trace and isolate this time i.e. you could see specific areas suddenly go back into a more severe lockdown if they become hotspots while other areas are still on partial lockdown and others are relatively normal. Think it will be a while before we're anywhere near back to normality across the country

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:22:17
There will never be zero cases. They'll try and manage how many get it at once until there is a vaccine. We'll all get it, just hopefully not all in one go, and then until there is some form of jab to hopefully protect the vulnerable.
Agreed, I just find it strange that people believe we'd be able to stay in a lockdown indefinitely. People don't seem to understand that it is a short term containment measure to try and put us in a position to cope with the virus going forwards. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:22:19
I’m probably getting this completely wrong, but something I read labelled the strategy a ‘hammer and a dance’ - you go hard now when the infection rate is something like 2-3 per person, until it gets down to about 0.5, then you slowly release the restrictions and target an infection rate to hover just below 1, tightening and softening restrictions in more short term and flexible ways (e.g. localising lockdowns in certain areas, rather than a blanket approach) until a permanent end game is reached (be that vaccination, herd immunity, cheap reliable cure)

No idea how feasible that is from a practical standpoint, and I’ve almost certainly misunderstood it - but sounds sensible in my idyllic world

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:23:12
And ‘hammer and a dance’ is a badass strategy name

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:40:10
And ‘hammer and a dance’ is a badass strategy name
I think that's something we can all unify round :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:42:02
And ‘hammer and a dance’ is a badass strategy name
Sounds about right to me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:47:50
Northants Chief Constable threatening to implement roadblocks and searching shopping trolleys

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 10:54:05
Attempted to get some shopping. So busy out there(tried Sainsbury's and Waitrose). Drove straight out of both and went home as the queues were insane. People stood in pairs, with the kids etc. I'll do without for now as it's fucking stupid out there today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:00:04
Why people go out shopping in couples is beyond me.  I get that a single parent may have to take young kids, but going shopping in couples doubles the risk of it being caught and worse doubles the risk of it being spread to the supermarket workers who have little or no protection.

The lack of social distancing being exercised in the shops is frankly scary.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:02:42
Remember Matt Hancock said a week or so ago "Now is not the time to talk about a pay rise for NHS staff"? Apparently it is the time to give MPs an extra 10 grand for WFH

One rule for them ... as always

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:11:47
Northants Chief Constable threatening to implement roadblocks and searching shopping trolleys

That’s a slippery slope especially checking people’s trolleys and I don’t think will help in terms of getting people on board, likely to cause more resentment. Also could be argued the checking would actually result in more unnecessary contact.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:37:40
The £10k for MPs is disgusting. I had to replace my laptop when I started WFH as mine was 12 years old, battery didn’t work and had a cluster of dead pixels in one corner, so that I could continue to ‘teach’ my students. What the actual cunting fuck are they going to splurge £10k for ‘office supplies’?? No receipts required at least so they can do whatever the fuck they like. The cunts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:38:41
That’s a slippery slope especially checking people’s trolleys and I don’t think will help in terms of getting people on board, likely to cause more resentment. Also could be argued the checking would actually result in more unnecessary contact.

Taser the fuckers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:40:16
Small mitigation, but the £10k is an addition to their working expenses budget (or whatever it’s called), and is also used to pay for equipment for their staff.

Not saying that as an excuse, but it’s not exactly a £10k pay rise

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:41:30
Remember Matt Hancock said a week or so ago "Now is not the time to talk about a pay rise for NHS staff"? Apparently it is the time to give MPs an extra 10 grand for WFH

One rule for them ... as always

Disgraceful. It's duck pond house take 2.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:42:27
The £10k for MPs is disgusting. I had to replace my laptop when I started WFH as mine was 12 years old, battery didn’t work and had a cluster of dead pixels in one corner, so that I could continue to ‘teach’ my students. What the actual cunting fuck are they going to splurge £10k for ‘office supplies’?? No receipts required at least so they can do whatever the fuck they like. The cunts.

After the second world war and National Service ended there were many old scores settled by individuals who felt that they had been wronged and due to circumstances had no course for redress due to the situation either militarily or in a civilian arena, maybe plod might want to consider this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:42:48
Their headline is it will also cover electricity, heating and phones. Err its light all day, warm, and you have a company mobile.

It conveniently forgets there are no commuting costs, and no lunch bills to pay out for whilst at home.

Stupid move.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 11:43:14
Small mitigation, but the £10k is an addition to their working expenses budget (or whatever it’s called), and is also used to pay for equipment for their staff.

Not saying that as an excuse, but it’s not exactly a £10k pay rise
It's an extra £10k on top of the £26k they already get for working expenses. To spend on fucking duck houses for their moats. While it's "not the right time" to talk about pay rises for nurses. The pay rises they cheered as they blocked a 1% rise 3 years ago. The crawling hypocrites.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 12:11:01

Random German antibody study of 500 people results in 14% of people being antibody positive. Translates to a mortality rate of 0.34% - three times higher than the flu, but not as severe as currently estimated

Normal caveats apply (only one test, preliminary results, small dataset, report is in German etc)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 13:36:32
Small mitigation, but the £10k is an addition to their working expenses budget (or whatever it’s called), and is also used to pay for equipment for their staff.

Not saying that as an excuse, but it’s not exactly a £10k pay rise
Ok, Nine and a half grand then, as you said they already get a 'working expenses budget' how many stay at home key workers are getting a 10k increase ??.
Fuck 'em the fiddling bastards they get enough perks already.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 13:51:31
This is odd.  From the BBC.

England Reports 765 New Coronavirus Deaths
NHS England has recorded 765 new deaths in hospital from coronavirus.

It said that 140 of them occurred yesterday, while 568 took place between 1 April and 7 April.

The remaining 57 deaths took place in March, including two on 19 March and one on 16 March.

Seems to suggest that the daily deaths figure for England is comprised of deaths that have taken place over the last month - with only a small proportion in the last 24 hours (which is what most of us would assume).  If all daily figures provided recently have been on this basis, then looking at the daily for a trend is pointless.  It could even mean that we are already past the peak.  Possibly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 14:07:05
This is odd.  From the BBC.

England Reports 765 New Coronavirus Deaths
NHS England has recorded 765 new deaths in hospital from coronavirus.

It said that 140 of them occurred yesterday, while 568 took place between 1 April and 7 April.

The remaining 57 deaths took place in March, including two on 19 March and one on 16 March.

Seems to suggest that the daily deaths figure for England is comprised of deaths that have taken place over the last month - with only a small proportion in the last 24 hours (which is what most of us would assume).  If all daily figures provided recently have been on this basis, then looking at the daily for a trend is pointless.  It could even mean that we are already past the peak.  Possibly.
They have been, yes, although it's skewed by the weekend lag in reporting. As you say, looking at it on a daily basis is fairly pointless because of the time lag in reporting, but you can get some idea on the basis of the overall trend which has been relentlessly and depressingly upwards. We may indeed have passed the peak but we won't know that until next week. I wouldn't hold your breath tbh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 14:07:48
Greater Manchester Police has warned people not to breach lockdown rules over Easter after it had to break up 660 parties last weekend.
Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said "each and every one of us need take this seriously".
There were 1,132 coronavirus-related breaches reported between Saturday and Tuesday, the force said.
That included 494 house parties - some with DJs, fireworks and bouncy castles - and 166 street parties.
One woman in Bury became the first person in Greater Manchester to be charged under the Coronavirus Act 2020 after police had to repeatedly shut down one of the parties.
The force also had to deal with 122 different groups gathering to play sports, 173 more gatherings in parks and 112 incidents of anti-social behaviour and public disorder.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 14:07:54
I think they have said the reporting of death is commonly a week or more..

that's why they are looking at new infections and extrapolating from that - I assume these are real time.

it'll therefore take a week or more after infection curve flattening before deaths do the same.

the march ones are surprising though. that's as much bigger lag than I thought

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: THE FLASH on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 16:26:55
I havent read back so forgive me if this has already been done but the Town lost a stalwart supporter to this evil shit, in the form of Alan Cotterill.
He was from Basset and used to get the 55 in. Saw him every Saturday on the bus or in the CGH pre and post match.
Nicest bloke you would ever meet and loved the Town.

RIP Fella  :pint: A toast to you!

I also hear that Derek the Super Fan is in hospital too. Cmon Derek fella!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 16:29:02
They have been, yes, although it's skewed by the weekend lag in reporting. As you say, looking at it on a daily basis is fairly pointless because of the time lag in reporting, but you can get some idea on the basis of the overall trend which has been relentlessly and depressingly upwards. We may indeed have passed the peak but we won't know that until next week. I wouldn't hold your breath tbh

It's a serious point.  The BBC (Reeta Chakrabarti) have just misreported this as 881 people dying in the last 24 hrs.  This is so misleading.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 17:09:43
It's a serious point.  The BBC (Reeta Chakrabarti) have just misreported this as 881 people dying in the last 24 hrs.  This is so misleading.
Likewise Beth Rigby and Ed Conway from Sky claiming deaths are flattening, illustrated by a graph that clearly shows they aren't. Admissions may be starting to flatten (and that is good for a likely flattening of deaths in a couple of weeks), but deaths, sadly, are not as yet. It's almost like the journalists reporting on this don't understand the information they're supposed to be presenting and are just regurgitating a spin doctor's briefing instead. This is what happens when serious journalism is replaced with spin and looking good in front of a camera.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 17:47:57
Fox News shows there is a way to go yet in the dumbing down of journalism in the UK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 18:10:06
Boris Johnson out of intensive care

I assume to a less intensive type of care, and not that he died, but the tweet didn’t clarify

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 18:28:27
Boris Johnson out of intensive care

I assume to a less intensive type of care, and not that he died, but the tweet didn’t clarify
Back to the ward apparently (well, private room obviously). Good news.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 18:45:18
The German Army has donated 60 ventilators to the NHS. Look forward to reading about that on the front page of the Sun and the Mail tomorrow.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 18:53:13
Shame some utter bellends are using the clap for the NHS thing to let off fireworks. Some pricks in my street did this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 18:55:39
Much better turn out this week, pretty much everyone in our cul-de-sac was out tonight clapping.
Lovely to see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 19:06:46
Boris is out of ICU. :) :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 19:09:12
Shame some utter bellends are using the clap for the NHS thing to let off fireworks. Some pricks in my street did this.

We had a football air horn in our area tonight   :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 19:12:39
Only 4 houses in my cul de sac.
Though were fireworks going off in the distance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 19:22:25
One of my neighbours set off their house alarm for the full minute.

Also, a solitary firework.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 19:24:12
One of my neighbours was blowing his vuvuzela. Lord only knows why he owns one

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Thursday, April 9, 2020, 19:47:32
We had a football air horn in our area tonight   :)

An old school rattle on our street.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, April 10, 2020, 00:57:27
We had a football air horn in our area tonight   :)

Saucepan from me and an air horn up the road somewhere. I couldn't see from mine properly but I can hear the numbers clapping increasing. It's quite moving. Our old town clock begins it's chime through the street and the wave of support begins.

It isn't for everyone, granted. The couple of houses opposite me don't partake. I'm sure most do in their own way...a raising of a glass, a short peek out the window to observe, a quiet moment of reflection on all that is happening and the clapping back of their Mrs as the eighth chime rings and the reverberation of a saucepan pangs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, April 10, 2020, 02:52:24
Shame some utter bellends are using the clap for the NHS thing to let off fireworks. Some pricks in my street did this.
What's wrong with letting off fireworks?
Someone let off a red smokebomb near me & started shouting about "Swindon boys, we are 'ere" or something similar.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, April 10, 2020, 07:29:26
What's wrong with letting off fireworks?

It terrifies animals.

Some of these would have been key workers pets who were alone whilst their owners were at work, while the clapping and cheering(and fireworks going off) was taking place. My neighbours bring their dog out each week for the clapping. It went berserk last night due to the fireworks going off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, April 10, 2020, 08:30:29
It terrifies animals.

Some of these would have been key workers pets who were alone whilst their owners were at work, while the clapping and cheering(and fireworks going off) was taking place. My neighbours bring their dog out each week for the clapping. It went berserk last night due to the fireworks going off.
Your personal experience and extrapolation seems a bit of a stretch to persuade people not to let off fireworks, when at the same time people are banging saucepans, and making other unusual and sudden noises.
However, it heartens me that the shared passion for STFC brings people from diverse ways of thinking. I embrace that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, April 10, 2020, 08:38:05
It terrifies animals.

Some of these would have been key workers pets who were alone whilst their owners were at work, while the clapping and cheering(and fireworks going off) was taking place. My neighbours bring their dog out each week for the clapping. It went berserk last night due to the fireworks going off.
Our dogs hate the fireworks too, they go mental and it means we can't join in the clapping as our dogs go mad at fireworks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, April 10, 2020, 08:40:26
I don’t have any pets so I’m no expert by any stretch but I believe dogs have extremely sensitive hearing hence the issue with fireworks/loud bangs.

My sister used to have a King Charles spaniel that was absolutely terrified of the vacuum cleaner.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Friday, April 10, 2020, 09:23:13
Our Springer used to just want to go out in the garden and bark at the fire works. The first one or two would make her jump but then she just went mental at the back door till we let her out.

As for the clapping thing. Someone on our estate arranged for people to park their cars on the main road and beep their horns. We had people playing drums, banging saucepans.

Of course it’s an extremely small example, like aribas but that noise naturally woke up our son and myself who is a night shift working key worker. I can’t imagine I’m the only one to experience this.

It’s slightly different on our estate because the hospital will actually be able to hear & see us.

It’s odd, this clap going to happen every week? Once this has all blown over will we still appreciate the NHS every week? ...or will they not be at the forefront of people’s minds then? What about the other key workers? How many people are joining in with the clapping just for their own smugness?

...and lastly, how many people out their clapping every week vo....I’ll leave it at that....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, April 10, 2020, 09:41:06
Now, I must admit to liking a good conspiracy theory - the dafter the better.

Mt latest fav is that the Coronavirus is pictured on the reverse of the new £20 note and old Queenie’s TV broadcast was dated 3rd of March.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 10, 2020, 09:45:47
Cambridge police, following up on the success of their online "Grass a neigbour" website at, have now taken to deciding what people can and cannot buy in their groceries

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, April 10, 2020, 10:32:18
Cambridge police, following up on the success of their online "Grass a neigbour" website at, have now taken to deciding what people can and cannot buy in their groceries

Outside Lidl in Swindon this morning lots of bags of compost so was wondering what the Cambridge police would make of that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 10, 2020, 10:40:55

Outside Lidl in Swindon this morning lots of bags of compost so was wondering what the Cambridge police would make of that!
You chatting shit? :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, April 10, 2020, 10:43:16
You chatting shit? :)

Nah but it's hardly essential items!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, April 10, 2020, 10:57:15
Cambridge police, following up on the success of their online "Grass a neigbour" website at, have now taken to deciding what people can and cannot buy in their groceries

Think it’s been deleted.

It’s easy to criticise the Police but, in my opinion, they have been put in a very difficult position by the Government’s often confusing/conflicting messaging. People confusing the guidance with the law doesn’t help.
The law allows you to leave your home for several reasons including to buy “basic necessities”.  There’s no definition of what that term means. But the law also allows off licences to stay open when they essentially just sell alcohol. Is alcohol a basic necessity? Many would say yes. Others would disagree.

To my mind, every time we leave our house and, especially when we go into a busy shop, we buy a ticket to the coronavirus lottery. The more tickets we buy, the more chance we have of contracting the virus. Common sense says to minimise the amount of times you buy a ticket as that helps you, your family, your community and the NHS.

But it’s impossible to write common sense into law and so you get the grey areas of interpretation. The police will get criticised for both non-action and over-reaction.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, April 10, 2020, 11:14:44
Love the fact people are moaning about showing support to key workers for 5 minutes a week 😀

Thank god you don’t live in spain! We do it every night at 8

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 10, 2020, 11:17:56
Think it’s been deleted.

It’s easy to criticise the Police but, in my opinion, they have been put in a very difficult position by the Government’s often confusing/conflicting messaging. People confusing the guidance with the law doesn’t help.
I completely agree, but some common sense on all sides (police as well as public) will greatly help. Overreach, such as this and yesterday the Chief Constable of Northants threatening to search shopping trolleys for "non-essential" items (a "shop and search" tactic?), doesn't help anyone. It actually just increases people's resistance to already stringent guidance we are necessarily being asked to follow.

David Allen Green (@davidallengreen), a constitutional law specialist, put it extremely well when he said that the fundamental problem is that some (far from all) police forces are treating this as a public order issue when it is a public health issue. Approach it from the standpoint of a public health emergency in which the police have been asked to play a vital role and some of this silliness can be avoided, ensuring officers retain the support of the > 99% of the public who are willingly complying with guidelines and freeing them up to deal with the <1% of idiots who are endangering themselves and others. And I'd emphasise again, seems most officers are doing that. So perhaps unfair to highlight the few examples of silliness in much the same way as it's unrepresentative to highlight the few people still insisting on having BBQs in parks (and rightly being moved on by police)

EDIT: tbf, the tweet has been pulled and replaced with a clarification that this is not Cambs police policy. Still demonstrates the broader problem of guidance being misunderstood/over-interpreted, as you rightly pointed out

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, April 10, 2020, 11:19:41
Fuck me, get a grip DV.

I hope you can have a couple of beers this weekend and enjoy the sun.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, April 10, 2020, 11:19:44
Your personal experience and extrapolation seems a bit of a stretch to persuade people not to let off fireworks, when at the same time people are banging saucepans, and making other unusual and sudden noises.
However, it heartens me that the shared passion for STFC brings people from diverse ways of thinking. I embrace that.

Er, it isn't. It is a well known fact that many pets are terrified of fireworks. There was something issued yesterday asking people not to let them off. My own dog isn't scared of them at all so for me personally it is of no concern. I said it because of others. Loud bangs are not the same as pots banged with spoons. A huge difference for animals due to their hearing sensitivity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, April 10, 2020, 12:09:08
Love the fact people are moaning about showing support to key workers for 5 minutes a week 😀

Thank god you don’t live in spain! We do it every night at 8

It will only be the case in Britain, it’s a wonder how we have a reputation for moaning!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, April 10, 2020, 12:38:45
Er, it isn't. It is a well known fact that many pets are terrified of fireworks. There was something issued yesterday asking people not to let them off. My own dog isn't scared of them at all so for me personally it is of no concern. I said it because of others. Loud bangs are not the same as pots banged with spoons. A huge difference for animals due to their hearing sensitivity.

I think the poster is attempting to be "internet funny"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, April 10, 2020, 12:56:27
I think the poster is attempting to be "internet funny"

Yeah i thought so too. Still easy enough to explain myself so fuck it. Not fussed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, April 10, 2020, 13:29:34
953 deaths announced for last 24 hours

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, April 10, 2020, 13:47:39
953 deaths announced for last 24 hours

Throughout Europe, only Spain has ever had a bigger one day total...961 on 2 April.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, April 10, 2020, 14:00:45
953 deaths announced for last 24 hours

Yes & no.  953 newly reported deaths, only a small proportion of which happened in the last 24 hrs.

This was yesterday...

This is odd.  From the BBC.

England Reports 765 New Coronavirus Deaths
NHS England has recorded 765 new deaths in hospital from coronavirus.

It said that 140 of them occurred yesterday, while 568 took place between 1 April and 7 April.

The remaining 57 deaths took place in March, including two on 19 March and one on 16 March.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, April 10, 2020, 14:14:37
Possibly manipulating the stats to keep the daily figure below 1000 ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 10, 2020, 14:31:05
953 deaths announced for last 24 hours
Do you remember when the papers were running stories about "shocking" death rates of over 500 a day in Italy? Just passing mentions now we're nearing 1000 a day, on course to outstrip both Spain and Italy. But Boris is "in good spirits". So that's OK. Carry on as you were and pass the body bags

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Friday, April 10, 2020, 14:50:53
Do you remember when the papers were running stories about "shocking" death rates of over 500 a day in Italy? Just passing mentions now we're nearing 1000 a day, on course to outstrip both Spain and Italy. But Boris is "in good spirits". So that's OK. Carry on as you were and pass the body bags

At least no mass graves as in new York .

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 10, 2020, 14:54:05
At least no mass graves as in new York .
God yes, situation there is horrible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, April 10, 2020, 15:06:56
Don't think that Trump is going to be able to avoid scrutiny for his response this time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, April 10, 2020, 15:11:08
Don't think that Trump is going to be able to avoid scrutiny for his response this time.

He has a very large core of supporters that will defend and/or deflect ANYTHING.

He's currently blaming it on the WHO and his supporters are lapping it up. He tells out and out lies and his suporters don't question him. You can get away with anything when you get to just blame it on other people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, April 10, 2020, 15:14:56
Love the fact people are moaning about showing support to key workers for 5 minutes a week 😀

Thank god you don’t live in spain! We do it every night at 8

I mentioned it further back, it must be a mostly British thing to find negatives in something quite simply as positive a gesture, as saying good morning to someone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 10, 2020, 15:22:01
Don't think that Trump is going to be able to avoid scrutiny for his response this time.
They won't even know about it. They all watch Fox News, no mention of his previous failures and his obvious lies on there, just what a great job he's doing of it sorting out a problem that doesn't exist was invented by the Democrats was caused by the Chinese/WHO. That's the great thing about being an incompetent politician in a highly divided society, no need to worry about being held to account. cf The Sun's front page today "Now that's what we call a Good Friday". At the end of a week when over 5,000 have died.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, April 10, 2020, 16:20:05

Covid-19 now tops the charts for the number one cause of death in the USA on current daily numbers.  It is now killing more than 10 times the number of Flu & Pneumonia combined.  Just in-case anyone was still OK with this being compared with those viruses.  It's also over 4 times more deadly than all accidents combined-  driving cars being dangerous is another one people have oft trotted out when being annoyed at restrictions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, April 10, 2020, 16:23:49
I wonder what the "it's just the flu" crowd are thinking now.

I don't mean that in a 'told you so sense'. I genuinely wonder if they might learn from this and take on board that perhaps, maybe, experts really do know better than some Karen or Dave on facebook.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 10, 2020, 16:27:56
I wonder what the "it's just the flu" crowd are thinking now.

I don't mean that in a 'told you so sense'. I genuinely wonder if they might learn from this and take on board that perhaps, maybe, experts really do know better than some Karen or Dave on facebook.
Similarly, I'd be fascinated to see what anti-vaxxers do when there's a vaccine for this thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, April 10, 2020, 16:41:08
I wonder what the "it's just the flu" crowd are thinking now.

I don't mean that in a 'told you so sense'. I genuinely wonder if they might learn from this and take on board that perhaps, maybe, experts really do know better than some Karen or Dave on facebook.

You’d like to think so but I doubt it. If any of you know Peter Hitchens, a long-standing Mail on Sunday columnist, you won’t be surprised to know that he’s spewing out columns and tweets making the comparison with flu and saying the lockdown is unnecessary.

Shouldn’t be a surprise as he’s a client change denier, says alcohol and drug addiction is made-up and, bizarrely, that even dyslexia is fake.  Has made a good living pumping out this shite. And he lives in Oxford, the arrogant pompous twat.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 10, 2020, 17:30:36
Throughout Europe, only Spain has ever had a bigger one day total...961 on 2 April.
No, figure now adjusted to 980. We now have the worst single day's death figures in Europe. And continuing to get worse. Still at least "Boris is in good spirits". Who wouldn't be when they've presided over that kind of death toll?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, April 10, 2020, 17:58:40
Did I hear right that the UK has 9000 infections today???

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Friday, April 10, 2020, 18:02:27
Did I hear right that the UK has 9000 infections today???

No was 5k plus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, April 10, 2020, 18:15:53

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, April 10, 2020, 18:36:32
That’s incorrect - 5706 it was.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, April 10, 2020, 18:49:27
UK Government: "Today’s figures for positive tests have been adjusted to include positive case results from swab testing for key workers and their households. "

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, April 10, 2020, 18:50:18
That’s incorrect - 5706 it was.

8681 new cases showing today

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AldbourneRed on Friday, April 10, 2020, 18:55:49
That’s incorrect - 5706 it was.
8681 did actually test positive but that's because they've started including swab testing in the figures from today, so the number isn't comparable to previous days.
5195 is how many would have been reported by the previous criteria, but there were in fact 8681 positive tests.

This is the government statement:

"Today’s figures for positive tests have been adjusted to include positive case results from swab testing for key workers and their households (pillar 2). These will be included in the daily figures from today, 10 April. If these results were excluded from the figures, as they have been previously, the daily increase in the number of people who tested positive would have been 5,195. Data on positive case results from swab testing for key workers and their households between 25 March and 8 April is available"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, April 10, 2020, 18:56:08
Kenny Dalglish admitted to hospital with it.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, April 10, 2020, 18:59:02
8681 did actually test positive but that's because they've started including swab testing in the figures from today, so the number isn't comparable to previous days.
5195 is how many would have been reported by the previous criteria, but there were in fact 8681 positive tests.

This is the government statement:

"Today’s figures for positive tests have been adjusted to include positive case results from swab testing for key workers and their households (pillar 2). These will be included in the daily figures from today, 10 April. If these results were excluded from the figures, as they have been previously, the daily increase in the number of people who tested positive would have been 5,195. Data on positive case results from swab testing for key workers and their households between 25 March and 8 April is available"

It's certainly confusing!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, April 10, 2020, 19:05:55
Kenny Dalglish admitted to hospital with it.

Actually he was admitted for an unrelated infection but routine coronavirus test showed he has it.  Currently asymptomatic which, if that remains the case, would be very interesting and encouraging really given his age.  Could mean that there's a lot more people out there, and not just young healthly people, who have or have had the virus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, April 10, 2020, 19:13:50
Actually he was admitted for an unrelated infection but routine coronavirus test showed he has it.  Currently asymptomatic which, if that remains the case, would be very interesting and encouraging really given his age.  Could mean that there's a lot more people out there, and not just young healthly people, who have or have had the virus

A healthy guy from work self isolated two weeks ago with a sore throat and sadly deteriorated and we were told yesterday that he had passed away so it proves nobody is safe from the virus

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, April 10, 2020, 19:15:51
8681 did actually test positive but that's because they've started including swab testing in the figures from today, so the number isn't comparable to previous days.
5195 is how many would have been reported by the previous criteria, but there were in fact 8681 positive tests.

This is the government statement:

"Today’s figures for positive tests have been adjusted to include positive case results from swab testing for key workers and their households (pillar 2). These will be included in the daily figures from today, 10 April. If these results were excluded from the figures, as they have been previously, the daily increase in the number of people who tested positive would have been 5,195. Data on positive case results from swab testing for key workers and their households between 25 March and 8 April is available"

OK, that makes sense now.

Similar to that surge in Chinese figures when they changed the criteria for diagnosis, which seemed so much in the distant past.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, April 10, 2020, 19:16:12
It's certainly confusing!

Essentially the UK has under reported up until now, the number of people with the Virus.  It's likely a lot of other countries have done the same though.  The UK has focused on Hospital's I think - it's why Swindon's rate of infection seems low but a high % of deaths have occurred.  Italy reverted to a similar approach during their shit storm as they couldn't cope with testing and treating at the same time.

The USA has expanded testing in recent days/past week or so, and you've seen the infection numbers sky rocket as a result.  Think I saw some modelling done that reckoned the infection rate was multiple factors higher than any country is reporting but mortality rate will come in the range of 0.3% to 0.4% (because while death numbers are likely higher than reported, not by the same magnitude as infection).  That's still 3 or 4 times higher than Flu, and shows why the USA is cranking up around 2k deaths a day now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, April 10, 2020, 19:17:59
Essentially the UK has under reported up until now, the number of people with the Virus.  It's likely a lot of other countries have done the same though.  The UK has focused on Hospital's I think - it's why Swindon's rate of infection seems low but a high % of deaths have occurred.  Italy reverted to a similar approach during their shit storm as they couldn't cope with testing and treating at the same time.

The USA has expanded testing in recent days/past week or so, and you've seen the infection numbers sky rocket as a result.  Think I saw some modelling done that reckoned the infection rate was multiple factors higher than any country is reporting but mortality rate will come in the range of 0.3% to 0.4% (because while death numbers are likely higher than reported, not by the same magnitude as infection).  That's still 3 or 4 times higher than Flu, and shows why the USA is cranking up around 2k deaths a day now.

Thanks for explaining Robert

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, April 10, 2020, 20:09:29
Well in that case I stand corrected, apologies Mex.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, April 10, 2020, 20:10:55
Thank fuck it's 'only' 5,000.

What time's we're living in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, April 10, 2020, 20:35:44
Thank fuck it's 'only' 5,000.

What time's we're living in.

Just to clarify, in times when people might get touchy, that was just a general observation. Not directed at anybody here.

You bunch of cunts

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, April 10, 2020, 20:40:32
One of two things is being shown with the virus, based on everyone pretty much putting in place restrictions worldwide.  Even 4 weeks after we essentially close off human contact we are still seeing people hospitalised.  Either it is a really slow burner or it is contagious as shit.  Neither is good.

In a couple of weeks you would expect it to really tail off, but there needs to be a robust system put in place now to deal with new cases.  Based on those two factors any resurgence will be tough to contain again if we do it the same way, beyond having to keep running from one side of the ship to the other.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, April 10, 2020, 22:55:57
I'm no expert but I'd imagine it would be much much worse without the restrictions. What we must all remember is that this virus can survive for some time on surfaces, so even with social distancing we are touching buttons, handles, rails etc. When going anywhere away from home, be it for groceries or exercise, don't touch your face and wash your hands as soon as you get home. Thoroughly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 05:14:14
Well in that case I stand corrected, apologies Mex.

Bloody hell fella , no need to apologise. I was just shocked when I saw the figure! I don’t think Spain or Italy ever had that many infections in one day. Christ I hope this goes away as soon as possible and we get our lives back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 08:24:33
I'm not sure if it's been posted before, so I'll post it again... the FT tracker is good for trend analysis

The laissez faire lockdown, economy over health approach, from the UK and US will lead to a bigger peak in the first wave, just as it's intended to do. Whether this is the best decision is to be seen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 08:50:22
Quote from: 4D
I'm no expert but I'd imagine it would be much much worse without the restrictions. 

without restrictions the infection rate (and consequently death rate) could double every 3-4 days.  You could get up to 6 figure deaths within a couple of months or so

I say could, because there wasn't absolute certainty. But you don't lock down countries for fun.

Flattening the curve will make the whole thing last longer, but hopefully a lot less fatal. And I guess the aim is to get it down to a level where we can track contact and isolate allowing us to lift restrictions and become more targeted at control.

but we aren't at the peak yet. well not definitely. and the government is covering this as shown by the nightingale hospitals & morgues.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 09:24:59
without restrictions the infection rate (and consequently death rate) could double every 3-4 days.  You could get up to 6 figure deaths within a couple of months or so

I say could, because there wasn't absolute certainty. But you don't lock down countries for fun.

Flattening the curve will make the whole thing last longer, but hopefully a lot less fatal. And I guess the aim is to get it down to a level where we can track contact and isolate allowing us to lift restrictions and become more targeted at control.

but we aren't at the peak yet. well not definitely. and the government is covering this as shown by the nightingale hospitals & morgues.

The two countries that intrigue me are Sweden with no lockdown and only 870 deaths and India with a population of 1.3 billion, in lockdown but only 249 reported deaths

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 09:32:40
yes, I guess I could put Sweden down to sparse population and good social distancing...

but India?...

they could be a few weeks behind


blimey, I'd totally lost track that our official numbers put us on 12% mortality rate 😲

India is 3% (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 10:00:21
The two countries that intrigue me are Sweden with no lockdown and only 870 deaths and India with a population of 1.3 billion, in lockdown but only 249 reported deaths
Cold & heat?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 10:11:34
Was chatting with Spanish and English friends last night and one of them had a theory which i thought was quite interesting. Countries who either like or fear their government and/or police force seem to respect (or fear) the consequences of the virus. He was saying that the Uk and the USA have little respect or fear of government and/or police hence he believed the virus would be far worse there than in other countries

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 10:22:36
The laissez faire lockdown, economy over health approach, from the UK and US will lead to a bigger peak in the first wave, just as it's intended to do. Whether this is the best decision is to be seen.

Fintan O'Toole has a piece (link ( in the Guardian today about how - in his view - Tory belief in the mantra of British Exceptionalism will have added significantly to the death toll.  But it would be interesting to know whether, as you suggest, having a bigger first wave is a conscious policy choice.

yes, I guess I could put Sweden down to sparse population and good social distancing...

I've seen this argument before, but it doesn't feel right to me.  Even in a sparsely populated country like Sweden, most of the population lives in urban centres.  Only 13% of the total population (link ( lives in rural areas.  So the countryside is basically empty.  Population density in places where people actually live is probably not very different to the UK or Netherlands.

Edit: That said, I agree with you on the social distancing point in Sweden.  Swedes demand a lot of personal space and don't get close to others unless they absolutely have to.  One of the reasons, maybe, that the government there is comfortable without a full lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 10:29:25
yes, I guess I could put Sweden down to sparse population and good social distancing...

but India?...

they could be a few weeks behind


blimey, I'd totally lost track that our official numbers put us on 12% mortality rate 😲

India is 3% (

It's scary stuff Batch and two weeks ago a fairly healthy guy at work in his early 50's self isolated as he had a sore throats but within that two weeks he deteriorated and we got told on Thursday he had sadly passed away with the virus

This was Sweden seven days ago so don't know if things have changed since

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 12:24:32
Sweden's death per 100k is high and growing.  They probably did benefit from natural social distancing and being compliant with the Govt, like Japan.  But this virus is so pervasive that unless you do something it will get you.  Even Hong Kong has struggled after dampening their first wave.  Once it gets a grip it seems to take off unless you get lucky, have stupidly remote population spread or take strict control measures.  South Koreas original approach seems the most likely for what we shift to after lockdown.  Still going to be months of needing a firm Health policy in place though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 12:26:37
Sweden's death per 100k is high and growing.  They probably did benefit from natural social distancing and being compliant with the Govt, like Japan.  But this virus is so pervasive that unless you do something it will get you.  Even Hong Kong has struggled after dampening their first wave.  Once it gets a grip it seems to take off unless you get lucky, have stupidly remote population spread or take strict control measures.  South Koreas original approach seems the most likely for what we shift to after lockdown.  Still going to be months of needing a firm Health policy in place though.

Agreed Robert and it will probably be around all summer into the Autumn and God only knows what it will do to the economy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 13:08:04
In a couple of weeks you would expect it to really tail off, but there needs to be a robust system put in place now to deal with new cases.  Based on those two factors any resurgence will be tough to contain again if we do it the same way, beyond having to keep running from one side of the ship to the other
Think you've encapsulated govt policy right there. I don't think they've actually given up on herd immunity, they've just recognised that the number of deaths from full-on "take it on the chin" will be politically unacceptable. So we'll see partial lifting of the lockdown once we're past the peak of this 1st wave, followed by partial, rolling lock downs for the next 12 months or so until we get a vaccine

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 13:19:06
Agreed Robert and it will probably be around all summer into the Autumn and God only knows what it will do to the economy
At some point we will reach a stage where the lockdown is a false economy as the long term health issues caused by the lockdown continuing will exceed that of the virus. If we were to stay as we are and allow the economy to collapse and a deep recession (where suicides usually significantly increase) we’d be looking at a significant death toll and thats not even accounting for the mental health issues and subsequent deaths as a result of the lockdown itself. It’s a fine balancing act and why I can see the lockdown only continuing until mid-May at the latest. It may sound like a lack of compassion or even risking some people’s lives but ultimately we still need to pay for the country to keep going and that includes the NHS.

We just need to comply for with the guidelines for the next few weeks, get to manageable case levels and slowly phase things back in to get back to some kind of ‘normality’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 13:27:31
End of May is my guestimate

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 13:30:15

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 13:32:41
At some point we will reach a stage where the lockdown is a false economy as the long term health issues caused by the lockdown continuing will exceed that of the virus. If we were to stay as we are and allow the economy to collapse and a deep recession (where suicides usually significantly increase) we’d be looking at a significant death toll and thats not even accounting for the mental health issues and subsequent deaths as a result of the lockdown itself. It’s a fine balancing act and why I can see the lockdown only continuing until mid-May at the latest. It may sound like a lack of compassion or even risking some people’s lives but ultimately we still need to pay for the country to keep going and that includes the NHS.

We just need to comply for with the guidelines for the next few weeks, get to manageable case levels and slowly phase things back in to get back to some kind of ‘normality’

I expect the government to watch Italy & Spain to see how they do things to give them an idea on when to lift the lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 13:35:24
At some point we will reach a stage where the lockdown is a false economy as the long term health issues caused by the lockdown continuing will exceed that of the virus. If we were to stay as we are and allow the economy to collapse and a deep recession (where suicides usually significantly increase) we’d be looking at a significant death toll and thats not even accounting for the mental health issues and subsequent deaths as a result of the lockdown itself. It’s a fine balancing act and why I can see the lockdown only continuing until mid-May at the latest. It may sound like a lack of compassion or even risking some people’s lives but ultimately we still need to pay for the country to keep going and that includes the NHS.

We just need to comply for with the guidelines for the next few weeks, get to manageable case levels and slowly phase things back in to get back to some kind of ‘normality’
It isn't going to be a one-off phase back to normality and then it's done. We will have mutliple waves of this. If the govt implement the test, trace and isolate policies that have kept the lid on it in other countries we may be able to limit those subsequent waves to certain localities and hotspots but we are in for rolling lockdowns until a vaccine can be found. Or a return to "take it on the chin" herd immunity and mass deaths

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 13:44:28

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 13:50:34
Is there a charge similar to 'intent to purposely endanger life' or suchlike?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 13:51:40
Goes down as assault on emergency worker i think.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 14:29:20
It isn't going to be a one-off phase back to normality and then it's done. We will have mutliple waves of this. If the govt implement the test, trace and isolate policies that have kept the lid on it in other countries we may be able to limit those subsequent waves to certain localities and hotspots but we are in for rolling lockdowns until a vaccine can be found. Or a return to "take it on the chin" herd immunity and mass deaths
Hence how I said slowly phase things back in....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 14:50:19
I popped to the shop earlier and although you have to queue up outside for 10 minutes I find the whole thing more relaxing than regular shopping trips. Had my trolley cleaned and a bit of hand sanitizer at the start. Everyone seems used to it now too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 15:29:44
I popped to the shop earlier and although you have to queue up outside for 10 minutes I find the whole thing more relaxing than regular shopping trips. Had my trolley cleaned and a bit of hand sanitizer at the start. Everyone seems used to it now too.

Well put and once you've accepted you're going to be in a queue it's very relaxing and less stressful than normal once you get inside the store

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 15:58:21
Priti Patel making the kind of mistake quoting figures that, unlike a certain other politician, will barely get a mention by the press

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 15:59:25
Yeah, once the crazies bought all of their toilet roll things have become more rational.

I've had to do a few runs for 'essentials' as we assist my wifes elderly grandparents. The only issue I've seen since the queuing system was brought in has been a few entitled people who think they can jump the queue because they 'only need to get... blah blah blah'. I think my local supermarket have assigned their hardened staff on queuing duties as they quite rightly, and politely, tell them to get lost. Not super-easy with these Bristolians.

One lady was arguing when I went in and still going when I left. The general public, man.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 16:12:35
A journalist from "Lad Bible" just got to ask a question at the Government coronavirus briefing.  Yes, Lad Bible.

And was actually a better question than most of the traditional press pack.

Tomorrow, Brenda from Bristol is up next.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 17:33:44
Priti Patel making the kind of mistake quoting figures that, unlike a certain other politician, will barely get a mention by the press

Asked where she was hiding weeks ago. Back to hiding again after this. She is hopeless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 17:40:32
Oh, fuck!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 17:48:04
oh fuck indeed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 17:58:51
A journalist from "Lad Bible" just got to ask a question at the Government coronavirus briefing.  Yes, Lad Bible.

And was actually a better question than most of traditional press pack.

Tomorrow, Brenda from Bristol is up next.

If you can seperate of all the "13 things your dog groomer doesn't want to know" shit, the likes of buzzfeed and the ilk have been asking much more searching questions than traditional media.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 18:06:49
Oh, fuck!
Says in the article false test results could be at fault so too early to take it as gospel. If that is the case though that’s every countries strategy fucked and we may as well end the lockdown and return to normal as there’s no way way we can remain in lockdown until a vaccine is in place which would then be the only alternative.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 18:19:23
Hence how I said slowly phase things back in....
Sure. I thought you meant in a single phase though. Whereas I think it's likely there will be multiple on/off phases. Apologies if I misunderstood.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 18:23:14
Says in the article false test results could be at fault so too early to take it as gospel. If that is the case though that’s every countries strategy fucked and we may as well end the lockdown and return to normal as there’s no way way we can remain in lockdown until a vaccine is in place which would then be the only alternative.
Isn't it the case with current vaccines as well though? That some people still get the disease despite being vaccinated? The idea is not so much that they are  magic wand that prevents individuals from getting the disease as that most people don't get reinfected, so choking off the supply of new hosts for the virus to infect. The "herd immunity" strategy basically (the point being that with a vaccine, this is a safe way of building up immunity in a population, in the absence of a vaccine, it amounts to deliberate sacrifice of a substantial portion of your population).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 18:29:10
Isn't it the case with current vaccines as well though? That some people still get the disease despite being vaccinated? The idea is not so much that they are  magic wand that prevents individuals from getting the disease as that most people don't get reinfected, so choking off the supply of new hosts for the virus to infect. The "herd immunity" strategy basically (the point being that with a vaccine, this is a safe way of building up immunity in a population, in the absence of a vaccine, it amounts to deliberate sacrifice of a substantial portion of your population).
Yeah and that’s why we don’t lockdown for other diseases. If people can get it again straight away then there is no “herd immunity” so we can’t ‘corner’ the virus as hoped so you’d have 2 options; return to normal or quarantine until three is a vaccine. Lockdown measures could always be implemented as and when pressure on the NHS grows but there is no circumstance where a lockdown until a vaccine is available is the right option.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 18:48:56
Yeah and that’s why we don’t lockdown for other diseases. If people can get it again straight away then there is no “herd immunity” so we can’t ‘corner’ the virus as hoped so you’d have 2 options; return to normal or quarantine until three is a vaccine. Lockdown measures could always be implemented as and when pressure on the NHS grows but there is no circumstance where a lockdown until a vaccine is available is the right option.
So having read the article properly instead of just skimming it as I did first time, there's a couple of points come out that give hope this isn't as bad as it first looks
1) Some of the "recovered" cases might not have actually recovered so these are relapses rather than re-infections
2) Some of the "recovered" cases might not have had the disease first time round due to suspect tests.

Although there may well still be some genuine reinfections in there so the general point around the role of vaccines in suppressing these kinds of diseases still stands. But the main point is that this doesn't indicate this is an exceptional disease in it's ability to re-infect

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 18:55:47
So having read the article properly instead of just skimming it as I did first time, there's a couple of points come out that give hope this isn't as bad as it first looks
1) Some of the "recovered" cases might not have actually recovered so these are relapses rather than re-infections
2) Some of the "recovered" cases might not have had the disease first time round due to suspect tests.

Although there may well still be some genuine reinfections in there so the general point around the role of vaccines in suppressing these kinds of diseases still stands. But the main point is that this doesn't indicate this is an exceptional disease in it's ability to re-infect
Like I say nothing can be treated as gospel at the moment as there still seems to be very little concrete info know about it. If I was a betting man I’d say it will be something we just have to live with and manage the best we can hopefully assisted by vaccines as and when they are available.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 20:17:37
We'll be the walking dead soon. Nom nom nom

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 21:11:05
Is it just me that thinks we might currently be in "Wave Two" and have already experienced "Wave One" without realising/being as publicly aware?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 22:42:15

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, April 11, 2020, 23:51:29

Of course. Because the all seeing eye in 'Old Peculiar' has spoken  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 00:15:19
We'll be the walking dead soon. Nom nom nom

Very apt - it is Easter after all, ergo;

"For as he raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will."

~ John:The Bible

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 07:19:05
Yeah and that’s why we don’t lockdown for other diseases. If people can get it again straight away then there is no “herd immunity” so we can’t ‘corner’ the virus as hoped so you’d have 2 options; return to normal or quarantine until three is a vaccine. Lockdown measures could always be implemented as and when pressure on the NHS grows but there is no circumstance where a lockdown until a vaccine is available is the right option.

A lot of people could be in for a shock when it finally sinks in that the lockdowns - possibly not the last - are merely a buying time tactic and not the cure.

The virus has entered our population in the same way flu has, the only way to 'defeat' it now is to get it and beat it and vaccinate those who can't alone.

It will likely return in waves.

We need to adhere to the Governments instructions for every stage of the fight. If the World stayed at home 100% until the virus died out naturally, great. Impossible to coordinate and know for certain it happened. So we need antibodies and vaccines.

The Government is balancing health and economy. There will be many deaths. There will be financial hardship. It cannot deliver one or both unscathed.

If the healthcare services become overwhelmed, we lock down harder. If they just about cope, we lockdown to bolster their resources. If they are managing fine, we relax to social distancing while ensuring the economy is able to tick over, knowing this is building immunity while Healthcare deals with those who sadly struggle with the disease.

These measures will continue and if required, in cycles.

This is how I have interpreted the various strategies we have seen implemented and explained.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 12:52:38
So Boris has gone to Chequers. Isn't that like going to your second home?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 12:55:01
Govt's own scientific advisers are now admitting we are likely to have the worst death rate in Europe. It needn't have been like this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 12:57:06
This is well worth a read: A/B comparison with Ireland, started from broadly the same place we did, currently doing much better, far fewer deaths per head of population, and the failure of the British media to call this out

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 13:07:46
you can go round and round in circles as much as you want.

the uk has a higher population so of course infection will multiply quicker. the majority of deaths have been in London- a hotspot of people living on top of each other and with a huge underground system which will again be a hotspot- (see NYC, Milan, Madrid)

the whole media in this event have been a shambles and we all know how much they love to point the finger and scare monger.

if this is coming to be a continual lock down in and out and scenario its going to be impossible to contain

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 13:09:06
As much as I hold the media in contempt, how have they been scare mongering?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 13:12:46
you can go round and round in circles as much as you want.

the uk has a higher population so of course infection will multiply quicker. the majority of deaths have been in London- a hotspot of people living on top of each other and with a huge underground system which will again be a hotspot- (see NYC, Milan, Madrid)
Dublin has roughly the same population density as London but nowhere near the same level of deaths. We had a 3 week warning from Italy and Spain of where we were headed and we wasted it. We now have the highest number of deaths per day in Europe and are on track to record the highest number of deaths overall in Europe (according to govt's own scientific adviser). We didn't get here by accident. Ireland shows the alternate route we could have taken and failed to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 13:25:11
As much as I hold the media in contempt, how have they been scare mongering?

its everywhere: this piece from the guardian

Half of the top 10 most shared English-language links about coronavirus on Facebook from the month of January were hyperbolic, fear-mongering and at times blatantly misleading articles from actual news outlets, according to a review of data from CrowdTangle. Among the blatantly misleading is an article by the Daily Mail suggesting that the coronavirus outbreak was caused by Chinese people eating “bat soup” that was shared more than 96,000 times on Facebook.

Disinformation experts and fact-checkers are being kept busy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 13:38:56
So Boris has gone to Chequers. Isn't that like going to your second home?

Nope, his first home is being used by all and sundry to run the country I’d imagine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 13:52:10
its everywhere: this piece from the guardian

Half of the top 10 most shared English-language links about coronavirus on Facebook from the month of January were hyperbolic, fear-mongering and at times blatantly misleading articles from actual news outlets, according to a review of data from CrowdTangle. Among the blatantly misleading is an article by the Daily Mail suggesting that the coronavirus outbreak was caused by Chinese people eating “bat soup” that was shared more than 96,000 times on Facebook.

Disinformation experts and fact-checkers are being kept busy.

Fox News over here spent the best part of a month telling their viewers that it wasn’t coming, or was under control, or was no worse than the flu.  CNN has spent the best part of a month trying to bash Trump for talking about a drug that might help speed recovery.

So yes, media will go to extremes, that much is certain.

However, what do you expect when a global pandemic breaks out, the sort they made movies about.  One where the best data available shows it would have ravaged people left unchecked, as being shown in the high density hot spots.  They are hardly going to pop it in the cute cat stuck up tree section.

Very few places in the world got a handle on this, that needs a critical press to investigate.  Was it by design, by negligence or because we were just not as well prepared as others?  What works, what doesn’t?  It is no different than in the past.  In 2001, the media coverage for two buildings collapsing after having planes flown into them was global and for weeks.  More people have died in the past two weeks from this in NY.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 14:21:22
They won't even know about it. They all watch Fox News, no mention of his previous failures and his obvious lies on there, just what a great job he's doing of it sorting out a problem that doesn't exist was invented by the Democrats was caused by the Chinese/WHO. That's the great thing about being an incompetent politician in a highly divided society, no need to worry about being held to account. cf The Sun's front page today "Now that's what we call a Good Friday". At the end of a week when over 5,000 have died.

As if to prove your point, this post on Facebook comes from a distant, Trump-supporting, elderly relative in the US.  It really is a different world.

Which preacher said this? Can you guess?
“On Good Friday, Christians from all around the world remember the suffering and death upon the cross of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Easter Sunday, we  celebrate his glorious resurrection.”
“Though we will not be able to gather together with one another as we normally would on Easter, we can use this sacred time to focus on prayer, reflection, and growing in our personal relationship with God.”
“I ask all Americans to pray that God will heal our nation; to bring comfort to those who are grieving; to give strength to the doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers; to restore health to the sick; and to renew the hope in every person who is suffering.”
It wasn’t a preacher. Thank you to President Donald J. Trump for his message to our nation this Easter weekend and for Bishop Harry Jackson’s message and prayer in the Oval Office yesterday. May we as a nation turn to God and thank Him for His mercies and blessings.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 14:31:55
They're fucking nuts. The evangelicals especially - they make scientologists look normal in comparison.

I encounter evangelicals quite often and they are creeeeepy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 16:00:48 (

an interesting article. What stats can we trust and which ones should we ignore...seems like we should ignore all of them.
Does raise the point of why the government keeps using slides of stats.

We cant use deaths as it depends on the death certificate interpretation and how delayed they are from hospitals, care homes etc. We can’t really compare these to other countries as many record different. we can’t compare new cases because it depends on testing levels and also testing accuracy. It’s also all of the above which both sides and media use to back up their arguments/ opinions.

I have always thought why not use an app and make it almost compulsory- for elderly who can’t use they could easily use other family members to register and update for them.

each day asking basic questions- have you any symptoms, have you had any, where have you been, have you self isolated etc. It would be very easy to gauge how many possible cases there have been and get a feel for what the country is looking like.

there is talk of an nhs app today, there was also one I read about ZOE covid 19 symptom tracker much like the above but it isn’t being used to provide data to nhs etc. It should be and it should be advertised everywhere and as said made almost compulsory with the incentives to beat track and  trace this virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 16:03:15

the whole media in this event have been a shambles and we all know how much they love to point the finger and scare monger.

Agree that they've been a shambles but my reason would be the opposite - that they've not pointed the finger. It's no coincidence that the press have not been critical.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 17:11:59
There is an app that tracks by self reporting, and prompts you every day to update your symptoms

Can download at 2.3m have contributed so far. 2.5k contributors from Swindon, of which 3.29% self reporting as having symptoms

Not sure how official that is though, or what backing it has. Doesn’t ask for any identifiable data outside of postcode and age, so must be fairly altruistic

There’s an NHS online survey too, but that’s not available in app form and is a bit more of a chore to update on the regular. The join or one takes a minute or so to complete to start with, and then a few seconds each day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 17:19:16
There is an app that tracks by self reporting, and prompts you every day to update your symptoms

Can download at 2.3m have contributed so far. 2.5k contributors from Swindon, of which 3.29% self reporting as having symptoms

Not sure how official that is though, or what backing it has. Doesn’t ask for any identifiable data outside of postcode and age, so must be fairly altruistic

There’s an NHS online survey too, but that’s not available in app form and is a bit more of a chore to update on the regular. The join or one takes a minute or so to complete to start with, and then a few seconds each day

The app is used by Guys and St Thomas biomedical research.
I have been filling it in for a week or so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 17:33:36
The app is used by Guys and St Thomas biomedical research.
I have been filling it in for a week or so

I have, too. There’s some more info about it here:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 17:49:10
There is an app that tracks by self reporting, and prompts you every day to update your symptoms

Can download at 2.3m have contributed so far. 2.5k contributors from Swindon, of which 3.29% self reporting as having symptoms

Not sure how official that is though, or what backing it has. Doesn’t ask for any identifiable data outside of postcode and age, so must be fairly altruistic

There’s an NHS online survey too, but that’s not available in app form and is a bit more of a chore to update on the regular. The join or one takes a minute or so to complete to start with, and then a few seconds each day

Yh that’s the one I was referring to. Imagine if it was mentioned in a daily briefing/ newspapers / social media. 2.3million is good, but if it was promoted correctly as a necessity it could be fantastic and such a simple solution to track and trace and see infection rates.

Edit. This new nhs app they are trying to roll out could work. Just seems a waste starting at zero users when 2.3m are already using the other. Privacy laws etc and data ownership I’m sure. Will keep an eye on this with some positivity if the trial in the north east goes well

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 17:53:38
where do you find the Swindon stats?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 17:55:44
where do you find the Swindon stats?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 18:09:07
ta, didn't realise it was clickable

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Sunday, April 12, 2020, 18:13:29
I should have said.  :girlgiggle:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, April 13, 2020, 09:28:39
‘Special permission’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, April 13, 2020, 10:05:59
I can't believe I'm sticking up for Gove here, but inexplicably he is a key figure in government so I can see why they allowed it.

but this should be standard practice for any front line worker in order to allow them to take the appropriate action

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, April 13, 2020, 16:22:47
There has to be a practical reason. How are after three weeks ‘lockdown’ an increase in cases? When considered the perceived incubation period. I am not on about the death rate at all just an increase in new cases which I guess are being recorded by the NHS as actual not suspected. Just curious as if this carries on then we’ll be in theory, ‘lockdown’ for a year. I am not in the mood for fucking retard answer, please can we be mildly sensible?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, April 13, 2020, 16:40:46
There has to be a practical reason. How are after three weeks ‘lockdown’ an increase in cases? When considered the perceived incubation period. I am not on about the death rate at all just an increase in new cases which I guess are being recorded by the NHS as actual not suspected. Just curious as if this carries on then we’ll be in theory, ‘lockdown’ for a year. I am not in the mood for fucking retard answer, please can we be mildly sensible?

Because we are doing more testing than we were 3 weeks ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, April 13, 2020, 17:00:17
Because we are doing more testing than we were 3 weeks ago.

Just that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 13, 2020, 17:10:20
There has to be a practical reason. How are after three weeks ‘lockdown’ an increase in cases?
Because what we are seeing now is a result of the what we did or didn't do weeks ago. This is why countries that implemented lockdown (or some variant of the partial lockdown we have) quickly after seeing their first cases have comparatively lower cases and so also fewer deaths. Whereas countries that failed to do so, like the UK and the US, are seeing high death rates.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 13, 2020, 17:11:01
Because we are doing more testing than we were 3 weeks ago.
We're not. We are doing more testing because we have more cases presenting to hospital, not the other way round.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, April 13, 2020, 17:21:38
There has to be a practical reason. How are after three weeks ‘lockdown’ an increase in cases? When considered the perceived incubation period. I am not on about the death rate at all just an increase in new cases which I guess are being recorded by the NHS as actual not suspected. Just curious as if this carries on then we’ll be in theory, ‘lockdown’ for a year. I am not in the mood for fucking retard answer, please can we be mildly sensible?

As per PaulD's response, this is still the tail of what happened weeks ago.

Look at Swindon's official numbers as a guide - hardly any confirmed cases but a ridiculous amount of deaths as a percentage.  It shows the UK is testing once they present to a hospital, not once they might think they have the virus.  Swindon's numbers tell me quite quickly that the confirmed cases number is massively under reported for the UK.

It can be up to 14 days after infection (sometimes longer) before you may even begin to show any symptoms.  Imagine it takes another 10-14 days for those symptoms to cause you to rock up at a hospital, then another 10-21 days before you pop your clogs.  You could be seeing deaths 7 weeks after infection (in extreme cases).  You probably have another 2 weeks before you start to see it decline after the lock down started.  If you were testing as soon as someone suspected they might have it, you'd probably already be seeing the number go down using that method.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, April 13, 2020, 17:45:23
As per PaulD's response, this is still the tail of what happened weeks ago.

Look at Swindon's official numbers as a guide - hardly any confirmed cases but a ridiculous amount of deaths as a percentage.  It shows the UK is testing once they present to a hospital, not once they might think they have the virus.  Swindon's numbers tell me quite quickly that the confirmed cases number is massively under reported for the UK.

It can be up to 14 days after infection (sometimes longer) before you may even begin to show any symptoms.  Imagine it takes another 10-14 days for those symptoms to cause you to rock up at a hospital, then another 10-21 days before you pop your clogs.  You could be seeing deaths 7 weeks after infection (in extreme cases).  You probably have another 2 weeks before you start to see it decline after the lock down started.  If you were testing as soon as someone suspected they might have it, you'd probably already be seeing the number go down using that method.

Sorry to be the party pooper but PaulD is one of many on my ignore list. No offence PaulD. It was cull the irritating members to me or leave permanently.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, April 13, 2020, 17:47:50
Pity that’s the option you choose

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 13, 2020, 18:02:35
Because what we are seeing now is a result of the what we did or didn't do weeks ago. This is why countries that implemented lockdown (or some variant of the partial lockdown we have) quickly after seeing their first cases have comparatively lower cases and so also fewer deaths. Whereas countries that failed to do so, like the UK and the US, are seeing high death rates.
For those who don't see why it matters when we locked down, The New York Times did a piece that does a pretty good job of explaining the maths behind exponential growth rates and why delaying for a few days (never mind weeks as we and the US did) makes a difference of 1000s of deaths. The piece shows how if you act now to avert one case, you prevent 2400 infections; whereas if you wait a week to avert that one case, you only prevent 600. Factor that up by a scale of several hundred thousand (of likely asymptomatic infections) and a delay of several weeks and this is why the failure to act on the warnings we had from Italy and Spain, both here and in the US, will cost thousands, if not tens of thousands (certainly of that order in the US), of lives. It's why even the govt's own experts now admit we are on course to have the worst death rate in Europe. And we didn't need to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, April 13, 2020, 20:57:04
It's why even the govt's own experts now admit we are on course to have the worst death rate in Europe. And we didn't need to.

"The government is guided by the science."

The science that mitigates a pensions/healthcare time bomb.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, April 13, 2020, 21:20:41
If lives over the economy were put first from the start then maybe this could have gone differently. Why the planes were not halted in and out of the country and the lockdown not made sooner and stricter will never sit well with me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, April 13, 2020, 21:57:09
The masks debate arises again....

I am also surprised that more pubs are not selling off their stock. Think barrels have a 3 month life span, so it could happen. I see alcohol sales have risen.

I do worry about people with their anxiety and depression. Keep well people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 04:15:34
Huge Trump meltdown at his latest press conference. This bloke is pure gold! He’s totally unhinged.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 08:27:25
The masks debate arises again....

I am also surprised that more pubs are not selling off their stock. Think barrels have a 3 month life span, so it could happen.

Article in  the paper this morning saying exactly the same thing,   Lager 3 months life, real ale 6 weeks, could be some bargains about soon, Reckon they might start a home delivery service ?.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 08:29:45
Huge Trump meltdown at his latest press conference. This bloke is pure gold!
Think it's more "dirty orange" than gold :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 08:30:24
The last few weeks of more or less on R4 have had some pretty good looks at stats and stuff behind the Corona Virus. Including Masks. Worth a listen if you haven't got much to do. They are only short. although I think some bits get repeated across the world service and normal versions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 09:14:32
The last few weeks of more or less on R4 have had some pretty good looks at stats and stuff behind the Corona Virus. Including Masks. Worth a listen if you haven't got much to do. They are only short. although I think some bits get repeated across the world service and normal versions.
+1. More or Less is excellent generally for separating the bullshit around maths and stats, but has been especially so during the Covid crisis. Podcast versions here:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Walthams on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 12:38:40
The masks debate arises again....

I am also surprised that more pubs are not selling off their stock. Think barrels have a 3 month life span, so it could happen. I see alcohol sales have risen.

I do worry about people with their anxiety and depression. Keep well people.

It will be counted as ullage (not sure that is how you spell it), breweries will pick up the stock. Seen it happening at pubs around my way within a week or so the shut down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 12:59:55
On another note, anyone seen that 99yr old bloke walking lengths of his garden to raise money for the NHS? Hes raised £2m quid! What a bloke!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 13:11:24
Great isn't it. Think he originally aimed for a grand  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 15:45:40
Italian woman fined 400 euro for breaking lockdown rules to walk her turtle:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 17:16:09
There I was thinking my trip down to Florida at the end of May was likely a non starter, enter stage left, Ron DeSantis.  He's decided that WWE is an essential business and can remain open - i.e. behind close door wrestling for TV coverage is all good.  I imagine rather than having to quickly turn the camera from a chair being brought down on a wrestler, we'll instead be shielded from someone sneezing on their "opponent"?

In light of this, I imagine a simple holiday will be perfectly fine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 18:09:38
There a few rumours flying around from the DFE, suggesting Schools look into distance learning for the foreseeable future with Schools could be closed until December.

Not sure how true this is, but I know a lot of schools are taking it seriously.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 18:13:39
Sounds strange. Those countries thinking of easing restrictions seem to be thinking schools would be one of the first.

After all, if they want people back working ASAP, kids have to be at school - not at home.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 18:14:08
I can't see that Sippo, schools will be first to reopen imo.

I know you are just passing on the rumour,.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 18:14:19
There a few rumours flying around from the DFE, suggesting Schools look into distance learning for the foreseeable future with Schools could be closed until December.

Not sure how true this is, but I know a lot of schools are taking it seriously.

Not true at all

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 18:25:52
It would not be surprising for different scenarios to be discussed, in order to understand how to prepare and plan for each eventuality.  That doesn't mean it will happen - just look at the worlds Pandemic planning - nobody stuck to their plans, everyone has been making it up as they went along, bar some of the Asian countries.  Even they are having to improvise a little now as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 18:48:01
There a few rumours flying around from the DFE, suggesting Schools look into distance learning for the foreseeable future with Schools could be closed until December.
So are these rumours or official communications from DFE?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 18:55:44
I think they (DfE/Govt) want schools "re-opened" sooner than is really possible. Indeed if they try to open schools fully before it's too soon, the teaching unions will be all over it. You can't socially distance in a full school and for those staff with another eight weeks of self-isolation to get through, you couldn't safely open the schools fully until mid-June at best.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 18:58:57
Looks like my 50th will pass under lockdown. Wasn't planning to celebrate it anyway  :)  :smugfu:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 19:17:30
So are these rumours or official communications from DFE?

I've not heard anything from them either way. In my role I'd get early warning officially.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AldbourneRed on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 19:54:48
On another note, anyone seen that 99yr old bloke walking lengths of his garden to raise money for the NHS? Hes raised £2m quid! What a bloke!
Up to £3.4m now and climbing fast, what an absolute legend

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 20:33:53
My Dad, who lives in Spain, got stopped by Police today on his way to shop at his local Iceland foods. Six officers with six machine guns. Now that's a lockdown!! He was ok btw. Happy shopper.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 21:42:08
So are these rumours or official communications from DFE?

Not official, but a lot of big academy trusts across the country are looking at long term solutions.

I don't think it will be that long, i reckon September, but nearly 100 schools are thinking it. It maybe just panicing but ceo's of these academies are certainly looking at investing in it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 21:47:55
My Dad, who lives in Spain, got stopped by Police today on his way to shop at his local Iceland foods. Six officers with six machine guns. Now that's a lockdown!! He was ok btw. Happy shopper.

Pretty normal here in Malaga province. I got stopped today going to the pharmacy and had to show my medical card etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 22:45:11
And Trump cuts funding to the WHO. Claiming that they were covering it up.

Despite the complete fucking opposite being true, and the orange twat himself publicly claiming not so long ago that it was a hoax.

Against WHO advice.

And his supporters will still lap up every fucking thing he says.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 06:55:10
Classic rw populist deflection strategy...China, WHO....the blame game works, sadly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 07:17:34
I can see that fucking clown starting a civil war in the US. I'm sure its crossed his mind to do away with voting and install himself ala Putin.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 07:54:24
War with China more likely.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 08:49:50
The number of people backing trump in this is terryfying - but not surprising.

So many are repeating misunderstandings or just plain lies.

For example "The WHO covered it up by saying it doesn't transmit from person to person".

True, to a degree. They said in JANUARY this was the case 'according to preliminary data'. About a week later, they reversed the statement as more information came to light. It's how science works but there's too many idiots out there unable or unwilling to realise that.

Idiots are fucking dangerous. And they're dangerous to the rest of us.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 09:01:20
Trump's move to defund WHO has rightly been described by Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, as "a crime against humanity".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 09:05:31
Scary isn't it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 09:10:10
Well known Town fan and old mate of mine and many on here Derek Elston of the 2,000+ Town matches consecutively is seriously ill in hospital with Covid19, everything crossed for you to make a full recovery mate.

Saw he posted in the Facebook group he expects to be released today

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 09:21:40
Saw he posted in the Facebook group he expects to be released today
Yeah thats good news. He and his wife hope to be allowed home today to finish recovery at home, good luck to him and his missus, he seems over the worst of this and hopefully see him back at the club soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 10:20:14
Jimmy Greaves out of hospital apparently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:14:12
And Trump cuts funding to the WHO. Claiming that they were covering it up.

Despite the complete fucking opposite being true, and the orange twat himself publicly claiming not so long ago that it was a hoax.

Against WHO advice.

And his supporters will still lap up every fucking thing he says.

That is the first stage of his "who can I blame Corona on so that I am not too blame in an election year" plan in full effect, you will see more of this over the coming months..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:19:13
That is the first stage of his "who can I blame Corona on so that I am not too blame in an election year" plan in full effect, you will see more of this over the coming months..
The first stage was when he tried to claim it was a Democrat hoax, but you're right there'll be plenty more of it and his "base" will lap it up. Much as some people here are swallowing the Mail and Telegraph's St Boris of Corona Recovery line

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:19:47
I see the Care Minister is the latest govt fuckwit to put the moron in oxymoron.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:24:44
I think people give Trump too much credit in suggesting his actions are down to design. I think it's more likely it's just a reaction from a petulant, unstable fuckwit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:25:39
I see the Care Minister is the latest govt fuckwit to put the moron in oxymoron.
To be fair she was being interviewed/shouted at/bullied (delete as appropriate) by that absolute cunt Piers Morgan who is using this whole thing to further his own career and pursue his own agenda.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:27:30
Just seen the video and I don't think she was laughging at the deaths. I reckon it was more a case of exasperation at the gobshite not letting her speak - as per usual from him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:34:40
Just seen the video and I don't think she was laughging at the deaths. I reckon it was more a case of exasperation at the gobshite not letting her speak - as per usual from him.
I wasn't referring to the "giggling" as such, just her complete inability to actually answer the questions. Yes Morgan is a bully, but even when she had a clear run to respond she ducked the questions. And she repeated the lie of blaming medics for using "too much" PPE, she should be hounded out of office for that alone. Although that now seems to be the standard govt line, victim blaming at it's worst

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:35:02
Just seen the video and I don't think she was laughging at the deaths. I reckon it was more a case of exasperation at the gobshite not letting her speak - as per usual from him.
Exactly that, can’t believe people are buying his ‘man of the people’ act.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:41:46
Exactly that, can’t believe people are buying his ‘man of the people’ act.
I wasn't referring to that, see my reply to FH

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 12:11:26
The number of people backing trump in this is terryfying - but not surprising.

So many are repeating misunderstandings or just plain lies.

For example "The WHO covered it up by saying it doesn't transmit from person to person".

True, to a degree. They said in JANUARY this was the case 'according to preliminary data'. About a week later, they reversed the statement as more information came to light. It's how science works but there's too many idiots out there unable or unwilling to realise that.

Idiots are fucking dangerous. And they're dangerous to the rest of us.
Predictably, one of the idiots in question is the arch gobshite Farage. Putin must be pissing himself, he's done more damage to America's standing in the world with a few 10s of millions of dollars than the Soviets managed in 50 years of the Cold War

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 12:19:40
On another note, anyone seen that 99yr old bloke walking lengths of his garden to raise money for the NHS? Hes raised £2m quid! What a bloke!

£5m and rising  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 12:20:31
£5m and rising  :)

6.5 million now! Top man

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 12:39:33
6.5 million now! Top man
Bloody hell, that's enormously impressive

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 14:09:36
‘Only’ 760 deaths reported today - barring a big reporting lull, you would have thought any reporting backlog from the bank holiday would have washed through the numbers by now. I know the reporting method isn’t perfect, but even on a like-for-like basis with numbers reported on previous Tuesdays (which will have contained the weekends spikes)

Cautiously suggest that numbers may have peaked last week in the high-900’s, although still a very long way to go

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 14:29:11
I see the Care Minister is the latest govt fuckwit to put the moron in oxymoron.

I've just tried watching the video in question, lasted about 20 seconds before switching off. Constant cutting in from Morgan after Whately had only just opened her mouth, admonishing her for not being able to see the paper he was holding up when she was on a video call. A combination of Piers being a bell end, and the delay on the video feed meant anyone watching that is absolutely none the wiser.

Out of interest, was Morgan as critical of Government failures to provide PPE when our squaddies were being sent to fight in Iraq with some boots and body armour they got off eBay and some crusty old Land Rovers?

Ah no, he was making up stories about them pissing on bodies.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 14:53:26
‘Only’ 760 deaths reported today - barring a big reporting lull, you would have thought any reporting backlog from the bank holiday would have washed through the numbers by now. I know the reporting method isn’t perfect, but even on a like-for-like basis with numbers reported on previous Tuesdays (which will have contained the weekends spikes)

Cautiously suggest that numbers may have peaked last week in the high-900’s, although still a very long way to go

Cautiously agreeing with you.  It's an important step forward.  Looks like we're arriving at the plateau.  Hopefully, this also means that the worst of the capacity-related scenarios have been avoided.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 15:10:22
Cautiously suggest that numbers may have peaked last week in the high-900’s, although still a very long way to go
Let's hope so, although we've been here before with a temporary plateau.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 15:11:46
I've just tried watching the video in question, lasted about 20 seconds before switching off. Constant cutting in from Morgan after Whately had only just opened her mouth, admonishing her for not being able to see the paper he was holding up when she was on a video call. A combination of Piers being a bell end, and the delay on the video feed meant anyone watching that is absolutely none the wiser.
And again, if you read back, you'll see that wasn't the bit I was talking about.

Out of interest, was Morgan as critical of Government failures to provide PPE when our squaddies were being sent to fight in Iraq with some boots and body armour they got off eBay and some crusty old Land Rovers?

Ah no, he was making up stories about them pissing on bodies.
Morgan's a dick, always has been, no-one is suggesting otherwise and his man of the people pose is as revolting now as it always has been

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 15:13:17
Ah no, he was making up stories about them pissing on bodies.

And he would probably be the first cockwomble to complain loudly if they put up the NI contributions to fund the NHS payrises he is shouting for

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 16:14:47
Great package for care homes just announced.

WARNING: Thursday evening might see fireworks let off. If you or your pets are of a nervous disposition, please make the same contingency arrangements as you do on Bonfire Night, NYE etc. Likewise please advise any health or social care workers who are your family, friends, neighbours etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 18:51:03
Exactly that, can’t believe people are buying his ‘man of the people’ act.

I'll have nothing to do with Morgan, avoid him at all costs and would advise everyone else to. When he was in charge of the Mirror it was ridiculous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 08:35:04
Great package for care homes just announced.

WARNING: Thursday evening might see fireworks let off. If you or your pets are of a nervous disposition, please make the same contingency arrangements as you do on Bonfire Night, NYE etc. Likewise please advise any health or social care workers who are your family, friends, neighbours etc.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 08:38:58
Please don't feed the troll. It only empowers them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 09:33:33
This is what Helen Whateley, the Lack of Care Minister who didn't know how many doctors and nurses have died from Covid19 but continued to blame them for using PPE too much, did before she became a Tory MP:

TLDR: she worked for the dept at McKinsey, the rapacious US management consultants, that proposed £20bn of cuts to the NHS, part of McKinsey's ongoing strategy to privatise the NHS. She's now a minister in the Dept of Health.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 09:42:26
Please don't feed the troll. It only empowers them.

I get that but sometimes it needs to be said.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 09:43:57
Whateley is a cretin, seen her in a few different media appearances and she is adept at avoiding questions and spouting party lines.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 09:58:16
There have been demonstrations in Michigan by people demanding the reopening of the State. They are shown in groups, taking selfies and ignoring State Government advice.

Michigan has the fourth highest number of coronavirus infections and the third highest number of deaths. What a bunch of bellends. One demonstrator brought his assault rifle for company!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 10:08:35

If a vaccine doesn't rid us of Coronavirus, this AK47 will for sure!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 10:25:37
There have been demonstrations in Michigan by people demanding the reopening of the State. They are shown in groups, taking selfies and ignoring State Government advice.

Michigan has the fourth highest number of coronavirus infections and the third highest number of deaths. What a bunch of bellends. One demonstrator brought his assault rifle for company!

What is the Forrest Gump phrase? 'Stupid is as stupid does?' Apparently guns are seen as essential in the States!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 10:58:23
Also, Georgia has revoked its ban on face masks - brought in originally to counter the KKK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 11:13:09
Rednecks  :idiot:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 12:10:04
I can imagine a few Dixie Flag inspired ones appearing in the Southern parts of the State.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 13:15:44
The WWE thing in Florida, whereby it is now deemed an essential service, has an interesting back story (nothing proven as yet).  The day after DeSantis (Gov) agreed to classifying it as Essential, Linda McMahon (wife of Vince and co-owner of WWE) dropped $18m on a Super PAC supporting the Repubs in Florida.  Then, a couple of days later they announced the first live event (with no audience) ensuring they didn't go into breach of contract with Fox who won the TV rights (part of the contract is a number of live performances being required, not just recorded content).  This meant avoiding having to pay back $100m's in fees they had received.  In between the agreement on the live show and announcement a few days were allowed to pass (so DeSantis only spoke about his Exec order about 4 or 5 days after making it, so it tied in with the actual event happening anyway).  Seems someone at WWE was diagnosed with Covid-19.

You can well imagine other sports pressing down this route once TV contracts start to get them by the short and curlies.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 13:19:38
The WWE thing in Florida, whereby it is now deemed an essential service, has an interesting back story (nothing proven as yet).  The day after DeSantis (Gov) agreed to classifying it as Essential, Linda McMahon (wife of Vince and co-owner of WWE) dropped $18m on a Super PAC supporting the Repubs in Florida.  Then, a couple of days later they announced the first live event (with no audience) ensuring they didn't go into breach of contract with Fox who won the TV rights (part of the contract is a number of live performances being required, not just recorded content).  This meant avoiding having to pay back $100m's in fees they had received.  In between the agreement on the live show and announcement a few days were allowed to pass (so DeSantis only spoke about his Exec order about 4 or 5 days after making it, so it tied in with the actual event happening anyway).  Seems someone at WWE was diagnosed with Covid-19.

You can well imagine other sports pressing down this route once TV contracts start to get them by the short and curlies.
Allegedly much the same happened with the Cheltenham Festival here, govt pressured by big gambling companies to let it go ahead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 13:20:12
840 today, that will include the weekends backlog which was a bit later than anticipated. Can’t really draw anything conclusive, but seeing as it’s still down on last week, even with a backlog, again suggests numbers might have steadied, though  not yet started to decline

Lockdown expected to be extended for another three weeks later, to the surprise of no-one

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 13:24:03
840 today, that will include the weekends backlog which was a bit later than anticipated. Can’t really draw anything conclusive, but seeing as it’s still down on last week, even with a backlog, again suggests numbers might have steadied, though  not yet started to decline
Can't draw conclusions from day to day numbers, too many variables, too much lag, esp when we know that large amounts of deaths, never mind cases, are not being reported. WHO have described the situation in Europe generally as improving apart from continuing disappointing figures in UK, Russia, Belarus and Turkey. We are still with the outliers (and not the good ones) unfortunately

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 13:30:27
This is what Helen Whateley, the Lack of Care Minister who didn't know how many doctors and nurses have died from Covid19 but continued to blame them for using PPE too much, did before she became a Tory MP:

TLDR: she worked for the dept at McKinsey, the rapacious US management consultants, that proposed £20bn of cuts to the NHS, part of McKinsey's ongoing strategy to privatise the NHS. She's now a minister in the Dept of Health.

I have had the misfortune of dealing with McKinsey for the past five months, a more inept bunch of cretins are you likely to ever meet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 13:31:31
Russia and Turkey looks worrying, both run by people who have tight control and at least one of them who was using his powers to tell everyone in the country it was all under control and how strong they were.  That didn't work out so well for one close to home for me!

Brazil seems to be climbing as well, another country with a leader who thought propaganda could solve the problem.

There are a number of countries where the data looks pretty odd as well.  Once people review this in a few years, the death toll will be recorded much higher.  NYC is already having to add nearly 4k extra deaths because they died before any tests could be done and the next patient needed seeing to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 13:37:11

I don't wish ill on anyone, but some people make it hard.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 13:40:03
There are a number of countries where the data looks pretty odd as well.  Once people review this in a few years, the death toll will be recorded much higher.  NYC is already having to add nearly 4k extra deaths because they died before any tests could be done and the next patient needed seeing to.
We will have the same once deaths in care homes and the community are added in - figures from Scotland show 25% of deaths are in care homes; in Europe it is between 40-50%. So our current toll of just under 14,000 which is horrific enough is probably already well over 20k.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 14:44:15
Can't draw conclusions from day to day numbers, too many variables, too much lag, esp when we know that large amounts of deaths, never mind cases, are not being reported. WHO have described the situation in Europe generally as improving apart from continuing disappointing figures in UK, Russia, Belarus and Turkey. We are still with the outliers (and not the good ones) unfortunately

The 7 day average is starting to flatten too tho, not just day-to-day variances - 4 of the last 6 7dayavgs have been 800 or thereabouts

I know it doesn’t count everything, but I’d hazard a bet the numbers reported in Spain and Italy and elsewhere have similar holes in them. I think for the purposes of understanding right now where we are the daily death reporting is a decent enough proxy - fill in the gaps in the future, once we have the time and the information

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 14:47:53
The 7 day average is starting to flatten too tho, not just day-to-day variances - 4 of the last 6 7dayavgs have been 800 or thereabouts

I know it doesn’t count everything, but I’d hazard a bet the numbers reported in Spain and Italy and elsewhere have similar holes in them. I think for the purposes of understanding right now where we are the daily death reporting is a decent enough proxy - fill in the gaps in the future, once we have the time and the information
Fair enough on the average, but France, Spain and Italy have been including deaths in care homes. It's how we know that the numbers of deaths in care homes in Europe is between 40-50%.

I find this tracker from the FT is really useful - as you say, it agrees with you that deaths in the UK appear to be plateauing. The govt's CSO was more guarded in his assessment yesterday when a journalist tried to get him to say we had reached the peak, his view was that it was too early to say that.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 14:54:15
As if things couldnt get much worse, the Darwin Award goes to these citizens in Michigan.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 14:57:57
As if things couldnt get much worse, the Darwin Award goes to these citizens in Michigan.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 15:08:24
Fair enough on the average, but France, Spain and Italy have been including deaths in care homes. It's how we know that the numbers of deaths in care homes in Europe is between 40-50%.

I find this tracker from the FT is really useful - as you say, it agrees with you that deaths in the UK appear to be plateauing. The govt's CSO was more guarded in his assessment yesterday when a journalist tried to get him to say we had reached the peak, his view was that it was too early to say that.


These graphs are very useful in providing an overview.  But I do wish that more of them didn't use a logarithmic scale.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 16:01:09
Another 3 weeks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 16:31:51

From a selfish point of view, I'm starting to worry about my job a wee bit. There's been zero indication from my employers but I guess it's natural to worry. Absolutely cannot wait to return to the office.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 16:37:10
Whilst we’ve heard quite a bit about New Zealand, somewhere closer to home is also seemingly doing much better than the UK - Slovakia.
Admittedly, they are a country of less than 6 million but decisively closed all borders on 12 March, whereas we are currently admitting 15,000 people a day through our airports, none of whom are being tested.

Slovakia have had 8 deaths so far and less than 1000 confirmed cases.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 16:55:49
Whilst we’ve heard quite a bit about New Zealand, somewhere closer to home is also seemingly doing much better than the UK - Slovakia.
Admittedly, they are a country of less than 6 million but decisively closed all borders on 12 March, whereas we are currently admitting 15,000 people a day through our airports, none of whom are being tested.

Slovakia have had 8 deaths so far and less than 1000 confirmed cases.

To pick up on that I'm quite and avid lurker on flight radar. There is a constant stream of planes (admittedly far less than normal) coming from the US

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 17:08:01
Quote from: RobertT (

I don't wish ill on anyone, but some people make it hard.

go ahead, bash the bishop

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 17:34:25

From a selfish point of view, I'm starting to worry about my job a wee bit. There's been zero indication from my employers but I guess it's natural to worry. Absolutely cannot wait to return to the office.

I'm starting to think the same even though as local Govt I'm pretty safe for now. My role though has been downgraded from a P1 to a P2. those downgraded to P4 are expected to swap roles shortly. P3's are shitting it.  I've even asked the question about reciprocal council swaps just in case. As i'm sure surrey might need a laid back beer loving Technical manager even though they dont know it yet

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, April 17, 2020, 07:34:48
I wonder if this is why Greece has not been so badly affected. Get tough!

‘It is also recalled that 1,000 euros for each person is the fine for public gatherings of more than ten people, which also applies to gatherings for roasting lamb.’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, April 17, 2020, 08:05:02
So the video of people clapping on westminster bridge shows that people cannot do social distancing in the country. Yes it's a nice idea, but seriously. Even the police were there.

In my opinion, we need to get harder and tougher on the lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, April 17, 2020, 08:31:34
To pick up on that I'm quite and avid lurker on flight radar. There is a constant stream of planes (admittedly far less than normal) coming from the US

The flight radar app is superb. We live under the Heathrow flight line and that app is useful for a game of 'guess where this plane came from'. Almost nothing coming in now currently.

Interestingly there were quite a lot of flights overhead on Saturday. These are seemingly ghost planes with no passengers and lots of PPE type equipment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, April 17, 2020, 08:42:03
I noticed that there were a fair few taking off Saturday morning that didn't subsequently show up, so I'd assume you are right as general cargo ones do show up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, April 17, 2020, 09:20:38
I noticed that there were a fair few taking off Saturday morning that didn't subsequently show up, so I'd assume you are right as general cargo ones do show up

Wife's sister and brother in law work at Dublin airport and we asked them what these planes were likely to be and they confirmed they were 'ghost flights' that are being sent around the world to countries that require equipment etc. I presume that ours are full of tins of spam.  :) :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 17, 2020, 11:08:38
Hancock refuses to give assurance that hospitals won't run out of PPE gowns this weekend. Some hospitals are already having to decontaminate single use PPE in an attempt to reuse it. Fucking shambles.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Friday, April 17, 2020, 12:26:47
The flight radar app is superb. We live under the Heathrow flight line and that app is useful for a game of 'guess where this plane came from'. Almost nothing coming in now currently.

Interestingly there were quite a lot of flights overhead on Saturday. These are seemingly ghost planes with no passengers and lots of PPE type equipment.

Love that app.

I've also got ones for trains and cruise ships.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, April 17, 2020, 12:38:23
So the video of people clapping on westminster bridge shows that people cannot do social distancing in the country. Yes it's a nice idea, but seriously. Even the police were there.

In my opinion, we need to get harder and tougher on the lockdown.

Except they've done the opposite. Car drivers will now be out abusing the laxed rule that allows people to drive to locations to exercise. At the very least the same rules should have stood. I agree with you, I'd have liked to have seen it tougher.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, April 17, 2020, 12:42:07
Except they've done the opposite. Car drivers will now be out abusing the laxed rule that allows people to drive to locations to exercise. At the very least the same rules should have stood. I agree with you, I'd have liked to have seen it tougher.
I agree, harder not laxer rules for the near future at least.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, April 17, 2020, 13:08:23
847 deaths today, again fairly flat. Government think the rate of infection is now below 1 also, which is also good news and suggest a slow trend in the right direction. I’m not sure what a harsher or more strict lockdown would do other than piss people off - the measures are working slowly, as they always would. Toughening the measures would have a negligible impact on the trend and only serve to piss more people off

Less good, early reports from Wuhan suggest the number of people with antibodies is around 2-3%, although some scepticism of Chinese reporting might be healthy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 17, 2020, 13:13:24
I agree, harder not laxer rules for the near future at least.
That is more likely to achieve the opposite of what you want. By and large, bar the occasional exception, the current rules have been pretty well observed and people seem to have adapted quite well. Making the rules themselves more stringent only makes violations more likely. There's a large amount of buy-in for things as they stand, make it much tougher and that will evaporate. FWIW, I think the current lockdown rules are one of the few things the govt has got about right in it's generally abysmal handling of the crisis

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 17, 2020, 13:15:07
Government think the rate of infection is now below 1 also, which is also good news and suggest a slow trend in the right direction.
Given they're not doing any testing outside of hospitals, or next to none, there is absolutely no way anyone can know what the rate of infection is. It's just hopeful pissing in the wind.

On a more encouraging note, apparently Hancock is talking about mass community testing as a way of reopening things and was open to the idea of local councils being involved instead of trying to do everything via PHE in his comments to the select committee this morning. If and when that starts, then we might have some idea of the scale of infection, deaths and possible immunity, at least in the short term

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, April 17, 2020, 13:45:25
I see 3 coppers were injured when called to people drinking in The Deer’s Leap yesterday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 17, 2020, 15:01:41
As if things couldnt get much worse, the Darwin Award goes to these citizens in Michigan.
Not just Michigan, been taken up in several states, backed by the usual suspects of militias, far-right "Anti-Antifa" street gangs and Trump supporters.

What's the definition of bordering on stupidity? Mexico and Canada

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, April 17, 2020, 15:06:11
Not just Michigan, been taken up in several states, backed by the usual suspects of militias, far-right "Anti-Antifa" street gangs and Trump supporters.

What's the definition of bordering on stupidity? Mexico and Canada
It is unbelievable TBH, and yes bordering on madness is correct!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 10:56:30
Holy hell.

Today, Florida set a record of new coronavirus cases: 1,413 in the last 24 hours.

Florida’s total cases is now 24,753.

Today, @GovRonDeSantis allowed beaches back open.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 12:40:00
It is unbelievable TBH, and yes bordering on madness is correct!
And now Trump is actively encouraging the protests in 3 states, coincidentally all with Democrat governors, tweeting "LIBERATE VIRGINIA" etc. He's effectively inciting rebellion in his own country. Absolutely criminal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 12:45:31
Hancock refuses to give assurance that hospitals won't run out of PPE gowns this weekend. Some hospitals are already having to decontaminate single use PPE in an attempt to reuse it. Fucking shambles.
And this is now official advice. To reuse PPE that is designed to be single use. Criminal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 12:57:35
Absolutely criminal.

I'm not a legal person, but I'd hazard a guess that it is, actually, criminal. Not that anything would happen about it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 13:29:57
I'm not a legal person, but I'd hazard a guess that it is, actually, criminal. Not that anything would happen about it.

As you say, you are not a lawyer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 14:54:31
That is more likely to achieve the opposite of what you want. By and large, bar the occasional exception, the current rules have been pretty well observed and people seem to have adapted quite well. Making the rules themselves more stringent only makes violations more likely. There's a large amount of buy-in for things as they stand, make it much tougher and that will evaporate. FWIW, I think the current lockdown rules are one of the few things the govt has got about right in it's generally abysmal handling of the crisis

Difficult to know what is for the best and I sympathise with the 'harder not softer' viewpoint, but I think you are probably right.  Retaining public support is vital.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 14:58:15
And this is now official advice. To reuse PPE that is designed to be single use. Criminal.

It's appalling that they have insufficient supplies, but where that is the reality then what do you suggest as a less criminal course of action?

Not treating the patient?   Treating without any protection?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 16:35:52
It's appalling that they have insufficient supplies, but where that is the reality then what do you suggest as a less criminal course of action?

Not treating the patient?   Treating without any protection?
Sorry, I was perhaps a little ambiguous. I meant the decision to run down/fail to maintain the stockpile of PPE for precisely this eventuality over the last 7 years, then the more immediate failure to get adequate supplies of PPE in Jan/Feb/early March when it was clear this was coming, and even now the ongoing failure to engage with small manufacturers who I keep seeing on Twitter crying out to supply PPE but claim that they are being ignored. All of which has led to the current situation where, as you say, health workers are faced with the choice of treating patients without proper protection or simply not treating them which is no choice at all. That is what I meant was criminal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 16:47:59
Difficult to know what is for the best and I sympathise with the 'harder not softer' viewpoint, but I think you are probably right.  Retaining public support is vital.

Just think, one asymptomatic at the Deers Leap lock-in last Thursday night and the consequences won't be apparent for weeks. It's reasonable to assume similar is going on up and down the country during this partial lockdown. Longer it goes on, fatigue will set in, even more will be tempted to push their luck.

IMHO the only way to bring active cases down to a level that doesn't threaten NHS capacity, and importantly, over a sustained period of time, is to impose a much stricter and enforceable lockdown. We're just delaying the inevitable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 16:48:15
Sorry, I was perhaps a little ambiguous. I meant the decision to run down/fail to maintain the stockpile of PPE for precisely this eventuality over the last 7 years, then the more immediate failure to get adequate supplies of PPE in Jan/Feb/early March when it was clear this was coming, and even now the ongoing failure to engage with small manufacturers who I keep seeing on Twitter crying out to supply PPE but claim that they are being ignored. All of which has led to the current situation where, as you say, health workers are faced with the choice of treating patients without proper protection or simply not treating them which is no choice at all. That is what I meant was criminal.

In Jan, the focus of the government was entirely on Brexit and the Jan 31st deadline.  There was no time for anything else.  In Feb, they were all knackered.  Massive relief, no doubt, to have jumped the Brexit hurdle.  Probably explains why Johnson went missing for 12 days in Feb, just as the crisis was escalating.  By March, it was too late.  Other countries were ahead of us in the procurement queues for PPE...which makes it all the more despicable that we opted out of the EU scheme because it would have been politically embarrassing for the Tories.  The opportunity cost of Brexit has been horrific, and this is the most tragic example of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 17:39:20
well that's it isn't it. missed the PPE boat, if there was one, and now can't get them quick enough..

except I take Pauls point about seemingly not engaging with manufacturers that could help.

there are some that are helping regardless sister is a community nurse. the local tech college manufactured full face masks for the team.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 18:20:08
well that's it isn't it. missed the PPE boat, if there was one, and now can't get them quick enough..

except I take Pauls point about seemingly not engaging with manufacturers that could help.

there are some that are helping regardless sister is a community nurse. the local tech college manufactured full face masks for the team.

If on twitter have a look thru Jefferson MFG timelines.

Barbour making 1500 gowns a day in South shields
Numatic making 10k face shields a day in Chard.
JCB in Rocester making face shields.
Cadbury in Birmingham making face shields

Along with
The British automotive sector has responded to the urgent call for PPE and medical devices, including:
▪️Aston Martin (Visors & gowns)
▪️Mercedes (CPAP machines)
▪️Rolls-Royce (Visors)
▪️Nissan (Visors)
▪️Ford (Ventilators)
▪️JLR (Visors)
▪️McLaren (Ventilators)

Plenty about that you rarely if ever see on MSN

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 18:33:26
That's really positive, if true.  Let's hope the equipment starts arriving ASAP.  Well done to the companies involved.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 18:55:13
A resident in the care home my Mrs works in now has the virus. First one.
Waiting for my daughter to get in from the 12 hour shift from another home and will see how she's got on today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 20:10:33
Trying to be positive. And this is one of the more hopeful bits of analysis I've seen for a while.  Follow the link and scroll down to 7.03pm.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 20:18:02
Pretty damning expose on Boris Johnson by that lefty rag, The Sunday Times:

tldr: they allege Johnson skipped five Cobra meetings on coronavirus, calls to order protective gear were ignored and scientists’ warnings fell on deaf ears

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 20:26:45
I've been waiting for the press to wake up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 20:45:44
Pretty damning expose on Boris Johnson by that lefty rag, The Sunday Times:

tldr: they allege Johnson skipped five Cobra meetings on coronavirus, calls to order protective gear were ignored and scientists’ warnings fell on deaf ears

This version gets around the pay wall:

This is the most damning critique of failed leadership that I have read in a long time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 21:03:58
Disgraceful, but not surprising is it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, April 18, 2020, 22:25:40
Disgraceful, but not surprising is it?

Nope.  Just glad it's been broken by the Sunday Times rather than the Guardian as far less easily dismissed.  Shame it wasn't the Daily Mail, some of Johnson's / the Government's more vociferous supporters might then actually read it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 06:19:47
“Boris will be back next week to lead UK out of lockdown”
It’s headlines like these which are laughable, his ‘leadership’ thus far has been quite frankly appalling.
Now is not the time, but once this is over, he and his cabinet should have serious questions to answer about their mishandling of the situation

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 07:53:43
We're in this together.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 07:59:00
We're in this together.

Think we've heard this before somewhere ;)
Was bullshit then too

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 08:29:24
Think we've heard this before somewhere ;)
Was bullshit then too

Yep, you just had to look at all the panic buying and the covidiots milling around to see that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 10:29:24
Yep, you just had to look at all the panic buying and the covidiots milling around to see that.

Can't argue with that. The government are still cunts though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 10:37:51
“Boris will be back next week to lead UK out of lockdown”
It’s headlines like these which are laughable, his ‘leadership’ thus far has been quite frankly appalling.
Now is not the time, but once this is over, he and his cabinet should have serious questions to answer about their mishandling of the situation
Boris will be back once the death rate starts to fall off so he can look like he's "leading" the curve out of peak death, they don't want "Brand Boris" tarnished by having to announce ever increasing deaths or answering awkward questions about failure to get PPE, testing etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 10:51:51
This version gets around the pay wall:

This is the most damning critique of failed leadership that I have read in a long time.
"And what you learn about Boris was he didn’t chair any meetings. He liked his country breaks. He didn’t work weekends. It was like working for an old-fashioned chief executive in a local authority 20 years ago. There was a real sense that he didn’t do urgent crisis planning. It was exactly like people feared he would be"

One of the key things that I don't think a lot of people have properly understood about Boris Johnson is how enormously lazy he is. Normally that would be problematic to say the least, in a time of national crisis, it's already cost thousands, and will possibly cost 10s of thousands, of lives

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 11:04:51
"And what you learn about Boris was he didn’t chair any meetings. He liked his country breaks. He didn’t work weekends. It was like working for an old-fashioned chief executive in a local authority 20 years ago. There was a real sense that he didn’t do urgent crisis planning. It was exactly like people feared he would be"

One of the key things that I don't think a lot of people have properly understood about Boris Johnson is how enormously lazy he is. Normally that would be problematic to say the least, in a time of national crisis, it's already cost thousands, and will possibly cost 10s of thousands, of lives

Sounds like the great leader across the pond who is ‘bored of watching baseball games from years ago’. How he has time to watch TV at a time like this is bizarre, the fact he is saying it in press conferences just smacks of arrogance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 11:06:21
This version gets around the pay wall:

This is the most damning critique of failed leadership that I have read in a long time.
"We could have been Germany but instead we were doomed by our incompetence, our hubris and our austerity."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 11:09:11
Sounds like the great leader across the pond who is ‘bored of watching baseball games from years ago’. How he has time to watch TV at a time like this is bizarre, the fact he is saying it in press conferences just smacks of arrogance.
The parallels between the laziness, incompetence and arrogance that led both the UK and the US into this disaster are quite frightening. One of the few things my Tory-voting Mum has been able to cling to is "At least we're not as bad as Trump". Strip away the theatre, the bluster in press conferences, the Twitter diarrhoea and look at what the two countries have actually *done* (or rather failed to do) and it's very similar.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 11:12:14
On the other side of the coin I think the government have acted very well with financial help.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 11:15:20
People realise that COBRA is just the name of a briefing room right where meetings are held that don’t always need the PM’s attendance?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 11:21:53
People realise that COBRA is just the name of a briefing room right where meetings are held that don’t always need the PM’s attendance?

Of course. The point is that the fact he didn't bother to attend 5 successive meetings on Covid-19 shows how little importance he attached to it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 11:24:20
On the other side of the coin I think the government have acted very well with financial help.
I'd be largely minded to agree, albeit the schemes they have put in place have been badly undermined by the banks. Sunak should either offer 100% guarantees or remind the banks who bailed them out when they fucked up in 2008 and threaten them if they don't start the money flowing to businesses that need it.

But this is a public health emergency and the govt's actions (or lack of) in that area have been catastrophic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 11:30:14
Of course. The point is that the fact he didn't bother to attend 5 successive meetings on Covid-19 shows how little importance he attached to it.
But that article refers to COBRA as a ‘committee‘, the fact they’ve got that wrong is pretty fundamental and pretty piss poor journalism.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 11:43:46
But that article refers to COBRA as a ‘committee‘, the fact they’ve got that wrong is pretty fundamental and pretty piss poor journalism.
It's also used as a shorthand for the Civil Contingencies Committee which is the committee charged with responding to national emergencies. If that's what you're focusing on, I think you might have missed the point

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 12:16:44
Sorry, I was perhaps a little ambiguous. I meant the decision to run down/fail to maintain the stockpile of PPE for precisely this eventuality over the last 7 years, then the more immediate failure to get adequate supplies of PPE in Jan/Feb/early March when it was clear this was coming, and even now the ongoing failure to engage with small manufacturers who I keep seeing on Twitter crying out to supply PPE but claim that they are being ignored. All of which has led to the current situation where, as you say, health workers are faced with the choice of treating patients without proper protection or simply not treating them which is no choice at all. That is what I meant was criminal.
Ok sorry, understood

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 12:30:34
But that article refers to COBRA as a ‘committee‘, the fact they’ve got that wrong is pretty fundamental and pretty piss poor journalism.

But is it 'pretty fundamental' though? 

The article states that Boris delayed taking action long after he was being advised by the experts that this was a real threat to the uk and as a direct consequence lives were lost.  That is either totally correct, partially valid but somewhat overstated or totally wrong. 

Whether they got some minor details wrong or split an infinitive or misspelt something is irrelevant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 13:01:36
It's also used as a shorthand for the Civil Contingencies Committee which is the committee charged with responding to national emergencies. If that's what you're focusing on, I think you might have missed the point
Thats the name of meeting held in ‘Cabinet Office Briefing Room A’ there are hundreds of other meetings held in same room that may or may not need the PM’s attendance. If you are going to use that as a stick to beat him let’s have the agendas for said 5 meetings and judge for ourselves whether he should be there. Instead to put an ambiguous statement saying it’s ‘unusual for the PM to miss COBRA meetings’ is factually incorrect.

If he’s missed Civil Contingencies Meetings then that’s another matter, but that’s not what the article says. Yes I may be splitting hairs but it just makes the journalists come across as either amateur or with an axe to grind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 13:29:01
:headhurts:Thats the name of meeting held in ‘Cabinet Office Briefing Room A’ there are hundreds of other meetings held in same room that may or may not need the PM’s attendance. If you are going to use that as a stick to beat him let’s have the agendas for said 5 meetings and judge for ourselves whether he should be there. Instead to put an ambiguous statement saying it’s ‘unusual for the PM to miss COBRA meetings’ is factually incorrect.

If he’s missed Civil Contingencies Meetings then that’s another matter, but that’s not what the article says. Yes I may be splitting hairs but it just makes the journalists come across as either amateur or with an axe to grind.
Fair Comment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 14:00:31
:headhurts:Thats the name of meeting held in ‘Cabinet Office Briefing Room A’ there are hundreds of other meetings held in same room that may or may not need the PM’s attendance. If you are going to use that as a stick to beat him let’s have the agendas for said 5 meetings and judge for ourselves whether he should be there. Instead to put an ambiguous statement saying it’s ‘unusual for the PM to miss COBRA meetings’ is factually incorrect.

If he’s missed Civil Contingencies Meetings then that’s another matter, but that’s not what the article says. Yes I may be splitting hairs but it just makes the journalists come across as either amateur or with an axe to grind.
You're massively splitting hairs. Even Gove isn't disputing that Johnson missed the meetings and that these were the top level meetings between govt, civil service and scientific advisers to determine how the nation responded to Covid19. And Johnson couldn't be arsed to attend, symptomatic of  filure at the top levels of govt to acknowledge how serious the situation was. Through a combination of laziness and complacency the govt failed to take the Covid19 outbreak seriously enough early enough,  as a result of which the death toll in this country has been many times higher than it needed to be and we are still massively behind the curve on PPE, testing etc. Attempting to excuse that level of negligence by attacking a commonly used journalistic shorthand - all the major news outlets refer to the COBRA meetings as a shorthand, it's not because they don't know what the meetings are or where they're held, it's just a commonly used shorthand - is missing the point by miles.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 14:40:59
Watched Bill Maher interview Dan Crenshaw, a pretty articulate Republican who made some good points that Bill struggled with.  However, one of the points was fundamental to the issue with a lot of the Wests initial response, and articulates everything that is shown to be wrong by that article as well.

When responding to criticism of Trumps slow response he focussed on shutting off travel from China, which was fair enough, but then claimed that February was spent busily analysing data and trying to determine what course of action to take.  Which describes the exact process being outlined here as well.  That is where it went wrong.  He asked what would expect a country to do when only 100 cases are being reported, shut the country down?

Yes.  That is the point.  South Korea had recently had a test run, where they got it wrong.  They reviewed their actions and determined a stronger more immediate response was needed.  I believe they actually took the UK Pandemic plan and used that as the basis for their response to Covid.  As soon as they heard China had an outbreak of a respiratory virus, they assumed it would spread to them.  They enacted the Plan working on the assumption it would spread easily, rapidly bringing testing to production, contact tracing (an extreme version that traced credit card purchases not just relying on  people’s memory of where they had been and when, among other invasive efforts)  and treated it like a worst case scenario.  Now, they may still have to be more extreme and lockdown at some point because we do not have a vaccine, but they pretty clearly had a plan and followed it.  The same plan we all had and ignored it.  A plan that was devised after a real life test run.

Crenshaw response is the problem.  Govt. had forgotten to prepare and was playing it by ear, trying to figure it out rather than, yes, over reacting straight away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 14:48:16
Nearly 6000 new cases in hospital reported today. This partial lockdown is not working.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 15:00:59
Nearly 6000 new cases in hospital reported today. This partial lockdown is not working.

Williamson doing the BBC briefing isn't the right person to give the county the latest update

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 15:13:42
Quote from: Banker
Nearly 6000 new cases in hospital reported today. This partial lockdown is not working.

actually it is to an extent, or we'd have massively more than that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 15:39:40
I'm going to stop listening to these daily briefings.  Questions never answered directly.  No reassurances given.  No one in charge.  Rudderless.  Seriously, what's the point?  Who actually thought sending Gavin Williamson out to say precisely nothing was a good idea?  The lack of planning/preparation for this is unforgivable.

Shower of bastards, the lot of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 15:46:40
Watched Bill Maher interview Dan Crenshaw, a pretty articulate Republican who made some good points that Bill struggled with.  However, one of the points was fundamental to the issue with a lot of the Wests initial response, and articulates everything that is shown to be wrong by that article as well.

When responding to criticism of Trumps slow response he focussed on shutting off travel from China, which was fair enough, but then claimed that February was spent busily analysing data and trying to determine what course of action to take.  Which describes the exact process being outlined here as well.  That is where it went wrong.  He asked what would expect a country to do when only 100 cases are being reported, shut the country down?

Yes.  That is the point.  South Korea had recently had a test run, where they got it wrong.  They reviewed their actions and determined a stronger more immediate response was needed.  I believe they actually took the UK Pandemic plan and used that as the basis for their response to Covid.  As soon as they heard China had an outbreak of a respiratory virus, they assumed it would spread to them.  They enacted the Plan working on the assumption it would spread easily, rapidly bringing testing to production, contact tracing (an extreme version that traced credit card purchases not just relying on  people’s memory of where they had been and when, among other invasive efforts)  and treated it like a worst case scenario.  Now, they may still have to be more extreme and lockdown at some point because we do not have a vaccine, but they pretty clearly had a plan and followed it.  The same plan we all had and ignored it.  A plan that was devised after a real life test run.

Crenshaw response is the problem.  Govt. had forgotten to prepare and was playing it by ear, trying to figure it out rather than, yes, over reacting straight away.
I'm a big admirer of the lack of meandering tub thumping and point scoring shown by the German Chancellor.  A scientist.  The Germans and the Koreans saw the value of testing and tracing early in February.  Just while, Dr Jennie Taylor our Deputy Chief Medical Officer was suggesting it was not especially important and we were fumbling about with our herd immunity ideas.

TBF I expect mistakes in a novel Pandemic crisis to be made and would think none the worse of those at the forefront in doing their best.  I don't believe that secrecy actually ever led to great scientific outcomes even if treating the electorate as undeserving of honesty may have won the odd vote.

My specific objections are the refusal to identify the membership of SAGE and the refusal to disclose minutes of its meetings related to the Pandemic until it is all over.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 15:47:44
I'm going to stop listening to these daily briefings.  Questions never answered directly.  No reassurances given.  No one in charge.  Rudderless.  Seriously, what's the point?  Who actually thought sending Gavin Williamson out to say precisely nothing was a good idea?  The lack of planning/preparation for this is unforgivable.

Shower of bastards, the lot of them.

Well said and Gavin Williamson comes across even worse than Seb Coe!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 15:57:48
Nearly 6000 new cases in hospital reported today. This partial lockdown is not working.
Well it is has as it’s bought us time to get our house in order which is what the lockdown was all about, not stopping it. I dread to see some people’s reaction late next month when we start to relax it, I’m sure they there will be plenty claiming the government is prioritising the economy over lives despite the 2 being very intertwined. Realistically people have bought into it by and large but so going any further is likely to be counterproductive.  Give it another month and people’s patience will start wearing thin anyway and people will start getting restless. From a selfish point of view by that point I’d be happy to chance it and start getting back to some kind of normality as being locked down for more than 2 months will lead to many more health issues. If stricter measures are then required to be implemented at a later date then that’s a bridge we will cross then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 15:59:26
That 90 ton of ppe that was due for delivery today from Turkey.
Was it being shipped overland or airfreight?
Don't get me started

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:00:01
Quote from: Mother Brown
That 90 ton of ppe that was due for delivery today from Turkey.
Was it being shipped overland or airfreight?
Don't get me started


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:03:31
actually it is to an extent, or we'd have massively more than that.

Of course, it's being generally well-observed. But after nearly a month of this partial lockdown, and allowing for average time from infection to hospitalisation, only Russia is reporting a greater number of new cases today. Suggests to me our version of a lockdown is not keeping a tight enough lid on spread. Can only see it getting worse, sadly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:07:51

If it was yodel have they checked the bins or the back garden at no 10 yet?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:09:53
That 90 ton of ppe that was due for delivery today from Turkey.
Was it being shipped overland or airfreight?
Don't get me started

Air freight

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:12:57
Thank frec for that
It could have been Waberers or Stobarts

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:17:27
Well it is has as it’s bought us time to get our house in order which is what the lockdown was all about, not stopping it.

Our house is nowhere near being in order. The under-resourced NHS will need a break at some stage, and that'll only happen if significantly fewer than 6000 new cases go to hospital each day. Yet, people are calling for a loosening of the lockdown, rather than tightening it, jeez.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:36:55
Our house is nowhere near being in order. The under-resourced NHS will need a break at some stage, and that'll only happen if significantly fewer than 6000 new cases go to hospital each day. Yet, people are calling for a loosening of the lockdown, rather than tightening it, jeez.
In a months time it’ll be about as good as it gets, you can’t expect people to live under all of the current measures any longer than that, it just isn’t realistic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:41:42
you have to be bloody careful not to trigger a significant second wave though. So relaxation of lockdown will have to be very carefully done .

it's inevitable local outbreaks will bubble up whatever you do. that's when contact tracing and isolation is massively important.

I think we are fairly locked down until they can manage that properly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:44:21
you have to be bloody careful not to trigger a significant second wave though. So relaxation of lockdown will have to be very carefully done .

it's inevitable local outbreaks will bubble up whatever you do. that's when contact tracing and isolation is massively important.

I think we are fairly locked down until they can manage that properly
Exactly that, but I can only see that there will be a relaxation of some measures come the end of next month. Ultimately we need some industry and businesses to restart to pay for public services such as the NHS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 16:45:43
You still can’t really read too much into new cases, because new cases equals test, and the resource capability of testing is severely limited and won’t give an accurate picture of those ill now, and isn’t comparative to numbers even a few weeks ago

Deaths are pretty much the only published statistic that has any slight merit imo

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 17:43:30
Well here's a novelty.  Piers Morgan talking a lot of sense on an interview with CNN on Youtube, from today I think.

Critical of Boris, damning of Trump but pushing the point that not too late to change/adjust.

Title is "Piers Morgan's stunning advice for his friend Donald Trump" if anyone interested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mother Brown on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 18:03:26
Air freight
So whats the reason for the delay then ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 18:36:24
So whats the reason for the delay then ?

Probably need to grease a few greasy palms on the way out, usual stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 18:55:00
Govt response to the allegations in the Sumday Times.  Possibly the weakest rebuttal you'll ever hear.  Not Classic Dom at all.

This article contains a series of falsehoods and errors and actively misrepresents the enormous amount of work which was going on in government at the earliest stages of the coronavirus outbreak.

This is an unprecedented global pandemic and we have taken the right steps at the right time to combat it, guided at all times by the best scientific advice.

The Government has been working day and night to battle against coronavirus, delivering a strategy designed at all times to protect our NHS and save lives.

Our response has ensured that the NHS has been given all the support it needs to ensure everyone requiring treatment has received it, as well as providing protection to businesses and reassurance to workers.

The Prime Minister has been at the helm of the response to this, providing leadership during this hugely challenging period for the whole nation.

It might have been better to say nothing at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 19:08:32
Govt response to the allegations in the Sumday Times.  Possibly the weakest rebuttal you'll ever hear.  Not Classic Dom at all.

This article contains a series of falsehoods and errors and actively misrepresents the enormous amount of work which was going on in government at the earliest stages of the coronavirus outbreak.

This is an unprecedented global pandemic and we have taken the right steps at the right time to combat it, guided at all times by the best scientific advice.

The Government has been working day and night to battle against coronavirus, delivering a strategy designed at all times to protect our NHS and save lives.

Our response has ensured that the NHS has been given all the support it needs to ensure everyone requiring treatment has received it, as well as providing protection to businesses and reassurance to workers.

The Prime Minister has been at the helm of the response to this, providing leadership during this hugely challenging period for the whole nation.

It might have been better to say nothing at all.

A much more detailed rebuttal here. (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 20:17:59
Probably need to grease a few greasy palms on the way out, usual stuff.

Do you always have to allow your casual racism to leak out?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 20:17:59
this is going to rumble on.

it's quite clear we didn't have the necessary in place quick enough, and still don't.

it's not that clear (to me) whether that was even possible from the starting position.

many had certainly made noises that we were dilly dallying while others took decisive action.

yet none of us know whether mixed messages were given to the government from the scientific advisors.

I guess there will be an inquest, and it'll find it's way to the same draw as the Russian report if it's critical.

we are where we are, sadly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 20:25:04
Well here's a novelty.  Piers Morgan talking a lot of sense on an interview with CNN on Youtube, from today I think.

Critical of Boris, damning of Trump but pushing the point that not too late to change/adjust.

Title is "Piers Morgan's stunning advice for his friend Donald Trump" if anyone interested.

It really is a quite amazing interview and a damning indictment of Trump and Johnson.  You'd like to thing Morgan has suddenly found some morals but I think a tweet from back when he did the Trump exclusive interview in early 2019 is quite informing; he said something like that when he was a kid he dreamt of being the most talked about journalist in the world.  Not the most talented, most acclaimed, most admired.  The most talked about.

I imagine his sudden conversion is more to do with that than anything else.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 20:28:38
Of course, it's being generally well-observed. But after nearly a month of this partial lockdown, and allowing for average time from infection to hospitalisation, only Russia is reporting a greater number of new cases today. Suggests to me our version of a lockdown is not keeping a tight enough lid on spread. Can only see it getting worse, sadly.

Our lockdown is not helped by the reported 15,000 people a day coming into the UK via airports including from areas with high Covid-19 infections.  I've yet to hear the Government offer an explanation as to why this is happening when NZ and, closer to home, Slovakia shut all border points weeks ago.

It makes no sense to me.  Does anyone else think it's a good idea?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 20:58:26
Govt response to the allegations in the Sumday Times.  Possibly the weakest rebuttal you'll ever hear.  Not Classic Dom at all.

This article contains a series of falsehoods and errors and actively misrepresents the enormous amount of work which was going on in government at the earliest stages of the coronavirus outbreak.

This is an unprecedented global pandemic and we have taken the right steps at the right time to combat it, guided at all times by the best scientific advice.

The Government has been working day and night to battle against coronavirus, delivering a strategy designed at all times to protect our NHS and save lives.

Our response has ensured that the NHS has been given all the support it needs to ensure everyone requiring treatment has received it, as well as providing protection to businesses and reassurance to workers.

The Prime Minister has been at the helm of the response to this, providing leadership during this hugely challenging period for the whole nation.

It might have been better to say nothing at all.
The telling words are

We have taken the right steps at the right time guided by the scientific evidence.

A Government that is incapable of admitting any mistakes in such a novel situation doesn't look ready to learn.  

Wtf anyway is "the science"?  Is it the secret science that we fund as taxpayers and in respect which the Government will only share with us the parts its wishes (eg its statement that it will only publish the minutes of its SAGE meetings AFTER the Pandemic is over).  

And why should the members of SAGE not be disclosed?  Our Supreme Court Judges shared their reasons for their decisions and stood up individually to scrutiny.  When they had their mugs splashed on front pages and were accused of being traitors, Johnson and Cos only concern was to review the manner of their appointment.  

At some point, the public will lean towards rationality and openness over soundbites and demagoguery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 21:36:11
this is going to rumble on.

it's quite clear we didn't have the necessary in place quick enough, and still don't.

it's not that clear (to me) whether that was even possible from the starting position.
many had certainly made noises that we were dilly dallying while others took decisive action.
yet none of us know whether mixed messages were given to the government from the scientific advisors.
I guess there will be an inquest, and it'll find it's way to the same draw as the Russian report if it's critical.

we are where we are, sadly.
Absolutely the best post on this subject for a long time.  All the bickering and finger pointing is absolutely pointless,  we just need to knuckle down,  get on with life, get through this god forsaken disease and argue about who was right and who was wrong once we get out the other side.   NHS are doing an amazing job and deserve all the credit they get, same as postal workers,  delivery drivers and binmen,  not to mention the amount of people working behind the scenes.  As Batch says, we are where we are, let's just make the best of it and fuck all the arguing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 21:54:53
actually I don't think it's pointless, because it's clear we have to do better next time

it's just pointless now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, April 19, 2020, 21:56:06
Correct,  that's what I meant to say.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, April 20, 2020, 07:35:24
Settle this for me if you would. A friend's workmate says he had a swab test in a doctor's car park, by someone in a hazmat suit about ten days ago and subsequently tested positive for covid-19. Complete bullshit, non? As in, this literally isn't happening anywhere? He's not a frontline worker or even shielded.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, April 20, 2020, 08:36:16
Settle this for me if you would. A friend's workmate says he had a swab test in a doctor's car park, by someone in a hazmat suit about ten days ago and subsequently tested positive for covid-19. Complete bullshit, non? As in, this literally isn't happening anywhere? He's not a frontline worker or even shielded.

There have been drive-through testing sites at locations such as:

Western General Hospital in Edinburgh
Ikea’s Wembley branch
Chessington World of Adventures
Parsons Green Health Centre
Edgware Community Hospital
Harpenden Memorial Hospital
Boots’ headquarters in Nottingham
Swansea Bay University Health Board opened a centre off the M4 in former playing field changing rooms
Easingwold Health Centre
Northampton General Hospital

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 20, 2020, 09:15:38
actually I don't think it's pointless, because it's clear we have to do better next time

it's just pointless now.
Bickering is always pointless. Holding the govt to account is vital, and it is vital that it is done now, because if they aren't being held to account now, they will continue down the same disastrous path. It is only by holding the govt to account that there was a change of direction on herd immunity/lockdown, on increasing testing (although they're still making an almighty fuck-up of it), on testing in care homes and indeed on trying to get in PPE. If no-one was asking the questions, Hancock et al would be quite happy to pop up on the telly at 5pm every day and blandly assure everyone that the NHS has everything it needs, when it patently doesn't. Waiting until after it's all over would have resulted in the continuation of herd immunity, no lockdown and the NHS would already be completely overwhelmed (as opposed to desperately struggling)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, April 20, 2020, 10:33:27
Does anyone use Dreamlab? It's an app from the Vodafone foundation which helps with Cancer research and more recently, a COVID-19 research project. The idea is that you charge your phone at night and the app sends calculations/problems to your phone to solve and send back. You don't need to be on Vodafone to use it.

Apparently if 100,000 people do this they can do 1 year of research in 3 months. I've only become aware of it properly today, but seems silly not to get involved.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, April 20, 2020, 11:10:02
good idea! sounds like the old seti program.

It got competitive (in a good way) back in the day because they essentially allowed 'clans' to compete to see who could do the most work units.

winner of they have a pc version... I'll check

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, April 20, 2020, 11:11:33
good idea! sounds like the old seti program.

It got competitive (in a good way) back in the day because they essentially allowed 'clans' to compete to see who could do the most work units.

winner of they have a pc version... I'll check

No pc version, but you can use the likes of Folding@Home for that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Monday, April 20, 2020, 11:27:57
The government's failings won't be known until the pandemic is over.

Stockpiling PPE early on wasn't a failing. Italy and Spain would have suffered badly. Or is stockpiling bogroll, pasta and longlife milk OK if it's your larder?

Boris letting Ministers do their job isn't a failing. It's impossible for a PM to be PM and do every Minister's job and not even desirable.

Those criticising in such a knee-jerk mode need educating, or more likely, don't need educating as they know only too well what the score is and are acting in a partisan and cynically opportunistic manner, partly as they haven't yet recovered from the general election result.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 20, 2020, 11:35:39
The government's failings won't be known until the pandemic is over.

Stockpiling PPE early on wasn't a failing. Italy and Spain would have suffered badly. Or is stockpiling bogroll, pasta and longlife milk OK if it's your larder?
Bollocks. We had a stockpile of PPE from the early 2000s for precisely such an eventuality. From 2014, it was allowed to diminish by 40%. Likewise, the govt were told in 2016 after Operation Cygnus that the NHS would not be able to cope with a pandemic, but chose not to act. These are failings.

Boris letting Ministers do their job isn't a failing. It's impossible for a PM to be PM and do every Minister's job and not even desirable.
Straw man argument. Don't think anyone's critcised Johnson for letting Ministers do their jobs. He's being criticised for not doing his. Specifically for faffing about delaying implementing a lockdown, costing thousands of lives; failing to take action early on getting testing infrastructure ramped up, hampering any way of knowing how widespread the virus is, which will either delay us coming out of lockdown or make coming out early riskier than it needs to be; failing to take action to get the diminished PPE stockpile which had been allowed to wither largely by his predecessors ramped up when it became clear that it would be needed. All these failings have demonstrably cost lives and he is rightly criticised for it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 20, 2020, 11:53:19
Have you written your letter to No.10 yet Paul?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 20, 2020, 12:02:39
Have you written your letter to No.10 yet Paul?  :)
:D The missus has confiscated my crayons

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, April 20, 2020, 12:23:02
Bollocks. We had a stockpile of PPE from the early 2000s for precisely such an eventuality. From 2014, it was allowed to diminish by 40%. Likewise, the govt were told in 2016 after Operation Cygnus that the NHS would not be able to cope with a pandemic, but chose not to act. These are failings.
Straw man argument. Don't think anyone's critcised Johnson for letting Ministers do their jobs. He's being criticised for not doing his. Specifically for faffing about delaying implementing a lockdown, costing thousands of lives; failing to take action early on getting testing infrastructure ramped up, hampering any way of knowing how widespread the virus is, which will either delay us coming out of lockdown or make coming out early riskier than it needs to be; failing to take action to get the diminished PPE stockpile which had been allowed to wither largely by his predecessors ramped up when it became clear that it would be needed. All these failings have demonstrably cost lives and he is rightly criticised for it.
Trouble is it's always easy to be wise after the event.   Had this not occurred people would be saying what a good job the government had done saving money on unnecessary ppe.   No win situation,  I think the government have done reasonably well during these dreadful times,  no matter what they do there will always be some that expect more. Glad I'm not in the driving seat,  you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, April 20, 2020, 12:40:30
The fact that the Govt is reacting is entirely the problem.  There wasn't a plan put in place before the event that we stuck to and we didn't learn any lessons from prior smaller events around the world, or our own dry runs.  February was spent doing the work that we should have had ready before, by which time it was too late for any action other than a full lock down to be effective.  We are not the only country to have done this, by any stretch.  I think I posted quite early on that it was clear we were not working to any sort of scripted plan here, but instead we were trying to react to an evolving situation.

Also - even if we had invoked the same sort of plan that countries like South Korea used (which was the basis of our plans, which seem to have not bothered with), we may still have had to adjust and change as the Pandemic took hold.  It is critical we review now though, and not later, because once the lock down does contain the spread, we need a plan for the weeks after.  It won;t have gone away, not fully, we have to assume it will return before we get a vaccine, so learning now is essential.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 20, 2020, 13:25:54
Trouble is it's always easy to be wise after the event.   Had this not occurred people would be saying what a good job the government had done saving money on unnecessary ppe
I'm going to treat this as if you're being serious, even though I suspect I might be being whooshed. We didn't need to be "wise after the event", as a nation we had plans that identified a pandemic as one of the top 3 threats to national security, and plans in place to tackle it. The govt failed to implement the measures necessary to implement those plans, even after a test exercise 4 years ago identified clear deficiencies in *implementation* and additionally allowed the stockpile of PPE needed as part of that implementation to run down. I can't imagine anyone would congratulate the govt on saving money on unnecessary PPE unless they're also congratulating themselves on how much money they've saved by not insuring their house, car etc and are presumably also calling for the scrapping of those terribly expensive armed forces.

.   No win situation,  I think the government have done reasonably well during these dreadful times,  no matter what they do there will always be some that expect more.
Yes I expect more. I expect a govt to fulfill it's primary function, to protect it's citizens. We have already recorded the single highest deaths per day in Europe and are well on track to having the highest death toll in Europe, surpassing even Italy and Spain despite having several weeks more warning of how bad it could be than they did as we watched their death toll mount and did nothing. I don't think that constitutes doing "reasonably well" and I do expect better. I think the doctors and nurses in the front line of this awful crisis who are having to treat patients without PPE or with reused or make-do substitutes also expect more. And I think they're entitled to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Monday, April 20, 2020, 13:34:21
Could have done with a bit more of the Germanic efficiency gene in some of the Anglo-Saxon bloodlines I guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, April 20, 2020, 14:52:04
Question for administrators - is it possible to give each member stats on how many other users have them on 'ignore'? 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:09:21
Question for administrators - is it possible to give each member stats on how many other users have them on 'ignore'? 

Think it used to be. I've got a vague memory of taking myself off other people's ignore lists becasue I'm a cunt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:19:46
Ok noted thanks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:20:43
yeah if you click on your profile and ignore user options you can see people who are ignoring you.

I have 3 in total including a bizarre user called eauserscout!!??!! Not sure what I did to Hobnob or Brockelsbury Red mind you :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:22:20
If you look in your profile there is an 'ignore user options' section and it will show you there

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:22:42
I have 2. Would have thought more.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:23:59
If you look in your profile there is an 'ignore user options' section and it will show you there
Very helpful- thanks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:26:09
3 now Audrey :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:42:21
Bollocks. We had a stockpile of PPE from the early 2000s for precisely such an eventuality. From 2014, it was allowed to diminish by 40%. Likewise, the govt were told in 2016 after Operation Cygnus that the NHS would not be able to cope with a pandemic, but chose not to act. These are failings.
Straw man argument. Don't think anyone's critcised Johnson for letting Ministers do their jobs. He's being criticised for not doing his. Specifically for faffing about delaying implementing a lockdown, costing thousands of lives; failing to take action early on getting testing infrastructure ramped up, hampering any way of knowing how widespread the virus is, which will either delay us coming out of lockdown or make coming out early riskier than it needs to be; failing to take action to get the diminished PPE stockpile which had been allowed to wither largely by his predecessors ramped up when it became clear that it would be needed. All these failings have demonstrably cost lives and he is rightly criticised for it.

Strange, as if you look at the Global Health Index research into this, the UK ranked 2nd out of 195 in terms of being prepared for a pandemic. (
Page 20 if you want to skip straight to the ratings.

Now I'm not sure who to believe here, them or you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:50:10
Being prepared on paper and actually being prepared are very different beasts.  As I mentioned, I am sure South Korea used our plan as a basis for theirs.  The difference is they acted, we didn't.  It's like we lost the plan or someone forgot the password for the file.  PaulD also reiterated the point that it wasn't the Plan itself that was a problem in the 2016 effort, it was the implementation.  Every company has a Business Continuity Plan, very few know it and enact it when disaster strikes, they fumble about with well meaning experts trying to react.  I've tested a few in my time, very rarely do they get implemented well, even when we know it isn't real and the pressure is off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:54:21
Being prepared on paper and actually being prepared are very different beasts.  As I mentioned, I am sure South Korea used our plan as a basis for theirs.  The difference is they acted, we didn't.  It's like we lost the plan or someone forgot the password for the file.  PaulD also reiterated the point that it wasn't the Plan itself that was a problem in the 2016 effort, it was the implementation.  Every company has a Business Continuity Plan, very few know it and enact it when disaster strikes, they fumble about with well meaning experts trying to react.  I've tested a few in my time, very rarely do they get implemented well, even when we know it isn't real and the pressure is off.
What Rob said. I'd add that the US is ranked 1st. Who have also, thanks to their own incompetent and fumbling leader, dramatically failed on their implementation. We had the plan, we failed to implement it. And May's govt allowed stocks of PPE to run down by 40% compared to what they had been at under the Coalition. The govt, this one under Johnson and the last under May, fucked up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:57:20
Well, that is absolutely fantastic news that we had the 2nd best plan.

In your face, Germany!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 20, 2020, 16:00:49
On a more positive note, it's encouraging to see No 10 briefing that Johnson is opposed to a hasty exit from lockdown after stories over the weekend that appeared to suggest Gove's "run this thing hot" approach (i.e. early exit before the outbreak had started to be contained) was the running strategy. Obviously we'll see what they actually *do* as opposed to what they say, as the two aren't always the same but maybe they are actually learning from the catastrophic failures they've made so far?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 20, 2020, 16:12:40
The Danish govt has said that companies which are registered in tax havens won't be eligible for their Covid19 business support scheme. If you don't put in, you don't get to take out

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, April 20, 2020, 16:27:33
Rishi Sunak has a talent.  He's a Tory who manages not to bring me out in a rash.  Not quite sure how he manages that.  He does empathy/compassion well enough that, deep down, I'm not that sure he's a proper Tory anyway.  He's been a bit evasive today, but I feel he's answered his questions a bit more directly than anyone else lately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, April 20, 2020, 16:32:23
The Danish govt has said that companies which are registered in tax havens won't be eligible for their Covid19 business support scheme. If you don't put in, you don't get to take out

Good. Should do that here.

Fuck Richard Branson

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, April 20, 2020, 16:36:45
I’ve only got the chart for England, but daily corrected numbers (I.e deaths per day they happened) is showing quite a clear slowing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 20, 2020, 16:44:41
I’ve only got the chart for England, but daily corrected numbers (I.e deaths per day they happened) is showing quite a clear slowing
That's encouraging. Expect them to spike up a bit again tomorrow as immediate post-weekend always seems to dip artificially, but maybe we have got past the peak?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Monday, April 20, 2020, 16:47:39
On a more positive note, it's encouraging to see No 10 briefing that Johnson is opposed to a hasty exit from lockdown after stories over the weekend that appeared to suggest Gove's "run this thing hot" approach (i.e. early exit before the outbreak had started to be contained) was the running strategy. Obviously we'll see what they actually *do* as opposed to what they say, as the two aren't always the same but maybe they are actually learning from the catastrophic failures they've made so far?

They haven't got everything right, but this is a one in a generation event something that we have never faced before.

They have been constantly guided by scientific advice of these matters- this changes in line with when more is known about the virus and pandemic.

Many issues being faced are the same shortages elsewhere- and the WHO did not even declare a pandemic until March.

What seems to be being missed is that China blatantly lied to the world/WHO about the virus- this is who should be being questioned if anyone at the moment. No way did they only have 3k deaths- but it is odd that barely any cases in Shanghai? I wonder why....

In summary- mistakes are made and will have been made by many other countries across the world at this time- the key is learning from them for the future. This whole experience has been a horrible learning curve for us and other countries in the world.

If anyone though thinks Steptoe/Dotty Diane would have done better then they are deluded

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: kirky69 on Monday, April 20, 2020, 16:56:03
Rishi Sunak has a talent.  He's a Tory who manages not to bring me out in a rash.  Not quite sure how he manages that.  He does empathy/compassion well enough that, deep down, I'm not that sure he's a proper Tory anyway.  He's been a bit evasive today, but I feel he's answered his questions a bit more directly than anyone else lately.

I agree with you. He is the only minister that comes across as even remotely genuine. Gove, Raab, Patel, Hancock, Sharma, Jenrick and Williamson have all shown themselves to be largely inept, completely lacking in integrity and empathy, unable to answer questions and  monologue in delivery. A complete dearth of talent in the cabinet and with Johnson as prime minister what a shit show of a Government we have. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Johnson resigns in the next 6 months due to personal/health reasons, with Sunak appointed as his successor.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, April 20, 2020, 16:59:54
The vast majority of the world seems to have acted like the Mayor of Amityville, so I doubt very much that a different reaction would have happened under a Govt of any colour in the UK.  The basic proviso of the plans is to treat any outbreak as if it is a worst case and then relax from there.  As soon as spread from human to human is seen, assume the worst - assume it is airborne and easily transferred.  The first case in your neck of the woods is treated as if it had the potential to have infected everyone they contacted within a few weeks - trace them down and test everyone and quarantine them.  Those that test positive, rinse and repeat.  Keep this population away from the rest and certainly do not mix them with general hospital populations.  You won't stop it, if it truly is airborne and easily transferred, but you'll quickly freeze up the supply chain it uses to spread uncontrollably.  Best case scenario, it turns out to be hard to transfer the virus and you've over reacted.  It "seems" the countries who followed that path have had smaller outbreaks as a result, but as it has turned out to be easily transmitted from human to human, the control measures can only do so much.  Even in the best places you can't stop it completely, not without a vaccine or immunity.

This is why it is different to Flu - which we live with and accept deaths as people keep harping on about.  The difference is how it is spreading - Flu tends to sideline you, so while it can spread, it's never out of control, plus we have vaccines to cover off some level of immunity in the world.  This little fucker is like that on drugs, not least because it turns out you spread it before getting ill, or never get ill.  Imagine the worldwide case load if everyone had just treated it like the flu minus a vaccine!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, April 20, 2020, 17:10:17
I’ve only got the chart for England, but daily corrected numbers (I.e deaths per day they happened) is showing quite a clear slowing

Thanks for posting.  All deaths are tragedies.  But even within that context, it's the most positive analysis we've seen yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, April 20, 2020, 17:57:18
Not sure this really belongs here, however, it is a consequence. WTI under $1 a barrel  :eek:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 20, 2020, 17:59:43
I’ve been looking at the Brent oil price which is now less than a bottle of water. What does that actually mean in economic terms? And can we blame Trump for it? (Please say yes!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, April 20, 2020, 18:06:30
I’ve been looking at the Brent oil price which is now less than a bottle of water. What does that actually mean in economic terms? And can we blame Trump for it? (Please say yes!)

Brent is still $26 a barrel, WTI is effectively the price of US produced oil and is under a dollar. Most US oil producers probably break even closer to $30-40 a barrel. The price at the pump will probably come down tuppence here. Can't blame Trump (sorry!)

Edit: Down to 1c a barrel.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Monday, April 20, 2020, 18:08:30
They haven't got everything right, but this is a one in a generation event something that we have never faced before.

They have been constantly guided by scientific advice of these matters- this changes in line with when more is known about the virus and pandemic.

Many issues being faced are the same shortages elsewhere- and the WHO did not even declare a pandemic until March.

What seems to be being missed is that China blatantly lied to the world/WHO about the virus- this is who should be being questioned if anyone at the moment. No way did they only have 3k deaths- but it is odd that barely any cases in Shanghai? I wonder why....

In summary- mistakes are made and will have been made by many other countries across the world at this time- the key is learning from them for the future. This whole experience has been a horrible learning curve for us and other countries in the world.

If anyone though thinks Steptoe/Dotty Diane would have done better then they are deluded

That argument might hold up if there weren’t countries like New Zealand who acted decisively in good time to prevent the situation from escalating- they are coming out of lockdown in a weeks time with barely any deaths at all

But then they have proper leader, who puts people first (no I don't think Corbyn etc would done have any better than Boris etc but anyone who thinks that is a legitimate argument needs to open their eyes)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, April 20, 2020, 18:17:42
That argument might hold up if there weren’t countries like New Zealand who acted decisively in good time to prevent the situation from escalating- they are coming out of lockdown in a weeks time with barely any deaths at all

But then they have proper leader, who puts people first (no I don't think Corbyn etc would have any better than Boris etc but anyone who thinks that is a legitimate argument needs to open their eyes)

And then you have a country like Cambodia, where leader Hun Sen refused to have any restrictions on Chinese entering the country, said he was going to fly to Wuhan to hug Cambodians stuck there, then let a cruise ship that 5 other countries refused dock in Cambodia, met people coming off personally and order other officials to not wear masks. They have just over 100 confirmed cases with no recorded deaths, and while they've probably covered up a bit and haven't tested, all things being equal their hospitals should be overflowing by now.

Can we please stop comparisons when we understand so little, and when everything can be looked at selectively to prove a point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Monday, April 20, 2020, 18:18:57
yeah if you click on your profile and ignore user options you can see people who are ignoring you.

I have 3 in total including a bizarre user called eauserscout!!??!! Not sure what I did to Hobnob or Brockelsbury Red mind you :)
Sorry mate, I certainly didn’t mean to ignore you. I’ve gone into my profile and hopefully sorted it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Monday, April 20, 2020, 18:24:49
And then you have a country like Cambodia, where leader Hun Sen refused to have any restrictions on Chinese entering the country, said he was going to fly to Wuhan to hug Cambodians stuck there, then let a cruise ship that 5 other countries refused dock in Cambodia, met people coming off personally and order other officials to not wear masks. They have just over 100 confirmed cases with no recorded deaths, and while they've probably covered up a bit and haven't tested, all things being equal their hospitals should be overflowing by now.

Can we please stop comparisons when we understand so little, and when everything can be looked at selectively to prove a point.
Nope, Cambodia is another example of a government with more proactive leadership than ours.

—Cambodia has banned entry of foreign visitors from the six countries since mid-March and has imposed entry restrictions for all foreigners since March 30.—

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, April 20, 2020, 18:33:13

Can we please stop comparisons when we understand so little, and when everything can be looked at selectively to prove a point.
Well said. Some commentators are treating this tragic situation like some kind of sick replacement medal haul for the Olympics. It really is repugnant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, April 20, 2020, 18:38:13
Political point scoring is seemingly never off limits

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, April 20, 2020, 18:45:35
Nope, Cambodia is another example of a government with more proactive leadership than ours.

—Cambodia has banned entry of foreign visitors from the six countries since mid-March and has imposed entry restrictions for all foreigners since March 30.—

March 30th Ffs. They had flights landing from Wuhan as it headed towards the peak there. Thousands of Chinese continued to flood in and out of the country even after some European citizens were banned. There's no lockdown there, weddings and concerts are cancelled but that's about it, plus travel between provinces restricted for a few days over New year.

We could compare and say that's what we should have done, then we'd have no lockdown and zero deaths. Except that would be wrong and we would be morons.

Edit: Apologies, I should have also said that schools closed a while back too. Some businesses have shut due to lack of custom but haven't been told to. As an aside, my wife's friend is a teacher. Even though they aren't teaching they are required to go in once a week to clean up, the problem being the school is being used to quarantine people returning from Thailand. They tried to suggest this wasn't a great idea. In typical Cambodian fashion they were told it wasn't a problem.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, April 20, 2020, 19:13:23
Sorry mate, I certainly didn’t mean to ignore you. I’ve gone into my profile and hopefully sorted it

Hey I wasn’t bothered at all BR, however I am glad to hear that I didn’t do anything to offend. You may regret not ignoring me now :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 20, 2020, 20:04:43
I'm being ignored by 3  :smugfu:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, April 20, 2020, 20:16:55
I'm ignored by 1. Oxfordhater.

I have no idea who they are, but I've a hunch that they're not keen on Oxford.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Monday, April 20, 2020, 21:23:14
Genuinely surprised no one is ignoring me. I’m ignoring loads of you

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, April 20, 2020, 23:32:27

Take a look at this thread. Shocking stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Monday, April 20, 2020, 23:56:20
Wow. Hopefully that is huge news tomorrow morning.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 04:55:45
Deaf, transitioning & mentioning non-binary people, hmm appears a somewhat questionable account. Actually on second thought it sounds like Sam Smith

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 06:02:05

Take a look at this thread. Shocking stuff.

Jeez. The propaganda war in full flow. But bet it hardly registers a mention in the media.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 06:04:39

If the leaked document reported in this article is true about knowingly using flawed test then .. what the actual fuck!?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 06:19:13
Political point scoring is seemingly never off limits

I hope not. Got to look at things as they are. The conservatives are capable of good and bad governments.

In this, there has been good and bad. For me, the inaction over lockdown (plus allowing Chelt Festival & Liverpool & Atletico), the lack of PPE for NHS workers and the lack of testing to firstly slow the virus but now also to enable us to plan how to move forward strongly outweigh the fantastic work to by The exchequer to secure almost everyone’s income for the period

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 06:30:40
Interesting video:
The steps taken in certain countries to prepare for the coronavirus may have allowed them to flatten the curve substantially sooner than others

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 07:35:39
I hope not. Got to look at things as they are. The conservatives are capable of good and bad governments.

In this, there has been good and bad. For me, the inaction over lockdown (plus allowing Chelt Festival & Liverpool & Atletico), the lack of PPE for NHS workers and the lack of testing to firstly slow the virus but now also to enable us to plan how to move forward strongly outweigh the fantastic work to by The exchequer to secure almost everyone’s income for the period
Completely agree with this. The govt's economic measures, while not perfect, is where they have performed well. On the public health front it has been a catastrophe

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 08:59:46
I agree.  Ironically, they are the most progressive, even socialist measures probably ever taken by a Conservative government.

Edit:  Or by any government, for that matter.  Maybe not up there with Attlee's establishment of the welfare state, but not far off it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 09:30:59
Indeed but I'd imagine that a labour government would have pushed the boat out further. 100% loan gurantees, 100% salary on furlough etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 09:43:04
Jeez. The propaganda war in full flow. But bet it hardly registers a mention in the media.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 09:56:04
Indeed but I'd imagine that a labour government would have pushed the boat out further. 100% loan gurantees, 100% salary on furlough etc.

We can only imagine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 10:12:51
Spin vs reality: while the govt responded to the PPE scandal over the weekend with a symbolic order of 300k units from Turkey (and fucked that up so they've now had to send the RAF to fetch it) the Telegraph has story today that over 5m units of PPE and 1m ventilators were shipped overseas last week because the govt is not replying to offers to supply kit to the NHS. They can send the RAF out to back up a PR spin piece, but can't even reply to emails and phone calls to solve the actual problem.

(Non paywall version:

So over 3.5 months after the govt said it had started to urgently source PPE and 2 months after the Dept of Health appealed to manufacturers and suppliers to get in touch, suppliers are still complaining that they are having to let PPE go overseas because no-one has replied to their offers to supply the PPE healthcare workers are (literally) dying for. Clearly NHS procurement is a mess, Hancock has had over 3 months to get a grip on it and still hasn't.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 10:17:16
that's scandalous if proven.
extreme negligence if not manslaughter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 10:26:57
that's scandalous if proven.
extreme negligence if not manslaughter.
Given the Telegraph are the most blatantly pro-Johnson paper in the UK, to the extent of an almost Pravda-like slavish devotion, it's unusual for them to run stories that don't reflect well on the govt's handling of the crisis. I assume their line on this is "look at the inefficiencies of the NHS, it needs to be privatised"

But it backs up stuff from suppliers on Twitter for weeks complaining that their offers to help are being ignored.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 10:39:30
Just had an interesting conf call for work. Whilst we were waiting for of the guys said his brother works in a Shanghai university. They went back yesterday. 15 Minutes into the first lesson a girl coughed , they have onsite testing, she tested positive. University shut back down straight away. That won't make the press.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 10:52:19
Spin vs reality: while the govt responded to the PPE scandal over the weekend with a symbolic order of 300k units from Turkey (and fucked that up so they've now had to send the RAF to fetch it) the Telegraph has story today that over 5m units of PPE and 1m ventilators were shipped overseas last week because the govt is not replying to offers to supply kit to the NHS. They can send the RAF out to back up a PR spin piece, but can't even reply to emails and phone calls to solve the actual problem.

(Non paywall version:

So over 3.5 months after the govt said it had started to urgently source PPE and 2 months after the Dept of Health appealed to manufacturers and suppliers to get in touch, suppliers are still complaining that they are having to let PPE go overseas because no-one has replied to their offers to supply the PPE healthcare workers are (literally) dying for. Clearly NHS procurement is a mess, Hancock has had over 3 months to get a grip on it and still hasn't.

Well, doesn't help there was a cabinet reshuffle in Feb and Hancock was one of the only ministers that's stayed at DHSC. So the minister in charge of procurement only came in in the middle of all this. But Hancock is a laughing stock in the health policy sector. He's absolute shite because he's a career politician.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 11:11:17
Fucking hell:

"Extraordinary moment as Simon Clarke says he has no idea about offer by 5,000 local govt environmental health officials to lead infection contact tracing


Another shambles it appears"

(Rob Merrick is the Deputy Political Editor of the Independent FWIW)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 11:22:59
"Clearly NHS procurement is a mess, Hancock has had over 3 months to get a grip on it and still hasn't"

And shouldn't the thousands of procurment managers in the NHS paid 200k per year on average be doing their job as well?

PPE is a worldwide shortage. My friend works in a hospital in Hanover Germany and they have the same issues as we do

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 11:43:32
"Clearly NHS procurement is a mess, Hancock has had over 3 months to get a grip on it and still hasn't"

And shouldn't the thousands of procurment managers in the NHS paid 200k per year on average be doing their job as well?
Yes. Hancock is the minister in overall charge. If they aren't doing their jobs, it is his responsibility to ensure they are. He is failing to do so.

PPE is a worldwide shortage. My friend works in a hospital in Hanover Germany and they have the same issues as we do
Except we are apparently sending millions of items of PPE abroad. It's not just about shortage. It's also about incompetence and complacency

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: moredonboy on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 12:10:04
There is a company recently formed (by the Government) called Supply Chain Coordination Ltd and it is 'owned ,surely just on behalf of the ministerial dept' by no other than Hancock himself (Minister for Health and Care). It has 10 directors, well paid no doubt, but I can't see how many employees, where they are working, and what they are doing. Clearly not coordinating the NHS supply chain at all. If anyone knows more about this organisation please let us know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 12:29:35
"Clearly NHS procurement is a mess, Hancock has had over 3 months to get a grip on it and still hasn't"

And shouldn't the thousands of procurment managers in the NHS paid 200k per year on average be doing their job as well?

Perhaps they should.

Considering you appear willing to blame the NHS procurement managers, and possibly rightly so, are you willing to admit that Hancock - the guy in charge - should also receive blame? 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 12:45:08
I know I am beating a dead horse, but...

determining the potential root cause of significant outbreaks is precisely what you should be doing now.  In fact, one of the things you probably need in place to resume activity is stringent contact tracing, so you know this and can cut the head off the virus before it spreads too far again.  It's like people have patently failed to prepare.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 13:20:01
Just had an interesting conf call for work. Whilst we were waiting for of the guys said his brother works in a Shanghai university. They went back yesterday. 15 Minutes into the first lesson a girl coughed , they have onsite testing, she tested positive. University shut back down straight away. That won't make the press.
Of course it won’t as China are never going to report the real figures, I dread to imagine how many really died in Wuhan and throughout China as a whole to be honest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 14:35:57
Of course it won’t as China are never going to report the real figures, I dread to imagine how many really died in Wuhan and throughout China as a whole to be honest.

Ditto the UK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 16:15:09
Senior FO civil servant tells Select Committee hearing that it was a 'political decision' not to take part in the EU procurement scheme for medical equipment inc ventilators. This flatly contradicts the lies Gove told about missing emails etc. Brexit before breathing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 16:15:39
Ditto the UK.

Are you saying the U.K. government will not publish the true figures when this is all put to bed and a public enquiry is held?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 16:21:17
Are you saying the U.K. government will not publish the true figures when this is all put to bed and a public enquiry is held?

They won't know what they are to be able to.
Many people have died and but never got tested for a diagnosis so it will be pure guesswork. Well intentioned or not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 16:34:42
They won't know what they are to be able to.
Many people have died and but never got tested for a diagnosis so it will be pure guesswork. Well intentioned or not.

In all fairness, that's pretty standard protocol for this type of incident.  You can confirm a certain % of deaths but then you use statistical analysis on a larger number.  Usually by identifying significant variation from usual rates of death.  Something like this virus will directly kill people, but the fact it is happening and diverting resources from Healthcare will indirectly cause deaths as well.  On the flip side, other causes of death will likely fall a people avoid activities that could have created risks - like car accidents for example.  All countries will go back and re-assess after the fact.

In this case, the one they can do something about is Care Homes, not least because it should have set alarm bells off about a specific course of action being needed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 16:37:37
Hancock said that it was not a political decision about the EU scheme, and he personally signed up to it, but no kit has yet been delivered anywhere,

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 16:47:43
Ditto the UK.
Not deliberately or to the extent of a communist propaganda machine, some estimates have China under reporting by a factor of 40.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 16:52:30
Hancock said that it was not a political decision about the EU scheme, and he personally signed up to it, but no kit has yet been delivered anywhere,
Sorry, but if it's a straight choice between Hancock who has already repeatedly lied and misled throughout this crisis, or the Permanent UnderSec of the FO, who has no axe to grind, and who TBF did try to dodge answering the question so wasn't trying to drop the govt in it, I'm afraid Hancock isn't getting my vote.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 17:00:07
Not deliberately or to the extent of a communist propaganda machine, some estimates have China under reporting by a factor of 40.
Have to agree here, can't compare the two, but arriba does have a point that the UK govt, by focussing solely on deaths in hospital, has been consistently under-reporting the true death rate. With the official hospital death figure now over 17,000, which is appalling enough in itself, we are likely well over 20,000 dead now once deaths in care homes and in the community (aka people dying alone in their beds) are taken into account. We may well have the highest death count in Europe, an appalling indictment of how badly the govt has mishandled this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 17:27:59
Blimey Paul your post count saying the same thing must be nearly 1000.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 17:55:41
Perhaps we can have some new threads on other topics which might promote more diverse and varied debate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 18:43:04
Blimey Paul your post count saying the same thing must be nearly 1000.
I doubt his hard on has softened since the Times article went live! I bet Mrs D can’t believe her luck.

It’s a shame to see this thread descend in to the constant drivel that consumed the politics thread for months (which strangely went quiet after 12th December, funny that!).

I hope all TEF’rs are keeping well!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 19:29:19
I doubt his hard on has softened since the Times article went live! I bet Mrs D can’t believe her luck.
You keep casting these kinds of post in terms of my hard ons. Either you have a strange obsession with my erections or else your own is causing you problems? Either way, suggest you seek the help you clearly need. Stay safe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 19:45:18

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 22:35:31
DFE laptops for disadvantaged kids. Great idea. Laptops they want= 500.000. Laptops in stock in the country Slightly less than 5000. Chance of getting any in the next 6 months =0. Watch people dis associate themselves with that fast. I dont like to do political stuff but I'm going to get real busy fending people off because of stupidity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 05:55:49
I heard that schools are to get grants to assist with distance learning. Teams and Google Classroom could be used. Think the government want more teacher/student interaction. Announcement on Friday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 06:21:22
You keep casting these kinds of post in terms of my hard ons. Either you have a strange obsession with my erections or else your own is causing you problems? Either way, suggest you seek the help you clearly need. Stay safe.

He is trying to get a rise out of you

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 06:38:00
DFE laptops for disadvantaged kids. Great idea. Laptops they want= 500.000. Laptops in stock in the country Slightly less than 5000. Chance of getting any in the next 6 months =0. Watch people dis associate themselves with that fast. I dont like to do political stuff but I'm going to get real busy fending people off because of stupidity.

Not sure what your occupation is, but I am finding it's hard to get laptops at decent prices and am struggling with iPads. Chromebooks on the other hand are easier albeit a bit longer to wait for delivery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 07:53:45
Quote from: Sippo
I heard that schools are to get grants to assist with distance learning. Teams and Google Classroom could be used. Think the government want more teacher/student interaction. Announcement on Friday.

sounds silly enough to be true.

disadvantaged kids don't have the equipment, government can't supply it quick enough, but push on with it anyway.

and the are schools with a high number of disadvantaged children, even in swindon.

plus the Mrs and kids doing that from home I'd really going to knackering my COD ping.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 09:55:21
Not sure what your occupation is, but I am finding it's hard to get laptops at decent prices and am struggling with iPads. Chromebooks on the other hand are easier albeit a bit longer to wait for delivery.

Local Govt/Educational IT Manager probably starts to cover it. I talk a lot with suppliers and the like. No real work really..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 09:57:42
Sorry, but if it's a straight choice between Hancock who has already repeatedly lied and misled throughout this crisis, or the Permanent UnderSec of the FO, who has no axe to grind, and who TBF did try to dodge answering the question so wasn't trying to drop the govt in it, I'm afraid Hancock isn't getting my vote.

Looks like Hancock lied , he should condsider resignation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 10:32:03
He is trying to get a rise out of you
:D That's very good

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 10:37:34
Two pieces of positive news last night/today: two separate projects working on a vaccine in Oxford and Imperial College are showing good progress (usual caveats apply, but always good to hear of progress) and statisticians' analysis of NHS England figures for daily deaths suggests we passed the peak of deaths a few weeks ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 10:56:16
Bloody hell, Finanical Times analysis of ONS stats shows UK death toll likely to be more like 41,000 than the 17,000 deaths in hospital being reported

That gives us the 2nd worst death toll in the world, just behind the US, but with a significantly smaller population.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 11:21:28
Does that include a similar analysis of other countries figures? Because if it doesn’t you’re comparing apples with pears and can’t make that conclusion

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 11:26:45
Does that include a similar analysis of other countries figures? Because if it doesn’t you’re comparing apples with pears and can’t make that conclusion
That's true, but then so do the current figures, as most countries do include deaths in care homes for example.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 11:29:26
That's true, but then so do the current figures, as most countries do include deaths in care homes for example.

So what we've learnt is any comparison between countries is completely statistically irrelevant because of zero consistency and we should all stop doing them?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 11:30:24
That's true, but then so do the current figures, as most countries do include deaths in care homes for example.

Other countries will be well under reported due to various issues as well. I'm actually worrying about how many homeless people may have died unnoticed. The govt figures of them are a joke as everyone bar them knows. There could well be 100's or 1000's out there in underpasses etc. That goes for every country btw.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 11:34:21
So what we've learnt is any comparison between countries is completely statistically irrelevant because of zero consistency and we should all stop doing them?
Yes and no. It's not a competition to see who can be worst, but equally even given the inevitable inaccuracies the UK, US, Italy and Spain are clearly doing much worse than Germany and South Korea for example

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 11:36:54
Quote from: Panda Paws
So what we've learnt is any comparison between countries is completely statistically irrelevant because of zero consistency and we should all stop doing them?

we the public, or we everyone?

because there's obviously a lot to be learned from countries that may be doing better than us, if we can normalise the figures

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 11:49:58
we the public, or we everyone?

because there's obviously a lot to be learned from countries that may be doing better than us, if we can normalise the figures

Mostly the media.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 16:46:06
I'm a little bit angry at the ministers who claim that they have delivered 1 billion items of PPE. What the fuck does that mean without context!

It's also very well patting each other on the back about building 800 hospitals but what use is that if there are no nurses to staff them.

Theirs is certainly not a job that I would envy but putting out meaningless numbers is just err.... meaningless.

And annoying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 17:39:12 might explain a little

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 18:01:45
Had an email from Tesco CEO today (as I’m a customer) and in it it says;

“The good news is that our colleague absence rate is dropping and is now at around 41,000”

41,000 Tesco staff are off sick or self isolating?! Or would that include those who can’t get childcare?
Either way, those working in checkouts are unsung heroes in all this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 20:25:02 might explain a little

Ta for that. I think it demonstrates the figure is meaningless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 11:47:11
 Oh.  :sherlock:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 14:15:41
Latest daily chart - still going down. The one off number today was surprisingly low - whether a one-off or not, will have to track

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 16:17:02
Assuming what Hancock has said about the increase in testing is a) true and b) actually gets implemented (and we know from the pronouncements on PPE that those are two *very* big caveats), it does sound like they are starting to get to the stage where we can start doing some proper testing and actually get an understanding of how prevalent the virus is in frontline workers at least. Which is good news. The capacity will have to be increased dramatically beyond that before you can start to think about safely easing lockdown for everyone else though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 16:28:31
The tests they're talking about rolling out, are they purely the 'do you have it now' type tests or the antibody ones that would show if you've had it in the past?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 16:38:18
The tests they're talking about rolling out, are they purely the 'do you have it now' type tests or the antibody ones that would show if you've had it in the past?
Think it's the "do you have it now?" ones. Not sure exactly what was said today, relying on a live blog update.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 16:41:21
This  briefing tonight is a car crash and very frightening. Hancock is just repeating himself. The difference between testing capacity and actual testing is huge. Like having 400,000 items of PPE in Turkey and only a fraction that getting here (late)....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 17:14:09
The contact tracing stuff is encouraging. Again, it will depend on whether they actually manage to implement it instead of just announcing it and then not managing to implement it (or fucking it up), but it at least shows that they know they need to do it and are at least starting to think about implementing it. Although, like the testing, they should have been doing this months ago

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 17:44:40
This  briefing tonight is a car crash and ver fy frightening. Hancock is just repeating himself. The difference between testing capacity and actual testing is huge. Like having 400,000 items of PPE in Turkey and only a fraction that getting here(late)....

At one point, Hancock was in full 'father of the nation' mode and, when referring to the general population's adherence to social distancing, said something like 'I'm proud of you all'.  The radio nearly went through the window right then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 17:54:29
This  briefing tonight is a car crash and very frightening. Hancock is just repeating himself. The difference between testing capacity and actual testing is huge. Like having 400,000 items of PPE in Turkey and only a fraction that getting here (late)....

I don't agree with you, how is it a car crash?

The expanding of testing to essential workers and increasing the access to online appointments will increase the number tested massively, hopefully to the 100k or more

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 19:05:07
Aside from Ardiles comment - I nearly put my foot through the telly at that point  - not one question actually answered (Kuensberg actually cut off), testing promised (capacity v actual tests) which we know isn’t going to be delivered (if they get to 44 testing centres that’s over 2000 a day per centre),banging on about anti-body testing which he acknowledged is unproven/ not ready (tho Boris told us a month ago it was gonna be a “game changer”), and of course how proud he is of us all.

I know they are busting every sinew, but...

I just wish they would be honest and not worry about telling us what they think we want to hear which has time after time proven to be unrealistic. Be honest.

And I would LOVE to be proven wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 20:31:12
You are fucking kidding me:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 21:35:04
Aside from Ardiles comment - I nearly put my foot through the telly at that point  - not one question actually answered (Kuensberg actually cut off), testing promised (capacity v actual tests) which we know isn’t going to be delivered (if they get to 44 testing centres that’s over 2000 a day per centre),banging on about anti-body testing which he acknowledged is unproven/ not ready (tho Boris told us a month ago it was gonna be a “game changer”), and of course how proud he is of us all.

I know they are busting every sinew, but...

I just wish they would be honest and not worry about telling us what they think we want to hear which has time after time proven to be unrealistic. Be honest.

And I would LOVE to be proven wrong.

You have the PHE and NHS labs, as well as the mobile sites (run by the army) and home testing (1k a day at the moment).

I don't think they will get to 100k but you got to hope it will increase a lot, which is good

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 21:37:06
You are fucking kidding me:

That orange pasty headed twat can fuck right off. Cunt.

I bet Boris will say we’ll end up bailing him out i suspect

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 21:51:20
That orange pasty headed twat can fuck right off. Cunt.

I bet Boris will say we’ll end up bailing him out i suspect

Not sure if you're aware of the work of Janey Godley, but she covers it very well here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 23, 2020, 23:28:16
It never ceases to amaze me at the utter number of scumbags that are around today

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, April 24, 2020, 04:19:20
Over 3k deaths in the USA today and my State has deemed it is safe to have a massage, get a tattoo and your hair cut from tomorrow.  Needless to say I will be staying home.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, April 24, 2020, 04:37:17
Oh, and Trump does need help, so dont knock the request for support.

Oh, financial and not mental?  OK

He has been busy suggesting the sun will fix this, or maybe drinking or injecting disinfectant.  The Darwin Awards could be busy this year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Friday, April 24, 2020, 05:44:46
There is some science behind it actually. The bottom line is, if you inject or drink detol, you will not die of COVID-19.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, April 24, 2020, 05:46:42
There is some science behind it actually. The bottom line is, if you inject or drink detol, you will not die of COVID-19.

Haha, very good!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Friday, April 24, 2020, 07:26:29
Something just struck me this morning. My hair is getting very long and it may be many months before I can get it cut. Can someone point me in the direction of the six foot long scissors which obviously the politicians use so they can look smart and dapper every night on TV while maintaining social distancing.

I hope they wouldn't break the rules and put the NHS at risk for the sake of vanity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Friday, April 24, 2020, 07:35:22
And the orange pasty headed twat (thanks Tans) must use a team of architects to get what's left of his hair sorted every morning.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 24, 2020, 08:35:51
There is some science behind it actually. The bottom line is, if you inject or drink detol, you will not die of COVID-19.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, April 24, 2020, 08:48:33
I heard TCP was better. That stuff stings like a bitch.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, April 24, 2020, 08:53:29
I reckon Professor Trump should be the one to trial this idea on himself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, April 24, 2020, 09:31:56
I haven’t watched the Uk briefing for a few weeks but I have been watching Trumps most nights. It’s utterly fascinating- every minute during his questions at the end you have to say to yourself this is the POTUS with disbelief. it’s brilliant when CNN ask him questions and just waiting for his response. it really is like a comedy sketch

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, April 24, 2020, 10:22:38
Just WTF?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 24, 2020, 10:35:32
That orange pasty headed twat can fuck right off. Cunt.

I bet Boris will say we’ll end up bailing him out i suspect
That's probably what the phone call between Johnson and Trump earlier in the week was about. At least, let's hope it was that and not Trump passing on his latest breakthrough medical advice.

SKY BREAKING: PM rushed to hospital with bleach poisoning

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, April 24, 2020, 10:37:15
if ever there was a doubt  in test capacity...

only surprise is the IT system didn't fall over

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 24, 2020, 10:37:57
Just WTF?
Jesus. Literally offering up the people she was elected to serve as sacrificial lambs in an experiment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, April 24, 2020, 10:38:30
That's probably what the phone call between Johnson and Trump earlier in the week was about. At least, let's hope it was that and not Trump passing on his latest breakthrough medical advice.

SKY BREAKING: PM rushed to hospital with bleach poisoning

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 24, 2020, 10:46:05
if ever there was a doubt  in test capacity...

only surprise is the IT system didn't fall over
So the problem wasn't lack of demand after all then?

This govt is very long on promises, extremely short on delivery. 10 days after Hancock promised everyone in a care home who needed a test could get one, it turns out to not actually be true:

If they focused more on actually building the infrastructure instead of making meaningless "pledges" at the daily press love in, we might be in a better position. But they seem to be just making the promise, ticking the box to say "yep that's done" and moving on, instead of actually following through.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, April 24, 2020, 10:57:29
My wife had to tell off our step daughters girlfriend for doing exactly this a couple of weeks ago, she basically ruined 50% of the food that was delivered. Unfuckingbelievable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, April 24, 2020, 12:11:35
So the problem wasn't lack of demand after all then?

This govt is very long on promises, extremely short on delivery. 10 days after Hancock promised everyone in a care home who needed a test could get one, it turns out to not actually be true:

If they focused more on actually building the infrastructure instead of making meaningless "pledges" at the daily press love in, we might be in a better position. But they seem to be just making the promise, ticking the box to say "yep that's done" and moving on, instead of actually following through.

 they knew that it wasnt a lack of demand in general. it was a lack of demand at the drive through centres which they said. testing capacity has continued to increased and with more drive ins and home testing becoming available the number of tested should rapidly increase next week and further ahead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 24, 2020, 12:14:02
they knew that it wasnt a lack of demand in general. it was a lack of demand at the drive through centres which they said. testing capacity has continued to increased and with more drive ins and home testing becoming available the number of tested should rapidly increase next week and further ahead.
Yes, they should. But they're not delivering on the things they announced days, even weeks ago, they're constantly and consistently behind the curve and the constant desire to promise what they cannot deliver is hindering the effort to actually deliver. Like I say, long on promises, short on delivery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, April 24, 2020, 12:30:45
Yes, they should. But they're not delivering on the things they announced days, even weeks ago, they're constantly and consistently behind the curve and the constant desire to promise what they cannot deliver is hindering the effort to actually deliver. Like I say, long on promises, short on delivery.


I described yesterdays briefing as a car crash. Having not being able to bring myself to watch briefings for a couple of weeks I was probably re-calibrating my "incensed" levels.  What it was in fact was Hancock getting into a car to prepare for a crash by promising lots, getting people excited, then delivering short.

It has been a constant feature - some honesty would be nice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, April 24, 2020, 13:21:28
I heard that schools are to get grants to assist with distance learning. Teams and Google Classroom could be used. Think the government want more teacher/student interaction. Announcement on Friday.

Looks like I was correct.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, April 24, 2020, 14:08:39
I haven’t watched the Uk briefing for a few weeks but I have been watching Trumps most nights. It’s utterly fascinating- every minute during his questions at the end you have to say to yourself this is the POTUS with disbelief. it’s brilliant when CNN ask him questions and just waiting for his response. it really is like a comedy sketch

I am exactly the same!  Addicted to Trump's briefings.  I'd only ever seen 1 min soundbites on the news but it's when you see 1-2 hours of him night after night you realise i. he is either a bit thick or a bit nuts (or both); ii. he is so unbelievably thin-skinned and takes any form of criticism (whether fair or harsh) as a personal political attack; iii. he doesn't seem to possess any form of empathy - there's a total lack of comfort in his words, he's too ready to go on some rambling attack on Russia witchhunts; Obama trade deals; the Media etc etc whilst constantly self-promoting.

The unchallenged lies go on night after night.  He regularly says that America has done more covid-19 tests than all other countries added together.  That is an easy provable lie (even Europe have combined done more tests) yet he repeats it again and again.

Then you get ridiculous and irrelevant lies.  Like the one about the rally he held in New Jersey at a 9,000 capacity stadium where there were 175,000 people queuing outside who couldn't get in.  Just imagine the reality of that - it's mental!

And every night without fail he will at some point reference "the last great pandemic of 1917" which happened in 1918.  Every single night!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, April 24, 2020, 14:12:04
I wish he'd shut the fuck up. Every time he opens his trap the USD drops a little and that's the currency I am mostly paid in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, April 24, 2020, 14:48:11
I’m stockpiling Dettol and will be hawking it around the villages on a handcart.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, April 24, 2020, 15:05:15
Dettol on the rocks will be the new gin - you heard it here first

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Friday, April 24, 2020, 16:17:27
He's comedy gold. I want to watch one of his briefings now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, April 24, 2020, 16:29:30
He's comedy gold. I want to watch one of his briefings now.

I started watching on bbc news website but having missed the first hour one night I went onto Facebook live And it’s better as you can just fast forward to the q and a. None of this Uk briefing list of journalists to talk through, just who can shout the loudest and who isn’t CNN

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, April 24, 2020, 16:35:07
It's amazing how wrong Hollywood got all this.

Hollywood Pandemics = maniacs shooting everyone with law and order having broken down
Reality Pandemics - people hoard toilet roll and go on long walks

Hollywood President = starts having slightly odd thoughts and is carted off by worried Generals, being relived of power to avoid setting of WW3
Reality President = starts insane, gets nuttier, recommends a course of action that would probably kill off the population and is allowed 2 hours a day to rant at the world

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, April 24, 2020, 16:42:45
Actually, I take that back:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Friday, April 24, 2020, 19:31:16
Trump now saying his utterly cretinous comments yesterday were sarcasm. Unfortunate proof that Americans really don't have the first clue what the word means

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, April 24, 2020, 22:14:18
20 min briefing. no q and a. laters

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 05:38:20
After another stressful presser, Trumpy pops in for a livener. Looks like it’s perked him up, too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 05:42:09
That looks like him pre-makeup and spray tan

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 09:17:20
Soooo, we can’t inject ourselves with disinfectant then? Well having gone to the trouble of finding a bottle under the sink that’s been there for god knows how long I suppose I’d better cancel my order for hypodermic syringes and needles.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 10:21:25
WHO. No evidence recovering from covid that the antibodies protect against second infection (

hopefully it's just a lack of data to provide evidence, rather than the premise being wrong

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 10:43:33
WHO. No evidence recovering from covid that the antibodies protect against second infection (

hopefully it's just a lack of data to provide evidence, rather than the premise being wrong

Oh, fuck.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 10:50:42
reading it again i think it's just a warning to say we can't be sure rather than rebutting the premise.

which means making assumptions on letting recovered patients (incl key workers) into the wild without following precautions is not  a good idea yet.

and so it goes on. it's going to be like this for ages

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 10:55:28
Without a vaccine life in lockdown/social distancing is going to be the norm.

Maybe drinking bleach isn’t such a bad idea*

*that’s a joke - don’t do that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 10:58:04
Are there vaccines for the other coronavirus strains?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 11:07:11
To date, with no evidence of immunity within the herd, or anywhere else on the planet, questions should be asked of 'the science' that assumed there would be.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 11:28:21
Are there vaccines for the other coronavirus strains?
not yet for MERS or SARS as far as I can tell, they are 'in development'.

However given there are only 10,000 cases of both combined, so contact tracing made it less of a priority rush job. (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 11:28:53
Quote from: Banker
To date, with no evidence of immunity within the herd, or anywhere else on the planet, questions should be asked of 'the science' that assumed there would be.

based on other coronavirus/similar virus?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 11:45:10
Without a vaccine life in lockdown/social distancing is going to be the norm.
There’s a really difficult balance to be had here and i  just don’t think that realistic if you are looking at a year+ before a vaccine is available and that’s assuming they even find one. You can’t just expect people to put their lives on hold indefinitely in hope...
I heard last night that there has been a massive increase in domestic violence cases during the lockdown and that’s only going to get worst along with other health issues such as depression the longer that this goes on.
Ultimately we aren’t prisoners so as selfish as this sounds before long people will have the right to have a life again soon rather than just living.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 11:52:45
financially the country can't afford this level of lockdown.

it's probably going to influence a gradual release of lockdown earlier than the ideal for saving the most lives

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 11:54:35
There’s a really difficult balance to be had here and i  just don’t think that realistic if you are looking at a year+ before a vaccine is available and that’s assuming they even find one. You can’t just expect people to put their lives on hold indefinitely in hope...
I heard last night that there has been a massive increase in domestic violence cases during the lockdown and that’s only going to get worst along with other health issues such as depression the longer that this goes on.
Ultimately we aren’t prisoners so as selfish as this sounds before long people will have the right to have a life again soon rather than just living.

Absolutely. The domestic violence issues are worrying. Of course we have to get back to something approaching normality but at the same time keeping the outbreak within ‘control’ so as not to stress the NHS. People are much more aware of washing hands and not touching faces etc and trying to keep their distance from others.

It will be interesting to see what happens in Germany and other countries that are easing lockdowns to see how the UK approaches it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 12:27:48
There’s a really difficult balance to be had here and i  just don’t think that realistic if you are looking at a year+ before a vaccine is available and that’s assuming they even find one. You can’t just expect people to put their lives on hold indefinitely in hope...
I heard last night that there has been a massive increase in domestic violence cases during the lockdown and that’s only going to get worst along with other health issues such as depression the longer that this goes on.
Ultimately we aren’t prisoners so as selfish as this sounds before long people will have the right to have a life again soon rather than just living.
Think you're right, if an effective vaccine can't be found, we will have to find a way of living with it. Bear in mind that as well as accelerated efforts to find a vaccine there are also multiple projects to find a more effective treatment. As a parallel, there is still no vaccine for HIV, but there are thankfully now multiple treatments for it so that it isn't the killer it once was.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 12:31:46
I think effective treatment is probably more likely than a vaccine to be the thing that triggers a return to normality

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 14:47:37
Daily death rate goes up again. Over 20k people have died in 51 days.

I genuinely can't see how we are going to get out of it all. I still believe the lockdown could be more stringent?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 14:56:31
Priti Patel talking about catching people speeding as the death toll tops 20k. Oh my

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 14:59:21
Daily death rate goes up again. Over 20k people have died in 51 days.
Over 20k in hospital. The actual death rate is more than twice that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 15:07:21
Quote from: Matchworn Shirts
Priti Patel talking about catching people speeding as the death toll tops 20k. Oh my

to be fair,  people are treating the streets as race tracks then they deserve it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 15:20:02
Maybe there should be a list of laws that we should now be free to break?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: kirky69 on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 16:22:33
Daily death rate goes up again. Over 20k people have died in 51 days.

I genuinely can't see how we are going to get out of it all. I still believe the lockdown could be more stringent?

Although the number of deaths are very alarming indeed, I do not see lockdown becoming more stringent. Conversely there will likely be a gradual easing of measures, possibly starting in 2 weeks. Firstly I can see more businesses being allowed to reopen, then more general social freedoms, subject to appropriate social distancing rules. Large social gatherings will undoubtedly be at the back end of the queue and I dont envisage being back at the County Ground this calendar year, unless miraculously a vaccine is found within this timescale or mass testing, tracking and tracing is in place.

Although I believe the government was slow to move to lockdown, they will feel they have achieved their main objective of not allowing the NHS to be completely overrun and will therefore seek to restart the economy as soon as possible. The damage caused by an extended lockdown to businesses and individuals - both financial and mental health - will not be tolerated and although further deaths will occur, probably on a not insignificant basis, this will be considered as an acceptable price to pay by the government as long as the NHS remains able to cope. Their focus will therefore be on avoiding a second peak, hence some restrictions remaining in place until a vaccine is found. Pubs will therefore take a long time to reopen and the elderly will be encouraged to remain largely in self isolation if possible.

By way of comparison it is interesting to note that there are on average 165,000 deaths per year in the UK from Cancer and 110,000 from CPD. Maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea to have daily press conferences from the government on the issues of smoking, excessive drinking, diet, exercise and obesity to also reduce the burden on the NHS. Something to ponder as the public on the whole seem to have responded well to the fear of imminent death!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 16:39:36
Priti Patel talking about catching people speeding as the death toll tops 20k. Oh my

Shoplifting has gone down aswell!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 16:51:43

No homicides in Miama for 7 weeks in a row, the first time since 1957!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 16:54:24
Still too many people out having picnics. Kids congregating in fields.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 17:00:32
Still too many people out having picnics. Kids congregating in fields.
You're never going to get 100% compliance. The point is that the lockdown has greatly minimised the overall number of daily contacts between strangers and so prevented the continuation of what had up until then been the extremely rapid spread of the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 17:02:05
Some people are too dumb to change.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 17:04:32
Daily death rate goes up again. Over 20k people have died in 51 days.

I genuinely can't see how we are going to get out of it all. I still believe the lockdown could be more stringent?
It just isn’t going to happen, ultimately we aren’t prisoners and people will have a right to to have a life again soon. You’ve got families that haven’t seen each other for a month or more and there’s only so long that can continue.  It’s becoming obvious that this virus ain’t going anywhere so we are going to have to learn to live with it and treat it.
The slow and staged relaxation of the lockdown will begin before long, mid-May still being my prediction.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 18:22:50

No homicides in Miama for 7 weeks in a row, the first time since 1957!
Incredible 🤯

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, April 25, 2020, 22:33:08
Daily death rate goes up again. Over 20k people have died in 51 days.

I genuinely can't see how we are going to get out of it all. I still believe the lockdown could be more stringent?

If you look at the daily deaths on the date they occured (for England), you can see it trending down but you need to ignore the last 4/5 days of the chart.

Today it appears that a lot of old deaths have been registered in England.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Sunday, April 26, 2020, 06:27:21
Saw this on another forum and thought it interesting...

"I just want to point out something very important to understand and interpret government announcements and released data around the world.

Governments around the world are currently engaged in a process called "behaviour change communication" (BCC). ... munication

I worked here for the European Commission in the early 2000's on a multi-year, multi-million BCC project.

The primary objective of BCC is not to increase the knowledge and understanding of the population, it's to provide the information most likely to modify their behaviour in a way that will result in the best public health outcomes.

In layman's terms you need to make them scared enough to follow the advice, but not so scared they begin acting irrationally.

So in Cambodia that meant making people scared enough of HIV to use condoms and not engage in high risk behaviours, but not so scared that they start stigmatising or acting out against high risk groups or carriers.

It's a delicate balancing act.

With Covid-19 that's also what's happening. The objective is to make people scared enough that they follow government advice but not so scared that they start acting irrationally (hording, not turning up to work for jobs deemed essential etc).

This is why we aren't being provided with detailed data regarding the health status and demographics of deaths. And why you should not treat government positions as gospel.

For example, if you told people that 99% of deaths are in people with existing co-morbidities, people without co-morbidities may be less inclined to follow advice, especially if it has an economic impact.

Just as telling people here 20 years ago, that if you or your partner weren't gay, a needle user or consumer/provider of prostitution your chances of contacting HIV we extremely low.

If you want to know what information your government currently thinks is best suited to maintain your continued compliance then listen to the news.

If you want to become knowledgeable on the disease and its impacts follow the daily stream of papers being released on sites like

For example studies were indicating 6-8 weeks ago that the R value for this virus was much lower in environments with high temperature, humidity and UV exposure.

But as the message that summer will reduce the infectiousness was not aligned with current BCC objectives regarding lockdown compliance, that information would be treated with scepticism. While any study results are aligned with current BCC objectives will be prompted.

This also explains the differing information given between different countries. Countries with a highly compliant society don't need to turn the fear dial quite so far (e.g. Germany, Japan, Singapore, South Korea).

While countries with a more "relaxed" tradition with authority (e.g. Italy, Cambodia, Latin America) need the dial turned quite a lot higher to deliver compliance.

Anyway, just a thought I wanted to share."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, April 27, 2020, 10:55:38
See it can be done if everyone follow the rules of lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 27, 2020, 10:59:08
See it can be done if everyone follow the rules of lockdown.
Not just about everyone following the rules: the crucial part in the NZ success, like most of the countries that have been relatively successful in fighting it off, was that they took decisive action early on when they only had a few cases so preventing it from spreading. It will be interesting though to see whether they have any further outbreaks as they ease restrictions

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, April 27, 2020, 11:00:03
I still think Easter Weekend was an opportunity missed. They could have closed all shops, and only emergency workers would be allowed to work. It was two bank holidays.

We could shut takeaways, but that's about it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 27, 2020, 11:01:53
I still think Easter Weekend was an opportunity missed. They could have closed all shops, and only emergency workers would be allowed to work. It was two bank holidays.
We missed the opportunity to contain this thing in Feb, not at Easter. By Easter it was already past peak

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, April 27, 2020, 11:07:16
Not just about everyone following the rules: the crucial part in the NZ success, like most of the countries that have been relatively successful in fighting it off, was that they took decisive action early on when they only had a few cases so preventing it from spreading. It will be interesting though to see whether they have any further outbreaks as they ease restrictions

'(NZ) mounted an extensive testing and contact tracing operation.' is also critical in containing any future outbreak.

The UK is still averaging around 4,500 new cases a day, it's been plateauing around that figure for quite a while now, no decline unlike other countries with stricter lockdowns. Needs to be in the hundreds, not thousands, and extensive testing and contact tracing in place before we countenance an easing of measures IMO.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, April 27, 2020, 11:07:25
Have we officially reached the peak yet?

When do we think Businesses will re-open?

I think when schools go back, the only way to social distance would be to have different days for different years. It is going to be hard.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 27, 2020, 11:14:33
Have we officially reached the peak yet?
According to the Chief Medical Officer, it is believed we reached the peak of deaths in hospital on April 8th. That doesn't mean of course that it can't peak again if, for example, lockdown is lifted too early or not carefully enough.

When do we think Businesses will re-open?
Depends on the type of business clearly. Some never closed, others, like pubs, even pubs with beer gardens, are likely to be among the last to re-open. And football clubs, come to that.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, April 27, 2020, 12:46:21
I think when schools go back, the only way to social distance would be to have different days for different years. It is going to be hard.
you have to think about inside the classroom too though.

for primary, I think you'd have to do half the class on alternate days so that desks could be separated.

even then it's rubbish.

if digital distancing is needed when schools open, obviously.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, April 27, 2020, 12:58:46

Reuters is a trusted source isn't it? If this is accurate, it would be encouraging news.

Tldr: Ohio Jail holding 2,500 prisoners, many of them older with pre-existing health conditions, tested 2,300 inmates for the coronavirus and of the 2,028 who tested positive, close to 95% had no symptoms. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 27, 2020, 15:23:13
The same FT team that worked out that our true death toll is actually 43,500 rather than the 20k the govt are admitting (based on "excess deaths", the base line that Chris Whitty has also said should be used to measure deaths attributable to the pandemic), have now looked at that globally. They reckon the global death toll is likely to be being under-reported by 60%

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, April 27, 2020, 15:29:45
Highly probable - a previous Pandemic that had < 20k recorded deaths was changed to 200k with analysis after the fact.  That is always the way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, April 27, 2020, 15:34:16

Reuters is a trusted source isn't it? If this is accurate, it would be encouraging news.

Tldr: Ohio Jail holding 2,500 prisoners, many of them older with pre-existing health conditions, tested 2,300 inmates for the coronavirus and of the 2,028 who tested positive, close to 95% had no symptoms. 
That backs up FH’s post about different strains of COVID-19 - Kick Ass down to Julian Clary

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, April 27, 2020, 15:38:37
you have to think about inside the classroom too though.

for primary, I think you'd have to do half the class on alternate days so that desks could be separated.

even then it's rubbish.

if digital distancing is needed when schools open, obviously.

There is a letter going out from the DFE today about digital learning platforms. Ironic really seeing they were all the rage 10/12 years ago and were a bit of a fad for most schools and they ditched them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Monday, April 27, 2020, 15:38:43
What we also don't know yet or whether we will ever find out is how many deaths can be directly attributed to CV19. It might be that some of them would have died anyway regardless of whether they had the disease or not and just because they tested positive doesn't mean that's what actually killed them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, April 27, 2020, 15:45:21
It is difficult, though. If you have underlying health issues and die having tested positive what’s put on the death certificate.

My dad was sent home after being diagnosed with stomach cancer and no treatment was proposed. He actually died of a heart attack getting out of bed one morning - blessed relief.

That is what put on his death certificate although the reason for his heart attack was being weakened by stomach cancer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 27, 2020, 15:57:14
What we also don't know yet or whether we will ever find out is how many deaths can be directly attributed to CV19. It might be that some of them would have died anyway regardless of whether they had the disease or not and just because they tested positive doesn't mean that's what actually killed them.
Everyone "dies anyway" eventually. Chris Whitty stated last week that excess deaths is the best method of calculating deaths attributable to Covid. On that basis, the FT have calculated our true death toll is 43,500 as of yesterday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, April 27, 2020, 16:28:24
and the reason they take that approach is precisely because you are looking to measure the impact on society of an outbreak.  People dying at home because they skipped Cancer treatment for example - Covid-19 may not be directly at fault, but without the virus being spread, the patient would have gone for their treatment.  That's the type of assumption they need to make to understand how best to react when we get these types of healthcare crises.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 27, 2020, 17:58:04
and the reason they take that approach is precisely because you are looking to measure the impact on society of an outbreak.  People dying at home because they skipped Cancer treatment for example - Covid-19 may not be directly at fault, but without the virus being spread, the patient would have gone for their treatment.  That's the type of assumption they need to make to understand how best to react when we get these types of healthcare crises.
Quite so, which is why Ian Vallance also rightly said overall excess deaths is the key figure to look at.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, April 27, 2020, 19:34:08
And before anyone cries foul on the data, I am sure I read that this is precisely how people calculate the impact of Flu each year, specifically because you don;t die of the Flu, it's what you get when you have ti that kills you, usually Pneumonia.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 06:35:35
It would be interesting to see the flu figures. It's entirely possible that the deaths are people that had flu, and this at the same time. The people with covid who show no symptoms, might not have had flu, and therefore are ok.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BrightonRed on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 07:47:26
I also agree that excess deaths is the key measure. As you'd expect it'll never be an exact science but you should be able to get a good feel for the true impact of COVID-19.

The ONS publishes a dataset of weekly registered deaths for England & Wales. It's quite a bit behind (currently up to 10/04/20) but usefully has a comparison against the average for the corresponding week over the previous 5 years. For example you can see that in the week ending 03/04/20 there were 6,082 more deaths than the average of the past 5 years. For the week ending 10/04/20 there were 7,996.



Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 08:19:31
Interesting Panorama last night, the conclusions of which bizarrely are not being reported on the BBC this morning, or in any papers except for, strangely, The Mail.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 08:26:08
Interesting Panorama last night, the conclusions of which bizarrely are not being reported on the BBC this morning, or in any papers except for, strangely, The Mail.

It's just extraordinary.  The findings were damning, just like the Sunday Times piece last week.  And within 12 hrs, it's like it never happened.  But at least Johnson is back & 'feeling ebullient'.  We can all talk about that for several days, can't we?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 08:40:01
Plenty of Tory sycophants sharing posts last night slating the panorama programme. Guess their loyalty to their party means they can ignore the evidence.

I'm getting pretty fucked off now to be honest. Working every day in a busy environment, as are my Mrs and daughter in elderly nursing homes, putting ourselves at risk and then reading/seeing the utter shit from morons being paid 80% of their wage to sit at home. I'm sickened by the behaviour and the attitudes some have. People are taking the piss and getting away with it and I expect the virus to have a second wave unless this is stamped out quickly. Traffic levels have soared in the last week. Some people are more concerned with others moaning about those who are flouting the government guidelines than those who are flouting them . Wtf!

Rant over. Have a nice day all

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 08:48:44
and the reason they take that approach is precisely because you are looking to measure the impact on society of an outbreak.  People dying at home because they skipped Cancer treatment for example - Covid-19 may not be directly at fault, but without the virus being spread, the patient would have gone for their treatment.  That's the type of assumption they need to make to understand how best to react when we get these types of healthcare crises.

At least one report on the Ebola crisis explored the possibility that the 'successful' stemming of Ebola actually cost more lives than it saved through the diversion of finite healthcare resources in third world countries.  One contributor to that report was Chris Whitty.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 08:52:50
It's just extraordinary.  The findings were damning, just like the Sunday Times piece last week.  And within 12 hrs, it's like it never happened.  But at least Johnson is back & 'feeling ebullient'.  We can all talk about that for several days, can't we?

As the BBC seem to have tried to bury it (very little trailing before it was on and then little follow up on their news outlets), here's a link for anyone who missed it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 08:55:16
At least one report on the Ebola crisis explored the possibility that the 'successful' stemming of Ebola actually cost more lives than it saved through the diversion of finite healthcare resources in third world countries.  One contributor to that report was Chris Whitty.

Up here they seem to be publishing much that hospital are open and thus people should present for other issues although it does seem to be doing some very strange things with regards to mental health beds and provision.

I note that policy seems to have also changed insofar as elderly displaying symptoms are not being admitted from care homes or home. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 09:02:49
I also agree that excess deaths is the key measure. As you'd expect it'll never be an exact science but you should be able to get a good feel for the true impact of COVID-19.

The ONS publishes a dataset of weekly registered deaths for England & Wales. It's quite a bit behind (currently up to 10/04/20) but usefully has a comparison against the average for the corresponding week over the previous 5 years. For example you can see that in the week ending 03/04/20 there were 6,082 more deaths than the average of the past 5 years. For the week ending 10/04/20 there were 7,996.


It's been updated to w/e 17th April now, and it's bad

Chris Giles, the FT journalist who did the analysis on ONS figures looking at what the true number of deaths is likely to be, has just tweeted this:

"The ONS numbers are as bad - in fact worse - that I had expected. This level of excess deaths in England & Wales since the coronavirus outbreak started is
Data is for registrations of deaths on average happening by April 13, when equivalent hospital number was 13,423"

This is much much worse than the govt are admitting.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 09:18:03
"Coronavirus: Trump 'can't imagine why' US disinfectant calls spiked"

Now, lets think what happened on Thursday to see if we can think of reason why they spiked.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 09:38:09
27/04/2020  Data from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Nor  36.3
Fin  34.4
Den  72.1
Swe  215.5
UK  311.8  (Hopsitals)  646.7 (Overall estimate of 43,000 deaths)
USA  167.7
Bel  621.1
Fra  341.2
Ita  440.9
Spa  497.5
Ger  69.3
Port  87.8

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 09:40:28
Don't forget minutes silence at 11am

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 09:50:22
Just staring out over the back fence and a delivery driver had stopped to observe it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 11:26:31
Just staring out over the back fence and a delivery driver had stopped to observe it.

That’s what we do sir 😉 All part of our code of conduct and practices.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 15:16:47
Just read an article on the ‘Hong kong Flu’ pandemic of the late 1960’s. Thought it interesting in that it was very large impact (multiple years, over a million deaths) but hadn’t heard anything of it before. There must be some older TEFers who were around at the time

Copied the article below in case anyone’s interested, was behind a Wall Street journal paywal


The outbreak started in China, where it quickly engulfed the city of Wuhan before racing across the globe on commercial flights and ships, eventually killing more than 1 million people, over 100,000 of them in the U.S.

The novel virus triggered a state of emergency in New York City; caused so many deaths in Berlin that corpses were stored in subway tunnels; overwhelmed London’s hospitals; and in some areas of France left half of the workforce bedridden. Severely ill patients suffering from acute pneumonia were put on ventilators, often in vain. It was the late 1960s, and the Hong Kong flu was sweeping the world.

That pandemic raged over three years, yet is largely forgotten today, a testament both to our resilience and to how societies are now approaching a similar crisis in a much different way.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Premier Boris Johnson and President Emmanuel Macron of France have described the coronavirus pandemic as their countries’ greatest challenge since World War II. Mr. Macron described it as a war.

But scientists and doctors say the Hong Kong flu is a more apt comparison. And because it happened in recent times—unlike the more devastating and better remembered Spanish Flu of 1918—it can offer lessons for today, though experts disagree on what these might be.

The Hong Kong influenza, caused by the H3N2 strain of the virus, came in two waves, the second far deadlier than the first. A vaccine was developed relatively quickly—researchers had learned from the other two 20th-century influenza pandemics, the Spanish Flu of 1918 and the Asian flu of 1957—but wasn’t widely available before the disease had reached its second peak in most countries.

Epidemiologists are now warning that this pattern could be repeated with the new coronavirus, with a second peak this winter when the world is unlikely to have a vaccine. But this time, governments and societies have responded far differently than they did in the late ’60s.

In 1969, the British postal and train services and French manufacturing suffered large disruptions from flu-induced absenteeism. In West Germany, garbage collectors had to bury the dead because of a lack of undertakers.

In affected countries, some schools had to close as teachers fell ill. In less than two years, over 30,000 people died in France and Britain, and up to 60,000 in both parts of divided Germany, according to recent estimates.

Doctors say the Hong Kong flu, named from being first identified in the then British colony, was less lethal than Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, but it appears to have spread in much the same way.

Yet governments and the media didn’t call for restrictions on public life and economic activity. The disease was allowed to run though communities virtually unhindered until a vaccine became available to stop it about four months after it surfaced.

This is in contrast to today’s official responses, which have largely focused on imposing a large degree of economic and social disruption to slow the spread of the virus and allow medical authorities to focus on isolating the most vulnerable and protecting individual lives. Strict confinement measures and wall-to-wall media coverage have made the new coronavirus a central presence in most people’s lives.

In 1968-70, news outlets devoted cursory attention to the virus while training their lenses on other events such as the moon landing and the Vietnam War, and the cultural upheaval of the civil-rights movements, student protests and the sexual revolution.

Pierre Dellamonica, a French physician who started his medical career in 1969 as the epidemic was raging, says dead patients were piling up in his hospital in the south of France. But doctors and the public were fatalistic in accepting the death toll, he said.

Mortality rates for the 1968 pandemic were significantly lower than those of Covid-19, said Susan Craddock, professor at the Institute for Global Studies of the University of Minnesota. And without 24-hour news coverage, online resources and social media to heighten public anxiety, politicians were under less pressure to act than they are today, she said.

The German government played down the lethality of the Hong Kong Flu, welcoming that it seemed to only kill the elderly and the very young, said Malte Thiessen, a German historian specializing in pandemics.

“Today, medical progress has pushed up life expectancy,” Mr. Thiessen said. While this has heightened people’s sense of security, he said, it has reduced the public’s acceptance of disease and death, especially among the most vulnerable.

In the 1960s and ’70s, the carnage of World War II was a recent memory. Life expectancy was significantly lower than today and such diseases as polio, diphtheria, measles or tuberculosis were part of everyday life.

Many doctors and epidemiologists see today’s approach, with its focus on saving lives and shielding the most vulnerable, as progress. But some say it comes at a cost, and call for a more calibrated approach.

Johann Giesecke, a veteran epidemiologist who advises Sweden’s health-care authorities, said today’s lockdowns are counterproductive because mortality rates will rise again as soon as they are lifted, forcing renewed closures.

Sweden has taken an approach more akin to that used during the Hong Kong flu. Authorities haven’t ordered stores, restaurants or offices to close, letting the virus spread through the population. Today, Sweden has among the highest rates of Covid-19 deaths in the region as a percentage of population.

Prof. Yaneer Bar-Yam, a New York-based physicist who predicted the coronavirus pandemic after the outbreak in China, disagrees. Since developing a vaccine will take months—if it ever succeeds—curbing the death toll isn’t only a humanitarian imperative, but will also eventually prevent greater economic damage, he said.

The 1968 pandemic killed an estimated 1 million people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If anything, Mr. Bar-Yam said, the pandemic should have been a warning to today’s governments to be better prepared and ready to act much faster. Instead, he said, naive faith in technological progress let the crisis fade from memories.

The Black Death, the bubonic plague that ravaged populations in Europe in medieval times, has a bigger place in Western culture than more recent deadly pandemics, said Laura Spinney, author of “Pale Rider,” a book about the Spanish Flu.

That is a problem, she said, because “if you don’t remember the past, you can’t prepare for the future.”

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 15:27:26
Interesting read. I cant remember it, but this sounds like the blueprint they are working from without referring to it.

the 2nd wave comment is the bit that worries me most.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 15:30:24

To add to the FT report (which is actually referenced), and noteworthy based on the website covering this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 17:09:41
Interesting as we have been discussing travel and the likelihood of anything like normal in the future

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 18:00:46
Interesting as we have been discussing travel and the likelihood of anything like normal in the future
Indeed, could take several years for airlines to recover apparently. Makes sense I suppose, if nothing else even once restrictions start to be lifted, a lot will come back in and even when we're out of it, we're likely to have several years of severe global recession so less people will be able to afford to go abroad. Probably means that those flights there are will be more expensive, too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 18:02:46
Good to hear the govt are going to start fronting up a bit more about the actual death rate, including deaths in care homes and at home from tomorrow. It will still run behind the excess deaths figure though, which both the Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Medical Officer have said is the most reliable indicator of deaths caused by the pandemic. But better.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 18:53:49
Discussion on the 6 o'clock news about pubs and restaurants. Until the social distancing is removed, I don't think pubs or restaurants will open. It doesn't make economical sense for them to open.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 19:31:53
Discussion on the 6 o'clock news about pubs and restaurants. Until the social distancing is removed, I don't think pubs or restaurants will open. It doesn't make economical sense for them to open.

No it won't. Even with an eased lock-down, many (most) bars and restaurants won't be viable with proper social distancing enforced. It would mean cutting capacity down too much. Unfortunately many won't be able to remain on hold until they can open either. Furlough payments and the grant will keep many going for a few months, but when the furlough scheme ends many will have to take the difficult decision to let staff go, and then there's still the flat costs of rent (and others). I imagine many will probably have already decided to call it a day.

Didn't see the 6'oclock news, but Marcus Wareing did a good summary on R4's PM earlier - about 15mins in. Well, until Evan Davis decided that asking what people on lockdown should cook was more important. I didn't realise how bad R4's current affairs coverage had become until I've started listening more under lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 22:51:08
Just read an article on the ‘Hong kong Flu’ pandemic of the late 1960’s. Thought it interesting in that it was very large impact (multiple years, over a million deaths) but hadn’t heard anything of it before. There must be some older TEFers who were around at the time

Yep my parents both had it at the same time , I remember trying to cook for them  ( was about 8 or 9). lucky they had some immunity from the previous rounds of flu.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 08:20:15

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 08:22:53

Isn't that one of the rightwing nutjob papers? Not so good on american media.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 08:25:24
Seen exactly the same stuff from people over here, it’s not an just American thing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 08:50:19
Seen exactly the same stuff from people over here, it’s not an just American thing
No but it is a far-right thing, being pushed by all the usual suspects.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 09:30:46
Paolo Dybala has tested positive for the 4th time in 6 weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 09:58:29
I doubt he's had it 4 times though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 10:20:28
Paolo Dybala has tested positive for the 4th time in 6 weeks.
This sums up the state of the press at the moment, massively misleading headline that makes it sound like he has had it 4 times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 10:23:17
I doubt he's had it 4 times though.
Probably not. But he's either had one instance that has lasted 6 weeks, or he has been reinfected at least once. Either way, makes the advice on how long you need to self-isolate for after showing symptoms look a bit dubious. And casts doubt on reliance on immunity once you've had it. Granted, he's probably an outlier, but shows how little we really know about this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 10:28:15
This sums up the state of the press at the moment, massively misleading headline that makes it sound like he has had it 4 times.

Is that headline misleading? I think you've misled yourself. The headline tells the fact.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 10:31:37
Is that headline misleading? I think you've misled yourself. The headline tells the fact.
Yeah but it’s deliberately misleading and people that don’t read the article are interpreting it as him having it 4 times. “Dybala still has COVID19 after 6 weeks” would be more accurate but doubt that would get as much attention.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 10:42:30
This sums up the state of the press at the moment, massively misleading headline that makes it sound like he has had it 4 times.
What headline? I didn't quote an article, I wrote that he had tested positive for the 4th time in 6 weeks, which he has. Doesn't mean he's had it 4 times, but it does show that one or both of two of the major assumptions being made don't necessarily hold and therefore illustrates how little we really know about the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 10:51:34
What headline? I didn't quote an article, I wrote that he had tested positive for the 4th time in 6 weeks, which he has. Doesn't mean he's had it 4 times, but it does show that one or both of two of the major assumptions being made don't necessarily hold and therefore illustrates how little we really know about the virus.
The mirror headline was word for word that and in their case I do believe it is deliberately misleading, the number of tests is irrelevant it’s the 6 weeks that is the issue. It could have been phrased very differently to make the point you are making, instead its click bait that makes people read the article before realising that he hasn’t yet tested negative after his first positive result.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 11:01:35
The mirror headline was word for word that and in their case I do believe it is deliberately misleading, the number of tests is irrelevant it’s the 6 weeks that is the issue. It could have been phrased very differently to make the point you are making, instead its click bait that makes people read the article before realising that he hasn’t yet tested negative after his first positive result.
OK, I hadn't seen the Mirror article and wouldn't generally quote articles from tabloids anyway. But I do think you're perhaps (not deliberately) falling into the very common trap that seems to be around now of distracting from actual discussion of issues around coronavirus by attacking the press. There's a concern there that this case illustrates our lack of understanding of how the virus operates, what the infection period actually is, what the recovery looks like (as he may have had one instance of infection that died down and then re-emerged repeatedly over a period of several weeks) and the presumptions around immunity. Think that's rather more important than how the headline's presented.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 11:13:13
OK, I hadn't seen the Mirror article and wouldn't generally quote articles from tabloids anyway. But I do think you're perhaps (not deliberately) falling into the very common trap that seems to be around now of distracting from actual discussion of issues around coronavirus by attacking the press. There's a concern there that this case illustrates our lack of understanding of how the virus operates, what the infection period actually is, what the recovery looks like (as he may have had one instance of infection that died down and then re-emerged repeatedly over a period of several weeks) and the presumptions around immunity. Think that's rather more important than how the headline's presented.
My point is I first heard about Dybala when I saw loads of tweets saying he had now had it 4 times as obviously that would be massive news. When I traced it back they were all quoting this article so clearly it was misleading and blurred the actual message. It’s actually doing a disservice to the player as well as I’ve seen some people criticising him as he must be ‘ignoring the rules’ to catch it 4 times. Yes people are fuckwits and should read the article but I don’t think the headline is very helpful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 11:39:13

The only motivation behind that article is an author desperate to protect their wealth or those they shill for.

Saying shutdown is happening only for "political reasons" doesn't really make any sense when Governments of every form of political persuasion are operating very similar versions.

The two notable ones that haven't - Belarus and Sweden - could not be more opposite politically.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 12:25:32
The only motivation behind that article is an author desperate to protect their wealth or those they shill for.

Saying shutdown is happening only for "political reasons" doesn't really make any sense when Governments of every form of political persuasion are operating very similar versions.

The two notable ones that haven't - Belarus and Sweden - could not be more opposite politically.
Slutsk are still top of the Belarus Premier football league btw.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 13:03:55
Isn't that one of the rightwing nutjob papers? Not so good on american media.

The Opinion piece writer is pretty much a conspiracy theorist, fully in on the New World Order, Deep State, everyone is coming to take my Christian religion from, led by George Soros, Muslims all dance a happy dance when Americans die type.  Basically shits going down, be afraid article after article.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 13:17:14
Literally the best thing about COVID-19, and it might be the only good thing, is that it doesn't give a flying fuck about politics. It is completely unspinnable. In these times, that is refreshing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 13:19:21
One of the points made was that quoting 100k deaths for the USA was over playing it to scare people, yet it seems entirely plausible we are close to that already given the chances are under reporting vs. over reporting.  People of her ilk also fail to look beyond their narrow border - she mentions how under reporting is possible for political reasons, but fails to notice the entire fucking world is facing the same challenges with so many different governments in place.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 14:33:13
Literally the best thing about COVID-19, and it might be the only good thing, is that it doesn't give a flying fuck about politics. It is completely unspinnable.
Erm, have you watched any of the Downing St Press Briefings? Or Johnson's victory speech on Monday? Or seen any of the headlines in the Mail, Sun, Telegraph etc? Spinning like a top, the lot of them

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 15:49:37
Erm, have you watched any of the Downing St Press Briefings? Or Johnson's victory speech on Monday? Or seen any of the headlines in the Mail, Sun, Telegraph etc? Spinning like a top, the lot of them

That's them, not it. It doesn't care what people say. It's completely neutral. It only punishes poor decisions, and recedes in the face of good ones.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 16:13:40
That's them, not it. It doesn't care what people say. It's completely neutral. It only punishes poor decisions, and recedes in the face of good ones.
My apologies, it seems to be my day for whooshing myself :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 17:14:42
I see sadly you’ve now officially gone past spain for deaths

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 17:43:18
How is it out there Mex?  A bit of freedom yet?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 17:47:04
I see sadly you’ve now officially gone past spain for deaths

The deaths in Care Homes was included and backdated - don't believe Spain includes it yet, so expect that to go up as well.  All death totals will be revised upwards in the months and years to come though.  We are probably somewhere between 500k and 1m worldwide in reality.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 17:56:33

This is sort of funny and relates to the previous article mentioned.

The context here is the two Docs who started pushing the theory that Covid-19 was being overplayed are just Urgent Care Docs with no real expert knowledge.  They've extrapolated some data from their own clinic and assumed it can be used Globally.  More importantly, most Healthcare facilities are run as businesses here and Covid-19 has started to have serious impacts on people popping to ED's and Urgent Care, out of fear of getting the virus.  It means these two are no doubt currently feeling financial pressure with reduced revenue.  A warning to anyone who fancies a fully or primarily private system.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 22:12:11
How is it out there Mex?  A bit of freedom yet?

We are being allowed out on Saturday to exercise for the first time. Individuals only not in pairs. It’s day 54 for me. Hope you and your family are well mate
The deaths in Care Homes was included and backdated - don't believe Spain includes it yet, so expect that to go up as well.  All death totals will be revised upwards in the months and years to come though.  We are probably somewhere between 500k and 1m worldwide in reality.

I thought spain included care homes?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 00:44:53

Seems not, but I don't think they/you are unique in that respect.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 07:22:04
This is why the only really useful figure is overall excess deaths. That tells you how many people have died who would not otherwise have been expected to do so. And it flattens out a lot of the other factors, like how countries collect their stats - Belgium are including pretty much everyone who dies in a care home who has anything looking like Covid19 symptoms so are being criticised for probably overestimating deaths; we are only now including care home deaths, but then only when there is a positive test (and once the first few cases have tested positive in a home they don't bother testing subsequent cases) or GP cites it as cause of death, so likely under-reporting. Overall excess deaths flattens out those inconsistencies, and factors in people who died of other causes who wouldn't have done if we hadn't had the outbreak (patients unable to get treatment for other illnesses, suicides etc). That "other causes" factor is likely to be much more significant when for example this really hits some parts of Africa.

Chris Giles updated his extrapolation of the overall excess deaths in the UK to date to include stats released yesterday to 47,100

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 07:23:01
bit embarrassing to be outdone by the mail you'd think, but no no, Hancock ignores that and powers on with the praise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 08:13:22
So circa 26k deaths now in UK, if you want to visualise that its around the capacity of Selhurst Park, or c.43k if you believe the FT figures which is more like Villa Park.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 08:14:41
bit embarrassing to be outdone by the mail you'd think, but no no, Hancock ignores that and powers on with the praise.

Strange that the Mail can apparently just pop out and buy the stuff but the government apparently can't?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 08:23:06
So circa 26k deaths now in UK, if you want to visualise that its around the capacity of Selhurst Park, or c.43k if you believe the FT figures which is more like Villa Park.

47,100 after yesterday's figures taken into account

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 08:23:27
bit embarrassing to be outdone by the mail you'd think, but no no, Hancock ignores that and powers on with the praise.
Literally shameless

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 08:31:32
47,100 after yesterday's figures taken into account

OK nearly at the Stadium of Shite now then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 09:06:04
Should we be more concerned that they appear to have removed his left hand whilst he was in hospital?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 09:07:35
Should we be more concerned that they appear to have removed his left hand whilst he was in hospital?
Just part of his ongoing morphing into Trump - Tiny Hands Syndrome is part of the physical manifestation

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 09:22:45
Should we be more concerned that they appear to have removed his left hand whilst he was in hospital?

Look at the length of that tie  :eek:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 09:27:16
Look at the length of that tie  :eek:

Is he incredibly short or getting them made specially,I struggle to get an acceptable length on a standard tie without having just a scrawny bit at the other end.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 09:30:53
Look at the length of that tie  :eek:
Again, Trump. Christ, he is actually physically turning into the orange oaf

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 09:31:16
Regular people still wear ties?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 09:32:30
On a more positive note, congratulations to Capt Tom Moore who's fundraising has now topped £30m as he personally tops 100.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 09:59:28
Is he incredibly short or getting them made specially,I struggle to get an acceptable length on a standard tie without having just a scrawny bit at the other end.

It has to be just touching the waistband of your trousers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 10:18:20
It has to be just touching the waistband of your trousers.

I cannot physically do that with a standard tie.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 11:55:14
Get a clip on one  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 12:17:43
Get a clip on one  :)

What waistband.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 12:36:57
I reckon the UK will move into a champions league spot above France today

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 12:45:43
Quote from: 4D
Get a clip on one  :)

you've failed in love to when you resort to clip on ties*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 12:52:47
Again, Trump. Christ, he is actually physically turning into the orange oaf

Uncanny isn't it ? Both are New York-born populists who talk shite, are hair aware, cradle snatched 3rd wife, 24 years junior, filled a pram in their mid-late 50s, distrust and ignore experts, slow to act/react, and Brexiters. Uncanny.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 13:29:51
I see the Adver are getting to the heart of the situation:

I think someone can Call It on local newspapers now, DNR.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 13:35:02
What waistband.....

Get a cummerbund

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 13:50:03
Months and months now, the govt have been saying they're doing all they can on PPE, while Hancock fiddles the stats by double counting gloves and tweets wanky praise for the Daily Mail, which apparently can get PPE when he can't and they're still not responding to the offers from businesses who want to supply PPE to hospitals and care homes. While nurses, doctors and care home staff continue to die

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 15:00:13
Instead of writing open letters why dont they just get on and produce and deliver it as long its up to the required standard.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 15:02:49
Instead of writing open letters why dont they just get on and produce and deliver it as long its up to the required standard.

Yep- it's the supplier's fault.

Those people saying "It's here - come and get it" are at fault. Not the people who's job is to actually go and get the stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 15:19:04
Instead of writing open letters why dont they just get on and produce and deliver it as long its up to the required standard.

So supply it FoC is what you are saying?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 15:24:48
Unbelievable.  It does seem that this Govt is positively trying to shoot itself (with the tragic collateral damage) in the foot.

From the non-participation in the European consortium aimed to ensure supplies of vital equipment, cos they didn't see the email, through the frequently excruciating daily briefings and now to this it has been damning.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 15:38:05
Can they really be that incompetent?

It would not surprise me if there is a preferred supplier, that is not up to speed, and happens to have an MP (or one of their mates) on board. Profits have to go into the right pockets, after all. I genuinely believe this lot could be that greedy and selfish.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 15:52:19
Unbelievable.  It does seem that this Govt is positively trying to shoot itself (with the tragic collateral damage) in the foot.

From the non-participation in the European consortium aimed to ensure supplies of vital equipment, cos they didn't see the email, through the frequently excruciating daily briefings and now to this it has been damning.

All they'd have to do with the email thing is to look at the logs to take a screenshot and prove it wasn't opened, or didn't get delivered...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 15:54:04
Yep- it's the supplier's fault.

Those people saying "It's here - come and get it" are at fault. Not the people who's job is to actually go and get the stuff.

NHS trust procurement managers?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 15:59:04
NHS trust procurement managers?

Queried this with a mate who works quite high up in the NHS (and his missus works in procurement specifically) and he clarified that it was taken in house last year, this explains it better than I could.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 16:05:14
Interesting, I’ll get back in my box!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 16:55:44
Tweet from FT correspondent Chris Giles re overall excess deaths in Germany. Makes an interesting comparison to our estimated 48,100 overall excess deaths

"Finally, Germany has published its total mortality figures (only up to April 5), but no sign of excess deaths at all 
- really a strong performance"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 17:27:03
The Office of the US Director of National Intelligence has issued a statement saying "The Intelligence Community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified". Given the enormous pressure from Trump and the far right to find evidence that it was somehow manufactured by the Chinese, that's quite some admission.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 17:28:37
Tweet from FT correspondent Chris Giles re overall excess deaths in Germany. Makes an interesting comparison to our estimated 48,100 overall excess deaths

"Finally, Germany has published its total mortality figures (only up to April 5), but no sign of excess deaths at all 
- really a strong performance"

Germany should hang their heads in shame when compared with New Zealand, who should hang their heads in shame when compared with Cambodia(0 deaths). Even Somalia haven't done too bad, so maybe we need Sharia law and al-shabab roaming in the home counties?

I personally think our government handled the early part of this very badly, yet even that might accidentally end up being beneficial. Can we please not just agree to wait until it's possible to compare to, you know, compare?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 17:33:27
They've extended the alcohol ban in Thailand for another month, with no opportunity to stock up. My own supplies are almost finished.

There's rather a lot of unhappy bunnies about. I'm hoping to be able to get some booze on the sly but I will be jolly well annoyed if I cannot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 18:32:38
Can we please not just agree to wait until it's possible to compare to, you know, compare?
In terms of numbers, yes I think that's fair, no-one wants some kind of grisly league table. But I think it's reasonable to compare different approaches between different countries.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 18:56:51
In terms of numbers, yes I think that's fair, no-one wants some kind of grisly league table. But I think it's reasonable to compare different approaches between different countries.

I disagree, I think we understand so little about it (particularly we, the public) that it borders on pointless at this moment in time. Besides, almost every take I've seen has been for political point scoring. Mostly that's to criticise the government, though it equally applies to the 'Look at Sweden! Open up the economy!' crowd.

Also, as I've said previously, we don't know the end outcome of all this. We could have (possibly even accidentally) taken the right actions, whereas Germany could have made huge errors by trying to do the right thing. We just don't know.

My challenge would simply be this. If you or anyone else wishes to continue comparing death or infection rates between nations, could you first explain how Cambodia has 122 confirmed infections and 0 confirmed deaths?

To be clear, I'm not arguing against or in favour of more or less restrictive conditions in the UK. I'm arguing against comparing with other countries solely. The government should be held accountable now over things it can actually change now, like ppe, testing, care homes etc. Trying to work out how the fire started while the house is still ablaze is not the time(excuse the analogy.)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 19:11:27
They've extended the alcohol ban in Thailand for another month, with no opportunity to stock up. My own supplies are almost finished.

There's rather a lot of unhappy bunnies about. I'm hoping to be able to get some booze on the sly but I will be jolly well annoyed if I cannot.
So what’s the theory behind the ban?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 19:19:01
So what’s the theory behind the ban?

Supposedly it's to stop people meeting up and having parties and stuff.

Which might make sense if there were not already a load of people about. They even announced they were opening up a load of stuff again at the same time.

Dicks. I bet the cunts making the decision made sure they were well stocked up first.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 19:46:05
I disagree, I think we understand so little about it (particularly we, the public) that it borders on pointless at this moment in time. Besides, almost every take I've seen has been for political point scoring. Mostly that's to criticise the government, though it equally applies to the 'Look at Sweden! Open up the economy!' crowd.

Also, as I've said previously, we don't know the end outcome of all this. We could have (possibly even accidentally) taken the right actions, whereas Germany could have made huge errors by trying to do the right thing. We just don't know.

My challenge would simply be this. If you or anyone else wishes to continue comparing death or infection rates between nations, could you first explain how Cambodia has 122 confirmed infections and 0 confirmed deaths?

To be clear, I'm not arguing against or in favour of more or less restrictive conditions in the UK. I'm arguing against comparing with other countries solely. The government should be held accountable now over things it can actually change now, like ppe, testing, care homes etc. Trying to work out how the fire started while the house is still ablaze is not the time(excuse the analogy.)

Depends, pouring water on a chip fat fire can be a very bad thing to do, so knowing it is a chip fat fire is important.

You are certainly right that we have big variation globally, but we can find comparators - countries like us, reporting like us, etc.  NYC vs London may be relevant for example.  Sweden may not be as high as us due to population density, but still not doing well when comparing to Denmark or Norway that would otherwise have similar characteristics for example.  Drawing certain conclusions is probably impossible right now, having a good sense of what is happening and how to act is going to be important though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 19:47:22
I disagree, I think we understand so little about it (particularly we, the public) that it borders on pointless at this moment in time. Besides, almost every take I've seen has been for political point scoring. Mostly that's to criticise the government, though it equally applies to the 'Look at Sweden! Open up the economy!' crowd.

Also, as I've said previously, we don't know the end outcome of all this. We could have (possibly even accidentally) taken the right actions, whereas Germany could have made huge errors by trying to do the right thing. We just don't know.

My challenge would simply be this. If you or anyone else wishes to continue comparing death or infection rates between nations, could you first explain how Cambodia has 122 confirmed infections and 0 confirmed deaths?

To be clear, I'm not arguing against or in favour of more or less restrictive conditions in the UK. I'm arguing against comparing with other countries solely. The government should be held accountable now over things it can actually change now, like ppe, testing, care homes etc. Trying to work out how the fire started while the house is still ablaze is not the time(excuse the analogy.)

Good post. That makes a lot of sense to me. There are so many apparent contradictions in the data v approach that it does tend to suggest we really don’t fully understand this virus yet. I keep hearing “we’re following the science” when what they really mean is “we’re following what we understand the science to be at this point”. Science never changes. Our understanding of it does.

That said, the bare-faced lying and manipulation by this Govt and it’s media cheerleaders doesn’t sit well with me. A lot of it will get forgotten if it hasn’t been already.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Thursday, April 30, 2020, 19:59:05
Depends, pouring water on a chip fat fire can be a very bad thing to do, so knowing it is a chip fat fire is important.

You are certainly right that we have big variation globally, but we can find comparators - countries like us, reporting like us, etc.  NYC vs London may be relevant for example.  Sweden may not be as high as us due to population density, but still not doing well when comparing to Denmark or Norway that would otherwise have similar characteristics for example.  Drawing certain conclusions is probably impossible right now, having a good sense of what is happening and how to act is going to be important though.

I'm not suggesting for a minute that the experts shouldn't look to try to analyse and compare what is happening globally.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 06:27:01
To be clear, I'm not arguing against or in favour of more or less restrictive conditions in the UK. I'm arguing against comparing with other countries solely. The government should be held accountable now over things it can actually change now, like ppe, testing, care homes etc. Trying to work out how the fire started while the house is still ablaze is not the time(excuse the analogy.)
If you're saying we can't fully understand the causes and course of the pandemic without thorough retropsective analysis, well yes. If you are making the increasingly common "Let's wait till this thing is over before anyone analyses how the govt is doing" argument, then I profoundly disagree. There were clearly huge errors and complacency in the govt's initial approach and it was only due to an outcry from public and press that the disastrous "herd immunity without a vaccine"/"take it on the chin" approach that would have led to hundreds of thousands of deaths by the govt's own advisers estimates was abandoned. And we are still playing catch-up from that complacency, which is why we don't have the infrasrtructure or the bodies on the ground to implement widespread testing much less a coherent test trace and isolate plan. There are times when a course correction is needed and a complacent self-congratulatory govt (Johnson apparently thinks 48k deaths is a "success" he can be pleased about) will not implement that left to its own devices.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 06:36:06
Meanwhile, in the US, armed gunmen encouraged by the President, storm the Michigan state capitol to intimidate legislators. How is this not insurrection?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, May 1, 2020, 06:44:29
Meanwhile in Belarus: "On 30 April, a total of 14,027 confirmed cases have been reported, including 2,386 recoveries and 89 deaths. More than 176,000 COVID-19 tests have been conducted in Belarus".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, May 1, 2020, 06:59:32
If you're saying we can't fully understand the causes and course of the pandemic without thorough retropsective analysis, well yes. If you are making the increasingly common "Let's wait till this thing is over before anyone analyses how the govt is doing" argument, then I profoundly disagree. There were clearly huge errors and complacency in the govt's initial approach and it was only due to an outcry from public and press that the disastrous "herd immunity without a vaccine"/"take it on the chin" approach that would have led to hundreds of thousands of deaths by the govt's own advisers estimates was abandoned. And we are still playing catch-up from that complacency, which is why we don't have the infrasrtructure or the bodies on the ground to implement widespread testing much less a coherent test trace and isolate plan. There are times when a course correction is needed and a complacent self-congratulatory govt (Johnson apparently thinks 48k deaths is a "success" he can be pleased about) will not implement that left to its own devices.

I'm saying that there is much more to the differences between how nations are fairing, than the approach respective governments have taken. You're assuming you know much more about all aspects of this than you actually do.

*taps out*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 1, 2020, 08:25:15
Sweden may not be as high as us due to population density, but still not doing well when comparing to Denmark or Norway that would otherwise have similar characteristics for example. 

I understand a common black joke in the NHS at the moment is that many of our problems are down to;

The density of our population.
The density of our population.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 1, 2020, 08:30:43
I understand a common black joke in the NHS at the moment is that many of our problems are down to;

The density of our population.
The density of our population.

The density of our population.
The density of our population.

There's been a meme circulating on social media.

Somebody posted the above, to which somebody else replied 'but they're both the same'.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, May 1, 2020, 08:41:46
I read a report today that reckoned nature’s response to the virus is going to be the hottest summer for 100 years.

Predicting average temps in the UK of 38.5C and a whopping 48C in Greece - that’ll kill more people than the fucking virus.

I know that the heatwave in 2003 in France killed 15,000 people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 1, 2020, 08:44:25
There's been a meme circulating on social media.

Somebody posted the above, to which somebody else replied 'but they're both the same'.


Dunno ain't seen the meme as basically dropped off social media for about a month after it all started as it was very obviously brining out the worst in a lot of people, it was like Sept 11th all over again!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 08:53:39
I'm saying that there is much more to the differences between how nations are fairing, than the approach respective governments have taken.
Obviously. But govt response makes a massive difference. And continues to do so. And it should be scrutinised and where appropriate criticised in the hope that they improve.
You're assuming you know much more about all aspects of this than you actually do.
Likewise, obviously :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 09:07:38
In news that should surprise no-one, ONS figures released today show that Covid19 has hit disproportionately hardest in deprived areas of the country:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 1, 2020, 09:36:41
I read a report today that reckoned nature’s response to the virus is going to be the hottest summer for 100 years.

Predicting average temps in the UK of 38.5C and a whopping 48C in Greece - that’ll kill more people than the fucking virus.

I know that the heatwave in 2003 in France killed 15,000 people.

I suspect you misread that. It might hit 38.5 but not a chance that will be the average, unless of course we are spinning into the sun.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, May 1, 2020, 09:46:41
Here’s the report. The translation is a bit - flowery!

‘According to Weather Met Office, in the coming summer, mercury is likely to hit a record high in many countries!

It is common nowadays, just before May to take the summer mood out of the closets, that long-term meteorological forecasts appear on various sites around the world. And from time to time we have read about a summer that will be like a winter solstice, about August when January will have nothing to envy… or other times for summer months when the Vesuvius crater will look like a freezer… Forecasts that are so far away from The period they are examining is usually not verified to a large extent, sometimes they “touch” a large part of the weather conditions that really prevail.

For example, last year, similar long-term forecasts gave cold summers with winds and low temperatures; they did not fall far outside: In Greece, mercury showed no heat and the north winds were strong for at least two months in the east of the country. So this year, here’s the thing, this year the experts of… macroscopic weather forecasts are talking about the hottest summer of the last 100 years! And if the colonist hadn’t put us in the freezer of psychology and the incarceration we might have been upset from now on, but… But if you think that, according to expert estimates, the monsters lose their power and much of their contagion in dry and hot climates, then if the predictions are verified we should celebrate!   

According to Weather Met Office , in the coming summer, mercury is likely to hit a record high in many countries. The prognosis is based on estimates and observations in recent years in which meteorologists record continuous global temperature rises. The hottest year to date is considered to be 2016, when the El Niño phenomenon prevailed.

Recall that in Greece in recent years the hottest summer is recorded as that of 1987 with mercury reaching over 44 ° C for many days. on the 9th of the month, we had heavy and heavy snowfall in the center of Athens, while until the 17th of the same month the snow was a daily phenomenon in Attica! Those who claim that a severe winter is followed by another severe summer were justified. The heat of 1987 was unreal! On July 20, a temperature of 45 ° C was recorded in Elefsina! Let’s say that the record high temperature in Greece was recorded in July 1977 in Elefsina: 48 ° C!

So we are waiting for the experts’ predictions to be verified for a long hot summer and… from the half-closed grilles, at noon to hear the roar of Covid 19’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 1, 2020, 10:08:56
The only thing that confirms is you've found a bottle of Ouzo and started early..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, May 1, 2020, 10:35:29
Obviously. But govt response makes a massive difference. And continues to do so. And it should be scrutinised and where appropriate criticised in the hope that they improve.

I've already said that we should be scrutinising the government on things that can have an impact now. Hindsight comparisons with Germany or anywhere else are pointless bullshit at this moment in time, particularly with the huge gaps in our understanding. It's the modern left's equivalent of saying we should be Sweden or Belarus, or wherever. Forum and twitter experts wanting it to be true because they despise the government or the lockdown, then looking for stats to 'prove' their own bias.

Likewise, obviously :)

 :soapy tit wank: Did you somehow miss that my whole argument has been that none of us understand it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, May 1, 2020, 10:36:51
taps in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, May 1, 2020, 10:44:16
taps in

I commandeered the ambulance that was taking me to hospital like in some WWE royal rumble, and now I'm wildly swinging my crutches at Paul because I refuse to give up the belt!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 11:03:32
I've already said that we should be scrutinising the government on things that can have an impact now. Hindsight comparisons with Germany or anywhere else are pointless bullshit at this moment in time, particularly with the huge gaps in our understanding. It's the modern left's equivalent of saying we should be Sweden or Belarus, or wherever. Forum and twitter experts wanting it to be true because they despise the government or the lockdown, then looking for stats to 'prove' their own bias.

 :soapy tit wank: Did you somehow miss that my whole argument has been that none of us understand it?

No, but I kind of underplayed it maybe. I have a feeling I'm vehemently agreeing with you from a different angle :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Friday, May 1, 2020, 11:16:38
I've already said that we should be scrutinising the government on things that can have an impact now. Hindsight comparisons with Germany or anywhere else are pointless bullshit at this moment in time, particularly with the huge gaps in our understanding. It's the modern left's equivalent of saying we should be Sweden or Belarus, or wherever. Forum and twitter experts wanting it to be true because they despise the government or the lockdown, then looking for stats to 'prove' their own bias.

most sensible post I've read on this in ages.   This 100%,  let's just get through this,  argue the wrongs and rights afterwards.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 11:26:39
most sensible post I've read on this in ages.   This 100%,  let's just get through this,  argue the wrongs and rights afterwards.
If we'd done that, we'd still be following "herd immunity without a vaccine" which the govt's own advisers said would lead to 250,000 deaths. And there'd be no pressure on getting PPE, tests etc for health workers and care workers. And afterwards, no-one would know what had happened, so we'd just have to take the govt's word for it that they'd done a splendid job. The crisis makes scrutiny more important, not less.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 1, 2020, 11:49:17
The crisis makes scrutiny more important, not less.

Bet you haven't even congratulated Boris on having a baby, you lefty heartless bastard!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 11:59:19
Bet you haven't even congratulated Boris on having a baby, you lefty heartless bastard!
It's not like it's his first time. Although tbf, I'll give him some credit, it's 2 days in and he hasn't abandoned this one yet. As far as we know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 1, 2020, 12:22:15
This thing is such a mind fuck that both the better half and I forgot it's our boy's birthday today - cake incoming.

But they have decided to life the booze ban on Sunday - Result.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Friday, May 1, 2020, 12:31:20
most sensible post I've read on this in ages.   This 100%,  let's just get through this,  argue the wrongs and rights afterwards.

‘Getting through this’ might take 2 years. It will require a host of decisions that will improve or worsen our lives. It needs more scrutiny than anything that has come before in our lives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, May 1, 2020, 12:55:40
If we'd done that, we'd still be following "herd immunity without a vaccine" which the govt's own advisers said would lead to 250,000 deaths. And there'd be no pressure on getting PPE, tests etc for health workers and care workers. And afterwards, no-one would know what had happened, so we'd just have to take the govt's word for it that they'd done a splendid job. The crisis makes scrutiny more important, not less.

I'm sure the change in strategy was down to a change in advise. If it wasn't then they deserve to be crucified. I agree in regards to ppe and testing.

At the risk of being drawn back in I'll try one last time to clarify what I've been saying. Government inaction at the start has caused the increased spread of the virus. This may inadvertently help us avoid a second wave, but right now it seems a huge mistake. If we'd have followed exactly what Germany did, would we have followed their rate of infection and mortality? We have no way to sure, there appear to be far to many variables in place. Is there an effect due to climate/different strains/environmental differences/genetic differences/population density/demographics etc. etc. etc. The countries that aren't badly hit, yet haven't followed strict lockdowns or contact tracing, show at least some of this must be the case. When we know these effects, then we can compare numbers(provided everyone is reporting in the same way, which is another reason not to do it currently!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Friday, May 1, 2020, 13:23:05
If we'd done that, we'd still be following "herd immunity without a vaccine" which the govt's own advisers said would lead to 250,000 deaths. And there'd be no pressure on getting PPE, tests etc for health workers and care workers. And afterwards, no-one would know what had happened, so we'd just have to take the govt's word for it that they'd done a splendid job. The crisis makes scrutiny more important, not less.
Don't think we'll ever know the true extent of  the numbers or what has really happened behind the scenes no matter how much it is scrutinised. Do agree it was a fuck up with the PPE, and that someone should take responsibility for that, although no one probably will.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 14:25:44
I'm sure the change in strategy was down to a change in advise. If it wasn't then they deserve to be crucified. I agree in regards to ppe and testing.

At the risk of being drawn back in I'll try one last time to clarify what I've been saying. Government inaction at the start has caused the increased spread of the virus. This may inadvertently help us avoid a second wave, but right now it seems a huge mistake. If we'd have followed exactly what Germany did, would we have followed their rate of infection and mortality? We have no way to sure, there appear to be far to many variables in place. Is there an effect due to climate/different strains/environmental differences/genetic differences/population density/demographics etc. etc. etc. The countries that aren't badly hit, yet haven't followed strict lockdowns or contact tracing, show at least some of this must be the case. When we know these effects, then we can compare numbers(provided everyone is reporting in the same way, which is another reason not to do it currently!)
Again, I think we're agreeing with each other here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 1, 2020, 14:30:06
You two are crap at arguing with each other.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 14:30:44
Don't think we'll ever know the true extent of  the numbers
That's why I've been banging on about the overall excess deaths stats that the FT have been working out as it's the only reliable method of working out what the impact of Covid19 has been in terms of deaths. Not my words, that's according to Chris Whitty and Iain Vallance, the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Officer. That figure, overall excess deaths, is currently at just over 48k deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 14:31:05
You two are crap at arguing with each other.
Fuck off and have a drink :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 1, 2020, 14:31:36
Post lockdown masks available.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, May 1, 2020, 15:25:59
Fuck off and have a drink :)

Completely agree with this  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, May 1, 2020, 15:27:53

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, May 1, 2020, 15:30:42
Completely agree with this  :)

Am gonna consider that an order

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 15:50:46
You have to wonder exactly how traumatic being Coventry's goalkeeper was to drive him that fucking mental

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, May 1, 2020, 15:54:08
That's why I've been banging on about the overall excess deaths stats that the FT have been working out as it's the only reliable method of working out what the impact of Covid19 has been in terms of deaths. Not my words, that's according to Chris Whitty and Iain Vallance, the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Officer. That figure, overall excess deaths, is currently at just over 48k deaths.

The 48k figure isnt deaths that have Covid19 on the death certificate though? You could say that the normal death rate plus covid 19 equals that figure. or that having a lockdown had indeed meant an increase in suicides, an increase due to people being scared to go to the NHS or had operations cancelled etc. if these contributing factors are correct then it raises the point that an early lockdown would still have had these associated deaths. you try to limit the affect of one by having an increase in the other. there is no easy cut and dry debate as people on here suggest. we weren't ready on testing and ppe as a country that has been evident- all of the rest is guess work right now.

there was nothing stopping people from staying at home and social distancing before the government told people to do so. same with businesses and their procedures

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 1, 2020, 15:58:52
You have to wonder exactly how traumatic being Coventry's goalkeeper was to drive him that fucking mental

I didn't open the link at first.

But as soon as I saw your comment I knew who you were talking about. And knowing he'd been spouting conspiracy theories about COVID, the first thought that popped into my head was that he should be deplatformed.

I'm glad I did open the link now.

Conspiracy theorists fascinate me in a 'look at those funny nutters' type of way. But they are also far from benign at times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 1, 2020, 16:15:54
That's why I've been banging on about the overall excess deaths stats that the FT have been working out as it's the only reliable method of working out what the impact of Covid19 has been in terms of deaths. Not my words, that's according to Chris Whitty and Iain Vallance, the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Officer. That figure, overall excess deaths, is currently at just over 48k deaths.

The only proviso I'd add to that is that a simple subtraction of the 2020 deaths figure from a 5 year average at the same time of year would not recognise that there are annual fluctuations in the death rate for other reasons as well.  COVID is certainly going to be the major contributor to the increased deaths in 2020, but it might not be the only one.  I guess the reason that a 5 year average is taken is precisely because, even in 'normal' times, the death rate does vary from year to year - fluctuating around an average, fair enough.  But it does fluctuate.

Not disagreeing with your central point at all...just recognising possible additional factors, which could work either way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Friday, May 1, 2020, 16:23:59
Post lockdown masks available.

Preordered a couple earlier

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 1, 2020, 16:24:41
The 48k figure isnt deaths that have Covid19 on the death certificate though? You could say that the normal death rate plus covid 19 equals that figure. or that having a lockdown had indeed meant an increase in suicides, an increase due to people being scared to go to the NHS or had operations cancelled etc. if these contributing factors are correct then it raises the point that an early lockdown would still have had these associated deaths.
All of this is true, that's why both the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Officer have said overall excess deaths is the best baseline figure to use as it flattens out the other inconsistencies. 48,000 deaths is a horrendous death toll by any reckoning

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, May 1, 2020, 16:38:13
48,000 is around the average monthly number of deaths in the UK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 1, 2020, 16:38:52
The 48k figure isnt deaths that have Covid19 on the death certificate though? You could say that the normal death rate plus covid 19 equals that figure. or that having a lockdown had indeed meant an increase in suicides, an increase due to people being scared to go to the NHS or had operations cancelled etc. if these contributing factors are correct then it raises the point that an early lockdown would still have had these associated deaths. you try to limit the affect of one by having an increase in the other. there is no easy cut and dry debate as people on here suggest. we weren't ready on testing and ppe as a country that has been evident- all of the rest is guess work right now.

there was nothing stopping people from staying at home and social distancing before the government told people to do so. same with businesses and their procedures

Actually, what you raise here is a very important facet when it comes to keeping on top of the data.  Knowing the true impact of a Pandemic is very important, every one ever recorded has a much higher total than were recorded at the time for the reason of including total impact on all causes of death.  That is the true impact of the Pandemic.

It's also vital to understand what was directly caused, what we can assume was because of the virus but not tested, and then what other impact it had indirectly on deaths.  That last one will lag for years - people skipping cancer treatments or not being diagnosed quickly enough.  I know you are trying to argue that we should have stayed open, but measuring this type of data will give people the right information to make that call for the next Pandemic, or next outbreak of this one.  If lock downs created more non-Covid relate deaths than we can reasonably estimate the virus would cause without lock down, Govt.s would need to use that to manage their responses.

As it happens, we've had several major Pandemics in the past 100 years.  We've got a lot of data on what works and what doesn't.  Most countries even have pretty well designed plans to execute.  What is very clear with this Pandemic is very few enacted their plans once a Global outbreak was likely.  It seems, previous Pandemics suggested the best course of action was to isolate the virus quickly, to treat it as highly transmissible, contact trace and quarantine people (assuming they have it) etc.  very few did this, most of the world seemed to be happy they hadn't had any, then many cases for a few weeks.  Waiting for the data.  The plans appear to suggest that is not what you do.  Lock down is a last resort to an uncontrolled outbreak, and even then everyone is doing it a little different.

Previous Pandemics have also taught us some harsh lessons - reacting well to the first outbreak is all well and good, but being complacent can then kick you in the teeth.  San Fran in the 1918 Flu had a good initial response, which included people wearing cloth masks.  When it came around again, they thought the masks had been the key factor, so avoided doing all the other stuff they did to prevent spread, they got fucked over.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 1, 2020, 16:40:16
48,000 is around the average monthly number of deaths in the UK.

Yes, which is why 22,351 dying in week commencing 17th April is pretty alarming.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Friday, May 1, 2020, 16:46:58
You have to wonder exactly how traumatic being Coventry's goalkeeper was to drive him that fucking mental

Yeah Steve Ogrizovic thinks the Welsh invented the colour orange.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, May 1, 2020, 20:57:58
I hate the country comparisons stats but I am about to refer to it.. we all know that chinese numbers look insane and unrealistic but then you look at Hong Kong who have had FOUR deaths and think just wtf and how? has any far east country suffered bad? there are millions of questions with this virus and it is truly baffling.

people saying this virus was around since before christmas, it must have been hitting these places as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, May 1, 2020, 21:37:49
The stats are baffling as to why some countries go fairly unscathed and nearby countries get hit hard.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, May 1, 2020, 21:46:23
I hate the country comparisons stats but I am about to refer to it.. we all know that chinese numbers look insane and unrealistic but then you look at Hong Kong who have had FOUR deaths and think just wtf and how? has any far east country suffered bad? there are millions of questions with this virus and it is truly baffling.

people saying this virus was around since before christmas, it must have been hitting these places as well.
Well depends if it was cooked up in some Chinese laboratory I guess but then we’re getting into conspiracy theories now that it is a weapon....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 06:06:23
I hate the country comparisons stats but I am about to refer to it.. we all know that chinese numbers look insane and unrealistic but then you look at Hong Kong who have had FOUR deaths and think just wtf and how? has any far east country suffered bad? there are millions of questions with this virus and it is truly baffling.

people saying this virus was around since before christmas, it must have been hitting these places as well.

I spoke to a friend in Hong Kong two or three weeks back. She said restaurants had stayed open, bars where supposed to be shut but the ones near her flat were still open and always looked busy when she passed. She was back at work by then too, her office split the workforce in half and went in on alternate days. Go figure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 07:50:16

By god it felt good!! 55 days. Locked in. Was just amazing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 07:57:23
Mask wearing in public is widespread in the Far East, ever since SARS 2003. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 09:43:37
Quote from: mexico red

By god it felt good!! 55 days. Locked in. Was just amazing.
I think we take our daily exercise allowance for granted here

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 09:44:04
China state media take on the us reaction

Once upon a virus... -

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 09:59:23
Mask wearing in public is widespread in the Far East, ever since SARS 2003. 

It's more becasue of pollution, and has become somewhat of a fashion trend. Although the virus is no doubt going to become more of a reason for it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 10:35:01

By god it felt good!! 55 days. Locked in. Was just amazing.
Nice one, must feel fantastic, delighted for you. Papers over here are reporting it is a gradual lifting of restrictions, be interested to hear what it feels like "on the ground"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 10:39:27

By god it felt good!! 55 days. Locked in. Was just amazing.
I am not a massive fan of walking due to the constant back pain but that must feel great, like being released from prison!

I have not set foot outside the front door now for 42 days and only been out once in 56 days.

Glad you are able to do that, hopefully the start of better things over there now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 11:06:37
Nice one, must feel fantastic, delighted for you. Papers over here are reporting it is a gradual lifting of restrictions, be interested to hear what it feels like "on the ground"

It seems a pretty well thought out process. There are 5 phases, 0-4.
The main thing is you are not allowed to travel to another province. So think Wiltshire. No one allowed in or out.
Each province is being treated independently. So a couple of the islands in Gran Canaria are already in phase 1.
I can only tell you about Malaga province. We started phase 0. The main points being you are allowed out for 1 hour for physical exercise. You can’t hang around anywhere and there are time slots.
Adults - 6am to 10am and 8pm to 11pm.
Over 70s 10am to midday and 6pm to 8pm
Kids midday to 6pm with a parent

Small businesses are allowed open, so for example hairdressers but with only one customer at a time and the barber has to wear PPE

Each phase last 2 weeks before being judged if it can move onto the next.

To quote our PM Pedro Sánchez “new normality” will be in place, fingers crossed, by the end of June.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 11:56:01
We won't bother with all that, straight to Phase 4, no messing...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 14:04:28
We won't bother with all that, straight to Phase 4, no messing...

That made me laugh.  Let's face it, compared to Spain and Italy we haven't really been in "lockdown".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 14:09:23
That made me laugh.  Let's face it, compared to Spain and Italy we haven't really been in "lockdown".
Perhaps not, but it's undeniably been effective.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 15:43:49
That made me laugh.  Let's face it, compared to Spain and Italy we haven't really been in "lockdown".

i think the majority have done it very well. this is interesting if true:

"Since the lockdown began in Spain some 740,000 people — the equivalent of 18,000 per day — have been fined for breaking the government’s Covid-19 rules, according to El País. That’s three times more than in Italy and almost 200 times more than in the UK during roughly the same period.

The only EU country that has dished out more fines is France, whose police issued over 900,000 fines in a five-week period.

In France administrative fines can range from €135 to €3,750. In Spain they can reach as high as €600,000, a spine-chilling figure that was set by the previous Rajoy government in its overtly authoritarian Law on Citizen Security — popularly dubbed the “Gag Law” for its sweeping attacks on freedom of expression.

Passed in 2015, the law was primarily intended to crack down on rising social and political protest. Today’s governing parties, then in opposition, pledged to overturn the law. They didn’t. Instead, they have kept many of the most draconian measures in place and are now making liberal use of them."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 16:40:08
i think the majority have done it very well. this is interesting if true:

"Since the lockdown began in Spain some 740,000 people — the equivalent of 18,000 per day — have been fined for breaking the government’s Covid-19 rules, according to El País. That’s three times more than in Italy and almost 200 times more than in the UK during roughly the same period.

I think the majority have done it well here too. Not sure that would still be the case if we were confined to houses and unable to leave even for a walk.

As for the level of fines, it’s comparing apples with oranges. I’ve been involved on the enforcement side and everything from government has been talking about a proportionate approach, engaging and talking with fines a last resort for most people. I’m not saying that’s right or wrong. Spain have had armed police and military on the streets. France require you to provide your written reason for being out and you must show it on request or be fined.

I’ve just been to Coate water. Various groups of people (4+) sat down having a picnic/chatting on the golf course, benches, jetty’s etc. Two cops patrolling on bikes, didn’t see them speak to any of them.
Again not saying that’s right or wrong but definitely not vigorous enforcement.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 18:10:22

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 18:18:32
I'd glady help her out with that. Fresh from the source.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 18:50:20

"Tracy Kiss’s home remedy does not feature on WHO, NHS or government guidance". 

Expect to see Trump promoting this as a new miracle cure ...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 19:21:50
A facial too  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 19:47:20
Looks like Marc Almonds after its dribbled out of his arse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 20:38:36
Looks like Marc Almonds after its dribbled out of his arse.

It does? So, could you expand on that and inform the rest of this forum how you are suitably qualified to make this outstanding comment? 😁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 22:58:08
Dr. Anthony Fauci is an adviser to President Donald Trump and something of an American folk hero for his steady, calm leadership during the pandemic crisis. At least one poll shows that Americans trust Fauci more than Trump on the coronavirus pandemic—and few scientists are portrayed on TV by Brad Pitt.


But just last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.


In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.


Many scientists have criticized gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans, because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release.


SARS-CoV-2 , the virus now causing a global pandemic, is believed to have originated in bats. U.S. intelligence, after originally asserting that the coronavirus hadoccurred naturally, conceded last month that thepandemic may have originated in a leak from the Wuhan lab. (At this point most scientists say it's possible—but not likely—that the pandemic virus was engineered or manipulated.)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 23:01:56
Err what does that mean? Reads like an old windows 3.11 voice transcript.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 23:02:50
It does? So, could you expand on that and inform the rest of this forum how you are suitably qualified to make this outstanding comment? 😁

Hertha B told me

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 23:28:06
Err what does that mean? Reads like an old windows 3.11 voice transcript.

it's a poorly written article but one of many that have been discussed before and is old news but I hadn't seen the link to Fauci before reading this.

for a lab that researches corronavirusses to be located in the city that starts the outbreak is mother of all coincidences.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, May 3, 2020, 06:45:17
Hertha B told me


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, May 3, 2020, 07:57:38
it's a poorly written article but one of many that have been discussed before and is old news but I hadn't seen the link to Fauci before reading this.

for a lab that researches corronavirusses to be located in the city that starts the outbreak is mother of all coincidences.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 3, 2020, 08:09:04
So, what’s the upside for a country (China) in funding a lab to investigate viruses?

Just stop eating fucking bats, pangolins, hairy-arsed anteaters, lesser-spotted beagles, cloven-hooved guinea pigs etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 3, 2020, 09:38:52
If you can cure such conditions, it means that you do not have to stop eating those delicacies.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, May 3, 2020, 10:14:23
After the strictest of lockdowns, appears Spain is really going for it now. Hope it doesn't bite them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, May 3, 2020, 10:20:04
After the strictest of lockdowns, appears Spain is really going for it now. Hope it doesn't bite them.

As I mentioned previously it’s judges province by province. Can’t see Madrid being in phase 1 for a while but Murcia for example has had fuck all so they will almost certainly be pushed through

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, May 3, 2020, 21:36:19
So, what’s the upside for a country (China) in funding a lab to investigate viruses?

Just stop eating fucking bats, pangolins, hairy-arsed anteaters, lesser-spotted beagles, cloven-hooved guinea pigs etc

Or pigs-swine flu.
Or chickens -bird flu.
TB in cows in the uk.
Humans seriously need to change the way we treat animals. We cause all this shit by our actions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 4, 2020, 07:52:29
Or pigs-swine flu.
Or chickens -bird flu.
TB in cows in the uk.
Humans seriously need to change the way we treat animals. We cause all this shit by our actions.
Monkeys - HIV. It's not just eating animals, it's also invasion and destruction of wild animal habitats which increases contact between wild animals and humans.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, May 4, 2020, 08:01:25
Saw this chart (love a chart) which really highlights the impact of the virus and hammers home the message against the ‘its just flu’ brigade

Plots weekly deaths in the uk over the last 10 years. You can probably spot 2020

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Monday, May 4, 2020, 08:07:15
Or pigs-swine flu.
Or chickens -bird flu.
TB in cows in the uk.
Humans seriously need to change the way we treat animals. We cause all this shit by our actions.
I would add the practice of including dead, often diseased cattle in animal feed for cattle.  This has changed now but only initially after a 6 month cover-up by our Government which it followed up by a period of unbalanced claims over the underlying "science".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 4, 2020, 10:50:48
Some fucking idiots still ignoring guidelines on social distancing


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 4, 2020, 10:59:18
Some fucking idiots still ignoring guidelines on social distancing


In the style of Barry Davies, look at his tie, just look at his tie!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, May 4, 2020, 11:19:50
Some fucking idiots still ignoring guidelines on social distancing



Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, May 4, 2020, 11:38:37
Some fucking idiots still ignoring guidelines on social distancing


It's impossible to tell how close they are from that. Boris is immune immortal now he's had it anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Monday, May 4, 2020, 11:39:50
Saw this chart (love a chart) which really highlights the impact of the virus and hammers home the message against the ‘its just flu’ brigade

Plots weekly deaths in the uk over the last 10 years. You can probably spot 2020

That is a good chart. Two questions: why do deaths systematically drop every year in weeks 22, 35 and 52 (which also seems to indicate a sharp rise in week 1 of the following year)? And why do the patterns converge each year after the first few weeks? I can’t think of any plausible reasons.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Monday, May 4, 2020, 11:51:15
That is a good chart. Two questions: why do deaths systematically drop every year in weeks 22, 35 and 52 (which also seems to indicate a sharp rise in week 1 of the following year)? And why do the patterns converge each year after the first few weeks? I can’t think of any plausible reasons.
Probably Bank Holidays around the end of May and August, plus Christmas day / Boxing day bank holidays. More to do with registering, than people actually not dying then. Each time there is a up-lift immediately after before then returning to normal.

The Easter bank holiday can be anywhere between weeks 13 (late March) and 17 (mid-late April), and there and falls (and rises) around there each year.

I love a graph, me.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 4, 2020, 12:18:54
Interesting to see there is a suggestion, after retesting samples, that it was in France back end of December.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 4, 2020, 12:27:39
A 'happy' poster reporting that there were zero new cases of Thais being infected today.

The smaller text says that there were 18 new cases - but they were foreigners.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Monday, May 4, 2020, 12:36:16
Probably Bank Holidays around the end of May and August, plus Christmas day / Boxing day bank holidays. More to do with registering, than people actually not dying then. Each time there is a up-lift immediately after before then returning to normal.

The Easter bank holiday can be anywhere between weeks 13 (late March) and 17 (mid-late April), and there and falls (and rises) around there each year.

I love a graph, me.


Good thought about public holidays, though it's slightly odd the pattern is so predictable when as you say, Easter holiday dates vary considerably. But yes, I think you must be on the right track.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 4, 2020, 13:34:43
That is a good chart. Two questions: why do deaths systematically drop every year in weeks 22, 35 and 52 (which also seems to indicate a sharp rise in week 1 of the following year)?
Bank Holidays, so less commuting so fewer deaths on the roads

EDIT: just seen michael beat me to it. But ref Easter, that moves around as he says, these are fixed ones - Whitsun, August Bank Holiday and Christmas

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, May 4, 2020, 14:16:12
Some fucking idiots still ignoring guidelines on social distancing

Fuck me is this the depths we are no plummeting to have a pop?

This is all getting beyond ridiculous, there is just criticism for the sake of criticism now. That prick Chris Hope from the Telegraph asking during yesterday’s press conference whether the Nightingale Hospital in London was a waste of money being a case in point, absolutely pathetic!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, May 4, 2020, 14:27:46
That prick Chris Hope from the Telegraph asking during yesterday’s press conference whether the Nightingale Hospital in London was a waste of money being a case in point, absolutely pathetic!

No staff. Rumour has it they're going to be renamed Potemkin Hospitals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 4, 2020, 14:33:39
No staff. Rumour has it they're going to be renamed Potemkin Hospitals.

I only heard it in passing, but it was suggested somewhere yesterday (would have been radio but no idea what station) that if any hospital or care home referred a patient to Nightingale, they basically had to send staff with the patient to care for them.

It does seem to have been all rather for show as without the staff to run the place it was a bit of a white elephant?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 4, 2020, 14:36:39
I despise the tories, and I think they've done poorly overall, but they did the right thing in opening those hospitals. Regardless of whether or not they were all used. There's plenty of other sticks to hit them with so there's no reason to choose something so weak.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, May 4, 2020, 14:45:09
Boris Johnson asking European countries to pull together.

BBC: Boris Johnson to ask European countries to Pull Together for Vaccine (

Honestly don't know where to start with that.  Wouldn't an all-British, red, white & blue vaccine be better?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, May 4, 2020, 14:51:11
Some fucking idiots still ignoring guidelines on social distancing



Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 4, 2020, 14:52:49
I despise the tories, and I think they've done poorly overall, but they did the right thing in opening those hospitals. Regardless of whether or not they were all used. There's plenty of other sticks to hit them with so there's no reason to choose something so weak.
Yes they did, I agree it's one of the few things they've got right. But why weren't they used to treat the sick from care homes? Instead it seems that people were just left to die in care homes and spread the virus to others. When they could have been isolated and treated in the Nightingale hospitals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bathtime on Monday, May 4, 2020, 14:53:53

I find this info really quite extraordinary  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, May 4, 2020, 15:07:56
It's a striking decline, that's for sure.  Sounds as if the main battle now is in the care homes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 4, 2020, 15:16:16
It's a striking decline, that's for sure.  Sounds as if the main battle now is in the care homes.
Think it has been for a few weeks. Which makes it all the odder that they haven't used the Nightingale hospitals to relieve pressure on the care homes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 4, 2020, 15:16:55
Boris Johnson asking European countries to pull together.

BBC: Boris Johnson to ask European countries to Pull Together for Vaccine (

Honestly don't know where to start with that.  Wouldn't an all-British, red, white & blue vaccine be better?

Up there with us being told a few years back that we could not control or shut our borders unless we left the EU, then somewhat peculiarly us ending up, under the same snake oil salesmen who told us this, being one of the very few countries not to shut our borders re the coronavirus!

Yes they did, I agree it's one of the few things they've got right. But why weren't they used to treat the sick from care homes? Instead it seems that people were just left to die in care homes and spread the virus to others. When they could have been isolated and treated in the Nightingale hospitals.

Because in the big scheme of things its pretty easy to build a temporary hospital, however, if you don't have the staff to work in them its all rather pointless. Yes they could have moved them to the Nightingale Hospitals but they would have had to care for themselves.

Looking at the online thingy, we have had 12 deaths in our little bit of rural Cumbria (about 3 sparsely populated parishes), loads of care home round here, I dread to think what's going on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 4, 2020, 15:50:26
First day of lockdown restrictions being lifted. Popped into town, few shops open, plenty of people though - some bemasked others (me) sans-mask.

Lopped a load of branches off a fig tree this afternoon - prolific growers them. Government here say they’ll bring forward the opening of bars/restaurants by a week. Dread to think how many won’t open because it may be uneconomic to do so if they have to abide by any social distancing rules.

Our neighbours run a lovely taverna right by the port, the most fantastic view - they’re not opening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 4, 2020, 17:38:14
I pretty much do the same walk every day at roughly the same time. You’d have thought it was the UK that’d come out of lockdown today. The most vehicles I’ve seen on Queens Drive so far. And just lots more people about including several groups (5+) of teenagers on bikes not giving a shit about riding on pavements straight at people.

Hope we’re not going to start to get complacent.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, May 4, 2020, 17:45:47
Teenagers in ignorant twats shocker.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, May 4, 2020, 18:18:26
Not quite sure about the Isle of Wight experiment, but there must be method behind it (he says hopefully)
But don’t most of its’ inhabitants use Morse Code still?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, May 4, 2020, 23:37:45
Just read that the government are now paying the wages of 23% of employed people in Britain,  some 6.3 million. Got me thinking, so only 27m out of 66m in the UK are employed. I believe there are roughly 5m self employed so 34m are either retired, too young to work or out of work. That's over 50% of the population, surely that's not correct?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 02:43:00
Percentages throw up surprising figures, especially when used on very large numbers like millions. Check out the E U referendum result.

Is any other country doing as much as the UK to maintain financial normality for the masses?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 05:37:05
Teenagers in ignorant twats shocker.
In my experience, the rudest and most ignorant people in lockdown have been couples over 40. Won't make an effort to keep distance on walks, don't acknowledge when we walk in the road to make space, going to the supermarket in pairs... the kids I've encountered have been polite and all too keen to help stay 2m apart.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 05:48:32
I'd agree, virtually every bell end I've encountered has been in the 30-50 age bracket.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 07:02:24
I'd agree, virtually every bell end I've encountered has been in the 30-50 age bracket.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 07:52:36
In my experience, the rudest and most ignorant people in lockdown have been couples over 40. Won't make an effort to keep distance on walks, don't acknowledge when we walk in the road to make space, going to the supermarket in pairs... the kids I've encountered have been polite and all too keen to help stay 2m apart.

Funny you should say that, yesterday I  was queueing outside the shop and everyone was doing brilliantly at keeping their distance. Once inside the shop the middle aged couple behind me brushed past  ::) I did comment.
Teenagers appear to be the ones meeting up in vast numbers and ignoring the rules. Obviously these comments regard a few numpties, not everyone. There's that lad in RWB who has been collared about 6 times now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 08:18:22
This contact tracing app stuff is a bit concerning. Obviously the principle of it is excellent, but they seem to have taken all good security practices and binned them for an app developed by a friend of a friend. Not sure this is really how a serious health emergency should be handled.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 08:20:25
Just read that the government are now paying the wages of 23% of employed people in Britain,  some 6.3 million. Got me thinking, so only 27m out of 66m in the UK are employed. I believe there are roughly 5m self employed so 34m are either retired, too young to work or out of work. That's over 50% of the population, surely that's not correct?

About 12m are state pension age, around the same are under 16 and then you have around 2m or so in Higher Education. You're going to have couples where one works and one stays at home also and a load of other factors, but in the simplest terms, the figure isn't as surprising as it sounds.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 08:23:06
In my experience, the rudest and most ignorant people in lockdown have been couples over 40. Won't make an effort to keep distance on walks, don't acknowledge when we walk in the road to make space, going to the supermarket in pairs... the kids I've encountered have been polite and all too keen to help stay 2m apart.

Not just lockdown, been the same for years. One of the reasons I hate supermarkets and avoid them is they are full of ignorant wankers with no spatial awareness, the worse case round here being Sainsbury's which is full of middle age. middle class twats who should know better.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 08:52:30
Funny you should say that, yesterday I  was queueing outside the shop and everyone was doing brilliantly at keeping their distance. Once inside the shop the middle aged couple behind me brushed past  ::) .....

Funny you should say that too, yesterday @ Aldi Coped Hall rbout, well disciplined, socially distanced and patient shoppers queuing outside, get inside and an impatient chaotic log jam in the first aisle !

IMO Supermarkets should reduce the numbers inside and insist on a one way system only, forget anything and you have to go back around and join the conga once again. Most won't bother and leave it until the next visit. Any natural dawdlers should chivvy it along with people waiting behind them, tutting and sighing.  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:00:39
Stop dissing us old folk you bunch of cunts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:03:00
In my experience, the rudest and most ignorant people in lockdown have been couples over 40. Won't make an effort to keep distance on walks, don't acknowledge when we walk in the road to make space, going to the supermarket in pairs... the kids I've encountered have been polite and all too keen to help stay 2m apart.

Its probably a 'London' thing where most people seem to be completely unaware of anyone other than themselves (don't get me started on the people in our apartment block who can't enter or leave without ensuring the front door is slammed as hard as physically possible).

People walking in groups of 2 or more who insist on taking up as much of the pavement as possible. When the wife and I go out for a walk we will go in single file to try and keep social distancing, other people don't seem to bother.

Joggers - I get that people like to run specific routes etc but we live within walking distance of Battersea Park and Clapham Common, which provide ample space for jogging. That doesn't stop joggers squeezing in and out of people on the pavements. I really have to be properly aware so as not to have people running into the back of me, sweating all over the place.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:13:49

IMO Supermarkets should reduce the numbers inside and insist on a one way system only, forget anything and you have to go back around and join the conga once again.

Already doing that up here, mate got to one end of a deserted veg aisle and remembered something he had passed, tried to go back, got a bollocking from a member of staff who was not accepting the argument that it was OK as there was no one else in the aisle, and had to go the whole way around again from scratch!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:14:29


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:15:32
This contact tracing app stuff is a bit concerning. Obviously the principle of it is excellent, but they seem to have taken all good security practices and binned them for an app developed by a friend of a friend. Not sure this is really how a serious health emergency should be handled.
Indeed but then it's consistent with how they've handled the rest of it. The way the app has been handled is a disgrace, but Test, Trace, Isolate is our only safe way out of this, so if it's a choice between thousands more dying and surrendering some of my data to Cambridge Analytica 2.0, then it's the lesser of two evils for me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:23:29
ONS figures for all deaths up to April 24th are out and it's not good. 42,000 excess deaths due to Covid19, means once we get the figures for where we are now in a couple of weeks we will be well over 50,000. I'm sure other countries will be looking at that "apparent success" and looking to learn from it. Horrendous.

ONS stats:

Chris Giles' analysis (and comparison to his earlier prediction)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:27:20
US say they’ll be hitting 3000 per day soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:28:02
US say they’ll be hitting 3000 per day soon.
And yet they want to lift the lockdown? Insane

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:31:16
US say they’ll be hitting 3000 per day soon.

I thought their numbers had been coming down?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:39:26
Indeed but then it's consistent with how they've handled the rest of it. The way the app has been handled is a disgrace, but Test, Trace, Isolate is our only safe way out of this, so if it's a choice between thousands more dying and surrendering some of my data to Cambridge Analytica 2.0, then it's the lesser of two evils for me.

Thing is, from previous government led IT initiatives it probably won't work properly and we will end up using the more respected and tested versions anyway once their mates have had a good feed in the trough!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 09:51:31
Indeed but then it's consistent with how they've handled the rest of it. The way the app has been handled is a disgrace, but Test, Trace, Isolate is our only safe way out of this, so if it's a choice between thousands more dying and surrendering some of my data to Cambridge Analytica 2.0, then it's the lesser of two evils for me.

In all honesty they can just get all my data from google/a.n. other if they want to and I'd never know.  I do want to know who developed the app though....

Interestingly I read they'll be releasing the source code as opensource. Git pull at the ready :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 10:27:15
In all honesty they can just get all my data from google/a.n. other if they want to and I'd never know.  I do want to know who developed the app though....
A company called Faculty (formerly AIS), run by Ben Warner who is Cummings' mate from their Vote Leave campaign days where he did all their data analysis stuff in the referendum campaign. Faculty have been quietly picking up a lot of lucrative govt contracts since the crisis began, none of them put out to tender. Snouts in troughs, Rees-Mogg style

Interestingly I read they'll be releasing the source code as opensource. Git pull at the ready :)
Where did you read that? Last I heard (yesterday) Faculty were refusing to opensource it and Hancock was resisting calls to do so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 10:29:13
I thought their numbers had been coming down?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 10:29:57
This contact tracing app stuff is a bit concerning. Obviously the principle of it is excellent, but they seem to have taken all good security practices and binned them for an app developed by a friend of a friend. Not sure this is really how a serious health emergency should be handled.

I've two concerns with it. One as you say is security, some minion saying its "high" doesn't cut it with me. Second is who is adding infected people? That is a complete can of worms, even if it is centrally done, it Wont be long before some clown(s) hack it and pretend just to panic people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 10:42:49
I just don't understand some people.

Edit: see BO got there first

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 10:53:21
I've two concerns with it. One as you say is security, some minion saying its "high" doesn't cut it with me. Second is who is adding infected people? That is a complete can of worms, even if it is centrally done, it Wont be long before some clown(s) hack it and pretend just to panic people.
There's also the slight problem that it probably won't work:

TLDR: "It will work if people open the app and leave it open and the phone unlocked. But if you close it and forget to reopen it, or the phone falls asleep, the app will not broadcast its ID and no other phones around you will register that you've been close by".

That's the default behaviour on most modern iPhones and Android phones btw.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 11:15:35
That is quite an oversight.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 11:24:18
I thought their numbers had been coming down?

The 3000 a day figure is from a leak of an internal document ie they are privately predicting that easing lockdown will bring about a significant increase in infections.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 11:31:17

I read the open source commitment in a few places. but I wouldn't be surprised if they don't release.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 11:45:48

I read the open source commitment in a few places. but I wouldn't be surprised if they don't release.
Cheers! Agree, wouldn't be surprised if they back track. If El Reg is right about the design flaws, seems a bit pointless anyway. Hopefully they'll listen to the genuine experts and re-think it. Oh wait ....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 11:47:19
I hope our Somerset based members are all vigorously knocking one out as advised by the Council.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 11:48:39
The 3000 a day figure is from a leak of an internal document ie they are privately predicting that easing lockdown will bring about a significant increase in infections.

Ah ok thanks. Interesting!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 11:52:25
Cheers! Agree, wouldn't be surprised if they back track. If El Reg is right about the design flaws, seems a bit pointless anyway. Hopefully they'll listen to the genuine experts and re-think it. Oh wait ....
Cheers! Agree, wouldn't be surprised if they back track. If El Reg is right about the design flaws, seems a bit pointless anyway. Hopefully they'll listen to the genuine experts and re-think it. Oh wait ....

They don't pay market rates in IT in central govt, so they lag behind. I turned down the FCO last year as their offer was way under what I got with Local Govt. It was barely London liveable rate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 11:52:48
fucked that one up :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 12:08:02
yes! I've been de-shielded by post

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 12:15:07
I hope our Somerset based members are all vigorously knocking one out as advised by the Council.

I don't understand the outrage. What's wrong with that tweet?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 12:49:48
And yet they want to lift the lockdown? Insane

It's based on the impact of easing that lock down, and to be fair, I doubt they are only producing a single model and using it.  There are some people producing models that suggest the cirus ramps up quickly but then begins to stall naturally.  They are outliers for now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 12:54:36
I hope our Somerset based members are all vigorously knocking one out as advised by the Council.

That explains why Venkman has been quiet on here recently :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 12:55:03
What a turnaround.

BBC: Virgin to cut 3,150 jobs and keep Gatwick closed (

It wasn't so long ago that Gatwick was pushing to have a 2nd runway built.  If BA pull out as speculated to consolidate at Heathrow - and Virgin goes as well - what will be left there?

My heart goes out to every one of the 3,000+ that this will affect.  Job insecurity is horrible, and there are many thousands who will be feeling it right now.  It's going to be one of the bigger stories of the early 2020s, long after the worst effects of the virus itself have passed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 13:07:46
That explains why Venkman has been quiet on here recently :)

He hasn't crossed the threshold for nearly 50 days apparently  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 13:33:22
I don't understand the outrage. What's wrong with that tweet?

Not sure its outrage, more in TNQ territory.

He hasn't crossed the threshold for nearly 50 days apparently  :D

Is that a euphemism?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 13:36:18
I don't understand the outrage. What's wrong with that tweet?

The last thing the NHS needs right now is a mass outbreak of blindness.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 13:52:36
Deputy CMO Jenny Harries has admitted (despite what she previously said in the Daily Pravda briefings) to the Health Select Committe that we stopped testing in mid-March because we didn't have enough tests and that "if we had unlimited capacity we would have done differently". Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Over 50,000 dead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 14:22:32
This is quite an interesting listen and included a lot of stuff I had never seen/heard before.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 14:49:42
Disgusting response from Matt Hancock to Dr Rosena Allin-Khan.

Textbook misogyny.  He should apologise publicly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 15:02:52
I don't see it as misogyny.

Surely he'd say that to anybody asking difficult and direct questions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 15:18:58
Disgusting response from Matt Hancock to Dr Rosena Allin-Khan.

Textbook misogyny.  He should apologise publicly.

I don't think it was misogyny (not sure he is bright enough to be misogynist) patronising or condescending maybe. Basically just false offence to sound the dog whistle to the perpetually offended yet faithful on social media and try and deflect from an entirely reasonable question being asked by someone more intelligent than him that he cannot answer honestly without incriminating himself. I would be more interested in the answer he gave, although it appears he gave none!

Anyway I just don't understand why anyone would doubt his 200% commitment to the NHS and their staff, the man has a badge for gods sake, what more do those commie libtards expect him to do! Jesus, what does she know she's just a doctor!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 15:35:37
Disgusting response from Matt Hancock to Dr Rosena Allin-Khan.

Textbook misogyny.  He should apologise publicly.
He didn’t actually say what Lammy has quoted.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 15:47:10
He didn’t actually say what Lammy has quoted.....
Here's what he said "I think she would do well to take a leaf out of the Shadow Secretary of State's book - in terms of tone". Do you think that's really that much better? It's certainly no way for him to talk to a frontline NHS worker.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 15:47:43
He didn’t actually say what Lammy has quoted.....
Slow news day doesn’t take much to prompt some outrage these days!

EDIT: I’ve just seen the post above mine  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 15:53:54
Here's what he said "I think she would do well to take a leaf out of the Shadow Secretary of State's book - in terms of tone". Do you think that's really that much better? It's certainly no way for him to talk to a frontline NHS worker.

So why not quote that, not dramatic enough.

If we want to talk pathetic political behaviour this is down there with the worst:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 15:59:05

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 16:04:28

So why not quote that, not dramatic enough.
He was quoting Dr Rosena Allin-Khan who was the subject of the original slapdown from the oaf Hanock. Because that was how she took the slapdown.

If we want to talk pathetic political behaviour this is down there with the worst:
Yeah that's shit. But it really isn't "down there with the worst". Not compared with lying your way through tens of thousands of deaths. Which actually the Hancock slapdown thing is a distraction from. ONS figures out today show that over 42,000 people had died as a result of the Covid19 crisis in the UK as of two weeks ago. FT estimate the extrapolated figure to today to be over 53,000.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 16:11:00

So why not quote that, not dramatic enough.

I really think you're splitting hairs a tad here. He did effectively tell her to watch her tone, just in different wordage that made it slightly less direct.

It'd take quite an effort in linguistic gymnastics to claim he meant anything other than that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 16:27:40

So why not quote that, not dramatic enough.

You'll have to take my word for this, but I was basing my initial comments on the video.  I hadn't even noticed that it was attached to a David Lammy tweet - or read his commentary.  It's the content of the video that I thought was offensive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 16:28:05
I really think you're splitting hairs a tad here. He did effectively tell her to watch her tone, just in different wordage that made it slightly less direct.

It'd take quite an effort in linguistic gymnastics to claim he meant anything other than that.
His choice to use the word 'tone' was wrong but what exactly was the point in her question, wanting the government to acknowledge they are "responsible for many families being unnecessarily torn apart in grief", its hardly any surprise she was slapped down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 16:29:57
So has the Foreign Sec just announced that Football will return at some point behind closed doors, and that will be the way it will continue for some time?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 16:35:50
‘Active consideration’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 16:37:21
You'll have to take my word for this, but I was basing my initial comments on the video.  I hadn't even noticed that it was attached to a David Lammy tweet - or read his commentary.  It's the content of the video that I thought was offensive.
TBF it's been a very effective dead cat to throw on the table on the day the UK records the worst death rates in Europe, even on the govt's own limited reporting metrics.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 16:52:00
USA has a very similar story to tell:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 18:47:21

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 19:04:18

He followed the chemistry

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 19:31:40
Shit, not good. Whatever the rights and wrongs, he was a key component of the scientific advice. Losing him weakens SAGE

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 19:52:21
Shit, not good. Whatever the rights and wrongs, he was a key component of the scientific advice. Losing him weakens SAGE
Another ‘journalist’ gets their scoop and puts out all the details including other parties name. Why let a national emergency and a story that could be detrimental to the health of the country get in the way of getting some headlines and selling stories. The majority of the press have shown themselves to be nothing more than vultures during this talking advantage of death.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 19:56:15
Another ‘journalist’ gets their scoop and puts out all the details including other parties name.

This crossed my mind.

No sympathy for the woman if she's been cheating, but what about her husband and kids? They'll be going through the humiliation and torment of having the news of their wife/mother cheating in the national press. They've even added a fucking photo of her. That was completely unnecesary, what does it add to the story?

Gutter press. The fucking lot of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 20:03:28
This crossed my mind.

No sympathy for the woman if she's been cheating, but what about her husband and kids? They'll be going through the humiliation and torment of having the news of their wife/mother cheating in the national press. They've even added a fucking photo of her. That was completely unnecesary, what does it add to the story?

Gutter press. The fucking lot of them.
Piers Morgan is lapping it up which says everything you need to know!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 20:15:30

So why not quote that, not dramatic enough.

If we want to talk pathetic political behaviour this is down there with the worst:

Something I'd also call pathetic political behaviour is the attempt at tit for tat in the second half of your post.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 20:18:59
This crossed my mind.

No sympathy for the woman if she's been cheating, but what about her husband and kids? They'll be going through the humiliation and torment of having the news of their wife/mother cheating in the national press. They've even added a fucking photo of her. That was completely unnecesary, what does it add to the story?

Gutter press. The fucking lot of them.

Interesting that the source has had the evidence of the first breach of lockdown since 30th March and the second visit on 8th April.  But the Telegraph publish their story over a month later.  On the day the UK is reported to have had more total deaths than any other country bar the USA.  

I wonder what tomorrow's headlines will be

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 20:28:51
Interesting that the source has had the evidence of the first breach of lockdown since 30th March and the second visit on 8th April.  But the Telegraph publish their story over a month later.  On the day the UK is reported to have had more total deaths than any other country bar the USA. 

I wonder what tomorrow's headlines will be

Don't forget the FOREIGN HACXORS. Reckon the Express, Mail etc will mange to get the death toll back p38

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 22:56:59
This crossed my mind.

No sympathy for the woman if she's been cheating, but what about her husband and kids? They'll be going through the humiliation and torment of having the news of their wife/mother cheating in the national press. They've even added a fucking photo of her. That was completely unnecesary, what does it add to the story?

Gutter press. The fucking lot of them.

just imagine if (god forbid) this woman took her own life following her picture being on the front page of every newspaper and not being able to deal with this. those same papers will be back out with the #bekind as if they arent to blame again and again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: THE FLASH on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 23:38:56
This crossed my mind.

No sympathy for the woman if she's been cheating, but what about her husband and kids? They'll be going through the humiliation and torment of having the news of their wife/mother cheating in the national press. They've even added a fucking photo of her. That was completely unnecesary, what does it add to the story?

Gutter press. The fucking lot of them.

That's her fucking problem.

Live by the sword and die by it.

Consequences to actions.

She and the fella she fucker about with made it all happen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 05:07:26
Now the US is disbanding it’s coronavirus taskforce will the UK be far behind?

Looks like the move is on to merely ‘manage’ the pandemic then actively vanquish it.

Be honest, if in 3 months time football was allowed to return with fans, who’d actually feel safe enough to attend?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 06:35:09
Not a chance tbh. That will be right when the second wave starts picking up if history repeats itself with pandemics.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 06:57:54
I don’t understand why they keep saying there will be no second wave after the so-called lockdown is lifted - of course there will it is just a question of how small/managed it is

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 07:19:44
That's her fucking problem.

Live by the sword and die by it.

Consequences to actions.

She and the fella she fucker about with made it all happen.

You completely missed the point.

What about her husband, and her kids? Those people that I specifically mentioned.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 07:40:04
well the story is in the public interest. not sure about the naming mind.

apparently she is in an open  relationship, so while that doesn't lessen the impact at least the husband probably knew

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 08:27:54
Shit, not good. Whatever the rights and wrongs, he was a key component of the scientific advice. Losing him weakens SAGE

Much as I dislike this government, you have to admire their control of the narrative, by making sure the story comes out today....

- Distracts from highest death toll (barely gets a mention as Ferguson is all over front pages);

- Removes powerful pro-lockdown voice from SAGE just as govt wants to wind it down;

- Reduces authority of scientists at point when it’s time to start shifting blame;

Dead cats are flying around all over the place, today we have;

- Neil Ferguson resigns after witchhunt.
- Theresa May criticises global virus response suggesting that a global rather than national approach should have been taken (I know from the women who made much of internationalists were 'citizens of nowhere').
- Youth unemployment is a major issue. (Indeed it is, but why suddenly a big issue?)
- Climate change must be addressed after lockdown. (Indeed it is, but why suddenly a big issue?)

The pearl clutching in the media regarding his affair with a married woman (which I am not condoning) has been somewhat hypocritical when the self same media was last week celebrating our PM having a baby which was conceived whilst its father was, yep, a married man!

Oh and finally while I am ranting, the fucking BBC banging on this morning about him breaking lockdown and then following it immediately with a celebratory story of Michael sodding Ball going to meet the 100year old Tom Moore!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 08:28:46
Another ‘journalist’ gets their scoop and puts out all the details including other parties name. Why let a national emergency and a story that could be detrimental to the health of the country get in the way of getting some headlines and selling stories. The majority of the press have shown themselves to be nothing more than vultures during this talking advantage of death.
So think about it. The Telegraph are the most slavish promoters of Johnson in the press. Yesterday from about 4 on the headlines were all about the fact we now have the worst death rates in Europe. Then at 8ish the Telegraph drop a story they've been sat on for weeks. Cilit Dead Cat - Splash on the Philandering Scientist and Bang! Your inconvenient front pages about the worst death rates in Europe are gone. Classic Dom, as they say.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 08:49:32
Now the US is disbanding it’s coronavirus taskforce will the UK be far behind?

Looks like the move is on to merely ‘manage’ the pandemic then actively vanquish it.
If the US do indeed do that, then they have pretty much given up on "actively vanquishing" it. Trump seems to take the view that the damage to the economy is harming his chances of winning the election in November more than 10s of thousands of people dying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 08:50:47
Good bit on More or Less about Hancocks 100,000 test target. Weren't going to hit it, so fudged the numbers by counting tests that hadn't been done but had been posted out, both to Hospitals and to Homes (40,000 extra). Obviously not all these will be used (especially as they forgot to put return labels in with loads of the home ones). Not only that, but no response on if they could be counted again when they eventually do go through labs, which originally the only thing they were counting.

Basically finding a way to twist his "Tests available" vs. "Tests done" word play he'd played a week or two ago into the stats.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 08:56:15

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 11:01:40
PMQ's on now, Boris' first time facing Starmer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 11:03:05
Whoop 200k tests a day by end of month,  how will the Royal Mail cope.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 12:04:45
Thank god those postal tests are only doing one way journies!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 12:08:07
PMQ's on now, Boris' first time facing Starmer.

He was floored by Starmer, with Hancock looking on bewildered & open-mouthed.  It will make no difference, of course.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 12:31:49
He was floored by Starmer, with Hancock looking on bewildered & open-mouthed.  It will make no difference, of course.

Thing is all his inherent shitness is laid bare without the baying crowd to play up to, what struck me most was how matter of fact he was about the deaths and not a hint of empathy or apparent sorrow.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 14:51:44
Even Cummings is going to struggle to bullshit the government out of this one.  The article is behind a paywall, but you can see from the headline that even the Telegraph is losing patience.

Telegraph: Britain Criticised around the World for 'Complacent' and 'Calamitous' Coronavirus Response (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 15:01:59
Even Cummings is going to struggle to bullshit the government out of this one.  The article is behind a paywall, but you can see from the headline that even the Telegraph is losing patience.

Telegraph: Britain Criticised around the World for 'Complacent' and 'Calamitous' Coronavirus Response (

Behind the paywall for anyone interested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 15:13:30
Behind the paywall for anyone interested.


That's well snazzy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 15:14:42
what struck me most was how matter of fact he was about the deaths and not a hint of empathy or apparent sorrow.

Aping Trump in more ways than one then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 15:18:27
Even Cummings is going to struggle to bullshit the government out of this one.  The article is behind a paywall, but you can see from the headline that even the Telegraph is losing patience.

Telegraph: Britain Criticised around the World for 'Complacent' and 'Calamitous' Coronavirus Response (

I'll save LL the time:

But, but, but ... Corybn would be worse and Diane Abbott would be in charge of death numbers so we'd be reporting 30 million deaths  :D ;D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 15:45:46
It's always struck me that playing "top trumps" over what seem like some very headline numbers that perhaps aren't accurate, measured the same, or haven't been fully scrutinised yet does nobody any favours.

It doesn't feel like something for anyone to be trying to score points on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 15:51:06
I'd say as a gross metric the numbers show we aren't doing particularly well.

However, the figures are woolly; France didn't count deaths in community and is sporadic on care homes, Italy haven't released last months excess death figures (which are about 60% higher than just the covid deaths) and they didn't include care homes either, Spain doesn't yet include care homes, different reporting methods are used and different testing regimes means some are 'assumed covid' and others don't assume. [We assume +ve in many more cases].

If we look at it from a propagation point of view, I think population density puts us at a disadvantage [something to bear in mind for the future...]; France has the same population but twice the space; in a way the population is already slightly 'socially distanced' on a macro-scale.

Paris is denser than London...yes, but there is another factor - Paris has 2M, Berlin 3M, London 7M... More targets, squeezed closer together = high vulnerability to transmission.

Other factors such as smoking, age distribution, elderly cohabiting %age, rate of obesity etc will also play into it if we want a level playing field, but these I would say are more or less equitable.

Figure those factors in and we may still be found to be doing a poor job, however I genuinely think that we were more exposed and the differences are not quite as stark as first impressions would tell you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 16:02:00
Bound to be high numbers in the UK when us old folk have been sacrificed on the altar of the ‘couldn’t care a fuck’ government policy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 16:09:12
Bound to be high numbers in the UK when us old folk have been sacrificed on the altar of the ‘couldn’t care a fuck’ government policy.

But possibly offset by lower numbers over the summer months after the spike has passed?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 16:26:42
I'd say as a gross metric the numbers show we aren't doing particularly well.

However, the figures are woolly; France didn't count deaths in community and is sporadic on care homes, Italy haven't released last months excess death figures (which are about 60% higher than just the covid deaths) and they didn't include care homes either, Spain doesn't yet include care homes, different reporting methods are used and different testing regimes means some are 'assumed covid' and others don't assume. [We assume +ve in many more cases].

If we look at it from a propagation point of view, I think population density puts us at a disadvantage [something to bear in mind for the future...]; France has the same population but twice the space; in a way the population is already slightly 'socially distanced' on a macro-scale.

Paris is denser than London...yes, but there is another factor - Paris has 2M, Berlin 3M, London 7M... More targets, squeezed closer together = high vulnerability to transmission.

Other factors such as smoking, age distribution, elderly cohabiting %age, rate of obesity etc will also play into it if we want a level playing field, but these I would say are more or less equitable.

Figure those factors in and we may still be found to be doing a poor job, however I genuinely think that we were more exposed and the differences are not quite as stark as first impressions would tell you.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 16:38:57
I'd say as a gross metric the numbers show we aren't doing particularly well.

However, the figures are woolly; France didn't count deaths in community and is sporadic on care homes, Italy haven't released last months excess death figures (which are about 60% higher than just the covid deaths) and they didn't include care homes either, Spain doesn't yet include care homes, different reporting methods are used and different testing regimes means some are 'assumed covid' and others don't assume. [We assume +ve in many more cases].

If we look at it from a propagation point of view, I think population density puts us at a disadvantage [something to bear in mind for the future...]; France has the same population but twice the space; in a way the population is already slightly 'socially distanced' on a macro-scale.

Paris is denser than London...yes, but there is another factor - Paris has 2M, Berlin 3M, London 7M... More targets, squeezed closer together = high vulnerability to transmission.

Other factors such as smoking, age distribution, elderly cohabiting %age, rate of obesity etc will also play into it if we want a level playing field, but these I would say are more or less equitable.

Figure those factors in and we may still be found to be doing a poor job, however I genuinely think that we were more exposed and the differences are not quite as stark as first impressions would tell you.
We had 3 weeks warning from Italy and Spain. We could have locked down earlier and halted the curve much earlier. Instead we faffed about because the govt was wed to herd immunity. We were more exposed because the govt failed to act in time. That cost tens of thousands of lives.

S Korea, btw, has a much higher population density than we do but nowhere near the death rate. Because they implemented test, trace and isolate early and locked down when they needed to. All across the world, where countries locked down early they have lower death rates. We didn't, that's why we have the worst death toll in Europe (and rising). Because the govt pissed about with "Herd immunity, protect the economy, so what if a few thousand pensioners die" as Cummings put it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 16:45:25
The whole not comparing figures argument would work considerably better if the government had not spent most of the time over the outbreak comparing figures trying to show what a good job they were doing until it became clear that comparing figures was not showing them in a particularly good light and now not comparing figures is apparently the way to go.

Likewise when you consider our slight of hand over figures (100k tests anyone) I think we are not particularly entitled to claim some sort of moral high ground when suggesting others do as well?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 16:59:09
To give an idea of the scale of failure, the current official excess deaths figure (which the govt admit is the only sensible metric to look at) is 42,700. That figure lags reality by a couple of weeks as much of it is based on ONS data which takes some time to come out. The FT's estimate of the likely current death toll in the UK is 54,300. Spin it any way you like, that is a catastrophic failure of policy and of leadership

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 17:03:37
We had 3 weeks warning from Italy and Spain. We could have locked down earlier and halted the curve much earlier. Instead we faffed about because the govt was wed to herd immunity. We were more exposed because the govt failed to act in time. That cost tens of thousands of lives.

S Korea, btw, has a much higher population density than we do but nowhere near the death rate. Because they implemented test, trace and isolate early and locked down when they needed to. All across the world, where countries locked down early they have lower death rates. We didn't, that's why we have the worst death toll in Europe (and rising). Because the govt pissed about with "Herd immunity, protect the economy, so what if a few thousand pensioners die" as Cummings put it.

I do wonder sometimes just why Boris hasn't called you up to advise on the right way to fight this pandemic, as you seem to be the expert on what shoulda/coulda been done....

The fact is who knew for definite what the best course of action was, it's all very well being an expert in hindsight!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 17:13:58
I do wonder sometimes just why Boris hasn't called you up to advise on the right way to fight this pandemic, as you seem to be the expert on what shoulda/coulda been done....

The fact is who knew for definite what the best course of action was, it's all very well being an expert in hindsight!!
But we didn't need hindsight. We had a plan that we failed to execute. We had WHO warning of a Public Health Emergency in January. We had our own public health experts sounding the alarm in Jan and Feb but they were ignored. We had the example of S Korea who based their plan that they implemented on ours, but we failed to follow them. We had the knowledge of what had happened in Spain and Italy but failed to heed it. We had the counter example of how the Germans had kept the curve low with TTI, but failed to follow that. This is not a question of hindsight. Just leadership

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 17:14:37
I do wonder sometimes just why Boris hasn't called you up to advise on the right way to fight this pandemic, as you seem to be the expert on what shoulda/coulda been done....

The fact is who knew for definite what the best course of action was, it's all very well being an expert in hindsight!!


It's too early to compare to different contries until the stats even out later on.

it's too late to critisize on something they fucked up, because that's hindsight.

Yeah PaulD. Check mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 17:15:23
The NHS data doesn’t give a complete view of the picture, but is a pretty decent like-for-like comparator with how other countries have reported their figures - and that still paints a damning picture of how the government have fucked this. We had a head start, the figures should not be as high as they are

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 17:16:30
I'd say as a gross metric the numbers show we aren't doing particularly well.

However, the figures are woolly; France didn't count deaths in community and is sporadic on care homes, Italy haven't released last months excess death figures (which are about 60% higher than just the covid deaths) and they didn't include care homes either, Spain doesn't yet include care homes, different reporting methods are used and different testing regimes means some are 'assumed covid' and others don't assume. [We assume +ve in many more cases].

If we look at it from a propagation point of view, I think population density puts us at a disadvantage [something to bear in mind for the future...]; France has the same population but twice the space; in a way the population is already slightly 'socially distanced' on a macro-scale.

Paris is denser than London...yes, but there is another factor - Paris has 2M, Berlin 3M, London 7M... More targets, squeezed closer together = high vulnerability to transmission.

Other factors such as smoking, age distribution, elderly cohabiting %age, rate of obesity etc will also play into it if we want a level playing field, but these I would say are more or less equitable.

Figure those factors in and we may still be found to be doing a poor job, however I genuinely think that we were more exposed and the differences are not quite as stark as first impressions would tell you.

Agree with most of this.

The UK is very densely populated compared to France, Germany and the like.

Many countries are counting deaths differently- Italy are way behind on their number and don’t include care homes neither do Spain.
Germany don’t count anyone who dies of corona virus who has pre existing medical conditions- this is deflating their figure majorly.

Basically you are not comparing apples with apples at the moment- so not giving a true picture.

Yes we were behind testing but this was due to our lab set up- will learn from this in case heaven forbid we get any more pandemics

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 17:20:23
It's always struck me that playing "top trumps" over what seem like some very headline numbers that perhaps aren't accurate, measured the same, or haven't been fully scrutinised yet does nobody any favours.

It doesn't feel like something for anyone to be trying to score points on.

However they are- sticks with the socialist narrative on here.

Starmer has all the charisma of a wet blanket.

Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing. Of course there will be lessons learned.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 17:22:51
Paris is denser than London...yes, but there is another factor - Paris has 2M, Berlin 3M, London 7M... More targets, squeezed closer together = high vulnerability to transmission.

This is completely misleading, and people repeatedly quote these statistics in error.  Look at a map, and you'll see that Paris is, broadly speaking, similar in size to London.  It just happens that, administratively, the official population of Paris includes only the area inside the Périphérique.  The banlieues/suburbs are counted elsewhere.  The Paris figure you quoted is roughly equivalent to what most people would consider to be 'central London'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 17:24:57
How can it be hindsight when people were being critical BEFORE things got so bad?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 17:47:00
I'm not entirely sure why people need to provide the virus with a Political leaning - I doubt it has much concept of what Socialism or Far Right Ideology actually mean.

Ignore the UK if you like, the bulk of the Western world, the NATO type countries, have all largely got one thing in common.  None of them used a plan.  Therefore, they all fucked up.  Russia appears to have followed our path.  The single common factor here is all of the Govt's felt they could just react.

Now, I'm not saying the rest of the world got it right - some countries have thus far appeared to escape through more luck than judgement.  That may catch-up to them in time, it may be the next Pandemic that they are more susceptible to.

Basic principles here though, the bit you absolutely can harangue all those Govt.s with is a complete and abject failure to plan and enact plans quickly.  Hindsight won't really tell us whether it would have made any difference, but delays have certainly not helped the matter.  Anyone who argues that any of the major Govt's have done anything on purpose, regardless of whatever side of the political aisle they are formed, is mad.  In Europe, maybe Germany look like they carried out something pre-meditated.  Sweden has taken a distinctly different approach, but even they were reacting, debating.

It will be a while before we know if the approach taken by Asian countries was effective or just lucky, but you can at least see they meant it.  Even they have lessons to learn - maybe because the past couple of Pandemics that hit them were smaller outbreaks and didn't have the risk of a second wave.  The world has had plenty of test runs to get plans in place, yet, the majority of us have been flailing around.  The absurdity is that the basic approach is pretty narrow - everyone has sort of done the same things in the end, just too slow.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 18:20:03
I'm not entirely sure why people need to provide the virus with a Political leaning - I doubt it has much concept of what Socialism or Far Right Ideology actually mean.

Ignore the UK if you like, the bulk of the Western world, the NATO type countries, have all largely got one thing in common.  None of them used a plan.  Therefore, they all fucked up.  Russia appears to have followed our path.  The single common factor here is all of the Govt's felt they could just react.

Now, I'm not saying the rest of the world got it right - some countries have thus far appeared to escape through more luck than judgement.  That may catch-up to them in time, it may be the next Pandemic that they are more susceptible to.

Basic principles here though, the bit you absolutely can harangue all those Govt.s with is a complete and abject failure to plan and enact plans quickly.  Hindsight won't really tell us whether it would have made any difference, but delays have certainly not helped the matter.  Anyone who argues that any of the major Govt's have done anything on purpose, regardless of whatever side of the political aisle they are formed, is mad.  In Europe, maybe Germany look like they carried out something pre-meditated.  Sweden has taken a distinctly different approach, but even they were reacting, debating.

It will be a while before we know if the approach taken by Asian countries was effective or just lucky, but you can at least see they meant it.  Even they have lessons to learn - maybe because the past couple of Pandemics that hit them were smaller outbreaks and didn't have the risk of a second wave.  The world has had plenty of test runs to get plans in place, yet, the majority of us have been flailing around.  The absurdity is that the basic approach is pretty narrow - everyone has sort of done the same things in the end, just too slow.

Largely agree with you, however, ‘what Socialism or Far Right Ideology actually mean.‘ Should read ‘what Far Left or Far Right Ideology actually mean.‘ Also I doubt every country is actually open, honest and up front with their numbers and are they including nursing home type institutions in their numbers? There will be an in-depth enquiry into this whole affair from our relationship with China to providing our own PPE equipment etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 18:40:17
There will be an in-depth enquiry into this whole affair from our relationship with China to providing our own PPE equipment etc.
Like the Russia report?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 18:42:49
Had the US locked down 1 week earlier, it could have prevented 60% of the deaths from Covid-19; had it done so two weeks earlier, 90%.

That is why delay and dither are so costly: the infection rates, and so deaths, are exponential. Delaying by a week costs thousands of lives. We had 3 weeks' warning

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 18:59:21
Had the US locked down 1 week earlier, it could have prevented 60% of the deaths from Covid-19; had it done so two weeks earlier, 90%.

That is why delay and dither are so costly: the infection rates, and so deaths, are exponential. Delaying by a week costs thousands of lives. We had 3 weeks' warning

Probably longer - all this deflecting by suggesting China ddn't tell the whole story misses the point - assume and plan for the worst.  Everyone should have assumed it could spread and it would come.  Waiting until Italy had a public problem was a good month or more late already.  In fact, the potential learning point here is around how much effort we put into classifying cause of death.  The fact we are now finding potential victims or carriers back in December, in Europe, means we could have identified the risk much earlier.  Not should, could.  As it is, we get lazy (by we, all Nations) and pop down Pneumonia and if it's in winter we assume Flu.  Not suggesting we'd get so sophisticated we'd always spot Patient One, but we should always be looking, at least if we want to reduce the risk of this happening again.  The problem is it takes decades for the next big one to pop up and we all go back to ignoring them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 21:19:31
Reports indicate that Boris Johnson will announce the phases of easing lockdown on Sunday with the first phase potentially starting as early as Monday.

Today we had 649 more deaths announced and 6,111 new coronavirus cases.  Our testing has reduced to 69,463 tests, well short of the Government's own 100,000 per day target and the lowest in the last week.

Given that context, what do you think about plans to ease lockdown?   

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 21:31:41
Reports indicate that Boris Johnson will announce the phases of easing lockdown on Sunday with the first phase potentially starting as early as Monday.

Today we had 649 more deaths announced and 6,111 new coronavirus cases.  Our testing has reduced to 69,463 tests, well short of the Government's own 100,000 per day target and the lowest in the last week.

Given that context, what do you think about plans to ease lockdown?   

depends on the stages of easing, havent checked the graphs for a while so not sure how historical today's death total is.

the number of new infections is too high for track and trace we need another 2/3 weeks of lockdown ideally. just having an end date might motivate everyone to stick with it. will be hard seeing the rest of europe seemingly open and trying to persuade our lot to behave

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 22:03:01
Deaths still going down if you track them by date they happened rather than date they were announced. This is just England, not the Uk as a whole. But some of the deaths included in today’s ‘daily’ figure actually happened in March

In terms of hospital deaths, were not far off daily volumes being the same as when lockdown was introduced

I don’t know why the trend isn’t talked about by the government and the media in the way it’s shown in this chart, as it’s far more useful at providing context. The data is in the nhs England updates every day, but the only way to be able to visualise it is by stalking some guy on Reddit who maintains this chart

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 22:05:24
Probably longer - all this deflecting by suggesting China ddn't tell the whole story misses the point - assume and plan for the worst.  Everyone should have assumed it could spread and it would come.  Waiting until Italy had a public problem was a good month or more late already.  In fact, the potential learning point here is around how much effort we put into classifying cause of death.  The fact we are now finding potential victims or carriers back in December, in Europe, means we could have identified the risk much earlier.  Not should, could.  As it is, we get lazy (by we, all Nations) and pop down Pneumonia and if it's in winter we assume Flu.  Not suggesting we'd get so sophisticated we'd always spot Patient One, but we should always be looking, at least if we want to reduce the risk of this happening again.  The problem is it takes decades for the next big one to pop up and we all go back to ignoring them.
They reckon October now and came into Europe with athletes from the world military games.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 23:15:44
Quote from: RobertT
Had the US locked down 1 week earlier, it could have prevented 60% of the deaths from Covid-19; had it done so two weeks earlier, 90%. (

That is why delay and dither are so costly: the infection rates, and so deaths, are exponential. Delaying by a week costs thousands of lives. We had 3 weeks' warning
Probably longer - all this deflecting by suggesting China ddn't tell the whole story misses the point - assume and plan for the worst.  Everyone should have assumed it could spread and it would come.  Waiting until Italy had a public problem was a good month or more late already.  In fact, the potential learning point here is around how much effort we put into classifying cause of death.  The fact we are now finding potential victims or carriers back in December, in Europe, means we could have identified the risk much earlier.  Not should, could.  As it is, we get lazy (by we, all Nations) and pop down Pneumonia and if it's in winter we assume Flu.  Not suggesting we'd get so sophisticated we'd always spot Patient One, but we should always be looking, at least if we want to reduce the risk of this happening again.  The problem is it takes decades for the next big one to pop up and we all go back to ignoring them.

think we were also a bit complacent/slow given mers and SARS were quite effectively shut down

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 23:45:19

think we were also a bit complacent/slow given mers and SARS were quite effectively shut down

Yet there is also still no vaccine for either of those too. Don't need to tell you that we wouldn't want a pandemic of either of those. Especially MERS.

However, in research news (I personally keep track of these; they change rapidly but it is interesting some of the ideas fielded) an "engineered virus" could be a virus vaccine to fight SARS-CoV2. Its name? PIV5.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 06:00:24
Probably need to grease a few greasy palms on the way out, usual stuff.

The real reason that PPE shipment was “delayed“:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 07:13:00
Quote from: StfcRusty
Probably need to grease a few greasy palms on the way out, usual stuff.
The real reason that PPE shipment was “delayed“: (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 07:15:43
Quote from: bamboonoshop
think we were also a bit complacent/slow given mers and SARS were quite effectively shut down
Yet there is also still no vaccine for either of those too. Don't need to tell you that we wouldn't want a pandemic of either of those. Especially MERS.

I didn't say they aren't scary deadly. just that they were effectively contained.

with all the health scares over the last decade that were nowhere near as bad as they could have been,  its easy to see why 'a wait and see' attitude may have delayed us for a bit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 08:03:06
considering people are making them at home its surprising how gowns could fail standards. of all medical quipment it appears to be one of the most basic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 08:04:35
I don’t think the ones people are making at home would meet the required standard for front line staff either

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 08:06:26
The real reason that PPE shipment was “delayed“:

Have they been ordering from wish

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 08:21:18
It's a strange time on twitter when prominent figures who would normally say anything to oppose even the slightest rise in any form of benefits, now blithely happy to write-off millions wasted on antibodies tests that don't work and PPE that doesn't protect...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 08:49:01
It's a strange time on twitter when prominent figures who would normally say anything to oppose even the slightest rise in any form of benefits, now blithely happy to write-off millions wasted on antibodies tests that don't work and PPE that doesn't protect...

You could argue with the antibody tests that if they had worked, it was a really smart move. So it was probably a risk worth taking.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 09:09:18
You could argue with the antibody tests that if they had worked, it was a really smart move. So it was probably a risk worth taking.
TBF I don't think Rusty is arguing against that so much as pointing out the hypocrisy of some right wing commentators on Twitter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 09:25:34
Reports indicate that Boris Johnson will announce the phases of easing lockdown on Sunday with the first phase potentially starting as early as Monday.

Today we had 649 more deaths announced and 6,111 new coronavirus cases.  Our testing has reduced to 69,463 tests, well short of the Government's own 100,000 per day target and the lowest in the last week.

Given that context, what do you think about plans to ease lockdown?   

FFS Johnson in PMQ's made a big deal that nothing could be announced till Sunday as they wanted to make sure they had the most up to date information and scientific advice, then its all leaked to the papers hours later!

FWIW a lot of it is bollocks insofar as nothing has been said to teachers about reopening schools as yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 09:30:23
I see 6 have died in my hometown from Covid 19  :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 09:34:45
Are we all being frightened to death?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 10:08:01
Are we all being frightened to death?

It's an interestingly timed gear change from the BBC.  Whilst it says, correctly, that for most people the virus will cause a "mild to moderate" illness, it doesn't seem to acknowledge that if enough of the people who have the "moderate" illness, require any form of hospital treatment, resources get stretched with inevitable consequences.

Feels like it's going to be a very difficult and delicate balance to get right.  Again, though, the UK should have an advantage in that we can learn from other countries who ease out of lockdown before us.  If we are prepared to drop the hubris and "we know better than other countries" attitude ...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 10:24:06
It's an interestingly timed gear change from the BBC.  Whilst it says, correctly, that for most people the virus will cause a "mild to moderate" illness, it doesn't seem to acknowledge that if enough of the people who have the "moderate" illness, require any form of hospital treatment, resources get stretched with inevitable consequences.

Feels like it's going to be a very difficult and delicate balance to get right.  Again, though, the UK should have an advantage in that we can learn from other countries who ease out of lockdown before us.  If we are prepared to drop the hubris and "we know better than other countries" attitude ...

I think there is a lot of spin coming out of government which the media are rather getting carried away with, see also...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 11:14:13
BREAKING: More bad news for the NHS coronavirus tracing app.

Parliament's Committee on Human Rights says it is "not reassured" the app protects privacy, and that if the app doesn't prove effective, the level of data gathered may actually break the law.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 13:26:17

It's going to be interesting, if this lasts as long as it could do - a year or two ins some shape or form.  Will new behaviours become ingrained?  I can see a real opportunity to shift office working, which has spent years all but ignoring the technology that exists to move to Work from Home.

Will people, in sufficient numbers, return to restaurants the same way?  will they expect more room and not to be 2 feet from another table?

The meat production industry over here - will their relentless drive for efficiency, which has meant they are ticking time bombs for these types of situations, be tolerated?

If it was just this couple of months I think we'd revert back to type quickly, but imagine some form of restrictions exist for two years, there could be real changes in how we work and live.  Even the ones that seem good will have knock on impacts to other parts of the economy.  If we work from home, travel is reduced - which is good for the environment and increases time for yourself.  However, less need for public transport or oil - both of which would see reduction in employment.  Reduced capacity restaurants would likely need to deliver to survive - less wait staff, more delivery drivers - balancing out some of the commute gain I guess.

Wouldn't want to be working on Town Planning for a few years, well, unless you love a challenge.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 14:02:18

Wouldn't want to be working on Town Planning for a few years, well, unless you love a challenge.
Does this mean the planned Fleming Way bus boulevard might be under threat?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 14:24:04
Does this mean the planned Fleming Way bus boulevard might be under threat?

I can;t believe I find myself responding, but it's actually exactly the sort of project that should come under scrutiny, and almost certainly will find itself in danger of losing Central Government funding.

Hub and Spoke is more efficient than Point to Point, BUT, Swindon uses a single Hub based on historical reasons - central retail and office locations.  Given the situation could exist for up to two years, it's not unrealistic to expect the High Street malaise to fasten and an all but collapse of the the traditional Town Centre.  Office space in the Town Centre is also poor, so is often left un-let while out of town Business Parks have grown.  Both of those are going to be under threat if companies see Work From Home as a way of reducing Sq Ft in their Cost line.

It's likely the Bus system in Swindon won't need a central single Hub the way it was designed, more likely it would be better served by having several smaller Hubs, with even smaller regional point to point services coming from them.

That completely changes the use of the road network and also brings into question the concept of all the existing Bus Lanes - they may be in the wrong places if you rip up the model.

And that's just the beginning - a minefield of planning considerations.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 15:40:39
Yes or no would have done.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 15:58:31
Put the food back in the fridge Rob.  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 20:14:53
Yes or no would have done.
Now the trolls chastise you for biting on their posts...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 8, 2020, 12:51:47
On this subject, I proudly present an image that confirms Swindon is influencing worldwide traffic management policy.  While the story about the closing of roads is worth a read, it's the picture of a roundabout that is the gem here (there are now 3 within a mile of my house):

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 8, 2020, 17:56:31
Johnson dodges the daily briefing again.  The invisible PM.  Biggest challenge of his political career, and he's nowhere.

It feels to me that the decline of the death rate is a lot slower than anyone would hope or expect it to be.  It's going to take a very long time to get us down to the infection rates & death rates being experienced by most larger European/EU states.  First major test of the post-Brexit era, and we're being left behind already.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 8, 2020, 18:39:35
you can't expect him to work on a day ending in a y.

most people get paternity leave. most people aren't the pm in the middle of a pandemic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, May 8, 2020, 18:46:10
Johnson dodges the daily briefing again.  The invisible PM.  Biggest challenge of his political career, and he's nowhere.

It feels to me that the decline of the death rate is a lot slower than anyone would hope or expect it to be.  It's going to take a very long time to get us down to the infection rates & death rates being experienced by most larger European/EU states.  First major test of the post-Brexit era, and we're being left behind already.

Absolute bollocks. The EU has handled this pandemic dreadfully, hardly came to Italy’s aid in their time of need did they.

The EU/Euro will likely collapse in the next couple of years thankfully. Go back to sovereign states.

Most countries in the EU are reporting deaths very differently- Italy/France are way behind on their reporting and Germany look good however they don’t count any deaths from coronavirus where the patient had pre existing medical conditions.

The government is doing its best under very difficult circumstances of course lessons will be learned.

Think the majority of the public think he is doing an ok job which is reflected in the polls.

Opposition just seem to want to sneer from the sidelines without providing any solutions/ what they would do differently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Friday, May 8, 2020, 18:57:04

The government is doing its best under very difficult circumstances

Can you give a couple of examples of their achievements?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:01:26
Absolute bollocks. The EU has handled this pandemic dreadfully, hardly came to Italy’s aid in their time of need did they.

The EU/Euro will likely collapse in the next couple of years thankfully. Go back to sovereign states.

Most countries in the EU are reporting deaths very differently- Italy/France are way behind on their reporting and Germany look good however they don’t count any deaths from coronavirus where the patient had pre existing medical conditions.

The government is doing its best under very difficult circumstances of course lessons will be learned.

Think the majority of the public think he is doing an ok job which is reflected in the polls.

Opposition just seem to want to sneer from the sidelines without providing any solutions/ what they would do differently

You can't get in the way of a good moan on here about anything Conservative, surely you know that by now?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:15:45
Can you give a couple of examples of their achievements?

The NHS has not been overwhelmed which was the primary objective

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:16:11
You can't get in the way of a good moan on here about anything Conservative, surely you know that by now?  :)

Very true

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:32:40
The NHS has not been overwhelmed which was the primary objective
By leaving the elderly to die in their thousands in care homes.

The government is doing its best under very difficult circumstances of course lessons will be learned.
I'm sure they are doing their best. And it's woeful. That's the point. Not going to bother listing all their very many failings because they've been listed over and over. But spin it how you like, no international comparisons needed, 42,000 excess deaths up until April 24th is utterly terrible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:39:57
You can't get in the way of a good moan on here about anything Conservative, surely you know that by now?  :)

Most of the Western world appears to have largely botched the first month or so of this Pandemic, and that includes Govt's of all persuasions.  They all went full on Larry Vaughn

Coming over the horizon to save them some face is Brazil though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:41:21
"By leaving the elderly to die in care homes in their thousands" ? What's the answer then Paul?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:44:30
"By leaving the elderly to die in care homes in their thousands" ? What's the answer then Paul?

I'm not Paul, but Shirley the obvious answer is to move then into the many empty hospital beds?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:46:21
"By leaving the elderly to die in care homes in their thousands" ? What's the answer then Paul?

At the outset, people over 70 and people with pre-existing conditions were identified as vulnerable.  As such, a high priority should have been placed on:

Ensuring all facilities were locked down - no visitors
All staff were tested, daily
All residents are tested, maybe daily
Get the Army onsite to conduct regular cleaning and support logistics
Potentially isolate away from the facility anyone tested positive, including residents.  There may be some too weak to move - in which case facilities should have been prepared for in home isolation units.
Daily reporting from every facility to the Govt.

That's off the top of my head.  Not sure how much of that was in place?  The tested positive vs death rate in Swindon tells me all I need to know about the UK's testing capabilities though.  No way should only 400 or so people have tested positive so far with nearly 100 deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:47:05
By leaving the elderly to die in their thousands in care homes.

We are one of the only countries now reporting care homes deaths I seriously doubt the picture would be any better elsewhere.

How do you stop a virus spreading in a care home- apart from separating residents (which many have done) it is very difficult for the staff whether it’s a council or private care home.

I'm sure they are doing their best. And it's woeful. That's the point. Not going to bother listing all their very many failings because they've been listed over and over. But spin it how you like, no international comparisons needed, 42,000 excess deaths up until April 24th is utterly terrible.

Again you aren’t appreciating the differences between how countries are reporting deaths from this. We are the only country recording hospital, community and care homes deaths- no other country including the EU as far as I am aware is doing this. Germany don’t count anyone who already has a pre existing condition like COPD majorly deflating their numbers.

PPE is a major problem everywhere- a friend of mine works in Hannover in a hospital and they have had exactly the same issues with PPE shortages , even the Channel Islands have been effected and they’re self governing.

As I said, lessons will be learned throughout the world after all this- we’ve never had a pandemic before of this kind.

Anyone who thinks labour would’ve done better is seriously deluding themselves

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:49:16
Again you aren’t appreciating the differences between how countries are reporting deaths from this. We are the only country recording hospital, community and care homes deaths- no other country including the EU as far as I am aware is doing this. Germany don’t count anyone who already has a pre existing condition like COPD majorly deflating their numbers.

PPE is a major problem everywhere- a friend of mine works in Hannover in a hospital and they have had exactly the same issues with PPE shortages , even the Channel Islands have been effected and they’re self governing.

As I said, lessons will be learned throughout the world after all this- we’ve never had a pandemic before of this kind.

Anyone who thinks labour would’ve done better is seriously deluding themselves

I agree with the fact plenty have been useless, not just the UK - which I am not sure if that is your point or not.

I will disagree on one thing though - there have been Pandemics in recent history, some within a single generation.  There have been at least 3 in the 1900's on this scale or bigger - lessons were already learned, just not implemented.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 8, 2020, 19:53:53
"By leaving the elderly to die in care homes in their thousands" ? What's the answer then Paul?
Off the top of my head, how about taking some notice of the report into the Operation Cygnus exercise that warned exactly this would happen and maybe, you know, prepare for it? Sufficient PPE to prevent the spread of the disease to/from care home staff? Testing of staff and residents in care homes so that cases can be identified early and those with the disease can be treated in hospital instead of allowing it to spread like wildfire through the care home? And as FH says, actually treating care home residents in hospitals?

The point is that OR claimed that not allowing the NHS to be overwhelmed was one of the govt's achievements. And it is. But it's not an end goal in itself - the purpose of preventing the NHS from being overwhelmed is so that people didn't die in their thousands because they couldn't be treated and that we didn't have British doctors doing what Italian doctors had to, deciding who lived and who died, based on age etc. British doctors didn't have to do that, because the govt had made the decision for them by abandoning care homes to their own devices. Like so much of what this govt does this achievement was only achieved by sleight of hand, in this case by basically shifting the deaths elsewhere.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:00:14
Again you aren’t appreciating the differences between how countries are reporting deaths from this. We are the only country recording hospital, community and care homes deaths- no other country including the EU as far as I am aware is doing this. Germany don’t count anyone who already has a pre existing condition like COPD majorly deflating their numbers.
No, you don't understand what the difference is between excess deaths and the Covid19 death count. Excess mortality is the number of deaths above and beyond that which we would normally experience in this time based on a five year average. It flattens out the anomalies between reporting methodologies, accounts for people who died because of the pandemic but not of Covid19 etc. It's internationally recognised (including in the UK) as the only sensible metric on which to measure how well any country has coped with this pandemic and it's why both the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Office in the UK have said this is the best way to assess the death count.

As I said, lessons will be learned throughout the world after all this- we’ve never had a pandemic before of this kind.
There have been several over the past couple of decades, and as a result the UK drew up plans to cope with a pandemic because it was recognised as being in the top 3 threats to national security. S Korea based their pandemic plan on ours, they implemented theirs, we didn't. They have a low death rate, ours is horrific. The idea that this couldn't have been foreseen or prepared for is dreadful lie, because it was foreseen and planned for. But it wasn't prepared for and we are paying the price for that now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:01:48
Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing, so I popped back to the early pages to make sure I wasn't being smart after the event.  Thankfully I think I'm OK, Bamboo on the other hand - "May's Chip Shop paper" - if only  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:12:41
No, you don't understand what the difference is between excess deaths and the Covid19 death count. Excess mortality is the number of deaths above and beyond that which we would normally experience in this time based on a five year average. It flattens out the anomalies between reporting methodologies, accounts for people who died because of the pandemic but not of Covid19 etc. It's internationally recognised (including in the UK) as the only sensible metric on which to measure how well any country has coped with this pandemic and it's why both the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Office in the UK have said this is the best way to assess the death count.
There have been several over the past couple of decades, and as a result the UK drew up plans to cope with a pandemic because it was recognised as being in the top 3 threats to national security. S Korea based their pandemic plan on ours, they implemented theirs, we didn't. They have a low death rate, ours is horrific. The idea that this couldn't have been foreseen or prepared for is dreadful lie, because it was foreseen and planned for. But it wasn't prepared for and we are paying the price for that now.

You conveniently ignore again the fact that the deaths are counted differently by country. I expect all their death counts are up not just ours.

There hasn’t been anything like this in my lifetime and I’m 60. I am slightly too young to live through the last pandemic which was Asian flu in 1957/58.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:26:42
You conveniently ignore again the fact that the deaths are counted differently by country. I expect all their death counts are up not just ours.
Excess mortality isn't. For the 3rd time, it is the number of deaths above the previous five year average. It's an absolute count of deaths. Deaths aren't counted differently in different countries, a person who is dead in Germany would still be counted as dead in the UK or India or South Korea. And yes of course every country's excess mortality is up, that's the nature of a pandemic. But some are up by a small amount, ours has gone through the roof.
Have a look at the FT graph which may help you understand this a bit better

But actually it's you who keeps trying to do international comparisons, I just said that 42,000 excess deaths is dreadful in less than 3 months is terrible. I don't care if other govts have done a shit job of dealing with it, that doesn't excuse our govt for the thousands who have died due to their incompetence. Especially as we had much more warning of what was coming our way than most and we ignored it because we were pursuing "Herd immunity, protect the economy, and so what if a few thousand pensioners die" (Dominic Cummings).

There hasn’t been anything like this in my lifetime and I’m 60. I am slightly too young to live through the last pandemic which was Asian flu in 1957/58.
That wasn't the last pandemic. You might not have been aware of them but there have been several since then. The most recent was H1N1 in 2009. Just over a decade ago. There was also SARS and MERS, both respirotary diseases like Covid19 which were explicitly noted as potential risks for a pandemic in the UK planning for a pandemic. Again, the idea that this is either unforseeable or something we coudn't prepare for is simply untrue. Largely peddled by those who failed to prepare, both in this country and others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:27:18
The NHS has not been overwhelmed which was the primary objective

That's not a primary objective.

But okay, achievement number 1 - hospitals were not overflowing with patients.

What did the government do to achieve this?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:30:21
Excess mortality isn't. For the 3rd time, it is the number of deaths above the previous five year average. It's an absolute count of deaths. Deaths aren't counted differently in different countries, a person who is dead in Germany would still be counted as dead in the UK or India or South Korea. And yes of course every country's excess mortality is up, that's the nature of a pandemic. But some are up by a small amount, ours has gone through the roof.
Have a look at the FT graph which may help you understand this a bit better

But actually it's you who keeps trying to do international comparisons, I just said that 42,000 excess deaths is dreadful in less than 3 months is terrible. I don't care if other govts have done a shit job of dealing with it, that doesn't excuse our govt for the thousands who have died due to their incompetence. Especially as we had much more warning of what was coming our way than most and we ignored it because we were pursuing "Herd immunity, protect the economy, and so what if a few thousand pensioners die" (Dominic Cummings).
That wasn't the last pandemic. You might not have been aware of them but there have been several since then. The most recent was H1N1 in 2009. Just over a decade ago. There was also SARS and MERS, both respirotary diseases like Covid19 which were explicitly noted as potential risks for a pandemic in the UK planning for a pandemic. Again, the idea that this is either unforseeable or something we coudn't prepare for is simply untrue. Largely peddled by those who failed to prepare, both in this country and others.

It’s a complete waste of time debating anything with you because you just take the moral high ground every time- you’re not correct about everything you know.

We won’t know the true numbers out of all this till probably a year down the line. You would disagree with anything a conservative government does anyway regardless of what it is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:38:38
My province Malaga is not being given permission to move from phase 0 to phase 1 .


Two more weeks before we try again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:39:14
It’s a complete waste of time debating anything with you because you just take the moral high ground every time- you’re not correct about everything you know.
I'm attempting to engage with your arguments by stating the facts around why the govt's scientific advisers regard excess mortaility as the only reliable measure, what that is as you seemed to be confusing it with the Covid19 deaths report given in the daily briefing, and correcting you on previous pandemics of which there have been several in recent decades of which you seemed to be unaware. That's not "taking the moral high ground", that's having a rational fact-based discussion rather than arm-waving assertions.

Sorry if that upsets you (now, that's taking the moral high ground - see the difference?) :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:49:27
I'm attempting to engage with your arguments by stating the facts around why the govt's scientific advisers regard excess mortaility as the only reliable measure, what that is as you seemed to be confusing it with the Covid19 deaths report given in the daily briefing, and correcting you on previous pandemics of which there have been several in recent decades of which you seemed to be unaware. That's not "taking the moral high ground", that's having a rational fact-based discussion rather than arm-waving assertions.

Sorry if that upsets you (now, that's taking the moral high ground - see the difference?) :)

I know you quote these most days and it's not specifically at you or if anyone else can answer?

i still cant get my head around this excess death figure being extremely higher than the official death count and why other countries arent as excessive.

can the government be blamed for the high excess death level above the virus deaths? why is lockdown affecting us more than other countries when we have had a softer lockdown?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:59:22
I know you quote these most days and it's not specifically at you or if anyone else can answer?

i still cant get my head around this excess death figure being extremely higher than the official death count and why other countries arent as excessive.
The excess mortaility rate is an official figure, it comes from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), a govt agency. But it's different from the figure presented at the daily briefings because that figure is only deaths recorded in hospitals or care homes where Covid19 has been given as the cause of death so for example it excludes deaths at home where there hasn't been a positive test result. Excess mortality on the other hand is deaths from all causes above and beyond the previous 5 years average, irrespective of cause of death. That's important because in a pandemic, lots of people die indirectly because e.g. they weren't able to get or didn't seek treatment for other illnesses or because they lost their job etc etc. And because it's an absolute figure (if you're dead, you're dead), it's not subject to the vagaries of reporting or ascribing death that OR was rightly saying is unreliable because of different and sometimes subjective standards of reporting. Hope that makes it a bit clearer, if not apologies for my poor explanation
why is lockdown affecting us more than other countries when we have had a softer lockdown?
Not sure what you mean by this?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 8, 2020, 21:12:29
I know you quote these most days and it's not specifically at you or if anyone else can answer?

i still cant get my head around this excess death figure being extremely higher than the official death count and why other countries arent as excessive.

can the government be blamed for the high excess death level above the virus deaths? why is lockdown affecting us more than other countries when we have had a softer lockdown?

Excess deaths would capture people who died without diagnosis as well as indirect impact.  After the fact most Pandemics are revised up by looking at that.  It is important to know the direct and indirect impact to adjust future plans.  As an exam0le, if lockdowns cause more suicides, how can we put actions in place to reduce that next time, like more mental health strategies in your Pandemic plan.

The UK, Sweden, Netherlands, USA are all examples of a softer lockdown to various degrees and all are over 200 deaths per 100k population thus far.  In reality, all are much higher once you get to excess deaths.  This is a real slow burner virus, so it can take 6 weeks plus to see the impact of your decisions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, May 8, 2020, 21:13:00
The excess mortaility rate is an official figure, it comes from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), a govt agency. But it's different from the figure presented at the daily briefings because that figure is only deaths recorded in hospitals or care homes where Covid19 has been given as the cause of death so for example it excludes deaths at home where there hasn't been a positive test result. Excess mortality on the other hand is deaths from all causes above and beyond the previous 5 years average, irrespective of cause of death. That's important because in a pandemic, lots of people die indirectly because e.g. they weren't able to get or didn't seek treatment for other illnesses or because they lost their job etc etc. And because it's an absolute figure (if you're dead, you're dead), it's not subject to the vagaries of reporting or ascribing death that OR was rightly saying is unreliable because of different and sometimes subjective standards of reporting. Hope that makes it a bit clearer, if not apologies for my poor explanationNot sure what you mean by this?

cheers- I knew what the figures show and why they are used it's more why the gap between official deaths and total deaths is so big.

its the indirect virus deaths that concern me and confuse me. it suggests that huge amounts are dying- more than normal and as you said it could be because of treatment and fear of going to hospital. but the NHS isnt at capacity and they have been urging people to use doctors and hospitals for everything else. so why is it so high? if we were at full capacity it would make more sense.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 8, 2020, 21:26:07
cheers- I knew what the figures show and why they are used it's more why the gap between official deaths and total deaths is so big.

its the indirect virus deaths that concern me and confuse me. it suggests that huge amounts are dying- more than normal and as you said it could be because of treatment and fear of going to hospital. but the NHS isnt at capacity and they have been urging people to use doctors and hospitals for everything else. so why is it so high? if we were at full capacity it would make more sense.

Thousands are dying in care homes. Many of them are undiagnosed with Covid because the govt's testing strategy has largely been based around testing in hospitals, which largely aren't taking care home residents, or at regional centres that you have to drive miles to get to, clearly not practical for frail care home residents. So they don't get tested, don't get diagnosed, but they do die. That's a big part of why the NHS hasn't been overwhelmed, because care home residents have been left exposed to ease the pressure on the NHS. As mystical goat said, protecting the NHS is a key strategic aim but it's a secondary goal, something you do "because otherwise". And that "because otherwise" is the NHS is overwhelmed and lots of people die. Allowing lots of people to die to stop the NHS getting overwhelmed is at best getting your priorities wrong, at worst cynically shifting where people are dying so you don't have stories coming out like in Italy where doctors were having to choose who lived and died. Doctors haven't (by and large) had to do that here, because it's already been decided for them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, May 8, 2020, 21:52:20
At the outset, people over 70 and people with pre-existing conditions were identified as vulnerable.  As such, a high priority should have been placed on:

Ensuring all facilities were locked down - no visitors
All staff were tested, daily
All residents are tested, maybe daily
Get the Army onsite to conduct regular cleaning and support logistics
Potentially isolate away from the facility anyone tested positive, including residents.  There may be some too weak to move - in which case facilities should have been prepared for in home isolation units.
Daily reporting from every facility to the Govt.

That's off the top of my head.  Not sure how much of that was in place?  The tested positive vs death rate in Swindon tells me all I need to know about the UK's testing capabilities though.  No way should only 400 or so people have tested positive so far with nearly 100 deaths.

With over 15,000 residential and nursing homes in England alone and 411,000 people in homes across England and Wales, I'm not sure that is possible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, May 8, 2020, 21:58:10
The excess mortaility rate is an official figure, it comes from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), a govt agency. But it's different from the figure presented at the daily briefings because that figure is only deaths recorded in hospitals or care homes where Covid19 has been given as the cause of death so for example it excludes deaths at home where there hasn't been a positive test result.

Just for clarity, it's deaths from all settings not just hopistals and care homes with Covid19 named on the death certificate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, May 8, 2020, 22:52:55
If only the few on here with their greater knowledge were in charge. A walk in the park.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 02:28:50
Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing, so I popped back to the early pages to make sure I wasn't being smart after the event.  Thankfully I think I'm OK, Bamboo on the other hand - "May's Chip Shop paper" - if only  :D

I was of course referring to Theresa's new business venture  ;)

In the grand scheme of things, that was early days of this but I can put my hands up and say I was wrong. Maybe my approach at the time, was looking at recent epidemic/pandemics and thinking this one would spread not so much (like SARS and MERS) or that it would be a weak/similar version of flu. But that was thought during an emerging time and you haven't read/heard me banging on about any Flu like similarities for some time now.

This next bit isn't directed at yourself btw RobT but just an observation of the human kind. I find it interesting that this species of ours, for the most part, is very quick to highlight the misgivings of others yet less so inclined to highlight the successes of others. We are all guilty of it but I wish we did them both with a more balanced judgement. Often we'll use previous history as our indicator to foretell another, even before they do/say something. Whilst that can be helpful for continued track records, can we not have the intelligence of mind (for less serious things) and wait until a person has acted or must we always judge beforehand? Is it, that it makes another feel better about themselves; to pronounce others faults? When they likely will have many of their own.

Which to put it more concisely; 'Let he without sin amongst us, cast the first stone'  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 07:30:05
I was of course referring to Theresa's new business venture  ;)

In the grand scheme of things, that was early days of this but I can put my hands up and say I was wrong. Maybe my approach at the time, was looking at recent epidemic/pandemics and thinking this one would spread not so much (like SARS and MERS) or that it would be a weak/similar version of flu. But that was thought during an emerging time and you haven't read/heard me banging on about any Flu like similarities for some time now.

This next bit isn't directed at yourself btw RobT but just an observation of the human kind. I find it interesting that this species of ours, for the most part, is very quick to highlight the misgivings of others yet less so inclined to highlight the successes of others. We are all guilty of it but I wish we did them both with a more balanced judgement. Often we'll use previous history as our indicator to foretell another, even before they do/say something. Whilst that can be helpful for continued track records, can we not have the intelligence of mind (for less serious things) and wait until a person has acted or must we always judge beforehand? Is it, that it makes another feel better about themselves; to pronounce others faults? When they likely will have many of their own.

Which to put it more concisely; 'Let he without sin amongst us, cast the first stone'  :hmmm:

this thread would be 2 pages long! 😂 the death league tables when every single expert has said a true country comparison can not be made until even a year after.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 09:11:37
With over 15,000 residential and nursing homes in England alone and 411,000 people in homes across England and Wales, I'm not sure that is possible.

A lot of that would have been possible, certainly enough to significantly mitigate the impact.

There are many large companies/charities running multiple care homes. The CQC is the government regulator ultimately responsible for health & safety compliance within the sector, it has teeth.

This major threat intelligence had been evident since Feb; The initial US epicentre being a Washington State nursing home outbreak, reports from Madrid, Italy and Germany, red flags were flying throughout the world. There was time to prepare and protect the vulnerable in UK Care Homes, let's call it 'shielding'.

CQC could and should have been coordinating the effort; mandating the early locking down of all homes, temperature readings, testing and procuring staff/resident PPE from their suppliers directly. They sat on their hands for weeks allowing the virus to rip through the sector.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 09:43:26
A lot of that would have been possible, certainly enough to significantly mitigate the impact.

There are many large companies/charities running multiple care homes. The CQC is the government regulator ultimately responsible for health & safety compliance within the sector, it has teeth.

This major threat intelligence had been evident since Feb; The initial US epicentre being a Washington State nursing home outbreak, reports from Madrid, Italy and Germany, red flags were flying throughout the world. There was time to prepare and protect the vulnerable in UK Care Homes, let's call it 'shielding'.

CQC could and should have been coordinating the effort; mandating the early locking down of all homes, temperature readings, testing and procuring staff/resident PPE from their suppliers directly. They sat on their hands for weeks allowing the virus to rip through the sector.

I was specifically answering the testing everyone every day or getting the army involved. 

As you mention lots of larger companies/charities they need to take some responsibility here, why didn't they isolate as you say?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 10:14:09
I was specifically answering the testing everyone every day or getting the army involved.  

As you mention lots of larger companies/charities they need to take some responsibility here, why didn't they isolate as you say?

Ah OK, yes widescale testing is undoubtedly challenging, but it should have been made a priority alongside NHS testing right from the off, and it wasn't.

Some companies did lock down their homes early, others didn't for whatever reason; commercial, ignorance or otherwise. These companies aren't privy to the raw international intelligence, science and medical advice that government is, perhaps they were waiting for guidance which didn't come ?

My point is, collectively they could and should have been forced to assume early responsibility, to lockdown, acquire more PPE from their healthcare suppliers etc. from CQC who is best informed and with the authority to do so, but weren't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 10:31:43
Ah OK, yes widescale testing is undoubtedly challenging, but it should have been made a priority alongside NHS testing right from the off, and it wasn't.

Some companies did lock down their homes early, others didn't for whatever reason; commercial, ignorance or otherwise. These companies aren't privy to the raw international intelligence, science and medical advice that government is, perhaps they were waiting for guidance which didn't come ?

My point is, collectively they could and should have been forced to assume early responsibility, to lockdown, acquire more PPE from their healthcare suppliers etc. from CQC who is best informed and with the authority to do so, but weren't.

Years of transforming public care services in to privately run bastions of free-market efficiency is always going to leave them exposed to a situation where their duty of care goes directly against profitability. It can maybe work with regulators willing to redress the balance either through punishments or incentives to prioritise an underlying level of care - but that's unlikely in a political environment that has largely been for eradicating such interference over nearly 40 years.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 10:36:21
If only the few on here with their greater knowledge were in charge. A walk in the park.

Yep, let’s close the thread down. Actually let’s close the site down after all we don’t know what it’s like to play professional football, or manage a pro team or own a pro club so any critical analysis of those who do is ridiculous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 11:08:58
Yep, let’s close the thread down. Actually let’s close the site down after all we don’t know what it’s like to play professional football, or manage a pro team or own a pro club so any critical analysis of those who do is ridiculous.

No, just offer commentary on subject matter on which many have an informed view- beer, 'birds' and an irrational dislike for certain football clubs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 11:28:03

i still cant get my head around this excess death figure being extremely higher than the official death count and why other countries arent as excessive.
Maybe it's because we are the only country using correct figures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 11:47:14
If only the few on here with their greater knowledge were in charge. A walk in the park.
If only the govt had followed the plans laid out to prepare for a pandemic, implemented the recommendations of the report into the failures from the Cygnus exercise and used the substantial warning we had from other countries' experience. Instead we had clever-dick Dominic Cummings with "Herd immunity, protect the economy and a few thousand pensioners may die"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 13:03:57
On the Care Homes, the same problem has been seen here.  They have been left to fend for themselves as private entities and have largely failed because they have no idea how to.  As we see places reopening, has that lesson been learned?  Surely that is a fair question of current government competence?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 13:08:25
Unfortunately you have no real way of telling how adopting in this country a theoretical report / plan would have worked out against the actual unknown virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 13:10:32
I'd say as a gross metric the numbers show we aren't doing particularly well.

However, the figures are woolly; France didn't count deaths in community and is sporadic on care homes, Italy haven't released last months excess death figures (which are about 60% higher than just the covid deaths) and they didn't include care homes either, Spain doesn't yet include care homes, different reporting methods are used and different testing regimes means some are 'assumed covid' and others don't assume. [We assume +ve in many more cases].

If we look at it from a propagation point of view, I think population density puts us at a disadvantage [something to bear in mind for the future...]; France has the same population but twice the space; in a way the population is already slightly 'socially distanced' on a macro-scale

Good post  :clap:.

Paris is denser than London...yes, but there is another factor - Paris has 2M, Berlin 3M, London 7M... More targets, squeezed closer together = high vulnerability to transmission.

Other factors such as smoking, age distribution, elderly cohabiting %age, rate of obesity etc will also play into it if we want a level playing field, but these I would say are more or less equitable.

Figure those factors in and we may still be found to be doing a poor job, however I genuinely think that we were more exposed and the differences are not quite as stark as first impressions would tell you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 14:00:51
On the Care Homes, the same problem has been seen here.  They have been left to fend for themselves as private entities and have largely failed because they have no idea how to.  As we see places reopening, has that lesson been learned?  Surely that is a fair question of current government competence?

think I saw that 85% of care homes are privately owned. they could definitely have done more.
my grandparents live in sheltered accommodation and there is zero corona management. no signs, no antibac, no structure on place for laundry rooms or visitors etc.

I rang management last week again as i was getting angry about it and they said they couldn't source anything so I ordered it for them that very minute and for 10 litres of alcohol gel for them to use.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 14:57:31
I learnt something from Twitter today!

Matt Hancock looks like Hans Gruber from Allo allo, and Jeffrey Fairbrother from hi-de-hi.

it's obvious once seen

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 15:03:01
I learnt something from Twitter today!

Matt Hancock looks like Hans Gruber from Allo allo, and Jeffrey Fairbrother from hi-de-hi.

it's obvious once seen

Hans Gruber was in Die Hard  :soapy tit wank:

Or alternatively was a poster on here.;u=227

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 15:09:37
think I saw that 85% of care homes are privately owned. they could definitely have done more.
They certainly could. Probably needs govt to coordinate proactively though on a national scale, by providing advice, guidelines etc for what care homes should do, access to tests, access to a national PPE procurement scheme etc. I'm mentioning these thngs because they were all contained in the recommendations that came out of the Cygnus Exercise that predicted deaths on a massive scale, particularly in care homes. Govt didn't act on these recommendations.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 15:25:29
Hubert Gruber, I meant Hubert!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 15:47:26
They certainly could. Probably needs govt to coordinate proactively though on a national scale, by providing advice, guidelines etc for what care homes should do, access to tests, access to a national PPE procurement scheme etc. I'm mentioning these thngs because they were all contained in the recommendations that came out of the Cygnus Exercise that predicted deaths on a massive scale, particularly in care homes. Govt didn't act on these recommendations.

they don't need to be spoon fed everything. for a care home not to have an action plan or a risk assessment in place or even initiative to limit the spread of an illness is ridiculous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 16:02:28
they don't need to be spoon fed everything. for a care home not to have an action plan or a risk assessment in place or even initiative to limit the spread of an illness is ridiculous.
Well obviously. And if individual care homes didn't have those action plans in place for ordinary risks or outbreaks of (say) flu, they should be criticised/held accountable. But Black Swan events like global pandemics are the responsibility of govt. Individual care homes can't be expected to implement tests for a novel disease when it is the govt that is coordinating the national testing strategy (or not) for example. In the same way as it would be absurd to criticise individual GPs for not having a stock of tests ready to roll. That's why govt had a plan to deal with a global pandemic. That's why they ran a testing exercise to see how it would work in reality (Operation Cygnus). And failings were identified in that, which is fine, that's why you run exercises, in particular issues in relation to care homes were identified and recommendations were made to address those. And the govt didn't implement those recommendations, they didn't even shield care homes especially, and in fact it wasn't until months into the crisis that they announced testing was available for care home staff and residents, even though it quickly became clear many wouldn't be able to access it. It's criminally negligent.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 16:03:46
96,000 tests done yesterday apparently. Assuming they weren't subject to last week's "It's in the post, guv, honest" fakery, that's finally showing some improvement. 2 months too late, but better late than never.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 21:40:20
96,000 tests done yesterday apparently. Assuming they weren't subject to last week's "It's in the post, guv, honest" fakery, that's finally showing some improvement. 2 months too late, but better late than never.

I'm pretty sure that they will include the same "fakery" you mention. As that is the way they have decided to count the tests.

If you look at Germany they have used about 50% of the testing capacity the few times I have looked.

You would think until the track and trace capability is fully working that we wouldn't use all out capacity. 

I think they do need a better plan to use the capacity mind, as I do wonder how many people who aren't supposed to be tested have been tested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 09:52:05
* Phew *

This is the good news you’ve all be waiting for
(Especially if you’ve just had a baby and your house is a mess ..)

In other news, maintenance payments for anyone with 6 kids or more have been scrapped.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 09:54:02
* Phew *

This is the good news you’ve all be waiting for
(Especially if you’ve just had a baby and your house is a mess ..)

In other news, maintenance payments for anyone with 6 kids or more have been scrapped.

Does Boris officially have that many now?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 10:01:51
Does Boris officially have that many now?

I don’t know why you’re mentioning Boris. As if government policy would be introduced to benefit an elite group of people! Ridiculous!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 10:25:22
I'm pretty sure that they will include the same "fakery" you mention. As that is the way they have decided to count the tests.

If you look at Germany they have used about 50% of the testing capacity the few times I have looked.

You would think until the track and trace capability is fully working that we wouldn't use all out capacity.  

I think they do need a better plan to use the capacity mind, as I do wonder how many people who aren't supposed to be tested have been tested.

"Fakery" is just fucking fakery when you change what you're counting on the last day you've got to hit your target.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 11:21:51
"Fakery" is just fucking fakery when you change what you're counting on the last day you've got to hit your target.

Why I agree that it was playing with numbers, that was the agreed approach. They do decide the approach but it was set out from the start. 

So I'm not quite sure "fakery" is really the right way to define it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:10:06
Why I agree that it was playing with numbers, that was the agreed approach. They do decide the approach but it was set out from the start. 

So I'm not quite sure "fakery" is really the right way to define it.

If you have a target set for something to be done by the 30th, and in all your releases up to the 29th you are counting one thing, and then you change what you are counting on the 30th, that's just fucking faking bullshit.

The mental gymnatics to be a fucking Tory apolagist is amazing at the best of fucking times. Right now though, I applaud your top level brain yoga.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:20:17
If you have a target set for something to be done by the 30th, and in all your releases up to the 29th you are counting one thing, and then you change what you are counting on the 30th, that's just fucking faking bullshit.

The mental gymnatics to be a fucking Tory apolagist is amazing at the best of fucking times. Right now though, I applaud your top level brain yoga.

Did you actually read what I wrote? Can you please show me that it actually happened that way?

I didn't actually vote Tory at the last election... 

Your government bashing along with the loony left on here is quite something. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:22:35
Are you including PaulD as loony left? I reckon that puts you somewhere right of the BNP. He's 'sensible' centerist dad guardian reading cunt at best. Personally? I'd send you straight to a fucking gulag.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:27:28
Are you including PaulD as loony left? I reckon that puts you somewhere right of the BNP. He's 'sensible' centerist dad guardian reading cunt at best. Personally? I'd send you straight to a fucking gulag.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:32:20
I'm jumping the gun here but if the public's interpretation of 'stay alert' is as bad as 'stay at home' has been then this isn't going to go too well. This weekend has been quite an eye opener to the selfishness and stupidity of a sizeable amount of the British public. Trusting them to do the right thing just isn't going to happen I fear.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:35:32
If you swapped England with East Berlin, our window twitchers would make the Stasi look like fucking amatuers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:37:58
I'm jumping the gun here but if the public's interpretation of 'stay alert' is as bad as 'stay at home' has been then this isn't going to go too well. This weekend has been quite an eye opener to the selfishness and stupidity of a sizeable amount of the British public. Trusting them to do the right thing just isn't going to happen I fear.
Maybe those under 70, without existing health conditions, in areas with low numbers of cases looked at & considered the statistics and made a call on that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:42:31
Maybe those under 70, without existing health conditions, in areas with low numbers of cases looked at & considered the statistics and made a call on that.
In doing so highlights how stupid and selfish they are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:47:45
In doing so highlights how stupid and selfish they are.

Agreed just look at South Korea at how its spreading so easy.

The resurgence followed a small but growing coronavirus outbreak centred around a handful of Seoul nightclubs, which a man in his late 20s had visited before testing positive for the virus.

At least 15 people were traced to that man as of Friday, and 14 of the 26 cases were reported from Seoul on Sunday, although the KCDC did not specify how many were linked.

If these people then visit over 70's or people with existing health problems...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:49:49
After 7 weeks and with other countries coming out of the lockdown it was inevitable that people would flout it the moment they had nice weather and an excuse. Short of getting the army roaming the streets aka Martial Law which is the worst possible idea there’s not much else that can be done. A slow phased exit plan that keeps the public on side is the only real option now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:54:12
After 7 weeks and with other countries coming out of the lockdown it was inevitable that people would flout it the moment they had nice weather and an excuse. Short of getting the army roaming the streets aka Martial Law which is the worst possible idea there’s not much else that can be done. A slow phased exit plan that keeps the public on side is the only real option now.

Just look at the state of the media over the last week. Lock down's going to be eased on Monday! Lock down is going to last until June!

It's a deliberate plan to push the blame away from the government's terrible handling.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 12:56:12
Just look at the state of the media over the last week. Lock down's going to be eased on Monday! Lock down is going to last until June!

It's a deliberate plan to push the blame away from the government's terrible handling.
I think the media have shown themselves more than capable of doing that themselves & would do anything to sell stories over the last couple of months.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 13:33:47
After 7 weeks and with other countries coming out of the lockdown it was inevitable that people would flout it the moment they had nice weather and an excuse. Short of getting the army roaming the streets aka Martial Law which is the worst possible idea there’s not much else that can be done. A slow phased exit plan that keeps the public on side is the only real option now.
Agree to some extent, but it's far too early to start exiting lockdown. Lockdown is working, we may have passed the peak in deaths, but new cases are not decreasing, they are plateaued at c5000 new cases a day. We are very far from having it under control. We were far too slow to enter lockdown and we have paid the price with the worst death toll in Europe. If we leave too quickly, the results will be just as disastrous

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 13:52:18
This new slogan and the countries general dimness mixing together can only end one way i reckon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 13:59:25
Agree to some extent, but it's far too early to start exiting lockdown. Lockdown is working, we may have passed the peak in deaths, but new cases are not decreasing, they are plateaued at c5000 new cases a day. We are very far from having it under control. We were far too slow to enter lockdown and we have paid the price with the worst death toll in Europe. If we leave too quickly, the results will be just as disastrous
The problem is short of getting the army roaming the streets how to we keep the lockdown going as it was with many now flouting it. The army on the streets would mean compliance by fear and end in disaster IMO.
So the alternative is a very slowly phased exit to try and keep the general public on board.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 14:03:26
The problem is short of getting the army roaming the streets how to we keep the lockdown going as it was with many now flouting it. The army on the streets would mean compliance by fear and end in disaster IMO.
So the alternative is a very slowly phased exit to try and keep the general public on board.

Absolute nonsense. There are some breaches but by and large compliance has been far better than the govt expected. Suggesting the alternatives are repeating the same mistakes we made two months ago or the army on the streets is absurd

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 14:06:21
Absolute nonsense. There are some breaches but by and large compliance has been far better than the govt expected. Suggesting the alternatives are repeating the same mistakes we made two months ago or the army on the streets is absurd
But the breaches are becoming more prevalent and compliance is falling. How do you get people compliant again other than by force especially with other countries coming out of lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 14:11:25
But the breaches are becoming more prevalent and compliance is falling. How do you get people compliant again other than by force especially with other countries coming out of lockdown.
You sack the oaf responsible for briefing all the papers with that "Freedom Monday" shit we saw last week, you do it publicly and you say why "We're sacking this guy because this was the wrong message, we are still in a serious crisis and if we ease up now not only we will undo all the good work done over the past two months, but many more people will die who don't need to". You use tonight's TV address to do that and hammer home the message in all the press briefings, on and off the record, this week. What you don't do is unveil yet another vacuous fucklng slogan that implies we don't need to Stay Home any more because somehow if we are sufficiently "Alert" we won't catch the virus. Because up until now it has been spreading by sneaking up on people not paying attention

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 14:21:03
You sack the oaf responsible for briefing all the papers with that "Freedom Monday" shit we saw last week, you do it publicly and you say why "We're sacking this guy because this was the wrong message, we are still in a serious crisis and if we ease up now not only we will undo all the good work done over the past two months, but many more people will die who don't need to". You use tonight's TV address to do that and hammer home the message in all the press briefings, on and off the record, this week. What you don't do is unveil yet another vacuous fucklng slogan that implies we don't need to Stay Home any more because somehow if we are sufficiently "Alert" we won't catch the virus. Because up until now it has been spreading by sneaking up on people not paying attention
Some workplaces are reopening and people are going to be returning to work so the stay at home mantra isn’t strictly true anymore. On Europe’s biggest building site we’re back up to 2000 on site as it’s a project of national importance. We’re at the first step of the next phase of this so mantra needs to subtly change, why we need a slogan at all is another debate really!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 14:29:42
Absolute nonsense. There are some breaches but by and large compliance has been far better than the govt expected. Suggesting the alternatives are repeating the same mistakes we made two months ago or the army on the streets is absurd

I bet SAGE and the scientists could do with your hindsight and opinions 😂😂

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 14:34:12
I bet SAGE and the scientists could do with your hindsight and opinions 😂😂

If you go back to the start of the thread I think you will find it’s not hindsight.  Argue the merits of his opinion but it has been consistent.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 16:15:17
I see there have been significant anti lockdown protests in Germany, not quite the rosy picture of how things should be done that many have portrayed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 16:26:30
And german infection rates being reported as rising

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 16:29:55
And german infection rates being reported as rising
And doctors posing naked as a protest against PPE shortages...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:05:20
And german infection rates being reported as rising
As they come out of lockdown. Glad to see you agree about the importance of maintaining lockdown, although comparisons with other countries are, of course, meaningless

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:17:06
Wasn't comparing just reporting and its so kind of you to be glad for me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:18:13
We were far too slow to enter lockdown and we have paid the price with the worst death toll in Europe.

Just to clarify was it the Tories who didn't lock down early enough in Wales, Scotland, NI?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:21:23
bit of a pointless address for me.

I can go out more and sit on park benches.

and some stuff in the future.

they need to release far more detail straight after

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:25:11

bit of a pointless address for me.

I can go out more and sit on park benches.

and some stuff in the future.

they need to release far more detail straight after

What kind of details did you want?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:32:00
As far as I can see the address has gone down well with Tories supporters, clear concise instructions. For those with strong anti Tory views the address was sending out confusing and mixed messages.

Water is also wet

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:37:13
What kind of details did you want?

More clarity would be a start. How is ok to go and buy paint & plants etc from B&Q yet there's still no sign of high street stores like Next opening when they could and would apply the same social distancing measures which would be small steps in getting the economy going

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:47:46
Just to clarify was it the Tories who didn't lock down early enough in Wales, Scotland, NI?
No, although the devolved governments have tried to stay in step with national govt. But you're right, they should have had the balls to call out the national govt's complacency for what it was and lock down earlier. TBF, we're not alone in this, most Western European govts have made a right fuck of it. We did however have two massive advantages over many of them: we had three weeks' additional warning time where we could see what was happening in Spain, Italy and France in particular; and we are an island (and partial island in N Ireland), making it much easier to seal ourselves off from the rest of the world. We squandered both those advantages and have the highest death rates in Europe as a result.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:57:30
You forgot to mention Cygnus, Paul! Your standards are slipping.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 18:58:50
I see a lot of people saying this is disguised pursuit of the herd immunity agenda by the government. Genuine question though what are the alternatives to herd immunity in the next year to 18 months. To be honest I wouldn’t want to be taking any vaccine anytime soon without long term clinical trials completed as some have been known to be more deadly than the disease they are aimed at. I don’t really see what the options are?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 19:02:46
No, although the devolved governments have tried to stay in step with national govt. But you're right, they should have had the balls to call out the national govt's complacency for what it was and lock down earlier. TBF, we're not alone in this, most Western European govts have made a right fuck of it. We did however have two massive advantages over many of them: we had three weeks' additional warning time where we could see what was happening in Spain, Italy and France in particular; and we are an island (and partial island in N Ireland), making it much easier to seal ourselves off from the rest of the world. We squandered both those advantages and have the highest death rates in Europe as a result.

Nobody knows we have the highest death rate in Europe- as most countries are counting differently so you cannot make a fair comparison. I don’t understand why you cannot grasp this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 19:13:07
Nobody knows we have the highest death rate in Europe- as most countries are counting differently so you cannot make a fair comparison. I don’t understand why you cannot grasp this.

It doesn't fit with his agenda?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 19:14:32
What kind of details did you want?
presumably is absolutely fine to drive to Weston tomorrow for my exercise if I want? did he really mean that? it sounds insane.

I'd like to see the details of the proposed school openings, though that isn't urgent.

I guess there are no real changes,

you are to be encouraged to go to work of you can't work at home, yet not see your family even if you socially distance yourself? what's the plan for allowing that?

what kind of entertainment industries are they looking at opening first?

it's all too vague.

the supporting documents should have been released at the same time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 19:18:37
Knocking shops. But keep your distance!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 19:20:07
Does it matter if you’re the highest in Europe? There’s over 30,000 dead. Stop the bickering. 30,000 dead.

Fucks sake , crack on all going out in packed trains and buses. I think you’ve all lost it .

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 19:35:31
There are more questions than answers after that tonight. Considering they had time to prepare for that statement that was pretty dire

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 19:40:11
Personally, I think that broadcast was a master class in Political ambiguity!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 20:26:10
This is the politics thread part 2. I'm out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 20:28:22
It felt to me like a speech given by a man who was being pulled in several directions at once, trying to please everyone.  Possibly why the messages are mixed.  There are epidemiologists advising that it's too soon to lift the lockdown restrictions, businesses telling him they're on their knees (& a Chancellor reporting a huge forecast fiscal deficit).  And then there is the libertarian/small state wing of his own party that dogmatically favours personal freedom over collective responsibility.  He's trying (& failing) to please all these groups.

The leaders in Scotland, Wales & NI do not have right-wing libertarian factions to worry about in their own parties, so are able to provide more coherent guidance about staying at home without losing support.

I do believe that a braver - perhaps, more Churchillian - leader would have faced down the right-wing ideologues in his party.  Sadly, he's rather reliant on them now, having culled much of the more moderate talent in his party at the Brexit altar late last year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 20:29:42
Does it matter if you’re the highest in Europe? There’s over 30,000 dead. Stop the bickering. 30,000 dead.

Fucks sake , crack on all going out in packed trains and buses. I think you’ve all lost it .

This.  And that lefty rag, the Financial Times, estimates the true death figure to be well over 50,000.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 21:50:57
Johnson just tweeted this formula to calculate the current threat level.

I have a maths degree but by my workings our threat level is about 219,000 out of 5

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 21:53:58
I see a lot of people saying this is disguised pursuit of the herd immunity agenda by the government. Genuine question though what are the alternatives to herd immunity in the next year to 18 months.
Maintain lockdown until the number of new cases per day comes down to a level that the track/trace system can cope with without being overwhelmed, using the time to build up that infrastructure (i.e. these are convergent targets). Then implement test, trace, isolate so that you stamp on outbreaks as they occur. Then you can begin to gradually unlock. This isn't something I've just dreamed up, it's what South Korea, Hong Kong etc did. The countries with recent experience of SARS/MERS etc. The countries that took this seriously right from the outset. S Korea have started to ease up restrictions and are now taking very seriously a potential second wave because they have had 34 new cases in the past few days. We are plateauing at 5,000 new cases daily. That's what taking public health seriously vs "take it on the chin and a few thousand pensioners die" looks like.

Genuinely cannot believe that anyone could be advocating herd immunity without a vaccine at this stage. Have you seen the projections for that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 22:16:51
Sorry if it has been posted already... Just a time line of events, which focuses heavy on that fucking excuse for a World Leader. Mex is right, we've fucking lost it...

"December 31st China alerts WHO to new virus.

January 23rd Study reveals a third of China’s patients require intensive care.

January 24th Boris Johnson misses first Cobra meeting.

January 29th Boris Johnson misses second Cobra meeting.

January 31st The NHS declares first ever ‘Level 4 critical incident’ Meanwhile, the government declines to join European scheme to source PPE.

February 5th Boris Johnson misses third Cobra meeting.

February 12th Boris Johnson misses fourth Cobra meeting. Exeter University published study warning Coronavirus could infect 45 million people in the UK if left unchallenged.

February 13th Boris Johnson misses conference call with European leaders.

February 14th Boris Johnson goes away on holiday. Aides are told keeps Johnson’s briefing notes short or he will not read them.

February 18th Johnson misses fifth cobra meeting.

February 26th Boris Johnson announces ‘Herd Immunity’ strategy, announcing some people will lose loved ones. Government document is leaked, predicting half a million Brits could die in ‘worse case scenario’

February 29th Boris Johnson retreats to his country manor. NHS warns of ‘PPE shortage nightmare’ Stockpiles have dwindled or expired after years of austerity cuts.

March 2nd Boris Johnson attends his first Cobra meeting, declining another opportunity to join European PPE scheme. Government’s own scientists say over half a million Brit’s could die if virus left unrestrained. Johnson tells country “We are very, very well prepared.”

March 3rd Scientists urge Government to advise public not to shake hands. Boris Johnson brags about shaking hands of Coronavirus patients.

March 4th Government stops providing daily updates on virus following a 70% spike in UK cases. They will later U-turn on this amid accusations they are withholding vital information.

March 5th Boris Johnson tells public to ‘wash their hands and business as usual’

March 7th Boris Johnson joins 82,000 people at Six Nations match.

March 9th After Ireland cancels St Patrick’s day parades, the government says there’s “No Rationale” for cancelling sporting events.

March 10th - 13th Cheltenham takes place, more than a quarter of a million people attend.

March 11th 3,000 Atletico Madrid fans fly to Liverpool.

March 12th Boris Johnson states banning events such as Cheltenham will have little effect. The Imperial College study finds the government’s plan is projected to kill half a million people.

March 13th The FA suspends the Premier League, citing an absence of Government guidance. Britain is invited to join European scheme for joint purchase of ventilators, and refuses. Boris Johnson lifts restrictions of those arriving from Coronavirus hot spots.

March 14th Government is still allowing mass gatherings, as Stereophonics play to 5,000 people in Cardiff.

March 16th Boris Johnson asks Britons not to go to pubs, but allows them to stay open. During a conference call, Johnson jokes that push to build new ventilators should be called ‘Operation Last Gasp’

March 19th Hospital patients with Coronavirus are returned to care homes in a bid to free up hospital space. What follows is a boom of virus cases in care homes.

March 20th The Government states that PPE shortage crisis is “Completely resolved” Less than two weeks later, the British Medical Association reports an acute shortage in PPE.

March 23rd UK goes into lockdown.

March 26th Boris Johnson is accused of putting ‘Brexit over Breathing’ by not joining EU ventilator scheme. The government then state they had not joined the scheme because they had ‘missed the email’

April 1st The Evening Standard publishes that just 0.17% of NHS staff have been tested for the virus.

April 3rd The UK death toll overtakes China.

April 5th 17.5 million Antibody tests, ordered by the government and described by Boris Johnson as a ‘game changer’ are found to be a failure.

April 7th Boris Johnson is moved to intensive care with Coronavirus.

April 16th Flights bring 15,000 people a day into the UK - without virus testing.

April 17th Health Secretary Matt Hancock says “I would love to be able to wave a magic wand and have PPE fall from the sky.” The UK has now missed four opportunities to join the EU’s PPE scheme.

April 21st The Government fails to reach its target of face masks for the NHS, as it is revealed manufactures offers of help were met with silence. Instead millions of pieces of PPE are being shipped from the UK to Europe.

April 23rd - 24th Government announces testing kits for 10 million key workers. Orders run out within minutes as only 5,000 are made available.

April 25th UK death toll from Coronavirus overtakes that of The Blitz.

April 30th Boris Johnson announces the UK has succeeded in avoiding a tragedy that had engulfed other parts of the world - At this point, The UK has the 3rd highest death toll in the world.

May 1st The Government announces it has reached its target of 100,000 tests - They haven’t conducted the tests, but posted the testing kits.

May 4th The number of NHS staff that have died from Coronavirus overtakes the number of British Military personnel that died during the Iraq War.

May 5th The UK death toll becomes the highest in Europe.

May 6th Boris Johnson announces the UK could start to lift lockdown restrictions by next week."

And so it goes on. I don't know whether to watch 'The Thick of It' back to back or just tune in to the Government Press Conference every day. They're at equal levels of ridiculousness now. That Sunday Statement could easily have been a satirical skit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 10, 2020, 22:20:14
Maintain lockdown until the number of new cases per day comes down to a level that the track/trace system can cope with without being overwhelmed, using the time to build up that infrastructure (i.e. these are convergent targets). Then implement test, trace, isolate so that you stamp on outbreaks as they occur. Then you can begin to gradually unlock. This isn't something I've just dreamed up, it's what South Korea, Hong Kong etc did. The countries with recent experience of SARS/MERS etc. The countries that took this seriously right from the outset. S Korea have started to ease up restrictions and are now taking very seriously a potential second wave because they have had 34 new cases in the past few days. We are plateauing at 5,000 new cases daily. That's what taking public health seriously vs "take it on the chin and a few thousand pensioners die" looks like.

Genuinely cannot believe that anyone could be advocating herd immunity without a vaccine at this stage. Have you seen the projections for that?
I’m not saying now I’m saying long term what other option is there if the virus doesn’t go away? Personally I won’t be taking a vaccine anytime soon until long term clinical trials are completed and side effects known, my other half witnessed the dengue fever vaccine and that killed thousands. Maybe you’ll call me irresponsible or inconsiderate but I think there will be many with the same view.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Monday, May 11, 2020, 07:44:12
Norwich City first to resume training.

Following PMs announcement that you can now play sport with your own family

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 11, 2020, 07:52:30
Norwich City first to resume training.

Following PMs announcement that you can now play sport with your own family
Inbreds ??.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 11, 2020, 08:17:38
bit of a pointless address for me.

I can go out more and sit on park benches.

and some stuff in the future.

they need to release far more detail straight after

Seemed perfectly clear to me, the significant  thing that happened was that government placed responsibility for the infection rate on the public taking sensible decisions. So if infections and deaths go up again it will be the public not the government's fault.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 11, 2020, 08:21:40
Johnson just tweeted this formula to calculate the current threat level.

I have a maths degree but by my workings our threat level is about 219,000 out of 5

Maintain lockdown until the number of new cases per day comes down to a level that the track/trace system can cope with without being overwhelmed, using the time to build up that infrastructure (i.e. these are convergent targets). Then implement test, trace, isolate so that you stamp on outbreaks as they occur. Then you can begin to gradually unlock. This isn't something I've just dreamed up, it's what South Korea, Hong Kong etc did. The countries with recent experience of SARS/MERS etc. The countries that took this seriously right from the outset. S Korea have started to ease up restrictions and are now taking very seriously a potential second wave because they have had 34 new cases in the past few days. We are plateauing at 5,000 new cases daily. That's what taking public health seriously vs "take it on the chin and a few thousand pensioners die" looks like.

Genuinely cannot believe that anyone could be advocating herd immunity without a vaccine at this stage. Have you seen the projections for that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 11, 2020, 08:23:01
Inbreds ??.

No Delia with her husband, kids and grand children!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 11, 2020, 08:41:50
It couldn’t be clearer

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 11, 2020, 08:54:07

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Monday, May 11, 2020, 09:06:06
Seemed perfectly clear to me, the significant  thing that happened was that government placed responsibility for the infection rate on the public taking sensible decisions. So if infections and deaths go up again it will be the public not the government's fault.

Great minds....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 11, 2020, 09:11:07
Great minds....

No one great mind and one lazy twat!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Monday, May 11, 2020, 09:20:25
Ha, knew it!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 11, 2020, 09:35:27
Ha, knew it!

He posted what I was thinking, albeit more eloquently, its all about efficiency dear boy!  :D ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, May 11, 2020, 10:05:53
The strange thing for me with regard to the advice around working and the reaction to that advice, is that it's basically the same as it was beforehand. They've only changed from can work, to should work. Loads of factories were already open, I even know of an office that went back to work last week with half staff. I guess if pulled up on it they can just make excuses as to why they need to be in the office to work. I can only conclude that the continual ambiguity is by design to allow the rules to be bent.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, May 11, 2020, 10:06:25
The shots of the mall in Brisbane shows that Stupidity will not be beaten.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 11, 2020, 10:29:29
The shots of the mall in Brisbane shows that Stupidity will not be beaten.

I dunno, they are having a good go in Warrington!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 11, 2020, 11:21:00
The strange thing for me with regard to the advice around working and the reaction to that advice, is that it's basically the same as it was beforehand. They've only changed from can work, to should work. Loads of factories were already open, I even know of an office that went back to work last week with half staff. I guess if pulled up on it they can just make excuses as to why they need to be in the office to work. I can only conclude that the continual ambiguity is by design to allow the rules to be bent.

You're absolutely right.   

Similarly there has never been a legal restriction on how long you can exercise.  The Guidance says 1 hour but the law itself as drafted says you are allowed out of your house to exercise and gives no limit on time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 11, 2020, 11:39:42
Just back from my daily stroll. Some people clearly not paying heed to the 'stay alert' mantra as I had to take evasive action to avoid a trio of people walking 3 abreast on the pavement either in lala land or with a face in a phone. (I had to walk on a busy road to try and keep my distance) and also be fully aware to keep my distance from other folk who are obviously so keen to keep up to the latest Corona news that they can't walk without their fucking face in their mobile.

As its bloody cold and windy there aren't masses of people about so fairly easy to keep my distance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 11, 2020, 11:52:29
The strange thing for me with regard to the advice around working and the reaction to that advice, is that it's basically the same as it was beforehand. They've only changed from can work, to should work. Loads of factories were already open, I even know of an office that went back to work last week with half staff. I guess if pulled up on it they can just make excuses as to why they need to be in the office to work. I can only conclude that the continual ambiguity is by design to allow the rules to be bent.

But......the millions of workers furloughed can't go back to work unless the younger are called back by their employers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:09:29
But......the millions of workers furloughed can't go back to work unless the younger are called back by their employers

In my experience factories and warehouses haven't stopped, they've just been working on reduced staffing levels, unless the virus destroyed demand for what they do, which in sone cases will obviously be true. I spoke to someone in manufacturing the other day who said they'd been just as busy but managed to cope with reduced staff. A lot of people won't be getting their jobs back at the end of this because their employers have realised the same

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:18:28
In my experience factories and warehouses haven't stopped, they've just been working on reduced staffing levels, unless the virus destroyed demand for what they do, which in sone cases will obviously be true. I spoke to someone in manufacturing the other day who said they'd been just as busy but managed to cope with reduced staff. A lot of people won't be getting their jobs back at the end of this because their employers have realised the same

That's the position I'm in as I was furloughed last week and the manufacturing company I work for is still operating with reduced numbers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:19:02

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:20:39
Round of golf booked in for Thursday, a lovely bit of normality returns

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:23:03
In my experience factories and warehouses haven't stopped, they've just been working on reduced staffing levels, unless the virus destroyed demand for what they do, which in sone cases will obviously be true. I spoke to someone in manufacturing the other day who said they'd been just as busy but managed to cope with reduced staff. A lot of people won't be getting their jobs back at the end of this because their employers have realised the same

That is a real problem that needs planning for.  In every financial crisis the same thing happens - jobs are removed, companies struggle on and eventually get used to it.  The desire to add jobs is never equal t the desire to remove them.  That may seem unfair, but work does have a happy habit of filling the available hours - most of my job entails identifying such efficiency opportunities.

Just thinking everything will go back to normal, even when a vaccine is found, isn't going to work.  Even if nothing changed in our habits, companies will have found ways to cope.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:23:57
Round of golf booked in for Thursday, a lovely bit of normality returns

That was one area that struck me as odd  - Golf is probably one of the easiest things you can do to social distance, so long as the clubhouse is shut.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:45:09
That was one area that struck me as odd  - Golf is probably one of the easiest things you can do to social distance, so long as the clubhouse is shut.

And fishing. The very definition of a loner activity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:46:36
Going back to the South Korea cluster to do with Nightclubs, it raises some important questions for Western countries around what we would be willing to do to enable lock downs to be relaxed.  They identified 5,517 people who attended one of these clubs from 24th April to 6th May, which they can do because you have to give your details to be let in.  They have managed to contact more than 2,000 of them so far, and where the details maybe sketchy they are using Credit Card companies to track people down who spent money in the establishments and the Police force.  That's some pretty big invasion of privacy issues for Western countries, would people accept it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:48:41
There’s a few of these knocking about

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:54:42
It's a funny old game...

A top of the table team, say South Korea, has played a tight 5-4-1, and successfully parked the bus. Now changed to a  5-3-2, pushing forward gradually, but ever mindful of the oppo's known danger on the counter-attack.

A  bottom 2 team, say England, ignored scouting, played a more expansive 4-4-2, all with a leaky and ill-disciplined defence. Ron 'Spaff' Damager now adopts a 4-3-3, and rush goalie, in a desperate roll of the dice to avoid relegation.

The Economy v The Biology. We'll just have to wait a month or so for the result, sadly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:55:51
There’s a few of these knocking about


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, May 11, 2020, 13:04:53
so long as the clubhouse is shut.

Was hoping we could have couple of clubhouse pints after but that’s a non runner apparently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, May 11, 2020, 13:12:31
Was hoping we could have couple of clubhouse pints after but that’s a non runner apparently

That's what the big bag is for, cans, isn't it?  Drink as you play - sure, the 18th gets tricky as a result, and someone needs to drop you off an pick you up, but so long as they are in your household, jobs a goodun.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, May 11, 2020, 13:37:07
Going back to the South Korea cluster to do with Nightclubs, it raises some important questions for Western countries around what we would be willing to do to enable lock downs to be relaxed.  They identified 5,517 people who attended one of these clubs from 24th April to 6th May, which they can do because you have to give your details to be let in.  They have managed to contact more than 2,000 of them so far, and where the details maybe sketchy they are using Credit Card companies to track people down who spent money in the establishments and the Police force.  That's some pretty big invasion of privacy issues for Western countries, would people accept it?
Tree club in Swindon requires ID to be shown & face pic taken to allow entry. That's no problem, but my flared trousers have been an issue.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 11, 2020, 13:37:21
Good news for you golfers and tennis players.  Despite what Johnson said yesterday and Raab today about playing sports like tennis and golf but ONLY with members of your own household.  The official guidance has been published and actually says:

"use outdoor sports courts or facilities, such as a tennis or basketball court, or golf course – with members of your household, or one other person while staying 2 metres apart”

A subtle but significant difference

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 11, 2020, 22:48:34 (

can this be pinned somewhere weekly? these are the stats that matter and show exactly where we are and why things are being reduced. sack off that daily briefing and inane media questions and spend a few hours running through this data. brilliant read

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 09:49:51 (

can this be pinned somewhere weekly? these are the stats that matter and show exactly where we are and why things are being reduced. sack off that daily briefing and inane media questions and spend a few hours running through this data. brilliant read
It is, as are the ONS weekly updates, although both suffer from a necessary time lag, but that is made up for in the quality of the information being presented. You still need media questions though as while this is, as you say, quality information, it's not in a format that will be readily accessible to most so needs interpretation, which is part of what the media are for. And the data itself raises questions, for example, why deaths are so high in care homes, as we've touched on previously, that ministers should be held to account for.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 09:56:28
FT have run their analysis on the latest ONS stats. Bearing in mind those stats lag by a week or so, horrifyingly they now show that over 50,000 people have died during the Covid19 outbreak in the UK than would usually be the case i.e. excess mortality which the govt and their chief scientific advisers accept is the only meaningful way of measuring the impact of the pandemic and the response to it

On the upside (insofar as you can have an upside for 50,000 people dying) the data does show that deaths have passed the peak and are continuing to fall.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 10:32:40
I'll be playing golf with my son this weekend.

The common sense approach to the virus will backfire though I think due to people's stupidity and selfishness.  The police's job is now impossible. It was hard enough before the changes. All about £££ isn't it really?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:06:58
Trouble is, they had to scare the living shits out of people in the beginning to accept a lockdown - now many are too scared to go back work, kids to school, use public transport etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:13:59


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:26:01
FT have run their analysis on the latest ONS stats. Bearing in mind those stats lag by a week or so, horrifyingly they now show that over 50,000 people have died during the Covid19 outbreak in the UK than would usually be the case i.e. excess mortality which the govt and their chief scientific advisers accept is the only meaningful way of measuring the impact of the pandemic and the response to it

On the upside (insofar as you can have an upside for 50,000 people dying) the data does show that deaths have passed the peak and are continuing to fall.

Hang on a minute. Is that a statistic that can be used to present the government in a good light, if it is then its absolutely viable and justified, however, if it shows them in a bad light its a nonsense to use statistics?

Have I got that right, trying to be faithful and positive?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:26:37
I'll be playing golf with my son this weekend.

Not got any clubs?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:31:31
Sunak's just announced furlough being extended until October, keeping at 80% too. No changes to the scheme until July, but will see some phasing out in July, August, Sept. One of the things the govt have got right in this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:36:34
Sunak's just announced furlough being extended until October, keeping at 80% too. No changes to the scheme until July, but will see some phasing out in July, August, Sept. One of the things the govt have got right in this

Well done to the Government for this.  Unlike the health side of the crisis, I think they've done pretty damn well with the economic side and it will definitely ease a lot of people's money worries.

Strangely, the main criticism seems to be coming from the right wing supporters who feel that extending furlough is somehow giving people something for nothing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:38:54
Sunak's just announced furlough being extended until October, keeping at 80% too. No changes to the scheme until July, but will see some phasing out in July, August, Sept. One of the things the govt have got right in this

It looks like employers will have to top up to the 80%/£2,500 minimum after July, so will have to see how it's phased out but it does sound very reasonable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:42:08
It looks like employers will have to top up to the 80%/£2,500 minimum after July, so will have to see how it's phased out but it does sound very reasonable.
That could be where we start to see furloughs being converted into redundancies in some instances. As you say, will have to see how it pans out though and obviously it can't continue indefinitely. The fact they're extending it until the end of July I think points to a more realistic timeframe for when we can expect to see widespread lifting of lockdown. I wonder if that's in part timed to coincide with when the school holidays would have started?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:43:04

Strangely, the main criticism seems to be coming from the right wing supporters who feel that extending furlough is somehow giving people something for nothing.

I think the idea when this leaked out that the work shy were getting 'addicted to it' was a dog whistle just to wind them up a bit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:47:39
Well done to the Government for this.  Unlike the health side of the crisis, I think they've done pretty damn well with the economic side
Completely agree. They've done as well on the economy as they have done badly on health.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:52:47
That could be where we start to see furloughs being converted into redundancies in some instances.

Plenty of historical precedents where after such extreme measures workforces have dropped substantially when employers realise that they can do the job with a much smaller workforce. I know it was already happening in our sector but I suspect this further accelerate the move away from the show piece penis extending office for companies realising that they need a lot less space and fewer ancillary staff to go with it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:57:53
Plenty of historical precedents where after such extreme measures workforces have dropped substantially when employers realise that they can do the job with a much smaller workforce. I know it was already happening in our sector but I suspect this further accelerate the move away from the show piece penis extending office for companies realising that they need a lot less space and fewer ancillary staff to go with it.

The day of the ever expanding office spaces is gone. If/when  I go back we have 4 floors, about 700 people all hot desking officially (although no one ever moves). For any sort of distancing desks will have to be taken out and walkways created. I'm guessing we'll be closing a floor or two for storage at best

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 12:02:16
Plenty of historical precedents where after such extreme measures workforces have dropped substantially when employers realise that they can do the job with a much smaller workforce. I know it was already happening in our sector but I suspect this further accelerate the move away from the show piece penis extending office for companies realising that they need a lot less space and fewer ancillary staff to go with it.

Or the revenue won't be there to support such a large workforce. My company will be making significant redundancies soon, which I've been told this morning and I will likely hear more later on and tomorrow.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 12:08:06
Or the revenue won't be there to support such a large workforce. My company will be making significant redundancies soon, which I've been told this morning and I will likely hear more later on and tomorrow.

I was thinking more with my historians rather than economists hat on.

Shit, I hope things pan out OK for you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 12:33:44
Or the revenue won't be there to support such a large workforce. My company will be making significant redundancies soon, which I've been told this morning and I will likely hear more later on and tomorrow.
Fingers crossed for you Si!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 13:21:48
Whilst I undoubtedly share his concerns, one would hope he would be similarly troubled by the 50k deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 13:59:21
Whilst I undoubtedly share his concerns, one would hope he would be similarly troubled by the 50k deaths.
Trying to fend off stiff competition from Harry and Meghan in the "Tone Deaf Royal" stakes. Strong entry there from the veteran adulterer and plant waffler

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 15:27:24
I would alter Government and say that Sunak (and his team) have pushed through the correct approach (or better than many would expect) during this time.

I mentioned it previously but he is the ony cabinet minister to come out of this with a shred of decency. Tory or not, he can be proud of his own efforts/achievements. One that many in office should look at; calm, measured, relating with public needs, a listener, takes positive action, uncontroversial. Almost the kind of things you want from a World leader...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 16:06:09
Maybe once this is over, it'd be a good time to start considering Universal Basic Income?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bathtime on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 16:13:48
Staggering the sum of money being borrowed to keep the country more or less in a lockdown situation - apart for it being a longstanding dept - who is holding the tab for the 300 billion? curious to know how this works...anyone know??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 16:33:54
Sunak's just announced furlough being extended until October, keeping at 80% too. No changes to the scheme until July, but will see some phasing out in July, August, Sept. One of the things the govt have got right in this
Again questions need to be asked about the press and where they are getting their info or just making shit up as was everywhere this morning saying it was going to be reduced to 60 percent.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 16:39:33
Again questions need to be asked about the press and where they are getting their info or just making shit up as was everywhere this morning saying it was going to be reduced to 60 percent.
They get it from off the record briefings from "No 10 sources", like the "Freedom Monday" shit we saw last week that allowed Cummings to essentially trial public reaction to a much looser lifting of lockdown. The problem is not so much that the press are making shit up as allowing No 10 to get away with this kind of unattributed "govt sources" spin which it seems in this instance was used to throw a curveball at the opposition (and more fool them for falling for it). Kuenssberg and Peston in particular seem to so value their inside track with Cummings that they pretty much regard themselves as his mouthpieces

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 16:40:13
Staggering the sum of money being borrowed to keep the country more or less in a lockdown situation - apart for it being a longstanding dept - who is holding the tab for the 300 billion? curious to know how this works...anyone know??

With a sovereign currency, and central bank, I'm anticipating a new round of Quantitative Easing any time soon. National debt will go through the roof (about £2 trillion already) and servicing that takes out around 85% of gdp currently, but it was 250% of gdp after six years of WW2, so there is still scope. Managing inflation will be the next problem, but inflation always chips away at the debt in real terms !

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 16:48:24
They get it from off the record briefings from "No 10 sources", like the "Freedom Monday" shit we saw last week that allowed Cummings to essentially trial public reaction to a much looser lifting of lockdown. The problem is not so much that the press are making shit up as allowing No 10 to get away with this kind of unattributed "govt sources" spin which it seems in this instance was used to throw a curveball at the opposition (and more fool them for falling for it). Kuenssberg and Peston in particular seem to so value their inside track with Cummings that they pretty much regard themselves as his mouthpieces
Or alternatively it could have been made up by Labour with all the tweets from the likes of John McDonnell and Richard Burgon about it to further turn people against the government. Either way don’t believe things until it is actually announced!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 16:52:06
Or alternatively it could have been made up by Labour with all the tweets from the likes of John McDonnell and Richard Burgon about it to further turn people against the government.
1) The story was carried by the media before Labour MPs began tweeting it.
2) It was carried by the right wing press who are not often given to acting as soft outlets for the likes of McDonnell and Burgon
3) Neither are Labour front benchers any more. They are however, gullible for tweeting on the back of "sources say" stories for reasons I outlined above.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 16:54:26
1) The story was carried by the media before Labour MPs began tweeting it.
2) It was carried by the right wing press who are not often given to acting as soft outlets for the likes of McDonnell and Burgon
3) Neither are Labour front benchers any more. They are however, gullible for tweeting on the back of "sources say" stories for reasons I outlined above.
Well Burgons now claiming responsibility for making the government keep it at 80% so wouldn’t rule them out!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 16:54:41
FT have run their analysis on the latest ONS stats. Bearing in mind those stats lag by a week or so, horrifyingly they now show that over 50,000 people have died during the Covid19 outbreak in the UK than would usually be the case i.e. excess mortality which the govt and their chief scientific advisers accept is the only meaningful way of measuring the impact of the pandemic and the response to it

On the upside (insofar as you can have an upside for 50,000 people dying) the data does show that deaths have passed the peak and are continuing to fall.
FT have updated their extrapolated figures to date for total excess deaths. Just shy of 60,000. No wonder the govt decided today would be a good day to get the furlough announcement out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 08:11:12

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 08:20:36

Scumbags. They obviously don't know anyone who has been infected or seen the aftermath of all this. Do these people not see the horrific photos from hospitals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 08:24:19
Even now the utter selfishness of some people horrifies me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 08:26:05
Schools will not reopen on June 1st. There will be a second spike before then. The way people are going, it will be sooner rather than later.

These are sad times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 08:32:19

Anyone organising or distributing this sort of shite should be dealt with.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 08:45:55
Anyone organising or distributing this sort of shite should be dealt with.
I agree totally, apparently its a country wide thing now with gatherings planned in all major towns and cities, I hope the vast majority of people see it as the idiotis thing that it is and don't take part.

If people do indeed take part then hopefully the police will act suitably.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 08:46:14
If it's 'unlawful', then why not have it challenged in court?

Or do they maybe not understand the meaning of the word, or are just trying to whip people up into a ill-informed frenzy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 08:53:38
Why would you protest against something that is in place to save lives? Dumb fucks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:02:04
I agree totally, apparently its a country wide thing now with gatherings planned in all major towns and cities, I hope the vast majority of people see it as the idiotis thing that it is and don't take part.

If people do indeed take part then hopefully the police will act suitably.

The problem is that the police have clearly said they are struggling to cope.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:07:00
A few things occur to me:
1) That Wiltshire 999 site is dreadful clickbait and always has been. How many people on here would have even heard of this supposed "mass gathering" protest were it not for them publicising it to stoke outrage?
2) This will be the yellow vest morons again. Their "mass protests" around Brexit etc gathered crowds that could be counted on the fingers of both hands (albeit, occasionally you had to bring your thumbs into play when they got a surge from out of area). These will get even less. It will be the bloke who put out the graphic and his mate. It can be dealt with by one copper ambling up and saying "move along, now, there's a good chap". That's assuming it's not a wind up in the first place. Really isn't worth getting worked up about (but see point 1 about clickbait)
3) None of that will stop the Adver sending a photographer to Coate and Wiltshire 999 sending the bloke who runs it with his phone to take photos of a few people out for exercise to try to claim it was a mass gathering to stoke further faux outrage and clickbaitiness.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:25:02
That is true Paul but the problem is still there, these things ARE being arranged even if not attended heavily, its not just a Swindon thing its a national gathering apparently.

But yes if people had not shared this particular article then I doubt most people would have heard about it, and almost every single person that I know who has shared this are vehemently against it.

It is totally contrary to the actual sharers ethics. It is almost self-defeating prophecy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:28:30
More an anarchist thing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:29:57
Its like 1976/77 all over again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:40:47
More an anarchist thing
Nope, far right, same lot as bandwagoned on the yellow vests

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:43:53
That is true Paul but the problem is still there, these things ARE being arranged even if not attended heavily, its not just a Swindon thing its a national gathering apparently.
Yes I get that and it will undoubtedly cause problems in some places. But even the one in London a week or so ago had very few people there. There'll be two yellow vesters and a reluctant dog at Coate. If that.

But yes if people had not shared this particular article then I doubt most people would have heard about it, and almost every single person that I know who has shared this are vehemently against it.

It is totally contrary to the actual sharers ethics. It is almost self-defeating prophecy.
Yep, that's how clickbait propaganda works. It's a large part of how Katie Hopkins promoted herself to the prominence she now has, for example.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:45:25
They’ve just seen the Germans doing it and they are the model we should all be following according to some.

In all seriousness there was thousands out protesting in Germany, here it will just be the usual suspects that protest about everything with a few anarchist idiots joining in to cause trouble.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:51:30
No point even acknowledging the twats, unless it actually goes ahead on a significant scale, which I doubt very much.

This on the other hand...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 09:54:42
Nope, far right, same lot as bandwagoned on the yellow vests

Where is that quoted?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 10:06:12
Where is that quoted?
Not "quoted" but US and German protests have both been far right, our lot tend to copycat the US, driven by a lot of the same propaganda and sometimes funding networks too. All the "anti-lockdown" stuff in the media has been from the right, thundering articles in the Telegraph and Spectator about the nanny state taking away our freedoms etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 10:17:23
Whoever runs Doncaster Council's twitter feed should immediately take over the government's communications and media departments, this is brilliant:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 12:10:17
Good PMQ's again today, Johnson held to account by his own statements time and time again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 12:25:07
Good PMQ's again today, Johnson held to account by his own statements time and time again.
Did they ask him the difference between a virus and a vaccine? Or water supply and sewage treatment? Because he didn't seem to know the differences between either on Monday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 12:45:17
Not "quoted" but US and German protests have both been far right, our lot tend to copycat the US, driven by a lot of the same propaganda and sometimes funding networks too. All the "anti-lockdown" stuff in the media has been from the right, thundering articles in the Telegraph and Spectator about the nanny state taking away our freedoms etc

The US ones have been stoked by the Militia groups dotted around the Country.  Essentially armed groups who detest the idea of any form of Government and regularly act on that - armed stand offs with the FBI over Federally owned Parks have been known to happen.

There has been a not insignificant amount of anti-lock down feeling though - in a Country of nearly 350m people you are going to get noticeable fringe elements.  Plenty of people still believe it's all a conspiracy or an over publicised type of hoax.  That's made worse by the scale of the Country, so in some States people are so spread out that land itself has already provided a decent wedge of social distancing, making it harder for the virus to take hold.  In those areas it's been meat production facilities where they have seen outbreaks, so people do have some legitimate reasons to wonder why full lockdowns were necessary everywhere.  That's the result of a Federal system though - nobody wanted to take control at the outset, so by the time it was a problem in Cities, the States began reacting at their level and didn't have the testing and tracing capacity to take normal steps to contain it in rural areas while locking down big cities.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 12:49:52
The US ones have been stoked by the Militia groups dotted around the Country.
They've also been funded by many of the wealthy right-wing pressure groups that created Trump's "base" e.g. the funds run by Betsy Vos, the Koch brothers and the Mercers, who also fund Breitbart and Steve Bannon. Some very nasty "dark money" there

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 12:55:34
No point even acknowledging the twats, unless it actually goes ahead on a significant scale, which I doubt very much.

This on the other hand...
That article, by a right-wing journalist, in the most slavishly pro-Johnson paper there is, is worth reading in full, especially for those who doubt that the death rates in this country represent anything other than a catastrophic failure of policy

"The UK is moving uncomfortably close to special status, with excess deaths above the seasonal average topping 42,000 up to April 24. It has undoubtedly surpassed 50,000 since then. We will breach 1,000 deaths per million before long, yet without reaching the safe uplands of herd immunity. These deaths could have been held to at 1,000 or thereabouts, ideally by Korean methods, or failing that at least by sheer Greek determination. All the other deaths are in essence a policy failure."

or that the elderly in care homes were essentially sacrificed to make it look like the NHS was coping OK.

"“Our policy was to let the virus rip and then ‘cocoon the elderly’,” he wrote. “You don’t know whether to laugh or cry when you contrast that with what we actually did. We discharged known, suspected, and unknown cases into care homes which were unprepared, with no formal warning that the patients were infected, no testing available, and no PPE to prevent transmission. We actively seeded this into the very population that was most vulnerable.
“We let these people die without palliation. The official policy was not to visit care homes – and they didn’t (and still don’t). So, after infecting them with a disease that causes an unpleasant ending, we denied our elders access to a doctor – denied GP visits – and denied admission to hospital. Simple things like fluids, withheld. Effective palliation like syringe drivers, withheld.” " (non-paywall)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 13:00:12
That article, by a right-wing journalist, in the most slavishly pro-Johnson paper there is, is worth reading in full, especially for those who doubt that the death rates in this country represent anything other than a catastrophic failure of policy

"The UK is moving uncomfortably close to special status, with excess deaths above the seasonal average topping 42,000 up to April 24. It has undoubtedly surpassed 50,000 since then. We will breach 1,000 deaths per million before long, yet without reaching the safe uplands of herd immunity. These deaths could have been held to at 1,000 or thereabouts, ideally by Korean methods, or failing that at least by sheer Greek determination. All the other deaths are in essence a policy failure."

or that the elderly in care homes were essentially sacrificed to make it look like the NHS was coping OK.

"“Our policy was to let the virus rip and then ‘cocoon the elderly’,” he wrote. “You don’t know whether to laugh or cry when you contrast that with what we actually did. We discharged known, suspected, and unknown cases into care homes which were unprepared, with no formal warning that the patients were infected, no testing available, and no PPE to prevent transmission. We actively seeded this into the very population that was most vulnerable.
“We let these people die without palliation. The official policy was not to visit care homes – and they didn’t (and still don’t). So, after infecting them with a disease that causes an unpleasant ending, we denied our elders access to a doctor – denied GP visits – and denied admission to hospital. Simple things like fluids, withheld. Effective palliation like syringe drivers, withheld.” " (non-paywall)

What you have described is a national scandal that dwarfs even Windrush, and Grenfell.  Open trials and, if proven, jail terms should follow for those responsible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 13:33:42
What you have described is a national scandal that dwarfs even Windrush, and Grenfell.  Open trials and, if proven, jail terms should follow for those responsible.
Indeed. Although I didn't describe it, the words are those of a leading Tory commentator and a "Boris-friendly" cardiologist "at a top London hospital"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 13:34:12

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 14:01:48
Whoever runs Doncaster Council's twitter feed should immediately take over the government's communications and media departments, this is brilliant:

Now that's how to communicate a message clearly and simply with humour too!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 14:20:54

Quite. There is a reason why I have been describing "herd immunity" without a vaccine as insane. Hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 15:31:58

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 17:21:38
I know he's only doing it for his own benefit but when Piers Morgan is looked upon as the one standing up for people, the rest of the industry need to have a long, hard look at themselves in the mirror.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 20:42:46
Interesting documentary on channel 4 about South Korea’s approach to Covid19. Their premise was basically about shitloads of testing and contact tracing. There were elements of self-imposed lockdown in one of the cities but on the whole life didn’t drastically change.

As contact tracing relies deeply on the invasion of privacy I don’t think that would have gone down well at all in the UK, however the Korean outlook is that their health is more important and so were happy to go down that route.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 20:47:26
Interesting documentary on channel 4 about South Korea’s approach to Covid19. Their premise was basically about shitloads of testing and contact tracing. There were elements of self-imposed lockdown in one of the cities but on the whole life didn’t drastically change.

As contact tracing relies deeply on the invasion of privacy I don’t think that would have gone down well at all in the UK, however the Korean outlook is that their health is more important and so were happy to go down that route.

I wonder how their neighbors are fairing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 20:59:41
I wonder how their neighbors are fairing

Unlikely we’ll never know!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 21:29:29
Where is that quoted?
And after a little more digging, if you have a look at the FB group page or the website for "UK Freedom Movement" who are the fuckwits calling for the demo, you'll see after a few standard disclaimers about being politically neutral, non-partisan etc it's full of rants about Corbyn, the "Islamification" of the UK, seeing off the "Marxist takeover of our schools" etc etc. Standard right-wing clickbait in other words. They seem to have come out of the extreme end of the Brexit street protests, possibly with the Yellow Vest lot. So as theakston said (but perhaps not what he meant) "the ususal suspects". But certainly not anarchists

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 22:05:17
I know he's only doing it for his own benefit but when Piers Morgan is looked upon as the one standing up for people, the rest of the industry need to have a long, hard look at themselves in the mirror.

The Daily Mirror? ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 22:10:31
Saw this on AssBook earlier.. I bloody despair.

Let's use a pic of around 20 years old and put a heartwarming story of support for our beloved Bojo. Bless the poppet, it's so hard trying to become a national treasure. Go easy on him. Come on....

Fucking does my head in. These are the type of people who voted the prick in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 22:21:14
I know he's only doing it for his own benefit but when Piers Morgan is looked upon as the one standing up for people, the rest of the industry need to have a long, hard look at themselves in the mirror.

Saw a great tweet about him a few weeks ago:

A weathercock doesn't predict the weather, or point to the way the wind should be blowing, or understand why it's windy at all, it just points the way the wind is blowing at any given moment. Think of this when you think of Piers Morgan. At the end of the day, it's just a cock.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 06:36:11
But certainly not anarchists
Phew, thankfully your mates are off the hook then. That's OK

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 08:46:43
Interesting documentary on channel 4 about South Korea’s approach to Covid19. Their premise was basically about shitloads of testing and contact tracing. There were elements of self-imposed lockdown in one of the cities but on the whole life didn’t drastically change.

As contact tracing relies deeply on the invasion of privacy I don’t think that would have gone down well at all in the UK, however the Korean outlook is that their health is more important and so were happy to go down that route.

Twitter awash with bots suggesting this could not be done in UK 'cos the lefties would moan about the incursion into social monitoring.

This thread of tweets make quite interesting/damning reading if you can get beyond the dreadful way its written.

Watching that doc there were any number of countries they could have chosen;

South Korea Population 51,780,579, density 1,339/sq. mile: 259 deaths
Hong Kong Population 7,500,700, density 17,565/sq. mile 4 deaths
Taiwan: Population 23,604,2650, density 1,689/sq. mile 7 deaths
Singapore Population  5,703,600, density 20,445 /sq. mile 21 deaths
UK Population  67,886,004 , density 725 /sq. mile 33,186 deaths

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 09:42:51
A second Doctor based at GWH has died after testing positive for covid.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 10:12:15
A second Doctor based at GWH has died after testing positive for covid.
Fuck that's horrible

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 10:27:31

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 11:22:47
Not "quoted" but US and German protests have both been far right, our lot tend to copycat the US, driven by a lot of the same propaganda and sometimes funding networks too. All the "anti-lockdown" stuff in the media has been from the right, thundering articles in the Telegraph and Spectator about the nanny state taking away our freedoms etc


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 11:25:27
Ah, should have guessed. For those who don't know, Jayda Fransen is a convicted racist who used to be the deputy leader of Britain First until she fell out with fellow convicted racist Paul Golding.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 11:28:25
I have to laugh at the way people use the word 'unlawful'. Basically their version is 'I don't like it/ I don't like being told what to do/ I am spitting the dummy' = 'unlawful'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 11:49:28
I have to laugh at the way people use the word 'unlawful'. Basically their version is 'I don't like it/ I don't like being told what to do/ I am spitting the dummy' = 'unlawful'.
Yes, you're right. Although tbf Jayda Fransen and her Britain First colleagues do have more experience than most of what constitutes "unlawful" :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 11:52:34
I have to laugh at the way people use the word 'unlawful'. Basically their version is 'I don't like it/ I don't like being told what to do/ I am spitting the dummy' = 'unlawful'.

Or it is a 'breach of hooman rights'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 12:07:28
Been to a few of our schools today, and them reopening is going to be a struggle. It just isn't practical, and Feasible. The heads are dreading it, as it's such a nightmare.

I wonder how many parents will keep their kids off. My youngest is in year1. I am undecided on what is best. If my eldest is off, what harm is it having both off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 12:27:22
My lad is in reception, no fucking way is he going back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 14:17:48
My daughter is reception year and we are desperate for her to go back simply because she loves school and misses her friends.

However, I said to my wife when we were watching the announcement that I didn't think the school unions would be comfortable with that early a start and, until I see anything that makes me feel satisfied that a plan is in place, neither am I.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 14:23:23
The problem is that headteachers do not know what to do. They have had little, or no guidance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 14:34:23
The problem is that headteachers do not know what to do. They have had little, or no guidance.

Indeed, from speaking to a head, when this all started they were almost getting too much info from government with daily updates, however. that's all dried up and they know as much as the general public about what's to happen.

Having been involved in certain school events and being aware of the pages of risk assessment that must be completed to walk from the school to church it seems very odd that during a global pandemic what appears to be a rather arbitrary decision can be reached, likewise I don't really understand why the decisions have been made for years 1 & 6 to go back, you have got no chance with yr 1's social distancing so why can anyone think that meets the governments guidelines? Thankfully our little un is Yr 2 so she is not in the first group to go back, TBH not that keen on her going back before September at the earliest.

But then again its no odder than the estate agent guidelines which mean that if I put my house on the market I can welcome any Tom Dick or Harry into it, yet you cannot engage with family members you know have isolated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 15:40:42
year 6 I can see could work.

reception and year 1 is fucking stupid

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 15:49:16
73% of Covid deaths are broken down as

26% Diabetes
18% Dementia
15% Chronic Pulmonary Disease
14% Chronic Kidney Disease

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 16:40:13
Interesting although you kinda need the incidence of those things amongst the general population (or adjusted for the age of victims) as I'd guess at least that diabetes is a lot more common that either of the final two, and dementia is probably an indicator of the advanced age of most victims?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 17:42:52
Swiss approach in loosening their lockdown ?

'As quickly as possible, but as slow as necessary'.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 18:18:34
Not heard from normy in a while, hope all ok with him and the wife?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 18:30:40
Last online 3rd may according to his profile. Hope hes ok

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 18:37:30
Busy out today. Most are using their brains but an odd few are being morons with the social distancing, or lack of it. Was on a bike ride today and some twat rode past me so close that we probably looked like we were riding a tandem from some angles. If I could have caught up with him I might have lamped him  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 19:56:27
I'm a little bit in love with Charlie Brooker.

Charlie Brooker's Anti-Viral Wipe (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 20:44:48
Was good.  My kids (13 and 16 - strange names) watched it and found it very funny.  Was nice to see them enjoying the shame cynical twisted dark humour ive loved for years.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 21:01:37
Just watching the hospital special on iPlayer. It’s so scary. If I could stop my wife going to work I would. Might be selfish, but it’s such a risk. She won’t listen to me anyway.

Everyone needs to watch it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: SleafordRobin on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 21:22:44
Just watching the hospital special on iPlayer. It’s so scary. If I could stop my wife going to work I would. Might be selfish, but it’s such a risk. She won’t listen to me anyway.

Everyone needs to watch it.

Hard watch Sippo, remarkable people!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, May 15, 2020, 05:59:42
CG car Park was very busy yesterday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Friday, May 15, 2020, 07:00:57
I'm a little bit in love with Charlie Brooker.

Charlie Brooker's Anti-Viral Wipe (

Ooh, I recorded this, will watch it tonight. I love Charlie Brooker's stuff. Black Mirror is just brilliant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Friday, May 15, 2020, 08:02:19
As one who works in education, heres my take:

The two big leaps year group to year group in Primary school are reception to year one and year five to year six. If any year groups could benefit from being in until the summer hols its the current reception kids and the current year 5s. By the end of year one the kids are mostly ingratiated into school proper so I see no extra benefit in them being in over, say, the current year 3s.

Year 6 is tricky because at this time of year normally SATS are already, erm, sat, and the key issue for them is the transition to secondary school. Theres usually some learning but that takes a back seat to gearing them up for the big move to another school. With that said, would it not be beneficial to begin secondary a couple of months earlier? From what I understand secondary schools are shut to the vast majority of secondary pupils until September, so get the staff back in, give the current year 6 cohort a head start and make use of the space and teaching resources currently being unused in secondary. Social distancing should be no more difficult than if they were still at primary, but moving them to secondary now will have the positive knock on effect that social distancing will be easier in primary schools for whichever kids are left there with the year 6s gone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, May 15, 2020, 08:56:25
As one who works in education, heres my take:

The two big leaps year group to year group in Primary school are reception to year one and year five to year six. If any year groups could benefit from being in until the summer hols its the current reception kids and the current year 5s. By the end of year one the kids are mostly ingratiated into school proper so I see no extra benefit in them being in over, say, the current year 3s.

Year 6 is tricky because at this time of year normally SATS are already, erm, sat, and the key issue for them is the transition to secondary school. Theres usually some learning but that takes a back seat to gearing them up for the big move to another school. With that said, would it not be beneficial to begin secondary a couple of months earlier? From what I understand secondary schools are shut to the vast majority of secondary pupils until September, so get the staff back in, give the current year 6 cohort a head start and make use of the space and teaching resources currently being unused in secondary. Social distancing should be no more difficult than if they were still at primary, but moving them to secondary now will have the positive knock on effect that social distancing will be easier in primary schools for whichever kids are left there with the year 6s gone.

Interesting take. As someone with a reception age child, you can get to fuck if you think he's going back to school yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:00:55
State of the fucking Mail this morning.....


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:03:08
Interesting take. As someone with a reception age child, you can get to fuck if you think he's going back to school yet.

I have a year one and a year three. Me and the ex wife have already agreed the year one sprog is not going back on June 1st. My personal conviction is that schools should be shut until September, but I'm pretty sure the gvt are going to go through with this ridiculous plan of theirs, unfortunately

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:06:38
State of the fucking Mail this morning.....

Amazing how quickly some journos went from "I'm having to deal with my own children with home schooling, teachers should be paid £1m a year" to "I'm having to deal with my own children, teachers' health is an acceptable sacrifice to get the little shits out from under my feet while I stay safely working from home". No sector should be made to go back to work until every journalist merrily advocating end of lockdown for someone else is commuting to work in their office on a crowded Tube train.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:07:09
State of the fucking Mail this morning.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:21:48
Just when you thought the Daily Mail couldn't sink any lower.  I despair.  Call them 'heroes' and their lives become honourable collateral, just like soldiers.  Expendable.

I'm sure it didn't used to be like this.  The country has changed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:24:39
The people that keep on buying it are just as much to blame.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:25:34

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:35:13
June might be too early but why are we have a summer holiday at all? If they scrapped that as kids have already been off then they could make up for some of the lost time going in from July or whenever safe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:36:59
Fuck, we are doomed, she was our last hope!


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:45:06
Our last hope.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:46:58
Our last hope.
"Help me Obi Wan, you're our only hope".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:48:14
Just when you thought the Daily Mail couldn't sink any lower.  I despair.  Call them 'heroes' and their lives become honourable collateral, just like soldiers.  Expendable.

I'm sure it didn't used to be like this.  The country has changed.

In no particular order:

1. The Daily Mail London office is closed (columnist Peter Hitchens has tweeted that several times when people ask him why he’s working from home). Teachers should go back when the Mail offices are fully staffed.
2. The Daily Mail regularly lambast “greedy public sector workers” whenever pay rises are mentioned
3. A significant proportion of Daily Mail readers are why the lockdown is necessary (to protect the elderly, higher risk groups)
4. Calling people “Heroes” is a way of them feeling better when people get seriously ill or die
5. Pretending they care about the education of 6 years old is utterly disingenuous (I’d have more respect for them if they admitted they need institutional babysitters so parents can work as their owners are concerned their investments are tanking)

Thoughts LL, GosportRob, HoboDan?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:51:23
The only surprise is that people are surprised by the handling of the crisis.

I’ve probably worked this out wrong, but the saving on pensions payout after the culling in the care/residential homes is around £50-60 billion per year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:55:57
Just when you thought the Daily Mail couldn't sink any lower.  I despair.  Call them 'heroes' and their lives become honourable collateral, just like soldiers.  Expendable.

I'm sure it didn't used to be like this.

You have got a point there, the Mail used to openly support the Nazi's.

The people that keep on buying it are just as much to blame.

The Mail, like any any populist paper only prints what it knows its core readership wants to read.

I’ve probably worked this out wrong, but the saving on pensions payout after the culling in the care/residential homes is around £50-60 billion per year.

I hadn't thought of that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, May 15, 2020, 10:00:01
 Well, the State Pension is just over £9k per year. You can debate on the real numbers of pensioners who have died but, say, 40,000 = £36 billion

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 15, 2020, 10:00:56
Just when you thought the Daily Mail couldn't sink any lower.  I despair.  Call them 'heroes' and their lives become honourable collateral, just like soldiers.  Expendable.

As pointed out previously the coronavirus has now managed to see off more health and care workers than the Iraq war did to UK service peronell.

In terms of British citizens, its getting very close to killing in 3 months what Hitler took over 6 years to achieve, surprised the Mail aren't printing that what with their readerships love of linking it back to the war.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 15, 2020, 10:33:57
Well, the State Pension is just over £9k per year. You can debate on the real numbers of pensioners who have died but, say, 40,000 = £36 billion

I said this to my wife the other day, she thought i was being cynical. Wouldnt surprise me if that fat greedy slug Green had been visiting the care homes with biscuits.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 10:39:31
The only surprise is that people are surprised by the handling of the crisis.
I always thought this government was incompetent and cynical but even so I've been shocked by quite how bad they are. Particularly the way the elderly in care homes have been sacrificed so that the government could claim to have achieved their primary goal of avoiding the NHS being overwhelmed. The goal itself is sensible and laudable; to achieve it by allowing the residents and staff of care homes to die in their thousands is psychopathic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, May 15, 2020, 10:40:10
Well, the State Pension is just over £9k per year. You can debate on the real numbers of pensioners who have died but, say, 40,000 = £36 billion

Isn’t a billion = 1000,000,000?

The saving on pensions would be 360000000. Not sure that’s 36 billion? Is it??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Friday, May 15, 2020, 11:00:20
The teaching unions have tried to engage with the government but to no avail. The govt claim they have consulted but that isn't consultation by any reasonable definition. Head teachers at Secondary level are waiting for guidance on how to manage a return of years 10 and 12 despite Boris suggesting it on Sunday. The Mail headline has no grounding in reality and is a continuation of their war against the public sector. There hasn't been a 'militant' teaching union for twenty years if there ever was one. Teachers are some Of the most conservative employees you will ever find and most belong to a union to provide legal support in case of classroom accusations. Of course any group that stands up against the Mail and it's backers are labelled militant. Their readership remembers the 1970's so they buy into that easily. 'Lazy'  'gold-plated pension grabbing lefty teachers' are dispensable. The UK's union legislation, beefed up further by Cameron, after Teachers stood up against their pension robbery early last decade, doesn't allow for much campaigning let alone militancy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 15, 2020, 11:19:42
the government are in the fucking loony bin with primary schools.

yesterday the advise came through that having a rota of when kids go in isn't permissible. Why?

and it's only advice to have 15 per class with 2m gap. not mandatory. why?

upshot is there are going to be many schools where social distancing won't be possible, once you add in the key worker children, year 6, 1 and reception.

and what kind of quality education are they going to get anyway?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 11:41:28
the government are in the fucking loony bin with primary schools.

yesterday the advise came through that having a rota of when kids go in isn't permissible. Why?

and it's only advice to have 15 per class with 2m gap. not mandatory. why?

upshot is there are going to be many schools where social distancing won't be possible, once you add in the key worker children, year 6, 1 and reception.

and what kind of quality education are they going to get anyway?
They will learn that public sector workers are dispensable. And that the government doesn't give a shit about their health and well being.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, May 15, 2020, 11:48:22
I can’t see Secondary Schools going back until September personally.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 15, 2020, 11:50:57
the government are in the fucking loony bin with primary schools.

yesterday the advise came through that having a rota of when kids go in isn't permissible. Why?

and it's only advice to have 15 per class with 2m gap. not mandatory. why?

upshot is there are going to be many schools where social distancing won't be possible, once you add in the key worker children, year 6, 1 and reception.

and what kind of quality education are they going to get anyway?

I havent seen anything official, but when the 15 per class came out. I knew that wouldnt work. I've been in thousands of classrooms and the max you would get is 8/10 + teacher in most.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 15, 2020, 11:51:17
I am hearing that whatever happens with primary schools the final decision, pre-september at least, lies with the parents with no repercussions if they kids don't go in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:05:47
Repercussions or no, my boy goes back when his mother and I decide it is safe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:08:13
Repercussions or no, my boy goes back when his mother and I decide it is safe.
Shouldn't you be saying "our boy".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:10:34
Quote from: horlock07
I am hearing that whatever happens with primary schools the final decision, pre-september at least, lies with the parents with no repercussions if they kids don't go in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:10:44
My offspring will be going back as soon as they can.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:18:53
Likewise which classes actually go back is at the discretion of the school.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:19:28
And on the subject of enforced returns to work for the sake of political expediency, the FT is reporting today that senior Tories want all MPs back in the Commons so that Johnson can shelter behind a braying mob because Starmer's making him look like an ill-prepared incompetent twat at PMQs

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:41:15
And on the subject of enforced returns to work for the sake of political expediency, the FT is reporting today that senior Tories want all MPs back in the Commons so that Johnson can shelter behind a braying mob because Starmer's making him look like an ill-prepared incompetent twat at PMQs

Story similarly sheltering behind a paywall.

Not sure how much that will actually help Johnson in reality, as with Starmer staying cold and calculating when delivering the questions its just going to make the Tories look like the posh boys they really are if they start baying at Johnsons show boating. The one quality Starmer has is to tailor his follow up questions to reveal the bollocks from Johnson.

Perhaps worth Labour putting out a request to all the opposition benches for them to remain quiet and business like and let the baying blue ranks look like twats.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:48:05
Story similarly sheltering behind a paywall.

Not sure how much that will actually help Johnson in reality, as with Starmer staying cold and calculating when delivering the questions its just going to make the Tories look like the posh boys they really are if they start baying at Johnsons show boating. The one quality Starmer has is to tailor his follow up questions to reveal the bollocks from Johnson.
I have read somewhere that the Speaker is going to tell Rees-Mogg to do one anyway, so expect to see the Mail dusting off their Bercow smear stories to use against Hoyle. The point was not so much whether it would work but just how low a priority this government places on health concerns.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:58:52
I have read somewhere that the Speaker is going to tell Rees-Mogg to do one anyway, so expect to see the Mail dusting off their Bercow smear stories to use against Hoyle. The point was not so much whether it would work but just how low a priority this government places on health concerns.

I won't hold my breath, Hoyle appears to just want a quiet life so I would be surprised to see him stand up to government this early. You look at his parliamentary career and its very uninspiring and middle of the road being careful not to antagonise anyone, its like he has been aiming for the Speaker role since 1997.

TBH its looking a bit rich them asking us all to go back to work then saying it isn't safe for them to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, May 15, 2020, 14:09:22
My previous company laid off my entire former team today. I'm absolutely horrified and gutted for them, but it feels like a lot more of this is coming. For all that we understand job losses and downturns in the abstract, they're so much worse in practice when it's people you know and like and know do such a good job.

I'm not am end the lockdown hawk by any means, but people need to realise that economic collapse is not an abstract thing that affects stock markets and GDP figures alone. Jobs, incomes, livelihoods, if this stuff all goes to fuck then then people will die too. Poverty kills, loneliness kills. I don't think the government are doing an especially great job but fuck knows I wouldn't want to be in their position. A rock and a hard place.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 15:11:43
This shouldn't be any suprise to anyone after the "Freedom Monday" bullshit No 10 was briefing, but the R number which measures the infection rate has gone up again over the last week. Classic Dom.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, May 15, 2020, 15:22:25
This shouldn't be any suprise to anyone after the "Freedom Monday" bullshit No 10 was briefing, but the R number which measures the infection rate has gone up again over the last week. Classic Dom.

I've just read in the bbc article (, it states that the rise is from about 3 weeks ago, so has nothing to do with "Freedom Monday" but it doesn't bode well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 15:47:53
I've just read in the bbc article (, it states that the rise is from about 3 weeks ago, so has nothing to do with "Freedom Monday" but it doesn't bode well.
Yes my error, sorry, didn't read the article properly. The rise is from when they started including care homes in testing apparently, so the good news is we are *starting* to get a more accurate picture of the scale of the problem. But as you say, doesn't bode well. Certainly shouldn't be looking at more expansive easing of lockdown any time soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 15, 2020, 15:54:15

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 15, 2020, 15:55:27
if the entire world could stay indoors for a month, strictly, would the virus disappear?

I know it's impossible. But in theory.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:15:13
Yes my error, sorry, didn't read the article properly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:15:43
Probably not a month - person a could infect person b after a few weeks, then they could infect person c after another few weeks

I don’t see why a longer period, say 4-5 months, wouldn’t work theoretically tho

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:18:48
if the entire world could stay indoors for a month, strictly, would the virus disappear?

I know it's impossible. But in theory.
The point of the lockdown is twofold:
1) to buy time to put in place the infrastructure for testing and tracing new infections so we can implement Test Trace and Isolate for any new cases
2) to drive down the infection rate to a level that the TTI system isn't swamped

Which is why it's extremely disappointing so little progress has been made toward achieving 1) and why it's important not to start reopening things before 2). Because if you start to reopen too soon, you never reach 2). And then you're back to "herd immunity without a vaccine" (i.e. deaths in the hundreds of thousands)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:25:13
The figure is £360m...a long jump from £36bn.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:25:28
that wasn't really the question I asked.

yes Dave, I take your point on serial infection

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:30:15
that wasn't really the question I asked.
I know but I thought that was what lay behind it. The point being that lockdown by itself won't fix this. Because it just surges again when you open up if you allow it to spread unchecked. But yes Dave's answer was a better direct answer to the question asked.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:34:45
if the entire world could stay indoors for a month, strictly, would the virus disappear?

I know it's impossible. But in theory.

Probably not? Even if it was possible, I'm guessing the virus could live in whatever animal it mutated in to cross from bats to humans.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:44:46
Quote from: pauld
that wasn't really the question I asked.
I know but I thought that was what lay behind it. The point being that lockdown by itself won't fix this. Because it just surges again when you open up if you allow it to spread unchecked. But yes Dave's answer was a better direct answer to the question asked.

not at all, it was more that it occurred to me ending it is so incredibly simple and yet so incredibly impossible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:45:36
Quote from: flammableBen
Probably not? Even if it was possible, I'm guessing the virus could live in whatever animal it mutated in to cross from bats to humans.

yeah that's the kind of stuff I've overlooked!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 15, 2020, 16:57:43
Although it would need to find it's way back across to humans, which isn't always that easy.  There are many viruses around that we are not exposed to, yet.

The fact this fucker is still being found in people, in good numbers, weeks after any form of lock down shows it's either really persistent in staying in the body, or really contagious.  Likely both, when given the right conditions.  Oddly, lock downs create the right conditions for contagion, but limit future exposure for the population - so you pass on once really easily but then it has nowhere to jump.  The trick is knowing if it is 2 weeks or 2 months for that process to complete.

That info will be needed on full re-opening, to enable the tracing and then quarantine for the right period, and probably best to quarantine away from anyone else, even family.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, May 15, 2020, 17:37:08
Probably not? Even if it was possible, I'm guessing the virus could live in whatever animal it mutated in to cross from bats to humans.

There is still a lot of work being done to understand which animal that may be. Even the originator is inconclusive (the Rhinolophid Bat) and the intermediary even more so. Cats, cattle, sheep and pigeons have the ability to develop the same characteristic as Pangolins, whereby this virus can evolve and latch on to human cells. It is thought the pathway was Bat > Pangolin > Human. Yet there is still no definitive evidence. Other studies rule out Pangolin as intermediary altogether and only highly likely that it originated in bats but not how.

Further with origins. 41 of the first people exposed to SARS-CoV2, it was found that 27 had direct involvement/exposure to the Wuhan Food Market; the same analysis also found that the first known case did not. So we could be right to doubt the "Wuhan Market" story as a conclusive theory. Bats (I believe) weren't actually on sale at the Wet Market, so there would have to be a confirmed intermediary (Pangolin et al) in order for it to have originated there. If other studies rule out intermediaries altogether, then this could rule out Wuhan Wet Market altogether.

There is also the little matter of the virus having to make a jump back or reverse zoonosis from humans to animals. Which is generally quite difficult or not as effective (for the virus). So far we have only seen very few cases of this or if the transmission mutates in a way that is as deadly/noticeable. The caveat is, as you put it Ben; scientists should go with caution as if reverse zoonosis were to become more prevalent, we could be in a vicious circle for a long time.

But I know nothing, I am a melt, don't read, haven't studied anything and certainly not a scientist.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, May 15, 2020, 18:18:04
So Boris' R is upto 0.8. Needs to be under 1 for it not to be a second peak....

Sun is out next week with nice weather planned. Bound to go over 1.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 19:12:58
So Boris' R is upto 0.8. Needs to be under 1 for it not to be a second peak....
It needs to be a lot lower than that, around 0.5 or less I believe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 15, 2020, 19:19:47
This is absolutely horrendous. After allowing Covid to rip through care homes, now the govt are pulling the plug on the scheme that got homeless people off the streets. Always the most vulnerable that they abandon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, May 15, 2020, 20:25:31
It needs to be a lot lower than that, around 0.5 or less I believe.

Obviously the smaller the better, but anything less than one means there are fewer people transmitting the virus than have it - the average person infects less than one other person

It’s also from what I can gather a fairly fluid and not an exact science, and only really a concern (as in have to do something) if it breaches whatever threshold for multiple days. A bit like the single digit they give each day for deaths - it’s a good temperature check but not worth getting worked up and drawing conclusions off of one day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 15, 2020, 20:36:17
Unrestricted, the virus is estimated to have an R of between 2 and 3.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 15, 2020, 20:59:23
Interesting read.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, May 15, 2020, 21:37:29
It needs to be a lot lower than that, around 0.5 or less I believe.

It only needs to be less than 1.  If it's less than 1 then the amount of people with the virus is reducing, if it's 0.9 then 10 people will pass it on to 9 others and then they pass it on to 8.1 etc etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, May 15, 2020, 21:40:09
Interesting read.

Bloody idiots!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 15, 2020, 21:45:35
Yeah the bar and patrons were. The comments surprisingly to me were unanimous condemnation. Which was good to see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, May 15, 2020, 22:03:27
Interesting read.

Will be exactly the same here, will be queues outside Spoons from 7am

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 15, 2020, 22:59:27
Brazil, based on the numbers available, looks to be in real trouble - 1 in 3 people tested being positive, which is insane given the rest of the world's data.  15k new cases today, 800+ deaths, but those deaths relate back to when they were recording far less on the daily cases several weeks ago.  Would be an odd quirk of stats if they don;t see that rate of deaths increase significantly in a few weeks, especially if those being tested positive are likely pretty sick anyway.

Great time for the President to sack off a second Health Minster in a month for suggesting there was a problem.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 06:03:55
Had a letter last night (by email) from the CEO of our kids primary school trust (The White Horse Federation). There are no penalties for parents who keep their kids off school.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 06:17:18
Let's hope none would be so selfish & stupid to do so.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 06:23:53
This is absolutely horrendous. After allowing Covid to rip through care homes, now the govt are pulling the plug on the scheme that got homeless people off the streets. Always the most vulnerable that they abandon
What is equally horrendous is the shitstorm the government have deliberately rained down on the journalist for daring to report it, getting ever more Orwellian.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 06:35:20
Ah you can depend on the Dutch...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 08:05:35
So we move into Phase 1 in Malaga province on Monday. That will mean the whole of Andalucia has now moved to phase 1, both the costa del sol and the costa tropicale.

It basically means we can now travel around within the province, can meet with up to 10 people- using social distancing. Bars with terraces can open but only 50% of the tables allowed. Churches can reopen at 30%. small shops under 440m squared can open but limit customers.

After the severe lockdown here this feels like a huge step to normality. Some areas of Spain are moving to phase 2 on monday.
However, it is strictly forbidden to cross provinces. saying that each province is pretty large. If you know this part of the world Malaga province stretches from Estepona in the west to Nerja in the east , so a fair old distance.

Monday after work I´m getting on my scooter and going for a ride along the coast!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 10:40:30
Excellent stuff mate.  Enjoy.

We'll just sit and wait for the second wave.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 13:10:23
So we move into Phase 1 in Malaga province on Monday. That will mean the whole of Andalucia has now moved to phase 1, both the costa del sol and the costa tropicale.

It basically means we can now travel around within the province, can meet with up to 10 people- using social distancing. Bars with terraces can open but only 50% of the tables allowed. Churches can reopen at 30%. small shops under 440m squared can open but limit customers.

After the severe lockdown here this feels like a huge step to normality. Some areas of Spain are moving to phase 2 on monday.
However, it is strictly forbidden to cross provinces. saying that each province is pretty large. If you know this part of the world Malaga province stretches from Estepona in the west to Nerja in the east , so a fair old distance.

Monday after work I´m getting on my scooter and going for a ride along the coast!
Chuffed for you, mex, must be a huge relief. Hope it goes well (and if it doesn't, enjoy it while it lasts)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 14:12:59
I see Corbyn’s brother was arrested at the lockdown protest in Hyde Park  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 14:29:50
And no one turned up to the one in Swindon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 14:31:09
I see Corbyn’s brother was arrested at the lockdown protest in Hyde Park  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

I read on here it was a right wing thing  :sherlock:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 14:38:18
Corbyns brother is a bit of a well known loony. Climate change denier as well I think.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 14:39:03
I read on here it was a right wing thing  :sherlock:
He was on a microphone ranting that Coronavirus is made up and a government conspiracy. Total Clown!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 14:59:44
Another 468 COVID deaths in the last 24 hrs.  The pace at which this is coming down is glacial.  Worrying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 15:27:14
Another 468 COVID deaths in the last 24 hrs.  The pace at which this is coming down is glacial.  Worrying.

Dont worry, at least we can go to the beach

Couple of weeks and lockdown will be tightened again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 15:32:54
Another 468 COVID deaths in the last 24 hrs.  The pace at which this is coming down is glacial.  Worrying.

These were infected 2 to 3 weeks ago, so year... big spike in a week or two's time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 15:40:42
Dont worry, at least we can go to the beach

Couple of weeks and lockdown will be tightened again

These idiots won't be happy then!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 16:03:10
I read on here it was a right wing thing  :sherlock:
Just because Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing doesn't mean his brother is. Johnson's siblings are all well to the left of him, indeed his brother Jo resigned from govt in protest at Johnson's Brexit bullshit. Piers Corbyn does seem to align with most of the right-wing conspiracy theories: climate change denial, anti-vaxxer, 5G, the whole nine yards. TBH I don't think he's especially political, just batshit nuts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 16:04:50
Another 468 COVID deaths in the last 24 hrs.  The pace at which this is coming down is glacial.  Worrying.
That seems to be the way it's worked everywhere, or at least everywhere that failed to manage the initial outbreak properly, us, Italy, Spain, France, US. Steep climb, very slow descent.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 16:58:12
There's many examples like that.

Such as Peter Hitchens and Christopher Hitchens. Chalk and cheese.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 19:38:04
Yep, you can't choose your family (not biological anyhoo, well not properly yet).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 19:44:55
Just because Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing doesn't mean his brother is. Johnson's siblings are all well to the left of him, indeed his brother Jo resigned from govt in protest at Johnson's Brexit bullshit. Piers Corbyn does seem to align with most of the right-wing conspiracy theories: climate change denial, anti-vaxxer, 5G, the whole nine yards. TBH I don't think he's especially political, just batshit nuts.

Go far enough left or right and you go round in a circle.  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 22:31:03

These idiots won't be happy then!

Is that Reg Hollis bottom left?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 23:13:54
Another 468 COVID deaths in the last 24 hrs.  The pace at which this is coming down is glacial.  Worrying.

Pace is slow, but hospital deaths are now below levels when lockdown begun. I’d expect total deaths to be near those levels about now or soon also

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, May 16, 2020, 23:17:06
Above was based on this chart. Blue bars are hospital deaths and definitely show those deaths are at pre-lockdown levels. Non-hospital deaths are the green bars, and my conclusion based on the lag of data and available bars shrinking

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Sunday, May 17, 2020, 06:23:30
Go far enough left or right and you go round in a circle.  :)
This does seem to be the case. See Hitler & Stalin. The lefties on here seem to be particularly self-righteous by attempting to suppress opposition and criticism. I do wonder how many of them were brainwashed into it by attending British higher education establishments.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Sunday, May 17, 2020, 07:09:46
I would class myself as a "leftie" but I probably wouldn't use that term. I was radicalised at that well-know hotbed of socialism, Birmingham Polytechnic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, May 17, 2020, 10:14:54
Go far enough left or right and you go round in a circle.  :)

Yep, and at the arc where they meet, there's often a compromise to be made like calling themselves 'National Socialists'  :wink:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Sunday, May 17, 2020, 11:32:37
Yep, and at the arc where they meet, there's often a compromise to be made like calling themselves 'National Socialists'  :wink:
I deliberately chose the phrase "attempting to suppress opposition and criticism" as that is a definition I found about facism & Nazism. In my view it also described the attitudes of some posters on here who seem to lean to the left. Any dissent to their view is immediately jumped on. Whereas my attitude is "Come on in me old mate. Let's have a cup of tea and discuss it".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 17, 2020, 12:07:53
I elect to ignore them

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Sunday, May 17, 2020, 16:45:10
Yep, and at the arc where they meet, there's often a compromise to be made like calling themselves 'National Socialists'  :wink:

The Socialist part of the name was redundant after the Bamberg Conference.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, May 17, 2020, 18:17:40
I had been wondering why the daily tests completed vs the number of people being tested had been so different in the last week or so.

After looking on the gov website it appears that the pillar 4 testing doesn't contribute to the number of people tested but does for the number of tests completed and in yesterday's numbers this accounted for 31k of tests.

Pillar 4 is the serology and swab testing for national surveillance supported by PHE, ONS, Biobank, universities and other partners to learn more about the prevalence and spread of the virus and for other testing research purposes, for example on the accuracy and ease of use of home testing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Monday, May 18, 2020, 00:38:19
This does seem to be the case. See Hitler & Stalin. The lefties on here seem to be particularly self-righteous by attempting to suppress opposition and criticism. I do wonder how many of them were brainwashed into it by attending British higher education establishments.

not much brainwashing at The Hatfield Polytechnic (although I did get thrown out of Essex University)
Quite happy to hear what you want to say and quite happy to argue with you

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, May 18, 2020, 09:46:18
Give me strength

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 08:36:48

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 09:34:01
ONS stats out today, with the usual week and a half lag. Total excess deaths as of May 8th stand at 54,522. The good news is that the excess mortality figure is declining week on week, but still a shocking total.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 14:03:51
Just been shopping, that's the worst people have been regarding keeping distance. Fucking idiots walking straight past.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 14:23:21
Give me strength

Reminds me of this...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 15:11:55
ONS stats out today, with the usual week and a half lag. Total excess deaths as of May 8th stand at 54,522. The good news is that the excess mortality figure is declining week on week, but still a shocking total.

Not so good news coming out of China

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 15:47:36
Just been shopping, that's the worst people have been regarding keeping distance. Fucking idiots walking straight past.
sounds like Asda orbital  day 1 of lockdown!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 20:04:09
So they fucked the app up as well which was obvious. Now no one will trust the next incarnation, or indeed any the govt sanction from now on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 07:05:07
So they fucked the app up as well which was obvious. Now no one will trust the next incarnation, or indeed any the govt sanction from now on.
Assume you're referring to the "data breach"? If so, that's not the app per se but whichever absolute fucking gibbon decided it would be a good idea to entrust the contact tracing system to fucking Serco needs to go and have a long hard look at themselves in the mirror. And then smash that mirror over their heads. I mean it's not like it's anything important, it's only the future of the country's health and economy that depends on getting this right FFS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 08:06:37
Buckland's just admitted on Sky News that the govt sacrificed care homes to protect the NHS

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 08:47:32
From The Times, what a lovely country we are...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 09:14:06
Assume you're referring to the "data breach"? If so, that's not the app per se but whichever absolute fucking gibbon decided it would be a good idea to entrust the contact tracing system to fucking Serco needs to go and have a long hard look at themselves in the mirror. And then smash that mirror over their heads. I mean it's not like it's anything important, it's only the future of the country's health and economy that depends on getting this right FFS.

Yeah. I would like to nominate that Hancock chap as the Gibbon. Health minister yes, but when questioned he got the arse ache and said it was "very secure"  I hope he knows more about health than Cyber Security although I doubt that. Anyways I have a friend who lives on IOW and high risk. I told him not to download it in any circumstance. Glad I did now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 09:16:23
Yeah. I would like to nominate that Hancock chap as the Gibbon. Health minister yes, but when questioned he got the arse ache and said it was "very secure"  I hope he knows more about health than Cyber Security although I doubt that. Anyways I have a friend who lives on IOW and high risk. I told him not to download it in any circumstance. Glad I did now.

I have no time for Hancock, however it is becoming clear that in the hierarchy of scapegoats being lined up to protect the government/Johnson, he is the first minister due under the bus once the scientists have taken the blame for long enough.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 09:21:14
I have no time for Hancock, however it is becoming clear that in the hierarchy of scapegoats being lined up to protect the government/Johnson, he is the first minister due under the bus once the scientists have taken the blame for long enough.
Good. He's an arsehole. That doesn't mean those above him aren't, but there's plenty of blame to go round for over 60,000 deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 09:46:37
They will need a big bus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 09:55:35
One thing crossed my mind yesterday, its very obvious that our elected leaders are not keeping up with social distancing.

I have been attending a heck of a lot of webinars with other planners/surveyors/QC's etc and its noticeable in all cases that the professional photos for those people which appear in the presentations (I have one taken at my old employers that I use, makes me look like a door to door insurance salesman) differ hugely from the unkept mess on the top of their heads at the present time, our elected leaders have been having crafty hair cuts! 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 11:00:45
Or they are doing what I risked yesterday, letting the missus loose with a pair of clippers?

I survived thankfully

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 11:25:28
Quote from: pauld
Buckland's just admitted on Sky News that the govt sacrificed care homes to protect the NHS (

if you can't do both, one has to be priority.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 11:54:23
I'm in town and some fuckwit just breezed right next to me, the path is about 40ft wide ffs. I just think some are doing it to be bolshy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 11:57:58
if you can't do both, one has to be priority.
But you still don't need to send elderly COVID patients back to care homes without tests or without informing the care homes that they have tested positive. That's just irresponsible. The fundamental issue here, as with the decision to abandon testing outside hospitals in March, is that we knew something was coming in January but failed to prepare for it. Even after that, we saw what was going on in Italy and were 3 weeks behind them and we just sat back and relied on herd immunity and fuck the pensioners. And they died in their thousands as a result.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 12:01:17
And again. Some token scruffy bastard with the dog that looks like them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 12:30:16
Just an average calne resident

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 12:45:58
But you still don't need to send elderly COVID patients back to care homes without tests or without informing the care homes that they have tested positive. That's just irresponsible genocide. The fundamental issue here, as with the decision to abandon testing outside hospitals in March, is that we knew something was coming in January but failed to prepare for it. Even after that, we saw what was going on in Italy and were 3 weeks behind them and we just sat back and relied on herd immunity and fuck the pensioners. And they died in their thousands as a result.

Corrected for you.

He is morphing into Trump isn't he...

Speaking at Prime Minister's Questions in the Commons, Sir Keir asked why there had been no effective attempt to trace the contacts of those infected with Covid-19 since 12 March.

Mr Johnson replied: "We have growing confidence that we will have a test, track and trace operation that will be world-beating and yes, it will be in place by June 1."

I note the BBC correspondent basically accepts that he is talking bollocks but makes little more of it!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 13:05:42
Yes he is. The longer it goes on, the more out of his depth he is. What that said to me is we'll have posted something, that may or may not work, and most certainly will be hacked within a week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 13:17:45
Good. He's an arsehole. That doesn't mean those above him aren't, but there's plenty of blame to go round for over 60,000 deaths.

Nearly got chucked out of PMQ's he's losing it...

Perhaps he needs to mind his tone?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 13:23:05
They will need a big bus.

It's OK they have a big red one with £350k written on the side of it..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 13:23:44
Yes he is. The longer it goes on, the more out of his depth he is. What that said to me is we'll have posted something, that may or may not work, and most certainly will be hacked within a week.

From Private Eye this week the Test and Trace Programme which leads the app is chaired by Baroness Harding (a Tory peer and wife of Tory MP John Penrose), previously she was Chief Exec of Talk Talk when the were hacked out of 4m customer log ins and bank details in 2015, so ideally suited to the job.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 13:33:30
if you can't do both, one has to be priority.

More evidence of Hancocks protective ring...

Transcript from BBC Radio 4, ‘File on 4’ programme


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 13:43:07
Nearly got chucked out of PMQ's he's losing it...

Perhaps he needs to mind his tone?

I dont think I've disliked a politician as much since Blair, and that's hard to achieve.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 14:01:18
if you can't do both, one has to be priority.

Aren't the majority of care homes privately owned and owners make an absolute fortune from them?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 14:30:55
Aren't the majority of care homes privately owned and owners make an absolute fortune from them?
a) as a direct result of govt policy in running down the state social care sector
b) the residents are still entitled to be protected from a global pandemic
c) are you suggesting that private care home owners should have developed their own Covid19 tests and established their own testing regime to do so?
d) It was govt policy to push patients back into care homes without telling care homes that they had tested +ve or without testing them at all so that they could claim they'd protected the NHS. Which is the root cause of much of the deaths

I'm not necessarily a big fan of the private care home sector but the massive wave of deaths in that sector is a direct result of govt's failure to prepare and then trying to sweep the problem under the care home carpet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 16:07:07
I am trying to watch the daily briefing and stay calm. 

Big question came into my mind is "where the fuck are they getting these fuckwits from to stand there and read this shit"? Who the fuck is Oliver Dowden?  My lad suggested that they are getting out of work actors in, bunging them a script and saying "you're on!" - I think he might be onto something

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 16:19:54
I am trying to watch the daily briefing and stay calm. 

Big question came into my mind is "where the fuck are they getting these fuckwits from to stand there and read this shit"? Who the fuck is Oliver Dowden?  My lad suggested that they are getting out of work actors in, bunging them a script and saying "you're on!" - I think he might be onto something

He is the man that the people of Hertsmere have voted as their MP since 2015.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 16:23:21
Thank you.  Note to self - avoid Hertsmere at all costs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 16:59:34
Aren't the majority of care homes privately owned and owners make an absolute fortune from them?
My view is that the Government (and its supporters) is taking the "care home fatcats" should have been able to obtain their own PPE to deflect it from the criticism it is facing with regard to the lack of protevction afforded to care homes.

A bit rich from the private sector-loving party.

Governments of both hues have failed to address adult social care because they see it as too difficult and not a one term issue.

The system is essentially a hybrid of private care and means-tested care via the State.

Although the fees seem high, care home operators are rightly subject to very high standards.  Some care homes that manage to attract 90-100% of privately paying patients are actually both profitable and efficient.  Nothing wrong with that but a sort of U.S. private model.

Others, who have a mix of residents, privately funded and local authority funded struggle to maintain the high standards (not usually through lack of dedication) because the local authority pays the care home so little.  There have been insolvencies and there will likely be more (especially where there have been deaths as people are understandably reluctant to take up beds in care homes just now).  

Here in Surrey, local authorities might pay about £35,000 p.a. ++ against a private rate of £65,000 p.a. ++ or more. Privately funded residents are effectively subsidising means-tested residents.

The local authorities rely on Council Tax and or Govt grants to fund care but the local authorities get the rap for raising Council Tax.  Or the Care Homes get it when their systems falter because of their depleted income.

With a growing elderly demographic, Governments just keep kicking this can down the road because no one, not the residents (or their children sometimes in line to inherit) and not taxpayers in general really want to pay for the care.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 07:36:12
With a growing elderly demographic, Governments just keep kicking this can down the road because no one, not the residents (or their children sometimes in line to inherit) and not taxpayers in general really want to pay for the care.
Indeed, although there are suggestions this morning that the govt intends to take steps to tackle the issue finally. Although remember Cameron's coalition govt actually had legislation passed but bottled out enacting it.

And of course while this might provide the long-needed reforms, it will do nothing to tackle the immediate wave of death in care homes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 08:24:16
Thank you.  Note to self - avoid Hertsmere at all costs.

Someone else quite likes him...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 08:25:26
Indeed, although there are suggestions this morning that the govt intends to take steps to tackle the issue finally. Although remember Cameron's coalition govt actually had legislation passed but bottled out enacting it.

And of course while this might provide the long-needed reforms, it will do nothing to tackle the immediate wave of death in care homes

Wasn't May looking at something, what was branded the Dementia Tax??

This is horrendous

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 10:03:02
This is horrendous
Sippo, you should have a look at this, does a very good job of explaining in human terms the systemic failures in the care home system. And the report he did for Newsnight:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 10:07:51
Having seen who has been drafted in as second in command to help put in the test and trace capability I’ve got zero faith that it will ever work effectively

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 12:02:24
Of course it won't. B&B. Bodgers and bluffers all of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 13:23:58
Of course it won't. B&B. Bodgers and bluffers all of them.
But but .... private sector efficiencies .... outsourcing to improve quality ..... world beating ..... we are now paying the price for a slavish ideological commitment to privatising even core public health functions in lives

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 13:25:40
But but .... private sector efficiencies .... outsourcing to improve quality ..... world beating ..... we are now paying the price for a slavish ideological commitment to privatising even core public health functions in lives

I don't understand why there is this obsession with it being 'world beating', most people would be happy if it just fucking existed and worked?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 13:30:43
I don't understand why there is this obsession with it being 'world beating', most people would be happy if it just fucking existed and worked?
It's all part of the petty nationalist British exceptionalism that led to the govt ignoring WHO advice and the evidence of what was happening elsewhere in the world and why we now have over 60,000 dead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 13:53:46
It's all part of the petty nationalist British exceptionalism that led to the govt ignoring WHO advice and the evidence of what was happening elsewhere in the world and why we now have over 60,000 dead.

To be fair, I think it’s English exceptionalism. The Welsh, Scots and Northern Irish don’t appear to be quite so full of hubris as our lot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 14:04:16
To be fair, I think it’s English exceptionalism. The Welsh, Scots and Northern Irish don’t appear to be quite so full of hubris as our lot.
Fair point

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 14:06:37
With it Bank Holiday monday, it is an ideal time to shut all shops and all work (apart from emergency services) for the three days.

Then let's see the count.

Or let's just let everyone fuck off to the beach.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 14:16:53
I don't understand why there is this obsession with it being 'world beating', most people would be happy if it just fucking existed and worked?
I have to say I find this kind of spurious posturing, which is quite irrelevant to the rather serious job in hand, to be vomit-inducing (not lich) and likely premature, anyway.

Do we think the likes of Edison, the Curie siblings or Alexander Fleming postured so needily?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 14:25:02
Do we think the likes of Edison, the Curie siblings or Alexander Fleming postured so needily?
It's a very good point given that so much of science these days depends on international collaboration. For example, the "Oxford" vaccine project actually involves scientists collaborating from over 60 different countries, as the scientists themselves are keen to point out but the media and politcians continually play down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 14:29:41
To be fair, I think it’s English exceptionalism. The Welsh, Scots and Northern Irish don’t appear to be quite so full of hubris as our lot.

Spot on.  I don't think 'British Exceptionalism' exists, to tell the truth.  It's a very English thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 14:38:43
Astonishing report in the usually slavishly pro-Johnson Telegraph: Britain could have avoided three quarters of the Covid19 deaths if we had gone into lockdown a week earlier AND had a shorter and so less economically damaging lockdown. The govt's failure to act, always doing too little too late, has been catastrophic both economically and in terms of the death toll

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 14:41:43
It's a very good point given that so much of science these days depends on international collaboration. For example, the "Oxford" vaccine project actually involves scientists collaborating from over 60 different countries, as the scientists themselves are keen to point out but the media and politcians continually play down.

Talking of scientists, I suspect this narrative we are drifting towards of suggesting that the scientists got the science wrong and provided piss poor advice that the government followed will fall on its arse when the government learn that rule 1 of being a scientist, as with any professional role where one has to justify things and be subjected to peer review is to make sure you keep rigorous records and can show your working.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 14:47:09
Spot on.  I don't think 'British Exceptionalism' exists, to tell the truth.  It's a very English thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 14:59:03
Astonishing report in the usually slavishly pro-Johnson Telegraph: Britain could have avoided three quarters of the Covid19 deaths if we had gone into lockdown a week earlier AND had a shorter and so less economically damaging lockdown. The govt's failure to act, always doing too little too late, has been catastrophic both economically and in terms of the death toll

This would be akin to finding a report in Pravda in the 1930s criticising Stalin.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 15:30:55
Johnson in "actually doing the right thing" shock. OK, he tried not to and the U-turn was only forced on him by sustained public and political pressure, but credit where it's due, better to do the right thing eventually than not at all

NB this is a good example of exactly why the idea that the govt should only be subject to scrutiny *after* the crisis is over is wrong. Sometimes that scrutiny can limit the damage of a horrendous decision and cause govt to reconsider when left to their own devices they'd make a massive bolllocks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 15:37:16
Johnson in "actually doing the right thing" shock. OK, he tried not to and the U-turn was only forced on him by sustained public and political pressure, but credit where it's due, better to do the right thing eventually than not at all

NB this is a good example of exactly why the idea that the govt should only be subject to scrutiny *after* the crisis is over is wrong. Sometimes that scrutiny can limit the damage of a horrendous decision and cause govt to reconsider when left to their own devices they'd make a massive bolllocks

One thing this crisis has shown is that whilst politicians hate making U turns, the public are generally unbothered about such things if the right thing is being done.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 19:29:04
Fingers crossed for you Si!

I was thinking more with my historians rather than economists hat on.

Shit, I hope things pan out OK for you.

Thanks both. My team if they want it continue are very much. needed. Me, I think I'm expected to stay on but not in any managerial capacity. Salary wise I may be the same or even better off if so.

We're looking at a 70% shrinkage in workforce.

Very lucky if what I understand is true. The uncertainty is where I fit in but I'll do ok

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 20:03:12
Thanks both. My team if they want it continue are very much. needed. Me, I think I'm expected to stay on but not in any managerial capacity. Salary wise I may be the same or even better off if so.

We're looking at a 70% shrinkage in workforce.

Very lucky if what I understand is true. The uncertainty is where I fit in but I'll do ok
That's good to hear Si, hope that pans out the way you're hearing. Every time I feel like moaning about lockdown etc I remind myself I'm very fortunate to still be in work. And try not to think about the fact my contract only runs till October.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 20:08:44
Some good news for Sippo :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, May 21, 2020, 21:32:26
Some good news for Sippo :)

Little breath of wind and 2m becomes 6m.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 22, 2020, 13:43:13
Some positive news. Or perhaps news of early indications of potential positive news

"The first human trial of a COVID-19 vaccine finds that it is safe, well-tolerated, and induces a rapid immune response. “These results represent an important milestone.”"

(Richard Horton is editor of The Lancet, one of the oldest and most famous medical journals in the world. AKA he knows his shit)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, May 22, 2020, 14:40:54
Some good news for Sippo :)

That first pint is going to be immense

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 22, 2020, 15:00:23
That first pint is going to be immense

Sucker. We've all been going to the pub for weeks..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, May 22, 2020, 19:44:08
Dominic Cummings being cunty again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, May 22, 2020, 20:37:55
Typical of the metropolitan elite to think that the rules apply to others but not to them really, isn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, May 22, 2020, 22:15:25
We can all kick up a stink about Cummings, but he’s not going to be kicked out of number 10 is he, no matter how badly he acted

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 22, 2020, 22:39:33
If Johnson was bullet-proof, I'd see the point.  But I don't think he is any more.  I don't think that this is going to go away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:11:16
Starmer really seems to be turning the tables, yet he seems to be doing so with so little drama. Impressive considering the tories have such a majority.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:14:34
Starmer really seems to be turning the tables, yet he seems to be doing so with so little drama. Impressive considering the tories have such a majority.

He is far too intelligent for Johnson, and clearly a better politician. It’s good to see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:18:53
We can all kick up a stink about Cummings, but he’s not going to be kicked out of number 10 is he, no matter how badly he acted

He'll just go back to being in the shadows a bit like a Diamond Mike or Standing/Barry

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:19:50
Cummings caught breaking lock-down rules.

Kuenssberg is on twitter defending him. Your licence fee pays her salary.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:31:33
Yet another distraction.

New confirmed infections over 3,000 yesterday, around 6 times more than Italy.

Red, white and blue virus. Rule Britannia.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:34:18
Cummings caught breaking lock-down rules.

Kuenssberg is on twitter defending him. Your licence fee pays her salary.

Also watch for the narative shift to blaming NHS staff for offing the oldies onto care homes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:35:46
I have pitch forks and flaming torches for you all to hire. Witches ducking stool Temporarily out of stock, held up at the docks. Ran out after a run of sales relating to all Nigel Farages and Boris Johnson’s ‘crimes’. No charges and wrongful prosecutions resulted which is just as well as we cannot bring back To life a dead body. I’m not a fan of Cummings, which may surprise some of you but I’d say wait for due process before screaming like a premenstrual female.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:41:53
I have pitch forks and flaming torches for you all to hire. Witches ducking stool Temporarily out of stock, held up at the docks. Ran out after a run of sales relating to all Nigel Farages and Boris Johnson’s ‘crimes’. No charges and wrongful prosecutions resulted which is just as well as we cannot bring back To life a dead body. I’m not a fan of Cummings, which may surprise some of you but I’d say wait for due process before screaming like a premenstrual female.

My problem isn't necessarilly with Cummings. He's just another of the many bellends who appears to think the rules don't apply to him.

My problem is with Kuenssberg or, more to the point, another example of clear bias from a publicly funded national broadcaster. I don't care which side of the fence you are on, it is something that should concern everybody. Next time it might be your team that's on the receiving end.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:49:46
It seems that the rules have changed regarding lockdown and some people seem to think coronavirus has gone away. Loads of people out and about now, and social distancing forgotten by quite a few.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 08:59:51
It seems that the rules have changed regarding lockdown and some people seem to think coronavirus has gone away. Loads of people out and about now

That’s probably because the rules did change. The government allows everyone to go outside for unlimited exercise and outdoor recreation with members of your household or one other person. You can also travel to do so without any restriction on distance (in England).

It’s the government that have allowed this.

As for people ignoring social distancing; Yep - lots of cretins. Just look at the VE Day street parties and congas for starters.  The fact that the media celebrated this idiocy might well cause the hard-of-thinking to conclude the virus has gone away

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 09:02:33
My problem is with Kuenssberg or, more to the point, another example of clear bias from a publicly funded national broadcaster.

BBC News in general, and Kuenssberg in particular, have been contravening the BBC charter regards impartiality for quite some time now. Meanwhile, the DG, an Oxbridge PPE type, turns a blind eye.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 09:02:46
I have pitch forks and flaming torches for you all to hire. Witches ducking stool Temporarily out of stock, held up at the docks. Ran out after a run of sales relating to all Nigel Farages and Boris Johnson’s ‘crimes’. No charges and wrongful prosecutions resulted which is just as well as we cannot bring back To life a dead body. I’m not a fan of Cummings, which may surprise some of you but I’d say wait for due process before screaming like a premenstrual female.

Would love to hear your hot take if the Daily Mail had caught Corbyn breaching lockdown. And if it had been Diane Abbott I think you could have quite possibly jizzed in your own face as you scrambled for the keyboard

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 09:03:02
My problem isn't necessarilly with Cummings. He's just another of the many bellends who appears to think the rules don't apply to him.

My problem is with Kuenssberg or, more to the point, another example of clear bias from a publicly funded national broadcaster. I don't care which side of the fence you are on, it is something that should concern everybody. Next time it might be your team that's on the receiving end.  

I think she might just be a truly awful journalist. She reports verbatim what no.10 have told her, then says someone else is calling for accountability and she thinks that's balance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 09:13:55
Would love to hear your hot take if the Daily Mail had caught Corbyn breaching lockdown. And if it had been Diane Abbott I think you could have quite possibly jizzed in your own face as you scrambled for the keyboard

Likely moans "Ohh Cummings" when spaffing over said keyboard. Childish, I know but then the whole 'I heart Farage' rhetoric does wear thin.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 10:27:23
Cummings won't resign voluntarily. And Johnson won't fire him willingly. Three things you need to remember about Johnson: he's enormously lazy, he's a massive coward and he's incredibly arrogant. He can't be arsed to do the actual hard work of running the country, that's Cummings' job, he had to be forced to even do some basic prep for PMQs after two weeks of floundering. He just wants to float about and pop up occasionally when there's some good news to announce so he can boost his popularity, he has no idea how to deal with actual difficulties. Much like Trump, he's a vanity PM. So he's terrified of the prospect of losing Cummings, because he's his shield. And he doesn't think the rules apply to him or to Cummings or Gove or anyone in power, the rules are just for the little people. TBF he has ample evidence to back that up throughout his own career of sailing through all those "red lines" that would have led to immediate career end for any politician in the past. So if Cummings is forced out, it's a sign that Johnson is extremely weak and probably one more fuck-up away from Gove's next power grab. My money would be on Cummings staying because the people in power have realised now they don't even need to pretend to abide by the rules. Johnson being elected showed them that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 10:29:32
Lefties in shoot at Tory tall poppy shocker.

Move on

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 10:45:11
No 10 now actively lying in saying that Cummings acted in line with guidelines. As a reminder these are the guidelines for what you must do if you have symptoms of Covid19

"Can I leave my home if I'm self-isolating?

If you or someone you live with has symptoms of coronavirus:

    do not leave your home for any reason – if you need food or medicine, order it online or by phone, or ask someone to deliver it to your home
    do not have visitors in your home – including friends and family
    do any exercise at home – you can use your garden, if you have one"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 10:52:11
Is it because his advice has effectively stamped on the red threat?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 11:04:41
Worrying implications.  In the space of a few weeks, govt advice has gone from 'Stay at Home' to 'Stay Alert' to 'Do what the fuck you like'.

I accept that there has to be proportionality/common sense applied.  And I'm happy to admit that when our family walks have taken us past my parents' house - about a mile from ours - I've called them 5 mins before we got there to have a pavement-to-porch chat from a distance of 4 metres or so.  And I'm sure some might even disagree with even that.  But what Cummings has done is simply not within what any reasonable person would consider to be acceptable or within the rules.  Neil Ferguson went.  Catherine Calderwood went.  And Cummings must go now as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 11:13:44
Classic Dom.

Now where’s that Russia report?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 11:16:02
Good tweet by Richard Jolly

Dominic Cummings travelled further in lockdown with coronavirus than Crewe Alexandra have ever gone for a competitive game in their 143-year history.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 11:41:25
Part time prime minister, continual hypocrisy, lies and excuses from those supposed to be leading the nation through the biggest crisis since WW2. They're a fucking disgrace. Totally incompetent and dishonest to the core.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 13:25:48
I’m sure Johnson will clear all of this up when he returns to work on Wednesday to do PMQs

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 13:27:23
I’m sure Johnson will clear all of this up when he returns to work on Wednesday to do PMQs

They’re on recess for two weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 13:59:39
The memo has clearly gone out to the cabinet. They've all been tweeting their bullshit excuses for Cummings this afternoon. They're so cringe I'm finding it quite funny.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 14:07:40
yup. Bollocks brigade are out in full force

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 14:26:29
Lots of cabinet ministers being told very clearly that they need to tweet defences. If anyone believes for half a second that the same events with a footballer or an opposition MP as the protagonist get the same response then I have a bridge and two water cannon to sell you.

My side good, their side bad is one of the most painfully transparent problems with our politics now. I don't really know how we get away from it, but it's pretty grim.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 14:54:37
It's the Post-Truth Era.  Acceptable, seemingly, for a govt to assert that up = down & that wrong = right.  Deny, stonewall & obfuscate, and it will all go away.  And then it will never have happened.  This govt is openly gaslighting the electorate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 15:00:09
It's making my head hurt.  The absolute complete lies.  Its painful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 15:16:06
Not covering themselves in glory in this presser are they?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 15:21:00
Still it's all a useful distraction from the fact that 1000s of people have needlessly died as a result of their incompetence, 63,000 excess deaths according to the FT


"Herd immunity, protect the economy, a few thousand pensioners die". Classic Dom.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 15:40:47
It's making my head hurt.  The absolute complete lies.  Its painful.

Cumming's wife's sister apparently lives in London.  His closest aide apparently lives 2 streets away.

Why make that journey just for people to leave food outside your house when you could stay in London and do the same?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 15:42:38
Because the guidance is for the proles not for you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 16:00:47
The only thing „world beating“ is their incompetence

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 16:19:41
A couple weeks back, a mate asked me to do a mock up of the newly released government slogan. Most will know the background of the words used but they apply so incredibly accurate to the imposters we have in parliament.

Ardiles reminded me :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 16:21:35

I had to google that. I look forward to using it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 16:46:44

I had to google that. I look forward to using it.

It is a good 'un, not sure if it's been used/seen on the TEF before. But if you know what show those three terms come from, you'll definitely have seen it before :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RWB Robin on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 17:21:40
Grant Shapps was appalling in dealing with the Cummings affair, on the National Briefing this afternoon,  trying to avoid answering, referring repeatedly to the Deputy chief scientific officer, and looking extraordinarily shifty.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 17:24:02
It is a good 'un, not sure if it's been used/seen on the TEF before. But if you know what show those three terms come from, you'll definitely have seen it before :)

TEF has been around a longish time and lots of stuff has gone on in the past.... a good thing is it is mostly retrievable.

So inveigle.....   quoting myself from 2006

I lost a bit of respect for Reeeeves, when I saw him in a drinking establishment I frequent, out with Iffy and Woan.   Not because of that, but the rough dog he was trying to inveigle himself upon in a darkened corner.....come on  I know he's no oil painting and from Birkenhead, but even old footballers should have more class and leave the rough stuff to us mere mortals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 17:26:00
It is a good 'un, not sure if it's been used/seen on the TEF before. But if you know what show those three terms come from, you'll definitely have seen it before :)

Just one previous recorded use of the word - by Reg 14 years ago.

Alan Reeves SIGNS .... (

I lost a bit of respect for Reeeeves, when I saw him in a drinking establishment I frequent, out with Iffy and Woan.   Not because of that, but the rough dog he was trying to inveigle himself upon in a darkened corner.....come on  I know he's no oil painting and from Birkenhead, but even old footballers should have more class and leave the rough stuff to us mere mortals.

Edit: Beaten to it by the man himself!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 18:50:58
See Cummins was spotted numerous times out and about in Durham, flouting the rules

Also see grant shapps has said it’s up to people to decide how they follow the rules, which is a bizzare take

What an absolute incompetent bunch of idiots. How many of the cabinet could you see being competent enough to be a senior manager at your job??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 18:51:22
Mirror have played a blinder here.  Release the first story.  Allow all the Cabinet to come out saying Cummings had done nothing wrong.  And then release the second story.  Bravo.

Dominic Cummings ignored coronavirus lockdown rules for a second time to visit his parents more than 250 miles away, the Sunday Mirror can reveal.

Boris Johnson’s top aide was spotted with his wife in Houghall Woods near the family’s Durham home two weeks after the first sighting.

Fellow walkers said they were taken aback to see the Prime Minister’s senior official so far from London at the height of the lockdown on April 19

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 18:57:43
 Sorry Ardiles.

 I've now got this horrible image in my head of Reeeves, slobbering all over this bird, wonder if it was his missus?

 I'm minded to think that was the time of protests against the running and ownership of STFC.  Why should it be there was enough fire in the bellies of some fans then, but not now  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 19:04:31
Mirror have played a blinder here.  Release the first story.  Allow all the Cabinet to come out saying Cummings had done nothing wrong.  And then release the second story.  Bravo.

Dominic Cummings ignored coronavirus lockdown rules for a second time to visit his parents more than 250 miles away, the Sunday Mirror can reveal.

Boris Johnson’s top aide was spotted with his wife in Houghall Woods near the family’s Durham home two weeks after the first sighting.

Fellow walkers said they were taken aback to see the Prime Minister’s senior official so far from London at the height of the lockdown on April 19

And for those who've missed the significance of the second shoe dropping, Gove, Sunak, Suellerman, Hancock and No 10 all today came out to defend Cummings on the grounds that he was just doing what was best to ensure his young son could be looked after (which is bullshit, but it was their line). But April 19th was after Cummings had returned to work having recovered from the virus. So even that excuse doesn't stand. He just doesn't think the rules, or the laws, apply to him. Or any of them. Classic Dom.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 19:05:52
See Cummins was spotted numerous times out and about in Durham, flouting the rules

Also see grant shapps has said it’s up to people to decide how they follow the rules, which is a bizzare take

What an absolute incompetent bunch of idiots. How many of the cabinet could you see being competent enough to be a senior manager at your job??

The first instance was inexcusable yet Tory sycophants have tried today. They will again with this too  :popcorn:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 19:17:17
cockroaches survive.

it's going to be buried after the initial wave of indignation. disgusting.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 20:21:21
Durham police now coming out to contradict No 10 lie that they didn't speak to Cummings' family by confirming they spoke to his father at his request. Lie upon lie upon lie.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 20:26:16
The tories could settle this with an apology. Instead they choose to drag it out.

I'm not suggesting that Cummings did it deliberately as a distraction, but it may be turning out to be convenient that he did.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 20:28:46
Durham police now coming out to contradict No 10 lie that they didn't speak to Cummings' family by confirming they spoke to his father at his request. Lie upon lie upon lie.

Do you have a link, Paul?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 20:32:02
people had to go through some serious personal shit to obey rules as written.

it makes me fucking angry when anybody takes the piss , I mean normal people

Cummings being the most senior government advisor ignoring them is the biggest piss take of them all. Deserves the witch hunt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 20:41:39
Do you have a link, Paul?

Also being reported in the Daily Johnson although currently only in their "Live News" section so probably won't be in this link after a few hours, but I've quoted it below:

"Durham Constabulary have contracted* claims that Dominic Cummings was not spoken to by police about allegations he had broken the lockdown in March.

"On Tuesday, March 31, our officers were made aware that Dominic Cummings had travelled from London to Durham and was present at an address in the city. At the request of Mr Cummings’ father, an officer made contact the following morning by telephone," the force said in a written statement.

Since the story first broke, Mr Cummings has been engulfed in fresh claims that he had broken the lockdown a second time after eyewitnesses said that he made another 260 mile trip from London to Durham in April.

The new revelations undermined a bid by 10 Downing Street to shore up the position of the Prime Minister's chief adviser."

*I think they mean "contradicted", but tbf it's not really a serious newspaper any more so can't expect them to know English and words and stuff

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 20:59:44

Also being reported in the Daily Johnson although currently only in their "Live News" section so probably won't be in this link after a few hours, but I've quoted it below:

"Durham Constabulary have contracted* claims that Dominic Cummings was not spoken to by police about allegations he had broken the lockdown in March.

"On Tuesday, March 31, our officers were made aware that Dominic Cummings had travelled from London to Durham and was present at an address in the city. At the request of Mr Cummings’ father, an officer made contact the following morning by telephone," the force said in a written statement.

Since the story first broke, Mr Cummings has been engulfed in fresh claims that he had broken the lockdown a second time after eyewitnesses said that he made another 260 mile trip from London to Durham in April.

The new revelations undermined a bid by 10 Downing Street to shore up the position of the Prime Minister's chief adviser."

*I think they mean "contradicted", but tbf it's not really a serious newspaper any more so can't expect them to know English and words and stuff

Cheers, mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 21:00:38
If you read the 21:27 update in that Live feed, it indicates that the govt are denying the 2nd trip took place at all.  Getting surreal now. :popcorn:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 21:01:33
If you read the 21:27 update in that Live feed, it indicates that the govt are denying the 2nd trip took place at all.  Getting surreal now. :popcorn:
They've gone full Trump - fake noooz

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 21:03:01
Is there any evidence (other than verbal accounts) to show that he did, I wonder?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 21:12:46
Classic Dom.

Now where’s that Russia report?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 22:14:21
My problem isn't necessarilly with Cummings. He's just another of the many bellends who appears to think the rules don't apply to him.

My problem is with Kuenssberg or, more to the point, another example of clear bias from a publicly funded national broadcaster. I don't care which side of the fence you are on, it is something that should concern everybody. Next time it might be your team that's on the receiving end.  

I haven’t watched Kuenssberg, Rigbymortis or any of them for a number of weeks, even stopped reading the newspapers. So I’m going by snippets TBF.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 07:21:08
Is there any evidence (other than verbal accounts) to show that he did, I wonder?
Apparently the named source can prove he was at the tourist site, but it's going to be damn hard to prove Cummings was also there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 07:29:05
Looks like Grant Shapps drew the short straw; duty minister for the Bank holiday weekend.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 07:55:10
Is there any evidence (other than verbal accounts) to show that he did, I wonder?

Cumming’s vehicle (number plate was shown in footage yesterday) would have passed numerous ANPR cameras from London to Durham. It’s easily proven exactly when there was travel. There will even be pictures of who was driving. I could access that information but no doubt I’d be sacked immediately (quite rightly - I would have broken DPA rules).

The only thing holding this back now is The Establishment. How ironic that it’s an unelected member of the London elite that’s in control. Just what Brexiteers profess to loathe so much.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 07:57:58
Cumming’s vehicle (number plate was shown in footage yesterday) would have passed numerous ANPR cameras from London to Durham. It’s easily proven exactly when there was travel. There will even be pictures of who was driving. I could access that information but no doubt I’d be sacked immediately (quite rightly - I would have broken DPA rules).

The only thing holding this back now is The Establishment. How ironic that it’s an unelected member of the London elite that’s in control. Just what Brexiteers profess to loathe so much.

What do you do work wise? I have access to that system as well, like you i would be sacked if checked that information

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 08:03:48
What do you do work wise? I have access to that system as well, like you i would be sacked if checked that information

I’m a civilian criminal investigator. I investigate criminal networks so ANPR data gets used a lot.  Govt must know this will prove exactly what happened and when plus high likelihood of photos of driver and passenger

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 08:06:00
I’m a civilian criminal investigator. I investigate criminal networks so ANPR data gets used a lot.  Govt must know this will prove exactly what happened and when plus high likelihood of photos of driver and passenger

Nice, i work in Force Intel/PNC department

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 08:16:39
Nice, i work in Force Intel/PNC department

Nice one. So you’ll understand from a practical point of view better than most just how easily this can be proven or disproven?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 08:30:07
The Sunday Mail front page headline today.

‘Boris: at least he wasn’t going to see a lover’

So that makes it alright then?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 08:33:10
Nice one. So you’ll understand from a practical point of view better than most just how easily this can be proven or disproven?

Yep, easily proven, everything is so easily auditable

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 09:02:46
The Sunday Mail front page headline today.

‘Boris: at least he wasn’t going to see a lover’

So that makes it alright then?

Yet :girlgiggle:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 09:06:00
Yep, easily proven, everything is so easily auditable

Same with the "missing" PPE emails. Easily proven, but they havent..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 09:26:34
The Sunday Mail front page headline today.

‘Boris: at least he wasn’t going to see a lover’

So that makes it alright then?

Worse if anything.

I didn’t have any issue with the medical chap going to get a piece, perfectly understandable

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 09:27:02
Looks like Grant Shapps drew the short straw; duty minister for the Bank holiday weekend.
The funniest thing yesterday was Grant Shapps in the briefing trying to get back to his announcement about a new dual carriageway on the A66 at Scotch Corner. Quite useful if you're driving to the North East. You couldn't make it up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 09:36:22
In more normal times, I'd have been very happy with the A66 announcement.  We use it several times a year.  Lovely route.  But it was never going to be the main story today, Michael.  Or Lawrence, or Grant, or whatever your name is this week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: herthab on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 10:05:34
Grant Shapps being wheeled out on The Andrew Marr show, trying to defend the indefensible and failing miserably.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 10:08:41
Of course the Cummings saga conveniently diverts attention away from yet another damning article in the Sunday Times today.

Where’s our friend who previously managed to evade the paywall and post the content on here  ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 10:10:24
I’m no politics expert but surely Boris should be stepping in to field these questions shouldn’t he?

I felt a little bit sorry that Shapps has had to take all this heat.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 10:14:55
I’m no politics expert but surely Boris should be stepping in to field these questions shouldn’t he?

I felt a little bit sorry that Shapps has had to take all this heat.

Boris has hid for the majority of pandemic, granted he was ill, but he hasn’t exactly been a leader has he.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 10:17:28
I’m no politics expert but surely Boris should be stepping in to field these questions shouldn’t he?

I felt a little bit sorry that Shapps has had to take all this heat.

Johnson is idle, so delegates. In my mind not necessarily a bad thing, this is a storm in a tea cup, you want the PM up front for the proper shit. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 10:20:36
Of course the Cummings saga conveniently diverts attention away from yet another damning article in the Sunday Times today.

Where’s our friend who previously managed to evade the paywall and post the content on here  ?

What is it today? Let the Cummings saga run out (if he's gonna have to go anyway) to divert from..... Have they fucked the app up yet? I've lost track.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 10:36:03
Johnson is idle, so delegates. In my mind not necessarily a bad thing, this is a storm in a tea cup, you want the PM up front for the proper shit. 
Which would be all well and good, but he hides from the proper shit as well. He's enormously lazy, a massive coward and has an overwhelming sense of his own entitlement. So he's always going to hide from anything difficult. Or indeed anything that doesn't see him fulfilling one of this two preferred roles: Shit Churchill or Chat Show Buffoon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 10:38:12
Of course the Cummings saga conveniently diverts attention away from yet another damning article in the Sunday Times today.

Where’s our friend who previously managed to evade the paywall and post the content on here  ?
Is this what you're after?

Good analysis/explanation of how Johnson's dithering (and general govt incompetence, but mainly his dithering) cost tens of thousands of lives. And that contrary to the ridiculous slogan they weren't "following the science", but to use one of their other ridiculous slogans they've now dropped they were taking the wrong decisions, and doing only some of the right things, but at the wrong time.

"According to the data, no other large European country allowed infections to sky-rocket to such a high level before finally deciding to go into lockdown. Those 20 days of government delay are the single most important reason why the UK has the second highest number of deaths from the coronavirus in the world."


"Professor Peter Openshaw, a member of the government’s Nervtag (new and emerging respiratory virus threats advisory group) committee said: “Many of us on the scientific advisory committees were quite keen that action should be taken a couple of weeks before action actually was taken.”
“I think that critical period of delay made the big difference to the peak numbers, both of hospitalisations and of deaths. I think everyone would accept now in retrospect that if we’d gone for lockdown a couple of weeks earlier that would have greatly reduced the numbers of hospitalisations and deaths.”"

"The gearing up of the NHS had one particularly ill-thought-out and reckless consequence. On Thursday, March 19, the health department announced 15,000 people should be discharged from hospitals into the community and care homes to free up beds for coronavirus patients. This was without a mandatory requirement that they be tested for the virus."

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 10:39:11
Nice one. So you’ll understand from a practical point of view better than most just how easily this can be proven or disproven?
assuming he was stupid enough to use his own car

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 11:15:54
Is this what you're after?

Sure is, thank you !

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 12:15:40
You can only hope that they have the track, trace & isolate system in place for when the restrictions are lifted, although I wouldn’t hold out too much hope that they can manage it in a competent manner - it has all seemed like too much effort for them thus far.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 12:47:17

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 13:35:02
Quote from: tans (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 14:06:54
the press outside his house was disgusting, two wrongs dont make a right. they are reporting on breaching rules whilst they swarm around like vultures ignoring distancing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 15:10:00
That's Led by Donkeys (, they've been brilliant at this kind of thing ever since the Brexit debacle

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 15:32:22
Johnson doing the 5pm presser.

No doubt to defend baldilocks and the three hairs

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 15:52:56
As suspected.

‘He’s done nothing wrong and acted with integrity’

Oh fuck off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 15:55:22
Compromat.  Cummings knows where the skeletons are buried.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:01:10
Literalling reopening schools to try and bury the story. Almost impressively shameless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:02:16
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:07:33
If there wasn't enough evidence to be disgusted by the rabble in government already, the last 48 hours has shown everything that they are. Rotten to the core.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:10:21

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: herthab on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:11:08
Sickening. Yet there's a large percentage that still defend anything and everything these fucking cretins do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:12:13
How the fucking fuck can anyone trust a word Boris says after that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:18:12
Any self respecting MP would have quit rather than waiting to be deservedly sacked, the way Boris is defending his actions is utterly reprehensible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:18:23
Sickening. Yet there's a large percentage that still defend anything and everything these fucking cretins do.

Cc Legends-Lounge, Chang, Hobodan

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:47:01
Never has there been a finer chance to see off the mastermind of Brexit and the December election landslide.

No wonder Twitter has gone in to meltdown!

Classic Dom.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:52:19
Looks like somebody working in the civil service just lost their job.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:57:11
Looks like somebody working in the civil service just lost their job.


They should say they were "acting on instinct".  Apparently that makes everything ok.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:59:19
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 16:59:43
Amazing. They only needed to say that he fcuked up, is very sorry & has been reprimanded (and that his fine will go to NHS charity or suchlike) Instead they choose this circus act, another mismanagement to add to the exceptional long lost

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:00:55
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?

yes I have

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:04:04
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?

Yep, absolutely.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:07:12
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?

Small breaches (going out twice in a day). But then I’m (touch wood) healthy and don’t have the virus. And, most importantly at all, I didn’t set the rules

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:08:47
Yes, work, shopping and dog walking only.

Mrs hasnt seen her dad in 10 weeks and he only lives a 5 min walk away

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:09:33
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:14:38
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:15:05
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?

Depends on how you interpret the rules. Ask 10 lawyers the same question, how many would you expect to give you the same answer?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:16:39
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?

My mum is elderly, has cancer and lives alone. She qualifies for food parcels but it‘s mainly tinned and packet stuff. I’ve left weekly top-up food and goods on the doorstep and waved.
That has been awful and many other families will be suffering.

These lot are cunts of the highest order.  Their apologists are even worse in my book.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:26:56
For once in my life I acted with integrity and followed the rules.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:29:18
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?

Yes, to the letter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:30:05
I've followed the guidelines.

Another thing, why has #dominiccummings not trended on Twitter the last couple of days yet similar misspellings have? It's obviously been the most tweeted hashtag in the uk but not trended. Odd.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:38:53
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?
Yep not been outside the front door since lockdown day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:48:48
I had been, but fuck it. I may see my mum from a distance with the family tomorrow.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 17:54:45
After Johnson's performance this pm, I think it's safe to say that everyone can now claim to have followed government advice.  That's precisely the problem.  We can all now use the Cummings Defence that we were exercising discretion.  Even those clowns in the Warrington conga line would be able now to argue that what they were doing was somehow within the spirit of the guidelines.

Lays to rest once and for all, at least, that this is 'the people's government'.  It isn't.  It is a government representing Boris Johnson and his pals.  And you won't hear them claim to be fighting 'the establishment' any longer either.  Very clearly, Cummings & Johnson are the establishment now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 18:07:54
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?

Been shopping for essentials thats it. In that time I've lost half a tooth.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 18:14:25
I’m going to predict further evidence drops tonight or later in the week. There will be photo evidence via ANPR or just taken by a member of the public. The Mirror and Guardian just wanting to reel Johnson in to destroy his credibility before dropping the next bomb.

I hope I’m right. You’ve got to hope that continual liars get caught eventually.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 18:45:21
The governments behavioural scientists all lining up on twitter to slag off their handling of the event now. And a (now deleted) civil service tweet

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 18:50:22
The governments behavioural scientists all lining up on twitter to slag off their handling of the event now. And a (now deleted) civil service tweet

That’s nothing. Wait till the inquest. There will be more finger pointing than a road side Italian traffic controller.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 18:59:54
I’m going to predict further evidence drops tonight or later in the week. There will be photo evidence via ANPR or just taken by a member of the public. The Mirror and Guardian just wanting to reel Johnson in to destroy his credibility before dropping the next bomb.

I hope I’m right. You’ve got to hope that continual liars get caught eventually.

“He also provide number plate details of the car he saw Cummings drive away in. The email said: “I assume you are able to view CCTV to ascertain whether this vehicle travelled locally or from further away.”

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:00:41
I've got a sneaking feeling we're all being played once again by the dupesters. Cummings is a very clever operator.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:16:13
I've got a sneaking feeling we're all being played once again by the dupesters. Cummings is a very clever operator.

Hopefully you’re right. Need him to orchestrate our departure deal from the EUSSR. They’re in deep shit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:23:43
I've got a sneaking feeling we're all being played once again by the dupesters. Cummings is a very clever operator.

Except the evidence as it is, shows he's pretty thick really

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:30:26
That’s nothing. Wait till the inquest. There will be more finger pointing than a road side Italian traffic controller.

Yeah, those famously thorough and impactful inquests.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:30:46
Hopefully you’re right. Need him to orchestrate our departure deal from the EUSSR. They’re in deep shit.

LL is going to be disappointed when he next reads his beloved Daily Mail. When a Tory Govt is even being wholly bashed by the Mail online comments, you know it must be bad ...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:32:08
Yeah, those famously thorough and impactful inquests.

Cynical Goat. You know lessons will be learnt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:38:25
When you have a government that doesn't even feel the need to pretend to tell the truth any more and that believes the laws don't apply to it and it's chosen few favourites, and a substantial section of the population are willing to excuse and justify that, then you are at the start of the conditions needed for a dictatorship.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:48:28
Quote from: suttonred
I've got a sneaking feeling we're all being played once again by the dupesters. Cummings is a very clever operator.

Except the evidence as it is, shows he's pretty thick really

or merely extremely arrogant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:49:30
Quote from: mystical_goat
That’s nothing. Wait till the inquest. There will be more finger pointing than a road side Italian traffic controller.
Yeah, those famously thorough and impactful inquests.

they'll publish the Russia report at an appropriate time. have patience ffs

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 19:52:32

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 20:10:24
I've got a sneaking feeling we're all being played once again by the dupesters. Cummings is a very clever operator.

If you are right, I think Dr Andy Hill has it

"Stand by Cummings.
Anger the public.
Wait for people to go "Well if they can do it, so will I."
Get the herd immunity strategy you always wanted.
Fast forward the second spike to the summer.
Avoid collapse of NHS this winter.
Celebrate it as a success."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 20:12:24
I’m going to predict further evidence drops tonight or later in the week. There will be photo evidence via ANPR or just taken by a member of the public. The Mirror and Guardian just wanting to reel Johnson in to destroy his credibility before dropping the next bomb.

I hope I’m right. You’ve got to hope that continual liars get caught eventually.

I'm not sure.  My gut feeling, in fact, is that Cummings may not have made the 2nd trip at all.  If he had, Johnson would be rather unlikely to have risked backing him this afternoon...only then for everything to blow up again when the evidence came out.  Johnson has hung his coat on Cummings' peg.  If Cummings does now go down, it will damage Johnson himself.  My suspicion is that the retired chemistry teacher may have his wires crossed.  Just my hunch.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 20:25:51

though did Johnson address that directly in the briefing earlier. I read he dodged the question but didn't see it myself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 20:45:25
Said to the Mrs as we walked around Coate Water today that lockdown was over. This was before Boris had his say. Loads of groups of people together there. People getting close to us without a care. Hopefully won't come to anything and we're past the worst but can't help but think a second wave is likely.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 20:52:08
Let's play devils advocate- you have a 4 yr old autistic son and both parents have c19. do you stay at home or do you get family to come to you/ go to them.

this question only applies to a single visit and if evidence of multiple appear then it doesnt apply unless we know why. just interested to see what people would have done

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 20:57:18
Let's play devils advocate- you have a 4 yr old autistic son and both parents have c19. do you stay at home or do you get family to come to you/ go to them.

this question only applies to a single visit and if evidence of multiple appear then it doesnt apply unless we know why. just interested to see what people would have done

But add the further facts that Cumming's wife's sister lives in London.  Cumming's closest aide lives 2 streets away.  At the time of the journey, Cummings did not have any symptoms.

I don't know enough about autistic children to answer that other than the ones I do know, do not handle change well.
In Cummings position, I would have stayed at home knowing family and an aid was close by to drop in food/medicine

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 21:02:42
He's lost the support of the daily mail.  I didnt think that was possible.  Jesus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 21:04:09
Said to the Mrs as we walked around Coate Water today that lockdown was over. This was before Boris had his say. Loads of groups of people together there. People getting close to us without a care. Hopefully won't come to anything and we're past the worst but can't help but think a second wave is likely.

Further evidence that lockdown is over is the swarm of photographers crawling over each other outside Cummings house this morning. If they aren't each spoken to by the police and possibly fined, I'd say the precedent has been set for the rest of us

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 21:06:06
He's lost the support of the daily mail.  I didnt think that was possible.  Jesus.

Thoughts and prayers for LL at this difficult time for him.

But remember Diane Abbott did drink a canned cocktail on the tube once so c’mon guys Labour are bad too and she didn’t resign

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 21:08:46
Further evidence that lockdown is over is the swarm of photographers crawling over each other outside Cummings house this morning. If they aren't each spoken to by the police and possibly fined, I'd say the precedent has been set for the rest of us

the press outside his house was disgusting, two wrongs dont make a right. they are reporting on breaching rules whilst they swarm around like vultures ignoring distancing

as said earlier, it was very uncomfortable watching and embarrassing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: otanswell on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 21:23:43
Guardian and the Mail have turned on Johnson
He’s fucked then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 21:28:21
Probably not a popular opinion, but I don’t think groups meeting outside, or even being close to each other for short bursts (passing in the street for example) is that high of a risk right now. Number of infections are relatively low, and outside is not a conducive environment for the transmitting of the disease

If business and pubs were to open up and the same behaviours were being exhibited inside, that would be a higher concern. And that’s what I’d be worried about happening

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 23:11:28
Cummings is a dick but how does shit like this get aired:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, May 24, 2020, 23:33:39
as said earlier, it was very uncomfortable watching and embarrassing.

The irony of the reporting on a bloke regarding lockdown rules, and these idiots running around like they are joined at the hip.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, May 25, 2020, 01:17:45
I've got a sneaking feeling we're all being played once again by the dupesters. Cummings is a cunt.

Fixed it for you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, May 25, 2020, 02:26:28
I think from now on I'll make my own rules (within reason).

Our nation, politically is an absolute mess. I think the Chancellor is one of the very few who has behaved as most people would expect from any politician during this time. It seems to me Sunak acted in as much of the public interest as was possible. God knows what shit he had to wade through to push much of it through. Of course, it wasn't perfect and yes i'm aware he is still a Tory. Yet he is the only one I can say gets any slithers of credit.

The rest, forget it. Like I said. A total mess. It's beyond a shitshow. With regards to my own rules, I purely mean that for me, lockdown/quarantine/social distancing etc will not end yet. I will regard when I feel it is more safe for me to go to shopping for groceries more frequently, see people from a safe distance or use public transport etc. The hills and the countryside have been largely empty. I'm fortunate to be less than 5mins walking distance to open fields. In every "permitted" exercise session, I can count on one hand the people I have seen. Even then they were not even in shouting distance. These places have been the safest places for myself. The most alert (no pun) I have had to be is when walking through a field with about a dozen horses. Unfortunately for them, they were all tethered. Mostly though, the countryside has been no different to normal, in regards to seeing humans.

I'm aware that by extending my own isolation that this could be further damaging for myself financially, possibly mentally but I know it won't be forever. I'm genuinely as eager to fly off to somewhere in Europe as Sippo is to have a beer in a pub garden (sorry Sippo). One it'll be incredibly difficult to go and come back (do I want to) but I'll not risk it at all at this moment. In theory, I could fly out to Turkey tomorrow and it would make no difference to my current circumstances. I'd purely be in another country. But I won't do that because I don't feel it safe to do so yet and the potential of putting other peoples health at risk too.

I certainly do not entrust words that spill out of BoJo, Cummings, Hancock, Patel, Raab, Gove, basically nearly all of the Cabinet's mouth.

Everything just feels as if it is intended by government, to be innately cattywampus right now. It's so fucked up, it is a live-action satirical sketch show, played out before our eyes. It'd be funny if it was on the BBC as a comedy series (or is that what the News at Six is now?). Almost as if Cummings once binge watched The Thick of It, and uses it as his model to "Running Government 101". It works - for him and him only. Self serving. It's the only constant in all of this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, May 25, 2020, 06:21:52
Got to give Boris praise for one thing. This is the most united I've seen the country in a long, long time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 25, 2020, 07:51:06
Should imagine there's going to be a fair few people at the beach today.   If they can do it,  so can I attitude. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Monday, May 25, 2020, 08:24:00
Should imagine there's going to be a fair few people at the beach today.   If they can do it,  so can I attitude. 
I agree. There will be many Cummings and goings.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 25, 2020, 08:37:20
Whilst I do believe what Cummings did was wrong and the govt defending it in the way they are is difficult to swallow.

However the press swarm around his house and the people shouting abuse at him as he walks into his house is disgusting, his wife and child are at home and the poor kid must be petrified with what is happening. Did we learn nothing from the Caroline Flack episode?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, May 25, 2020, 09:07:57
Whilst I do believe what Cummings did was wrong and the govt defending it in the way they are is difficult to swallow.

However the press swarm around his house and the people shouting abuse at him as he walks into his house is disgusting, his wife and child are at home and the poor kid must be petrified with what is happening. Did we learn nothing from the Caroline Flack episode?

Agree with that. Very surprised also to see the 'Led by Donkeys' crew cranking up the volume outside Cummings' house on a Sunday afternoon. Counterproductive....have always thought they were smarter than that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 09:18:14
Whilst I do believe what Cummings did was wrong and the govt defending it in the way they are is difficult to swallow.

However the press swarm around his house and the people shouting abuse at him as he walks into his house is disgusting, his wife and child are at home and the poor kid must be petrified with what is happening. Did we learn nothing from the Caroline Flack episode?

Agree. The Press are generally scumbags - the biggest bunch of hypocrites and liars. A post a few days ago showed the Daily Express having to apologise for a story they admitted to writing in advance where James Milner was booed by Man City fans but didn’t even play. Tabloids, in particular, are the lowest of the low.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 09:39:38
Let's play devils advocate- you have a 4 yr old autistic son and both parents have c19. do you stay at home or do you get family to come to you/ go to them.

this question only applies to a single visit and if evidence of multiple appear then it doesnt apply unless we know why. just interested to see what people would have done

Here's what you don't do: you don't confine your child in a small metal box with two infected adults submitting him to a massive viral load for 5 or 6 hours. Especially when you have family who live a couple of miles away who could have stepped in if childcare was really your concern

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 09:51:38
What Johnson did yesterday amounted to him choosing his mate's political career over the health of the nation. This is from Stephen Reicher, one of the scientists on the SPI-B panel that feeds into SAGE which advised on implementing (and easing) the lockdown

"As one of those involved in SPI-B, the Government advisory group on behavioural science, I can say that in a few short minutes tonight, Boris Johnson has trashed all the advice we have given on how to build trust and secure adherence to the measures necessary to control COVID-19.
Be open and honest, we said. Trashed.
Respect the public, we said. Trashed
Ensure equity, so everyone is treated the same, we said. Trashed.
Be consistent we said. Trashed.
Make clear 'we are all in it together'. Trashed.
It is very hard to provide scientific advice to a government which doesn't want to listen to science. I hope, however, that the public will read our papers (publicly available at and continue to make up for this bad  government with their own good sense."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 25, 2020, 10:04:22
Quote from: swindonmaniac
Should imagine there's going to be a fair few people at the beach today.   If they can do it,  so can I attitude. 

I think people will still be largrly sensible, nobody wants a second spike.  whether that's enough, we'll see

but the police can go fish, the PM's defense of Cummings has made it very difficult for them to enforce things

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 25, 2020, 10:11:05
soapy tit wank #CumGate trending

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, May 25, 2020, 10:40:14
Tomlinson and Buckland don't seem to have lot to say...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 10:53:25
Tomlinson and Buckland don't seem to have lot to say...
James Gray has apparently already emailed his local members to say Cummings should go. Buckland's in an awkward position as a member of the govt, understand it cld be difficult for him to break ranks. To some extent, I think it's to his credit he hasn't come out and backed Cummings like a lot of the Cabinet have, including the Attorney General. For the country's senior law officer to excuse and condone law-breaking is unforgivable, and I'm glad Buckland hasn't done that at least.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:08:10
Fair comment on Buckland. Tomlinson's lack of comment is totally unsurprising, he will wait (if he does anything at all) for the most self serving moment for him to say something. No comment most likely

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:10:53
I've actually written to Tomlinson. I'm that pissed off.

I never write to anybody.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:18:09
I've actually written to Tomlinson. I'm that pissed off.

I never write to anybody.

Telling him unless he is sacked you’re not voting Tory? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:20:00
telling him you're a cunt :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:31:38
Fair comment on Buckland. Tomlinson's lack of comment is totally unsurprising, he will wait (if he does anything at all) for the most self serving moment for him to say something. No comment most likely

Re Buckland.... not exactly, he's already shown himself to be as mendacious as Johnson/Cummings whose only interest is keeping his own job.

Don't forget that whereas Javid walked when Cummings told him who his spads would have to be... Buckland was quite happy to lose his pick and put up with a Cummings placeperson.

After Johnson was found to have unlawfully prorogued Parliament.... Buckland was still happy to support him, changing from a remainer to a no deal Brexiteer, despite all the evidence of the economic hit to come for Swindon.

As for Tomlinson at least he's consistent.  It was many years ago now that Davis tried to tell me on here that I should listen to JT as he talked a lot of sense.... having met him in a work capacity I thought.... no, he mostly talks shite. Anything in his aim to become an MP....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:39:57
Cummings to make a statement later apparently.

Is it possible for themselves to dig themselves in any deeper?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:40:29
100% agree on everything you say re Buckland Reg, as for my "fair comment" I just think he has acted predictably by being predictably/selfishly silent on this one for reasons Pauld says (Buckland is still an odious self serving individual).

Tomlinson is just, well, totally useless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:40:52
It was many years ago now that Davis tried to tell me on here that I should listen to JT as he talked a lot of sense.
In the context of someone who knew how the local council worked at a time when as fans we were trying to work with the council, JT's advice was extremely useful. So if I did say that (and I've no doubt you'll pull out the quote) that would be the only context in which I said it. But never mind setting things in context eh Reg? You should apply for Cummings' job.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:44:53
100% agree on everything you say re Buckland Reg, as for my "fair comment" I just think he has acted predictably by being predictably/selfishly silent on this one for reasons Pauld says (Buckland is still an odious self serving individual).

Tomlinson is just, well, totally useless.

It was just the notion that Buckland by not saying anything was in some worthy of kudos for a difficult decision..... just as likely as he's off in his second home this weekend and wishes to keep his head down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:47:12
It was just the notion that Buckland by not saying anything was in some worthy of kudos for a difficult decision.
Which isn't what I said. I said he'd done better than his boss, the AG, who has behaved appallingly for a senior law officer. Or indeed anyone who believes in the rule of law.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:49:49
That wasn't the notion - zero Kudos to Buckland, and if any inferred then consider it withdrawn (for Cummins watchers,  that was a kind of apology/clarification)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, May 25, 2020, 12:10:05
Has anyone on here fully adhered to the lockdown rules out of interest?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, May 25, 2020, 12:14:02
What rules? Isn't it just guidance?

My European holiday in 2 weeks time is a bit more difficult to navigate, but I will still go. Only I will come back a bit early on 7th June for ease.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 12:24:55
I don’t get trolls. What’s the point? Especially one as shit as this one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 12:29:23
I've actually written to Tomlinson. I'm that pissed off.

I never write to anybody.

I’ve written a fawning, sycophantic email to Buckland suggesting that the media can be silenced by publicly releasing the ANPR records on the dates in question for any vehicle registered to Cummings or his wife (as that will clearly prove he was telling the truth).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, May 25, 2020, 12:30:15
I don’t get trolls. What’s the point? Especially one as shit as this one.

Gotta do something whilst locked in your parents loft.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, May 25, 2020, 12:32:21
Valid Pint in “shit play on words and shit troll” shocker ! :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, May 25, 2020, 12:58:24
Gotta do something whilst locked in your parents loft.

Not a nice day to be stuck in the loft.  Bet you're roasting up there!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Monday, May 25, 2020, 13:19:30
I’ve just written to my MP , pointing out that our village is absolutely rammed with cars with people now assuming it’s fine to turn up and wander around in groups, have picnics and generally get back to pre Covid days. I thought we were going to have to get used to a new normal but didn’t realise that would mean 50 or so cars  in the village rather than the usual 3 or 4 which we normally have.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 25, 2020, 14:07:06
Clapham Common is disgusting today. Absolutely rammed with people. Also are people not bothering with social distancing anymore? Pavements and shops are almost a free for all.

Wife and I have spent today helping to take in stock and prepare meals for over 100 homeless people and these arsecracks can’t resist sitting in large groups. R rate likely to go up in 2 weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, May 25, 2020, 14:10:56
Was always going to happen, whether it’s morally correct or people do have a right to live a somewhat normal life and with good weather and a lack of holidays abroad this year many were always going to take advantage.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, May 25, 2020, 14:21:50
Just drove through woodstock and there are people sat outside one of the pubs in the town with pint glasses! Fucking hell

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, May 25, 2020, 14:36:24
America has the highest numbers of Covid 19, I wonder why?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, May 25, 2020, 14:58:03
The large population probably

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:17:37
Differing approaches to reporting cases across the world?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:34:02
Good chance the pandemic could be over by the time he finishes this speech

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:44:36
Good chance the pandemic could be over by the time he finishes this speech

Talk about him squirming the journalist aren't holding back and he's sounding very weak

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:45:02
Blaming the media.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:45:56
Drove to the castle to check his eyesight :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:48:12
Cummings appears to be throwing himself under a bus, without realising it. He's become his own dead cat. Schrodinger's SPAD

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: herthab on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:48:33
The sad fact is that a lot of fucking idiots will swallow this total bullshit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:51:09
He sort of reminds me of Tim Sherwood

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:51:11
Absolutely refusing to apologise no matter what..  now he is starting to get rankled and dismissive with his answers because he is not liking the questions..

He really does treat everybody with contempt doesn't he..  he actually does come across like he does believe he is on a higher plain than everybody else..

This will not have done his or Bojo's reputation any good whatsoever..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:54:42
His arrogance is astounding

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:55:50
"It was at that point the car engine turned on by itself, and I accidentally drove 250 miles to Durham."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:58:37
much a do about nothing. if anyone thinks that they have permission to break lockdown now because Cummings made a personal judgement on how to look after his family then they are a bunch of cunts. this couldn't be more different to the Scottish woman for kept visiting 2nd home for holidays.

it looks like the media have lied about 2nd visits and whipped this up a treat. it's not hard to get national outrage especially in this country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 15:59:08
He sort of reminds me of Tim Sherwood

Considering his high profile comes across as a very weak man

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:00:57
much a do about nothing. if anyone thinks that they have permission to break lockdown now because Cummings made a personal judgement on how to look after his family then they are a bunch of cunts. this couldn't be more different to the Scottish woman for kept visiting 2nd home for holidays.

it looks like the media have lied about 2nd visits and whipped this up a treat. it's not hard to get national outrage especially in this country.

Imagine how many parents have been in the same position but stayed put

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:01:34
( (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:05:21
Imagine how many parents have been in the same position but stayed put

I know that. but as a parent you make the best decision for you and your situation. he believed what he was doing was the right thing for his childs care.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:08:28
I know that. but as a parent you make the best decision for you and your situation. he believed what he was doing was the right thing for his childs care.

Including putting his child in the back seat of his car when he was "testing" his eyes..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:09:36
Including putting his child in the back seat of his car when he was "testing" his eyes..

yh he should have left him home alone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:10:44
I know that. but as a parent you make the best decision for you and your situation. he believed what he was doing was the right thing for his childs care.

I would imagine considering his position his 4 year old child would have been taken care of locally to where he lives and probably in better hands than his 17 & 20 year old nieces

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:11:33
Is the trip to the castle to bernard castle the one which was on the same day as his wife's birthday?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:11:59
yh he should have left him home alone.

So if you had problems with your eyesight you would get into a car with your kids?  Maybe it's just me..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:14:09
much a do about nothing. if anyone thinks that they have permission to break lockdown now because Cummings made a personal judgement on how to look after his family then they are a bunch of cunts. this couldn't be more different to the Scottish woman for kept visiting 2nd home for holidays.

it looks like the media have lied about 2nd visits and whipped this up a treat. it's not hard to get national outrage especially in this country.
I've got a second hand car to sell you. One careful owner, slightly dodgy eyesight. Very economical though, does about 520 miles on one tank

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:16:17
I would imagine considering his position his 4 year old child would have been taken care of locally to where he lives and probably in better hands than his 17 & 20 year old nieces

but it's his decision on who he wants to have look after his kids. he decided that his family would be better on standby. that's his judgement to make. he said other childcare wasnt available

this is turning into a daily briefing again, he has said his response and his own reasoning- every journalist is asking the same question. there is a massive grudge that he is privileged to have an option of an empty house when others had none.

it's like the 2nd home argument- if I lived in london and the virus was starting- with how they pack the tubes etc and how everyone is on top of each other and I also had a 2nd home in countryside away from everyone. I would 100% get my family away to protect them whether its morally right or wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:17:37
So if you had problems with your eyesight you would get into a car with your kids?  Maybe it's just me..
If you both had Covid19 would you expose your four year old to a massive viral load by confining it to a small metal box with you both for 5-6 hours? By his own account, the man's a psychopath. Never mind the police, social services should be having a word

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:18:23
it's like the 2nd home argument- if I lived in london and the virus was starting- with how they pack the tubes etc and how everyone is on top of each other and I also had a 2nd home in countryside away from everyone. I would 100% get my family away to protect them whether its morally right or wrong.
And if you did that at that period in April, you would have been breaking not just the lockdown rules but the law. That's the point

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:21:22
If you both had Covid19 would you expose your four year old to a massive viral load by confining it to a small metal box with you both for 5-6 hours? By his own account, the man's a psychopath. Never mind the police, social services should be having a word

if both parents had it then the kid would regardless of a car journey or not

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:24:15
If anyone thinks that at least a portion of his account is not bullshit then they are going to be loyal no matter what he says or does that is clear.

He would have been better just coming out and admitting that some of his decisions could have been  an error in judgement, apologise for those errors in judgement and move on..

All he has done with this press conference is prove that he feels that he had a different set of "guidelines" to the general public and he has a level of contempt for anyone questioning it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:31:01
How come the kid didn’t need a piss on the route up from London but on the specsavers test drive half an hour down the road had to stop for a piss in the woods.

That whole Barnard Castle thing doesn’t sound very feasible at all and doesn’t help his credibility with being tall with the truth in my opinion.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:36:07
Cummings to make a statement later apparently.

Is it possible for themselves to dig themselves in any deeper?

That would be a yes, then!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:42:20
Is the trip to the castle to bernard castle the one which was on the same day as his wife's birthday?

Yes but that's just a massive coincidence. He only drove there with his family because his eyes might have been too dodgy to drive, had to have a little sit by the river because he felt sick, and then his son needed a piss having untied the knot that had been in it for the journey from London.

And if you don't believe that then you've been brainwashed by the msm.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:44:18
but it's his decision on who he wants to have look after his kids. he decided that his family would be better on standby. that's his judgement to make. he said other childcare wasnt available

this is turning into a daily briefing again, he has said his response and his own reasoning- every journalist is asking the same question. there is a massive grudge that he is privileged to have an option of an empty house when others had none.

it's like the 2nd home argument- if I lived in london and the virus was starting- with how they pack the tubes etc and how everyone is on top of each other and I also had a 2nd home in countryside away from everyone. I would 100% get my family away to protect them whether its morally right or wrong.

The point is nobody else had that choice or at least they didn't think they did

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:45:00
How come the kid didn’t need a piss on the route up from London but on the specsavers test drive half an hour down the road had to stop for a piss in the woods.

That whole Barnard Castle thing doesn’t sound very feasible at all and doesn’t help his credibility with being tall with the truth in my opinion.

the drive down was at midnight and the other during the day?

it's not all a big crime thriller, he could have actually you know said the truth! and he had to go into such boring trivial detail about things just in case a picture came out and the media rack it up again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:46:46
The point is nobody else had that choice or at least they didn't think they did

that you know of. not many people get regular death threats and press on the doorstep either

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:49:58
for those wondering- I'm responding not because I think he was right or wrong its because I wasnt in his situation to make that decision so I couldn't say whether it was or not.

family and health issues are at the core of his behaviour here. if this chap went off for a holiday or to see family just because he missed them then it's a very different story. this makes no difference to me.

kyle Walker has broke lockdown 3 times and to see hookers etc. he is a bell end mean while

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:50:16
that you know of. not many people get regular death threats and press on the doorstep either

But he could have had 24 hour secuity and stayed at home

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:51:33
for those wondering- I'm responding not because I think he was right or wrong its because I wasnt in his situation to make that decision so I couldn't say whether it was or not.

family and health issues are at the core of his behaviour here. if this chap went off for a holiday or to see family just because he missed them then it's a very different story. this makes no difference to me.

kyle Walker has broke lockdown 3 times and to see hookers etc. he is a bell end mean while

I agree and Walker should have been sacked and maybe these untouchable footballers would take note

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:52:00
the drive down was at midnight and the other during the day?

it's not all a big crime thriller, he could have actually you know said the truth! and he had to go into such boring trivial detail about things just in case a picture came out and the media rack it up again.

Oh silly me, nobody has ever needed a piss during the evening before have they?

If he had come out with the truth and held his hands up to being wrong and breaking the rules he would have had more respect from people. Are you really, hand on heart saying that you believe his account?

It sounds like hocum to me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:53:33
for those wondering- I'm responding not because I think he was right or wrong its because I wasnt in his situation to make that decision so I couldn't say whether it was or not.

family and health issues are at the core of his behaviour here. if this chap went off for a holiday or to see family just because he missed them then it's a very different story. this makes no difference to me.

kyle Walker has broke lockdown 3 times and to see hookers etc. he is a bell end mean while

I personally think Kyle Walker should have been sacked by Man City and his highly paid privileges immediately taken away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:54:17
Oh silly me, nobody has ever needed a piss during the evening before have they?

If he had come out with the truth and held his hands up to being wrong and breaking the rules he would have had more respect from people. Are you really, hand on heart saying that you believe his account?

It sounds like hocum to me.

He should have made it known to Borris on the Saturday and then the country would have known that he was potentially ill and in isolation instead of keeping it quiet and then being spotted later on

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 25, 2020, 16:56:07
I personally think Kyle Walker should have been sacked by Man City and his highly paid privileges immediately taken away.
So should Dominic Cummings,   Sacked by Boris not Man City.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:02:02
Oh silly me, nobody has ever needed a piss during the evening before have they?

If he had come out with the truth and held his hands up to being wrong and breaking the rules he would have had more respect from people. Are you really, hand on heart saying that you believe his account?

It sounds like hocum to me.

when it comes down to looking at information on when his kid needed a piss you need to take a step back. he made these decisions for family and health- he didnt come to contact with anyone, he isolated for 14 days, he went for a drive on the 15th day before he went back to london.

he isnt going to say sorry for breaking rules when as everyone as said all along these guidelines are all up for interpretation. he did something you didnt agree with. fair enough
he did something that he thought was right for his familu

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:04:59
when it comes down to looking at information on when his kid needed a piss you need to take a step back. he made these decisions for family and health- he didnt come to contact with anyone, he isolated for 14 days, he went for a drive on the 15th day before he went back to london.

he isnt going to say sorry for breaking rules when as everyone as said all along these guidelines are all up for interpretation. he did something you didnt. fair enough
he did something that he thought was right for his familu
What,  a 14 day holiday in Durham ??.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:05:22
when it comes down to looking at information on when his kid needed a piss you need to take a step back. he made these decisions for family and health- he didnt come to contact with anyone, he isolated for 14 days, he went for a drive on the 15th day before he went back to london.

he isnt going to say sorry for breaking rules when as everyone as said all along these guidelines are all up for interpretation. he did something you didnt. fair enough
he did something that he thought was right for his familu

Without telling his boss

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:06:34
I have absolutely no idea why anyone cares about a kid having a piss at the side of the road, if there’s one scenario where you are certain to not come within 2m of anyone then this is that time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:07:09
What,  a 14 day holiday in Durham ??.

yes because it was a holiday wasnt it!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:08:31
Without telling his boss

who fucked with corona. is him not telling boris the main issue or are you nit picking?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:09:41
Ahhh, no one told me that the lock down had been lifted. Better get me speedos out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:11:42
I have absolutely no idea why anyone cares about a kid having a piss at the side of the road, if there’s one scenario where you are certain to not come within 2m of anyone then this is that time
Think that it's more about using service stations,  not pissing on the side of the road.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:12:09

he did something that he thought was right for his familu

Indeed, rightly or wrongly (wrongly IMO). I dislike him greatly from a political perspective but I’m not going to burn him at the stake to score political points when I believe he thought he was doing what was best for his family at that time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:14:08
for those wondering- I'm responding not because I think he was right or wrong its because I wasnt in his situation to make that decision so I couldn't say whether it was or not.

family and health issues are at the core of his behaviour here. if this chap went off for a holiday or to see family just because he missed them then it's a very different story. this makes no difference to me.

kyle Walker has broke lockdown 3 times and to see hookers etc. he is a bell end mean while

Do you honestly believe his story about the eye test?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:14:14
Did he go on a weekend jolly to his 2nd home or invite his mistress in for a quickie?

It wasn't a clear cut case like the two above, if people use it as an excuse to not follow the guidance then they are idiots.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:15:37
The main issue is he went against government advice to do something that thousands of other people in similar situation were told not to do, and hasn’t apologised for it. His ‘exceptional circumstance’ is decidedly unexceptional by definition.

Refuelling, stopping for a piss etc is just noise. The hour long drive is dodgy and probably needs more investigation but of itself still isn’t the issue

Even if it’s not some great conspiracy, and Cummings and his family were genuinely ill at the time - they still acted in a manner that the rest of the country were told not too, by his government. And he’s not apologised for that, or even backed down. That’s the issue, that’s the point of concern and anger. It shows a severe lack of empathy for the population

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:16:09
Indeed, rightly or wrongly (wrongly IMO). I dislike him greatly from a political perspective but I’m not going to burn him at the stake to score political points when I believe he thought he was doing what was best for his family at that time.
He didn't though. He's lying. He didn't need to go to Durham in the first place, even assuming he's telling the truth about how ill he and his wife were, her sister lives a few miles away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:16:13
Think that it's more about using service stations,  not pissing on the side of the road.

He said he didn't use one on the way up but filled up on the way back down (post day 14 of the symptoms)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:16:27
who fucked with corona. is him not telling boris the main issue or are you nit picking?

Who do you think has been advising Borris

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:17:22
The main issue is he went against government advice to do something that thousands of other people in similar situation were told not to do, and hasn’t apologised for it. His ‘exceptional circumstance’ is decidedly unexceptional by definition.

Refuelling, stopping for a piss etc is just noise. The hour long drive is dodgy and probably needs more investigation but of itself still isn’t the issue

Even if it’s not some great conspiracy, and Cummings and his family were genuinely ill at the time - they still acted in a manner that the rest of the country were told not too, by his government. And he’s not apologised for that, or even backed down. That’s the issue, that’s the point of concern and anger. It shows a severe lack of empathy for the population
Quite so. And the press conference today shows the level of contempt they hold for the rest of us. They genuinely think we're a bunch of fucking idiots that will swallow that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:19:26
he isnt going to say sorry for breaking rules when as everyone as said all along these guidelines are all up for interpretation. he did something you didnt agree with. fair enough
he did something that he thought was right for his familu

Bollocks were the guidlines "all up for interpretation". This was back in April when it was full lockdown, get stopped and fined by the police. People not seeing dying loved ones. People not seeing elderly relatives. Parents who work front line jobs making difficult decisions on seeing kids that might not live with them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:19:40
I know that. but as a parent you make the best decision for you and your situation. he believed what he was doing was the right thing for his childs care.

If you believe that he travelled to Durham to safeguard his son - fine.  I disagree but fine.

But to then justify the 60 minute round trip to Barnard Castle just sounds like you'd defend absolutely anything.  If he genuinely felt he might not be able to drive and needed a practice because his eyesight was "dodgy", why the ACTUAL FUCK would you do that practice drive with your wife and son?  You'd do it alone if you truly cared about safeguarding your son.

That was when we were on full lockdown.  Driving 30 minutes, getting out of your car and having a little walk was NOT an essential journey. It's not a breach of the guidelines, it's a breach of the law.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:20:11
Who do you has been advising Borris
:D :D :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:21:24
The guy with the airhorn or whatever it was was pretty ace.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:21:41
He didn't though. He's lying. He didn't need to go to Durham in the first place, even assuming he's telling the truth about how ill he and his wife were, her sister lives a few miles away.

That’s a question that i don’t believe has been asked by the media, i may be wrong.

There could be a perfectly valid reason the sister couldn’t look after the kid, there might not be, who knows

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:22:00
"We are leading the way with our world beating bullsh*t and distraction tactics"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:24:54
That’s a question that i don’t believe has been asked by the media, i may be wrong.

There could be a perfectly valid reason the sister couldn’t look after the kid, there might not be, who knows

Agree there, she could be a nurse or any other essential worker that couldn’t have helped out. The assumption has to be that he chose the best option to safeguard his kid, the fact that it was in Durham is by the by I suppose.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:26:05
Me Mrs me and the kids saw my mum today. made her day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:27:56
If you believe that he travelled to Durham to safeguard his son - fine.  I disagree but fine.

But to then justify the 60 minute round trip to Barnard Castle just sounds like you'd defend absolutely anything.  If he genuinely felt he might not be able to drive and needed a practice because his eyesight was "dodgy", why the ACTUAL FUCK would you do that practice drive with your wife and son?  You'd do it alone if you truly cared about safeguarding your son.

That was when we were on full lockdown.  Driving 30 minutes, getting out of your car and having a little walk was NOT an essential journey. It's not a breach of the guidelines, it's a breach of the law.
Even if the "eyesight test" thing is true, and it clearly isn't, that in itself is a breach of the law. Section 96, Road Traffic Act, 1988 makes it an offence to drive with defective eyesight

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:29:04
That’s a question that i don’t believe has been asked by the media, i may be wrong.

There could be a perfectly valid reason the sister couldn’t look after the kid, there might not be, who knows

pauld doesnt know but he is making assumptions and telling the man where he should have sent his child. Cummings said in the statement that his sister was staying at the farm as well did he not? does he have multiple sisters? I dont care

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:30:37
Agree there, she could be a nurse or any other essential worker that couldn’t have helped out.
This is Mary Wakefield's father's house, Chillingham Castle


Pretty fucking sure her sister isn't a key worker

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:30:55
Bollocks were the guidlines "all up for interpretation". This was back in April when it was full lockdown, get stopped and fined by the police. People not seeing dying loved ones. People not seeing elderly relatives. Parents who work front line jobs making difficult decisions on seeing kids that might not live with them.

full on lockdown hey, police telling you to turn round or get a £60 fine. all of those above are bad things which are irrelevant to 1 man isolating with his family with care available if needed.

this chat is weird

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:32:19
pauld doesnt know but he is making assumptions and telling the man where he should have sent his child. Cummings said in the statement that his sister was staying at the farm as well did he not? does he have multiple sisters? I dont care
His sister in law. His wife's sister.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:32:42
full on lockdown hey, police telling you to turn round or get a £60 fine. all of those above are bad things which are irrelevant to 1 man isolating with his family with care available if needed.

this chat is weird

Have you considered going on 5Live's Fighting Talk with Colin Murray?

The "Defending the Indefensible" round would be a breeze for you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:33:18
Even if the "eyesight test" thing is true, and it clearly isn't, that in itself is a breach of the law. Section 96, Road Traffic Act, 1988 makes it an offence to drive with defective eyesight

Aye, Police can test your eyesight at the roadside and have DVLA revoke the licence on the spot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:33:56
If you believe that he travelled to Durham to safeguard his son - fine.  I disagree but fine.

But to then justify the 60 minute round trip to Barnard Castle just sounds like you'd defend absolutely anything.  If he genuinely felt he might not be able to drive and needed a practice because his eyesight was "dodgy", why the ACTUAL FUCK would you do that practice drive with your wife and son?  You'd do it alone if you truly cared about safeguarding your son.

That was when we were on full lockdown.  Driving 30 minutes, getting out of your car and having a little walk was NOT an essential journey. It's not a breach of the guidelines, it's a breach of the law.

I dont justify it- but on the 15th day of isolation if he wants to go out for a drive I dont mind. weren't we all allowed to go out for 1 hour exercise but the journey time must not exceed the equivalent?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:35:55
I dont justify it- but on the 15th day of isolation if he wants to go out for a drive I dont mind. weren't we all allowed to go out for 1 hour exercise but the journey time must not exceed the equivalent?

It doesn't matter if you don't mind, does it though? It was illegal - non-essential journeys at that time were banned,  Someone in this area got a ticket for admitting they went out for a drive because they were bored.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:37:00
QC's opinion - even by his own account, assuming everything Cummings says is true, he is in breach of the Coronavirus legislation. The govt's top adviser broke the law.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:38:55
Have you considered going on 5Live's Fighting Talk with Colin Murray?

The "Defending the Indefensible" round would be a breeze for you.

everyone is getting offended on behalf of other people.

he was wrong to not tell boris.
as a public figure he was wrong to be seen in public at the castle- should have kept a low profile and drove straight back to london.

it's been made into a national scandal which amazes me. he didnt come to contact with anyone- people are all of these beaches and parks without a care in the world for social distancing and priority. this man isolated with what he thought was protecting his family. read that back to yourself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:40:26
We had it drummed into us on a daily basis that we had to stay at home. The exceptions were to go to work if we couldn’t work from home, to shop for essential items, one form of excercise and for medical reasons. We weren’t advised to read through the regulations for any possible wriggle room to ignore these regulations. Why don’t politicians and their advisors just hold their hands up and apologise when they fuck up? It’s almost as though they spend so much time avoiding a straight answer to a straight question that they find it impossible to tell the truth. This afternoons performance was cringeworthy to say the least and certainly won’t draw a line under the matter

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:42:52
"This afternoon's performance was cringeworthy to say the least and certainly won’t draw a line under the matter"


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:44:10
everyone is getting offended on before of other people.

he was wrong to not tell boris.
as a public figure he was wrong to be seen in public at the castle- should have kept a low profile and drove straight back to london.

it's been made into a national scandal which amazes me. he didnt come to contact with anyone- people are all of these beaches and parks without a care in the world for social distancing and priority. this man isolated with what he thought was protecting his family. read that back to yourself

As I've said before, I have been involved in interpreting and enforcing the Coronavirus legislation as part of my job.  That trip to Barnard Castle was not to go to work as a keyworker, to buy basic necessities, to get medicine or an emergency.  It, by definition, was non-essential.

Cummings has broken both the letter and the spirit of the law with that trip.  The reason it's a scandal is that he is the Government's most senior adviser.  The Government quickly threw Ferguson under the bus for what he did - they had no choice and it was the correct decision.  They should do the same with Cummings as it just reeks of hypocrisy.

I cannot see how anyone who isn't so politically blinkered can't see that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:45:34
everyone is getting offended on behalf of other people.

he was wrong to not tell boris.
as a public figure he was wrong to be seen in public at the castle- should have kept a low profile and drove straight back to london.

it's been made into a national scandal which amazes me. he didnt come to contact with anyone- people are all of these beaches and parks without a care in the world for social distancing and priority. this man isolated with what he thought was protecting his family. read that back to yourself
I can only assume,  by the way you are defending him you must be related.   Can see no other reason for you to defend him so strongly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:45:40
That professor that got sacked for shagging should have just said he was testing his piece

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: herthab on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:45:57
I think the only thing this whole story tells us is that society is as polarised now as it was during Brexit. People who dislike/distrust the government will be very vocal when they view them doing something they think is wrong. People who support Johnson and his government will excuse anything.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:46:10
We had it drummed into us on a daily basis that we had to stay at home. The exceptions were to go to work if we couldn’t work from home, to shop for essential items, one form of excercise and for medical reasons. We weren’t advised to read through the regulations for any possible wriggle room to ignore these regulations. Why don’t politicians and their advisors just hold their hands up and apologise when they fuck up? It’s almost as though they spend so much time avoiding a straight answer to a straight question that they find it impossible to tell the truth. This afternoons performance was cringeworthy to say the least and certainly won’t draw a line under the matter

Don't forget the 5.5 million the government wasted on leaflets telling us to stay home!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:47:20
"This afternoon's performance was cringeworthy to say the least and certainly won’t draw a line under the matter"

Spot on...there’s still the small matter of Batch’s strongly worded correspondence to be dealt with!  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:53:44
Spot on...there’s still the small matter of Batch’s strongly worded correspondence to be dealt with!  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Is there any hope that you are joining the other shit-troll, Valid Pint, on his forthcoming holiday? ":Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 25, 2020, 17:54:43
you don't know how strongly worded it was.

I think it surpasses even adver cross face foldy arms picture in strength.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 25, 2020, 18:02:07
I said it a couple of days a go. If he'd come out and say 'sorry, I fucked up' then it would likely be dropped.

But nope...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, May 25, 2020, 18:07:21
I said it a couple of days a go. If he'd come out and say 'sorry, I fucked up' then it would likely be dropped.

But nope...

I agree with this as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 25, 2020, 18:10:25
Chair of the Police Federation now advising people that they shouldn't drive if their eyesight is impaired and they're feeling unwell as it's not safe to do so. Advice that wouldn't have seemed necessary just this morning

This is like when Trump suggested ingesting disinfectant as a cure for Covid and US doctors and public health officials had to spend the next few weeks telling people not to drink bleach. We all laugh at Trump and his ridiculous bullshit. But that's where we are now. We are a global laughing stock

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Monday, May 25, 2020, 18:54:16
I said it a couple of days a go. If he'd come out and say 'sorry, I fucked up' then it would likely be dropped.

Totally agree with the basic sentiment; when you've palpably fucked up just say so and apologise.  Takes the wind out of everyone's sails.

Not sure it would have worked with Cummings however.  He is hated by so many people.

His 'explanation' is stunning.  I read back a bit and saw that at least one person on this forum is supporting him which staggers me.  This ranks below faked moon landings and CIA flying planes into twin towers in terms of utter lack of credibility.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 19:00:54
Totally agree with the basic sentiment; when you've palpably fucked up just say so and apologise.  Takes the wind out of everyone's sails.

Not sure it would have worked with Cummings however.  He is hated by so many people.

His 'explanation' is stunning.  I read back a bit and saw that at least one person on this forum is supporting him which staggers me.  This ranks below faked moon landings and CIA flying planes into twin towers in terms of utter lack of credibility.

Maybe or maybe not a coincidence that he had a full tank of fuel😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 25, 2020, 19:21:15
Boris is now saying that he is finding that he has had to wear his glasses more since he recovered from Coronavirus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Monday, May 25, 2020, 19:25:30
If you write the policy then you live by it. No excuses. No 'interpretations'.
Arrogance and duplicity with total disregard for the population who have followed the rules. Resignation should be the best outcome for him. Pity poor old Boris. His party might decide his usefulness is no longer required.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 25, 2020, 19:28:13
If you write the policy then you live by it. No excuses. No 'interpretations'.
Arrogance and duplicity with total disregard for the population who have followed the rules. Resignation should be the best outcome for him. Pity poor old Boris. His party might decide his usefulness is no longer required.

A bit strange that considering Borris had been confirmed with the virus at the same time that he wasn't tested

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 19:55:58
This is Cumming’s explanation for the Barnard Castle trip. Read it and tell me that’s what you’d have done during lockdown when non-essential travel was illegal.

Btw, a lawyer definitely wrote that. I’ve seen plenty of lawyer-prepared statements during interviews under caution - that’s exactly the style that they all read like.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, May 25, 2020, 19:56:54
A barrister’s opinion on the Castle trip

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, May 25, 2020, 20:03:54
I think a few people on here are getting the wrong end of the stick about this whole discussion.  The last few pages are not about arguing the fact that he felt he was doing the right thing for his family, irrelevant of whether his actions were illegal, I think everyone pretty much agrees with that no matter how ill conceived his choices were.

The reason for the last 10 pages is that he was obviously lying about at least a portion of what he came out with, has got caught out, refuses to apologise, and treats the majority of the people that he addresses, including the general public, with contempt because of it.

As I, and others have said a few times, admit that some decisions made were not the best, hold your hands up, apologise and move on....  the last 10 pages don’t happen.  Lie (again) and take us for mugs and that is the type of response that you get, and rightly justified IMO.  It’s turning into Trump more and  more every day, keep on lying and eventually people start to believe and blindly follow...  say fake news enough times and eventually people start to believe that stories are fake.

The people spoke and voted for these muppets to be in place, and now people are either backing them to the hilt or outraged, go figure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, May 25, 2020, 21:36:07
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Who said that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 25, 2020, 21:52:07

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, May 25, 2020, 21:55:48
However you feel about Cummings (he's a cunt) it's all just a distraction (no necessarily deliberate - that would require more competency than I'll give them credit for) isn't it. He's underminded any social distancing we had left, but that's what they were doing deliberately anyway. Bending some lockdown rules is a fairly minor crime when compared to the tens of thousands of extra deaths due to the handling of COVID.  String up Johnson, Cummings and the rest of the cabinet for that, not one of them being a prick and driving to Durham.

Or both.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 02:56:24
Plutocracy. Well, Oligarchy.

Meanwhile, Cummings...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 05:52:05
I Actually watched the questions last night, I thought it was a complete disaster. Every question he avoided, mumbled a load of gibberish, praised the questioner, then said wash your hands to most of them. He's unraveling by the day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 06:11:33
The guy has served the country well by providing good advice including how to successful conclude the debate for the UK to leave the EU. Put your petty party politics aside. He should stay for the good of the country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 06:33:51
“Obvious troll is obvious”

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 06:46:53
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Who said that?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 07:12:57
I watched the whole presentation, and was disgusted with Cummings arrogance and lack of empathy. I think someone described him as 'an ambitious psycopath',  and I think that fits him well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 07:54:11


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:01:04
Glad I was playing golf while all this was going on yesterday. What I have seen has been laughable both on the news and social media.
Tory voters are excusing it. Everyone else is disgusted. It's not like there will ever be a compromise so I guess we move on. But don't forget. Ever!
If we get a second wave then this government is toast, if not then they will carry on and just hit the poor/vulnerable with the bill for furlough. Hoorah!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:04:19
Have any of you read Jon Ronson's The Psychopath Test?  The model, developed by Dr Robert Hare, assesses whether someone is a psychopath by the following 20 measures:

•  glib and superficial charm
•  grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
•  need for stimulation
•  pathological lying
•  cunning and manipulativeness
•  lack of remorse or guilt
•  shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
•  callousness and lack of empathy
•  parasitic lifestyle
•  poor behavioural controls
•  sexual promiscuity
•  early behavior problems
•  lack of realistic long-term goals
•  impulsivity
•  irresponsibility
•  failure to accept responsibility for own actions
•  many short-term marital relationships
•  juvenile delinquency
•  revocation of conditional release
•  criminal versatility

To be clinically diagnosed as a psychopath, you have to score highly (not fulfil all 20).

Apply what you know about Boris Johnson to that list.  And then do it for Trump.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:16:28
Something else for you to get your teeth into.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:17:46
Have any of you read Jon Ronson's The Psychopath Test?  The model, developed by Dr Robert Hare, assesses whether someone is a psychopath by the following 20 measures:

•  glib and superficial charm
•  grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
•  need for stimulation
•  pathological lying
•  cunning and manipulativeness
•  lack of remorse or guilt
•  shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
•  callousness and lack of empathy
•  parasitic lifestyle
•  poor behavioural controls
•  sexual promiscuity
•  early behavior problems
•  lack of realistic long-term goals
•  impulsivity
•  irresponsibility
•  failure to accept responsibility for own actions
•  many short-term marital relationships
•  juvenile delinquency
•  revocation of conditional release
•  criminal versatility

To be clinically diagnosed as a psychopath, you have to score highly (not fulfil all 20).

Apply what you know about Boris Johnson to that list.  And then do it for Trump.

I reckon I score at least a 14-15 on that one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:19:24
I reckon I score at least a 14-15 on that one.

 Proof the test works then? :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:23:41
I've never felt less at home in my own country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:32:31
Douglas Ross, Scotland minister, resigns from the government

“I have constituents who didn’t get to say goodbye to loved ones; families who didn’t visit sick relatives because they followed the guidance of the government. I cannot in good faith tell them they were all wrong and one senior advisor to the government was right.”

And that really is the crux of the issue here isn't it?

(Football relevance: he's the MP who's also a referee, done a few CL games)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:47:21
Although there is plenty to challenge Cummings on its been done to death so I'll just say this.
I'm not sure how the driving test works nowadays but when I took mine in 1994 I wasn't allowed to take the test until I'd read a number plate from a car in the distance in the car park of the test centre. You don't go for a drive to test if you can see and nobody in the medical profession would ever suggest you did. Driving a car doesn't test your sight.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:51:54
Douglas Ross, Scotland minister, resigns from the government

And that really is the crux of the issue here isn't it?

(Football relevance: he's the MP who's also a referee, done a few CL games)

Fair play to Mr Ross.

Contrast with Tomlinson's pusillanimous words.....

That was painful viewing. In unprecedented times everyone has  to make difficult judgements. As a parent I understand he put his 4 year child first in exceptional circumstances, as per the guidelines. That said the detailed explanation could & should have come sooner.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:54:45
Glad I was playing golf while all this was going on yesterday. What I have seen has been laughable both on the news and social media.
Tory voters are excusing it. Everyone else is disgusted.
I don't think that's entirely true. Some Tory voters are excusing it, many are every bit as disgusted as the rest of us. Even among the high-profile commentators, there is disgust. The Mail are still sticking the boot in, the appalling Julia Hartley-Brewer has been strident in her criticism, Ian Dale is very vocal, Tim Montgomerie of Conservative Home has gone so far as to say he now regrets backing Johnson and wants him to go to. These are all big hitters on the right; there is substantial Tory unease/disgust at Cummings and Johnson on this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 09:11:41
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Who said that?

Goebbels wasn't it?

I know its well known that the Tories hate the north but sending Cummings up here like some kind of biological weapon seems a bit harsh.

Meanwhile in Barrow yesterday not much social distancing going on;

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 09:15:09

Contrast with Tomlinson's pusillanimous words.....


Even worse Reg - trying to make this all about the child (note - press doorstepping is appalling, that is NOT the point here)

Justin Tomlinson MP
I absolutely understand the strength of feeling on this, however there is no excuse for the media & protesters targeting a family home - at the centre of all this is a 4 year old child.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 09:43:25
An unelected bureaucrat holds a personal press conference in the No 10 Rose Garden.

How Europe must be laughing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 09:46:28
An unelected bureaucrat holds a personal press conference in the No 10 Rose Garden.

How Europe must be laughing.

Other countries in history have been seduced and dominated by men in sharp suits, we have allowed ourselves the same by a man who looks and dresses like Andy from Little Britain.

Amazing how all those who criticised Corbyn for not wearing a smart suit or tie are strangely quiet now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 09:51:05

Even worse Reg - trying to make this all about the child (note - press doorstepping is appalling, that is NOT the point here)

Justin Tomlinson MP
I absolutely understand the strength of feeling on this, however there is no excuse for the media & protesters targeting a family home - at the centre of all this is a 4 year old child.
The cynical use of the child as a shield is appalling. But still not as bad as needlessly confining the child in a small metal box for 5 hours with two ill people, thus exposing it to a massive viral load. Both however demonstrate that this psychopath cares as little for his own child as he does for the rest of us.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 09:52:17
A propeller hat would be more appropriate for Boris Johnson

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 09:56:44
Cummings is a cunt.

But the press are still vile.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 09:57:38
Cummings is a cunt.

But the press are still vile.
Nobody can argue with that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:31:50
The journalist/photographs camped outside his house is bang out of order and considering his position I'm surprised he wast protected more by the police.

Not aimed at you, however, as this government, and their immediate predecessor have shown themselves entirely willing to throw the opponents to the wolves via the press, its a bit rich for them and their supporters to be bleating about this now.

Seems pretty apt to me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:34:56
I agree with both your comments. The press were relentless for an hour interrogating him but may have seemed worse because he came across as quite weak. The journalist/photographs camped outside his house is bang out of order and considering his position I'm surprised he wast protected more by the police.
He would have been if he'd asked for it. But didn't because trying to stoke some sympathy for the "besieged by the press" angle is a key part of their defence. It's no coincidence that #ScumMedia was trending on twitter from the usual bots and far right accounts over the past couple of days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:40:44
And back on the topic of what an absolute catastrophic disaster Cummings and Johnson's handling of this whole crisis has been, the ONS stats are out this morning and show we are now up to just shy of 60,000 deaths up till May 15th. That'll be well over 65,000 to date. The vast majority of them needless. That's what this is about, not eye tests or trips to Barnard Castle but needless deaths on a massive scale, because of the vanity and incompetence of a few privileged psychopaths.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:49:43
Not aimed at you, however, as this government, and their immediate predecessor have shown themselves entirely willing to throw the opponents to the wolves via the press, its a bit rich for them and their supporters to be bleating about this now.

Seems pretty apt to me.

Good point :clap:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:51:12
He would have been if he'd asked for it. But didn't because trying to stoke some sympathy for the "besieged by the press" angle is a key part of their defence. It's no coincidence that #ScumMedia was trending on twitter from the usual bots and far right accounts over the past couple of days.

It goes to show we haven't moved on from the News of the World clowns a few years back

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:54:23

Good fucking god!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 11:01:39
According to Worldometer (whatever that is, but seems reliable, as is often quoted), we have the scone highest number of deaths in the world, and the fifth highest rate of deaths (per million population - San Marino and Andorra!).

How anyone - anyone - can suggest that this has been handled well by the govt is beyond me, and the continuing clusterfuck of excuses, diversions, dead cat throwing and lies is just going to ultimately have this govt go down in history as the worst we have had.  They won't care though, they will have made their buck by then.

Deaths that could have been avoided due to slow action at the beginning and ongoing disastrous handling of the crisis (too many examples to give, but how about PPE, Care Homes as starters) are being overshadowed by pointless time wasting protecting the actions and careers of the No 10 cabal.

I think I have had enough.  Genuinely can't take any more.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 11:11:06
Something else for you to get your teeth into.
Looks like a normal day at Weymouth.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 11:13:54
Looks like a normal day at Weston Super Mare.
Fixed for you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 11:19:35
Douglas Ross, Scotland minister, resigns from the government

And rumours are that no Tory is willing to replace him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 11:23:56
Fixed for you.

Weston shut their A&E over the weekend as they were too busy with C-19 cases.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 11:24:56
Weston shut their A&E over the weekend as they were too busy with C-19 cases.
They have indeed, my daughter lives there with her girlfriend, they are quite worried by the situation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 11:30:53
And rumours are that no Tory is willing to replace him.
Fuck off, Tomlinson would be up that like a priest up a choirboy's cassock.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 11:43:21
Fuck off, Tomlinson would be up that like a priest up a choirboy's cassock.

No Scottish Tory is probably the caveat - appointing a rest of UK MP to the Scotland office would be a bit embarassing. Been done before though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 12:02:42
And now its seems "Honest Dom" actually edited the blog post he referred to yesterday.  He said he warned of corona virus last year in a blog, it seems he didn't reference Corona then but he edited the blog in April this year to include Coronavirus. 

Please - for the good of everyone, just go!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 12:11:09
Meanwhile in Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon has just unveiled a functioning Test, Trace and Isolate system, properly resourced and staffed which is ready in time for the easing of some of the lockdown restrictions. Not a huge fan of either Sturgeon or the SNP, but just a reminder of what half-competence looks like.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 12:27:17
Ah, but I bet it isn’t ‚world beating‘

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 16:42:57
Hancock has now said, after being asked, that he would consider fines being reviewed for people that were caught travelling due to childcare needs.

So, they are having to consider retroactively changing the rules because the PM's advisor went for a jolly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 16:45:15
Hancock has now said, after being asked, that he would consider fines being reviewed for people that were caught travelling due to childcare needs.

So, they are having to consider retroactively changing the rules because the PM's advisor went for a jolly.
Out of everything that has been said and done over the past couple of days, nothing makes it clearer that he patently DID break not just the lockdown rules that everyone else was expected to follow, but also the law. No respect for the truth, no respect for the rule of law.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 16:48:47
Out of everything that has been said and done over the past couple of days, nothing makes it clearer that he patently DID break not just the lockdown rules that everyone else was expected to follow, but also the law. No respect for the truth, no respect for the rule of law.

They've all lied and made sure that their stories are the same

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 16:54:11

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 16:55:20
They've all lied and made sure that their stories are the same
To be fair Goves story/justification was changing by the minute this morning....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 17:03:39
The co-ordinated lies aren’t working (according to YouGov it’s actually increased since yesterday)

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 17:07:06
To be fair Goves story/justification was changing by the minute this morning....

Hancock was a right knob on this evenings briefing a combination of sitting on the fence, arse licking and couldn't handle the ITN news journalist question so quickly cut him off

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 17:12:36
Hancock is over-promoted, just like IDS & Hague years before.  Someone who's found himself in a top job due to a combination of luck & circumstance...the circumstance, in this case, being the hollowing out of the Tory party talent pool by Brexit.  Non-advocates were purged from the party at the end of last year by Boris Johnson, leaving a much thinner pool of Brexit advocates to fill the top jobs.

Hancock is backbench fodder, thrust in to the front line and now stunned & confused, blinking in the headlights.  He isn't up to it.  He won't be there long.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 18:16:25
Meanwhile in Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon has just unveiled a functioning Test, Trace and Isolate system, properly resourced and staffed which is ready in time for the easing of some of the lockdown restrictions. Not a huge fan of either Sturgeon or the SNP, but just a reminder of what half-competence looks like.
Easy to lead when you don’t really need to worry about the financial side. I imagine that if she’s gets her way and a second referendum they probably will vote to leave. Can’t see their free tuition fees and what not lasting long as not sure where their money will come from, they certainly won’t be keeping all the north see oil reserves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 18:36:28
Easy to lead when you don’t really need to worry about the financial side. I imagine that if she’s gets her way and a second referendum they probably will vote to leave. Can’t see their free tuition fees and what not lasting long as not sure where their money will come from, they certainly won’t be keeping all the north see oil reserves.

As for the Barnet formula, who knows.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 18:46:28
Hancock was a right knob on this evenings briefing a combination of sitting on the fence, arse licking and couldn't handle the ITN news journalist question so quickly cut him off

I thought he absolutely owned Peston TBH when he asked that pointless question.

Probably his best moment in politics, which wasn’t a high bar to pass

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cowley38 on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 18:56:00
Get ready for the shit storm brewing!

Questions being asked about several Labour MPs and councillors who have breached lock down but it's been brushed under the carpet by Labour...

Might be worth getting the popcorn

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 18:57:28
Peston's trouble is he asks too many questions at once. Which then gives a politician the chance to avoid the original point of focus and answer something else. It's easy to deflect when the journo creates the pathway for you.

Peston has merged more toward having an "entertainment" career now than a politically charged one. The 'sexy' flicks of his floppy pelt scream 'Please, please book me for Strictly'. Shame becasue he used to be very critical and pretty good.

I suppose once you have a show with your namesake attached you're already five steps into narcissist town.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 19:01:56
Peston's trouble is he asks too many questions at once. Which then gives a politician the chance to avoid the original point of focus and answer something else. It's easy to deflect when the journo creates the pathway for you.

Absolutely spot on with that observation.  He even did it yesterday in the Rose Garden when there was absolutely no need given he was fucking face-to-face with Cummings and not over zoom, asking all his 3 questions in one go - which takes him so long at the best of times.  Such a basic shit-interviewing technique, all the baffling given his experience and status.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 19:02:44
I thought he absolutely owned Peston TBH when he asked that pointless question.

Probably his best moment in politics, which wasn’t a high bar to pass

He owned Peston by cutting him off and a shame he didn't continue debating with him but probably saw how he got into Cummings yesterday and thought f**k it not again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 19:38:59
Easy to lead when you don’t really need to worry about the financial side. I imagine that if she’s gets her way and a second referendum they probably will vote to leave. Can’t see their free tuition fees and what not lasting long as not sure where their money will come from, they certainly won’t be keeping all the north see oil reserves.

Scottish tax payers get free prescriptions and university education for their kids.  But what is less well-publicized is that many pay more tax for the privilege.  The higher rate tax band is 41%, for example, not 40%.  And it kicks in at approx £43k, not £50k...which makes quite a difference to the tax take.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 19:42:04
Peston's trouble is he asks too many questions at once. Which then gives a politician the chance to avoid the original point of focus and answer something else. It's easy to deflect when the journo creates the pathway for you.

Peston has merged more toward having an "entertainment" career now than a politically charged one. The 'sexy' flicks of his floppy pelt scream 'Please, please book me for Strictly'. Shame becasue he used to be very critical and pretty good.

I suppose once you have a show with your namesake attached you're already five steps into narcissist town.

He also bumbles & drifts.  No focus, and long drawn out vowel sounds while he works out what he's going to say next.  I'm not really sure how it is that he's risen to such a position of prominence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 19:55:08
Scottish tax payers get free prescriptions and university education for their kids.  But what is less well-publicized is that many pay more tax for the privilege.  The higher rate tax band is 41%, for example, not 40%.  And it kicks in at approx £43k, not £50k...which makes quite a difference to the tax take.
Their budget deficit as a % is 4 times that of the UK as a whole. Assuming they don’t get an easy entry into the EU and have to pay to exit like us and Brexit I think they could find the grass to not be greener. HS2 connections to Scotland for example would almost certainly be scrapped.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 20:05:07
Don't dispute that.  But English & Welsh voters voted to leave a political union recently whilst knowing that there would be an economic price to pay.  And it wouldn't be the greatest shock if Scottish voters soon did the same.  Most of my Scottish friends certainly feel a lot less British these days.  The bonds have undoubtedly weakened since 2014.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 20:35:22
Peston having his arse handed to him by Hancock was superb. Treated the question with the contempt it deserved  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 20:40:21
My wife has just signed up for more night shifts in SCBU.

Those beach photos make her angry. What they should do is have a big screen showing what key workers have to go through mentally and physically.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:15:45
More bad news for the Government.  That lefty rag, the Daily Mail, really sticking the boot in with their own latest poll result, particularly damning of all is that 55% of Conservative voters say Cummings has to go.  They've started to lose Middle England.

I should be delighted but seeing "the truth" and "doing the right thing" become so utterly meaningless to some in this country is actually very sad to see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:23:59
I should be delighted but seeing "the truth" and "doing the right thing" become so utterly meaningless to some in this country is actually very sad to see.
It brings a tear to the eye...

Get a fucking grip of yourself  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:26:11

Are you all calling for these Labour MP's to be sacked, they have actually broken the rules.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:34:39
My wife has just signed up for more night shifts in SCBU.

Those beach photos make her angry. What they should do is have a big screen showing what key workers have to go through mentally and physically.

It's disgusting seing all the beaches full of people, all ignoring social distancing.  What is even worse though, is when the media speak to people at the beach and they all say that people shouldn't be at the beach... the mind boggles

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:34:50

Are you all calling for these Labour MP's to be sacked, they have actually broken the rules.

I don't know the details, but one doesn't need to.

It doesn't matter what party they are members of. If they broke the rules - they should go.

Or at least, if one has to go, then the rest do too. The whatabouttery has been rife lately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:39:32
I don't know the details, but one doesn't need to.

It doesn't matter what party they are members of. If they broke the rules - they should go.

One went to a funeral with 100 other people, another went to his fathers birthday party in London (he is from Wales). 

I think Cummings should have gone but I think the stink that the media has kicked up is so counter productive, it's impacting lockdown and I'm actually more annoyed with them than Cummings now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:40:33
I'm not really sure how it is that he's risen to such a position of prominence.

A story as old as time. To get far you don't need to be the best/most talented. It isnt the golden rule but there are plenty of examples.

Peston having his arse handed to him by Hancock was superb. Treated the question with the contempt it deserved  :D

It brings a tear to the eye...

Get a fucking grip of yourself  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Chang,  he didn't have his arse handed to him. Peston purely offered Hancock a pathway to deflect. A five year old could've negotiated a way out of that.

As for misquoting Rusty, you've done exactly as Peston did; given a pathway that allows a response to deflect you quite easily. Fuck me, this forum has several shit trolls.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:46:33
It brings a tear to the eye...

Get a fucking grip of yourself  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Pal, you're a tedious shit-troll with fuck-all to say other than to regularly express your, quite frankly, weird but not unsurprising obsession with PaulD's erection.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:48:03
Lefty loon reverting to type.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:50:28

Or at least, if one has to go, then the rest do too. The whatabouttery has been rife lately.

This is correct of course. I have a certain 'friend' on AssBook who has been using every excuse under the sun to exculpate Cummings but is now doing everything possible to admonish anyone else for doing similar.

Proof that once someone has done the leg work in maintaining a following/support, (see Trump) they can quite literally go and shit on a backers doorstep and they'll still get their unwavering support.

What the fuck is it with certain parts of our species?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:54:40
What has Boris/Cummings done to get on the wrong side of the daily mail?

I don't believe for one moment that they're turning because they think it's actually the 'right' thing to do. It's never seemed to bother then in the past. I reckon there's something else going on behind the scenes there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:55:37
Please stop feeding the trolls.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 21:56:19
What has Boris/Cummings done to get on the wrong side of the daily mail?

I don't believe for one moment that they're turning because they think it's actually the 'right' thing to do. It's never seemed to bother then in the past. I reckon there's something else going on behind the scenes there.

Apparently they are big Gove supporters and see this as a way of getting their man into power.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 22:04:23
Apparently they are big Gove supporters and see this as a way of getting their man into power.

That would make sense. A lot more sense than the daily mail suddenly becoming ethical.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 22:09:52
Oh Gove is certainly being lined up by Murdoch's lot to 'seize' power.

Just watch over the next month, there will be positively spun articles about what a good family man Gove is, all while turning the screw on (deservedly) J&C. Gove has wanted the job since Dave ran away from his responsibilities. Mind you bloody Cameron seems a better devil than any of the current lot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 22:16:04
One went to a funeral with 100 other people, another went to his fathers birthday party in London (he is from Wales).  

I think Cummings should have gone but I think the stink that the media has kicked up is so counter productive, it's impacting lockdown and I'm actually more annoyed with them than Cummings now.

it wont get the press or the responses on here, my defence of cummings (except for communication and castle visit) was based on his primary focus being family and health reasons,  as I said about kyle Walker- many many many more have broke lock down for selfish reasons that will have put lives at risk.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 22:27:48
Don't dispute that.  But English & Welsh voters voted to leave a political union recently whilst knowing that there would be an economic price to pay.  And it wouldn't be the greatest shock if Scottish voters soon did the same.  Most of my Scottish friends certainly feel a lot less British these days.  The bonds have undoubtedly weakened since 2014.
I think they will vote to leave if they get the chance and they will be pretty much ruined. They’ll take their share of the uk national debt and have a crippling deficit. With the London banking and service sectors the UK can just about survive on its own, Scotland on its own will offer very little in the grand scheme of things and will be in big trouble.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 22:47:05
Easy to lead when you don’t really need to worry about the financial side. I imagine that if she’s gets her way and a second referendum they probably will vote to leave. Can’t see their free tuition fees and what not lasting long as not sure where their money will come from, they certainly won’t be keeping all the north see oil reserves.
Which may all be true but has precisely the square root of fuck all to do with making sure you implement TTI properly before easing lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 22:51:59
Apparently they are big Gove supporters and see this as a way of getting their man into power.
Gove is very tight with Cummings, has been since Cummings was his SPAD at Dept of Education. Although obviously Gove would be happy to crawl over a pile of dead bodies and his own shit to get to No 10 so sure he'd probably be more than happy to ditch Cummings if he thought it would help him. Unlike Johnson who depends on Cummings to a quite pathetic extent, Gove thinks he's also a "genius" like Cummings so can do without. TBF, he's every bit as much a genius as Cummings is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 23:09:53
That would make sense. A lot more sense than the daily mail suddenly becoming ethical.
The Mail's about-turn may also be related to their own polling: that's not just Tory core support, it's their readership. Maybe they've cottoned on that even their readers are so fucked off by this that Cummings is beyond saving- best to be seen to be campaigning on the right side (aka sticking the boot in) than risk losing readers from an already dwindling base


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 23:32:48
ANPR data breach...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 06:25:14
The Mail's about-turn may also be related to their own polling: that's not just Tory core support, it's their readership. Maybe they've cottoned on that even their readers are so fucked off by this that Cummings is beyond saving- best to be seen to be campaigning on the right side (aka sticking the boot in) than risk losing readers from an already dwindling base


More straw clutch.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 06:40:30
Getting bored now with all of this shit,  for fucks sake is there nothing in the football world to talk about ?, after all surely that's why we all joined this forum.  Seems as almost every thread these days revert to politics.  Rant Over.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 07:41:03
More straw clutch.

Yeah, you’re not supposed to quote the daily mail on this site

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 07:57:54
Getting bored now with all of this shit,  for fucks sake is there nothing in the football world to talk about ?, after all surely that's why we all joined this forum.  Seems as almost every thread these days revert to politics.  Rant Over.

Mate, this is the coronavirus thread ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:11:58
HS2 connections to Scotland for example would almost certainly be scrapped.

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

The union will be well gone (As will you, I and probably our great grand kids) before anything like this comes to pass.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:13:45

Are you all calling for these Labour MP's to be sacked, they have actually broken the rules.

Rather different sacking an elected member against a *checks notes* unelected advisor.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:17:57
Rather different sacking an elected member against a *checks notes* unelected advisor.
They could still have the whip withdrawn. Have they even been disciplined by Labour?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:24:45
What has Boris/Cummings done to get on the wrong side of the daily mail?

I don't believe for one moment that they're turning because they think it's actually the 'right' thing to do. It's never seemed to bother then in the past. I reckon there's something else going on behind the scenes there.

Couple of things with the Mail, firstly as noted elsewhere Gove is their man, although Gove will need to at some point flip on Cummings as at the moment he is tarnished as anyone after his dreadful interviews yesterday.

The other thing is that populist papers like the Mail print what they know their readers want to read, thus they have sensed a shift in their leadership and their reporting is reflecting it, this should probably be the greater concern to the government as if they lose the Mail readers its only really going to leave the nutjobs reading the express.

I am getting a little pissed off with the blame the media narrative that is being spread, much of the grottyness of the present media has been exacerbated both by the sectarian nonsense which has been created by Cummings and alike during Brexit, see traitors of the people etc etc, likewise we have a media emboldened by the shelving of Leveson 2 again at the bequest of the Tory party.

This country descended into unpleasant sectarian lines from about 2014 onwards, again greatly exacerbated by the actions of one D Cummings which made spreading lies and disinformation, stoking aggression and intolerance mainstream and apparently acceptable, you reap what you sow sunshine.

One small positive that could emerge from this whole sorry saga, and the wider C-19 issue, is the acceleration of the decline of the unpleasant nationalism which has gripped certain parts of the electorate, populist governments through history tend to only last so long before their supporters realise that they do not give one jot for them and turn against them, at the present this process seems to be rapidly accelerating in England.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:25:44
They could still have the whip withdrawn. Have they even been disciplined by Labour?

No idea, has google not reached Swindon yet?  ;) ;) :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:30:58
No idea, has google not reached Swindon yet?  ;) ;) :D
:D What is this "google" of which you speak?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:35:31
Getting bored now with all of this shit,  for fucks sake is there nothing in the football world to talk about ?, after all surely that's why we all joined this forum.
I dunno, but as a wild idea, maybe try one of the many football-related threads?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:38:20
Mate, this is the coronavirus thread ;)

It really isn't

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:40:28
I am getting a little pissed off with the blame the media narrative that is being spread,

Yeah, but whatabout John Smith, I saw him walk for 62 minutes in his 60 minute lockdown excercise. You aren't calling for him to be sacked are you. Hypocrites.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 08:40:51
It really isn't

Oooh yes it is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 09:02:01
Getting bored now with all of this shit,  for fucks sake is there nothing in the football world to talk about ?, after all surely that's why we all joined this forum.  Seems as almost every thread these days revert to politics.  Rant Over.

Sorry man, not a mod anymore. Can you all stop talking about stuff? Swindonmaniac doesn't like it. Thanx fb xxx

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 09:32:52
Theres fuck all football to talk about anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 09:46:10
Theres fuck all football to talk about anyway.

not sure that's ok. mr swindonmaniac, can we get all meta and talk about the lack of football to talk about?

I guess this is talking about talking about that.


It's like that film I've never seen. Probably.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 10:00:38
not sure that's ok. mr swindonmaniac, can we get all meta and talk about the lack of football to talk about?

I guess this is talking about talking about that.


It's like that film I've never seen. Probably.

Here's one! When we going up as we're obviously not back in training and surely behind the scenes it's been decided at EFL headquarters  :zzz:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 10:34:23
Here's one! When we going up as we're obviously not back in training and surely behind the scenes it's been decided at EFL headquarters  :zzz:
Waiting on confirmation vote on the EFL proposal (PPG, promotion and relegation) to be conducted and announced I believe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 10:38:47
Waiting on confirmation vote on the EFL proposal (PPG, promotion and relegation) to be conducted and announced I believe.

Surely behind the scenes it's been agreed otherwise we would be back training as of the 25th

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 10:40:24
guys, why are we talking about football in the Coronavirus thread? There are plenty of football threads to have this discussion on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 10:42:04
guys, why are we talking about football in the Coronavirus thread? There are plenty of football threads to have this discussion on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 10:43:14
Surely behind the scenes it's been agreed otherwise we would be back training as of the 25th
I don't think anyone is expecting L2 to resume this season, no. Given the initial vote by clubs was unanimous and it only requires 51% to pass, Stevenage would have to do one hell of a lobbying job to swing the vote!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 10:44:16
Not seen an update on the football situation in Belarus for some time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 10:48:45
I don't think anyone is expecting L2 to resume this season, no. Given the initial vote by clubs was unanimous and it only requires 51% to pass, Stevenage would have to do one hell of a lobbying job to swing the vote!

Yeah, I think even if a second vote is needed I can't see anything having change.

I did see Daragh McAthony suggest that championship clubs vote could indirectly keep L1 and L2 playing.

I know there was some weighted majority voting in place in the EFL.
I know the EFL released a statement saying that leagues could decide their own fate.

What I don't know is if the EFL preference needs to get voted globally through to become active. Or whether the EFL have unilaterally declared it so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 10:55:47
Yeah, I think even if a second vote is needed I can't see anything having change.

I did see Daragh McAthony suggest that championship clubs vote could indirectly keep L1 and L2 playing.

I know there was some weighted majority voting in place in the EFL.
I know the EFL released a statement saying that leagues could decide their own fate.

What I don't know is if the EFL preference needs to get voted globally through to become active. Or whether the EFL have unilaterally declared it so.
Requires 51% of the clubs in each league to vote in favour to take effect in that league. So L2 can decide their own fate, separate from L1. And Darragh MacAnthony is a self-serving melt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 11:00:39
I did see Daragh McAthony suggest that championship clubs vote could indirectly keep L1 and L2 playing.

Why not, he has already pissed off many L1 clubs, go for the full house I say.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 12:21:41
Requires 51% of the clubs in each league to vote in favour to take effect in that league. So L2 can decide their own fate, separate from L1.

So the EFL document was final and does not need voted approval. Cool. Champions. Champions.

And Darragh MacAnthony is a self-serving melt

Of course. Unpopular but I hope our own melt would be equally opposed to a null and void system.

I don't think he's right. But I get why he's doing it. Self interest slants all our views!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 12:45:45
So the EFL document was final and does not need voted approval. Cool. Champions. Champions.
No, I think it does. Private Fraser has posted the detail in the So What Happens Next thread. 1st of all the rule change to allow early conclusion with PPG and play-offs needs to be voted in by the whole league; then each division would need to vote on whether to use early conclusion

.....continuing the 'what happens next' football discussion this morning on the Coronavirus thread, the first vote (on the necessary rule change) is on 1 June:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 12:56:53
And back on topic, this is revealing (by the guy who blew the whistle on Vote Leave - i.e. Cummings, Johnson and Gove - breaking electoral spending laws during the referendum)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:01:43
Not seen an update on the football situation in Belarus for some time.

The players are all dead

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:03:48
And back on topic, this is revealing (by the guy who blew the whistle on Vote Leave - i.e. Cummings, Johnson and Gove - breaking electoral spending laws during the referendum)

dont you mean back off topic?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:05:35
Been showing some symptons since Monday so after isolating since then I finally registered for the test and have just returned from Carterton (because the CG is not testing today, although I was originally booked in there).

Apart from being turned away from the CG this morning, I was very impressed with the registration process and the army boys and girls down at Carterton were very clear and concise with their instructions.

Should get the result in the next 48hrs..  as my symptons are not as severe as I know they could be I am hoping for a positive test result so that (potentially) i could be immune..  My view is that since I am a few days into isolation already I might as well get it over and done with..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:08:09
And back on topic, this is revealing (by the guy who blew the whistle on Vote Leave - i.e. Cummings, Johnson and Gove - breaking electoral spending laws during the referendum)

Ah Shahmir Sanni who was outed by the Tory government putting he and his family's life's at direct risk.

Strangely all those spouting about #mediascum were rather quiet on that matter.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:08:59
Been showing some symptons since Monday so after isolating since then I finally registered for the test and have just returned from Carterton (because the CG is not testing today, although I was originally booked in there).

Apart from being turned away from the CG this morning, I was very impressed with the registration process and the army boys and girls down at Carterton were very clear and concise with their instructions.

Should get the result in the next 48hrs..  as my symptons are not as severe as I know they could be I am hoping for a positive test result so that (potentially) i could be immune..  My view is that since I am a few days into isolation already I might as well get it over and done with..

Hope it all goes OK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:15:37
Been showing some symptons since Monday so after isolating since then I finally registered for the test and have just returned from Carterton (because the CG is not testing today, although I was originally booked in there).

Apart from being turned away from the CG this morning, I was very impressed with the registration process and the army boys and girls down at Carterton were very clear and concise with their instructions.

Should get the result in the next 48hrs..  as my symptons are not as severe as I know they could be I am hoping for a positive test result so that (potentially) i could be immune..  My view is that since I am a few days into isolation already I might as well get it over and done with..
Fingers crossed for you Berni!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:15:48
Been showing some symptons since Monday so after isolating since then I finally registered for the test and have just returned from Carterton (because the CG is not testing today, although I was originally booked in there).

Apart from being turned away from the CG this morning, I was very impressed with the registration process and the army boys and girls down at Carterton were very clear and concise with their instructions.

Should get the result in the next 48hrs..  as my symptons are not as severe as I know they could be I am hoping for a positive test result so that (potentially) i could be immune..  My view is that since I am a few days into isolation already I might as well get it over and done with..

All the best Berniman.  I guess having it with very mild symptoms would be the least-worst option.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:17:03
Hope it all goes OK.

I'm all good, if I have it and this is as bad as it gets for me I will take it, knowing what I could have had to deal with..

Annoying itchy cough and torso and neck aching is a small price to pay in comparison.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:28:00
So the EFL document was final and does not need voted approval. Cool. Champions. Champions.

Of course. Unpopular but I hope our own melt would be equally opposed to a null and void system.

I don't think he's right. But I get why he's doing it. Self interest slants all our views!
See, there is football news to talk about !!!.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:30:29
Been showing some symptons since Monday so after isolating since then I finally registered for the test and have just returned from Carterton (because the CG is not testing today, although I was originally booked in there).

Apart from being turned away from the CG this morning, I was very impressed with the registration process and the army boys and girls down at Carterton were very clear and concise with their instructions.

Should get the result in the next 48hrs..  as my symptons are not as severe as I know they could be I am hoping for a positive test result so that (potentially) i could be immune..  My view is that since I am a few days into isolation already I might as well get it over and done with..
Hope test proves negative for you Berni, must be a worrying time for you.  Stay safe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:30:40
Been showing some symptons since Monday so after isolating since then I finally registered for the test and have just returned from Carterton (because the CG is not testing today, although I was originally booked in there).

Apart from being turned away from the CG this morning, I was very impressed with the registration process and the army boys and girls down at Carterton were very clear and concise with their instructions.

Should get the result in the next 48hrs..  as my symptons are not as severe as I know they could be I am hoping for a positive test result so that (potentially) i could be immune..  My view is that since I am a few days into isolation already I might as well get it over and done with..

All the best Bernie. Try not to drive to Durham.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 13:31:24
I'm all good, if I have it and this is as bad as it gets for me I will take it, knowing what I could have had to deal with..

Annoying itchy cough and torso and neck aching is a small price to pay in comparison.

It could also be mixing with hayfever as the pollen is high this week

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: THE FLASH on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 14:25:27
I'm all good, if I have it and this is as bad as it gets for me I will take it, knowing what I could have had to deal with..

Annoying itchy cough and torso and neck aching is a small price to pay in comparison.

Best of health to you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 14:52:30
I agree that the clap for Carers is getting a bit over board, but Marcus Jerome you are a cunt.

It should definitely stop. It’s not fair on pets and there are idiots letting fireworks off weekly.

“They are being rewarded enough with a pay rise, priority shopping, food donations at hospitals etc, discounts from most online retailers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 14:58:18
We're getting a payrise? Shit hot!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 15:02:08
We're getting a payrise? Shit hot!

That’s what the wife said!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 15:10:37
I doubt this will actually happen to the extent it should, the problem with free markets is they don't tend to actually be that free, but it would be good for the world to reassess the relative value of things.

Clearly this has shown we are at the mercy of Emergency Responders when the crunch really comes.  It also shows us roles that ave next to no real value, like a Bus Driver, are actually pretty important to sustain "our way of life".  On the the hand, with a little hardship, we can get by without watching people being paid 500k a week running around kicking a ball, repeating the same cycle every year.  And even when they do, it's actually fans at games that make it fun to watch, not the players!

This is on top of potential societal changes, like shaking hands, or the more recent trend of hugging everyone when you meet them.  Or more serious aspects, like the pointless commute to an office job that can adequately be performed in your pants at home.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 15:11:43
I agree that the clap for Carers is getting a bit over board, but Marcus Jerome you are a cunt.

Yeah, they're only putting their health and lives on the line to stop a global pandemic, whinging fuckers. Jesus. Some people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 15:12:24
I agree that the clap for Carers is getting a bit over board, but Marcus Jerome you are a cunt.

Is that Arriba?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 15:15:26
I agree that people don't need to be letting off fireworks. For one, each evening has been getting lighter since lockdown so the fireworks really are pointless in broad day/evening light.

We're already in astronomical twilight so it doesn't even technically get "dark" but it's pointless trying to tell some tanked up pisshead with a couple of Blazing Stars under one arm and a case of Strongbow Dark Fruits under the other. May have a Staffie/Pitbull cross in tow too. Called Snuffer or some other "look at me I'm hard" shitty name.

Berni. Hope all goes well. Good to see Normy fit and well (even if a tad scary in that snood get up). I wish none of you here get it or at least if you do - that you recover fully. This applies to the trolls too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 16:45:56
WHO expert reckons UK will be back to normal by August!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 17:26:19
Quote from: The Artist Formerly Known as Audrey
WHO expert reckons UK will be back to normal by August!

that would be quite something

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 17:29:06
I'm all good, if I have it and this is as bad as it gets for me I will take it, knowing what I could have had to deal with..

Annoying itchy cough and torso and neck aching is a small price to pay in comparison.

Looks like you'll be on the new Track and trace manual process if you test positive, good luck with it all  - All the best

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 17:56:30
New test centre in Swindon, not sure what happens to the one at the CG though?  It will be here for 6 months and can do up to 2,000 tests a day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 18:30:32
that would be quite something

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 18:43:35
Here he is back in March, so he is stretching his initial assessment, and the tone of his March musings would not suggest a 60k death toll in the UK, or 100k+ in USA or what is beginning in Brazil:

It was all just going to be OK once it was gone by the end of June.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 18:45:13
Been showing some symptons since Monday so after isolating since then I finally registered for the test and have just returned from Carterton (because the CG is not testing today, although I was originally booked in there).

Apart from being turned away from the CG this morning, I was very impressed with the registration process and the army boys and girls down at Carterton were very clear and concise with their instructions.

Should get the result in the next 48hrs..  as my symptons are not as severe as I know they could be I am hoping for a positive test result so that (potentially) i could be immune..  My view is that since I am a few days into isolation already I might as well get it over and done with..

My very best wishes Berniman.  I hope your symptoms are no worse than mine were, and you make a quick full recovery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 19:05:56
It could also be mixing with hayfever as the pollen is high this week

fucking right this week - but please, please keep it in the hayfever thread

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 19:18:08
fucking right this week - but please, please keep it in the hayfever thread

I never knew there was one :sherlock:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 19:45:20
Ex-WHO. And an oncologist, no pandemic/epidemic specialism. But still a medic, so knows more than most of us! He's spent the whole pandemic downplaying the whole thing. If you went on his early predictions, we'd all be back to normal next week with a few hundred deaths. Hope he's right this time though, he has to be eventually.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 19:57:16
So my 13 year old nephew ( winner of nipper of the year - thanks tef) has the corona virus strain that kids get. He spent 2 days in hospital in Birmingham and thankfully is well on the way to a full recovery.

The reason I’m telling you this is 2 days before he was submitted to hospital he went to the test centre at edgbaston cricket ground in Birmingham, he’d been feeling unwell so my sister thought she should take him for a test. They got the results back 96 hours later whilst he was in hospital with covid-19 . The results were negative. Fucking unbelievable.

Not only that the test told my 13 year old nephew he could show the result to his employer to prove he could get back to work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 20:05:05
Those Chimneys won't sweep themselves you know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 20:07:04
So my 13 year old nephew ( winner of nipper of the year - thanks tef) has the corona virus strain that kids get. He spent 2 days in hospital in Birmingham and thankfully is well on the way to a full recovery.

The reason I’m telling you this is 2 days before he was submitted to hospital he went to the test centre at edgbaston cricket ground in Birmingham, he’d been feeling unwell so my sister thought she should take him for a test. They got the results back 96 hours later whilst he was in hospital with covid-19 . The results were negative. Fucking unbelievable.

Not only that the test told my 13 year old nephew he could show the result to his employer to prove he could get back to work.
Glad to hear he's feeling better Mex.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 21:42:34
Quote from: mexico red
So my 13 year old nephew ( winner of nipper of the year - thanks tef) has the corona virus strain that kids get. He spent 2 days in hospital in Birmingham and thankfully is well on the way to a full recovery.

The reason I’m telling you this is 2 days before he was submitted to hospital he went to the test centre at edgbaston cricket ground in Birmingham, he’d been feeling unwell so my sister thought she should take him for a test. They got the results back 96 hours later whilst he was in hospital with covid-19 . The results were negative. Fucking unbelievable.

Not only that the test told my 13 year old nephew he could show the result to his employer to prove he could get back to  work.
I'm glad he's getting better. that's great news.

unfortunately the test isn't 100% accurate. winner if it's less accurate in kids than adults.

still at least he's work fit..

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 21:44:23
the new contract testing is going to rely on those test positive to put the names, emails and phone numbers of those they've been in significant contact with into a website...

I dunno, maybe it'll be ok, just have my doubts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 21:58:21
the new contract testing is going to rely on those test positive to put the names, emails and phone numbers of those they've been in significant contact with into a website...

I dunno, maybe it'll be ok, just have my doubts.

Imagine the conversation on the tube asking for that info

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 23:19:31
Apparently we have a world leading track trace system by end of month(per Boris, a couple of weeks ago’. Who knew?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 05:50:40
So my 13 year old nephew ( winner of nipper of the year - thanks tef) has the corona virus strain that kids get. He spent 2 days in hospital in Birmingham and thankfully is well on the way to a full recovery.

The reason I’m telling you this is 2 days before he was submitted to hospital he went to the test centre at edgbaston cricket ground in Birmingham, he’d been feeling unwell so my sister thought she should take him for a test. They got the results back 96 hours later whilst he was in hospital with covid-19 . The results were negative. Fucking unbelievable.

Not only that the test told my 13 year old nephew he could show the result to his employer to prove he could get back to work.

Flip side of that. My wifes best friend felt ill. tested positive, retested 2 days later and clear. So not sure what to make of that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 07:54:49
It's been estimated the tests are only 70% accurate for a number of reasons. It may improve with time I guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 08:15:45
the new contract testing is going to rely on those test positive to put the names, emails and phone numbers of those they've been in significant contact with into a website...

I dunno, maybe it'll be ok, just have my doubts.

That's going to be difficult if you have been one of those on the beach etc.

Will be a piece of piss for us as we go nowhere but if you are having to use public transport its frankly a nonsense.

It's been estimated the tests are only 70% accurate for a number of reasons. It may improve with time I guess.

There was a piece in Private Eye saying one of the reasons is the tests are very difficult to administer properly, whilst the early testers were being trained by staff from Boots (I think) who were medically trained, now its passed over to these private companies and within one at least you only have to have administered 3 tests yourself to be considered experienced enough to become a trainer of new staff!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 08:44:29
There was a piece in Private Eye saying one of the reasons is the tests are very difficult to administer properly, whilst the early testers were being trained by staff from Boots (I think) who were medically trained, now its passed over to these private companies and within one at least you only have to have administered 3 tests yourself to be considered experienced enough to become a trainer of new staff!
Yet again, the government's enthusiasm for outsourcing/privatising and large centralised contracts is going to cost lives. It's been a thread running throughout this disaster

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 08:56:11
the new contract testing is going to rely on those test positive to put the names, emails and phone numbers of those they've been in significant contact with into a website...

I dunno, maybe it'll be ok, just have my doubts.

If someone puts my name and number on a website without me authorising it, they'll be buying a piece of steak for their black eye.

On top of that if that's how they are doing it, there are going to be lots of "joke" submissions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 08:58:36

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 09:02:45
And in the meantime, the TTI system wasn't supposed to be going live until next week. But it's been rushed into operation today, well before it's ready, to provide political cover for Johnson and his sidekick, sorry, Cummings and his sidekick Johnson. TTI is our best chance of actually getting out of lockdown and containing the virus, but a shoddy launch will undermine confidence in it, on top of public confidence already being undermined by the shit show over the past week. Yet again, public health priorities are deemed less important than Johnson and Cummings' careers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 09:09:27
If someone puts my name and number on a website without me authorising it, they'll be buying a piece of steak for their black eye.

On top of that if that's how they are doing it, there are going to be lots of "joke" submissions.

Where does that stand on the whole GDPR issue, albeit I am not sure to what extent GDPR actually applies now we are outside the EU to all intents and purposes? There seem to be issues insofar as the authorisations for data storage on the UK system seem to relate more to US data law rather than UK?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 09:38:20
GDPR doesn't change with Brexit it's all under the ICO. I'll admit I haven't read the ins and outs yet, but as I've said before anything that Hancock says about IT safety and security should be ignored. He has zero credibility to state anything, unless he has NCSC credentials i'm unaware of.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 09:55:48
New FT analysis shows UK has suffered the worst death rate in the world. At least Johnson's boasts of being "world-beating" are true in one area. We are "world-beating" at killing our citizens through incompetent and callous government mishandling of Covid19. And still they focus on saving their own careers. These people are psychopaths.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 09:58:52
Out of the countries that provide data.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 09:59:40
Out of the countries that provide data, as the title says.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:02:31
What comparable countries to the UK are missing from that though? I’d guess the only notable omission is Brazil

It’s not a flattering picture whatever caveats you put on it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:02:52
Out of the countries that provide data.
Of course. Brazil may ultimately prove to be worse than we are, Russia may also be up there. It's not a proud record. The death toll here is horrendous. With over 60,000 dead, no-one can claim this govt has done a good job of handling Covid19. And now they're going to fuck up the next phase. Surely you're not trying to claim you're happy with the job they have done so far?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:03:57
Can you please stop glorifying in this slaughter.
It is obscene.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:05:21
............... I've said before anything that Hancock says about IT safety and security should be ignored. He has zero credibility to state anything.................

In general credibility is totally shot, Hancock, PM and his government. Even for a sizeable and growing minority of their own backbenchers. The world has been watching on, and as Brexit no deal looms, the world is who we're going to have to negotiate with regards trade arrangements and partnerships going forward. Trust and credibility is essential.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:11:08
So because the FT has the highest death rate figures then that's the one you like to quote all the time? Any excess deaths is horrendous and perhaps the government's approach could have been better in many areas, but the amount of politicised rantings on here is embarrassing. Don't forget the public (and politicians) being sensible and abiding by the rules is pretty much the centre of getting on top of this, but there's a good percentage of the population that are ignorant. Then again that's probably the government's fault  ::)
The lockdown should have been stricter in my opinion. The whole PPE issue and care homes should have been a priority too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:14:48
Where does that stand on the whole GDPR issue, albeit I am not sure to what extent GDPR actually applies now we are outside the EU to all intents and purposes? There seem to be issues insofar as the authorisations for data storage on the UK system seem to relate more to US data law rather than UK?

And i'm not even coming from GDPR angle. for anyone with whatever trace method/app should have as a starter 3 simple questions answered.

1) Is everything encrypted. App and website?

2) Is there 2 step authentication?

3) where is the data stored?

oh 4) How long is the retention period?

If you dont know the answer to those. don't download anything they say, until they are answered fully by an expert, not some minister.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:19:08
And i'm not even coming from GDPR angle. for anyone with whatever trace method/app should have as a starter 3 simple questions answered.

1) Is everything encrypted. App and website?

2) Is there 2 step authentication?

3) where is the data stored?

oh 4) How long is the retention period?

If you dont know the answer to those. don't download anything they say, until they are answered fully by an expert, not some minister.

Don't worry, despite what Johnson promised it looks like it won't be working till the end of June anyway!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:22:34
So because the FT has the highest death rate figures then that's the one you like to quote all the time? Any excess deaths is horrendous and perhaps the government's approach could have been better in many areas, but the amount of politicised rantings on here is embarrassing. Don't forget the public (and politicians) being sensible and abiding by the rules is pretty much the centre of getting on top of this, but there's a good percentage of the population that are ignorant. Then again that's probably the government's fault  ::)
The lockdown should have been stricter in my opinion. The whole PPE issue and care homes should have been a priority too.

It’s because the countries which have seen fewer excess deaths than us locked down sooner and told their citizens to lockdown sooner

Our government dallied and it’s led to more people dying than if they’d acted sooner. They gambled and got it wrong - fine if the stakes are small but they’re not

Having to deal with Covid is not their fault. The health response to it is

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:23:58
Can you please stop glorifying in this slaughter.
It is obscene.

It's not the death figure as such is it,  the glory comes from the fact that a Tory government is in charge and certain members of it in particular.

There's also the daily chance to reinforce the 'i told you so' mantra.

All a bit wearing after 271 pages especially when the situation appears not to be under control yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:26:39
It’s because the countries which have seen fewer excess deaths than us locked down sooner and told their citizens to lockdown sooner

Our government dallied and it’s led to more people dying than if they’d acted sooner. They gambled and got it wrong - fine if the stakes are small but they’re not

Having to deal with Covid is not their fault. The health response to it is

Can't argue with that last bit Dave but Spain and Italy have very high figures even with stricter and earlier lockdowns. I think the NHS are doing a fantastic job.
New Zealand have shown the world how to deal with this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:30:49
It’s because the countries which have seen fewer excess deaths than us locked down sooner and told their citizens to lockdown sooner

Our government dallied and it’s led to more people dying than if they’d acted sooner. They gambled and got it wrong - fine if the stakes are small but they’re not

Having to deal with Covid is not their fault. The health response to it is
Exactly this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:32:12
Can't argue with that last bit Dave but Spain and Italy have very high figures even with stricter and earlier lockdowns. I think the NHS are doing a fantastic job.

Spain and Italy didn’t have the luxury of learning from Spain and Italy like we did though

If you see someone skid off on some black ice, and then proceed to drive over that Ice without changing your approach - the fault is on you when you crash

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:33:10
Spain and Italy didn’t have the luxury of learning from Spain and Italy like we did though

Spain followed Italy.

Also, this virus was probably already embedded,  a lot of people show no symptoms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:34:21
Spain followed Italy
Both did a poor job, as has much of Western Europe. We have done worst of all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:35:55
Both did a poor job, as has much of Western Europe. We have done worst of all.

Yes the Government haven’t help, but the public could have done more to help. People still oblivious to It all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:36:24
Spain followed Italy.

Also, this virus was probably already embedded,  a lot of people show no symptoms.

Spain did follow Italy, and has a slightly lower death rate

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:36:45
So because the FT has the highest death rate figures then that's the one you like to quote all the time?
No. The FT are quoting excess mortality, the measure that Chris Whitty, Iain Vallance and even Hancock and Johnson have said are the only realistic measures to judge the government's handling of this on. Because you don't then get the anomalies of different reporting mechanisms etc etc. That is why I quote the FT figures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:37:31
Both did a poor job, as has much of Western Europe. We have done worst of all.

That's down to the lightweight lockdown. The tighter the measures the lower the death rate. New Zealand did it right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:38:50
Yes the Government haven’t help, but the public could have done more to help. People still oblivious to It all.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:40:01
Yes the Government haven’t help, but the public could have done more to help. People still oblivious to It all.
Of course individuals need to take responsibility for their own actions. Unless they're senior govt figures, of course. But individuals can only have a small impact, govt policy has a massive impact. Even the hugley pro-Johnson Telegraph admits we could have prevented 3/4 of deaths if the govt had locked down a week earlier:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:40:41
That's down to the lightweight lockdown. The tighter the measures the lower the death rate. New Zealand did it right.
It isn't. It's because we locked down too late. Because government dithered. What New Zealand did right was lock down early

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:42:59
Spain did follow Italy, and has a slightly lower death rate

If you look at the UK the highest death rates relate to England, understandable due to the bigger population. Compare population density and England's is higher than Spain or Italy. Belgium has a high population density and they have suffered a high percentage of deaths. There's a lot of factors in this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:43:55
It isn't. It's because we locked down too late. Because government dithered. What New Zealand did right was lock down early

And close the borders

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:44:58
And close the borders
Indeed, something we bafflingly failed to do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:45:32
Of course individuals need to take responsibility for their own actions. Unless they're senior govt figures, of course. But individuals can only have a small impact, govt policy has a massive impact. Even the hugley pro-Johnson Telegraph admits we could have prevented 3/4 of deaths if the govt had locked down a week earlier:

Don’t get me wrong Boris has fucked up. I thought after he came out of hospital he would have realised how bad it actually was. Lockdown should have been stricter. Missed opportunities to shut everything for a certain period of time ie. Easter weekend.

I still think the public could have been more responsible. Cheltenham race’s shouldn’t have happened. Schools and shops should have shut sooner. Crowds should never have happened, even know on the beaches. We are far from this pandemic being over or reduced.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:46:14
If you look at the UK the highest death rates relate to England, understandable due to the bigger population. Compare population density and England's is higher than Spain or Italy. Belgium has a high population density and they have suffered a high percentage of deaths. There's a lot of factors in this.

I really cannot be arsed to trawl back and find it, but the figures for places like South Korea and Singapore which have densities vastly greater than ours just illustrate that the whole density argument is just a red herring spouted by our habitually bullshitting leaders and grabbed by Johnson apologists to try and justify the unjustifiable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:48:43
That's down to the lightweight lockdown. The tighter the measures the lower the death rate. New Zealand did it right.

NZ has a distinct advantage of being isolated with a lot of space and low population though. Their problems will come when the borders open.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:49:47
Cheltenham race’s shouldn’t have happened.

It shouldn't but it did mainly because it going ahead was entirely in line with government guidelines at the time as beautifully illustrated by Johnson attending the 6 nations game that weekend, whilst still babbling on about shaking hands with C-19 sufferers, taking it on the chin and all that bollocks.

Ireland had already cancelled their 6 nations game and St Patrick's Day by this date and they have suffered considerably less.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:50:27
NZ has a distinct advantage of being isolated with a lot of space and low population though. Their problems will come when the borders open.

It also has an advantage of being led by an adult not a fucking glove puppet!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:52:50
If you look at the UK the highest death rates relate to England, understandable due to the bigger population. Compare population density and England's is higher than Spain or Italy. Belgium has a high population density and they have suffered a high percentage of deaths. There's a lot of factors in this.

The FT chart shows that Belgium has a lower death rate per population than the UK does, even if it has a higher population density

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:56:39
I really cannot be arsed to trawl back and find it, but the figures for places like South Korea and Singapore which have densities vastly greater than ours just illustrate that the whole density argument is just a red herring spouted by our habitually bullshitting leaders and grabbed by Johnson apologists to try and justify the unjustifiable.

The stats from this virus are bizarre. You look at places where you would think it would spread like wildfire and it doesn't. Perhaps that's down to the strain or mutation of the virus? Madrid has suffered 9000 deaths compared to London's 6000. Care to elaborate why you think that might be? Madrid has less than half the population of London too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 10:58:43
Cheltenham race’s shouldn’t have happened.


And if the government stopped it, it would not have went ahead.
The government did not stop it.
So, it went ahead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:00:26
Admittedly this is a fortnight out of date but...

South Korea Population 51,780,579, density 1,339/sq. mile: 259 deaths
Hong Kong Population 7,500,700, density 17,565/sq. mile 4 deaths
Taiwan: Population 23,604,2650, density 1,689/sq. mile 7 deaths
Singapore Population  5,703,600, density 20,445 /sq. mile 21 deaths
UK Population  67,886,004 , density 725 /sq. mile 33,186 deaths

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:07:45
Different strains of the virus in different countries?

Different demographic in different countries?

You’d have thought it would be rampant and unstoppable throughout Africa - yet it remains pretty unscathed. Africa, as a whole, has a very young average age of the population.

The thousands of elderly people killed by the virus would have died years, or even decades, ago in another part of the world of something else.

I’d like to know the % of people under 60 with no known underlying health issues who have succumbed to the virus. I’d guess it’s small - no less harrowing for their friends and relatives.

The scandal is that across Europe the elderly have been sacrificed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:09:49
It’s only now we can say we should have locked down earlier with any sort of proof to back that up.

At the time it was all educated guess work, we haven’t had a situation like this before so no handbook existed on how to deal with it based on similar previous pandemics.

Hindsight is easy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:10:10
The stats from this virus are bizarre. You look at places where you would think it would spread like wildfire and it doesn't. Perhaps that's down to the strain or mutation of the virus?

I think this is an important and overlooked point.

I would have thought India would have been decimated. They’ve actually faired comparatively well.
It shows scientists still don’t know many things about this virus. All govts need to have the humility to admit we’re all still learning and should be prepared to admit mistakes and improve.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:10:27
what a massive surprise that 'world beating' track and trace isn't:

"Dido Harding just told me on an MPs’ conference call that Test, Trace & Isolate won’t be fully operational at local level till the end of June. Not sure where that leaves Johnson’s promise of a fully operational “world beating” system by Monday.#Covid19UK"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:10:45
Not taking credit for this as its nicked off Twitter but some good questions.

The government abandoned contact tracing in early March (despite WHO advice being test and trace). Why did they do that if they now see it as a good thing?
Why didn’t they scale up contact tracing while they scaled up mortuaries?
Why were they preparing for illness and death rather than preventing it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:12:37
they weren't ready to do it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:16:05

Hindsight is easy

How the fuck is it hindsight? People have been saying for months that lockdown should happen ASAP. Even before the death rate started to get serious people were being critical of events like Cheltenham.

It's not hindsight, it's the opposite of hindsight. It's foresight.

MANY people were right all along, and others want to try and dismiss that by accusing them of something that is demonstrably just not true.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:19:25
It’s only now we can say we should have locked down earlier with any sort of proof to back that up.

At the time it was all educated guess work, we haven’t had a situation like this before so no handbook existed on how to deal with it based on similar previous pandemics.

Hindsight is easy

We had the examples from China, S Korea and Singapore and counter examples from Spain and Italy. We watched what was happening in Italy with mounting horror for 3 weeks. We didn't need hindsight, we had the examples right in front of us.

"We were to slow to learn from other countries on handling MERS/SARS we didn't have enough test kits, contact tracers or PPE". That was Johnson, yesterday, admitting his failings to the Liaison Committee

At the time it was all educated guess work, we haven’t had a situation like this before so no handbook existed on how to deal with it based on similar previous pandemics.
That's not true. The previous pandemics of SARS, MERS etc provided precisely this prior example. There's a reason why countries in the Far East with experience of those pandemics clamped down hard and early. The lessons were there for us to learn and explicitly referenced in the govt's risk register containing the plan for dealing with a pandemic. But we failed to implement those lessons.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:56:19
Similarly, the Bath Half marathon shouldn't have happened. OK, Government guidance was 'fluid' but the organisers weren't going to cancel their baby. They totally ignored pubic option. It was going ahead and screw public safety.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:57:09
but the public could have boycotted either.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:57:14
It’s only now we can say we should have locked down earlier with any sort of proof to back that up.

At the time it was all educated guess work, we haven’t had a situation like this before so no handbook existed on how to deal with it based on similar previous pandemics.

Hindsight is easy

Its not hindsight, Cummings warned that exactly this would happen in a blog last year so he would have been prepared for it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:57:30
soapy tit wank

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 12:00:26
Similarly, the Bath Half marathon shouldn't have happened. OK, Government guidance was 'fluid' but the organisers weren't going to cancel their baby. They totally ignored pubic option. It was going ahead and screw public safety.

But I imagine, much as with many things at the start of the shitshow if they had cancelled when government guidance was that it could go ahead their interruption insurance would have been invalid so they would have lost a fortune.

It was blindingly clear at the start of this that the governments refusal to make any calls was to place the onus and the risk and the financial losses on business and the public rather than themselves or more pertinently their donors in the insurance business.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 12:03:13
Indeed, something we bafflingly failed to do.

The warning signs were there late Feb early March.we could all see what was happening in Italy & Spain the government should have acted then by closing all borders and staring lockdown earlier

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 12:05:36
I see Durham police have failed to move on and stop politicising the story.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 12:45:11
I see Durham police have failed to move on and stop politicising the story.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 12:53:30
I see Durham police have failed to move on and stop politicising the story.

The right wing ham lawyers are having an absolute field day with this on social media! Its putting the AG in sticky territory.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 12:53:56
Important to explain the use of the word "might" in Durham Police's statement.  It's the CPS who make charging decisions and a Court that determines someone's guilt.   So when the Police ever say "might" in relation to any suspect committing an alleged offence, they actually mean "we think he did" because they aren't the final arbiter.

They also say that had Cummings been stopped during his eye test jaunt, he would have been told to return to where he was staying.  Again, another clear indication that they believed he broke the law.  Not the guidelines, the law.

Only a Court can decide though and as Cummings isn't going to receive a fixed penalty or be prosecuted, we'll never know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 12:57:11
Interesting to read that the track and tracers were only informed at 10.30 last night that the system was going live at 8 this morning and many didn't/don't actually have login details to use it.

This on top of the comments of Baroness Harding, rather adds weight to the theory that it was rushed forward when not ready to deflect from Dom.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 13:05:14
It's Groundhog Day as the issue of what you get paid if you are told to stay home/not go to work (if you are indeed back) for 14days by the 'trackers' rears its' head again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 13:47:44
We had the examples from China, S Korea and Singapore and counter examples from Spain and Italy. We watched what was happening in Italy with mounting horror for 3 weeks. We didn't need hindsight, we had the examples right in front of us.

"We were to slow to learn from other countries on handling MERS/SARS we didn't have enough test kits, contact tracers or PPE". That was Johnson, yesterday, admitting his failings to the Liaison Committee
That's not true. The previous pandemics of SARS, MERS etc provided precisely this prior example. There's a reason why countries in the Far East with experience of those pandemics clamped down hard and early. The lessons were there for us to learn and explicitly referenced in the govt's risk register containing the plan for dealing with a pandemic. But we failed to implement those lessons.

I do think that getting stuck in the Hamster wheel of pointing fingers at the Government will, unfortunately, end-up with people becoming entrenched - I present exhibit A) The USA, where wearing a mask seems to have become a political statement, or otherwise.

What needs to happen is some very critical analysis of what works and what doesn't.

The Asian response, and Oceanic, is very different to what the Western World went with - is it better?  It looks like it has been.  As you mention, they learned that the hard way and acted on it - unfortunately, here is where I do think the WHO is a blunt tool - there needs to be far better International sharing and policy making.

An interesting learning that South Korea had from their most recent SARS or MERS (can't remember which) outbreak was the impact of moving and mixing patients.  China, whose numbers we can't really rely on, used field style hospitals to quarantine the sick but not hospitalised.  We've seen in the Western World that fantastic hospitals get overwhelmed, other patients avoid presenting with non virus related illnesses and forgo planned treatments.  There may be something to be said for treating patients of a virus, early on, in separation.  Maybe you identify core hospitals who would switch to a virus treatment centre, while others take No Patients, in the meantime, adding virus capacity with field hospitals and USING them first.

Contact Tracing is something else that seems to be important in managing an outbreak of a virus.  In fact, it's probably your only other option vs. letting it run it's course and going for Herd Immunity and hoping it just clears up on it's own before it gets that bad.  This requires a lot of hard thought and work for Western Countries - the privacy issues are real, but we need a well defined plan to enact in the future, when this does happen again.

PPE - I think the first two limit the need for this capacity - essentially we got ourselves into a position where we needed to cover for the worst case scenario.  Certainly stockpiles are an issue, Globally, as are supply chains.  Time to consider whether a Govt. funded, locally sourced option is a requirement of Pandemic planning.  You may pay for it for years without needing it, but by god is it important when you do need it and you find the world battling over one or two supply chains.

That's just for starters.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 14:22:44
The stats from this virus are bizarre. You look at places where you would think it would spread like wildfire and it doesn't. Perhaps that's down to the strain or mutation of the virus? Madrid has suffered 9000 deaths compared to London's 6000. Care to elaborate why you think that might be? Madrid has less than half the population of London too.

I think the issue with Madrid, spain and Italy is the following. These countries are socially very different from the uk. They are more family based with generations and generations living in a tight knit community. 4 generations of one family will live in one street or one apartment block. The population isnt as transient as London.
If one member of a family gets it, you’re looking at 40 or 50 of the same family getting it.

Hope that makes sense

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 16:05:37
From Monday up to 6 people can meet assuming those from separate households stay 2m apart, will be allowed in gardens.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 16:07:44
And you can walk through other peoples houses to get to said garden

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 16:35:06
And you can walk through other peoples houses to get to said garden
With the permission of the householder it's important to note :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 16:48:16
Important to explain the use of the word "might" in Durham Police's statement.  It's the CPS who make charging decisions and a Court that determines someone's guilt.   So when the Police ever say "might" in relation to any suspect committing an alleged offence, they actually mean "we think he did" because they aren't the final arbiter.

They also say that had Cummings been stopped during his eye test jaunt, he would have been told to return to where he was staying.  Again, another clear indication that they believed he broke the law.  Not the guidelines, the law.

Only a Court can decide though and as Cummings isn't going to receive a fixed penalty or be prosecuted, we'll never know.

In reality the Durham police are like joe public in thinking there was nothing wrong with his eye sight and that he used that as his get out of jail card and impossible to confirm unless he done a lie detector test :eek:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 16:48:28
I was 'relieved'  to hear that we could use the toilet of the house we walk through, to get to the garden

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 16:56:23
I was 'relieved'  to hear that we could use the toilet of the house we walk through, to get to the garden

Make sure you don't spread the virus on the toilet seat or on the taps!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 16:57:38
With the permission of the householder it's important to note :)

Na, I'm off on a burglary spree. When I get caught, I'll use the Cummings Defence - that I was wandering through peoples' houses to test my eyesight in order to get to the garden party

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 17:00:23
Serious question, does the 6 people include kids, asking as my sister and brother in law have 4 kids under 8 so in theory they cannot see anyone and obviously we can't see them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 17:02:14
Serious question, does the 6 people include kids, asking as my sister and brother in law have 4 kids under 8 so in theory they cannot see anyone and obviously we can't see them.
Well if you can't see them, you need an eye test. Have you thought about driving to Durham?

I'd have thought so, tbf, they did so more detailed guidance would be issued later, but 6 people is 6 people surely?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 17:02:59
Na, I'm off on a burglary spree. When I get caught, I'll use the Cummings Defence - that I was wandering through peoples' houses to test my eyesight in order to get to the garden party
:D Think you're all right as long as you stop for a wazz

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 17:08:19
:D Think you're all right as long as you stop for a wazz

Of course, Boris said I could use the toilet

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 17:18:53
So, despite Johnson's denials and Hancock's lies, the govt always planned to use care homes as reservoirs to shift the deaths from the NHS to care homes. The elderly and their carers were simply sacrificed to make it look like the govt had protected the NHS. Cynical, callous, brutal

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 17:31:06
Well if you can't see them, you need an eye test. Have you thought about driving to Durham?

I'd have thought so, tbf, they did so more detailed guidance would be issued later, but 6 people is 6 people surely?
You may joke, we haven't actually seen two of them as she has had twins during lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 17:39:14
You may joke, we haven't actually seen two of them as she has had twins during lockdown.
Sorry, that's really shit. My apologies

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 18:21:47
Sorry, that's really shit. My apologies
Dont worry about it, that's life.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 19:58:59
:D Think you're all right as long as you stop for a wazz

Don't forget to verify that your eyesight is much better suddenly, even if not an optometrist. Once you've done so, feel free to continue on with your burglary, as no charges will be forthcoming. Oh and make sure you do it on your wife/partner birthday and do ensure you keep your kid/pet/friend locked in a car for a good 4hrs. That way you can ensure you follow the guidelines/rules/shitshow exactly to the letter. Oh last one...don't forget to get the Attorney General's backing, even if it compromises his role. Have contempt for everything  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 20:53:49
I think this is an important and overlooked point.

I would have thought India would have been decimated. They’ve actually faired comparatively well.
It shows scientists still don’t know many things about this virus. All govts need to have the humility to admit we’re all still learning and should be prepared to admit mistakes and improve.

I know I've ranted about this before but it amazes me that there's virtually no reporting of this. I guess it comes down to our need for understanding, and so anything that can't be assigned a cause(even if that causation is incorrect) is ignored. There is a certain bias in reporting too, for example New Zealand getting all the plaudits because everyone loves Ardern, while Australia is mostly ignored due to the conservative, climate change denying Morrison.

Vietnam has been lauded recently in the media too, whereas my country of obsession Cambodia(because I know it so well and because it's the biggest anomaly I'm aware of) doesn't get a mention. They've still had zero recorded deaths despite refusing to take it seriously for months, refusing to stop the Chinese coming in for two and a half months, letting a cruise ship that no one else would have dock and let the passengers roam the capital, no lockdown, monasteries open on new year(the equivalent of churches open for easter) etc. etc. etc. It makes no sense and so it seems the reaction is to pretend it isn't happening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, May 28, 2020, 21:25:05
I'd well imagine there are plenty of expert data nuts out there working on those very questions - what are the patterns, what are the variations?

There have been some snippets starting to appear where specific studies have looked into isolated events and tried to track their evolution to see what created the right environment for spread, or stopped it etc.  That will be really quite important in the coming months because you want some Eureka moments - say for example we find out that Air Con is a major contributor in confined spaces, where it is circulating a broadly contained air source, recycling the droplets over and over again.  Logic suggests that is probably likely, so we can start to plan around that - open windows, avoid being in confined spaces with large groups, time inside a single location and so on.  How does Public Transport contribute to spread?

Brazil is an interesting one - is that Country showing that the Western world had the right conditions for a quick kick off, but where population density exists it will eventually grab you, just takes more time to spread?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 29, 2020, 05:22:57
It's more seasonal than they know (or are letting on) We actually probably got lucky it only really got here in March. October will be key, until then get us all out in the summer and get a few more infected before the big one hits, is my thinking.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, May 29, 2020, 05:46:05
I'd well imagine there are plenty of expert data nuts out there working on those very questions - what are the patterns, what are the variations?

There have been some snippets starting to appear where specific studies have looked into isolated events and tried to track their evolution to see what created the right environment for spread, or stopped it etc.  That will be really quite important in the coming months because you want some Eureka moments - say for example we find out that Air Con is a major contributor in confined spaces, where it is circulating a broadly contained air source, recycling the droplets over and over again.  Logic suggests that is probably likely, so we can start to plan around that - open windows, avoid being in confined spaces with large groups, time inside a single location and so on.  How does Public Transport contribute to spread?

Brazil is an interesting one - is that Country showing that the Western world had the right conditions for a quick kick off, but where population density exists it will eventually grab you, just takes more time to spread?

I'm sure it's being looked at, my surprise is that there's virtually no commentary on this. It's not as if commentators are shy to suggest reasons where it seems to fit nicely for a particular country or confirms their bias.

It's more seasonal than they know (or are letting on) We actually probably got lucky it only really got here in March. October will be key, until then get us all out in the summer and get a few more infected before the big one hits, is my thinking.

Agreed, temperature ticks a lot of the boxes for explaining the variations, although not all. It would partly explain Brazil spiking now as they come into winter, or the colder season at least depending on where you are in the country. It would be interesting to see the variations within such a big country as Brazil, although Rio and Sao Paolo in the South would probably skew things massively.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 29, 2020, 06:31:20
I've a friend in Sao Paolo. He says it's ok at the moment, but cases growing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Friday, May 29, 2020, 07:48:22
It's more seasonal than they know (or are letting on) We actually probably got lucky it only really got here in March. October will be key, until then get us all out in the summer and get a few more infected before the big one hits, is my thinking.
Maybe I'm being thick or maybe I've missed something,  but why will October be the key ??.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 29, 2020, 07:52:56
Warm weather goes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 29, 2020, 08:19:20
Oh well, yet another lie found out....

Protective ring, my arse!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, May 29, 2020, 08:21:05
Protective ring, my arse!
A ring protective ring, as it were.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 29, 2020, 08:59:02
I think this is an important and overlooked point.

I would have thought India would have been decimated. They’ve actually faired comparatively well.
Hmm, so far. Don't count your chickens there, it's ramping up on a similar trajectory as Russia (a bit like we had a month or so back) and there are now reports of hospitals in Mumbai starting to be overwhelmed. It started more slowly in India but it could be about to get very nasty there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:02:55
Agreed, temperature ticks a lot of the boxes for explaining the variations, although not all. It would partly explain Brazil spiking now as they come into winter, or the colder season at least depending on where you are in the country. It would be interesting to see the variations within such a big country as Brazil, although Rio and Sao Paolo in the South would probably skew things massively.
I think air pollution is also being looked at as a factor which might explain the differences between Cambodia and Vietnam. Does it? I know very little about either country but if Cambodia has comparatively fewer busy roads/heavy industry that might play a part? Won't be the whole story, obviously, these are complex systems.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:20:16
I think air pollution is also being looked at as a factor which might explain the differences between Cambodia and Vietnam. Does it? I know very little about either country but if Cambodia has comparatively fewer busy roads/heavy industry that might play a part? Won't be the whole story, obviously, these are complex systems.

Vietnam is much more populous and has more industry, but both countries have come out virtually unscathed. That was the point I was trying to make, that Vietnam's response gets praised for their low infection/deaths, whilst everyone ignores Cambodia because it got low infections and no deaths with a chaotic and very loose response.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:25:59
Vietnam is much more populous and has more industry, but both countries have come out virtually unscathed. That was the point I was trying to make, that Vietnam's response gets praised for their low infection/deaths, whilst everyone ignores Cambodia because it got low infections and no deaths with a chaotic and very loose response.
Ah, sorry, I speed read and missed your actual point! My apologies. Although I think the point re air pollution still stands, clearly it's not the only factor but I suspect it will be significant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:35:24
Again with those two possibly seasonal, they were just coming into the dry/hot season when this hit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:42:54
Ah, sorry, I speed read and missed your actual point! My apologies. Although I think the point re air pollution still stands, clearly it's not the only factor but I suspect it will be significant.

I can only think it's a combination of a number of factors, because every theory seems to be possible to disprove if you look around enough.

Hun Sen is writing a book on how well he's handled the whole ordeal if you're interested*

*He's a mentalist but I wouldn't have dared wrote that when I lived there!

Again with those two possibly seasonal, they were just coming into the dry/hot season when this hit.

North Vietnam would have been cold-ish and wet January/February. In fact I was there in January and it pissed down!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:49:49
Warm weather goes.

Add in the start of the cold & flu season then panic will set in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:52:16
I can only think it's a combination of a number of factors, because every theory seems to be possible to disprove if you look around enough.
Yes, clearly, these things are always complex systems, trying to bring it down to one simple cause, while appealing to the media etc, never provides the whole explanation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:55:23
I can only think it's a combination of a number of factors, because every theory seems to be possible to disprove if you look around enough.

Hun Sen is writing a book on how well he's handled the whole ordeal if you're interested*

*He's a mentalist but I wouldn't have dared wrote that when I lived there!

North Vietnam would have been cold-ish and wet January/February. In fact I was there in January and it pissed down!

Tail end of the rainy season granted, but it takes 6-8 weeks to really get to grips, and possibly didnt have chance there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:57:12
New Zealand and Oz are just about to enter winter as well, so that will be interesting to see what happens

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 29, 2020, 09:57:19
I reckon luck likely has a big part in it.

And genetics, perhaps. Thailand has also had it relatively easy (although they do have quite a strict lock-in). The Thai's, Laotians, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Malays, and Burmese are probably quite close genetically and none have been hit hard.

That, and these countries are all feckin' hot. Or at least they have been over the last few months.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, May 29, 2020, 10:03:14
I reckon luck likely has a big part in it.

And genetics, perhaps. Thailand has also had it relatively easy (although they do have quite a strict lock-in). The Thai's, Laotians, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Malays, and Burmese are probably quite close genetically and none have been hit hard.

That, and these countries are all feckin' hot. Or at least they have been over the last few months.

It’s interesting that the rise in spain coincided with the worst weather in years. Rained everyday for 2 months and got as low as 12-15 down here

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, May 29, 2020, 11:20:53
My test came back negative, so just carrying a severe cough/cold

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, May 29, 2020, 11:25:18
My test came back negative, so just carrying a severe cough/cold

Good news for all concerned!
So what happens now is it back to work next week or are you furloughed etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 29, 2020, 11:26:52
My test came back negative, so just carrying a severe cough/cold
Brilliant! That must be a relief.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Friday, May 29, 2020, 11:32:15
Excellent news! 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, May 29, 2020, 11:33:04
I have been working from home all the way through anyway, so nothing changed or changes for me really.  At least I can now return to doing my parents shopping without putting them at risk.

At least I know i don't currently have it, would be nice to know if I have had it at some point in the past though - in hindsight, if I got to the point where a test was required, it might have made sense to give me the anti body test at the same time to start to build up a picture of who has had it..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, May 29, 2020, 12:25:53
I have been working from home all the way through anyway, so nothing changed or changes for me really.  At least I can now return to doing my parents shopping without putting them at risk.

At least I know i don't currently have it, would be nice to know if I have had it at some point in the past though - in hindsight, if I got to the point where a test was required, it might have made sense to give me the anti body test at the same time to start to build up a picture of who has had it..

I would guess its actually a bit of bad news IF your symptoms were manageable and a quick recovery meant you were immune (temporary at least). I think everyone would love the antibodi just to ease the mind slightly even though it wouldn't change my behaviour too much

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 29, 2020, 12:45:15

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, May 29, 2020, 12:46:35
I would guess its actually a bit of bad news IF your symptoms were manageable and a quick recovery meant you were immune (temporary at least). I think everyone would love the antibodi just to ease the mind slightly even though it wouldn't change my behaviour too much


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, May 29, 2020, 13:35:07
I have been working from home all the way through anyway, so nothing changed or changes for me really.  At least I can now return to doing my parents shopping without putting them at risk.

At least I know i don't currently have it, would be nice to know if I have had it at some point in the past though - in hindsight, if I got to the point where a test was required, it might have made sense to give me the anti body test at the same time to start to build up a picture of who has had it..

Good point about the anti body test as the government really need to get that underway as soon as they have one.
I'll say it's good news as I lost a work colleague through the virus who was only early 50's and in fairly good health so nobody is safe so rather not have it as there's no guarantees any of us will pull through

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 29, 2020, 15:39:09
So, not "following the science" after all - scientists are concerned about easing lockdown while levels of infections still remain in the 1000s daily.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, May 29, 2020, 16:00:11
Today we have c2k new cases yet the ONS say about 8k a day, why isn't everyone getting tested?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 29, 2020, 16:22:12

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 29, 2020, 16:26:54

Fantastic that's all we need the emergence of vampire monkeys. I'd better get pissed tonight to ensure some sleep.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Friday, May 29, 2020, 16:57:06
My test came back negative, so just carrying a severe cough/cold

I'd still be a little careful, a colleague had all the symptoms, in hospital, tested 4 times in the space of 48 hours, first three tests came back negative.  Some issues with their reliability apparently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 29, 2020, 17:14:06
I'd still be a little careful, a colleague had all the symptoms, in hospital, tested 4 times in the space of 48 hours, first three tests came back negative.  Some issues with their reliability apparently

But we're world beaters

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 29, 2020, 17:16:01
that's true, but not in a good way

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 29, 2020, 17:17:14
that's true, but not in a good way

FFS Batch.

Always looking on the down side.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 29, 2020, 17:17:45

we are top of the league..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 29, 2020, 17:20:09

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 07:04:01
Hmmm. A lot of the scientists on SAGE being vocal on twitter yesterday that infection rates remain too high and track and trace is not in a good enough position to support the lockdown relaxation measures coming in place Monday

Added to that the UK still remains at stage 4 of the governments self implemented 5 stage system that was introduced a few weeks ago

The cynic in me would say there was some ulterior motive behind relaxing the rules

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 07:13:40
Hmm, so far. Don't count your chickens there, it's ramping up on a similar trajectory as Russia (a bit like we had a month or so back) and there are now reports of hospitals in Mumbai starting to be overwhelmed. It started more slowly in India but it could be about to get very nasty there.

You were spot on Paul.

Quote from: bbc
India has recorded its largest single-day jump in cases of coronavirus, with almost 8,000 new infections and 265 deaths. More than a third of the cases are in Maharashtra, one of the country’s richest states. Footage from hospitals in Mumbai earlier this week showed wards overwhelmed with patients

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 07:37:56
"We're being guided by the eugenics"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 10:12:33
You were spot on Paul.

Had to happen eventually :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 10:28:10
"We're being guided by the eugenics"
Very good. But what else do you expect when we're being led by eugencists? They seem to have given up more than a passing nod at the pretence of following scientific advice now. For reference, on 23rd March, the day we went into lockdown, which was far too late, ONS recorded 2017 new cases of Covid19 and deaths from Covid at 149. Yesterday they recorded 2095 new cases and 349 deaths (and acknowledged that both figures under-report: their own infection survey reckons a new infection rate of about 8,000 per day). So we are at a higher rate of both infections and deaths than we were when went into lockdown. It's come down from the peak, but both seem to have flatlined to a roughly constant level for the past couple of weeks. No wonder SAGE are saying we're not ready to ease lockdown. No wonder Chris Whitty looked so uncomfortable when the easing was announced.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 10:37:43
"Parody Boris Johnson
We are lifting the lockdown because our 5 tests have now been met. The tests are:
-R rate still high
-track and trace app not working
-highest death toll per million in the world
-people ignoring the lockdown anyway
-need to distract attention from Dom

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 10:44:55
Fantastic that's all we need the emergence of vampire monkeys. I'd better get pissed tonight to ensure some sleep.
Chimpionees, Chimpionees, ole ole ole!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 11:52:50
Very good. But what else do you expect when we're being led by eugencists? ......

On reflection, not so sure now. When you consider that for the vast majority of Covid victims any dodgy genes would have been passed on long ago.

Now 3 SAGE scientists have advised against loosening the loose lockdown any further, perhaps we're being led by genocidists.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 12:23:08
Very good. But what else do you expect when we're being led by eugencists? They seem to have given up more than a passing nod at the pretence of following scientific advice now. For reference, on 23rd March, the day we went into lockdown, which was far too late, ONS recorded 2017 new cases of Covid19 and deaths from Covid at 149. Yesterday they recorded 2095 new cases and 349 deaths (and acknowledged that both figures under-report: their own infection survey reckons a new infection rate of about 8,000 per day). So we are at a higher rate of both infections and deaths than we were when went into lockdown. It's come down from the peak, but both seem to have flatlined to a roughly constant level for the past couple of weeks. No wonder SAGE are saying we're not ready to ease lockdown. No wonder Chris Whitty looked so uncomfortable when the easing was announced.

Our country has changed since 23rd March. We have reduced capacity shopping, social distancing, more working from home, no large gatherings, no pubs etc. The figures may well be the same if not more but everyone has adapted in the majority and things have to start opening

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 12:57:50
We have reduced capacity shopping, social distancing, more working from home, no large gatherings, no pubs etc.
We have not reduced all those things. But despite your shoddy journalism, the world has changed not just "our" country.

Good to see Swindon reported as being towards the bottom of the R number statistics.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 18:50:12

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 19:57:54
We have not reduced all those things. But despite your shoddy journalism, the world has changed not just "our" country.

Good to see Swindon reported as being towards the bottom of the R number statistics.

what are you on about?

we have reduced capacity shopping COMMA. ofcourse the world has changed but the world didnt go lockdown on the 23rd march did it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 20:02:52

Cant educate stupid unfortunately

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 20:07:02

I noticed that the air ambulance was circulating around the Cotswold water park again today. last time that happened someone had died.

keynes park is closed but they have to get the police called out multiple times a day- the roads are now single file due to people parking on one side of them with the car parks closed

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 07:27:55
Yet more Cummings "news":
Two new (named) witnesses have claimed to have seen Dom wandering the streets of Barnard Castle during his eye exam.

Carole Cadwalladr has retweeted this bit of "investigation" on the cottage Dom stayed in:

Neither seem to be anywhere near a knockout blow, but I found them interesting

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 08:32:29
Any folk on here have young kids who can go back to school tomorrow? Are you going to let them go in or not? All the people I know who this applies to are not sending theirs back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 08:54:12
It's a no from me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 08:56:59
Yet more Cummings "news":
Two new (named) witnesses have claimed to have seen Dom wandering the streets of Barnard Castle during his eye exam.

Carole Cadwalladr has retweeted this bit of "investigation" on the cottage Dom stayed in:

Neither seem to be anywhere near a knockout blow, but I found them interesting

FUCKING BAND D!!! Pull the other one

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 08:57:54
Any folk on here have young kids who can go back to school tomorrow? Are you going to let them go in or not? All the people I know who this applies to are not sending theirs back.
I know several mates with kids of that age and not one is sending their kids back to school at the moment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 09:22:00
Any folk on here have young kids who can go back to school tomorrow? Are you going to let them go in or not? All the people I know who this applies to are not sending theirs back.

My son is returning to school this week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 10:44:04
Any folk on here have young kids who can go back to school tomorrow? Are you going to let them go in or not? All the people I know who this applies to are not sending theirs back.

My 4 year old lad is going back to pre-school tomorrow. Purely because we're both working from home and he's not getting the attention or stimulation he needs and spends most of the day either watching Netflix or playing Mario Kart.

My 18 month old daughter will also be returning to nursery tomorrow for a few days a week at least, just to keep her space, as if we didn't want to send her back they can't guarantee any space when we want her to return.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 11:10:32
Any folk on here have young kids who can go back to school tomorrow? Are you going to let them go in or not? All the people I know who this applies to are not sending theirs back.
my youngests school can't safely accommodate reception age children safely, and are delaying year 6 (my son's year) back a few weeks with a rota in place.

They have my full support too.

Sending your kids back to school is important and will happen. But right now they are going to get anything but a normal education.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 15:39:15
my youngests school can't safely accommodate reception age children safely, and are delaying year 6 (my son's year) back a few weeks with a rota in place.

They have my full support too.

Sending your kids back to school is important and will happen. But right now they are going to get anything but a normal education.

My sister has had similar notification for her child as you have. Except it's for a Y6 that they can't safely accommodate a return for. Since their key worker and SEN pupils have already reached capacity to do so safely.

I mirror your support too, as does my sister.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 16:49:44
Looking at the ridiculous protests in London today which seemed to amount to people singing ‘fuck the police’ we may as well just return to normal now.  No ‘social distancing’ going on there!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 16:54:33
Same fuckers will be out 8pm clapping for key workers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 17:04:50
Same fuckers will be out 8pm clapping for key workers
No doubt using public transport to get there, probably don’t know what they are protesting about. Do love how they can have placards openly racist against white people but that’s fine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 17:15:21
Is there an example of these placards that are openly racist against white people?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 17:21:31
Looking at the ridiculous protests in London today which seemed to amount to people singing ‘fuck the police’ we may as well just return to normal now.  No ‘social distancing’ going on there!

We sat outside in our ‘garden’ today and there were 2 helicopters circling around. I believe there were crowds protesting outside the American Embassy which is just down the road from us.

With the hotter weather I think people are definitely ‘forgetting’ about social distancing. I think this ‘laissez-faire’ attitude is going to bite us in the arse over the next month or so. Hopefully I’m wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 17:31:34
Is there an example of these placards that are openly racist against white people?

"White silence = violence"
"White silence is compliance"

I'm white, doesn't mean I'm racist.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 17:36:15
"White silence = violence"
"White silence is compliance"

I'm white, doesn't mean I'm racist.

You're not being accused of being racist.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 17:40:01
You're not being accused of being racist.

It's stating if your white and silent about this then you are compliant. What's that saying then?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 17:40:15
"White silence = violence"
"White silence is compliance"

I'm white, doesn't mean I'm racist.
Really? You are up in arms about that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 17:40:49
Really? You are up in arms about that?

Where am up up in arms ffs?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 17:41:14
*you are

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 18:04:19
I'm not  :)

I'm angry that another guy has been needlessly killed. It really needs to end.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 19:11:59
Hahahahahahahaha how the fuck is that remotely racist

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 21:54:00
Quote from: bamboonoshop
My sister has had similar notification for her child as you have. Except it's for a Y6 that they can't safely accommodate a return for. Since their key worker and SEN pupils have already reached capacity to do so safely.

I mirror your support too, as does my sister.

yeah it's the number of key worker/seem that's done it for ours too.

to me it makes more sense to put the older ones back first (the government that is). the younger ones are harder to keep socially distant.
real shame that both sons are in the last year of their respective years

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, May 31, 2020, 23:53:30

yeah it's the number of key worker/seem that's done it for ours too.

real shame that both sons are in the last year of their respective years

Yeah, it's quite a key time for a Y6 as they should be excited/nervous/intrigued about their transition to secondary school and all the induction style stuff. Her school haven't given any guidelines on when that might happen yet. I hope she (my niece) and any child in Y6 isn't denied it, as while it isn't the be all and end all, I do feel it is integral. Almost one of those first "rights of passage" and a time when kids (depending on development) start to become even more aware of independent thought and learning.

One thing my sister said, of the information she received, it didn't read like a particularly enjoyable environment to be learning in with the distancing measures put in place at school etc. Of course it's the safety element that matters first but I think my sis wasn't going to send her back yet anyway. Very torn though, when referring back to the being denied that transitional element.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 1, 2020, 07:16:01
Hahahahahahahaha how the fuck is that remotely racist

Call it or don't call it but it's still wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 1, 2020, 08:49:20

Carole Cadwalladr has retweeted this bit of "investigation" on the cottage Dom stayed in:

I don't know the full details but there is every possibility that the planning/council tax thing is a complete red herring.

My sister has had similar notification for her child as you have. Except it's for a Y6 that they can't safely accommodate a return for. Since their key worker and SEN pupils have already reached capacity to do so safely.

I mirror your support too, as does my sister.

What are they doing about hours, up here the hub where all the SEN/KW kids have been going has been open till 5.30 every day, yet when that closes at the end of this week and the schools themselves re-open they can only offer the service until 3.15 each day as per their normal hours thus its going to mean that the KW's are actually going to receive less support than they are now.

Its all a nonsense anyway, when they do get back the classes are all going to be mixed up so there will be very little education, its basically providing child minding services.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, June 1, 2020, 09:20:09
Interesting article on some recent discussions in medical circles in the US that Covid19 may be a blood vessel disease rather than primarily respiratory. It's initial "way in" is via the lungs, which is why it's impact and symptoms are first seen as respiratory, but it then goes on to effect the vascular system more generally. Not sure it "explains everything" as the unfortunately clickbaity headline suggests, but it's an interesting angle.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 1, 2020, 09:57:43
Call it or don't call it but it's still wrong.

Genuine question 4D - have you ever experienced being policed differently as a football fan (particularly outside a ground or travelling to one)?  i.e. your behaviour wasn't different but the Police's attitude towards you was different due to the context?

I'd be interested in your response and then I'll explain why I think it's relevant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 1, 2020, 09:59:24
A worrying development

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 1, 2020, 11:29:26
it seems the Canary Islands may open again to tourists in time for summer.

we were supposed to be going in August, I'm not sure how I feel about going if it pans out we can.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, June 1, 2020, 11:34:26
Same for me with Rhodes in July.  I believe Greece currently planning to review UK tourists being allowed in on 1st July.  My hope is they say no UK admissions so decision is made for me (and refund).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 1, 2020, 11:41:11
it seems the Canary Islands may open again to tourists in time for summer.

we were supposed to be going in August, I'm not sure how I feel about going if it pans out we can.

As we all know it's possible to have the virus without any symptoms so even if they checked your temperature before boarding you could still have it. My main concern would be on the flights as the air conditioning is going to recycle everything that's in the atmosphere so the sooner they develop a test to prove you've already had the virus the safer it will be for everyone

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 1, 2020, 12:09:27
yes mine too re :airport/airplane

it was mentioned in one newspaper is that every visitor would need a covid negative blood test before being allowed into Tenerife . But not sure how that's implementable - it surely can't be done at the airport. if it's done sometime before then how valid is it on day of travel?

we are if course still under an 'essential travel only' order. I won't be disappointed if that lasts until September.

ps. they have an antibody test that is 98-99% accurate. they are using it on NHS staff at the moment

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, June 1, 2020, 13:27:08
Interesting article in the British Medical Journal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 1, 2020, 14:22:13
Interesting = worrying, but not unsurprising.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 1, 2020, 14:37:34
yes mine too re :airport/airplane

it was mentioned in one newspaper is that every visitor would need a covid negative blood test before being allowed into Tenerife . But not sure how that's implementable - it surely can't be done at the airport. if it's done sometime before then how valid is it on day of travel?

we are if course still under an 'essential travel only' order. I don't be disappointed if that lasts until September.

ps. they have an antibody test that is 98-99% accurate. they are using it on NHS staff at the moment

So much stuff that needs sorting out!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Monday, June 1, 2020, 15:07:10
Interesting article in the British Medical Journal.

Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 1, 2020, 15:24:11
it seems the Canary Islands may open again to tourists in time for summer.

we were supposed to be going in August, I'm not sure how I feel about going if it pans out we can.

Not British ones....

Same for me with Rhodes in July.  I believe Greece currently planning to review UK tourists being allowed in on 1st July.  My hope is they say no UK admissions so decision is made for me (and refund).

Greece are actually saying that if yoiu come from a high risk airport (thats us folks) you are tested on arrival, if the test is negative, then the passenger self-quarantines for 7 days. If the test is positive, the passenger is quarantined under supervision for 14 days.

So its going to be hardly worth it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, June 1, 2020, 15:29:50
And I would have to self quarantine for 14 days when I come home if I understand the very clear (not) guidance on such things

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, June 1, 2020, 15:39:37
Not British ones....

Greece are actually saying that if yoiu come from a high risk airport (thats us folks) you are tested on arrival, if the test is negative, then the passenger self-quarantines for 7 days. If the test is positive, the passenger is quarantined under supervision for 14 days.

So its going to be hardly worth it.
Yeah. Stay at home you virus ridden fuckers. We’ve had no cases here.

Unclean! Unclean!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, June 1, 2020, 16:25:33
Yeah. Stay at home you virus ridden fuckers. We’ve had no cases here.

Unclean! Unclean!
:) Can we come if we bring a bell?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 1, 2020, 16:31:07
Not British ones....

Flipping hell, its like the hokey cokey.

It was "no way until September" , then "yeah why not if you..." and now back to "no way at the moment"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, June 1, 2020, 16:32:52
:) Can we come if we bring a bell?
Plenty of them on the FB group

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, June 1, 2020, 16:42:59
Flipping hell, its like the hokey cokey.

It was "no way until September" , then "yeah why not if you..." and now back to "no way at the moment"
tbf, that may be in reaction to our govt flapping around like a fish out of water. It's not exactly been a clear path out of infection via a stable consistent set of guidelines

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Monday, June 1, 2020, 19:59:00
I cannot see Spain letting any uk tourists in this summer.
The government here has already said it will not except countries where the virus is not under control and the Uk is by far the worst in Europe.
Good news spain had no deaths in last 24 hours. Bad news Uk had 566
Spanish beaches opened today, I took a picture of fuengirola beach today, compare and contrast with beach scenes in the uk

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, June 1, 2020, 21:44:02
I cannot see Spain letting any uk tourists in this summer.
The government here has already said it will not except countries where the virus is not under control and the Uk is by far the worst in Europe.
Good news spain had no deaths in last 24 hours. Bad news Uk had 566
Spanish beaches opened today, I took a picture of fuengirola beach today, compare and contrast with beach scenes in the uk

did they bleach that one?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 00:00:18

What are they doing about hours, up here the hub where all the SEN/KW kids have been going has been open till 5.30 every day, yet when that closes at the end of this week and the schools themselves re-open they can only offer the service until 3.15 each day as per their normal hours thus its going to mean that the KW's are actually going to receive less support than they are now.

Its all a nonsense anyway, when they do get back the classes are all going to be mixed up so there will be very little education, its basically providing child minding services.

I couldn't tell you to be honest mate. I don't have kids myself, this is just what has been relayed to me from my sister when I enquired/she told me about what was happening regarding school. As it happens they are still homeschooling and I think that will be it for my Niece until she starts secondary school; whenever that may be. I assume this is likely to be similar for many Y6 kids (who aren't KW/SEN) across the country.

RE: Hours. Yeah that is going to be a little harsh on those kids but then maybe they won't receive less because they'll be going back on full 9-3, 5 days a week? Whereas I'm led to believe at the moment it had been staggered hours (to accomodate schools with a higher than normal KW/SEN pupils), and teachers had been on a reduced rota (3 in 5 followed by 2 in 5). So if nothing else I suppose the week will have more consistency for the kids?

But yes you're right, essentially it is just a way of providing extra childcare. Unfortunately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 00:11:53

Spanish beaches opened today, I took a picture of fuengirola beach today, compare and contrast with beach scenes in the uk

I don't even want to visit my local beach yet. I can only imagine not only how many inconsiderate fuckwits will be there and they won't be local folk (in the main) too. Yep I'm aware that sounds incredibly Royston Vasey but also the amount of shit that will be left behind/piling up. Dread to think of how much the smell of stale piss will have built up behind the beach huts.

Mmmm NH³ :puke:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 08:15:24
Its not even come into force yet, so why are they alreeady trying to relax it whilst we have no idea whether it works or not!

Nice to see last night that Matt Hancock just slipped 445 new deaths into the record without mentioning it in the briefing, it merely being hidden away in the small print.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 08:48:10
Nice to see last night that Matt Hancock just slipped 445 new deaths into the record without mentioning it in the briefing, it merely being hidden away in the small print.

According to Public Health England "nearly all" of the deaths, which date back to 26 April, were care home residents.

OK so they'd incorrectly distort the rolling 7 day average if they hadn't, but he should have explained it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 09:19:23
According to Public Health England "nearly all" of the deaths, which date back to 26 April, were care home residents.
Ah well no wonder Hancock didn't bother mentioning them, we all know care home residents' lives don't matter

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 09:42:10
Some better(ish) news from the ONS excess mortality stats: "excess" deaths continue to fall, albeit still 24% higher than normal

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 10:07:41
Some better(ish) news from the ONS excess mortality stats: "excess" deaths continue to fall, albeit still 24% higher than normal

Still 40% higher in NE

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 10:20:24

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 10:40:26
^^ my cynical view is that they simply want schools to be babysitters while they kick start the economy ASAP.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 10:43:55
^^ my cynical view is that they simply want schools to be babysitters while they kick start the economy ASAP.

I would agree with that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 10:57:45
Still 40% higher in NE
See the reply re care homes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 13:39:25
The govt have apparently changed the definition of "dead". Some of the dead are now counted as "just resting" or "pining for the fjords".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 13:42:56
"Just resting their eyes until Coronavirus blows over, at which point they are classed as deceased (non-COVID 19 related"
(just so that the statistics don't look worse)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 13:47:27
"Just resting their eyes until Coronavirus blows over, at which point they are classed as deceased (non-COVID 19 related"
(just so that the statistics don't look worse)
tbf, the change is actually that they've included (and backdated) "pillar 2" deaths so it actually makes the stats look a little worse. This is where the 445 "don't mention ze deaths" extra deaths came from.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 14:12:56
Total covid deaths as at the last week of May are about the same as when lockdown started

Unless I’m mid-reading it also, excess deaths in the last week also pretty much correlate with the reported COVID deaths, meaning no ‘hidden’ deaths

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 15:41:34
Unless I’m mid-reading it also, excess deaths in the last week also pretty much correlate with the reported COVID deaths, meaning no ‘hidden’ deaths
I think you must be. The excess deaths figures are always published 10 days or so in arrears, so the most recent figures are for the week up to May 22nd, we won't have the figures for the last week until June 9th.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 17:47:03
In Sevenfields earlier there were about 18 yoofs hanging around. Causing a nuisance, being loud hugging, listening to music - typical yoof stuff.

This is the dilemma:

a) Leave them to it.
b) Confront them
c) Call 101

I was disgusted at the site, and normally it wouldn't bother me. I left them to it. Confronting them would rile the situation, 101 would be useless.

Then my anxiety kicked in. What if they kids take the virus home. I feel guilty for not doing anything about it.

What would you do?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 17:51:03
I'd run to the nearest keyboard & spout some bile to people I don't even know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 17:52:51
I would say something in those circumstances.  I am sure they would appreciate the advice.  Don't judge them just coz dey is yoofs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 17:54:10
I'd run to the nearest keyboard & spout some bile to people I don't even know.

But will anyone pay any attention?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 18:01:34
I'd run to the nearest keyboard & spout some bile to people I don't even know.

Just interested to hear what other people would do. Nowt wrong with that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 18:20:05
They may have come from a big family  :wink:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 18:21:42

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 18:24:37
I think you must be. The excess deaths figures are always published 10 days or so in arrears, so the most recent figures are for the week up to May 22nd, we won't have the figures for the last week until June 9th.

Sorry, I meant the last week the data was published - the last grey bar In the chart (afaik the guy who makes the chart takes the weekly figure and simply averages it to chart it)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 09:39:24
Caught up with someone who works in the old folks home in the village last evening, they confirmed they have lost >10% of residents to C-19.  :no:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 11:47:43
Now the Health Service Journal are reporting that the government removed a key section from Public Health England’s review of the relative risk of covid-19 to specific groups. One source with knowledge of the review said the section “did not survive contact with Matt Hancock’s office” over the weekend.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 17:05:00
UK today announced more coronavirus deaths (359) than the entire EU 27 combined (324). 

That's quite the statistic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 17:19:57
Big cheer for Boris no doubt doing the rounds again on facebook

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 17:20:37
UK today announced more coronavirus deaths (359) than the entire EU 27 combined (324). 

That's quite the statistic.

Hang on, we arent in the EU so it shouldn't be benchmarked. (lights touch paper and fucks off)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 19:15:15
wtf is going on with mass protests during a pandemic. utterly utterly crazy. think about how many travelled by car, train, tube. the cause is right but the action is ridiculous. we will truly see in a few weeks time whether this has died away and reduced or whether everything is going to explode again. the same people will be out clapping NHS I'm sure

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JanTheMan on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 19:17:11
Haven’t posted here for a while, but I’m in a quandary and would appreciate some Independent advice.

I know it’s been difficult for most, but I’m struggling big time. Here’s my problem...

I’m 40. My wife died end of 2018, having been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer three days before our only son was born. He was two, now coming up four. The grandparents have been great, but obvs stopped seeing them early/mid March. They are an hour away.

I’m still working, but for 40pc less than three months ago. Have to work to pay bills etc. Just about managing to get the working day/week done, but with a three year old in the background who is totally addicted to an iPad. Nursery have said they are only taking key worker kids back as it’s part of a school and they need the space (I get that).

Short term this was just about doable. Medium term I have serious concerns about both our mental healths. Long term I have no idea what to do.

The point is, I can’t legally let him stay with grandparents, but 85 days in and I’m about to break.  I also need a break, but I’m pretty worried about giving him to 69/70yr olds, especially my late wife’s parents (however willing they are). Killing them wouldn’t go down well. Less explaining to do with my mum.

Call me a cunt by all means, but what would you do?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 19:44:35
Sorry for your loss Jan, is there another nursery you could ask?

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 20:20:17
Haven’t posted here for a while, but I’m in a quandary and would appreciate some Independent advice.

I know it’s been difficult for most, but I’m struggling big time. Here’s my problem...

I’m 40. My wife died end of 2018, having been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer three days before our only son was born. He was two, now coming up four. The grandparents have been great, but obvs stopped seeing them early/mid March. They are an hour away.

I’m still working, but for 40pc less than three months ago. Have to work to pay bills etc. Just about managing to get the working day/week done, but with a three year old in the background who is totally addicted to an iPad. Nursery have said they are only taking key worker kids back as it’s part of a school and they need the space (I get that).

Short term this was just about doable. Medium term I have serious concerns about both our mental healths. Long term I have no idea what to do.

The point is, I can’t legally let him stay with grandparents, but 85 days in and I’m about to break.  I also need a break, but I’m pretty worried about giving him to 69/70yr olds, especially my late wife’s parents (however willing they are). Killing them wouldn’t go down well. Less explaining to do with my mum.

Call me a cunt by all means, but what would you do?

Firstly, jesus I hope you and the boy are ok.

If you, the boy and they have been isolating for this time, can't you just shuttle him between you and them as a single bubble, if none of you are showing symptoms (and haven't) as long as you stay in the car when moving won't it be ok as none of you have been out for the incubation period?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 20:24:45
Wow, that sounds like a very difficult situation and well done for making your way through everything so far.

Have you let the nursery know your situation? Many school/nursery leaders would allow flexibiltiy in their planning and although, "Only children of key workers" may be their line, many may be considerate to your situation if you don't mind explaining it to them like you have here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 20:29:57
Have you let the nursery know your situation? Many school/nursery leaders would allow flexibiltiy in their planning and although, "Only children of key workers" may be their line, many may be considerate to your situation if you don't mind explaining it to them like you have here.
I'd echo this, has to be worth a try. And just massive respect to you for coping in that kind of situation. Incredibly hard. Your boy is very lucky to have such an amazing Dad

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 20:33:11
Hmm just also thinking about the grandparents option there too. As horlock says, and especially if your son hasn't been attending nursery and therefore mixing with lots of other kids, it sounds like a small risk.

If your boy was doing nursery and being cared for occasionally by grandparents, the risk would be higher but still generally pretty low in my opinion.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 20:38:51
Haven’t posted here for a while, but I’m in a quandary and would appreciate some Independent advice.

I know it’s been difficult for most, but I’m struggling big time. Here’s my problem...

I’m 40. My wife died end of 2018, having been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer three days before our only son was born. He was two, now coming up four. The grandparents have been great, but obvs stopped seeing them early/mid March. They are an hour away.

I’m still working, but for 40pc less than three months ago. Have to work to pay bills etc. Just about managing to get the working day/week done, but with a three year old in the background who is totally addicted to an iPad. Nursery have said they are only taking key worker kids back as it’s part of a school and they need the space (I get that).

Short term this was just about doable. Medium term I have serious concerns about both our mental healths. Long term I have no idea what to do.

The point is, I can’t legally let him stay with grandparents, but 85 days in and I’m about to break.  I also need a break, but I’m pretty worried about giving him to 69/70yr olds, especially my late wife’s parents (however willing they are). Killing them wouldn’t go down well. Less explaining to do with my mum.

Call me a cunt by all means, but what would you do?

Just sent you a DM

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 20:55:23
Haven’t posted here for a while, but I’m in a quandary and would appreciate some Independent advice.

I know it’s been difficult for most, but I’m struggling big time. Here’s my problem...

I’m 40. My wife died end of 2018, having been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer three days before our only son was born. He was two, now coming up four. The grandparents have been great, but obvs stopped seeing them early/mid March. They are an hour away.

I’m still working, but for 40pc less than three months ago. Have to work to pay bills etc. Just about managing to get the working day/week done, but with a three year old in the background who is totally addicted to an iPad. Nursery have said they are only taking key worker kids back as it’s part of a school and they need the space (I get that).

Short term this was just about doable. Medium term I have serious concerns about both our mental healths. Long term I have no idea what to do.

The point is, I can’t legally let him stay with grandparents, but 85 days in and I’m about to break.  I also need a break, but I’m pretty worried about giving him to 69/70yr olds, especially my late wife’s parents (however willing they are). Killing them wouldn’t go down well. Less explaining to do with my mum.

Call me a cunt by all means, but what would you do?
Feel for you. Organizations like Coram, Gingerbread or Barnardos might be able to help. Did a quick search and these three looked promising. Might at least get some good advice. I hope you get some help and get a happy resolution.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 05:09:55

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 05:17:18

I stopped reading when I got to: Here award-winning author Lionel Shriver explains why she thinks the countrywide lockdown should never of happened.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JanTheMan on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 07:21:51
Just sent you a DM

Thanks, and for the other responses.

I’m going to ring the nursery today and ask if there’s anything they can do. It’s part of a school and I normally get 30hrs a week free. Unfortunately I  couldn’t afford a private nursery.

We have been isolating as best we can, but given the lack of food deliveries etc, we have been going to the Tesco petri dish once a week. Son is also starting to see other kids in park and it’s difficult explaining social distancing to a 3 year old.  Comes down to taking a view with grandparents, but given everything that has happened to us as a family over the past few years, it doesn’t make the call easier!

Thanks again though. Hopefully nursery help out and further restrictions are lifted later in the summer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 07:46:51
Thanks, and for the other responses.

I’m going to ring the nursery today and ask if there’s anything they can do. It’s part of a school and I normally get 30hrs a week free. Unfortunately I  couldn’t afford a private nursery.

Thanks again though. Hopefully nursery help out and further restrictions are lifted later in the summer.

Respect to you mate, sounds like you're doing a brilliant job.   Not being funny but if wages have dropped enormously would you not be better off giving up work and living on benefits ?,  I understand that the lock down  must be putting you under enormous pressure on you mentally,  hopefully you will soon be able to maybe let the grandparents help out, if only for a couple of hours at a time,  I'm sure they would love that and it would also give you a break.   I'm sure your son will admire you all the more for what you are doing once he gets old enough to understand.
Sounds like you're a genuine loving parent with only your sons best interests at heart, feel for you mate,  hope things improve for you shortly,  Chin up,  upwards and onwards and all that,   Good luck.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 08:16:56
Genuine respect to you Jan for what you have been through, what you are going through and for reaching out for help.

I feel pathetic for not really being able to offer much assistance other than some positive words and hope that everything works out for you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 09:01:01
Genuine respect to you Jan for what you have been through, what you are going through and for reaching out for help.

I feel pathetic for not really being able to offer much assistance other than some positive words and hope that everything works out for you.

These are my sentiments too. So sorry for your loss Jan and absolute respect to you for what you’re doing. Just hope life gets easier for you soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 09:28:47
What I would say is that don't be afraid to talk. You've done the hardest part by starting on here.

There are some right ol cunts on here, but we are good cunts.

Loads of people to talk to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 09:43:10
Dispatches last night, bloody hell!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 10:15:25
Dispatches last night, bloody hell!

Where's the foreward from PaulD?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 10:38:30
UK today announced more coronavirus deaths (359) than the entire EU 27 combined (324). 

That's quite the statistic.

It's also not true. There is NO point in comparing countries when they all record their data differently.

For example, Spain have been trumpeting zero deaths, which is false. (

And the 350 odd deaths added to our total happened on 52 different days.

We have to move past the daily recorded deaths as a lead indicator. Hospitalisations is much more telling in the moment, and excess deaths when they have a chance to catch up. Hospitalisations continue to track down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 11:29:51
I understand that the statitics don't necesarilly paint the whole picture.

But for Johnson to claim he is 'very proud' of his performance is a fucking insult. He is treating us with contempt, as per.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 11:34:23
I understand that the statitics don't necesarilly paint the whole picture.

But for Johnson to claim he is 'very proud' of his performance is a fucking insult. He is treating us with contempt, as per.

He might be very proud, remember the ideologies of those operating him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 11:36:00
It's also not true. There is NO point in comparing countries when they all record their data differently.

For example, Spain have been trumpeting zero deaths, which is false. (

And the 350 odd deaths added to our total happened on 52 different days.

Indeed, likewise if we recorded deaths the same way that Belgium are doing it our official figure would be 60k+

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 11:40:03
It's also not true.

Well it is true that those figures were what were announced. Weren’t they?

Perhaps when the “true” statistics are all announced,  we may find all those people who died in care homes were actually just resting their eyes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 11:42:35
Well it is true that those figures were what were announced. Weren’t they?

Perhaps when the “true” statistics are all announced,  we may find all those people who died in care homes were actually just resting their eyes.

I'm not defending anyone here. I'm simply saying that the statistic is false and it's pointless comparing countries becuase it's like comparing apples and spaceships.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 12:01:14
I'm not defending anyone here. I'm simply saying that the statistic is false and it's pointless comparing countries becuase it's like comparing apples and spaceships.

To think the UK government compared apples and spaceships every day for around 8 weeks, before it dawned on them that we'd become a spaceship too, and the size of a zeppelin blimp.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 12:03:31
I'm not defending anyone here. I'm simply saying that the statistic is false and it's pointless comparing countries becuase it's like comparing apples and spaceships.

Understood and it’s a fair point which I accept.

I read the FT link you posted which suggested there could have been 17 deaths in Spain when they recorded 0. But I also see plenty of European countries that have total deaths in the hundreds despite their peaks occurring before ours.
With all the advantages the UK supposedly have, I still feel the current and future statistics will show it’s been an absolute shitshow and our actual deaths and deaths per capita will be right up there. That’s a national disgrace yet Johnson is proud of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 12:05:26
Johnson confirmed yesterday that we are at level four, *checks notes and refers to their roadmap as to what should be happening*


Why are the government acting like we are at level 2?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 12:15:14

With all the advantages the UK supposedly have, I still feel the current and future statistics will show it’s been an absolute shitshow and our actual deaths and deaths per capita will be right up there. That’s a national disgrace yet Johnson is proud of it.


There is no value in arguing about how numbers are captured/recorded/different in other countries when the bottom line is that as a country (Govt) we have dealt with this in a truly appalling way that has cost lives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 12:17:23
Johnson confirmed yesterday that we are at level four, *checks notes and refers to their roadmap as to what should be happening*


Why are the government acting like we are at level 2?

Why are the public acting like we are on level 1?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 12:18:39
Because unless you feel like you’re in a vulnerable group you don’t give a shit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 12:23:37
Why are the public acting like we are on level 1?

Because their government are saying that some vulnerable people can leave their homes?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 12:27:39
Oh, I forgot everyone listens to what the government say.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 12:41:01
Dispatches last night, bloody hell!

Is this week's an investigation into the Pope saying Mass?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 16:18:17
Oh, I forgot everyone listens to what the government say.
Here's a government behaviourial scientist explaining why government setting an example is important. He's a member of the behaviour science committee that feeds into SAGE, the "science" that the government claims to have been led by. Of course ultimately people must take responsibility for their own actions. But some have influence over the actions of others and they need to be very careful how they use that influence and the messages they send

"The hasty reopening of parliament, and the illness of Alok Sharma is yet another own goal. It violates multiple principles of how to develop good policy for Covid-19 and undermines efforts against the pandemic in many ways. Once again, public health seems to be a low priority.
First it encourages the reopening of workplaces before they are safe, without remodelling so as to allow social distancing. This put workforces at risk and violates Health and Safety legislation
Second, it perpetuates the message that commitment and loyalty means going to work even when you are unwell - at a time when we need to reconfigure norms such that, from the first sign of symptoms, people need to stay home and get tested.
Third, unless ALL contacts are revealed and ALL contacts isolate it will undermine the ability of government to ask the rest of us to do this. And compliance levels are critical to the effectiveness of TTI - our central tool against the infection going forward.
Fourth, it discriminates against those who are disabled and those who are vulnerable, thus dividing the community and  excluding these groups from society - once again undermining the key message and the key goal, that 'we are all in this together'
So as with Cummings, instead of our politicians being a model of what we should do, they become a model of what we shouldn't do, and instead of Government supporting the efforts against Covid-19 we are left having to act sensibly ourselves despite government."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 5, 2020, 09:05:23
So not 1st June and shockingly Johnson told a bare faced lie at PMQ's.

See Michael Green is now saying that face coverings should be worn on public transport from the 15th June, again the language is strange, I understand the need to give people time to obtain masks should he not say people should wear them from now and must from 15th?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, June 5, 2020, 09:23:54
Its moved out then. It was reported that in a call to Dildo the day after our "world leading" system was announced, she's siad that track and trace would not be fully ready until July at the earliest.

The telling bit is
he doubted the scheme would evolve smoothly but said he wanted it to “cement the position of the private sector” in the NHS supply chain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, June 5, 2020, 09:45:11
Bit of light perhaps

‘Data released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) showed 53,000 people in England had the virus at any one time during the last two weeks of May.

That's down from 133,000 in the last round of figures.’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 5, 2020, 10:00:19
So not 1st June and shockingly Johnson told a bare faced lie at PMQ's.

See Michael Green is now saying that face coverings should be worn on public transport from the 15th June, again the language is strange, I understand the need to give people time to obtain masks should he not say people should wear them from now and must from 15th?
Also in that article the Chief Exec of Serco, the serial bunglers who've inexplicably been given the contract for this, says "If it succeeds … it will go a long way in cementing the position of the private sector companies in the public sector supply chain". So the scheme is being used as Trojan Horse to increase the privatisation of the NHS

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, June 5, 2020, 10:21:14
So not 1st June and shockingly Johnson told a bare faced lie at PMQ's.

See Michael Green is now saying that face coverings should be worn on public transport from the 15th June, again the language is strange, I understand the need to give people time to obtain masks should he not say people should wear them from now and must from 15th?

Is that why Bojo had a Benny in PMQs after Starmer questioned him about why it wasn't ready by June 1st as they had stated?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 5, 2020, 10:33:05
Is that why Bojo had a Benny in PMQs after Starmer questioned him about why it wasn't ready by June 1st as they had stated?

I think that was possibly more to do with his sense of entitlement and the fact that he is not used to being questioned.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, June 5, 2020, 11:53:15
So not 1st June and shockingly Johnson told a bare faced lie at PMQ's.

Once upon a time the wilful misleading of Parliament led to resignation, or a sacking. Like Profumo.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, June 5, 2020, 12:30:50
More importantly, it appears to have been downgraded from "world beating" to "world class"  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, June 5, 2020, 12:41:12
Once upon a time the wilful misleading of Parliament led to resignation, or a sacking. Like Profumo.

Yeah but he hasn't been banging dodgy women. Oh hang on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, June 5, 2020, 13:08:16
More importantly, it appears to have been downgraded from "world beating" to "world class"  ::)

Something that 'does a job' would be fine currently!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 5, 2020, 13:10:07
Something that 'does a job' would be fine currently!

Like the various foreign ones already developed and working that we have been offered but the government have turned them down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 5, 2020, 13:17:24
Latest Cambridge University and Public Health England estimates suggests the R-rate is above 1 in the North West and not a million miles away elsewhere....


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 5, 2020, 13:30:13
Something that 'does a job' would be fine currently!
Or even "actually exists in any meaningful sense"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, June 5, 2020, 13:58:18
Quote from: horlock07
Latest Cambridge University and Public Health England estimates suggests the R-rate is above 1 in the North West and not a million miles away elsewhere....


not a massive shock.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 5, 2020, 14:06:26
Can someone smarter than me explain how the R going up correlates with the infection number going down?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, June 5, 2020, 14:10:20
If R = 1, the infection rate number should be totally stable

R less than one means declining, even if it's going up within that - 0.5 means going down much faster than 0.99, but both should mean going down.

R more than 1 means trouble.

At least, I think that makes sense.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 5, 2020, 14:10:58
It's which way it will go Dave

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, June 5, 2020, 14:14:46
Latest Cambridge University and Public Health England estimates suggests the R-rate is above 1 in the North West and not a million miles away elsewhere....



But hindisght and all that ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, June 5, 2020, 14:40:34
28th March:

Stephen Powis, NHS England medical director, warned the public that “now is not the time to be complacent” and “every one of us has a part to play”.

Speaking at the daily Downing Street press conference, he said: “If we can keep deaths below 20,000 we will have done very well in this epidemic.”

5th June:
UK passes 40,000 coronavirus deaths
The number of people who have died in the UK after testing positive for coronavirus has passed 40,000

Will someone ever in Govt come close to saying that perhaps we haven't done too well/could do better instead of congratulating themselves all the time on their crap "achievements".  Honesty would be welcome but unfortunately I think the majority have become inured to the bullshit so they carry on feeding us shit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 5, 2020, 14:46:25
ONS have now done some analysis on the excess deaths and concluded that the majority are due to undiagnosed COVID. That's around 60,000 deaths directly caused by COVID according to the govt's own statisticians.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, June 5, 2020, 14:49:41
Oh, and R now back above 1 in North West.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:00:55
It’s very very interesting how Uk news is reported.
As an outsider looking in this week has been a proper eye opener.
Obviously huge coverage of all the shite in America but also lots of talk about Mexico and Brazil and how things are going mad there - Mexico hits 10,000 deaths!!!!!!

Uk has just hit 40,000 official deaths and there’s nothing on the bbc front page of their website. A suspicious mind may suggest they’ve been told to report anything but.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:08:58
It’s very very interesting how Uk news is reported.
As an outsider looking in this week has been a proper eye opener.
Obviously huge coverage of all the shite in America but also lots of talk about Mexico and Brazil and how things are going mad there - Mexico hits 10,000 deaths!!!!!!

Uk has just hit 40,000 official deaths and there’s nothing on the bbc front page of their website. A suspicious mind may suggest they’ve been told to report anything but.
Shh, you're not allowed to compare with other countries because other countries do counting in foreign numbers that don't work properly like good old fashioned British numbers do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:10:16
So the R is 1, or nearly 1, all over the country. What will happen now? What will Boris do?

Open the beer gardens! Yay!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:17:30
It’s very very interesting how Uk news is reported.
As an outsider looking in this week has been a proper eye opener.
Obviously huge coverage of all the shite in America but also lots of talk about Mexico and Brazil and how things are going mad there - Mexico hits 10,000 deaths!!!!!!

Uk has just hit 40,000 official deaths and there’s nothing on the bbc front page of their website. A suspicious mind may suggest they’ve been told to report anything but.

You could already see the "you cannot compare death rates/numbers between countries because of X, Y & Z" in the media this morning. It still does not excuse the fact that 'officially' over 40.000 people have died and they certainly should not continue to hide behind such pathetic excuses.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:24:16
It’s very very interesting how Uk news is reported.
As an outsider looking in this week has been a proper eye opener.
Obviously huge coverage of all the shite in America but also lots of talk about Mexico and Brazil and how things are going mad there - Mexico hits 10,000 deaths!!!!!!

Uk has just hit 40,000 official deaths and there’s nothing on the bbc front page of their website. A suspicious mind may suggest they’ve been told to report anything but.

Maybe it's a timing thing, as I can see it as the main story now?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:29:02
Maybe I’m on a European version but still tucked away.

The other thing I find odd is the putting British in front of things. Like “good British common sense” never noticed it when I lived in England . Thank god eh we haven’t got bad Norwegian common sense!

I think it’s striking how many times this gets used. Now I’ve mentioned it bet you notice

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:31:11
Can someone smarter than me explain how the R going up correlates with the infection number going down?

It's been answered. But I want to answer it again while avoiding doing work.

R=1 means we stay as we are. Each Covid positive person infects 1 other person.
R < 1 means cases will decrease
R > 1 means cases will increase

So fluctuating between 0.x and 1 will not increase the number of cases over time. R can breach 1 in a couple of areas but cases overall in the UK can still go down.

I think early on R was reported between 3 and 4. Scary shit that, if the mortality rate stayed at 10%

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:32:46

Will someone ever in Govt come close to saying that perhaps we haven't done too well/could do better instead of congratulating themselves all the time on their crap "achievements".  Honesty would be welcome but unfortunately I think the majority have become inured to the bullshit so they carry on feeding us shit.

Why would they bother, plenty of people out there fully prepared to absolve them of any blame.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:35:26
It’s very very interesting how Uk news is reported.
As an outsider looking in this week has been a proper eye opener.
Obviously huge coverage of all the shite in America but also lots of talk about Mexico and Brazil and how things are going mad there - Mexico hits 10,000 deaths!!!!!!

Uk has just hit 40,000 official deaths and there’s nothing on the bbc front page of their website. A suspicious mind may suggest they’ve been told to report anything but.

It's because hideous amounts of deaths in the same place unfortunately become less newsworthy. It's the same for wars, civil unrest, insurrection etc.

There's also that certain milestones draw more attention, 10,000 seems to be one of them. I'm sure we'll get more reporting when we hit 50,000 and 100,000 unfortunately.

Shh, you're not allowed to compare with other countries because other countries do counting in foreign numbers that don't work properly like good old fashioned British numbers do.

You do realise there is a middle ground, don't you? The government can have failed terribly and the figures cannot tell the true picture at the same time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:35:30
.... Like “good British common sense” never noticed it when I lived in England ....

I think it’s striking how many times this gets used. Now I’ve mentioned it bet you notice

Its not like we've totally not noticed.  It has been ridiculed on social media quite a lot, generally with a picture of a packed beach or mass gathering.
Do you get much news coverage of the UK picture over there Mex? If so what's the tone?

I assume a bit of head shaking disbelief, but Spain didn't get away that lightly and need the tourists at some point  so I bet its not too critical :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:38:31
You do realise there is a middle ground, don't you? The government can have failed terribly and the figures cannot tell the true picture at the same time.
Yes of course I do. It was an effort at gallows humour. The "official" figures are a load of old wallop anyway, it's over 60,000 and rising. Second worst in the world after lunatic Trump.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:42:52
Its not like we've totally not noticed.  It has been ridiculed on social media quite a lot, generally with a picture of a packed beach or mass gathering.
Do you get much news coverage of the UK picture over there Mex? If so what's the tone?

I assume a bit of head shaking disbelief, but Spain didn't get away that lightly and need the tourists at some point  so I bet its not too critical :)

The news is pretty incredulous and the Spanish people I know of various ages cannot believe what the uk is doing. Yes the area I live in needs tourism but I think the uk could end up isolated. Scandinavians, Dutch Germans etc are already being targeted with adverts for spain in their own countries. Bet you’ve not seen one in the uk?
Yes spain was hit and hit bad but we locked down big time. Now we are seeing the rewards. Not one person has died in Malaga province or the costa del sol in over a week. There is less than 100 people in hospital in the whole of Andalusia, think Seville, Granada, Córdoba, Cadiz, Malaga, all big big cities. 100 total. Spain made mistakes but locked down and has got a sort of control on things

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:55:24
That's great news on the numbers. I wasn't criticising Spain, I meant Spain may be more empathic with the UK given we both had high death tolls.

But you are quite right - the responses were vastly different. I know which I'd have preferred.

And yeah, we may very well be isolated for a while. I've certainly seen no holiday advets.

The news is pretty incredulous and the Spanish people I know of various ages cannot believe what the uk is doing.

But we've "world leading" systems in place....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, June 5, 2020, 15:57:29
Mother lives in the Algarve and she said it is pretty much back to normal there, have to wear masks in a shop but other than that pretty much normal. Restaurants, cafes open etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, June 5, 2020, 16:14:28
We're supposed to be going to Porto for the Bank Holiday weekend at the end of August. Really hoping things don't get worse here and we can go. Our holiday this year may have to be a few weeks in Ireland. (without the creamy Guinness in the pubs, mores the pity!!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, June 5, 2020, 16:29:03
Yeah we were supposed to have flown out on wednesday. Will go october/november time now all being well

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, June 5, 2020, 18:41:02
Yes of course I do. It was an effort at gallows humour. The "official" figures are a load of old wallop anyway, it's over 60,000 and rising. Second worst in the world after lunatic Trump.

Fair enough if that was the intention, because the way it looked was sneering that anyone who suggested things can't accurately be compared is a little Englander who thinks we're the only ones counting properly.

And if you're thinking that I try to call you out more than most, that's precisely because i feel we're on the same side. We lost against Johnson and Trump in large part because we were so sure of ourselves that we mocked the other side rather than engage them. In my mind this helps drive away people who might otherwise come aboard, and it makes the left more of a cult as it seems to be becoming, where no difference of opinion is tolerated.

That's not to say Trump and Johnson will win again given how obviously they've been shown to be inept, but we can't take that chance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, June 5, 2020, 18:48:44
I think you’re making some fair and balanced points there.

But it’s almost impossible to engage with the people on here who dismiss anyone who is centre or left of centre as a Corbyn-loving commie. I’ve seen Paul try numerous times. And I’ve seen him criticise Corbyn (by policy not pointless name calling) but it makes no difference. I’ve asked several times in the past what ordinary working class people are identifying with when they support Johnson et all. Never been answered. Which is frustrating as I’m genuinely interested as it baffles me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, June 5, 2020, 19:07:25
I think you’re making some fair and balanced points there.

But it’s almost impossible to engage with the people on here who dismiss anyone who is centre or left of centre as a Corbyn-loving commie. I’ve seen Paul try numerous times. And I’ve seen him criticise Corbyn (by policy not pointless name calling) but it makes no difference. I’ve asked several times in the past what ordinary working class people are identifying with when they support Johnson et all. Never been answered. Which is frustrating as I’m genuinely interested as it baffles me.

I can see it would be impossible to convince those sorts of people, but that would be the equivalent of trying to persuade Paul to vote Tory. It's not the extremes you're after, it's the silent majority. His post was to someone of a similar political persuasion, and looked like mocking of anyone who even questions that train of thought. I see this mirrored to a much more serious extent on social media, where any thought outside of the orthodox will not be accepted. I realise it could seem I'm reading too much into a single jesting comment, but it's something ive noticed a lot.

As for working class support for Boris, I would say two things. Firstly, a lot of people don't pay that much attention, so if their personal circumstances don't change then they don't really notice. That doesn't make them bad people, we're all like that to an extent. The second is the belief that Corbyn or Labour's policies would leave the country as a whole poorer, so while they or their community might get more of a share, it would be of a smaller pie. There's more but those are my basic observations.

Just my two pence worth, right or wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, June 5, 2020, 19:11:42
I’ve asked several times in the past what ordinary working class people are identifying with when they support Johnson et all. Never been answered. Which is frustrating as I’m genuinely interested as it baffles me.

Recognise that frustration all too well. In my case it's a lot closer to home; my 27 yr old son, a staunch Brexiter , bought a MAGA baseball cap on a recent visit over there, and he reckons it complements his Jacob Rees-Mogg t-shirt. I kid you not. It's not a wind-up the old man act either.

I scraped 3 'o' levels, left school at 16, he is bright, has a degree and all the benefit of t'interweb knowledge that I never had. A lot of Brexiters were dismissed as a bit 'thick', and for good reason, but he and many others aren't. We've had so many heated 'debates', he regularly sends Fox News video links, genuinely believing in that shit, and because I love him, definitely more tolerant of his extreme views than I would ordinarily. But....his logic, his reasoning and arguments just don't make any sense to me whatsoever, I don't get it, can't fathom it at all. Whenever I explain a logical and factual counter point, the shutters come down. As you say, it's baffling. I have wondered whether there is a genuine ideological split in the peoples of the US and UK, previously hidden, which all this populism has unearthed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, June 5, 2020, 19:13:03
I fucking cringe when brexiteers are accused of being racist, just because they voted for Brexit.

Not accusing anybody here of doing that and I might have gone off on a tangent, but I 100% get where the well endowed one is coming from (pun very much intended).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 5, 2020, 19:31:06
Fair enough if that was the intention, because the way it looked was sneering that anyone who suggested things can't accurately be compared is a little Englander who thinks we're the only ones counting properly.

And if you're thinking that I try to call you out more than most, that's precisely because i feel we're on the same side. We lost against Johnson and Trump in large part because we were so sure of ourselves that we mocked the other side rather than engage them. In my mind this helps drive away people who might otherwise come aboard, and it makes the left more of a cult as it seems to be becoming, where no difference of opinion is tolerated.

That's not to say Trump and Johnson will win again given how obviously they've been shown to be inept, but we can't take that chance.
I think you're absolutely spot on in every point there, tbf.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 5, 2020, 19:42:24
Tory MP, Richard Tice (chair of Brexit Party) and his equally appalling partner Isabelle Oakeshott all attended a BBQ during the height of lockdown hosted by the deputy editor of the Spectator, the right-wing magazine where Mary Wakefield, wife and partner in crime of famous lockdown-breaker Dominic Cummings, is a commissioning editor. Which rather begs the question: was anyone at the Spectator *not* breaching lockdown? And why did the magazine (chairman Andrew Neil), instead of reporting these exclusives, actively aid the miscreants in covering up their breaches? It really is one rule for us plebs isn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, June 5, 2020, 20:30:22
We've had so many heated 'debates', he regularly sends Fox News video links, genuinely believing in that shit, and because I love him, definitely more tolerant of his extreme views than I would ordinarily. But....his logic, his reasoning and arguments just don't make any sense to me whatsoever...

I have a similar relationship with my old man. Except he is the staunch Brexiteer/UKIPer/Trump fan, et al.

Although I'm becoming increasingly less tolerant of his more extreme views. I know I will be wrong whatever approach I take and we always end up falling out. We can handle heated debate but the shutters come down as you reference. It then instantly becomes personal attacks and digging up shit that really bears no relevance. Something like " didn't wash the dishes in 2001" (there are much worse examples I can asure). It's high end deflection because it's hugely baffling in the moment. Not sure what the fallacy is but certain Flashheart will know.

Dad seems to think he has to counter me more because he thinks I'm besotted with Corbyn. That's not the case. I've voted Labour only once in any form of election, yet apparently I'm the one who doesn't listen.

Banker, with your son do you think it is more of an aesthetic in part (the MAGA cap and the Rees-Mogg Tee), like he knows it will cause a response? In some ways a form of manipulation. Not necessarily targeted at yourself but from people who fall either side of opinion. It is true the more clever the person the better at manipulation they are capable of. Sometimes the "aesthetic" is part of their game. Knowing they don't even have to speak to cause problems. A la Trump.

Going back to my Dad (I can't control his Political persuasion), I do worry. He was mostly always a Liberal voter, even before the incarnation of the Liberal Democrats but continued to whilst Ashdown and then Kennedy were leaders. The reason I worry is because if there was a resurgence of a far right (some would argue that is where the Tories are now) group like the BNP, I'm pretty certain he would vote for them. He'd refutely deny it but he'd vote for such because he'd be sucked into whatever sweetener they promised. Likely something that is to detriment of immigrants.

If that kind of mindset is replicated then there really is no way of educating people. More so because if you don't appeal to a voters more closeted thoughts then it doesn't matter how good your manifesto may be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, June 5, 2020, 21:30:43
I have a similar relationship with my old man. Except he is the staunch Brexiteer/UKIPer/Trump fan, et al.

Banker, with your son do you think it is more of an aesthetic in part (the MAGA cap and the Rees-Mogg Tee), like he knows it will cause a response? In some ways a form of manipulation. Not necessarily targeted at yourself but from people who fall either side of opinion. It is true the more clever the person the better at manipulation they are capable of. Sometimes the "aesthetic" is part of their game. Knowing they don't even have to speak to cause problems. A la Trump.

Well, at least your relationship dynamic is the right way around !  :D

No, my son's never been manipulative, or a game player in any way. At uni he did once share digs with a far right winger, who he insists was not an influence, but I do wonder. He certainly wasn't brainwashed at home while growing up ! Conscious of dragging this thread off topic, but it is fascinating.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 06:05:22
Another phrase to soon add to bullshit bingo; „Great Recovery Bill“

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 07:24:44
Is the r rate going to increase in two weeks because of the protests that are expected this weekend? 

Every right to protest in normal times but I'm not sure it's the right time for it now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 07:31:03
In regards to my previous post about Spain, due to the huge drop in deaths and infections , Malaga province and the costa del sol is moving to phase 3 a week early on Monday. So from now on.....

Personal movement. All time slots for outdoor exercise will be removed. Gatherings permitted up to 20 people. Movement allowed within province (although the regional government can allow inter-provincial travel).

Bars, cafeterias and restaurants. Interiors to 50% capacity. Bar service at two-metre intervals. Terraces to 75%.

Shops and services. To 50% capacity including in shopping centres. Probably gyms as well. Communal and recreational areas in shopping centres to 40% capacity

Culture. Museums, libraries, theatre, cinemas, etc to 50%

Home working. Still encouraged where possible

I realise this is pretty much what you lot are already doing but its good to know we only had 2 infections yesterday in the province and 0 deaths now for 8 days in a row.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 09:04:51
Like many people on here, I was appalled by the 'doorstepping' of Dominic Cummings by the media. Not because I supported him in any way, shape or form, but because of what I perceived to be the hypocrisy of the assembled press in so blatantly ignoring social distancing while covering a story criticising someone for breaking lockdown rules. So I complained to the BBC on the same day and just received s response, thought I might as well share it, some may find it interesting:

'Thank you for contacting us with your concerns about our journalists filming outside the house of Dominic Cummings. To allow us to reply promptly, and to ensure we use our licence fee resources as efficiently as possible, we’re sending this response to everyone who’s raised a complaint. We’re sorry we can’t reply individually, but we hope this will address most of the points you’ve raised.

The story about Mr Cummings’ trip to Durham during lockdown is a major one, and it was in the public interest for journalists to investigate and report on it. It’s well established practice for journalists to follow people at the heart of a breaking story and bring the public up-to-date pictures, and we do this regularly with political figures. ‘Doorstepping’ someone, where they’re approached and questioned in a public place is also permitted in the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines, for example when an individual’s role requires them to be publicly accountable or when they’re someone who doesn’t respond to interview requests.

On this story the BBC and other UK broadcasters (Sky, ITV, Channel 5) were using the ‘pool’ system. That is, we took it in turns to film from the street outside Mr Cummings’ house, and we then shared the footage. The camera team consists of two people; a camera person and a producer, so pooling material like this reduced the numbers present and also made it easier to adhere to the social distancing guidance and the need to stay two metres away from others. However the pool system is for broadcasters, not newspapers or agency photographers who were also covering the story, and the BBC has no influence or say over their behaviour. While camera angles can make people appear closer together than they really are, we accept that with a large number of photographers present too it can be difficult to observe the guidance.

We’ve shared your concerns with the BBC News teams, and they will reiterate to staff the need to keep an appropriate distance when filming'.

Make of that what you will!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 10:16:01
Sounds like sensible, effective and quite surprising collaboration between the broadcasters.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 11:35:21
fair enough isn't it. didn't break their guidelines.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 13:02:06
Is the r rate going to increase in two weeks because of the protests that are expected this weekend? 

Every right to protest in normal times but I'm not sure it's the right time for it now.

You have a point but if and it's a big one, if people protest in the ways that have been displayed at times (socially distant, wearing masks etc) then it should be lower. That's ok for limited attendance but open protests make that much more difficult.

Of course we can also factor in all the people that have flooded to the beaches the last few weeks and weekends. As well as virally shedding all over the shop, they keep leaving all their shit like they've crawled away from Glasto. They can fuck right off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 13:23:54
You have a point but if and it's a big one, if people protest in the ways that have been displayed at times (socially distant, wearing masks etc) then it should be lower. That's ok for limited attendance but open protests make that much more difficult.

Of course we can also factor in all the people that have flooded to the beaches the last few weeks and weekends. As well as virally shedding all over the shop, they keep leaving all their shit like they've crawled away from Glasto. They can fuck right off.
You know full well they won’t social distance, Churchill’s statue has already been defaced. The whole thing has been hijacked now and I find it ironic that a protest stating ‘lives matter’ has no problem increasing the risk to people’s lives. As I said before, may as well just return to normal now and let people make their own decisions!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 13:38:10
I find it ironic that a protest stating ‘lives matter’ has no problem increasing the risk to people’s lives.

I guess some people will feel that some things are worth risking for. Especially when trying to make a historical change. I know that's not your full angle due to Covid-19.

Not everyone is an irresponsible, violent human being when protesting. There will always be bad elements in pretty much anything but if you feel that's the way you want to paint your narrative then cool :)

Out of interest, would you protest if you felt you could protect yourself and safe (covid not physical) to do so?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 13:46:42
You have a point but if and it's a big one, if people protest in the ways that have been displayed at times (socially distant, wearing masks etc) then it should be lower. That's ok for limited attendance but open protests make that much more difficult.

Of course we can also factor in all the people that have flooded to the beaches the last few weeks and weekends. As well as virally shedding all over the shop, they keep leaving all their shit like they've crawled away from Glasto. They can fuck right off.

I've not seen the pictures from today, agreed it will reduce the risk but they are putting people's lives at risk.  Don't get me started on the idiots flooding to the beach.

I'm hoping the cool weather continues for a while, so people are less likely to be stupid outdoors. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 13:48:18
I guess some people will feel that some things are worth risking for. Especially when trying to make a historical change. I know that's not your full angle due to Covid-19.

Not everyone is an irresponsible, violent human being when protesting. There will always be bad elements in pretty much anything but if you feel that's the way you want to paint your narrative then cool :)

Out of interest, would you protest if you felt you could protect yourself and safe (covid not physical) to do so?
As usual you go off on a tangent, you don’t need to be violent or irresponsible to transmit the virus, people coming together from all over the place is a massive risk for the exact same reason crowds are banned at football.
No in the current circumstances whilst we are in a pandemic I wouldn’t protest, like I wouldn’t go to a packed beach!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 14:03:01
You know full well they won’t social distance,

As usual you go off on a tangent, you don’t need to be violent or irresponsible to transmit the virus, people coming together from all over the place is a massive risk for the exact same reason crowds are banned at football.
No in the current circumstances whilst we are in a pandemic I wouldn’t protest, like I wouldn’t go to a packed beach!

No tangent Theakston, calm your beans.

Funny. In this instance, I always thought they meant a collective term for all that the writer is referring to?  :hmmm:

I did say that it wasn't your full angle due to Covid-19 but you chose to ignore that part of my reply.

I also said would you protest if you felt you could protect yourself and it was safe to do so?

Feel free to re-read or not and instead just pick out the bits that suit you best :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 14:09:50
No tangent Theakston, calm your beans.

Funny. In this instance, I always thought they meant a collective term for all that the writer is referring to?  :hmmm:

I did say that it wasn't your full angle due to Covid-19 but you chose to ignore that part of my reply.

I also said would you protest if you felt you could protect yourself and it was safe to do so?

Feel free to re-read or not and instead just pick out the bits that suit you best :)
I know what you said, and my opinion remains if you are doing a mass protest in the middle of a pandemic where the R number is around 1 then you are needlessly risking people’s lives. That’s the only angle I have!

You’re just coming across as a virtue signalling prick, you can agree with the cause not the methods! It’s also massively self defeating as if there is a second wave the protests will get a lot of the blame!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 14:26:27
I know what you said, and my opinion remains if you are doing a mass protest in the middle of a pandemic where the R number is around 1 then you are needlessly risking people’s lives. That’s the only angle I have!

You’re just coming across as a virtue signalling prick, you can agree with the cause not the methods! It’s also massively self defeating as if there is a second wave the protests will get a lot of the blame!

That's your opinion RE: "virtue signalling prick"  but you're incredibly wrong on that.

Yes I do understand your point but I was referring to the point you made referencing "they" yet you keep ignoring it. You're saying that everyone who protests will not be practicing social distancing. That imo is incorrect. I could be wrong but much like you calling me a virtue signalling prick, it is much my opinion.

Yes, I know they would likely get the blame, which is also why I highlighted people who have been flooding to the beaches, beauty spots, checking their damn eyesight *sic, etc.

That's fine if you don't feel safe to go and protest and I'm certainly not forcing you to do so but what might seem counterproductive to you, to many others (considering what most are protesting for) it will be the most important thing they do in their lifetime.

Anyway, I'm signing off. Gotta have lunch (yes at 4pm). Have a great afternoon whatever you do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 14:29:55
I'm conflicted by the whole protesting during a pandemic thing.

And I think some (not all) are using the pandemic as an excuse to moan about the protests. That's not a dig at anyone on here, but those I have seen using the 'excuse' elsewhere tend to be your daily mail reader type.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 14:40:29
I'm conflicted by the whole protesting during a pandemic thing.

And I think some (not all) are using the pandemic as an excuse to moan about the protests. That's not a dig at anyone on here, but those I have seen using the 'excuse' elsewhere tend to be your daily mail reader type.
I just think the same rules should apply to everyone, everyone has been moaning about MP’s flouting the rules and now you have 1000’s flouting the rules on mass gatherings. If a group of football fans turn up to one of the behind closed doors games then you know they will be vilified...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 14:46:08
I don't think that watching a football game compares with attending legitimate protests over serious human rights abuses.

But like I said, I'm torn. I'm not sure where to stand.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 14:51:09
You should stand 2m apart FH.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 14:56:23
You should stand 2m apart FH.

Very good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 15:13:09
I find it ironic that a protest stating ‘lives matter’ has no problem increasing the risk to people’s lives

That's a very fixed way of looking at it that suits your narrative.

As bamboo said, how about seeing it a different way: the issue is so poignant and vital that portestors are willing to take a small risk with their own health, in order to make a protest about an issue which is decades, centuries old (rather than the  months that the virus has been around).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 15:17:23
That's a very fixed way of looking at it that suits your narrative.

As bamboo said, how about seeing it a different way: the issue is so poignant and vital that portestors are willing to take a small risk with their own health, in order to make a protest about an issue which is decades, centuries old (rather than the  months that the virus has been around).
It’s breaking the fucking law at the moment! There is a protest in Manchester where the R number is supposedly above 1 now so it’s like lighting a fuse. Everyone has spent the last few months berating the governments response now we are willing to throw away all the hard work and effort people have made.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 15:21:46

And I think some are using the pandemic as an excuse to moan about the protests.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 15:25:52
It’s breaking the fucking law at the moment! There is a protest in Manchester where the R number is supposedly above 1 now so it’s like lighting a fuse. Everyone has spent the last few months berating the governments response now we are willing to throw away all the hard work and effort people have made.

I kind of agree with this. It was interesting that in Edinburgh they had given the green light to protest but it was a static protest with areas marked out where people should stand so as to accommodate social distancing. I guess that was never going to work in London.

I’m a bit like FH I’m torn as I fully believe protest is warranted but at the same time people have made sacrifices for months now and the recent progress that had been made to reduce the R rate could now be ruined by packed beaches and protests.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 15:31:12
Indeed, I haven't heard from Andy Burnham today, who spent yesterday demanding the government do something about the 'R' level in the North West.

Todays march can't be helping much.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 15:37:14
That's a very fixed way of looking at it that suits your narrative.

As bamboo said, how about seeing it a different way: the issue is so poignant and vital that protestors are willing to take a small risk with their own health, in order to make a protest about an issue which is decades, centuries old (rather than the  months that the virus has been around).

How about the risk to the rest of us. Yes of course we should tell the U.S that their action and lack of respect is abhorrent.  But do you think that Trump or Police Chiefs give a damn about us in Swindon, Manchester, Bath or even London?

Let's get the Virus sorted, no risk of the crowds undoing all that has been done so far. Then sort Trump and his side kicks out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 15:37:26
That's a very fixed way of looking at it that suits your narrative.

As bamboo said, how about seeing it a different way: the issue is so poignant and vital that portestors are willing to take a small risk with their own health in order to make a protest about an issue which is decades, centuries old (rather than the  months that the virus has been around).

The thing is, that's exactly the opposite of what most have been saying up until now. It's not just about risking your own health, is it?

Like others, I'm very torn. In the US maybe not so much, but while i really think the worldwide solidarity is a good thing(and not denying our own issues of course), smaller more controlled demonstrations would have been better I think.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 15:43:06
Like others have said, I’m conflicted. I totally support the cause but personally I think this is a terrible time for any mass gatherings of any type. But the people at the protest probably saw the media cheering on VE day street parties and celebrating the easing of travel restrictions allowing people to flock to beaches and concluded there wasn’t much difference. The protestors do tend to be wearing masks at least.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 15:46:27
That's a very fixed way of looking at it that suits your narrative.

As bamboo said, how about seeing it a different way: the issue is so poignant and vital that portestors are willing to take a small risk with their own health, in order to make a protest about an issue which is decades, centuries old (rather than the  months that the virus has been around).

Surely the point is that it's not the risk to their own health that is the problem, if that was the only thing to worry about then have at it, protest yourselves blind and if you get ill it's on you.  The problem here is the other people you infect that have been following the guidelines and might end up getting the infection and then risk their loved ones..

I'm all for protesting for the cause, but in these times they need to find a more suitable way to protest rather than mass gatherings..  what we are seeing is absolutely out of order IMO.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 16:00:40
Surely the point is that it's not the risk to their own health that is the problem, if that was the only thing to worry about then have at it, protest yourselves blind and if you get ill it's on you.  The problem here is the other people you infect that have been following the guidelines and might end up getting the infection and then risk their loved ones..

I'm all for protesting for the cause, but in these times they need to find a more suitable way to protest rather than mass gatherings..  what we are seeing is absolutely out of order IMO.

Absolutely right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 16:05:45
Surely a petition would have been the sensible thing to do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 17:46:02
And another thing that is out of order about these protests is why are they attacking our Police for the actions of the US police?  It is obvious why the anger and mistrust against the US Police and the US government is there but why has that transferred to our protests.  As much as I don't agree with the method of protest being used I can understand the want of people to get involved, but I certainly don't get why the angst against the police has come with it.  These types of things seriously dilute the message that they are trying to get across.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 17:50:58
And another thing that is out of order about these protests is why are they attacking our Police for the actions of the US police?  It is obvious why the anger and mistrust against the US Police and the US government is there but why has that transferred to our protests.  As much as I don't agree with the method of protest being used I can understand the want of people to get involved, but I certainly don't get why the angst against the police has come with it.  These types of things seriously dilute the message that they are trying to get across.
I also don’t get the constant baiting of police, this one is unbelievable

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 18:03:40
It's the anti establishment element who have latched onto this that are the problem.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 18:12:52
I also don’t get the constant baiting of police, this one is unbelievable

I get why some people just don’t understand why they shouldn’t say “all lives matter” during a protest against the murder of black people by the Police. But not understanding it, is part of why we are where we are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 18:18:51
And another thing that is out of order about these protests is why are they attacking our Police for the actions of the US police?  It is obvious why the anger and mistrust against the US Police and the US government is there but why has that transferred to our protests.  As much as I don't agree with the method of protest being used I can understand the want of people to get involved, but I certainly don't get why the angst against the police has come with it.  These types of things seriously dilute the message that they are trying to get across.

I asked 4D this question the other day but he didn’t reply -> have any of you ever experienced being policed differently when at or travelling to a football match? Not because your behaviour was different but just because you were identified by the Police as a football fan?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 18:24:19
I asked 4D this question the other day but he didn’t reply -> have any of you ever experienced being policed differently when at or travelling to a football match? Not because your behaviour was different but just because you were identified by the Police as a football fan?

I can answer for myself, yes. Without question.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 18:28:52
What is "being policed differently"? I've never been battoned or had a police dog set on me before. I got caught up in a Chelsea v Cardiff scrap before, I stood against a wall and avoided the scrap and police horses. A copper grabbed me by the arm on the way through the cordon as to him I could have been involved. He was reasonable and I went on my way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 18:33:00
What is "being policed differently"? I've never been battoned or had a police dog set on me before. I got caught up in a Chelsea v Cardiff scrap before, I stood against a wall and avoided the scrap and police horses. A copper grabbed me by the arm on the way through the cordon as to him I could have been involved. He was reasonable and I went on my way.

I’m not really talking about during a public order incident. I mean, minding your own business, in the pub beforehand, walking to the ground, queuing up, in the ground and the reverse. Have the Police ever treated you differently just because you were in the context of being a football fan rather than, say, walking through Town doing some shopping?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 18:48:19
Surely the point is that it's not the risk to their own health that is the problem, if that was the only thing to worry about then have at it, protest yourselves blind and if you get ill it's on you.  The problem here is the other people you infect that have been following the guidelines and might end up getting the infection and then risk their loved ones..
Have to say, much though I agree with the cause, completely agree with this. This is why we decided not to go to the protest in Swindon today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 18:52:36
I’m not really talking about during a public order incident. I mean, minding your own business, in the pub beforehand, walking to the ground, queuing up, in the ground and the reverse. Have the Police ever treated you differently just because you were in the context of being a football fan rather than, say, walking through Town doing some shopping?

Yep, Notts Forest away on 2008/09 season. Marched to a bar, had to give name whilst being filmed on camcorder, then marched to the ground. We only followed the other Swindon fans walking from the train station

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 19:01:46
Fair few times. The stand out was being marched to reading west station to get a train to Swindon. I only wanted to get the 102 bus from Reading to Newbury. Ended up in swindon with no ticket and no money to get back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 19:18:17
I’m not really talking about during a public order incident. I mean, minding your own business, in the pub beforehand, walking to the ground, queuing up, in the ground and the reverse. Have the Police ever treated you differently just because you were in the context of being a football fan rather than, say, walking through Town doing some shopping?

Not really

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 19:28:29
I asked 4D this question the other day but he didn’t reply -> have any of you ever experienced being policed differently when at or travelling to a football match? Not because your behaviour was different but just because you were identified by the Police as a football fan?
If you attended in the 70s and 80s we were almost treated like terrorists. Got batoned at Mansfield, purposely clobbered by a police horse at Elm Park, arrested at Walsall for trying to talk to a Walsall fan through the segregation fence, prevented from leaving The Pride of Paddington. Been searched, frogmarched and generally manhandled. Probably more that I’ve forgotten.

Good job I was pissed most of the time!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 19:42:16
Not really

Well, that’s good I guess.

I’ve got various examples. The most obvious was the play off semi final away to Brentford. Outside the pub, before the game, lively but friendly atmosphere. Les Ferdinand and Tim Sherwood we’re there. Boisterous but good natured. It was about 30 mins before kick off and we weren’t sure where the away end was so I walked up to a group of coppers. Without saying a word, one of them chopped me to the neck and told me to get back, which I did quickly.

I was pretty shocked and pissed off. About 10 minutes later I saw two young women approach the same Policeman and he was talking to them friendly enough. I walked back over and politely asked why he had done what he’d done when I was just asking for directions. He said that they had arrested a Swindon fan a few minutes earlier and so any fan approaching was classed as high risk. Ended up having a decent chat and I tried to explain by treating people so aggressively, you just fuel aggressive behaviour back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 19:43:30
Anyway. The point of all this is that a lot of football fans have experienced being policed differently just because we were identified as football fans. Not due to our behaviour but because of our identity. When it happens it’s dehumanising and can make you feel angry and that it’s unfair.

For many black and ethnic minorities (particularly black males 18-30), their lives are often like being policed as we experience being policed occasionally as football fans.  If you can get that, you’ll get the protests and why some people’s experience of policing in the UK is very different to others’.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 19:48:42
Anyway. The point of all this is that a lot of football fans have experienced being policed differently just because we were identified as football fans. Not due to our behaviour but because of our identity. When it happens it’s dehumanising and can make you feel angry and that it’s unfair.

For many black and ethnic minorities (particularly black males 18-30), their lives are often like being policed as we experience being policed occasionally as football fans.  If you can get that, you’ll get the protests and why some people’s experience of policing in the UK is very different to others’.

Spot on

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 19:58:38
I suppose you won't get it if you just lack any empathy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 20:30:59
I am in no way trying to suggest that I have it as bad as black people - because I don't. Not even close.

But I have been on the receiving end myself a few times. Bearing in mind that I am a minority immigrant where I live. For example, being refused a house I wanted to rent because I am a farang (westerner). It's fucking horrible.

Yet, I am still aware of my priviledge. That ocassion (and others) was dissapointing but had no real impact on me overall. Being a priviledged white guy meant that I could just move on. Too many people aren't able to say that, though. Too many people can't 'move on'. It affects every aspect of their lives. Some even lose their lives.

It's the 21st century for fuck's sake. What is wrong with people, we should have moved on from this long ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 20:53:36
Anyway. The point of all this is that a lot of football fans have experienced being policed differently just because we were identified as football fans. Not due to our behaviour but because of our identity. When it happens it’s dehumanising and can make you feel angry and that it’s unfair.

For many black and ethnic minorities (particularly black males 18-30), their lives are often like being policed as we experience being policed occasionally as football fans.  If you can get that, you’ll get the protests and why some people’s experience of policing in the UK is very different to others’.

Hopefully this analogy opens a few eyes. Well said.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 20:59:31
Anyway. The point of all this is that a lot of football fans have experienced being policed differently just because we were identified as football fans. Not due to our behaviour but because of our identity. When it happens it’s dehumanising and can make you feel angry and that it’s unfair.

For many black and ethnic minorities (particularly black males 18-30), their lives are often like being policed as we experience being policed occasionally as football fans.  If you can get that, you’ll get the protests and why some people’s experience of policing in the UK is very different to others’.

100% this. I had a few incidents with the police in my youth that left me with a certain level of distrust and dislike of them, but it doesn't come close to comparing. A black friend of mine was pulled over 15 times in one year, whereas I was pulled over once at about 3am. Once at Notting Hill Carnival I asked a copper which way to the nearest tube and a mixed race friend said you shouldn't ever ask the police because they'll lie and send you the wrong way. That hadnt even crossed my mind.

That said, i can understand to a point the feeling that people are having a go at the police here for something US police have done, for example people chanting "hands up, don't shoot" at unarmed police. It's difficult to keep them separate though, so i get why the lines have been blurred for some protesters.

But I have been on the receiving end myself a few times. Bearing in mind that I am a minority immigrant where I live. For example, being refused a house I wanted to rent because I am a farang (westerner). It's fucking horrible.

My personal bugbear was being quoted double the correct price for things even though I asked in Khmer. You're right that it has no real effect, but yeah, really fucking annoying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 21:09:17
Several have said it much more concisely than I could ever have, namely Flashheart, Rusty and Goat.

It's something I deeply care about, I often have to reiterate to others (family etc) that this is genuinely not about me, a privileged white man. Because that is what we all are (well a large majority of us here are). This happens because those who end up defending racism try to turn it into a debate about political correctness; whereby I get used as the "You can't say anything while that guy is around" guy. Yet that really isn't the point and I know most on here will understand that.

We really should not have to struggle in 2020 to tell people that racism is wrong on so many levels.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 21:11:42

My personal bugbear was being quoted double the correct price for things even though I asked in Khmer. You're right that it has no real effect, but yeah, really fucking annoying.

Oh yes. All the fucking time.

Some places even have separate prices in Thai script so only Thais can read them. Even my (Thai) wife gets charged extra sometimes just because she's with a farang.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 21:50:11

Just picked up on this earlier. A friend of mine, a history teacher is trying to play their part in changing what the curriculum teaches us about - well our history in education. I ask, any of you to take part. It's anonymous. Question seven was incredibly telling, for myself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 22:01:01
I asked 4D this question the other day but he didn’t reply -> have any of you ever experienced being policed differently when at or travelling to a football match? Not because your behaviour was different but just because you were identified by the Police as a football fan?
Yes. Went to Leicester with Stoke in 1988 with a Tranmere and a Forest fan. A number of Stoke fans on the train over were obnoxious to say the least. Threatening their own fans etc. Surely the police, even then, knew who the twats were? Got to Leicester only to be treated like vermin. All were piled against walls and threatened with arrest if we spoke. Inspector Archer hold your head in shame. I was there to go and visit the grave of my recently deceased niece. Was going to the cemetery then on to the game. Got nowhere near doing that. Frogmarched to Filbert street with no chance of doing anything else. After the game the Stoke fans had worked out that we weren't Longton boys and quickly got isolated. We three made a run for it to the station once we got close only to find we were targeted by Leicester. No police to be seen then funnilly enough. Did what we had to go defend ourselves and then got grief from Stoke. Went home via Brum in the end. Kicked off again when we got back to Stoke. Aciiiid!! Police were hostile all day and then seemed happy to let the locals have their fun.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 22:32:36
So, I guess the R number is going back over 1 soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 23:01:44
Unless I’m missing something I don’t see anybody questioning the legitimacy of the cause, it’s undoubtedly a worldwide issue. It’s the timing that is being highlighted as being inappropriate. People on this very forum have been critical to the government’s handling of the virus, people going to beaches and what not and the deaths that have resulted.  The Cheltenham festival has been highlighted as fuelling the spread and these gatherings are of a similar scale. We currently stand on precipice where things may start to return to normal or the whole cycle could start to repeat itself again so I don’t see how it’s outside the realms of decency to question whether this is really an appropriate action at this moment in time....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, June 6, 2020, 23:28:12
Uh oh, the high horses are being saddled up as I write this   :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 07:00:19
Unless I’m missing something I don’t see anybody questioning the legitimacy of the cause, it’s undoubtedly a worldwide issue. It’s the timing that is being highlighted as being inappropriate. People on this very forum have been critical to the government’s handling of the virus, people going to beaches and what not and the deaths that have resulted.  The Cheltenham festival has been highlighted as fuelling the spread and these gatherings are of a similar scale. We currently stand on precipice where things may start to return to normal or the whole cycle could start to repeat itself again so I don’t see how it’s outside the realms of decency to question whether this is really an appropriate action at this moment in time....

Read back. I think nearly everyone agrees mass gatherings should be avoided given coronavirus. But others did question why anyone was protesting Uk police when the violence was by American police. I gave the football analogy to try and explain.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 09:27:50
Unless I’m missing something I don’t see anybody questioning the legitimacy of the cause, it’s undoubtedly a worldwide issue. It’s the timing that is being highlighted as being inappropriate. People on this very forum have been critical to the government’s handling of the virus, people going to beaches and what not and the deaths that have resulted.  The Cheltenham festival has been highlighted as fuelling the spread and these gatherings are of a similar scale. We currently stand on precipice where things may start to return to normal or the whole cycle could start to repeat itself again so I don’t see how it’s outside the realms of decency to question whether this is really an appropriate action at this moment in time....
exactly this.

the cause is irrelevant to covid. protests, beach, it don't know the difference

either its fine for mass gatherings outside, or it isn't.

it seems to me a blind eye has largely been turned to both mind, until violence rears it's ugly head. so at least there is some consistency

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 09:47:00
A lot of government bashing for individuals travelling across the country during lockdown but little criticism of the mass gatherings taking place. Double standards?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 09:55:15
A lot of government bashing for individuals travelling across the country during lockdown but little criticism of the mass gatherings taking place. Double standards?

Interesting observation but I think we have established that you don't 'get it'.  Yes, from your perspective it's a terrible example of double standards and everyone should be thoroughly ashamed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: sir windon on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 11:21:42
Matt Hancock suggesting protests will risk spreading the virus (whereas opening schools and shops increasingly is supposedly fine). I certainly feel confident following the advice of this, son in law of a baron, man of the people!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 11:51:25

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 12:13:07
A lot of government bashing for individuals travelling across the country during lockdown but little criticism of the mass gatherings taking place. Double standards?

If you’re referring to Cummings, Jenrick, Kinnock etc, they all occurred when the country was in strict lockdown. Whether, rightly or wrongly, the restrictions have been lifted and people are making their own decisions and using their common sense.
I don’t think you can equate the two.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 12:17:08
Matt Hancock suggesting protests will risk spreading the virus (whereas opening schools and shops increasingly is supposedly fine). I certainly feel confident following the advice of this, son in law of a baron, man of the people!

Im afraid I cannot believe anything this government says.  Any authority they may have had has gone in the tissue of lies they have produced for years now, but currently to see them continually lie to our faces on a daily basis.  Continually thinking they can tell us what to do but not what following their own rules.  No trust that they are doing the best for us whatsoever.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 12:41:00
It looks like this was discussed in more detail last evening.  Good analogy by Rusty re football policing, and yes I have been treated differently at away games.  I do get it, even though some posters seem to think I can't get it just because my mind doesn't work in black or white, left or right, which ever way you want to look at it.

Just to be clear on where my head is:
Is this a worthy cause to protest against - absolutely yes
Is this the right time to be protesting - absolutely yes
Is mass gatherings the right way to be protesting at this specific time - IMO no (Unless social distancing can be carried out and upheld - which it obviously can't)
Is violence against the police and anyone else in our (UK) scenario in which the protests are taking place, required or acceptable - IMO unless provoked no.

Protesters will say they were provoked and the Police were to quick to come in aggressively, i have seen both sides, Police coming in strong and protesters pushing the boundaries getting in their faces and goading them.

Bottom line is, if this is being advertised as a peaceful protest, then there shouldn't be any need for it - all it does is damage the message and severely dilute the cause that they are rightfully trying to progress..

That will be it for me because this thread has been curtailed too much into the political thread - just wanted to make my opinions clear and show that i do "get it", i'm not a naive 15 year old (although at the moment i wish i was)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 12:49:40
I feel sorry for the poor NHS workers that will have to more than likely deal with the consequences in a few weeks time.

Hopefully because it's a one off, when people get it they then listen to government advice and isolate!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 13:18:21
Just to be clear on where my head is:
Is this a worthy cause to protest against - absolutely yes
Is this the right time to be protesting - absolutely yes
Is mass gatherings the right way to be protesting at this specific time - IMO no (Unless social distancing can be carried out and upheld - which it obviously can't)
Is violence against the police and anyone else in our (UK) scenario in which the protests are taking place, required or acceptable - IMO unless provoked no.

Thanks Berni. Pretty much how I feel too. It’s a complex issue which causes conflicting feelings for most of us.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:00:29
Meanwhile in Brizzle...

Good to see the social distancing in London too  ::)
Lockdown 2 on it's way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:03:15
Meanwhile in Brizzle...

Good to see the social distancing in London too  ::)
Lockdown 2 on it's way.
They are currently proposing to do the same to the Churchill statue in London that’s now being guarded by some football fans. If that gets toppled I think it will properly kick off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:08:38
Far left? Why Churchill?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:09:42
They are currently proposing to do the same to the Churchill statue in London that’s now being guarded by some football fans. If that gets toppled I think it will properly kick off.

That would not be a good move.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:13:04
I think it's the rent a mob anti establishment lot, the sort who would write on the cenotaph, hijacked this protest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:20:03
What happened to George Floyd was totally unacceptable.

However blatantly breaking the law regards social distancing and the vandalism and violence displayed this weekend is completely unacceptable as well.

The very same people will blame the government if the R goes up/ second wave. They are being extremely selfish attacking horses and the police.

Funny that the exact same group were the ones screaming for Cummings to stand down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:23:41
The statue has now been thrown into the harbour

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:27:24
Far left? Why Churchill?

Erm, well documented racist?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:34:26
He was every sort of "ist" going, but we'd all still be down the salt mines feeding the fifth reich if it wasn't for his input.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:38:12
The protest is looking at ending racism and trying to unite people, the anti establishment mob are trying to destroy and divide.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:41:42
This is about to get very messy...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 15:47:43
Meanwhile in Brizzle...

Good to see the social distancing in London too  ::)
Lockdown 2 on it's way.

Fucking brilliant. Fair play to them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 16:34:38

However blatantly breaking the law regards social distancing and the vandalism and violence displayed this weekend is completely unacceptable as well.

The very same people will blame the government if the R goes up/ second wave. They are being extremely selfish attacking horses and the police.

Funny that the exact same group were the ones screaming for Cummings to stand down.

How would you know that ??.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 16:40:56
Churchills statue now been defaced

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 16:54:50
The protest is looking at ending racism and trying to unite people, the anti establishment mob are trying to destroy and divide.

I think you’re right

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 16:55:26
Churchills statue now been defaced
It’s pretty much page 1 of how to turn the country against you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 16:56:30
Protesting current events is logical.

Protesting historic events/figures - what's that about? Where's the logic in it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 16:58:47
Murica did it so we inevitably follow like sheep..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 17:10:19
Protesting current events is logical.

Protesting historic events/figures - what's that about? Where's the logic in it?
There’s no logic, if there was we’d all stop holidaying in France,Germany,Italy, Japan because of the Norman Conquest, Roman invasion and the world wars. We wouldn’t buy their cars, drink their wine or eat their food. It may suit a narrative to pull down and deface statues but what does it actually achieve

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 17:16:05
I think you’re right

They turn up for their own agenda and make things worse. Cannot abide them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 18:17:48
Given that the city of Bristol profitted heavily from the slave trade, I'd presume the protesters will now all want to leave it and live somewhere else?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 18:28:29
Given that the city of Bristol profitted heavily from the slave trade, I'd presume the protesters will now all want to leave it and live somewhere else?

You can't help the history of where you live. But there's no need to celebrate it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 18:31:08
It's a bit disingenious to claim people are protesting about the past when the statue was still stood there today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 18:57:49
Given that the city of Bristol profitted heavily from the slave trade, I'd presume the protesters will now all want to leave it and live somewhere else?

Great logic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 19:15:28
Is it also not a matter of education? A lot of people now are finding out or realising that the so called great leaders of time past were not necessarily as great as history has previously taught us.

Which was why I posted the survey that my friend has set up. How many of us were taught at school in depth at how great the "Empire" was yet things like slavery were touched upon very briefly? We weren't taught that we had achieved this "greatness" by excessive colonisation, rape and slavery. It was just seen as good for us and the cost to others was generally put by the wayside.

So when people say things like "thas disgustin' tha ris", well maybe had we all been educated in a curriculum that informed us more about the truth we wouldn't have statues of or celebrate lorded fucking gentry who maintained their status via ill gotten gains.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 19:17:37
Also mods...may want to split this from the "Coronavirus" thread as this has clearly defined itself down the route of Protest, UK History and Institutional Racism.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 20:06:00
Is it also not a matter of education? A lot of people now are finding out or realising that the so called great leaders of time past were not necessarily as great as history has previously taught us.

Which was why I posted the survey that my friend has set up. How many of us were taught at school in depth at how great the "Empire" was yet things like slavery were touched upon very briefly? We weren't taught that we had achieved this "greatness" by excessive colonisation, rape and slavery. It was just seen as good for us and the cost to others was generally put by the wayside.

So when people say things like "thas disgustin' tha ris", well maybe had we all been educated in a curriculum that informed us more about the truth we wouldn't have statues of or celebrate lorded fucking gentry who maintained their status via ill gotten gains.

We learnt about it at school, the triangulation between Africa, the Americas and Europe. It's history, we cannot change that or sweep it under the carpet. Bad history, yes. I would imagine that most people wouldn't know the history behind a statue until it's pointed out to them. I gather that the Colston statue was erected to thank him for his charitable contributions to the City and not as a marker of his involvement in the slave trade.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 20:08:34
Is it also not a matter of education? A lot of people now are finding out or realising that the so called great leaders of time past were not necessarily as great as history has previously taught us.

Which was why I posted the survey that my friend has set up. How many of us were taught at school in depth at how great the "Empire" was yet things like slavery were touched upon very briefly? We weren't taught that we had achieved this "greatness" by excessive colonisation, rape and slavery. It was just seen as good for us and the cost to others was generally put by the wayside.

So when people say things like "thas disgustin' tha ris", well maybe had we all been educated in a curriculum that informed us more about the truth we wouldn't have statues of or celebrate lorded fucking gentry who maintained their status via ill gotten gains.

In school we were taught about the Northern Ireland divide, medicine through time (!) & the American West. Of all of that, the Northern Ireland & American West topics did really 'teach' you relevant issues . I think they really should be teaching topics that are relevant, which could genuinely resonate with students -  which is why it is odd that slavery is not taught. Much like teaching about the Nazis, you would hope that learning of the barbaric past might positively affect their views in the future and go - even a small way - to helping to eradicate this.
For example, one of my colleagues (41 years old) said he watched a documentary on some of the methods used by the slavers, and said he "was glad this country didn't get involved in that" Quite astonishing really

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 20:20:13
I got the industrial revolution as my GCSE subject. It's probably why i hate the concept and reality  of globalisational trade, and the damage it does.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 20:31:56
In school we were taught about the Northern Ireland divide, medicine through time (!) & the American West. Of all of that, the Northern Ireland & American West topics did really 'teach' you relevant issues .
I think they really should be teaching topics that are relevant, which could genuinely resonate with students -  which is why it is odd that slavery is not taught. Much like teaching about the Nazis, you would hope that learning of the barbaric past might positively affect their views in the future and go - even a small way - to helping to eradicate this.
For example, one of my colleagues (41 years old) said he watched a documentary on some of the methods used by the slavers, and said he "was glad this country didn't get involved in that" Quite astonishing really

Seen a lot of comments on social media over the weekend by people saying they were never taught about slavery at school. For some this might well be true - I would probably say the same had I not found my old Y8 and Y9 History books a little while back.

At my school, the second half of Year 8 is devoted to this amalgous period covering the Industrial Revolution, the British Empire and Slavery. We teach them as separate topics, when they're not really - each is dependent on the other and they interleave. I'd say this is broadly similar to what most schools will do nowadays. The topics you describe would've been GCSE topics, so not the place to put slavery really as it can be opted out of. Same reason the Holocaust is ideally taught in Y9; a bit more mature to appreciate the gravity of it, but before students have totally switched off if they're not taking it as an option.

FWIW I have a lot of work to do on improving my teaching about slavery and the Empire in general. But you can be assured it's there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 20:35:52
We learnt about it at school, the triangulation between Africa, the Americas and Europe. It's history, we cannot change that or sweep it under the carpet. Bad history, yes. I would imagine that most people wouldn't know the history behind a statue until it's pointed out to them. I gather that the Colston statue was erected to thank him for his charitable contributions to the City and not as a marker of his involvement in the slave trade.

The Colston statue was erected in 1895, in the dying embers of the Empire as a sort of last hurrah for imperialism. It's indisputable that Colston made a lot of positive contributions to Bristol, but at the cost of the lives of innocent people. The intention may not have been overtly to celebrate his role in the slave trade, but that is exactly what it did.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 20:59:33
the police have clearly been told to not engage for fear of bad press and its turning into a mockery. if the protests are to happen- which they shouldn't due to the pandemic- then have a cut off time to empty the streets and lock down. there is a clear trait where they are majority peaceful and then turn violent in the evenings. it is over shadowing their message and dividing the country even more.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 21:08:07
Burning the Union Jack on the cenotaph just proves that a sizeable element don’t give a shit about BLM and just want an excuse to cause trouble.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 21:09:28
It was one person with the rest around him telling him to get down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 21:12:37
The ones shouting “Burn it” must be talking about something else then.

My point being the original message is getting lost when you see stuff like this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 21:26:57
The ones shouting “Burn it” must be talking about something else then.

My point being the original message is getting lost when you see stuff like this

I think that must be right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 21:36:09
It was one person with the rest around him telling him to get down.
They were throwing the wreaths around earlier, it’s more than one person and they are actually doing untold harm to their cause with these acts how can they not see it. The authorities need to step in now as it’s got out of hand!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 23:17:09
For those that burn the flag and hate Britain, why the fuck live here? Fuck off and do us all a favour.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, June 7, 2020, 23:27:04
For those that burn the flag and hate Britain, why the fuck live here? Fuck off and do us all a favour.

My, my. You’ll have Horlock, Pauld and a few other calling you a right wing facist cunt. You right wing facist cunt. 😉

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, June 8, 2020, 00:02:44
The problem the protests have, aside from the obvious risks with Covid, are the ability for different groups to tag along with very different desires.  Much of the problematic stuff is likely coming from Anarchist groups, who want to bring down any form of Govt.  Then you have the more extreme elements of BLM who are pushing for the defunding or complete disbanding of Police Forces (which is actually an interesting idea when you start to investigate what it would means, rather than the WTF response I had when reading that initially).

The Monuments bit is also nuanced.  In the USA there is a clear problem with ,any of them, they were erected precisely to invoke oppression of African Americans, predominantly erected in the early 1900’s, long after the Civil War.  There is a image chiselled into a Mountain side near me, it was finished in the 1970”s and funded by the KKK.  It has since been taken over by the State and converted into a sort of Musuem about slavery, but they are still looking at whether to change the image itself.  I can completely understand a desire to rip these affronts down.

There does seem to be a big move in recent years for UK culture to begin trying to mimic the USA on some belief of us being close.  The reality having lived here is there is a lot that is different, and not a single American culture but several, certainly not as aligned as most of the UK generally is (allowing for the Country variations).

This is getting away from the subject a little, but I do think the situation and context of the past three months has lit the fuse.  I am quite worried about places like Brazil for that reason.  For me, the spread of Populism has poured petrol on the embers of a fire, then Covid has come along to provide the flame thrower necessary to bring everything to a head.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, June 8, 2020, 06:49:23
Burning the Union Jack on the cenotaph just proves that a sizeable element don’t give a shit about BLM and just want an excuse to cause trouble.
All the groups will have been infiltrated by the security services. It then a matter of if they wish to draw any behaviour to the attention of the prosecuting authorities.
Rather like when the Southciders were infiltrated.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 8, 2020, 07:18:23
bloody tricky one to police.

Heavy handed could mean escalation.

Too light means criminal acts occur, as seen in Bristol, regardless of being morally right.

plus the whole covid issue...

I guess I can see sense in Bristol's minimum force and follow up after approach.

But at some point the pointy sticks will have to come out, as per London

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, June 8, 2020, 07:37:27
Given that the city of Bristol profitted heavily from the slave trade, I'd presume the protesters will now all want to leave it and live somewhere else?

Aren't you from Dachau?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 8, 2020, 07:59:11
For those that burn the flag and hate Britain, why the fuck live here? Fuck off and do us all a favour.

Where is it stated they "hate Britain"?  I don't agree with the tactics but why does protest equate to hating Britain?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:23:05
Is it also not a matter of education? A lot of people now are finding out or realising that the so called great leaders of time past were not necessarily as great as history has previously taught us.

Which was why I posted the survey that my friend has set up. How many of us were taught at school in depth at how great the "Empire" was yet things like slavery were touched upon very briefly? We weren't taught that we had achieved this "greatness" by excessive colonisation, rape and slavery. It was just seen as good for us and the cost to others was generally put by the wayside.

So when people say things like "thas disgustin' tha ris", well maybe had we all been educated in a curriculum that informed us more about the truth we wouldn't have statues of or celebrate lorded fucking gentry who maintained their status via ill gotten gains.

This is not a new thing though, the one thing that became clear during all the Brexit nonsense is just how little much of the population seem to know about history. This is quite an interesting read.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:26:09
I gather that the Colston statue was erected to thank him for his charitable contributions to the City

Perhaps they should have a statue of Jimmy Saville in Leeds then if you get one for philanthropy and fuck what else you may have done?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:34:41
I see Mr Waxy Lemon was very unhappy with the goings on yesterday and has called on all the 'lads' to go out in London this coming weekend, presumably for a 'tear up'. If Antifa et al are out and about it could get very messy unfortunately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:43:17
I see Mr Waxy Lemon was very unhappy with the goings on yesterday and has called on all the 'lads' to go out in London this coming weekend, presumably for a 'tear up'. If Antifa et al are out and about it could get very messy unfortunately.

Good to see he has been released from Barrow nick now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:47:26
For those that burn the flag and hate Britain, why the fuck live here? Fuck off and do us all a favour.

Why should I leave just because some of the population have been radicalised? As a student of history I hope and believe that the present populist and nationalist uprising will go the way of all the others throughout history, populist governments always fail spectacularly when those they have radicalised turn against them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:55:51
You burnt a flag? Typical far left view that the flag is a flag of something other than the country and it's people. It's provocative and divisive to burn a country's flag.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:56:54
I see Mr Waxy Lemon was very unhappy with the goings on yesterday and has called on all the 'lads' to go out in London this coming weekend, presumably for a 'tear up'. If Antifa et al are out and about it could get very messy unfortunately.

He’s even had a pop at Little Mix now which amused me.  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:57:04
Good to see he has been released from Barrow nick now.

He was quite obviously coked out of his face and was ranting about Anthony Joshua and Little Mix and trying to rabble rouse his football 'lads'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:57:17
Perhaps they should have a statue of Jimmy Saville in Leeds then if you get one for philanthropy and fuck what else you may have done?

It (Colston) is obviously something that should not be there in modern society.

You also can't just pull it into the dock. That's criminal damage.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 08:59:54
You burnt a flag? Typical far left view that the flag is a flag of something other than the country and it's people. It's provocative and divisive to burn a country's flag.

Where did I say that, just out of interest?

People selectively reading what other people say to suit their own prejudices and narratives is what is getting this country in a mess in the first place.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:00:43

People selectively reading what other people say to suit their own prejudices and narratives is what is getting this country in a mess in the first place.

Why do it then?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:04:36
You burnt a flag? Typical far left view that the flag is a flag of something other than the country and it's people. It's provocative and divisive to burn a country's flag.

Isn't a flag just a 'colourful rag'?  I have no desire to burn flags but then again I don't get animated if someone else decides to do so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:09:52
Isn't a flag just a 'colourful rag'?  I have no desire to burn flags but then again I don't get animated if someone else decides to do so.

Burning a flag on a memorial. Disrespectful in so many ways.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:10:06
It (Colston) is obviously something that should not be there in modern society.

You also can't just pull it into the dock. That's criminal damage.

Kate Williams has been making some quite interesting observations about the history of the statute and the attempts by some, and the resistance of others, to make people more aware of the blokes origins.

FWIW I would be happy for it to be reinstated as long as this later unofficial amendment is included to better explain where he got his wealth from...


For those clutching at pearls about the chap, its going to blow their minds when they discover c.19k died on his ships just being transported, let alone those who died after arrival.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:12:10
For those that burn the flag and hate Britain, why the fuck live here? Fuck off and do us all a favour.

I think it’s because the flag means something different to some people than it does to others. In my 20s, I used to wear a little pin badge of the St George’ cross which said “English and Proud”. I wore it because I felt very proud to be English and saw that Scots, Welsh etc were able to overtly display their nationalism so I wanted to too.

But since then, I’ve seen the flag subverted by people I don’t want to be associated with. If I wore that little badge now, people are just as likely to associate me with a Tommy Robinson supporter than merely a proud Englishman. Pretty sad.

So burning a flag might not be the binary thing you think it means. It’s complex and nuanced and might be as much as a show of rejection for the groups that adopt it as symbology as any rejection of the country itself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:19:04
Is it also not a matter of education? A lot of people now are finding out or realising that the so called great leaders of time past were not necessarily as great as history has previously taught us.

Which was why I posted the survey that my friend has set up. How many of us were taught at school in depth at how great the "Empire" was yet things like slavery were touched upon very briefly? We weren't taught that we had achieved this "greatness" by excessive colonisation, rape and slavery. It was just seen as good for us and the cost to others was generally put by the wayside.

So when people say things like "thas disgustin' tha ris", well maybe had we all been educated in a curriculum that informed us more about the truth we wouldn't have statues of or celebrate lorded fucking gentry who maintained their status via ill gotten gains.

You're right this should have its own thread.... education and learning are not the same.  Only a small amount of learning happens in formal education, if the school process of education can provide some of the basic tools for learning it's doing well.  Sadly all too often it doesn't, but rather puts people off and closes minds.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:20:08
Burning a flag on a memorial. Disrespectful in so many ways.

 You are of course entitled to your opinion and I have no problem with that.  As mentioned above, others are willing to accept that there is slightly more nuance around this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:21:10
I think it’s because the flag means something different to some people than it does to others. In my 20s, I used to wear a little pin badge of the St George’ cross which said “English and Proud”. I wore it because I felt very proud to be English and saw that Scots, Welsh etc were able to overtly display their nationalism so I wanted to too.

But since then, I’ve seen the flag subverted by people I don’t want to be associated with. If I wore that little badge now, people are just as likely to associate me with a Tommy Robinson supporter than merely a proud Englishman. Pretty sad.

So burning a flag might not be the binary thing you think it means. It’s complex and nuanced and might be as much as a show of rejection for the groups that adopt it as symbology as any rejection of the country itself.
It was on a war memorial though, burning the GB flag on a war memorial is a fucked up thing to do whichever way you look at it and cannot be justified!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:24:59
You are of course entitled to your opinion and I have no problem with that.  As mentioned above, others are willing to accept that there is slightly more nuance around this.

How would you react to somebody urinating on a grave?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:26:45
It was on a war memorial though, burning the GB flag on a war memorial is a fucked up thing to do whichever way you look at it and cannot be justified!
Absolutely, can you imagine if people burnt the US flag in one of the protest over there, that would be like stepping it all up an extra notch, as if it needed it.

Utterly disrespectful and not acceptable in any way shape or form for me.

I respect their right to march against obvious injustice if they so feel the need but to do that is just not right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:28:36
Well said PV.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:30:10
There is no fucking nuance about burning the flag on the cenotaph, no excuse, not one

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:32:44
There is no fucking nuance about burning the flag on the cenotaph, no excuse, not one

I didn’t know the location tbf and only know it even happened through reading this thread.

Take the war memorial out of it, do you believe flag-burning can ever be justified?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:34:51
There is no fucking nuance about burning the flag on the cenotaph, no excuse, not one
Spot on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:35:50
It was on a war memorial though, burning the GB flag on a war memorial is a fucked up thing to do whichever way you look at it and cannot be justified!

Which is why it has been rightly almost universally condemned, looking at Twitter for instance I cannot see anyone saying it wasn't an entirely fucked up and stupid thing to do. What I can see is a lot of the usual far right suspects making great political capital out of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:37:00
Not sure I referred to war memorials or similar. I referred to the act of burning flags per se.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:37:16
Take the war memorial out of it, do you believe flag-burning can ever be justified?

Not something I’d ever do but yes there would be probably be some circumstances where I could agree with the justification

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:38:09
I didn’t know the location tbf and only know it even happened through reading this thread.

Take the war memorial out of it, do you believe flag-burning can ever be justified?

No. That's not just the British flag either. Flags are just colourful fabrics but they symbolize a nation. Burning a flag is an act of provocation which causes division, it happens around the world. We don't want division do we?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:38:35
How would you react to somebody urinating on a grave?

Not sure I understand the nexus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:39:39
What I can see is a lot of the usual far right suspects making great political capital out of it.

Which is one of the many reasons it was a stupid thing to do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:41:54
Any flag burning should be restricted to this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:42:21
Which is why it has been rightly almost universally condemned, looking at Twitter for instance I cannot see anyone saying it wasn't an entirely fucked up and stupid thing to do. What I can see is a lot of the usual far right suspects making great political capital out of it.
The same goes for the Churchill graffiti as well though and there has been a lot of support for that. Yes he wasn't a saint by any stretch but he was still voted the 'Greatest Briton' so clearly to the majority of the UK he is a respected figure and can't just have small mobs being allowed to do as they please, it's also an instant way of turning the silent majority against them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:42:47
No. That's not just the British flag either.

He wasn't trying to light the British flag.

BTW did he actually achieve anything or did he just make a dick of himself like that bell end trying to burn the EU flag?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:45:14
The same goes for the Churchill graffiti as well though and there has been a lot of support for that. Yes he wasn't a saint by any stretch but he was still voted the 'Greatest Briton' so clearly to the majority of the UK he is a respected figure and can't just have small mobs being allowed to do as they please, it's also an instant way of turning the silent majority against them.

I think most agree that this is a bit of an own goal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:47:50
No. That's not just the British flag either. Flags are just colourful fabrics but they symbolize a nation. Burning a flag is an act of provocation which causes division, it happens around the world. We don't want division do we?

I agree, we don’t want division.

The EU flag was burnt (or attempted to be burnt - European safety standards actually made them hard to ignite) at pro-Brexit protests. I’m not at all saying this about you 4D but there are people who are apoplectic with rage at the burning of one flag who enjoyed the burning of another.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:49:51
I agree, we don’t want division.

The EU flag was burnt (or attempted to be burnt - European safety standards actually made them hard to ignite) at pro-Brexit protests. I’m not at all saying this about you 4D but there are people who are apoplectic with rage at the burning of one flag who enjoyed the burning of another.

Much the same as if one drew a venn diagram of those who got very excited about Saddam Hussein's statue being toppled now being outraged about the Bristol one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 8, 2020, 09:49:55
I agree, we don’t want division.

The EU flag was burnt (or attempted to be burnt - European safety standards actually made them hard to ignite) at pro-Brexit protests.

:) :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 8, 2020, 10:06:55
as an aside, have the government stopped doing daily updates?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, June 8, 2020, 10:11:35
as an aside, have the government stopped doing daily updates?

Weekends have been stopped.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 10:31:49
We could do with some graph/stats on the latest figures. Be interested to see the R number prediction too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, June 8, 2020, 10:47:18
Had a self employed tradesman proudly tell me he's had a 4.5k payment from the government and will get another 4k payment shortly. This fella has continued to work during the virus. How the fuck is this right? Money for fuck all whilst others in normal employment still work, get no extra and will have to suffer the consequences afterwards.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, June 8, 2020, 11:01:56
Had a self employed tradesman proudly tell me he's had a 4.5k payment from the government and will get another 4k payment shortly. This fella has continued to work during the virus. How the fuck is this right? Money for fuck all whilst others in normal employment still work, get no extra and will have to suffer the consequences afterwards.

This isn't fraudulent, this is how the self-employment support is meant to work - people can carry on working (unlike for PAYE employees), but will get some financial support in anticipation of them having less work over the period. Of course, some people will probably do better than they normally would as a result of this, but when designing interventions as quickly as they did, you're never going to be able to get a perfect system. Plenty of people fall through gaps, some get too much support.

Would hope that anyone genuinely better offer as a result of the support gives the money back or to charity, but there are always going to be some who won't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 11:34:04
Correct. It's based on 80% of trading profits. HMRC are introducing checks too. The 4.5k will relate to Mar to May and the 4k willrelate to Jun to Aug. That'll be all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:12:05
I gather that the Colston statue was erected to thank him for his charitable contributions to the City and not as a marker of his involvement in the slave trade.

Just read that the plaque with the Colston statue says ""Erected by citizens of Bristol as a memorial of one of the most virtuous and wise sons of their city."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:18:37
Not sure I referred to war memorials or similar. I referred to the act of burning flags per se.

A much better thing is to be more like the demobbed soldiers in the Swindon Peace Day riots of 1919..... they took exception to SBC shelling out £250 on a flagpole to commemorate the official end of the Great War, and so burnt the pole if not the flag.  Then had 3 days of looting and occupying the old police station in Eastcott Road. Their gripe not much sign of a land fit for heroes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:20:02
How many on here have visited the Colosseum in Rome?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:34:50
Had a self employed tradesman proudly tell me he's had a 4.5k payment from the government and will get another 4k payment shortly. This fella has continued to work during the virus. How the fuck is this right? Money for fuck all whilst others in normal employment still work, get no extra and will have to suffer the consequences afterwards.

Arriba, Ive taken a 7k grant and will have another one.  Ive also had 9 weeks of work.  Unfortunately as I work in live music I may not have any more work until January.  Or possibly beyond that. 

The criteria for getting the grant is that you have lost work because of the pandemic and the restrictions.  Im not turning it away.  Im not pissing off on a holiday or buying a new car because I don't know if I will be able to earn again for a very long time. 

I hope Im back working in October.  Cant see it happening, but rather than just declaring bankruptcy Ill take any support I can.  at 49 I have never taken a penny from the government in unemployment or housing benefit.  Or Universal credit or any other benefits like that.

There is very little that I will praise this government for but this is one thing I will hold my hand up and say fair enough, you've done what I suggested to you so well done.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: sir windon on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:35:44
A much better thing is to be more like the demobbed soldiers in the Swindon Peace Day riots of 1919..... they took exception to SBC shelling out £250 on a flagpole to commemorate the official end of the Great War, and so burnt the pole if not the flag.  Then had 3 days of looting and occupying the old police station in Eastcott Road. Their gripe not much sign of a land fit for heroes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:39:02
This isn't fraudulent, this is how the self-employment support is meant to work - people can carry on working (unlike for PAYE employees), but will get some financial support in anticipation of them having less work over the period. Of course, some people will probably do better than they normally would as a result of this, but when designing interventions as quickly as they did, you're never going to be able to get a perfect system. Plenty of people fall through gaps, some get too much support.

Would hope that anyone genuinely better offer as a result of the support gives the money back or to charity, but there are always going to be some who won't.

I've used 2 tradesmen during the covid crisis. Both are quids in as they've worked as normal. There are winners and losers just as in life and I don't think that's right. Might not be fraudulent but it stinks when others are getting nothing or are really struggling at the moment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:41:42
Arriba, Ive taken a 7k grant and will have another one.  Ive also had 9 weeks of work.  Unfortunately as I work in live music I may not have any more work until January.  Or possibly beyond that. 

The criteria for getting the grant is that you have lost work because of the pandemic and the restrictions.  Im not turning it away.  Im not pissing off on a holiday or buying a new car because I don't know if I will be able to earn again for a very long time. 

I hope Im back working in October.  Cant see it happening, but rather than just declaring bankruptcy Ill take any support I can.  at 49 I have never taken a penny from the government in unemployment or housing benefit.  Or Universal credit or any other benefits like that.

There is very little that I will praise this government for but this is one thing I will hold my hand up and say fair enough, you've done what I suggested to you so well done.

I think it's good thing too but it's open to abuse and that's what doesn't sit well with me when some are getting nothing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:50:24
Well a bit like the DFE laptops for disadvantaged kids, well intentioned, but a right fucking lash up that wasn't thought through properly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:51:19
Weekends have been stopped.

Oh right ta, didn't spot today's in BBC1 scedule earlier...its there now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 8, 2020, 12:54:27
A much better thing is to be more like the demobbed soldiers in the Swindon Peace Day riots of 1919..... they took exception to SBC shelling out £250 on a flagpole to commemorate the official end of the Great War, and so burnt the pole if not the flag.  Then had 3 days of looting and occupying the old police station in Eastcott Road. Their gripe not much sign of a land fit for heroes.

Just looked that up.  Although I was born in PMH, I don't actually know much about Swindon and little historical tales like this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 8, 2020, 13:32:20
A much better thing is to be more like the demobbed soldiers in the Swindon Peace Day riots of 1919..... they took exception to SBC shelling out £250 on a flagpole to commemorate the official end of the Great War, and so burnt the pole if not the flag.  Then had 3 days of looting and occupying the old police station in Eastcott Road. Their gripe not much sign of a land fit for heroes.

Thank god there wasn't social media in those days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, June 8, 2020, 15:01:35
I think it's good thing too but it's open to abuse and that's what doesn't sit well with me when some are getting nothing.

Sure, but there was no real way of doing means testing or anything like that to try and sort who needed it from who didn't because of a) the number of people involved and b) the speed at which it needed to be delivered.

As with most welfare policies, it's a balance between too many undeserving people getting it and too many deserving people missing out. I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't like every deserving person to get it and every undeserving person not to, it's just designing that system is a technical impossibility. Which of the problems you get more exercised about is personal preference but probably a good indicator of your politics I guess!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, June 8, 2020, 15:17:03
Just looked that up.  Although I was born in PMH, I don't actually know much about Swindon and little historical tales like this.

Ah.... PMH the first large hospital to to built for the NHS post war.  Officially opened in 66, it took a while for the NHS to develop as the country was skint, due to the need to repay post war debt to the US and the high cost of defence spending.

Oddly, the Medical Fund Hospital in Evelyn Square, was very sniffy when nationalised into the NHS in 48. Widely regarded as a forerunner of the NHS, it's doctors and trustees were concerned the NHS wouldn't be able to produce such a good service.

Doctors, were particularly concerned by the NHS, and partly explains why GPs are still private companies.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, June 8, 2020, 15:27:56
1. as I work in live music

2. There is very little that I will praise this government for but this is one thing I will hold my hand up and say fair enough, you've done what I suggested to you so well done.

1. Genuine question: have you ever worked on gigs at Bristol's Colston Hall?

2. That is a very magnanimous statement.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Monday, June 8, 2020, 15:33:39
1.  Yes.  Many.  Shithole.
2.  Credit where its due.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, June 8, 2020, 15:43:44
55 new deaths today. Even allowing for the weekend lag, that's a marked dip and good news. Hopefully the start of the beginning of the end? At least of the first wave, anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, June 8, 2020, 16:09:17
A lot of sirens heard in West Swindon today, first one around 5.45 this morning.
Reminding me how it was in March.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, June 8, 2020, 16:41:05
Sure, but there was no real way of doing means testing or anything like that to try and sort who needed it from who didn't because of a) the number of people involved and b) the speed at which it needed to be delivered.

As with most welfare policies, it's a balance between too many undeserving people getting it and too many deserving people missing out. I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't like every deserving person to get it and every undeserving person not to, it's just designing that system is a technical impossibility. Which of the problems you get more exercised about is personal preference but probably a good indicator of your politics I guess!

Good points, well made.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: herthab on Monday, June 8, 2020, 17:17:03
Mass gatherings attracting mindless cretins. What a shock. The usual suspects in the media and elsewhere will use this to 'prove' their own beliefs/prejudices.

Personally I think the protests are highlighting real problems regarding racism and inequality. That doesn't mean I'm one of these fucking idiots who go on about white guilt all the time,  nor do I think defacing war memorials,  or burning flags can have any justification. None at all..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 08:22:06
Helen Whately suffers her almost daily car crash.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 12:45:54
Arizona and North Carolina seem to be having their escalation right now, several weeks after removing many lock down restrictions.  Other places have not seen the same style increase - however, States are left to their own devices to deal with Testing and Tracing, many not really doing a great job.  Arizona's Health Dept. has written to all hospitals advising them to switch to Emergency Plans if not already done so and prepare for a critical situation.  ICU beds pretty full in the metropolitan areas.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 12:52:14
Over here the excess death rate is slowing as well, late May was the best period for excess deaths since late March. That still takes us to over 63,000 deaths *confirmed* though, FT extrapolations predict it will now be around 66,000.
But heading in the right direction which is good

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 17:59:06
Helen Whately suffers her almost daily car crash.

Absolute fuckwit cunt, that woman.

But that's what you get when Boris & Cumpot purged all the mildly reasonable tories to achieve their full-on Brexit cabinet/group of MPs.

Normally twits like Whately would be sat at the back, saying next to nothing and certainly not making a number of high profile media appearances in which they make a fool of themselves and their party.

"You can't pin this on the scientists!"
"I can pin this on the scientists!"

"errr, I didn't mean that - you put the words in my mouth"

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 19:47:15
Normally twits like Whately would be sat at the back, saying next to nothing

Whately is no politician, that's become apparent.

Ms W was a member of the McKinsey healthcare team that produced the infamous report proposing "£13bn-£20bn” cuts in the NHS, back along. She is in government for a greater purpose down the line, methinks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 17:00:18
‘Support bubbles’ to be able to be created

Good news for the casual shaggers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 18:17:27
I’m off to the Zoo to fuck a Lion

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 19:59:50

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 03:21:49
At least the UK Govt pretends like it is trying to gain control, they've just given up any messaging at the Federal level and here is the guy supposedly running the show:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 06:05:31
Looks like the suggested 2m distancing advice is going to be dropped soon. Could that be the starting gun for fans back in attendance come September?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 08:13:44
At least the UK Govt pretends like it is trying to gain control, they've just given up any messaging at the Federal level and here is the guy supposedly running the show:

I see Trump is also expecting to start his rallies very soon. Actually this just popped up on the BBC news. Is the date pure coincidence?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 08:15:49
Looks like the suggested 2m distancing advice is going to be dropped soon. Could that be the starting gun for fans back in attendance come September?

I hope they dont , as people think 3 foot is 2 metres already. Some idiot gets within that next to me they'll regret it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 08:24:20
What about those lap dancers, though?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 08:29:48
No lap dancers living here more's the pity

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 08:31:25
I hope they dont , as people think 3 foot is 2 metres already. Some idiot gets within that next to me they'll regret it.

I think the whole point is that they say 2m as people cannot judge it so probably actually stay about 1m apart.

Had to pop to the chemists this morning, hell the elderly don't do social distancing do they.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 08:38:46
Looks like the suggested 2m distancing advice is going to be dropped soon. Could that be the starting gun for fans back in attendance come September?

This will be to get kids back to school.... when a school is built there's a formula, that allocates something like 4 sq metres per kid, for a class room (It may be fewer) You count the kids to be catered for and build accordingly.  Social distancing by my calcs needs 8 sq metres, in other words to get all kids back you need either to halve the numbers, or provide twice the space, through new huts etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 08:39:42
So lockdown was being advised to government at least 2 weeks before it happened.

If we had locked down even a week earlier studies suggesting that with the rate of infections at that time c.20,000 deaths could have been avoided.

Jesus its a mess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 08:54:34
So lockdown was being advised to government at least 2 weeks before it happened.

If we had locked down even a week earlier studies suggesting that with the rate of infections at that time c.20,000 deaths could have been avoided.
It's more than that. The estimate was 50% of deaths. Which the BBC reported as 20,000 on the basis of the govt's "official" deaths total of 40,000. But we know that's wrong, it's actually more than 60,000 so 50% is around 30,000 avoidable deaths. This chimes with the Telegraph report I posted a few weeks back saying we could have avoided 75% of deaths if we'd locked down 10 days earlier. Worth noting as well, that we would also by now be much further along the process of being able to release lockdown safely instead of pretending it's OK to ease lockdown when we still have a 7 day average of hundreds of deaths a day. We locked down at less than 100 a day.

The vaccilation and faffing in March has cost 10s of thousands of lives and will also be a major root cause of the coming economic carnage (because we could have had a shorter and more effective lockdown if we had some actual leaders in govt)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 09:59:02
A vaccine is already in production, such is the confidence that testing will be succesful. It could even be with us by September. Fingers crossed.

There's also a lot of confidence over a treatment.

I know this does not mean it WILL happen, just to pre-empt the inevitable 'ackshuallys'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 10:16:12
A vaccine is already in production, such is the confidence that testing will be succesful. It could even be with us by September. Fingers crossed.

There's also a lot of confidence over a treatment.

I know this does not mean it WILL happen, just to pre-empt the inevitable 'ackshuallys'.
FWIW, I think there will be multiple successful vaccines and treatments. Purely because of the amount of resource being flung at it and it's apparent similarity to existing conditions that can be treated successfully. Bloody hope so anyway

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 10:22:30
A vaccine is already in production, such is the confidence that testing will be succesful. It could even be with us by September. Fingers crossed.

There's also a lot of confidence over a treatment.

I know this does not mean it WILL happen, just to pre-empt the inevitable 'ackshuallys'.

Just in time for the season to start on 30th September then, that will do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 13:50:17
This could be encouraging:

It won't tell us anything new, in terms of the types of things we could be doing to reduce risk, but it may reinforce that they actually do work, and pretty damned well.

I know mask wearing was originally not on the table, but that seems to have been entirely to avoid Hospitals running out.  That's something Govt.s need to sort out for future Pandemics - supplies.  If the messaging could now switch to a positive reinforcement of mask wearing/continued distance and cleaning, and by doing so we can live with the virus for a while, we could maybe get through to some of those who just want to get on with life and to hell with everything.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:05:58
Hindsight is a wonderful thing- the advice from SAGE at the time was to lock down on 23 March. It is easy for people to come out now saying it should have been 2 weeks earlier etc.

This may well be the case with what we know now, however at the time the government acted on the scientific advice available- there are clear minutes from SAGE to prove this.

Remember this is a new and complex virus about which the scientists are learning more every day.

On death rates- there is a stark difference in how we log deaths compared to other nations- this makes any comparisons competely meaningless. In Germany for instance they do not mention Covid on the death certificate  if the patient had any other pre existing medical conditions like for example COPD.

Once we are through this there should be an enquiry of what we could do better next time, as there will be in all other countries as well. There should also be huge questions to answer from China and the WHO in how this has been handled- if China would have told the truth back in December a lot of the spread could have been avoided.Countries like Italy and Spain were left in the dark about how bad things really were which allowed a big spread into Europe.

It is very easy for people like Starmer, Stewart and others to have hindsight now- if they were in the governments position in March they would have done exactly the same thing with the advice given to them at the time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:15:43
Hindsight is a wonderful thing- the advice from SAGE at the time was to lock down on 23 March. It is easy for people to come out now saying it should have been 2 weeks earlier etc

It is very easy for people like Starmer, Stewart and others to have hindsight now- if they were in the governments position in March they would have done exactly the same thing with the advice given to them at the time.
Stewart was calling for lockdown at the start of March. Channel 4 showed last night govt had scientists urging lockdown two weeks before they did. It's not hindsight, the advice was there, they delayed and prevaricated. We have paid the price for that in 10s of thousands of deaths and are yet to see the full economic cost.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:18:14
Stewart was calling for lockdown at the start of March. Channel 4 showed last night govt had scientists urging lockdown two weeks before they did. It's not hindsight, the advice was there, they delayed and prevaricated. We have paid the price for that in 10s of thousands of deaths and are yet to see the full economic cost.

Stewart is not a scientist or part of SAGE. Channel 4 would say that as it suits their agenda.

The SAGE minutes back up that lockdown was not advised until March 23. Yes in hindsight with what we know now it should have happened earlier- however the government (and any other government of any other colour) would have done exactly the same thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:32:35
Stewart is not a scientist or part of SAGE.
I know but you said he was talking in hindsight. I pointed out he wasn't.

Channel 4 would say that as it suits their agenda. The SAGE minutes back up that lockdown was not advised until March 23. Yes in hindsight with what we know now it should have happened earlier- however the government (and any other government of any other colour) would have done exactly the same thing.
The advice was presented in a paper written by Prof Steven Riley on 9th March to SPI-M which is a sub committee of SAGE. It's not something Ch 4 have just come up with off the top of their heads. There were others also making the same point at the time. The govt chose not to act.

Your point was that this was all hindsight and no-one could have known at the time. I'm showing that isn't the case. The govt did indeed have conflicting advice from scientists, it was always untrue to say they were "following the science" as they claimed at the time because there wasn't a unified "science" to follow. They made the wrong policy decision and many thousands of people paid for that error with their lives; many hundreds of thousands of others will pay with their jobs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:36:12
Channel 4 would say that as it suits their agenda.

Not sure one can claim that reporting the news and holding the government to account is an 'agenda' unless one aspires the government to be beyond reproach?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:37:37
I know but you said he was talking in hindsight. I pointed out he wasn't.
The advice was presented in a paper written by Prof Steven Riley on 9th March to SPI-M which is a sub committee of SAGE. It's not something Ch 4 have just come up with off the top of their heads. There were others also making the same point at the time. The govt chose not to act.

Your point was that this was all hindsight and no-one could have known at the time. I'm showing that isn't the case. The govt did indeed have conflicting advice from scientists, it was always untrue to say they were "following the science" as they claimed at the time because there wasn't a unified "science" to follow. They made the wrong policy decision and many thousands of people paid for that error with their lives; many hundreds of thousands of others will pay with their jobs.

The government based the decision on at the time on the majority of the scientists on the SAGE panel-and the advice at the time was lockdown on 23 March.

The decision would have been reached by SAGE by the majority at the time- and this was confirmed in the minutes and recorded. Any other government would have done exactly the same in these circumstances.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:39:34
Not sure one can claim that reporting the news and holding the government to account is an 'agenda' unless one aspires the government to be beyond reproach?

No but you only have to watch the BBC/Sky/Channel 4 and it is obvious they are anti the government and leftwing driven.

I don't watch the news to hear political views either way- i want to see balanced reporting. The reason the public have so little faith in the media at the moment is precisely because of this.

Very different in Scotland- where care home deaths for example are much worse than here- but Sturgeon is loved by the media up there and given very little challenge or held to account because she fit's their agenda.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:44:48
No but you only have to watch the BBC/Sky/Channel 4 and it is obvious they are anti the government and leftwing driven.
This is one of the really interesting things about how polarised all this has become. Sky News are still Murdoch owned, BBC political correspondents are constantly critcised (and rightly IMO) for how often the likes of Laura Kuenssberg, Nick Robinson et al peddle a govt line uncritically or soft-soap questions when they should be probing. And yet the right see only left-wing bias because they dare to ask any questions at all of one of the most staggeringly inept govts we have ever seen. So much so that even the notorious Trots at the Mail, the Express and the Telegraph are criticising the shambles of how the govt has handled COVID.

EDIT: and for the record I'm sure I'm also guilty of this kind of cognitive bias on occasion i.e. dismissing a news report or source as being biased one way or another because of my own skew. I try to adjust for it, but we all do it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:52:37
This is one of the really interesting things about how polarised all this has become. Sky News are still Murdoch owned, BBC political correspondents are constantly critcised (and rightly IMO) for how often the likes of Laura Kuenssberg, Nick Robinson et al peddle a govt line uncritically or soft-soap questions when they should be probing. And yet the right see only left-wing bias because they dare to ask any questions at all of one of the most staggeringly inept govts we have ever seen. So much so that even the notorious Trots at the Mail, the Express and the Telegraph are criticising the shambles of how the govt has handled COVID.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 16:06:03
Shit just got real.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 16:40:28
No but you only have to watch the BBC/Sky/Channel 4 and it is obvious they are anti the government and leftwing driven.

I don't watch the news to hear political views either way- i want to see balanced reporting. The reason the public have so little faith in the media at the moment is precisely because of this.

Very different in Scotland- where care home deaths for example are much worse than here- but Sturgeon is loved by the media up there and given very little challenge or held to account because she fit's their agenda.

At least the UK media tries to hide any bias, try watching MSNBC and Fox News on a split screen.  It's like living in parallel Universes at times.

As an outsider now looking in, I can add some thought to this.

I think the BBC actually gets a bit of a hard time from those on the left, as well as the right - maybe that means they are actually somewhere in the middle, as they should be.  However, while I don;t think  they lurch too far beyond the middle, I have noticed since living in the USA that they share a lot of reporting with CNN.  The latter is most certainly biased against what would be described as the Populism side of the fence.

As we all know Ron Burgandy killed news reporting when he provided commentary on that car chase.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 17:33:22
Shit just got real.

Shiiiiiiiit!! Is vegemite any good?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 17:38:48
Shit just got real.

Tell me about it.... I'm getting to the end of my 250 ml jar and have been hoping for replacement supplies to no avail so far, about a month now.

I suspected it must be to do with the lack of brewing  :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 18:06:29
Tell me about it.... I'm getting to the end of my 250 ml jar and have been hoping for replacement supplies to no avail so far, about a month now.

I suspected it must be to do with the lack of brewing  :(

Do you mean 250g?

There were loads on the shelves near me yesterday, I bought one.

I like the Marmite peanut butter too. But nothing beats this peanut butter:

I buy it by the Kilo.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 18:17:42
shit with sugar on beats peanut butter!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 19:40:24
Do you mean 250g?

There were loads on the shelves near me yesterday, I bought one.

I like the Marmite peanut butter too. But nothing beats this peanut butter:

I buy it by the Kilo.

I get my stuff from the Co-Op. I've been mightily thankful of the staff front and back there, for keeping going through this pandemic,  more or less a life saver for me.   But no marmite.... still got a bit left, so hopeful some might appear before long.  Don't really want to make a special journey for one item.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 21:44:21
No but you only have to watch the BBC/Sky/Channel 4 and it is obvious they are anti the government and leftwing driven.

I'm sorry but that really is a ridiculous statement.  Murdoch-owned Sky is leftwing driven?!?  That's Icke-levels batshit crazy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Friday, June 12, 2020, 07:51:00
I'm sorry but that really is a ridiculous statement.  Murdoch-owned Sky is leftwing driven?!?  That's Icke-levels batshit crazy.

Davis made a similar error... Sky is owned by Comcast an American company.

When arguing a leftist position it's important to get the facts right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 12, 2020, 07:58:32
Davis made a similar error... Sky is owned by Comcast an American company.

When arguing a leftist position it's important to get the facts right.

Or left in this case Reg  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, June 12, 2020, 08:00:15
I'm sorry but that really is a ridiculous statement.  Murdoch-owned Sky is leftwing driven?!?  That's Icke-levels batshit crazy.

A generalised observation I have made:

When the left complain of bias, they do so because they percieve that reporting is unblanced. IE, they don't necessarilly complain that the press are being negative about their side, rather that the press aren't doing the same to the other side in equal measure.

For the right, however, ANY criticism levelled at their side is concieved as bias. Regardless of how much the same press then goes on to tear into the other side. Bias to them seems to mean the press can rip into people all they like... but not their team.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, June 12, 2020, 08:09:09
Davis made a similar error... Sky is owned by Comcast an American company.

When arguing a leftist position it's important to get the facts right.

Thanks Reg.
I still think it's a ridiculous statement.  Kay Burley and Adam Boulton have suddenly become left-wing?!  (just because, for once, they're not cheerleading the Govt).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, June 12, 2020, 08:16:56
A generalised observation I have made:

When the left complain of bias, they do so because they percieve that reporting is unblanced. IE, they don't necessarilly complain that the press are being negative about their side, rather that the press aren't doing the same to the other side in equal measure.

For the right, however, ANY criticism levelled at their side is concieved as bias. Regardless of how much the same press then goes on to tear into the other side. Bias to them seems to mean the press can rip into people all they like... but not their team.

I agree wholeheartedly with that. 

Possibly people get confused with the comedy/entertainment part of the BBC and the News aspect .
The entertainment part may well show bias because it's normal and healthy to poke fun at whatever Government is in power. 

But BBC News, Question Time and Radio 4 Today programme regularly get attacked vociferously by both sides, yet the myth that they are left wing continues to get perpetuated and the backgrounds of people like Nick Robinson conveniently ignored.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Friday, June 12, 2020, 08:20:15
A generalised observation I have made:

When the left complain of bias, they do so because they percieve that reporting is unblanced. IE, they don't necessarilly complain that the press are being negative about their side, rather that the press aren't doing the same to the other side in equal measure.

For the right, however, ANY criticism levelled at their side is concieved as bias. Regardless of how much the same press then goes on to tear into the other side. Bias to them seems to mean the press can rip into people all they like... but not their team.

Doesn't this make them the 'snowflakes'?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 12, 2020, 08:47:23
Davis made a similar error... Sky is owned by Comcast an American company.

You are correct, my error. Initially when the sale was mooted, the proposal was that Murdoch would retain Sky News separately from the rest of Sky, I hadn't realised he'd actually sold the whole shooting match eventually.

When arguing a leftist position it's important to get the facts right.
When arguing any position, it's important to get the facts right. I wasn't arguing an explicitly leftist position in that post.

On the other important topic of note this morning, Marmite is fucking rank.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, June 12, 2020, 08:50:22

On the other important topic of note this morning, Marmite is fucking rank.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 12, 2020, 08:51:35
But BBC News, Question Time and Radio 4 Today programme regularly get attacked vociferously by both sides, yet the myth that they are left wing continues to get perpetuated and the backgrounds of people like Nick Robinson conveniently ignored.

The BBC is an odd one, they seem to generally fall flat on their face with their need for 'balance' hence cases such as when you will have an internationally renown scientists debating climate change with someone like Nigel Lawson, likewise I suspect the regularity of Farage's appearances are a need to provide balance by providing someone racist right wing to react to any opposing view on a panel.

WRT to the news setting aside LK, as I have no idea what is going on there, rather than any conspiracy I suspect she is a dreadful journalist who doesn't actually understand what a journalist is supposed to do (report the news not just parrot what 'downing street sources tell you as news), there are some decent people working in there, much as with the print media the regional stuff is much better than the national stuff (in the print media, stuff coming out of the MEN and YP for instance is 100x more straight and accurate than any of the nationals!).

Any perceived left wing bias looks even more paranoid when you consider who has been chosen as the new DG (former Tory candidate and deputy chair of constituency party).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, June 12, 2020, 08:54:20

Absolutely incorrect! Marmite on toast and Cheese and Marmite sandwiches are just heaven!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 12, 2020, 08:56:08
WRT to the news setting aside LK, as I have no idea what is going on there, rather than any conspiracy I suspect she is a dreadful journalist who doesn't actually understand what a journalist is supposed to do (report the news not just parrot what 'downing street sources tell you as news)
I'd put ITV's Peston in the same category - overpromoted on the back of his prominence in the financial crisis of 2008 and has been exposing his inadequacies ever since.

I particularly dislike BBC News' smug assumption that "Because we're being criticised by both sides, that proves we have the balance right". No it doesn't, you're just shit. I used to regard BBC news as an almost objective standard in news reporting but over the past 5 years or so, it's gone very badly downhill. Kuensberg is the standard bearer for that decline, but by no means unique

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, June 12, 2020, 09:07:08

Hold him down and wash his mouth out with Vegemite. That'll show him how good Marmite is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, June 12, 2020, 09:12:10
Marmite is a wonderful substance!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 12, 2020, 09:25:51
Great with cheese on toast

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Friday, June 12, 2020, 09:38:34
It goes well with Jam as well

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, June 12, 2020, 09:41:30
I had a friend who liked marmite and marmalade sandwiches, my preference is marmite and peanut butter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, June 12, 2020, 09:48:00
Well, if we've learned anything from this thread, it's that PaulD's a wrongun.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 12, 2020, 09:49:24
Marmite on toast for breakfast just about every morning for the last couple of years!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, June 12, 2020, 09:53:15

On the other important topic of note this morning, Marmite is fucking rank.

Wash your mouth out!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, June 12, 2020, 09:56:15
Wonder what Bamboo’s thoughts on Marmite are

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:00:13
Wonder what Bamboo’s thoughts on Marmite are

Extensive  ;) :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:05:06
Well, if we've learned anything from this thread, it's that PaulD's a wrongun.
That can't be news to anyone surely. I have, at least, succeeded in uniting an increasingly divided TEF around a common cause. I now join "Shit Bacon" Nemo in the pantheon of TEF villains :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:26:52
Wonder what Bamboo’s thoughts on Marmite are


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:27:38
So with this bubble crap, does it mean one person can stay over night? Can I ship the kids off to the grandparents?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:28:08
I had a friend who liked marmite and marmalade sandwiches, my preference is marmite and peanut butter.

Ooh, might have to try that. I love peanut butter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:28:57
my preference is marmite and peanut butter.

Is very nice.  
But marmite on white, buttery toast is just fantastic too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:30:09
So with this bubble crap, does it mean one person can stay over night? Can I ship the kids off to the grandparents?
I think it only applies to people who live on their own. So probably not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:30:30
My Mother In Law lives on her own.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:30:53
So with this bubble crap, does it mean one person can stay over night? Can I ship the kids off to the grandparents?

Not to grandparents, no.  But you could if it was a grandparent living alone.

Not that the Police will be enforcing this at all as it's near impossible.

EDIT: having read your above post now, then yes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:33:53
My Mother In Law lives on her own.
I was fooled by your use of the plural. Should be OK then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 12, 2020, 15:24:55

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 12, 2020, 17:51:54
6 countries accounted for half the new reported cases yesterday - Brazil, India, Russia, Peru, Chile & Mexico, with nearly 67k cases confirmed.  2,916 people died in those Countries in a single day and it is steadily rising as well.

In the USA, several States are now seeing rapid rises in numbers and growing pressure on Healthcare services.  It really is like a Bush Fire, embers flicker away for ages then suddenly catch (in our case it seems to be slow transmission lets us get complacent), and then it takes big leaps once it catches requiring heavy dampening (lock downs).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, June 12, 2020, 21:56:40
Indifferent on Marmite. Neither love or hate it. Cheese on toast with L&P though? Now that's a banger!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, June 13, 2020, 07:29:46
I'm sorry but that really is a ridiculous statement.  Murdoch-owned Sky is leftwing driven?!?  That's Icke-levels batshit crazy.

Murdoch doesn't own Sky. Sold to Comcast a while back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Saturday, June 13, 2020, 12:36:05

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, June 13, 2020, 14:12:17
My Mother In Law lives on her own.
I' m not saying my mother-in-law is ugly, but when she visits the mice throw themselves on the traps.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 13, 2020, 15:02:03
Murdoch doesn't own Sky. Sold to Comcast a while back.

I bet he's still got is warty fingers in the pie somewhere though  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Saturday, June 13, 2020, 17:44:17
How would you react to somebody urinating on a grave?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 08:03:37
Semantics possibly but he is actually not pissing on the commemorative stone. Even i'd get him off that in court.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 08:42:23
Not sure how well this has been publicised in the UK but I have found it odd how delayed everything is. For example, you must all wear facemasks, starting in two weeks. Why not now?
I have found this dithering not only to be baffling but dangerous too.
Now we all know how the UK government dithered over lockdown, pubs not told to shut but dont go to them etc etc. Well the week you finally put a quarantine into place a report comes out with regards to how the virus spread from other countries into the UK.

The UK didnt have a one origin - a zero 1 patient- but 1,356 origins of which mainly came from France Italy and Spain in late February until the end of March

In fact there were 20,000 people a day flying in from Spain in mid march with no quarantine measures. As i mentioned about 200 pages ago its fucking criminal. This isnt hindsight. I said 200 pages ago that the government should be put on trial for negligence and manslaughter. I stand by that. Its so sad that people will make excuses for them.

You cannot make excuses for them. By this point thousands were dying in hospitals in France Spain and Italy yet these utter cunts bumbled along and let thousands come into the UK.

The most depressing thing is this, i bet you a pint these useless arseholes will be relected again. England needs to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror if that happens.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 08:47:31
Semantics possibly but he is actually not pissing on the commemorative stone. Even i'd get him off that in court.

Ahh... that’s alright then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 09:18:30
Been arrested now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 09:30:49
Ahh... that’s alright then

I didn't say that though did I

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 10:52:11
 :soapy tit wank:
I didn't say that though did I

You indicated that you thought that no urine ended up on the stone and therefore there was no offence.  I suspect that urinating in that street was an offence, regardless of where the stream was directed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 11:31:51
Semantics possibly but he is actually not pissing on the commemorative stone. Even i'd get him off that in court.
He's been charged,  just given him your details.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 13:00:14

In fact there were 20,000 people a day flying in from Spain in mid march with no quarantine measures.

The UK population in general would not have stood for draconian measures at that time.
Can you put "government" on trial in the UK?
Your hindsight is crystal clear.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 14:25:25
[quote="Valid Pint] The UK population in general would not have stood for draconian measures at that time.

yeah, look at the riots when lockdown finally came in.

oh wait.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 14:31:36
Her point regarding hindsight is correct.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 18:48:25
The UK population in general would not have stood for draconian measures at that time.
Can you put "government" on trial in the UK?
Your hindsight is crystal clear.

I realise why I have you on ignore. Unfortunately I wasn’t logged in so saw your reply. I think you may find as I said twice that it’s nothing to do with hindsight. I warned people on here that if something wasn’t done that the uk would be the worst in Europe back at the beginning of March. I’m no scientist but living in spain I could physically see what was happening. But hey you go bury your head in the sand and count the dead

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Sunday, June 14, 2020, 19:06:40
I realise why I have you on ignore. Unfortunately I wasn’t logged in so saw your reply. I think you may find as I said twice that it’s nothing to do with hindsight. I warned people on here that if something wasn’t done that the uk would be the worst in Europe back at the beginning of March. I’m no scientist but living in spain I could physically see what was happening. But hey you go bury your head in the sand and count the dead

He's a troll.  Best to ignore.

I wholeheartedly agreed with everything you said in your earlier post.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, June 15, 2020, 06:54:47
You cannot make excuses for them. By this point thousands were dying in hospitals in France Spain and Italy yet these utter cunts bumbled along and let thousands come into the UK.

The most depressing thing is this, i bet you a pint these useless arseholes will be relected again. England needs to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror if that happens.

We also mustn't forget that it was only after Macron announced he was about to close the French border, a threat to the economy, did the Johnson act by implementing a loose lockdown.

No coincidence that the 3 governments boasting the highest death tolls in the world are all run by hardline Conservatives, and all have been advised by a Mr Steve Bannon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 15, 2020, 07:57:28
Our local boozer opened this weekend for takeaway pints. Enjoyed a few beers stood outside (making sure social distancing was being applied) in the sunshine yesterday. Hoping the ease of lockdown continues to be so pleasant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, June 15, 2020, 08:05:47
Our local boozer opened this weekend for takeaway pints. Enjoyed a few beers stood outside (making sure social distancing was being applied) in the sunshine yesterday. Hoping the ease of lockdown continues to be so pleasant.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, June 15, 2020, 08:18:45
Our local boozer opened this weekend for takeaway pints. Enjoyed a few beers stood outside (making sure social distancing was being applied) in the sunshine yesterday. Hoping the ease of lockdown continues to be so pleasant.

Same as.

Sat in the pub garden out the front, was almost like reality until you needed a piss and couldn’t go inside!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, June 15, 2020, 08:31:52
Same as.

Sat in the pub garden out the front, was almost like reality until you needed a piss and couldn’t go inside!

Mega cunt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 15, 2020, 08:35:36
Wouldn't it have been cheaper/sensible to buy some bottles from the supermarket and drink them in your own garden? At the end of the day we go to the pub to socialise not stand in a queue.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 15, 2020, 08:38:07
Wouldn't it have been cheaper/sensible to buy some bottles from the supermarket and drink them in your own garden? At the end of the day we go to the pub to socialise not stand in a queue.

What do you think we have been doing for the past 3 months? Change of scenery is always good.

Plus we were able to converse with people - of course whilst being 2 metres apart so you could say we were going to the pub to socialise, therefore adhering to the pub police laws that you quite clearly set.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, June 15, 2020, 08:43:27
Wouldn't it have been cheaper/sensible to buy some bottles from the supermarket and drink them in your own garden? At the end of the day we go to the pub to socialise not stand in a queue.

I was socialising, no queuing involved really.

Just doing my bit for the hospitality industry but I wont bang on about this selfless act

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 15, 2020, 08:58:57
What do you think we have been doing for the past 3 months? Change of scenery is always good.

Plus we were able to converse with people - of course whilst being 2 metres apart so you could say we were going to the pub to socialise, therefore adhering to the pub police laws that you quite clearly set.

You could chat to people in a supermarket queue

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:12:22
Stay classy UK

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:15:12
You could chat to people in a supermarket queue

Sounds fun

The supermarket trip is far more “risky” than sitting in a garden, pub or private version, with a couple of mates

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:17:51
A lot of government bashing for individuals travelling across the country during lockdown but little criticism of the mass gatherings taking place. Double standards?

This time last week this thread was on overdrive. Attacks on the police and disrespectful behaviour were (quite rightly) condemned by nearly everyone including those who supported the protestor’s cause.

But Saturday’s violence, disrespectful behaviour and unprovoked attacks on the Police have barely raised a murmur in comparison. Some who posted multiple times last weekend, apparently stopped having any opinion this weekend and disappeared.

I’m genuinely not having a go. But I do find it confusing. Is it that everyone is too fatigued by the constant tribalism and just want to get back to talking less contentious bollocks?!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:23:00
You could chat to people in a supermarket queue

I sometimes do. Actually had a lovely chat with the fella on the till yesterday.

Had we gone down the buying supermarket beers and sitting in the garden route yesterday we wouldn't have been able to meet and recruit the very generous lady that is going to be doing some driving to deliver meals to the homeless, but like abrahammer also bang on about selfless acts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:26:22
Stay classy UK

Don't get what your problem is here?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:28:50
This time last week this thread was on overdrive. Attacks on the police and disrespectful behaviour were (quite rightly) condemned by nearly everyone including those who supported the protestor’s cause.

But Saturday’s violence, disrespectful behaviour and unprovoked attacks on the Police have barely raised a murmur in comparison. Some who posted multiple times last weekend, apparently stopped having any opinion this weekend and disappeared.

I’m genuinely not having a go. But I do find it confusing. Is it that everyone is too fatigued by the constant tribalism and just want to get back to talking less contentious bollocks?!

Silence is more telling than a thousand words.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:33:58
Don't get what your problem is here?

straight out queuing for the shit shops. Maybe i'm a snob but i've never been in a primark or a sports direct. I bet they smell of pissy tracksuit bottoms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:38:00
straight out queuing for the shit shops. Maybe i'm a snob but i've never been in a primark or a sports direct. I bet they smell of pissy tracksuit bottoms.

Primark has some decent cheapo stuff that is ideal for holiday wear. Yes, I get that that's not really necessary right now however :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:38:38
straight out queuing for the shit shops. Maybe i'm a snob but i've never been in a primark or a sports direct. I bet they smell of pissy tracksuit bottoms.

I think I read that SD were offering 50% to NHS workers which might explain the queues?

Likewise Primarni don't do online, and it does appeal to some people, as does the basic action of just going shopping.

In addition the practicality and fashion value of SD products was plastered all over the front pages yesterday, perhaps people were attracted to the obvious comfort provided whilst making Nazi salutes and pissing on memorials?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:45:50
This time last week this thread was on overdrive. Attacks on the police and disrespectful behaviour were (quite rightly) condemned by nearly everyone including those who supported the protestor’s cause.

But Saturday’s violence, disrespectful behaviour and unprovoked attacks on the Police have barely raised a murmur in comparison. Some who posted multiple times last weekend, apparently stopped having any opinion this weekend and disappeared.

I’m genuinely not having a go. But I do find it confusing. Is it that everyone is too fatigued by the constant tribalism and just want to get back to talking less contentious bollocks?!

I am not sure there was much more to say.  My views from last weekend still stand, but apart from turning into Piers Morgan and repeating my same views over and over again, which do little to change the situation, i'm not sure what needs to be said.

My views:
Protest totally justified
Attacks on Police unjustified
Method of protest irresponsible but only due to social distancing nothing to do with the cause

Only difference this week was the far right/yobs looking for a scrap/hooligans missing the football crowd turning up and getting pissed and involved, which was inevitable and has been happening with every significant political or cultural "event" in recent years anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, June 15, 2020, 09:48:19
Likewise Primarni don't do online, and it does appeal to some people, as does the basic action of just going shopping.

Also for those who struggle financially I guess it’s the best place to buy clothes as it’s cheap as chips

Tried to make that sound snobby, failed a bit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:00:33
This time last week this thread was on overdrive. Attacks on the police and disrespectful behaviour were (quite rightly) condemned by nearly everyone including those who supported the protestor’s cause.

But Saturday’s violence, disrespectful behaviour and unprovoked attacks on the Police have barely raised a murmur in comparison. Some who posted multiple times last weekend, apparently stopped having any opinion this weekend and disappeared.

I’m genuinely not having a go. But I do find it confusing. Is it that everyone is too fatigued by the constant tribalism and just want to get back to talking less contentious bollocks?!

Most supporters of a lower league team in a rural part of the south/south Midlands have views that are right of centre and reflect the lack diversity within their social networks and where they live? I am shocked by that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:07:49
Also for those who struggle financially I guess it’s the best place to buy clothes as it’s cheap as chips

Tried to make that sound snobby, failed a bit

Not sure its as simple as that, a friend of mine is possibly the snobbiest person I know (she is also lovely) and she loves Primarni!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:13:04
This time last week this thread was on overdrive. Attacks on the police and disrespectful behaviour were (quite rightly) condemned by nearly everyone including those who supported the protestor’s cause.

But Saturday’s violence, disrespectful behaviour and unprovoked attacks on the Police have barely raised a murmur in comparison. Some who posted multiple times last weekend, apparently stopped having any opinion this weekend and disappeared.

I’m genuinely not having a go. But I do find it confusing. Is it that everyone is too fatigued by the constant tribalism and just want to get back to talking less contentious bollocks?!

Yes to the last bit. After reading about the rave in Manchester at the weekend I've given up on the public.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:17:45
Also for those who struggle financially I guess it’s the best place to buy clothes as it’s cheap as chips

Tried to make that sound snobby, failed a bit

Yeah its just me knowing things will go tits up, I've just seen pics of something called niketown what ever that is, and its got hundreds of fucking idiots pressed up against each other trying to get in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:19:28
To be fair Primark has some decent nerdy and gaming t-shirts that are dirt cheap. I normally get a few for the summer. Wouldn't queue up for it though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:21:58
Primark is what is it. Handy for stuff like kettels and irons and what-not. I've shopped there a few times myself in the past.

Apparently, Swindon is the only place where it's pronounced 'pree-mark'. Everybody else calls if 'pri-mark'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:23:03
Primark is what is it. Handy for stuff like kettels and irons and what-not. I've shopped there a few times myself in the past.

Apparently, Swindon is the only place where it's pronounced 'pree-mark'. Everybody else calls if 'pri-mark'.

And in calne I seem to recall

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:27:18
Quote from: Tails
Wouldn't queue up for it though.

think that's the point!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:31:22
To be fair Primark has some decent nerdy and gaming t-shirts that are dirt cheap. I normally get a few for the summer. Wouldn't queue up for it though.

All made by people getting 10p a day wages.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:35:01
Stay classy UK


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:36:27
All made by people getting 10p a day wages.

Eesh you're in for a shock when you find out where most of the products you buy are from :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:38:09

OK that is pretty ridiculous.

Why would you even go today? You know it's gonna be insanely busy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:38:29
Yeah it is a conundrum. I get round it by never buying clothes.. Wife says i'm a right tramp sometimes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:43:27
All made by people getting 10p a day wages.

If you start applying 'fair wage' logic then you have a lot of products to avoid. not just clothes.

We all should of course, but I certainly don't do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:53:26
If you start applying 'fair wage' logic then you have a lot of products to avoid. not just clothes.

We all should of course, but I certainly don't do.

I've started as much as i can, as Tails said above it's hard. I've bought a couple of bits from Amazon/Ebay and paid a few quid more as not directly from china, but I suspect thats where the UK ones i bought came from anyway. In a way I'm lucky as I've got to an age where i dont need crap anymore, so rarely buy anything these days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:57:58

"Prosecutor Michael Mallon said Banks, a Tottenham Hotspur fan, was in central London to "protect statues", but admitted he did not know which statues"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, June 15, 2020, 11:01:31
Bloody hell they got that through the courts quickly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 15, 2020, 11:04:26
Bloody hell they got that through the courts quickly.

Pretty standard for a first hearing for a case like that to be in Court within 48 hours.  Had he pleaded not guilty, yes, it would have taken months.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 15, 2020, 11:10:15
OK that is pretty ridiculous.

Why would you even go today? You know it's gonna be insanely busy.

They think their missing out :eek:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, June 15, 2020, 11:13:00
They think their missing out :eek:
What, on the 'Rona?

Bloody idiots the lot of them!

Moreover, the type of pricks who are going to force the rest of us to change our lifestyles for longer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, June 15, 2020, 11:36:26
This time last week this thread was on overdrive. Attacks on the police and disrespectful behaviour were (quite rightly) condemned by nearly everyone including those who supported the protestor’s cause.

But Saturday’s violence, disrespectful behaviour and unprovoked attacks on the Police have barely raised a murmur in comparison. Some who posted multiple times last weekend, apparently stopped having any opinion this weekend and disappeared.

I’m genuinely not having a go. But I do find it confusing. Is it that everyone is too fatigued by the constant tribalism and just want to get back to talking less contentious bollocks?!
What else is there to say, the people at mass gatherings last weekend were breaking the law and same thing this weekend with a violent element disgracing themselves both weekends. My point remains that they should have been enforced and no mass gatherings allowed but no point banging on about it now as looks like a blind eye is just going to get turned by the Police and predictable outcome of tit for tat has ensued.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 15, 2020, 12:18:55
Primark is what is it. Handy for stuff like kettels and irons and what-not. I've shopped there a few times myself in the past.

Apparently, Swindon is the only place where it's pronounced 'pree-mark'. Everybody else calls if 'pri-mark'.

Since when has Primark sold kettels and irons, its clothes only in the north?

If you start applying 'fair wage' logic then you have a lot of products to avoid. not just clothes.

We all should of course, but I certainly don't do.

Thing is a heck of a lot of Primark stuff is sourced from the same factories who also supply clothes for retailers much higher up the food chain, thus you get into the question of morals for buying for a £1 and selling for £5 against buying for a £1 with a fancy label on and selling for £60. When that factory collapsed in Bangladesh, Primarck did a hell of a lot more than other posher retailers who were buying from the same place.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 15, 2020, 14:28:42
Bloody hell they got that through the courts quickly.

The real scandal is that if he had plead not guilty it would probably have been 12-18 months before it ended up in court.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 15, 2020, 14:39:49
Who would have thought that Jonathan Van-Tam is a Boston United season ticket holder!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 15, 2020, 14:49:13
Since when has Primark sold kettels and irons, its clothes only in the north?

Thing is a heck of a lot of Primark stuff is sourced from the same factories who also supply clothes for retailers much higher up the food chain, thus you get into the question of morals for buying for a £1 and selling for £5 against buying for a £1 with a fancy label on and selling for £60. When that factory collapsed in Bangladesh, Primarck did a hell of a lot more than other posher retailers who were buying from the same place.

Yep Primark I thought had always exclusively sold clothing, shoes, bags, apart from in more recent times like PoS items like wrapping paper, sweets etc near the tills.

Indeed, saw it for myself at one of the Turkish warehouses. A lot of the items were "base" tier and unbranded. Many of them to be distributed for Zara, HarveyNicks, SuperDry, TopShop and so on at this place. This wasn't the "fake stuff" from the Bazaars but it was an opportunity to by unbranded, weeks before it arrived in the UK.

 Point in case, I bought an ex, an unbranded jacket there that was set for SuperDry for about 100tl (£25 at the time). Still dubious, I went into SuperDry store around a month later and the item I paid for was on the hangers for around £230.

This still questions the ethics of the little cost of producing, upto £25. The warehouse was still making money via slave labour somewhere. But short of sticking a fancy label, shipping to the UK/RoW and other nominal overheads per item; someone like Philip *ugh* Green is making at least £200 profit per item and thsg was 7 years ago so likely higher now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 15, 2020, 16:05:48
Whilst everyone is going on about the common people at Primark, barely a whisper about Bicester village.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, June 15, 2020, 16:10:29
Honestly, might as well knock any restrictions on the head. Obviously those in the vulnerable group will still take precautions, but everyone else seems happy to say bollocks to Covid.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, June 15, 2020, 16:12:19
Was about to say the same thing.

What's the point? The virus is going to spread anyway. The government have clearly lost all control, why should businesses continue to suffer?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, June 15, 2020, 16:18:51
The old folk will be left cowering inside their homes while everyone else goes back to ‘normal’.

Dumped them in care homes, now couldn’t care less. Fucking shameful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Monday, June 15, 2020, 16:46:27
Pretty standard for a first hearing for a case like that to be in Court within 48 hours.  Had he pleaded not guilty, yes, it would have taken months.

Should we assume that the unidentified lass arrested after being widely filmed cavorting on the cenotaph with a lighter, is pleading not guilty ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, June 15, 2020, 17:08:40
Should we assume that the unidentified lass arrested after being widely filmed cavorting on the cenotaph with a lighter, is pleading not guilty ?
That did pass my mind, or that they do not wish to make a big thing of it under the current circumstance as it could be seen as inciting more violence?

Has she been arrested even?

I genuinely haven't heard any more about it.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 15, 2020, 17:53:35
Pretty standard for a first hearing for a case like that to be in Court within 48 hours.  Had he pleaded not guilty, yes, it would have taken months.
It's being suggested that the guy has both alcohol and mental health issues, whichever way you look at it a custodial seems a bit OTT.

Plus you read anything about sentencing from people at the sharp end and it's fairly commonly accepted that custodial sentences under 6 months are pointless and merely serve to fuck someone's life up without any sort of rehabilitation benefit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 15, 2020, 18:00:22
That did pass my mind, or that they do not wish to make a big thing of it under the current circumstance as it could be seen as inciting more violence?

Has she been arrested even?

I genuinely haven't heard any more about it.

Given practically everyone condemned the actions (including other protestors at the time who tried to stop her but themselves were stopped by the Police), I doubt that’s the reason.

The Police were able to charge the urinator because he voluntarily handed himself in at his local Police Station, admitted what he’d done and pleaded guilty at the first opportunity. You literally can’t get an easier case to prosecute.

The alleged flag-burner is a 20 year woman who was arrested and interviewed. The fact both you and I presumed the perpetrator was male shows identity is likely to be an issue and so the Police will need more time to get further evidence particularly if the interviewee is denying the charge.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Monday, June 15, 2020, 18:05:27
It's being suggested that the guy has both alcohol and mental health issues, whichever way you look at it a custodial seems a bit OTT.

Plus you read anything about sentencing from people at the sharp end and it's fairly commonly accepted that custodial sentences under 6 months are pointless and merely serve to fuck someone's life up without any sort of rehabilitation benefit.

Community rehabilitation order cleaning up piss stains would have been appropriate. Having sat in Court listening to mitigation for many years, there’s not many defence solicitors who don’t say their client has some form of issue to justify their behaviour. Who knows whether it’s true or not because you’d don’t have to provide evidence to substantiate when you plead guilty.

For context, lengthy custodial sentences were given out to looters in the 2011 London riots. A woman who stole a single bottle of water from Poundland got several months imprisonment. Courts will always give harsh sentences in these situations as they want it to be a deterrent. (Not saying I agree or not, it’s just what happens)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, June 15, 2020, 18:07:14
Whilst everyone is going on about the common people at Primark, barely a whisper about Bicester village.
Class and snobbery aside, there's another very noticeable difference - there were long queues outside Primark *because* people were socially distancing, whereas this lot have just piled in. But it's OK because they're piling in to a slightly posher set of shops.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 05:24:16
Posher than Great Western Designer Outlet Village? Where everything seemed well ordered & calm at yesterday's opening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 05:46:49
Despite 3 months of lockdown or however long it's been, we've don't seem to have come out of this nicer or more considerate people.  Regardless of class there still seem to be a host of people who don't give a fuck about anyone else space.  It seems that there are dicks and non dicks everywhere.

I Realised this 2 weeks ago when I was in Chippenham (on my government sanctioned walk), leaving people space, standing back as three dicks wandered across the road eyes fixed on their mobiles for the latest vital updates on snapchat or tik tok.  Having to move from the place I stopped to leave them space as they paid no fucking attention.

I would usually just walk into the ignorant fucks, but thought better of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 06:39:11
Primark is what is it. Handy for stuff like kettels and irons and what-not. I've shopped there a few times myself in the past.

Apparently, Swindon is the only place where it's pronounced 'pree-mark'. Everybody else calls if 'pri-mark'.

That's fascinating, genuinely.  I noticed when I lived in Swindon years ago that it was also the only place on the planet where girls called Michelle were 'Mee-chelle'.  Big emphasis on the 1st syllable, not the 2nd like everywhere else.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 07:19:55
Similar to the Calne debate. Visitors and people that move there call it "carlne" but us locals know it's pronounced Keln.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 07:51:48
Having moved to Swindon to be closer to the football club I love, the one idiom that struck me as being prevalent in the town is to start a sentence with:
 "To be fair..." .

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 09:01:51
Good to see the UK is restarting it's export trade with the Commonwealth. No wonder countries are ambivalent/nervous about accepting UK tourists this summer without quarantine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 09:16:13
Good to see the UK is restarting it's export trade with the Commonwealth. No wonder countries are ambivalent/nervous about accepting UK tourists this summer without quarantine.

Its the world beating that Johnson has been wittering on about.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 09:19:24
Its the world beating that Johnson has been wittering on about.
We already have a world-beating death toll and are about to enjoy the fruits of a world-beating recession, so it would seem selfish not to share this with the rest of the world.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 09:54:58

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 10:02:33
We already have a world-beating death toll and are about to enjoy the fruits of a world-beating recession, so it would seem selfish not to share this with the rest of the world.

You missed the world beating app

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 10:05:57
You missed the world beating app
tbf so has everyone else.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 10:53:16
Whilst everyone is going on about the common people at Primark, barely a whisper about Bicester village.


Probably because *most* of us live in Swindon and via social media saw pictures / videos of the ridiculous queues in our own Town Centre.

If this was a scum forum and most of us lived in Oxford, I’m sure Primark in the next Town over wouldn’t get a mention.

Fuck all to do with class, both sets of people being moronic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 10:59:16
Despite 3 months of lockdown or however long it's been, we've don't seem to have come out of this nicer or more considerate people.  Regardless of class there still seem to be a host of people who don't give a fuck about anyone else space.  It seems that there are dicks and non dicks everywhere.

I Realised this 2 weeks ago when I was in Chippenham (on my government sanctioned walk), leaving people space, standing back as three dicks wandered across the road eyes fixed on their mobiles for the latest vital updates on snapchat or tik tok.  Having to move from the place I stopped to leave them space as they paid no fucking attention.

I would usually just walk into the ignorant fucks, but thought better of it.

I very much feel your pain. Over the last weeks or so I have attempted to be very aware of people's space but there are folk that are just more interested in their phones than whether they are  following govt advise by 'being aware'. One of these days I am going to just punt the bloody thing out of someone's hands (probably injuring my leg in the process given my football injury history!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:11:16
But the six feet rule only applies when you are in a confined place and face to face with someone for a prolonged period of time? People who walk by you in the street at say 2 feet away within a fraction of a second does not in my opinion warrant someone looking like they work at the Ministry for Silly Walks, & sometimes walking into traffic.
Get real & unclench please.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:27:47
This virus hasn't gone away just because the shops have opened. Fucking idiots.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:28:05
Despite 3 months of lockdown or however long it's been, we've don't seem to have come out of this nicer or more considerate people.  Regardless of class there still seem to be a host of people who don't give a fuck about anyone.

The events of the past 4 months have bought out the best and the worst of people, when it all kicked off I deliberately dropped off social media for about a month as people were just being strange and in certain cases getting extremely aggressive about just about everything (during the great toilet roll shortage of March 2020, I have no idea who was hoarding it as everyone was moaning about everyone else hoarding it, likewise the beaches and then the shops yesterday).

Whilst things have calmed down in parts its still shitty and social distancing is just one example, however its not just the young/people on phones round here we don't have that many young people but the elderly, bloody hell, went to the chemists last week and its not a small shop but they were crammed up tight in the queue.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:29:16
But the six feet rule only applies when you are in a confined place and face to face with someone for a prolonged period of time? People who walk by you in the street at say 2 feet away within a fraction of a second does not in my opinion warrant someone looking like they work at the Ministry for Silly Walks, & sometimes walking into traffic.
Get real & unclench please.

It seems little reported that the track and trace thingy only relates to people you have been in close contact with for 15 minutes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:33:06
But the six feet rule only applies when you are in a confined place and face to face with someone for a prolonged period of time? People who walk by you in the street at say 2 feet away within a fraction of a second does not in my opinion warrant someone looking like they work at the Ministry for Silly Walks, & sometimes walking into traffic.
Get real & unclench please.

Oh what a surprise the professional troll wants to be contrary.  It would be annoying if it wasnt so predictable.  

If someone is walking directly into you because they're updating their snapchat then you know what its quite annoying.

You know what, there are 2 types of people in this world, the polite ones who look out for others and spend our time getting out of the way of the other type to keep ourselves and everyone else safe and the cunts we have to avoid.  Which one are you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:35:15
This virus hasn't gone away just because the shops have opened. Fucking idiots.
I see the govt's strategy of getting the public to blame their failure to tackle COVID properly on the public is working extremely well in some quarters. What a shame they didn't expend as much energy on a strategy to actually tackle COVID as they did on shifting the blame

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:41:20
Apparently it's Snapchat's fault. Whatever that is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:46:37
Oh what a surprise the professional troll wants to be contrary.  It would be annoying if it wasnt so predictable. 

If someone is walking directly into you because they're updating their snapchat then you know what its quite annoying.

You know what, there are 2 types of people in this world, the polite ones who look out for others and spend our time getting out of the way of the other type to keep ourselves and everyone else safe and the cunts we have to avoid.  Which one are you.

I think we both know the answer to that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:48:40

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:57:39

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 12:37:53
I see the govt's strategy of getting the public to blame their failure to tackle COVID properly on the public is working extremely well in some quarters. What a shame they didn't expend as much energy on a strategy to actually tackle COVID as they did on shifting the blame

You really need to clean your needle. People should know about social distancing, it's called common sense. It's not like it hasn't been mentioned a few times over the last 3 months. Perhaps you could apply to be a government advisor on the matter as you are clearly so knowledgeable?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 12:50:55

Indeed, some good news.  Not the cure, but a big impact on mortality.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 13:52:14
You really need to clean your needle. People should know about social distancing, it's called common sense. It's not like it hasn't been mentioned a few times over the last 3 months. Perhaps you could apply to be a government advisor on the matter as you are clearly so knowledgeable?

But he’s right though, in my opinion. This Govt and it’s predecessors are very good at using its media mouthpieces like The Sun, Mail, Express, Times and Telegraph to get ordinary people to blame other ordinary people to distract from their own failings. Yes the 2m rule should be followed but the govt are happier for us to argue with each other about that rather than question why millions of people entered our borders since March without quarantine or testing, for example.

The Govt literally encouraged people to “shop for Britain” in its media rounds on Sunday and yet its cheerleaders then actively criticised those who listened to the message, thus creating a narrative about why people shouldn’t be back at work if they could shop.

If you think any of this isn’t by design, you’ve not been paying attention to Cummings’ way of working. They may be shit at a lot of things but manipulating ordinary people through spin is their strong suit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 14:00:21
But he’s right though, in my opinion. This Govt and it’s predecessors are very good at using its media mouthpieces like The Sun, Mail, Express, Times and Telegraph to get ordinary people to blame other ordinary people to distract from their own failings. Yes the 2m rule should be followed but the govt are happier for us to argue with each other about that rather than question why millions of people entered our borders since March without quarantine or testing, for example.

The Govt literally encouraged people to “shop for Britain” in its media rounds on Sunday and yet its cheerleaders then actively criticised those who listened to the message, thus creating a narrative about why people shouldn’t be back at work if they could shop.

If you think any of this isn’t by design, you’ve not been paying attention to Cummings’ way of working. They may be shit at a lot of things but manipulating ordinary people through spin is their strong suit.

Its the hypocrisy that gets to me, anyone criticises the government for C-19 and no its all down to the public not using common sense, yet in the next breath everything happening in London is the personal responsibility of Sadiq Khan, like he should be running round like fucking Batman!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 15:16:01
Like you want the government to be responsible for all the people bunching up like nothing has happened? You political motivated lot need to take the blinkers off

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 15:20:37
Like you want the government to be responsible for all the people bunching up like nothing has happened? You political motivated lot need to take the blinkers off
There is a reason that successive govts have employed behaviourial scientists to aid in govt policy. Cameron had the "Nudge Unit" which was deemed to be more successful in many areas than legislation. In the COVID crisis, there are two committees that feed into SAGE - SPI-M which advises on medical aspects of the crisis, and SPI-B which is composed of behavioural scientists. It's deemed as important as the medical advice. Think you need to take the blinkers off because they're nudging you up a treat, mush

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 15:21:44
Like you want the government to be responsible for all the people bunching up like nothing has happened? You political motivated lot need to take the blinkers off

If that’s aimed at me, I’ve praised the govt for some things and rightly criticised them for others. I’ve seen PaulD and Horlock do the same.

You, on the hand, can’t seem to ever concede the govt have got anything wrong. Is that fair or am I misrepresenting you? Maybe you’re the one with the blinkers on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 15:23:37
Like you want the government to be responsible for all the people bunching up like nothing has happened? You political motivated lot need to take the blinkers off

Those people are clearly a part of the problem, and I don't think a single person here is denying that.

But do you honestly think that the government don't also share some of the responsibilty?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 15:28:54
Those people are clearly a part of the problem, and I don't think a single person here is denying that.

But do you honestly think that the government don't also share some of the responsibilty?

Of course, but you think the way some on here go on that it's all down to the government, and boy do they go on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 15:32:19
Of course, but you think the way some on here go on that it's all down to the government.

I think that's bollocks.

I think most on here have expressed their opinions on these people, on numerous ocassions. As a matter of fact, it is mentioned on the previous page to this one. If it is PaulD you are singling out, you only have to go back 2 pages.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 15:32:56
Of course, but you think the way some on here go on that it's all down to the government, and boy do they go on.
And the way some on here go on, you'd think that it's all down to the public, and boy do they go on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 15:55:33
And the way some on here go on, you'd think that it's all down to the public, and boy do they go on.

You only have to go back 2 posts

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 15:58:05
"It was great to see so many people out shopping, whilst maintaining social distancing....quite a lot of them." ~ Boris Johnson

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 16:10:56
We had 233 deaths announced today, coincidentally we had the same number of total deaths to date on the 22nd March the day before our government belatedly enforced the lock down.

Yet we are now being encouraged to go to the shops, get the kids back into school with the 2m rule being reviewed.

Bloody public.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 16:15:52
That report doesn't confirm that they were infected when they left the Uk, does it?.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 16:24:22
People going to raves, bloody government.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 17:03:52
Cineworld and the De Vere have both said they are re-opening on 10th July.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 17:17:26
People going to raves, bloody government.

what percentage of the population does that account for?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 17:17:52

 I’ve praised the govt for some things ... I’ve seen PaulD ... do the same.

Was that pre-2010? Or which govt? Venezuela? North Korea?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 17:18:54
"It was great to see so many people out shopping, whilst maintaining social distancing....quite a lot of them." ~ Boris Johnson

I loved the "quite a lot of them", made me laugh.  Glad to see Boris acknowledging that good old British common sense is working, that we are respecting the "rules", and are all staying alert - well, quite a lot of us, which I suppose is "great"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 17:22:06
what percentage of the population does that account for?

Who cares?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 17:38:21
4D, genuinely mate. Are you ok? You do seem to have been incredibly uptight/highly strung the last few weeks. Much more so than I've heard read from you on here before.

I'm being serious btw. If the current environment is making you much more reactive than normal then maybe social media (or even here) would be worth giving a break for a little while. Of course, you're free to do as you wish but as I say, at the moment you do seem to be countering nearly everything that is said to you/written; whereas you aren't (in my experience) usually so.

Do keep well, this is after all just a small portion of all our lives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 17:45:25
I'm fine.
Be glad when this returns to being a predominantly football forum. Not many laughs on here these days either.
Bloody government   :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 18:01:26
I'm fine.
Be glad when this returns to being a predominantly football forum. Not many laughs on here these days either.
Bloody government   :)


There are plenty of laughs but mine are more dry than a tee-total Nun, eating Jacobs* with a 24 pack of Plenty*

At least in time we can all laugh at how I called it glorified flu (they weren't my words but I'll happily live by the criticism) for an extended period of time and how Sippo was pissed off at not being able to go and have a pint in a beer garden, right amongst the peak (may need clarification).

While there are of course plenty of serious matters that will have buggered up most of us, I think we can largely write 2020 off as the year that either made us very angry or made us sit up and listen. I think the ways in which we view and/or approach that gives us an indicator of who we are coming out of this. As individuals, society and species.


No piss take btw but has you tried meditation?

*Not a sponsored post

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 18:01:35
Was that pre-2010? Or which govt? Venezuela? North Korea?

Oh ...

Well done to the Government for this.  Unlike the health side of the crisis, I think they've done pretty damn well with the economic side and it will definitely ease a lot of people's money worries.

Strangely, the main criticism seems to be coming from the right wing supporters who feel that extending furlough is somehow giving people something for nothing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 22:01:22
We had 233 deaths announced today, coincidentally we had the same number of total deaths to date on the 22nd March the day before our government belatedly enforced the lock down.

Yet we are now being encouraged to go to the shops, get the kids back into school with the 2m rule being reviewed.

Bloody public.

Argh. That number is near meaningless now, given it’s a cumulative total of any deaths registered yesterday that happened in the last three months.

The latest excess deaths figure, for the last week of May, the absolute maximum number of Covid deaths there could have possibly been, is less than the hospital death figure at lockdown. The COVID registered deaths (hospital and non) for the 5th June were about half the number when lockdown started

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 09:36:12
4D, genuinely mate. Are you ok? You do seem to have been incredibly uptight/highly strung the last few weeks. Much more so than I've heard read from you on here before.

I'm being serious btw. If the current environment is making you much more reactive than normal then maybe social media (or even here) would be worth giving a break for a little while. Of course, you're free to do as you wish but as I say, at the moment you do seem to be countering nearly everything that is said to you/written; whereas you aren't (in my experience) usually so.

Do keep well, this is after all just a small portion of all our lives.

Most of the time your posts are overly wordy and a bit annoying, but I like you. You're a decent person.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 09:53:44
Agreed  :grouphug:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 13:23:42
As 4D has pointed out, there's some proper fucking idiots about who seem incapable of observing the social distancing rules that have been quite clearly set out by the Health Secretary. Like the Health Secretary waiting for PMQs this morning, for example

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 13:40:47
This is a bit different, and as an aside probably means the Brits might be shunned on travel for a while longer:

New Zealand’s Prime Minister said today that the two new coronavirus cases reported on yesterday was due to an “unacceptable failure of the system.”

“This case represents an unacceptable failure of the system. It should never have happened and it cannot be repeated” said Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
The cases marked the first instances of coronavirus in New Zealand to be reported in 24 days, according to the country's Ministry of Health.

The two cases are both women from the same family who arrived in New Zealand from the UK via Australia and were permitted on compassionate grounds to leave an isolation hotel in Auckland and travel to Wellington via private vehicle to visit a relative who has since died, Director-General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield said in news conference yesterday.

Ardern also announced on today that she would appoint the military to oversee New Zealand’s quarantine process saying, "I am appointing the assistant Chief of Defense Air Commodore Darryn Webb to oversee all quarantine and managed isolation facilities, including the processes around the exit of those who have been in these facilities.”

 “From the beginning, we have taken an extraordinarily cautious approach at the border. That is why we have required every returning New Zealander to go into a facility that we manage. That protocol remains,” Ardern said.

Source: CNN

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 13:42:57
This article on the lockdown experience of a freelance private banking journalist and her venture-capitalist husband reads like a parody.  I'm sure we can all relate ...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 13:54:44
As 4D has pointed out, there's some proper fucking idiots about who seem incapable of observing the social distancing rules that have been quite clearly set out by the Health Secretary. Like the Health Secretary waiting for PMQs this morning, for example

I'm amazed they find it so difficult,  there's even markings on the floor  ::) Not sure why the yellow lines are T shaped, what if you want to sit at the front seat bottom corner? I've walked through there before and it's quite a confined area.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 14:28:08
As 4D has pointed out, there's some proper fucking idiots about who seem incapable of observing the social distancing rules that have been quite clearly set out by the Health Secretary. Like the Health Secretary waiting for PMQs this morning, for example

Well apparently he's got plenty of form

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 15:37:53
Most of the time your posts are overly wordy and a bit annoying, but I like you. You're a decent person.

I believe there is always some common ground amongst most of humanity. You're alright.

Sometimes a step back is all it takes. Cheers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 06:47:40
Whoops. Johnson scrapped pandemic committee a few months before COVID outbreak so ministers could focus on Brexit:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 07:53:24
Whoops. Johnson scrapped pandemic committee a few months before COVID outbreak so ministers could focus on Brexit:


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 07:53:49

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 07:55:44

Considering everyone in the world. including their own modellers were noting that a global pandemic was probably the greatest risk facing the world, I am not convinced a crystal ball would be required, more likely ears, eyes and that common sense people so like to go on about.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 08:02:14
Plans would have been in place at the point of scrapping the committee, or do you think they just erased them?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 08:04:40
You don't need a crystal ball to know that insurance policies are a good idea.

4D is turning into a Tory fan boy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 08:07:23
Plans would have been in place at the point of scrapping the committee, or do you think they just erased them?

Read the story eh?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 08:11:07
"We regularly test our pandemic plans" read that eh?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 08:12:59
You don't need a crystal ball to know that insurance policies are a good idea.

4D is turning into a Tory fan boy.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 08:21:40
This boy is not for turning  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 08:24:00
"We regularly test our pandemic plans" read that eh?

MRD rules apply.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 08:25:54
You don't need a crystal ball to know that insurance policies are a good idea.

4D is turning into a Tory fan boy.

He scrapped the committee meetings, there still would be a policy in place.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:07:08
He scrapped the committee meetings, there still would be a policy in place.
Didn't follow that either. The point, as much as anything, is how everything in govt has been thrown under the bus for Brexit. And still is being. The govt is over-focused on "Getting Brexit Done" to the exclusion of all other considerations. Like public health and the nation's economy and security.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:16:51
Have i missed something here, i see Macron is coming over to meet the PM and Prince Charles today. Any reason why he doesnt have to quarantine for two weeks?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:17:39
Have i missed something here, i see Macron is coming over to meet the PM and Prince Charles today. Any reason why he doesnt have to quarantine for two weeks?
The rules don't apply to important people. The Cummings Amendment

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:20:33
The rules don't apply to important people. The Cummings Amendment

The govt is over-focused on "Getting Brexit Done" to the exclusion of all other considerations. Like public health and the nation's economy and security.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:31:04
The rules don't apply to important people. The Cummings Amendment

soapy tit wank

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:31:41
Have i missed something here, i see Macron is coming over to meet the PM and Prince Charles today. Any reason why he doesnt have to quarantine for two weeks?

As lorry drivers and farm workers are exempt, I assume heads of state on state business are likewise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:45:05
Does anyone really understand the "rules" now.  Just seems like a bit of a free for all now provided we all "stay alert" and apply "British common sense" (or as Boris acknowledged on Tuesday "well, a lot of people are").

Which of course is shit, cos this aint over.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:47:08
Does anyone really understand the "rules" now.  Just seems like a bit of a free for all now provided we all "stay alert" and apply "British common sense" (or as Boris acknowledged on Tuesday "well, a lot of people are").

Which of course is shit, cos this aint over.

Hush now, Boris is bored of COVID, he's "moved on" to get back to Get Brexit Done, Tim Tams and painting a plane. The Jed McCrory of PMs. ROOOOOAAAARRRRRRR!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:53:00
Hush now, Boris is bored of COVID, he's "moved on" to get back to Get Brexit Done, Tim Tams and painting a plane. The Jed McCrory of PMs. ROOOOOAAAARRRRRRR!

Setting everything aside, painting a plane apparently costs £900k, what are they painting it with?

Johnson has also moved PMQ's into a new era where the PM doesn't answer the questions but the LotO apparently has to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:56:30
That "world-beating" test and trace app that was vital to easing lockdown but now won't be available till winter? The world is in denial about being beaten by it: they think it's a laughable scam.

All piss-taking aside, this is important, because it's not just the app. We don't actually have a test and trace strategy. And without that we're basically just lifting lockdown on a wing and a prayer. We're no better off than when we were doing Herd Immunity back in March. Which led to 60,000 deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 10:08:36
We don't actually have a test and trace strategy.

We do, its just not fully operational and relies on the honesty of the general public in "grassing up"/admmitting to/remebering their significant contacts and movements. And then having the resources to follow it up...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 10:44:36
Germany launch app, with privacy concerns.

But at least theirs works, they sensibly used the Google/Apple API

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 11:08:59
Germany launch app, with privacy concerns.

But at least theirs works, they sensibly used the Google/Apple API
It's not just about the app, tbh that's a bit of a red herring (or Herr Herring, I guess). It's having a local public health infrastructure and being prepared to use it. Thanks to a decade of austerity, ours has been slashed to the bone but rather than build it back up and put all that knowledge and experience to work, the govt prefer to centralise and privatise everything so our test and trace is being flogged off to private providers with proven track records of incompetence. But Cummings' mates are going to make a stack load of cash off it, so hey, count the money rolling in and pile the body bags over there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 12:20:47
Germany launch app, with privacy concerns.

But at least theirs works, they sensibly used the Google/Apple API

Looks like we are going down the Apple/Google route finally.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 12:33:36
So over to the public now then, lets see how many people give the wrong info or don't phone back when contacted.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 12:48:26
Looks like we are going down the Apple/Google route finally. (
Oh, for the love of ...

Can't we just buy in from Deutschland and rebrand.

I bet that and an entire new backend would have been cheaper than  what we've spent

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 12:53:38
I can imagine we will end up using tracing paper.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: StfcRusty on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 13:00:12
I can imagine we will end up using tracing paper.

Me after reading a post from 4D that mildly criticises the Government ...

(Another joke 4D - chill  :D)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 13:08:04

600 cases at one site apparently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 13:18:36
I can imagine we will end up using tracing paper.

And cups and string to contact those affected

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 13:22:24

600 cases at one site apparently

It shows why testing is needed and works.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 13:40:27
So over to the public now then, lets see how many people give the wrong info or don't phone back when contacted.

Even a 50% effective Contact Tracing process will create a big shift in transmission.  Every person who might have it taken out of "circulation" reduces the spread by a considerable number.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 14:06:27
So over to the public now then, lets see how many people give the wrong info or don't phone back when contacted.
Oh, for the love of ...

Can't we just buy in from Deutschland and rebrand.

I bet that and an entire new backend would have been cheaper than  what we've spent
Well yes. But then Cummings' mate wouldn't have had his pay-off. And Faculty (who did the AI for Vote Leave) and Palantir (US AI company, backed by a lot of dark hard right money) wouldn't have got hold of all that NHS data.

The app's a sideshow anyway. Without an effective local public health infrastucture which can follow up locally on the ground, test and trace cannot be properly effective in identifying and suppressing hotspots.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 14:31:18
Or an effective public

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 18, 2020, 14:59:42
Or an effective public
Don't blame the govt for crippling public health with a decade of austerity; or for completely mishandling the response to COVID-19; or for failing to lockdown early enough to prevent 3/4 of the deaths; or for unlocking too early so we'll inevitably see a second wave; or for their abject failure to establish, even now, the infrastructure required for testing and tracking new cases which would enable us to ease lockdown safely. No, it's all your fault your relatives are dying. You ungrateful public, you. Now turn the other way while we get on with pillaging the country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Friday, June 19, 2020, 05:41:12
PaulD channelling his inner Charlie Brooker there :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 19, 2020, 08:25:25
I said weeks ago that although I didn't vote for him I was supporting Boris through this for the good of the nation. I'm withdrawing that now. The situation is beyond any incompetence I could ever have imagined. Fuck him and his useless cabinet. Liars, hypocrites, charlatans, scum. All of em.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, June 19, 2020, 08:36:04
came to the same conclusiona few weeks ago Arriba :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 19, 2020, 09:04:14
Or an effective public
You need to get over this self blame you have been gaslighted into feeling.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 19, 2020, 09:25:51
came to the same conclusiona few weeks ago Arriba :(

I was there weeks ago too. Cummings the tipping point but the last week or so has been quite staggering. They can fuck right off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Friday, June 19, 2020, 09:30:18
Or an effective public


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, June 19, 2020, 09:58:36
Alert level has been lowered from 4 to 3.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 19, 2020, 10:07:11
You need to get over this self blame you have been gaslighted into feeling.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, June 19, 2020, 10:33:08
Alert level has been lowered from 4 to 3.

Good news - hopefully now we can start rebuilding our lives, rather than be paralyzed by fear.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 19, 2020, 11:10:42
Out of interest do the rest of Europe have something similar to the furlough scheme we have here?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 19, 2020, 12:56:46

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 19, 2020, 13:31:07
Out of interest do the rest of Europe have something similar to the furlough scheme we have here?

I believe most do, yes.

Even the USA has got in on the act with this bit of Socialism, including paying $600 a week to people made unemployed (there have been over 40m of them).  The Republicans on the right are getting a bit antsy about this though, because $600 a week is keeping people from returning to work they claim.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 19, 2020, 14:03:34

Quite interesting, if not much use for solving the current crisis.  At least it gives us a way of defending against a future Pandemic - early warning signs could at least ensure plans are enacted much sooner.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, June 19, 2020, 14:56:24
Have i missed something here, i see Macron is coming over to meet the PM and Prince Charles today. Any reason why he doesnt have to quarantine for two weeks?

you've missed that there is a test to show if you have it and that the french PM would probably have had this done!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, June 19, 2020, 15:57:18
Just watching today's briefing "fu*k me don't Williams drone on" anyone else noticed when they get asked a question they can't answer they always say thank you you've made a really valid point and I fully understand you then quickly move onto the next question!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, June 19, 2020, 16:33:49
you've missed that there is a test to show if you have it and that the french PM would probably have had this done!

Well yes, but supposing i came from Portugal to here, had a test beforehand, i would still have to self isolate for 2 weeks when i get here

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Friday, June 19, 2020, 16:39:54
All children back to school in September then I see. So social distancing is going by the wayside I take it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, June 19, 2020, 17:55:52
Well yes, but supposing i came from Portugal to here, had a test beforehand, i would still have to self isolate for 2 weeks when i get here

for joe public I agree that's what would happen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, June 19, 2020, 18:08:59
Quote from: ibelieveinmrreeves
All children back to school in September then I see. So social distancing is going by the wayside I take it?

that, or rota

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 19, 2020, 18:52:53
So, remember how at the peak of the crisis the govt were only announcing deaths in hospitals, not care homes or private homes? This is why:

TLDR: we had 22 days running of over 1000 deaths, with the worst day totalling nearly 1,500, 60% more than was reported at the time.

No wonder Johnson tried to cover this up: he has presided over a slaughter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 19, 2020, 21:54:53
That’s not a surprise is it?

This chart, which I’ve posted quite a few times, is only for England but clearly shows over 1,000 deaths per day for 15 days, and upwards of 900 for a good few days afterwards. Add on the other home nations and it’s obviously over 1,000. This data’s been around for ages, although I don’t think the green bars were on the chart during the peak tbf

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, June 20, 2020, 07:38:38
So, remember how at the peak of the crisis the govt were only announcing deaths in hospitals, not care homes or private homes? This is why:

TLDR: we had 22 days running of over 1000 deaths, with the worst day totalling nearly 1,500, 60% more than was reported at the time.

No wonder Johnson tried to cover this up: he has presided over a slaughter.

Can you tell me when the data you mention becomes available? Is it not roughly 2 weeks after the date?

The government needed daily figures to track progress, it was clearly stated what it included or did you not understand it at the time?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 20, 2020, 23:07:03
This is pretty interesting graphic to view. Just look at her go. It may also visualise the data for some at just how quickly Covid-19 took/takes hold.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 11:41:51
Pretty much everything, including Pubs and restaurants opening back up on 4th July - except for enclosed gyms, swimming pools and leisure centres - with a 2m SD rule where possible but a 1m+ SD rule where not..

Time to roll the dice it seems..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 11:55:43
Not really any excuse for stadiums not opening at the start of next season in a reduced capacity imo

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 12:13:47
Looks like schools will be obligatory from September, government better get on with releasing the funding to allow all the extensions that are going to be needed to meet even 1m standards by then?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 12:35:34
All of this is absolutely fine, providing the track & test process works in order to control any regional outbreaks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 12:38:31
All of this is absolutely fine, providing the track & test process works in order to control any regional outbreaks

Noted in the Lords yesterday that the failed system cost us a cool £11.8m so far.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 13:27:29
Noted in the Lords yesterday that the failed system cost us a cool £11.8m so far.
tbf, while that's a decent chunk of change for Dom's mate to shovel in his pockets, in the grand scheme of things, it's completely irrelevant. A working test, track and trace system would be good value for £118m given the lives it would save and how it would enable us to reopen the economy more quickly and safely. The scandal around the app is not the money wasted, it's the time and opportunity wasted to put a working system in place.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 13:29:20
So no more daily briefings after today, looks like the worst must be over.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 13:38:27
Not really any excuse for stadiums not opening at the start of next season in a reduced capacity imo

I was thinking this. Would be difficult to police and you'd still need the distancing in the concourse / queues but it seems doable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 13:43:15
I was thinking this. Would be difficult to police and you'd still need the distancing in the concourse / queues but it seems doable.

Compulsory wearing of masks in the concourse maybe?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 14:32:07
I refer you to Florida, Texas, Arizona & South Carolina as the "lets go for it" model.  As far as I can tell, nobody has properly implemented track and trace yet in those States, just opened stuff up and act surprised when people start passing it to each other.

Maybe Brazil could also be used as the Poster child, although they never really closed it up first.

The problem over here has been the complete politicisation of wearing a mask.  Popped to the supermarket at the weekend and about 50/50 on wearing them.

I'd probably not attend a stadium or indoor event venue right now, but I do think you can run a fair chunk of stuff with the right precautions in place.  Driving home those behaviours is going to be key though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 14:41:38
The problem over here has been the complete politicisation of wearing a mask.  Popped to the supermarket at the weekend and about 50/50 on wearing them.

Its not politicised over here but if 50% of people are wearing them I would be surprised!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 14:47:44
Head a bit further South from me and it's at a much lower %.

I cannot get my head around it either.  The view is that it's Government over reach, which I could sort of understand if it wasn't for the fact nobody wanders around naked.  So clearly people are OK to be told to wear pants (UK) by the Govt. and have no issue being refused entry to a shop without them on, but a smaller bit of cloth over the mouth and nose is somehow an infringement of their Rights?  If they are worried about getting hot, just take their bloody baseball caps off.  I'm actually surprised Trump hasn't had someone in his ear recommending a big push to sell MAGA masks (made in China of course).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 14:47:54
More like 5%

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 17:22:50
Bloody Socialists....


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 02:18:24
I see Peru, like Brazil is also having high case rates currently and a friend in Arizona has said they have had over 3,500 cases just on Monday alone. A record high there. That's just one state. Next door in Cali, record highs too (no not a weed related pun) going over 5k. Likewise in Texas.

My friend also said that Nationally the States has hit 25k+ cases for 5 continuous days but as a certain person with superior erectility has stated, having the most cases 'is a good thing'.   :no:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 08:43:31
This was quite an interesting chart that popped up yesterday, it shows the global preparedness for a pandemic based upon a survey in 2019, we were considered the best prepared in Europe at that date.


Its also interesting to note that this was based upon us having a plan to deal with such an event. However between coming to power and the outbreak happening the government discarded the plan and the dismantled the committee who drew it up and knew how to deliver it if required.

Even more interestingly Singapore adopted and followed our plan and look how they got on. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 09:28:13
This was quite an interesting chart that popped up yesterday, it shows the global preparedness for a pandemic based upon a survey in 2019, we were considered the best prepared in Europe at that date.

Its also interesting to note that this was based upon us having a plan to deal with such an event. However between coming to power and the outbreak happening the government discarded the plan and the dismantled the committee who drew it up and knew how to deliver it if required.
That's what happens when you elect a govt that founds it's main policy on the basis of contempt for experts

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 11:40:04
Boris accuses Starmer of using misleading figures. Starmer points out that he was using the governments own figures.

There's a gulf in competence between the two, and also between Starmer and Corbyn.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 12:18:46
Boris accuses Starmer of using misleading figures. Starmer points out that he was using the governments own figures.

There's a gulf in competence between the two, and also between Starmer and Corbyn.

PMQ's is essentially pointless now. Starmer asks a question, Johnson tells a lie in response and nothing happens, I remember the days when lying in the house was a bad thing to do and had to be apologised for, these days its just allowed without sanction and Johnson knows it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 13:15:23
This was quite an interesting chart that popped up yesterday, it shows the global preparedness for a pandemic based upon a survey in 2019, we were considered the best prepared in Europe at that date.


Its also interesting to note that this was based upon us having a plan to deal with such an event. However between coming to power and the outbreak happening the government discarded the plan and the dismantled the committee who drew it up and knew how to deliver it if required.

Even more interestingly Singapore adopted and followed our plan and look how they got on. 

South Korea as well - in fact, even here where it's all going to shit again, there is barely a person in power (bar Trump) who can't role out the basics of a very good plan.  The problem appears to be actually rolling it out and/or sticking to it.  This was discussed right at the start of the outbreak in the EU in this thread I think.

Maybe they should all just watch this very simple simulation to understand what their jobs are:

Cases int eh USA are now back to the peak, hospitalisations are rising, so probably expect to see deaths rise in 3 weeks or so.  Yesterday Trump was speaking to 3,000 young supporters inside a Church in Arizona on a day they had a record case count and said "it had gone away".  So there Coronavirus, you are gone, do as you are told.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 14:06:23

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 14:14:21
PMQ's is essentially pointless now. Starmer asks a question, Johnson tells a lie in response and nothing happens, I remember the days when lying in the house was a bad thing to do and had to be apologised for, these days its just allowed without sanction and Johnson knows it.

Boris just follows the Trump guidebook on political incorrectness.. and people are surprised..  we elected him, based on a lie way before he got elected.  I think we all know that Boris got elected based on his promises of delivering Brexit, nothing to do with his honesty or capability of doing the job..

In other words, elect a buffoon and don't be surprised when he runs the country like a buffoon.  Most people knew it was going to happen but it seems the clamour for Brexit was more important to people than having a credible leader in place.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 16:34:41
The leaders of all the major medical professional bodies (the BMA, the Royal Colleges of Surgeons, Physicians, GPs, Nursing, Pathologists, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatrists, Gynaecologists, Radiologists) plus the editors of the British Medical Journal and the Lancet have written a joint letter in the BMJ calling for an urgent "no blame" review of the UK's handling of the Coronavirus crisis to date and our preparedness for a second wave so that lessons can be learned in preparing for a second wave.

No 10 have dismissed the call out of hand. They're not interested in learning the lessons of their mishandling of the crisis. They're not interested in preparing for a second wave. They don't care if you or your elderly relatives die.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 17:33:30
The leaders of all the major medical professional bodies (the BMA, the Royal Colleges of Surgeons, Physicians, GPs, Nursing, Pathologists, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatrists, Gynaecologists, Radiologists) plus the editors of the British Medical Journal and the Lancet have written a joint letter in the BMJ calling for an urgent "no blame" review of the UK's handling of the Coronavirus crisis to date and our preparedness for a second wave so that lessons can be learned in preparing for a second wave.

No 10 have dismissed the call out of hand. They're not interested in learning the lessons of their mishandling of the crisis. They're not interested in preparing for a second wave. They don't care if you or your elderly relatives die.

That's one way of looking at it. I think I'll wait for 4D's assessment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 17:48:13
Boris just follows the Trump guidebook on political incorrectness.. and people are surprised..  we elected him, based on a lie way before he got elected.  I think we all know that Boris got elected based on his promises of delivering Brexit, nothing to do with his honesty or capability of doing the job..

In other words, elect a buffoon and don't be surprised when he runs the country like a buffoon.  Most people knew it was going to happen but it seems the clamour for Brexit was more important to people than having a credible leader in place.

The problem was the alternative candidate was a time bomb waiting to explode so we were pushed in a corner

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 19:06:41
That's one way of looking at it. I think I'll wait for 4D's assessment.

I await that with interest

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 19:09:07
Second wave? Meh.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 04:52:17
Bournemouth beach yesterday. And they want no fans at matches!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 06:59:58
Where's that from, Audrey?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 07:25:47
Was on Sky News website this morning.

You thinking that’s not Muff?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 07:36:08
Just wondered the source, I'm a natural skeptic.

Found this though -


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 07:38:54
If you need a piss you are stuffed. I wonder how many people went in the sea.

If you have young kids, it would be a total nightmare.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 07:44:04
If you need a piss you are stuffed. I wonder how many people went in the sea.

If you have young kids, it would be a total nightmare.

Does anyone get out of the sea to urinate?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 07:49:50
Was on Sky News website this morning.

You thinking that’s not Muff?
Plenty of muff there that I can see of.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 07:58:11
Does anyone get out of the sea to urinate?
Why do you think sea levels are rising? Nowt to do with climate change!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 08:05:56
Does anyone get out of the sea to urinate?
I'm sure that some people don't even get out of the bath to have a piss.   :flaccid: :flaccid:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 08:07:26
I'm sure that some people don't even get out of the bath to have a piss.   :flaccid: :flaccid:
Don't you tell me what I can and can't do ;) sometimes when I piss in the bath I can even get it into the toilet bowl.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 08:12:28
Just wondered the source, I'm a natural skeptic.

Found this though -

Leaving aside COVID, social distancing etc that just looks like a really unpleasant experience anyway, even in "normal" times

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 08:13:33
Second wave? Meh.
Think you've very accurately summarised No 10's position there. Have you thought about applying for a job a spokesman? :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 08:25:35
So why can't we play cricket?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 08:28:23
So why can't we play cricket?
Because its another game that we invented yet are not very good at? or did you mean due to coronavirus ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 08:35:30
Because its another game that we invented yet are not very good at? or did you mean due to coronavirus ;)

Whilst your point regarding our ineptitude is noted, I was more thinking from a coronavirus viewpoint.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 08:44:26
Whilst your point regarding our ineptitude is noted, I was more thinking from a coronavirus viewpoint.
TBF I haven't watched an England match for about 20 years, I was jumping on the bandwagon as seems to be the TEF way lately :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 08:50:08
The problem was the alternative candidate was a timb bomb waiting to explode so we were pushed in a corner

My point was, the election result was nothing to do with the candidate, it was about Brexit.  You could have had the best candidate in the world as Labour leader, but if they were pro remain they were never going to win..

Trump could have been the Conservative leader promising Brexit and he would have been elected.  It's exactly how Trump got the presidency and exactly how Boris is PM.  We knew he was a basket case when we elected him, you can't bitch and moan now that the country is subsequently a basket case.  He has not changed, he was lying then, he lies now, but everybody had their Brexit blinkers on. 

The bed was made, no point in being surprised that he is lying to us while we lay in it..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 09:07:35
TBF I haven't watched an England match for about 20 years, I was jumping on the bandwagon as seems to be the TEF way lately :)

We should have a Test Match in about a fortnight..... OK bcd, but I'm missing the summer game, starting to get excited about the first hearing of leather on willow. For many years, it was hearing the first cadences of Richie Benaud, which told me all was well with the world.... then my dear old thing Blowers.  Now with Sir Geoffrey being put out to grass, there's not a lot of talent about.... Bumble perhaps, but he's better at one day stuff. Nasser Hussain shows potential.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 09:18:25
I am more concerned about the impact on county cricket.  The county championship could perhaps go ahead given that most crowds were socially distanced before COVID-19.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 09:20:37
We should have a Test Match in about a fortnight..... OK bcd, but I'm missing the summer game, starting to get excited about the first hearing of leather on willow. For many years, it was hearing the first cadences of Richie Benaud, which told me all was well with the world.... then my dear old thing Blowers.  Now with Sir Geoffrey being put out to grass, there's not a lot of talent about.... Bumble perhaps, but he's better at one day stuff. Nasser Hussain shows potential.....
I like Nasser and Atherton. Absolutely can’t stand Gower.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 09:31:45
I like Nasser and Atherton. Absolutely can’t stand Gower.

Lord Gower, hasn't had his contract renewed. Personally didn't mind him, without being a great fan. Athers has some strong points, but not in the top rank.

Isa Guha is probably the way it's going.  I like her work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 09:40:48
Gotta be the Goochmeister

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 10:08:17
I would've been at Lords today for the first day of the Windies Test and then at Cheltenham on Monday for the first of two or three days at the festival. Still hopeful of something later in the summer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 10:16:18
Lord Gower, hasn't had his contract renewed. Personally didn't mind him, without being a great fan. Athers has some strong points, but not in the top rank.

Isa Guha is probably the way it's going.  I like her work.

Isa is a superb pundit, not only that - she’s bloody lovely too look at.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 11:26:39
Idiots. Some people thing they are above the law.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 11:37:48
Idiots. Some people thing they are above the law.
Fucking idiots.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 11:53:39
I am more concerned about the impact on county cricket.  The county championship could perhaps go ahead given that most crowds were socially distanced before COVID-19.

I could engage in a serious discussion about this, but given the tone of your posts, not really worth it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 12:02:54
I could engage in a serious discussion about this, but given the tone of your posts, not really worth it.

Not sure what you mean there.  I have been a member of Somerset Cricket Club for many years and attend limited overs and county championship matches.  I can say from experience that attendances at most county championship matches are such that social distancing can be accommodated.  Of course, T20 and one day games are a different proposition.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 14:18:59
Why we aren't allowed nice things.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 14:32:04
Typical British public. No brains, no respect.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 14:37:16
So give the police powers to move people on...

Going back to the piss question. How?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 17:04:52
Typical British public. No brains, no respect.
You do realise this includes you, and indeed all of us*, don't you?

*(apart from possibly Mex, RedFrog and wheretherealredsare)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 17:09:29
So give the police powers to move people on...

Going back to the piss question. How?

Spot on how an earth do you move half a million sun worshippers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 17:17:12
Spot on how an earth do you move half a million sun worshippers

Into the sea

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 17:20:26
Spot on how an earth do you move half a million sun worshippers

You can't. It's too late.

But you do try and prevent it from happening in the first place.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 17:27:04
You do realise this includes you, and indeed all of us*, don't you?

*(apart from possibly Mex, RedFrog and wheretherealredsare)

Saved more for the muppets that do it. There's plenty of them, unfortunately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 17:29:32
Spot on how an earth do you move half a million sun worshippers

Advise them that a Drive Thru McDonalds has just opened?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 19:10:28
Pause for thought. After more than a quarter of a year in loosey loosey lockdown UK, and on the cusp of opening it up further.....

Yesterday the UK recorded more Covid related deaths than Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, NL, Ireland, Romania, Austria, Finland, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Slovenia, Malta, Croatia and Greece did combined.

New daily confirmed cases back up to over a thousand, the highest in Europe, test, track and trace a shambles.

Thankfully, we live on an island, we have full control of our own borders and we are not a member of Schengen. But, we also live in a bubble, not the support version, oblivious to the reality around us, and our leader has a shiny new plane. I feckin' despair.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 19:39:48
Pause for thought. After more than a quarter of a year in loosey loosey lockdown UK, and on the cusp of opening it up further.....

Yesterday the UK recorded more Covid related deaths than Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, NL, Ireland, Romania, Austria, Finland, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Slovenia, Malta, Croatia and Greece did combined.

New daily confirmed cases back up to over a thousand, the highest in Europe, test, track and trace a shambles.

Thankfully, we live on an island, we have full control of our own borders and we are not a member of Schengen. But, we also live in a bubble, not the support version, oblivious to the reality around us, and our leader has a shiny new plane. I feckin' despair.

"We could have full control of our borders but our government chose not too"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, June 25, 2020, 19:44:27
You can't. It's too late.

But you do try and prevent it from happening in the first place.

It looks like Borris's traffic 5 down to 1 system isn't working!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, June 26, 2020, 00:25:13
Mad dogs and Englishmen...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 26, 2020, 06:37:36
Playing devils advocate hugely, but if there is to be a second wave of infection (as history and science would suggest), would we possibly be less affected second time round? Assuming stuff like prior infection prevents future infection

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, June 26, 2020, 08:02:55
Quote from: Bogus Dave
Playing devils advocate hugely, but if there is to be a second wave of infection (as history and science would suggest), would we possibly be less affected second time round? Assuming stuff like prior infection prevents future infection

unlikely, given the estimate is only 5% of the population have had it.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, June 26, 2020, 08:06:03
In any case it's over.

The government are implementing step 3 looking at their chart.

You can't give the information, do something different, then expect people to do anything but what they are doing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Friday, June 26, 2020, 08:14:35
They were all testing their eyesight, I don't see how the Government can condemn their actions...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, June 26, 2020, 08:25:19
Spot on how an earth do you move half a million sun worshippers
This should do it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 26, 2020, 08:50:54
In any case it's over.

It is indeed, otherwise why would we now not be having the daily pressers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 26, 2020, 08:58:12
My idea of hell

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, June 26, 2020, 09:01:40
This should do it

Was that supposed to be in the 'birds you would....but shouldn't' section?  :eek:  :girlgiggle:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 26, 2020, 09:11:21
Anyone used the tip since the new measures have been in place? Just wondering if it's chaos or works ok. I've got a slot on 16th July.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, June 26, 2020, 09:21:09
Went to tip last week - hardest part was getting a slot booked.  I had three months of garden waste, Amazon boxes and shit so was keen to finally get shot of it.

Was an absolute breeze - slot was booked for 1200, I arrived at 1130 as instructed, and was out by 1145.  All well managed, no real queuing (about 3 cars at bottom of ramp ahead of me), all well organised with social distancing, staff very helpful.

Was so good, I might take the wife next time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 26, 2020, 09:29:45
Ha. Thanks for the info. I had issues booking as everytime I picked a slot and continued to then find it had gone. In the end I went for a later date to stop that annoyance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, June 26, 2020, 09:35:54
USA has 20 million people infected!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, June 26, 2020, 09:50:21
Ha. Thanks for the info. I had issues booking as everytime I picked a slot and continued to then find it had gone. In the end I went for a later date to stop that annoyance.

It's the booking that is a bastard - but it has got lot easier as they have extended the window of bookings (was only a week ahead initially and everything went quick).

Am actually going again today in 20 mins as couldn't get all the crap in the car last week - I'll let you know how it goes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, June 26, 2020, 09:56:23
USA has 20 million people infected!

And according to Biden 120 million dead!  :headhurts:

Which of course got Trump tweeting that had he said anything so stupid the lamestream media would be all over him.  :headhurts:

What a couple of absolutely useless presidential candidates over there.   :suicide:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, June 26, 2020, 10:09:44
I don't follow it closely, but I think the ocassional slip is a far cry from persistent fuckwittery. Even clever people make mistakes. Trump is just a fucking idiot.

The guy thinks stealth fighters are literally invisible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, June 26, 2020, 10:14:54
I don't follow it closely, but I think the ocassional slip is a far cry from persistent fuckwittery. Even clever people make mistakes. Trump is just a fucking idiot.

The guy thinks stealth fighters are literally invisible.

Oh I absolutely agree with you. The irony of Trump calling anyone stupid is at Alanis Morrisette standards (aware of the issues with irony in her song however!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 26, 2020, 10:17:31

What a couple of absolutely useless presidential candidates over there.   :suicide:

After the last 12 months, I am not sure we can throw stones on that matter.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, June 26, 2020, 11:43:12
It's the booking that is a bastard - but it has got lot easier as they have extended the window of bookings (was only a week ahead initially and everything went quick).

Am actually going again today in 20 mins as couldn't get all the crap in the car last week - I'll let you know how it goes

Chunkyhairs' top tip update - arrived at tip 1130, parked up at the rubbish bays 1145, left 1150, piece of piss.  Booking system still shite though but at least there are more slots available into the future

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 26, 2020, 12:16:33

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 26, 2020, 12:50:15

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 26, 2020, 12:51:18

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:07:37
People need to start taking some personal responsibility.

It has been made clear what we need to do in terms of social distancing- it is the key workers in Bournemouth i feel sorry for it is they who are likely to be put at risk the most from cleaning up inconsiderate peoples mess.

If there is a spike everyone will blame the government/scientists- it is about time they took some responsibility themselves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:14:03
Saved more for the muppets that do it. There's plenty of them, unfortunately.
So what you're saying then is that Johnson's "strategy" of "relying on good old fashioned British common sense" is fundamentally flawed? Glad you agree at last

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:17:17
Hmmm. I think the personal acceptability thing is a bit of a red herring. People going to beaches AREA doing what they’re allowed to do

I kind of see it like traffic lights and road markings. We expect government / authorities to put traffic lights in place because we (society) knows we need them

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:19:03
Also think that the pearl clutching whenever there is a group of more than 6 people is ridiculous, and we need to accept that a) the risk is low currently b) the risk of transmission outside is next to zero at the moment and c) people have been cooped up for 3 months and are going to unwind given the opportunity

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:19:48
Can't people think for themselves?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:19:53
That's the thing about Common Sense, it's actually quite rare.

Two States have now paused their re-opening - Texas and Arizona, the former being a real surprise given they are run by a couple of people who tied themselves to Trumps tie (it's a very long tie).

The 20m estimate is some analysis of Antibody tests I think.  Even that may be pointless as there seems to be growing evidence that immunity may only be temporary, maybe a year, maybe less.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:20:49
I don't disagree re personal responsibility, but unfortunately when the governments policy is to rely on "Good Old British Common Sense" this is what is going to happen.  For every sensible person there is gonna be a knob head to whom the rules don't apply.  Looking at the beaches this week I can't think of anywhere I would want to avoid more!

God help us when the pubs re-open.  The tabloids basically encouraged everyone to go and get pissed on the 4th July the day after Boris announced they are to reopen then.  As much as I like a pint or 6 I will be steering well clear of the boozer until I am sure it is safe and sensible to be able to have a pint.  That ain't gonna be 4th July that's for sure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:20:56
Hmmm. I think the personal acceptability thing is a bit of a red herring. People going to beaches AREA doing what they’re allowed to do

I kind of see it like traffic lights and road markings. We expect government / authorities to put traffic lights in place because we (society) knows we need them

They are not doing what they are "allowed" to do. If i had travelled to Bournemouth yesterday and it was crowded i would have turned around and gone somewhere else.

People don't seem to be able to use any common sense- totally inconsiderate on the local people/police/key workers who have to manage this and clean up after everyone.

Just when is it acceptable to leave the beaches in the mess they did yesterday/get into brawls (3 stabbed i believe)

If people cannot behave then close the beaches.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:22:52
Also think that the pearl clutching whenever there is a group of more than 6 people is ridiculous, and we need to accept that a) the risk is low currently b) the risk of transmission outside is next to zero at the moment and c) people have been cooped up for 3 months and are going to unwind given the opportunity

I refer you to the South and West of USA for what happens when you open up a little without the virus going away.  I agree on the point that people need clear guidance and rules - in the places I mention, they were told masks are not necessary, that they can now meet in bars and restaurants so long as capacity was down a bit and can meet in larger groups outside again.  Took 4-8 weeks before the scales tipped.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:24:30
People don't seem to be able to use any common sense- totally inconsiderate on the local people/police/key workers who have to manage this and clean up after everyone.
Glad to see you also agree along with 4D that a policy of easing lockdown based on "basic British common sense" is a disastrous error

Just when is it acceptable to leave the beaches in the mess they did yesterday/get into brawls (3 stabbed i believe)

If people cannot behave then close the beaches.
It's almost like the behaviourial scientists who advise the govt were right when they said govt was sending the wrong signals in the rush to end lockdown too early and that this would lead to disaster. Shame the govt chose not to listen

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:30:16
This is further descending into bogrollgate again, social media crammed full of people moaning about it, so who is actually doing it?

The government are stuck between a rock and a hard place, albeit entirely of their own making, by his upbeat announcements earlier this week, briefings to the papers about getting out and getting pissed, cancelling the preseer they have given, deliberately possibly as a good news story detracts from all the shit they are doing, the impression that the worst is over, thus releasing the pressure from a bloody great big pressure cooker of people.

What I don't understand is that before all this, say last summer, the beaches were packed, it was busy up here in the Lakes, yet, people didn't feel the need to leave their shite everywhere after themselves - so what has changed?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:31:50
Glad to see you also agree along with 4D that a policy of easing lockdown based on "basic British common sense" is a disastrous error
It's almost like the behaviourial scientists who advise the govt were right when they said govt was sending the wrong signals in the rush to end lockdown too early and that this would lead to disaster. Shame the govt chose not to listen

This is complete and utter bollocks.

Everyone has been perfectly clear the terms of the lockdown easing, and that the virus is very much still out there. The rules on social distancing are clear- just some people are too thick to folow them.

We are moving roughly at the same pace of other countries.

If we do get a second wave it will obviously be the governments fault- its about fucking time that people started to show "common sense" because at the moment inthis country it looks to be in very short supply

No easing goes weithout any risk- just the idiots in this country seem to almost want a second wave.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:36:26
Anway I am getting myself down here come 4th, perhaps they could do the same at the CG.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:37:50
This is complete and utter bollocks.

Everyone has been perfectly clear the terms of the lockdown easing, and that the virus is very much still out there. The rules on social distancing are clear- just some people are too thick to folow them.

We are moving roughly at the same pace of other countries.

If we do get a second wave it will obviously be the governments fault- its about fucking time that people started to show "common sense" because at the moment inthis country it looks to be in very short supply

No easing goes weithout any risk- just the idiots in this country seem to almost want a second wave.

I wouldn't worry, it's just the usual politically motivated suspects saying the same thing for about the millionth time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:38:06
Can't people think for themselves?

Evidently not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:38:42
Evidently not.

I don't know why I asked  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:43:01

I wouldn't worry, it's just the usual politically motivated suspects saying the same thing for about the millionth time.
You and Outletred?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:46:35
You and Outletred?

No he is talking about you.

You constantly spout anti government bile on here- let's face it if Boris gave you a million pounds you would still complain.

At a time like this people should show common sense- he is trusting people to do just that but they are not in some cases behaving appropriately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:52:16
"We're still having these arguments about whether or not we should put these band-aids on the problem, such as masks," Gupta said Thursday. "(They're) effective band-aids, but still band-aids on this problem. And we're still not even sure we want to do that."
"We've got a patient bleeding out in front of us, we know what to do, and we are not doing it. And it's frustrating for sure."

I think people and Governments can both take some blame.

The USA example is giving the UK the same heads-up they got from Italy earlier on.  Can you rely on people to follow common sense - NO!  because it doesn't exist.  It's a made up phrase - nothing is that common that we all do it, and you need the VAST majority to follow it.

The Govt shouldn't need to spell out every rule, but it HAS to.  Even the slightest bit of mixed messaging creates the opportunity for things to unravel.  The quote shows the problem that occurs - even the things that are easy to do become difficult to follow once doubt is sewn.  We can't even get people to take the MMR jabs because they still believe some hoax of a conspiracy theory, despite years of studies disproving it.

The Spanish Flu got us the second time around, because we relaxed.  There are some very specific warnings in that part of history that we'd do well to learn.  San Francisco had widespread cloth mask wearing on the first wave, and avoided most of the pain.  They assumed it must have been that behaviour that protected them, so do it again for the second wave, only they dropped all the other things they did the first time and got badly hit.

Small basic things can help, nothing is rocket science:

The less contact you have with other people - the less likely you transmit or get the virus.  The public has a part to play, the Govt sets the message.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:54:11
No he is talking about you.
No shit, sherlock

At a time like this people should show common sense- he is trusting people to do just that but they are not in some cases behaving appropriately.
And the govt were told that was a likely outcome of easing lockdown too quickly and too early, especially with the way they have conveyed the messages, by their own behavioural scientists  (on the SPI-B committee) and chose to ignore that warning. Which is every bit as irresponsible as the morons on the beaches

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:54:48
"We're still having these arguments about whether or not we should put these band-aids on the problem, such as masks," Gupta said Thursday. "(They're) effective band-aids, but still band-aids on this problem. And we're still not even sure we want to do that."
"We've got a patient bleeding out in front of us, we know what to do, and we are not doing it. And it's frustrating for sure."

I think people and Governments can both take some blame.

The USA example is giving the UK the same heads-up they got from Italy earlier on.  Can you rely on people to follow common sense - NO!  because it doesn't exist.  It's a made up phrase - nothing is that common that we all do it, and you need the VAST majority to follow it.

The Govt shouldn't need to spell out every rule, but it HAS to.  Even the slightest bit of mixed messaging creates the opportunity for things to unravel.  The quote shows the problem that occurs - even the things that are easy to do become difficult to follow once doubt is sewn.  We can't even get people to take the MMR jabs because they still believe some hoax of a conspiracy theory, despite years of studies disproving it.

The Spanish Flu got us the second time around, because we relaxed.  There are some very specific warnings in that part of history that we'd do well to learn.  San Francisco had widespread cloth mask wearing on the first wave, and avoided most of the pain.  They assumed it must have been that behaviour that protected them, so do it again for the second wave, only they dropped all the other things they did the first time and got badly hit.

Small basic things can help, nothing is rocket science:

The less contact you have with other people - the less likely you transmit or get the virus.  The public has a part to play, the Govt sets the message.
Exactly this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:57:41

I think people and Governments can both take some blame.

I don't know why some people seem to have such difficulty grasping this.

1) People are irresponsible cunts.
2) The government could be doing more to control the situation.

If anybody disagress with either of those two statements then they're frankly just not worth the effort as far as I'm concerned.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, June 26, 2020, 13:59:04
We’re at where Boris wanted us to be in March. Herd immunity here we come.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 26, 2020, 14:02:34
Is that a ruminant?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, June 26, 2020, 14:03:43
It all just seems like too much effort for the government

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, June 26, 2020, 14:05:55
Is that a ruminant?
No. I think it’s true.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, June 26, 2020, 14:06:11
No shit, sherlock
And the govt were told that was a likely outcome of easing lockdown too quickly and too early, especially with the way they have conveyed the messages, by their own behavioural scientists  (on the SPI-B committee) and chose to ignore that warning. Which is every bit as irresponsible as the morons on the beaches

Everyone is to blame Paul  :) Merit where it's due though, a lot of people have been good and respected social distancing, likewise the government have done well in respect of furlough payments.
Other than that it's been shocking

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Friday, June 26, 2020, 14:06:33
No shit, sherlock
And the govt were told that was a likely outcome of easing lockdown too quickly and too early, especially with the way they have conveyed the messages, by their own behavioural scientists  (on the SPI-B committee) and chose to ignore that warning. Which is every bit as irresponsible as the morons on the beaches

They have to try and strike a balance- it is far from easy. However the message really is not difficult to understand.

No evidence whatsoever they have ignored the scientists- they set 5 clear tests for gradual easing of restrictions which have been met.

Let's face it- if they did no easing people would moan, and others moan they are easing too quickly.

Funny that Sturgeon follows our lead within a few days of when we announce changes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, June 26, 2020, 14:12:14
They have to try and strike a balance- it is far from easy. However the message really is not difficult to understand.

No evidence whatsoever they have ignored the scientists- they set 5 clear tests for gradual easing of restrictions which have been met.
There is the evidence of the behavioural scientists saying they have been ignored. I posted it a few pages back, behavioural scientists saying that this would be the likely outcome of what the govt has done. And hey presto! Wholly predictable, completely avoidable. Govt every bit as irresponsible as the morons on the beach

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 26, 2020, 14:14:03
They have to try and strike a balance- it is far from easy. However the message really is not difficult to understand.

No evidence whatsoever they have ignored the scientists- they set 5 clear tests for gradual easing of restrictions which have been met.

Let's face it- if they did no easing people would moan, and others moan they are easing too quickly.

Funny that Sturgeon follows our lead within a few days of when we announce changes.

The easing of restrictions is not a bad thing - it can be managed.

The issue is relying on Common Sense - it's a fallacy.  People smoke, people get into cars after drinking, people gamble, people use credit cards and so on.  There is no such thing as common sense - it's very nature is stupid, that we somehow can all choose the right path without the need for analysis, data, information, guidance etc.

The Govt can ease the lockdown BUT it has to assume people will do a Bournemouth Beach.  That's it's job - as BO put it I think, to stick some traffic lights up for us, because we'll do daft things.

It needs to ensure the Public Health measures are in place - messaging on what you CAN and MUST do - wear a mask, stay apart, don't meet indoors in large groups etc.  Ensure a robust testing process exists, that contact tracing is prepared for the increase in cases, make sure effective Quarantines are used (like offering Hotels to people who cannot isolate when they test positive) and so on.

The people have to fucking pay attention - and they won't, not everyone, not all the time.  For fucks sake people,don't touch your face - easy that one, well no, it's actually fucking difficult to stop doing.  Your relying on fundamental behaviour changes - we are wired to do the exact opposite.  Yes we call out others when they are acting like shits, but the Govt. can't abdicate it's role in this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 26, 2020, 15:25:12

No evidence whatsoever they have ignored the scientists- they set 5 clear tests for gradual easing of restrictions which have been met.

Funny that Sturgeon follows our lead within a few days of when we announce changes.

Not really, if you read their plan for relaxation we are presently activating what we would apparently be doing at level 1, by their own statistics we are quite the distance from that point.

As noted before whilst accepting that they are stuck between a rock and a hard place, its mainly of their own making, they were desperate for a good news story earlier this week, however the whole bollocks and sheer fuckwittedness of people could be countered by using the powers they have and closing beaches etc (I note they seem to be trying to now outsource this to the relevant LA's to activate - so another case of trying to push negative narrative onto others, no difference to the pubs closing fiasco), however that doesn't follow 'the worst has past' narrative they have created so instead we have what seems to be an essentially Sergeant Wilson approach 'would you mind most awfully not being twats'

Who mentioned Sturgeon, she really riles people for some reason, actually what has been more interesting is the way that Wales and Scotland have ben sharing a similar direction of travel on this, its gonna cost a fair few bob when he has to paint his air bourne mid life crisis appendage extension when the union has gone  :D ;).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 26, 2020, 15:33:34
The easing of restrictions is not a bad thing - it can be managed.

The issue is relying on Common Sense - it's a fallacy. 

Its just another example of good old English exceptionalism, a lot of the population seem to have this  idea that we have this special sense that others in other countries don't enjoy, like we are fucking Spiderman or something. This is grasped by politicians as they know nothing gets votes greater than massaging the ego of the part of the electorate they are playing to, it sometimes fails and can be offensive, see Moggs comments on the victims of Grenfell and their apparent lack of 'common sense', albeit I am not sure, it may be that the voters the government were after agreed with that.

Sadly its all part of being governed by sound bites, focus groups and kite flying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, June 26, 2020, 15:45:48
Sadly if we think the last few days have been bad, I dread to think what the 4th July is going to be like if the weather is fine!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 26, 2020, 16:14:01
Florida has just recorded 8.9k new cases today and had to ban the sale of alcohol at bars.  They were/are relying on common sense from people to prevail, it's not working out too well.  Bars are desperate for cash, so some will bend the rules.  people are desperate for social interaction and getting out, so will take risks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, June 26, 2020, 16:30:23
If the government had just been open and honest about going with the Sweden model from the start, I'd have been ok with it.

I'm convinced the official policy is still herd immunity, they just haven't made it public. Think of the outcry if they had.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 26, 2020, 17:00:15
Ugh. I know everyone knows what you mean when you say ‘herd immunity’, but herd immunity is literally the end goal. The reason smallpox was eradicated was because of herd immunity

Herd immunity without a vaccine is the contentious point

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 26, 2020, 17:57:41
And Herd Immunity is a bet, on the immunity bit.  Not always the case, that having it helps defend against it later.  Evidence is suggesting it is temporary immunity in this instance.  Sweden is also not a flag bearer given their numbers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 11:20:28
More idiots

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 16:54:59
People with Covid symptoms increasing daily at GWH. No surprise really.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 17:37:19
Adver says Covid cases are dropping in Swindon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 17:53:39
If only the adver knew.... 10 cases today in A&E today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 18:01:47
If only the adver knew.... 10 cases today in A&E today.

10 isn’t that many though is it?
When the only A and E’s in Wiltshire are Swindon and Salisbury, 10 is actually quite a low number. They were getting a lot more than that only a few weeks ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 18:06:04
I guess it depends on the last week or two 's tend, and whether it continues

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 19:48:19
If only the adver knew.... 10 cases today in A&E today.

How do you know this, I can't see it anywhere? Not saying it isn't true just wondered where you saw it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 21:53:29
How do you know this, I can't see it anywhere? Not saying it isn't true just wondered where you saw it?

My wife did a shift today. 10 may not be a lot, but that is just in A&E with new cases. It is slowly going up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 22:13:54
Confirmed or suspected

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, June 27, 2020, 22:21:09
Just suspected. But numbers are definitely increasing. Doesn’t look good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 06:06:49
It's a patchy picture.  According to this, there have been no new COVID deaths in Scotland since Thursday, and daily new cases are in single figures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Freddies Ferret 2.0 on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 07:37:43
My wife did a shift today. 10 may not be a lot, but that is just in A&E with new cases. It is slowly going up.

Sippo, just be a bit careful about what you are disclosing about the hospital. You wouldn't want your wife getting in to trouble

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 07:58:54
Just suspected. But numbers are definitely increasing. Doesn’t look good.

Why are these people just suspected? They could and should have got tested before needing hospital treatment.

According to this website only 13 cases have been diagnosed in the last month, this is Tier 1 only (so hospitals), so we should expect to see this jump by 10 soon?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 08:46:32
Thanks for the concern Fred. Anyone can get the info if they want, just process a FOI request. I am genuinely concerned as there will be another wave, it's just when not if.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 09:08:02
Why are these people just suspected? They could and should have got tested before needing hospital treatment.

We had  suspected case at the village school Friday lunchtime, tested and result back negative yesterday lunchtime and we are in the sticks so tests can be done quickly.

Thanks for the concern Fred. Anyone can get the info if they want, just process a FOI request. I am genuinely concerned as there will be another wave, it's just when not if.

Speaking to neighbour whose daughters are both nurses who were pushed into C-19 wards at the first phase, they have been warned to expect to be back there in next fortnight.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 09:18:17
A second wave appears to be inevitable. How big that wave will be is the question. Even if the virus doesn't have a second wave the decision to open the pubs on a Saturday is incredibly stupid. The carnage that will clearly happen that night will only heap more pressure on the emergency services.

Both the government and the public have been utterly stupid recently. Complacency and selfishness from the public. Lame leadership and cloudy advice from the government.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 10:05:46
A second wave appears to be inevitable. How big that wave will be is the question. Even if the virus doesn't have a second wave the decision to open the pubs on a Saturday is incredibly stupid. The carnage that will clearly happen that night will only heap more pressure on the emergency services.

Got a mate who is a copper, they are planning shift patterns and staffing for next Saturday night in exactly the same way that they do for new years eve, expecting a lot of pissed people and disorder.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 10:12:31
I have about as much inclination to go the pubs as I have to the beaches. Absolutely none.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 10:17:59
I have about as much inclination to go the pubs as I have to the beaches. Absolutely none.

Even I’m not interested

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 10:40:39
And me. Couldnt think of anything worse at the moment tbh.

Rather get pissed in my garden

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 11:30:17
Govt considering imposing localised lockdown in Leicester after surge in cases in early June

I blame donkey

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 13:21:35
I blame donkey

I suggested to him at Crawley last season that he needed to be Red Leicester...for about the 10th time.  He's not buying it.  It's a forum tragedy.

Back on topic, that's another day (albeit a Sunday) with no new deaths in 3 in a row now.  The experience there does seem to be diverging now from here in England, likely vindicating the more cautious approach they've been taking up there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 15:18:37
what did Wales do death wise? they were also cautious in approach

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 16:03:34
Just suspected. But numbers are definitely increasing. Doesn’t look good.

United Kingdom coronavirus (COVID-19) infections this week compared to last week, broken down by day.

Last week 8,442 infections were reported - this week we've seen a decrease of 19.2% to 6,820.

Data as supplied by @DHSCgovuk datasets.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 17:51:01
I suggested to him at Crawley last season that he needed to be Red Leicester...for about the 10th time.  He's not buying it.  It's a forum tragedy.

It makes sense on many levels, but I AM DONKEY!  ;-)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 18:17:14
Quote from: donkey
It makes sense on many levels, but I AM DONKEY!  ;-)

of course you are, Red

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 18:17:45
It makes sense on many levels, but I AM DONKEY!  ;-)

I considered going by where i was living and the colour of my team once, but that would have made me Khmer Rouge.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 20:01:23
I live next door to a pub. I'll be heading to my folks on Saturday eve. Not that the pub has properly closed during lockdown anyway   >:(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 20:31:19
of course you are, Red


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, June 28, 2020, 21:18:59
I suggested to him at Crawley last season that he needed to be Red Leicester...for about the 10th time.  He's not buying it.  It's a forum tragedy.

Since when has anyone on this forum had a say over their own username?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, June 29, 2020, 20:47:53
Leicester locked down again. Going to be the first of many places I feel.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 29, 2020, 21:00:11
Leicester locked down again. Going to be the first of many places I feel.

Going by the data in Leicester. The case este you mentioned the other day would suggest Swindon will be next.

In other news, I see Williamson has started threatening parents who don't send their kids back in September... It's fairly conflicting action from the Education Secretary when a lot of Heads of schools are saying, parents, teachers, students et al need reassurance that it is safe to do so before any schools reopen.  The call I've heard and read is that many Heads only want to reopen fully if they can follow a structured plan. They currently have still not received guidance on this.

Cue, parents getting fined yet schools still not being fully opened.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 29, 2020, 23:20:37

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 29, 2020, 23:44:28

Which also links in someway to it being imperative that our government does not allow it's food standards to be relaxed...Oh. Wait.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 06:44:46
Quote from: 4D
 :( (

wonder how many of these we previously didn't hear about.

could be none, but I suspect not

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 07:40:07

wonder how many of these we previously didn't hear about.

could be none, but I suspect not
There are loads being discovered all the time. It's why a pandemic has been listed in the top 3 threats to national security for the past 20 years. And why we had developed a plan to deal with one, but sadly failed to act on it when it mattered. But, you know, hindsight.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 08:31:44
Going by the data in Leicester. The case este you mentioned the other day would suggest Swindon will be next. 

Hancock suggested Leicester at 135 cases per 100,000 3x higher than other places. But its being suggested elsewhere that much as it was up here earlier in the outbreak this is because Leicester hospitals are doing much more testing than elsewhere.

As its stands;

(over 45 cases/100K/day)

(30-45 cases/100K/day)

I see he rolled out the bullshit again about Weston being locked down when actually all that happened is they closed the hospital due to lots of staff cases, we have no chance whilst they continue to lie continuously!

In other news, I see Williamson has started threatening parents who don't send their kids back in September... It's fairly conflicting action from the Education Secretary when a lot of Heads of schools are saying, parents, teachers, students et al need reassurance that it is safe to do so before any schools reopen.  The call I've heard and read is that many Heads only want to reopen fully if they can follow a structured plan. They currently have still not received guidance on this.

Cue, parents getting fined yet schools still not being fully opened.

I see Hancock kind of admitted that kids do transmit the disease this morning, which rather holes the safety of opening schools ship below the waterline.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 08:48:07
In other news, I see Williamson has started threatening parents who don't send their kids back in September... It's fairly conflicting action from the Education Secretary when a lot of Heads of schools are saying, parents, teachers, students et al need reassurance that it is safe to do so before any schools reopen.  The call I've heard and read is that many Heads only want to reopen fully if they can follow a structured plan. They currently have still not received guidance on this.

Cue, parents getting fined yet schools still not being fully opened.
TBF as I understand it, the process of parents being fined essentially starts with the school reporting an unauthorised absence so I suspect the scenario is unlikely to occur. It would take a particularly twisted school to report parents for not sending their kids to a school that isn't open! I know we've got a few teachers on here so please correct me if I've got this wrong

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 09:25:13
TBF as I understand it, the process of parents being fined essentially starts with the school reporting an unauthorised absence so I suspect the scenario is unlikely to occur. It would take a particularly twisted school to report parents for not sending their kids to a school that isn't open! I know we've got a few teachers on here so please correct me if I've got this wrong

To be a pedant the process actually starts with a LEA having a fining policy/procedure in place, not all do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 09:30:11
Leicester locked down again. Going to be the first of many places I feel.
Do people in Leicester really give a fuck ??,   they'll just hop on a bus and go and drink in Derby or some other local town,  that's really going to help the 'containment'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 11:22:22

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 11:26:10
Hancock's a bit shit really isn't he?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 11:38:17
I liked The Blood Donor

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 11:51:04
I liked The Blood Donor

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 11:56:52
Do people in Leicester really give a fuck ??,   they'll just hop on a bus and go and drink in Derby or some other local town,  that's really going to help the 'containment'.

I think a lot of people in Leicester will feel justified in saying, what lockdown?  We're not doing what we're told if they don't do what they're told and they make the fucking rules.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 11:57:37
Some good news - latest ONS stats show deaths in line with 5 year average from mid-June (i.e. no "excess" mortality). Let's hope it can be kept that way

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 12:10:30
Some good news - latest ONS stats show deaths in line with 5 year average from mid-June (i.e. no "excess" mortality). Let's hope it can be kept that way

Way beyond my pay grade, but to what extent could this relate to the weather i.e. as with flu does the virus not like hot weather?

Speaking to NHS working mate yesterday evening the next major problem starts in September when the Flu jabs start to be administered.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 12:32:38
Way beyond my pay grade, but to what extent could this relate to the weather i.e. as with flu does the virus not like hot weather?
As far as I can gather, the jury is very much out on that. There was a lot of early talk that it would "magically disappear" once we got to warmer weather, but from what I've seen since no definitive proof either way and some very mixed evidence. Happy to be contradicted if it has been proven (as opposed to asserted)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 12:47:26
A total of 6 confirmed cases in Wiltshire and Swindon in the week leading up to Monday 29th June, at 9am.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 12:55:15
Way beyond my pay grade, but to what extent could this relate to the weather i.e. as with flu does the virus not like hot weather?

Speaking to NHS working mate yesterday evening the next major problem starts in September when the Flu jabs start to be administered.

The rate of infection in the Southern States of USA, India, Middle East etc. right now would suggest weather is not playing much of a part in this.   A layman's hunch from me would be the fact people pass this on when they show no symptoms means it's so efficient at transmission that the usual impact of heat/humidity is not a factor.  It also seems to stick around in the host for a very long time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 13:03:13
A total of 6 confirmed cases in Wiltshire and Swindon in the week leading up to Monday 29th June, at 9am.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 13:29:50


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 13:35:31
Swindon's numbers have always looked very odd.  The number of deaths was around 100 at some point with only 400 confirmed cases - which makes no sense whatsoever.  That reads to me as if they are only testing people sick enough to be hospitalised in Swindon.  The USA is providing a decent proof of concept for the UK right now - indoor bars have caused massive spikes here, as have big family get togethers - essentially, indoor gatherings are a pretty bad idea especially where you are not spread out.  If the UK can avoid that, get a proper testing, tracing and isolation policy in place (like NZ) then it has a chance to stem the flow now.  The USA took about 6-8 weeks to hit these new highs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 14:44:03
Swindon's numbers have always looked very odd.  The number of deaths was around 100 at some point with only 400 confirmed cases - which makes no sense whatsoever.  That reads to me as if they are only testing people sick enough to be hospitalised in Swindon. 

Lack of consistency in testing skews everything, see the start of the crisis up here as our figures were very high because MBHT were testing way beyond the PHE guidelines (hospital staff, care home staff etc) likewise apparently testing in Leicester is high.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 18:35:10
Swindon's numbers have always looked very odd.  The number of deaths was around 100 at some point with only 400 confirmed cases - which makes no sense whatsoever.  That reads to me as if they are only testing people sick enough to be hospitalised in Swindon. 

The 400 is only from pillar 1 testing I believe, the PHE/hospital tests.  I'm not sure why they can't provide the overall figures?!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 19:03:06
The 400 is only from pillar 1 testing I believe, the PHE/hospital tests.  I'm not sure why they can't provide the overall figures?!
Not sure if this applies for Swindon, but the Public Health director from Leicester was on the radio yesterday saying that govt have been quite hit and miss in getting data out to the local PH authorities which has complicated the process of taking efforts locally to clamp down on flare-ups. May be the same kind of issue? i.e. that Swindon only have the figures from testing in GWH?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 19:15:50
Not sure if this applies for Swindon, but the Public Health director from Leicester was on the radio yesterday saying that govt have been quite hit and miss in getting data out to the local PH authorities which has complicated the process of taking efforts locally to clamp down on flare-ups. May be the same kind of issue? i.e. that Swindon only have the figures from testing in GWH?

It is across the board, we as the public only see the PHE detail.  If you look at the link below, it states 'Public Health England release a daily update on how many confirmed cases of coronavirus there are in each English local authority.'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 08:26:47
Oh FFS why can't they just be bloody honest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 09:20:36


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 09:23:51
It is across the board, we as the public only see the PHE detail.  If you look at the link below, it states 'Public Health England release a daily update on how many confirmed cases of coronavirus there are in each English local authority.'
It's not just the public. LHAs and local public health directors are also struggling to see the data which is making it very difficult for them to take timely action to suppress local outbreaks. Lots of public health professionals warned against precisely this kind of problem with the govt's centralised approach to non-hospital testing and collating data. The chaotic nature of the data collection hasn't helped with that. Another predicted and avoidable self-inflicted problem in the govt's ongoing failure to tackle COVID

EDIT and see also horlock's post two up from this, the twitter thread he cites details the same issue as the FT article I posted

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 10:12:21
Things are not being helped by the reporting.

Wiltshire is on that list due to it having a recent weekly increase of new cases in the county of 300%. However this actually equates to just an increase from one to four new cases.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 11:32:44
yeah, the overreaction to the currently stable infection rate is staggering clickbait.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 11:52:27
So Leicester City can break the quarantine.  Cummings Amendment, I guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 12:23:56
yeah, the overreaction to the currently stable infection rate is staggering clickbait.

The problem is what figures are actually being used as there seem to be two sources (Pillar 1 and Pillar 2) and as the government are not being entirely transparent its all a bloody mess, for a change.

See Leicester, the spike is mainly Pillar 2 which the government doesn't make public (a decision make at Ministerial level according to PHE) and they didn't tell the local bodies about until very recently.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 12:48:50
So according to

Pillar 1: swab testing in Public Health England (PHE) labs and NHS hospitals for those with a clinical need, and health and care workers

Pillar 2: swab testing for the wider population, as set out in government guidance

So what does "clinical need" mean. Does that include those that request a test due to symptoms?

If so, where the bloody hell are the pillar 2  tests coming from.

And how many tests in each category?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 13:00:06

Pillar 1 is tests in hospitals. This is published.
Pillar 2 is tests from drive through centres and home testing kits done by commercial labs. This is not made public.

As for numbers I don't think anyone knows as they stopped publishing the numbers and Mancock has admitted that they don't have a clue how many tests are being done. Cynically I would suggest its way below the targets as if it wasn't they would be publishing the figures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 13:33:03
Wow. That had completely passed me by. How can they not publish at least % of test positive?

Wonder if its also to do with speed of reporting making a lag that would not reflect the true state.   Then again, why lock down Leicester if Pillar 2 isn't 'current'.

I share your cynacism.

Fucking shambles.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 14:03:49
Wow. That had completely passed me by. How can they not publish at least % of test positive?

Wonder if its also to do with speed of reporting making a lag that would not reflect the true state.   Then again, why lock down Leicester if Pillar 2 isn't 'current'.

I share your cynacism.

Fucking shambles.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 14:13:42
Wow. That had completely passed me by. How can they not publish at least % of test positive?

Wonder if its also to do with speed of reporting making a lag that would not reflect the true state.   Then again, why lock down Leicester if Pillar 2 isn't 'current'.

I share your cynacism.

Fucking shambles.

They do publish the totals for the UK (here - and they have now (apparently) given access to all LA's etc to the combined details.

The total % of pillar 2 for the uk is aroung a 1/3 of total positive cases. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 14:19:33
The problem is what figures are actually being used as there seem to be two sources (Pillar 1 and Pillar 2) and as the government are not being entirely transparent its all a bloody mess, for a change.

See Leicester, the spike is mainly Pillar 2 which the government doesn't make public (a decision make at Ministerial level according to PHE) and they didn't tell the local bodies about until very recently.


You can see the higher numbers as a good thing (to stop the virus), more pillar 2 testing has been carried out with mobile centres being sent to the area and people are getting tests before going to hosipital and hopefully islolating sooner.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 14:38:45
Since they have stopped having the daily news briefing, I was looking for the information that they provided in it.

This can be found here, one of the bits of information is that as of just 65 people in the south west are in hospital, which is about 25% of the next lowest NHS region (235 south east).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 15:00:24
So the companies who are doing the testing (or at least Deloitte) are not required to report positive coronavirus tests to the LA or PHE, not altogether sure what the point of the process really is?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 16:05:21
So the companies who are doing the testing (or at least Deloitte) are not required to report positive coronavirus tests to the LA or PHE, not altogether sure what the point of the process really is?
So they could claim to hit artifcial targets. The whole approach all the way through has been about managing blame, not managing the disease

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ReadingRed on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 16:06:43
I found this an interesting read on the current malaise in British politics:
I like Unherd. Although many of its contributors are centre or centre-right, it often looks at issues from an unexpected, unorthodox angle.
This is one of the most interesting articles I've read on Covid - a mathematical modeller who reckons the figures suggest there is a pre-existing immunity in the majority of the population, who will never catch coronavirus. It explains the differences in infection rates between different  areas and countries.

The interview is long  but really worth watching. (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 16:11:59
I like Unherd. Although many of its contributors are centre or centre-right, it often looks at issues from an unexpected, unorthodox angle.
This is one of the most interesting articles I've read on Covid - a mathematical modeller who reckons the figures suggest there is a pre-existing immunity in the majority of the population, who will never catch coronavirus. It explains the differences in infection rates between different  areas and countries.

The interview is long  but really worth watching. (

BBC reporting similar

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 16:25:22
It's an interesting theory, and would partially make a lot of sense - people don;t get colds when exposed.  My concern would be the amount of examples where high transmission rates have occurred, which wouldn't be statistically possible if this theory hung true.  There is a portion within that theory that does talk about high exposure overcoming the resistance, so it may be that it holds true for certain settings, but not all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 17:53:25
Had some lovely Aussie guy on tweety bird tell me he thinks Covid-19 is a ploy to control us all and bring about a quote, UN One World Government, unquote. His main reasoning behind "Covid Falsehood" was due to no one he knows has had it and none of those people know anyone that has had it. Fucking NIMBY of the year!

I'll hazard a guess he doesn't believe (or want to believe) that 17 million people in the Yemen are at risk of starvation, via a famine generated by conflict supported by US led air and drone strikes (which subsequently, have purposefully targeted water and food supply infrastructure),  supported by $110bn in arms approved by the Orange one; as well as the UK Gov persistent effort to sell £5bn plus in arms to Saudi Arabia since 2016. The Orange one loves tweeting the word 'complicit' and it's quite clear to see why.

A stark reminder as we close in on 90 years after Holodomor, that this species of ours seems to take comfort and destructively so, in repeating history. But hey if none of your friends are dying from starvation then it must be made up, Shirley?  


Edit: It's a shit mock up of the SNL mock up but it's all that excuse is worthy of.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 17:59:17
sounds like my cousin's husband who I just ended a conversation with using the picture of a guy in a tinfoil hat.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 18:11:51
Going off on a slight tangent - Danny Rose was retweeting 9/11 conspiracy theories recently.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 18:55:16
Going off on a slight tangent - Danny Rose was retweeting 9/11 conspiracy theories recently.

Which Danny Rose?  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 09:17:02
I see the Prime Minister's dad has popped over to Greece, against government advice, to have his eyesight tested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 09:21:15
Annoying twat that bloke is

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 09:27:43
I see the Prime Minister's dad has popped over to Greece, against government advice, to have his eyesight tested.

Couldn’t he follow Dominic Cummings advice and go for a 60 mile drive?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 09:30:09
I see the Prime Minister's dad has popped over to Greece, against government advice, to have his eyesight tested.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 09:50:03
I see the Prime Minister's dad has popped over to Greece, against government advice, to have his eyesight tested.
When will you people learn, rules are only for the little people? They're for the (*shudder*) public to follow, not the rich and powerful. Honestly, it's perfectly straightforward.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 10:23:40
I thought trips abroad were on again?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 10:24:51
I thought trips abroad were on again?
The FCO travel ban is still in place, the government is expected to announce this will be relaxed from 6 July.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 10:28:57
I thought trips abroad were on again?
Essential travel only. Which does not include flouncing off to your Greek holiday home

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 10:40:24
Does my holiday next month count as essential travel?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 10:46:09
Does my holiday next month count as essential travel?
Restrictions are due to be lifted from July 6th. Haven't yet been. You seem as keen to let Stanley Johnson off the hook for breaking the rules as you were to condemn "the public" for (in many cases) not breaking the rules. One rule for them ....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 10:46:42
Does my holiday next month count as essential travel?

Depends what's announced on 6th July really.

Friend of mine is supposed to be going to Greece in August, BA arbitrarily cancelled the flights last week, citing at least 6 wks for a refund, she has rebooked with Jet2 but that is much riskier as whilst the originals were booked pre pandemic and thus the insurance would possibly pay out, now its at all her own risk.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 11:07:36
Restrictions are due to be lifted from July 6th. Haven't yet been. You seem as keen to let Stanley Johnson off the hook for breaking the rules as you were to condemn "the public" for (in many cases) not breaking the rules. One rule for them ....

I expect Johnson will condone his father for breaking the rules, much as he did the general public for going to the beaches, perhaps his old man just has more common sense than us mere mortals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 11:19:44
Restrictions are due to be lifted from July 6th. Haven't yet been. You seem as keen to let Stanley Johnson off the hook for breaking the rules as you were to condemn "the public" for (in many cases) not breaking the rules. One rule for them ....

Don't make things up Paul, I'm just asking a straightforward question. Have you considered a career in politics?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 11:26:54
Don't make things up Paul, I'm just asking a straightforward question. Have you considered a career in politics?  :)
No, I'm not crooked enough

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 11:43:55
No, I'm not crooked enough
I think that anybody that really wants to be a politician should be banned from ever being a politician.

Inherantly in it for just themselves 99.9% of the time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 13:01:51
50k new cases in the USA yesterday - it's OK though, the boss said it will just go away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 21:31:38
a 30k drop in total cases today and only 576 new cases, the lowest since the 17th March when testing was only picking up a fraction of cases

Info on pillar 1 and pillar 2 testing for the last two full weeks, Swindon has gone from 10.61 (15-21 June) to 6.76 (22-28 June) per 100,000 people

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, July 3, 2020, 07:36:28
Using Knowsley as an example, What’s the statistical significance of the rates going from 6 per 100k to 20 per 100k? 0.006% of the population being infected increasing to 0.02%. Is that an increase or is that just noise??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 3, 2020, 08:11:53
Using Knowsley as an example, What’s the statistical significance of the rates going from 6 per 100k to 20 per 100k? 0.006% of the population being infected increasing to 0.02%. Is that an increase or is that just noise??

Its down to the safari park

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, July 3, 2020, 08:30:36
Anyone that would want to sit on a plane as soon as possible just to go on holiday is bonkers IMO..  I get it if it is to go see family etc..  but anyone clamoring to get away in the current climate is mad.  I am supposed to be going to Mexico in Oct, and I would prefer them to just cancel it now.. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:05:05
Anyone that would want to sit on a plane as soon as possible just to go on holiday is bonkers IMO..  I get it if it is to go see family etc..  but anyone clamoring to get away in the current climate is mad.  I am supposed to be going to Mexico in Oct, and I would prefer them to just cancel it now.. 
Completely agree Berni. Can't imagine anything more daft than cramming my family into a metal tube with 400 strangers all breathing recirculated air right now. Apart from possibly reopening pubs tomorrow

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: moredonboy on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:06:30
a 30k drop in total cases today and only 576 new cases, the lowest since the 17th March when testing was only picking up a fraction of cases

Info on pillar 1 and pillar 2 testing for the last two full weeks, Swindon has gone from 10.61 (15-21 June) to 6.76 (22-28 June) per 100,000 people

Can someone please explain how the total number of cases has fallen by any number let alone 30k in one day?
This number should never decline unless errors are being corrected or worse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:18:11

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:19:44
Embedded version:

(and if you're wondering, the video is being projected onto Barnard Castle)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:24:24
Can someone please explain how the total number of cases has fallen by any number let alone 30k in one day?
This number should never decline unless errors are being corrected or worse.

I would hazard a guess it is one of two things:
1) As people are usually tested twice, they have counted these as two people in some instances
2) People have been tested multiple times, maybe one in pillar 2 and then again in pillar 1

Either way these aren't new people, however I am probably just making stuff up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:29:15
I would hazard a guess it is one of two things:
1) As people are usually tested twice, they have counted these as two people in some instances
2) People have been tested multiple times, maybe one in pillar 2 and then again in pillar 1

Either way these aren't new people, however I am probably just making stuff up
I suspect you're pretty much on the money. It's concerning because as we move into a "Test, Trace and Isolate" phase, having accurate data is crucial to enable local health authorities to stamp out local outbreaks. But the fact that community (i.e. outside hospital) testing is still massively centralised and chaotic is going to undermine that effort.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: moredonboy on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:34:37
thanks STFC
sounds a reasonable assumption
they should explain this data far better and need to improve its quality quickly
for track and trace to be really effective 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:36:42
Completely agree Berni. Can't imagine anything more daft than cramming my family into a metal tube with 400 strangers all breathing recirculated air right now. Apart from possibly reopening pubs tomorrow

Infection rate is generally very low in reality, multiple decimal place low, it’s understandable that people want normality and refuse to live in fear anymore.

Be sensible but live your life is how I look at things now, the chances of catching it is very unlikely

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:46:23
I would hazard a guess it is one of two things:
1) As people are usually tested twice, they have counted these as two people in some instances
2) People have been tested multiple times, maybe one in pillar 2 and then again in pillar 1

Either way these aren't new people, however I am probably just making stuff up

I thought it was common knowledge that they have been counting two tests on the same person as two separate tests, it follows the same theme as the PPE counting. Have they stopped doing that now?

I see once again he has been caught bullshitting in PMQ's as Councils have revealed that the agreements for data sharing to LA level are only being signed now as the contracts were deficient in some way previously.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 3, 2020, 09:49:02
I thought it was common knowledge that they have been counting two tests on the same person as two separate tests, it follows the same theme as the PPE counting. Have they stopped doing that now?

I see once again he has been caught bullshitting in PMQ's as Councils have revealed that the agreements for data sharing to LA level are only being signed now as the contracts were deficient in some way previously.
And lied about emergency testing in Leicester

TBH it's got to the stage now where it would be more newsworthy if someone caught a govt minister accidentally telling the truth about COVID

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, July 3, 2020, 10:00:30
I received testing pack in the post today (Mrs Chunkyhair is NHS worker).  With the one I have you have to stick the swab right down your throat, and then stick the same swab up your nose (can't wait - about 15 seconds each time and right down to tonsils and as far up the snozzer as you can bear)

So this test kit I assume is "one test".  But that is not to decry from the overall bollocks that they have been counting twice as most test are x2 nose and throat, and of course I now count as a test as it has been posted out, irrespective of whether or not I actually do it!

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, July 3, 2020, 11:16:44
Anyone that would want to sit on a plane as soon as possible just to go on holiday is bonkers IMO..  I get it if it is to go see family etc..  but anyone clamoring to get away in the current climate is mad.  I am supposed to be going to Mexico in Oct, and I would prefer them to just cancel it now..  
and what if they don't cancel?

you need then to balance risk v writing off the cash.

that's the choice we've got (Tenerife, August).

the island is safe as is right now, it's the holiday makers I worry about

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 3, 2020, 11:56:59

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, July 3, 2020, 12:05:50
Govt syas pubs can open from 6am tomorrow


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 3, 2020, 12:06:25
Govt syas pubs can open from 6am tomorrow


Just a normal day in 'spoons!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 3, 2020, 12:10:12
Govt syas pubs can open from 6am tomorrow

So "Go easy" but "Get on the piss from 6 in the morning". Doing everything possible to encourage the spread of the virus through the population again aren't they? Back to "herd immunity"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, July 3, 2020, 12:26:03
And Marstons pubs will not be taking contact details from anyone as it's a 'guideline and not a rule'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, July 3, 2020, 12:34:59
Jesus Christ.

My local is adopting the "right" rules - need to book a table, indoors people from only two families max to sit together, outdoors 6 folks from different households sitting together max, limiting opening times (closing at 10pm).  Seems v sensible to me, but even so I am not going this weekend, I am gonna let things settle down and see how things pan out before I go to the pub.

Can't see 'Spoons taking same approach, and indeed can't see many pubs taking the same approach.  Allowing boozers to open at 6am to is basically saying "Our Country Needs You (to go and get as pissed as you can as quickly as you can)".   BBC reported one pub in Huddersfield opening at 0001 tomorrow morning.

And they are calling it Super Saturday FFS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 3, 2020, 12:42:49
So "Go easy" but "Get on the piss from 6 in the morning". Doing everything possible to encourage the spread of the virus through the population again aren't they? Back to "herd immunity"

I think this just reflects normal licencing rules rather than any special dispensation for reopening - happy to be corrected.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, July 3, 2020, 12:44:38
Infection rate is generally very low in reality, multiple decimal place low, it’s understandable that people want normality and refuse to live in fear anymore.

Be sensible but live your life is how I look at things now, the chances of catching it is very unlikely


Fucken 12 people got it in Swindon last week. Be sensible but no point living life in fear (at the moment)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: hefty toe on Friday, July 3, 2020, 12:47:34
Surprised to hear that Anderson was the highest paid player. I assume that must have been at the start of the season before the Doyle transfer. Doyle was reportedly on £5k a week; Anderson can't have been on more than that surely? Obviously would be sad to see Doyle go but I don't think we'll be able to meet his wage demands. Given the likelihood of prolonged uncertainty re playing in front of crowds, the club should be budgeting on a very conservative basis. If that means losing players so be it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 3, 2020, 13:55:18
I think this just reflects normal licencing rules rather than any special dispensation for reopening - happy to be corrected.
I think it does yes, but given that's it far from normal times, opening up for the 1st time in 3 months on a Saturday is daft enough, at the very least change from the "normal" opening time to something a bit more sensible

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 3, 2020, 14:06:59
I think it does yes, but given that's it far from normal times, opening up for the 1st time in 3 months on a Saturday is daft enough, at the very least change from the "normal" opening time to something a bit more sensible

Most seem to be shutting at 10pm.....

The forecast up here for the weekend is fucking abysmal (As the weather is today!) so hopefully that might calm a few people down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, July 3, 2020, 14:20:30
and what if they don't cancel?

you need then to balance risk v writing off the cash.

that's the choice we've got (Tenerife, August).

the island is safe as is right now, it's the holiday makers I worry about

I was aiming my thoughts at people rushing to book flights now rather than ones that booked ahead of the Pandemic, as I did - however if I am not comfortable that it is safe, and if I feel that restictions in place will effectively ruin the holiday then I will be pushing big time to be able to cancel my holiday and re-book it for sometime next year.  I booked with BA so I would be disappointed if they force me to consider going if I am not comfortable with the idea..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, July 3, 2020, 14:31:10
I see the list has been released. Every country in europe bar Russia, Portugal and Romania by the looks of it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, July 3, 2020, 14:35:13

Fucken 12 people got it in Swindon last week. Be sensible but no point living life in fear (at the moment)

That's 12 people who were ill enough to go to the hospital and get tested though, right?  That probably means a good number more have the virus but are not that ill or are not feeling ill at all.

The UK does at least seem to be at a point where you could open up activities and begin managing the risk though, provided it is done with the right precautions in place (completely changing the way a pub sets up for example), and ensuring you have a robust test, trace and isolate policy in place.

The USA has given the rest of the world a blueprint on what doesn't work - which is essentially some bizarre plan to just carry on as normal.  The current places where spread seems to be spiking - bars (your Yates' on a Saturday night style places), family functions like weddings and social gathering events/places.  I have heard some good advice -if you go into a place and it looks like it did before lockdown, leave.  You should be able to see noticeable changes in place.

55k+ cases yesterday in the USA.  Every chance this climbs to 100k per day in a few weeks after this weekends fire works parties.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Friday, July 3, 2020, 14:48:49
Govt syas pubs can open from 6am tomorrow

Understand what you are saying,  there's only one place I'm going to be 6am tomorrow,  and thats in bed,  however,  many pubs have 24hr licences anyway but don't think we'll be seeing that many opening that early.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, July 3, 2020, 14:50:22
It’s pillar 1/2 testing, so it’s not just hospital testing. But yes, it’s people who felt ill enough to get checked

Is it 50% of people who catch it don’t feel any symptoms?? Which would imply the actual number of newly infected would be nearer 25. Still not enough to get me worried

Be smart, be sensible, agree with what you say about places needing to be different. But no point living in fear forever, and the risk is probably as low now as it ever will be without a vaccine/effective treatment

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, July 3, 2020, 16:19:31
R rate in London goes above 1

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, July 3, 2020, 16:35:54
The R rate is a stupid metric. If there is 1 case, and that case spreads to two other people in the household, the R rate is now 3 and the end is nigh.

Daily cases and hospitalizations lowest they've been. That's what matters.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, July 3, 2020, 17:01:33
it's not stupid, it just needs the context you've mentioned

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, July 3, 2020, 17:13:03
Yep.  If there was a rule preventing those people leaving their house it would be a useless data point, but London is not a single house.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, July 4, 2020, 18:19:07
It looks like the 30k reduction was due to duplications between pillar 1 and 2 and they have updated all reporting to include pillar 1 and 2. So that is a good move, maybe a bit late.

"The methodology for reporting positive cases changed on 2 July 2020 to remove duplicates within and across pillars 1 and 2, to ensure that a person who tests positive is only counted once. Due to this change, 30,302 previously reported cases were removed from the UK total."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, July 4, 2020, 18:26:38
I had make a short journey up the M5 this morning and it was apparent that a substantial number of grockels decided to dust off their caravans at the first opportunity and rush down to the south west.

I also walked past a couple of the pubs in my small Somerset town early this evening. Surprisingly, they did not appear to be particularly busy.  I intend to give the pub a miss for a few weeks to see how things pan out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, July 5, 2020, 18:28:41
Just been looking at the latest test and trace information and it seems that in the last 4 weeks getting results has been much quicker with regional and mobile testing sites getting above 60% back within 24 hours. It also has the number of people tested for both pillar 1 and pillar 2.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, July 5, 2020, 20:00:32
Tbf, bar the odd inevitable outbreak of twattery, first weekend of pubs opening doesn't seem to have been the carnage it might have been. Coppers not impressed with social distancing though which may prove problematic if lots of that indoors

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 6, 2020, 10:02:36
Oliver Dowden, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, explains why it's safe to travel on aeroplanes but not safe to go to the theatre on Radio 4 this morning:

“There are two things we do: first of all, we mitigate the risk, but ultimately, even when you mitigate risk by having - not having - social distancing, that increases significantly the risk of social distancing and we’re simply not at a point where we can do that for theatres.”

With clear straightforward guidance like this, no wonder the govt will be blaming "the public" for any upsurge in infections.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, July 6, 2020, 10:21:58
Just been looking at the latest test and trace information and it seems that in the last 4 weeks getting results has been much quicker with regional and mobile testing sites getting above 60% back within 24 hours. It also has the number of people tested for both pillar 1 and pillar 2.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, July 6, 2020, 12:25:53
Tbf, bar the odd inevitable outbreak of twattery, first weekend of pubs opening doesn't seem to have been the carnage it might have been. Coppers not impressed with social distancing though which may prove problematic if lots of that indoors

I went out in Bath for a few.
I didn’t see any trouble at all, the pubs were very strict on who they let in, if someone even had a little bit of a wobble on they weren’t allowed in.
Social distancing inside the places I went was fine too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Monday, July 6, 2020, 16:56:39
It's now the care homes fault...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Monday, July 6, 2020, 18:36:22
2020. The year that keeps on giving.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, July 6, 2020, 19:15:47
2020. The year that keeps on giving.

Easily treatable with antibiotics though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Monday, July 6, 2020, 19:57:24
Yeah, I know :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 07:31:46
Boris saying care homes didnt follow procedures.

What a cunt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 08:14:26
Boris saying care homes didnt follow procedures.

What a cunt

Its simple gaslighting, thing is until the Tory faithful accept that he is a liar and stop believing everything he mutters and jump to his defence whatever the outcomes are its pointless getting angry about it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 08:32:17

What do they know, genius Dom thinks its the solution.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 08:59:39
Its simple gaslighting, thing is until the Tory faithful accept that he is a liar and stop believing everything he mutters and jump to his defence whatever the outcomes are its pointless getting angry about it.
I think the Tory faithful are fully aware of what a shit Johnson is, they support him regardless.

If he's immune to his coronavirus shambles,  it's going to take something big to dislodge him.

party before country, keep seat before dissent and deselection


edit: you mean the Tory voting public don't you.. ignore me

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 09:17:14

What do they know, genius Dom thinks its the solution.
Plenty of people have been saying this since it first became apparent that "herd immunity" was the strategy. Herd immunity only works when you have a vaccine; without a vaccine, it's just pseudo-scientific dressing for saying "Fuck it, we're going to let it sweep through the population and let hundreds of thousands die"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 09:21:18
I think the Tory faithful are fully aware of what a shit Johnson is, they support him regardless.

If he's immune to his coronavirus shambles,  it's going to take something big to dislodge him.

party before country, keep seat before dissent and deselection


edit: you mean the Tory voting public don't you.. ignore me

I suspect we are saying (and thinking) the same thing TBH, at least finally (through frustration)  the shackles are off and people in Europe can see and are happy to say in public  what we have been able to see for quite some time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 12:06:51
Looks like we have all missed a trick here, looks that any experience and track record is not a barrier to getting a juicy PPE contract.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 12:41:36
Plenty of people have been saying this since it first became apparent that "herd immunity" was the strategy. Herd immunity only works when you have a vaccine; without a vaccine, it's just pseudo-scientific dressing for saying "Fuck it, we're going to let it sweep through the population and let hundreds of thousands die"

It also helps if the virus in question doesn't kill people and actually provides said immunity, otherwise we would just be a shrinking stupid herd.  Recent study in Spain suggests that over two months 14% of those infected have lost the antibodies.  Hopefully we will all just get the one Trump seems to be aware of where 99% of who get it are perfectly fine (more studies are showing that Covid-19 creates scar tissue in the lungs, even in Asymptomatic people).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 12:55:11
It also helps if the virus in question doesn't kill people and actually provides said immunity, otherwise we would just be a shrinking stupid herd.  Recent study in Spain suggests that over two months 14% of those infected have lost the antibodies.  Hopefully we will all just get the one Trump seems to be aware of where 99% of who get it are perfectly fine (more studies are showing that Covid-19 creates scar tissue in the lungs, even in Asymptomatic people).
This is a really common, and extremely dangerous, misconception that if COVID isn't fatal then it's just a mild infection. It's not, it can be extremely debilitating and as you say there is increasing evidence that it does long-term and permanent harm. Which makes the blase-ness of those thinking they won't get it or if they do it won't be too bad not just incredibly selfish but also very stupid.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 15:20:27
Brazilian president has Covid. That's karma right there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 15:25:14
Brazilian president has Covid. That's karma right there.

I don't wish it on anyone but of about 4 that have deserved to do so, he is one of them. Just Trump now and I'll have a full house (BoJO, Cummings (I bet he did have it the cunt), Bolsonaro and Trump (pending).

Laughable that around only 8hrs ago he was trying to conceal the truth:

  "I've came back from the hospital now, I've done a lung screening, my lung is clean, OK? I went to do a Covid exam a while ago, but everything..."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 15:26:53
yeah I hear ya. It would be hilarious if Trump got it right enough!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 19:14:03
Trumps probably already had it and not released it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 19:17:25
Trumps probably already had it and not released it

Ironically, likely released it to hundreds of congress. But yeah, in terms of publicity no doubt that would be the case.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 19:20:28
Trumps probably already had it and not released it
Nah, if he's had it and recovered he'd be boasting about how he beat it, he'd think it proved his virility and his contention that it's no big deal anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 20:02:16

Build the Wall!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 21:16:21
Nah, if he's had it and recovered he'd be boasting about how he beat it, he'd think it proved his virility and his contention that it's no big deal anyway.

I think he would still boast about how he can unquestionably obtain a raging hardon without any help. Such a big man. Huge.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 09:02:01
So after yesterday's "Clap for carers but blame them for your mistakes", today we have "Clap for the NHS but charge them through the nose to park to go and risk their lives clearing up after your mistakes"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 14:59:21
Dont you mean ‘Clamp for the NHS’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 15:10:15
Oooohhh there was a massive porky pie during PMQ's today....

Accused of trying to shift blame onto care home owners and frontline workers, the Prime Minister claimed: "No one knew early on in the pandemic that the virus was being passed on asymptomatically."

Minutes of a meeting of the government's SAGE advisory group on January 28 reveal experts noted asymptomatic transmission was occurring.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 15:10:56
Dont you mean ‘Clamp for the NHS’
:D Winner!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 15:11:42
I know Boris is a dick, but....

The guy is a fucking huge cunt of the highest order.  How a 1st world country managed to vote him into office is a mark of shame that should be remembered in history - maybe build a fucking statue of the guy with a big arrow pointed at it stating "just when you think a bit of change may do some good, remember this fuckwit ran the country"

He has decided that that schools should just open, with no changes.  That the Medical advice is wrong, that the re-opening advice was wrong and that 60k a day infections is "doing well".  Mortality rate is ever so slightly ticking back-up it seems, but this guy has the brain cells of gnat, having zero clue it seems about the time lag between someone getting ill and passing away.

Grrr, really annoyed me the past few weeks because it begins to impact on your actual daily life.  I could be visiting a restaurant now, but thanks to the slapdash approach that would be like licking an infected person for several hours.  Fortunately, our schools have given us the option for homeschooling, which I am taking without hesitation.  The other option was sending them to school where they will try and enforce a few things, but not guarantee.  They wouldn't even say how many kids to a room or how far the desks would be apart.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 15:12:26
Oooohhh there was a massive porky pie during PMQ's today....

Accused of trying to shift blame onto care home owners and frontline workers, the Prime Minister claimed: "No one knew early on in the pandemic that the virus was being passed on asymptomatically."

Minutes of a meeting of the government's SAGE advisory group on January 28 reveal experts noted asymptomatic transmission was occurring.

But Boris didn't attend that one I doubt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 15:12:39
Oooohhh there was a massive porky pie during PMQ's today....

Accused of trying to shift blame onto care home owners and frontline workers, the Prime Minister claimed: "No one knew early on in the pandemic that the virus was being passed on asymptomatically."

Minutes of a meeting of the government's SAGE advisory group on January 28 reveal experts noted asymptomatic transmission was occurring.

Oh come on, how could Johnson be expected to know that? He didn't bother to attend any of the COBRA meetings until March and is too lazy to read his briefing box. (Note to Tories: this is the kind of shit which is why it's important the PM attends these meetings)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 15:14:18
I know Boris is a dick, but....

The guy is fucking huge cunt of the highest order.  How a 1st world country managed to vote him into office is a mark of shame that should be remembered in history - maybe build a fucking statue of the guy with a big arrow point at it stating "just when you think a bit of change may do some good, remember this fuckwit ran the country"

He has decided that that schools should just open, with no changes.  That the Medical advice is wrong, that the re-opening advice was wrong and that 60k a day infections is "doing well".  Mortality rate is ever so slightly ticking back-up it seems, but this guy has the brain cells of gnat, having zero clue it seems about the time lag between someone getting ill and passing away.

Grrr, really annoyed me the past few weeks because it begins to impact on your actual daily life.  I could be visiting a restaurant now, but thanks to the slapdash approach that would be like licking an infected person for several hours.  Fortunately, our schools have given us the option for homeschooling, which I am taking without hesitation.  The other option was sending them to school where they will try and enforce a few things, but not guarantee.  They wouldn't even say how many kids to a room or how far the desks would be apart.
Everything you then went on to say could be applied perfectly equally to Johnson. Trump's just more blatant about it. Putin's never had such good value for a few million quid spent on either side of the Atlantic in 2016.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 9, 2020, 08:31:44
Shouldn't he be wearing a mask to encourge others to do so?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Thursday, July 9, 2020, 08:37:30
Shouldn't he be wearing a mask to encourge others to do so?
Yep. Everything I detest about UK politics. In his/their own bubble of shite. Do what we say not what we do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 9, 2020, 09:01:41
Shouldn't he be wearing a mask to encourge others to do so?
Sshh. You know as well as I do that the rules don't apply to the rulers. Only to the little people. Otherwise Robert Jenrick would have been sacked from the govt and would be under police investigation for corruption.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 9, 2020, 09:03:10
Testing, and the data arising from it that we are relying on to help get us through COVID, is still a shambles according to this extremely worrying report from Sky

But, you know, herd immunity, take it on the chin, let them die in their thousands. Tenner off at Nandos though, so it's all good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 9, 2020, 09:40:27
Shouldn't he be wearing a mask to encourge others to do so?
Best response I've seen so far to this:

"Why do they have to do these photo ops of politicians pulling pints or serving food? I don’t come to your work and starve 2 million Kids do I?"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 9, 2020, 10:15:59

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, July 9, 2020, 15:55:33
The money off eating out thing is purely just another poorly disguised attempt to encourage the governments (DC's) strategy of trying to go with herd immunity (and yes I'm aware it doesn't work without a vaccine).

And hey, soon Nando's will be able to serve up chlorinated versions of their supplied product so maybe they are hoping the public won't notice either of these shitty attempts to get us to eat the preferred type of chicken, from our "closest ally" and impose their strategy too.

I'm hearing the car park machines at hospitals will now be implemented with audible clapping noises, upon payment and receipt of your ticket.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, July 9, 2020, 19:32:29
I honestly don't think the UK need worry about Chlorinated Chicken - all meat products are way more expensive over here, can't see them under cutting UK producers if that is the case.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, July 9, 2020, 20:25:56
I honestly don't think the UK need worry about Chlorinated Chicken - all meat products are way more expensive over here, can't see them under cutting UK producers if that is the case.

Famous last words. Can certainly see all the franchise type chains doing it. Especially McDs, Nando's and suchlike. Until they face a backlash. Wouldn't surprise me if the UK Gov forced their hands on the matter anyway. Would also not be surprised if it is already going into the supply chain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 10, 2020, 09:01:22
I honestly don't think the UK need worry about Chlorinated Chicken - all meat products are way more expensive over here, can't see them under cutting UK producers if that is the case.

US trade negotiators are very good at ensuring any "anti-competitive practices" which harm US producers (such as producing better quality at a lower price) are specifically banned in trade deals. And we are not in a strong position in these negotiations, the govt is desperate to strike any kind of deal and they know it. So this won't be a bar to the ongoing march of US pseudo-food - the UK can look forward to more expensive meat at much lower quality. Good time to go veggie :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 10, 2020, 09:21:00
I honestly don't think the UK need worry about Chlorinated Chicken - all meat products are way more expensive over here, can't see them under cutting UK producers if that is the case.

Everything is going up over here in December anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, July 13, 2020, 09:27:19
This is just peculiar...

Last 4 days deaths
England     147.    48.    82.    121
Wales           1.      0.       2.       4
N Ireland      0.      0.       0.       0
Scotland       0.      0.       0.       1

I know that the populations are varied, but even if you do it on that level it breaks down as;

England 7.24 deaths per million

The Rest 0.73 deaths per million

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, July 13, 2020, 09:29:30
There’s been 20-30 hospital deaths per day in England for a good few weeks now, I don’t know what numbers your using

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, July 13, 2020, 09:46:19
There’s been 20-30 hospital deaths per day in England for a good few weeks now, I don’t know what numbers your using

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 09:47:33
There’s been 20-30 hospital deaths per day in England for a good few weeks now, I don’t know what numbers your using
Those are the govt figures

Scroll to the graph at the bottom
Friday 48, Saturday 147, Sunday 21 (horlock missed out Sunday, but the other figures are as per UK govt for the preceding 4 days)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, July 13, 2020, 09:51:21
Those are the govt figures

Scroll to the graph at the bottom
Friday 48, Saturday 147, Sunday 21 (horlock missed out Sunday, but the other figures are as per UK govt for the preceding 4 days)

Admit it could be a reporting lag, but don't these usually roll up on Mondays?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, July 13, 2020, 09:55:01
It must be coming down to the way deaths are recorded. I saw something mentioned somewhere that England count "suspected COVID" even without a positive test?

Also I don't know how true it is and don't recall where I read it, but it's been mentioned there's something in the fact that NHS trusts are "compensated" for deaths in England differently, and COVID deaths mean they can reclaim more costs or something? I'm sure someone more clued up than me can disprove that though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 09:55:48
Admit it could be a reporting lag, but don't these usually roll up on Mondays?
There are a couple of days now showing as higher than the figures you had if that's what you mean (e.g Thursday now shows as 85, you had 82). Bottom line is over 600 people lost their lives to COVID last week, and we seem to be flattening out around that rate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, July 13, 2020, 10:04:23
There are a couple of days now showing as higher than the figures you had if that's what you mean (e.g Thursday now shows as 85, you had 82). Bottom line is over 600 people lost their lives to COVID last week, and we seem to be flattening out around that rate.

It's more the differences between England and the other parts of the union which catch the eye.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 10:10:20
It's more the differences between England and the other parts of the union which catch the eye.
Sure. If you compare the UK's figures with the rest of the world (cue howls of outrage from the few remaining true believers who still think Johnson's doing fine on COVID) it's clear we are doing very badly compared with the rest of the world. If you take out the other home nations which make the UK's figures actually look quite a bit better and just compare England's deaths per million with the rest of the world, it's absolutely catastrophic. World-beating, even

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 11:17:56
More evidence of a strong relationship (but NB not proven as causal) between air pollution and worse outcomes in terms of rates of infection, hospitalisation and deaths from COVID

Another reason why we can't just "go back to normal"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, July 13, 2020, 11:24:22
Spain's figures in death in the last week: 2, 5, 4 ,4 ,3, 17, 5 with new cases around 350-460

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 11:44:22
Not good news for anyone relying on the nonsense of "herd immunity" without a vaccine to be a long-term solution to COVID - it seems that, like the common cold which is also a coronavirus, any immunity from catching the disease is only temporary and people can become reinfected within months.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, July 13, 2020, 11:45:21
Those are the govt figures

Scroll to the graph at the bottom
Friday 48, Saturday 147, Sunday 21 (horlock missed out Sunday, but the other figures are as per UK govt for the preceding 4 days)

So it’s date reported, not date occurred?? In which case it includes deaths which happened 2,3,4 months ago

Deaths on days they occurred, hospital and non-hospital haven’t been higher than 100 since the start of June. Hospital only deaths are around 20-30 per day. The last two weeks of excess death data has been negative

None of that’s good, obviously. But it’s not as bleak as using the rolled up number, which shouldn’t be being used to try and commentate one where we are *now*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, July 13, 2020, 11:57:24
Not good news for anyone relying on the nonsense of "herd immunity" without a vaccine to be a long-term solution to COVID - it seems that, like the common cold which is also a coronavirus, any immunity from catching the disease is only temporary and people can become reinfected within months.

Per the BBC

“ What’s not clear yet is whether this decline leaves us vulnerable to the same virus again. Similar short-lived responses are seen with other viruses, like the common cold. So it’s possible that we may be able to get reinfected.

But even if we’re left with no detectable antibodies, that doesn’t necessarily mean we have no immunity. Antibodies are not the only thing that gives us protection. Our bodies can also make T cells to help fight off invaders.

More and longer studies are needed to see what happens if people come into contact with the virus a second or third time. Do they get sick or are they primed to fight it off because their body has already done so before? These types of study will be important for understanding how well a vaccine might work and how often a booster dose might be needed to provide lasting immunity.”

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 12:07:51
Per the BBC

“ What’s not clear yet is whether this decline leaves us vulnerable to the same virus again. Similar short-lived responses are seen with other viruses, like the common cold. So it’s possible that we may be able to get reinfected.

But even if we’re left with no detectable antibodies, that doesn’t necessarily mean we have no immunity. Antibodies are not the only thing that gives us protection. Our bodies can also make T cells to help fight off invaders.

More and longer studies are needed to see what happens if people come into contact with the virus a second or third time. Do they get sick or are they primed to fight it off because their body has already done so before? These types of study will be important for understanding how well a vaccine might work and how often a booster dose might be needed to provide lasting immunity.”
Yes, that's all in the original article I quoted. There's a theory that people may not be as badly affected on subsequent infections, so not immunity but at least an improved response. But it's still just a theory at the moment. We won't know until we've been living with COVID for a few years. It certainly isn't the case for the common cold for example.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 12:15:04
So it’s date reported, not date occurred?? In which case it includes deaths which happened 2,3,4 months ago

Deaths on days they occurred, hospital and non-hospital haven’t been higher than 100 since the start of June. Hospital only deaths are around 20-30 per day. The last two weeks of excess death data has been negative

None of that’s good, obviously. But it’s not as bleak as using the rolled up number, which shouldn’t be being used to try and commentate one where we are *now*
Indeed, but that wasn't really the point horlock was making, which was about the discrepancy between England and the other countries in the UK. Nor the one that I was making which was around the rolling 7-day average which is around 5-600 deaths a week and flat for more than a month at that level. There seems to be this idea that things are getting better, when they're stagnating at around 2-3 airliners of deaths a week. It's fucking grim no matter which way you* try to dress it up

* as in "one", not you personally :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, July 13, 2020, 12:42:43
Hey, it could be worse!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, July 13, 2020, 13:46:46
But the rolling 7-day average of deaths registered is clearly trending down (apart from the last day or two), so things are getting better. Obviously still grim, but getting better.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, July 13, 2020, 13:52:41
WHO: "Wear masks"
Johnson: "Don't wear masks"
Scientists: "Wear masks"
Gove: "Don't wear masks"
Johnson: "Wear masks"


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, July 13, 2020, 14:27:06
Quote from: horlock07
WHO: "Wear masks"
Johnson: "Don't wear masks"
Scientists: "Wear masks"
Gove: "Don't wear masks"
Johnson: "Wear masks"



Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, July 13, 2020, 14:28:10
But the rolling 7-day average of deaths registered is clearly trending down (apart from the last day or two), so things are getting better. Obviously still grim, but getting better.

Infection rate was at 6.4 people per 100,000 as of last week

That’s very low

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 14:31:21
Infection rate was at 6.4 people per 100,000 as of last week

That’s very low
Given our testing system is still an absolute shambles, there's no way those figures can be taken as anywhere near reliable. Indicative of a general trend, perhaps, at best. Even then, it would be dependent on how many people are being tested (as opposed to tests sent out). And the govt have stopped publishing those figures as they have admitted they simply don't know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, July 13, 2020, 14:40:43
Given our testing system is still an absolute shambles, there's no way those figures can be taken as anywhere near reliable. Indicative of a general trend, perhaps, at best. Even then, it would be dependent on how many people are being tested (as opposed to tests sent out). And the govt have stopped publishing those figures as they have admitted they simply don't know.

Maybe, however it’s the only official measure of infection rate that exists, thus is the still best guide to seeing how the virus is slowing down within the country

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, July 13, 2020, 14:53:51
PaulD is the reg of coronavirus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, July 13, 2020, 17:58:19
Parrot Paul  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 18:07:06
Maybe, however it’s the only official measure of infection rate that exists, thus is the still best guide to seeing how the virus is slowing down within the country
If the data is unreliable nonsense, it's unreliable nonsense, official or not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 13, 2020, 18:29:08
WHO: "Wear masks"
Johnson: "Don't wear masks"
Scientists: "Wear masks"
Gove: "Don't wear masks"
Johnson: "Wear masks"

And today
Buckland: "Wear masks probably"

With clear decisive leadership like this, it can only be the public to blame if it all goes wrong, eh 4D?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 08:18:25
I suppose that face masks will help drive sales of those art pamphlets that one often finds on the top shelves at newsagents and filling stations. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 09:45:53
And today
Buckland: "Wear masks probably"

With clear decisive leadership like this, it can only be the public to blame if it all goes wrong, eh 4D?

Pieces of eight

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 09:50:28
So Mask compulsory in shops. I was on the train on Friday, and both times (outgoing and return) some people were not wearing masks. Even the guards did nothing about it. How is it going to be enforced?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 09:50:55
I like how everybody gets 11 days notice to prepare for the upheaval of having to wear a mask.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 10:10:07
I like how everybody gets 11 days notice to prepare for the upheaval of having to wear a mask.

How am I supposed to choose one in 11 days. Rediculous

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 10:11:49
How is it going to be enforced?

It won't really will it. Its not up to shop staff to get into a confrontation that's for sure

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 10:33:16
So Mask compulsory in shops. I was on the train on Friday, and both times (outgoing and return) some people were not wearing masks. Even the guards did nothing about it. How is it going to be enforced?
Possibly won't be very often. But it sets a marker, this is what you're supposed to do. Which changes people's behaviour. Like wearing seatbelts or drink driving. I know those are enforced legally but far more it's a case of social pressure, it's just the accepted norm to wear a seatbelt and not drink and drive. The legislation is as much as signal to change behaviour as anything. Good move by the govt, finally. Taken far too long to do it, but than that's true of all their COVID policy. Dither and delay.

EDIT: Shops and police will be expected to enforce it according to George Eustice

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 11:00:08
I like how everybody gets 11 days notice to prepare for the upheaval of having to wear a mask.

Needed to be rushed out last night/today, needs something to deflect from the Brexit shit show unravelling, dead cat to deflect the demurring media and faithful Johnson can do no wrong voters.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 11:29:13
I like how everybody gets 11 days notice to prepare for the upheaval of having to wear a mask.

Gives people time to order the STFC one  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 11:37:51

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 12:03:42

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 12:03:51

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 12:08:45

Condoms would still stop a second baby

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 15:00:55
Condoms would still stop a second baby
Neatly put.

Meanwhile, Tory activists are apparently ripping up their membership cards in protest against the mask ruling

It's almost as if they're really selfish and stupid isn't it?

EDIT: to be clear, I'm referring to the Tory activists doing this, not all Tory activists

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 15:13:56
Again, I simply don't understand the hostility towards face masks.  Nobody gets all protesty when the Govt enforces the wearing of pants, well, very few.  Someones bits are far less likely to cause me harm than the germs/virus coming out of their mouth.  Fuck it, makes more sense to enforce mask wearing and let everyone flaunt their genitalia if they so wish, that would give them real freedom.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 15:24:41
Again, I simply don't understand the hostility towards face masks.  Nobody gets all protesty when the Govt enforces the wearing of pants, well, very few.  Someones bits are far less likely to cause me harm than the germs/virus coming out of their mouth.  Fuck it, makes more sense to enforce mask wearing and let everyone flaunt their genitalia if they so wish, that would give them real freedom.

Some bullshit about people's freedom I suspect. Completely agree with you, if I have to wear a mask to protect myself and others then I'll do it, its not like you are being asked to go everywhere with a 10 inch dildo stuck inside your anus or to carry a cactus in each hand or whatever.

People are such dicks sometimes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 15:25:24
Neatly put.

Meanwhile, Tory activists are apparently ripping up their membership cards in protest against the mask ruling

It's almost as if they're really selfish and stupid isn't it?

Imagine seeing what the Tories have done for the last decade, and thinking that them making me wear a mask to help protect vulnerable people is just that little bit too far and time to make a fuss!

Funny that they have been fairly silent as the death toll has rose but suddenly they are clutching their pearls now.

Christ, almost 2,500 children have been admitted to hospital with malnutrition in the first six months of the year, in the 6th richest country in the world and they are silent on that.

I wonder whether its the fact that wearing a mask is for the benefit of others that upsets them so much?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 15:59:12
There are echoes of the far right libertarian nonsense that has infected US politics, with devastating results.  It's the 'no one tells me how to live, all government is evil' mentality that focuses on personal 'freedom' to do what the fuck you like, without reference to the consequences then faced by wider society.  Sad to see that this thinking is becoming increasingly legitimised in the UK now also (although not to the same degree, thankfully).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 16:05:36
What the hell has he got in his hair?

Not often agree with Mancock, but his barely concealed giggle said it all in this case.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 16:19:17
How’s he going to buy his gammon?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 21:16:45
I took issue with the face mask  revelation/deflection. Not because of having to wear one. Like others, I shall do if and when required to do so. My issue lay with the "why now?" when a good chunk of damage has already happened. It's fucking hypocrisy to see BoJo telling people in the midst of a pandemic;

 'I will continue to shake hands with people, in fact I visited a hospital with Coronavirus patients andI shook everyone's's business as usual.'

This cunt, has the audacity to misinform us, ignorantly so and is now showing Peter to the Wolf, while trying to look cool doing the "elbow tap".

I understand the prevention element of wearing a mask and as said above have no issue having to wear one. It's more the raft of continued bullshit from this government. We really shouldn't have to put up with and accept this level of shit show. It's fucking awful. If ever there was a time the general public and business needed to lean on their government for some crystal clear guidelines and legislation, the last few months would've been it.

They failed, horribly. Yet I don't think they genuinely care because we have a split/divided society. One half won't do anything and the other half just rollover. There's literally no central balance. It's very reflective of Government and until recently, Labour's unwillingness to shift anywhere near to the centreground again. It nearly destroyed them. But the Tories are responsible for the handling of this, for certain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 06:52:56
Neatly put.

Meanwhile, Tory activists are apparently ripping up their membership cards in protest against the mask ruling

It's almost as if they're really selfish and stupid isn't it?

EDIT: to be clear, I'm referring to the Tory activists doing this, not all Tory activists

I saw this on Facebook and thought it was Rochdale Herald

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 07:39:40
Yes - there has been flip flopping but I don't understand why wearing something on your face is so problematic. To get into the habit, I have already started wearing one - particularly as it looks like they will be required in offices at some point in the near future.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:14:31
There are always going to be the idiots that refuse to do things because the government are enforcing it, nothing you will ever be able to do about that..  In the same way that when seat belts were introduced there were those that refused to wear them until they did.. just let them continue to spout off while in the mean time go back to that good old fashioned things that is in limited supply these days - Common Sense, it's not hard..

Those that are saying "why wait a week" while not wearing a face mask now are not helping..  if you have a level of common sense you can wear a mask now in the right circumstance, the government have never said you can't.  Sometimes I think that people look for every excuse to get outraged with the instructions being given.

Just stop getting outraged with the date and start/continue to use common sense.  Personally, i will follow the rules set out by the government as a minimum, but will also make my own mind up based on my circumstance and those around me as to whether I feel a face mask is required in any certain circumstance before we reach that date - as long as my decision making doesn't break any rules/laws then it can only help.

There will always be idiots out there but there is not much I can do about that, apart from spout off on a forum which is 80% bollocks..  The more people that use common sense, the better, simples..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:18:49
particularly as it looks like they will be required in offices at some point in the near future.

They won't be Mancock said so, although on past record based on that I imagine they will be required in offices within the next fortnight.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:23:34
They won't be Mancock said so, although on past record based on that I imagine they will be required in offices within the next fortnight.

I think we can proceed on the basis that they will be required. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:24:39
I think we can proceed on the basis that they will be required. 

Well I won't be wearing one in my office!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:27:09
Well I won't be wearing one in my office!

No I am not currently wearing one at my kitchen table either.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:27:45
I don't have a huge issue with wearing a mask in certain situations.

I won't be going back to the office if I'm required to wear one though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:35:41
I wore one earlier in the week for the first prolonged period of time whilst I had my hair cut, not very pleasant as just got incredibly hot, plus I found myself holding my breath which wasn't the best idea!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:40:38
I suppose it depends on the face covering used and there may be a period of trial and error before you find one that you are comfortable with.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:41:40
The one thing about masks - it will massively slow the economic recovery. It will discourage people from going to the shops, cafes and bars. It'll discourage people from returning to the office.

We should be doing exactly the opposite unless and until there's a clear risk of a rise in infections, and at that point, any restrictions should only be on a hyper tactical local level.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:44:56
The one thing about masks - it will massively slow the economic recovery. It will discourage people from going to the shops, cafes and bars. It'll discourage people from returning to the office.

We should be doing exactly the opposite unless and until there's a clear risk of a rise in infections, and at that point, any restrictions should only be on a hyper tactical local level.

I understand that some consider that masks will provide confidence and reassurance that it is safe to return to daily activities.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:49:08
I wore one earlier in the week for the first prolonged period of time whilst I had my hair cut, not very pleasant as just got incredibly hot, plus I found myself holding my breath which wasn't the best idea!

Exactly the same reason I wore one for first time yesterday.

2 issues i need to work out. Firstly how to stop my bins steaming up, secondly must always remember to ensure my breath is minty fresh, I could smell my lunch

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:49:39
I wore one earlier in the week for the first prolonged period of time whilst I had my hair cut, not very pleasant as just got incredibly hot, plus I found myself holding my breath which wasn't the best idea!

Yeah I experienced the same Horlock. I did find it quite uncomfortable and was a relief to take it off once I got home!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:50:17
I understand that some consider that masks will provide confidence and reassurance that it is safe to return to daily activities.

Also advised by the WHO, but apparently what do they know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:52:54
Exactly the same reason I wore one for first time yesterday.

2 issues i need to work out. Firstly how to stop my bins steaming up, secondly must always remember to ensure my breath is minty fresh, I could smell my lunch

Apparently washing up liquid on the gregories works?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:53:32
Exactly the same reason I wore one for first time yesterday.

2 issues i need to work out. Firstly how to stop my bins steaming up, secondly must always remember to ensure my breath is minty fresh, I could smell my lunch

Cannot remember what its called but I have something to clean my glasses with that stops them steaming up, bought it as suffered the problem for years riding my bike in humid/wet weather!

Yeah I experienced the same Horlock. I did find it quite uncomfortable and was a relief to take it off once I got home!

Aye it wasn't great, but if it protects other people as all the evidence suggests its a very small price to pay, I imagine being ventilated is a less pleasant experience.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 08:56:54

Whilst simultaneously blaming Councils for not dealing with local outbreaks quick enough.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 09:29:13
fucking hell, it's putting cloth over your face for a little while.

medical exemptions aside, do it or stay the fuck out of shops, public transport and aircraft. that's choice

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 09:34:57
Looks to me like those who have a problem with masks are the same idiot's who wanted lockdown ended early, say it's just like the flu etc. Pricks.
Been pretty obvious for months that a mask would help, yet again the government here were slow to act.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 09:37:41
I find them uncomfortable, but I still wear them. The discomfort is extremely mild in comparison to the discomfort other people might experience if I give them the virus. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 09:46:40
Looks to me like those who have a problem with masks are the same idiot's who wanted lockdown ended early, say it's just like the flu etc. Pricks.
Been pretty obvious for months that a mask would help, yet again the government here were slow to act.

But not everything and everyone is one extreme or the other.

I completely agreed with lockdown, followed every bit of guidance and continue to do so. I also happen to think that at this point, we should be moving to a model of personal choice and responsibility alongside guidance, not mandatory rules unless there is a clear and obvious local risk of a rise in infections.

And forcing people to wear masks will massively slow down any return to a semblance of normality that the country craves, medically (i.e. cancer checks), socially, financially and from a mental health point of view.

This issue, like everything else in life, isn't clear and polarised.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:01:43
I had to wear a mask on a boat last week. I found it unpleasant as my glasses steamed up but I accept it's the right thing to do. It's obvious that a mask will stop the potential virus spores coming from people's mouths into the air so this move is long overdue. It should have been mandatory in shops at least from the outset. We need to eradicate this virus and it will help. We won't be back to normal for quite a while. People need to adjust and get on with it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:05:27
I've been wearing a mask and gloves every time I go in a shop since lockdown started. Just seems common sense to me tbh. It's not very nice, it's not very pleasant, but it's a lot better than giving someone COVID. Minor inconvenience to reduce risk.

And forcing people to wear masks will massively slow down any return to a semblance of normality that the country craves
Good. We are nowhere near normality. We are still in the middle of a global pandemic. Acting like it's all done and dusted is what will take us into a second wave. If wearing masks acts as a visual cue against complacency then that alone makes it worth wearing them, irrespective of the reduction in risk.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:05:57
we should be moving to a model of personal choice

If its main purpose was to stop you catching COVID then fair enough. But it isn't.

Luckily we still have a personal choice, don't go shopping or go shopping with a mask.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:12:34
Giving the public personal choice has shown that people are stupid and selfish. The previous week's have proven this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:15:09
I also happen to think that at this point, we should be moving to a model of personal choice and responsibility alongside guidance,

How many people are wearing masks now?

Genuine question.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:16:23
How many people are wearing masks now?

Genuine question.

From a trip to the outlet last Friday, I'd say about 20%

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:20:10
I've been wearing a mask and gloves every time I go in a shop since lockdown started.

Why gloves? Genuine question. Do you take them off when you get home to unload the shopping? Do you wear them in the car?

Just wash your hands.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:24:37
How many people are wearing masks now?

Genuine question.

At the moment only when in a shop. On a stroll outside I haven't been wearing a mask but if I pop to tesco I will wear one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:33:10
Why gloves? Genuine question. Do you take them off when you get home to unload the shopping? Do you wear them in the car?
To prevent contact with surfaces that may carry the virus. Would have thought that's pretty obvious. Take them off before I get to the car so not transferring to keys, door handles etc. And I wash my hands when I get in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:34:20
At the moment only when in a shop. On a stroll outside I haven't been wearing a mask but if I pop to tesco I will wear one.

I mean in general.

I think we're a reasonable bunch overall and most of us would wear one. The general public, however, is another matter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:43:53
How many people are wearing masks now?

Genuine question.

I've worn one once, only because I had to, to give blood.

I bought a couple of the STFC Foundation Trust snood/mask thingies, so will just wear those when I go shopping.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:44:47
Why gloves? Genuine question. Do you take them off when you get home to unload the shopping? Do you wear them in the car?

Means he doesn't leave finger prints or DNA....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:52:42
At the moment only when in a shop. On a stroll outside I haven't been wearing a mask but if I pop to tesco I will wear one.

the risk of transmission in an outside space is pretty damn low, or at least  unless the 'aerosol' suspicion changes that.

I get masks are impractical in pubs/restaurant, but most of them have a contact list available for test and trace purposes. ditto office.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:58:24
the risk of transmission in an outside space is pretty damn low, or at least  unless the 'aerosol' suspicion changes that.

I get masks are impractical in pubs/restaurant, but most of them have a contact list available for test and trace purposes. ditto office.

I haven't been in a pub/restaurant yet. We have booked to go for a meal in our local Italian in a couple of weeks to offer them our financial support, so will see how that goes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:06:56
Means he doesn't leave finger prints or DNA....
Shhh! At the moment, he thinks I'm going to the shops to buy things :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:21:38
I've been wearing a mask and gloves every time I go in a shop since lockdown started. Just seems common sense to me tbh. It's not very nice, it's not very pleasant, but it's a lot better than giving someone COVID. Minor inconvenience to reduce risk.

I was the same but I've since stopped wearing gloves as it's now easier to source hand sanitizer than the bulk purchase of gloves that I made before lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:32:51
I've been wearing a mask and gloves every time I go in a shop since lockdown started. Just seems common sense to me tbh. It's not very nice, it's not very pleasant, but it's a lot better than giving someone COVID. Minor inconvenience to reduce risk.
Good. We are nowhere near normality. We are still in the middle of a global pandemic. Acting like it's all done and dusted is what will take us into a second wave. If wearing masks acts as a visual cue against complacency then that alone makes it worth wearing them, irrespective of the reduction in risk.

Excess deaths have been negative for the last few weeks now. At what point does less people dying than usual mean we can start to sensibly return to something that looks a bit like normal if you squint - which is essentially where we’re at now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:35:41
Would be an interesting Venn diagram showing those who think they should not be made to wear a mask compared with those who demand that everyone wear a poppy each November.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:38:16
No it wouldn't. How are the two related? Would that include your white poppy?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:39:48
Would be an interesting Venn diagram showing those who think they should not be made to wear a mask compared with those who demand that everyone wear a poppy each November.

On a slight tangent, graphs show that in America, a significantly higher number of Republicans are dying than Democrats.

Whoever would have seen that coming?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Crispy on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:44:26
How many people are wearing masks now?

Genuine question.

Working in Devizes, I'd say around 5%. Few and far between.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:45:15
No it wouldn't. How are the two related? Would that include your white poppy?

My white poppy??

On a slight tangent, graphs show that in America, a significantly higher number of Republicans are dying than Democrats.

Whoever would have seen that coming?

Natural selection at work?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:47:00
To prevent contact with surfaces that may carry the virus. Would have thought that's pretty obvious. Take them off before I get to the car so not transferring to keys, door handles etc. And I wash my hands when I get in.

But surely you are touching the food products with your gloves on?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:48:43
No it wouldn't. How are the two related? Would that include your white poppy?

I guess the suggestions here is around the patriotism/nationalism/freedom type thing that seems to be more prevalent these days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:51:34
Sensibleism would suffice  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 12:51:45
Excess deaths have been negative for the last few weeks now. At what point does less people dying than usual mean we can start to sensibly return to something that looks a bit like normal if you squint - which is essentially where we’re at now
We are doing. With masks to mitigate the still very much present risk of the still very much present virus for which there is no vaccine. Shit or bust is a fast track to a second wave worse than the first

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 12:58:07
But surely you are touching the food products with your gloves on?

I don't wear gloves, relying on the hand sanitizer, but I do disinfect anything we buy with plastic or metal surfaces.  On natural and cardboard the virus doesn't tend to live that long(but I'll still usually give the cardboard a once over).

On masks - I can present to you the Southern States of the USA as evidence as to what happens when you return to something that looks like normal with a squint without mask wearing.

The UK is no doubt in a much better place right now, but the infections haven't gone away.  All the evidence suggests that most Western world countries haven't got the stomach for proper social distancing, mask wearing or contact tracing.  Without near zero infections at opening, you can guess where it heads and it takes weeks before you notice.

I've been wearing masks for a few months now.  The best description I've seen someone use is that if places look like normal right now, you are best off avoiding them.  Given my hyper cautious approach, you'll probably then be surprised to know I ventured down to Orlando 6 weeks ago - it was obvious that it would return based on life in general looking like normal, but the Disney/Universal areas had completely changed.  Restaurants had lost half their tables, ALL staff and guests were wearing masks, hand sanitizer everywhere and verbally encouraged by staff.  You kept your mask on when in a shop, but you could remove it at a table when eating/drinking in a restaurant.  It all felt safer somehow, and thus far, in a State absolutely crushing the number one spot for infections since that visit, neither location has been linked with any outbreaks.

Life is not going to be normal for some time.

Even when you look at places that have seemingly got this well under control, like New Zealand - they are forcing people who travel there into quarantine hotels and then tracing their movements!  That's fi you even manage to get there, as their borders pretty much remain closed.  That's not normal by any stretch.  Places like Australia, Hong Kong, South Korea, all keep springing places back into severe lock downs at the hint of outbreaks.  This shit gonna be a bit crazy for a few months yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 14:27:07
I was the same but I've since stopped wearing gloves as it's now easier to source hand sanitizer than the bulk purchase of gloves that I made before lockdown.

Out of interest, how do you dispose of the used gloves. Do just send them off to landfill.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 16:12:10
An interesting read

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 16:37:43
that was interesting Horlock.

I do desolately want a working vaccine, but I also worry it will be rushed through.

But then, I know nothing of the real risks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 17:24:52
The oxford one is synthetic isn’t it? So doesn’t use actual coronavirus (like a typical vaccine would) but instead manufactures a benign virus to look like covid and trigger your bodies response?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 17:34:11
The oxford one is synthetic isn’t it? So doesn’t use actual coronavirus (like a typical vaccine would) but instead manufactures a benign virus to look like covid and trigger your bodies response?
Not quite. It's not synthetic but it uses a chimp virus as a basis rather than a human one:

"In the case of Covid-19, Gilbert has taken a chimpanzee adenovirus (a common cold virus) and inserted genetic material from the surface spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as a way of tricking the immune system to fight back. The chimp adenovirus platform stimulates both antibodies and high levels of killer T-cells, a type of white blood cell that helps the immune system destroy infection."

(from the Bloomberg article Horlock referenced. It is indeed an interesting read)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 18:11:43
Supposed to be starting a build on the 26th of this month for 6 weeks of gigs and events at Bristol Filton Airfield which I managing.  But...

Live Nation From The Drive In:-
The Live From The Drive In concert series will no longer proceed as planned this summer. We received huge support from artists, the live music production contractors, our headline sponsor Utilita along with our other partners, and of course you, the fans. However the latest developments regarding localised lockdowns mean it has become impossible for us to continue with the series with any confidence.
We thank everyone for their support and eagerly await a time when we can watch live music together again. Full refunds will be issued directly to all ticket holders within the next 7 days.

I put this here as its not a trivial thing thats annoyed me, its a whole lot less than bloody trivial.  Im pretty furious.  The lack of early lockdown, the fucked up laissez faire attitude which is clearly an attempt at herd immunity and in general fucking appalling way this shower of cunts have handled this crisis means I know have to hope that some work might happen at some point.  At least 45k dead and the economy down the pan.  This government is a disaster.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 18:50:00
ah fuck man, sorry to read that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 07:46:16
That's really shit Saxondale, hope you find something else soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 09:02:45
Fucking hell. The state of the business secretary failing to understand the rules on face masks in coffee shops on Sky this morning. And then they wonder why "the public" don't understand the rules and talk about "using common sense". Clear as mud and thick as pigshit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 09:12:50
We are gifted with the least intelligent least qualified least imaginative least inventive least empathetic government in a time when we need all of those qualities.

A bunch of fuckwits led by a charlatan ex journalist who only qualified to be a journalist through mates advised by someone living out their teenage dreams of being edgy and dangerous who doesn't give a shit about reality.

Thanks PD and Batch for your sympathy.  Believe it or not I am still furious!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 09:22:11
.......The lack of early lockdown, the fucked up laissez faire attitude which is clearly an attempt at herd immunity and in general fucking appalling way this shower of cunts have handled this crisis.........

Herd immunity strategy, or by deliberately not keeping a lid on Covid means a handy excuse for potential 'No Deal' economic meltdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 09:22:52
...and you have every right to be, Sax.

It's shite news that was (...and I'm not interested in a politcal debate) absolutely preventable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 09:24:12
Fucking hell. The state of the business secretary failing to understand the rules on face masks in coffee shops on Sky this morning. And then they wonder why "the public" don't understand the rules and talk about "using common sense". Clear as mud and thick as pigshit

Imagine he was following the lead of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, who stated that "basic good manners" to wear a face mask in shops...and he trusted the "common sense" of the British people.

And then two days later was photographed...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 09:28:54
We are gifted with the least intelligent least qualified least imaginative least inventive least empathetic government in a time when we need all of those qualities.

A bunch of fuckwits led by a charlatan ex journalist who only qualified to be a journalist through mates advised by someone living out their teenage dreams of being edgy and dangerous who doesn't give a shit about reality.

Thanks PD and Batch for your sympathy.  Believe it or not I am still furious!

So you fucking should be, its been a complete lottery as to who has been badly affected and who hasn't, so frankly There but for the grace of God... (not that I am remotely religious!)

I read something the other day that suggested that the main reason its been such a shit show is that they never expected the British public to adhere to lockdown as well as they did, as they assumed that people would ignore it and be as selfish as they are, makes sense when you consider the backgrounds of those leading the charge, Bullingdon, Goves well reported habits etc. Thus when Cummings went for his eye test etc they didn't expect the public outcry.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 09:37:00
She's got a point, they seem a sane bunch these anti-maskers....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 10:34:51
We are gifted with the least intelligent least qualified least imaginative least inventive least empathetic government in a time when we need all of those qualities.

A bunch of fuckwits led by a charlatan ex journalist who only qualified to be a journalist through mates advised by someone living out their teenage dreams of being edgy and dangerous who doesn't give a shit about reality.

Thanks PD and Batch for your sympathy.  Believe it or not I am still furious!
Not surprised, I'd be incandescant in your shoes. You've had your living ripped out from under you thru no fault of your own and solely due to the incompetence of others. Again, hope you find something soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 11:11:50
Supposed to be starting a build on the 26th of this month for 6 weeks of gigs and events at Bristol Filton Airfield which I managing.  But...

Live Nation From The Drive In:-
The Live From The Drive In concert series will no longer proceed as planned this summer. We received huge support from artists, the live music production contractors, our headline sponsor Utilita along with our other partners, and of course you, the fans. However the latest developments regarding localised lockdowns mean it has become impossible for us to continue with the series with any confidence.
We thank everyone for their support and eagerly await a time when we can watch live music together again. Full refunds will be issued directly to all ticket holders within the next 7 days.

I put this here as its not a trivial thing thats annoyed me, its a whole lot less than bloody trivial.  Im pretty furious.  The lack of early lockdown, the fucked up laissez faire attitude which is clearly an attempt at herd immunity and in general fucking appalling way this shower of cunts have handled this crisis means I know have to hope that some work might happen at some point.  At least 45k dead and the economy down the pan.  This government is a disaster.

Really sad to read that Sax, can completly understand you being frustrated and angry. I hope that things get considerably better for you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 11:19:36
Thanks Mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 11:24:45
Hope things look up soon, BBC reporting it now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 15:12:08
An interesting read
According to the Today programme this morning, there are 23 vaccines currently undergoing clinical trials, with a further 140 at the (earlier) lab trials stage. We need 2 or 3 of these to work, so that seems hopeful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 15:18:29
According to the Today programme this morning, there are 23 vaccines currently undergoing clinical trials,

Including, its being suggested, some in China where the staff are being forced to test it upon themselves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 16:17:06

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 16:59:13
According to the Today programme this morning, there are 23 vaccines currently undergoing clinical trials, with a further 140 at the (earlier) lab trials stage. We need 2 or 3 of these to work, so that seems hopeful.

They're already producing millions of vials, and most vaccine candidates are in Phase 2 or even Phase 3 trials. It'll probably be rushed, but if there's even a hint of efficacy then I expect them to be in circulation within months.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 18:24:07
Hope things look up soon, BBC reporting it now.

And 4 established very busy venues 2 in Hull and 2 in Manchester have announced their closure today.  All this shit is just going to accelerate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 18:59:51
And 4 established very busy venues 2 in Hull and 2 in Manchester have announced their closure today.  All this shit is just going to accelerate.

Really shocked (well not really considering) and saddened about the Deaf Institute in Manc and especially the Welly in Hull. Two great venues. Let us hope they and any other venues can re open again sometime in the future.

As you say mate, at the moment it will just snowball. With no venues, there is no circuit. Bloody sad times. One of the few things many turn to in times of difficulty is the arts.

What is bloody annoying is someone can now go inside a pub and drunkenly, virally shed all over others, yet we can't perform to an audience, even if preventative measures are in place. Treatment of creative arts and entertainment industry has been the most negligent of nearly all sectors during this pandemic.

If Wallace Hartley was given licence to keep playing as the Titanic sank, then it is not beyond the realms of possibility to make safe and let the bloody music play.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 19:37:23
Patrick Vallance giving evidence to the Commons Health Select Committee told the committee that the advice from SAGE was to lockdown on March 16th, a full week before we actually went into lockdown. That may only seem a small delay but due to the exponential nature of viral spread, Johnson's dithering cost tens of thousands of lives. Absolutely criminal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 20:09:49

What is bloody annoying is someone can now go inside a pub and drunkenly, virally shed all over others, yet we can't perform to an audience, even if preventative measures are in place. Treatment of creative arts and entertainment industry has been the most negligent of nearly all sectors during this pandemic.

Went for a half for the first time this evening.  Not much social distancing going on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 21:13:21
The Governor of Georgia seems intent on challenging Trump at being Trump.  After opening up before hitting any of the markers originally set, and somehow getting lambasted by Trump for pushing too quickly, several weeks later he's decided the best course of action to stop outbreaks is to ban Cities or Counties from enforcing mask wearing!  This guy, Brian Kemp, did give fair warning about his approach to life though.  In his campaign ad's he had one where he held a rifle while showing his daughters boyfriend, in an attempt at humour about taking care of his daughter.

Nice chap.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, July 16, 2020, 21:20:38
Basically then, if you don like his approach to gun laws and the benefits that the 2nd Amendment brings to gun toters (and responsible gun owners)...heĺl just shoot you?!

Lovely bloke.

Is meant as humour but it full of as much clean cut cringe as a Barry Scott advert. I was half expecting Kemp to finish with '...and now for my old favourite, the 2p trick'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Friday, July 17, 2020, 06:30:13
Don't bother looking at deaths now as it will never be zero in England. (

"Anyone who has tested COVID positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE COVID death figures."

It's OK. Partial, inhomogeneous and basically inadequate data from various sources is fine if it facilitates a pop or two at the government from those who didn't vote for it and/or don't want it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, July 17, 2020, 08:12:27
Don't bother looking at deaths now as it will never be zero in England. (

"Anyone who has tested COVID positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE COVID death figures."

It's OK. Partial, inhomogeneous and basically inadequate data from various sources is fine if it facilitates a pop or two at the government from those who didn't vote for it and/or don't want it.

Which is why I don't believe for one second that there's any value in comparing England to anywhere else, including within the UK.

The media have a huge role to play in this too - fear sells.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, July 17, 2020, 08:34:12
Don't bother looking at deaths now as it will never be zero in England. (

"Anyone who has tested COVID positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE COVID death figures."

It's OK. Partial, inhomogeneous and basically inadequate data from various sources is fine if it facilitates a pop or two at the government from those who didn't vote for it and/or don't want it.

If that's true then of course that is concerning but to me, these sentances are a bit concerning as to the potential accuracy of the piece;

'Here, it ""SEEMS"" that PHE regularly looks for people on the NHS database who have ever tested positive, and simply checks to see if they are still alive or not. PHE does not appear to consider how long ago the COVID test result was, nor whether the person has been successfully treated in hospital and discharged to the community. Anyone who has tested COVID positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE COVID death figures.'

Disclaimer:  the article has not been peer-reviewed; it should not replace individual clinical judgement, and the sources cited should be checked. The views expressed in this commentary represent the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the host institution, the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health and Social Care. The views are not a substitute

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, July 17, 2020, 08:40:55
Americans are bonkers.  As I work for a US corporation I have to deal with them everyday..   Having moved to the US and lived there for a while, it reinforces my decision to come back and in hindsight i am glad I am living here during this period rather than there, no matter how much of a shit show the UK have put on during this pandemic. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, July 17, 2020, 08:53:25
If that's true then of course that is concerning but to me, these sentances are a bit concerning as to the potential accuracy of the piece;

'Here, it ""SEEMS"" that PHE regularly looks for people on the NHS database who have ever tested positive, and simply checks to see if they are still alive or not. PHE does not appear to consider how long ago the COVID test result was, nor whether the person has been successfully treated in hospital and discharged to the community. Anyone who has tested COVID positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE COVID death figures.'

Disclaimer:  the article has not been peer-reviewed; it should not replace individual clinical judgement, and the sources cited should be checked. The views expressed in this commentary represent the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the host institution, the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health and Social Care. The views are not a substitute

Putting that aside, and even assuming the article is accurate.

It still does not mean the figures are not at least reasonably accurate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 17, 2020, 08:59:47
Don't bother looking at deaths now as it will never be zero in England. (

"Anyone who has tested COVID positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE COVID death figures."

It's OK. Partial, inhomogeneous and basically inadequate data from various sources is fine if it facilitates a pop or two at the government from those who didn't vote for it and/or don't want it.
Which is why I've consistently argued that excess deaths is the figure to look at: 65,000. By any measure, the government's handling of COVID has been catastrophic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, July 17, 2020, 09:01:35
Putting that aside, and even assuming the article is accurate.

It still does not mean the figures are not at least reasonably accurate.

yes quite.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, July 17, 2020, 09:04:06
Americans are bonkers.  As I work for a US corporation I have to deal with them everyday..   Having moved to the US and lived there for a while, it reinforces my decision to come back and in hindsight i am glad I am living here during this period rather than there, no matter how much of a shit show the UK have put on during this pandemic. 

One of the reasons that I don't go on Facebook much anymore is that my mother and step-father live in Panama City in Florida and for whatever reason appear to be staunch Trump supporters, sharing ridiculous memes and weirdly have become obsessed with abortion and the comparison between aborted deaths v Covid deaths.

I know blood is thicker than water etc, but some of the crap they believe is embarrassing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, July 17, 2020, 09:21:36
Which is why I've consistently argued that excess deaths is the figure to look at: 65,000. By any measure, the government's handling of COVID has been catastrophic.

Absolutely. And they also show that we're thankfully coming to the end of it (for now).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, July 17, 2020, 10:01:03
One of the reasons that I don't go on Facebook much anymore is that my mother and step-father live in Panama City in Florida and for whatever reason appear to be staunch Trump supporters, sharing ridiculous memes and weirdly have become obsessed with abortion and the comparison between aborted deaths v Covid deaths.

I know blood is thicker than water etc, but some of the crap they believe is embarrassing.

Ha, this is very similar for me.  All of a sudden my dad is posting lots of "all live matter" posts which wind me up big time - not the fact that he has differing views to me, but more that he doesn't get how posting certain things makes him look on Social Media - His generation does not understand how Social Media works so it's not his fault, but no matter how many times i try to educate him on who can see his posts, why he shouldn't share random stuff that people he doesn't know post and the fact that propaganda bots exist and he doesn't get what they are, he still does it..

It has made me realise that although in most cases it is a generational thing, I didn't realise what strong views my parents have - which is probably a nod to their parenting skills as they never pushed their views on to me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 17, 2020, 10:06:30
Absolutely. And they also show that we're thankfully coming to the end of it (for now).
Well this phase of it, yes. Which is extremely welcome. They also show some interesting side-effects too - the excess death figures are now below what would be expected for this time of year. It would be interesting to see some study done of why that is. There's some obvious ones - less traffic on the roads, so fewer road deaths; less people in pubs, does that play in? I suspect not, as I don't think people dying from pub fights/binge drinking is a huge factor (and the anecdotal evidence seems to be that people are drinking as much if not more at home anyway). Alcohol-related accidents maybe? Again, wouldn't have thought the one specific to making your way home pissed (as opposed to being at home pissed) would add hugely to the overall count. Maybe fewer heart attacks if people are less stressed due to working from home. Wouldn't have thought so, as for every person who's less stressed by WFH, I bet there's plenty who are more stressed due to worrying about jobs, money or just pissed off at the restricttions etc. It can't all be road-traffic deaths, surely?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, July 17, 2020, 10:12:52
Well this phase of it, yes. Which is extremely welcome. They also show some interesting side-effects too - the excess death figures are now below what would be expected for this time of year. It would be interesting to see some study done of why that is. There's some obvious ones - less traffic on the roads, so fewer road deaths; less people in pubs, does that play in? I suspect not, as I don't think people dying from pub fights/binge drinking is a huge factor (and the anecdotal evidence seems to be that people are drinking as much if not more at home anyway). Alcohol-related accidents maybe? Again, wouldn't have thought the one specific to making your way home pissed (as opposed to being at home pissed) would add hugely to the overall count. Maybe fewer heart attacks if people are less stressed due to working from home. Wouldn't have thought so, as for every person who's less stressed by WFH, I bet there's plenty who are more stressed due to worrying about jobs, money or just pissed off at the restricttions etc. It can't all be road-traffic deaths, surely?

Perhaps the some people who died during the spell where deaths exceeded the usual levels would have more likely died later in the year were it not for the pandemic?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, July 17, 2020, 10:16:12
Well this phase of it, yes. Which is extremely welcome. They also show some interesting side-effects too - the excess death figures are now below what would be expected for this time of year. It would be interesting to see some study done of why that is. There's some obvious ones - less traffic on the roads, so fewer road deaths; less people in pubs, does that play in? I suspect not, as I don't think people dying from pub fights/binge drinking is a huge factor (and the anecdotal evidence seems to be that people are drinking as much if not more at home anyway). Alcohol-related accidents maybe? Again, wouldn't have thought the one specific to making your way home pissed (as opposed to being at home pissed) would add hugely to the overall count. Maybe fewer heart attacks if people are less stressed due to working from home. Wouldn't have thought so, as for every person who's less stressed by WFH, I bet there's plenty who are more stressed due to worrying about jobs, money or just pissed off at the restricttions etc. It can't all be road-traffic deaths, surely?

Something we won't understand for a long time I'd guess.

The other thing to consider in the long-term is excess deaths as a result of the public's response to COVID rather than the illness itself. For example, April and May saw record lows in terms of cancer diagnoses, which could feasibly add to excess deaths in the months and years to come.

Ultimately, the whole thing has been fucking brutal and no one should be judged for their feelings or opinions on it, unless you're at the extreme end of idiocy (antivaxxers etc). Or American.

Hopefully we can continue to take small, sensible steps toward normality. Thankfully, a second wave of the same magnitude will never happen, because of the infrastructure and public knowledge we've acquired.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 17, 2020, 10:34:01
Perhaps the some people who died during the spell where deaths exceeded the usual levels would have more likely died later in the year were it not for the pandemic?

Exactly, especially in care homes its brought certain deaths forward, its exactly the same each year with the flu seasons and heat waves! The key figures will be at year end to compare with other years.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, July 17, 2020, 10:41:30
You’re probably overthinking the excess deaths thing - it will be lower now because people who would normally die now (I.e. the old and sick) would likely have died in March/April/May when the huge spikes were in place

That’s not to say everyone who died of covid would have otherwise died, far from it, but it’s the most obvious reason for there being a small deficit in the excess deaths number in recent weeks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 17, 2020, 10:44:08
You’re probably overthinking the excess deaths thing - it will be lower now because people who would normally die now (I.e. the old and sick) would likely have died in March/April/May when the huge spikes were in place

That’s not to say everyone who died of covid would have otherwise died, far from it, but it’s the most obvious reason for there being a small deficit in the excess deaths number in recent weeks
That's a good shout tbf

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Friday, July 17, 2020, 10:46:27
Ha, this is very similar for me.  All of a sudden my dad is posting lots of "all live matter" posts which wind me up big time - not the fact that he has differing views to me, but more that he doesn't get how posting certain things makes him look on Social Media - His generation does not understand how Social Media works so it's not his fault, but no matter how many times i try to educate him on who can see his posts, why he shouldn't share random stuff that people he doesn't know post and the fact that propaganda bots exist and he doesn't get what they are, he still does it..

It has made me realise that although in most cases it is a generational thing, I didn't realise what strong views my parents have - which is probably a nod to their parenting skills as they never pushed their views on to me.

My inlaws (I'm not married to their daughter anymore so I'm not sure if that should be former inlaws) are evangelical preachers in Georgia, deep bible belt territory. They are pretty sure that all gays go to hell and are, quite naturally it would seem, staunch Trump supporters, and loathed Obama. Yet despite their many intolerable points of view they are at heart very decent people, as contradictory as that may seem. They don't put inflammatory views on Facebook despite being well versed in social media with a very prominent online presence. I still speak to them a few times a year and they very much welcome conversation with people who disagree with them, which really does fly in the face of the usual caricature. It can be a bit confusing sometimes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 17, 2020, 11:03:12
The cynic in me often looks at what people are doing rather than saying....

So conferences will apparently be OK from October - great, yet at the same time the government have cancelled their party conference for October and are doing it virtually?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Friday, July 17, 2020, 11:17:33
His announcement also said they have looked at scientific advice but they have taken the decision.  I.E - We've ignored scientific advice.

It was the same bunkum that he comes out with constantly.  We can allow you to do this.  Indoor gigs apparently.  But no one will do them.  In the same way I can have an orgy with a troupe of cheerleaders, it's not going to happen.  But he's said it now so the Express can have a piece on the front cover saying 'Boris Saves the country'.  Again.  Fluff and bluster to make himself and the unthinking feel good.  And him and his cronies continue to lie.  Yesterday Hancock saying the lockdown came in on the 16th.  Thats an outrageous fucking barefaced lie to us and to parliament. 

Liars and cheats carving up the country whilst peoples business and lives lie in tatters.  Whilst people die.

Horrible murdering scum.

Suffice to say I won be voting for them. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, July 17, 2020, 11:21:22
Ha, this is very similar for me.  All of a sudden my dad is posting lots of "all live matter" posts which wind me up big time - not the fact that he has differing views to me, but more that he doesn't get how posting certain things makes him look on Social Media - His generation does not understand how Social Media works so it's not his fault, but no matter how many times i try to educate him on who can see his posts, why he shouldn't share random stuff that people he doesn't know post and the fact that propaganda bots exist and he doesn't get what they are, he still does it..

It has made me realise that although in most cases it is a generational thing, I didn't realise what strong views my parents have - which is probably a nod to their parenting skills as they never pushed their views on to me.

I think you are right about the generation thing, (this is a throw away comment so could be completely wrong) it seems as people get older their political beliefs get more away from the centre. My stepdad has always been a confrontational character and I'm sure he just posts to try and get a reaction. I can remember when I was a kid we would watch Children's TV and my Granddad would sneer whenever Andi Peters came onto the screen. He would say 'ugh, what is he doing on my TV etc' but would always do it in a 'jokey' way that we would find funny for whatever reason.

Luckily I don't appear to have the same tendancies and like to think I am way more tolerant of people regardless of race etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 17, 2020, 11:24:49
I think you are right about the generation thing, (this is a throw away comment so could be completely wrong) it seems as people get older their political beliefs get more away from the centre. My stepdad has always been a confrontational character and I'm sure he just posts to try and get a reaction. I can remember when I was a kid we would watch Children's TV and my Granddad would sneer whenever Andi Peters came onto the screen. He would say 'ugh, what is he doing on my TV etc' but would always do it in a 'jokey' way that we would find funny for whatever reason.

Luckily I don't appear to have the same tendancies and like to think I am way more tolerant of people regardless of race etc.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, July 17, 2020, 15:57:17
Getting the train to Didcot Parkway all face masked up. People seem to be wearing masks to the train and then taking them off for the journey.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Friday, July 17, 2020, 16:35:19
Second wave hitting us, mainly in the north but 1400 infected today and rising

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Friday, July 17, 2020, 16:50:00
Getting the train to Didcot Parkway all face masked up. People seem to be wearing masks to the train and then taking them off for the journey.

It seems there were at least some people on the train.... First Group who run GWR, announced a loss of £300 mill for the first 3 months of the year, and have suggested they may not be able to to continue trading. It would then be interesting to see if it was nationalised.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, July 18, 2020, 06:55:20
I see they are launching an ‚urgent review’ and pausing the publication of the daily deaths at they believe they may be counting incorrectly.
Sounds like another government deflection/buck passing tactic to amend the death rate downwards. You only need to look at the excess death rates to see that if anything they are under reporting. What a shambles.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Outletred on Saturday, July 18, 2020, 08:15:57
I see they are launching an ‚urgent review’ and pausing the publication of the daily deaths at they believe they may be counting incorrectly.
Sounds like another government deflection/buck passing tactic to amend the death rate downwards. You only need to look at the excess death rates to see that if anything they are under reporting. What a shambles.

Think they have a point here. A friend of mine passed away last month in Salisbury in a care home- they put Covid on the death certificate and he had not even been tested and not shown any symptoms of the virus.

Care home manager and family were mortified

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, July 18, 2020, 08:50:07
Think they have a point here. A friend of mine passed away last month in Salisbury in a care home- they put Covid on the death certificate and he had not even been tested and not shown any symptoms of the virus.

Care home manager and family were mortified

Sorry to hear about the death of your friend Outletred.

If that’s true then it’s shocking of course.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Saturday, July 18, 2020, 09:13:50
On the flip side, a friend of mine's aunt, who was partially disabled from a crash in the 50s that nearly killed her, caught Covid in her care home, spent time in hospital, was released and passed away in the home, her cause of death was listed as 'traumatic brain injury'. Just the 60 odd years after the accident.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, July 20, 2020, 13:32:55

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, July 20, 2020, 13:38:51

Fingers crossed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, July 20, 2020, 13:51:01
Game changer

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, July 20, 2020, 13:53:31
Fingers crossed.

Treatment seems to be heading in the right direction also.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, July 20, 2020, 14:21:44
Tony Fauci's boss over here made mention of two or three treatments, like the one linked to above, that would be available in the next three months at scale if they proved successful.  Can't come soon enough.  At least the USA and Brazil are maintaining enough virus to test all these things on!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, July 20, 2020, 15:46:49
Quote from: tans
Game changer

it's great news, but far from knowing how effective it is yet.

but it is still too soon to know if this is enough to offer protection and larger trials are under way.

as fh says, fingers crossed

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, July 20, 2020, 16:08:16
But it does sound positive. There's one in China as well which is apparently further down the road. Remember, there's 23 in clinical trial stage already, and another 140 at earlier stages. Fingers crossed that 2 or 3 come good as soon as possible. Doesn't sound like much hope of anything ready at scale before the autumn/winter flu wave though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 10:00:28
Track and trace seems a bit random up here....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 13:22:35
But it does sound positive. There's one in China as well which is apparently further down the road. Remember, there's 23 in clinical trial stage already, and another 140 at earlier stages. Fingers crossed that 2 or 3 come good as soon as possible. Doesn't sound like much hope of anything ready at scale before the autumn/winter flu wave though.

China has the added advantage of forcing people to take part in the trial, allegedly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 13:51:04
Can’t wait to buy my covid vaccine from Wish

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 14:03:13
Why do people, specifically in the UK (USA is a little different due to the Constitution creating lots of grey areas), keep on whittling on about Freedoms and Rights when talking about their opposition to wearing a bit of cloth over their mouth?

It seems people have gotten a little lost of over the years because the UK is not a "free" society and there are no such right in existence.  There is a Human Rights Act, but that makes it very clear that laws can exist to restrict your "freedom" and it merely protects against pretty obvious nasties such as Slavery.

Nobody seems to be up in arms about the fact they are forced to put on underwear before they leave the house every day, yet being exposed to someone's  bollocks is far less offensive than being exposed to their ability to pass on a virus, no?

So maybe they can take a trade and get more freedom as a result - wear a fucking mask and walk around fully naked on the rest of your body.  Sorted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 14:34:58
Why do people, specifically in the UK (USA is a little different due to the Constitution creating lots of grey areas), keep on whittling on about Freedoms and Rights when talking about their opposition to wearing a bit of cloth over their mouth?

Because they're fucking idiots. HTH.

Nobody seems to be up in arms about the fact they are forced to put on underwear before they leave the house every day

er. er...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 14:41:51
Why do people, specifically in the UK (USA is a little different due to the Constitution creating lots of grey areas), keep on whittling on about Freedoms and Rights when talking about their opposition to wearing a bit of cloth over their mouth?

It seems people have gotten a little lost of over the years because the UK is not a "free" society and there are no such right in existence.  There is a Human Rights Act, but that makes it very clear that laws can exist to restrict your "freedom" and it merely protects against pretty obvious nasties such as Slavery.

Thing is many of those wittering on about masks are the same who feel Humans Rights Acts are all a libtard plot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 16:32:36
Outbreaks at Royal Mail, Honda, Iceland's logistics company and the Fire service, but incidence in Swindon still low compared with country generally apparently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 16:36:17
The "outbreak" at Royal Mail and Honda was only one reported case each, with little information about whether they were caught on-site or an off site test and confirmation so need to be careful not over react, however, that's not saying that we should not be taking it seriously and remain very cautious..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 18:01:24
Outbreaks at Royal Mail, Honda, Iceland's logistics company and the Fire service, but incidence in Swindon still low compared with country generally apparently

And still not testing at GWH

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 18:41:45
Because they're fucking idiots. HTH.

Thick, selfish, fucking idiots

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 21:36:46
And still not testing at GWH

What do you mean not testing, at all or testing staff every week or so?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, July 23, 2020, 08:28:30
He's talking bollocks. Tests are available to all staff. I've had my antibody test, I never bothered with the live test as I've not shown any symptoms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, July 23, 2020, 10:51:06
There seems to be a lot in the press today as to whether certain stores will or will not stop people entering without a face mask. The question should not be whether they will or won't - rather (unless you are in the exemption groups) why on earth would you try to go without a mask when you know it is a requirement? I know it might not look 'normal' or 'cool' but even if there is a slight chance masks may stop the spread, then people should want to do what they can and not see it as a imposition

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 23, 2020, 11:02:43
There seems to be a lot in the press today as to whether certain stores will or will not stop people entering without a face mask. The question should not be whether they will or won't - rather (unless you are in the exemption groups) why on earth would you try to go without a mask when you know it is a requirement? I know it might not look 'normal' or 'cool' but even if there is a slight chance masks may stop the spread, then people should want to do what they can and not see it as a imposition
Exactly so. I assume the same stores will be fine if I wander in bollock naked then?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, July 23, 2020, 13:30:37
There seems to be a lot in the press today as to whether certain stores will or will not stop people entering without a face mask. The question should not be whether they will or won't - rather (unless you are in the exemption groups) why on earth would you try to go without a mask when you know it is a requirement? I know it might not look 'normal' or 'cool' but even if there is a slight chance masks may stop the spread, then people should want to do what they can and not see it as a imposition

I went to Aldi this morning and there was a greater proportion of shoppers wearing face coverings than I've typically seen, I'd say around 50%. However, if I hadn't been wearing a face covering to shops since lockdown, I would have wannted to trial today before it becomes mandatory and in a way I'm surprised half of the shop hadn't thought of this, but in another I'm not.

I feel for the shop staff tomorrow as I've no doubt there are going to be plenty of arguments with customers, particularly with shops being busier at the weekend.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 23, 2020, 13:46:45
And 4 established very busy venues 2 in Hull and 2 in Manchester have announced their closure today.  All this shit is just going to accelerate.

In a small ray of light the two Manchester venues will continue under new ownership.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, July 23, 2020, 14:15:27
Exactly so. I assume the same stores will be fine if I wander in bollock naked then?

I presume there will be organised protests of this nature

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, July 23, 2020, 14:27:09

I feel for the shop staff tomorrow as I've no doubt there are going to be plenty of arguments with customers, particularly with shops being busier at the weekend.

Shouldn't be. It's not the shop staff's job to enforce and I'm sure most retailers will be saying exactly that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, July 23, 2020, 14:49:27

Similar to the UK in terms of overall Excess Deaths being higher than the total attributed to the Virus itself, which goes to show the impact of a virus on a society (regardless of any reporting inaccuracies around cause).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, July 23, 2020, 20:01:47
Mask wearing rules and regs released less than 12 hours before it becomes mandatory. You couldn't make this ineptitude up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 18:11:39
Spain added to the quarantine list as of midnight

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 18:23:19
I am absolutely gutted.

going to lose holiday and the money spent on it 😭 can't quarentine for 14 days so can't go

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 18:30:52
I am absolutely gutted.

going to lose holiday and the money spent on it 😭 can't quarentine for 14 days so can't go

That's really poor and no consideration to the thousands like that will have lost money

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 18:33:52
is what it is. to say we can't go is a slight exaggeration. we could. son then misses GCSE results/college enrolement and Mrs B is a teacher that needs to get into school to prep classroom.

we'll have to see if the hotel will move dates for us (doubt it) and no chance Ryanair will do anything.

holiday insurance has a pandemic clause in it. we booked pre-covid and didn't even think to check on such a clause.
to say the canaries have had a surge is a bit misleading. 144 active cases across all Islands

but they are bound to be treated the same as mainland spain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 18:40:21
is what it is. to say we can't go is a slight exaggeration. we could. son then misses GCSE results/college enrolement and Mrs B is a teacher that needs to get into school to prep classroom.

we'll have to see if the hotel will move dates for us (doubt it) and no chance Ryanair will do anything.

holiday insurance has a pandemic clause in it. we booked pre-covid and didn't even think to check on such a clause.
to say the canaries have had a surge is a bit misleading. 144 active cases across all Islands

but they are bound to be treated the same as mainland spain.

I feel for you and your family and it seems unfair that you save for months and through no thought of your own end up with nothing unless they can move the dates I guess until next year

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 19:03:08
is what it is. to say we can't go is a slight exaggeration. we could. son then misses GCSE results/college enrolement and Mrs B is a teacher that needs to get into school to prep classroom.

we'll have to see if the hotel will move dates for us (doubt it) and no chance Ryanair will do anything.

holiday insurance has a pandemic clause in it. we booked pre-covid and didn't even think to check on such a clause.
to say the canaries have had a surge is a bit misleading. 144 active cases across all Islands

but they are bound to be treated the same as mainland spain.

That’s really shit Batch. So frustrating the timing as well. Hope you somehow can manage some kind of recompense or an acceptable alternative as none of this is your fault.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 19:06:14
Sorry guys, but there's a pandemic out there (in the world). I'm in the same boat, having a holiday to Spain booked for over a year at the end of August.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 19:12:51
yeah I get the reasoning to an extent.

I just see no evidence of increased risk in traveling to the canaries compared to France

still, can't do much

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 19:26:18
Losing hard earned cash on holidays booked pre-covid is a shitter.  I am less sympathetic where the loss arises from holidays booked post-covid.

I mentioned in a previous post that we should get out and holiday in the UK. Let's support the economy (in a socially distanced and covid compliant way) before it all goes south in the new year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 19:28:34
Sorry guys, but there's a pandemic out there (in the world). I'm in the same boat, having a holiday to Spain booked for over a year at the end of August.

No help from the British government but it's ok to give China millions

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pax Romana on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 19:33:52
yeah I get the reasoning to an extent.

I just see no evidence of increased risk in traveling to the canaries compared to France

still, can't do much

Really sorry.  You're taking it better than I would, especially re not being able to claim.  I assume problem is that FCO is only advising against travel to mainland Spain?  Effectively rendering your island holiday impossible for you but not cancellable.

Equally feel for people currently in Spain who traveled there in good faith believing that they wouldn't need to self-isolate and now will have to regardless of the cost to them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 20:12:54
Really sorry.  You're taking it better than I would, especially re not being able to claim.  I assume problem is that FCO is only advising against travel to mainland Spain?  Effectively rendering your island holiday impossible for you but not cancellable.

Equally feel for people currently in Spain who traveled there in good faith believing that they wouldn't need to self-isolate and now will have to regardless of the cost to them.

People should be aware it might change, if not then it's their own fault. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 20:20:09
Grant Shapps the transport secretary is apparently on holiday in Spain.

Odds on him doing 14 day quarantine when he gets back?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, July 25, 2020, 20:59:39
Will he fuck. The smarmy twat.

He’ll get tested and be back at work on monday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 06:31:22
Are the Town players still in Spain?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 06:48:58
Are the Town players still in Spain?

Grant tweeted a pic of him and Isgrove from there yesterday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 07:52:53
Isgroves with his mrs there, would imagine the others are back. Dont think many went anyway?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 07:57:05
Half of the football league are in Ibiza at the moment. Going to wreak havoc with pre season.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 07:59:56
Will he fuck. The smarmy twat.

He’ll get tested and be back at work on monday

Are you allowed to not quarantine once you successfully pass a test upon returning??

Genuine question, because I don’t see a reason why that shouldn’t be allowed unless I’ve missed something really obvious. Would help people like batch too in his situation

Wouldn’t be any more or less enforceable than a 14 day quarantine is at the moment anyway - you’d just need to have the proof of a successful test if questioned, and if you can’t provide any then you get treated as if breaking quarantine

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 08:18:07
Are you allowed to not quarantine once you successfully pass a test upon returning??

Genuine question, because I don’t see a reason why that shouldn’t be allowed unless I’ve missed something really obvious. Would help people like batch too in his situation

Wouldn’t be any more or less enforceable than a 14 day quarantine is at the moment anyway - you’d just need to have the proof of a successful test if questioned, and if you can’t provide any then you get treated as if breaking quarantine

Im not sure dave, surely its just the same as having symptoms or being in contact with someone who has, having a test, comes back negative and then you can go back to work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 08:20:47
Are you allowed to not quarantine once you successfully pass a test upon returning??

Genuine question, because I don’t see a reason why that shouldn’t be allowed unless I’ve missed something really obvious. Would help people like batch too in his situation

Wouldn’t be any more or less enforceable than a 14 day quarantine is at the moment anyway - you’d just need to have the proof of a successful test if questioned, and if you can’t provide any then you get treated as if breaking quarantine

I was thinking the same. Go to Spain, come back, get tested, get the all clear, go back to work. How's that not a more reasonable system?  Took my daughter to Piper's Way yesterday to get a test at ten in the morning as she was running a temp/had a slight cough, got the negative result back at seven this morning. Straight back down the mines for her, bish bash bosh. Really struggling to understand the need for these two weeks when you can just get a test done upon return

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 08:27:42
Who actually enforces the quarantine, when it was allegedly in place previously social media was full of people coming back into UK airports expecting to have details taken and advice given and just walking through the airport with no contact or engagement at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: smalltowngypsymassacre on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 08:28:57
Plus if everyone coming back from Spain had to take a test that would be a healthy contribution to the government's daily testing targets, or is that no longer a thing?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 08:29:27
I would imagine the club would pay for tests for affected players if needed? Not sure if they could pay over 3 years in instalments though

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 08:35:35
I'd happily pay for tests on return. can't see where to get one other than pretending to have symptoms.

turns out our travel insurance is shit, even if fco change to 'essential only' it won't pay out. not something we foressaw or even checked when booking last year.

I don't even understand why the quarentine is needed   from the canaries at this time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 09:20:54
I thought the 14 days quarantine was to do with the length of time it can take for symptoms to develop. Getting a test immediately on return to the UK could show a negative result but a week later you could have developed the symptoms and a test then would be positive.... by which time you could have infected others if you didn't quarantine. I could be wrong about that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 09:48:10
It's all well and good people wearing face masks in shops, but if you don't wear it properly it affects you and other people. They are designed to cover your face and nose, not just your bottom lip. The amount of people I have seen wearing it like this is scary. At least 1 in 10 people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 09:51:56
Quote from: Private Fraser
I thought the 14 days quarantine was to do with the length of time it can take for symptoms to develop. Getting a test immediately on return to the UK could show a negative result but a week later you could have developed the symptoms and a test then would be positive.... by which time you could have infected others if you didn't quarantine. I could be wrong about that.

yes you could be right.

I don't know the period after infection that you test positive.

 You can be test positive while asymptomatic, and must be tested within 5 days of symptoms.

But you are quite right, it's not clear whether 14 days is a convenient way to cover the symptomless, or whether a test would work but isn't used to save resources.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, July 26, 2020, 09:55:56
It's all well and good people wearing face masks in shops, but if you don't wear it properly it affects you and other people. They are designed to cover your face and nose, not just your bottom lip. The amount of people I have seen wearing it like this is scary. At least 1 in 10 people.

I noticed that yesterday. There are, of course, many people who are exempt and it's sad to see that some have been getting grief on occasions.  However, I also noticed that nursing soft drinks cup whilst strolling around a shopping centre also provides a good reason for not wearing one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 14:34:00

We appear to be doomed to live out the actual plot line (just over a longer period of time) of the Contagion film.  Jude Law's character now making an appearance - oddly, Dr Sanjay Gupta appears on the news in that film, a place where he has been busy every day since the real Pandemic actually kicked off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 15:33:39

We appear to be doomed to live out the actual plot line (just over a longer period of time) of the Contagion film.  Jude Law's character now making an appearance - oddly, Dr Sanjay Gupta appears on the news in that film, a place where he has been busy every day since the real Pandemic actually kicked off.
For those not familiar with the Trumps' new favourite medical expert, Dr Stella Immanuel has previously claimed that alien DNA is being used in medical treatments, that scientists are creating a vaccine against people being religious and that ovarian cysts are caused by people having sex with demons in their dreams. No wonder they prefer her expertise to Dr Antony Fauci

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 14:02:10
What a surprise  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 14:32:51
Based on my experience, any dickheads I’ve seen during the social distancing era have been generally been those of an elder age

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 14:41:19
Based on my experience, any dickheads I’ve seen during the social distancing era have been generally been those of an elder age

The complete opposite from what I've seen. Whilst difficult to totally generalise, I have found that its been the young adults (twenty/thirty somethings) tend to be the ones who have been acting in the 'i'm alright Jack' way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 14:47:03
Whilst difficult to totally generalise

Where’s the fun if you can’t generalise?

I’ve suspect that’s what the WHO have done in this instance. Probably just a group of people without a social life themselves so just criticise young people who do have a social life.

That my final generalisation of today!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 14:55:29
What a surprise  ::)
Yeah, all right Victor Meldrew. I'm with Abrahammer, the majority of the idiots I've seen, whether consciously selfish or just completely oblivious to/hopeless at the whole concept of social distancing, have been 50+. Most recent example was the moron shouting the odds at the poor sod on Morrison's door about how it was his right not to wear a mask. To which the lad replied with the patience of a saint "It is of course your right, sir, but I'm afraid you can't come in the shop without one". Fair play.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 15:41:07
I think it mostly tells us that isolated incidents don't give us the whole picture and in today's age it seemingly will matter most which one gets the most exposure on social media. It will then influence the mindset of many in this throwaway media era, whether they understand SM properly or not.

We're all intelligent enough to know that you get plenty of non-compliant cunts regardless of age, gender, race, background et al but we will still have some level of bias for our own "category" (ugh). Even if that is for or against.

Any incident that goes viral (quite an irony) will make up the minds for several who possibly want a certain type of outcome to materialise anyway. Is it called confirmation bias led media or something?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 15:42:07
Govt talking about a second wave implies that the first wave has finished when it clearly hasn't. It's better than it was, but it's still very much there, the govt didn't even really try to go for zero or near zero infections as some other countries have done. Which may well be a legitimate strategy, but it does mean we will continue to see resurgence and spikes like those in Leicester and Oldham recently, as a continuation of what we have had since March. It's not a new "wave", it's the same ongoing outbreak.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 15:45:58 a continuation of what we have had since March. It's not a new "wave", it's the same ongoing outbreak.

I still think that (with the more information we now have) this actually started back in early December, and I mean the UK. Possibly longer than that. A lot of people had "worse than normal" supposed flu or winter bugs that they had never experienced before during mid December.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 15:48:09
I still think that (with the more information we now have) this actually started back in early December, and I mean the UK. Possibly longer than that. A lot of people had "worse than normal" supposed flu or winter bugs that they had never experienced before during mid December.
Yes you may well be right. But my point was that if we do experience an uptick in cases in the coming weeks, talk of a "second wave" triggered by infection from Europe is disingenuous. We never fully suppressed the first wave here so it will continue to flare up and die down in localised hotspots.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 15:59:51
Yes you may well be right. But my point was that if we do experience an uptick in cases in the coming weeks, talk of a "second wave" triggered by infection from Europe is disingenuous. We never fully suppressed the first wave here so it will continue to flare up and die down in localised hotspots.

Fuck you with your "disingenuous" (referring to previous comment of another poster)  ;)

Yes of course, I get your main point though. Except if it did start in early December (here), is that one continuous wave or are we on the second wave already? I think we're on a second wave (after December) that hasn't ceded and as you say, it has never been fully suppressed.

It falls in line with Government still trying to push for a herd immunity style strategy. Only disguised as the biggest, disorganised and ignorant fuck up compared to plenty of other nations. But we aren't allowed to compare...yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 16:32:49
Fuck you with your "disingenuous" (referring to previous comment of another poster)  ;)

Yes of course, I get your main point though. Except if it did start in early December (here), is that one continuous wave or are we on the second wave already? I think we're on a second wave (after December) that hasn't ceded and as you say, it has never been fully suppressed.
Oooh, blimey. FWIW, given that if it did start in December, that just continued to grow, it didn't get suppressed so that would still be one continuous wave. This is kind of the point though, talk of waves is a bit of a nonsense, it's just one continuum, but it suits various govts' agendas to be able to claim that they have "defeated" a first wave. It's not a separate series of waves, it's a tsunami of infection and incompetence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 17:47:56
Tucker is always good for a laugh, but you'd think someone in the scripting team would have checked out the backgrounds of the people in white coats before letting him go off on one:

Yeah, shes into witchcraft because she is African, not at all because she is on video having publicly said that she is a firm believer in the witches impregnating women with demon babies through their dreams.

Oddly, people watch and listen to this guy, so it is no wonder why I'm sat in a State that would be about number 6 in the infection rate if it was a Country right now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 18:04:37
Quote from: pauld
but it does mean we will continue to see resurgence and spikes like those in Leicester and Oldham recently, .
I don't think there were spikes.

the government haven't put the Isle of White on the 'essential travel only' list, and made people self isolate on their return.

Not that I'm bitter over the Canary Islands or anything.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 18:04:55

Yeah, shes into witchcraft because she is African, not at all because she is on video having publicly said that she is a firm believer in the witches impregnating women with demon babies through their dreams.

Then again, many millions of people have bought and still do buy the incredible belief of "immaculate conception" or "virgin birth". It's as equally ridiculous (that's for RF) as above. Although one could argue that at least an actual human being (a witch) is impregnating a woman (even if it is supposedly via a dream). I would say the immaculate conception theory is even more ridiculous. Yet still, as stated millions of people believe it happened.

I'm playing Devil's advocate. No not Damien levels but I think on reflection you can see I have a point.

Anyway, it must be true because they saw it on Insta (or something) :soapy tit wank:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 18:16:44
I'm still not sure how the Bible copes with the fact Joseph must have been proper pissed off, even allowing for the unique nature of events.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 18:30:36
I'm still not sure how the Bible copes with the fact Joseph must have been proper pissed off, even allowing for the unique nature of events.

Probably just took it all out on the lads down the construction site "Fucking sparkies, fucking brickies, fucking site manger* cunt, fucking lazy plasterer bastards, fuckin stupid cunting plumbers. Us tektons get all the bad luck"

Mind you, according to the bible, he did seem to disappear not long after Jesus "birth" so maybe he had his doubts, questioned Mary about which one of the fellas down the site she'd been nobbing (it turns out, all of them) and then fucked off. Only to see Jesus on Saturdays in an agreement with the CSA, and that he must teach his son carpentry.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 18:35:06
It does all rather read like a drunken night out ended-up with Mary copping off with one of Joseph's friends and they've gone with the method of over blowing the lie to compensate.  Also, the book tees up the sequel, well, the second sequel, but has taken far too long to bring it to production.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 18:43:27
It does all rather read like a drunken night out ended-up with Mary copping off with one of Joseph's friends and they've gone with the method of over blowing the lie to compensate. 

In terms of Roman Catholicism, we could never envisage any of this happening and subsequently being covered up/exaggerated by the family, had this all happened in Sligo. Never in 2020 years of human existence. Could we?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 19:43:16
I don't think there were spikes.

the government haven't put the Isle of White on the 'essential travel only' list, and made people self isolate on their return.

Not that I'm bitter over the Canary Islands or anything.
TBF, given how woefully shit they were about failing to cut down travel from Spain, Italy etc first time round when it was quite clear we should have done, I'm pleasantly surprised that they have taken action this time. Albeit the communication was dreadful, decision seems to have been taken last minute and share the qualms about whether it needs to be quite so coarse-grained,clearly could have been done on regions rather than the whole country. And huge sympathy to those who were reassured by the "Boris has saved summer holidays" headlines and have now lost out on holidays and/or thousands of pounds as a result.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 19:49:30
so what data justifies applying this to the Canary Islands.

I'm not really closing that as a region. it's 1000 miles from spain!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 20:50:54
so what data justifies applying this to the Canary Islands.

I'm not really closing that as a region. it's 1000 miles from spain!

Maybe because there is a shitload of travel between mainland Spain and the Canaries and the Balearic Islands?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 20:58:42
so what data justifies applying this to the Canary Islands.

I'm not really closing that as a region. it's 1000 miles from spain!
No I agree, hence my comment about it seems a bit clumsy to be so coarse-grained. But I don't think that alters the principle that it's going to be necessary to introduce these kind of rolling travel restrictions for some time as we see flare-ups in other countries/regions. And accept when they are imposed on us, as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 21:03:36
Quote from: Legends-Lounge
Maybe because there is a shitload of travel between mainland Spain and the Canaries and the Balearic Islands?

it's a valid concern

< 20% of August visitors to the canaries are from mainland spain (2019).

I can't find stats to break that down by region. I'd imagine the numbers traveling from the dodgy area are fairly low. who leaves Catalonia in August!

in any case the data isn't showing a rise.

meanwhile 30 people in the Iceland distribution centre were confirmed positive today

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 21:04:42
No I agree, hence my comment about it seems a bit clumsy to be so coarse-grained. But I don't think that alters the principle that it's going to be necessary to introduce these kind of rolling travel restrictions for some time as we see flare-ups in other countries/regions. And accept when they are imposed on us, as well.
yeah absolutely. if I had a trip to Barcelona booked I'd be somewhat more understanding.

you know me well enough by now to know I like moaning. it's therapeutic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 21:15:27
Maybe because there is a shitload of travel between mainland Spain and the Canaries and the Balearic Islands?

That was my thinking. Pissed up Brits abroad...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 21:37:27
yeah absolutely. if I had a trip to Barcelona booked I'd be somewhat more understanding.

you know me well enough by now to know I like moaning. it's therapeutic.
tbf, you've had a holiday you'd been looking forward to taken out from under you, think anyone would be moaning under the circumstances.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 21:40:39
Ryanair being complete scammers that's pissed me off most.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 22:21:19
so what data justifies applying this to the Canary Islands.

I'm not really closing that as a region. it's 1000 miles from spain!

I saw a very obvious bit of "data" that made a mockery of the whole thing in terms of distances, land mass and cases etc.

Will have to find it but it went along the lines of;

Barcelona to Tenerife 1400 miles
Barcelona to Luton 750 miles

Number of people in Tenerife 900k
Number of people in Luton 240k

Size of Tenerife 780sq mi
Size of Luton 17sq mi

Persons psq mi Tenerife 1,150
Persons psq mi Luton 11,760

Number of cases in Tenerife 1500 (or c2 psq mi)
Number of cases in Luton 1536 (or 90 psq mi)

Number of deaths Tenerife 110 (or 0.14 psq mi)
Number of deaths Luton  280 ( or 16 psq mi)

So the point being, you can gladly travel to Luton (incidentally one of the UK's supposed Covid-19 hotspots) and do some shopping, go to a pub, check your eyesight, etc. That risk is deemed less so by our government than doing the same if you travelled to Tenerife? The distances are also important, purely on that Tenerife is further from one of Spain's highest Covid-19 cities than Luton (and pretty much anywhere in the UK another 600 miles North) is.

I understand them closing off the "air bridges" for main cities in Spain but the Canaries it is nonsensical. The same applies to both the Azores and Madeira (who are both virtually covid free), yet because the FCO has removed Portugal from the "air bridge" list, these islands are also included. Yet it's ok to also travel to France and Germany without restriction.

I could also understand if it was Spain or Portugal closing the air bridge, to us. Totally but it isn't it is, yet again our Government showing how everything and I mean pretty much everything, is being planned on the back of a very unethical foie gras terrine (which also isn't great for writing clear guidelines on either).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 06:00:20
apparently whitty was concerned that the cases in Tenerife would follow the sharp increase in North East spain.

I think that's schapps throwing him under the bus for exactly the kind of inconsistency you highlight bamboo.
I would say it's active cases/'R' rate that's more important than historic numbers though..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 06:17:03
More great advice....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 13:07:36
ONS report shows UK had one of the worst rates of excess mortality due to COVID in Europe; England taken as a standalone nation had the worst:

"by the end of May, England had seen the highest overall relative excess mortality out of all the European countries compared"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 15:04:41
I see Swindon had 30 people confirmed with Covid-19 in the same distribution centre, yet it is being suggested they all got it from outside - which would suggest at least 30 other people have the virus in or around Swindon?  The case count in Swindon never made much sense as an outside observer these days - the mortality rate was way to high as a % of cases, likely meaning very little testing has been taking place?  Unless there a special Covid-19 water fountain outside the building.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 15:07:39
I see Swindon had 30 people confirmed with Covid-19 in the same distribution centre, yet it is being suggested they all got it from outside - which would suggest at least 30 other people have the virus in or around Swindon?
Or maybe they all socialise in the same group?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 16:15:47
yeah, in the distribution centre canteen

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 16:19:45
I thought I read that the majority got the virus from outside the group?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 16:28:03
51 now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 16:43:51
All it takes is one driver, to bring the virus in. It’s not rocket science.

Bound to happen at some point. This is why regional lockdowns will not work.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 16:52:30
The case count in Swindon never made much sense as an outside observer these days - the mortality rate was way to high as a % of cases, likely meaning very little testing has been taking place?  

Not sure how they measure it, it's been suggested up here that Barrows high numbers are skewed by FGH being in the town, could it he the same with Swindon (used to be PMH, no idea what it's called now).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 16:53:55
I blame the vegans

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 17:15:50
51 in one business would suggest internal transmission or a major outbreak in the surrounding area if they didn't get it from each other.  Given the past experience with meat processing facilities, I'd hazard a guess at which one was likely

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 20:17:04
The Department of Health says members of separate households are banned from meeting each other indoors from midnight tonight in Greater Manchester, parts of Lancashire and parts of West Yorkshire from midnight tonight

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 21:03:46
Is that from midnight tonight?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 21:10:14
Quote from: Ginginho
Is that from midnight tonight?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 31, 2020, 09:28:20
If the Manchester lockdown is needed, then it's needed. But the timing is appalling, two hours before the start of Eid. Like being told at 10pm on Christmas Eve that all the plans you'd made to visit family on Christmas Day, all the food you'd bought to share, was all being scrapped. There'd be uproar.

No I'm not suggesting that if a lockdown was needed it should have been delayed, but I find it difficult (nigh on impossible) to believe that they didn't know about this sooner and they couldn't have given people even a couple of days' notice. Tweeting out a local lockdown with 2 hours notice at 10pm on a Thursday night doesn't exactly suggest a govt that knows what it's doing and is in control of the situation. Not so much Hancock's Half Hour as Amateur Hour.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, July 31, 2020, 10:06:10
If the Manchester lockdown is needed, then it's needed. But the timing is appalling, two hours before the start of Eid. Like being told at 10pm on Christmas Eve that all the plans you'd made to visit family on Christmas Day, all the food you'd bought to share, was all being scrapped. There'd be uproar.

No I'm not suggesting that if a lockdown was needed it should have been delayed, but I find it difficult (nigh on impossible) to believe that they didn't know about this sooner and they couldn't have given people even a couple of days' notice. Tweeting out a local lockdown with 2 hours notice at 10pm on a Thursday night doesn't exactly suggest a govt that knows what it's doing and is in control of the situation. Not so much Hancock's Half Hour as Amateur Hour.

Re the christmas thing, i wouldnt put it past them!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, July 31, 2020, 10:07:34
Re the christmas thing, i wouldnt put it past them!


There's too much money in Christmas.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, July 31, 2020, 10:39:24
If the Manchester lockdown is needed, then it's needed. But the timing is appalling, two hours before the start of Eid. Like being told at 10pm on Christmas Eve that all the plans you'd made to visit family on Christmas Day, all the food you'd bought to share, was all being scrapped. There'd be uproar.

No I'm not suggesting that if a lockdown was needed it should have been delayed, but I find it difficult (nigh on impossible) to believe that they didn't know about this sooner and they couldn't have given people even a couple of days' notice. Tweeting out a local lockdown with 2 hours notice at 10pm on a Thursday night doesn't exactly suggest a govt that knows what it's doing and is in control of the situation. Not so much Hancock's Half Hour as Amateur Hour.
You can spin 2 hours notice as as strong government taking immediate and decisive action - I'm not saying it was or wasn't, but just pointing out that its all about perspective.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:02:19
From Dan Roan:

Breaking: I understand the PM is set to announce fans will no longer be permitted to attend the sporting pilot events allowing limited numbers of spectators at Goodwood, the Crucible and the Oval in coming days after evidence the infection rate has risen across the country

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:06:13
could have implications on fan return if announced:

The prime minister is set to announce that fans will no longer be permitted to attend the sporting pilot events allowing limited numbers of spectators at Goodwood, the Crucible and the Oval in coming days.

It comes after evidence that the infection rate has risen across the country.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:20:46
From Dan Roan:

Breaking: I understand the PM is set to announce fans will no longer be permitted to attend the sporting pilot events allowing limited numbers of spectators at Goodwood, the Crucible and the Oval in coming days after evidence the infection rate has risen across the country
Roan will be loving it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:27:36
You can spin 2 hours notice as as strong government taking immediate and decisive action - I'm not saying it was or wasn't, but just pointing out that its all about perspective.
You can indeed (and some no doubt will) just as you can with them trashing people's Spanish holidays with less than a days' notice, having previously briefed papers to run headlines like "Boris Saves Summer" and "Boris Says Go On Holiday". But in both cases, it's not like NE Spain had suddenly on that Saturday had a massive upturn in cases, it had been building over two weeks; similarly there's been a steady climb in cases over the past few weeks in the Northwest. Neither of these instances were suddenly sprung on the govt so why was it necessary to announce drastic shutdowns/changes in the rules with a few hours' notice?

I'm not arguging against the measures taken and on balance I'd rather have them taking action, albeit somewhat haphazardly, than the "Yeah, whatever" approach they took in Feb/March, but it does look a lot more like they're flailing around and being caught on the hop than any kind of considered, measured strategy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:27:47
Absolutely superb - all we have heard over the past few months is how the government have been ‘slow to act’ and the moment they actually appear to be taking prompt action, they are criticised.

The gift that keeps on giving.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:30:12
could have implications on fan return if announced:

Has to. If they're cancelling the pilots, sets the whole thing back. Taken together with the Spain (and other countries to come) quarantine, the hastily announced localised lockdowns, there's clearly an upsurge in cases they're worried about. Fair play, at least they are taking action, might be handy if they explained it though, all seems a bit haphazard

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:33:22
everything is looking on the edge ..

but staycations are fine then. pubs are fine. restaurants fine. going to work fine. going to school fine.

riiiiiiight, can't think why trust is lost in the message

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:36:20
Dont have to wear a mask in the pub but have to if you go to the cinema or museum.

What the fucks that all about

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:38:17
Dont have to wear a mask in the pub but have to if you go to the cinema or museum.

What the fucks that all about
that's the point. it probably statistically has validity. They think it will be enough to keep it in check.

but all people see is inconsistent messages all over the shop. The message risks getting diluted

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:38:36
everything is looking on the edge ..

but staycations are fine then. pubs are fine. restaurants fine. going to work fine. going to school fine.

riiiiiiight, can't think why trust is lost in the message
They're trying to reopen the economy, but clamp down on on outbreaks. This is the "Whackamole" strategy that Johnson talked looks like. A bit haphazard.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:43:33
more 'whackhalfamole' then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:46:14
more 'whackhalfamole' then
TBF it's better than the "let it sweep through the population and let thousands die" approach they went with in Feb/March.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:46:40
pubs are fine. restaurants fine. going to work fine. going to school fine.

riiiiiiight, can't think why trust is lost in the message

Pubs and restaurants are only fine as long as they are only populated by strangers, if any family or friends are there you are breaching the rules.

It's been odd round here, masks etc being worn impeccably but we went to town the other day and frankly apart from the few masks being worn outside you wouldn't have known anything was going on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:53:54

how's that enforceable!

and yes Paul it is better than shrugging at it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, July 31, 2020, 13:34:31
Dont have to wear a mask in the pub but have to if you go to the cinema or museum.

What the fucks that all about

I reckon we could be onto a winner with a mask with a pea shooter glued to it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, July 31, 2020, 15:04:18
I reckon we could be onto a winner with a mask with a pea shooter glued to it
:D I'd get that patented now!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, July 31, 2020, 15:53:16
How soon until we're all locked down again? Signs are there that this is going to escalate. Not that it's any shock. People are selfish morons and the government are totally useless after all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, July 31, 2020, 15:58:15
Lockdowns are for wimps, America is just riding the waves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, July 31, 2020, 16:18:16
How soon until we're all locked down again? Signs are there that this is going to escalate. Not that it's any shock. People are selfish morons and the government are totally useless after all.

The measures they're implementing now are the ones that should have been put in place when easing lockdown. Obviously these latest measures are to try and stop another countrywide lockdown but it seems all too reactive and ill-thought.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:01:32
I’m struggling to see the correlation between getting the schools open and having to close the pubs to achieve that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:17:34
I’m struggling to see the correlation between getting the schools open and having to close the pubs to achieve that.
The suggestion is that both pubs and schools could act as potential to increase the risk of transmission (as both enable/require people from multiple households to mix and so ease the path of transmission) and that we can risk having one but not both.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:19:27
I’m struggling to see the correlation between getting the schools open and having to close the pubs to achieve that.

All the teachers and support staff etc are down the pub  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:20:24
All the teachers and support staff etc are down the pub  :hmmm:
Or the kids are and they're all too hungover to do their lessons

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:23:36
When I went to school in Chippenham a couple of the older looking kids used to pop in the King Alfred opposite.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:34:50
When I went to school in Chippenham a couple of the older looking kids used to pop in the King Alfred opposite.

I used to drink in there during my sixth form days, then sporadically later as it was a mate's local. The indian there was/is decent, but a real shame to lose that pub.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:37:25
Our underage favourite was The New Inn up the Causeway - Starlight bitter and T Rex on the jukebox

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:42:03
Our underage favourite was The New Inn up the Causeway - Starlight bitter and T Rex on the jukebox

I'm guessing you mean New Road? The Three Crowns is on the Causeway. The George's Railway(now flats) round the corner was the easiest place to get served underage in my day, and The George(Italian restaurant) across the road not much harder.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:45:08
We were regulars at the Bear, the rosie and the riverside wine bar at around the age of 15.  John and Val at the Bear we're well aware and used to take our proud announcements of peoples 18th birthdays with a weary, oh you've only just turned 18.  Well aren't we surprised.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 16:46:52
I'm guessing you mean New Road? The Three Crowns is on the Causeway. The George's Railway(now flats) round the corner was the easiest place to get served underage in my day, and The George(Italian restaurant) across the road not much harder.
Yeah, you’re right. Twas 50 years ago!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, August 1, 2020, 18:08:16
Played darts in a few of those. Remember the Old Road Tavern?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 09:22:05
Failures on border measures in March increased scale and pace of Covid-19 pandemic - Home Affairs Select Committee of Parliament

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hitchinred on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 16:07:23
Failures on border measures in March increased scale and pace of Covid-19 pandemic - Home Affairs Select Committee of Parliament

I came back from northern Italy on 11th March with rules stating to go in to 14 days self isolation. On Friday 13th March they changed the rules to only self isolate for 7 days if you had symptoms. I thought it was madness at the time and it appears the Home Affairs select committee agree with me!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 20:45:13
I came back from northern Italy on 11th March with rules stating to go in to 14 days self isolation. On Friday 13th March they changed the rules to only self isolate for 7 days if you had symptoms. I thought it was madness at the time and it appears the Home Affairs select committee agree with me!
So what you're saying then is that all this mess is your fault? Superspreader Hitchinred ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 06:28:43
Nothing to see here, not corrupt at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 08:26:11
Same person/company.

It also emerged that the person who originally approached the government about the deal was a government trade adviser who also advises the board of Ayanda.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hitchinred on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 08:26:58
So what you're saying then is that all this mess is your fault? Superspreader Hitchinred ;)

Unlikely as I didn’t actually leave the house anyway and worked from home as my colleagues knew where I’d been and my wife had stocked up on food as well. Just like lockdown, just 12 days ahead of the official directive. Subsequent to that I had to get car MOT done and travelled to the office on one day to collect stuff and managed to pick the virus up somewhere, starting my 4 week coronavirus battle around 1st April, luckily managed at home.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 08:44:24
I came back from northern Italy on 11th March with rules stating to go in to 14 days self isolation. On Friday 13th March they changed the rules to only self isolate for 7 days if you had symptoms. I thought it was madness at the time and it appears the Home Affairs select committee agree with me!

Wait, was there self isolation advice around that time?? When was that brought in?

I flew back from New York on 9th March - seeing how bad things got since then maybe everything that’s happened was all my fault. And I didn’t self isolate as can’t remember being told too - the only guidance of any sort I got was a Heathrow employee in the arrivals queue telling people to use the hand sanitizer before going through passport control

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 09:15:14
Wait, was there self isolation advice around that time?? When was that brought in?

I flew back from New York on 9th March - seeing how bad things got since then maybe everything that’s happened was all my fault. And I didn’t self isolate as can’t remember being told too - the only guidance of any sort I got was a Heathrow employee in the arrivals queue telling people to use the hand sanitizer before going through passport control

No, you're ok.  We can't blame you:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 09:16:31
Unlikely as I didn’t actually leave the house anyway and worked from home as my colleagues knew where I’d been and my wife had stocked up on food as well. Just like lockdown, just 12 days ahead of the official directive. Subsequent to that I had to get car MOT done and travelled to the office on one day to collect stuff and managed to pick the virus up somewhere, starting my 4 week coronavirus battle around 1st April, luckily managed at home.
TBF I was joking but that's an extensively detailed alibi :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 09:24:31

How the hell could this not be considered a conflict of interest.

My god, the tedious ethics training we have to go through makes this kind of thing very clear red flag. Maybe something actually cleared it I suppose, we were desperate after all.

It has emerged that the person who originally approached the government about the deal was a government trade adviser who also advises the board of Ayanda.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 09:28:28

How the hell could this not be considered a conflict of interest.

My god, the tedious ethics training we have to go through makes this kind of thing very clear red flag. Maybe something actually cleared it I suppose, we were desperate after all.

It's just flat out corrupt. One of over £1bn worth of untendered contracts the govt have dished out to their mates since the start of the crisis. I get that in a crisis normal procedures might have to be expedited and the priority is in getting the kit in, but there's hundreds of millions been handed out to companies with no previous trading history or who used to be website builders etc for PPE that never arrived and probably never existed. With no oversight. Putin must be so proud of his proteges.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 09:56:33
Telegraph, which seems to have become the Johnson troika's favoured vehicle for floating ideas they can then row back on if there's a backlash, suggesting that care homes, businesses and even private homes could be demolished as a means of decontamination in the event of a severe Covid outbreak

Which even by the epically stupid standards of this govt really does plumb new depths of stupid.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 10:10:27
Good programme on bbc1 last night. Worth watching if you missed it.

On another note, Swindon has had more cases recently than Aberdeen but look what they've done there compared to here. Lockdown compared to carry on as usual. People tested at Iceland's depot were tested, went back to work then got texts 4 hours later telling them they had covid. Shambles..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 10:13:38
That’s because Aberdeen’s numbers are community spread, Swindon’s can be pinpointed to one warehouse which, touch wood, doesn’t appear to have spread into the wider community (albeit early to tell, but new infections have come down to small numbers in the last two days)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 10:54:11
Fire station was affected as well i believe

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 11:29:47
and b&q (not sure if shop or warehouse) if I overheard a phone conversation correctly.. which I may not

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 12:10:45
Zero corona virus deaths at Swindon's GWH for 29th day running.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 13:16:50
Wait, was there self isolation advice around that time?? When was that brought in?

I flew back from New York on 9th March - seeing how bad things got since then maybe everything that’s happened was all my fault. And I didn’t self isolate as can’t remember being told too - the only guidance of any sort I got was a Heathrow employee in the arrivals queue telling people to use the hand sanitizer before going through passport control

Actually, they linked the genetic make-up of the virus in NY to Europe rather than China, so you more likely gave the virus to NY.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 14:49:17
That’s alright then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 15:03:32
Actually, they linked the genetic make-up of the virus in NY to Europe rather than China, so you more likely gave the virus to NY.
So Hitchinred brought it back from Italy, infected Dave who then went on to devastate New York and from there the entire continental US. You two have a lot to answer for

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 19:31:36

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hitchinred on Thursday, August 6, 2020, 22:35:01
No, you're ok.  We can't blame you:

Northern Italy had been added to the list of countries identified on 25th February which meant call 101 Covid helpline on return and then told to self isolate for 14 days. As stated on the timeline, this was withdrawn on 13th March to be replaced by 7 days self isolation if you had symptoms. Our group decided to go skiing on 8th, had one days skiing before Italy closed down. The change to avoid all but essential travel fame a day late on the 9th to enable insurance claims in lieu of travelling.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, August 10, 2020, 22:10:15
pubs and shops. if they cant manage their customers and enforce safe distances pull the plug on them.

shop staff- stop chatting and laughing with your colleagues and learn to distance yourselves. why do customers where masks when you dont have to? we protect you and not vice versa?

silly times we live in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 07:06:30
Did you happen to see the anti masker refusing to wear a mask and bullying the shop assistant to the point of tears that was doing the rounds recently? 

The government have issued a decree and put it into the hands of poorly paid shop staff to police it.  'You must wear masks and social distance'.  'yeah ok or what happens'.  'I dunno, a teenager on minimum wage will make you.'

Who is going to 'pull the plug' on them?

Im not saying you are wrong in all cases but this type of thing is not black and white.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 07:46:09
Did you happen to see the anti masker refusing to wear a mask and bullying the shop assistant to the point of tears that was doing the rounds recently? 

The government have issued a decree and put it into the hands of poorly paid shop staff to police it.  'You must wear masks and social distance'.  'yeah ok or what happens'.  'I dunno, a teenager on minimum wage will make you.'

Who is going to 'pull the plug' on them?

Im not saying you are wrong in all cases but this type of thing is not black and white.

I don't think they are supposed to challenge people not wearing masks, are they? The reason being that you can't always tell if somebody is disabled, or has breathing difficulties or anxiety associated with covering their face.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 07:55:34
Did you happen to see the anti masker refusing to wear a mask and bullying the shop assistant to the point of tears that was doing the rounds recently? 

The government have issued a decree and put it into the hands of poorly paid shop staff to police it.  'You must wear masks and social distance'.  'yeah ok or what happens'.  'I dunno, a teenager on minimum wage will make you.'

Who is going to 'pull the plug' on them?

Im not saying you are wrong in all cases but this type of thing is not black and white.

im talking about the reverse- the lack of give a fuck by colleagues and that barely any wear masks themselves. a lot of places like garages have a security man enforcing masks then you have staff on the floor walking around you without.

 referring to pubs that are packed out with everyone at the bar queuing. enforce a system that works like table service only or be shut. how the fuck did a nightclub in Preston manage to open, then the whole area got locked down. was it worth it?

they either need to find a way to do it properly or risk being shut again. more name and shaming should be done

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 12:44:58
It's about social cues and reminders.

I know it's a bit of an odd comparison to use Disney here, although given the state of Florida maybe not, but I did visit Disney Springs a couple of months back when things had originally settled down a bit.  The sheer overload of reminders that masks were necessary to be in the area was impossible to miss.  From the original checkpoint on entry to signage, to staff ALL wearing them, to staff giving little reminders in casual conversation, to the degree of social pressure you then felt when you forgot to put it on after food and thought everyone was looking at you once you remembered something was missing.

Same State, different experience - Walmart.  A number of staff not wearing masks, nobody really checking on entry, very little signage to remind you, plenty of shoppers without them.  Given some of the stories about people brandishing guns, I can well imagine the staff are not keen to be police officers, but Disney showed how subtle reminders can do just as good a job.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 13:14:21
Right we can all stand down, Russia have sorted it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 13:25:19
im talking about the reverse- the lack of give a fuck by colleagues and that barely any wear masks themselves. a lot of places like garages have a security man enforcing masks then you have staff on the floor walking around you without.
The legislation does not require staff to wear masks, only customers. It's an odd anomaly and not sure why it was done that way, but not the staff's fault

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 08:43:10
It gets better and better

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 09:02:04
It gets better and better


But migrants.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 09:33:14

But migrants.

I was talking to someone about this yesterday, whilst the migrant thing is acting as a wonderful dead cat for the government its rather fallen into their lap rather than of their own making.

The background to the present kefuffle is Farage trying to make himself relevant again with him little home movies, which has gained much traction in those parts of the media who know that misery for people who aren't British sells, thus its become big news with little government input at first.

At which stage the government had to be seen to be doing something, so we have had Patel rolling up in Dover wittering on about the Navy (although what she wants them to do that Border Force aren't, who knows, perhaps shell rubber dinghy's full of kids) now the RAF being dragged in and Johnson suggesting that everyone in the boats is illegal.

Its actually making the government look a bit shit in the eyes of their more ENP inspired supporters at the moment as Farage is continuing to exploit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 09:40:32
I was talking to someone about this yesterday, whilst the migrant thing is acting as a wonderful dead cat for the government its rather fallen into their lap rather than of their own making.

The background to the present kefuffle is Farage trying to make himself relevant again with him little home movies, which has gained much traction in those parts of the media who know that misery for people who aren't British sells, thus its become big news with little government input at first.

At which stage the government had to be seen to be doing something, so we have had Patel rolling up in Dover wittering on about the Navy (although what she wants them to do that Border Force aren't, who knows, perhaps shell rubber dinghy's full of kids) now the RAF being dragged in and Johnson suggesting that everyone in the boats is illegal.

Its actually making the government look a bit shit in the eyes of their more ENP inspired supporters at the moment as Farage is continuing to exploit.
Although it's a political choice for them to try to out-Farage Farage. They could just say "Fuck off, non-story, the country is facing bigger issues right now" and for once look like actual grown-ups who are trying to run the country at a time of grave crisis. Rather than exploiting genuine human misery to pander to the worst instincts of the worst elements of the media and political class.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 09:45:13
Although it's a political choice for them to try to out-Farage Farage. They could just say "Fuck off, non-story, the country is facing bigger issues right now" and for once look like actual grown-ups who are trying to run the country at a time of grave crisis. Rather than exploiting genuine human misery to pander to the worst instincts of the worst elements of the media and political class.

They are never going to say non-story as its a matter which is close to the heart of the majority of their support, once again it just shows the hold Farage has over them as much of their support was only lent at the back end of last year.

Cannot remember where I read it, but someone made a pretty good point regarding the fact that even in the red wall seats where former Labour voters went over to the blue side you don't have to scratch said voters very hard to find racism bubbling under the surface.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 09:49:54
tbf most of this stuff re migrants should be in the politics thread. My bad as well, should have replied there

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 10:39:10
Quote from: horlock07
It gets better and better (

ah the good old Plymouth Brevs. Fairly strict. They owned Cotswold fasteners, they wouldn't allow car stereos in the company cars back in the 90s. so the non PB used to install them under a seat..
anyway it's all a bit of a shit show in contract reverting isn't it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 13:58:49
Just nipped to the shops in Turkey to pick up a few bits and pieces. 100% of people were wearing masks, they seem to be taking this stuff seriously over here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 14:21:19
same in Spain/Canaries by everything I've seen.

I've actually seen canarians(?) on social media pushing the local government to make masks compulsory in all public areas.

I'm sure there are dissidents too, not seen any yet

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 18:18:25
The (incorrect, under-reported) UK death toll from Coronavirus is dropped by over 5.000
Odd that they use the ONS for certain figures but ignore (the inconvenient) others

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 18:33:09
No I agree, hence my comment about it seems a bit clumsy to be so coarse-grained. But I don't think that alters the principle that it's going to be necessary to introduce these kind of rolling travel restrictions for some time as we see flare-ups in other countries/regions. And accept when they are imposed on us, as well.

We can't even stop 50 illegal immigrants making it to Dover from Calais

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 18:59:43
same in Spain/Canaries by everything I've seen.

I've actually seen canarians(?) on social media pushing the local government to make masks compulsory in all public areas.

Probably tweeting about it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 19:09:38
Probably tweeting about it


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 19:48:02
but the canaries aren't named after the...

oh never mind, was a good one liner :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, August 13, 2020, 06:11:08
The (incorrect, under-reported) UK death toll from Coronavirus is dropped by over 5.000
Odd that they use the ONS for certain figures but ignore (the inconvenient) others
No, the PHE has changed the way it calculates its figures. That is what has dropped. ONS figures remain as they were. Both are problematic. Which is why even the govt agrees that the only reliable measure is excess deaths. That figure remains at over 65,000.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Thursday, August 13, 2020, 06:33:31
The PHE toll was an absolute farce in all honesty.
If someone tested positive for Coronavirus in March, recovered and then died in a car crash last week, that would go down as a coronavirus death.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Thursday, August 13, 2020, 07:01:19
No, the PHE has changed the way it calculates its figures. That is what has dropped. ONS figures remain as they were. Both are problematic. Which is why even the govt agrees that the only reliable measure is excess deaths. That figure remains at over 65,000.

In England and Wales, since w/e 19th June - we have seen a reduction of c1,500 less excess deaths.  Should this not be taken off?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, August 13, 2020, 07:08:23
Statistically yes but difficult to attribute any non deaths to Coronavirus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Thursday, August 13, 2020, 08:57:57
The PHE toll was an absolute farce in all honesty.
If someone tested positive for Coronavirus in March, recovered and then died in a car crash last week, that would go down as a coronavirus death.

aah but they were caused by people who didn't do the trip to Barnard Castle eyetest and so blinded by coronavirus, they killed themselves/others. Statistics, pff you couldn't make it up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, August 13, 2020, 09:01:47
The PHE toll was an absolute farce in all honesty.
If someone tested positive for Coronavirus in March, recovered and then died in a car crash last week, that would go down as a coronavirus death.
Yes, but this reversal is no better, it assumes you either get better or die within 23 days of a +ve diagnosis. If you die 28 days or more after a +ve diagnosis, you're assumed not to have died of COVID. There are loads of documented cases of people being ill for months with COVID, with both good and bad outcomes. So PHE have simply replaced one misleading stat with another.

And on a side note, there's not been nearly enough discussion in the media of what constitutes "recovery". There's growing evidence that COVID can have severe long term consequences for lots of people whereas the way it's being talked about at the moment is very much in binary terms - get ill for a few weeks and you either die or get better. Lots of people don't die but don't get better either.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, August 13, 2020, 09:50:56
And on a side note, there's not been nearly enough discussion in the media of what constitutes "recovery". There's growing evidence that COVID can have severe long term consequences for lots of people whereas the way it's being talked about at the moment is very much in binary terms - get ill for a few weeks and you either die or get better. Lots of people don't die but don't get better either.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, August 13, 2020, 13:23:35
In England and Wales, since w/e 19th June - we have seen a reduction of c1,500 less excess deaths.  Should this not be taken off?

Yes - not that you'd count it against Covid as an odd positive, but more that you track the impact of a Pandemic on the health systems/society as a whole.  The result of shurdowns and reduced mobility could likely be a short term boon against accidental death for example.  It's key to keep tracking it for months later as well - we could see an uptick in Cancer deaths if people skipped treatment, also the other discussion about long term impacts on health.  Someone could recover but then die a year or two later thanks to the impact on their body weakening their immune system, or creating a new underlying condition.

As much as the direct immediate death count is sexy for reporters, the Govt needs to understand how to adapt policy and healthcare delivery for future Pandemics.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, August 14, 2020, 16:36:56
Separate studies by ONS and ZOE (kings college London) both concluding that total infections in the population remaining static. Confirmed cases moving upwards slowly, which would indicate its test and trace slowly working rather than an increase in spread - we’re getting better at directing infected people to testing, rather than having more infected people

I think generally we’re in as good a position now as we’re going to be with things

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, August 14, 2020, 17:08:23
Separate studies by ONS and ZOE (kings college London) both concluding that total infections in the population remaining static. Confirmed cases moving upwards slowly, which would indicate its test and trace slowly working rather than an increase in spread - we’re getting better at directing infected people to testing, rather than having more infected people
Excellent, although I suspect it's an increase in testing rather than "test and trace working". Even the govt have admitted test and trace is a shambles which is why they've started to hand it over to local authorities as Sercco have abjectly failed to implement tracing properly - 50% failure rate. If that can be implemented by proper PH professionals and improved we could see the infection rate start to fall which is what we should be aiming for.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Friday, August 14, 2020, 19:24:43
But they said it was world beating. Please don't tell me they were, um, I cant hardly bring myself to say it, lying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, August 14, 2020, 20:10:10
But they said it was world beating. Please don't tell me they were, um, I cant hardly bring myself to say it, lying.

Or world beatingly incompetent.

I don't know which would be worse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 12:51:40
So the clearly failing PHE is to be scrapped, even though it was rated as excellent just 3 years ago by an international body appointed to scrutinise govt Public Health efforts, sure went downhill fast. But the man who oversaw that decline, Matt Hancock, is taking no responsibility for that failure and has instead decided to create a new body, also answerable to him, to be comprised of the wreckage of PHE and the already failing privatised Serco Test and Trace programme (falsely branded as NHS Test and Trace so the NHS can take the blame for Serco's failures).

Serco's Test and Trace has so far managed to contact roughly 50% of those testing positive, a dismal rate of failure. It has been led in that failure by the serial fuck-up Dido Harding, she of TalkTalk data breach fame and other private sector fiascos, and husband of a Tory MP who has for years, entirely coincidentally, been demanding the abolition of PHE and the privatisation of the NHS. The new body will be led by that very same Dido Harding, so that she can continue her track record of fucking up on a grand scale. It makes you wonder if the priority is tackling the virus, or just driving through the ongoing privatisation of public health.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 13:23:34
So the clearly failing PHE is to be scrapped, even though it was rated as excellent just 3 years ago by an international body appointed to scrutinise govt Public Health efforts, sure went downhill fast. But the man who oversaw that decline, Matt Hancock, is taking no responsibility for that failure and has instead decided to create a new body, also answerable to him, to be comprised of the wreckage of PHE and the already failing privatised Serco Test and Trace programme (falsely branded as NHS Test and Trace so the NHS can take the blame for Serco's failures).

Serco's Test and Trace has so far managed to contact roughly 50% of those testing positive, a dismal rate of failure. It has been led in that failure by the serial fuck-up Dido Harding, she of TalkTalk data breach fame and other private sector fiascos, and husband of a Tory MP who has for years, entirely coincidentally, been demanding the abolition of PHE and the privatisation of the NHS. The new body will be led by that very same Dido Harding, so that she can continue her track record of fucking up on a grand scale. It makes you wonder if the priority is tackling the virus, or just driving through the ongoing privatisation of public health.

Can I ask where you are getting your numbers from? 50% of those testing positive?

The only mention of 50% in the below link is this... despite figures suggesting that only around 50% of people from the same household as a person infected with Covid-19 were being contacted.

If you are in the same household and you don't know the person has tested positive and you need to isolate then you are an idiot... I'm not going to pretend its a world beating test and trace but atleast get the facts right

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 14:03:50
Official figures show that local teams manage to contact 98 per cent of close contacts of people who tested positive for Covid-19 before asking them to self-isolate.

This plummets to 56 per cent of close contacts in cases handled either online or by call centres.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 14:16:00

That's what I've already called out...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 14:26:38
That's what I've already called out...
No it's not. Close contacts are not the same as "in the same household".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 14:36:16
^^^ this.

it may be one source is more accurate than the other, but mine is explicitly saying 56% of all close contacts traced. can't verify it correct, obviously

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 14:39:45
And here's Dido Harding holding the wooden spoon award she scooped when in charge of TalkTalk for Britain's shoddiest customer service, two years running


No experience of public health, and shit at the things she does have experience in. I mean, who else would you trust with the nation's fightback against COVID?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 14:41:32
No it's not. Close contacts are not the same as "in the same household".

Have you looked at the BBC article? The one batch links to doesn't have much detail.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 14:53:32
Have you looked at the BBC article? The one batch links to doesn't have much detail.
No I looked at the govt stats, that both articles were based on. Close contacts are not the same as members of the same household, it means someone you have been in prolonged (i.e. 10 mins or more) close contact with. So someone you were sat next to at work or in the pub or on a bus journey, not someone you passed in the street, for example. But it doesn't have to mean same household (although clearly it could). And you were right by the way, it's not 50% it's more like 55%. Still a massive failure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 20:28:30
No I looked at the govt stats, that both articles were based on. Close contacts are not the same as members of the same household, it means someone you have been in prolonged (i.e. 10 mins or more) close contact with. So someone you were sat next to at work or in the pub or on a bus journey, not someone you passed in the street, for example. But it doesn't have to mean same household (although clearly it could). And you were right by the way, it's not 50% it's more like 55%. Still a massive failure.

Have you actually looked at the govt stats though?

This will provide the data tables up to 5th August, the latest version.  Total close contacts reached on table 10 was 74% for the last week available.  On the same table it then splits it into complex (95.2%) and non complex (61.1%)

Then table 11 provides the split of non complex by household (57.4%) and non household (67.1%) contacts contacted.

My points stands, why they present household contacts, as they should never need to receive a call to tell them to isolate, so the stats are misleading.

It seems that c20% of people are providing contact details for close contacts, this is something the general public need to help support, the gov can't do it without our help.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 21:53:20
it's fair enough that the public should do their bit in order for it to work.

what I would say though is the media reports I read said that local on the ground  teams in areas under increased measures were easy more effective than centralised track and trace.  

So both the public and the system could do better. Thankfully we seem to be switching systems.

don't get me started on the app fiasco though. a day late and a dollar short.

the Government does think it can hide things by using 'world leading' and 'fantastic/marvelous'. But this isn't the USA. Most people take it as read it's bullshit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 06:30:37
Went to the outlet yesterday, and even in shops, some people are refusing to wear masks. Some even carrying them. Yes some might have an underlying condition, but some were out right refusing to wear one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 06:35:07
Mrs Audrey went into a shop yesterday forgetting to put her mask on first.

They chucked her out!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 08:55:14
Sorry to go on a bit about how they are doing it in Turkey, but they have a zero tolerance policy in shops as well which appears to be policed by the shop workers. As Audrey's wife experienced you basically just can't go into a shop without a mask.

I have heard that there is a 900 TL fine (about £100) for non-mask wearing so perhaps this is helping, or perhaps people are just more accepting of what effort is required to minimise risk.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 08:59:42
Went to the outlet yesterday, and even in shops, some people are refusing to wear masks. Some even carrying them. Yes some might have an underlying condition, but some were out right refusing to wear one.

Was on a train the other day. 2 people with masks just covering their mouths, one that took theirs off to have a conversation on the phone. Infuriating.

But the other 30 or so people did keep them on and use them properly. Shouldn't lose sight of that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 09:05:35
it's fair enough that the public should do their bit in order for it to work.

what I would say though is the media reports I read said that local on the ground  teams in areas under increased measures were easy more effective than centralised track and trace. 

So both the public and the system could do better. Thankfully we seem to be switching systems.

don't get me started on the app fiasco though. a day late and a dollar short.

the Government does think it can hide things by using 'world leading' and 'fantastic/marvelous'. But this isn't the USA. Most people take it as read it's bullshit.

Up here being reported in Blackburn the national system is getting 56% the local method 98% (and that is without any additional central funding).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 09:07:48
Was on a train the other day. 2 people with masks just covering their mouths, one that took theirs off to have a conversation on the phone. Infuriating.

But the other 30 or so people did keep them on and use them properly. Shouldn't lose sight of that.

Up here it seems to be pretty much 100%, went shopping to the retail parks of Kendal at the weekend, was waiting for about 10 mins outside the door of Sainsbury's waiting for the missus only people I saw entering without masks were invariably followed with a 'fuck I haven't got my mask on' a rummage in a pocket and masked up!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 09:08:45
Have you actually looked at the govt stats though?
Yes I have. You seem to be hanging your hat on household contacts, which seems an odd thing to zero in on.  Here's the big picture: total +ve tests since Test and Trace started in May: 53,427; people who were reached and provided contact details for close contacts: 29,723 = 55% of details of close contacts obtained. Of that 55% they then weren't able to get in touch with 18.5% of the contacts provided. It's dismal.

Centralised contact tracing has been a disaster by any measure, the govt tacitly admitted this a week or so ago when they announced they would be moving much of this work into local public health units which is where it should have been in the first place, they have the expertise and the staff on the ground (albeit not enough thanks to a decade of local authority funding cuts) to actually do the job properly. Which is why local contact tracing has a >95% hit rate whereas Serco's glorified call centre operation has a miserable 55% hit rate. I'm hoping that this aspect, moving much of the actual work to local public health teams, will remain. Without an effective testing and contact tracing system we will never get this thing under control.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 09:11:55
Went to the outlet yesterday, and even in shops, some people are refusing to wear masks. Some even carrying them. Yes some might have an underlying condition, but some were out right refusing to wear one.
But you don't know who is exempt and who is just "refusing" to wear one. Not sure shaming people who might have a perfectly good reason for not wearing one is a particularly helpful approach. FWIW, I was also in the Outlet Centre yesterday (wearing a mask) and although I saw one person take their mask off while still in the centre as she left a shop, she put it back on again before she went into the next shop. Beyond that, everyone I saw was wearing one. I don't do a huge amount of shopping but from what I've seen observance of the mask rules seems to be pretty good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 09:29:10
Unfortunately the non wearing of masks isn't completely black or white as this article attests;

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 10:52:26
Yes I have. You seem to be hanging your hat on household contacts, which seems an odd thing to zero in on.  Here's the big picture: total +ve tests since Test and Trace started in May: 53,427; people who were reached and provided contact details for close contacts: 29,723 = 55% of details of close contacts obtained. Of that 55% they then weren't able to get in touch with 18.5% of the contacts provided. It's dismal.

Centralised contact tracing has been a disaster by any measure, the govt tacitly admitted this a week or so ago when they announced they would be moving much of this work into local public health units which is where it should have been in the first place, they have the expertise and the staff on the ground (albeit not enough thanks to a decade of local authority funding cuts) to actually do the job properly. Which is why local contact tracing has a >95% hit rate whereas Serco's glorified call centre operation has a miserable 55% hit rate. I'm hoping that this aspect, moving much of the actual work to local public health teams, will remain. Without an effective testing and contact tracing system we will never get this thing under control.

I'm not 'hanging my hat' on anything, so making a valid point.
Off the same link as before, table 7 52,735 has been passed to test and trace and 41,254 have been contacted, so 78.2%

What you have pulled out is the number who provided close contacts - 29,723 and the other side is the number of people who couldn't provide any close contacts 11,532, does that mean they live alone or have refused to provide any contacts? i don't know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 11:29:31
You know the government is fucked when even Toby Young thinks so...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 11:39:53
He was hoping the job was his.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 16:15:59
Nothing to see here, move along.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 15:13:41

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 15:34:02
I'm WFH until January so my employers certainly aren't listening to such advice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 15:43:28
I'm WFH until January so my employers certainly aren't listening to such advice.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Old_Town_Red on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 15:53:01

Same for me too...if not longer. It’s worked really well where I work

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 15:54:57
Speaking to Office providing Clients they are lining up for a massive change in the market off the back of this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 15:58:06
Hancocks such a prick

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 16:00:09
Quote from: Costanza
I'm WFH until January so my employers certainly aren't listening to such advice.

ditto! I can see my employer letting the lease lapse tbh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 16:05:52
Hancocks such a prick


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 16:21:08
I'm WFH until January so my employers certainly aren't listening to such advice.

Barclays in London are thinking about ditching their £250k per week in Offices, and having more people hot desk to their local branch.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 16:47:27

My employer (review in December and will extend beyond January if need be), my wifes employer (her office is going back no earlier than March!) and a couple of friends I was talking to all had dates of WFH confirmed within the same working week.

The same thing happened about 10 days before lockdown (being told to WFH in large numbers when the government were saying 'stay in the office, business as usual and high five as much as you want')

I do wonder whether the Civil Service or whatever issue some kind of advice behind-the-scenes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, August 21, 2020, 09:43:40
This is fucking horrible: bereaved families of low-paid NHS workers who died from COVID will lose access to benefits if they get a payout under the govt compensation scheme to bereaved families. I hope this is just a lack of thinking things through, rather than deliberate, and that it can be corrected.

EDIT: having read the story more thoroughly it appears that not only is it deliberate, but govt is defending it as by design. Jesus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Friday, August 21, 2020, 10:31:19
This is fucking horrible: bereaved families of low-paid NHS workers who died from COVID will lose access to benefits if they get a payout under the govt compensation scheme to bereaved families. I hope this is just a lack of thinking things through, rather than deliberate, and that it can be corrected.

EDIT: having read the story more thoroughly it appears that not only is it deliberate, but govt is defending it as by design. Jesus.

Fucking hell.

Someone posted yesterday, I think, that surely they have run out of ways to fuck up any more.  It does seem inconceivable that such consistent and persistent fuck-uppery can occur, but credit to them, if they can find a way to fuck up, they will (even this - a really positive action to compensate families of NHS workers that they rightly got credit for is now turned on it's head as they seek to claw some of it back).  

They just don't think they think nor have an ounce of compassion - cunts.  Beyond contempt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, August 21, 2020, 11:04:34
hopefully they will make exceptions in this case

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: joeydubya on Friday, August 21, 2020, 11:19:27
Sorry to be all tinfoil hat on a Friday lunchtime but between the three of them (Dom, Boris and Hancock) they don't behave like people who have been struck down with it. In the PM's case, we are told it nearly killed him...  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, August 21, 2020, 11:38:58
hopefully they will make exceptions in this case
That's what I thought Batch, actually I assumed it was an oversight, then I read this bit

"A House of Commons library note says: “The DWP has agreed with HM Treasury and the Department for Health and Social Care that these payments will not be disregarded. Therefore, if a recipient of a payment from this … scheme is on one of these benefits, it will fully be taken into account as capital.”"

and this bit

"A government spokesperson said: ... “It has always been one the central principles of Universal Credit that decisions on awarding the benefit should take into account individuals’ existing ability to meet their basic needs, so that we maintain our focus on supporting families in most need.”"

It's like they're going out of their way to be as nasty shits as possible

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, August 21, 2020, 11:49:06

utter scum

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Sunday, August 23, 2020, 08:52:45
Something to ponder;

Shops have been open since June - where’s the explosion in cases?

Demonstrations took place in London in June - where’s the explosions in cases?

The beaches were ram-packed a month ago - where’s the explosion in cases?

People generally going about their business over their last 8 weeks - where’s the explosion in cases?

There is one fact that remains, more tests which means more positives however only 1 or 2 deaths a day.

Where’s the deadly virus?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Sunday, August 23, 2020, 09:07:58

NHS workers twiddling their thumbs in empty hospital (source: personal accounts from workers in two large NHS hospitals).

Next time some little Hitler demands that you stand two yards away from someone else, call them out with:
 "COVID cop-out!"!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Sunday, August 23, 2020, 09:14:51
Im not sure.  But one thing to note is there was some great drug announced a while ago that helped in the treatment of the virus.  It was said that

'It cut the risk of death by a third for patients on ventilators. For those on oxygen, it cut deaths by a fifth.'

'Had the drug had been used to treat patients in the UK from the start of the pandemic, up to 5,000 lives could have been saved.'

So cases have gone down, still at around 1000 a day, treatment has got better, testing has got better.

So many things that we don't know.  It's better than it was.  Could be that the virus is in retreat.  March April and May were the peak.  At that point I was working a job where I saw the bodies.  So any bullshit hoax theories are just that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Sunday, August 23, 2020, 09:33:09
"Where’s the deadly virus?"
I'd suggest looking at the excess mortality rates for the last number of months

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, August 23, 2020, 09:42:17
Maybe the virus strain is not as strong now? Been "watered down"?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Sunday, August 23, 2020, 10:39:24
"Where’s the deadly virus?"
I'd suggest looking at the excess mortality rates for the last number of months

I think the bit you missed was "now"....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, August 23, 2020, 11:59:11
As deadly as it has been, the main concern has been more surrounding the contagion being as rapid as herpes and how to stem said contagion (hence social distancing, isolation, quarantine "enforcements" and so on). Especially since this is a novel virus.

Don't really need to tell anyone on here (possibly one or two) that whilst deaths are incredibly awful, if you can prevent or even figure out a solution to contagion pathways and somehow stem the (the government may call this "flatten the curve") contagion of said novel prevent deaths.

Possibly a combining factor that it has weakened too. We've (scientists and researchers) found out much more about it, some of that has become available to us. Bleach (no not injecting) and warm water has been seen to be a great divider of the protein and lipid of which the virus is made up of. The temperature may well have had an effect here in weakening it too, since it's main binding agent is a lipid (as mentioned above), externally this is likely to make it not last as long on surfaces (also depends on material and porosity). It doesn't naturally carry very far (despite some confusion between what an airborne aerosol is) so unless projected via human saliva, close contact for a while or you're touching surfaces that has been coughed all over or not washing your hands, then you lower your risk.

Also, it might not be the biggest stretch of imagination that we also know so far, that in the most part this virus does tend to kill more people with underlying conditions, these tend to be older people or people with long term illness. Possible that the virus has already killed off as many of those people who are bracketed as high risk, so is naturally running out of hosts (to "kill", even though it has no intention to kill, it has no thought process other than attaching itself to a host, it is a virus. It just happens to be quite harmful to a good chunk of people. It has no true nucleus).

This doesn't mean if you go into a shop or place where there are several people you can be a Billy big cunt and act all blasé. Because the very likelihood is that many of us could be carrying the little cunt and passing it around. If this blasé approach is replicated, less people will think about going and getting a test because "I'm alright Jack" mentality has set in. A common denominator in much of this species we call humans.

It is then fairly obvious that the virus contagion is probably still very effective and if you are playing the game of Billy big cunt and being blasé then I fear for anyone you know (or not) that may come into contact with you, who could be at risk.

I would rather like to see someone like Valid Pint go and have a conversation (at distance) with Normy and his wife. Someone, we know on here and thankfully survived; others have not been so lucky.

tl;dr - Basically, just don't be a cunt when it comes to this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Sunday, August 23, 2020, 12:24:02
It’s over here having a party.  3rd biggest killer of 2020 using just the reported number of deaths and likely more than that as excess deaths shows a higher number, like the UK.

New Zealand has been a great example.  They first showed that you can essentially starve the virus.  However they have also shown it doesn’t take much for an imported case to start the whole gig off again.  Be interesting to see if they attack it successfully again.

The USA showed that a few weeks of ignoring it when it is not completely gone can prove very costly.  It took a while, maybe 6 weeks or so, but then it exploded again and we are sat with 4 weeks of 1k a day deaths as a result.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 10:05:09
How much have people used this scheme, we haven't mainly because the only pub I have been is so popular they have no need to do it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 10:14:13
We went for breakfast once and got the discount, we'd probably have gone anyway. I do know people who have been basically every day though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 10:14:34
A few times Horlock. Most welcome it was too.

Problem is, its so popular you need to plan in advance and reserve a table in many places. I'm not that organised,

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 10:27:55
How much have people used this scheme, we haven't mainly because the only pub I have been is so popular they have no need to do it.
FWIW, we went for a curry last night because of this and Old Town seemed pretty busy, esp for midweek. Given no other obvious reason for it to be so, I'd assume the Eat Out thingy was a big part of that. Problem is that all these stimulus things are coming to an end around the same time, so unless at least some of them are extended, which of course they may well be, the hangover could be a massive cliff-edge. Two key milestone dates coming up: from Sept 30th, the protection against winding up orders ends and from end of October, furlough ends. We could see a lot of companies go to the wall in Oct/Nov.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 10:33:30
Thing is with Furlough, how many unsustainable jobs are being presently carried by furlough, which is just carrying unemployment forward and keeping people off WS?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 10:36:20
Also the EOTHO has in some cases just shifted trade from Thurs-Sat to Mon-Weds. It is a good idea, but its not benefited everyone.
On that note, what p*sses me off is the numerous reports of "no show" reservations. I know the restaurants could charge a non refundable deposit, but that's not the point. How hard is it to ring and cancel FFS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 10:43:58
Thing is with Furlough, how many unsustainable jobs are being presently carried by furlough, which is just carrying unemployment forward and keeping people off WS?
Exactly, that was kind of my point in pointing out those two milestones - there's a whole load of zombie jobs and zombie companies out there that just don't realise they're dead yet. When they finally get killed off, that is when the recession will bite. You have to imagine Sunak will put some kind of mitigation in place to soften the landing or it's going to be quite some cliff edge to fall over, with a hard Brexit following soon after to kill off those still clinging on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 11:44:36
Also the EOTHO has in some cases just shifted trade from Thurs-Sat to Mon-Weds. It is a good idea, but its not benefited everyone.
On that note, what p*sses me off is the numerous reports of "no show" reservations. I know the restaurants could charge a non refundable deposit, but that's not the point. How hard is it to ring and cancel FFS.

Also bear in mind that EOTHO is being funded by the taxpayer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 19:06:14
Working in a work bubble. Bloke i work with has been sent home as his kid has a fever. Am i right in thinking we should be sent home also? Settle the office debate for us

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 19:18:43
Working in a work bubble. Bloke i work with has been sent home as his kid has a fever. Am i right in thinking we should be sent home also? Settle the office debate for us

No. Only if he gets symptoms.

One of my wife’s colleagues, who lives in south Cerney, who works for the nhs had a high temperature. She went online to book a test and no word of a lie, they said the nearest test centre was in Fife. Some 160 odd miles away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 09:06:49
Another question...

My missus has been selected at random to take part in one of these survey testing schemes, she had a test through the post and took it yesterday and has sent it back.

Now in the meantime since Monday she has not been at all well, we suspect (and our GP agrees via a telephone consultation) that she has had gastroenteritis (she's feeling better today), however, as C-19 can present this way the GP has recommended that she take a precautionary test which obviously she already had as part of the survey thingy.

The kicker is that the drive through tests can take 48 hours to come back, the survey ones say up to 2 weeks for results, should she/we be isolating as a precaution, little un is supposed to go back to School next week?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 09:12:19
No harm in getting a drive through test is there?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nijholts Nuts on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 09:14:13
Another question...

My missus has been selected at random to take part in one of these survey testing schemes, she had a test through the post and took it yesterday and has sent it back.

Now in the meantime since Monday she has not been at all well, we suspect (and our GP agrees via a telephone consultation) that she has had gastroenteritis (she's feeling better today), however, as C-19 can present this way the GP has recommended that she take a precautionary test which obviously she already had as part of the survey thingy.

The kicker is that the drive through tests can take 48 hours to come back, the survey ones say up to 2 weeks for results, should she/we be isolating as a precaution, little un is supposed to go back to School next week?
I took a drive through test yesterday lunchtime and got the all clear at 0200 this morning. I would say it's better safe than sorry.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 09:21:52
I'd get the drive through, better to know sooner rather than later

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 09:44:39
+1 for the drive through and hope it's all clear, obviously.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 10:20:26
Ta, we will have a look main problem is the distance to any drive through from here, its looking like Preston which is about an hour each way!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nijholts Nuts on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 10:41:10
Ta, we will have a look main problem is the distance to any drive through from here, its looking like Preston which is about an hour each way!
I'd double check that, as when I filled in the form it said that my local test station was a cool 365 miles away in some terrible part of Scotland, when I repopulated that form it gave me a much more convenient location 10 miles from my door in Bedford.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 12:06:46
Its improving...

ome 75.5% of close contacts of people who tested positive for Covid-19 in England were reached through the Test and Trace system in the week ending 19 August, according to new figures from the Department of Health.

This is up from 71.6% in the previous week.

For cases handled by local health protection teams, 95.6% of contacts were reached and asked to self-isolate, while for those handled either online or by call centre only, 61.6% of contacts were reached.

Sage, which advises the government, has said that at least 80% of contacts would need to isolate for the scheme to be effective.

You can read more about how contact tracing works here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 12:15:32
Paul Pogba tests positive for Covid-19

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 12:20:57
Paul Pogba tests positive for Covid-19

Souness - "not good enough, his immune system failed him today should of done more for the team' in my opinion that's not good enough for Manchester United"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 12:29:03
I'd double check that, as when I filled in the form it said that my local test station was a cool 365 miles away in some terrible part of Scotland, when I repopulated that form it gave me a much more convenient location 10 miles from my door in Bedford.

Nope, she has done the form, Preston it is!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 13:02:50
Souness - "not good enough, his immune system failed him today should of done more for the team' in my opinion that's not good enough for Manchester United"
:Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 13:03:34
When you book online, it'll show you your nearest test station.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, August 27, 2020, 17:44:26
Switzerland is on the isolation list from Saturday.

that'll fuck power over

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, August 28, 2020, 10:39:10

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, August 28, 2020, 11:21:49
Quote from: horlock07 (

great statement by the company I thought

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, August 28, 2020, 16:16:30

Do idiots get put in charge of stuff these days (no need to answer).

On the one hand, the chap being quoted here wants to portray an image that there really isn't a wider area of concern (there may not be) but then, in what must be an attempt to try and shield some big employers in the Town, he goes on to state that the outbreaks at Warehouses are not because of spread at work.  Instead it must be coming from the home, family or friends.  Well, if we believe the latter, then it actually means there are a load more cases undiagnosed in Swindon, which completely undermines the original point.

It's has to be one or the other, you can;t have both.

None of that is me taking umbrage with the actual classification or what that might mean, just the idiot seemingly in charge not knowing his arse from his elbow.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Friday, August 28, 2020, 19:18:12
One look at the moustache says a lot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 3, 2020, 10:10:25
New trainspotting sequel looks a bit shit.


An update, missus still hasn't got results from first test and the second postal one she took in desperation on Tuesday morning and posted back immediately which they received yesterday morning still hasn't produced results.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, September 3, 2020, 10:17:10
Quote from: horlock07
An update, missus still hasn't got results from first test and the second postal one she took in desperation on Tuesday morning and posted back immediately which they received yesterday morning still hasn't produced results.

world leading ..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, September 3, 2020, 11:00:59
My brother had negative results for a test. All well and good you might say, however he hadnt even sent the test back when he got the text message :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 3, 2020, 11:04:45
My brother had negative results for a test. All well and good you might say, however he hadnt even sent the test back when he got the text message :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Perhaps he's received the results for one of the two the wife has taken so far!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, September 3, 2020, 13:11:55
Quote from: tans
My brother had negative results for a test. All well and good you might say, however he hadnt even sent the test back when he got the text message :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:
work leading..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 3, 2020, 13:17:17
My brother had negative results for a test. All well and good you might say, however he hadnt even sent the test back when he got the text message :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:
Oh come on. People complain when the results take ages to come back, the one time they're really proactive and send the results back before they've even got the test and people complain about that too. The govt just can't win with moaners like you lot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, September 4, 2020, 08:12:15
So now 9 days since first test, 4 days after second test, 3 days of school missed, and still no fucking results getting majorly pissed off now, world besting,  my arse!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 4, 2020, 12:36:46
I see Johnson still doesn't think the rules apply to him: addressed a 50-strong meeting of the 1922 committee of Tory MPs in a room marked as suitable for no more than 29 people, then immediately after tweeted that people shouldn't meet in groups of more than 30

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, September 4, 2020, 14:47:26
We have moved into our own amber category.


Does this mean that we might have to quarantine when moving between regions?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, September 4, 2020, 14:52:06
New trainspotting sequel looks a bit shit.


An update, missus still hasn't got results from first test and the second postal one she took in desperation on Tuesday morning and posted back immediately which they received yesterday morning still hasn't produced results.

I keep waiting for the Jam to appear

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Friday, September 4, 2020, 15:34:17
I keep waiting for the Jam to appear

Ad midnight maybe?  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, September 4, 2020, 17:31:56
Park life

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, September 4, 2020, 18:16:32
Park life

All the people?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, September 4, 2020, 18:17:03
All the people?

So many people

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, September 4, 2020, 18:26:58
So many people

In nodnoL definitely. Having a few friends based there (as well as knowing a few on here that are), I wouldn't want to be in London during this (or any) pandemic of uncertainty.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Saturday, September 5, 2020, 10:13:16
Two tests back this morning, both negative. Peace reigns from 8.45am Monday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, September 5, 2020, 10:24:56
Two tests back this morning, both negative. Peace reigns from 8.45am Monday. X

Where you from and were the test uncomfortable

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 7, 2020, 18:16:02
Remember that really awkward visit Johnson made to a school a couple of weeks ago to show it was fine for schools to reopen? It's now been shut down due to confirmed cases of COVID. He's like the fucking grim reaper

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, September 7, 2020, 19:22:01
My brother and his Mrs needed to have tests yesterday due to having symptoms. Couldn't get a test in Swindon for days so had to go to Bristol to have them (both got negative results back today). 

I went to Lidl today for the first time in ages. Apart from the prick that nearly crashed into my car on entry, I saw 5 people with masks below their noses.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 06:00:56
My brother and his Mrs needed to have tests yesterday due to having symptoms. Couldn't get a test in Swindon for days so had to go to Bristol to have them (both got negative results back today). 
I don't understand why there should be these shortages of tests, being reported all over the country that people are having to drive miles for tests and Hancock has now said they're *aiming* for people to *only* have to drive 75 miles for a test. What have they been doing for 6 months?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 06:30:26
What about the two test sites in town? Doesn't make any sense.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 06:34:37
Booked a test last night for one of my daughters who has symptoms, got a slot at 11.30am today at the CG test site.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 06:47:59
all the best Sam 🤞

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 07:45:04
I don't understand why there should be these shortages of tests, being reported all over the country that people are having to drive miles for tests and Hancock has now said they're *aiming* for people to *only* have to drive 75 miles for a test. What have they been doing for 6 months?

People who are unwell shouldn't be driving anywhere in my opinion. On motorways doer miles to see if you've got a potentially deadly virus is insane.

What about the two test sites in town? Doesn't make any sense.

Nothing was available Sunday or yesterday at either of those sites.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 07:58:23
In terms of safety, It doesn’t matter if you drive 1 mile with the virus or 100 miles does it? As long as you obviously don’t get out the car

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:00:09
I don't understand why there should be these shortages of tests, being reported all over the country that people are having to drive miles for tests and Hancock has now said they're *aiming* for people to *only* have to drive 75 miles for a test. What have they been doing for 6 months?

I can see if you live in very rural places you might need to drive a bit. That's understandable.  But most people don't live 75 miles from a town.

Resources must not be there, simple as that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:02:39
What about the two test sites in town? Doesn't make any sense.

What, that there are 2? Or that they were booked up?

I guess having 2 makes sense in that we were looking at a possible local spike not so long ago. When things go exponential (r>1) cases ramp pretty quickly. You need the capacity in place before so that you can get people into isolation ASAP if needed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:37:50
In terms of safety, It doesn’t matter if you drive 1 mile with the virus or 100 miles does it? As long as you obviously don’t get out the car

Of course it does. What about the safety of other road users. If you're ill you don't want to be driving do you?
It may have an effect on concentration etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:38:50
In terms of safety, It doesn’t matter if you drive 1 mile with the virus or 100 miles does it? As long as you obviously don’t get out the car
It does if you're not very well. If you're feeling quite unwell, which some of these people have been, it's clearly better if you can access a test site a couple of miles away, which would make a bus or taxi feasible rather than driving 75 miles when you're not well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:39:06
I can see if you live in very rural places you might need to drive a bit. That's understandable.  But most people don't live 75 miles from a town.

Resources must not be there, simple as that.

Its world beating though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:41:31
Of course it does. What about the safety of other road users. If you're ill you don't want to be driving do you?
It may have an effect on concentration etc.
Or eye sight :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:41:57
Booked a test last night for one of my daughters who has symptoms, got a slot at 11.30am today at the CG test site.
Hope it's all clear

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:42:53
Or eye sight :)
Only exempt with trips to Barnard castle though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:44:29
My brother's wife who was trying to book a test was informed that the earliest available date in Swindon was for Friday of this week. So how they're now having slots available is beyond me?
Glad to hear they are now available mind and wish your child all the best Sam.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:50:50
What amazes me is every time I’ve drove past one of the Swindon test sites there doesn’t seem to be any cars in there at all. Yet no-one can seemingly get a test.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:52:45
My brother's wife who was trying to book a test was informed that the earliest available date in Swindon was for Friday of this week. So how they're now having slots available is beyond me?
Maybe there weren't test resources available when she asked and they've now increased the resources in Swindon as we are deemed an area of concern. Although, one of the people I heard talking about been told to drive over 100 miles was in Leicester which is in lockdown so not sure how that makes sense. It's chaotic.

As I said, they've had six months to sort this out and it's still a fucking mess. Lockdown should have been an opportunity to buy some time to sort this shit out, but they seem to have spent it shovelling millions of taxpayers' money to their dodgy mates for non-existent PPE rather than sorting out a working TTI system. Another wasted opportunity, bought at huge expense and squandered; worrying as we come in to the autumn and winter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 08:53:10
What amazes me is every time I’ve drove past one of the Swindon test sites there doesn’t seem to be any cars in there at all. Yet no-one can seemingly get a test.
Which suggests the problem is test kits, not slots

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 09:46:36
It does if you're not very well. If you're feeling quite unwell, which some of these people have been, it's clearly better if you can access a test site a couple of miles away, which would make a bus or taxi feasible rather than driving 75 miles when you're not well.

Erm, I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to the news but it’s government advice that to test to see if you are fit to drive you should embark on a lengthy drive first


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 09:47:47
My brother's wife who was trying to book a test was informed that the earliest available date in Swindon was for Friday of this week. So how they're now having slots available is beyond me?
Glad to hear they are now available mind and wish your child all the best Sam.

Anecdotally, but doing things like trying to use a different device or resetting your browser has been found to mean people have got different results when applying for a test

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 10:14:39
^^^ wtaf ^^^

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 10:25:28
Erm, I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to the news but it’s government advice that to test to see if you are fit to drive you should embark on a lengthy drive first


Anecdotally, but doing things like trying to use a different device or resetting your browser has been found to mean people have got different results when applying for a test
Did they get the people who did iFollow to design the test booking app? That would explain a lot...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 10:30:14
^^^ wtaf ^^^

It’s very anecdotal evidence that I’ve seen on twitter and reddit. There may not be too much to it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 10:54:19
Anecdotally, but doing things like trying to use a different device or resetting your browser has been found to mean people have got different results when applying for a test

Can confirm. I couldn't get through on my laptop or phone, but my wife did.

Didn't really want to have to get it done, but better be safe than sorry and all that. All of us in the house have had a bit of a sore throat in the past week, but the eldest had a temperature too. It's a symptom, so best get checked.

Didn't seem that busy. Test was complete and in and out of the CG car park in under 10 minutes, nice straightforward process with clear instructions. Did one myself too so my daughter felt more at ease.

Now just the wait for the results.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 11:39:30
hopefully nothing Sam, but you can't be too careful

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 14:36:21
Hope you little un is alright Sam.

As for the testing it does seem to be rather shambolic, we can get tests here but we have to drive to Preston but even that isn't 75 miles away and we are in the sticks.

When we had all the ball ache with the wives tests I had a long chat with my mate who is a pharmacist in the NHS (he can prescribe as well so he is basically a doctor), he was saying that if you don't get tested within 48 hours of first symptoms its hardly worth testing, likewise he warned that if you think its a shit show now just wait till they combine this testing with the strain the flue vaccinations is going to cause.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 22:07:36
Not at all complicated then  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 22:14:48
so can I go to the pub?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 22:22:06
Telegraph reporting ministers are considering a ‘national curfew’

Yeah, good luck with that one

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 22:27:04
I'm just running out of bog roll too  :eekout:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 05:32:30
Any attempt to implement any form of lockdown again won’t be taken seriously.

Afraid we will just have to learn to live with this thing until a vaccine is found

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 07:18:22
Not at all complicated then  ::)
It actually isn't really, just seems to be being reported dreadfully. The 'rules' haven't actually changed I think, the only change is that inspector knacker can now fine you if you exceed 6, which they previously couldn't if the group was less than 30.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 07:42:22
^this. I can’t imagine there are too many instances where two households totalled 30 people anyway

It’s an anti-house party rule

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 08:49:17
But you can go to a pub with more than 6 people and many more households? And school, and work, and the shops.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 08:53:41
It actually isn't really, just seems to be being reported dreadfully. The 'rules' haven't actually changed I think, the only change is that inspector knacker can now fine you if you exceed 6, which they previously couldn't if the group was less than 30.
Although it was too complex for Matt Hancock on radio 4 this morning. He insisted the rules were "super simple, I can describe them in one sentence" and then proceeded to do so and get them wrong (he only listed school, work and special life events as exemptions, missing out organised sports events). Which is quite important if you are involved in organised sports events. Or a Health Secretary trying to insist the rules are "super simple"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 09:30:13

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 14:43:14
Rumours that the govt are looking at delaying the return of crowds to sporting events beyond October due to concerns at recent spikes in infections. Obviously, that could seriously fuck us up, and pretty much the whole of the Football League.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 14:52:10
I think it's inevitable Paul (both)

it makes no sense to ban groups of more than 6 then allow a few thousand into football.

Doncaster races have been told no crowds after Wednesday (wonder which mp got a freebe for Wednesday?)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 15:16:10
Bumbling through this presser as per normal

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 15:20:37
Someone who lives in south east Larndon and has epilepsy and doesn't drive...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 15:33:12
Bumbling through this presser as per normal

Buzzwords, slogans & incompetence

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 15:33:50
Rolling out tests that give result in 20 minutes. 500,000 a week by next month, millions by Xmas. To enable events with audiences/crowds to mingle as per pre Covid people will have to prove they have tested negative.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 15:40:01
I think it's inevitable Paul (both)

it makes no sense to ban groups of more than 6 then allow a few thousand into football.
There's a difference though isn't there between a highly supervised and regulated environment of allowing mass attendance at sporting events versus a few dozen people down the park being relied upon to self-regulate. I get the optics aren't good, and I think you're right that it will be delayed, but actually once you think about it, it's apples and oranges

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 15:42:17
Doncaster races have been told no crowds after Wednesday (wonder which mp got a freebe for Wednesday?)
It's a mystery why Matt Hancock, who has received over £350,000 donations from wealthy horseracing figures, & Dido Harding, who sits on the board of the Jockey club, haven't put a stop to the 4 day St Leger racing festival... there again..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 15:42:33
Rolling out tests that give result in 20 minutes. 500,000 a week by next month, millions by Xmas.
If they spent more time focusing on how to deliver the last 89 things they announced and less time announcing things they know they're not going to deliver, people might be more inclined to believe this shit. It's just all deflection.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 15:42:40
Rolling out tests that give result in 20 minutes. 500,000 a week by next month, millions by Xmas. To enable events with audiences/crowds to mingle as per pre Covid people will have to prove they have tested negative.

I should probably do some research, but it has confused me how so little has been pushed on the rapid testing front when all the talk has been about vaccines.  We know the latter comes with risks and delays, so could more have been done to get rapid results testing designed earlier on?  Certainly with a highly infectious virus, having to wait days for results must basically render testing next to useless other than as a way of identifying trends.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 16:07:39
So I'm heading to Turkey in a few weeks which is fine as a UK airbridge (no quarantine on return) but I'm flying in via Kos then getting the short boat trip to Turkey. Now the Government has just put a load of Greek places and islands on the quarantine list. Kos isn't one of them.

I've read through all the entry requirements etc, various passenger forms that need to be filled out, and I'm cool with doing what is required. What I can't see is anything to tell me about short term stop-overs. Basically I'll arrive in Kos too late to get the ferry so will be staying overnight in Kos then getting the ferry to Turkey the next day. All the information talks more towards people who are "holidaying" in Greece but I'm going to be there for less than 24hrs and essentially just stopping over.

My concern is more to do with returning (boat back to Kos and Flight home), as I will be doing that all in the same day. Hypothetically, if they test me and it's positive when arriving back in Greece they say that I would have to quarantine in the hotel I'm staying in or "Gov provided accoms" (not sure what that is/entails) but I'm not staying in a hotel/bnb on the way back and just travelling through.
At no cost to myself.  So would they allow me to travel on my flight to the UK and then be advised to quarantine on return or would they make me stay in Greece for 2 weeks?

I don't mind, if I had to spend 2 weeks in Kos after being in Turkey, then fine but I just feel like there's not much clarity on how these airbridges work, and links where other countries have air bridges (Greece-Turkey flying is closed but Ferry Ports are fully operational at time of writing) too.

If anyone can help it would be appreciated, also BO this is for you...there seems to be some conflicting advice regarding E-Visas. Some are saying I need one for Turkey yet it appears that a UK citizen can travel to Turkey without one for upto 90 days? Be decent if you could advise. Since you've recently travelled there.

Cheers anyone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 16:09:32
Why didnt you fly to Turkey direct out of interest?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 16:14:46
I’d imagine now that the holiday season is petering out - especially for the pissed up Brit brigade - no more islands will be added to the list. I can see Zakynthos from my terrace and the ferry lands 100m from my house with no restrictions on the comings and goings of people.

If people are allowed to travel unhindered via ferry from Zak I can’t see Kos proving to be a problem.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 16:20:14
Test results back in just over 24 hours: negative. Hurrah.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 16:39:38
So I'm heading to Turkey in a few weeks which is fine as a UK airbridge (no quarantine on return) but I'm flying in via Kos then getting the short boat trip to Turkey. Now the Government has just put a load of Greek places and islands on the quarantine list. Kos isn't one of them.

I've read through all the entry requirements etc, various passenger forms that need to be filled out, and I'm cool with doing what is required. What I can't see is anything to tell me about short term stop-overs. Basically I'll arrive in Kos too late to get the ferry so will be staying overnight in Kos then getting the ferry to Turkey the next day. All the information talks more towards people who are "holidaying" in Greece but I'm going to be there for less than 24hrs and essentially just stopping over.

My concern is more to do with returning (boat back to Kos and Flight home), as I will be doing that all in the same day. Hypothetically, if they test me and it's positive when arriving back in Greece they say that I would have to quarantine in the hotel I'm staying in or "Gov provided accoms" (not sure what that is/entails) but I'm not staying in a hotel/bnb on the way back and just travelling through.
At no cost to myself.  So would they allow me to travel on my flight to the UK and then be advised to quarantine on return or would they make me stay in Greece for 2 weeks?

I don't mind, if I had to spend 2 weeks in Kos after being in Turkey, then fine but I just feel like there's not much clarity on how these airbridges work, and links where other countries have air bridges (Greece-Turkey flying is closed but Ferry Ports are fully operational at time of writing) too.

If anyone can help it would be appreciated, also BO this is for you...there seems to be some conflicting advice regarding E-Visas. Some are saying I need one for Turkey yet it appears that a UK citizen can travel to Turkey without one for upto 90 days? Be decent if you could advise. Since you've recently travelled there.

Cheers anyone.

Hey Bamboo. I’ve sent you a DM regarding your visit.

Nope UK citizens don’t require an E-Visa anymore (some agreement between Turkey and the UK/Ireland). We flew into Izmir and the only thing we had to complete was a basic form saying where we were staying etc (for track and trace I guess).

I really don’t know about travel between Turkey and Greece but when we went on a day trip to Samos in Greece from Kusadasi they do inspect the passports in detail given that there is no love lost between the 2 countries!

When you flying?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 16:42:12
There's a difference though isn't there between a highly supervised and regulated environment of allowing mass attendance at sporting events versus a few dozen people down the park being relied upon to self-regulate. I get the optics aren't good, and I think you're right that it will be delayed, but actually once you think about it, it's apples and oranges
not really, you can't stop people doing the same thing before and after the game. it's not just in the stadium that's the issue

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 17:37:58
Why didnt you fly to Turkey direct out of interest?

I can fly direct but it falls down to cost. I can fly to Kos for £35 and back for about £90. Even including my stopover at a cheap bnb in Kos the total works out much less than flying straight into BJV (near double). Friend is picking me up so no transfers to pay. And there's little inconvenience for me personally jumping on the Ferry.

My main bother was regarding the "country hopping" so to speak.

If people are allowed to travel unhindered via ferry from Zak I can’t see Kos proving to be a problem.

True but you're talking about internal/domestic journey (ie Zante to Myk) so there are no checks, whereas, Kos Rhodes and Samos all have routes to the Turkish border, so becomes an international journey (plus Greek & Turk Border Forces are always falling out and making up) :)

Hey Bamboo. I’ve sent you a DM regarding your visit.

Nope UK citizens don’t require an E-Visa anymore (some agreement between Turkey and the UK/Ireland). We flew into Izmir and the only thing we had to complete was a basic form saying where we were staying etc (for track and trace I guess).

I really don’t know about travel between Turkey and Greece but when we went on a day trip to Samos in Greece from Kusadasi they do inspect the passports in detail given that there is no love lost between the 2 countries!

When you flying?

Cheers BO, yeah I've done the Rhodes to Marmaris trip before and I seem to remember the passport having an inspection. Will check the messages. Thanks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 18:49:39
Test results back in just over 24 hours: negative. Hurrah.
Brilliant news Sam!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 18:50:42
not really, you can't stop people doing the same thing before and after the game. it's not just in the stadium that's the issue
1) Staggered entry and dispersal times
2) Risks are mainly from prolonged contact indoors rather than outside

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 19:30:30
Quote from: pauld
not really, you can't stop people doing the same thing before and after the game. it's not just in the stadium that's the issue
1) Staggered entry and dispersal times
2) Risks are mainly from prolonged contact indoors rather than outside

1) was thinking more of fans meeting before/after game.

2) - yes, and yet they are applying the 6 person file outdoors as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 19:50:25
Test results back in just over 24 hours: negative. Hurrah.

Great stuff. Out of interest, do you still have to self isolate for any period or are you free to carry on as normal once you receive a negative result?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 20:44:01
I think it's inevitable Paul (both)

it makes no sense to ban groups of more than 6 then allow a few thousand into football.

Doncaster races have been told no crowds after Wednesday (wonder which mp got a freebe for Wednesday?)
It seems the change of mind on Doncaster is more to do with a ride in local cases than the Government's decision

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 04:25:19
Great stuff. Out of interest, do you still have to self isolate for any period or are you free to carry on as normal once you receive a negative result?

Can carry on as normal as long as I haven't had a fever for 48 hours.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 08:33:42
Schapps confirms that Johnson was, surprisingly, bullshitting in the commons yesterday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 09:15:11
Schapps confirms that Johnson was, surprisingly, bullshitting in the commons yesterday.

Said the same to my partner last night, it was obvious.

They should have been more transparent and stated this is a strategy we're exploring but it would have to be developed from scratch and there's no way of knowing how long that would take.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 09:21:01
Schapps confirms that Johnson was, surprisingly, bullshitting in the commons yesterday.
On the one hand, they are right that in the absence of a vaccine, and without an effective TTI system, mass testing is a route to returning to some form of reality. If they'd managed the opportunity of lockdown properly, the approach of localised suppression could have worked, but they didn't and I don't know that there's now a realistic chance of getting community transmission down to the levels to make that effective. Plus they'd have to build a proper localised PH driven TTI system which they are clearly unwilling to do.

So in a sane world and with a competent govt, then mass testing would make some kind of sense. But we have neither and even the govt have admitted that the technology they're relying on doesn't exist yet. And given the history so far of huge sums of public money (100s of millions) being diverted to mates of Gove and Cummings for PPE that never turns up or can't be used, it's difficult to see how anyone could trust that this £100bn "Moonshot" isn't just an even more massive attempt to steal even more money for no actual outcome. Not so much "Moonshot" as "Moonspaff", as Johnson might put it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 09:30:21
SAGE think MoonSpaff is unlikely to work and that the money could be better spent elsewhere

"Careful consideration should be given to ensure that any mass testing programme provides additional benefit over investing equivalent resources into improving (i) the speed and coverage of [NHS test and trace] for symptomatic cases (the proportion of individuals who report Covid-consistent symptoms in England who go on to request a test through NHSTT could be as low as 10% ) and (ii) the rate of self-isolation and quarantine for those that test positive (currently estimated to be <20% fully adherent). This is relevant as targeting testing to those with high prior probabilities of infection (e.g. people with symptoms or contact with known case) has a much larger per-test impact on reducing transmission ...

The use of testing as a point-of-entry requirement for particular settings and events, e.g. sporting and cultural events, could play a role in allowing the resumption of such activities with reduced risk of transmission. Such applications of testing would require superb organisation and logistics with rapid, highly sensitive tests. This is also separate from the national strategy to reduce R, for which such testing would have only minimal effect.

Although tbf their primary concern is public health rather than diverting that money into the pockets of mates of Gove and Cummings so different objectives there obviously

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 09:36:31
So are we suggesting that the conversations may be,

'Ok Moonspaff doesnt work at the moment but we have our best man on it.'

'Dom - who do you suggest'

'Right Ive got this mate, he's got a dormant business with assets of twelve hundred quid.  He used to sell tins of spam.  He's perfect, give him a contract for 6 mill.  And theres an old mate who used to be in the city.  Fell on hard times, bit much of the old powder.  4 mill for him, he's a safe pair of hands'

Corrupt as fuck this lot.  And yet the majority of my home town will say, oh old Boris he's a laugh isnt he.  Lets trust him with the stewardship of the country, what could go wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 10:17:05
They have now made it mandatory to wear masks in Turkey in all outside spaces. Fuck going to the beach and having to wear a mask! It is hot enough just in the street as it is!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 10:23:48
Quote from: Bob's Orange
They have now made it mandatory to wear masks in Turkey in all outside spaces. Fuck going to the beach and having to wear a mask! It is hot enough just in the street as it is!

Bournemouth is available :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 10:24:33
Bournemouth is available :)

It’ll be too cold by the time I’m back in England!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 10:27:20
..... even the govt have admitted that the technology they're relying on doesn't exist yet.....

Takes I back to the days of yore; the fabled Backstop avoiding 'technology' solution from the ERG. Which also doesn't exist yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 10:30:14
Quote from: Bob's Orange
Bournemouth is available :)
It’ll be too cold by the time I’m back in England!!

there's no pleasing some people!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 10:39:34

Corrupt as fuck this lot.  And yet the majority of my home town will say, oh old Boris he's a laugh isnt he.  Lets trust him with the stewardship of the country, what could go wrong.

It is this that I just don't get.  Lie after lie, u-turn after u-turn, unfulfilled promise after unfulfilled promise, and still folks support this Govt.  Oven-ready deals (where is that?), a world-beating app (errrrr) and now a Moonshot Testing programme to look forward to.  Does he have a list of superlatives for bollocks that will never be delivered?

Awaiting "yeah but, what would Labour/any one else have done better?"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 10:44:52
It is this that I just don't get.  Lie after lie, u-turn after u-turn, unfulfilled promise after unfulfilled promise, and still folks support this Govt.  Oven-ready deals (where is that?), a world-beating app (errrrr) and now a Moonshot Testing programme to look forward to.  Does he have a list of superlatives for bollocks that will never be delivered?

Awaiting "yeah but, what would Labour/any one else have done better?"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 10:57:34
£100bn; I'd love to know how that was calculated. Hopefully it was not calculated by the people who were responsible for counting the deaths, items of PPE & suchlike - or Diane Abbott

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 11:23:12
£100bn; I'd love to know how that was calculated. Hopefully it was not calculated by the people who were responsible for counting the deaths, items of PPE & suchlike - or Diane Abbott
It's the amount Cummings reckons he can steal without anyone batting an eyelid

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 11:37:52
Or something they can try and fob us off with as the reason why public debt will continue to exceed GDP

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 11, 2020, 09:49:05
SAGE warned the govt that the MoonSpaff project could create so many false positives, it could result in 28 million people self-isolating

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 11, 2020, 13:34:00
R number back above 1 (1-1.2 according to govt, could be as high as 1.7 according to Imperial College) and cases doubling every 7-8 days. We're back where we were in March. And we still don't have an effective Test Trace and Isolate system. Shit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, September 11, 2020, 13:41:34
R was worse in march.

the question is whether deaths now follow or whether the young fend it off and mostly not pass it to the vulnerable

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 11, 2020, 14:02:09
R was worse in march.
Sorry I wasn't clear, what I meant was that we're back at the lower end of a steeply climbing slope, rather than that the R rate was identical. There are also several other factors that mean we're much better prepared than we were in March, but a resurgence was always coming and the failure to use the time to adequately prepare a functioning TTI system is criminal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, September 11, 2020, 14:06:35
R was worse in march.

the question is whether deaths now follow or whether the young fend it off and mostly not pass it to the vulnerable

Yes but if need be you can always get the train to Diss is under an hour and half :)

Essentially, the Gov have got the "herd immunity" policy they wanted initially by essentially  making the masses feel like that is the way we should've gone. Creating isolated (ironically) social stigma via blurring every fucking line available, in terms of guidance/rules/laws. So you get the public blaming each other instead of pointing the real problem at Government. Fear, uncertainty and doubt. The main principles that will always keep a regime in power.

Their main goal is dividing society rather than governing society because they are absolute piss poor at that. Division keeps them loosely relevant and it keeps the people in the boxes they've made for them; along with the aforementioned F,U & D. Any government likes to keep us categorised of course, but at least let us feel like we aren't part of your game.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, September 11, 2020, 14:08:46
I will very confidently predict that things will not get anywhere near as bad as they did in March/April, and we won’t need another lockdown to the same extent as we did back then

That’s not to say things won’t get worse from where we are now (they probably will), nor that we won’t see further tightening of rules about what we can/can’t do (which we’ll probably get). But estimates on the true number of daily cases at the end of March were 100,000 - 250,000 a DAY. We’re nowhere near that, and given everything we currently do we won’t get anywhere near that again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 11, 2020, 14:11:50
I will very confidently predict that things will not get anywhere near as bad as they did in March/April, and we won’t need another lockdown to the same extent as we did back then

That’s not to say things won’t get worse from where we are now (they probably will), nor that we won’t see further tightening of rules about what we can/can’t do (which we’ll probably get). But estimates on the true number of daily cases at the end of March were 100,000 - 250,000 a DAY. We’re nowhere near that, and given everything we currently do we won’t get anywhere near that again
I think you're right, I certainly hope so. But we are again facing another steep climb in cases and we shouldn't be if the 6 months hadn't been largely wasted.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, September 11, 2020, 14:20:37
the proper track and trace so it's being released on 24th.

much as scepticism rears it's head, the qr code 'check-in' facility, for use at establishments such as pubs
, looks obvious but useful given the requirement for them to hold our details

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 14, 2020, 13:56:17
Rule of 6 came into force today. With a special exemption for hunting and shooting, which is what held up publication of the act until 20 minutes before it came into force last night. One rule for the plebs ....



Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, September 14, 2020, 14:42:34
Hunts  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 09:44:56

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 09:53:21
Sorry, just got to share this a 'friend' (we went to school together 30 years ago and whilst the name rings a bell I have no recollection of her) posted on Facebook....

Can people just stop getting tested?? You do realise you are adding to the problem and taking us into a 2nd phase lockdown? You are giving the government the number of cases and the powers to take us into a winter lockdown? Just stop the testing and this could all disappear a lot sooner... If you are well enough to get yourself to a testing centre then your absolutely fine, stay at home for 2 weeks just to be safe, eat well, take your vitamins and then crack on! You don't need to wear a positive covid test like a badge of honour for absolute no reason do you?? You think spring/summer lockdown was bad? Wait until its dark more than it's light, no garden to enjoy because its cold and rainy, no festivities to look forward to, no Christmas markets or shopping, no taking the kids to see Father Christmas? Plus your standard normal winter illnesses to throw in the mix!! More people will die of suicide than EVER before! Our elderly will die sooner than they should because they will be restricted on the usual things that keep them sane, like community groups? We need social interaction to thrive and stay healthy and I dont need no paid off scientist to do research to tell me that !!! Turn off your TV,  ignore the propaganda, THINK FOR YOURSELVES. End this now !!! Copy and Paste if You Agree !!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 09:55:34
there's more of them than you think

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 10:04:44
there's more of them than you think

The think for yourselves bit is a highlight for me!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 10:08:20
The think for yourselves bit is a highlight for me!

Yep, always cracks me up.

As though them reading a blog by Karen on facebook overrides the vast amount of research that has been undertaken and collated by countless independent experts across the globe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 10:27:49
Yep, always cracks me up.

As though them reading a blog by Karen on facebook overrides the vast amount of research that has been undertaken and collated by countless independent experts across the globe.
Excuse me, reading a blog by Karen on Facebook IS research, smarty pants, especially if you throw in a couple of YouTube videos of a nutter shouting into his camera phone as well. Remember everyone's fed up of experts now, Michael Gove said so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 10:33:52
Yes the '...think for yourselves' followed by 'copy and paste if you agree'  ::)

The worse thing is, there are occasions when these "pack mentality" (some may call it herd mentality...) types are generally quite reasonable or intelligent too. Yet still slip into these kind of sharing traps.

Still, the Government's main ploy is to keep us divided. Carnage amongst the masses is the only thing keeping them in power because they certainly are not fit to govern us. The longer we unilaterally disagree en masse (via gov led confusion, poor legislation, etc) the longer they retain power.

Some already realise this but the problem is, when the penny does drop for many it will be too late; it probably already is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 11:40:59
Unsafe for officers to break up? What is the world coming to?
A green light for the selfish twats to do it again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 12:19:05
The number two or number three killer of people this year (in many countries) is a hoax still then, one that isn't leaving a trail of people behind with long term complications.  Good to know.

I don;t really use Facebook, those types of posts (on plenty of inane subjects as well) always confuse me, what's the point?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 12:28:00
Oh, and some politician over this side of the pond responded to a question about the number of deaths by stating it was because they were doing more testing................

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, September 17, 2020, 15:05:00
According to Moggy, people should just stop 'carping on' about the lack of test kits and should be thankful to the government instead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 17, 2020, 15:56:01
According to Moggy, people should just stop 'carping on' about the lack of test kits and should be thankful to the government instead.

We just aren't all blessed with the common sense he has.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, September 17, 2020, 16:20:26
Trump has said we need to get to Herd Mentality - an unfortunate slip of the tongue, but probably pretty accurate.  We need stupid Herd Mentality to go after Herd Immunity without a vaccine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 18, 2020, 08:43:54
Remember how in the first few months of the pandemic hitting the UK the govt tried to protect the NHS by sacrifcing the elderly in care homes in their thousands? According to Channel 4 News, they're preparing to do the same again

If this is true, it's tantamount to manslaughter. On a massive scale.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, September 18, 2020, 09:06:22
dildo Harding doesn't believe "anybody was expecting to see the really sizeable increase in demand" on test and trace.

FFS, the scientific community has literally been banging on about second wave prospects since march.

what did you think would happen when pubs open, restaurants have half price food and people are encouraged to go to the office..... and then schools open.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 18, 2020, 09:09:04
dildo Harding doesn't believe "anybody was expecting to see the really sizeable increase in demand" on test and trace.

FFS, the scientific community has literally been banging on about second wave prospects since march.

what did you think would happen when pubs open, restaurants have half price food and people are encouraged to go to the office..... and then schools open.

Hancock was defending this on the radio this morning. You'll be surprised to hear that it's all the public's fault, as usual. The bastards.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 18, 2020, 09:14:07
Remember how in the first few months of the pandemic hitting the UK the govt tried to protect the NHS by sacrifcing the elderly in care homes in their thousands? According to Channel 4 News, they're preparing to do the same again

If this is true, it's tantamount to manslaughter. On a massive scale.
And ITV also reporting the same story, from a separate source. This is manslaughter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 18, 2020, 09:30:48
dildo Harding doesn't believe "anybody was expecting to see the really sizeable increase in demand" on test and trace.

FFS, the scientific community has literally been banging on about second wave prospects since march.

what did you think would happen when pubs open, restaurants have half price food and people are encouraged to go to the office..... and then schools open.

It was also predicted in the report on preparing for the winter that Johnson admitted he hadn't read when questioned about it in July. Apparently no-one in govt has still got round to reading it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, September 18, 2020, 09:37:11
It's not just the incompetence that irks me. I'd have *some* respect for then if I at least thought they were trying their best.

But they're not. They're not even bothering to read and learn about it. People resonsble for the kits are not bothering to check how many of those kits (that they are responsible for) are needed.

These cunts are insdous even by Tory standards.

But Corbyn...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, September 18, 2020, 10:12:07
Hancock was defending this on the radio this morning. You'll be surprised to hear that it's all the public's fault, as usual. The bastards.

Bloody general public, if only there was a way to get rid of them...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, September 18, 2020, 11:40:40
looks like a nation wide 'harsher restrictions' is coming in soon if sturgeon's address is foreshadowing England.

yay. just in time for my birthday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, September 18, 2020, 12:48:24
looks like a nation wide 'harsher restrictions' is coming in soon if sturgeon's address is foreshadowing England.

yay. just in time for my birthday
Can’t see it going as far as a full lockdown again though. A lot of people just aren’t going accept being put in that position again and impact on businesses would catastrophic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 18, 2020, 12:51:28
There's been some talk of a two-week lockdown/harsher measures to try and act as a "brake" on COVID in some areas and possibly nationally. Which seems a bit pointless really. We've had 6 months to prepare for this and they're still floundering.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, September 18, 2020, 13:05:22
There's been some talk of a two-week lockdown/harsher measures to try and act as a "brake" on COVID in some areas and possibly nationally. Which seems a bit pointless really. We've had 6 months to prepare for this and they're still floundering.

They suggested that this two week thing would not lead to schools and workplaces closing, so not sure what it aims to achieve?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 18, 2020, 13:39:06
They suggested that this two week thing would not lead to schools and workplaces closing, so not sure what it aims to achieve?
Presumably the same as the localised restrictions in terms of limiting social contact, but on a national scale. That EatOutToHelpOut thing isn't looking especially clever right now is it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, September 18, 2020, 13:58:11
Presumably the same as the localised restrictions in terms of limiting social contact, but on a national scale. That EatOutToHelpOut thing isn't looking especially clever right now is it?

The cynic in me says they did that scheme to boost the hospitality sector knowing full well this would be happening again and be able to tide them over for a bit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 07:06:39
Curious as to how Swindon managed to go from the government watchlist to having one of the lowest rates of positive cases in the country with no political intervention. Can’t all have been down to the second testing site, surely?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 07:42:13
a mix of getting on top of specific trouble sites like xpo and it being a PITA to get a test

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 08:24:18
Swindon numbers were highly boosted by 3 large, contained breakouts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 09:03:07
This week had a day where positive tests in Swindon was FOUR.
The day after had FIVE.
Headline was probably 25% increase in Swindon pos tests.

Time to stop this COVID cop-out.

Back to normal please.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 09:18:43
So despite varying lockdowns and approaches across Europe it’s pretty much increasing everywhere. So surely the question starts to shift to at what point do we just live with the risk and accept that mortality rate doesn’t justify the sacrifices being made.  We can’t just wait and assume a vaccine will happen and similarly can’t just keep going through a destructive cycle of a lockdowns every few months to bring the numbers back down. There must be a significant bow wave of other health issues brewing up whilst everywhere’s sole focus seems to remain on COVID.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 09:29:18
So surely the question starts to shift to at what point do we just live with the risk and accept that mortality rate doesn’t justify the sacrifices being made. 

I’m afraid it should be now, not a nice situation but simply cannot afford another major lockdown.

Too many livelihoods are highly at risk

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 09:39:31
Chris Witty mentioned way back in March/April that we have to consider the all-cause mortality as a major factor when considering how long a lockdown should last. No one seemed to pay any attention to him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 10:30:20
Chris Witty mentioned way back in March/April that we have to consider the all-cause mortality as a major factor when considering how long a lockdown should last. No one seemed to pay any attention to him.

I get the feeling the govt dont pay any attention to him anyway, just do their own thing. You only have to look at the poor fucker in some of those briefings when that twat Boris is bumbling away

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 10:39:25
Quote from: theakston2k
. So surely the question starts to shift to at what point do we just live with the risk and accept that mortality rate doesn’t justify the sacrifices being made.  .

surely the point is that without keeping a lid on it to some degree the risk increases massively in a relatively short space of time.

morality rate is a tricky one to calculate. we know the deaths attributed, and the number of cases detected, but that puts it at 10%!!

unchecked, if 70% got it and the mortality rate is 3% ... it's a big number..

yes other diseases are being less effectively treated during this crisis, that's a massive concern

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 12:45:36
surely the point is that without keeping a lid on it to some degree the risk increases massively in a relatively short space of time.

morality rate is a tricky one to calculate. we know the deaths attributed, and the number of cases detected, but that puts it at 10%!!

unchecked, if 70% got it and the mortality rate is 3% ... it's a big number..

yes other diseases are being less effectively treated during this crisis, that's a massive concern
Problem is though how long do you wait and go through repeated cycles of lockdowns? Say a vaccine takes 2 or 3 years to get to the market, are we meant to live with restrictions and repeated lockdowns for that period of time or do we just live with it like we do other viruses. If this carries on well into next year some kind of referendum will be needed IMO to let the people choose whether they are happy to continue to live under restrictions or whether it’s time to just live with it.  Expecting people to put their lives on hold indefinitely is probably more destructive than than the virus itself in the UK.
We’ve tried a lockdown to stop it, it hasn’t worked and that’s the same with other countries as well as all of Europe is on the increase again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 13:08:25
The mortality rate is too high to just let it go on without any type of restriction in place, even if that's just a case of get used to wearing a mask all the time.

It's likely not 3%, because most cases go undetected.  Sampling suggests it is more likely around the 0.3% rate, which is still many times greater than flu.  If you let it loose without any checks or balances, it is very likely it would be the number one killer ahead of Heart Disease and Cancer - it's already number two I think.  If you could catch cancer from someone, would you want to just carry on as normal?

The most recent examples we have in history suggest we will indeed continue to grapple with it for a year or two in some form, without a vaccine.  The 1918 Flu lasted several waves, and despite everyone blathering on about how we are over reacting today, much of what we are doing we did then.

Fortunately though, it seems several vaccine's look likely to have a positive impact.  It will take months to build up the right immunity to stop spread, but early on you will get the best positive impact by vaccinating the most at risk of death.  Then you can start to treat it a bit more like a bad flu season, keep cautious but open up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 08:13:25
Hancock basically saying that if there is a national lockdown the public will only have themselves to blame.

Getting the blame in ready i see

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 08:24:19
But people have been told, not like there hasn't been much in the news about it. Yet, the idiotic few still have house parties, bbqs etc

He's wrong that the public alone are to blame mind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 11:40:47
What Dom did is fine.  Go to pubs.  Go to the shops.  Go and eat out.  Go back to work.  Get the economy functioning again.

AHHHHH Not like that - don't do what we told you.

Do you know what, in times of relative calm without massive crises, an inept government may get away with it, but unfortunately we are governed by these fucking idiots at this time and people are paying with mental health and lives.  I cannot express my hatred of them in words.  I may have to do it in dance instead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 11:52:56
Four senior staff at my daughters school are self-isolating as all their children have started showing symptoms over the weekend. Has anyone else experienced similar and if so how did the school manage it?

The school my daughter goes to have been absolutely incredible throughout 2020. They'll be gutted if they have to shut it down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 12:22:47
Let's close off parts of roads in Swindon for spatial distancing.

Another COVID cop-out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 12:39:03
The cynic in me says they did that scheme to boost the hospitality sector knowing full well this would be happening again and be able to tide them over for a bit

Exactly, it put money into the restaurant industry, appeased those wanting to get out and a shot in the arm for the Taxman.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 13:16:54
Do people take the slightest bit of notice of what the government are saying on this?
In my experience they're not. This is due to the constant hypocrisy and lies from the mouths of the cabinet ministers wheeled out daily to blunder their ways through interviews. Not to mention the Cummings, Barnard castle farce.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 13:36:36
Hancock basically saying that if there is a national lockdown the public will only have themselves to blame.

Getting the blame in ready i see

The general public are a big part of the problem.  Read yesterday on the bbc news about the big surge in Bolton caused by some one coming back from holiday and then 2 days later going on a pub crawl, that how easy it is to spread.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Crispy on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 13:55:14
The general public are a big part of the problem.  Read yesterday on the bbc news about the big surge in Bolton caused by some one coming back from holiday and then 2 days later going on a pub crawl, that how easy it is to spread.

The same happened in Devizes a fortnight or so ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 14:08:38
Four senior staff at my daughters school are self-isolating as all their children have started showing symptoms over the weekend. Has anyone else experienced similar and if so how did the school manage it?

The school my daughter goes to have been absolutely incredible throughout 2020. They'll be gutted if they have to shut it down.

Schools have done as much as they can but had no help from the government. Each school across the country has received 10 tests. So in a school of 1300, that simply isn’t enough.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, September 21, 2020, 07:16:21
Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance addressing the nation at 11am.

PM nowhere to be seen mind

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 07:21:07
Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance addressing the nation at 11am.

PM nowhere to be seen mind
He'll be at a bunga bunga party with Russian oligarchs. Can't do everything

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, September 21, 2020, 07:54:03
Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance addressing the nation at 11am.

PM nowhere to be seen mind

Blaming Listening to science

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 08:01:11
Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance addressing the nation at 11am.

PM nowhere to be seen mind

Apparently he's going to speak after. Though nobody defined when after, 5 minutes, 5 days. Who knows.

I think they know Johnson and the Goverment have a credibility issue, hence not being there. Though Johnson is more likely to be having a long weekend. In any case Whitty will be deemed guilty by association by many.
I've thought about the situation of not listening to the bullshitters and come up with this perspective:
 It doesn't really matter if you don't believe them.
 It doesn't really matter if you don't think the virus is a threat to you and yours and that deadly*.
 It does matter getting the numbers down if we want to get back to football, theatres, gigs, etc. Unless the Government science advisors see threat lowering, then they aren't happening. So in the absense of new data saying its weakening, complience is most likely to get us there.

* Facebook Karens.

I really don't understand the mentality that says "they're using it to control us, its all fake". Even out goverment aren't so self distructive, they are selfish shits from the self preservation society. They already  have enough termoil to soften Brexit in the Covid financial figures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 09:10:43
Behavioural scientists have been pointing out that the £10k fine is likely to achieve the opposite of what govt intends: rather than ensuring people self-isolate, it will just make those who think self-isolation might cause them a problem avoid taking a test.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, September 21, 2020, 09:50:46

I really don't understand the mentality that says "they're using it to control us, its all fake". Even out goverment aren't so self distructive, they are selfish shits from the self preservation society. They already  have enough termoil to soften Brexit in the Covid financial figures.

I also do not understand those who say the number of deaths are vastly over-reported & that 'hardly anybody has really died of it"
While the governement daily statistics are highly inaccurate, these people do not want to seem to address the issue of the 55,000+ excess deaths and how these have arisen

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 10:19:59
I think Whitty just cleared the way for a mini lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 10:23:55
I think Whitty just cleared the way for a mini lockdown
Hopefully it will be a bit more nuanced than last time, taking into account the greater knowledge we now have (e.g. much lower risk of transmission outdoors should mean we don't need to halt all organised sports again)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, September 21, 2020, 10:31:40
Nice to see that #SackVallance and #sackwhitty are trending on Twitter, we really are rather doomed as a species!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 10:31:59
Hopefully it will be a bit more nuanced than last time, taking into account the greater knowledge we now have (e.g. much lower risk of transmission outdoors should mean we don't need to halt all organised sports again)

You'd hope so.

I was surprised the "rule of 6" covered outdoors to be honest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 10:44:41
You'd hope so.

I was surprised the "rule of 6" covered outdoors to be honest.
Well tbf, it's not like being outdoors is a complete prevention. If you've got 5000 people all jammed together for 2 hours, like at a gig for example, that's still a huge risk of exposure. It's combinations of duration of exposure, distance, and ventilation that offset/increase risk. Oh and obviously it's completely safe if you're shooting grouse

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, September 21, 2020, 10:47:43
This was always going to happen as soon as the pubs opened. Social distancing doesn't happen in them. Then there's the house parties. Trips to the races on the bus etc. Cramped workplaces.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:02:08
This was always going to happen as soon as the pubs opened. Social distancing doesn't happen in them. Then there's the house parties. Trips to the races on the bus etc. Cramped workplaces.
TBF it didn't happen as soon as the pubs opened. The pubs reopened in early July, the rate of increase in infections started to pick up in late August/early September. Pubs will be a factor, but the insistence on getting people back to work in offices and Eat Out only applying to (ironically) eating in during August will all have played a part. And kids returning to school of course.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:09:30
I also do not understand those who say the number of deaths are vastly over-reported & that 'hardly anybody has really died of it"
While the governement daily statistics are highly inaccurate, these people do not want to seem to address the issue of the 55,000+ excess deaths and how these have arisen

If my simplistic understanding is correct most of the 55,000 excess deaths are a bit of a red herring!
Apparently last winters death rate due to normal flu was incredibly low compared with recent years, so Covid comes along earlier this year and kills those that would likely have died last year due to normal flu, something called the "dry tinder" effect.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:11:23
that's probably why they use a 5 year average

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:12:51

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:16:10
TBF it didn't happen as soon as the pubs opened. The pubs reopened in early July, the rate of increase in infections started to pick up in late August/early September. Pubs will be a factor, but the insistence on getting people back to work in offices and Eat Out only applying to (ironically) eating in during August will all have played a part. And kids returning to school of course.

But people's behaviour changed and the social distancing went out of the window in pubs and has escalated making it spread. Granted not initially but it's grown and it's a big factor in my opinion. People have got complacent. Agree with your other points.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:17:22
Saw that earlier, it's a corker. According to her twitter bio she specialises in positive thinking, fashion and gardening. So, eminently qualified to know more about "science data and logic" than Whitty and Vallance. I hope they're suitably ashamed of themselves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:17:27
From where I'm sitting, Cumming's eye-test jolly appeared to be the turning point in general.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:17:51
I'm really no expert but if you get time have a watch of this (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:18:15

Well thats me convinced.  

Hang on, who?  Maybe Ill wait until I see what advice Van Morrison gives me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:20:02
But people's behaviour changed and the social distancing went out of the window in pubs and has escalated making it spread. Granted not initially but it's grown and it's a big factor in my opinion. People have got complacent. Agree with your other points.
Yes, agree there. But that was as much about the messaging as anything else, same with the "Boris has saved the summer holidays" bollocks No 10 were pushing, all about "Yeah, we're on top of this and it's fine". Pubs and socialising indoors generally are a big factor, but complacency in all indoor settings is a massive problem. Hence why they needed to roll out Whitty and Vallance today to deliver a serious warning in proper grown up talk.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:22:12
I'm really no expert but if you get time have a watch of this (
Yeah we should definitely get information from pseudoscience crackpots on YouTube. Right up there with ladytereska, nice one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:25:50
Yeah we should definitely get information from pseudoscience crackpots on YouTube. Right up there with ladytereska, nice one.

Sounds like Graham Norton on the day that he just gives up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:29:17
Cummins (no relation to "Dom") is a lockdown sceptic and anti-masker, he's been pumping out this pseudo-science since the start. Dominic Pimenta (an actual doctor) has done quite a nice blow-by-blow takedown of this latest piffle

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:29:32
Yes, agree there. But that was as much about the messaging as anything else, same with the "Boris has saved the summer holidays" bollocks No 10 were pushing, all about "Yeah, we're on top of this and it's fine". Pubs and socialising indoors generally are a big factor, but complacency in all indoor settings is a massive problem. Hence why they needed to roll out Whitty and Vallance today to deliver a serious warning in proper grown up talk.

Agree. People people won't take notice as much as last time if there is a lockdown. Public are not onside like they were previously. Cummings doing what he did and the lies/hypocrisy from the government to blame for that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:34:20
and mixed messages too.

on that one I get the need to balance economy and health.

But people see it as 'you can go down the pub, but not see 7 facility members - what's the difference'.

which is totally understandable.

so yes more nuanced restrictions is what it should be. But it's definitely going to dilute the message.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:35:14
So, eminently qualified to know more about "science data and logic" than Whitty and Vallance. I hope they're suitably ashamed of themselves.

I understand that Denise Welch and Matt Le Tissier have a presser timetabled for later this afternoon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:59:18
Had a fairly long chat with the pharmacist mate of mine yesterday afternoon whilst we were having a bike ride together!

He seems cautiously confident that a vaccine will be available for healthcare workers either December or very soon after the new year, with it being rolled out after that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, September 21, 2020, 12:10:26
I understand that Denise Welch and Matt Le Tissier have a presser timetabled for later this afternoon.

Along with Peter Shilton

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, September 21, 2020, 12:22:17
Orient players test positive

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, September 21, 2020, 12:51:38
Boris to make a statement in the Commons tomorrow

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 13:15:18
Boris to make a statement in the Commons tomorrow

Aaah, I wondered where the f*ck he was.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, September 21, 2020, 13:17:12
Orient players test positive

Typical... facking... Leyton Orient.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 21, 2020, 13:24:50
Downing St have announced that from Thursday you will be able to download the long awaited Test and Trace app. But without the Tracing bit. Shambles doesn't begin to cover it.

Still it's another few million quid of taxpayers' money stashed away for Cummings and Gove's mates, so that's the main thing

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 13:29:04
without the tracing. wtf?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, September 21, 2020, 13:29:23
Downing St have announced that from Thursday you will be able to download the long awaited Test and Trace app. But without the Tracing bit. Shambles doesn't begin to cover it.

Still it's another few million quid of taxpayers' money stashed away for Cummings and Gove's mates, so that's the main thing

I am but a bear of little brain, but if it doesn't trace nor test what is the point of it!

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 13:36:49
to book tests and get results.

it may or may not have a QR code reader so that you can "check in" to pubs and restaurants, etc

i.e. it's a bit shit but not quite totally useless if they've included the last bit. assuming the last bit doesn't just redirect you to the pubs own website and logs you automatically.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, September 21, 2020, 14:48:13
to book tests and get results.

You can do that online already?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 15:03:18
Quote from: horlock07
to book tests and get results.
You can do that online already?
yeah, but this is an app.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, September 21, 2020, 15:19:46
You can do that online already?
yeah, but this is an app.


Well yeah, my socks are suitably blown off!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 16:27:14
set level to 4.

er you remember, the levels, you know the ones we sort of ignored

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, September 21, 2020, 18:38:16
Just looked out of interest and boredom on the Tesco website for online delivery. As suspected, all the panic buying morons have booked all slots for the forseeable coming weeks. Dickheads.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, September 21, 2020, 18:47:12
So this post is going to be a bit of a vent from me and I hope may even inform the discussion. Apologies from the outset for the rambling nature of what you're about to read, its a tough thing for me to talk about.

There's a really hard, but absolutely necessary conversation that needs to be had, and I've seen touched upon here, about the trade off between one extreme (locking down society for the safety of the most physically vulnerable, but to the detriment of the physically healthy) and the other (which by my reckoning is letting the virus run its course to the detriment of those who are physically vulnerable but to the benefit of the physically healthy).

I fit into the category of the physically fit, and as such do not particularly fear the virus itself. However, my personal situation puts members of my family at mental and emotional risk as a result of society closing down. I'll explain.

My two daughters, who are 6 and 8, are relocating to the States with their Mum in about a month, which would of course be difficult for me in any circumstances. But because of this virus and the situation that has resulted, seeing them in America after they've gone will be possible, but tricky. Now, as the father of two American citizens I'm actually one of the few that is exempt from the travel ban to the US, so of course Im lucky in that respect. However, my Dad, the kid's grandad, is utterly, utterly terrified that he'll never see them again because, until there is an airbridge between the US and the UK or there is a vaccine, he simply is not allowed into the States.

He has Parkinson's and that fact in combination with his meds makes him extremely emotional, to the extent that he is prone to random emotional breakdowns regardless of where he is. Im genuinely concerned he won't cope with the stress, which would have been there anyway, but is heightened ten-fold because of the situation Covid-19 has put us all in. It might not need to be said, but I'm worried about him hurting himself.

I think the point that I'm getting at is that this virus and the havoc it has caused really can affect people in far from obvious ways, even if they don't catch it. Eventually we'll have to discuss if the cure is worse than the disease. I also need to say that I'm not advocating the idea that the cure is ALREADY worse than the disease, just that there are hidden variables on this whole mess whose consequences can be equally as damaging.

I hope this hasn't come across as whiney either, I know there are people out there that are having a far worse time than either me or my Dad. I'm just trying to offer another perspective, and as I said, have a bit of a vent. Sayonara

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 21, 2020, 19:12:57
It's a sad situation for your dad. I hope we get in to of it and quick enough for him to see his grandchildren.

There isn't an easy answer to it all. That obvious.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, September 21, 2020, 20:27:31
Hunk - regarding the issue of travel to the USA.  You can still access provided you go via another Country that is not on the exempt list first - which could mean a bit of a trek, but would offer a glimmer of hope.  If I remember correctly, the USA bars entry from those directly coming from the UK, so others have stopped off on the way for a couple of weeks then continued with a separate flight into the USA from that Country.  You still need to sort out having a valid ESTA mind, or B2 Visa.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 04:25:03
Hunk - regarding the issue of travel to the USA.  You can still access provided you go via another Country that is not on the exempt list first - which could mean a bit of a trek, but would offer a glimmer of hope.  If I remember correctly, the USA bars entry from those directly coming from the UK, so others have stopped off on the way for a couple of weeks then continued with a separate flight into the USA from that Country.  You still need to sort out having a valid ESTA mind, or B2 Visa.

You are right about that. Although given my Dad's health its not really feasible for him to spend two weeks in an exempt country before going to the US, he might find solace in the fact that its technically possible. Cheers for the advice 👍

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 05:24:22
Shampoo's fake profile?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 06:27:04
more on the Orient situation, including Embleton admitting there was 'a bug' before the Mansfield game.

I'd assumed regular testing was mandatory (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 06:55:45
Poor Spurs can't rearrange the fixture so they go through? Get to fuck.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 07:22:58
The season is currently operating on the tightest of schedules within a nervous industry/nation.

I know we're all downtrodden lower league fans but if Leyton Orient or any other team are found to be negligent/careless with testing then surely punishments will be inevitable?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 08:48:16

I think the point that I'm getting at is that this virus and the havoc it has caused really can affect people in far from obvious ways, even if they don't catch it. Eventually we'll have to discuss if the cure is worse than the disease. I also need to say that I'm not advocating the idea that the cure is ALREADY worse than the disease, just that there are hidden variables on this whole mess whose consequences can be equally as damaging.

The problem is, that the cure IS probably worse than the disease in some cases, but it is going to be different for others depending on their scenario.  The cure sounds like it could be worse in your Dad's scenario, however if he got the infection would he survive?  Need to weigh up whether him seeing his grand kids is more important than the risk of contracting and not surviving, it's a fine line in some cases.  Whereas if the current cure wasn't in place it would put my parents at risk with their current health issues.  I have no doubt that if my parents get this they will not survive - which is why they have followed the guidelines strictly.

If I ended up losing my parents due to guidelines being relaxed because of potential mental health issues, then that obviously wouldn't sit right with me..  it's a tough call I know..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 09:13:06
more on the Orient situation, including Embleton admitting there was 'a bug' before the Mansfield game.

I'd assumed regular testing was mandatory (
So had I. The most worrying part of that article was this "serious questions being asked about the biosecurity of League Two". Because that could threaten putting Leagues One and Two back into mothballs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 09:25:27
it could. or also see regular testing. not sure who picks the cost of that up though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 09:26:34
The problem is, that the cure IS probably worse than the disease in some cases, but it is going to be different for others depending on their scenario.  The cure sounds like it could be worse in your Dad's scenario, however if he got the infection would he survive?  Need to weigh up whether him seeing his grand kids is more important than the risk of contracting and not surviving, it's a fine line in some cases.  Whereas if the current cure wasn't in place it would put my parents at risk with their current health issues.  I have no doubt that if my parents get this they will not survive - which is why they have followed the guidelines strictly.

If I ended up losing my parents due to guidelines being relaxed because of potential mental health issues, then that obviously wouldn't sit right with me..  it's a tough call I know..

The point you make asking if my old man would survive if he caught it is something that occurred to me after my initial post, and I think that there would be significant chance that he wouldn't. Which highlights how tough this conversation can be.

I certaunly wouldnt expect public opinion to be influenced by specific cases like mine or my Dad's, and I think that right now, overall, the disease is significantly worse than the cure. I just wonder if further down the line the cumulative effects of lockdown and its inevitable knock-on consequences to mental health, education, the economy etc could overtake it. And without a shadow of a doubt the saving grace will be a vaccine, making the conversation moot. Fingers crossed we get it soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10:02:49
Even when the vaccine is available, they are saying we are likely to be living with the virus for a year+ without every person being vaccinated, albeit you would expect the elderly and vulnerable to be at the front of the queue.

Yes we need the vaccine, but it is not going to fix the problem overnight and everyone should prepare for the longer term in reality.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10:05:21
When you say "the cure", I assume you mean the restrictions/masks/etc?

I think a vaccine is the only way we are going to get this under control semi-permanently. Other than a costly 'nearly everyone gets it'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10:09:25
Even when the vaccine is available, they are saying we are likely to be living with the virus for a year+ without every person being vaccinated, albeit you would expect the elderly and vulnerable to be at the front of the queue.

Yes we need the vaccine, but it is not going to fix the problem overnight and everyone should prepare for the longer term in reality.

Prioritising the vulnerable may well reduce the hospitalisation/death rate enough to move to 'live with it' and relaxing the restrictions I suppose.

I'm assuming the vacine will at least protect the person having it, if not stop transmission.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10:22:41
Even when the vaccine is available, they are saying we are likely to be living with the virus for a year+ without every person being vaccinated, albeit you would expect the elderly and vulnerable to be at the front of the queue.

Yes we need the vaccine, but it is not going to fix the problem overnight and everyone should prepare for the longer term in reality.

As Batch mentions above me, even if the elderly and the otherwise vulnerable are vaccinated first, that, you would hope, should mitigate the need for many of the restrictions that have been imposed

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10:23:13
When you say "the cure", I assume you mean the restrictions/masks/etc?

I think a vaccine is the only way we are going to get this under control semi-permanently. Other than a costly 'nearly everyone gets it'.

Should say the treatment, not cure. Point taken

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10:45:36
Even when the vaccine is available, they are saying we are likely to be living with the virus for a year+ without every person being vaccinated, albeit you would expect the elderly and vulnerable to be at the front of the queue.

Present plans are that healthcare professionals are at the front of the queue, as noted yesterday some optimism this may even start pre-christmas.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 12:00:57
As the oddball video guy talked about (I did watch a bit of it), if this is simply just like any other flu (he uses this to show why making any effort is futile, using pure data, but ignoring lots of factors), then 1918 would be a pretty good example of what would happen if we had simply decided to "live with it".  Based on rate of infection it would take up to 5 years to get sufficient immunity (the Spanish Flu ravaged the world for about 3 years before reducing, although I think it's now endemic) without a vaccine.  5 years of constant peaks and troughs (the guy also mentioned about how the flu knocks out the weak anyway, so Covid was only a bit worse - forgetting of course that new people reach that "weak" rate every year).

Imagine if it were Leprosy that was spreading instead - we'd soon socially distance, and that's curable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 12:37:25
There is one thing I do wish they'd stop doing, and by they it's likely unaccountable research institutions, and that's prattling on about what the infection rate could be if we did nothing.  That leaves room for the doubters, when those numbers don't come about, and they won't. 

There is no reality where everyone just carries on completely as normal.  Even if some do, many people will hunker down, avoid unwanted contact, wear a mask etc.  Basically, human nature will react to the news, so worst case is never reached.  That's not to say that a bad case still won't (and has) happen(ed).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 15:12:04
Johnsons' response to the track & trace question from Ben Bradshaw was one of true fuckwittery from a man who is more focused on sound bites than anything of substance

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 15:18:16
Johnsons' response to the track & trace question from Ben Bradshaw was one of true fuckwittery from a man who is more focused on sound bites than anything of substance

This was similarly shite, and I bloody wish he would stop calling it NHS test and trace, its bloody outsourced to Serco amongst others!

Another highlight was when he noted with a straight face "There is nothing more frustrating for the vast majority, the law-abiding majority that do comply, than the sight of a few brazenly defying the rules."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 15:56:59
Rees-Moggs sister tweets

In six months time, we will be 1 day off the first anniversary of the original lockdown. Having missed one birthday, I’m wondering if I’ll miss another 🙄

Perhaps her brother can tell her to stop ‘carping on’

That whole family are wankers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 16:10:59
Rees-Moggs sister tweets

Perhaps her brother can tell her to stop ‘carping on’

That whole family are wankers

I am sure JRM isn't he probably has staff to do that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 06:38:00
I have been randomly selected to take part in a COVID-10 infection survey by the Office for National Statistics. It involves my taking swab tests every week for five weeks, then once a month for twelve months. If a test is positive, I have to isolate, and I will be asked if I would allow blood tests to find levels of antibodies, to be measured, at the University of Oxford.

The first first is today and Mrs Normy is also taking part. We are to be reimbursed £25 for each sample taken. It sounds like an expensive survey. They intend to include around 220,000 homes from across the UK during the next year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 07:28:30
I have been randomly selected to take part in a COVID-10 infection survey by the Office for National Statistics. It involves my taking swab tests every week for five weeks, then once a month for twelve months. If a test is positive, I have to isolate, and I will be asked if I would allow blood tests to find levels of antibodies, to be measured, at the University of Oxford.

The first first is today and Mrs Normy is also taking part. We are to be reimbursed £25 for each sample taken. It sounds like an expensive survey. They intend to include around 220,000 homes from across the UK during the next year.
I think the ONS has been doing this for a while, it's where the ONS stats that contribute to the estimation of the R number come from. Otherwise, they're wholly dependent on tracking the spread of the disease via symptomatic patients and have no idea about possible background levels.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 07:33:33
How does a 10pm pub curfew make sense? It just seems like an awkward halfway measure because Johnson couldn't bring himself to shut the pubs again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 07:48:08
If anything, it might make things worse by having more people leave at the same time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 08:03:37
I have been saying it for quite a while now and this just adds more weight to my argument: Daytime drinking is the BEST.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 09:47:41
A table booking system with a time limit should be imposed, but the pubs won't want to do that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:00:54
A table booking system with a time limit should be imposed, but the pubs won't want to do that.

We went out for lunch to one of our local pubs last week and this is exactly what they did, book a table and have it for an hour.

Whilst I can sort of understand the logic (not that i agree with it) with the 10pm closure, isn't this just going to take us back to the old days when pubs had closing times and everyone getting tanked up in the last 30 mins after last orders!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:09:54
A table booking system with a time limit should be imposed, but the pubs won't want to do that.

Chains like Greene King are doing this, well my local is so i assume they all are.

It’s your independent type ones that seems to be the problem from my experiences post lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:14:28
Chains like Greene King are doing this, well my local is so i assume they all are.

It’s your independent type ones that seems to be the problem from my experiences post lockdown

I went out in Bath a few weeks ago and had to book a slot in every place I went.
It’s the ‘local’ that seems to be a free for all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:19:59
Not sure whether this is satire, I imagine its exactly what he is thinking....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:27:51
old road tav in chip had a reasonable system

queue at bar socially distanced
give table number
order drinks
fo back to your table observing I've way system and wait for drinks

I guess they'll need to come and take orders now, depending on the definition of 'table service'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:29:59
Whilst I can sort of understand the logic (not that i agree with it) with the 10pm closure
Sorry but I don't at all, what is the logic? This just looks like March all over again, dither, delay, followed by a second wave and a wholly preventable lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:35:02
It’s fairly obvious, shut earlier to try and prevent late night drunk inhibitions which lead people to ignore the restrictions. It’s nothing more complicated than that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:36:35
And it’s not the 10pm closure in isolation, but as a whole with the other restrictions on hospitality that have been put in place

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:38:03
I'm most definitely not a Covid denier or conspiracy theorist, but I do like to keep an open mind and not just blindly follow everything the BBC or other outlets tell us.

This is taken from another forum and gives another perspective;

Just to bore you all again. I cover the triage pools from Hounslow in the west into the city of London in the east. From Wandsworth in the south to Enfield in the north. It's a big part of London.

What I have witnessed since February, I would contend, demonstrates what this virus does at it's worst, and at it's worst, it is not worth the damage that we have caused collaterally here.

Elysium has been backing my experience with his graphs and figures, and I can very confidently back up his opinions with my real life assessment. What my colleagues and I have seen demonstrates his facts and figures in real time. London was hit very hard early on, super saturated with exposure, and it's now (barring it finding the few truly susceptible who have not been exposed) done.

Extrapolate these experience's nationwide and you get a more considered response to this pandemic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:41:40
It’s fairly obvious, shut earlier to try and prevent late night drunk inhibitions which lead people to ignore the restrictions. It’s nothing more complicated than that
Don't see why 10pm is any safer or more dangerous than 5pm. The danger comes from people from different households mixing indoors, sat together for prolonged periods of exposure. That danger's as prevalent between 7-7.30 as it is between 9-9.30.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:46:40
Sorry but I don't at all, what is the logic? This just looks like March all over again, dither, delay, followed by a second wave and a wholly preventable lockdown

It’s fairly obvious, shut earlier to try and prevent late night drunk inhibitions which lead people to ignore the restrictions. It’s nothing more complicated than that

Indeed, albeit all I can see changing is it moves 11/12.00 TO 10.00, opening the added bonus of back to your mates for a few post pub snifters!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:49:22
The consistency behind it all is what grates me.

I can play Sunday league football this weekend, with another 22 people on the pitch at the same time if you include the ref, then there are the subs that come on so I will be mixing with around 30 different people, but I can only go for a beer with 5 of them after the game.

Professional football clubs aren’t allowed any fans, but non league clubs are allowed 3-400 in a much smaller space.

It’s just ridiculous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 11:01:26
It’s not just moving it back an hour or two though. I’ve been in three of four bars since pubs re-opened, in Swindon and Poole (weirdly) past 1 in the morning, and as you can imagine a lot of distancing and inhibitions were gone at that point - I can only assume it’s the same throughout the country. Putting in place a legal requirement to shut at 10pm will inhibit that kind of thing

The impact it will have on spreads from little locals and pubs will be minimal I’d imagine, and you’ll get a pocket of people who will just start drinking earlier in response. But it puts a stop to a fairly high risk activity I think. I don’t think it’s a silver bullet, I’m not convinced the restrictions won’t be made stricter in a month, but the hospitality rules as a whole *will* have some positive effect on spread. And keeps hospitality open

It’s a fudge, but we’re in an era of fudges at the moment (out of necessity, I should add)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 11:25:03
It’s not just moving it back an hour or two though. I’ve been in three of four bars since pubs re-opened, in Swindon and Poole (weirdly) past 1 in the morning, and as you can imagine a lot of distancing and inhibitions were gone at that point - I can only assume it’s the same throughout the country. Putting in place a legal requirement to shut at 10pm will inhibit that kind of thing

The impact it will have on spreads from little locals and pubs will be minimal I’d imagine, and you’ll get a pocket of people who will just start drinking earlier in response. But it puts a stop to a fairly high risk activity I think. I don’t think it’s a silver bullet, I’m not convinced the restrictions won’t be made stricter in a month, but the hospitality rules as a whole *will* have some positive effect on spread. And keeps hospitality open

It’s a fudge, but we’re in an era of fudges at the moment (out of necessity, I should add)
Fair enough and I'm not ignoring the impact of insisting on table service, I recognise that also makes a difference. I'm not as confident as you that the minor fudges will make enough of an impact, and I think we're likely to end up fudging our way into a second lockdown, unneccessarily. I hope you're right and I'm wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 11:31:55
From ITV's political correspondent

"Michael Gove said that the ‘evidence’ for early closing times ‘comes from parts of the country where restrictions have already been put in place’.

I asked the Cabinet Office to point to a specific local authority where it‘s been proven to work.

They haven’t been able to do so."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 12:09:41
The consistency behind it all is what grates me.

I can play Sunday league football this weekend, with another 22 people on the pitch at the same time if you include the ref, then there are the subs that come on so I will be mixing with around 30 different people, but I can only go for a beer with 5 of them after the game.

Professional football clubs aren’t allowed any fans, but non league clubs are allowed 3-400 in a much smaller space.

It’s just ridiculous.

This is where Governments have done a pretty poor job in my eyes.  I'll argue for them, in so far as certain activities do have different risk factors associated with them - so sitting inside in a pub is more risky than playing football due to the sustained contact in a confined space with poor ventilation.  However, they've muddled their messaging all along to try and be all things to all people economic activity wise and completely fucked up any chance of giving a complicated message to the public in a way that can be understood and followed.

As an example - once the infection rate was low, opening up pubs with seating, in a controlled manner, was probably low risk.  Opening up pubs that enable standing and congregation at the bar is likely high risk though.  They had to be more surgical, and to be more surgical you need to be able to explain why in language that people get.  Make it clear you are not punishing people randomly.

Right now, where I am, I won't step foot in a Restaurant or bar.  The only one I can think of that would be worth a visit in the current climate is closed because they didn't want to be responsible for spread.  Everywhere else is simply high risk.  However, plenty of larger shops are generally poorly attended, so visiting them with a mask on is pretty low risk.

You also look at a place like Disney World, where no confirmed cases have been linked to as yet.  That could well be because they've taken a hatchet to their normal operating procedures.  They've insisted on masks, checked temp on arrival, put a ceiling on capacity below 50%, marked out the floor, reverted to virtual queues, closed off any activity that caused people to group together in a single location for more than a few minutes, shut any eating establishment that couldn't adhere to social distancing etc.

So, I get the 10pm thing - but it actually relates to allowing places to be open that don't insist on you sitting at a table.  It would have been less arbitrary to prevent those places from opening unless that brought tables in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 14:49:35


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 15:00:08
There is a huge disparity based on cultural ethnicity. Resources should be targeted

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 17:04:34
The govt say people in an ‘established relationship’ who dont live together no longer have to socially distance.

The also say people in ‘the early stages of a relationship’ who dont live together still have to socially distance.

WTF? Whats the difference? :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 17:22:51
If you're nobbing them, you can carry on.

If you're not, you have to wait.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 17:35:50
As if people have been paying attention to that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 06:23:45
The long awaited track and trace app is released today. But I can’t see anywhere that says whether you need to have the app open for it to scan, whether it will scan if it’s open and in the background, or whether just having it installed will be enough.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 06:38:43
^^^^^^ I thought exactly the same,

logic dictates it'll work in the background. it's useless if not
one further q, it has a qr scanner to log visits to e.g. pub.

how does that work given the app supposedly doesn't track who I am?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 06:47:50
On the qr scanner, presumably it records the code of the venue against the phone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 07:00:25
On the qr scanner, presumably it records the code of the venue against the phone.

I get that, but if its anonymous then yeah I'll get a warning if there was an infected person there - but it means nobody has details to follow up.

I guess its down to me to self isolate if I get the notification.

I could of course have failed to understand how it works, maybe you submit your details after scanning, but they aren't stored in app. Will be interested when someone uses it!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 07:07:21
It works in the background as long as you have Bluetooth on, yes.

Have also downloaded, the tech on it is a big improvement on the first version (in that it actually follows some industry standards) but uptake will be a real challenge. They piloted it in the Borough of Newham and saw about 10% downloads - and the percentage with Bluetooth on was likely lower still.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 07:19:11
Of limitied interest I'd imagine, but the source is available  here:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 07:48:56
If the app tells you to self isolate, then it's a voluntary decision on your part to do so. So another contradiction to other rules.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 08:18:20
So can I shut the app down entirely on my phone and it will still work if Bluetooth is on, only asking as having it running and scanning constantly is going to kill my battery in about 2 hours.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 08:30:22
Same as, don’t have Bluetooth on as kills my battery so the App is pointless for me

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 08:37:56
Same as, don’t have Bluetooth on as kills my battery so the App is pointless for me

I tend to have Bluetooth on constantly and can live with that, its the fact that the app seemed to be continuously doing something when open even in the background which seemed to be battery heavy, but we shall see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nijholts Nuts on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 08:45:05
Unless you just activate the app when you're in a public place e.g. the supermarket / workplace.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 08:59:25
Same as, don’t have Bluetooth on as kills my battery so the App is pointless for me

Yep, i have just upgraded to IOS14 and that has killed my battery alone

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 09:00:28
Unless you just activate the app when you're in a public place e.g. the supermarket / workplace.
Don't think that would work, it's too much faff and people would forget most of the time, rendering it pointless. There's quite a good piece in Wired about it, goes into some good detail about the privacy protection/anonymisation stuff, but annoyingly doesn't seem to mention whether it runs in the background all the time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 09:14:44
Fuck sake, there are some very IT savvy people on here (I am not remotely including myself in this group) and even we don't know the answers, how the fuck is 75 year old Doris going to get it!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 09:16:49
This article:

contains this bit of info:

"Will the app drain the battery and data allowance?

The developers suggest the app should account for less than 5% of a device's battery use.
But if the phone is set to use a low-power mode, owners should go into their settings to exclude the app so it can continue contact tracing at all times.

And while the app is continually checking for updated data, the major networks have said they will not deduct usage from people's allowances."

I guess time will tell....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 09:36:01
Fuck sake, there are some very IT savvy people on here (I am not remotely including myself in this group) and even we don't know the answers, how the fuck is 75 year old Doris going to get it!
TBF, I'm not sure 75 year old Doris is going to be particularly interested in some of this stuff, she will just download it and leave it running. And hopefully it will notify her if she has been in contact with anyone who's tested +ve

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 10:44:43
Latest from Sunak being announced now. Could be make or break for a lot of jobs (probably including my own) so fingers crossed this goes well.

£12bn already spent on track and trace is a pretty scary number.

People will have to work a third of normal hours. They will be paid as normal for those hours. And the government and employers will cover pay lost for the other two thirds. Applies to small and medium sized enterprises. Larger employers will only be covered if their turnover has gone down.

Back on furlough it is then, it seems.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 10:57:30
People will have to work a third of normal hours. They will be paid as normal for those hours. And the government and employers will cover pay lost for the other two thirds. Applies to small and medium sized enterprises. Larger employers will only be covered if their turnover has gone down.
Good to know there is further protection for jobs. What about people who can't work 1/3 of their normal hours? (e.g. for people who work in places that have just been shut down or don't have enough work even for 1/3).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 11:12:37
New balls up a brewing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 11:27:29
Good to know there is further protection for jobs. What about people who can't work 1/3 of their normal hours? (e.g. for people who work in places that have just been shut down or don't have enough work even for 1/3).

No, not that I can see.

This scheme is probably useful for companies running at reduced capacity/demand, but that's a fairly specific sub-group of affected companies. Will no doubt help many (probably including me) but not all and certainly less than furlough (whilst costing a lot less - total govt. contribution is more like 20% rather than 80%).

Feels like they're trying to stagger and reduce job losses rather than prevent them all together with this sort of intervention. Will be too little for many.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 11:34:40
No, not that I can see.

This scheme is probably useful for companies running at reduced capacity/demand, but that's a fairly specific sub-group of affected companies. Will no doubt help many (probably including me) but not all and certainly less than furlough (whilst costing a lot less - total govt. contribution is more like 20% rather than 80%).

Feels like they're trying to stagger and reduce job losses rather than prevent them all together with this sort of intervention. Will be too little for many.
Yes I think you're right, it's softening the blow rather than shielding it. It's going to be a long bleak winter

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 11:41:45
Having been made redundant in the past I really feel for those affected so I am not being flippant, however,

I think there does have to be an acceptance that some jobs will be lost and that furlough was in a way keeping certain zombie jobs live. The world was already changing and C-19 has just accelerated that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 11:48:10
I do think that's a fair view, but there are certainly sectors where jobs were absolutely viable until they weren't - live music, sports and hospitality are pretty much non-viable at the moment despite the best efforts of some excellent people. Those aren't 'changing world' job losses, those are specific Covid related problems.

It would seem possible, maybe even desirable, to use the crisis as an opportunity to try and accelerate certain changes, especially in the green economy with targeted funding. That seems to be what Canada are looking at doing with enormous government spending. But maybe that will come in later announcements - there does seem to be a habit of every time Sunak announces anything to expect him to announce everything, which clearly isn't fair when the situation is changing quite so quickly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 11:54:56
I do think that's a fair view, but there are certainly sectors where jobs were absolutely viable until they weren't - live music, sports and hospitality are pretty much non-viable at the moment despite the best efforts of some excellent people. Those aren't 'changing world' job losses, those are specific Covid related problems.

It would seem possible, maybe even desirable, to use the crisis as an opportunity to try and accelerate certain changes, especially in the green economy with targeted funding. That seems to be what Canada are looking at doing with enormous government spending. But maybe that will come in later announcements - there does seem to be a habit of every time Sunak announces anything to expect him to announce everything, which clearly isn't fair when the situation is changing quite so quickly.

Completely agree.
On the wider issue, if we as a species just expect things to go back to where they were (and where they were heading) in 2019, we are bloody idiots.

For example with what appears to be a once in a generation change in ways of working and engagement, do we need HS2 any more (I used to be up and down to London probably 3 times a month, since March not been once and it hasn't really affected me) or could the money better be spent on improving existing infrastructure, likewise the extra runway at Heathrow?

I suspect that sweet FA will change as government are not known for long term planning and instead will just plough on with what was already in the pipeline, which will be an enormous opportunity missed. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 12:49:14
£12bn already spent on track and trace is a pretty scary number.
And pretty much all of that has gone to private companies, to run a failing system. Small beans though if they get their way with Project MoonSpaff. Theft on a massive scale, Cummings learned well from the Russian gangsters

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 12:51:28
And pretty much all of that has gone to private companies, to run a failing system. Small beans though if they get their way with Project MoonSpaff. Theft on a massive scale, Cummings learned well from the Russian gangsters

Come on repeat after me, its NHS Test and Trace, as Johnson keeps trying at Starmer, you complain about the system you urinate on NHS staff!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 13:11:50
Sainsbury's in Stratton are running low on toilet paper....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 13:41:17
Sainsbury's in Stratton are running low on toilet paper....

I'll make sure I have a shit before I go there then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 14:18:01
Sainsbury's in Stratton are running low on toilet paper....

Fucking morons all panic buying.

As far as i can see, nothing has changed apart from having to drink up by 10pm!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 14:27:11
I still haven't run out of bog roll since the last time  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 14:34:00
I still haven't run out of bog roll since the last time  :)
That's one hell of a long time to clench 4D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, September 24, 2020, 14:36:00
Fucking morons all panic buying.

As far as i can see, nothing has changed apart from having to drink up by 10pm!

The Govt have a new slogan. Drink Earlier, Drink Stronger, Drink Faster.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, September 25, 2020, 09:13:12
Interesting to see the videos from last night showing London heaving at 10pm after everyone was kicked out at the same time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 25, 2020, 09:50:40
Interesting to see the videos from last night showing London heaving at 10pm after everyone was kicked out at the same time.
TBF the risk is more when they're sat inside in poorly ventilated rooms, exposed to a group of people for a prolonged period of time than outdoors and moving about. Although given they're all then likely to be hitting the Tubes and buses at the same time, that would be a massive risk factor too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, September 25, 2020, 11:42:41
Just popped into the newsagents near my work (wearing a mask, of course). Three people already in the shop when I walked in without masks. Another five or six walked in while I was queuing, not a single mask between them. Sigh

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, September 25, 2020, 11:57:41
Just popped into the newsagents near my work (wearing a mask, of course). Three people already in the shop when I walked in without masks. Another five or six walked in while I was queuing, not a single mask between them. Sigh

This is the most annoying thing for me - yes, a mask is not a 100% guarantee and it is more to protect others than yourself, but you don't have to be an epidemiologist to think that if everyone wore  one it would have as much, if not more benefit than 70% of a population getting a vaccine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:00:39
Interesting that the rate of growth in infections is slowing (albeit slowly)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:06:39
Interesting that the rate of growth in infections is slowing (albeit slowly)

The cynic in me wonders is that because people have been struggling to get tested for the last couple of weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:10:48
Nah, this was the ons survey, about 10k a day. Was 6k a day the week prior, and 3k a day the week prior to the that (I can’t find the actual numbers now)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:11:30
This is the most annoying thing for me - yes, a mask is not a 100% guarantee and it is more to protect others than yourself, but you don't have to be an epidemiologist to think that if everyone wore  one it would have as much, if not more benefit than 70% of a population getting a vaccine.

I just don't understand the problem with wearing them. At. All. I've got a big ol' beard and wearing a mask is itchy as hell, boo fucking hoo. Still wear it because a bit of an itchy chin is no price to pay if wearing it has even the slightest chance of protecting me or others.

In fairness though, the vast, vast majority of shoppers in normal sized supermarkets seem to be wearing them. But surely its even more important to wear them in the small venues than the bigger ones. I struggle to understand how some people can act so selfishly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:13:36
Nah, this was the ons survey, about 10k a day. Was 6k a day the week prior, and 3k a day the week prior to the that (I can’t find the actual numbers now)
Here you go

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:14:25
Nah, this was the ons survey, about 10k a day. Was 6k a day the week prior, and 3k a day the week prior to the that (I can’t find the actual numbers now)

Also shows a huge disparity among regions, which will be why a nationwide lockdown shouldn’t be on the cards right now imo

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:22:21
I just don't understand the problem with wearing them. At. All. I've got a big ol' beard and wearing a mask is itchy as hell, boo fucking hoo. Still wear it because a bit of an itchy chin is no price to pay if wearing it has even the slightest chance of protecting me or others.

In fairness though, the vast, vast majority of shoppers in normal sized supermarkets seem to be wearing them. But surely its even more important to wear them in the small venues than the bigger ones. I struggle to understand how some people can act so selfishly

In 1918 during the first wave of the Spanish Flu that hit San Fransisco, they enforced mask wearing (you know, one of those things things that we've never done before).  The city largely avoided being hit as a result of that and other efforts.  I'm using it as a good and bad example - it worked so well that when the next wave started hitting they simply did mask wearing and forgot about all the other restrictions they had used, believing the masks were completely effective.

We know they are not 100% effective, hence why some get so uppity about it, but it's the combination of several mitigation efforts that keep a virus or flu at bay.

I'll go back to other comparisons - would you be OK with people with Leprosy mingling with you in a pub?  I'd wager most people would not and would give them a wide berth.  The mask is worn because many people who carry the virus can't know if they have it or not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:31:41
Also shows a huge disparity among regions, which will be why a nationwide lockdown shouldn’t be on the cards right now imo

Its odd because on this page people are (rightly) moaning about people not wearing masks, yet round here form my experience its being almost 100% adhered to, yet our infections are going up, I blame Barrow!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:34:47
Drink driving laws are not 100% effective either. Maybe we should just do away with those?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:40:47
Its odd because on this page people are (rightly) moaning about people not wearing masks, yet round here form my experience its being almost 100% adhered to, yet our infections are going up, I blame Barrow!

Even the little, corner type shops?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, September 25, 2020, 12:50:01
Even the little, corner type shops?

Seems to be yeah, but then again we are a fairly small village with only 4-5 shops.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 25, 2020, 13:21:50
Its odd because on this page people are (rightly) moaning about people not wearing masks, yet round here form my experience its being almost 100% adhered to, yet our infections are going up, I blame Barrow!
TBF everywhere I've been in Swindon, people are 99% of the time wearing masks. Only see the odd one who's not (and they may have had good reason not to). That's on the back of only really going to bigger shops and probably only a couple of times a week, so maybe I'm not a representative sample.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, September 25, 2020, 14:07:33
Seems to be yeah, but then again we are a fairly small village with only 4-5 shops.

A local shop for local people?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Friday, September 25, 2020, 15:33:01
Just popped into the newsagents near my work (wearing a mask, of course). Three people already in the shop when I walked in without masks. Another five or six walked in while I was queuing, not a single mask between them. Sigh

Name and shame the shop on here and one of us can drop them in it. 🙂🙂

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, September 25, 2020, 15:53:06
A local shop for local people?  :)

We're on the edge of the lake district, its more a local shop for the tourists!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, September 25, 2020, 17:05:11
Nice one Rishi :

"Since 10 August, people who test positive are also asked about places they have been and activities they have done in the days before becoming unwell; eating out was the most commonly reported activity in the 2-7 days prior to symptom onset"

(from the latest PHE evaluation of where the upsurge in COVID has come from). So the British govt spent millions of pounds of taxpayers money on fanning the flames of the second wave. Genius.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 02:52:05
Sleeping was also divulged as a common pastime. Slumberland now vilified (by those fortunate to have a mattress).

Please cease your grotesque COVID cop-out tactics to suit your inherited political bias.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 05:40:07
Sleeping was also divulged as a common pastime. Slumberland now vilified (by those fortunate to have a mattress).

Please cease your grotesque COVID cop-out tactics to suit your inherited political bias.

Are you one of those who unfortunately do not have a mattress?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 08:11:49
Nice one Rishi :

"Since 10 August, people who test positive are also asked about places they have been and activities they have done in the days before becoming unwell; eating out was the most commonly reported activity in the 2-7 days prior to symptom onset"

(from the latest PHE evaluation of where the upsurge in COVID has come from). So the British govt spent millions of pounds of taxpayers money on fanning the flames of the second wave. Genius.
what would you have done differently? things had to open. people would have said they left the hospitality industry to die if they continued to be shut.

I feel sorry for the properly run places. too many customers ig ignoring rules and lack of enforcement at a number of places. iv eaten out probably 5 times since march. 3 of this in a beer garden. I dont feel particularly safe doing so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 08:17:24
Correlation ≠ causation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 08:27:41
what would you have done differently? things had to open. people would have said they left the hospitality industry to die if they continued to be shut.
Oi! Don’t you realise common sense has no place in this thread....anti govt drivel only!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 09:33:39
Apparently, the 'NHS' track and trace app does not recognise the result of tests that come from the NHS. It only recognises the results that come from SERCO.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 14:37:17
what would you have done differently? things had to open. people would have said they left the hospitality industry to die if they continued to be shut.
Sector-specific support from govt. Tried to open up too early, it's a gamble that's not paid off. Same with the 10pm curfew nonsense.

Oh and a working Test Trace and Isolate system, rather than wasting lockdown and £12bn on funnelling money to a private contractor with a proven record of failure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 15:10:59
Its ok for the entertainments industry to die apparently.  We're not valid.  The 700k people who work in it are irrelevant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, September 26, 2020, 15:47:48
Bars were the source of many of the cases in the South over here as well, it’s not too difficult to work out why.  It’s the stand up places that cause the issue, it is entirely possible to create a safe environment in a pub, but it has to be based on well managed practices like using tables, only allowing a defined number in based on those tables, avoiding congregating at a bar to place an order etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 11:55:22
I'm not sure the 10pm curfew is going to help slowing the spread

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 15:07:00
Was out in Soho last night. Lovely drinks and dinner with no cause for concern until we left at 9:45. It was carnage. The curfew is the single stupidest restriction in a long line of rules, based on absolutely zero evidence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 15:10:28
Was out in Soho last night. Lovely drinks and dinner with no cause for concern until we left at 9:45. It was carnage. The curfew is the single stupidest restriction in a long line of rules, based on absolutely zero evidence.

It's nice to hear it from someone who was there rather than seeing it in the papers and you're right It dosen't make sense and another reason to confirm they've lost the plot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 16:21:18
Quote from: Panda Paws
Was out in Soho last night. Lovely drinks and dinner with no cause for concern until we left at 9:45. It was carnage. The curfew is the single stupidest restriction in a long line of rules, based on absolutely zero evidence.

they defended the decision saying it was based on science , and also the decision to let students return to university.

I can only find scientists saying it won't work, and the university situation was modelled and inevitable.

I'd imagine restrictions will be tightened soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 17:01:55
It's a pity there is such a lack of common sense and too much of the I don't give a shit/I'll just think about myself attitude amongst people these days. I can see everyone having to go back into lockdown because of this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 17:10:06
It's a pity there is such a lack of common sense and too much of the I don't give a shit/I'll just think about myself attitude amongst people these days.

You don’t see those scenes under normal circumstance when chucking out times are staggered

The 10pm decision is responsible for those scenes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 17:16:36
I was in boozer last night, all good throughout the night with people at allocated tables all sat down.

Got to 10pm and get booted outside to finish drinks, which results in 30 odd people standing around for a while in close proximity


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 18:33:25
There is a bit about people taking responsibility for their own actions. I've been out and about this weekend and can't believe the number of people who aren't socially distancing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:06:43
There's a pandemic on, going out and getting pissed shouldn't be a priority.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:12:26
There's a pandemic on, going out and getting pissed shouldn't be a priority.

The problem is the 18-30's just don't care and will force everyone back into total lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:28:05
At least you’re not stereotyping an entire age certain age group though!

The only people I saw not observing social distancing last night were a couple of 60 (ish) year old gentlemen who refused to sit down at a table out of nothing more than stubbornness

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:30:37
At least you’re not stereotyping an entire age certain age group though!

The only people I saw not observing social distancing last night were a couple of 60 (ish) year old gentlemen who refused to sit down at a table out of nothing more than stubbornness

I'm going on my earlier post above

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:33:44
Quote from: Abrahammer
At least you’re not stereotyping an entire age certain age group though!


Of course it's not everyone in that age group.

The highest increase in positive tests was in the 17-24 category though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:40:28
did pubs normally close at 11? did the same rush happen at 11?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:42:56
Of course it's not everyone in that age group.

The highest increase in positive tests was in the 17-24 category though.

It's ever changing as a couple of weeks ago the government said it was the 18-29 age group who were spreading the virus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:49:16
Quote from: singingiiiffy
did pubs normally close at 11? did the same rush happen at 11?
yes and sort of. drinking up time could be quite liberal, plus the odd lock in.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:49:57
Of course it's not everyone in that age group.

The highest increase in positive tests was in the 17-24 category though.
I am sure any  correlation with the schools and students going back is entirely coincidental....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 19:54:05
I've just seen more photos of ransacked shelves at Asda Walmart and the government need to nip this in the bud now before world war 3 starts in run up to Xmas

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 20:10:06
^^^^ restrictions already on toilet rolls etc.

got some fine in Morrisons thankfully

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 27, 2020, 20:17:18
^^^^ restrictions already on toilet rolls etc.

got some fine in Morrisons thankfully

The problem is it's not just toilet rolls their buying

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, September 28, 2020, 08:58:51
as low as 18% of people with symptoms are self isolating.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, September 28, 2020, 09:01:31
as low as 18% of people with symptoms are self isolating.

That's appalling and only going to end in a really long lockdown throughout the winter months 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, September 28, 2020, 09:02:24
Here’s a surprise

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 28, 2020, 09:08:11
as low as 18% of people with symptoms are self isolating.
The reporting around this is really irresponsible as it's missing out the really significant part of that research which is *why* people aren't self isolating. It's because they can't afford to. It's all very well telling middle class people who can work from home to self-isolate but a lot of the people not self-isolating are in a position where they don't get paid if they can't work and don't have savings to fall back on. So self-isolation means they can't feed their families, run into rent arrears (or quite often further into rent arrears) etc. The govt have announced from today people can claim £500 payment when self-isolating which will help a bit, but the combination of lost earnings and a possible £10k fine if people don't self-isolate is already leading to people with symptoms not taking tests rather than being ordered to self-isolate when they can't afford to. Counter productive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, September 28, 2020, 10:02:42
The reporting around this is really irresponsible as it's missing out the really significant part of that research which is *why* people aren't self isolating. It's because they can't afford to. It's all very well telling middle class people who can work from home to self-isolate but a lot of the people not self-isolating are in a position where they don't get paid if they can't work and don't have savings to fall back on. So self-isolation means they can't feed their families, run into rent arrears (or quite often further into rent arrears) etc. The govt have announced from today people can claim £500 payment when self-isolating which will help a bit, but the combination of lost earnings and a possible £10k fine if people don't self-isolate is already leading to people with symptoms not taking tests rather than being ordered to self-isolate when they can't afford to. Counter productive.

it did actually.

The scientists behind the self-isolation study of more than 31,000 people – carried out by several of Britain’s top behaviour scientists – suggested people should be given more financial support to stay at home.

The researchers found men were more likely than women not to follow the rules, alongside younger people, those with children, those on low incomes and key workers.

“Our results suggest that financial constraints and caring responsibilities impeded adherence to self-isolation,” said the behavioural experts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, September 28, 2020, 10:13:43
Here’s a surprise

Cant make it up really.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 28, 2020, 10:41:35
it did actually.

Perhaps might have been good if you'd mentioned that then? Quite an important factor

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, September 28, 2020, 11:10:53
Perhaps might have been good if you'd mentioned that then? Quite an important factor

 :clap: its a terrible statistic whatever the reasons. its quite obvious that people have their reasons for doing it- and they would range from not caring and not being able to afford to. hope you police all posts in here with full reasoning required

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 28, 2020, 11:45:24
:clap: its a terrible statistic whatever the reasons. its quite obvious that people have their reasons for doing it- and they would range from not caring and not being able to afford to. hope you police all posts in here with full reasoning required

No, just providing some context, context which completely changes the nature of the report from "selfish bastards not self-isolating when told to" to "people being told to self-isolate but can't afford to". I saw the research last week which did provide the full context, then heard it being reported on the radio this morning without that context. Assumed you'd seen a report that also ommitted the context, hence my original post.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, September 28, 2020, 15:05:24

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, September 28, 2020, 15:08:14
Daily figure of new confirmed cases has dropped to 4k now, three days of consecutive drops. It’s a bit if a weird one, and probably artificial in nature but three days of consecutively lower figures is a tentatively good sign

Also correlates with ZOE data (which is self-reported) reporting a lower number of new infections today than yesterday, the ons survey on Friday reporting a slowing of the increase two weeks ago and the daily volume of 999/111 covid triage calls also dropping consecutively over the past week. All early stages, and can’t get too carried away, but four different sources using four different approaches to assessing number of infections are all beginning to point towards the number of new infections have stopped increasing.

Got to be cause for a little optimism, at the very least, that things might not get too much worse than they are now (he says, touching all of the wood I can find)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, September 28, 2020, 15:30:44
The true indicator is whether deaths track up 2-3 weeks behind the infections climb we've seen over the last fortnight.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Monday, September 28, 2020, 15:32:51
Daily figure of new confirmed cases has dropped to 4k now, three days of consecutive drops. It’s a bit if a weird one, and probably artificial in nature but three days of consecutively lower figures is a tentatively good sign

Also correlates with ZOE data (which is self-reported) reporting a lower number of new infections today than yesterday, the ons survey on Friday reporting a slowing of the increase two weeks ago and the daily volume of 999/111 covid triage calls also dropping consecutively over the past week. All early stages, and can’t get too carried away, but four different sources using four different approaches to assessing number of infections are all beginning to point towards the number of new infections have stopped increasing.

Got to be cause for a little optimism, at the very least, that things might not get too much worse than they are now (he says, touching all of the wood I can find)

The problem with these figures are two fold:  No Scottish figures were added for part of the weekend due to systems problems.  Weekend figure regardless of the above always seem to dip.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, September 28, 2020, 15:39:08
Would be handy to know if the reporting lag on a Monday is a consistent number, should be able to make an educated guess what the true number of cases is sans the lag

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, September 28, 2020, 16:05:34
Daily figure of new confirmed cases has dropped to 4k now, three days of consecutive drops. It’s a bit if a weird one, and probably artificial in nature but three days of consecutively lower figures is a tentatively good sign

Also correlates with ZOE data (which is self-reported) reporting a lower number of new infections today than yesterday, the ons survey on Friday reporting a slowing of the increase two weeks ago and the daily volume of 999/111 covid triage calls also dropping consecutively over the past week. All early stages, and can’t get too carried away, but four different sources using four different approaches to assessing number of infections are all beginning to point towards the number of new infections have stopped increasing.

Got to be cause for a little optimism, at the very least, that things might not get too much worse than they are now (he says, touching all of the wood I can find)

Likely a bit longer - seems to be 4-6 weeks later based on the USA data from over the summer.  It's likely the rate of deaths vs. cases will be much lower this time around as well.  It will likely be hitting healthier populations, plus we are better prepared medication wise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:02:31

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:11:37
I saw a stat on the RTE news channel just now (I'm in Ireland at the moment) that 32% of people would not take the Coronavirus vaccine.

 I've always been curious as to why people are so against vaccines? (not the band)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:13:24

 I've always been curious as to why people are so against vaccines? (not the band)

Because of the many fuckwits who believe it causes autism and what not, and/or it is an elite conspiracy to control the masses.

Stuff like that. Idiocy, basically.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:19:34
Because of the many fuckwits who believe it causes autism
One of many great causes we have the Daily Mail to thank for championing. Fucking shitrag.

On a more positive note, the Imperial College study that showed we were entering a rapid uptick in cases, with the R number as high as 1.7, is now showing a steady decline in the rate of infection with the R number at 1.1. Still too high but headed in the right direction.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:20:47
I can expand on that...

The autism stuff originated from a British Doctor (whose name I forget now).

He was paid by a group of lawyers to find something wrong/dangerous in vaccines. The intention was that they could then sue the big pharma companies for loads of wonga. Anyway, this doctor wrote something or other about it causing vaccines, but it was a load of bollocks and had no supporting evidence. There were other people involved and they have since been open about it being a load of bollocks and distanced themselves from the claims.

Regardless, people still believe the autism stuff, despite the fact that no evidence has ever been presented to support the claim. But apparently, all this is overridden when spending half an hour reading something on the internet by some woman who claims to be a doctor and believes in healing stones and energy lines n shit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:29:39
Andrew Wakefield

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:32:28
I can expand on that...

The autism stuff originated from a British Doctor (whose name I forget now).

He was paid by a group of lawyers to find something wrong/dangerous in vaccines. The intention was that they could then sue the big pharma companies for loads of wonga. Anyway, this doctor wrote something or other about it causing vaccines, but it was a load of bollocks and had no supporting evidence. There were other people involved and they have since been open about it being a load of bollocks and distanced themselves from the claims.

Regardless, people still believe the autism stuff, despite the fact that no evidence has ever been presented to support the claim. But apparently, all this is overridden when spending half an hour reading something on the internet by some woman who claims to be a doctor and believes in healing stones and energy lines n shit.

Thanks FH. And spread wildly by the Karens on Facebook can't help!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:36:36
I saw a stat on the RTE news channel just now (I'm in Ireland at the moment) that 32% of people would not take the Coronavirus vaccine.

 I've always been curious as to why people are so against vaccines? (not the band)

To be fair, I dont blame people for being sceptical of a vaccine which, on the face of it is rushed through. Not that I subscribe to that scepticism, but it’s understandable in this instance

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:37:48
Thanks guys, just had a quick look at Mr Wakefield. He certainly has a lot to answer for!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:41:06
If you want to be really depressed, you could follow up with a bit of reading on polio vaccination in Pakistan.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:49:21
Thanks FH. And spread wildly by the Karens on Facebook can't help!!
In the case of MMR, it was more the Lyndas, Melanies and Paul Dacres at the Daily Mail than Karens on Facebook

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:56:26
Andrew Wakefield

Not sure if they still are, but fairly recently, way after the shit had hit the fan he was dating Elle Macpherson.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 09:56:47
These cunts contribute toward people dying. They should be made accountable.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:12:19
I see Boris dad was caught without wearing a mask in a shop.

Says he was extremely sorry and wasnt aware of the rules

Oh piss off

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:13:17
Just looking at the new measures Mancock is announcing (from the BBC)

Mr Hancock confirms the new rules for the Liverpool City Region, Warrington, Hartlepool and Middlesbrough are as follows:

Recommendation against all social mixing between people in different households
Regulations to be brought in to prevent social mixing between different households anywhere apart from outdoor public spaces such as parks and outdoor hospitality settings
Recommendation people should not attend professional or amateur sporting events as spectators
Recommendation people only visit care homes in "exceptional circumstances"
And guidance against all but essential travel, such as going to work or school

So its 'recommendations' now rather than 'rules'?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:15:48
Just looking at the new measures Mancock is announcing (from the BBC)

Mr Hancock confirms the new rules for the Liverpool City Region, Warrington, Hartlepool and Middlesbrough are as follows:

Recommendation against all social mixing between people in different households
Regulations to be brought in to prevent social mixing between different households anywhere apart from outdoor public spaces such as parks and outdoor hospitality settings
Recommendation people should not attend professional or amateur sporting events as spectators
Recommendation people only visit care homes in "exceptional circumstances"
And guidance against all but essential travel, such as going to work or school

So its 'recommendations' now rather than 'rules'?
Recommendations are guidelines, regulations have force of law as I understand it, so only point 2 in that list. But I'd be minded to look at the regs themselves, the BBC have been very sloppy in their reporting of this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:27:07
I see Boris dad was caught without wearing a mask in a shop.

Says he was extremely sorry and wasnt aware of the rules

Oh piss off

But he didn't wear a mask in a limited and very specific way.

I noticed the sun went with Corbyn being at a dinner with more than 6 people. OK, fair enough - he should be fined as well.

But not a mention of Boris' dad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:30:20
As a old age man, whose son was 'seriously' ill with Covid, you would have thought that he would have more sense. That said the name Johnson and the word sense can hardly be used in the same sentance

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:31:41
As a old age man, whose son was 'seriously' ill with Covid, you would have thought that he would have more sense. That said the name Johnson and the word sense can hardly be used in the same sentance
Everyone knows the rules don't apply to them. That's why Johnson Sr wasn't aware of the rules - why bother to find out what the rules are when they only apply to the plebs?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:35:20
Perhaps he was distracted by seeing the name 'Johnson' on a bottle of baby shampoo and was testing his eyesight by having a closer look?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:38:33
But he didn't wear a mask in a limited and very specific way.

I noticed the sun went with Corbyn being at a dinner with more than 6 people. OK, fair enough - he should be fined as well.

But not a mention of Boris' dad.

Is there any wonder why some of the UK general public aren't doing what they are 'told' when politicians and well known people like Corbyn, Cummins and Bojo's dad are blatantly NOT doing as they should be told.

Re the Corbyn photo, was that event definitely after the rule of 6 had been applied? Wouldn't surprise me if the Sun had sourced a photo from a while ago.

Bojo's dad is a prize tool.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:49:44

Re the Corbyn photo, was that event definitely after the rule of 6 had been applied? Wouldn't surprise me if the Sun had sourced a photo from a while ago.

This did cross my mind, I would not put it past them.

But Corbyn's apparently admitted it and apologised - and is paying the fine. That doesn't undo what he did; he's still a bellend for doing it, but at least he did apologise etc.

Meanwhile, Stanley Johnson makes pathetic excuses.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:50:43
This did cross my mind, I would not put it past them.

But Corbyn's apparently admitted it and apologised - and is paying the fine. That doesn't undo what he did; he's still a bellend for doing it, but at least he did apologise etc.

Meanwhile, Stanley Johnson makes pathetic excuses.
Both a pair of dickheads. Public hanging for both (and Cummings), set an example :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 11:05:49
As a old age man, whose son was 'seriously' ill with Covid, you would have thought that he would have more sense. That said the name Johnson and the word sense can hardly be used in the same sentance

I don't want to be all tin foil haty but I am still not convinced that Johnson had it (or had it as bad as was made out!), if you had been at deaths door as has been suggested you would Shirley be taking things more seriously (As would his ministers if a close colleague had suffered)! 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 11:25:40
I don't want to be all tin foil haty but I am still not convinced that Johnson had it (or had it as bad as was made out!), if you had been at deaths door as has been suggested you would Shirley be taking things more seriously (As would his ministers if a close colleague had suffered)! 

My thoughts exactly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 19:23:31
Both a pair of dickheads. Public hanging for both (and Cummings), set an example :)
And you can add that silly SNP MP to the list, too. Apology accepted, now resign

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 19:59:59
And you can add that silly SNP MP to the list, too. Apology accepted, now resign

What on Earth was she thinking? Travelling to Westminster when you have symptoms is bad enough, but to actually use public transport to get back home when you KNOW you have Covid-19...? That boggles my mind

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 20:28:57
What on Earth was she thinking? Travelling to Westminster when you have symptoms is bad enough, but to actually use public transport to get back home when you KNOW you have Covid-19...? That boggles my mind
Indeed, it's Cummings-level idiocy and self-regard. Although I suppose at least she admitted she was at fault

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 20:47:46
Indeed, it's Cummings-level idiocy and self-regard. Although I suppose at least she admitted she was at fault

This is surely much worse? She actually put people at risk not once but twice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 20:55:42
This is surely much worse? She actually put people at risk not once but twice.
Cummings both went into work and travelled with his family when not just infected but by his own account very ill. Not much mileage in arguing the toos as to which is worse IMO, they're both arseholes, both should be sacked.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, October 2, 2020, 05:10:18
Donald and Melania Trump have tested positive for covid-19. He's going to be even worse after this, if such a thing is even possible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Friday, October 2, 2020, 05:57:13
"I beat Coronavirus, I did a great job beating Coronavirus. Nobody could've defeated it better than me. I've had it worse than anybody else has had it. It's just like the Flu, I took some bleach and it just went away"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, October 2, 2020, 06:32:11
Unless he becomes seriously ill, this'll help his campaign, which I think probably has the beating of Biden's anyway

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, October 2, 2020, 06:38:08
Quote from: Hunk
Unless he becomes seriously ill, this'll help his campaign, which I think probably has the beating of Biden's anyway


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, October 2, 2020, 06:38:16
I'm assuming he won't need to do the next two debates now.  Convenient for him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, October 2, 2020, 06:47:36


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, October 2, 2020, 06:55:19
Last throw of the dice from Trump, everything is pointing towards him heading towards a comfortable defeat so he’s had to go for the sympathy vote.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 2, 2020, 07:03:25
It might get him out of mroe debates as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, October 2, 2020, 07:04:35
Look on the bright side.

He may not recover!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, October 2, 2020, 07:10:11
Unless he becomes seriously ill, this'll help his campaign, which I think probably has the beating of Biden's anyway

I doubt this.  He's been downplaying the risks consistently.  And there are pics of him at a rally just days ago in close proximity to crowds without a mask in sight.  He looks like a chump.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, October 2, 2020, 07:22:46
I doubt this.  He's been downplaying the risks consistently.  And there are pics of him at a rally just days ago in close proximity to crowds without a mask in sight.  He looks like a chump.

I absolutely hope you are right and I am wrong. But I'll just point out that he looked like a chump after the 'grab them by the pussy' episode, and that didn't stop him winning 4 years ago. He has a knack

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, October 2, 2020, 07:34:00
Sadly true.   :no:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, October 2, 2020, 07:40:07
It might get him out of mroe debates as well.

He won’t want that, he’s in his element when he’s in front of a camera.

From an electoral POV the debates are the best way to get your messages over to undecided voters, he needs the debates badly as he’s trailing Biden

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, October 2, 2020, 08:06:26
please corona. help the world become a better place

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, October 2, 2020, 08:40:55
I honestly wouldn't put anything past Trump.  If you told me he was fabricating this to swerve the next debates, I could believe it.  (His conduct did not go down well with anyone other than his base - and it's the tiny band of floating voters he needs to appeal to.)  If you told me he was setting up his exit strategy to save a bit of face - so his base can spend the next 4 years telling everyone Trump would have won if only he hadn't fallen I'll - I could believe that too.  I'm not even sure he wants another 4 years of this, to be honest.  He could, instead, go back to playing golf and a nice little number as the world's highest profile chat show host.  Much more his style.

In short, anything is possible here.  Nothing he says, does or is involved with should be taken at face value.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, October 2, 2020, 08:44:42
Has Biden tested negative considering they were in close proximity to each other for quite a while the other night?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 2, 2020, 08:57:11
Donald and Melania Trump have tested positive for covid-19. He's going to be even worse after this, if such a thing is even possible.
Presumably having disinfectant and bleach injected into him as we speak.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 2, 2020, 08:59:10
Cummings both went into work and travelled with his family when not just infected but by his own account very ill. Not much mileage in arguing the toos as to which is worse IMO, they're both arseholes, both should be sacked.
And tbf, the SNP have sacked her. Although Cummings still seems to be in post, wrecking the country as an unelected bueurocrat. So there you go.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Friday, October 2, 2020, 09:00:12
This is the first good news since February.

I'm not sure what petard means but I think Trump has been hoisted by his own.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 2, 2020, 09:10:41

I'm not sure what petard means

It's a type of mortar. (The weapon variety, not the cement variety)

So, basically, he was blown up by his own mortar that was meant to blow somebody else up instead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, October 2, 2020, 09:21:00
I don't believe Trump has it and I don't believe Boris had it either.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Friday, October 2, 2020, 09:21:39
It's a type of mortar. (The weapon variety, not the cement variety)

So, basically, he was blown up by his own mortar that was meant to blow somebody else up instead.

I thought it meant a wedgie.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, October 2, 2020, 09:26:44
I don't believe Trump has it and I don't believe Boris had it either.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, October 2, 2020, 09:43:23
I'm not sure what petard means but I think Trump has been hoisted by his own.
Jean-Luc. Captain of the starship, Enterprise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 2, 2020, 09:53:44
As for Trump.

If he's taken out of action then that's a good thing.

I would not necessarily wish it to be this way but... meh! (And he's probably lying anyway)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, October 2, 2020, 10:27:52
It was the left what done it!


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 2, 2020, 10:30:56
Must have been Obama

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 2, 2020, 10:53:07
It was the left what done it!

tbf while that's clearly a load of shite, it's not qualitatively different from the "I bet he hasn't even got it anyway, it's just a fake to get him out of debates/gain some sympathy like Johnson" posts on here and all over social media

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Friday, October 2, 2020, 10:56:46
Does Russian prostitute piss contain something that delays the virus, I'm amazed its taken this long for the cheeto-faced cunt to get it. Seems conveniently timed. If he does shuffle his massively-heeled shoes off this mortal coil, Pence is a fucking dangerous man to leave in charge.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Friday, October 2, 2020, 10:59:34
Donald and Melania Trump have tested positive for covid-19. He's going to be even worse after this, if such a thing is even possible.

If we’re really lucky, it will kill him.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, October 2, 2020, 11:31:54
the speaker isn't happy with the idiot MP that went to the commons while pending the (positive) covid result .

rightly so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, October 2, 2020, 13:29:17
At this rate there aren't going to be many left in Parliament!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, October 2, 2020, 14:29:05
One peculiar thing, it appears that Covid only seems to affect right-wing populist leaders with Johnson, Brazilian Pres. Jair Bolsonaro and now Trump affected?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, October 2, 2020, 14:54:55
If we’re really lucky, it will kill him.

Ugh. Less of that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Friday, October 2, 2020, 15:06:32
If we’re really lucky, it will kill him.

I think he is the most appalling, divisive, self-serving and dangerous man in the world and although I hate seeing anyone suffer, part of me agrees with this sentiment. When Nelson Mandela died, I thought the world was a more dangerous place. It's the opposite with Trump.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 2, 2020, 15:42:20
One peculiar thing, it appears that Covid only seems to affect right-wing populist leaders with Johnson, Brazilian Pres. Jair Bolsonaro and now Trump affected?
Because they're all careless fuckwits? I believe that counts as a "pre-existing condition"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, October 2, 2020, 16:47:33
Biden tests negative. Surprise surprise

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, October 2, 2020, 19:14:50
Biden tests negative. Surprise surprise

As do all Trump's immediate employees

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, October 2, 2020, 21:16:22
Trump gone to hospital now. Hmmmm

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 2, 2020, 22:10:20
I get people taking the civil approach, but I cannot help but think that him passing would help avoid a fuck load of problems for a fuck load of people. It is no exaggeration to say that America is on the brink of falling deep into facism and that will have deep implications for the rest of the world. Even if/when he loses, the problem is not going to go away. He's got his armies on standy.

It's one odious cunt vs the well being of countless innocent people. It's a no-brainer for me.

Although I still think he's probably lying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 2, 2020, 22:12:14
I don't know if I'd be happy if he died.

But relieved would definitely hit the spot. I know even that won't make all the problems vanish, but...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, October 2, 2020, 22:47:58
I don't know if I'd be happy if he died.

But relieved would definitely hit the spot. I know even that won't make all the problems vanish, but...

Inclined to agree with that. It feels weird (morally so) to wish death upon someone and yet part of me doesn't mind if that were to happen. It must be similar to how those that say 'I'm not racist but...'

I guess if someone with a high public profile wanted "out", this would be a chance to go to Lord Lucan levels of disappearance. In all honesty, Trump would love it. He would be the most talked about man (if not already) in history. I would not put it past him to lay in an open casket during some kind of state funeral and be alive the whole time.

As stated above, wouldn't be the first time someone suspected of something terrible has gone missing.

Part of me also thinks he is lying too. Half expecting him to be found avoiding the media and cowering in a fridge next.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, October 2, 2020, 23:23:51
He aint got it. Too much of a coincidence imo

That Hope Hicks bird is fit mind

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 2, 2020, 23:28:03

That Hope Hicks bird is fit mind

Definitely would.

Even if she does have it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 00:30:36
I don’t know what the precedent is historically, but if Donald were to suffer/die then surely the American right would be pushing for a postponement of the election?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 08:37:01
I don’t know what the precedent is historically, but if Donald were to suffer/die then surely the American right would be pushing for a postponement of the election?

They might push for it, but whether it happens is another thing.

I think it has to be settled by a certain date (the day after the election), or the house speaker takes the seat until it's all settled. That's something the right would rather avoid, considering the house speaker is Pelosi who trump hates. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 08:41:37
Send them BoJo the clown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 17:34:18
Doctors said earlier that Trump was 72 hours into diagnosis, which, if not a mistake, would mean he's mingled with others since testing positive. I may not have thought a positive result would have hurt his campaign per se, but if this is true, I think even his inexplicably adoring fans must surely turn on him

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 17:36:51
I wonder if he did know he had tested positive but didn't isolate straight away whether that could even be an impeachable offense

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 17:37:42
Watching the speedway GP live from Poland and there's thousands of fans sat next to each other in the stands so either Covid isn't a problem there or they've taken a different approach

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 18:33:15
Doctors said earlier that Trump was 72 hours into diagnosis, which, if not a mistake, would mean he's mingled with others since testing positive. I may not have thought a positive result would have hurt his campaign per se, but if this is true, I think even his inexplicably adoring fans must surely turn on him
If the "pussy-grabbing", obvious collusion with foreign powers, white supremacy, corruption, tax avoidance and causing the deaths of 200,000 of their fellow citizens didn't do it, nothing well. They're impervious to facts, reason or logic. When he said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and his base would still love him, he was absolutely right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Pete on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 19:52:26
Wow, just heard about Trump catching covid. His local McDonalds must be shitting themselves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 20:00:37
12800 new cases in the UK today. Good to see the new restrictions are working.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 21:03:17
12800 new cases in the UK today. Good to see the new restrictions are working.

That figure has been beefed up by cases missed in prior counts:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, October 4, 2020, 07:53:06
Something good to come out of this situation

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, October 5, 2020, 06:21:35
our world beating system missed 16,000 cases off the numbers, meaning we were closer to 11,000 not 7000 cases in Friday. As importantly, or moreso, the close contacts of said people weren't informed

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, October 5, 2020, 07:34:06
Working in IT, seeing a max file size upload error in the wild is... quite the thing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, October 5, 2020, 07:36:41
I'm in Ireland at the moment and their health experts have suggested going back to full lockdown (apart from schools)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, October 5, 2020, 10:48:13
our world beating system missed 16,000 cases off the numbers, meaning we were closer to 11,000 not 7000 cases in Friday. As importantly, or moreso, the close contacts of said people weren't informed


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, October 5, 2020, 11:02:14
It's almost like putting a woman who is a serial failure in all her previous roles with no record of public health experience in charge of the system, then contracting out large parts of it to a private contractor with an even worse record of failure than the woman in charge was a recipe for a complete shit show that is actively hampering efforts to get on top of the virus. Quick, somebody find some pictures of 20 students having a party in the street so we can blame the public again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, October 5, 2020, 11:05:52
I see Trump went out for a drive from the hospital.

That cunt never had it, fuck all wrong with him

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, October 5, 2020, 11:26:43
Somewhat like Boris Johnson, I see Raab mentioned on the weekend that they had been "close to losing him"
What crap - the recovery was so quick, unless he was Lazarus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, October 5, 2020, 11:38:23
I'm in Ireland at the moment and their health experts have suggested going back to full lockdown (apart from schools)
That's absolutely nuts, getting towards the point of where the cure is doing more harm than the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, October 5, 2020, 12:22:43
How does a lockdown do anything - other than temporarily slow down the infection rate. End the lockdown and in a matter of weeks up goes the rate again.

Are millions of job losses worth it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, October 5, 2020, 12:46:17
How does a lockdown do anything - other than temporarily slow down the infection rate. End the lockdown and in a matter of weeks up goes the rate again.

Are millions of job losses worth it?
Provides a break point to temporarily halt the spread of the infection so you can use the time to get your shit together and put systems in place to enable society to live with the virus pending a vaccine. Or you could just spaff £12bn on private contractors who couldn't run a piss-up in a brewery. As we did.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, October 5, 2020, 12:51:12
How does a lockdown do anything - other than temporarily slow down the infection rate. End the lockdown and in a matter of weeks up goes the rate again.

Are millions of job losses worth it?

A true lockdown would eventually starve the virus - if it can't keep jumping host, it can't survive past the last person in each house that is infected (or so goes the theory).

We don't do it properly or long enough, so what we actually achieve is what you describe - we smother it for a while but once we begin interacting, we let it back out.

Given it is not as deadly as something like Ebola, you can use that smothering period to get it under a degree of control.  You then have measures in place to restrict personal interaction as best as possible, have a testing regime ready and contact tracing regime in place (not just filling in some forms).  That allows you to stifle outbreaks - not completely control them, but keep the level of infection low enough so that Healthcare can resume a degree of normalcy - it's not just the patient load of Covid, it's the impact on resources it has (far greater than other treatments) and the closure of other services in Healthcare.

It's too late for that now - the Western world is far to precious and all about the individual, so it couldn't take the medicine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, October 5, 2020, 12:55:46
Flatten the curve

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, October 5, 2020, 13:18:56
Quote from: Flashheart
Flatten the curve

well yeah, or covid + bad flu season = trouble.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, October 5, 2020, 13:20:41
Quote from: theakston2k
I'm in Ireland at the moment and their health experts have suggested going back to full lockdown (apart from schools) (
That's absolutely nuts, getting towards the point of where the cure is doing more harm than the virus.

there is no cure.

health experts are bound to look at things as best for life preservation. I'm sure the government won't act accordingly for obvious reasons.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, October 5, 2020, 13:28:13
I watched Outbreak the other day. What we need is Dustin Hoffman, Cuba Gooding Jr, a helicopter and the host animal. Sorted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Monday, October 5, 2020, 14:24:07
Figures up 22,961 due to technical issues!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, October 5, 2020, 17:57:29
That's absolutely nuts, getting towards the point of where the cure is doing more harm than the virus.

there is no cure.

health experts are bound to look at things as best for life preservation. I'm sure the government won't act accordingly for obvious reasons.
No what I'm saying is in the absence of an actual 'cure' scientists see a lockdown as the next best thing which is all great in a perfect world. In reality though a second full lockdown would be more devastating than the actual virus IMO from a mental health, other illness and economic point of view. Realistically we aren't ever going to starve the virus sufficiently as the number of 'key workers' that will still need to be out and about will be sufficient to keep it spreading at some sort of level. I just don't see how another full lockdown could be justified as it hasn't worked anywhere and the moment you relax it then it just comes back. That ship has sailed, it was a one time thing that the majority bought into, a second lockdown would likely see far more rebel against it so would just become completely counterproductive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, October 5, 2020, 18:15:12
You would use a lockdown if the virus was out of control and threatening to overwhelm the Healthcare system.  You can probably take higher infection rates than in March right now because therapeutics are now available, plus there is every chance it may have started mutating to a lower mortality virus (which is has to do to survive).  Of course, we don't yet know if a true second wave could batter the world before we get to a vaccine.  So while it is highly unlikely that a lockdown would be invoked, it's not impossible if the worst did happen this winter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, October 5, 2020, 18:17:59
I just don't see how another full lockdown could be justified as it hasn't worked anywhere

Hasn't it though?

Surely the point is to help manage it rather than eradicate it? 'Flatten the curve', not eradicate the curve, at least until a vaccine/treatment comes along. How many more people would have died if it were not for the lockdown? (We don't know for sure, but the answer is likely to be approximately a fuck ton)

Whether or not we should lockdown again, however, is something that I cannot answer. We need to manage the virus, but people also need money.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, October 5, 2020, 18:34:24
Hasn't it though?

Surely the point is to help manage it rather than eradicate it? 'Flatten the curve', not eradicate the curve, at least until a vaccine/treatment comes along. How many more people would have died if it were not for the lockdown? (We don't know for sure, but the answer is likely to be approximately a fuck ton)

Whether or not we should lockdown again, however, is something that I cannot answer. We need to manage the virus, but people also need money.

It's such a hard one to call and I'm intrigued how Italy, France & Spain are coping at the moment

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, October 5, 2020, 18:40:26
I seem to recall that Small Pox is the only virus to be eradicated isn't it? All others are 'managed'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, October 5, 2020, 19:20:26
Smallpox has essentially been eradicated, yes.  No new cases reported in over 70 years.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, October 5, 2020, 19:21:56
And now Trump's telling people to not be afraid of the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, October 5, 2020, 19:28:42
Smallpox has essentially been eradicated, yes.  No new cases reported in over 70 years.

1978 was the last reportedl deaths In Birmingham

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, October 5, 2020, 19:34:25
Oops - yep, my first Google returned the North America statement I think.  The UK one was not a naturally occurring one.  Ironically, I think irony, the last person to have contracted it naturally was in 1977 - he survived but died in 2013 of Malaria, while supporting Polio eradication work!  Poor sod.

Of course, that's all from a quick google as well, so someone will let me know it's all wrong :-)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, October 5, 2020, 19:35:11
And now Trump's telling people to not be afraid of the virus.

That was to be expected.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, October 5, 2020, 19:37:01
Oops - yep, my first Google returned the North America statement I think.  The UK one was not a naturally occurring one.  Ironically, I think irony, the last person to have contracted it naturally was in 1977 - he survived but died in 2013 of Malaria, while supporting Polio eradication work!  Poor sod.

Of course, that's all from a quick google as well, so someone will let me know it's all wrong :-)
I can remember going to Walsall around 1978 and Swindon fans were getting chucked out by the police for taunting the home fans with the words smallpox

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, October 5, 2020, 19:47:49
Hasn't it though?

Surely the point is to help manage it rather than eradicate it? 'Flatten the curve', not eradicate the curve, at least until a vaccine/treatment comes along. How many more people would have died if it were not for the lockdown? (We don't know for sure, but the answer is likely to be approximately a fuck ton)

Whether or not we should lockdown again, however, is something that I cannot answer. We need to manage the virus, but people also need money.
It’s bought time but I don’t think it’s delivered what was promised and that’s by most governments not just the U.K. Everywhere seems to be descending into exponential growth again and there still doesn’t seem to be a cohesive strategy or systems in place to combat it. All the goodwill has been spent in the first lockdown, going back into a full lockdown because they don’t know what else to do shouldn’t be an option. It would be getting to the stage where they’d need to think about some kind of referendum on whether people will accept another lockdown as people shouldn’t basically become prisoners because of the combined failures of the establishment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, October 5, 2020, 20:37:21
I know it's smaller, but New Zealand has done a pretty good job thus far.  Their reaction to the small outbreak they had is the model others could probably have taken - the fact we haven't suggests there is little hope we ever will.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, October 5, 2020, 20:51:21
Fucking hell :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, October 5, 2020, 21:58:26
I'm waiting for the mug  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 08:12:34
Had this notification pop up this morning. Just another thing to add to the confusion.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 08:25:06
Had this notification pop up this morning. Just another thing to add to the confusion.

Somebody else's fault, again.

The alerts are generated by the underlying Apple and Google framework rather than the app itself,

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 11:42:17
sounds like it's already been fixed in the framework..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 18:04:08
I do believe he has Covid personally, although I completely understand the arguments from the people that say he hasn't. I just believe that his ego and arrogance (and possibly senility) is at such an unfathomable level that it could lead him to behave as he has done since the diagnosis was made public.

The person you see here does not look a well man. At all

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 14:19:27

The Lincoln Project are pretty quick at getting Ad's out, they really don't like him and as ex-Republicans, they know which buttons to press in the middle ground.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 14:19:39
All pubs and restaurants in Scotland central belt to close until the 25th. Supposed to be going to Edinburgh on the 25th for wife’s birthday, but given it’s likely these rules will be extended (and maybe even enforced here too) by then it’s not looking too likely

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 18:41:54
I do believe he has Covid personally, although I completely understand the arguments from the people that say he hasn't. I just believe that his ego and arrogance (and possibly senility) is at such an unfathomable level that it could lead him to behave as he has done since the diagnosis was made public.

The person you see here does not look a well man. At all

Think you're bang on there. But either way to use this as a way to keep spreading the "Don't worry, it's nothing to worry about" message is beyond irresponsible. Is he trying to double the 200,000 deaths so far by Nov 3rd while he's still got the chance?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 18:50:18
I can't remember where it was, but I read an article earlier today...

The medication he was given is used only for serious cases. It surpresses the immune system which slows the inflammation -  easing the symptoms. But that also means it weakens the immune system, potentially making things worse in the long term. Hence why it is only used sparingly.

Also... it wears off. Apparently the patient will feel better, even great, for a while but they could easily get much, much worse again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 19:12:13
one wonders why he was given experimental drug regeneron in the first place...

wait a minute


which reminds me, you are proper fucked in the land of the free without proper healthcare insurance

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 19:45:17
I can't remember where it was, but I read an article earlier today...

The medication he was given is used only for serious cases. It surpresses the immune system which slows the inflammation -  easing the symptoms. But that also means it weakens the immune system, potentially making things worse in the long term. Hence why it is only used sparingly.

Also... it wears off. Apparently the patient will feel better, even great, for a while but they could easily get much, much worse again.
Really don't see how he could get any worse. Ah, you meant medically ....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 20:01:46
one wonders why he was given experimental drug regeneron in the first place...

wait a minute


which reminds me, you are proper fucked in the land of the free without proper healthcare insurance

Even with good coverage it's a minefield.  I don't think someone like me pays much more (my employer funded insurance means my total expenses are probably in line with UK Taxation differences), but it's the stress of not having much of a clue what the bills are going to be.  My daughter went to the ER a couple of years ago after fainting and hitting her head.  Cost $3k to be discharged with some Ibuprofen - every man and their dog sends a bill, including the Doctor who did nothing but sign off on the test results.  She didn't even see that one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, October 8, 2020, 08:12:09
Even with good coverage it's a minefield.  I don't think someone like me pays much more (my employer funded insurance means my total expenses are probably in line with UK Taxation differences), but it's the stress of not having much of a clue what the bills are going to be.  My daughter went to the ER a couple of years ago after fainting and hitting her head.  Cost $3k to be discharged with some Ibuprofen - every man and their dog sends a bill, including the Doctor who did nothing but sign off on the test results.  She didn't even see that one.

I recall reading (when all the fuss about the US wanting to get into the NHS was kicking off) that someone had a baby in hospital and within the bill was a $60 charge for the mother being able to hold baby immediately after birth.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, October 8, 2020, 09:15:03
France seems to have an excellent health service.

On the move again!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, October 8, 2020, 09:34:29
I recall reading (when all the fuss about the US wanting to get into the NHS was kicking off) that someone had a baby in hospital and within the bill was a $60 charge for the mother being able to hold baby immediately after birth.

Thousands of dollars for an ambulance - whether you wanted one or not. Even twisting an ankle could turn out to be a cripplinlgly expensive experience for some people if a well-meaning passer by calls an ambulance for you.

There was one woman who was faced with a bill of tens of thousands just after her newborn baby died. As if she wasn't going through a bad enough time already! She had insurance, but the baby died so soon after birth that it was not yet added to her insurance policy*. I expect the woman was a tad busy at the time.

*Something like that, I don't remember the details of the case exactly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 9, 2020, 13:29:47
Correlation ≠ causation.
Apparently it does in this case: govt now admit 30% of new coronavirus cases are being transmitted in pubs and restaurants. So as I said, nice one Rishi. "Eat Out To Spread the Virus"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, October 12, 2020, 13:17:56

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said experts told Cobra even tier three restrictions would be unlikely to bring the UK's R number - the rate at which an infected person passes on the virus - below 1.

looks like order of the day is slow it down, rather than beat it into submission

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, October 12, 2020, 13:45:11
As long as we can stay out of lockdown till Wednesday that will do for me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, October 12, 2020, 15:31:00
Wetherspoons is going to be exempt from pub closures because they serve "food". And not because their boss, wankpuffin Tim Martin, is a massive Tory donor and Brexiteer. Oh no. Heaven forfend. So it's not safe for me to go and watch Town play outdoors in a highly regulated socially distanced environment but I can cram into a poorly ventilated 'spoons with all the local alcies who have no concept of social anything to watch football on a telly. FFS. Nothing to do with public health, all about who you're mates with.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, October 12, 2020, 15:51:15
( (

‘4 pints of lager and 4 carvery dinners please barman’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, October 12, 2020, 16:46:28
Wetherspoons is going to be exempt from pub closures because they serve "food". And not because their boss, wankpuffin Tim Martin, is a massive Tory donor and Brexiteer. Oh no. Heaven forfend. So it's not safe for me to go and watch Town play outdoors in a highly regulated socially distanced environment but I can cram into a poorly ventilated 'spoons with all the local alcies who have no concept of social anything to watch football on a telly. FFS. Nothing to do with public health, all about who you're mates with.

To be fair there are an awful lot of other pub chains that would be exempt under the 'if you serve lots of food you can stay open' criteria. Greene King, M&B, even Arkell's pubs would on average serve almost as much food as they do beer, I would think. Still don't agree with it, mind you. If pubs really are the reason that rates are going through the roof then close them, how much food is served shouldn't make a blind bit of difference

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, October 12, 2020, 18:59:58
It's best to leave him alone. All those toxic thoughts in his head can't be good for someone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, October 12, 2020, 22:19:31
Wetherspoons is going to be exempt from pub closures because they serve "food". And not because their boss, wankpuffin Tim Martin, is a massive Tory donor and Brexiteer. Oh no. Heaven forfend. So it's not safe for me to go and watch Town play outdoors in a highly regulated socially distanced environment but I can cram into a poorly ventilated 'spoons with all the local alcies who have no concept of social anything to watch football on a telly. FFS. Nothing to do with public health, all about who you're mates with.
The reporting around this is really irresponsible as it's missing out the really significant part that this can apply to all pubs not just Weatherspoons.

You should really include context, context which completely changes the nature of the report from "Tories helping mates".


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 02:06:34
In the 70s I stayed for some time at Machrihanish on the Mull of Kintyre, and the pubs in Scotland in those days weren’t allowed to open on Sundays - unless they served food.

You were given a bag of crisps with a pickled egg on entry and, hey presto, unlimited drinking!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 06:04:42
The reporting around this is really irresponsible as it's missing out the really significant part that this can apply to all pubs not just Weatherspoons.

You should really include context, context which completely changes the nature of the report from "Tories helping mates".


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 06:21:42
( (

‘4 pints of lager and 4 carvery dinners please barman’

„Do you all live in the same household?“
- „you have my word“

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 10:15:48
( (

‘4 pints of lager and 4 carvery dinners please barman’

Well that clears it up!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 10:35:54
Hospitality industry produces 4% GDP - no reason why the sector can't be supported through this -  assuming the intention isn't to keep the virus on the bubble, until the end of the year and beyond. I'm old and too cynical nowadays.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 11:57:58
Money isn't real, there is no reason at all that society can't continue through a Pandemic other than individualism.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 12:16:24
Hospitality industry produces 4% GDP - no reason why the sector can't be supported through this -  assuming the intention isn't to keep the virus on the bubble, until the end of the year and beyond. I'm old and too cynical nowadays.

Considering the government seem intent on wrecking the country for the fishing industry (0.12% of GDP) I wouldn't make any assumptions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 20:49:59
SAGE report says the failed SERCO Track and Trace system which has cost us £12bn so far is such a crock of shit it is having only a "marginal" effect on fighting COVID, whereas it should be one of our main weapons in defeating it. Next time the Tories are banging on about the efficiencies of the private sector as they try to privatise another huge chunk of the NHS, remember what a fucking dreadful job (and a shit ton of public money) SERCO and Deloitte have made out of failing to fight COVID.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 20:55:51
Jobs for the boys!

Classic Dom.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 12:46:19
A once respectable rag.

Name calling and now this. How long before they're lending credence to the Qanon movement?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 13:19:20
A once respectable rag.

Name calling and now this. How long before they're lending credence to the Qanon movement?


On a similar basis I assume she feels that we should not bother breathing as it just postpones death? I cannot decide whether she will just print whatever she is told to print or whether she is just incredibly thick!

As for the Telegraph it is literally no different to Pravda these days!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 13:21:00
As for the Telegraph it is literally no different to Pravda these days!
TBF it's not printed in Cyrilic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 13:38:11
TBF it's not printed in Cyrilic

I was going to say Völkischer Beobachter but Telegraph readers get sniffy about that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 19:05:48
I was going to say Völkischer Beobachter but Telegraph readers get sniffy about that!
With the Mail as Der Stürmer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, October 16, 2020, 07:32:27
interesting standoff between Manchester authority/mayor and the government at the moment in moving to tier 3.

Could just be a play for financial support from Manchester.

But without the support of the authority, surely the government imposing it on them will not be the most conducive for conformance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, October 16, 2020, 08:47:07
interesting standoff between Manchester authority/mayor and the government at the moment in moving to tier 3.

Could just be a play for financial support from Manchester.

But without the support of the authority, surely the government imposing it on them will not be the most conducive for conformance.

I think its someone in the north finally taking a stand against the government which is riding roughshod, rarely following the science and frankly taking the piss.

So we had earlier in the week the fuss that local MP's were not being spoken to before measures were enacted, so what did Mancock do, held some zoom meetings on Monday morning (when its common knowledge that most provincial MP's are travelling back to London from their constituencies normally on public transport) that many MP's could not attend due to lack of/piss poor Wi-Fi on trains, and possibly should not be doing anyway due to confidentially issues of trying to dial in from a public place.

When they can dial in with have a Warrington MP invited to the Merseyside one, whilst the MP for Wigan (who is pretty high profile these days) is not invited to the GM one. This has extended into the week with only one (of the 3) Mackem MP's being invited to the one affecting Sunderland. Its either a complete sodding shambles or being deliberately awkward and discourteous!

May as well land this here as much is covid related.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 16, 2020, 09:36:07
Serco Test and Trace (it's not NHS, it's been outsourced to private contractors with a history of failure) reaches a record new low of failure, now reaching less than 2/3 of close contacts to tell them to self-isolate. SAGE have said the system only works if at least 80% of contacts are traced, which is why they described the impact of this miserable failure of privatisation as "marginal". That's £12bn worth of failure

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, October 16, 2020, 11:07:33
Serco Test and Trace (it's not NHS, it's been outsourced to private contractors with a history of failure) reaches a record new low of failure, now reaching less than 2/3 of close contacts to tell them to self-isolate. SAGE have said the system only works if at least 80% of contacts are traced, which is why they described the impact of this miserable failure of privatisation as "marginal". That's £12bn worth of failure

Thankfully I would assume that with such an enormous failure in contract delivery there will be penalty clause to get our money back...

As unlucky Alf would say, Oh Bugger

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 16, 2020, 11:10:53
These measures are nuts and draconian, seems to be much more widespread defiance than for the last lockdown. I get that to certain high risk individuals the virus is dangerous but I still don’t agree that such a low mortality virus warrants such extreme measures. The average age of people dying from it is greater than the average U.K. life expectancy so I don’t see why everyone should be forced to put their life on hold. In my opinion I still think that long term the restrictions are going to be far more destructive than the virus itself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 16, 2020, 11:17:56
These measures are nuts and draconian, seems to be much more widespread defiance than for the last lockdown. I get that to certain high risk individuals the virus is dangerous but I still don’t agree that such a low mortality virus warrants such extreme measures. The average age of people dying from it is greater than the average U.K. life expectancy so I don’t see why everyone should be forced to put their life on hold. In my opinion I still think that long term the restrictions are going to be far more destructive than the virus itself.

You seem to have completely overlooked the matter of the health service being swamped - which is why such measures are needed. This 'low mortality' virus becomes a much higher fatality virus if medical assistance is not available. Not to mention a lack of medical facilities for people with non-covd related problems.

I'm not necessarily saying that a lockdown is the right thing to do, but to call it a 'low mortality' virus just makes you sound as though you don't understand the issue.  

"Flatten the curve" - in order to help health service cope. It's been what they've been saying from square one.

That, and even a small percentage still means A LOT of people when dealing with large numbers. But it's nuts to try and save people's live?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, October 16, 2020, 11:18:09
But left unchecked don't you think that the mortality rate would rocket?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 16, 2020, 11:47:03
It's not just mortality. The proponents of the laissez faire "let it rip" approach consistently ignore the frequently severe effects of Long Covid. Or the fact that we don't know about long-term effects on those with seemingly mild symptoms or the asymptomatic (e.g. there has been suggestions of long term lung damage or to the cardiovascular system). In other words, you might catch it, suffer relatively mild symptoms or none at all and then go on to suffer much more severe long term consequences that don't immediately manifest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, October 16, 2020, 11:56:18

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 16, 2020, 12:04:05
You seem to have completely overlooked the matter of the health service being swamped - which is why such measures are needed. This 'low mortality' virus becomes a much higher fatality virus if medical assistance is not available. Not to mention a lack of medical facilities for people with non-covd related problems.

I'm not necessarily saying that a lockdown is the right thing to do, but to call it a 'low mortality' virus just makes you sound as though you don't understand the issue.  

"Flatten the curve" - in order to help health service cope. It's been what they've been saying from square one.

That, and even a small percentage still means A LOT of people when dealing with large numbers. But it's nuts to try and save people's live?
Yeah but you've got the WHO now not recommending lockdowns, mental health issues, cancer screening going unchecked and the economy going down the pan which will lead to high unemployment figures. Everything is so focused on COVID19 at the moment and there are a hell of a lot of other things that are causing just as much if not more suffering. There needs to be a balance, we could ban driving and that would save a few thousand lives but clearly that wouldn't be the right thing to do. I probably sound callous but there is no guarantee how long this is all going to go on for and at some point some difficult decisions are going to need to be made for the good of the majority of the population.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 16, 2020, 12:13:04
Yeah but you've got the WHO now not recommending lockdowns, mental health issues, cancer screening going unchecked and the economy going down the pan which will lead to high unemployment figures.


Again, I am not necessarily claiming that there should be lockdowns.

My problem is with the use of 'low fatality virus'. It makes you sound like an anti-masker, or one of these people who claim it is just another flu. It makes you sound like somebody who is not that bright, or a hard righter --- but you don't strike me as somebody who is at all stupid. Regardless, calling it a 'low fatality virus' puts you in the 'you can't take my rights' brigade.

You might have a good point over whether or not there should be lockdowns, but calling it a 'low fatality virus' devalues everything else that comes after you say it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 16, 2020, 12:23:24

Again, I am not necessarily claiming that there should be lockdowns.

My problem is with the use of 'low fatality virus'. It makes you sound like an anti-masker, or one of these people who claim it is just another flu. It makes you sound like somebody who is not that bright, or a hard righter --- but you don't strike me as somebody who is at all stupid. Regardless, calling it a 'low fatality virus' puts you in the 'you can't take my rights' brigade.

You might have a good point over whether or not there should be lockdowns, but calling it a 'low fatality virus' devalues everything else that comes after you say it.

It obviously needs to be monitored and have no issues with wearing a mask but effectively locking down the country as if we are in wartime is helpful to no one. I visited my 96 year old aunt the other day and she said she'd rather die than not have any visitors or socialise so these measures are destroying peoples lives as much as saving them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 16, 2020, 12:28:48
I give up.

You seem to be deliberately trying to miss my point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, October 16, 2020, 12:43:55
It's hardly like a prison state is it? The only thing that is really different is sticking a mask on in the shops and on public transport. I'd love to get back to going to games and having a few bevvies, but I'd rather help protect the vulnerable and not be selfish about it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, October 16, 2020, 13:21:05
The fact that it is a "low mortality" virus is precisely the problem.  If it was like Ebola, more people who contract it would die, but less people would contract it because the symptoms and mortality are so much more severe.

This one is low enough, and with enough asymptomatic spread, that it can be passed on relatively easily in the right conditions.  However, when you get down to the mortality rates for this type of virus, they are still high enough to cause a major problem.  The Flu strains we are left with, which are now endemic, are so low that we carry on as a society with a few precautions in place, plus the symptoms are more severe, so it creates a natural barrier to reinfection.  Even so, it spreads pretty widely and causes thousands of deaths per year still.  If we treated this one like seasonal Flu, given we have no natural immunity to it, haven't been exposed to it, don't have any vaccines available to reduce spread and it has higher asymptomatic spread, then millions would die around the globe, as they did in 1917-1918/9.

Despite protestations that we don't react like this normally, we did many of the current actions in 1918.  People wore masks, schools were shut, as were many hospitality sector businesses.  Social distancing was encouraged, alongside isolation of the sick.  We did all that with far less knowledge on the the flu and how to prevent spread.  It would be criminally negligent to at least not do the same now.

Does it mostly impact those who are sick/old, yes.  BUT, we don't know if we let this run rampant, killing off millions who would be in that group, what it means for a year or two later - do we end-up with a bigger new pool of old and sick people for the next wave to have a bash at?  Want to take that risk?  Because that is what sort of happened in 1917-1919 - the next wave (not what we are seeing now) was the one that killed people, when they'd got tired of battling the first wave.

Even if we assume the mortality rate is <1% (given it's higher than that based on known cases but we can expect many more unknown cases to have occurred), it is still somewhere in the x5 or x10 greater mortality than Flu, with what seems like a greater propensity to spread.  I am pretty sure 70m dying would be a bit of a problem for healthcare facilities the world over.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, October 16, 2020, 13:22:17
After all that, it doesn't mean you have to use lockdowns, but you do have to have a carefully planned and well executed public healthcare policy.  Not treating it seriously is what gets you into lockdowns.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, October 22, 2020, 08:54:25
So Project Moonspaff quietly goes the same way as the Garden Bridge, the Water Cannon and all the other vanity projects that Johnson so loves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 22, 2020, 10:42:20
Meanwhile Serco are promoting untrained staff to handle contract tracing in what is an already catastrophically ineffective service. In unrelated news, latest figures show Serco Test and Trace have dropped to below 60% in tracing contacts. SAGE says that at least 80% is required for Test and Trace to work. Outside of lockdowns, Test and Trace is our main weapon to get on top of the virus and despite £12bn of public money being pissed away on private contractors it is wholly unfit for purpose.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, October 22, 2020, 11:04:16
Sunak is now announcing a much improved (for employees/employers) JSS scheme... a week before it comes into force, and after a lot of businesses have made staffing decisions based on it. My company has literally made redundancies already based on JSS being insufficient, and I'm sure others have too. Better late than never, but this is very, very late.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, October 22, 2020, 12:04:06
Was reading about the "success" that New Zealand and Taiwan have had in dealing with the initial wave - interestingly, they were working together to see if they could learn anything from the other (which probably speaks volumes to why they have done so well thus far).  Taiwan enforced mask wearing in January and banned international travel the day that China notified the WHO, they also instigated an immediate Contact Tracing initiative that used a mixture of human and digital methods, similar to how S Korea were able to spin up theirs, which included using Mobile Phone data and credit card transaction tracing (so, if you bought something wih a card, they were able to trace other card purchases from the same location within x minutes of yours and isolate those people, no questions asked),.

New Zealand also identified a case in a Port worker this week, they've already published huge amounts of information about where that person had been and other likely contacts.

Of course, all that is easier when you have hardly any cases - useless when you have thousands a day.

S Korea's total number of tests so far is shocking, in how low it is, because they deployed it quickly and smartly.

None of that means they are immune - they could easily let their guard down still.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, October 22, 2020, 14:31:39
we could have 100% track and trace contacts contacted and still wont mean a thing. when you see figures like 11-18% self issolate as a result of a notification

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, October 22, 2020, 16:46:37
we could have 100% track and trace contacts contacted and still wont mean a thing. when you see figures like 11-18% self issolate as a result of a notification
Yes and no. As has been previously noted, asking people to self-isolate when that means forcing them to choose between compliance vs food on the table or eviction or going without essential medicines etc is always going to be less than optimal. However even without a proper support package in place an effective Test and Trace system would at least enable govt and local authorities to tell where outbreaks were occurring, currently we're largely flying blind. But you do have a point that the failure to put in proper support, both financial and practical, for those self-isolating does fundamentally weaken the whole strategy. Participants in both SAGE and Independent SAGE have been pointing that out from the outset, sadly they've been ignored by govt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, October 24, 2020, 09:16:03
After watching a gig last night I went to my local kebab shop only to find it Fucking shut at 10.30pm. It's usually open until gone 4am.

Another COVID COP OUT!!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, October 24, 2020, 09:58:35
After watching a gig last night I went to my local kebab shop only to find it Fucking shut at 10.30pm. It's usually open until gone 4am.

Another COVID COP OUT!!!

This truly is the end of civilisation as we know it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, October 24, 2020, 10:03:47
1st world problems.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, October 24, 2020, 10:30:49
Real world problems for the people who work there and won't for much longer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 09:17:35
this is a bit of a worry (

but I guess even if the vaccine is annual and only reduces the threat to flu like risk that would be brilliant

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 09:28:40
They are going to need a bigger manufacturing facility.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 14:22:58
this is a bit of a worry (

but I guess even if the vaccine is annual and only reduces the threat to flu like risk that would be brilliant
Apparently (and don't ask me why, not a medical scientist) the protection offered by vaccines can be stronger/better/longer lasting than that from "natural" immunity, presumably depending on the efficacy of the vaccine in triggering the "right" response in the body. So while this is yet another reason why "natural" herd immunity is a load of bollocks, it's probably not as damaging to the idea of achieving it via a vaccine, which is ultimately going to be the way we get out of this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 14:35:07
no you're right, I think it mentioned that point.

I guess it just means more people will need the vaccine if it works - or more quickly anyway ...

they  haven't started the challenge test yet have they?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 14:40:02
no you're right, I think it mentioned that point.

I guess it just means more people will need the vaccine if it works - or more quickly anyway ...
I kind of assumed that as you said it would mean it would need more frequent top-up "boosters". Again, that will vary from vaccine to vaccine depending on how effective the individual vaccine is. There was a bit on (I think) Inside Science a few weeks back where they were speculating that it's likely that the initial vaccines will have highly variable efficacy but would "do a job" in protecting the most vulnerable and that it might take a few years and several iterations of multiple vaccines before we find one(s) that work more effectively in long-term suppression of the virus, even with boosters. There's unlikely to be a silver bullet straight away

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 30, 2020, 11:30:24
Ooops, EatOutToSpreadTheVirus helped accelerate the second wave/revive the first wave (depending on your point of view). So we spent 100s of millions of taxpayers money on promoting the second wave which is now causing even more problems to exactly the businesses it was supposed to help. Superb.

But we can't afford £20m to feed hungry kids.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, October 30, 2020, 11:47:26
I don’t remember too much opposition to it at the time though, it was generally thought to be a good idea to boost the area of the economy that was the hardest hit by the lockdown.  I personally was happy to take advantage of deals available in order to help my local eateries

I do remember plenty of people looking down their noses sneering at “Chav’s who like a Nando’s will be happy” though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, October 30, 2020, 11:49:45

I do remember plenty of people looking down their noses sneering at “Chav’s who like a cheeky Nando’s & a cough will be happy” though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, October 30, 2020, 12:32:59
Quote from: pauld

But we can't afford £20m to feed hungry kids.

What, a few prem players annual salaries?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, October 30, 2020, 12:43:54
What, a few prem players annual salaries?
Not up to footballers to provide kids meals

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 30, 2020, 12:44:11
What, a few prem players annual salaries?
Or a small fraction of a corrupt PPE contract. It isn't the job of footballers to ensure the nation's children are adequately fed. That it took the intervention of a high-profile player to get something done, by govt over the summer, and largely by private charity in the most recent case is a searing indictment of the failure of govt and it's priorities.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 30, 2020, 12:44:23
What, a few prem players annual salaries?

Footballers could, and perhaps should, do more (some are contributing). As could/should other rich people (why the focus on wealthy footballers only?).

But that does not excuse the government for being so callous. That footballers may or may not be a bunch of tight wankers doesn't make the actions of politicians any less hideous. It's nothing less than cheap whatabouttery.

Bear in mind also that this is the same bunch of politicians who recently voted to give themselves a pay rise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 30, 2020, 12:45:31
Ooops, EatOutToSpreadTheVirus helped accelerate the second wave/revive the first wave (depending on your point of view). So we spent 100s of millions of taxpayers money on promoting the second wave which is now causing even more problems to exactly the businesses it was supposed to help. Superb.

It was generally accepted the scheme was a good idea at the time was it not? Too many Captain Hindsight's around it seems trying to play the blame game....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 30, 2020, 12:49:04
It was generally accepted the scheme was a good idea at the time was it not? Too many Captain Hindsight's around it seems trying to play the blame game....
But none of them are the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Plenty of people, including it now seems the govt's own scientific advisors, did say over the summer that the govt had opened up too early and too quickly. We're paying the price now for the govt's continued failure to follow the scientific advice and yet again they are making the same mistakes as in March, dithering and delaying in the face of their own scientific advisers, doing too little too late

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, October 30, 2020, 12:51:30
It was generally accepted the scheme was a good idea at the time was it not? Too many Captain Hindsight's around it seems trying to play the blame game....
To be fair plenty did say surely it's fucking stupid to be doing it as well

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 30, 2020, 13:03:42
But none of them are the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Plenty of people, including it now seems the govt's own scientific advisors, did say over the summer that the govt had opened up too early and too quickly. We're paying the price now for the govt's continued failure to follow the scientific advice and yet again they are making the same mistakes as in March, dithering and delaying in the face of their own scientific advisers, doing too little too late
So what about all the other countries that now have rising cases like Germany, France etc. The same thing is happening everywhere, the self proclaimed 'experts' and advisors are making it up on the go just as much as the government are. You can't just follow the scientific advice, they may know their profession but there are dozens of other factors that have to be taken into account before decisions get made. If we just followed the scientific advice we'd be locked down until a vaccine is developed and distributed, I still find it mind boggling that some people actually would support that approach.
Every restaurant I go to is socially distanced, well organised and no more risky than going to the supermarket, it just seems like another pointless attempt point the finger again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, October 30, 2020, 13:08:35
So what about all the other countries that now have rising cases like Germany, France etc. The same thing is happening everywhere, the self proclaimed 'experts' and advisors are making it up on the go just as much as the government are. You can't just follow the scientific advice, they may know their profession but there are dozens of other factors that have to be taken into account before decisions get made. If we just followed the scientific advice we'd be locked down until a vaccine is developed and distributed, I still find it mind boggling that some people actually would support that approach.
Yeah fucking scientists and experts what do they know? Wankers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 30, 2020, 13:14:44
Yeah fucking scientists and experts what do they know? Wankers
Experts in their field, no one is an expert across every discipline which is why balanced decisions need to be made taking into account factors beside COVID. Anyway back on point that report says between 8% and 17% of new clusters were caused by the scheme so you could flip it on its head and say the majority of the increase is nothing to do with it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, October 30, 2020, 13:26:02
Not up to footballers to provide kids meals

No, it's the parents responsibility.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 30, 2020, 13:39:31

The same thing is happening everywhere, the self proclaimed 'experts'

I think we've been here before.

Nowhere have I seen the 'self-proclaimed'* experts claim that doing X, Y, or Z will eliminate the virus. Quite the opposite. I have always seen them say it is just a measure to help manage it in the short-medium term and that we will need to remain vigilant.

That is has returned does not mean they were wrong. On the contrary --- they were fucking right. From day 1 they have been banging on and on about second waves. Not once have I seen them claim it won't happen if we lockdown. Not once.

Lockdowns probably have been effective in helping to MANAGE it. They have probably been effective in flattening the curve to help medical services cope as well as possible. It's increasing in Europe after following advice? Show us where the experts have said there won't be second waves. They haven't!

Is it good now? of course not. Has the expert advice made it go away? Of course not. Has the medical advice helped to manage the situation as well as possible, potentially saving rather a lot of lives in the process - YES. Yes it probably has.

You just seem intent on straw-manning their position to make out they are wrong but if you acknowledge what they are ACTUALLY saying, instead of your apparent reinterpretation of what they are saying then they have been right all along. Things are going according to how they said they would from square one. Their forecasts are spot on. They said there would likely be a second wave. That is happening - they were right.

And 'self-proclaimed'??? These guys are not 'self-proclaimed' experts. They have degrees and all sorts of certificates along with a shit ton of experience that shows they ARE experts, as proclaimed by their qualifications, not themselves. Calling them 'self-proclaimed' just seems like a cheap effort at trying to belittle them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 30, 2020, 13:40:27
No, it's the parents responsibility.

And what if the parent's can't feed them?

Put the Daily Mail down, man, It's not good for you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, October 30, 2020, 13:42:10
And what if the parent's can't feed them?

Put the Daily Mail down, man, It's not good for you.

Food bank?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 30, 2020, 13:45:24
Food bank?

Do you think that hungry people won't already be using the foodbank as much as they are able?

Do you think people willingly let their kids go hungry because they can't be bothered to pop down the food bank and get some grub?

Don't answer that. I'm not sure I want to know the answer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 30, 2020, 13:50:34
And food banks are not a source of free-flowing food whenever you want something to eat. There are limitations on how often you can use one. Which is often not enough.

Pesky facts:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 30, 2020, 14:09:34
I think we've been here before.

Nowhere have I seen the 'self-proclaimed'* experts claim that doing X, Y, or Z will eliminate the virus. Quite the opposite. I have always seen them say it is just a measure to help manage it in the short-medium term and that we will need to remain vigilant.

That is has returned does not mean they were wrong. On the contrary --- they were fucking right. From day 1 they have been banging on and on about second waves. Not once have I seen them claim it won't happen if we lockdown. Not once.

Lockdowns probably have been effective in helping to MANAGE it. They have probably been effective in flattening the curve to help medical services cope as well as possible. It's increasing in Europe after following advice? Show us where the experts have said there won't be second waves. They haven't!

Is it good now? of course not. Has the expert advice made it go away? Of course not. Has the medical advice helped to manage the situation as well as possible, potentially saving rather a lot of lives in the process - YES. Yes it probably has.

You just seem intent on straw-manning their position to make out they are wrong but if you acknowledge what they are ACTUALLY saying, instead of your apparent reinterpretation of what they are saying then they have been right all along. Things are going according to how they said they would from square one. Their forecasts are spot on. They said there would likely be a second wave. That is happening - they were right.

And 'self-proclaimed'??? These guys are not 'self-proclaimed' experts. They have degrees and all sorts of certificates along with a shit ton of experience that shows they ARE experts, as proclaimed by their qualifications, not themselves. Calling them 'self-proclaimed' just seems like a cheap effort at trying to belittle them.

No my issue is the constant blame game that is constantly pedalled out like people could foresee all the issues. Just this week the IMF for example have praised the governments response to virus and said “one of the best examples of coordinated action globally” so there are clearly differing view points.  COVID isn't the only game in town and no single expert no matter how many degrees is capable of making a balanced decision over what should be done, a lot of scientists can't even agree on what the best approach is! A virologist will tell you how to eliminate a virus, but they won't tell you the knock on consequences that following that advice will cause to the economy, mental health etc. At every decision making point some experts advice will get ignored as it needs to be, going back and cherry picking the ignored advice to allow fingers to be pointed is helpful to no one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, October 30, 2020, 14:14:50
There must be a lot of hungry adults out there then, I certainly would go hungry before my kids. Food banks are a good idea, but like with most things they're open to abuse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, October 30, 2020, 14:17:05
I don't see why people struggle with this.

If you don't see another human being for the rest of your life, even if you have Covid, you won't pass it on.  If you don't have Covid, you are very unlikely to get it.  Simple.

The Countries that have, so far, done well have clamped down early and put very restrictive practices in place as soon as a threat of an outbreak occurred.  Following that basic principle - don't let the virus get another host.  That means, with low early infection numbers, you lockdown within several contacts of the individual.  You prevent import of new cases (as an open borders kind of guy, I have to accept this comes by way of locking down travel in and out of a region - doesn't have to be a Country, can be smaller).  That requires rapid and expansive contact tracing.

If that is not successful, or you don't really try, the next step is testing more widely and trying again.

If that fails, you reach a point of needing to restrict interactions - up to an including lockdown.  The aim remains the same - stop the opportunity for a host interacting with a non-host.

It's not really that tricky to understand, is it?

So it's entirely likely that any opening of interactions is going to increase spread if you failed at the previous step to properly get on top of it.  Most Western cultures have accepted that they can't be arsed with all that, so it became a game of getting just enough on top of it to stop Healthcare facilities from being over burdened.  The UK is not alone in that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 30, 2020, 14:18:52
No my issue is the constant blame game that is constantly pedalled out like people could foresee all the issues.

But issues were forseen and the government was advised accordingly, only for them to ignore it.

So yes, they are to blame.

Not only that, but they CONTINUE to ignore advice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, October 30, 2020, 14:19:46
There must be a lot of hungry adults out there then, I certainly would go hungry before my kids. Food banks are a good idea, but like with most things they're open to abuse.

Um, I dare you to find people, in numbers, who go about abusing Food Banks - who the fuck would want to go around grabbing Smart Price tinned Stew?  Luckily never had to use one, I imagine it would be a humbling experience to have to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, October 30, 2020, 14:24:17
But issues were forseen and the government was advised accordingly, only for them to ignore it.

So yes, they are to blame.

Not only that, but they CONTINUE to ignore advice.

And you'll struggle to convince people you have a reasonable approach to the advisors when you go calling them self proclaimed 'experts'. That kind of language really does not help your case.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, October 30, 2020, 14:24:55
But issues were forseen and the government was advised accordingly, only for them to ignore it.

So yes, they are to blame.

Not only that, but they CONTINUE to ignore advice.

And given that a primary function of a Government is to protect it's citizens, then managing a Public Health crises is something that could and should be held up for criticism - how else do we improve?

Has the UK Govt done a good job? doesn't look like it, are they alone, hell no.  Thus far, the Western world is doing a sterling job of showing what not to do in a Pandemic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 30, 2020, 14:30:43
But issues were forseen and the government was advised accordingly, only for them to ignore it.

So yes, they are to blame.

Not only that, but they CONTINUE to ignore advice.
They ignore some advice not all, as I keep saying there are other factors than just COVID to consider. Ignoring some of the scientists advice to balance out the fears of economics experts for example is a decision that needs to be made. If one single field of experts advice was followed the country would probably be more fucked than it is now, its a balancing act. Has the balance to date been successful? No. But it's easy to point fingers and say what should be done without being the ones that need to make decisions and take the needs of everyone from individuals through to large businesses into account. My gripe was cherry picking of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme being using as yet another stick to beat the government with when at the time it probably actually kept a lot of businesses going.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, October 30, 2020, 14:37:02
What’s most amusing is those who are now bringing up the scheme took full advantage of it back in August - they weren’t so concerned then!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, October 30, 2020, 16:17:56

It's not that in depth, but gives a small hint that it was, maybe is, possible.  Hopefully we'll remember to learn the lessons this time and build better plans for the next time.  History tells us there will be a next time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Friday, October 30, 2020, 19:35:18

It's not that in depth, but gives a small hint that it was, maybe is, possible.  Hopefully we'll remember to learn the lessons this time and build better plans for the next time.  History tells us there will be a next time.

'But Taiwan has advantages its counterparts in the West do not.
One is geography -- Taiwan is an island, so it's easier for officials to control entry and exit through its borders.'

Ahem. The UK is an island in the West ( ...and one which had 4 weeks notice. )

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, October 30, 2020, 22:33:56
The usual papers seem to have been briefed that we're going back into national lockdown on Wednesday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, October 30, 2020, 22:39:51
Fucking joy.

If only the straw headed dandruff laden twat had done something earlier

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, October 30, 2020, 22:41:09
The usual papers seem to have been briefed that we're going back into national lockdown on Wednesday.
schools to stay open this time.

not joyous news, but for 1 month at least time limited (if it works/happens)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 30, 2020, 22:45:36
Sounds like they are going to dictate what are and aren’t essential shops and businesses again, which is absolute nonsense. The other half works at a aesthetic clinic but they also do vitamin infusions and what not for cancer patients but they just get classed as beauty and shut down. Utter bollocks!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, October 30, 2020, 22:56:21
I want my PS5

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, October 30, 2020, 23:05:15
Better keep the gyms open this time! With crap weather and shortening daylight hours people need to be able to exercise!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, October 30, 2020, 23:06:20
Just what the hospitality industry and its associated supply chain needed!

Hundreds of kids in a school is less of a breeding ground for the virus though apparently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 00:27:28
The people too blame for the second wave is the general public, our decisions as a whole have let the virus rip through the country. 

Don't get me wrong, messaging should have been better but giving that the government are trying to balance economy and health it was never going to be as simple as a lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 08:27:22
The people too blame for the second wave is the general public, our decisions as a whole have let the virus rip through the country. 

Don't get me wrong, messaging should have been better but giving that the government are trying to balance economy and health it was never going to be as simple as a lockdown.

Not true.  A large majority of 'the people' have done everything asked of them.

I've seen lots of this circulating in recent weeks.  'Lockdown #2 is the people's fault' etc.  You might as well add 'Signed D Cummings' at the bottom.  It's disingenuous blame shifting from a government that had the best part of half a year to get a properly functioning track & trace system ready in time for autumn/winter.  They failed.  And now it's our fault.  Shower of bastards, the lot of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 08:44:13
Not true.  A large majority of 'the people' have done everything asked of them.

I've seen lots of this circulating in recent weeks.  'Lockdown #2 is the people's fault' etc.  You might as well add 'Signed D Cummings' at the bottom.  It's disingenuous blame shifting from a government that had the best part of half a year to get a properly functioning track & trace system ready in time for autumn/winter.  They failed.  And now it's our fault.  Shower of bastards, the lot of them.
Doesn't the lockdowns in both France and Germany counter your argument?

Think its a combination of things. Testing and track and trace need to significantly improve. Poor people behaviours, where the rules apply to everyone else. Different approaches in England, Scotland and Wales need to coalesce. Political point scoring and the media whipping up a frenzy needs to stop. Economics winning out over scientific advice need to change.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 08:47:21
I think this virus shows whoever is in charge it makes no difference. See the rest of the world/europe for clues.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 08:48:15
Meanwhile the Telegraph is saying a tier 4 will be implemented

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 08:54:59
Quote from: 4D
I think this virus shows whoever is in charge it makes no difference. See the rest of the world/europe for clues.
Germany 10k, UK 46k deaths...thanks for the clues.
I guess they could go for tier 4 instead.

either way, what a fucker

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 09:06:43
Germany 10k, UK 46k deaths...thanks for the clues.
I guess they could go for tier 4 instead.

either way, what a fucker

Well done for picking the lowest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 09:13:57
that's the point isn't it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 09:42:27
Govt launching an official leak enquiry. Haha fuck off

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 09:49:08
Looking at one stat isn't, not really. How did Germany keep the death rate really low considering the high number of infections? France and Spain have both had higher infection rates than the UK. The UK death rate was higher but mostly from the first wave.
Looking further afield Mexico has slightly less total infections recorded than the UK but double the death rate.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 09:57:05

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 10:00:37
Govt launching an official leak enquiry. Haha fuck off
My money’s on that slimy twat Gove*

*yeah, alright, I’m sure Dom played his part too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 10:03:57
Not true.  A large majority of 'the people' have done everything asked of them.

I've seen lots of this circulating in recent weeks.  'Lockdown #2 is the people's fault' etc.  You might as well add 'Signed D Cummings' at the bottom.  It's disingenuous blame shifting from a government that had the best part of half a year to get a properly functioning track & trace system ready in time for autumn/winter.  They failed.  And now it's our fault.  Shower of bastards, the lot of them.

I'm not saying that the large majority of people haven't but unless the small minority of people aren't included in the general public, my point stands.  I'm not for any moment saying the government hasn't done a good job at all.

However, test and trace can not stop people breaking the rules, i have seen surverys saying less than 20% of people fully comply with isolating.  One issue with test and trace is people not giving details or not picking up when called, this is the fault of the genereal public?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 10:04:17
Scandinavia is quite intriguing
Sweden 5,938
Denmark 719
Norway 282
Finland 358
Iceland 10

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 10:05:49
Sparsely populated, cold? Who knows.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 10:07:50
Sparsely populated, cold? Who knows.

That's just it nobody knows!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 10:08:47
Scandinavia is quite intriguing
Sweden 5,938
Denmark 719
Norway 282
Finland 358
Iceland 10

It's been said here on many times, the best way to look is excess deaths and population size.  This doesn't show the UK is doing any better though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 10:10:50
My money’s on that slimy twat Gove*

*yeah, alright, I’m sure Dom played his part too.

Scenes if it was Johnson himself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 10:44:54
I'm not saying that the large majority of people haven't but unless the small minority of people aren't included in the general public, my point stands.  I'm not for any moment saying the government hasn't done a good job at all.

However, test and trace can not stop people breaking the rules, i have seen surverys saying less than 20% of people fully comply with isolating.  One issue with test and trace is people not giving details or not picking up when called, this is the fault of the genereal public?

Track and trace worked absolutely brilliantly in South Korea (they had learned from a previous pandemic so were ahead of the curve and very prepared) where the people in general tend to tow the line and do as they are asked in order to make it work.

The culture in Western countries is very different and people’s behaviour makes this challenging. I mean we are encouraged to wear a little bit of cloth to go shopping to try and slow the spread of the virus but for many, this is a huge problem and an affront to their ‘freedom’

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 11:05:29
scaled up your population size , Sweden has 36k deaths. not that much better. true they avoided enforced lockdown, but the population density is far lower.
leak enquiry, fuck off. I think Malcolm Tucker explained that one in The Thick of It

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 11:51:01
scaled up your population size , Sweden has 36k deaths. not that much better. true they avoided enforced lockdown, but the population density is far lower.
leak enquiry, fuck off. I think Malcolm Tucker explained that one in The Thick of It

Where you getting your data from as I can only see 5938 deaths v 124k cases

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 11:53:31
Probably pointless comparing countries given there is no consistency in what they're counting.

The idea of another lockdown has absolutely bodied me this morning. Ive never really suffered with any anxiety or anything like that but it scares the shit out of me. I know the impact on my mental health is going to be pretty severe, particularly if gyms close too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 11:56:11
Probably pointless comparing countries given there is no consistency in what they're counting.

The idea is another lockdown has absolutely bodied me this morning. Ive never really suffered with any anxiety or anything like that but it scares the shit out of me. I know the impact on my mental health is going to be pretty severe, particularly if gyms close too.

Bit of a tangent, and not for everyone, I know.  But a pair of running shoes is all you need.  They never stopped outdoor exercise even at the height of the first lockdown.  It works, I promise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 11:56:35
Probably pointless comparing countries given there is no consistency in what they're counting.

The idea is another lockdown has absolutely bodied me this morning. Ive never really suffered with any anxiety or anything like that but it scares the shit out of me. I know the impact on my mental health is going to be pretty severe, particularly if gyms close too.

I guess at best it would be allowed out for an hours exercise again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:08:24
Bit of a tangent, and not for everyone, I know.  But a pair of running shoes is all you need.  They never stopped outdoor exercise even at the height of the first lockdown.  It works, I promise.
That’s just not true, the whole gym routine not just running is important to a lot of people’s mental and physical health. This time round it’s going to be far harder to exercise outside as the weather is deteriorating and daylight hours are getting shorter. Closing the gyms would just be another short sighted snap decision.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:08:31
Quote from: Jimmy Quinn
scaled up your population size , Sweden has 36k deaths. not that much better. true they avoided enforced lockdown, but the population density is far lower.
leak enquiry, fuck off. I think Malcolm Tucker explained that one in The Thick of It
Where you getting your data from as I can only see 5938 deaths v 124k cases

typo, I meant our population, i.e 60M (v Sweden's 10m)

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:11:42
completely agree exercise is a massive things in relieving stress and anxiety for many.

if they are shut, it's shit. But you can do cardio stuff outside. I don't buy the weather excuse

my knees are so fucked i can't even do that 😢

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:11:57
Where you getting your data from as I can only see 5938 deaths v 124k cases

typo, I meant our population, i.e 60M (v Sweden's 10m)

Got ya! 😁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:13:17
completely agree exercise is a massive things in relieving stress and anxiety for many.

if they are shut, it's shit. But you can do cardio stuff outside. I don't buy the weather excuse

my knees are so fucked i can't even do that 😢

Can you walk if not cycling is excellent and like you I don't care what the weather is like

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:17:47
completely agree exercise is a massive things in relieving stress and anxiety for many.

if they are shut, it's shit. But you can do cardio stuff outside. I don't buy the weather excuse

my knees are so fucked i can't even do that 😢
I can’t road run due to my knees and it’s all roads around me so riding a bike especially at night in winter is probably a bigger risk than the virus itself. You are understating the importance of gyms, to a lot of people they are the only way to get proper exercise in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:18:09
I can, just cycling is a time sink.

I am lucky that I have a cross trainer in the garage

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:22:37
PM new conference at 4pm

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:26:11
completely agree exercise is a massive things in relieving stress and anxiety for many.

if they are shut, it's shit. But you can do cardio stuff outside. I don't buy the weather excuse

my knees are so fucked i can't even do that 😢

I walk two hours a day whatever the weather, but I also lift at the gym 5-6 days a week at the moment. Cannot replicate that at home.

My wife and I live a simple life, but we're really tight with her family. I've already said I don't plan on complying and not seeing her parents if they agree. The impact it has on them, our nephew and my dad (who lives on his own) is huge.

We've followed every rule so far but in my opinion another complete lockdown will cause more harm than good. People don't want to kill their family. They don't want to get ill. Let people be responsible for their own actions and risk.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:32:40
I walk two hours a day whatever the weather, but I also lift at the gym 5-6 days a week at the moment. Cannot replicate that at home.

My wife and I live a simple life, but we're really tight with her family. I've already said I don't plan on complying and not seeing her parents if they agree. The impact it has on them, our nephew and my dad (who lives on his own) is huge.

We've followed every rule so far but in my opinion another complete lockdown will cause more harm than good. People don't want to kill their family. They don't want to get ill. Let people be responsible for their own actions and risk.

Good post. Having another lockdown now is just going to cause panic buying with Xmas on the horizon and maybe unrest on the streets like we've recently seen in Spain

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 12:32:57
I walk two hours a day whatever the weather, but I also lift at the gym 5-6 days a week at the moment. Cannot replicate that at home.

My wife and I live a simple life, but we're really tight with her family. I've already said I don't plan on complying and not seeing her parents if they agree. The impact it has on them, our nephew and my dad (who lives on his own) is huge.

We've followed every rule so far but in my opinion another complete lockdown will cause more harm than good. People don't want to kill their family. They don't want to get ill. Let people be responsible for their own actions and risk.
You won’t be alone, there will be significantly less compliance and more dissent this time round. You just need to see the protests around the rest of Europe to see what’s coming. I won’t openly flout the rules but within reason I’ll still do what’s right for me, if this drags into Christmas I will be going to my parents on Christmas Day whatever the rules say and many will do the same I’m sure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 13:15:50
Yes, I do wonder if we'll see civil unrest on the back of today's announcements, particularly among the yoof. Plenty of it in Europe and the US.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 13:17:29
Sorry guys - But this is the problem that we face. Happy for rules to be followed by others but they don't apply to me!

My parents are in their 80s - Absolutely no way am I going to visit them having mixed with all an sundry as a key worker and having 1 student in the house (with a GF at uni), a second student currently locked down in Wales and a 3rd adult in the house who travels to 2 different cities when he has to!

Telephones, laptops, ipads providing regular contact with my parents is how we'll spend Christmas.

But thanks to those who are above following the rules, I guess I'd better plan the same for next Christmas too!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 13:23:31
Don’t think we’ve got any cases on the island at the moment, but masks will be compulsory everywhere from Tuesday and a curfew from midnight to 5am.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 13:27:13
Sorry guys - But this is the problem that we face. Happy for rules to be followed by others but they don't apply to me!

My parents are in their 80s - Absolutely no way am I going to visit them having mixed with all an sundry as a key worker and having 1 student in the house (with a GF at uni), a second student currently locked down in Wales and a 3rd adult in the house who travels to 2 different cities when he has to!

Telephones, laptops, ipads providing regular contact with my parents is how we'll spend Christmas.

But thanks to those who are above following the rules, I guess I'd better plan the same for next Christmas too!

I've in no way said the rules don't apply to me. If I choose to not comply, I do so knowing the percieved risk. Same as speeding.

As mentioned, I've followed everything thus far but now think that the damage outweighs the benefit. My wife and I have no kids. We work from home. We don't see friends. Same goes for her parents. So, in my eyes there is next to zero risk in us going round for a cup of tea once a week.

All power to you for looking at your circumstances and choosing your course of action. I'd do the same if my circumstances were similar but they're not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 13:30:23
I've in no way said the rules don't apply to me. If I choose to not comply, I do so knowing the percieved risk. Same as speeding. Add mentioned, I've followed everything thus far but now think that the damage outweighs the benefit.

All power to you for looking at your circumstances and choosing your course of action. I'd do the same if my circumstances were similar but they're not.

I was in Asda this morning and was surprised how many of their staff weren't wearing face mask

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 14:13:47
Not true.  A large majority of 'the people' have done everything asked of them.

I've seen lots of this circulating in recent weeks.  'Lockdown #2 is the people's fault' etc.  You might as well add 'Signed D Cummings' at the bottom.  It's disingenuous blame shifting from a government that had the best part of half a year to get a properly functioning track & trace system ready in time for autumn/winter.  They failed.  And now it's our fault.  Shower of bastards, the lot of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 14:44:31
The policitians have been insinuating for a long time in interviews that their frameworks and guidelines will completely solve the problem of it spreading and that if it does continue to spread, then the public are entirely to blame.
That the guidelines are utterly confusing (as well as contradictory) and - to be quite frank - with things like Cummings & Johnsons' fathers escapades, it is almost like they want to anger people into going against the guidelines and go about their daily life (i.e spending money) and when things go wrong they can always fall back on the old adage of "but we put robust guidelines in place" and blame the public.

Whilst you can blame the public to a certain extent, the lion share of the issues have been caused by governmental incompetence

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 15:28:57
The policitians have been insinuating for a long time in interviews that their frameworks and guidelines will completely solve the problem of it spreading and that if it does continue to spread, then the public are entirely to blame.
That the guidelines are utterly confusing (as well as contradictory) and - to be quite frank - with things like Cummings & Johnsons' fathers escapades, it is almost like they want to anger people into going against the guidelines and go about their daily life (i.e spending money) and when things go wrong they can always fall back on the old adage of "but we put robust guidelines in place" and blame the public.

Whilst you can blame the public to a certain extent, the lion share of the issues have been caused by governmental incompetence

a massive extent. people are fucking idiots. and whilst we always say its the minority that are ruining it that is enough to leave the cases where they are again.

ANYTHING the government say there will be people abusing loopholes, ignoring distancing and mask wearing and practically carrying on life as normal.

there is no win in this situation, lock down and economy and lives distroyed, stay open NHS can't cope and high deaths.
the regional route was the best route but its too late now, you have people crossing counties just for a pint and a bet.

most of the cases up north came as a direct response from universities, they should 100% have not returned.

i went to town this afternoon to do some banking. the world is normal with a mask, feral people not giving a fuck. poundland looks like hell on earth

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 16:42:16
there is no win in this situation, lock down and economy and lives distroyed, stay open NHS can't cope and high deaths.
This is the complete misunderstanding the govt seem to be making repeatedly: it's not a choice between the two, they go hand in hand. The economy won't start to recover until you get on top of the health situation, and as has been demonstrated both in March and now, delaying action serves only to increase the severity of the action required and hence the hit on the economy. The two go hand in hand. And they don't seem to be learning from their mistakes, just making the same fuck ups over and over again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 16:52:46
This is the complete misunderstanding the govt seem to be making repeatedly: it's not a choice between the two, they go hand in hand. The economy won't start to recover until you get on top of the health situation, and as has been demonstrated both in March and now, delaying action serves only to increase the severity of the action required and hence the hit on the economy. The two go hand in hand. And they don't seem to be learning from their mistakes, just making the same fuck ups over and over again

the regional lockdowns were meant to be the balance between the two. we did get on top of the health situation but then it had to be opened up again. i feel sorry for the vast majority of businesses that have invested so much time and effort to making their own workplace safe.

you have said delaying action which suggests you were wanting a national lockdown a few weeks ago? an assumption so apologies if wrong. if so its massively unfair on the areas unaffected and again which was why the regional was the correct route. but almost impossible to enforce to the tier 4/5 levels needed.

no enforcement or track or trace will make everyone behave like they need to.  we need to keep having this lockdowns every 3/4 months to make the NHS cope and delay until the vaccine can come through. its not what i want there is no wrong solution and for every argument this a counter argument with other downfalls

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 16:54:03
Presser put back till 1830 apparently

He’s watching the fucking rugby isnt he

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 17:29:54
Presser put back till 1830 apparently

He’s watching the fucking rugby isnt he

Sensible man. Another 90 minutes isn’t going to make much difference. 😁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 17:49:49
Here's a question. Had we locked down with Wales, would it have been a 2 weeker instead of a fucking month.

I don't know.

Then again, no guarantee a month will be enough either. gulp.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 17:51:52
Here's a question. Had we locked down with Wales, would it have been a 2 weeker instead of a fucking month.

I don't know.

Then again, no guarantee a month will be enough either. gulp.

You wait there will be photos of panic buying at supermarkets tomorrow

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 17:52:49
it's already started

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 17:55:54
But they're not closing?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 17:56:37
There wasn't a shortage of toilet roll production either ...

You can't trust people to be sensible

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 17:59:55
But they're not closing?

It wouldn't surprise me if we have to que up again to get in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:16:45
It wouldn't surprise me if we have to que up again to get in

Why? They havent changed social distancing measures

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:20:28
Why? They havent changed social distancing measures

No but once the panic buying sets in (don't forget Xmas as well) they will have to reduce the numbers in store

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:22:41
If people panic buy, then they are a cunt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:27:09
Over 2½ hrs late now.  I have a horrible feeling Johnson doesn't know what to do.  I'm glad it's not my job, to tell the truth.  But this is his job.  Hard to shake the impression he's following, well behind the curve.  And not leading.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:33:06
If people panic buy, then they are a cunt.

Exactly :clap:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:34:38
Over 2½ hrs late now.  I have a horrible feeling Johnson doesn't know what to do.  I'm glad it's not my job, to tell the truth.  But this is his job.  Hard to shake the impression he's following, well behind the curve.  And not leading.

Do we need to see the detailed maps just give us the news!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:36:47
Someone tell these pricks what exponential actually means. Cunts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:37:41
Do we need to see the detailed maps just give us the news!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:42:38

I've only tuned in to listen to Borris

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:44:58
Presser put back till 1830 apparently

He’s watching the fucking rugby isnt he
He’s knocking one out. The Wanker.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:45:22
I've only tuned in to listen to Borris
Exactly, tell us the point and then go through the figures after you have told us you fucking buffoon Boris.

I also don't like the use of the word "assume" in the predictions. Educated guess maybe but never assume as the saying goes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:46:20
Exactly, tell us the point and then go through the figures after you have told us you fucking buffoon Boris.

I also don't like the use of the word "assume" in the predictions. Educated guess maybe but never assume as the saying goes.

Exactly! All he's doing is thanking everyone at the moment😁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:50:39
U.K. yet again pretending to lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:50:57
So 5 weeks no gyms, only able to leave the house for specific reasons. Absolute bunch of cunts, can see a fair bit of resistance coming this time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:52:08
Not crystal clear so are barbers/hairdressers & garages or MOT's etc being forced to close

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:52:28
Anything non essential so pretty certain that's a yes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:53:59
Anything non essential so pretty certain that's a yes

Very complicated so if my car fails the MOT on Wednesday I wouldn't be able to get any work done before it runs out

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 18:59:55
What does it mean for elite sport?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 19:01:57
Very complicated so if my car fails the MOT on Wednesday I wouldn't be able to get any work done before it runs out

depends if it is still working ok, they did a 3 month grace last time didnt they? most cars would be fixed same day unless its major work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 19:02:44
Basically pubs have closed and non essential shops . That’s it. That’s not a lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 19:07:54
What does it mean for elite sport?

Still go on i suspect.

Saying that they’ll probably come out with some guff canceliing it on friday evening

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 19:14:44
Professional sports to carry on, amateur ones can not

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 19:36:57
To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if the government are hoping for mass civil unrest and protests against the lockdowns Judy so they can say it’s impossible to keep implemented and give a reason not to bother.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 19:41:38
Professional sports to carry on, amateur ones can not

I just saw that Elite sport can continue.  Being a realist I thought, surely we're not elite sport!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 19:49:00
depends if it is still working ok, they did a 3 month grace last time didnt they? most cars would be fixed same day unless its major work.

All Ok but if fails in the afternoon and the garage is busy not sure what happens as you only meet 10 days to fix or you have to pay for re-test again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 20:13:41
Basically pubs have closed and non essential shops . That’s it. That’s not a lockdown.
It will be for some  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 20:18:20
Quote from: tans
Professional sports to carry on, amateur ones can not

have they mentioned support bubbles, i.e. can my live alone mum come over?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 20:23:27
Support bubbles remain

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 20:25:43

no mixing of household outdoors (schools exempt). which is a bugger - can go to college with mates but not the park... I get it, it's got to be a clear rule..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 20:27:32
Basically pubs have closed and non essential shops . That’s it. That’s not a lockdown.

I think the ban on household mixing can’t be understated either

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, October 31, 2020, 20:57:34
Perfectly timed pause by somebody

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 1, 2020, 16:19:56
brilliant. the app was set to the wrong threshold for exposure detection

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Sunday, November 1, 2020, 17:50:43
And all for just slightly more than the entire primary care budget for the year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, November 1, 2020, 20:55:53
"Sky News has independently confirmed the issue, and also learnt that a large proportion of the phantom notifications about exposures - which the Department for Health told users to ignore - were actually real."

If this bit is true (and that 'large proportion' means what I think it does) then that's an enormous fuck up, basically everyone I know has had multiple phantom notifications...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, November 1, 2020, 21:37:23
More scum putting their fun above lives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, November 1, 2020, 21:58:03
What happens if my mum is my hairdresser and yet we don't live in the same house? What do I/we do?

What if I go to the Supermarket and bump into my Aunt there? Does one of us have to leave immediately for fear of breaking the law?

What if a non league football club is running a food bank drop off initiative an hour before their kick-off, with upto 100 people permitted to attend (at an indoor venue at the club which holds 200), yet the ground can hold 3000 people, had a limited allocation of 300 tickets sold and now cannot allow spectators?

The other two are possibly avoidable but still throw up grey areas but the third scenario is quite frankly baffling. The indoor event can go ahead with a factor of 1:2 people but the outdoor event can't go ahead with a factor of 1:10 people...

So many grey areas and I'm sure many more various unclear scenarios. I don't mind a lockdown (even though it's way too late and only being done so "we can celebrate Christmas together") but our country is really a complete shitshow. Plus is Chris Whitty, with all his knowledge and intelligence not allowed control of the slide button presser? Oh to have the power!


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, November 1, 2020, 21:59:13
Of course there's going to be grey areas, it's all about being sensible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, November 1, 2020, 22:31:57
Someone needs to buy a clicker for those briefings, i know that much.

Only so much i can take of ‘next slide please’ being asked

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Sunday, November 1, 2020, 23:57:46
Someone needs to buy a clicker for those briefings, i know that much.

Only so much i can take of ‘next slide please’ being asked

Greg James bought one off amazon and sent it to Chris Witty, it was delivered and signed for a couple of weeks back...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Monday, November 2, 2020, 08:43:39
Many many people from my profession are commenting on the shit AV presentation that could be solved by having any competent professional on the job.

Unfortunately we are not 'viable'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 2, 2020, 09:36:53
Once again, it's too little too late, meaning we will end up with a much longer lockdown than we could have had, worse health outcomes and far worse damage to the economy. And there's more chance of me growing a womb than them using the time productively to fix the fucking shambles that is Serco Test and Trace. No lessons learned at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 2, 2020, 09:44:26
Over 2½ hrs late now.  I have a horrible feeling Johnson doesn't know what to do.  I'm glad it's not my job, to tell the truth.  But this is his job.  Hard to shake the impression he's following, well behind the curve.  And not leading.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, November 2, 2020, 13:28:59
There is someone who is refusing to close his business, a soft play area, and justifying him staying open by using article 61 in the Magna Carta!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 2, 2020, 14:39:06
There is someone who is refusing to close his business, a soft play area, and justifying him staying open by using article 61 in the Magna Carta!

We are reaching peak 2020 aren't we! As noted by about 10,000 people on Twitter

We've entered the world of the surreal when anti-lockdown nut jobs start tweeting about Article 61 of the Magna Carta. A small but relevant point, Article 61 refers to certain rights granted by the king to twenty-five barons and was swiftly annulled by Pope Innocent III.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 2, 2020, 15:23:02
We are reaching peak 2020 aren't we! As noted by about 10,000 people on Twitter

We've entered the world of the surreal when anti-lockdown nut jobs start tweeting about Article 61 of the Magna Carta. A small but relevant point, Article 61 refers to certain rights granted by the king to twenty-five barons and was swiftly annulled by Pope Innocent III.
Are you sure it wasn't about soft play areas? Pretty sure soft play rights was a big part of the Magna Carta?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 08:48:03
Some good news, only a pilot but if this succeeds and can be scaled it could provide a way forward for the rest of the country

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 08:57:30
Good news indeed.

Let’s just hope this month is used wisely to get NHS Test and Trace fully firing and we should avoid similar restrictions moving forward.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 09:19:21
Some good news, only a pilot but if this succeeds and can be scaled it could provide a way forward for the rest of the country

Come on scousers, buy into this. It could end the need for mass lockdowns if we can get capacity up to replicating this country over - though I guess that's going to be an issue for a fair while (instant tests required).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 09:22:58

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 09:27:04
That made me chuckle.
A lot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 09:30:54
Good news indeed.

Let’s just hope this month is used wisely to get NHS Test and Trace fully firing and we should avoid similar restrictions moving forward.
That would involve scrapping Serco Test and Trace, sacking Harding and putting it all in the hands of local public health depts which is what should have been done at the outset. Not going to happen, too much of a climbdown for a govt that loves centralised and privatised (and very expensive) "solutions" and doesn't trust local councils.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 09:31:36
Some good news, only a pilot but if this succeeds and can be scaled it could provide a way forward for the rest of the country

Indeed it is although anything that includes testing targets from the government sets my eyebrows of disbelief waggling. Plus we shouldn't get too excited about this 'trial' as they have been doing this in Madrid for about a month now!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 11:00:39
Indeed it is although anything that includes testing targets from the government sets my eyebrows of disbelief waggling. Plus we shouldn't get too excited about this 'trial' as they have been doing this in Madrid for about a month now!
It's a step in the right direction though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:19:08
Dear great minds of the TEF

Wife had a test on the 31st. Results came back negative on the 2nd.

We both got notifications from the COVID app today to self isolate (her for 11 days, me for 12). We’d been self isolating from the 31st - 2nd, and on annual leave 3rd - 4th - therefore we spent the whole of this period in close proximity to each other

My exposure records on my phone have one matched key for every single record since the 31st (matched key being the number of times you match with an ‘infected’ device/user). For all of this period, my wife has zero matched keys on her records

Is there any legitimate reason for these notifications? Because based on what I’m seeing (and what little faith I have in the app or the test and trace service as a whole) it appears that my wife’s test has been logged as a positive by the app, and transmitting as positive, despite her receiving a text which told her the results were negative (she’s also had zero symptoms since Saturday). This would explain why I’m getting 1 match with every single record while she’s getting zero

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:30:26
That's odd.

Did you both test because you were symptomatic?

Did you put the test results into the app? I assume you must have done .

The reason for asking is I thought positive results = 10 days, close contact = 14. so the isolation numbers don't match positive tests - could be wrong

I've not really seen the anywhere that explains how the keys work. what you say make sense, but without seeing guidelines could also be wrong!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:58:33
Hasn’t put any details in as far as I’m aware. I certainly haven’t

I don’t think the keys are timestamped in any way, I think they’re just random downloads from a central database to check against, but essentially the point remains that we’ve not been apart from the best part of two weeks, yet all my downloads have a match and hers don’t

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 08:04:21
but if you've not put the results into the app, then it must be doing what it's doing in a completely independent way. It can't link the results to the app automatically, you are anonymous

whether that's erronious, or whether we don't understand the true meaning of key match exposure report is another question.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 08:48:07
Hasn’t put any details in as far as I’m aware. I certainly haven’t

I don’t think the keys are timestamped in any way, I think they’re just random downloads from a central database to check against, but essentially the point remains that we’ve not been apart from the best part of two weeks, yet all my downloads have a match and hers don’t
Have you been sleepwalking with infected people without realising it? Best I've got I'm afraid

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:54:18
Ignore the story (well don't its another case of the rampant corruption within government!!) but the table embedded into this piece has the data broken down and presented in a reasonably simple form to allow basic review on an area by area basis.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:56:45
Have you been sleepwalking with infected people without realising it? Best I've got I'm afraid
Could be someone hiding in your hoodie?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:41:40

People who generally aren't given to hyperbole seem to think this is genuinely excellent news.

Also a big fan of the spokesman having no interest in humility: "Today is a great day for science and humanity"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:45:30
That news has come a week too late for Trump. Sad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:49:04
That news has come a week too late for Trump. Sad.

I was just thinking that - I'm sure he is going to say this news was delayed by the 'Dems so that Joe B can claim to have sorted Covid whilst he let nearly 250,000 Americans die with the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:55:17
He never fucking had it, the fat orange bastard

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:21:38
He never fucking had it, the fat orange bastard
Not a fan then tans?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:22:15
Whatever gave you that idea!!?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:25:35

People who generally aren't given to hyperbole seem to think this is genuinely excellent news.

Also a big fan of the spokesman having no interest in humility: "Today is a great day for science and humanity"
Let's hope this bloke is wrong then: TLDR, even if we have a vaccine the govt's strategy for applying it is a load of wallop

No idea if he is right, his arguments seem to stack up but well aware from the previous 9 months of this shit that these kinds of arguments seem compelling until you see the counter argument from someone who knows what they're talking about and then it's all a crock. Certainly the way the govt have handled the public health aspects of the pre-vaccine period doesn't inspire confidence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:31:47

People who generally aren't given to hyperbole seem to think this is genuinely excellent news.

Also a big fan of the spokesman having no interest in humility: "Today is a great day for science and humanity"

Reflects what I have heard from two separate people over the weekend who know what they are talking about (both pretty pragmatic and not subject to hyperbole!)

The type of vaccine/operation, whilst new, has got years and years of research behind it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:35:06
Let's hope this bloke is wrong then: TLDR, even if we have a vaccine the govt's strategy for applying it is a load of wallop

No idea if he is right, his arguments seem to stack up but well aware from the previous 9 months of this shit that these kinds of arguments seem compelling until you see the counter argument from someone who knows what they're talking about and then it's all a crock. Certainly the way the govt have handled the public health aspects of the pre-vaccine period doesn't inspire confidence.

That completely contradicts what I have been told by someone who is personally putting together the vaccination plan for an entire NHS Trust (and has been doing or for a fair few months meaning when combined with the Flu programme he has ben working 7-10 most days, poor fucker!) he is working on the basis that everyone over 18 is getting a jab, I specifically asked him this last week when someone suggested we were not all getting it on here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:47:30
Let's hope this bloke is wrong then: TLDR, even if we have a vaccine the govt's strategy for applying it is a load of wallop

No idea if he is right, his arguments seem to stack up but well aware from the previous 9 months of this shit that these kinds of arguments seem compelling until you see the counter argument from someone who knows what they're talking about and then it's all a crock. Certainly the way the govt have handled the public health aspects of the pre-vaccine period doesn't inspire confidence.
Kate fucking Bingham

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 13:51:39
That completely contradicts what I have been told by someone who is personally putting together the vaccination plan for an entire NHS Trust (and has been doing or for a fair few months meaning when combined with the Flu programme he has ben working 7-10 most days, poor fucker!) he is working on the basis that everyone over 18 is getting a jab, I specifically asked him this last week when someone suggested we were not all getting it on here.

In which case, great. I genuinely want to be excited about this, just mindful of getting over-excited too early about the actual news (it's a press release, not a peer-reviewed study, although TBF actual proper scientists do also seem to be taking this as good news subject to the usual etc etc) and that there's a long way to go between announcement of a discovery and actual delivery.

It would be wonderful to think there might be an end in sight for all this shit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:22:14
And here is some of those actual proper scientists who do (with caveats) seem to think this could well be the real deal

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:26:17
And here is some of those actual proper scientists who do (with caveats) seem to think this could well be the real deal

I read (with cravats) first time around. That would have won me over no doubt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:27:53
Is this the vaccine that requires cold storage at -80C? Not exactly logistically friendly, we're going to need a fuck load of cold storage!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:29:56
I read (with cravats) first time around. That would have won me over no doubt.
And smoking jackets. The vaccine should only be administered by doctors dressed as David Niven/Noel Coward.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:31:21
Is this the vaccine that requires cold storage at -80C? Not exactly logistically friendly, we're going to need a fuck load of cold storage!

Its -70C apparently, I know in the case I mentioned earlier the Trust purchased a cold storage unit for this very purpose a few months back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:34:14
Its -70C apparently, I know in the case I mentioned earlier the Trust purchased a cold storage unit for this very purpose a few months back.
It's more the logistics of getting it to end user that concerns me, for a developing country in hot climate it's about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Hopefully the Astra/Oxford vaccine can be stored at fridge temp.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:53:47
It's more the logistics of getting it to end user that concerns me, for a developing country in hot climate it's about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Hopefully the Astra/Oxford vaccine can be stored at fridge temp.
Good job its cold here then - More for us! Mwah-ha-ha!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:59:03
Is this the vaccine that requires cold storage at -80C? Not exactly logistically friendly, we're going to need a fuck load of cold storage!
Perfect job for the ex-wife

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, November 9, 2020, 15:05:06
Even if there are some major flaws in this vaccine such as the cold-storage issue, at least we have something that can tide us over until something even better comes along. Once this vaccine starts to be administered there'll be much more data for the other vaccine hopefuls to work with and you'd hope that'll inspire them to improve on whatever comes first. And if efficacy really is 90% or thereabouts and there are no/only a few side effects you'd think the pros of this will outweigh the cons by default

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, November 9, 2020, 16:43:12
only a few side effects you'd think the pros of this will outweigh the cons by default
That's the question that needs answering though isn't it?! There's rumours of the vaccine being forced on anyone over 18, which means for the vast majority of healthy people COVID doesn't really pose any risk so it needs to be pretty damn sure that this vaccine has next to no side effects or it's just counterproductive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 16:51:59
There's rumours of the vaccine being forced on anyone over 18
I really don't think there is, is there? Outside of "5G is a Bill Gates conspirussy" Facebook groups and #KBF twitter tags, that is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, November 9, 2020, 16:54:25
That's the question that needs answering though isn't it?! There's rumours of the vaccine being forced on anyone over 18, which means for the vast majority of healthy people COVID doesn't really pose any risk so it needs to be pretty damn sure that this vaccine has next to no side effects or it's just counterproductive.

Thats news to me. Where have you heard that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:02:13
Quote from: theakston2k
Is this the vaccine that requires cold storage at -80C? Not exactly logistically friendly, we're going to need a fuck load of cold storage!

Hancock will sort it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:05:13
Im sure the husband / wife / old school friend of a tory has a company they formed 12 days ago that can provide the right equipment.  Just send them 25 million quid and they sort it.  They're frantically checking Amazon for those great offers from China right now Im sure.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:07:10
Hancock will sort it$ja=tsid:59157|acid:629-618-1342|cid:9563523552|agid:102230985510|tid:aud-378671944447:pla-919110584284|crid:423314716709|nw:g|rnd:2946574477999789063|dvc:m|adp:|mt:|loc:9045594&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=9563523552&utm_term=3376281&utm_content=shopping&utm_custom1=102230985510&utm_custom2=629-618-1342&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7qP9BRCLARIsABDaZzjOuU4Pevd3YTWiz4cTETcW0-ksBKpwoeSfo0WyvaPXcxQNaIFKt6YaAhUvEALw_wcB
Don't be ridiculous. As if Matt Hancock would buy a coolbox for 20 quid from Argos to trasnport the vaccine. He will buy the same thing from one of his horseracing mates at £375 each, except they'll turn out to be picnic hampers not coolboxes and only 2000 will actually be delivered with the remainder of the £2bn order stuck in an "administrative logjam". And all the handles will be broken.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:12:41
Good point well made Paul

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:18:06
Good point well made Paul
Or "slightly thin joke grossly overstretched" maybe?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:26:55
Or "slightly thin joke grossly overstretched" maybe?

Which is coincidentally a suitable way of describing the current government

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, November 9, 2020, 18:12:00
Thats news to me. Where have you heard that?
Been looked at by a parliamentary committee already...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:00:57
Been looked at by a parliamentary committee already...


That report seemed to me to be suggesting you can justify vaccinating reasonable, logically thinking adults against their will because it is legal to administer treatment to those sectioned under the mental health act. If that's their argument for enforcing vaccinations upon people I don't think there is anything to worry about, thats not going to stand up to scrutiny, no way no how

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:03:03
I think people should be made to have the vaccine but that reasoning is awful.

Surely the safety of the population would be a more solid reason for it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:17:45
I'm treating that report with the utmost caution, since there's no context as to why it was written.

I'd imagine compulsory vaccines would be a very last resort for the government.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:25:05
Been looked at by a parliamentary committee already...
That's evidence to a parliamentary committee from 3 academics urging that course of action. They will also have heard evidence from others pointing out why such a course of action would be disastrous on both legal and public health grounds. Parliamentary committees take evidence from a range of experts of varying and differing views on a whole range of subjects precisely so that they can get a range of views on a subject before coming to a conclusion and making recommendations. Which then in turn may be ignored by govt. Just because such evidence has been heard it's completely disingenuous (not to mention a total misunderstanding of how the Parliamentary committee system works) to suggest it's in any way likely to be actually adopted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:25:58
I think people should be made to have the vaccine but that reasoning is awful.

I am not an anti vaccine type individual but I am slightly troubled by this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:27:24
I am not an anti vaccine type individual but I am slightly troubled by this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:32:04
I am not an anti vaccine type individual but I am slightly troubled by this

Me too. I'll take the vaccine willingly if asked and it's shown to be safe, but I'd never support it being compulsory. That does not compute

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 20:55:06
I am not an anti vaccine type individual but I am slightly troubled by this

I think people should be free to do what the fuck they want to do, with the caveat that they do no harm to anybody else.

Anti-vaxxers are not benign, they are dangerous. Their actions directly cause other people to fall ill or even die - and that's no exaggeration.

If they can't be made to have a vaccine then other people should at least be allowed to take precautions to keep themselves safe. Parents should be able to send their kids to schools that insist on vaccines, work in workplaces that insist on vaccines, go to entertainment venues that are safe, and so on. I get that enforcement would be challenging to say the least but the principle should be there at least.

It's all very well allowing people the right what to do with their own bodies, which I am all for, but what about other peoples' rights to not be killed by idiots? I think the rights of the latter group trump the rights of the former. By some margin.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 21:09:01
I think people should be free to do what the fuck they want to do, with the caveat that they do no harm to anybody else.

Anti-vaxxers are not benign, they are dangerous. Their actions directly cause other people to fall ill or even die - and that's no exaggeration.

If they can't be made to have a vaccine then other people should at least be allowed to take precautions to keep themselves safe. Parents should be able to send their kids to schools that insist on vaccines, work in workplaces that insist on vaccines, go to entertainment venues that are safe, and so on. I get that enforcement would be challenging to say the least but the principle should be there at least.

It's all very well allowing people the right what to do with their own bodies, which I am all for, but what about other peoples' rights to not be killed by idiots? I think the rights of the latter group trump the rights of the former. By some margin.

You are, naturally, entitled to your own view on this.  I do not share the view that I should be compelled to take a vaccine where little or nothing is known about it.

I do not subscribe to conspiracy theories or extreme views on vaccines or other similar treatments.  As far as I am aware, I have received all of the 'usual' vaccines as have my offspring.  I am prepared to take anything provided it is with informed consent (which is currently important principle in England and Wales).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, November 9, 2020, 21:36:40
I think people should be free to do what the fuck they want to do, with the caveat that they do no harm to anybody else.

Anti-vaxxers are not benign, they are dangerous. Their actions directly cause other people to fall ill or even die - and that's no exaggeration.

If they can't be made to have a vaccine then other people should at least be allowed to take precautions to keep themselves safe. Parents should be able to send their kids to schools that insist on vaccines, work in workplaces that insist on vaccines, go to entertainment venues that are safe, and so on. I get that enforcement would be challenging to say the least but the principle should be there at least.

It's all very well allowing people the right what to do with their own bodies, which I am all for, but what about other peoples' rights to not be killed by idiots? I think the rights of the latter group trump the rights of the former. By some margin.

I'd have more sympathy with your point of view if the vaccine was firmly established to be safe, but even with a vaccine such as the flu jab which is generally considered to be so, there doesn't seem to be a clamour to segregate those who have had it from those that decide not to.

If I put on my Orwell hat I cant help but recoil at the thought of the government physically forcing people to inject themselves with drugs no matter what the reason, or manipulating society in such a way that they feel they have no other option. Thats a completely different ball game from insisting people wear masks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 21:45:52
I'd have more sympathy with your point of view if the vaccine was firmly established to be safe,

I didn't think I'd need to explain the obvious caveats that it should be safe, etc. Of course it should be, I would not for one moment expect anything to do something that could be harmful to them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, November 9, 2020, 22:13:46
Are you lot arguing for the sake of arguing?

Let's hope the vaccines being developed are suitable, safe and available for all. Let's hope that they save lots of lives and let's hope that the enable us to get back to a better normality.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 22:17:35
Are you lot arguing for the sake of arguing?

Let's hope the vaccines being developed are suitable, safe and available for all. Let's hope that they save lots of lives and let's hope that the enable us to get back to a better normality.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 02:52:35

I didnt think we were arguing, this is a discussion forum

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 06:22:55
We can close the thread then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 07:37:03
Remember Thalidomide.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 08:13:08
Remember Thalidomide.
Which wasn't compulsory

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 08:14:05
Remember Thalidomide.
hopefully medical science and safety is a lot better 60 years on.

Is any vaccine safe for 'everyone'? Even the flu shot can cause adverse effects.

Stats show 941 Vaccine Damage Payment successful claims since 1978 - but I think the mostly under 18s when administered to qualify.

In short, vaccine isn't going to be risk free, and I understand the concerns given the speed it's gone though at.

But how long would it be before any issues are known...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 08:46:03
Which wasn't compulsory

No, but deemed safe, and look what happened. Took years to manifest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 08:53:32
No, but deemed safe, and look what happened. Took years to manifest.
Ah, fair enough. Although tbf I think with Thalidomide it didn't take years to manifest, rather it took years for the manufacturers to accept there was a problem. But I get your point. With a vaccine, there's risks either way - even if a vaccine is declared safe, as you say, may take years and millions of people taking it to really establish that; set against that, do we really want to wait years to re-establish some kind of normality? And in any case we do need those millions of people to take it, almost as a kind of extended initial trial. That's a very good reason why it shouldn't be compulsory, but equally I wonder if along with that choice there might be some kind of trade off. So you are quite free to choose not to take the vaccine, but don't expect to, for example, be going to the theatre or a football match if you don't have a certificate to say you have been vaccinated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:00:14
That opens the trust in what you are being told can of worms. I'd say your suggestion was sensible, but when do they do sense? As long as there is good news to "save christmas" all is good.  Personally I'll pass on any vaccine for a couple of years at least. I think I can go that long without watching us lose most weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:08:47
Thing is this vaccine is not a new thing, people speak almost as if its emerged overnight with no one having a clue what is in it or what it does. Most medics have been aware of its contents and the methodology for c.9 months during which time it has been debated at length and peer reviewed.

Each to their own and all that, my simple test is to ask my mate who knows what he is talking about having had 20+ years medical experience whether he will be vaccinated and as importantly will his kids be, he says yes, that will do for me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:37:50
That opens the trust in what you are being told can of worms. I'd say your suggestion was sensible, but when do they do sense? As long as there is good news to "save christmas" all is good.  Personally I'll pass on any vaccine for a couple of years at least. I think I can go that long without watching us lose most weeks.
TBH I'm not wildly comfortable with the "soft compulsion" route either. "It's not mandatory but you won't be able to do xyz" is, depending on how extensive a list xyz is, almost making it compulsory anyway. Set against that, I think FH puts a good case about the protection of everyone. It might be viable for individuals to choose not to hold off from the vaccine for a few years, but it isn't viable for society at large

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:40:21
Thing is this vaccine is not a new thing, people speak almost as if its emerged overnight with no one having a clue what is in it or what it does. Most medics have been aware of its contents and the methodology for c.9 months during which time it has been debated at length and peer reviewed.

Each to their own and all that, my simple test is to ask my mate who knows what he is talking about having had 20+ years medical experience whether he will be vaccinated and as importantly will his kids be, he says yes, that will do for me.

As a lay person, 9 months does not sound like a substantial period of time.

I will still make up my own mind.  I didn't automatically follow John Selwyn Gummer's lead after he fed beef burgers to his kids in the early 1990s.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:46:26
Whatever happened to the Adkins diet😁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:53:59
Good news comes in three's.

1) A vaccine that could signal the end to 9 months of misery.
2) Trump going, after 4 years of misery.
3) We might win on Saturday, ending (you decide) of misery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:58:28
but equally I wonder if along with that choice there might be some kind of trade off. So you are quite free to choose not to take the vaccine, but don't expect to, for example, be going to the theatre or a football match if you don't have a certificate to say you have been vaccinated.

Which was another suggestion I made.

People want the right to choose whether or not to be vaccinated? OK!
Don't make vaccines mandatory, but let's allow other people (the majority) the right to choose to be in a safe environment.

I don't know how practical that would be or how it could be enforced. That's best left to the experts the like the governm... somebody else.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:02:39
As a lay person, 9 months does not sound like a substantial period of time.

I will still make up my own mind.  I didn't automatically follow John Selwyn Gummer's lead after he fed beef burgers to his kids in the early 1990s.

My understanding is there are two elements where concerns are being raised (Peculiarly often my the same people (not you) or also kicked up a stink about lockdowns) firstly the type of vax it is (mRNA) and secondly the vax itself.

In the first case specifically the 'new' type of mRNA vaccine, whilst the C-19vax is the first time this method has been put forward for approval in a large scale programme there is literally decades of research and testing in the background regarding the methodology, the fact that it has finally come to market now is little more than a coincidence, thus the idea that this is some sort of untried and rushed method is rather a nonsense.

WRT to the vax contents itself I would be more cautious, but as noted it seems many in the scientific community are comfortably and cautiously optimistic (based upon knowing what was in it for a long time and various peer reviewed papers and updated research) and in these fast moving times based upon risk assessments I have done in my head that will have to do for now.

I note your point regarding Gummer, albeit I suspect you hadn't know him personally for 30+ years in making that personal judgement.

Ultimately thankfully I don't have to make any decisions regarding compulsion, I would probably prefer it to be avoided but there will be those who have much more data than I who can do that, much as with MMR its up to those involved, albeit if people refuse it they rather abdicate the right to then moan if their families catch it and perish.

You can lead a horse to water and all that......

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:07:14
WRT to the vax contents itself I would be more cautious, but as noted it seems many in the scientific community are comfortably and cautiously optimistic (based upon knowing what was in it for a long time and various peer reviewed papers and updated research) and in these fast moving times based upon risk assessments I have done in my head that will have to do for now.
Yeah, right, scientific community, peer-reviewed BULLSHIT! Everyone knows it's full of 5G and them little radio chips so that Bill Gates can track you and kill your kids. Or summat.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:09:57
Yeah, right, scientific community, peer-reviewed BULLSHIT! Everyone knows it's full of 5G and them little radio chips so that Bill Gates can track you and kill your kids. Or summat.

Typed into your iPhone whilst you are connected to 5G obviously!

Anyway I'm off to buy shares in Bacofoil!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:17:19
My understanding is there are two elements where concerns are being raised (Peculiarly often my the same people (not you) or also kicked up a stink about lockdowns) firstly the type of vax it is (mRNA) and secondly the vax itself.

In the first case specifically the 'new' type of mRNA vaccine, whilst the C-19vax is the first time this method has been put forward for approval in a large scale programme there is literally decades of research and testing in the background regarding the methodology, the fact that it has finally come to market now is little more than a coincidence, thus the idea that this is some sort of untried and rushed method is rather a nonsense.

WRT to the vax contents itself I would be more cautious, but as noted it seems many in the scientific community are comfortably and cautiously optimistic (based upon knowing what was in it for a long time and various peer reviewed papers and updated research) and in these fast moving times based upon risk assessments I have done in my head that will have to do for now.

I note your point regarding Gummer, albeit I suspect you hadn't know him personally for 30+ years in making that personal judgement.

Ultimately thankfully I don't have to make any decisions regarding compulsion, I would probably prefer it to be avoided but there will be those who have much more data than I who can do that, much as with MMR its up to those involved, albeit if people refuse it they rather abdicate the right to then moan if their families catch it and perish.

You can lead a horse to water and all that......

I note what you say.  I am pleased to say that I have complied with all restrictions/guidelines and have had no problem with that- particularly as I currently live with 2 elderly relatives. However, I feel uncomfortable with suggestions that one might be compelled to receive a/this vaccine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:26:34
Thing is this vaccine is not a new thing, people speak almost as if its emerged overnight with no one having a clue what is in it or what it does. Most medics have been aware of its contents and the methodology for c.9 months during which time it has been debated at length and peer reviewed.

Each to their own and all that, my simple test is to ask my mate who knows what he is talking about having had 20+ years medical experience whether he will be vaccinated and as importantly will his kids be, he says yes, that will do for me.

Isn't it a viagra derivative? Or did I make that up? If it is it's better have side effects, as the wife will be volunteering me first up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 11:20:36
Isn't it a viagra derivative? Or did I make that up? If it is it's better have side effects, as the wife will be volunteering me first up.

I think the only link to Viagra is that both are made by Pfizer and good for the elderly!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 11:47:46
What's the current guidelines regarding sleeping over in England as neighbours currently have 3 boyfriends coming & going and not living there

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 12:10:10
What's the current guidelines regarding sleeping over in England as neighbours currently have 3 boyfriends coming & going and not living there

I suppose they could argue they are providing a vital service

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 12:11:17
I suppose they could argue they are providing a vital service


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 14:35:12
Some guy has collated Prof Devi Sridhar's tweets from around Jan commenting on COVID and where the UK was going wrong in it's initial response and later handling of the pandemic. It's well worth a read especially for the "No-one could have anticipated ..." posters. Public health experts did and gave the right advice on what needed doing. They just weren't listened to. No hindsight required.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 23:15:10
Why do some people who want the vaccine concerned by others that don’t? Surely if you choose to be vaccinated and it works then you are no longer at risk from those who chose not to vaccinate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 23:19:18
Why do some people who want the vaccine concerned by others that don’t? Surely if you choose to be vaccinated and it works then you are no longer at risk from those who chose not to vaccinate.

I definitely want it and the ones who don't can fight it off between themselves

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 07:12:07
Why do some people who want the vaccine concerned by others that don’t? Surely if you choose to be vaccinated and it works then you are no longer at risk from those who chose not to vaccinate.
Because unless those people isolate themselves until the disease is eradicated they still operate as vectors of transmission and so mean it takes longer to eradicate (or contain to minimal extent) the disease. Which means we continue to have to live with the other measures used to contain the disease. Surely by now people have realised this disease is not an individual issue, it can only be fought by collective measures?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 08:37:47
Because unless those people isolate themselves until the disease is eradicated they still operate as vectors of transmission and so mean it takes longer to eradicate (or contain to minimal extent) the disease. Which means we continue to have to live with the other measures used to contain the disease. Surely by now people have realised this disease is not an individual issue, it can only be fought by collective measures?

Biggest worry for those in the vaccination programme is people being vaccinated and then assuming immediately that they can go straight back to normal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 09:17:17
Because unless those people isolate themselves until the disease is eradicated they still operate as vectors of transmission and so mean it takes longer to eradicate (or contain to minimal extent) the disease.

Assuming the vaccine stops transmission, rather than just protect those that have had it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 09:54:10
Assuming the vaccine stops transmission, rather than just protect those that have had it.
Sure and I understand that might be quite a big assumption. My point was that people can't just think of what suits them as an individual (as opposed to genuine medical issues etc) in defeating this disease, it has to be a collective effort

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:23:12
Assuming the vaccine stops transmission, rather than just protect those that have had it.

Pretty sure it doesn't, I know my mates big concern is that whilst you can't get it you can spread it so if everyone who is vaxed immediately returns to normal we could have a god awful spike.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:28:37
My (hopefully correct) understanding is that vaccination programmes are generally successful at halting transmission so long as a critical % of the population is immunised.  The herd immunity effect.  So if, for example, 80% of the population is immunised, it may be enough to break the chain of transmission.  So as long as the number of Luddites/anti-vaxxers/conspiracy wonks is not too high, it should be OK for everyone.  (I think.)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:33:37
Pretty sure it doesn't, I know my mates big concern is that whilst you can't get it you can spread it so if everyone who is vaxed immediately returns to normal we could have a god awful spike.
Listening to the radio this morning, they interviewed a scientist who works in this field (sorry can't remember his name or exact specialism) and he said they don't know yet whether the Pfizer vaccine will prevent spreading and they won't know until it's been widely deployed. Which seems a bit odd really, why can't they test for that while they're doing the trials? The trials have apparently included 50,000 people, surely they can test some of those people to see if they are still transmitting the disease? I mean, I'm sure they've thought of that and there's a good reason why they can't or it won't work etc, I'm just curious as to what it might be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:35:58
My (hopefully correct) understanding is that vaccination programmes are generally successful at halting transmission so long as a critical % of the population is immunised.  The herd immunity effect.  So if, for example, 80% of the population is immunised, it may be enough to break the chain of transmission.  So as long as the number of Luddites/anti-vaxxers/conspiracy wonks is not too high, it should be OK for everyone.  (I think.)
Yup, but I think horlock's point is that in the early stages there isn't going to be enough vaccine to achieve herd immunity, so if the few that have been vaccinated can still transmit the disease and behave as if they can't then we have a problem

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:37:14
I saw a report yesterday that a Russian vaccine, Sputnik V, is ready to go to. It is 92% effective.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:45:41
I saw a report yesterday that a Russian vaccine, Sputnik V, is ready to go to. It is 92% effective.
Saw that too, slightly concerned (on the basis of fuck all it must be said) that it may not actually be ready/fully tested but that Putin's ordered the announcement brought forward as a response to the Pfizer announcement out of petty nationalism. Yes he is more than capable of that.

Talking of Putin's assets, Independent reporting that Trump's election night party is looking like another super-spreader event, with 5 attendees already testing positive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 11:20:09
Yup, but I think horlock's point is that in the early stages there isn't going to be enough vaccine to achieve herd immunity, so if the few that have been vaccinated can still transmit the disease and behave as if they can't then we have a problem

Quite, as noted the vaccine needs to be stored at -70c, now whilst that is not as extreme as it sounds (apparently) as its roughly the temperature of dry ice and thus theoretically can be stored for c.24 hours if the vials are packed in dry ice, its still presents something of a logistical challenge to get it out there, add to that I have read that the manufacturing facility our vaccine is likely to come from is in Belgium getting the stuff into the Country come January is possibly going to be the greater challenge than vaccinating people.

Thus there is going to be a prolonged period when some of the population is vaxxed and some are not, if those who are vaxxed decide to just sack it off and go back to life (and I suspect the government will be very vague in their messaging as they are desperate to claim we are 'back to normal') there is the potential for those vaxxed to be carrying the virus and spreading it to those who are not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 11:44:51
So studies found its partially to blame for the spike, I know lets do it again!


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 12:07:18
I used to think he was OK.

An oasis of decency and competency within the Tory party.

Alas, he's turning out to be just like the rest of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 12:19:49
As an effort to get people spending I've got no problem with the idea. It'll all depend on when it comes in and how far down the road with vaccinations we are. If its brought in as soon as this lockdown ends it's an obviously stupid idea.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 12:25:00
I used to think he was OK.

An oasis of decency and competency within the Tory party.

Alas, he's turning out to be just like the rest of them.

Pretty sure he is going to be PM in the next 6-12 months though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:29:30
As an effort to get people spending I've got no problem with the idea. It'll all depend on when it comes in and how far down the road with vaccinations we are. If its brought in as soon as this lockdown ends it's an obviously stupid idea.

They won't do it over the Christmas period, doesn't make any sense to.  It will likely be mid January or February when hopefully there are a few vaccinated out there.  As I work in the Hospitality software industry, I can vouch that anything to help will be very much welcomed by an industry that has been dragged through the crap through all of this..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 15:02:50
Pretty sure he is going to be PM in the next 6-12 months though.
Given the lack of talent elsewhere on the Tory front benches, there really aren't that many candidates when they finally give Johnson the push.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 15:24:52
They won't do it over the Christmas period, doesn't make any sense to.  It will likely be mid January or February when hopefully there are a few vaccinated out there.  As I work in the Hospitality software industry, I can vouch that anything to help will be very much welcomed by an industry that has been dragged through the crap through all of this..

I will be very surprised if its done this side of the New Year too. It may be that events progress to the extent that Eat Out is not necessary anyway. If the vaccine is rolled out and appears to be safe I think that confidence will return quickly and people may start going out and spending money again without the scheme. Then again, anything that can help out the hospitality industry, without risking another spike, will be a good thing. As you say, the hospitality industry has been utterly trashed by the pandemic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 19:46:54
I used to think he was OK.

An oasis of decency and competency within the Tory party.

Alas, he's turning out to be just like the rest of them.


Part of me makes me wonder if he is actually just another Tory Tit or is he "playing stupid" to purposefully avoid becoming the next PM? It's likely the former but in that tiny shred of decency and  hope, I would like it to be the latter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 20:07:33
I can vouch that anything to help will be very much welcomed by an industry that has been dragged through the crap through all of this..

This, no other industry has suffered anywhere near the hospitality one. So many businesses are on the brink and yet again it will be the youngsters, who make up majority of workforce, who will suffer

Any scheme to help it out should be welcomed

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, November 13, 2020, 10:28:29
More good news possibly coming soon on a second vaccine

It's like November is trying to make up for how shit the rest of 2020 has been all by itself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, November 13, 2020, 10:33:12
It's like November is trying to make up for how shit the rest of 2020 has been all by itself

Fucking tempting fate aren't you. I now declare pauld responsible for whatever shit happens in the next 2 and a bit weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 13, 2020, 10:37:27
Fucking tempting fate aren't you. I now declare pauld responsible for whatever shit happens in the next 2 and a bit weeks.

Indeed making such statements on Friday 13th!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, November 13, 2020, 11:15:50
I'd like to apologise for the imminent zombie apocalypse I now realise I have inevitably caused.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 13, 2020, 15:41:40
I see one of RoI players has tested positive today after playing 90 mins against England last night!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 13, 2020, 15:48:21
I see one of RoI players has tested positive today after playing 90 mins against England last night!

And Salah. This international break is looking like a better and better idea by the day...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Friday, November 13, 2020, 15:58:39
I see one of RoI players has tested positive today after playing 90 mins against England last night!

Could be the one that plays for Bristol City as they have the virus in the club.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, November 13, 2020, 16:13:23
Could be the one that plays for Bristol City as they have the virus in the club.

Its Alan Browne from Preston

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 13, 2020, 16:13:33
Could be the one that plays for Bristol City as they have the virus in the club.

Alan Browne, who a quick google reveals plays for Preston.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 16, 2020, 12:44:40
And yet more hopefully positive news.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, November 16, 2020, 12:52:11
Just been upto GWH for tests. 4 of us. Sore throats all round.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Monday, November 16, 2020, 12:52:27
Question going round on Twitter asking how many people you know who've had the 'rona. I came up with 22, of which 3 have died. Anyone beat that sad statistic?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, November 16, 2020, 12:52:47
Boris self isolating. Not being funny, they tell us to work from home if you can etc, why the fuck are they doing meetings in an office and not via zoom, and taking selfies with one another etc? What a prick, fuckers make it up as they go along

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 16, 2020, 12:55:01
Question going round on Twitter asking how many people you know who've had the 'rona. I came up with 22, of which 3 have died. Anyone beat that sad statistic?

0 (touches wood).

That would likely be higher if I didn't live in a place where it's rare.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, November 16, 2020, 12:55:53
Question going round on Twitter asking how many people you know who've had the 'rona. I came up with 22, of which 3 have died. Anyone beat that sad statistic?

4 that i know of

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:02:01
Question going round on Twitter asking how many people you know who've had the 'rona. I came up with 22, of which 3 have died. Anyone beat that sad statistic?
10 who had it, so far just 1 elderly uncle of mine that succumbed to it, so far, oh make that 2, my mates mum died of it too in Birmingham.

Just had my letter from our esteemed government today putting me back onto sheidling, no leaving the house at all until further notice. Wonderful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:02:32
0 (touches wood).

That would likely be higher if I didn't live in a place where it's rare.

I should have been a bit more precise. That includes people at one remove - relatives of friends. I suppose the high number relates partly to living in a big city - loads of people we know in Paris have had it, nearly all this Autumn rather than in the Spring.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:07:44
I should have been a bit more precise. That includes people at one remove - relatives of friends. I suppose the high number relates partly to living in a big city - loads of people we know in Paris have had it, nearly all this Autumn rather than in the Spring.

Still 0

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:20:30
Just had my letter from our esteemed government today putting me back onto sheidling, no leaving the house at all until further notice. Wonderful.

Is this the 'not really shielding' shielding letter? i.e. this time you can venture out if you want, but...?

Pretty grim for you regardless :(
Only know of 1

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:23:38
2 people - 1 death

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:26:35

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:28:34
Is this the 'not really shielding' shielding letter? i.e. this time you can venture out if you want, but...?
No mate this one is worded that I cannot go out or have any visitors at all to the house until at least 2nd December. The letter says I am only allowed out to see a doctor or have a hospital appointment.

Dated Nov 4th arrived today! shows how important it is!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:31:11
No mate this one is worded that I cannot go out or have any visitors at all to the house until at least 2nd December. The letter says I am only allowed out to see a doctor or have a hospital appointment.

Dated Nov 4th arrived today! shows how important it is!

It's shit, mate. But best to be on the safe side.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:31:58
Yeah I won't be going out any time soon....again...I fully expect this to last past Christmas now for us. Ho Hum.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:51:46

I only asked because a friend of Mrs Batch was shielded in the first lockdown, and I thought she was allowed out this time - with stipulations

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 16, 2020, 13:57:53

I only asked because a friend of Mrs Batch was shielded in the first lockdown, and I thought she was allowed out this time - with stipulations
Not according to this letter mate. Half the "foreseen" lockdown period is over already in the time it took them to get the letter to me anyway!

If they have the same letter its headed with "Important advice for you about new guidance for clinically extremely vulnerable people".

It does state "Requiring people to stay at home, except for specific purposes."

The "purposes" they list are basically visits to Doctors and Hospitals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 16, 2020, 14:16:30
Just been upto GWH for tests. 4 of us. Sore throats all round.
Fingers crossed for you mate!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, November 16, 2020, 14:32:16
Boris self isolating. Not being funny, they tell us to work from home if you can etc, why the fuck are they doing meetings in an office and not via zoom, and taking selfies with one another etc? What a prick, fuckers make it up as they go along

It's all bollocks. It's only so he doesn't have to face more scrutiny or questioning of that cunt Cummings "leaving". Which was a fucking media circus and staged event anyway.

The fat, blubbering, bumbling, lard eating cunt has just hopped back in the fridge for a bit to scoff some left over suet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 09:45:34
Yet more suggestion that it was in Europe way earlier than thought, possibly also debunking Trump's China Disease nonsense.

Albeit with the caveat regarding lack of peer review

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 10:23:51
For those who are interested in finding out more about the ins and outs of vaccinations from people who actually know what they're talking about (as opposed to us lot on here or the usual suspects on Facebook), Radio 4 have just started a new series called How To Vaccinate the World that's looking at all the issues around mass vaccination

It's presented by the excellent Tim Harford from the stats series More or Less and it's well worth a listen (as is More or Less if you never have)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 10:28:52
Why don’t they just load all the 5G masts with the vaccine and that can spread it to all!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 10:38:03
For those who are interested in finding out more about the ins and outs of vaccinations from people who actually know what they're talking about (as opposed to us lot on here or the usual suspects on Facebook), Radio 4 have just started a new series called How To Vaccinate the World that's looking at all the issues around mass vaccination

It's presented by the excellent Tim Harford from the stats series More or Less and it's well worth a listen (as is More or Less if you never have)

I prefer the advice of hard man Laurence Fox....


Bilie Piper dodged a bullet there!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 10:50:07
What a fucking nob

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 11:05:21
This is the actor, yeah?  All actors are of course famously hard when they are not playing dress up and pretend after having their make up done.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 11:22:09
Fucking prick that bloke

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 11:29:56
Sounds like Big Vern  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 11:32:08

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 11:59:03
Sounds like Big Vern  :)
Talks like Big Vern, fights like a big Mary

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 12:05:40

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 12:14:44
Our tests came back negative. Hoorah!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 13:59:56
I see we have Rover's fans joining the forum pre Saturday. Unless this guy suffers a lot of wind  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 14:11:14
I see we have Rover's fans joining the forum pre Saturday. Unless this guy suffers a lot of wind  :)


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 14:17:36
Our tests came back negative. Hoorah!
That's good news!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 14:28:20
That's good news!

Sure is. Not sure I would have coped with the kids being off for so long!!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 15:26:08
great news sippo.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 16:43:01
This is the actor, yeah?  All actors are of course famously hard when they are not playing dress up and pretend after having their make up done.

Heyy  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 19, 2020, 14:40:30
Covid stopped play in the Brexit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 19, 2020, 16:25:38
Covid stopped play in the Brexit

Something else to blame the EU for...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Friday, November 20, 2020, 10:48:55
Something else to blame the EU for...

They probably got it from our officials.  Who probably got it from the bozo in chief.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, November 23, 2020, 08:40:12
Seems like the Oxford vaccine that the government were betting on gives 70% immunity. Which is good, better than the flu vaccine anyway. Interestingly those given a half dose up front and a full dose second had a higher immunity rate than those with full doses both times, but I guessing because this isn’t the headline number it’s not statistically significant

Either way, given the amount ordered and it’s apparently cheaper and easier to make and store than the alternates, should mean we can be well on our way to a full scale vaccination early next year. Even if they give the ‘great’ ones to the old and vulnerable, and give the Oxford ‘good enough’ one to everyone else

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, November 23, 2020, 08:43:47
Seems like the Oxford vaccine that the government were betting on gives 70% immunity. Which is good, better than the flu vaccine anyway. Interestingly those given a half dose up front and a full dose second had a higher immunity rate than those with full doses both times, but I guessing because this isn’t the headline number it’s not statistically significant

Either way, given the amount ordered and it’s apparently cheaper and easier to make and store than the alternates, should mean we can be well on our way to a full scale vaccination early next year. Even if they give the ‘great’ ones to the old and vulnerable, and give the Oxford ‘good enough’ one to everyone else

Not sure why they're running with the 70% number. The dosage pattern of half then full dose is 90% accurate so just do that one.

20% of the price, easy supply chain - all good news.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, November 23, 2020, 08:45:15
Although I’ve also just read that apparent side effects of the Oxford Vaccine include intense dizziness, nausea and sticking bananas up your bum. So be careful

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, November 23, 2020, 08:46:02
Presumably it's only 70% effective as it only attacks the virus from three sides?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, November 23, 2020, 08:46:07
Not sure why they're running with the 70% number. The dosage pattern of half then full dose is 90% accurate so just do that one.

20% of the price, easy supply chain - all good news.

I don’t think the team behind it quite understand why the figures vary so much, so probably why the caution. And/or small sample sizes not statistically significant

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, November 23, 2020, 08:51:06
Presumably it's only 70% effective as it only attacks the virus from three sides?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 23, 2020, 09:33:14
I don’t think the team behind it quite understand why the figures vary so much, so probably why the caution. And/or small sample sizes not statistically significant
I heard the guy from the team on the radio this morning and he said pretty much precisely this (while the interviewer was trying to get him to do the "But how did you feel?" shtick that the BBC seem to do instead of actual reporting these days, FFS). I was actually quite encouraged that they were being cautious about efficacy numbers, rather than going for the bombastic "better than them" press releases that (e.g.) the Russian Sputnik vaccine seemed to go for. Suggests there's more confidence in the numbers they are prepared to claim actually being replicable in the real world. 70% is way better than most vaccines in common usage apparently (according to the vaccine experts on How to Vaccinate the World who reckoned most come in around 50-60%) and if it's easier to use/distribute this could get us much further toward a solution more quickly than something that's theoretically better but a twat to store and distribute.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 23, 2020, 09:34:58
Fully agree with the analysis above, but there is something so 2020 Britain with us buying the 70% effective vaccine when others are 20% more effective.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, November 23, 2020, 09:37:01
if it's easier to use/distribute this could get us much further toward a solution more quickly than something that's theoretically better but a twat to store and distribute.

This is probably the most important part - as you say, even at 70% but a fifth of the price and much easier to distribute it becomes the clear option. They are already producing the vaccine in 10 sites globally, and it's a non-profit venture apparently, so will be huge for second and third-tier countries.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 23, 2020, 09:37:38
I don’t think the team behind it quite understand why the figures vary so much, so probably why the caution. And/or small sample sizes not statistically significant

Yeah, with 20,000 on the trial they didn't say what the sub group sizes were. I'm guessing not that big.
They also said 2 strong strength doses dropped the numbers to 62%...

It almost feels dissapointing the effectiveness is "only" 70%. I think though the point was made that when they started 70% would be seen as a massively good result.

Presumably it's only 70% effective as it only attacks the virus from three sides?

very good!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 23, 2020, 09:38:35
Fully agree with the analysis above, but there is something so 2020 Britain with us buying the 70% effective vaccine when others are 20% more effective.
On a dose by dose basis, it may be 20% more effective, but if you can't get hold of it and it's a PITA to store/distribute then it's probably less "real world" effective

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 23, 2020, 09:55:30


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 23, 2020, 09:58:51
On a dose by dose basis, it may be 20% more effective, but if you can't get hold of it and it's a PITA to store/distribute then it's probably less "real world" effective

I wasn't being entirely serious, hence starting with confirming that I agreed with what was being written above.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 23, 2020, 11:30:40
Another thing ...

Nobody getting the vaccine developed severe-Covid or needed hospital treatment.

If that's because the vaccine reduces severity in those that still get it - then that really is fantastic news.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 23, 2020, 11:35:21
Finally a light at the end of a shit-storm of a tunnel.

Still a long way to go, mind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 23, 2020, 11:37:42
Another thing ...

If that's because the vaccine reduces severity in those that still get it - then that really is fantastic news.

That did seem to be what Professor CleverBloke* was saying on the radio this morning. They still don't know if it stops you spreading it though.

* may not be his real name

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 23, 2020, 11:41:15
OK, yes, maybe you could still spread it.

I think that's true of all the vaccine as things stand isn't it (i.e. they don't know)?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 23, 2020, 11:44:20
I'm surprised the government won't make it compulsory as nobody knows how long the vaccine will last and if there are a few million that don't have it then it will never go away

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 23, 2020, 11:47:02
OK, yes, maybe you could still spread it.

I think that's true of all the vaccine as things stand isn't it (i.e. they don't know)?

All the 3 announced COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, Oxford AstraZeneca), yes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 23, 2020, 11:50:17
I'm surprised the government won't make it compulsory as nobody knows how long the vaccine will last and if there are a few million that don't have it then it will never go away
That isn't true. No vaccine has 100% coverage or even close. Estimates for "herd immunity" (the point at which a vaccine has sufficient coverage in the population that it also provides protection to those who aren't vaccinated) range from around 80-90+%, depending on the disease. Obviously we don't know what the threshold will be for COVID

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 23, 2020, 11:51:10
That isn't true. No vaccine has 100% coverage or even close. Estimates for "herd immunity" (the point at which a vaccine has sufficient coverage in the population that it also provides protection to those who aren't vaccinated) range from around 80-90+%, depending on the disease. Obviously we don't know what the threshold will be for COVID

Good information
Cheers 😃

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 23, 2020, 12:03:53
Finally a light at the end of a shit-storm of a tunnel.

Still a long way to go, mind.

lets hope its not just a train coming the other way...

That did seem to be what Professor CleverBloke* was saying on the radio this morning. They still don't know if it stops you spreading it though.

* may not be his real name

I don't think any of the vaccines will stop you spreading it, that's the fear when the programme starts, that people who are vaxxed will think they can immediately go back to normal, which could lead to a massive spike as those who can't get it but can spread it start circulating spreading it to the non vaxxed.

I am sure someone more intelligent than me will know the answer, but I assume they will be looking for x% of the population to be vaxxed before they relax things.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 23, 2020, 12:06:40
Let's hope the vaccine last similar to small pox 3-5 years

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, November 23, 2020, 16:05:34

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 23, 2020, 16:13:23
On the "So What Happens ..." thread

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 23, 2020, 16:52:24
Our free and fearless press.... 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Monday, November 23, 2020, 19:40:42
I’m not going back through the thread, so apologies if I’m repeating things.

The PM has announced that up to 4,000 can attend outdoor sports events.

Does that mean we can see the return of supporters, all be it in a limited amount?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, November 23, 2020, 19:45:06
I’m not going back through the thread, so apologies if I’m repeating things.

The PM has announced that up to 4,000 can attend outdoor sports events.

Does that mean we can see the return of supporters, all be it in a limited amount?

In a nutshell yes, but you can read about it on the "So What Happens..." thread :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 23, 2020, 19:50:33
tiers are to be announced on Thursday, so we'll see how many then. though as others have said I reckon we'll be tier 2 (2k)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, November 23, 2020, 19:54:59
Never has Tiers(sic) for Fears been so more appropriate...with this news and potential incoming Town news too.

Fucking tune.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Monday, November 23, 2020, 20:30:55
Hows about a bit of half time ska.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 11:04:24
Never known as many people with this as I do at the moment. It's everywhere and the school's seem a particular breeding ground for it. Lunacy keeping them open like they have. No way will there be any family gatherings with my siblings/cousin's this year either. People will literally be gifting death to some of their relatives just because they insist on having Christmas together. They're as bad as the fucking diobolical government in my opinion.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 11:25:02
Never known as many people with this as I do at the moment. It's everywhere and the school's seem a particular breeding ground for it.
Yup, my lad's school have got a couple of entire year groups off at the moment and about half the kids missing in the others. Not to mention about 25 staff. There seems to be another email announcing "A case in year x" every few days. Seems like only a matter of time before he's told to isolate as well. Given the level of disruption, they'd be better off just shutting it and taking lessons back online like they did in lockdown, it's so disrupted at the moment they can't do proper lessons half the time anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 11:57:16
Yup, my lad's school have got a couple of entire year groups off at the moment and about half the kids missing in the others. Not to mention about 25 staff. There seems to be another email announcing "A case in year x" every few days. Seems like only a matter of time before he's told to isolate as well. Given the level of disruption, they'd be better off just shutting it and taking lessons back online like they did in lockdown, it's so disrupted at the moment they can't do proper lessons half the time anyway.

Cases seem to be dropping back again, I assume as lockdown 2 begins to bite, I note Swindon is considered 'below average' on the govt website thingy.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 12:08:25
England 7 day average is 200/100000
Swindon 7 day is 148/100000

but it'll be interesting to see where the tier 1 threshold lies. earlier this year they were telling people to quarantine if returning from a country with a rate of more than 20/100000 (yes 20)

I get the infection rate isn't the absolute factor in deciding tiers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 12:12:33
Cases seem to be dropping back again, I assume as lockdown 2 begins to bite, I note Swindon is considered 'below average' on the govt website thingy.
tbh I wasn't even thinking about the number of cases just the sheer level of disruption caused to classes etc. It's chaotic, that's not the school's fault, they're only following the guidance but seems like half the school is being sent home to self-isolate at any given time, they can't run lessons like that. They'd be better off just shutting the school and doing it all online, at least then everyone would know where they stand.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 12:13:23
earlier this year they were telling people to quarantine if returning from a country with a rate of more than 20/100000 (yes 20)

Whilst the rate in most of the UK at the time was greatly above 20/100k!

Setting aside matters, I still cannot get my head round the fact that we have a government who basically got into power on an argument that they were going to shut/strictly control our borders, who when the chance arose to do just that (with a pretty good excuse to do so which would shut all the libtards up) chose (and continue to choose) not to!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 12:50:42
Never known as many people with this as I do at the moment. It's everywhere and the school's seem a particular breeding ground for it. Lunacy keeping them open like they have. No way will there be any family gatherings with my siblings/cousin's this year either. People will literally be gifting death to some of their relatives just because they insist on having Christmas together. They're as bad as the fucking diobolical government in my opinion.
Rates seem to be going down in all fairness with schools being the one constant thing that has been left open. I would say that there were a few things higher up the list than schools that are causing issues. If people actually genuinely stuck to guidelines then we would be better off. Pubs and supermarkets are the bigger problem imo but who knows i suppose. Agree what you say about how it's being run

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 12:56:10
tbh I wasn't even thinking about the number of cases just the sheer level of disruption caused to classes etc. It's chaotic, that's not the school's fault, they're only following the guidance but seems like half the school is being sent home to self-isolate at any given time, they can't run lessons like that. They'd be better off just shutting the school and doing it all online, at least then everyone would know where they stand.
I am working a second job at the moment booking in Covid tests and believe me it is the schools fault a lot of the time. I am in total shock at the amount of people requesting tests with no symptoms, it is a real eye-opener. Doctors are fobbing people off telling them they need to get a test with no symptoms, teachers asking for tests every day to make sure and parents being told they have to get a test done because someone in the school tested positive

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 13:04:33
I am working a second job at the moment booking in Covid tests and believe me it is the schools fault a lot of the time. I am in total shock at the amount of people requesting tests with no symptoms, it is a real eye-opener. Doctors are fobbing people off telling them they need to get a test with no symptoms, teachers asking for tests every day to make sure and parents being told they have to get a test done because someone in the school tested positive

From my experience schools are only following the DfE advice as they are terrified they will be blamed if they don't.

Pubs and supermarkets are the bigger problem imo but who knows i suppose. Agree what you say about how it's being run

Popped to a supermarket yesterday on way home from dentist*. Seemed little different to previous albeit the sad thing was it made me realise that seeing everyone wearing masks has just become the norm , amazing how quickly the incongruous becomes normalised.

* Ah the dentists, as we had had a number of check up appointments cancelled, when they said they could honour this appointment we went for it as it was looking like April before they could fit us in.

I genuinely feel for them as its a bit of a nightmare to manage the waiting rooms etc, but what has peeved me a bit is that off the back of it I need a scale and polish (as I always do). They cannot do that as part of the check up appointment like they always have at the moment as it includes spayed aerosol in your mouth which is a risk, entirely understood. So I will need a separate appointment, which I may have to pay for at private rates for it to be done.

Not their fault but got on my tits a bit, mood not helped by them discovering that one of our 7 year olds baby teeth is regressing back into her gum, which means a referral to an orthodontist and possible extraction, cue very scared 7 year old, do they still give kids gas rather than a jab to knock them out?!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 13:22:46
From my experience schools are only following the DfE advice as they are terrified they will be blamed if they don't.

Popped to a supermarket yesterday on way home from dentist*. Seemed little different to previous albeit the sad thing was it made me realise that seeing everyone wearing masks has just become the norm , amazing how quickly the incongruous becomes normalised.

* Ah the dentists, as we had had a number of check up appointments cancelled, when they said they could honour this appointment we went for it as it was looking like April before they could fit us in.

I genuinely feel for them as its a bit of a nightmare to manage the waiting rooms etc, but what has peeved me a bit is that off the back of it I need a scale and polish (as I always do). They cannot do that as part of the check up appointment like they always have at the moment as it includes spayed aerosol in your mouth which is a risk, entirely understood. So I will need a separate appointment, which I may have to pay for at private rates for it to be done.

Not their fault but got on my tits a bit, mood not helped by them discovering that one of our 7 year olds baby teeth is regressing back into her gum, which means a referral to an orthodontist and possible extraction, cue very scared 7 year old, do they still give kids gas rather than a jab to knock them out?!!
That is the issue though , they are not allowed tests without symptoms it's as simple as that. These schools are telling parents that they are not allowed back to school without a test . That is shit regarding the dentist appotment mate it's horrific for so many at the moment

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 14:00:10
I am working a second job at the moment booking in Covid tests and believe me it is the schools fault a lot of the time. I am in total shock at the amount of people requesting tests with no symptoms, it is a real eye-opener. Doctors are fobbing people off telling them they need to get a test with no symptoms, teachers asking for tests every day to make sure and parents being told they have to get a test done because someone in the school tested positive
Well that's not what's happening at my lad's school, at least as regards advice to parents. They are just telling kids to isolate, only get tests if symptomatic and seem to be following the advice to the letter as far as I can see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 14:15:17
Well that's not what's happening at my lad's school, at least as regards advice to parents. They are just telling kids to isolate, only get tests if symptomatic and seem to be following the advice to the letter as far as I can see.
I glad that is the case, it's going to get worse when people think they can use the same service when they get back from holidays and try to use it for the 5 days release rule

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 14:38:09
One benefit that may come from the normality of wearing masks/face coverings in the UK and elsewhere, is that this should dramatically reduce the stigma (thanks in part to several comments from high influencing and enabling "politicians" in the past) surrounding people who choose to wear a Niqab (most will recognise the more general term of Hijab).

If I were a practising Muslim, I'd be having a little chuckle under mine quite smugly now  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 06:24:07
Oh dear, oh dear

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 06:46:04
paywalled, but I assume it's this and relates to the 90% claim only being true for u55

hopefully the 70% is still valid

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 07:00:09
paywalled, but I assume it's this and relates to the 90% claim only being true for u55

hopefully the 70% is still valid

Pretty sure this is the same story, no paywall (unless I've inadvertently subscribed to the Telegraph)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 07:03:26

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 08:30:02
The FT story, de-paywalled:

The Telegraph one:

If the 90% figure is in doubt, then the 70% overall also doesn't hold as that was arrived at as an average of the 90% subgroup and the 62% main group. Should be noted by the way that apparently 62% is still higher than lots of vaccines that are in common use and deemed effective, e.g. the flu vaccine which has efficacy % in the 50s IIRC (can't remember the exact number, it was on the Tim Harford vaccine programme and remember it being in the 50s)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 11:24:27
Tier 2 for Swindon it is then. The hospitality industry is fucked for at least another three weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 11:45:27
Full list of tier 1 areas

South East
Isle of Wight

South West
Isles of Scilly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 12:30:10

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 12:53:25
Isn't tier 2 basically lockdown anyway, can't mix with anyone outside your household inside unless you are working or a cash register is there/

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 13:04:36
it's not far off

you will be able to mix with up to 6 outside.

restaurants and pubs that serve food can open.

people can go to football maybe.

outdoor sports are back on

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 13:09:38
The hospitality industry is fucked for at least another three weeks.

Another hammer blow to the most affected sector of the economy over what should be its most profitable period of the year.

I suppose it’s young people making up the vast majority of those employees so fuck ‘em

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 13:23:45
Feel for the “wet” pubs, publicans and their staff.
A lot of those places spent good money on following guidelines and making their premises as safe as possible.

I’m guessing that the hard scientific evidence behind a pint with a meal being safer than a pint on its own is a bit thin on the ground.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 13:28:37
Feel for the “wet” pubs, publicans and their staff.
A lot of those places spent good money on following guidelines and making their premises as safe as possible.

I’m guessing that the hard scientific evidence behind a pint with a meal being safer than a pint on its own is a bit thin on the ground.

It will be the same ‘stop people getting too drunk’ logic that brought the 10pm curfew in. Less likely to get bladdered in a Toby carvery than down the local

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 14:07:42
It will be the same ‘stop people getting too drunk’ logic that brought the 10pm curfew in. Less likely to get bladdered in a Toby carvery than down the local

Doesn't the Cheltenham fan manage a Toby carvery, might have to get bladdered to put up with that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 14:10:20

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 14:36:45
Feel for the “wet” pubs, publicans and their staff.
A lot of those places spent good money on following guidelines and making their premises as safe as possible.

I’m guessing that the hard scientific evidence behind a pint with a meal being safer than a pint on its own is a bit thin on the ground.

The problem is not wet pubs, but establishments who do nothing to control interaction.  The food concept is the easiest way of limiting interaction - you have to have a set table to eat, so you are not up and mingling with other people.  Where I live they've not really done a lot to limit occupancy, so I have avoided going out.  In Northern States they have ripped out tables, added temp checks on the way in, removed menu's etc.

The pictures, which are no doubt selective, of the UK, reminded me of my youth in the Town Centre, and that was the problem.  Stand-up style pubs, or pubs that may have tables but they are more props for holding empty pint glasses.  It should be pretty easy - name on the door, designated table, don't fucking move, enjoy a pint and/or a meal.  Cut your occupancy to 50% of less so that any given person seated is at least 6 feet, more likely 10ft, from someone on another table.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 14:40:13
Another hammer blow to the most affected sector of the economy over what should be its most profitable period of the year.

I suppose it’s young people making up the vast majority of those employees so fuck ‘em
There should be better support for these businesses and their employees, it seems like it's a halfway house where the govt are cutting them off at the knees, but not prepared to offer full support again as they did from March. So we end up with the worst of both worlds

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 19:55:20
Professor Ellen Stokes-Lampard mentions on Ch4 News that ICU bed capacity is at 95% average in England. Usual threshold capacity is around 80% average.

All this as the government starts to ease lockdown and the precipice of Mid-Winter approaches...all seems rather strange moves to me but hey...I know nothing  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 21:07:52
What does 80% threshold mean?

Not to be dramatic but my instinct would have been that ICU beds are probably about 95% of capacity in a normal winter anyway (due to a number of reasons, most of which reflect poorly on the government in charge)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 22:18:43
Pretty certain that Prof ES-L was saying that 80% gives more comfortable wiggle room, whereas at 95% Doctors are having to make more difficult decisions when a lot closer to the limit. Like sending patients elsewhere, not being able to give them the correct bed or queued corridors.

I was just relaying what she had said. I think we're (the NHS) is in for a very long Winter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, November 26, 2020, 22:33:50
Of course. I don’t doubt that 80% is what they want to achieve for the reasons you’ve given. But I don’t know how often that it’s as low as that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, November 27, 2020, 10:22:51
What does 80% threshold mean?

Not to be dramatic but my instinct would have been that ICU beds are probably about 95% of capacity in a normal winter anyway (due to a number of reasons, most of which reflect poorly on the government in charge)
NHS *total* bed occupancy is often in the range 90-95% in January, but ICU bed occupancy would typically be a bit lower. So Jan 2020 it was 83%, compared to 85% in Jan 2019

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 27, 2020, 11:00:31
All this as the government starts to ease lockdown and the precipice of Mid-Winter approaches...all seems rather strange moves to me but hey...I know nothing  :hmmm:

They are not easing lockdown when compared with where we were prior to this lockdown, which is the basis for the present ICU position. We (and many parts of the country now in Tier 2) are more locked down than we were before, basically the 'new' system is tightening the lock down from where it was.

(if that makes sense)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, November 27, 2020, 15:07:29
They are not easing lockdown when compared with where we were prior to this lockdown, which is the basis for the present ICU position. We (and many parts of the country now in Tier 2) are more locked down than we were before, basically the 'new' system is tightening the lock down from where it was.

(if that makes sense)

Apologies, I was playing a little towards Devil's Advocate. You make perfect sense, it is more so that this government don't so much. Surely what was the point in naming the current "lockdown" as such? When but for two counties and an AONB, as you state will be in tighter restrictions than said current lockdown.

I get the reasons as you lay out but surely shouldn't we (England/UK/whatever) be in even tighter restrictions until Dec 2nd? Add to that this lockdown 2.0 has been not really a lockdown (even lockdown 1.0 wasn't as restricting as other places). I do see England going through an incredibly tough Jan and Feb - all at the expense of the Christmas period. As we all know, that SARS-CoV-2 enjoys taking a break during the Festive period too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 30, 2020, 09:21:53

Dr Dan Roper, chair of the Hull CCG Board, told members the status would mean the body would provide benchmarks for how it offers medical care to migrants and refugees.

... which tells me that they're basically to be given guidelines/training on what to do in the case of migrants using the hospital.

Right-wing twitter: "*spit* OH MY GOD, THEY'RE BEING GIVEN THEIR OWN HOSPITAL *froth*" - which was not said at any point in the article.

I would try and point it out to them, but I know how these people tend to be averse to facts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 30, 2020, 10:14:44
From that hotbed of lefty libtard anti-tory journalism, the Financial Times.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, November 30, 2020, 10:39:23
World Beating

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 30, 2020, 11:07:29
For those who'd like to read in full the FT's analysis of how Johnson et al have managed to deliver simultaneously some of the worst health outcomes and some of the worst economic results in the developed world

As Jayo says, world beating. At being shit. Just wait till we pile the Brexit catastrophe on top of that. Worldbeating self-harm.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, November 30, 2020, 13:35:40
I like a scotch egg  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 30, 2020, 13:49:13
I like a scotch egg  :pint:

From reading that, they could have made things so much easier to begin with just by saying people are expected to be sat at a table.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, November 30, 2020, 14:46:33
You wonder if this 'dramatic drop' in cases is due to lower numbers being tested to make things look better

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Monday, November 30, 2020, 14:54:52
Lots of excitement in Bristol because the army are prepping a vaccination centre ahead of any approval.

Nice to see progress knowing that there's a way to go still.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, November 30, 2020, 14:55:17
A clearer indicator would be a percentage of those tested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, November 30, 2020, 15:06:54
From reading that, they could have made things so much easier to begin with just by saying people are expected to be sat at a table.

and that's the point I've been making.  This shouldn't really have been about opening times, or food orders etc.  It should always have been about risk management - you reduce capacity and insist on the use of a table, with no swapping or moving amongst tables.  That solves the problem which was always the mingling aspect of stand-up pubs.  They may well have screamed, but the other pubs would have plenty of spare tables to loan them for a few months if the reduced capacity to ensure sufficient spacing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 30, 2020, 15:09:24
Wales have slapped on a pub ban on serving alcohol and a 6pm closing cerfew.

Its going to be  shit until spring, as they said.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Monday, November 30, 2020, 15:13:01
You wonder if this 'dramatic drop' in cases is due to lower numbers being tested to make things look better
Important not to take any one source as a true indicator. Also look at the KCL Zoe study, ONs study and the React study. Tests only seem to be getting to 50% of those contracting the virus even with the recent uptake.
So if it was 30000 tests back positive a couple of weeks ago, the other sources would infer that was actually 60000. 12500 cases yesterday, so probably 25000 in reality. Zoe had it at 24000 yday for e.g.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, November 30, 2020, 15:21:23
and that's the point I've been making.  This shouldn't really have been about opening times, or food orders etc.  It should always have been about risk management - you reduce capacity and insist on the use of a table, with no swapping or moving amongst tables.  That solves the problem which was always the mingling aspect of stand-up pubs.  They may well have screamed, but the other pubs would have plenty of spare tables to loan them for a few months if the reduced capacity to ensure sufficient spacing.

I agree, and what makes it all the more galling is that the vast majority of pubs spent a significant sum of money preparing exactly what you suggest, and have already shown that they are capable of managing such a system. It seems likely to me that the hospitality industry will be under these restrictions until February, so all that money, time and effort they put into being as safe as possible has gone to waste. There's a danger that the industry will be decimated by the time this is done, to such an extent that it will take years and years to recover

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 07:09:46
Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine approved for use by UK. The first county in the world to do so (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 07:19:57
Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine approved for use by UK. The first county in the world to do so (

Wowzers. Now thats good news

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 07:55:35
rollout starts next week, fairly limited (we are getting 800k doses, so 400k people) but it's a start.

reservations on the speed of this I can understand

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 09:23:15
rollout starts next week, fairly limited (we are getting 800k doses, so 400k people) but it's a start.

reservations on the speed of this I can understand

Got enough on order to do c.1/3 of the population I see, not clear what the lead time on that will be though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 09:31:43
As usual, there's so many experts on FB and Twitter claiming it must have been rushed through. Because, of course, they know more than the people who have dedicated their lives to this stuff (and are probably rather a lot smarter). Thalidomide is now trending on Twitter as a result as a result.

The reality, and this comes not from me (not an expert), but from those people that do know:

The reason vaccines usually take longer to be approved is usually down to 2 things: Money, and the will to get it done. This time, money has been thrown at it meaning the research has been able to continue uninterrupted and with all the brains and other resources they need readily available. They have not been made to wait for more funding. There have also been many people willing to take part in the trials - without which it would take longer to perform the number of tests needed to get reliable results.

The research and testing into this have been just as rigorous as before. There have been no corners cut.

It is simply a matter of the research and testing being able to run without the stalling and interruptions that vaccines would usually experience. Like me making a meal in 30 minutes instead of 2 hours because I didn't have to pop out to get some ingredients. It's not that the meal was rushed - it's how long it was supposed to take.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 09:34:59
It is similar to quotes I have seen from people who states they will wait for the AstraZenca/Oxford vaccine because anything 'British' is far superior to any 'American rubbish vaccine'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 09:36:44
It is similar to quotes I have seen from people who states they will wait for the AstraZenca/Oxford vaccine because anything 'British' is far superior to any 'American rubbish vaccine'

Which shows how ignorant they are. The 'American rubbish' would have to pass British standards before being approved by British regulators.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 09:43:04
& it was not developed in the USA

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 09:57:15
Quote from: Matchworn Shirts
It is similar to quotes I have seen from people who states they will wait for the AstraZenca/Oxford vaccine because anything 'British' is far superior to any 'American rubbish vaccine'

I would say though that the AstraZeneca vaccine uses a more traditional vaccine approach that Pfizer.

I do get people's concerns. But I guess you need to weigh it up against the risk of Covid

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 10:20:34
It is similar to quotes I have seen from people who states they will wait for the AstraZenca/Oxford vaccine because anything 'British' is far superior to any 'American rubbish vaccine'

TBF No.10 have been putting pressure on the manufacturers to include a Union Jack on the Oxford vaccine packaging (seriously)..

I would say though that the AstraZeneca vaccine uses a more traditional vaccine approach that Pfizer.

Thing is (and this is direct from a pharmacists mouth, not a fuckwit like me) the non-traditional bit is the mRNA elements, whilst it has not been used in a widespread vaccine yet, it has been under development for decades, its not been rushed at all, its just coincidence that now is the first time its to be used in anger so to speak.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 10:23:42
Just let the clowns opt out, restrict their public involvement in any crowd situation and let them live their sorry little lives under a stone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 10:31:00

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 10:37:41
To be fair, the ‘boots on the ground’ part of the testing regime that we have in place now is genuinely one of the best in the world in terms of size, availability and speed of access

They overpromised, sure. And there are faults still in other parts of the system. But we’re testing more per capita than any other country in the world

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 10:41:44
The vaccine rollout will have military support too. They know a thing or two about logistics

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 10:45:51
As usual, there's so many experts on FB and Twitter claiming it must have been rushed through. Because, of course, they know more than the people who have dedicated their lives to this stuff (and are probably rather a lot smarter). Thalidomide is now trending on Twitter as a result as a result.

The reality, and this comes not from me (not an expert), but from those people that do know:

The reason vaccines usually take longer to be approved is usually down to 2 things: Money, and the will to get it done. This time, money has been thrown at it meaning the research has been able to continue uninterrupted and with all the brains and other resources they need readily available. They have not been made to wait for more funding. There have also been many people willing to take part in the trials - without which it would take longer to perform the number of tests needed to get reliable results.

The research and testing into this have been just as rigorous as before. There have been no corners cut.

It is simply a matter of the research and testing being able to run without the stalling and interruptions that vaccines would usually experience. Like me making a meal in 30 minutes instead of 2 hours because I didn't have to pop out to get some ingredients. It's not that the meal was rushed - it's how long it was supposed to take.
This was covered really well in the new Tim Harford series How to Vaccinate the World (think I've mentioned it before). It's an interesting listen and very good at answering a lot of the questions around the vaccines and vaccine development and application in general.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 11:22:01
To be fair, the ‘boots on the ground’ part of the testing regime that we have in place now is genuinely one of the best in the world in terms of size, availability and speed of access

They overpromised, sure. And there are faults still in other parts of the system. But we’re testing more per capita than any other country in the world
Love to know how we are testing so many. I am working as booking in tests and waiting 20 minutes between calls

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 12:32:09
Nice to see Hancock using the good news about vaccine rollout to spread disinformation that this was done quicker because of Brexit*. The govt are rightly concerned about disinformation and outright lies discouraging take-up of the vaccine. So it might help if they could stop joining in.

*June Raine, head of the MHRA, which regulates the approval of the vaccine, said "We have been able to authorise the supply of this vaccine using provisions under European law, which exist until (Jan. 1). Our progress has been totally dependent on the availability of data in our rolling review and the rigorous assessment and independent advice we have received"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 12:44:26
Love to know how we are testing so many. I am working as booking in tests and waiting 20 minutes between calls

I don’t doubt it. Was basing the shout on this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 12:46:30
Oh wasn't a pop mate

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 13:41:46
Love to know how we are testing so many. I am working as booking in tests and waiting 20 minutes between calls
The total includes postal tests, so you wouldn't see that at test centres. They were called out for this as being a bit of a fiddle because they were also including tests sent but not returned not sure if that's still happening (it was in Sept) but that might account for the discrepancy in what you're seeing on the ground and the stated stats. Or maybe other areas are mad busy and not seeing that here?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 14:01:18
I would say though that the AstraZeneca vaccine uses a more traditional vaccine approach that Pfizer.

I do get people's concerns. But I guess you need to weigh it up against the risk of Covid

chimp adenovirus only been used so far in a rabies vaccine - so marginally more traditional

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 14:18:09
It is similar to quotes I have seen from people who states they will wait for the AstraZenca/Oxford vaccine because anything 'British' is far superior to any 'American rubbish vaccine'


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 14:46:59
The total includes postal tests, so you wouldn't see that at test centres. They were called out for this as being a bit of a fiddle because they were also including tests sent but not returned not sure if that's still happening (it was in Sept) but that might account for the discrepancy in what you're seeing on the ground and the stated stats. Or maybe other areas are mad busy and not seeing that here?
I am booking the postals as well. I am phone based on a national line )119)but can't speak for the guys at test sites.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 15:52:34
Quote from: ron dodgers
I would say though that the AstraZeneca vaccine uses a more traditional vaccine approach that Pfizer.

I do get people's concerns. But I guess you need to weigh it up against the risk of Covid
chimp adenovirus only been used so far in a rabies vaccine - so marginally more traditional

I stand corrected!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 23:05:19
I am booking the postals as well. I am phone based on a national line )119)but can't speak for the guys at test sites.

Don't most people book online?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 11:51:08
Don't most people book online?
A lot do yeah. An awful lot don't and have to book through the 119 service, a lot of elderly people dyselexic and lazy people ring for all the tests

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 12:05:30
A lot do yeah. An awful lot don't and have to book through the 119 service, a lot of elderly people dyselexic and lazy people ring for all the tests

Lazy People?. Glad to hear that people who ring up all get trested with some empathy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 12:22:02
According to everyones favourite Tory JRM on twitter has stated that the reason the UK could approve the vaccine so quickly was because we have left the EU.

Is this true?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 12:29:58
According to everyones favourite Tory JRM on twitter has stated that the reason the UK could approve the vaccine so quickly was because we have left the EU.

Is this true?
No. Even No 10 (belatedly) admitted it was untrue. Just Hancock and Rees-Mogg lying as usual

Nice to see Hancock using the good news about vaccine rollout to spread disinformation that this was done quicker because of Brexit*. The govt are rightly concerned about disinformation and outright lies discouraging take-up of the vaccine. So it might help if they could stop joining in.

*June Raine, head of the MHRA, which regulates the approval of the vaccine, said "We have been able to authorise the supply of this vaccine using provisions under European law, which exist until (Jan. 1). Our progress has been totally dependent on the availability of data in our rolling review and the rigorous assessment and independent advice we have received"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 12:32:26
According to everyones favourite Tory JRM on twitter has stated that the reason the UK could approve the vaccine so quickly was because we have left the EU.

Is this true?

It is not true.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 12:38:48
According to everyones favourite Tory JRM on twitter has stated that the reason the UK could approve the vaccine so quickly was because we have left the EU.

Is this true?

It is far from fucking true!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 12:51:32
It was clear that they were going to try & peddle that BS myth, trouble is many gullible fools will believe it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 13:00:31
Lazy People?. Glad to hear that people who ring up all get trested with some empathy

Believe me yes some are very lazy. How they get treated is the same as everyone else though. If you could hear the reasons for some of these tests you would know what i mean

Oh and the amount of fucking people who want a test for travel purposes as well

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 15:28:02
Our esteemed Education Minister, Gavin Williamson:

'I just reckon we've got the very best people in this country and we've obviously got the best medical regulator, much better than the French have, much better than the Belgians have, much better than the Americans have. That doesn't surprise me at all, because we're a much better country than every single one of them'.

How old is he? Turns out he's 44. Sounds more like he's 4.4

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 15:29:50
Our esteemed Education Minister, Gavin Williamson:

'I just reckon we've got the very best people in this country and we've obviously got the best medical regulator, much better than the French have, much better than the Belgians have, much better than the Americans have. That doesn't surprise me at all, because we're a much better country than every single one of them'.

How old is he? Turns out he's 44. Sounds more like he's 4.4
As Have I Got News For You observed, the very quote itself, and it's author, disproves it's own claim. This kind of bullshit English exceptionalism spouted by morons like Williamson is precisely why the UK has had among the worst health and economic outcomes of the COVID pandemic of any developed nation

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 17:38:25
Our esteemed Education Minister, Gavin Williamson:

'I just reckon we've got the very best people in this country and we've obviously got the best medical regulator, much better than the French have, much better than the Belgians have, much better than the Americans have. That doesn't surprise me at all, because we're a much better country than every single one of them'.

How old is he? Turns out he's 44. Sounds more like he's 4.4

He's gone peak Alan Partridge today!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 17:40:24
Believe me yes some are very lazy. How they get treated is the same as everyone else though. If you could hear the reasons for some of these tests you would know what i mean

Oh and the amount of fucking people who want a test for travel purposes as well

Those wanting test for travel have turned up at my test centre and been sent away.  FWIW, we are operating at pretty much full capacity on a daily basis.  Its only a small site, but after a few teething problems its running well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 17:50:37
He's gone peak Alan Partridge today!
It's almost as if our govt is going out of it's way to completely humiliate our nation on the world stage. Putin must be delighted #MoneyWellSpent

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 18:58:12

Nice one, mate.

The anti-vaxxers are going to be all over that.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 19:05:11

Nice one, mate.

The anti-vaxxers are going to be all over that.


The only trouble is FH (and I'm no anti-vaxxer trust) but with all the shite and blatant lies our government has put out to date, could it not be beyond the realms of possibility that our government, which appears to all about posturing rather than substance, be indeed jumping the gun to look all billy big bollocks?

Not suggesting they've cut corners but more a sense of them using this as their saving grace and to get "the people" back on side. What if all of it, isn't as it seems?

I wouldn't put it past this government if I'm totally honest. They've given too many reasons time and again to not trust them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 19:14:01
I don't believe this government either, but the regulators are saying it's safe. They are not the government.

And Fauci is still an irresponsible dick.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 19:43:39
Just listened to Williamson actually say it. Strikes me that he was so keen to be seen noshing off the regulators he completely forgot what a colossal prat he sounds when he talks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 19:51:22
I don't believe this government either, but the regulators are saying it's safe. They are not the government.

And Fauci is still an irresponsible dick.
This - I work in the clinical trials industry and there is no way the MHRA have been influenced here...

...and if it turns out I am wrong, then this will be the biggest news story of the Century, the UK pharma industry will fucked for all time and multiple heads will roll.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 19:55:01
I've read the MHRA did it on a rolling basis as soon as the data started coming in and the FDA waited for all the data to come in first. Which would explain why the MHRA approved it first.

And Fauci didn't seem to offer any explanation or evidence supporting his comment. Maybe he's been taken out of context?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 20:55:37
I don't believe this government either, but the regulators are saying it's safe. They are not the government.

And Fauci is still an irresponsible dick.

This goes without saying per se, and it wasn't a direct reference to back up the Fauci.

I do believe the regulators (we have to otherwise we're truly fucked), my point was more towards our government wanting to make themselves look good (Williamson's comments earlier, BoJo clearly in his position for personal gain et al).

I'll give credit to the science, absolutely. But now this stage is in the hands of the Gov, I feel there will be certain untruths to
eventually come out. Not necessarily the vaccine in isolation but things linked to it. Also, this Gov has proven time and again that they can fuck up anything.

Isn't vt the company that fucked up the PPE delivery also still contracted in handling a large chunk of the vaccination delivery?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 20:57:04
...And Fauci...Maybe he's been taken out of context?

Possibly but you should still maintain your initial and correct statement thatvs he is a bit of a dick.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 20:57:16

It's OK, the virus doesn't affect "High value business travellers". Just like it takes 5 days off over Christmas


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 21:12:12

It's OK, the virus doesn't affect "High value business travellers". Just like it takes 5 days off over Christmas


Didn't you know that SARS-CoV2 will be taking all it's annual leave from Dec 5th to Jan 2nd, as it has got to go and buy Christmas presents and spend time opening them, as well as getting absolutely wankered at New Year?

Also, I have just become a "High Value Business Traveller" thanks UK Gov.

What a complete moonshot of a government.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, December 4, 2020, 14:05:12

Nice one, mate.

The anti-vaxxers are going to be all over that.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, December 4, 2020, 14:10:49

And after that, who gives a shit? They're a mile away and you have their shoes (Billy Connolly joke)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, December 4, 2020, 14:29:29
Reminds me of Ten Pin   :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, December 4, 2020, 14:48:47
Reminds me of Ten Pin   :)

Ooh ooh, got one for that: I just got a job at a bowling alley, but I'm only ten pin.

Sorry, this isn't the Friday joke thread.

Back to rona, just read on the bbc that vaccination should start on Tuesday. That's great. We know that there'll be two doses required but am I right in assuming that you'll still have some protection (although not the 90 or so %) after one shot? If so Tuesday will be a momentous day; many of the most vulnerable will suddenly see their chances of getting seriously ill with this significantly decrease

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, December 7, 2020, 15:04:13
Just been confirmed our present lockdown will be extended until 7 January! No bars/restaurants open, curfew from 9pm til 5am.

And this on an island with virtually NO cases! Madness.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 7, 2020, 16:43:52
Ooh ooh, got one for that: I just got a job at a bowling alley, but I'm only ten pin.

Sorry, this isn't the Friday joke thread.

Back to rona, just read on the bbc that vaccination should start on Tuesday. That's great. We know that there'll be two doses required but am I right in assuming that you'll still have some protection (although not the 90 or so %) after one shot? If so Tuesday will be a momentous day; many of the most vulnerable will suddenly see their chances of getting seriously ill with this significantly decrease
Unfortunately the most vulnerable (care home residents) won't benefit as the protocols around the Pfizer vaccine mean it currently can only be administered at a GP's surgery or other central location, i.e. patients have to go to the vaccine, it can't be taken to them. But still good news that the mobile vulnerable will be protected.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, December 7, 2020, 16:54:03
Just been confirmed our present lockdown will be extended until 7 January! No bars/restaurants open, curfew from 9pm til 5am.

And this on an island with virtually NO cases! Madness.

Madness, or the reason why you have so few cases?  NZ is still holding new entrants in designated facilities for 2 weeks to avoid new cases from coming in, so tight restrictions are doing their job in some locations.  They eased up internally now, but shows how you do it - it's a fucker for living a normal life, but at least means the maximum get a life to live.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 7, 2020, 16:58:37
Just been confirmed our present lockdown will be extended until 7 January! No bars/restaurants open, curfew from 9pm til 5am.

And this on an island with virtually NO cases! Madness.

You need to get our version, that apparently is taking a week off from infecting people over Christmas, which is nice!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, December 7, 2020, 17:26:05
Madness, or the reason why you have so few cases?  NZ is still holding new entrants in designated facilities for 2 weeks to avoid new cases from coming in, so tight restrictions are doing their job in some locations.  They eased up internally now, but shows how you do it - it's a fucker for living a normal life, but at least means the maximum get a life to live.
But you’d think that virtually isolating an island with next to zero cases would be fairly easy and at least get that economy going. They wouldn’t even consider ‘tiering’ here. It’s all or nothing.

Tbf, they’ve actually given dates for the vaccine arriving, being available and a very precise number they can vaccinate per month - 2,133,440. So 5 months to jab everyone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, December 7, 2020, 17:44:08
Unfortunately the most vulnerable (care home residents) won't benefit as the protocols around the Pfizer vaccine mean it currently can only be administered at a GP's surgery or other central location, i.e. patients have to go to the vaccine, it can't be taken to them. But still good news that the mobile vulnerable will be protected.

I see. Hence, I suppose, why the Oxford vaccine is so important. A lot easier to distribute

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, December 7, 2020, 17:46:26
And yes, getting the mobile vulnerable vaccinated is huge, considering that their mobility means they are more likely to encounter the virus out in the community

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 7, 2020, 20:04:44
I see. Hence, I suppose, why the Oxford vaccine is so important. A lot easier to distribute
Yes, although apparently the protocols around the Pfizer vaccine could be relaxed once the regulators have seen a bit more about how it works in practice that might allow doctors to take a few doses out of a batch to go and take it to care homes. At the moment, the protocols don't permit that. So it's as much a regulatory issue as a practical one from what I can gather. And tbf it makes sense to be cautious at first until they know more about how this all works in the field.

And yes, getting the mobile vulnerable vaccinated is huge, considering that their mobility means they are more likely to encounter the virus out in the community
There's also the factor that if it does prevent/hinder the virus spreading (which we don't know if it does yet), then vaccinating care home workers will in itself go a long way to help protect those care home residents who can't get the vaccine themselves

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, December 7, 2020, 23:42:02
For those of you not on the book of many asses, this is the kind of shite that is being circulated currently...

... another one of those moments where you wonder what your association is with the person who shared it  :doh:  :crash:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 07:25:09
and so it begins, the vaccination that is hopefully the light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

it's going to take a while, but so be it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 08:52:03
and so it begins, the vaccination that is hopefully the light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

it's going to take a while, but so be it
It is a very good day. Hopefully the start of the beginning of the end.

Hope that people realise we still need to be really careful, especially over Christmas, it would be horrible if this news and the govt's 5-day break over Christmas makes people feel it's all back to normal and we see a resurgence in January.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 08:53:22
Hope that people realise we still need to be really careful,

Certainly a risk this news will frther relax people's guard.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 09:06:13
And the second person to receive the vaccine outside of clinical trials was a Mr William Shakespeare. He didn't see what the fuss was all about, said it was "Much ado about nothing".

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 09:06:45
Tell that to the lumpy cow in the supermarket the other day who walked into my back  >:(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 09:17:08
Plenty of caveats, but what a milestone in our recovery.

Is there any chat yet on how long someone's protection lasts?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 09:24:18
Plenty of caveats, but what a milestone in our recovery.

Is there any chat yet on how long someone's protection lasts?
Guesses and hopes at best I think. Guesses seem to range from a few months to hopes at a few years. And it will likely vary from individual to individual anyway apparently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 09:25:06
It is a very good day. Hopefully the start of the beginning of the end.

Hope that people realise we still need to be really careful, especially over Christmas, it would be horrible if this news and the govt's 5-day break over Christmas makes people feel it's all back to normal and we see a resurgence in January.

Undoubtedly going to happen. I know of people who are planning to mix 3 households (and more) on numerous occasions over Christmas, what pisses me off most is that they would be the first to complain if they saw anyone else breaking the rules.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 09:25:51
Undoubtedly going to happen. I know of people who are planning to mix 3 households (and more) on numerous occasions over Christmas, what pisses me off most is that they would be the first to complain if they saw anyone else breaking the rules.   
Didn't realise you were friends with any cabinet ministers :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nick Bamosomi on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 12:39:30
It is a very good day. Hopefully the start of the beginning of the end.

Hope that people realise we still need to be really careful, especially over Christmas, it would be horrible if this news and the govt's 5-day break over Christmas makes people feel it's all back to normal and we see a resurgence in January.
Sadly, I think that will be inevitable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 13:06:09
I don't think all the 'V Day' bollocks being spouted by government is going to help, selling the false idea that today is some sort of liberation whereby its just a very small (extremely welcome) step on a bloody long journey.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 13:24:56
This made I smile....


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 13:35:01

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 17:12:13
There's also the factor that if it does prevent/hinder the virus spreading (which we don't know if it does yet), then vaccinating care home workers will in itself go a long way to help protect those care home residents who can't get the vaccine themselves

'The data also suggest it can reduce spread of Covid, as well protect against illness and death'


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 18:37:58
I don't think all the 'V Day' bollocks being spouted by government is going to help, selling the false idea that today is some sort of liberation whereby its just a very small (extremely welcome) step on a bloody long journey.
Only the tories could come out of this pandemic smelling of roses with the majority of the electorate.

They’ll be dining out on ‘V Day’ for a long time, and you just know the masses will fall for it.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 18:41:32
And the second person to receive the vaccine outside of clinical trials was a Mr William Shakespeare.

Wow, didn't realise that resurrection was a side effect!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 18:42:13
Only the tories could come out of this pandemic smelling of roses with the majority of the electorate.

They’ll be dining out on ‘V Day’ for a long time, and you just know the masses will fall for it.


They're literally buying the napkins already  :doh: :no:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 19:07:08
And the second person to receive the vaccine outside of clinical trials was a Mr William Shakespeare. He didn't see what the fuss was all about, said it was "Much ado about nothing".

More like All's well that ends well following on from a comedy of errors

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 19:16:24
More like All's well that ends well following on from a comedy of errors

AYLI  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 10:19:07
Only the tories could come out of this pandemic smelling of roses with the majority of the electorate.

They’ll be dining out on ‘V Day’ for a long time, and you just know the masses will fall for it.


Do you mind if I ask who you voted for? From your previous posts in the politics thread I seriously doubt it was Labour.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 10:20:54
Wow, didn't realise that resurrection was a side effect!
TBF they did say they were starting with the elderly. At around 450 years old, he definitely qualifies in that category. Right after Prince Phillip

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 10:37:00
Do you mind if I ask who you voted for? From your previous posts in the politics thread I seriously doubt it was Labour.

New labour?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 12:24:36
This is where my very limited trust starts to evaporate. Not tested on people with Severe reactions, so it hasn't been fully tested then is the reality. I have a serious reaction to Mosquito bites, does that mean if I have the vaccine then get bitten i'm screwed? They don't know. Couple of days in and it's already starting to unravel.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 12:29:54
Couple of days in and it's already starting to unravel.

That's a bit of a stretch.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 12:32:14
Well maybe, but they have a fantastic record of utter bullshit so far.  The epipen bit suggests nut allergies amongst others of whom there are 100's of thousands, so they cant have it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 13:10:15
Well maybe, but they have a fantastic record of utter bullshit so far.  The epipen bit suggests nut allergies amongst others of whom there are 100's of thousands, so they cant have it.
tbf with any vaccine there's always some people who can't have it or who aren't recommended to have it. That might be "don't have this category of vaccine at all" or it might be "Don't have vaccine A but you should be OK with vaccine B". So it may be that some of the people who've had reactions to the Pfizer vaccine may be OK with the AstraZeneca one, or AN Other Vaccine As Yet To Be Approved

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 13:20:01
tbf with any vaccine there's always some people who can't have it or who aren't recommended to have it. That might be "don't have this category of vaccine at all" or it might be "Don't have vaccine A but you should be OK with vaccine B". So it may be that some of the people who've had reactions to the Pfizer vaccine may be OK with the AstraZeneca one, or AN Other Vaccine As Yet To Be Approved

And i assume that key to this is how quickly these issues are reported and the advice re issued to avoid worse incidents

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 13:54:56
Well maybe, but they have a fantastic record of utter bullshit so far.

This is the problem - the ongoing catologue of bullshit and bollocks make you fear/see the worst in everything that is even close to the Govt.  Trust (if/where it existed) is evaporating.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 13:59:20
This is the problem - the ongoing catologue of bullshit and bollocks make you fear/see the worst in everything that is even close to the Govt.  Trust (if/where it existed) is evaporating.
Which has been one of the biggest issues with their whole handling of COVID and will (as sutton exemplifies) become all the more so as the vaccines roll out. Public health campaigns rely on trustworthy accurate information as the public health professionals and behavioural scientists on SAGE and Independent SAGE have been trying to tell the govt since Feb. But the govt still show no signs of understanding that - right up to this week, we have Hancock with his "We only got the vaccine because of Brexit" bullshit and his bid for an Oscar on breakfast TV yesterday. In a pandemic, lies cost lives

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 15:10:24
At the risk of banging on, where did all the allergies come from? I was in a comprehensive with 2000 pupils, if you were given something with nuts then extra nuts were sprinkled on. No one had a nut allergy then. My guess would be a mass vaccination, or maybe the Welsh tbf.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 15:23:59
At the risk of banging on, where did all the allergies come from? I was in a comprehensive with 2000 pupils, if you were given something with nuts then extra nuts were sprinkled on. No one had a nut allergy then. My guess would be a mass vaccination, or maybe the Welsh tbf.

I reckon they've always been around just as much as they are now, but we're now more aware of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 15:46:58
I reckon they've always been around just as much as they are now, but we're now more aware of them.

Certainly don't remember any kids swelling up. They would have got a nice nickname straight away. Something changed somewhen last 20-30 years

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 15:49:28
Do you remember the 6 needles followed by the booster immunization? If the 6 needles cause a rash then you didn't get the booster. I remember most of us rubbed are arms to no avail  :)
I only remember one girl who had a reaction to the 6 needles.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 15:49:41
Isn't there a theory that the rise in allergies is due at least in part to increasingly antiseptic modern lifestyles?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 15:50:11
Do you remember the 6 needles followed by the booster immunization? If the 6 needles cause a rash then you didn't get the booster. I remember most of us rubbed are arms to no avail  :)
I only remember one girl who had a reaction to the 6 needles.
"Fuck, that hurt" was my main reaction

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 15:51:20
Isn't there a theory that the rise in allergies is due at least in part to increasingly antiseptic modern lifestyles?

Well, we used to walk in dog shit when we were kids  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 15:52:41
"Fuck, that hurt" was my main reaction

Don't think I've seen a needle like it since, about an inch long and quarter of an inch wide  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 15:56:13
Well, we used to walk in dog shit when we were kids  :)
TBH, I generally tried to avoid it but everyone has their own way of doing things

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:00:33
Certainly don't remember any kids swelling up. They would have got a nice nickname straight away. Something changed somewhen last 20-30 years

I used to work with a lass who had a god awful nut allergy, one of those where if she got near one it might kill her*, she was about my age so people were suffering thus 40+ years back, I suspect like much else (as mentioned above) its just more reported these days same as with murders etc.

I also suspect more is now made due to the inclination for modern human beings to sue anyone at the first opportunity, a kid has started at our lasses school with an allergy and the school are having to do a lot to ensure they cannot be found to blame if any kid brings nuts in.

* We went for a Chinese one night and despite repeatedly raising the issue with the restaurant they served her something with nuts (or traces) in it, that was a scary and unpleasant trip to A&E.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:02:55
Was on a flight last year and an announcement came up not to open any products containing nuts for the duration of the flight due to a passenger with a severe allergy. They were on the return flight too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:03:59
I was up there a few times when my daughter was younger. Nuts and bloody Horses have extreme reactions for her.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:04:13
It's possibly down to a number of factors, according to the Beeb:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:20:23
Back to the vaccines:

It is understood that both the staff members had a significant history of allergic reactions - to the extent where they need to carry an adrenaline auto injector with them.

So it's a bit like giving a snickers to somebody with a peanut allergy and being surprised when they have a reaction? And these people knew they might have a reaction. It changes the context a tad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:21:38
Mars bar?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:23:35

I meant the other one. Snickers?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:23:42
Off topic?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:33:22

I meant the other one. Snickers?

Marathon. I'm old school.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 16:36:11
This ^

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 18:22:23
Off topic?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 18:22:59
Was on a flight last year and an announcement came up not to open any products containing nuts for the duration of the flight due to a passenger with a severe allergy. They were on the return flight too.

This happened to us on a BA flight. Then the meals started to be handed out and I spotted on the top of each of the puddings (which was some kind of cake) was a massive almond. I pointed this out to the air stewardess who quickly pulled the meals back. We ended up getting a full bottle of champagne to ourselves as I think they could have got in deep shit had they ended up killing the nut allergy person!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 18:34:51
Did you manage to scoff the cake before they were taken back?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 18:50:17
Did you manage to scoff the cake before they were taken back?

Sadly not, I saw the Nut before my meal had arrived.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 19:13:05
Was on a flight last year and an announcement came up not to open any products containing nuts for the duration of the flight due to a passenger with a severe allergy. They were on the return flight too.

My nephew is one of those with a severe allergy.

The family did not find it funny when I (ironically) muttered "there's always fucking one" after the tannoy announcement on a recent holiday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 21:07:40
Interesting to find on the readings from the Assets Publishing Service for Government, within Regulation 174 Information For UK Healthcare Professionals for the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2.

There appears to have been no testing and or completion measured against fertility;

4.6 Fertility, Pregnancy & Lactation
There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2. Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed.

It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility.

Later and brief reiteration of the above;

5.3 Preclinical Safety Data
Animal studies into potential toxicity to reproduction and development have not been completed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, December 11, 2020, 14:34:21
My daughter had the vaccine yesterday. She works in a care home.
Dunno how I feel about it to be honest. It's clearly been rushed through. Just hope it works and has no side effects...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, December 11, 2020, 15:11:28
It's clearly been rushed through.

Except it hasn't.

It has been tested just as rigorously as any other vaccine. It has only been completed 'faster' because more has been thrown at it. Other vaccines get held up - this one has not been held up. There's also the fact that this vaccine has been in development for long before COVID was even on the scene.

And that's the experts speaking. People who actually know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, December 11, 2020, 15:14:31
The money talked on this one - usually Governments won't pre-purchase an unapproved drug in such large quantities.  It completely removed all the usual barriers to development meaning they could fuck it up and be OK.  That cuts years off of development time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, December 11, 2020, 15:46:42
The money talked on this one - usually Governments won't pre-purchase an unapproved drug in such large quantities.  It completely removed all the usual barriers to development meaning they could fuck it up and be OK.  That cuts years off of development time.
Plus there were significant efficiencies in running some of the testing phases in parallel whereas they would normally be run sequentially and often with long delays between each phase while they wait for the next round of funding, for regulatory approval and for sufficient volunteers. None of those issues were allowed to be an obstacle with this vaccine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, December 11, 2020, 15:48:49
Oddly, I imagine the sheer fuckwittery of the Western World in trying to control the spread has helped as well.  You don't usually get such rampant exposure to test a vaccine against!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, December 11, 2020, 16:03:45
The last few posts have eased my mind on it somewhat. Cheers for that gent's.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Friday, December 11, 2020, 16:07:29
I wouldn't listen to flashheart he's been vaccinated and the Illuminati are controlling him via ramped up tesla coils.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, December 11, 2020, 16:09:21
I wouldn't listen to flashheart he's been vaccinated and the Illuminati are controlling him via ramped up tesla coils.
Nah, Maureen from Coventry is controlling him via a Windows 10 patch update. Or something. 5G and that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, December 11, 2020, 16:10:27
The money talked on this one - usually Governments won't pre-purchase an unapproved drug in such large quantities.  It completely removed all the usual barriers to development meaning they could fuck it up and be OK.  That cuts years off of development time.

Just to add to the party, I was listening to an interview with someone who works in pharma, they were saying that a huge amount of time is wasted normally in having to either get government money to runs trials etc or just in getting prototype drugs past finance committees at the companies to the next stage of development, delays often then mean teams being disbanded as staff move to other programmes as the company won't pay till they have committed.

As you note the west's generally ability to fuck this up has provided a large control to test against.

This made me smile as a more blunt risk analysis


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Friday, December 11, 2020, 16:18:36
My other half has no worries at all about the vaccine, and will soon have it herself as a nurse. She has volunteered to administer some jabs when needed, as it rolls out in the GW hospital.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, December 11, 2020, 17:17:43
Just to add to the party, I was listening to an interview with someone who works in pharma, they were saying that a huge amount of time is wasted normally in having to either get government money to runs trials etc or just in getting prototype drugs past finance committees at the companies to the next stage of development, delays often then mean teams being disbanded as staff move to other programmes as the company won't pay till they have committed.

It's exactly this. Jonathan Van-Tam explained it very well the day the vaccine approval was announced to the world. I can't seem to find a video of it now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, December 11, 2020, 17:33:37
There's also the matter of volunteers for testing.

Volunteers would usually come in dribs and drabs, meaning it would be years before regulators could get the data they needed. This time they pretty much had all the volunteers they needed straight away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, December 11, 2020, 17:59:08
In the 70s my brother volunteered to be a Guinea Pig at Porton Down under the guise of finding a vaccine for the common cold

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, December 11, 2020, 18:08:09
Does he have superpowers now?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, December 11, 2020, 18:09:25
Well, he’s drunk like a fish for 50 years and is still here! I reckon he’s a living pickle!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, December 11, 2020, 18:40:14
More progress:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 14, 2020, 09:53:18
The Sunday Times' award-winning investigative Insight team have revisited their earlier piece on how a series of bad decisions around the 1st wave led to the UK experiencing the worst health and economic outcomes from the 1st wave of any major developed nation. Their new piece looks at how the failure to learn from the mistakes of the 1st wave has led inevitably to a much worse second wave than we needed to have had, again both from an economic and health standpoint. Interestingly they point the finger at the previously much praised Sunak as being most at fault in arguing against the preventative measures scientists were calling for

Non-firewall version:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 14, 2020, 10:07:31
The Current Bun, source of all knowledge, seem to think we (Swindon & Wilts) are at risk of entering tier 3 at the review.

Surely not?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 14, 2020, 10:18:52
The Current Bun, source of all knowledge, seem to think we (Swindon & Wilts) are at risk of entering tier 3 at the review.

Surely not?
TBF, much though I despise that rag, they are a preferred route for govt leaks so they may well have something. Or not

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, December 14, 2020, 10:33:05
Why would be moving to tier 3?? All our scores are improving

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, December 14, 2020, 10:44:02
Why would be moving to tier 3?? All our scores are improving

The govt have watched the last few STFC games and want to do us a favour

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, December 14, 2020, 11:14:39
Same for Gloucestershire, few little spikes in places like the Forest of Dean and they are on about putting the whole county into tier 3. Looking at the figures the Wilts and Glos figures are pretty much the same, 0.9 R rate, less than 9% of Hospital bed used for COVID patients and slight overall drop in numbers over the last week or so. Fail to see how this would justify being moved to Tier 3 and will just make people even more disillusioned with the whole thing and more likely to ignore the rules altogether.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 14, 2020, 11:19:51
FWIW, as I understand it the tiers are not just related to prevalence of infection but also to hospital capacity and the likelihood of hospitals in the are being overwhelmed. So that would include things like %age occupancy of ICU beds, plus the severity as well as prevalence of infection.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, December 14, 2020, 11:26:12
FWIW, as I understand it the tiers are not just related to prevalence of infection but also to hospital capacity and the likelihood of hospitals in the are being overwhelmed. So that would include things like %age occupancy of ICU beds, plus the severity as well as prevalence of infection.
Like I said both Glos and Wilts are below 9%, when you compare it to others where they are 15%+ I still can't see any justification for moving up a tier. As Dave said all the countywide indicators are improving so to then move into tier 3 would be a massive own goal IMO and make people question the validity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 14, 2020, 12:23:06
Like I said both Glos and Wilts are below 9%, when you compare it to others where they are 15%+ I still can't see any justification for moving up a tier. As Dave said all the countywide indicators are improving so to then move into tier 3 would be a massive own goal IMO and make people question the validity.
I don't know the full criteria being used, and not necessarily here to defend the system, just pointing out it's not as simple as numbers of infections. Severity may well have an impact too - if you have an area where they are finding comparatively few cases compared to other areas but of greater severity, you could see that that might cause a problem in terms of the proportionately smaller number of ICU beds compared to general hospital capacity, for example. I don't think you can judge the overall assessment from the figures that have been published because we don't know the criteria being used. Which, as you say, is frustratingly opaque.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 14, 2020, 12:33:13
I can't see anything to suggest we and Gloucestershire will move tiers, but given the whole thing is done behind closed doors, you can only guess.

There is a post lockdown uptick, obviously. but that's national

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, December 14, 2020, 12:40:48
I think all of the above posts point to the fact that the decision making thoughout the pandemic has been at times (mostly in fact) lacking in logic/transparency and is difficult to understand.  The current specualtion re Tier changes just evidences that further.  I didn't expect anywhere to drop to Tier 1 this week but with all the improvements in numbers, by and large, over the last month I didn't expect us to be seeing debates about areas going up a tier (London/Essex excepted).

This just leads to frustration and lack of understanding (hence the debate on here), and then folks either willfully or out of ignorance break the rules.   

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 14, 2020, 15:42:23
New varient found. Spreading faster than original. Probably reason for spike in London/SE but has been detected in 60 authorities.

No indication it will be more deadly or not respond to vaccine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, December 14, 2020, 15:51:38
Oh grand

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, December 14, 2020, 15:53:20
Err, I mean it was always going to do that. Viruses mutate, and the mutations are less deadly than the previous version

This might not even be bad news, particularly if the vaccine isn’t affected

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 14, 2020, 15:59:02
long term it could make little difference.

but it's promoted the spread and lead to SE entering tier 3.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 14, 2020, 16:02:55
I just hope it has seen the agreed memo to take time off over Christmas, it really is insane to be placing areas into Tier 3, then opening up the week after!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 14, 2020, 16:19:41
I just hope it has seen the agreed memo to take time off over Christmas, it really is insane to be placing areas into Tier 3, then opening up the week after!
From a public health perspective of course. But the government's policy has long since been driven by political considerations above public health.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, December 14, 2020, 16:28:28
I'm not usually given to sympathising with the government but the Christmas thing is genuinely difficult. We are staying in London for Christmas, but everyone else I know is travelling home to every corner of the country to see relatives. If the rules changed to ban them I think 80% would go anyway. It's one of those things where they have to ask is it better to set the rules at a level that most might follow even if that's not really high enough? God knows I wouldn't want to be the PM that cancelled Christmas.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, December 14, 2020, 16:43:18
I'm not usually given to sympathising with the government but the Christmas thing is genuinely difficult. We are staying in London for Christmas, but everyone else I know is travelling home to every corner of the country to see relatives. If the rules changed to ban them I think 80% would go anyway. It's one of those things where they have to ask is it better to set the rules at a level that most might follow even if that's not really high enough? God knows I wouldn't want to be the PM that cancelled Christmas.
Agreed, I'd be going to my parents Christmas day regardless of the rules and would imagine that a large % of the population would do the same. We've had almost 10 months of this now so heaven forbid people want to see their family, people can make their own decision on the risk. It's the worst time of the year for mental health as it is, if Christmas was effectively banned the mental health issues that result could be just as destructive as the virus itself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, December 14, 2020, 16:51:39
Since we came out of Lockdown II and the pubs reopened, I don't know one person in London who hasn't been out on the piss, for dinner etc. It's absolutely no surprise the rates have changed so significantly.

On Xmas, you'd imagine they know people are going to push the boundaries so you set the bar with that margin for breaches built in.

Doesn't change Xmas day for us at all, but we've got to make a call whether to break the rules and see my parents or not and that's shit.

I think public compliance is at an all-time low - no matter what rules are in place, people will always get away with as much as possible. If we can't be trusted to follow guidelines, closing the hospitality industry is the only option and when people complain about job losses etc, maybe they should look in the mirror and reflect on the fact that there's a chance these coming closures wouldn't be necessary if we'd all followed the most recent guidelines.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 14, 2020, 17:07:25
It seems to be all over the place, we seem to be suffering a spike up here (rural) but many of the surrounding towns are going down?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 14, 2020, 17:21:34
I'm not usually given to sympathising with the government but the Christmas thing is genuinely difficult. We are staying in London for Christmas, but everyone else I know is travelling home to every corner of the country to see relatives. If the rules changed to ban them I think 80% would go anyway. It's one of those things where they have to ask is it better to set the rules at a level that most might follow even if that's not really high enough? God knows I wouldn't want to be the PM that cancelled Christmas.
Yet they were more than happy to put large swathes of the North into lockdown at 9pm the night before Eid?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, December 14, 2020, 17:45:57
Yet they were more than happy to put large swathes of the North into lockdown at 9pm the night before Eid?

Yes, because as much as Eid is culturally significant to the Muslim population, the vast majority of the country is not geared up to travel the country and generally enjoy themselves on the way we are at Christmas. I get the fairness argument and it is absolutely hypocritical but it's simply the case that cancelling Christmas would hang around any PM like pretty much nothing else.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Monday, December 14, 2020, 17:53:14
Don't buy the Eid argument.

Christmas is a national holiday for everybody these days not a religious one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Monday, December 14, 2020, 18:35:38
Since we came out of Lockdown II and the pubs reopened, I don't know one person in London who hasn't been out on the piss, for dinner etc. It's absolutely no surprise the rates have changed so significantly.

On Xmas, you'd imagine they know people are going to push the boundaries so you set the bar with that margin for breaches built in.

Doesn't change Xmas day for us at all, but we've got to make a call whether to break the rules and see my parents or not and that's shit.

I think public compliance is at an all-time low - no matter what rules are in place, people will always get away with as much as possible. If we can't be trusted to follow guidelines, closing the hospitality industry is the only option and when people complain about job losses etc, maybe they should look in the mirror and reflect on the fact that there's a chance these coming closures wouldn't be necessary if we'd all followed the most recent guidelines.

I havent. And have no intention of travelling or going out  at Christmas

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 14, 2020, 21:18:07
Yes, because as much as Eid is culturally significant to the Muslim population, the vast majority of the country is not geared up to travel the country and generally enjoy themselves on the way we are at Christmas. I get the fairness argument and it is absolutely hypocritical but it's simply the case that cancelling Christmas would hang around any PM like pretty much nothing else.
And that's precisely the point. This is being driven by considerations of Johnson's personal ratings, not public health.

We told my folks we wouldn't be going to see them for this one Christmas so that we would hopefully be able to visit them for many more in  the future.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, December 14, 2020, 22:11:47
And that's precisely the point. This is being driven by considerations of Johnson's personal ratings, not public health.

We told my folks we wouldn't be going to see them for this one Christmas so that we would hopefully be able to visit them for many more in the future.
I am only quoting you because weirdly I was discussing this earlier with someone else. They did make me sit up and think for a moment if i was to not see my Mum (still undecided ) this Christmas in the hope that i did next year and something god forbid happened next year to stop that how would i feel? It is tough this year isn't it as each person's situation is important to them.

My inlaws are in our bubble as such because they can't do anything i do all the shopping etc for them, they will be coming to us Christmas day but it's allowed i suppose

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, December 14, 2020, 23:33:45
I am only quoting you because weirdly I was discussing this earlier with someone else. They did make me sit up and think for a moment if i was to not see my Mum (still undecided ) this Christmas in the hope that i did next year and something god forbid happened next year to stop that how would i feel? It is tough this year isn't it as each person's situation is important to them.
This is my thought process, there are hundreds of other things that could kill a family member. many of which far more likely than COVID. Therefore I’d rather not miss out on spending time with my family rather than not and miss out due to something else happening. This is the conundrum with this whole situation, it’s all very well saying stay away from relatives to reduce the risk for them but on the flip side you are wasting valuable time with some of your family. My family are happy to get together and I’ll be going with that option, treat every Christmas like it could be your last together.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 08:18:27
Thousands, nay, millions of the populus turn to people like Pearson for information on COVID, among other things:


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 08:39:09
I am only quoting you because weirdly I was discussing this earlier with someone else. They did make me sit up and think for a moment if i was to not see my Mum (still undecided ) this Christmas in the hope that i did next year and something god forbid happened next year to stop that how would i feel? It is tough this year isn't it as each person's situation is important to them.
Yes and your final point that each person's situation is important, and to some extent unique, to them is also very pertinent. I do think the govt are being massively irresponsible in lifting restrictions over Christmas, primarily because of the message it sends as much as anything, but I certainly wouldn't look to translate that onto any individual family's situation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 09:53:18
Err, I mean it was always going to do that. Viruses mutate, and the mutations are less deadly than the previous version

This might not even be bad news, particularly if the vaccine isn’t affected

Exactly, reading around this morning a heck of a lot of experts on the subject seem perplexed why Hancock felt the need to raise it and set Hares running worrying people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 09:55:47
Exactly, reading around this morning a heck of a lot of experts on the subject seem perplexed why Hancock felt the need to raise it and set Hares running worrying people.
Because it's a handy thing to be able to blame the upsurge in virus cases on, rather than admitting that the tiers as constituted aren't working

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 13:38:28
I am only quoting you because weirdly I was discussing this earlier with someone else. They did make me sit up and think for a moment if i was to not see my Mum (still undecided ) this Christmas in the hope that i did next year and something god forbid happened next year to stop that how would i feel? It is tough this year isn't it as each person's situation is important to them.

My inlaws are in our bubble as such because they can't do anything i do all the shopping etc for them, they will be coming to us Christmas day but it's allowed i suppose

I understand your point, and it sort of underlines the Western World's approach to the virus.  I haven't "seen" my mum since November of last year and likely won't until May of next year if we are lucky.  That was partly my fault for moving to another Country I guess.

The flip side of course, is what if you turn out to be an Asymptomatic carrier, pass the virus on and your Mum gets very sick or dies as a result - harsh, but not impossible.

Ultimately, the Western World has treated this like it does having an infection - the antibiotics have a sentence on the instructions to remind you to take the entire course for a reason, people don't.  People also read the instructions and often ignore the bit that suggests not drinking alcohol while taking them, and so on.  We simply struggle to, literally, take our medicine. 

Lets look a comparisons - New Zealand.  Yes it is small and an island, but, small locations have had a much worse time.  It's not the best performer in terms of controlling the virus, but it's probably one of the best Western style countries.  They succeeded by taking harsh medicine - they tool the entire course, or pretty close, by fully locking down including their borders.  They place any new entrant to the Country in forded quarantine for 14 days before they are allowed to mingle with the general population and as soon as any breakout does occur they have locked back down immediately.  This has allowed them to return to some sense of normality for periods of the past 10 months and avoid not only deaths, but also infection.

We have to have a debate about whether or not wearing a mask is useful.  Asian countries do it for normal flu season.

Essentially, our entire culture breads a certain sense of selfishness (I am not directing that at any individual, I include myself), a sense that we are entitled to certain things.  It serves us well outside of a crises (as far as we compare ourselves to other cultures) but immediately undermines situations such as this.  Imagine all those months ago if we'd just locked down for four to six weeks (not a sort of lockdown).  It would have been painful - hardly anyone allowed out, not even to exercise.  I'm an open borders sort of person - this is precisely the time borders become useful, and not just at the Country level - once out of the initial, everytime an outbreak is detected, that location should have gone into lockdown again.

Maybe had we done that, we'd be able to talk about a sort of normal Christmas if that was what was truly important?  Instead, we get here, having a debate about whether the risk is worth it while Covid smashes its way into the top 3 reasons to cause death in 2020 and giving thousands more long term health problems no doubt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 14:07:29
Lets look a comparisons - New Zealand.  Yes it is small and an island, but, small locations have had a much worse time.  It's not the best performer in terms of controlling the virus, but it's probably one of the best Western style countries.  They succeeded by taking harsh medicine - they tool the entire course, or pretty close, by fully locking down including their borders. 

This is the most mental thing about the UK response, we had a vote 4 years back and possibly for many the key element of which was to take back control of our borders and the people voted in favour of it.

In the last 11 months we have had a situation whereby we could have achieved a great deal if we had closed the borders much as with New Zealand, yet our government (who bang on about taking back control) have done nothing, Christ even the libtard remainers like myself would have nodded along with it, but nothing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 15:12:56
Absolutely spot on, Rob.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 09:17:35
Currently sat in Fullers (Pride, please) in terminal 2 Heathrow on the way to the States to see my kids, and its eerie how quiet it is. There's hardly anyone around. Feeling a bit weird anyway, the couple in front of me in immigration were visiting the States for the same reason as me but hadn't brought sufficient paperwork and were turned away. Felt horrible for them, was really rough. Was bittersweet when I was ushered through. Hey ho.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 09:42:56
This is the most mental thing about the UK response, we had a vote 4 years back and possibly for many the key element of which was to take back control of our borders and the people voted in favour of it.

In the last 11 months we have had a situation whereby we could have achieved a great deal if we had closed the borders much as with New Zealand, yet our government (who bang on about taking back control) have done nothing, Christ even the libtard remainers like myself would have nodded along with it, but nothing.

Apples with pears. New zealand is 4 hours flight from the nearest land mass, with only 3 real points of entry. We're slap bang in the middle of everything with 100's of ways in. Not comparable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 09:45:38
If borders were comprehensively closed in March then I dare say Farage would have kicked and screamed because he wasn't given special dispensation to travel to the USA to see Trump on the Campaign Trail and Laurence Fox screaming for freedom and telling people to 'live your life guys, I'm crossing the Channel in a rubber dinghy to go on holiday abroad.'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 09:54:09
Apples with pears. New zealand is 4 hours flight from the nearest land mass, with only 3 real points of entry. We're slap bang in the middle of everything with 100's of ways in. Not comparable.

Possibly so, but the fact that no attempt at all was made to do anything seems just perverse, even when the quarantine rules were bought in it was clear that they were not remotely being applied with countless stories of people flying in expecting to at the very least complete some sort of paperwork and instead just being waved through.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 10:18:42

The government seems to be urging us not to do what they passed an actual law to let us do?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 10:29:14
Possibly so, but the fact that no attempt at all was made to do anything seems just perverse, even when the quarantine rules were bought in it was clear that they were not remotely being applied with countless stories of people flying in expecting to at the very least complete some sort of paperwork and instead just being waved through.

Looking back now in hindsight, rather than the odd country locking down their borders there should have some broad international arrangements to shut all boarders and just keep people where they are. Certainly could have been done within the EU.

Far easier said than done though, would have also crippled the airline industry even more so than it did

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 10:47:27

The government seems to be urging us not to do what they passed an actual law to let us do?
"We've fucked up, but we want to be able to blame you lot when there's another lockdown in January"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 10:49:38
Looking back now in hindsight, rather than the odd country locking down their borders there should have some broad international arrangements to shut all boarders and just keep people where they are. Certainly could have been done within the EU.

Far easier said than done though, would have also crippled the airline industry even more so than it did
Possibly not. In the short term, yes, but a total cessation of all travel for (say) 5 weeks might have done less harm than the constant stop/start and trickle of travellers over a period of 9 months and still ongoing. That doesn't mean it would have been easy to organise as you say, but from an economic standpoint if it had been effective probably would have been less harmful

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 11:10:07

The government seems to be urging us not to do what they passed an actual law to let us do?

That in itself isn't abnormal. Smoking isn't illegal but its advised you don't do it. Same as being fat, basejumping etc etc. Advising people and making them aware of the risks without criminalising it is fine by me, and it will impact the plans of some people (like us, for example).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 12:00:38
Getting the excuses ready and passing the buck if it goes crazy after Christmas. Must be part of their "robust" response
There is a smugness about Jenrick which makes me want to throttle him everytime I see him

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 12:12:29
That in itself isn't abnormal. Smoking isn't illegal but its advised you don't do it. Same as being fat, basejumping etc etc. Advising people and making them aware of the risks without criminalising it is fine by me, and it will impact the plans of some people (like us, for example).

I think if they'd started out from here and explained it properly, then yes, minded to agree. Certainly not comfortable with criminalising people for wanting to see their families. But it's the constant whiplash U-turns that undermine the credibility of any guidelines that are the problem to my mind

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 12:13:03
Getting the excuses ready and passing the buck if it goes crazy after Christmas. Must be part of their "robust" response
There is a smugness about Jenrick which makes me want to throttle him everytime I see him
In that case can I strongly recommend that you don't ever watch or listen to Michael Gove?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 14:00:10
That in itself isn't abnormal. Smoking isn't illegal but its advised you don't do it. Same as being fat, basejumping etc etc. Advising people and making them aware of the risks without criminalising it is fine by me, and it will impact the plans of some people (like us, for example).

Same, I don't see a problem with it. I would be going to see my parents regardless of the rules so if that made me a criminal then so be it, and I would imagine hundreds of thousands will be in the same boat and will make their own risk weighted decisions.

Would have been a complete waste of police time and resources if they had to spend Christmas day knocking on peoples doors handing out fines as that is what would have happened if it wasn't allowed and any remaining sense of obedience and following of the rules would be lost for many.

Also I was rapidly getting fed up of the one dimensional Covid rhetoric from all the experts and thankfully mental health has been discussed and factored into this decision. Christmas and the run up is the worst time of year for mental health, having worked in rail I've seen the stretch of railway between Reading and London Paddington turn into suicide alley at this time of the year. Banning people from seeing their families over this period could have been catastrophic for mental health and suicide numbers. Covid isn't the only game in town and I think the right decision has been made here, advice people against it where possible but let them make that decision!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 15:14:15
Would have been a complete waste of police time and resources if they had to spend Christmas day knocking on peoples doors handing out fines as that is what would have happened if it wasn't allowed and any remaining sense of obedience and following of the rules would be lost for many.
No way that would have happened. Any more than during the last "lockdown" the police were going door to door checking on whether people had friends over etc. They broke up the large parties, but the idea that the coppers would have turned up if you had one Auntie Glenys over your household limit is nonsense. The police always have discretion as to how they implement any legislation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 15:26:58
No way that would have happened. Any more than during the last "lockdown" the police were going door to door checking on whether people had friends over etc. They broke up the large parties, but the idea that the coppers would have turned up if you had one Auntie Glenys over your household limit is nonsense. The police always have discretion as to how they implement any legislation.
Well then if that would have been the case the government have made the right decision to relax the rules then, if they weren't going to enforce them what would be the point in having them?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 15:49:25
Well then if that would have been the case the government have made the right decision to relax the rules then, if they weren't going to enforce them what would be the point in having them?
Erm, they haven't relaxed the rules. The law has remained the same. The advice has tightened. They decided against tightening the law and tightened the guidelines/advice instead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 17:24:04
Erm, they haven't relaxed the rules. The law has remained the same. The advice has tightened. They decided against tightening the law and tightened the guidelines/advice instead.
Isn't that exactly what I said? The government have made the right decision to relax the restrictions and not subsequently retighten them over Christmas as the police wouldn't have enforced them so what would be the point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 17:31:26
Isn't that exactly what I said? The government have made the right decision to relax the restrictions and not subsequently retighten them over Christmas as the police wouldn't have enforced them so what would be the point.
They haven't relaxed the restrictions. They have kept the law the same and tightened the guidelines.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 17:49:50
They haven't relaxed the restrictions. They have kept the law the same and tightened the guidelines.
So what exactly has changed between the 23 and 27 of December then if they haven't relaxed the rules? Boris Johnson even said they've chosen to maintain the approach as they don't want to criminalise peoples long-made plans over Christmas which suggests if they didn't relax the rules over Christmas, families would have been breaking the law if they gathered together. Anyway this is all semantics, it's clearly the correct decision for families to be able to see each other within reason, there's a lot of things to criticise the government about but I don't believe this is one of them!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 19:56:40
Anyway this is all semantics, it's clearly the correct decision for families to be able to see each other within reason, there's a lot of things to criticise the government about but I don't believe this is one of them!
As I said earlier, it's not so much where they've ended up that's the problem, it's the constant indecision and flip-flopping. Undermines the message and public health is all about giving out a consistent message to the public. When the govt looks like it doesn't know whether it's coming or going like this, it just convinces people they haven't got a clue what they're doing and encourages them to ignore all the advice altogether.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 20:21:00
But on this occasion there hasn’t been any flip flopping from the government as they’ve stuck with the original plan and just given stronger guidance. All the flip flopping seems to be coming from the scientists and as usual Labour who are saying the rules should be stronger but won’t say how.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 20:52:26
they wouldn't dare u turn over Christmas now.

What public confidence is left would be gone, the middle finger would come up and we'd do what we want anyway.

I see Wales are making 2 household + 1 person who lives alone the law.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 21:28:09
But on this occasion there hasn’t been any flip flopping from the government as they’ve stuck with the original plan and just given stronger guidance. All the flip flopping seems to be coming from the scientists
WTF? You've had some bloody daft takes on the govt's handling of COVID, but this is a pearler even for you. Scientists on SAGE have consistently advised against the Christmas relaxation right from the start but govt chose to ignore them and are now backpedalling as the results of the spike from the US doing the same for Thanksgiving have become clear.

TBF the govt are at least consistent in being inconsistent, they've been ignoring the science while trying to claim to follow it from the outset. As per the Sunday Times piece from earlier this week

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 22:33:56
WTF? You've had some bloody daft takes on the govt's handling of COVID, but this is a pearler even for you. Scientists on SAGE have consistently advised against the Christmas relaxation right from the start but govt chose to ignore them and are now backpedalling as the results of the spike from the US doing the same for Thanksgiving have become clear.
Again I’m not just focusing on virologists when I say scientists, the virus is only one area of science that needs to be factored in. There are professors of social behaviour, psychologists and all sorts advising the government. If you listen to the behavioural scientists they are of the opinion that effectively banning Christmas would have had the opposite of the desired effect. Calum Semple who sits on SAGE even said previously it would be beneficial to people’s well-being to relax the rules at Christmas but there will be a price to pay. So I don’t think it’s unfair to say that the scientists are giving mixed messages and flip flopping depending on their area of expertise and there’s no consensus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 23:50:53
Why do you two have to bring up that Norvern cunt Flitcroft?!  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, December 17, 2020, 09:57:56
NHS Trusts are already having to reassess their vaccination programmes having been informed over the last day or so that they will be getting less vaccines before Christmas than they were promised (and on which they based their programmes), they are also not expecting to see the Oxford vaccine until way into the new year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, December 17, 2020, 10:49:43
The NHS are also training more and more staff to analyse tests.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, December 17, 2020, 11:52:04
Bristol moved to tier 2
Herefordshire moved to tier 1

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 17, 2020, 11:58:27
Berkshire to tier 3.

may effect some of our supporters

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: otanswell on Friday, December 18, 2020, 03:42:20
What we saying for April time then? Supposed to be going Amsterdam and would rather spend my time smoking puff and staring at hookers through windows rather than having to listen to Chris whitty saying I can’t leave me house to walk up the shop

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, December 18, 2020, 13:43:04
It's going to get worse before it gets better.

In the USA, current daily death numbers exceed the average for any other cause of death now, higher than Heart conditions and Cancer and getting close to beating both combined.  Good job the reaction is just overblown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, December 18, 2020, 14:02:24
Boris now not ruling out Lockdown 3.

Still keeping the 5 day relaxation though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, December 18, 2020, 14:17:11
He can't, can he.  The rates are going up as per last time.

Cancel Christmas now and it'll get a mass middle finger and be long term damaging to any remaining public confidence.

Bemused at them telling secondary schools to sort out lateral flow test regimes the day they all break up for Christmas. Fuckwits.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, December 18, 2020, 14:37:16
Just lock it down now to get this shit over with - bored of it now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, December 18, 2020, 14:38:26
Just lock it down now to get this shit over with - bored of it now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, December 18, 2020, 14:55:04
Quote from: Berniman
Just lock it down now to get this shit over with - bored of it now

that will just delay it, until the vaccine is in full flight anyway.

unless you mean Christmas specifically

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, December 18, 2020, 15:14:16
My mate bought a pub this year (I know, I know!!) and got an email from sky stating his pub subscription has been suspended until January 27th so maybe Sky know more than we do!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, December 18, 2020, 15:33:39
that will just delay it, until the vaccine is in full flight anyway.

unless you mean Christmas specifically

I mean the next 6 weeks including Xmas.  Relaxing this while infection rates are sky rocketing is Bonkers IMO.  Just so people can have a party, get pissed and hug their grandparents..  I would rather that than this carrying on for 6 months more than it needs to..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, December 18, 2020, 16:32:44
I mean the next 6 weeks including Xmas.  Relaxing this while infection rates are sky rocketing is Bonkers IMO.  Just so people can have a party, get pissed and hug their grandparents..  I would rather that than this carrying on for 6 months more than it needs to..

^ This

Was talking to the missus last night unless it comes down to religion (which it doesn't for the majority) why not just sack Christmas off and have said family piss up at Easter. Yes there is possibly a mental health issue but that's not a black and white issue, if your nan catches Covid after you have hugged her that's going to pretty fuck up your health as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, December 18, 2020, 16:36:55
I mean the next 6 weeks including Xmas.  Relaxing this while infection rates are sky rocketing is Bonkers IMO.  Just so people can have a party, get pissed and hug their grandparents..  I would rather that than this carrying on for 6 months more than it needs to..
But that wouldn’t work would it, people would completely ignore the rules over Christmas and still see family and having already broken the rules be less likely to follow them in the new year. I was going to go to my parents on Christmas Day regardless of what was ‘allowed’ and many will be the same.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, December 18, 2020, 17:15:16
But that wouldn’t work would it, people would completely ignore the rules over Christmas and still see family and having already broken the rules be less likely to follow them in the new year. I was going to go to my parents on Christmas Day regardless of what was ‘allowed’ and many will be the same.

Of course they would, but if we were in official lockdown, do you think there would be less people congregating or more?  If the answer is less then it can only improve the situation surely.  Ultimately there is nothing you can do about morons anyway, you just have to read through this thread during lockdown and you will see plenty of people picking holes in the rules rather than use what everyone possesses, that being common sense.

Personally, my Christmas is not going to be any different whether we are in lockdown or not, because I don't plan to be a moron.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Friday, December 18, 2020, 17:20:58
Feel really sorry for those managing skools. To get guidance for January, that will take a great deal of time to sort out, on the last day of what will have been a tough term, defies belief.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, December 18, 2020, 18:18:04
Of course they would, but if we were in official lockdown, do you think there would be less people congregating or more?  If the answer is less then it can only improve the situation surely.  Ultimately there is nothing you can do about morons anyway, you just have to read through this thread during lockdown and you will see plenty of people picking holes in the rules rather than use what everyone possesses, that being common sense.

Personally, my Christmas is not going to be any different whether we are in lockdown or not, because I don't plan to be a moron.
What's your definition of being a moron though, are you saying people are morons for going to see their families? Everyone has their own circumstances, my aunt is 96 and would rather die of COVID than spend the festive period on her own. This isn't a one size fits all scenario and putting people in a position where they are risking being classed as criminals for visiting family on Christmas days would be beyond ludicrous!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 11:31:51
my aunt is 96 and would rather die of COVID than spend the festive period on her own.

Which is understandable, and I can very much understand people wanting to see elderly relatives.


It's not just about your Aunt, or other elderly people who choose to see family, or the people that do go and see them. It is also, perhaps more pertinently, about the greater risk to the overall population in general. I am not going to judge anybody for wanting to see their relatives, but let's not pretend that they are not increasing the risk to other people. It really misses the point.

Anywho, more good news... Jeremy Cunt reckons we'll run out of jabs in January - we've not ordered enough.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 11:47:51
And a lot of people would get together even if they don't have elderly relatives.

Those people have no excuses and could individually be the cause of god knows how many avoidable deaths. Those people really are morons.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 13:10:45
Which is understandable, and I can very much understand people wanting to see elderly relatives.


It's not just about your Aunt, or other elderly people who choose to see family, or the people that do go and see them. It is also, perhaps more pertinently, about the greater risk to the overall population in general. I am not going to judge anybody for wanting to see their relatives, but let's not pretend that they are not increasing the risk to other people. It really misses the point.

Anywho, more good news... Jeremy Cunt reckons we'll run out of jabs in January - we've not ordered enough.
Yes but at the same time people shouldn’t be forced to waste the final years of there life living largely in isolation. It’s a balancing act that is difficult to get right. At some point next year even if the vaccine isn’t the magic solution difficult decisions will need to be made as people will deserve the right to be able to live their lives. 10 months is a lot of time to waste for some and at some point next year a large proportion of people will stop tolerating the restrictions. The Christmas relaxation is as much to keep people bought into following the rules for a bit longer as it is compassionate. Regardless of risk to people, the NHS etc we can’t go on like this much longer...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 14:19:36
Well, looks like we're going to see what happens if the Govt. introduce last minute changes to the Christmas rules. Talk of Tier 4 for London & SE which is full on stay at home, no Christmas travel or mixing. Seems to have started with a non-official account claiming to be the Sunday Times deputy political editor, but the usual leak targets seem to be confirming it now.

This is going to go down like a lead balloon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 14:21:08
Just put my details into the vaccination calculator,  should get mine in June.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 14:37:15
Clusterfuck incoming?

BREAKING: Prime Minister Boris Johnson is holding emergency talks with his Cabinet this lunchtime amid warnings from scientists over the new strain of #COVID19 and surging infections.

More on this story here:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 14:38:48
Sunday times deputy politics editor posted this on twitter:

BREAKING: Christmas cancelled for London, South East and East, as areas moved into new Tier 4 with “stay at home” message by law. Christmas bubbles only allowed for Tiers 1 - 3 on Xmas Day with “stay local message”. International travel not advised. Latest plan

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 14:45:03
As if many people will change their Xmas plans a week out, especially if you’re expecting family round and spent fortune on food/booze

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 14:50:07
Mass disobedience incoming then and the police left in a no win situation. I’m in the south west so fine but as I said before I’d still see some family Christmas Day regardless

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 14:51:17
Kuensberg - Cabinet members have been briefed that the PM expected to announce a Tier 4,  tighter covid restrictions for London and SE at 4pm this afternoon - and will cut back on the planned relaxation of the rules over Christmas

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 15:51:54
What's your definition of being a moron though, are you saying people are morons for going to see their families? Everyone has their own circumstances, my aunt is 96 and would rather die of COVID than spend the festive period on her own. This isn't a one size fits all scenario and putting people in a position where they are risking being classed as criminals for visiting family on Christmas days would be beyond ludicrous!

Morons are the ones that don't use common sense, as mentioned in the original post.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 15:59:52
Morons are the ones that don't use common sense, as mentioned in the original post.
But again that’s ambiguous isn’t it, staying at home not seeing family Christmas Day may be common sense to some but to others not seen as a significant risk. The whole situation for Christmas is really hard, it’s all very well people saying wait until the situation improves but life rarely works like that. As morbid as it sounds for many thousands this will be the last opportunity to spend Christmas with loved ones and whatever people say it’s still a bigger risk that a family member will die of something else in the next year than a) catch coronavirus and b) die from it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 16:01:46
But again that’s ambiguous isn’t it, staying at home not seeing family Christmas Day may be common sense to some but to others not seen as a significant risk. The whole situation for Christmas is really hard, it’s all very well people saying wait until the situation improves but life rarely works like that. As morbid as it sounds for many thousands this will be the last opportunity to spend Christmas with loved ones and whatever people say it’s still a bigger risk that a family member will die of something else in the next year than a) catch coronavirus and b) die from it.

That last sentence is bizarre.  There is always more chance of dying of something else than any cause of death because no single cause of death accounts for 50%+ of deaths.  Covid is in the top three reasons for death and has the chance, as the USA is showing right now, to be number one.  So it could indeed be the most likely thing you'd die of in January 2021.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 16:09:41
Here we go. Compliance will be a huge issue. Is enforcement genuinely going to happen?

 More flip flops than Copacabana.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 16:17:59
Did he just say Christmas Day only nationwide? Not just Tier 4?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 16:30:06
I think so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bedford Red on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 16:31:54
I'm pretty sure he said it was Nationwide too. I'm in tier 4 here anyway now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 16:38:42
This ref is just making it up as he goes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 16:39:14
This ref is just making it up as he goes.

Oddly appropriate wrong thread that.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 17:20:04

Anywho, more good news... Jeremy Cunt reckons we'll run out of jabs in January - we've not ordered enough.

As per my previous post, NHS Trusts were emailed in the week to be told that they were getting fewer vaccine doses than promised due to limited supply, pissed a lot off as they had spent ages planning based on government reassurances of what they would be getting.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 17:20:28
Just put my details into the vaccination calculator,  should get mine in June.
What year?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 17:39:40

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 17:57:07
The system did not make sense from the start, how can you have medium risk, high risk and very high risk - that makes tier 4 then very, very high risk?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 18:16:06
He should never have given people the hope in the first place to be honest. He’s made himself look more of a cunt than he already is

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 18:17:08
Should never have offered the 5 day break in the first place, I am glad they have come to their senses but in a totally bizarre way and with terrible timing.  I still stand with they should have used the Xmas period as a chance to lockdown for 6 weeks, but should have announced it at the start of Dec so everyone could prepare.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 18:17:39
What year?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 18:55:29
Suddenly from tier 2 to tier 4.  Thankfully pre-empted the lockdown earlier today of my own accord.  

Fortunate enough (for now) to take a financial hit and pass on turkey and surplus food to nearby foodbank.  No politics, but it's a very sorry state of affairs.  Will selfishly be keeping some of the better treats in the fridge freezer.

Erring on the side of caution, wherever possible, seems decent.  I really appreciate that the range of situations, family and individual, are kaleidoscopic.  Regardless, a safe and fortunate New Year to all.  Including STFC, natch.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 19:35:56
All tiers are irrelevant while the schools were still open.
Boris is an utter cunt but Starmer said schools should stay open and he was wrong too. This was a huge mistake as the kids literally climb over each other. This is without mentioning the fact that we're an island and could have closed our borders early on. No hindsight in those views. The bleeding obvious.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 21:20:56
The only time I've seen the incumbent PM mostly use the science for the first time. This is is how direct he should have been at the outset. It's the least I've seen him bumble and fettle his way through a Covid Conf.

Mind you...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 22:31:10
All tiers are irrelevant while the schools were still open.
Boris is an utter cunt but Starmer said schools should stay open and he was wrong too. This was a huge mistake as the kids literally climb over each other. This is without mentioning the fact that we're an island and could have closed our borders early on. No hindsight in those views. The bleeding obvious.....

Viva Arriba.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, December 19, 2020, 23:45:49
Never understood the school thing, what's the point of all the other restrictions?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, December 20, 2020, 00:51:48
Never understood the school thing, what's the point of all the other restrictions?

balance. we need schools to keep parents in work and the kids on track.

we need to close businesses but we cant afford to.
we need to avoid family gatherings at christmas but people need to see each.
we need to close the borders but are dependant on travel and trade.

for every decision made there is an equal balanced argument for an against. it's a messed up world at the moment and we really need this vaccine to rule out and get those admissions down and start opening again.

went to Newbury services tonight to do a family present exchange. barely a car park space left families with boots opening everywhere with the same idea. quite a sight seeing families together like that making the best of a bad situation and one of those memories that will stick in your head.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, December 20, 2020, 01:10:56
Found out earlier that my Nan has already had the vid.

That probably makes her a lot safer (fingers crossed)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, December 20, 2020, 06:41:14
Boris’ advice to a Conservative Association

“Say the first thing that comes into your head – it’ll probably be nonsense, you may get a bad headline, but if you make enough dubious claims fast enough, you can get away with it”


“Sometimes it’s better to give the wrong answer at the right time, rather than the right answer at the wrong time.”

Sounds about right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, December 20, 2020, 10:17:53
So into tier 4 now.

As it is just the wife and I at home we had planned to spend the morning at some local
hotels to help out giving food to the homeless which I suppose we won’t be able to do now.

Haven’t checked how this is going to affect house moves, we are due to move in January now, hopefully we still can.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Monday, December 21, 2020, 08:31:41
Looks as if our borders are being closed for us.

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 21, 2020, 10:07:21
Looks as if our borders are being closed for us.

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
It's almost as if EU countries can close their borders with very little fuss after all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 21, 2020, 10:07:27
I hope to fuck the vaccine is still effective against this new varient (obviously).

According the one virologist there are 22 changes (mutations) in this new varient all at once, where its normally 1 or 2. 


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 21, 2020, 10:14:56
I hope to fuck the vaccine is still effective against this new varient (obviously).

According the one virologist there are 22 changes (mutations) in this new varient all at once, where its normally 1 or 2.  

Heard quite a bit from scientists over the last few days on this and they all seemed fairly confident the vaccines would still be effective against the new variant, and the thousands of other new variants also likely to be in circulation and to come. Variants and mutations are what viruses do, vaccine development is well used to dealing with it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 21, 2020, 10:16:05
Looks as if our borders are being closed for us.

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, December 21, 2020, 10:22:56
It's almost as if EU countries can close their borders with very little fuss after all.

As long as it works both ways.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, December 21, 2020, 10:24:42

Paul's Cabs  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 21, 2020, 10:30:29
As long as it works both ways.
That was kind of the point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 21, 2020, 10:30:42
As long as it works both ways.

Nah, they put an "everyone but the UK" clause in. That's why we are leaving.

Oh wait.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 21, 2020, 11:02:29
Heard quite a bit from scientists over the last few days on this and they all seemed fairly confident the vaccines would still be effective against the new variant, and the thousands of other new variants also likely to be in circulation and to come. Variants and mutations are what viruses do, vaccine development is well used to dealing with it.

Put my details into the tracker thingy and it suggests I should be in line for the vaccine sometime late March or April, and I am level 6!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 21, 2020, 11:37:49
I hope to fuck the vaccine is still effective against this new varient (obviously).

According the one virologist there are 22 changes (mutations) in this new varient all at once, where its normally 1 or 2. 

This might help, roundup of some scientific reaction to the new variant (assuming it is new, of course), they seem cautiously optimistic about the vaccine implications and that this kind of mutation is just pretty standard

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Monday, December 21, 2020, 11:53:13
Heard quite a bit from scientists over the last few days on this and they all seemed fairly confident the vaccines would still be effective against the new variant, and the thousands of other new variants also likely to be in circulation and to come.
Probably completely inappropriately but Mandy Rice-Davies comes to mind here. ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 21, 2020, 11:56:15
Its all very contradictory Paul. Even the first sentence


you are here: science media centre > roundups for journalists > expert reaction to the new variant of SARS-CoV-2
December 14, 2020
expert reaction to the new variant of SARS-CoV-2

Matt Hancock announced that a new variant of SARS-CoV-2 has been identified in his speech to the House of Commons.


Dr Lucy van Dorp, senior research fellow in microbial genomics at the UCL Genetics Institute, said:

“It is frustrating to have claims like this made without the associated evidence presented for scientific assessment and the variant remains to be officially announced. It seems COG-UK will release further details soon1 and a preprint may follow2.

“The possible candidates based on some of our own observations (current as of 30th November) is that this may refer to a double deletion in the coronavirus spike protein (positions 69/70) or alternatively a spike mutation in the receptor binding domain N501Y3. There is some experimental support for N501Y increasing receptor binding experimental settings and mouse models. There have also been some reports that the spike double deletion has a moderate impact on antibody recognition.

“At the same time it is important to remember that all SARS-CoV-2 in circulation are extremely genetically similar to one another and our prior should be that most mutations have no significant impact on the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2.

But the Government say it may be up to 70% more so.

Hopefully as you say it still falls within normal mutation bounds, meaning the vaccine is still a go.

I blam the BBC expert for casting doubts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, December 21, 2020, 13:34:03
Its all very contradictory Paul. Even the first sentence

But the Government say it may be up to 70% more so.

I'm not sure the advice from the scientists is very contradictory (although they may seem to be at variance with the alarm coming from the govt). But they are rightly being cautious until they see some confirmed evidence. It has been suggested that the govt may find it convenient to blame a supermutant new variant for the alarming spike in cases running out of control, rather than failed policy. That's not to say that the new variant isn't more transmissible, it seems likely that it is. But many scientists seem bemused at the way this particular set of mutations is being called out, as opposed to the many hundreds if not thousands that have likely already occurred in the UK and across the world.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 21, 2020, 14:04:55
I'm not sure the advice from the scientists is very contradictory (although they may seem to be at variance with the alarm coming from the govt). But they are rightly being cautious until they see some confirmed evidence. It has been suggested that the govt may find it convenient to blame a supermutant new variant for the alarming spike in cases running out of control, rather than failed policy. That's not to say that the new variant isn't more transmissible, it seems likely that it is. But many scientists seem bemused at the way this particular set of mutations is being called out, as opposed to the many hundreds if not thousands that have likely already occurred in the UK and across the world.

German scientists have confirmed that they were equally aware in September but seem a little bemused why its causing mayhem here and not over there, with caveat of still needing more from UK they seem to have limited concerns that this will affect the vaccinations and actually unsure whether the mutation is 'good' for the virus long term or not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, December 21, 2020, 16:18:03
Swindon heading for Tier 3 as cases rise alarmingly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 21, 2020, 16:23:24
Swindon heading for Tier 3 as cases rise alarmingly.

The 7 day rolling average went down yesterday (yeah it was Sunday, shhh)

Its inevitable isn't it, what with new variant being in Berkshire, the London exodus and Crimbo.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, December 21, 2020, 16:39:38
The whole country will be back in lockdown in January, so they’ll be able to make another balls up of the tier system again in February.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 21, 2020, 16:42:12
The 7 day rolling average went down yesterday (yeah it was Sunday, shhh)

Its inevitable isn't it, what with new variant being in Berkshire, the London exodus and Crimbo.

Not sure, this new variant seems loathe to go beyond London its like a black cab driver.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, December 21, 2020, 17:10:48
Not sure, this new variant seems loathe to go beyond London its like a black cab driver.
Other coloured cab drivers are available.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 21, 2020, 17:12:11
soapy tit wank:)

more seriously for a sec, if only that was true Horlock (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Monday, December 21, 2020, 17:54:37
Just watching Boris doing his evening statement.

His hair style today is reminiscent of Bernard Bouffant.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 21, 2020, 20:37:01
Just watching Boris doing his evening statement.

His hair style today is reminiscent of Bernard Bouffant.
See the BBC showed worzel gummidge immediately before the presser, was pretty difficult to tell when one ended and the other started...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 09:37:41
Re the new strain, this is quite a short read in laymans terms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 10:36:33
Re the new strain, this is quite a short read in laymans terms.
"If there’s one good thing to come from the emergence of B1.1.17, it’s that it might have given the UK the kick it needed to do more to control their outbreak. Or at least given Boris Johnson somewhere else to lay the blame for ever increasing case numbers."
I think we have already seen which of those two paths the govt have chosen to take. This new strain was already responsible for over 60% of cases in London in early December, well before the govt started it's public agonising over whether to undo the "five day truce" for Christmas. They knew then that this was happening and still tried to carry on with what was clearly a hugely irresponsible opportunity to allow the new strain to continue to spread nationwide when they should have been introducing Tier 4 etc back then. If the message hasn't sunk home by now, it's pretty clear: this govt doesn't care about containing the virus, just the blame.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 11:19:38
After a trip to the supermarket this morning I have changed my mind. It's the oldies and chavs who are worst for social distancing. I'm done with shopping this side of Friday.  :crash:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 11:58:31
After a trip to the supermarket this morning I have changed my mind. It's the oldies and chavs who are worst for social distancing. I'm done with shopping this side of Friday.  :crash:

We went to Sainsbury at 6am yesterday for this very reason. Was a decent experience aside from one non-mask wearing wanker wandering around the shop on the phone to (I assume his wife/gf) someone asking ‘do we need any tinned items, do we need ham’ etc etc.

We’re nicely stocked up now for a bit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 12:06:51
There's been an explosion in cases in Samut Sakhon, which is a province next door to Samut Prakan, which is where I live.

The schools in the area are already closed and events are being cancelled left right and centre. A lockdown is looking increasingly likely.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 15:36:01
Anyone who hasn't taken a look at the trend data in Swindon recently really should:

Massive increase in cases in 0-59 year olds whilst a massive fall in cases in 60+ year olds. The heatmap looks grim.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 15:44:07
Anyone who hasn't taken a look at the trend data in Swindon recently really should:

Massive increase in cases in 0-59 year olds whilst a massive fall in cases in 60+ year olds. The heatmap looks grim.
It does indeed. The divergence among the age groups is interesting as previously the two groups had largely been on the same track but now headed in completely different directions. Wonder why? Parents of school age kids/students maybe? Or just more of the working population is in the under 60 group?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 15:49:26
I suppose epidemiologically 5,000 cases isn't really a lot of data to extrapolate from, but it seems such a divergence from the general South West trend and even nationally. There must be some kind of demographical reason for it. You'd expect Wiltshire to maybe follow a similar trend, but it doesn't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 15:56:00
I suppose epidemiologically 5,000 cases isn't really a lot of data to extrapolate from, but it seems such a divergence from the general South West trend and even nationally. There must be some kind of demographical reason for it. You'd expect Wiltshire to maybe follow a similar trend, but it doesn't.
I'd have thought a better comparison would be with other towns of a similar size and with similar socioeconomic make-up and mix of workplaces?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 16:02:52
Good point.

Reading seems to correlate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 16:44:24

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 17:28:12
Samdy's interesting, I'm just depressing :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 17:45:16
It does indeed. The divergence among the age groups is interesting as previously the two groups had largely been on the same track but now headed in completely different directions. Wonder why? Parents of school age kids/students maybe? Or just more of the working population is in the under 60 group?
Id imagine the over 60s are still shit scared and are more careful. Probably retired and don’t have to go to work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 17:54:16

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 14:57:47
Loads more tier 4 areas announced later but not in effect until boxing day. Why delay for them and not for us peasants in the wastelands?

Obviously delaying is stupid full stop.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 15:12:24
Swindon into tier 3

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Oldwembley69 on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 15:36:20
Tier 3 from midnight Boxing Day so no supporters at CG for home games

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 15:46:22
What does that mean for the various new(ish) estates in north Swindon that are to all intents and purposes Swindon but fall under Wiltshire council for some reason

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 16:03:49
What does that mean for the various new(ish) estates in north Swindon that are to all intents and purposes Swindon but fall under Wiltshire council for some reason

Good Q, I think they'd be under Wilts (tier 2) which is a nonsense.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 16:46:14
If they are in Oxfordshire they are classed as Tier 4, if they are in Wiltshire they are tier 3, doesn't matter what council they fall under surely?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 16:51:54
If they are in Oxfordshire they are classed as Tier 4, if they are in Wiltshire they are tier 3, doesn't matter what council they fall under surely?

From boxing day:

  Wiltshire is tier 2
  Swindon is tier 3

Hence its not clear what constitutes "swindon". They should be in tier 3 but...

    Sussex, Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire will move into tier four - meaning they will be under England's toughest restrictions - from 00:01 GMT on Boxing Day

    The parts of Essex not currently in tier four, along with Waverley in Surrey, and Hampshire - including Portsmouth and Southampton but not the New Forest - will also be escalated to tier four

    Bristol, Gloucestershire, Somerset (including North Somerset), Swindon, the Isle of Wight, the New Forest and Northamptonshire, as well as Cheshire and Warrington, will move to tier three

   Cornwall and Herefordshire, which "have seen sharply rising rates", will enter tier two restrictions

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 16:56:47
Good Q, I think they'd be under Wilts (tier 2) which is a nonsense.

They have to draw the line somewhere - at least for as long as the Tier system lasts.  Here in Farnborough (Hampshire), we're Tier 2 until Boxing Day. I can go a mile up the road to Frimley, which is part of the same urban area but over the county boundary in Surrey, & I'd be in Tier 4.  Many other examples like this.  I agree that it doesn't make a lot of sense locally (especially for the northern suburbs of Swindon that you highlight that pay Council Tax to Wiltshire CC).  So probably another reason we'll move to national restrictions again soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 16:58:01
Agreed Ardiles.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 17:12:57
That’s why postcodes would make more sense I think

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 17:18:39
That’s why postcodes would make more sense I think
chuck it in the postcode checker and you'll know.

I'm not sure which part of Swindon is classed wiltshire, if tadpole is then it looks like they've been Swindon'd as per Bernie's post

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 17:43:20
I find it fascinating how everyone looks to try to dodge stuff. Bottom line is there is a nasty mutating virus out there that 'could' kill you or 'could' do nothing. To my mind, that makes me 'EXTRA' cautious, not extra devious to try to avoid personal sanctions! But, each to their own.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 17:48:42
Should add, I don’t live in any of those areas so the outcome doesn’t affect me.

If they are in tier 2, they should be barricaded in as far as I’m concerned. Let Wiltshire council air drop in supplies

Edit - Moulden view are definitely tier 2 according to the government website. Given the main road out of that estate is tier three I think that means it’s technically illegal for people living their to leave their homes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 19:16:26
Could they tunnel out?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 19:21:04
Quote from: Bogus Dave

Edit - Moulden view are definitely tier 2 according to the government website. Given the main road out of that estate is tier three I think that means it’s technically illegal for people living their to leave their homes

just came back to post similar. crazy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 19:59:27
They have a higher case rate there than in a lot of other areas in Swindon too - including nearly 4 times greater than Hayden wick next door

I get the lines have to be drawn somewhere. It’s more a comment on the stupidity of the town planning

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 22:28:52
chuck it in the postcode checker and you'll know.

I'm not sure which part of Swindon is classed wiltshire, if tadpole is then it looks like they've been Swindon'd as per Bernie's post

There are a number of streets in the north of Peatmoor that fall outside the Swindon BC boundary.  Along with all of the new Ridgeway Farm area.  Look at a map, and they're connected to Swindon.  Just not technically a part of it.  Where Swindon has built out right up to its boundary, it must be quite tempting for Wiltshire CC to permit building on the adjacent sites.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 09:12:14

From boxing day:

  Wiltshire is tier 2
  Swindon is tier 3

Hence its not clear what constitutes "swindon". They should be in tier 3 but...

    Sussex, Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire will move into tier four - meaning they will be under England's toughest restrictions - from 00:01 GMT on Boxing Day

    The parts of Essex not currently in tier four, along with Waverley in Surrey, and Hampshire - including Portsmouth and Southampton but not the New Forest - will also be escalated to tier four

    Bristol, Gloucestershire, Somerset (including North Somerset), Swindon, the Isle of Wight, the New Forest and Northamptonshire, as well as Cheshire and Warrington, will move to tier three

   Cornwall and Herefordshire, which "have seen sharply rising rates", will enter tier two restrictions

Yeah, my bad - misunderstood.

My boy lives in the new estate on the Purton road, he is in Tier 2 because he is covered by Wiltshire Council.  If he looks out of his Window, he can see houses in the old estate they are attached to which is Tier 3 - Bonkers.

So if he follows the rules to the letter, he can't travel to Tier 3 so can only turn left when he pulls out of his house..

I don't think they thought this through properly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 09:18:10
It looks so simple on a full map...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 09:37:24
I made similar musings on Twitter yesterday. Technically anyone living in Ridgeway Farm, Mouldon View etc. will have to drive to Wootton Bassett/Chippenham to do their shopping instead of popping down the road to Asda.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 09:51:54
I think I've probably been as critical as anyone of the arbitrary way the govt have gone about applying regulations for COVID, but come on guys. If you're going to have a regionalised tier system, boundaries have to be drawn somewhere and there will always be people on borders which give rise to odd cases. The classic one is Chester's stadium being partly in England, partly in Wales. That doesn't invalidate the system overall, it just means that people on the boundaries find themselves in slightly anomalous situations. That might have serious consequences if this was some sort of martial law, but really this is all technicalities.

EDIT: What Dave said

It’s more a comment on the stupidity of the town planning

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 10:03:58
it's just amusing/bemusing rather than a serious moan Paul.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 11:14:16
As batch says, nobody is up in arms about this, it is just frustrating that the regulations that come out always seem to be more complicated than they need to be.

My Son is officially in Tier 2 but he is just treating it like Tier 3, but you know that a lot of people won't.  I don't see why they don't take away all the ambiguity by just saying, if you have an SN postcode you are 3, if you have an OX postcode you are 4 etc.  adding in the confusion of tier status based on what council covers an area within a town makes no sense to me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 11:28:47
I see you have been winding up that twat Martin Costello on facebook Samdy 8)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 11:41:01
I see you have been winding up that twat Martin Costello on facebook Samdy 8)

its good fun

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 11:46:50
I see you have been winding up that twat Martin Costello on facebook Samdy 8)


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 11:49:13
As batch says, nobody is up in arms about this, it is just frustrating that the regulations that come out always seem to be more complicated than they need to be.

My Son is officially in Tier 2 but he is just treating it like Tier 3, but you know that a lot of people won't.  I don't see why they don't take away all the ambiguity by just saying, if you have an SN postcode you are 3, if you have an OX postcode you are 4 etc.  adding in the confusion of tier status based on what council covers an area within a town makes no sense to me.

dont postcodes cover far greater areas than regional councils. you would be punishing more people than necessary. I'm happy living in wiltshire rather than swindon. wiltshire covers more rural areas and villages than the heavily populated area of Swindon which needs more restrictions.

on a totally different subject to tiers. it blows my mind the number of people infected each week. 650,000 have covid this week and another 570,000 the week before. that's 1.2 million people in a fortnight and the population is only 66 million.

 they reckon 4.4 million have had it in the uk since it started. that doesnt make sense to me with the weekly figures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 11:57:06

Think what they'd be like without meassures,  the R is thought to be around 3 unchallenged.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 12:16:56
As batch says, nobody is up in arms about this, it is just frustrating that the regulations that come out always seem to be more complicated than they need to be.

My Son is officially in Tier 2 but he is just treating it like Tier 3, but you know that a lot of people won't.  I don't see why they don't take away all the ambiguity by just saying, if you have an SN postcode you are 3, if you have an OX postcode you are 4 etc.  adding in the confusion of tier status based on what council covers an area within a town makes no sense to me.

The way we divide up the country has always been a complete dog's dinner.  Royal Mail made no attempt to match postcode districts with counties, and counties themselves are a poorly-understood mishmash anyway.  Contrast with the French system - 100 départements, each with a two digit code that gets used in your postal address  and even on car number plates.  Or the US federal system of states which are then sub-divided in to counties.  The UK system is a mess.  Could do with cleaning up, but it never will be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 12:18:44
I see you have been winding up that twat Martin Costello on facebook Samdy 8)

One of my oldest Swindon-supporting mates has taken to polluting my Facebook timeline with posts by this nasty little racist.  He has a frighteningly large following.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 13:11:19
dont postcodes cover far greater areas than regional councils. you would be punishing more people than necessary. I'm happy living in wiltshire rather than swindon. wiltshire covers more rural areas and villages than the heavily populated area of Swindon which needs more restrictions.

My stance is that I would rather have more people in a higher tier than necessary than not enough, sucks for them yes, but in the circumstances better for everyone and can only speed up all of us getting through this and to the new normality.  I would have exactly the same view if it was the other way around, in fact I have openly stated that I would have preferred a full National lockdown for a number of weeks over the Xmas period.

I am fully aware that I would be in a minority with that view, but I for one am sick of this state of flux and would prefer the sacrifice now to get us to the (sort of) end game quicker.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 13:20:29
on a totally different subject to tiers. it blows my mind the number of people infected each week. 650,000 have covid this week and another 570,000 the week before. that's 1.2 million people in a fortnight

No it's not. Those figures are the total numbers who currently have it, not new infections. It's a running total

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 15:29:52
I see you have been winding up that twat Martin Costello on facebook Samdy 8)

I made two comments in response to a comment of his on an adver post.

I didn't debate it any further, as the late great George Carlin said, never argue with an idiot they'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

He's a moron that idolises the far right and has built himself a following of other morons and now has a persona to keep up with.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 15:34:30
Remember this gem from him?

Speaking directly to supporters, he said: "As I move on, I want you to know that I haven’t deserted you, I have not betrayed you and I’m not running away. I am just upgrading the battle-worn Hurricane for a new Spitfire in what is our second Battle of Britain."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Thursday, December 24, 2020, 19:49:52
I see you have been winding up that twat Martin Costello on facebook Samdy 8)
I made the decision to block the little character from my timeline on facebook.
It's been quite nice not to be irked by his "hot takes"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 08:10:34
Oxford/AstraZenica vaccine approved.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 08:29:35
Oxford/AstraZenica vaccine approved.

With the moronic public attitudes to the virus and the inept government we have this is our only hope.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 08:48:01
With the moronic public attitudes to the virus and the inept government we have this is our only hope.
I think its a good hope to have!

I'd certainly rather have that hope than not.

Starting to get a bit worrying now.

Sign up at the end of our street with people in our road having it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 09:15:01
This approval seems a lot more consequential than the first as we actually have a large supply of this one (and it's easier to distribute etc.)

It seems the plan for this vaccine is that the second dose comes three months after the first - which should also speed up distribution at the start of 2021. Promising stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 09:21:36
Has their been a definite efficacy % been given for it yet? I've read of lot of political type hot air but no definite figures, other than the study that was dismissed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 10:19:32
Going to be an interesting week or so ahead for me.

Being on the most vulnerable list our daughter who lives with us has tested positive today, thats one of the problems with her being a manager at CEX and in the great sprawling shithole they call Bridgwater where they still point at helicopters as they fly over.

Fingers crossed if/when I get it that it doesn't attack my already shitty lungs.

What a fucking Christmas this has been already.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 10:34:41
ICU at the GWH is full to capacity with 79 cases. Not looking good.

New variant effects kids more apparently.

Sad and tough times ahead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 10:40:53
Going to be an interesting week or so ahead for me.

Being on the most vulnerable list our daughter who lives with us has tested positive today, thats one of the problems with her being a manager at CEX and in the great sprawling shithole they call Bridgwater where they still point at helicopters as they fly over.

Fingers crossed if/when I get it that it doesn't attack my already shitty lungs.

What a fucking Christmas this has been already.

Jesus not good PV. Keep safe fella!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 11:20:36
Going to be an interesting week or so ahead for me.

Being on the most vulnerable list our daughter who lives with us has tested positive today, thats one of the problems with her being a manager at CEX and in the great sprawling shithole they call Bridgwater where they still point at helicopters as they fly over.

Fingers crossed if/when I get it that it doesn't attack my already shitty lungs.

What a fucking Christmas this has been already.
Shit, I know this is kind of superfluous but take care of yourself mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 11:23:40
Cheers Paul and Bob, just playing a waiting game now, I am sure all will be fine :)

Fingers crossed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 12:09:52
Has their been a definite efficacy % been given for it yet? I've read of lot of political type hot air but no definite figures, other than the study that was dismissed.

It appears to be still at 65% until full data analysed. Nothing issued yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 12:11:52
Cheers Paul and Bob, just playing a waiting game now, I am sure all will be fine :)

Fingers crossed.

Good luck to you matey.  Its looking messy down here in SE London and we're just continuing being busy despite them setting up rapid testing 200 yards away from us.  Hopefully vaccines will have an effect.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 12:28:31
Going to be an interesting week or so ahead for me.

Being on the most vulnerable list our daughter who lives with us has tested positive today, thats one of the problems with her being a manager at CEX and in the great sprawling shithole they call Bridgwater where they still point at helicopters as they fly over.

Fingers crossed if/when I get it that it doesn't attack my already shitty lungs.

What a fucking Christmas this has been already.

Let's hope that you don't get it JJ and that all of your family stay safe and well

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 13:43:20
Cheers Sax and Jim, keeping a close eye on stuff. Just a bit of a sore throat at the moment so not too bad :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 13:45:21
Cheers Sax and Jim, keeping a close eye on stuff. Just a bit of a sore throat at the moment so not too bad :)

Plenty of rest JJ and fingers crossed for you

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 14:50:29
Going to be an interesting week or so ahead for me.

Being on the most vulnerable list our daughter who lives with us has tested positive today, thats one of the problems with her being a manager at CEX and in the great sprawling shithole they call Bridgwater where they still point at helicopters as they fly over.

Fingers crossed if/when I get it that it doesn't attack my already shitty lungs.

What a fucking Christmas this has been already.
Look after yourself fella.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:01:03
This approval seems a lot more consequential than the first as we actually have a large supply of this one (and it's easier to distribute etc.)

It seems the plan for this vaccine is that the second dose comes three months after the first - which should also speed up distribution at the start of 2021. Promising stuff.
I had thought it was 4 weeks, but the BBC website says 4 to 12. Presumably the first one gives you a certain degree of immunity?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Rapidflyer on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:12:23
Going to be an interesting week or so ahead for me.

Being on the most vulnerable list our daughter who lives with us has tested positive today, thats one of the problems with her being a manager at CEX and in the great sprawling shithole they call Bridgwater where they still point at helicopters as they fly over.

Fingers crossed if/when I get it that it doesn't attack my already shitty lungs.

What a fucking Christmas this has been already.

Stay safe JJ, fingers crossed m8 you are ok .... same for all your family....  :thumb:

Vitamin D3 & K2 combined to bolster up your immune system bud.... or ... sometimes a 21yr old Thai bird with baby oil also helps  :o

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:13:48
South West
Gloucestershire (Cheltenham, Cotswold, Forest of Dean, Gloucester City, Stroud and Tewkesbury) (will be moving to Tier 4 from Thursday 31 December)
North Somerset
Somerset (Mendip, Sedgemoor, Somerset West and Taunton, and South Somerset) (will be moving to Tier 4 from Thursday 31 December)
South Gloucestershire
Swindon (will be moving to Tier 4 from Thursday 31 December)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:15:58

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:16:32
Stay safe JJ, fingers crossed m8 you are ok .... same for all your family....  :thumb:

Vitamin D3 & K2 combined to bolster up your immune system bud.... or ... sometimes a 21yr old Thai bird with baby oil also helps  :o
Thanks mate, keeping a close eye on temps and cough etc.

Was due the vaccine next week too!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:18:11

Yes no way of avoiding it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:20:00
Given furlough is confirmed until April, we’re in peak virus season, numbers are rocketing and we now have a bona Fide exit strategy, i don’t understand why we aren’t having another nationwide lockdown similar to the one last March. Shut everything down completely for three months, industrialise the vaccinations in that time and bosh - you exit March with little to no community spread and the majority of the population vaccinated

Seems silly to let people continue to get ill and die when the end is so near

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:23:17
I had thought it was 4 weeks, but the BBC website says 4 to 12. Presumably the first one gives you a certain degree of immunity?
In the trials, none of the participants experienced serious symptoms of COVID requiring hospital treatment after the first dose i.e. some did still catch COVID after the first jab, but much less than in the general population and even for those who got it it seems to have mitigated the impact of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:28:36
so I think grassroots footy can continue for u18, provided you don't go down a tier to do so...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 15:43:10
so I think grassroots footy can continue for u18, provided you don't go down a tier to do so...
The guidance JPL had from the FA in the last lockdown was that we could go to play games across Tiers. Although the relevant games were then called off anyway due to waterlogged pitches :)

EDIT: that was between Tiers 2 and 3, seems Tier 4 you're right, you can't go in or out to train or play. Which will screw up a good chunk of N Wilts fixtures

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 16:07:01
Best of luck, JJ.  Thinking of you all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 16:12:16
Best of luck, JJ.  Thinking of you all.
Cheers mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 16:28:51
Tier 4. Joy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 16:29:56
non exam secondary school kids back on 18th

exam years back in 11th

most schools are doing online classes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 16:43:01
Shut the schools completely for a few months, have some parred back distance learning if they must, and condense or cancel Easter/spring/summer school holidays to make the time back

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 17:09:37
Shut the schools completely for a few months, have some parred back distance learning if they must, and condense or cancel Easter/spring/summer school holidays to make the time back

I've just passed a large group of 14-15 year old kids messing around so how would anyone know if they are carrying the virus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 17:18:46
In the trials, none of the participants experienced serious symptoms of COVID requiring hospital treatment after the first dose i.e. some did still catch COVID after the first jab, but much less than in the general population and even for those who got it it seems to have mitigated the impact of it.
Thanks. Sounds good at least

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 17:26:12
Given furlough is confirmed until April, we’re in peak virus season, numbers are rocketing and we now have a bona Fide exit strategy, i don’t understand why we aren’t having another nationwide lockdown similar to the one last March. Shut everything down completely for three months, industrialise the vaccinations in that time and bosh - you exit March with little to no community spread and the majority of the population vaccinated

Seems silly to let people continue to get ill and die when the end is so near


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 17:29:52
In the trials, none of the participants experienced serious symptoms of COVID requiring hospital treatment after the first dose i.e. some did still catch COVID after the first jab, but much less than in the general population and even for those who got it it seems to have mitigated the impact of it.

Possibly one idea would be to do 1st doses first to get the coverage and reduce deaths, however the NHS Trusts are under a three line whip from the government that anyone who has one dose has the other within 12 weeks.

One idea floated once the Oxford Vax came online was to basically get people out vaxxing people literally on the door step door to door on the doorstep, albeit that apparently has been discounted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 17:33:04
Possibly one idea would be to do 1st doses first to get the coverage and reduce deaths, however the NHS Trusts are under a three line whip from the government that anyone who has one dose has the other within 12 weeks.
TBF I don't think it's so much as "three line whip from the government" as a condition of its approval for use by the MRHA

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 17:38:29
TBF I don't think it's so much as "three line whip from the government" as a condition of its approval for use by the MRHA

Its quite the threat, they have to record the serial number of dose 1 and apply and allocate a second dose or arses will be severely kicked!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 18:01:41
I've just passed a large group of 14-15 year old kids messing around so how would anyone know if they are carrying the virus

Large groups of teenagers messed around in the first lockdown and it didn’t cause any issue. The problem isn’t them, it’s the millions of kids aged 5 and upwards mingling

It’s been (rightly) pointed out that closing schools would have knock on effects for key workers. In which case move to a similar model as we had in the spring, knock the curriculum on the head for a few months and turn schools into designated childcare areas until it’s safe enough for all to return.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 18:09:08
Large groups of teenagers messed around in the first lockdown and it didn’t cause any issue. The problem isn’t them, it’s the millions of kids aged 5 and upwards mingling

It’s been (rightly) pointed out that closing schools would have knock on effects for key workers. In which case move to a similar model as we had in the spring, knock the curriculum on the head for a few months and turn schools into designated childcare areas until it’s safe enough for all to return.

Fair points you make but are the 5 years and above more likely to carry the virus than teenagers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 18:17:06
Full lockdown, schools shut until the vaccines are rolled out. There's no other way in my opinion.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 18:52:02
Full lockdown, schools shut until the vaccines are rolled out. There's no other way in my opinion.

Same here couldn't agree more

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 19:55:35
Its quite the threat, they have to record the serial number of dose 1 and apply and allocate a second dose or arses will be severely kicked!
Well good. Licenses for vaccines aren't just issued for a giggle, and if there are protocols around them to ensure efficacy then they need to be followed

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 20:57:14
One idea floated once the Oxford Vax came online was to basically get people out vaxxing people literally on the door step door to door on the doorstep, albeit that apparently has been discounted.

Just employee the checkout staff from Aldi to do the vaccinations and we will all be done by end of Jan

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 09:25:09

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 15:13:30
Just employee the checkout staff from Aldi to do the vaccinations and we will all be done by end of Jan


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Friday, January 1, 2021, 10:27:13
Healthcare workers in England have been told to reschedule appointments for the second dose of the Pfizer and BioNTech covid-19 vaccine after the government’s advisory committee decided that vaccinating as many people as possible with a first dose should be the priority.

No idea if this'll made a difference to the efficacy of the vaccine but it does seem like an odd decision

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, January 1, 2021, 10:36:28
Healthcare workers in England have been told to reschedule appointments for the second dose of the Pfizer and BioNTech covid-19 vaccine after the government’s advisory committee decided that vaccinating as many people as possible with a first dose should be the priority.

No idea if this'll made a difference to the efficacy of the vaccine but it does seem like an odd decision

Why does it seem an odd decision? It will enable the quicker roll out of protection to the most vulnerable? So far 20% of the 80+ have been vaccinated.

Rationale for the change.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Friday, January 1, 2021, 11:07:49
Why does it seem an odd decision? It will enable the quicker roll out of protection to the most vulnerable? So far 20% of the 80+ have been vaccinated.

Rationale for the change.
On the face of it I thought it odd, however I stand down my concerns having read the link you've kindly provided

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, January 1, 2021, 11:15:05
On the face of it I thought it odd, however I stand down my concerns having read the link you've kindly provided

It will annoy people who were meant to get the 2nd dose but will hopefully save more lives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, January 1, 2021, 11:15:17
Pfizer are actively discouraging the policy and saying there is no proof of efficacy with a single dose, so a little concerning. If the efficacy is indeed 70% then it makes complete sense.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, January 1, 2021, 11:20:10
Pfizer are actively discouraging the policy and saying there is no proof of efficacy with a single dose, so a little concerning. If the efficacy is indeed 70% then it makes complete sense.

Agreed it is a little concerning and they don't have proof but they have years of experience with other vaccines, see link.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, January 1, 2021, 11:50:23
Healthcare workers in England have been told to reschedule appointments for the second dose of the Pfizer and BioNTech covid-19 vaccine after the government’s advisory committee decided that vaccinating as many people as possible with a first dose should be the priority.

No idea if this'll made a difference to the efficacy of the vaccine but it does seem like an odd decision

Not sure, but they have now made my 80 year old father in law more anxious about it than he has been throughout this. He’s had the first jab and is now petrified it wont be effective by the time 12 weeks is up. Keep telling him not to google stuff but he wont listen

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, January 1, 2021, 11:56:12
Not sure, but they have now made my 80 year old father in law more anxious about it than he has been throughout this. He’s had the first jab and is now petrified it wont be effective by the time 12 weeks is up. Keep telling him not to google stuff but he wont listen
He should look on the bright side, my old man is 83 and still hasn't heard a sausage about getting the first jab.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, January 1, 2021, 12:52:09
Thats what i told him, i also said they wouldnt do it if it wasnt safe to do so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Saturday, January 2, 2021, 10:03:03
A misleading headline from the NYT...but it seems as if there's a bit of woolly wording regarding which lovely drugs you could get for your second jab.

From the Covid19 greenbook
Previous incomplete vaccination
If the course is interrupted or delayed, it should be resumed using the same vaccine but
the first dose should not be repeated. There is no evidence on the interchangeability of the
COVID-19 vaccines although studies are underway. Therefore, every effort should be made
to determine which vaccine the individual received and to complete with the same vaccine. (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, January 2, 2021, 16:57:36
Nice infographic for the COVID deniers

"COVID denialism is fuelled by frequent and repeated claims in the media from a small number of individuals.

So here is a history of the times they were wrong about nearly everything, an interactive timeline"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 13:58:00
Back to school then kids. You couldn't make this up. The spread will continue.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 14:02:28
Back to school then kids. You couldn't make this up. The spread will continue.

Back to school bu the he also threatens tougher lockdown measures could be implemented😁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 14:10:47
Do they think kids are immune or don't transmit the infection? What's the point of any measures/lockdowns if you are only going to do half a job? Ridiculous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 14:11:27
Do they think kids are immune or don't transmit the infection? What's the point of any measures/lockdowns if you are only going to do half a job? Ridiculous.

They literally don't have a clue

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 14:33:30
Infection rates where we are (NE Hampshire) are very high.  Seriously considering keeping our 11 year old off school next week.  It's a complex question.  But the COVID stats are all pointing one way right now.  Fully expecting the government, as usual, to get to the same place as everyone else...just several weeks later.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 16:30:53
Back to school then kids. You couldn't make this up. The spread will continue.
For a week and a half until it becomes obvious that what SAGE was telling them since before Christmas was actually right and that it helps drive the spread. Then another screeching U-turn. Too little, too late, that should have been the slogan this lazy incompetent ditherer fought the election on

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:12:14
it's a shitshow. primary closures in Swindon:

Closures so far : Beachcroft infants (7,8,9 closed only), Even swindon, Oakhurst, Shaw ridge

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:13:26
it's a shitshow. primary closures in Swindon:

Closures so far : Beachcroft infants (7,8,9 closed only), Even swindon, Oakhurst, Shaw ridge

Maybe many parents wind let their kids go

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:31:12
I see they are now worried about the effectiveness of the vaccine against the South African variant but the vaccine could perhaps be tweaked in ‘4 to 6 weeks’. If there becomes any prolonged question marks about the vaccines effectiveness against various mutations I can’t see any choice but to just get on with things and live with it. I can’t see people following restrictions if the light at the end up tunnel keeps getting further away, next 2 or 3 months are make or break, putting your life on hold for 1 year is one thing, once we pass the 12 month mark in March people’s views will start to change.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:31:26
no, it's due to unions advising staff not to go in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:32:18
Quote from: theakston2k
I see they are now worried about the effectiveness of the vaccine against the South African variant but the vaccine could perhaps be tweaked in ‘4 to 6 weeks’. If there becomes any prolonged question marks about the vaccines effectiveness against various mutations I can’t see any choice but to just get on with things and live with it. I can’t see people following restrictions if the light at the end up tunnel keeps getting further away, next 2 or 3 months are make or break, putting your life on hold for 1 year is one thing, once we pass the 12 month mark in March people’s views will start to change.

oh fuck. where did you see that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:38:01
How are France, Italy & Spain coping as we here verŷ little about them these days

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:40:14
oh fuck. where did you see that?
Bottom of this:

Said everything will be fine but now in a game of ‘cat and mouse’.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:44:19
I see they are now worried about the effectiveness of the vaccine against the South African variant but the vaccine could perhaps be tweaked in ‘4 to 6 weeks’. If there becomes any prolonged question marks about the vaccines effectiveness against various mutations I can’t see any choice but to just get on with things and live with it. I can’t see people following restrictions if the light at the end up tunnel keeps getting further away, next 2 or 3 months are make or break, putting your life on hold for 1 year is one thing, once we pass the 12 month mark in March people’s views will start to change.

I know you don't mean this in full so it's not directed at you in full but imagine people who have a very extreme view of this. It would seem quite ironic that the impatience of a human led to a demise of humanity. I think they call it natural selection to some degree.

Btw, what you say is fairly correct even if I am erring in the slight other side of not wanting to kill other people/put them at risk but I do share your concerns regarding mental health (as a reminder to some who will have you believe I stated I'm a consultant psychologist) and I'm glad I don't have to make that balance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:51:05
I know you don't mean this in full so it's not directed at you in full but imagine people who have a very extreme view of this. It would seem quite ironic that the impatience of a human led to a demise of humanity. I think they call it natural selection to some degree.

Btw, what you say is fairly correct even if I am erring in the slight other side of not wanting to kill other people/put them at risk but I do share your concerns regarding mental health (as a reminder to some who will have you believe I stated I'm a consultant psychologist) and I'm glad I don't have to make that balance.
But it can only be classed as impatience so long, if we are still in the position we are now this time next year due to mutations would you really be able to call people impatient or ‘COVidiots’ anymore if they chose to live their life normally again? At some point people have the right to make their own decisions. We’ve been told Spring is when some normality will start to return, if this doesn’t happen or we continue to lurch from one set of restrictions to another I think people will naturally take matters into their own hands. Like I say the next 3 months are make or break IMO.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 17:55:07
cheers theakston. no need to panic yet then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 18:03:58
Literally no different to the flu vaccine, which is the same basic vaccine tweaked every year to be effective against the most prevalent strain that winter

Calm down, stop panicking

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 18:05:22
cheers theakston. no need to panic yet then

Everything else I have read has said:

- There is no reason that the vaccine shouldn't work
- Scientists are testing it now
- The vaccine can be tweaked if necessary to cope with the mutation
- The vaccine would be able to be tweaked in 4-6 weeks if necessary

That's a massive difference to the implication that the vaccine won't work and we have to find another one!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 20:23:17
So we are now looking at a new full lockdown in the not to distant future..

How many clubs will be left if this continues for a full second year?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 20:24:55
So we are now looking at a new full lockdown in the not to distant future..

How many clubs will be left if this continues for a full second year?

A massive knock on if it happens, more job losses, maybe furlough extended again, housing market, economy etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 20:27:43
Literally no different to the flu vaccine, which is the same basic vaccine tweaked every year to be effective against the most prevalent strain that winter

Calm down, stop panicking
Exactly this. Although tbf I don't think theakston is panicking he is using this to back the same anti-lockdown agenda he has pursued from the outset. Which in itself is fair enough, but causing unnecessary concern about the efficacy of vaccines (IIRC he is also anti-vax) is a little irresponsible IMO

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 20:32:38
Exactly this. Although tbf I don't think theakston is panicking he is using this to back the same anti-lockdown agenda he has pursued from the outset. Which in itself is fair enough, but causing unnecessary concern about the efficacy of vaccines (IIRC he is also anti-vax) is a little irresponsible IMO
Totally agree.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 20:39:58
Exactly this. Although tbf I don't think theakston is panicking he is using this to back the same anti-lockdown agenda he has pursued from the outset. Which in itself is fair enough, but causing unnecessary concern about the efficacy of vaccines (IIRC he is also anti-vax) is a little irresponsible IMO

Hang on, I don't think theakston2k is an anti-vaxxer?! Is he?! Are you t2k?!  :hmmm: :nurse:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 21:00:26
Hang on, I don't think theakston2k is an anti-vaxxer?! Is he?! Are you t2k?!  :hmmm: :nurse:
I didn't mean generally - he has previously said he wouldn't take any of the COVID vaccines until they had been in general use for years as he has concerns about possible unknown side-effects etc. Which, again, is a legitimate concern, but difficult to reconcile with an anti-lockdown stance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 21:43:30
How are France, Italy & Spain coping as we here verŷ little about them these days
Considerably better than we are: we are up there with the US with a near vertical rate of increase

( (

Graphic is from Our World in Data:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 21:49:46
Considerably better than we are: we are up there with the US with a near vertical rate of increase

( (

Graphic is from Our World in Data:

Many thanks for the data.
How an earth are they avoiding it🤔

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, January 3, 2021, 22:32:01
I didn't mean generally - he has previously said he wouldn't take any of the COVID vaccines until they had been in general use for years as he has concerns about possible unknown side-effects etc. Which, again, is a legitimate concern, but difficult to reconcile with an anti-lockdown stance.
I don’t agree with lockdowns as the impacts on people’s mental health, other illnesses and people’s general ability to have some kind of quality of life seems to get completely forgotten about. They are on about a new tier 5 now where only 1 hour outside might be allowed, how is that at all healthy?
At the same time I wouldn’t be an early adopter of a vaccine as by the very nature of how quickly it has came out long term side effects aren’t known, I won’t get it until 2022 according to the calculator anyway so doesn’t matter. Both stances aren’t mutually exclusive....

People keep clamouring that we should remain under heavy restrictions until the virus is ‘under control’ or the majority of people are vaccinated. Honestly though, if it takes a prolonged period of time will you continue to put your life on hold indefinitely for another year, maybe more? I’m not ashamed to say my patience is finite and I won’t do that, time is precious and shouldn’t be wasted. If things don’t change in spring hard decisions will need to be made.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Monday, January 4, 2021, 05:59:37
Speaking of Spain and their lockdown measures has Mex posted recently?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 4, 2021, 06:52:32
Last posted christmas day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 4, 2021, 08:33:14
Mexs posts have always been a bit sporadic, at least in recent times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Monday, January 4, 2021, 08:53:46
I did a search and he’s been posting about the football mostly.

Just wondered what the conditions are like now in Spain, seen as they had a ‘proper’ lockdown with armed guards and shit first time around.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 4, 2021, 09:14:49
Considerably better than we are: we are up there with the US with a near vertical rate of increase

( (

Graphic is from Our World in Data:

I think that the government have misinterpreted what flattening the curve means... Perhaps the scientists should have specified it was on the X axis they were talking about. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 4, 2021, 10:32:01
I don’t agree with lockdowns as the impacts on people’s mental health, other illnesses and people’s general ability to have some kind of quality of life seems to get completely forgotten about. They are on about a new tier 5 now where only 1 hour outside might be allowed, how is that at all healthy?
At the same time I wouldn’t be an early adopter of a vaccine as by the very nature of how quickly it has came out long term side effects aren’t known, I won’t get it until 2022 according to the calculator anyway so doesn’t matter. Both stances aren’t mutually exclusive....

People keep clamouring that we should remain under heavy restrictions until the virus is ‘under control’ or the majority of people are vaccinated. Honestly though, if it takes a prolonged period of time will you continue to put your life on hold indefinitely for another year, maybe more? I’m not ashamed to say my patience is finite and I won’t do that, time is precious and shouldn’t be wasted. If things don’t change in spring hard decisions will need to be made.
TLDR: I'm incredibly selfish

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, January 4, 2021, 11:16:55
We're going to be "World beating" again aren't we  :headhurts:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Monday, January 4, 2021, 13:00:17
I did a search and he’s been posting about the football mostly.

Just wondered what the conditions are like now in Spain, seen as they had a ‘proper’ lockdown with armed guards and shit first time around.
According to my folks it's full-on as per last time. Apparently roads out of Madrid were blocked by law enforcement before xmas. It is no longer discussed particularly as they are so used to it. Last time they had almost no cases in their part of the Costa Blanca but it's been a lot worse this time around. Don't know if that is the case elsewhere in Spain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, January 4, 2021, 13:04:50
They're increasingly locking down in Thailand now after a spate of cases. The kids are off school until the end of the month.

The covidiots are out in force. 'Why the lockdown when there's only been xxx cases?'

The lockdown's to stop that number from shooting up, cretin. And I don't mean somebody is a cretin for not wanting a lockdown, but the question is very cretinous indeed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 4, 2021, 13:13:54
Wish they would bloody make their mind up round here, County Council wrote to DFE over the weekend asking for permission to close the Primary Schools but that was turned down, now we have certain schools not reopening tomorrow (its an inset day today) due to staff shortages as some staff are following Union (and doctors!) advice not to go in, whilst we have Johnson suggesting that new tougher measures will be needed shortly.

I can see our wee lass going into to school tomorrow and then a lockdown being imposed so she sees her mates for one day and that's bloody it, we are at least lucky in that we both home work so child care can be managed easily, god forbid what it must be like in cases where both parents are working.

Thing is for no of cases (and no/100000) its better in our little bit of Cumbria than its been for weeks, albeit obviously the Christmas spike will royally fuck that up!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:16:28
Scotland going into full lockdown at midnight

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:19:39
Get the Irn Bru in!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:20:09
'Mon the Biff!'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:27:59
Scotland going into full lockdown at midnight

Johnson being given another masterclass in what leadership actually looks like.  Clear & concise.  Why does he have to dither & delay - every time - before arriving at the same point...just too late?

Actually, we know the answer.  There is no libertarian wing of the SNP for Sturgeon to deal with.  Johnson has at least to pretend to listen to the right wing headbangers in his party like Peter Bone, Francois and Rees-Mogg before bowing to the inevitable.  It wastes so much time, & so many lives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:30:29
Johnson being given another masterclass in what leadership actually looks like.  Clear & concise.  Why does he have to dither & delay - every time - before arriving at the same point...just too late?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:31:43
Johnson being given another masterclass in what leadership actually looks like.  Clear & concise.  Why does he have to dither & delay - every time - before arriving at the same point...just too late?

Actually, we know the answer.  There is no libertarian wing of the SNP for Sturgeon to deal with.  Johnson has at least to pretend to listen to the right wing headbangers in his party like Peter Bone, Francois and Rees-Mogg before bowing to the inevitable.  It wastes so much time, & so many lives.

I'm sure whilst he's "listening" though all that is really going on in his head is which variety of suet he wants to stuff his piglet with. Or something.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:34:56
I'm sure whilst he's "listening" though all that is really going on in his head is which variety of suet he wants to stuff his piglet with. Or something.

From the BBC website.

'The number of Covid vaccine doses will amount to “tens of millions by the end of March” Boris Johnson says.

The supply will "ramp up in the weeks ahead", the PM says during a visit to Chase Farm Hospital in north London where people have been receiving the Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine.

Johnson says it is “completely untrue” the NHS doesn’t have immediate capacity to administer two million doses a week, but that the issue is “getting them (the batches of vaccines) properly tested”, and “each batch needs to be properly approved and quality controlled”.

Asked when the government would hit giving two million doses a week, he says he will release more details in the next few days, “as soon as we have better numbers to give”.'

Setting aside the question as to why its considered a good idea for him to be traipsing round hospitals having his picture taken (with no doubt the entourage that includes), what does the highlighted bits mean, I wasn't aware that each bath of any medicine had to be specifically tested, approved and quality controlled? .

EDIT - It is apparently broadly correct.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:35:58

Don't be silly, we all know the virus (and it's mutating cousins) just loves to take 5 days off over Christmas. Not once did it think (genuinely can't think though, no nuclei) about thriving during the Christmas period. Was too busy knecking expensive Sherry in an empty Fortnum & Mason's   :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:39:57
Had a notification that the vaccine is available to all staff @ GWH from next week. Hopefully I will be able to get an appointment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:57:07
Boris Johnson addressing the nation at 8pm.

Here comes the lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:59:19
Boris Johnson addressing the nation at 8pm.

Here comes the lockdown.

Even he can't shut the country down at that short notice can he....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:59:51
Quote from: horlock07
Boris Johnson addressing the nation at 8pm.

Here comes the lockdown.
Even he can't shut the country down at that short notice can he....


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:07:30
Even he can't shut the country down at that short notice can he....


Know what you mean, its more that Sturgeon announced lockdown at midnight at 2pm, we have got schools opening tomorrow (just had details of what our lass neds to take and she is going to need a bloody transit van for all the clothes etc), now she will be in bed by then so what's the point of her going back for a couple of days?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:11:24
well quite. IF schools are shutting it should have been announced last week with London.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:17:36

PM will be directly addressing the nation. It won’t be a press conference. Tier 4 restrictions will be imposed everywhere. Schools closed. No more team games in parks. But outdoor exercise will still be allowed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:18:39
Well worth reopening schools and causing the massive amount of work involved in that, let alone all the stress to teachers and parents for... one, maybe two days.

A lot of the schools near me saw this coming a mile off and declared Monday and Tuesday TD Days...

Title: Re: Coronav
Post by: china red on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:24:23
Boris has the memory of a goldfish......what a knob

We’d already decided to say our daughter was unable to go in this week, seems like now we won’t need to make the call

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:28:54
Schools should shut.

This new variant affects children more than the last one.

I am telling you, things will get worse before getting better.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:34:01

This new variant affects children more than the last one.

Source? Not disputing, just interested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:40:26
Bojo on the box at 8pm then  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:40:42
well quite. IF schools are shutting it should have been announced last week with London.
Or actually planned for before Christmas when Fuckwit Williamson was suing schools to force them to stay open. Then they could have used the time to think up ways to actually make schools safer other than just asserting it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:41:52
Schools should shut.

This new variant affects children more than the last one.

I am telling you, things will get worse before getting better.

This has been disproven.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:52:34
Quote from: Panda Paws
This new variant affects children more than the last one.

Source? Not disputing, just interested.

the heat map suggests it. but you have to be careful they haven't just started testing more children. or it's showing more in children now because schools are open this time, etc.

the new variant does transmit more readily, so I guess everyone could be worse effected

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 4, 2021, 15:54:03
Well well well

Piers Morgan broke government guidance by travelling to Antigua over the Christmas period, despite living in a high tier area

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:03:29
Source? Not disputing, just interested.

the heat map suggests it. but you have to be careful they haven't just started testing more children. or it's showing more in children now because schools are open this time, etc.

the new variant does transmit more readily, so I guess everyone could be worse effected
ONS said at end of December that "the percentage of positive tests continues to be highest among secondary school-age children" and "Similarly, the Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT) reported highest positivity rates for people aged 13 to 17 years (2.04% between 13 November and 3 December)." So it isn't just numbers of tests being done, there are proportionately more school age children testing positive, according to ONS stats. Set against that, the affects are still worse in the old: "Even though more young people have been infected, hospital admissions and deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) are highest among those aged over 65 years."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:04:34
Well well well

Piers Morgan broke government guidance by travelling to Antigua over the Christmas period, despite living in a high tier area

Is it actually proven, the only references I can see are from anti lockdown nut jobs and Guido Fawkes at the moment groups he has tended to piss off recently?

Not making any excuses for the prick, but FWIW as at least Heathrow (and Gatwick?) have been in Tier 4 for all the Christmas period isn't anyone who has flown out of there on non-essential travel equally liable? I see even now whilst making a much fuss about fearing the South African variant, we are still not testing people as they come back

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:04:35
Well well well

Piers Morgan broke government guidance by travelling to Antigua over the Christmas period, despite living in a high tier area

If true he is going to get crucified. Didn't that Katie Hopkins wannabe Julia Hartley-Brewers Droop also fuck off to somewhere similar over Christmas?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:06:41
If true he is going to get crucified. Didn't that Katie Hopkins wannabe Julia Hartley-Brewers Droop also fuck off to somewhere similar over Christmas?
Yes and gloated that she had "got out" the day before whichever set of restrictions it was that would have prevented her from doing so. Then spent the rest of Christmas berating scientists and the NHS from the pool side at her luxury hotel

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:09:53
Set against that, the affects are still worse in the old: "Even though more young people have been infected, hospital admissions and deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) are highest among those aged over 65 years."

Just to build on that, a colleague of mines 18 year old lad (decent rugby player, heavy gym user, fit and healthy kid) had it (asymptomatic would never have known he had it if he had not taken a test as a friend tested positive who he saw for a couple of mins and that was it, they actually suspect he caught it at the gym from someone else), subsequently he is permanently shattered and having to have loads of tests MRI's etc to try and see if its affected his heart.

Even asymptomatic it can fuck you up however old you are.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:10:25
Yes and gloated that she had "got out" the day before whichever set of restrictions it was that would have prevented her from doing so. Then spent the rest of Christmas berating scientists and the NHS from the pool side at her luxury hotel

Hopefully they don't let the mouthy bint back in the country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:11:14
Yes and gloated that she had "got out" the day before whichever set of restrictions it was that would have prevented her from doing so. Then spent the rest of Christmas berating scientists and the NHS from the pool side at her luxury hotel

Everyone at it, the holiday cottages round here were all occupied over Christmas and New Year!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:13:21
Quote from: tans
Well well well

Piers Morgan broke government guidance by travelling to Antigua over the Christmas period, despite living in a high tier area

he went to Antigua in August

he caused outrage by posting a shot from a London Italian deli and teaching it as in Italy.

if he's really gone to Antigua again then.. well.. fucking hell

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:14:59
Just to build on that, a colleague of mines 18 year old lad (decent rugby player, heavy gym user, fit and healthy kid) had it (asymptomatic would never have known he had it if he had not taken a test as a friend tested positive who he saw for a couple of mins and that was it, they actually suspect he caught it at the gym from someone else), subsequently he is permanently shattered and having to have loads of tests MRI's etc to try and see if its affected his heart.

Even asymptomatic it can fuck you up however old you are.   

I've always been wary about any potential long-term effects of Covid, as well as not spreading it to vulnerable people etc. Yes, it may be a minor inconvenience for a few days for the young and healthy, but who knows how it might effect your body long term, for all anyone knows your lungs could explode 3 years after you have Covid, or your face could morph into that of Katie Hopkins 1000 days after you initially get the virus.

I really really hope those being so blase about it, don't end up paying a price.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:17:41
Just to build on that, a colleague of mines 18 year old lad (decent rugby player, heavy gym user, fit and healthy kid) had it (asymptomatic would never have known he had it if he had not taken a test as a friend tested positive who he saw for a couple of mins and that was it, they actually suspect he caught it at the gym from someone else), subsequently he is permanently shattered and having to have loads of tests MRI's etc to try and see if its affected his heart.

Even asymptomatic it can fuck you up however old you are.  
This is a really important aspect that keeps being overlooked. It's being treated as if it's a binary die/survive outcome for those who get it when actually there's a significant proportion of people who are suffering serious long term problems after "recovering" from COVID itself. That's aside from the poor buggers suffering with Long COVID (people who have COVID for months on end)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, January 4, 2021, 16:59:27
Source? Not disputing, just interested.

More children infected in the children's ward than last time. Could be the new varient, but like others have said it is have a toll on everyone.

I personally believe that the 'original' also infected younger ones but less were tested.

Who actually knows?! We are all reliant on data.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 4, 2021, 17:09:04
I personally believe that the 'original' also infected younger ones but less were tested.
No, the %age of positive tests among those tested is also higher according to ONS (see my post on page before this one for the link)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: magicroundabout on Monday, January 4, 2021, 18:31:26
The hospital I work at has shown that this time around is proving to be the busiest we have ever been.
We have an 18 bedded isolation area within ED which is constantly in use.
Some having to stay within this area for over 24hrs. Which as you all know is way past the 4 hourly target that we are set. Wait times have gone up as the acuity of patients requiring to stay is hospital has just blown up exponentially. 

Ambulances queuing outside just to offload patients into this area is a daily occurrence. At 8am this morning we had 3 Ambulances waiting. As of 5pm we had 7. longest wait time being 3 hours.

Everyday the managers are fighting to generate beds. Have rapid swabs sent and completed.

The battle through A&E this time is just horrendous. The sooner we face a full scale lockdown the better. We need to try and get on top of this and we're failing drastically.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, January 4, 2021, 19:58:50

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 4, 2021, 20:09:04
He said the end is in sight :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Toffee apple headed cunt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 4, 2021, 20:10:02
fucking hell.

schools closed from tomorrow until after Feb half term. 12 hours before the gates open.

Incredible given yesterday 'schools were safe'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, January 4, 2021, 20:18:39
I've got my car mot booked for Saturday  ???

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 4, 2021, 20:20:00
Very good thread on why we need not just a lockdown but a properly targeted lockdown, with proper support for key workers, esp if they need to isolate

We won't get one of course, but this is the kind of thinking we need if we are to avoid what now looks like an inevitable death toll of over 100,000

A working track and trace system is also essential to containing the virus, but we won't get one of those either. Only wasted £12bn on corrupt contracts instead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, January 4, 2021, 20:32:16
I've got my car mot booked for Saturday  ???
I've got one tomorrow  .!!!!!!.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 4, 2021, 20:36:15
Those places will still be open wont they?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, January 4, 2021, 20:38:22

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 4, 2021, 20:50:37
Those places will still be open wont they?
MOTs were cancelled in the March lockdown IIRC, you were allowed to run over by 6 months

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, January 4, 2021, 21:17:02
MOTs were cancelled in the March lockdown IIRC, you were allowed to run over by 6 months
Think you'll find that finished on the 31st of July.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 4, 2021, 21:58:09
My mate runs a garage, apparently they are able to stay open

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 4, 2021, 21:58:55
I need to book mine, thanks for reminder

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, January 4, 2021, 22:01:32
The u turning by this abysmal government is quite astounding. I have to wonder what on earth the so called expert advisors are saying to them for the government to then get it so wrong time after time. To then almost immediately change track (its happened so many times now). I'd like to see them break ranks and say enough is enough, or are they equally useless too?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, January 4, 2021, 22:20:31
Talking about MOTs, I booked the car into the garage for Wednesday as only one of the windscreen scooshers works, and the second one only fires out a dribble. Ordinarily I'd cancel but we are moving a week tomorrow (as allowed thankfully) and I don't really want to drive 100 miles or so with a potentially dangerous filthy windscreen.

I assume this would be classed as essential?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 4, 2021, 22:23:14
I would imagine so, pretty sure that would fail an MOT

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Monday, January 4, 2021, 22:36:52
Just to clarify, will professional football continue?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, January 4, 2021, 22:43:58
Just to clarify, will professional football continue?

Elite football is continuing. Which means our season is over, ho ho.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, January 4, 2021, 22:44:47
I would imagine so, pretty sure that would fail an MOT

I only bought the car about a month ago with a brand new MOT!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, January 4, 2021, 23:56:52
I only bought the car about a month ago with a brand new MOT!

Have you never adjusted a washer jet that is not working? A pin usually clears an obstruction. What car is it Bob?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 07:48:34
Gove is a loathsome, spotty reptile.

He’s at the top of my list of people I’d like to hit with a shovel.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 08:04:12
Think you'll find that finished on the 31st of July.
I know, I was making the point that was what happened last time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 08:04:47
The u turning by this abysmal government is quite astounding.

I watched the broadcast last night and actually started thinking to myself that Boris was coming across as quite sincere. And then I remembered he'd been saying the exact opposite the day before, the contradicting cunt.

Talking about MOTs, I booked the car into the garage for Wednesday as only one of the windscreen scooshers works, and the second one only fires out a dribble.

Have you tried filling it up? ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 08:05:51
The u turning by this abysmal government is quite astounding. I have to wonder what on earth the so called expert advisors are saying to them for the government to then get it so wrong time after time.
SAGE advised in December that schools should not reopen and that some kind of extended lockdown would be needed. The problem is not the experts, the problem is the govt is ignoring their advice, despite all their piffle about "following the science"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 08:19:40
Those places will still be open wont they?

Apparently so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 08:52:31
I hate people who use windscreen wipers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 08:59:59
- Last day of term before xmas Gov asks secondary and colleges to lateral flow test pupils before return
- Then realises this is impossible to implement so staggers return while teachers scramble to ge enough bodies to implement it.

- Primary schools in certain borough in London are closed as virus rate goes sky high
- this is quickly extended to all boroughs when its realised its not really workable

- Sunday: Primary schools declared safe, despite SAGE advice that they should be closed.
- Unions ask to see the data that contradicts SAGE.
- Main union tells staff they haven't got assurances, so stay at home.
- Some schools need to shut sue to staff shortages.
- Monday, 8pm: all schools shut until Feb half term

Look, I get things change. I get advice can be contradictory. But this is rank incompetance, or political point scoring "we tried our best to...but", or trying to agree on all restrictions needed while BS the public while they did.

There is no way they didn't have enough sight of the issue to neccesitate leaving the school closures until 8pm the night before.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 09:01:31
Con +5


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 09:09:57
Have you never adjusted a washer jet that is not working? A pin usually clears an obstruction. What car is it Bob?

I'm as useless with DIY, mechanics etc 4D, but I did open the bonnet for a token gesture. The left wire to the water tank has completely come away and is hanging loose and the right one seems to be ok but just spurting badly (I might try attacking that one with a pin though, good suggestion!)

Its a 2008 Clio, I did a bit of internet sleuthing and apparently fixing these things is awkward because the scoosher wires are hidden awkwardly in the engine somewhere.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 09:12:04
I watched the broadcast last night and actually started thinking to myself that Boris was coming across as quite sincere. And then I remembered he'd been saying the exact opposite the day before, the contradicting cunt.

Have you tried filling it up? ;)

ha - was the first thing I tried you cheeky git!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 09:18:50
Con +5


?? polls??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 09:40:43
I watched the broadcast last night and actually started thinking to myself that Boris was coming across as quite sincere. And then I remembered he'd been saying the exact opposite the day before, the contradicting cunt.
he was even trotting it out on sky yesterday morning. Changed within a matter of a few hours.

SAGE advised in December that schools should not reopen and that some kind of extended lockdown would be needed. The problem is not the experts, the problem is the govt is ignoring their advice, despite all their piffle about "following the science"

Yeah, I'm aware of that. I'm referring more to the likes of Jean Claude Van Damme and Whitty. I'd like to see them break ranks and tell Boris and co to fuck off and offer a sincere appeal. Preferably during a public broadcast.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 09:44:23
A working track and trace system is also essential to containing the virus, but we won't get one of those either. Only wasted £12bn on corrupt contracts instead.

What's happened to our world beating track and trace, seems to have disappeared without trace and no one even mentions it any more!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 09:48:03
I'm as useless with DIY, mechanics etc 4D, but I did open the bonnet for a token gesture. The left wire to the water tank has completely come away and is hanging loose and the right one seems to be ok but just spurting badly (I might try attacking that one with a pin though, good suggestion!)

Its a 2008 Clio, I did a bit of internet sleuthing and apparently fixing these things is awkward because the scoosher wires are hidden awkwardly in the engine somewhere.

I've had this issue on a couple of cars. I've found a handpump with a football adapter pumping air into the jet(holes at the top) clears any debris. You have to disconnect the pipes where they meet the jets(holes at the top) first. Also pumping water though the pipes while disconnected can tell you if the problem is with the jets(holes at the top) or down the system. If the motor is working it's usually easy to fix.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 10:01:13

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 10:50:32
What's happened to our world beating track and trace, seems to have disappeared without trace and no one even mentions it any more!
It achieved it's primary objective - to funnel billions of pounds of taxpayers' cash into the coffers of Serco, Deloitte etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 10:53:42
think there are too many cases now for it to cope

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 11:18:16
?? polls??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 11:23:58
If only we had a decent opposition with a semblance of a backbone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 11:30:16
Quote from: jayohaitchenn
?? polls?? (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 12:07:25

The swings in that poll look very peculiar, albeit there is still a non Tory majority there (ish).

If only we had a decent opposition with a semblance of a backbone.

Not sure what Starmer is up to, albeit I would trust him much more than Corbyn to a) have some semblance of plan that goes beyond the Labour membership and b) be able to plan for a long game.

The whole Brexit deal thing was a poison chalice with which Labour could not win, in addition he's not being helped by having both sides continually taking a pop at him at every opportunity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 12:13:42
Quite an interesting read

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 12:19:57
A friend who's been dismissive of lockdowns and of the virus in general is now laid up in hospital with pneumonia after he and his partner had Covid over Christmas, she recovered, he didn't. He's chocka full of steroids and IVs, if he doesn't improve he'll be moved to the ICU. People need to know that this isn't just 'the flu' and stop treating it like it is. He's fit and active, and currently in a bad way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 12:23:09
hope he recovers soon Leggett.

did they have any underlying health conditions?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 12:29:55
A friend who's been dismissive of lockdowns and of the virus in general is now laid up in hospital with pneumonia after he and his partner had Covid over Christmas, she recovered, he didn't. He's chocka full of steroids and IVs, if he doesn't improve he'll be moved to the ICU. People need to know that this isn't just 'the flu' and stop treating it like it is. He's fit and active, and currently in a bad way.
Shit, hope he recovers (fully) soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 12:37:12
hope he recovers soon Leggett.

did they have any underlying health conditions?

Nope, early 40s, fit as a fiddle, races karts. Luck of the draw, it seems.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 12:51:47
that's scary

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 12:53:42
Is anyone scared of this virus? To date I've been solely concerned about others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 13:04:45
But being shit scared also helps to protect others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 13:22:22
Only around 400 people in England, with no underlying conditions under the age of 60 have died. Whilst I’m not saying people shouldn’t be scared of it, it is very clear that it affects older people and those already ill worse than those who aren’t.
If you are healthy and under 60, it is shit luck if it does make you very ill, but it can happen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 13:25:56
How many people under 60 don't know that they have underlying health issues though that they are living with until they contract something that triggers the issue.  Let's face it, unless you are getting a regular MOT you can never be sure that there isn't something going on unknown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 13:32:55
How many people under 60 don't know that they have underlying health issues though that they are living with until they contract something that triggers the issue.  Let's face it, unless you are getting a regular MOT you can never be sure that there isn't something going on unknown.

Exactly - underlying conditions makes it sound like you have to have terminal cancer.  The reality is a condition like asthma, that I suffer from at times, is such a condition that is included.  5.4 million people receive some kind of treatment for asthma.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 13:38:29
Not scared of dying from it - I think that's extremely unlikely.

But the thought of spending the rest of my life out of breath and suffering from all the other symptoms is hardly appealing. Also concerned about my Nan.

It's more about other people really - which is mostly why I wear a mask. Not trying to make myself out to be a saint but if more people had the same concern the situation would unlikely be as bad as it is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 15:29:06
It may have essentially vanished, but it has quite the workforce

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 16:21:47
Strangely Guido Fawkes and the right wing press are not wetting their pants about this one... funny that!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 20:06:31
I know I keep going on about the How To Vaccinate the World podcast but it really is very good. The current episode is an interview with the superbly named Larry Brilliant, one of the epidemiologists behind the eradication of smallpox and he explains why mass vaccination might not work (but if it doesn't strategic ring vaccination will), why test trace and isolate is still very important and why we as a species need to change the way we interact with the natural world if we want to avoid further pandemics. The next one might be even worse if we don't

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 20:16:49
I assume it’s sort of thing you have on in background while working as opposed to listening in leisure time?

This isn’t a dig by the way just general curiosity. I find 15 mins of news/current affairs so depressing these days and I’ve never really been like that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 22:36:46
I assume it’s sort of thing you have on in background while working as opposed to listening in leisure time?

This isn’t a dig by the way just general curiosity. I find 15 mins of news/current affairs so depressing these days and I’ve never really been like that
No I only have music on when I'm working. I do a fair bit of running and walking, so tend to listen to pods then. Roughly 50/50 split between football and just general interest stuff with a heavy leaning to science and history. This comes in the latter category. While it's clearly relevant to current affairs, it's a step back from the shit on the news, and much much more informed (not a high bar) as well as actually quite optimistic (in the circumstances). Definitely worth a listen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 07:50:49
Apparently 1 in 50 have it now. The decision to allow people to gather on Christmas day is reaping what was sown it would seem.
A crazy decision by the government followed by selfish, stupid moron's who would do anything if 'Boris said so'.
How the obvious couldn't be seen by those in charge when taking advice of "experts" then what the fuck were the clueless sheep going to do?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 08:05:07
I get the impression that these numbers are based on pre xmas day mingling and spreading. Xmas effect not fully accounted for yet, numbers likely to get worse for a bit yet.

Madness.  :cry:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 08:25:27
the average delay between test and result is just under 3 days.

if we allow 7 days for the virus to show itself we should be in Xmas day territory now.

we've still got illicit new years eve gatherings to come

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 08:34:27
Apparently 1 in 50 have it now. The decision to allow people to gather on Christmas day is reaping what was sown it would seem.
A crazy decision by the government followed by selfish, stupid moron's who would do anything if 'Boris said so'.
How the obvious couldn't be seen by those in charge when taking advice of "experts" then what the fuck were the clueless sheep going to do?

They did see it, they just didn't care. As always, they put politics before health.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 08:56:43
Been a bit ill with a tight wheezy chest, a cough and cold like symptoms for a few days. Step-son has tested positive, so off for a test today. Went to the supermarket last night shopping as well. *prick*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 09:21:02
Been a bit ill with a tight wheezy chest, a cough and cold like symptoms for a few days. Step-son has tested positive, so off for a test today. Went to the supermarket last night shopping as well. *prick*

Let's hope your test is clear Barry and that your step son makes a quick recovery

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 10:04:36
Let's hope your test is clear Barry and that your step son makes a quick recovery

Thanks. He’s fine. We laughed at him for getting a test because his symptoms were like a 24 hr sick bug.

He was in bed for most of Sunday, vomited quite a bit and was fine within a day. He only got a test due to his health anxiety. Turns out he was right - albeit purely by luck.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 11:08:23
Hope you and stepson recover quickly Barry

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 11:11:25
A US Congressman has tested positive for COVID, a couple of weeks *after* receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Similar with a nurse in California last week apparently. Obviously these are just two isolated cases, not sure how widespread it is as a phenomenon (people getting infected after first dose, but before second), and even with two doses there will still be some who become infected.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 11:13:37
A US Congressman has tested positive for COVID, a couple of weeks *after* receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Similar with a nurse in California last week apparently. Obviously these are just two isolated cases, not sure how widespread it is as a phenomenon (people getting infected after first dose, but before second), and even with two doses there will still be some who become infected.

I’m sure I read somewhere it takes 3 weeks for the vaccine to ‘kick in’ so this isn’t too much of a surprise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 11:15:58
I’m sure I read somewhere it takes 3 weeks for the vaccine to ‘kick in’ so this isn’t too much of a surprise.
Yep this is true, I have been told when I get the vaccine (which was due next week but has been out back) to self idolate for between 2 and 3 week after the first jab and then 2 more weeks after the 2nd as you are not protected fully until 2 weeks after the 2nd jab has been administered.

Currently I had a bad (worse than normal) chest for a few days and a constant sore throat but am relatively fine considering the daughter has it and was confirmed as carrying it, looks like I either had it previously as the docs thought or I am not one of the ones who get hit badly, very fortunately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 11:18:50
I’m sure I read somewhere it takes 3 weeks for the vaccine to ‘kick in’ so this isn’t too much of a surprise.
It's 12 days. He tested negative on New Years Day, which was over 12 days after his first dose. After 12 days, the first dose gives 52% efficacy, 7 days after the second dose it goes up to the quoted 95%

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 11:39:30
A mate of mine works for FGW in Swindon and apparently they have been instructed by the Department For Transport to cut back train services to 75% of normal levels Until the 26th March 2021.

Lockdown until then it would seem is in the plans.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 11:45:13
A US Congressman has tested positive for COVID, a couple of weeks *after* receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Similar with a nurse in California last week apparently. Obviously these are just two isolated cases, not sure how widespread it is as a phenomenon (people getting infected after first dose, but before second), and even with two doses there will still be some who become infected.

yeah, that's expected isn't it. The rates to watch will be hospital admissions (and deaths).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 20:36:24
Hope you and stepson recover quickly Barry

Thanks. His was a 24hr flash in the pan, mine is a bit like a cold, so so far, it's all good. I'm only 3 days in and am not yet confirmed, so could be nothing or could be in the post.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 23:28:19
The results from the AZ drug indicate that the people who received the vaccine in the trial, did not get admitted to hospital or have severe cases. I think this was after 14 days of receiving the vaccine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, January 7, 2021, 15:48:01
Hancock was supposed to be doing a photo op today of himself getting the Oxford vaccine for the cameras. But the PR stunt had to be delayed because the surgery he'd arranged to do it at hadn't had a delivery of vaccine. Weapons-grade incompetence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 7, 2021, 17:18:13
Good grief.... 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, January 7, 2021, 17:20:18
But isn't the 'English' vaccine a lot less effective? They do like to keep that quiet

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, January 7, 2021, 17:56:58
Second day running of >1000 deaths registered. And we've not yet hit the fallout from Johnson's ludicrous Christmas truce

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Thursday, January 7, 2021, 19:54:09
Second day running of >1000 deaths registered. And we've not yet hit the fallout from Johnson's ludicrous Christmas truce
But Corbyn...  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, January 7, 2021, 20:37:05
On a brighter note, 1.3m people have now had the 1st dose of vaccine, and of those 20,000 have had the second dose

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, January 8, 2021, 10:35:25
fuck off dyche

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, January 8, 2021, 10:58:16
fuck off dyche

Did you read the article or just the headline? Having read it, it's not the most controversial or offensive opinion that the money clubs are spending on testing could be better spent within the NHS to help roll out the vaccine faster. He also categorically states they shouldnt come before anyone vulnerable.

Seems like a smart idea.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, January 8, 2021, 10:59:19
Yeah cracking idea. Let's open up the NHS to people who can pay more. Fuck the founding principles, football has MONEY

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, January 8, 2021, 11:12:52
Did you read the article or just the headline? Having read it, it's not the most controversial or offensive opinion that the money clubs are spending on testing could be better spent within the NHS to help roll out the vaccine faster. He also categorically states they shouldnt come before anyone vulnerable.

Seems like a smart idea.

Of course I read the article. Did you even understand the implications?

Its a fucking ridiculously idiotic idea for the following obvious reasons:

1. The vaccine is being  given on a health benefit, not for cash. That is in priority order to save lives. The priority list does not list profession in the priority order. If it did, teachers, police, shop workers, public transport workers, etc, etc. are more deserving.

2. Footballers are by and large healthy, fit and under 40. Those who are older (staff) and have underlying issues are already on the priority list.

3. The vaccines have not yet been proven to stop transmission. It may, but the data isn't there. Until such time they'd have to be tested to stop spreading it to those that haven't been vaccinated anyway.

4. The proposed speed of the rollout means that by the  time the vulnerable/priority list  have been vaccinated they won't be saving much time.

5. Contrary to the well quoted Shankley, life and death is in fact more important than football.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, January 8, 2021, 11:38:41
Interesting read in the FT on the wisdom or otherwise (spoiler: it's 50/50, arguments on both sides) of the UK's strategy of delaying the second dose of vaccine in order to get the first dose to more people more quickly

Paywall free:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, January 8, 2021, 11:43:30
Of course I read the article. Did you even understand the implications?

Its a fucking ridiculously idiotic idea for the following obvious reasons:

1. The vaccine is being  given on a health benefit, not for cash. That is in priority order to save lives. The priority list does not list profession in the priority order. If it did, teachers, police, shop workers, public transport workers, etc, etc. are more deserving.

2. Footballers are by and large healthy, fit and under 40. Those who are older (staff) and have underlying issues are already on the priority list.

3. The vaccines have not yet been proven to stop transmission. It may, but the data isn't there. Until such time they'd have to be tested to stop spreading it to those that haven't been vaccinated anyway.

4. The proposed speed of the rollout means that by the  time the vulnerable/priority list  have been vaccinated they won't be saving much time.

5. Contrary to the well quoted Shankley, life and death is in fact more important than football.


FWIW I've not read the article, but if anyone wants to buy the vaccine they will have to do so on the black market as its all tied up for the NHS in the UK for the foreseeable. I asked this very question of my mate when if first came out as I assumed we would start seeing big companies buying it for their execs etc and it was a straight 'no chance' from him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, January 8, 2021, 12:13:10
I don't agree with it, but don't think it's worthy of outrage.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, January 8, 2021, 12:34:49
Moderna vaccine approved, though not likely to arrive before spring.

.. And then there were 3

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, January 8, 2021, 12:56:43
Rather grim reading and stark evidence of the radicalisation of a lot of the population...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Friday, January 8, 2021, 15:45:11
I am currently having to self isolate as my assistant at work tested positive. It's a bit tedious but thankfully I haven't had any symptoms myself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, January 8, 2021, 15:46:55
I am currently having to self isolate as my assistant at work tested positive. It's a bit tedious but thankfully I haven't had any symptoms myself.
Glad to hear that you're still OK as you recently made an appearance in the Disappearing Members thread.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Friday, January 8, 2021, 15:48:10
Glad to hear that you're still OK as you recently made an appearance in the Disappearing Members thread.

Sadly for the TEF I am back for the moment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, January 8, 2021, 15:48:49
Sadly for the TEF I am back for the moment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, January 8, 2021, 15:55:24
Sadly for the TEF I am back for the moment.

Daytime TV will do that to you.

Sorry, I mean 'working from home'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, January 8, 2021, 18:16:39
Why aren’t masks mandatory?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, January 8, 2021, 18:24:01
According to rather a lot of people on social media, Khan calling a 'major incident' in London is all just part of some attempt to scare people.

I fucking hate people sometimes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, January 8, 2021, 20:50:40
I don't know who this cunt is, but he has close to 40,000 followers.


Idiocy is malignant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 13:08:11
The amount of COVID cases in hospitals in scary. The staff are completely over worked. It’s winter, staff also have to deal with the day to day stuff, the emergencies...

Not sure how much more the country can be locked down.

There are still loads of cars on the road, people in shops. You can’t police it properly, and some people are just being so selfish. People can’t realise what a big problem we are in. It’s bigger and a lot worse than people think. The figures are only part of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 13:11:41
Anecdotally based on our local primary, but there seem to be a hell of a lot of "keyworker" and "vulnerable" children still going to school. Kind of defeats the object of closing schools.

Some press reporting over 50% attendance in some schools.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 13:12:07
The amount of COVID cases in hospitals in scary. The staff are completely over worked. It’s winter, staff also have to deal with the day to day stuff, the emergencies...

Not sure how much more the country can be locked down.

There are still loads of cars on the road, people in shops. You can’t police it properly, and some people are just being so selfish. People can’t realise what a big problem we are in. It’s bigger and a lot worse than people think. The figures are only part of it.

I guess all they can do is try to tighten up the lock down lie the first one when there were very few cars on the roads during the daytime but now it's like a bank holiday with cars everywhere

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 13:28:53
DfE have widened the definition of keyworker and told schools they cannot refuse to take anyone (which many have). Otherwise you’re going to need more staff in school, and the concept of ‘working from home if you can’ goes out the window.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 14:11:56
85 out of 300 in at Mrs B school

DfE were shit at conveying the wider definition of key worker on time, as per normal

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 14:28:15
They've also included vulnerable kids, and expanded vulnerable to mean any child without access to the hardware or data connection they need to be e-learning.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 14:33:37
Anecdotally based on our local primary, but there seem to be a hell of a lot of "keyworker" and "vulnerable" children still going to school. Kind of defeats the object of closing schools.

Some press reporting over 50% attendance in some schools.

Yep. Basically any parent that cannot work from home. Also only has to be one key worker.

I won’t be sending my kids in, it is too risky with this new variant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 14:46:46
The wife and I could claim to be keyworkers because we're in financial services. We had a brief thought about sending the kids to school, but then realised that would be fucking daft.

There will be genuine reasons for kids still going into schools, but I think a lot of parents have pulled whatever cards they can to get the kids out of the house and back into school to avoid home schooling.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 14:57:54
More pupils in school, means more staff in school which in turn means more risk of possible transmission.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 17:21:02
My youngest has been online since August.  We had the option to send him back several times and have declined.   He's actually doing better than when he went to school as he now has my wife as a sort of Teaching Assistant barking at him to knuckle down.  I imagine it's terrible for some though, but no chance I'd have him confined to a room all day with a bunch of other kids, having no idea just how seriously their families are taking things.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 18:33:26
Just got my result through: positive.

As things stand I’m ok with it. I’m 6 days in, feel rough, but not terrible. More than a cold, less than death. Still working where concentration and fatigue permit.

In case anyone cares, these are my symptoms: Slightly wheezy, chest and throat feel like I’ve smoked a few menthol fags and done hard exercise. Achy eyes, head ache, seriously blocked nose (which is the worst symptom - it’s like my nose is filled with cement), fatigue, occasional coughing and a normal temperature.

Safe to say so far I’m quite lucky. Oh and no taste or smell (even when nose is clear). Funny how quickly you adapt and start to only enjoy texture and tempature. Might be easy to lose a few pounds, which is nice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 18:38:02
Just got my result through: positive.

As things stand I’m ok with it. I’m 6 days in, feel rough, but not terrible. More than a cold, less than death. Still working where concentration and fatigue permit.

In case anyone cares, these are my symptoms: Slightly wheezy, chest and throat feel like I’ve smoked a few menthol fags and done hard exercise. Achy eyes, head ache, seriously blocked nose (which is the worst symptom - it’s like my nose is filled with cement), fatigue, occasional coughing and a normal temperature.

Safe to say so far I’m quite lucky. Oh and no taste or smell (even when nose is clear). Funny how quickly you adapt and start to only enjoy texture and tempature. Might be easy to lose a few pounds, which is nice.

You would hope all posters on here are interested and wish you a speedy recovery so after you receive the results do you have to treat it like the Flu with pain relief and ensure that you get plenty of rest & fluids inside you

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 18:42:56
Get well soon Bazza. Hopefully you're over the worst of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 19:33:55
Best wishes Bazza.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 19:58:15
all the best bazza

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 20:03:42
Massive wishes Barry. Rest up bud, how's the lad doing too?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 20:33:48
Hope you recover soon, Barry.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 20:38:01
Keep your chin up Barry, get well soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 20:45:33
All the best Bazza. Rest up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Anteater on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 21:03:13
Here’s for a speedy recovery Barry. Hope the Town result accelerates it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Saturday, January 9, 2021, 21:07:33
Rooting for you and yours, get well soon.
Aggression rules, OK!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 07:53:41
Thanks all, not trying to be an attention seeker, so hopefully didn’t come across that way!

Step son is fine, his was gone in 24 hours. Missus hasn’t been ill (at all) in 15 years, so she was negative, obviously.

I’d like to think it’ll be gone soon enough, yesterday was the worst day so far and this morning I feel loads better, so it could be easing off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 08:41:40
Jesus, Barry stop going on  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 17:26:51
My sister in law has it. She has recently gone blind and doesn't leave the house. She's probably caught it from her stepdaughter (my brother's daughter) who spent Christmas day with her mother who had her family around. The mother was confirmed with it last week and this shows how it spreads. Fuck Boris and his Christmas rules. They were totally irresponsible and the public stupid for following them. This decision will kill many people.

Best wishes to Barry too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 19:57:39
This lockdown is a total joke. I live in Bath and went for my allotted 1 hr walk today. The traffic was awful, no way are people listening to the advice.

The cars going out towards Bristol was the same as a standard weekend.

If people don’t start taking this lockdown seriously, we can kiss goodbye to a lot more relatives and way more than March as the target date to come out the other side.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 20:16:17
Best wishes, Barry.  Hope you're through the worst of it soon.

Sent from my SM-A202F

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 20:19:57
This lockdown is a total joke. I live in Bath and went for my allotted 1 hr walk today. The traffic was awful, no way are people listening to the advice.

The cars going out towards Bristol was the same as a standard weekend.

If people don’t start taking this lockdown seriously, we can kiss goodbye to a lot more relatives and way more than March as the target date to come out the other side.
I've found the opposite, I'm pleased to say.  COVID is rife round here.  Terrible stats.  When I do go out for a run etc., traffic is very light.  Very similar to last March/April.

Sent from my SM-A202F

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 20:57:29
Everywhere is ghostly quiet round here, but we have the third highest count in the country (Borough of Redbridge) and 1 in 15 people is believed to have COVID.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 20:58:38
Traffic in Swindon during the daytime is the same as Bath and you wouldn't know there is a lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 21:24:49
This virus is only going one way at this rate with peoples attitudes, and it isn't good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 21:28:16
This virus is only going one way at this rate with peoples attitudes, and it isn't good.

I totally agree

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 22:06:13
Rumours circulating, on at least horse racing Twitter, that all elite sport may be suspended from wednesday, no idea of the merits so don't shoot but more than one source being cited....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Sunday, January 10, 2021, 22:54:18
200 stupid fuckers welcomed Spurs to Marine today.

100’s in London parks without a care in the world. How stupid are people.

Oh and the latest thinking is Pubs shut until May at the earliest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 11, 2021, 07:06:15
Govt also considering tightening of restrictions and banning support bubbles.

If they ban support bubbles, for some people it wont be covid that kills them, it will be mental health

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, January 11, 2021, 07:26:14
It’s the Great Reset, don’t you know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, January 11, 2021, 07:44:17
Govt also considering tightening of restrictions and banning support bubbles.

If they ban support bubbles, for some people it wont be covid that kills them, it will be mental health

Even if they do that, that won't stop people meeting.

It's ridiculous. As I said before, people are oblivious to how bad this strain is. They just haven't got a care in the world.

The supermarkets are not helping. They need to get back to the queueing system. Letting way too many people in, who for some reason cannot socially distance.  

There are also too many people out and about walking/exercising. Yesterday I saw about 3 lots of groups of families mingling without a care in the world.

How can you police it? Realistically you can't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, January 11, 2021, 07:53:39
The supermarkets are not helping. They need to get back to the queueing system. Letting way too many people in, who for some reason cannot socially distance.  

This for me is the biggest issue....

Hundreds of people go in and out of each supermarket daily, a lot of them will be picking stuff up to look at before putting it back, it’s almost impossible to social distance, you’ve got all the card machines, the self service check out, the baskets, the trolleys that have been touched god knows how many times a day and yet it’s the only place that seems to be exempt from the track and trace system?

I’ve no idea what the answer is though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, January 11, 2021, 08:19:56
Plus some staff still get really close as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Monday, January 11, 2021, 08:26:21
Why don't we make people wear disposal gloves like in Spain while in supermarkets? Seems like such an obvious thing to introduce.

Sent from my XQ-AD51

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, January 11, 2021, 08:50:27
The amount of people you see that dont sanitise their hands beggars belief also.

In Portugal they have a person on the door who’s job it is to enforce it, if you dont sanitise you arent allowed in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, January 11, 2021, 09:07:42
Why don't we make people wear disposal gloves like in Spain while in supermarkets? Seems like such an obvious thing to introduce.

Sent from my XQ-AD51

You don't need to wear gloves. Just wash your hands.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, January 11, 2021, 09:20:42
Govt also considering tightening of restrictions and banning support bubbles.

If they ban support bubbles, for some people it wont be covid that kills them, it will be mental health
If they ban support bubbles i technically won’t be able to see the other half as she doesn’t live with me full time and my 96 year old aunt won’t see anyone. I’ll be ignoring that if they try and put that in place!
Same with the exercise, if they try and put a one hour limit in place as Hancock intimated they can do one, it would be a nonsense restriction!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 11, 2021, 09:23:37
Govt also considering tightening of restrictions and banning support bubbles.

If they ban support bubbles, for some people it wont be covid that kills them, it will be mental health

Quite.  My mum lives on her own. FFS.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 11, 2021, 09:32:13
Just got my result through: positive.

As things stand I’m ok with it. I’m 6 days in, feel rough, but not terrible. More than a cold, less than death. Still working where concentration and fatigue permit.

In case anyone cares, these are my symptoms: Slightly wheezy, chest and throat feel like I’ve smoked a few menthol fags and done hard exercise. Achy eyes, head ache, seriously blocked nose (which is the worst symptom - it’s like my nose is filled with cement), fatigue, occasional coughing and a normal temperature.

Safe to say so far I’m quite lucky. Oh and no taste or smell (even when nose is clear). Funny how quickly you adapt and start to only enjoy texture and tempature. Might be easy to lose a few pounds, which is nice.

Hope it sorts it out soon.

Thing is, my missus had all those symptoms a couple of weeks back and tested negative, I now have the same (to a slightly lessor degree - just feels like I have a shitty cold) so should I get tested or not?

On the bright side my 83 year old father got called over the weekend and he is having his first jab on Wednesday morning, slight downside is that as his wife is under 80 she is not in the same tier so won't be getting hers yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, January 11, 2021, 09:37:38
If they ban support bubbles i technically won’t be able to see the other half as she doesn’t live with me full time and my 96 year old aunt won’t see anyone. I’ll be ignoring that if they try and put that in place!
Same with the exercise, if they try and put a one hour limit in place as Hancock intimated they can do one, it would be a nonsense restriction!

It would be absolutely a step too far, unless you live on your own you don’t have a clue how important the support bubbles are.

I would openly break the law in order to go round and see my 72 year old mum who lives on her own

Same for the exercise/walking outdoors. If anything it’s more important than ever to get out for an hour or so everyday, physically as much as mentally

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JoeMezz on Monday, January 11, 2021, 09:44:51
This for me is the biggest issue....

Hundreds of people go in and out of each supermarket daily, a lot of them will be picking stuff up to look at before putting it back, it’s almost impossible to social distance, you’ve got all the card machines, the self service check out, the baskets, the trolleys that have been touched god knows how many times a day and yet it’s the only place that seems to be exempt from the track and trace system?

I’ve no idea what the answer is though.

ALDI have the electronic systems that control people coming in and out and seem to be quite efficient. Wonder if you could also set up that intel to show how busy supermarkets are online so people check before coming out (similar to what pure gyms do). I’d certainly rather go to supermarkets if I can see they’re pretty empty / no requirement to queue

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, January 11, 2021, 09:47:31
ALDI have the electronic systems that control people coming in and out and seem to be quite efficient. Wonder if you could also set up that intel to show how busy supermarkets are online so people check before coming out (similar to what pure gyms do). I’d certainly rather go to supermarkets if I can see they’re pretty empty / no requirement to queue
I go to the supermarket at 8 or 9pm as it’s usually quiet, so the curfew is another stupid idea.  So that’s 3 of the suggested tougher restrictions that would be completely counterproductive.... genius!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:12:59
According to the news, the curfew idea was not supported by Johnson due to it being a) unworkable (fair enough) b) un-British (ffs)

Surely there are loads of things in front of support bubbles that can be got rid of if the need arises
  - stupidity of the definition of "esssential" shops - garden centres ffs
  - reduce the definition of key workers at schools and close nursery
  - etc, etc.

Its all shit, but if they truely need to tighten restrictions its going to be shitter. So be it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:16:32
Why is anyone going to the supermarket? Any remotely digital savvy person can do their grocery shop online.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:20:17
A curfew would force people into a smaller window and much more congestion. Hand sanitisation should be mandatory in all supermarkets/shops as you enter. Not optional.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:21:06
Its all shit, but if they truely need to tighten restrictions its going to be shitter. So be it.
Easy to say when you don’t live alone...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:23:35
Why is anyone going to the supermarket? Any remotely digital savvy person can do their grocery shop online.

To be fair, unless it’s changed in recent months it was proving impossible to find a slot to reserve one

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:28:27
To be fair, unless it’s changed in recent months it was proving impossible to find a slot to reserve one

Yeah I see people say that, and yet I've had one every week since the beginning of March. It's not tricky, you've just got to think about it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:29:04
Easy to say when you don’t live alone...

I meant in lieu of closing support bubbles for single housedwellers.

I'd happily still let my mum come round if they did anyway - if she wanted to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:30:13
To be fair, unless it’s changed in recent months it was proving impossible to find a slot to reserve one

Quite, unless you know what you want for dinner in March.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:31:06
Yeah I see people say that, and yet I've had one every week since the beginning of March. It's not tricky, you've just got to think about it.

The ones who should be avoiding Supermarkets are realistically less likely to be tech savy, also probably a bit stuck in their ways.

Reluctantly my old dear has agreed to me doing her shopping for her, again another example of her being stuck inside having no human interaction. Oldies enjoy doing food shops for reasons I’ll probably only understand in later life

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:34:03
Why is anyone going to the supermarket? Any remotely digital savvy person can do their grocery shop online.

First you have to get a slot.
Second you have to hope they can actually fulfil your order.

Nappies and toilet roll are quiet essential to our household but have we had any delivered the last two weeks?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:36:32
Why is anyone going to the supermarket? Any remotely digital savvy person can do their grocery shop online.

Have you ever tried to see anything form someone else's point of view before?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:38:19
According to the news, the curfew idea was not supported by Johnson due to it being a) unworkable (fair enough) b) un-British (ffs)

Surely there are loads of things in front of support bubbles that can be got rid of if the need arises
  - stupidity of the definition of "esssential" shops - garden centres ffs
  - reduce the definition of key workers at schools and close nursery
  - etc, etc.

Its all shit, but if they truely need to tighten restrictions its going to be shitter. So be it.

What they also need to do is stop people buying non essential crap online.
Think how many places, containers, hands a parcel goes through to get from start to finish.

People ordering more, so more staff needed and the buildings can’t exactly expand in size to accommodate the extra work, the extra resource and the social distancing guidelines.

How many people genuinely receive ESSENTIAL post?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:42:33
The ones who should be avoiding Supermarkets are realistically less likely to be tech savy, also probably a bit stuck in their ways.

Reluctantly my old dear has agreed to me doing her shopping for her, again another example of her being stuck inside having no human interaction. Oldies enjoy doing food shops for reasons I’ll probably only understand in later life

My elderly father in lockdown 1 accepted that we would sort him out an online shop from up here, which we did and now he does it all himself and he is hardly IT savvy, the thing is all a question of compromise and sacrifice, I enjoy going to the pub yet have not set foot in one since February, we all have to make compromises for the common good, read social media and the whole argument seems to be 'why aren't those wankers following the rules' rapidly followed by the same people stating 'I am not keeping to the rules because they inconvenience me'.

The whole mental health thing is weird also as its not a question of either/or, yes mental health is a concern, but should we fuck up peoples physical health just because of it? It seems to have become a cause celeb for the anti-lock downers, who in many cases are of a right wing persuasion who have been voting for the mental health system to be decimated for years yet now are suddenly very concerned about it. Spoke to my neighbour who is a mental health nurse at the start of lockdown 1, they were/are worried sick about the effects, but also equally mindful of the wider effects on mental health if you go and see Great Aunt Mabel as she cannot be alone, give her covid which you didn't know you had and then she dies leading to metal heath issues throughout the family.

I will leave it to Kathy Burke as she is much more eloquent than me..


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:45:15
Why is anyone going to the supermarket? Any remotely digital savvy person can do their grocery shop online.

The big supermarkets have capacity for around 750k to 1m slots a week. Best guess is 5m slots a week for let's say 3 people on average, that covers 15m people for their weekly shop. What about the other 51m?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:49:18
Have you ever tried to see anything form someone else's point of view before?

It was a question, and some people made good points in response, rather than get pissy for no reason.

I see the world through my own experiences. I've not had unfulfilled orders or problems getting slots.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:52:43
My elderly father in lockdown 1 accepted that we would sort him out an online shop from up here, which we did and now he does it all himself and he is hardly IT savvy, the thing is all a question of compromise and sacrifice, I enjoy going to the pub yet have not set foot in one since February, we all have to make compromises for the common good, read social media and the whole argument seems to be 'why aren't those wankers following the rules' rapidly followed by the same people stating 'I am not keeping to the rules because they inconvenience me'.

The whole mental health thing is weird also as its not a question of either/or, yes mental health is a concern, but should we fuck up peoples physical health just because of it? It seems to have become a cause celeb for the anti-lock downers, who in many cases are of a right wing persuasion who have been voting for the mental health system to be decimated for years yet now are suddenly very concerned about it. Spoke to my neighbour who is a mental health nurse at the start of lockdown 1, they were/are worried sick about the effects, but also equally mindful of the wider effects on mental health if you go and see Great Aunt Mabel as she cannot be alone, give her covid which you didn't know you had and then she dies leading to metal heath issues throughout the family.

I will leave it to Kathy Burke as she is much more eloquent than me..


Kathy is absolutely right.

I spent the 2nd lockdown living alone, fuck me. You honestly have to experience it to really understand and that was only what a month or so from memory? Thankfully me and the bird are back together now so I don’t have to go through that again

It’s all about finding the correct balance IMO with regard to single households, a tricker task than many realise and i don’t think there is a hard and fast answer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:58:04
I've not had unfulfilled orders

You might this week by the sounds of it with fruit and veg! we know that’s the fault of something else though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 11, 2021, 11:07:52
It was a question, and some people made good points in response, rather than get pissy for no reason.

I see the world through my own experiences. I've not had unfulfilled orders or problems getting slots.
IIRC you live in or near London.  Maybe your local supermarkets are better staffed or possibly have a higher proportion of their customers doing in person shopping, leaving more delivery slots free? Certainly in the Swindon area it's been patchy at best to nigh on impossible at times getting delivery slots.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, January 11, 2021, 11:10:47
Its almost impossible to get any supermarket home deliveries down here in South Somerset, and when we do we have about 20+ replacements. You have to book a slot about 4 weeks in advance, its got worse since this latest lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, January 11, 2021, 11:11:50
IIRC you live in or near London.  Maybe your local supermarkets are better staffed or possibly have a higher proportion of their customers doing in person shopping, leaving more delivery slots free? Certainly in the Swindon area it's been patchy at best to nigh on impossible at times getting delivery slots.

Yeah maybe - that's why I asked. Purely on my own experiences, I can't fathom why anyone would go to the supermarket at the best of times, let alone in the middle of pandemic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 11, 2021, 11:17:27
Yeah maybe - that's why I asked. Purely on my own experiences, I can't fathom why anyone would go to the supermarket at the best of times, let alone in the middle of pandemic.

I'd certainly agree with that as a preference, got far better things to be doing with my time, but have spent more time in supermarkets over the past 10 months than at any time in the past decade. Needs must.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 11, 2021, 11:19:13
Yeah maybe - that's why I asked. Purely on my own experiences, I can't fathom why anyone would go to the supermarket at the best of times, let alone in the middle of pandemic.

Indeed, we have been avoiding supermarkets for about 7 years now, god awful places. One advantage of that is that as Mrs Horlock07 pay for a yearly delivery pass from Asda she can and has applied for a guaranteed slot each week which has worked in both lockdowns.

FWIW whilst we are more sparsely populated up here, we are also obviously much more sparsely supermarketed (nearest one is over 20 mins drive away) whilst it was tricky its never been impossible to get a slot (sometimes have to look around to find one at either Tesco/Asda/Morrisons/sainsburys) but usually one somewhere (this was in lockdown 1 when for the first few weeks Asda fucked it up), plus for the elderly/at risk they get priority at least at sainsburys, I know for instance that my old mans priority hopping has at times come from a Swindon store and he lives near Witney.

Long and short is people need to get organised and think ahead (this is really not helped by this happening on top of the Brexit fuck up, albeit its a good way for the government to hide/blame that shit show), people need to start thinking of others and not just how things affect them alone its hardly fucking rocket science. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, January 11, 2021, 14:48:25
What's this rumour about only being allowed out of the house once a week that the likes of Gary Neville have been posting about? That can't be under serious consideration surely?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 11, 2021, 14:56:12
I'd imagine they throw everything onto the table. most of which will be dismissed .

the cynic in me says they are leaking the contents of said table to try and scare the public into doing what they should be doing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, January 11, 2021, 15:06:53
Not easy to get delivery slots at all. You have to book well in advance and then change your choices the night before according to my mum who's been doing it since March.
Personally I go shopping very early once a week. Only problem is some of the idiot worker's who invade your space doing people's home shopping for them  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 11, 2021, 15:33:06
I'd imagine they throw everything onto the table. most of which will be dismissed .

the cynic in me says they are leaking the contents of said table to try and scare the public into doing what they should be doing

That's the way this government has been governing since day 1 (pre-covid) they comes up with an idea leak to the press through journalists courtesans like Peston and LK and see what the public say, then they make a policy decision, quite literally classic Dom.

Not easy to get delivery slots at all. You have to book well in advance and then change your choices the night before according to my mum who's been doing it since March.

T'was always like that even pre-covid, to claim a slot you have to have £'x' in your basket, my missus has always done that by putting 3-4 wine boxes in the basket and then revising nearer the date, leading to a couple of times when she has forgotten to revise and we have had a very boozy week!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:10:43
Well there you go, Supermarket sticks head above parapet....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:16:29
great news. that's the closest supermarket

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:17:09
I'd imagine they throw everything onto the table. most of which will be dismissed .

the cynic in me says they are leaking the contents of said table to try and scare the public into doing what they should be doing
Yup. Which in and of itself isn't a bad idea. But without a properly functioning Track and Trace system and proper support (both financial and practical) for people who need to self-isolate, they can scaremonger, blame and threaten all they like but it's going to keep getting worse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:20:02
Well there you go, Supermarket sticks head above parapet....

The only way that can truly work is if the exempt are given a "pass" or "card" that they can show physically or digitally, that allows them in sans mask. Otherwise, just allowing someone to claim 'oh I'm medically exempt' won't work.

Most of us like to think everyone will use integrity and courtesy towards others but we know that unfortunately, others will attempt to bend or even break any rules without a concern for others.

FWIW though, I do think in the main, people do wear masks in shops and have largely adhered to it. There are always some but I also can't speak nationally - only on what I have seen with my own eyes (not ears this time).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:30:12
Liking Morrisons stance. Should come from government though. Those I've not seen wearing them have tended to be couples with kids in tow. Wayne and Waynetta slob types. Should be no exceptions in any shop/enclosed area I would say. If you can't breathe with a mask on then it's probably not advisable to be out is it? Considering how the virus attacks the lungs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:31:10
Compulsory hand sanitising should be happening too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:34:12
Lidl won’t  let my 3 year old grandson in without a mask.

Everyone has to wear one outside - wherever you are or going.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:34:49
Liking Morrisons stance. Should come from government though.
TBF the government have made it law that you must wear a facemask in shops unless medically exempt so it has come from govt. Where they could play a role is perhaps in asking/requiring shops to enforce the law

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:40:09
TBF the government have made it law that you must wear a facemask in shops unless medically exempt so it has come from govt. Where they could play a role is perhaps in asking/requiring shops to enforce the law

Not sure shops should be asked to enforce. What does that mean at a human level for staff? If they want it policed, get the police to do it or pay private security firms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:50:42
Not sure shops should be asked to enforce. What does that mean at a human level for staff? If they want it policed, get the police to do it or pay private security firms.

Would you expect a member of staff to refuse you entry if you rocked up balls a dangling freely as you'd decided to leave your pants and trousers at home?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:56:29
Would you expect a member of staff to refuse you entry if you rocked up balls a dangling freely as you'd decided to leave your pants and trousers at home?

Not sure that's comparable. Fair to says those who think they shouldn't wear a mask are probably likely to be less than compliant when Doris the checkout girl asks, and often not too polite with it.

In lockdown 1 my local waitrose outsourced to a private security Co. It worked well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, January 11, 2021, 20:58:34
I'm filling out the form to volunteer for St. John's Ambulance with the vaccine rollout (just stewarding and making coffee and the like, not actually wielding needles). I get the need to background check people and check commitment, but there's an actual full application form including a CV, three professional references and a personal statement. I've literally got paid jobs on the back of less than this. That can't possibly make sense in a national emergency where they need support urgently, can it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, January 11, 2021, 21:02:14
I would imagine it's just a "standard" recruitment form. If unsure give them a call and see if there are any bits you can just mark as n/a.

If it were myself, personally I would just input what I feel is most relevant and not worry too much. If there is anything they absolutely need, they'll let you know for sure.

More importantly, good on you mate. Honourable  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 11, 2021, 22:24:28
Not sure that's comparable. Fair to says those who think they shouldn't wear a mask are probably likely to be less than compliant when Doris the checkout girl asks, and often not too polite with it.

In lockdown 1 my local waitrose outsourced to a private security Co. It worked well.
No-one said anything about asking "Doris the checkout girl" to enforce it. All the supermakets have security staff, stick them on the door instead of the regular staff as they do now. Which is precisely what Morrisons and Sainsburys have said they will be doing. Really don't see the problem here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:11:38
Is this really going to help....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:14:03
Is this really going to help....
No, it's utterly stupid "journalism"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:19:42
I don't really get the medically exempt thing. Surely if you absolutely cannot wear a mask then the last thing you should be doing is going to a shop full of people?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:27:53
I don't really get the medically exempt thing. Surely if you absolutely cannot wear a mask then the last thing you should be doing is going to a shop full of people?

I'd understand it if you had literally no other way to get your shopping, but realistically how many medically exempt people are in that position? Not only should friends and family be getting their shopping or be bought online, but as a very last resort there are the NHS volunteer responders. I don't understand it at all

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:28:59
We all know that they "cannot" wear a mask..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:32:43
TBF there are apparently genuine categories of people who can't wear masks because of physical or mental disability. There's not many of them, so won't make a vast difference to the overall policy, but I'm not sure judging them is going to help anyone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:42:05
And if you are going to wear a mask, wear it properly. On your chin not covering your mouth or nose is not wearing it properly. It has to cover both!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:58:15
And if you are going to wear a mask, wear it properly. On your chin not covering your mouth or nose is not wearing it properly. It has to cover both!

The failure to wear a face covering correctly really annoys me for some reason.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:07:03
I went to the recycling centre yesterday to dump a load of stuff from our house move and I'm pleased to report that everyone was wearing a mask and socially distant themselves.

Aside from one guy, you know the guy, driving a brand new top of the range pretentious Chelsea Tractor,  parked halfway across 2 parking spaces wearing his country attire (barbour jacket etc) and wandering about with no mask and no clue what he was doing. In his head he must have been wondering why he hadn't sent the butler or the slaves to have to go to do such a menial task. CUNT.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:15:09
I went to the recycling centre yesterday to dump a load of stuff from our house move and I'm pleased to report that everyone was wearing a mask and socially distant themselves.

Aside from one guy, you know the guy, driving a brand new top of the range pretentious Chelsea Tractor,  parked halfway across 2 parking spaces wearing his country attire (barbour jacket etc) and wandering about with no mask and no clue what he was doing. In his head he must have been wondering why he hadn't sent the butler or the slaves to have to go to do such a menial task. CUNT.

You moving house, you haven't mentioned it  ;) :D

Our tip has become an absolute shit show during covid, when it first reopened people were not social distancing leading to rows and threats between staff and twats leading to it being closed again, subsequently now you have to book a 1 hour slot to visit.

Problem is, with an elderly population people can take bloody ages and its only 2 cars allowed in the whole site at a time, I must have spent 20+ minutes waiting for some old guy to empty the boot of a bloody Fiesta the other week!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:18:01
You moving house, you haven't mentioned it  ;) :D


I only mentioned it as its one of the 'acceptable' reasons for being able to do it. Although the place was rammed so I guess people are just able to do what they want.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:26:52
Swindon tip is brilliant now.

You book a slot , get there, get ticked off and go and dump. Of the 4 times we've been since it has been implemented we've waited at most 2 minutes before getting to dump.

Before, you could spend ages waiting

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:27:23
+1 it's much better the way it is now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:29:06
My parking got moaned at last time I was there, apparently parking just on the yellow line is unacceptable. I was told I'd be let off this time. Gee thanks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:31:34
My parking got moaned at last time I was there, apparently parking just on the yellow line is unacceptable. I was told I'd be let off this time. Gee thanks.
They've made the spaces massive, how bad is your parking?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:39:52
Good normally. The lines were grubby that day and I put the car midway between those either side.....and no I didn't drive in forwards  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:51:12
UK "on target" to hit 100,000 excess deaths since mid March by Saturday. Horrendous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 12:21:14
UK "on target" to hit 100,000 excess deaths since mid March by Saturday. Horrendous World Beating.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 13:19:25
Out of interest, do all countries record covid related deaths the same as the UK?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 13:26:27
Out of interest, do all countries record covid related deaths the same as the UK?

No - subtle variations do exist.  It's why Excess Deaths is the go to number when analysing the impact.  That's no different to Flu each year - it's tough to actually record the virus as the cause of death because it tends to cause something else that actually kills you, but is is most likely Covid triggered the immune response which aggravated or caused something else - example, lots of people actually die of Pneumonia contracted directly because they got Covid/Flu.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 13:31:49
lots of people actually die of Pneumonia contracted directly because they got Covid/Flu.

Which a lot of the conspiracy theorists use as *proof* that it's 'all a load of bollocks'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: brocklesby red on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 17:47:03
Home Secretary, Priti Patel explaining that the stay at home rules are very clear. Apparently you can leave home for recreation, I know she meant exercise but she’s just said recreation at the daily briefing and there’s going to be plenty of idiots trotting that out as an excuse for flouting the rules

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 09:54:50
My missus works with this consultant in GWH.

Swindon Borough Council is sharing a COVID-19 Update.
YestisgtsdeSrdspihoaiohyns aauot flr8:eo2Sc2u sAseMd  ·
"I'm aware that some people have suggested that hospitals are not that busy and that COVID-19 is not such a bad illness. I'm here to tell you that this is not true.
"We are rapidly getting busier and that is because we are seeing lots of patients with severe COVID-19, some of whom will sadly die from this condition."
Coronavirus is spreading fast in Swindon and staff like Mark Juniper, Respiratory Consultant at the Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are treating more patients than at any point in the pandemic. Now more than ever, they need our support to stop the spread of the virus in Swindon and help reduce the pressure on our hospital.
It's up to all of us to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.
Let's do it for our GWH 💙

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 10:17:08
In the early 20th Century Spanish Flu infected 500m people worldwide with 50m deaths. Obviously the world population was much lower then. No vaccinations available so everybody took their chance. Spanish Flu, unchecked, took 2 years to disappear.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 10:44:31
Old man had his first (pfizer) jab this morning, next one scheduled for around about 12th April. That's a relief, just need his other half to be done, but as she is under 80 she will have to wait a while.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 10:47:59
My missus works with this consultant in GWH.

Swindon Borough Council is sharing a COVID-19 Update.
YestisgtsdeSrdspihoaiohyns aauot flr8:eo2Sc2u sAseMd  ·
"I'm aware that some people have suggested that hospitals are not that busy and that COVID-19 is not such a bad illness. I'm here to tell you that this is not true.
"We are rapidly getting busier and that is because we are seeing lots of patients with severe COVID-19, some of whom will sadly die from this condition."
Coronavirus is spreading fast in Swindon and staff like Mark Juniper, Respiratory Consultant at the Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are treating more patients than at any point in the pandemic. Now more than ever, they need our support to stop the spread of the virus in Swindon and help reduce the pressure on our hospital.
It's up to all of us to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.
Let's do it for our GWH 💙

The whole 4th floor is full of Covid patients. The childrens ward is full of covid infected Children. An 8 year old, with no underlying health conditions, passed away last week. So sad.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 13:09:00
GWH has declared a major incident now. Hospital is too busy, can't get patients in to A&E fast enough.

Stay safe everyone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 13:29:21
Quote from: jayohaitchenn
GWH has declared a major incident now. Hospital is too busy, can't get patients in to A&E fast enough.

Stay safe everyone.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 13:40:26
In the early 20th Century Spanish Flu infected 500m people worldwide with 50m deaths. Obviously the world population was much lower then. No vaccinations available so everybody took their chance. Spanish Flu, unchecked, took 2 years to disappear.

Pretty sure it never left us, just became less lethal and endemic as it was allowed to move throughout the world relatively unchecked.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 13:49:20
The country is fucked. Pure and simple.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 13:55:35
the Spanish flu, unchecked, was much less transmissable than covid19, unchecked, let alone the new variant. not sure if that makes i covid slower or quicker to get rid of naturally, thank bugger for the vaccine (crossed fingers)

mortality rate was higher with Spanish flu though. You'd hope 100 years of medical advancement would have the effect of being to help more these days

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 14:12:41
the Spanish flu, unchecked, was much less transmissable than covid19, unchecked, let alone the new variant. not sure if that makes i covid slower or quicker to get rid of naturally, thank bugger for the vaccine (crossed fingers)

mortality rate was higher with Spanish flu though. You'd hope 100 years of medical advancement would have the effect of being to help more these days

There was also the Hong Kong Flu outbreak in 1968-70 which apparently killed 80,000 in the UK, I must confess I had never heard of that until it came up in relation to something else the other week. I assume some on here remember it as they lived through it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 14:30:37
I'd never heard of it either

seems it was far more deadly for the u65 than covid is too

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 14:39:55
I'd never heard of it either

seems it was far more deadly for the u65 than covid is too

It was only through one of those Wiki rabbit holes I found out about it, North Sea Flood 1953 - MV Princess Victoria sinking led me finally to this page on wiki...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 16:32:44
Is sudden fatigue and chest tightness a symptom of the new strain? I've felt awful today and even a 15 minute walk was rather too much. I am supposed to be moving out of the country on the weekend, oh joy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 16:48:13
Press Association reporting analysis of govt figures shows deaths involving COVID have now passed 100,000. World beating.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 17:00:51
the 'good' news is that the figures are starting to come down over the last 4 days. or at least stableised

it's still very, very high. and deaths stats will lag. but at least it's going in the right direction for now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 17:12:48
The country is fucked. Pure and simple.

There is a morsel of positive news, maybe.  The upward trend in infections seems to have stalled.  Too early to call a trend, but maybe the beginning of something.

If true, it may mean that we are hopefully no more than a week or so away from peak hospitalisations.

Hope everyone reading this is safe & well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 17:13:50
the 'good' news is that the figures are starting to come down over the last 4 days. or at least stableised
No need for quotes, that's just good news. But 100k deaths is a grim milestone and a massive marker of how badly the govt have completely failed to protect the country. Some of the worst death figures and the worst economic damage of any Western nation. That's quite some going.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 17:15:09
Is sudden fatigue and chest tightness a symptom of the new strain? I've felt awful today and even a 15 minute walk was rather too much. I am supposed to be moving out of the country on the weekend, oh joy

Get yourself tested ASAP, mate.  Just to be sure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 17:16:51
40k+ positive cases per day deserves quotes.

Swindon was hitting near 200 a day, is now down to 110 or so a day. hopefully the gwh will feel the relief in the next week or so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 17:20:35
Press Association reporting analysis of govt figures shows deaths involving COVID have now passed 100,000. World beating.

Deaths in Wave 2 now exceeded those in wave 1

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 17:23:22
This appears to show an overall downward trend in 7 day case average since 1st Jan for Swindon.
Probably won't feel like that in GWH just yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 18:42:45
Hi Matchworn Shirts

I have very little experience of Covid19 or what it feels like.

But I do have experience of a Heart event that happened to me some 4 years ago which resulted in having two stents being installed.

Please do the right thing and go to hospital as your symptoms sound very similar to mine were.

Stay well my friend

Good luck   

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: magicroundabout on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 19:13:46
Is sudden fatigue and chest tightness a symptom of the new strain? I've felt awful today and even a 15 minute walk was rather too much. I am supposed to be moving out of the country on the weekend, oh joy

hi buddy.

Sorry to hear you're not feeling great.
As you know symptoms of Covid are fatigue but also a new side variant of this new strain is the high risk of PE's. Pulmonary Embolism. These can be mimicked as heart issues but can be combined with being mistaken with the fatigue part of the virus. If your breathing becomes heavy or you have a feeling of not being able to grab a full breath it's worth going to your local hospital.

Only you know how you feel but you must take this virus serious.
Remember 111 for advise.
Hope you feel better soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 20:23:25
^ He's a medical professional, so I'd listen to what he says.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 21:28:43
Anyone who 'thinks' they have symptoms, should get a test.

It's better to be safe than sorry and reduce the risk of infecting others.

Don't feel guilty for booking and thinking it's not it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 22:23:35
Watching Boris on the 10.00pm news on the BBC.

Is it me, or does he look unwell again?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 14, 2021, 09:16:20
They don't teach yes and no at Eton do they.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, January 14, 2021, 11:27:43
Watching Boris on the 10.00pm news on the BBC.

Is it me, or does he look unwell again?

Queasy at the thought that his indecision and incompetence has caused over 100,000 deaths maybe?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 14, 2021, 11:34:21
Mrs school is up to 11 of the staff that were in with keyworkers kids being tested positive. Thankfully they are all in the 'feeling shit but OK' category at worst so far. The school is closed now.

Not sure how they got it given bubbles are in place. Maybe cross contamination from siblings into different classes. I have assumed the rules and precautions have been followed.

Just goes to show how quickly it can take hold.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, January 14, 2021, 14:47:54
Re vaccinations, my 85 year old Dad got a text in mid Dec from his GP saying "You're on the priority list, we'll be in touch soon, sit tight and wait to hear from us".

Having heard nothing and having seen a post somewhere on here saying something like "it won't do any harm contacting your GP to see what is happening", I told him to call his GP - he was given a slot on Monday for his vaccination.  Fuck knows how long he would have waited if he hadn't called

Happy he is getting the jab, but just what is happening with system??? How many others are just sat there waiting???

I can't find the relevant post but "Thank You" TEF'ers for the prompt to call the GP, got the perfect result.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 14, 2021, 14:55:10
Re vaccinations, my 85 year old Dad got a text in mid Dec from his GP saying "You're on the priority list, we'll be in touch soon, sit tight and wait to hear from us".

Having heard nothing and having seen a post somewhere on here saying something like "it won't do any harm contacting your GP to see what is happening", I told him to call his GP - he was given a slot on Monday for his vaccination.  Fuck knows how long he would have waited if he hadn't called

Happy he is getting the jab, but just what is happening with system??? How many others are just sat there waiting???

I can't find the relevant post but "Thank You" TEF'ers for the prompt to call the GP, got the perfect result.

Thing is, if he isn't in a care home he isn't priority 1, he is priority 2. I know in Witney they seem to be doing 1 & 2 concurrently, but that doesn't seem to be the same throughout the country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, January 14, 2021, 19:40:38
Unbelievable if true

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: scillyred on Thursday, January 14, 2021, 19:59:41
My 91yr old mother was taken to Wantage for her jab today and refused it  :doh:
Luckily, my brother was with her and talked the Doctor into doing it - eventually !

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, January 14, 2021, 20:12:01
Unbelievable if true
I think you should have just left it at ‘unbelievable’.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, January 14, 2021, 20:15:24
I think you should have just left it at ‘unbelievable’.

Benefit of the doubt😁

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 18, 2021, 12:11:22
Blimey, Steve Cotterill is in hospital with covid. Was apperently in ICU  for a bit, but he's back out of it now.

get well soon you twat

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, January 18, 2021, 17:20:03
Blimey, Steve Cotterill is in hospital with covid. Was apperently in ICU  for a bit, but he's back out of it now.

get well soon you twat

I've always quite fancied him having a crack here you know.
Hope he gets well obviously.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Monday, January 18, 2021, 17:28:34
Likewise Arriba. Quality manager for our level and no surprise Shrewsbury picked up after his appointment. Echo the well wishes of course.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 09:41:43
I've always quite fancied him having a crack here you know.
Hope he gets well obviously.
Despite a lot of posters not wanting him here I still think he would have done a better job than Sheridan.
Hope he improves soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 11:48:00

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 12:28:25

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 20:38:53

Ought there be a case for fining the airline for allowing them onto the flight from the originating airport?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 21:19:16
Ought there be a case for fining the airline for allowing them onto the flight from the originating airport?
Yes. Lots of other countries insist on people having a negative test before boarding. But then lots of other countries did this 10 fucking months ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:00:00
da da dadad da da da da daaaa daaa(circus music)

Surely not...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:06:22
Schools have spent a fortune on testing equipment. Argh!

Schools won't be back fully til at least after Easter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:08:24
I think it may be sooner than that, assuming the drops in cases don't suddenly plateau

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:20:11
I think yr 10's might as year 6's.

Others don't really need to be in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:27:47
yeah. definitely phased in and rates in the region  dictating where

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 13:59:46
It'll certainly be 'interesting'. Our schools are on the oxfordshire/swindon border, so if they do by county it's going to be difficult.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 14:13:53
Priti Patel claims she wanted to close borders in March as COVID started to take hold here but was overruled. How many thousands would now be alive (and how much better shape would our economy be in) if Johnson had actually taken COVID seriously back then?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 14:21:12
Priti Patel claims she wanted to close borders in March as COVID started to take hold here but was overruled. How many thousands would now be alive (and how much better shape would our economy be in) if Johnson had actually taken COVID seriously back then?

I bet whoever was Home Secretary then must be shitting themselves and expecting a call from no.10 to resign that they have failed to protect the population....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 14:25:55
I believe entirely that Priti Patel wanted to close the borders long before March.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 15:40:59
Shame she wasn't as agressive with driving the point as she has reportedly been in other areas..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 18:08:39
Not being an argumentative twat, just trying to cheer up a depressed wife and 7 year old, is a 14 mile drive for a walk on the beech a reasonable travel in the present climate?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 18:29:13
Go for it, especially it will do them some good

Family first

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 18:32:19
Not being an argumentative twat, just trying to cheer up a depressed wife and 7 year old, is a 14 mile drive for a walk on the beech a reasonable travel in the present climate?
Haven't you got any trees closer to you? (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 18:33:54
My kids school had 324 pupils on roll at the start of the school year. The school announced this week that 120 are still in school at the moment.

That's also after the school putting out a thank you to parents who "reviewed their position" to continue sending their children to school. Now, I may just live in an area with a high prevalence of critical workers and vulnerable kids, but still it's fucking ridiculous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 18:38:28
Not being an argumentative twat, just trying to cheer up a depressed wife and 7 year old, is a 14 mile drive for a walk on the beech a reasonable travel in the present climate?

I wouldn't do it but I have followed what the man has told me and have only left the house a handful of times since Christmas.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 18:56:07
Haven't you got any trees closer to you? (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Nah just Ashes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 19:04:09
Quote from: horlock07
Not being an argumentative twat, just trying to cheer up a depressed wife and 7 year old, is a 14 mile drive for a walk on the beech a reasonable travel in the present climate?

we both know you shouldn't if following the spirit of the law.

to the letter of the law though I'm sure it's legal as there are no limits set as to 'local area'

that said, plod are getting more interactive down here at popular spots, dishing out fines. which would be a ball ache.

ah, fuck it.  this post was pointless. it's your choice

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 21:19:06
we both know you shouldn't if following the spirit of the law.

to the letter of the law though I'm sure it's legal as there are no limits set as to 'local area'

that said, plod are getting more interactive down here at popular spots, dishing out fines. which would be a ball ache.

ah, fuck it.  this post was pointless. it's your choice

If it was 4-5 miles, you might get away with it. The distance your considering is asking for trouble.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 21:40:45
I could quite easily walk anywhere between 15 - 20 miles as part of a daily walk and I know that I will come in to contact with very few (if any other) people. I can see no real reason why you shouldn't be allowed to do similar, even if that meant driving an initial chunk before your walk.

Context is a fine thing...some nosey cunts will tell you that you are from the seed of satan, others won't be fussed. I would say a more sensible approach if you do/did go, just take your masks and apply them if/when you know there are other people present.

My own assessment is that you are a fairly measured and sensibe human. These are rare in our species. I hope you enjoy(ed) your walk.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 21:59:53
Personally, I have adopted a very restrictive approach to what is within my local area.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 22:17:51
Go for it, especially it will do them some good

Family first
Wow! Surprised at this response.

I was also surprised at the question (if it was genuine)

Of course it's not right to drive 14 miles to the beach! If everyone else who lived within 14 miles of that beach decided to do the same would not the odds of catching the virus go up significantly?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 22:49:35
Personally, I have adopted a very restrictive approach to what is within my local area.

I think that is absolutely fine on a personal stance. How one carries out their "local area" assessment should certainly be a personal one and not to the point of bending rules to almost snapping. There will always be people who take the piss a few steps further. This will happen when things are left to some form of interpretation.

Context also comes down to what is considered as "normal" for an individual. To me, walking 15+miles is "normal", to someone else who regularly rides a bike 50+miles is "normal". It may be that they won't really think anything of it. It's more those who suddenly use it as a way to "interpret"; ones who probably wouldn't normally walk further than to the car to get to the local takeaway. I certainly consider any walking route I plan and try to anticipate if I would come into contact with a more than normal number of people. From a personal but minorly selfish POV, I think of all my "lockdown hikes" I have seen less people collectively than I have when visiting a supermarket just once.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 22:56:24
Wow! Surprised at this response.

I was also surprised at the question (if it was genuine)

Of course it's not right to drive 14 miles to the beach! If everyone else who lived within 14 miles of that beach decided to do the same would not the odds of catching the virus go up significantly?

I think if wearing a mask (or you may be fined) for these outdoor trips was mandatory (like it is for a supermarket trip) then I can't see what the overly huffing is about it. I still think going shopping/into town etc is much much higher risk for contagion than a walk in the countryside or on the beach...especially in Winter. August Bank Hol, absolutely different story when folk might be displaying their "wares" and "warts".

We are all now at a point where we have an informed choice and personally I will not be overtly selfish about that informed choice but I will make a sensible decision when it comes to taking a walk because...well see opening paragraph. Horlock, as far as I am aware, is not a complete dickhead. I'm sure he will practice what he feel is safe for his family and himself, as well as also considering the welfare of others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 06:41:03
I think if wearing a mask (or you may be fined) for these outdoor trips was mandatory (like it is for a supermarket trip) then I can't see what the overly huffing is about it. I still think going shopping/into town etc is much much higher risk for contagion than a walk in the countryside or on the beach...especially in Winter. August Bank Hol, absolutely different story when folk might be displaying their "wares" and "warts".

We are all now at a point where we have an informed choice and personally I will not be overtly selfish about that informed choice but I will make a sensible decision when it comes to taking a walk because...well see opening paragraph. Horlock, as far as I am aware, is not a complete dickhead. I'm sure he will practice what he feel is safe for his family and himself, as well as also considering the welfare of others.
Walking 15 miles is a different argument - Not many people do that/can do that. Therefore, if you are walking 15 miles into/through a low densely populated area then the risk is relatively low. But, again, if you are walking into a tourist attraction, thats a bit different! More people will think to do that (because its nice) -  From those who can walk miles to get there to those who will jump in a car to break lockdown rules to go somewhere nice.

I went out cycling on Sunday - Did 25 rather than my normal 60+ miles and stayed local (5-7 mile radius of my house) in back lanes (for my and others safety) that I have cycled lots. I was surprised to see so many walkers - Never seen any on those roads before! It was in countryside on the edge of a city and everyone was flocking there in relatively large 'clumps' of people. I also live near a park - Used to see very few people there. Now its mobbed, so I try to stay away and exercise elsewhere.

So, I wasn't picking on Horlock, or anyone else. Just pointing out that the rules/guidelines are there for a reason. Everyone and everyone's family are finding it tough. Everyone is thinking the same. We would all like to go somewhere nice. But, in an Animal Farm sort of way, some pigs should not be more equal than others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Broadbents Tackle on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 07:11:15
It's a matter of common sense, isn't it?

Is it okay to travel a short distance down the road to what is going to be a sparsely at best populated beach, in NW England in January, during a pandemic of a virus that only seems to really spread in confined spaces?

We're all entitled to our own opinions but add in the mental health of your family and I would say absolutely, yes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:03:05
FWIW the bit about a a seriously depressed wife and child was entirely true, the rest rather tongue in cheek having taken wine off the back of a particularly shit home schooling day, albeit due to being in the sticks if we were to choose to go for a supermarket shop the distance would be further and include driving past the end of the road to the beech!

For reasons that I cannot put my finger on we have found this lockdown considerably tougher than the ones that have preceded it, not sure whether its the weather or what...

TBH if we did decide to go to the beech I would just look on line, find a house for sale in the village and claim we were going to take a look at that, this seems to be the loophole most are using.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:06:30
In Ireland they actually implemented the rules with actual distances. I think currently the furthest away you can be from your home is 'no more than 5km'.

Don't ask me what happens if your home is more than 5km to the nearest food store, I presume that is acceptable if you are doing an essential shop.

The rules are far to open to interpretation in the UK, hence the last page on here as to whether a 14 mile walk to a beach is 'acceptable' or not. Of course there are other factors in play as well, mental health etc, perhaps the well being of a person needs to be considered, whereby the beach is a key factor.

In short, who fucking knows!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:13:59
whether a 14 mile walk to a beach is 'acceptable' or not.

Just for the record I was never suggesting walking 14 miles to the sodding beach, with a moaning 7 year old that would hardly help anyone's mental health!

FWIW I could actually walk to the beech in about 5 miles, albeit that would include walking across the sands (remember the Chinese Cocklers) which could bring the coastguard into the equation, have done it one but that was with the Queens Guide!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:17:37
Just for the record I was never suggesting walking 14 miles to the sodding beach, with a moaning 7 year old that would hardly help anyone's mental health!

FWIW I could actually walk to the beech in about 5 miles, albeit that would include walking across the sands (remember the Chinese Cocklers) which could bring the coastguard into the equation, have done it one but that was with the Queens Guide!

Sorry I got the wrong end of the stick there, I think Bamboo's marathon walks got my brain in a fluffery buffery!!

It was more the notion that the beach would be mentally positive for the wife that I was trying to get across!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 15:04:29
Glastonbury 2021 has been cancelled.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Friday, January 22, 2021, 06:36:13
Glastonbury 2021 has been cancelled.

Indeed. All those last year saying roll on 2021 may wish to think again. Personally I think this year will be as bad if not worse than 2020.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Friday, January 22, 2021, 07:04:58
Well that’s Grim

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, January 22, 2021, 09:14:16
Now looking to give £500 to people who catch Covid  ::)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, January 22, 2021, 10:16:38
Now looking to give £500 to people who catch Covid  ::)

Is it to cover losses if they self isolate or an inducement to promote the herd mentality idea?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, January 22, 2021, 10:40:11
Both probably

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, January 22, 2021, 10:56:00
it's being downplayed.

so expect it by the end of the day :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Friday, January 22, 2021, 13:15:31
Indeed. All those last year saying roll on 2021 may wish to think again. Personally I think this year will be as bad if not worse than 2020.
Well I don't expect  to see any football till next season and probably not at the beginning

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, January 22, 2021, 13:23:11
Quote from: The Grim Reaper
Glastonbury 2021 has been cancelled.
Indeed. All those last year saying roll on 2021 may wish to think again. Personally I think this year will be as bad if not worse than 2020.

not if the vaccine works as expected it won't

at least there should be light at the end of the tunnel in the second half.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, January 22, 2021, 13:37:00
Indeed. All those last year saying roll on 2021 may wish to think again. Personally I think this year will be as bad if not worse than 2020.

Cheers Grim  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, January 22, 2021, 13:56:28
Indeed. All those last year saying roll on 2021 may wish to think again. Personally I think this year will be as bad if not worse than 2020.

not if the vaccine works as expected it won't

at least there should be light at the end of the tunnel in the second half.

Going for a bike ride later with my mate who is closely involved in vaccination plans and delivery, will see what he has to say about how things are going.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, January 22, 2021, 14:19:00
If vaccinations aren't the way out of this after all, the government has to outline why, and what is the way out.

Almost to a man, every person I know is now at their lowest point. This current lockdown is having an impact way beyond the previous ones. It has to come to an end, one way or another.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, January 22, 2021, 14:26:04
Quite the breach....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, January 22, 2021, 14:30:22
it's being downplayed.

so expect it by the end of the day :)

Like so much from this government, it was leaked to see what the response was from the public, this seems to have been broadly meh/cynicism so it will be dropped.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, January 22, 2021, 15:46:11
If vaccinations aren't the way out of this after all, the government has to outline why, and what is the way out.
Vaccinations alone won't do it. At least not in the near-medium term, and possibly not at all, according to the guy who developed the programme that wiped out smallpox. We will also need an effective Track and Trace programme and proper support for people to self-isolate. We've pissed about for 10 months without managing either of those, although we have wasted a shitload of money in failing to do so. Until the govt gets it's head round the idea that this need a serious coordinated public health effort rather than just hunkering down and hoping a vaccine will be a silver bullet, we're a bit fucked. That's a TLDR of what the experts on How to Vaccinate the World have been saying, FWIW.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, January 22, 2021, 16:19:37

The problem is too many vulnerable people getting ill and clogging up the hospitals

Vaccinate everyone, those numbers drop rapidly. Yes, some will still get the disease but with hospitals much less overwhelmed and with treatments getting better it shouldn’t be viewed any different at all to the Flu - including an annual injection of the most vulnerable targeted at the most prevalent strain that year

COVID isn’t going to go away, and anyone who thinks so is daft. We’ll learn to live with it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, January 22, 2021, 16:37:13

The problem is too many vulnerable people getting ill and clogging up the hospitals

Vaccinate everyone, those numbers drop rapidly. Yes, some will still get the disease but with hospitals much less overwhelmed and with treatments getting better it shouldn’t be viewed any different at all to the Flu - including an annual injection of the most vulnerable targeted at the most prevalent strain that year

COVID isn’t going to go away, and anyone who thinks so is daft. We’ll learn to live with it

This is what I think too. Are we missing something or being simplistic?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:01:58
The only thing you are missing chaps is a chance to have a ‘pop at the tories’  :zzz:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:12:23

The problem is too many vulnerable people getting ill and clogging up the hospitals

Vaccinate everyone, those numbers drop rapidly. Yes, some will still get the disease but with hospitals much less overwhelmed and with treatments getting better it shouldn’t be viewed any different at all to the Flu - including an annual injection of the most vulnerable targeted at the most prevalent strain that year

COVID isn’t going to go away, and anyone who thinks so is daft. We’ll learn to live with it

I think you are both saying the same thing but with different time horizons.

This is now endemic, it will be bloody tough to eradicate it - we have not got rid of the flu strain from 1918 (I believe).

In the long term, vaccinations will prevent death and gradually reduce spread and exposure.  An annual vaccination is likely, as you say.  In time, the strain itself should diminish in terms of mortality rate as well.

In the near term, to mid term, vaccinations will chip away, but it's going to be months before we can just decide to revert back to an as was state.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:17:24

In the near term, to mid term, vaccinations will chip away, but it's going to be months before we can just decide to revert back to an as was state.

I'm a reductive person, and I know that.

But this is the bit I don't get. If the vaccine stops old people from dying or putting pressure on the NHS, which it is proven to do, then what bit of the puzzle is missing when that course of vaccinations is complete?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:19:35
I'm a reductive person, and I know that.

But this is the bit I don't get. If the vaccine stops old people from dying or putting pressure on the NHS, which it is proven to do, then what bit of the puzzle is missing when that course of vaccinations is complete?

Permanency - if the virus is not completely eradicated, which is tough, it will continue to survive at low levels beyond immunity.

That's how I understand it - same with Flu, we have never gotten permanent immunisation from many of the strains that hit us in the 1900's and 2000;s.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:24:03
Permanency - if the virus is not completely eradicated, which is tough, it will continue to survive at low levels beyond immunity.

But that's fine. Lots of diseases and viruses exist. We're not aiming to eradicate?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:25:50
No - but that's 6-12 months away before we hit that "manageable" level.  Then it will just become something we live with and protect against in a normal fashion.  Until then, it's a race against time - which means sticking to our guns for a few more months yet.

It's also made more difficult because it's a global pandemic - we are relying on everyone else in the world reaching the same state, otherwise it will probably just keep bouncing up and down as immunisation levels drop.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:29:11
And I am working on the assumption, based on info released so far, that we are not getting lifetime immunity from teh vaccine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:35:52
No - but that's 6-12 months away before we hit that "manageable" level.

I don't get this at all. Why is that point not the point in time vulnerable people proven to be at considerable risk are vaccinated and the vaccine has got to work on them. So worst case example, 12 weeks after Feb 15th of thereabouts. Best case example, Feb 15tb plus two weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:36:45
I'm a reductive person, and I know that.

But this is the bit I don't get. If the vaccine stops old people from dying or putting pressure on the NHS, which it is proven to do, then what bit of the puzzle is missing when that course of vaccinations is complete?
As Rob said, permanency. And also mutations, the longer we leave the virus running wild without seriously isolating it, the more opportunity it has to mutate into different forms. Which doesn't mean the vaccine can't be adapted to combat those mutations, I'm sure it will. But we're always playing catchup until we properly push down on infection, not just symptoms. Seriously, you really should listen to How to Vaccinate the World on this stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:39:21
Seriously, you really should listen to How to Vaccinate the World on this stuff.

I've listened to it all. It's relatively helpful but a bit hit and miss on the interesting front.

At some point, do we not accept permanency? Eradication should not be the goal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:44:08
I've listened to it all. It's relatively helpful but a bit hit and miss on the interesting front.

At some point, do we not accept permanency? Eradication should not be the goal.
Probably. But it depends on whether it can be "lived with" or if it continues to flair up and mutate into ever more troublesome variants. The point being if we (and most of Western Europe) had adopted a serious isolate and contain strategy from the outset, or even over the summer, we'd be in a much better place. But we keep relying on single point of failure silver bullets to solve things and the experts seem to say that that ain't how public health containment works.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, January 22, 2021, 17:44:50
I've listened to it all. It's relatively helpful but a bit hit and miss on the interesting front.

At some point, do we not accept permanency? Eradication should not be the goal.

If the vaccine does not provide lifetime immunity, then yes, we have to accept we find a way of dealing with it.  That way is to get the level of infection, globally, as close to zero as we can manage through vaccinations, and do so within the time limits of immunity.

That means many months yet - if you just vaccinate the vulnerable (to death) but leave it running rampant in the rest of the population you run the risk of it still being prevalent when their immunity subsides, wasting that initial effort.  You also expose the world to mutations, meaning even the vaccinated are at risk again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Friday, January 22, 2021, 19:23:25
If vaccinations aren't the way out of this after all, the government has to outline why, and what is the way out.

Almost to a man, every person I know is now at their lowest point. This current lockdown is having an impact way beyond the previous ones. It has to come to an end, one way or another.
I agree totally.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boy About Town on Friday, January 22, 2021, 19:58:04
The only thing you are missing chaps is a chance to have a ‘pop at the tories’  :zzz:


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, January 22, 2021, 20:55:55
In terms of struggling, I have heard this from a lot of people also (in regards to more so now than last March). Personally, I've been finding it easier. The nights are long so there's less to do "outdoors", I'm usually a little more reclusive in Winter than Summer (proper hibernation mentality) so not being allowed "out" is not so bad for me and has given me more time to write. Admittedly inspiration has been tougher at times.

Reflect back to last Spring and onward into early Summer, I found that much more difficult at the outset because I do tend to be outdoors as long as the light permits. Especially when living in an apartment, with no yard, garden or balcony; as well as living alone. But I also think that it was more difficult because it was new and there was no mask wearing or any particular process to follow (or interpret), more just a matter of hunker down and wait; with no real end of anything in sight.

We and especially the professionals/qualified/experts know much more now and whilst there are still challenges (fresh and old) to combat, we have far more tools at our disposal to do so. We will get through this difficult and incredibly unique period of life. I believe we will eventually "live" with this virus, amongst several other viruses. We will adapt our lives accordingly and we will continue to develop the tools we need in order to do so but for a while longer yet, that process might not be easy for many (if any) of us.

Keep your chins up, at least one horrible orange virus has finally dissipated...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, January 22, 2021, 21:25:45
In terms of struggling, I have heard this from a lot of people also (in regards to more so now than last March). Personally, I've been finding it easier. The nights are long so there's less to do "outdoors", I'm usually a little more reclusive in Winter than Summer (proper hibernation mentality) so not being allowed "out" is not so bad for me and has given me more time to write. Admittedly inspiration has been tougher at times.

Reflect back to last Spring and onward into early Summer, I found that much more difficult at the outset because I do tend to be outdoors as long as the light permits. Especially when living in an apartment, with no yard, garden or balcony; as well as living alone. But I also think that it was more difficult because it was new and there was no mask wearing or any particular process to follow (or interpret), more just a matter of hunker down and wait; with no real end of anything in sight.

We and especially the professionals/qualified/experts know much more now and whilst there are still challenges (fresh and old) to combat, we have far more tools at our disposal to do so. We will get through this difficult and incredibly unique period of life. I believe we will eventually "live" with this virus, amongst several other viruses. We will adapt our lives accordingly and we will continue to develop the tools we need in order to do so but for a while longer yet, that process might not be easy for many (if any) of us.

Keep your chins up, at least one horrible orange virus has finally dissipated...

Donald will struggle to keep his double chins up😃

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, January 23, 2021, 10:52:22

Obviously really bad news for the EU, but for us too. In general I'm satisfied with how the vaccination process has gone in the UK, I'm sure it's been far from perfect but given it's such a massive undertaking hiccups are to be expected. But of course there are direct consequences for us if others are struggling to keep up. Hopefully this supply issue is resolved, but it doesn't sound promising

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, January 23, 2021, 11:19:58

Obviously really bad news for the EU, but for us too. In general I'm satisfied with how the vaccination process has gone in the UK, I'm sure it's been far from perfect but given it's such a massive undertaking hiccups are to be expected. But of course there are direct consequences for us if other

s are struggling to keep up. Hopefully this supply issue is resolved, but it doesn't sound promising

It will get resolved. Too much money involved. Don’t forget also that Europe is one month behind the uk in vaccinations

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 15:17:45
Schools look like they'll be the first to reopen fully on March 8th then. Absolute insanity in my opinion. Should be last places to reopen as the rise in cases from September proved. Kids will be kids regardless of measures put in place.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 15:29:37
8th at the earliest. Could be even later

they've finally started to test staff at Mrs Bs primary, twice weekly lateral flow (optional)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 15:42:51
8th at the earliest. Could be even later

they've finally started to test staff at Mrs Bs primary, twice weekly lateral flow (optional)

With 50% risk of false negatives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 15:53:34
yeah, I know they aren't great. better than nothing is how I see it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 16:12:22
I would say unlikely for all pupils to be in. Keep them shut til after Easter. Gives schools time to prep ready for after the holidays.

Putting a date in it adds pressure. Getting the hospital numbers down should be priority.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 20:41:35
This might sound far out and I know a lot of planning goes into the curriculum and schools schedule but considering how disrupted the normal school year has been since last April...if it's safe and practicable to do so, why don't they allow the kids and teacher to go to school through the usual Summer break instead? A good way of catching up on much missed proper schooling.

Maybe the breaks in term could be moved/extended slightly, say give an extra week off at Autumn & Winter breaks. Granted it'll probably give the teachers (and parents) a bit more time to catch up on things/prepare properly too and then go back towards a more normal curriculum term structure in Jan 2022.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 21:24:36
nope. unions wouldn't allow it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 22:49:49
nope. unions wouldn't allow it.

It's a logical suggestion though right? Unions aside (in that respect and of course I know they generally hold the keys)...or am I wrong to suggest it. As a purely temporary arrangement, just to get things all a bit more in line. Otherwise we face a generation of kids who essentially are around about a year behind. Might not seem much in the grand scheme of things but the knock on effect could be much larger...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 23:04:03
not really. teachers have famalies and need holidays too.

maybe it could be shortened, but you can't scrap it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 23:16:21
not really. teachers have famalies and need holidays too.

maybe it could be shortened, but you can't scrap it

Oh I get that. I know several teachers both my age that have been teaching for around 10 years now as well as quite good friends with some teachers I was taught by. Which is why I suggested extending the Autumn Break (to two weeks) and Winter Break (to three weeks) to compensate for working the Summer (or maybe some of it, possible a four or three week Summer Break).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, January 28, 2021, 07:23:46
Oh I get that. I know several teachers both my age that have been teaching for around 10 years now as well as quite good friends with some teachers I was taught by. Which is why I suggested extending the Autumn Break (to two weeks) and Winter Break (to three weeks) to compensate for working the Summer (or maybe some of it, possible a four or three week Summer Break).

I’m a teacher and on first glance I don’t find that an unreasonable suggestion

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, January 28, 2021, 08:01:20
I’d suggested similar to bamboo before, albeit a little different in that just knock the whole thing on the head for 2 months now and pick up again in April, working through summer, with a 2 week holiday in July to compensate.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, January 29, 2021, 12:18:14
the EU are about to play hardball over the vaccine contract and will limit exports to outside the EU while they're owed their own supplies.

no doubt this will be twisted by the media,  but if the shoe was in the other foot we'd do the same.
Mrs B is getting her first vaccine jab tomorrow. I've requested her superpower be wings of a sparrow and arse of a crow

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Friday, January 29, 2021, 12:47:49
the EU are about to play hardball over the vaccine contract and will limit exports to outside the EU while they're owed their own supplies.

no doubt this will be twisted by the media,  but if the shoe was in the other foot we'd do the same.
Mrs B is getting her first vaccine jab tomorrow. I've requested her superpower be wings of a sparrow and arse of a crow

No doubt the destination of her maiden flight is clear to us all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Anteater on Friday, January 29, 2021, 12:57:20
No doubt the destination of her maiden flight is clear to us all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, January 29, 2021, 13:15:44
Way beyond my pay grade but quite an interesting read.

Rather counters the idea that ‘Oh, the UK was unlucky with the variant, poor Boris Johnson is just a victim of circumstances’. Those circumstances were created by the failures of the UK government.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Friday, January 29, 2021, 14:45:49
My first jab next Tuesday at Steam.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, January 29, 2021, 14:47:32
My first jab next Tuesday at Steam.

Happy days and you get to see some steam trains too, win win!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Friday, January 29, 2021, 15:14:58
Happy days and you get to see some steam trains too, win win!

Thank you horlock, my name's on the previous workers commemoration board there. I was a fitter on steam trains and diesels as it happens.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, January 29, 2021, 15:16:40
Way beyond my pay grade but quite an interesting read.

Rather counters the idea that ‘Oh, the UK was unlucky with the variant, poor Boris Johnson is just a victim of circumstances’. Those circumstances were created by the failures of the UK government.
With over 100,000 dead, a litany of U-turns and clear failures every step along the way, that's not even a discussion any more surely?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, January 29, 2021, 15:20:51
My first jab next Tuesday at Steam.
Brilliant, good to hear. My folks got their yesterday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Friday, January 29, 2021, 15:23:26
Couple of new vaccines announced, one of which is single jab, can be stored in a fridge, and 100% effective in preventing deaths. We should have it by the Autumn.

All of which means that Harrogate away next season is ON.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Friday, January 29, 2021, 15:57:28
Brilliant, good to hear. My folks got their yesterday

I wonder if anyone on here knows of anyone who has tested positive for antibodies after contracting Covid?  My wife still has antibodies from our April disease as tested in GWH, but I don't know if I have antibodies, it's interesting isn't it? 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, January 30, 2021, 11:03:37
the EU are about to play hardball over the vaccine contract and will limit exports to outside the EU while they're owed their own supplies.

no doubt this will be twisted by the media,  but if the shoe was in the other foot we'd do the same.
Mrs B is getting her first vaccine jab tomorrow. I've requested her superpower be wings of a sparrow and arse of a crow

Aunty Ursula has made a grovelling phone call to Boris and sent in the storm troopers to the unelected Bureacrats who tried to ride roughshod over the NI protocol art16. Didn’t take em long did it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, January 30, 2021, 12:41:19
Way beyond my pay grade but quite an interesting read.

Rather counters the idea that ‘Oh, the UK was unlucky with the variant, poor Boris Johnson is just a victim of circumstances’. Those circumstances were created by the failures of the UK government.
Not sure it was an interesting read to be honest. The main point is that we may have to vaccinate everyone worldwide and join together to rid the world of COVID-19. If we don't we will have to change our way of life and stop travelling abroad or stop people coming here and be completely xenophobic.

I don't like political points scoring when there is a pandemic on. The fact of the matter is that who ever is in charge would struggle with this stuff and would make a number of mistakes along the way. It doesn't matter what political party they are from.

We are a massively cosmopolitan outward facing country, which is why we are so vulnerable. Things have got to be pretty damn serious to turn the economy off, lock the country down and close all of the borders. Its common sense not to go to the nuclear option first off - Try everything else that you can first and then relent if you have to. Everyone gets that, surely?

We're a small island too with high population densities in poorer areas. We allow multiple cultures to flourish on our island and we have communities (that it turns out are vulnerable to this disease) living in close proximity to each other. We have a very good health service that has kept many vulnerable people alive that may not have survived in other countries. I think that might account for at least a bit of the high death count.

I've watched people argue about Brexit on here too - Looks like we got a head start on vaccination over Europe. Looks like Europe wants to stop us from getting vaccines and protect themselves first. I wanted to stay - we didn't. We move forward, but I don't see many giving any credit for our preparations on that front.

Anyway, without all of the information to hand at the time decisions are made, internet 'heroes' (and I don't mean you horlock, I'm just quoting a bit from your post) cannot possibly productively second guess key decisions.

Leadership is all about making a decision (when there is no clear choice) and then performing course corrections when you get it wrong - Because, often you will. The best leaders make fewer mistakes and correct errors quicker. But, just like with many diseases, nobody in immune from mistakes!

(Sorry, just in a ranty mood this morning....Made me feel better getting that off my chest!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Saturday, January 30, 2021, 13:07:06
Aunty Ursula has made a grovelling phone call to Boris and sent in the storm troopers to the unelected Bureacrats who tried to ride roughshod over the NI protocol art16. Didn’t take em long did it?
It’s all a bit quiet about that on here, isn’t it?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, January 30, 2021, 13:15:54
I don't blame the EU for trying it on to get their quota. I'd expect nothing less if it was the other way around..

That said, being selfish. not our problem

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, January 30, 2021, 13:57:44
I don't blame the EU for trying it on to get their quota. I'd expect nothing less if it was the other way around..

That said, being selfish. not our problem
So, potentially a bloody good job we are out of it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, January 30, 2021, 14:06:31
no, not at all.

the government has got the vaccine strategy right though, credit where it's due

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 10:30:29
Way beyond my pay grade but quite an interesting read.

Rather counters the idea that ‘Oh, the UK was unlucky with the variant, poor Boris Johnson is just a victim of circumstances’. Those circumstances were created by the failures of the UK government.

Isn't this person missing a vital point, that the more we vaccinate the more likely it will mutate otherwise it won't survive?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 11:30:27
Specifically to the vaccine, Johnson made the right call in not joining the EU vaccine programme in July, and its only benefit so far of brexit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 11:32:59
So a neighbour had a party. Over Friday night until Saturday afternoon. Reported twice online. Rang 101. Nothing came of it, no police nothing. Angry to say the least.

I'm not a grass but they do this on a regular basis.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 11:45:56
So a neighbour had a party. Over Friday night until Saturday afternoon. Reported twice online. Rang 101. Nothing came of it, no police nothing. Angry to say the least.

I'm not a grass but they do this on a regular basis.

I don't keep up to date with the rules, but isn't the limit 15? I know it's a ridiculous number and it doesn't make them any less selfish, but were they over the limit? There's nowt the police can do otherwise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 11:48:42
Limit? The limit is zero? No households should be mixing. Or am I being whooshed?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 11:49:49
yeah, 0 limit unless in a bubble.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 11:59:40
Like I said, I don't really keep up, but this is fairly recent

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Broadbents Tackle on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 12:02:22
It was another example of terrible messaging from the government. The limit is zero, but the fines make it appear you can have up to fifteen in a property.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 12:05:15
Its really not. Every single person I know knows you can't mix households.

The only thing that is slightly lost is in that reporting of it, not the rules themselves. Everyone knows we're in lockdown and you can't see people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 12:08:55
yeah, it's just an increase in fines for certain breach criteria.

0 is the limit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 12:15:01
The standard of journalism on this, and across the board, is pretty shocking.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 12:19:15
Its really not. Every single person I know knows you can't mix households.

Well, except for me, until now.

That reads to me as though it's fine to have up to 15 people, and I tend not to have problems with reading comprehension. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 12:21:38
Govt guidance can be found here (

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 12:22:35
far more explicit in the government site

It is against the law to meet socially with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble. You cannot leave home for recreational or leisure purposes (such as for a picnic or a social meeting).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 13:49:11
far more explicit in the government site

It is against the law to meet socially with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble. You cannot leave home for recreational or leisure purposes (such as for a picnic or a social meeting).
But you can meet up with one other person outside for the purpose of daily exercise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 13:50:44
I don't blame the EU for trying it on to get their quota. I'd expect nothing less if it was the other way around..
I do, they've fucked up badly on this and on waving Article 16 around, although good that they swiftly backed down on that aspect. Vaccine nationalism is stupid and counter productive

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 14:31:04
It’s all a bit quiet about that on here, isn’t it?  :hmmm:

Quelle surprise.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 18:00:26
Captain Tom in Hospital after catching Coronavirus  :cry:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, January 31, 2021, 18:06:14
Quote from: pauld
But you can meet up with one other person outside for the purpose of daily exercise.

you can, but we were talking about a party

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 1, 2021, 10:01:23
Thank you horlock, my name's on the previous workers commemoration board there. I was a fitter on steam trains and diesels as it happens.

As is my old mans, grandads and great grandads. My old man had two periods inside, once in A shop and once in A shop offices, my grandad was a scaffolder and no idea what my great grandad did.

My step mum got Pfizered on Saturday night so at least that's them both done once now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 1, 2021, 10:04:01
no, not at all.

the government has got the vaccine strategy right though, credit where it's due

As noted previously the two bits which are going 'well' are the vaccine programme and the the care of people in hospitals, what do they they in common, they are both NHS led and not outsourced to the governments mates.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, February 1, 2021, 13:25:53
Interestingly, over here, the States being praised for their vaccine rollout all tend to have a couple of things in common - either rural or small populations.  In both instances, the healthcare systems tend to operate like a single entity rather than the more decentralised private mish mash you get in the bigger States.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, February 1, 2021, 14:28:54
So a neighbour had a party. Over Friday night until Saturday afternoon. Reported twice online. Rang 101. Nothing came of it, no police nothing. Angry to say the least.

I'm not a grass but they do this on a regular basis.

Literally a fucking grass.

Were you upset they didn't invite you? Cunt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, February 1, 2021, 15:28:51
As noted previously the two bits which are going 'well' are the vaccine programme and the the care of people in hospitals, what do they they in common, they are both NHS led and not outsourced to the governments mates.

Not thought of it this way, but fucking spot on.

I wonder if anyone in Govt will spot this and learn a lesson?????

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, February 1, 2021, 15:34:40
As noted previously the two bits which are going 'well' are the vaccine programme and the the care of people in hospitals, what do they they in common, they are both NHS led and not outsourced to the governments mates.

And the BBC calls the vaccine programme 'the government's vaccine program', without mention of the NHS.

While they call NHS test and trace, which is a disaster and fuck all to do with the NHS, 'NHS test and trace' with no mention of the private companies that are really involved.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, February 1, 2021, 15:44:38
As noted previously the two bits which are going 'well' are the vaccine programme and the the care of people in hospitals, what do they they in common, they are both NHS led and not outsourced to the governments mates.
It's almost as if entrusting something really important to actual experts in their field works better than simply funnelling a load of money out to your mates. Ironically, it is the Business Minister who was put in charge of the vaccination programme who wisely stepped back and let the NHS get on with doing their job whereas the Health Minister decided Track and Trace would be best farmed out to private businesses with no experience or expertise in the sector.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, February 1, 2021, 18:21:30
So a neighbour had a party. Over Friday night until Saturday afternoon. Reported twice online. Rang 101. Nothing came of it, no police nothing. Angry to say the least.

I'm not a grass but they do this on a regular basis.

Do you live in Haydon Wick?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 09:58:00

So it would appear that the Oxford vaccine not only protects the person who gets the jab but also stops it from spreading. Could be another game changer if right.

Also the same article says that a single dose offers 76% protection for three months, that there is no drop in protection during the three months and that the booster is actually more effective if administered three months later as opposed to three weeks. All of which surely vindicates the decision to delay the booster jab to give more people the first. Anybody interpret that differently from me?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 10:02:46
Nope. Seems to be on the money.

Don’t tell Macron, though!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 10:02:56
Do you live in Haydon Wick?

I do, but not near there thankfully. That really would have made my blood boil.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 10:05:52
Shows how stupid some people are, to think they can have loads of people round, have a BBQ and not get grassed up in these times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 10:17:00
Shows how stupid some people are, to think they can have loads of people round, have a BBQ and not get grassed up in these times.

stupid and selfish.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 10:23:17
Just had a text of a mate. He has tested positive. Felt rough on friday with sweats, went to bed and only got up today. He did all his shopping online, worked from home and only went out to drop his child off at nursery twice a week. He thought it was the end.

Scary times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 10:28:00

So it would appear that the Oxford vaccine not only protects the person who gets the jab but also stops it from spreading. Could be another game changer if right.

Also the same article says that a single dose offers 76% protection for three months, that there is no drop in protection during the three months and that the booster is actually more effective if administered three months later as opposed to three weeks. All of which surely vindicates the decision to delay the booster jab to give more people the first. Anybody interpret that differently from me?

Good news but there isn’t evidence to suggest the same with Pfizer yet (on either count), which is the only vaccine people have had so far

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 10:41:07
How do we know what vaccines are currently in circulation? I thought both the AZ one and the Pfizer one were out there now?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 10:59:56
Good news but there isn’t evidence to suggest the same with Pfizer yet (on either count), which is the only vaccine people have had so far

The Oxford vaccine is out there. Had a brief look but haven’t been able to find numbers, but here’s the first guy to have got it:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 11:08:26

This says nearly ten million vaccines have been administered in total but no breakdown on how many are Pfizer and how many are Oxford. Surprised that no breakdowns are available, as far as I can find anyway

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 11:18:48

So it would appear that the Oxford vaccine not only protects the person who gets the jab but also stops it from spreading. Could be another game changer if right.

Also the same article says that a single dose offers 76% protection for three months, that there is no drop in protection during the three months and that the booster is actually more effective if administered three months later as opposed to three weeks. All of which surely vindicates the decision to delay the booster jab to give more people the first. Anybody interpret that differently from me?
Very good news on the suppression of transmission especially.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 11:24:10

This says nearly ten million vaccines have been administered in total but no breakdown on how many are Pfizer and how many are Oxford. Surprised that no breakdowns are available, as far as I can find anyway

Don't know the breakdown but my Dad got the Oxford Vaccine about three weeks ago (lives in Warwickshire). Mrs Chunkyhair has had the Pzfizer vaccine at Swindon Vax centre also about 3 weeks ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 11:34:15
Based entirely on anecdotal evidence no one I know has has the Oxford one yet, its all be Pfizer to date and that's in the NE. NW, Oxfordshire and Herts.

Which does seem a little strange, albeit I am not aware of anyone really giving a shit which on they are given.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:04:41
I had my first Pfizer jab yesterday, but they didn't fill in my card with the second one. I understand the wait is now 11-12 weeks, so I'll have to re-apply I guess unles I'm contacted about it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:06:25
Fucking hell. Dido Harding has just told the House of Commons select committee on Health "none of us could predict that there would be variants of the coronavirus". This is literally what viruses, every virus, everywhere, ever, do. They mutate. My lad knows that from doing GCSE Biology. The fucking dogs in the street know that. If she genuinely didn't know that, and she's not just flat out lying like the shitshow govt she's employed by, it's one more reason she shouldn't have been anywhere near the COVID response. That alone should be a resignation matter. Absolutely jawdropping

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:11:56
Fucking hell. Dido Harding has just told the House of Commons select committee on Health "none of us could predict that there would be variants of the coronavirus". This is literally what viruses, every virus, everywhere, ever, do. They mutate. My lad knows that from doing GCSE Biology. The fucking dogs in the street know that. If she genuinely didn't know that, and she's not just flat out lying like the shitshow govt she's employed by, it's one more reason she shouldn't have been anywhere near the COVID response. That alone should be a resignation matter. Absolutely jawdropping

She must have known.

But they know they can get away with lying - so why tell the truth?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:13:25
She must have known.

But they know they can get away with lying - so why tell the truth?
Ordinarily I'd agree. But she is extraordinarily stupid.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:17:55
Ordinarily I'd agree. But she is extraordinarily stupid.

Why is it stupid.

She can lie with impunity and nothing happens, she plainly isn't stupid but as with all members of government and their mates being seen to be thick is no longer an embarrassment so say the first thing that comes into head and bat the question away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:37:30
Could she have meant to say they didn’t know how it would mutate? If she didn’t misspeak I agree that is a scarily misinformed thing to say given her position.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:39:53
Could she have meant to say they didn’t know how it would mutate?

She might have done, but that's even more reason to be as prepared as possible if/when mutations do occur.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:44:38
She might have done, but that's even more reason to be as prepared as possible if/when mutations do occur.

Very true. Inept thing to say one way or the other

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 13:14:04
Could she have meant to say they didn’t know how it would mutate? If she didn’t misspeak I agree that is a scarily misinformed thing to say given her position.
No, she's said it before in press briefings, as has Hancock. It's the party line on not accepting responsibility for the second wave which is looking likely to be more lethal than the first, despite having had even more time to prepare for it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 13:30:49
Much as I have immense respect for Captain Tom Moore and what he achieved in the final year of his life, the instruction from towsle-haired tosser Boris Johnson to stand on my doorstep and clap for him to show my appreciation doesn't sit right at all.  We're not primary school children; and I'm not going to allow Johnson to claim any reflected glory/association with the brilliant efforts of Captain Tom.

Shut it, Johnson.  And get on with your job.  108,000 and counting.  Your watch.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 13:32:29
the instruction from towsle-haired tosser Boris Johnson to stand on my doorstep and clap for him to show my appreciation doesn't sit right at all. 

I find it offensive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 13:41:20
No, she's said it before in press briefings, as has Hancock. It's the party line on not accepting responsibility for the second wave which is looking likely to be more lethal than the first, despite having had even more time to prepare for it.

I think second wave deaths have already exceed 1st wave ones.

Much as it pains me to say, and its a small thing, but at least I get the impression of the gravity of the shit show is becoming clear to Mancock, he looks genuinely haunted most of the time and at least shows some humility, Johnson is just a wanker without basic humility as his response re Tom Moore yesterday just reinforced. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 14:31:55
Fucking hell. Dido Harding has just told the House of Commons select committee on Health "none of us could predict that there would be variants of the coronavirus". This is literally what viruses, every virus, everywhere, ever, do. They mutate. My lad knows that from doing GCSE Biology. The fucking dogs in the street know that. If she genuinely didn't know that, and she's not just flat out lying like the shitshow govt she's employed by, it's one more reason she shouldn't have been anywhere near the COVID response. That alone should be a resignation matter. Absolutely jawdropping
Amazing:  can you link or otherwise give a pointer to that quote?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 14:59:41
Amazing:  can you link or otherwise give a pointer to that quote?

Direct quote (taken from 10.45 on here ) is

'It’s entirely understandable that everyone wants there to be a single, clear and straightforward route out of the Covid crisis. I think it’s very tempting to view ... that test and trace stands single-handedly to prevent the virus spreading, and lockdowns coming.

But actually we are part of an overall system ... Test and trace is only one of the elements that enables us to fight Covid. We are not the single silver bullet.

Between that business plan being published and us going into the lockdown that we are in now, we’ve seen the virus mutate. We have seen the new variant emerge, which was something that none of us were able to predict.'

Now giving possible benefit of the doubt she may have been trying to say that they could not predict what the new variant would entail, but who knows.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 15:04:42
Amazing:  can you link or otherwise give a pointer to that quote?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 15:20:42
Appreciated.  ie your link not the Baroness's evidence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 17:43:02
Much as I have immense respect for Captain Tom Moore and what he achieved in the final year of his life, the instruction from towsle-haired tosser Boris Johnson to stand on my doorstep and clap for him to show my appreciation doesn't sit right at all.  We're not primary school children; and I'm not going to allow Johnson to claim any reflected glory/association with the brilliant efforts of Captain Tom.

Shut it, Johnson.  And get on with your job.  108,000 and counting.  Your watch.

Boris is now on about building a monument for him. A bit much?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 18:05:07
Boris is now on about building a monument for him. A bit much?
If he wants to fitting tribute to show respect for Capt Tom, he could start by paying nurses properly, then rectify a decade of underfunding the NHS so that in future we won't need 100-year old pensioners to walk round their gardens in order to adequately fund a health service that is supposed to be paid for out of the taxes he keeps diverting to his corrupt fucking mates.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 18:13:13
If he wants to fitting tribute to show respect for Capt Tom, he could start by paying nurses properly, then rectify a decade of underfunding the NHS so that in future we won't need 100-year old pensioners to walk round their gardens in order to adequately fund a health service that is supposed to be paid for out of the taxes he keeps diverting to his corrupt fucking mates.

And people who think it's a good thing to clap should stop voting tory (if they do)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 18:20:17
Build and name a new hospital after him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 20:33:02
Boris is now on about building a monument for him. A bit much?

He's so desperate to be seen as some form of Churchillian hero (Boris not Tom) isn't he? So much so he'll happily try and live it via taking credit for something a 100yr old man accomplished.

You just know if he goes ahead with it, he'll make it all about himself!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 20:37:22
And people who think it's a good thing to clap should stop voting tory (if they do)
But Corbyn...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 21:26:01
Build and name a new hospital after him.

A national bank holiday. To remember the fallen so to speak and the efforts of the NHS and other key workers including our biosciences. This BH shall hence forth be know as Sir Tom Moore day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 21:29:21
Nah fuck that. Pay nhs staff what they deserve, and create a social structure that means many ‘essential workers’ aren’t treading the breadline

We don’t need a bank holiday, or 6pm applauses - hollow gestures to make the insulated middle class feel like they’re doing something without having to think too hard to do so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 22:14:06
In the UK, in this modern society,  no job shlould put anyone anywhere near the breadline. That is also regardless of doing it.

Also think it's time attitudes changed in the naming of job categorisation as "unskilled" (at the so called lower end). Many of these jobs require certain skills that for example, a law graduate might never possess. These can often be ones that require much more social interaction and understanding of people. I know plenty of intelligent people with bloody good jobs but they wouldn't have a clue how to approach a person in public. It's certainly long overdue that we recognise skillets across all sectors. Everyone has value and hopefully the pandemic has opened a few of the more ignorant "Jacks" to this.

As we grow further into an age of digitisation and automation, it will likely come even more important as to retaining functional social skillset behaviour and attitudes in public. It won't be long before many things are done for us; do we really want our social conversations and public debate to be automated too?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 22:23:07
In the UK, in this modern society,  no job shlould put anyone anywhere near the breadline. That is also regardless of doing it.

Also think it's time attitudes changed in the naming of job categorisation as "unskilled" (at the so called lower end). Many of these jobs require certain skills that for example, a law graduate might never possess. These can often be ones that require much more social interaction and understanding of people. I know plenty of intelligent people with bloody good jobs but they wouldn't have a clue how to approach a person in public. It's certainly long overdue that we recognise skillets across all sectors. Everyone has value and hopefully the pandemic has opened a few of the more ignorant "Jacks" to this.

As we grow further into an age of digitisation and automation, it will likely come even more important as to retaining functional social skillset behaviour and attitudes in public. It won't be long before many things are done for us; do we really want our social conversations and public debate to be automated too?

I note that you refer to law graduates and you may have caught a bite.  I understand that so called 'soft skills' are very important in the legal sector/profession, as they are in most other service industries.

I should add that I went to university with a number of law students. They were very well rounded individuals in my experience.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 23:07:38
I note that you refer to law graduates and you may have caught a bite.  I understand that so called 'soft skills' are very important in the legal sector/profession, as they are in most other service industries.

I should add that I went to university with a number of law students. They were very well rounded individuals in my experience.

It wasn't directed toward yourself (or anyone on here in particular), purely an example. I have a best friend who studied law, yet hates people and also a relative who is a clinical lead psychiatrist yet possess practically zero social skills. I am aware that people can be unsociable from all areas of society though :)

Did you find what you was looking for in the "Court Cases" thread?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 23:37:20
It wasn't directed toward yourself (or anyone on here in particular), purely an example. I have a best friend who studied law, yet hates people and also a relative who is a clinical lead psychiatrist yet possess practically zero social skills. I am aware that people can be unsociable from all areas of society though :)

Did you find what you was looking for in the "Court Cases" thread?

Noted.  I am aware of the need to practice 'thread discipline' and will pick up the court cases point separately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 10:26:24
Had the Astra Zeneca jab yesterday evening, I flue finn sew fraarrrr....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 10:44:01
Had the Astra Zeneca jab yesterday evening, I flue finn sew fraarrrr....

Does it just say 'Installing Windows Updates' in your eyes now?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 10:46:11
Does it just say 'Installing Windows Updates' in your eyes now?
Shut up leave the mighty leader alone, all hail Bill Gates. Must kill all Microsoft haters.... :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:01:52
'Your immune system no longer supports Windows XP'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:05:45
'Your immune system no longer supports Windows XP'
My floppy no longer supports erections! :D

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:16:36
ctrl + alt + delete

if that doesn't work try the blue pill of erect

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:17:15
The irony of some COVID deniers/ anti-vaxxer types.

"Oh, so you're an expert are you?" - I get asked after I explain how the vaccine wasn't rushed.

No, I am not an expert and I don't pretend to be. But I have read what the experts have to say on the matter and I am just repeating what they have said. Yet, these 'deniers' are the ones disagreeing with the experts. And many of them have apparently not even read up on the subject and, for those who have read it, they still choose to not accept it.

But people like me get accused of acting as though we're experts?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:17:33
Nah fuck that. Pay nhs staff what they deserve, and create a social structure that means many ‘essential workers’ aren’t treading the breadline

We don’t need a bank holiday, or 6pm applauses - hollow gestures to make the insulated middle class feel like they’re doing something without having to think too hard to do so
Spot on. Bank Holiday my arse, thought the Tories didn't like gesture politics?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:23:50
Another one for 'are they really this thick or just fucking with us?'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:24:49
Another one for 'are they really this thick or just fucking with us?'
I think they just think we are. An 80-seat majority would suggest they might have a point

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:33:12
I was surprised to have adverse side-effects the day after my first Pfizer jab on Tuesday.  I have heard of others who have also had side-effects, and it's noted as possible in the paperwork they give you.

I felt nauseous all day, felt really tired, got the chills, and was dizzy and wobbley on my feet. Went to bed early.

I wondered if I still have antibodies from when I caught Covid in April,  and whether this might have accentuated the antibody response.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:43:05
I was super achy and tired after mine too. I had to have an afternoon nap. As far as I know I haven't had Covid. Had a negative antibody test too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:43:27
I was surprised to have adverse side-effects the day after my first Pfizer jab on Tuesday.  I have heard of others who have also had side-effects, and it's noted as possible in the paperwork they give you.

I felt nauseous all day, felt really tired, got the chills, and was dizzy and wobbley on my feet. Went to bed early.

I wondered if I still have antibodies from when I caught Covid in April,  and whether this might have accentuated the antibody response.
I know of a few people who have had a reaction to the jab much like you Normy, so far I just have a slightly achey arm but no headache or temperature etc that they warned me about even though I have been prepared mentally for such a reaction as apparently its a fairly high percentage that do have those post vaccine symptoms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:47:22
yeah someone we know as well also had these symptoms Normy. I think its fairly 'normal' that these side-effects can happen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 12:29:56
Thanks  for your comments guys.  I feel OK today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 13:01:29
MD in Private Eye (Dr Phil Hammond) writes that getting side effects after having the jab are a good thing as it shows that the immune system has responded to the vaccination.

He does note from a straw poll of NHS colleagues that those who get worse side effects (Head aches/arm pain/enlarged lymph glands and higher temperatures) are often those who gace already had  it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 13:21:14
I recall that some were querying what jabs people were getting, some limited information in this

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 13:23:56
yeah someone we know as well also had these symptoms Normy. I think its fairly 'normal' that these side-effects can happen.
the leaflet they give you tells you the odds of occurrence, can't find Mrs Bs but remeber some were around 1 in 100.

she just got an achey left arm

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 14:48:26
Yes Batch my leaflet states 1 in 10 people very common effects, 1 in 10 commons effects, and 1 in 100 uncommon effects like enlarged lymph nodes or feeling unwell. Mrs B's achey arm is 1 in 10.

1 in 10 might be a too low a figure from what I know so far.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 14:58:53
Yes Batch my leaflet states 1 in 10 people very common effects, 1 in 10 commons effects, and 1 in 100 uncommon effects like enlarged lymph nodes or feeling unwell. Mrs B's achey arm is 1 in 10.

1 in 10 might be a too low a figure from what I know so far.
I know personally of 7 people who have had the vaccine, all the Zeneca variety, and 5 of those had the same problem of headache, feeling unwell and temperature. Most lasted a day or 2 but 2 of them are still not right after 2 weeks.

I think 1 in 10 may be a little low too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 15:01:45
But they're vaccinating all the dodgy people :) Wait until they get into the 50s, those whipper snappers will take it like a champ.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 15:06:42
Just had a message from the docs (on Facebook, followed the one yesterday asking that people stop ringing up and getting abusive when they cannot just randomly book a vax appointment!) that they are starting the level 5's here next week (65's-70's) I am in level 6 so shouldn't be too long hopefully.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 21:20:16
Due to work I get mine tomorrow afternoon.  Ill send pictures of the new Mac Ive just bought trashed into a thousand pieces when Mr Gates chip really kicks in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 21:55:39
the testing and vaccine numbers we are producing at the moment are absolutely fantastic. offers great hope

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 22:00:12
the testing and vaccine numbers we are producing at the moment are absolutely fantastic. offers great hope

The vaccine effort run by the NHS.  Not by one size fits all G4S / Serco / Deloitte type companies rife with cronies and friends of tories hit the ground running straight away.  As it should be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 22:24:36
The vaccine effort run by the NHS.  Not by one size fits all G4S / Serco / Deloitte type companies rife with cronies and friends of tories hit the ground running straight away.  As it should be.

it doesn't need to be twisted to fit narrative.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 22:41:43
it doesn't need to be twisted to fit narrative.

Who's twisting what?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 23:17:20
Who's twisting what?

il state the obvious. a positive post into government bashing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 23:37:42
They'll never do right in some peoples eyes, surely you should notice that on this red site  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 23:43:29
Credit where it’s due (it can be done in this instance) the Government got the vaccine pre-orders in nice and early, we wouldn’t have made such good progress getting people jabbed without those early orders

Yes that’s also due to the NHS mainly handling the organisation side of the rollout

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, February 5, 2021, 07:35:54
il state the obvious. a positive post into government bashing.

It is not a fucking positive that the government is fucking things up terribly. Billions are being wasted, literally, by the government giving huge contracts to their useless mates. An action which is causing many needless deaths just so rich toffs can get richer. About the only thing they''ve got right was ordering the vaccines. Everything else positive regarding vaccines and the whole shit show is down to the NHS, the same organization the government are determined to belittle and underfund. And people should avoid 'twisting it'

And it's not even twisting it anyway. It's just telling it as it fucking is. The government DO NOT get to take credit for what the NHS is doing.

Fuck off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, February 5, 2021, 08:18:23
This is why these cunts will get voted in again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:16:48
It is not a fucking positive that the government is fucking things up terribly. Billions are being wasted, literally, by the government giving huge contracts to their useless mates. An action which is causing many needless deaths just so rich toffs can get richer. About the only thing they''ve got right was ordering the vaccines. Everything else positive regarding vaccines and the whole shit show is down to the NHS, the same organization the government are determined to belittle and underfund. And people should avoid 'twisting it'

And it's not even twisting it anyway. It's just telling it as it fucking is. The government DO NOT get to take credit for what the NHS is doing.

Fuck off.
Argument with the missus, Flash?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:18:26
Jeez, you've supported town for too long FH. Iffy didn't even praise the government

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:20:00
He's not wrong though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:20:25
it doesn't need to be twisted to fit narrative.
There’s no place for any positivity in this thread, you should know that by now!

However, bitter rants because the socialists were humiliated at the last election and you know, ‘Brexit’ - then fill your boots!

Just sit back and enjoy them getting so worked up  :D :popcorn:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:22:12
He's not wrong though.

That's not the point, a positive post not politics related has yet again be turned into a political rant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:22:30
He's not wrong though.

Which seems irrelevant to some.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:23:37
Which seems irrelevant to some.

You talk about irrelevant? FWIW I agree, it's been a shambles, but why does every single post have to revert to politics?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:31:28
but why does every single post have to revert to politics?

Because it's being cocked up (badly) by politicians?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:32:02
Happy Friday guys!  :pint:

My dad is getting his first vaccine today.

My wife's sister lives in Australia and for a country that has been doing really well in keeping down COVID deaths with strict lockdowns etc, apparently they still haven't decided what vaccine they are going to use.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:33:00
You talk about irrelevant? FWIW I agree, it's been a shambles, but why does every single post have to revert to politics?

The STFC Transfer rumours one never does 4D. That one is protected with an iron fist if anyone dares to take it slightly off topic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:35:12
This is the main problem with doing well against the virus, life isn't far off normal, and so vaccine enthusiasm is somewhat diminished!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:35:20
Have you seen the current state of the transfer rumours thread?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:39:03
Happy Friday guys!  :pint:

My dad is getting his first vaccine today.

My wife's sister lives in Australia and for a country that has been doing really well in keeping down COVID deaths with strict lockdowns etc, apparently they still haven't decided what vaccine they are going to use.

Good stuff for your dad.

As for Australia I would imagine if you are managing it and not getting 1000 deaths a day you can take greater care in deciding your vaccination policy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:40:00
Have you seen the current state of the transfer rumours thread?

It's taken a trip down memory lane to Nottingham hasn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:41:30
It's taken a trip down memory line to Nottingham hasn't it?

It has and it deserves its own thread

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:44:35
Because it's being cocked up (badly) by politicians?

We know, but some like to remind us every 30 seconds, whatever the post is about.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:45:33
That one is protected with an iron fist if anyone dares to take it slightly off topic.

And so it should be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:47:20
And so it should be.

Do your stuff sir!!

If fairness the stuff currently being discussed on that thread as JBZ alluded to probably does deserve its own thread, especially in times like this when going to football is but a distant memory.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:47:29
The STFC Transfer rumours one never does 4D. That one is protected with an iron fist if anyone dares to take it slightly off topic.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:48:17
Happy Friday all  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:56:46
from this:

the testing and vaccine numbers we are producing at the moment are absolutely fantastic. offers great hope

to this:

It is not a fucking positive that the government is fucking things up terribly. Billions are being wasted, literally, by the government giving huge contracts to their useless mates. An action which is causing many needless deaths just so rich toffs can get richer. About the only thing they''ve got right was ordering the vaccines. Everything else positive regarding vaccines and the whole shit show is down to the NHS, the same organization the government are determined to belittle and underfund. And people should avoid 'twisting it'

And it's not even twisting it anyway. It's just telling it as it fucking is. The government DO NOT get to take credit for what the NHS is doing.

Fuck off.


25% football 80% moaning.
things that annoy you thread 2276 pages
things that make you smile thread 1664 pages. sums up this place.

I DID NOT credit anyone. I DID NOT blame anyone. take your own advice

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, February 5, 2021, 09:59:04
I stand by everything I said.

Anybody that accuses people of 'twisting the story' when pointing out the insidious actions this government has been guilty of deserves to be ranted at.

If anything, I think I held back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, February 5, 2021, 10:25:11
I stand by everything I said.

Anybody that accuses people of 'twisting the story' when pointing out the insidious actions this government has been guilty of deserves to be ranted at.

If anything, I think I held back.

On another forum i use the Coronavirus thread as a regular read, stats, graphs, trends, tweets. Along with the obvious opinions and stories. A source for everything in one place.
Its something that is relevant to everyone at this moment and everyone is effected by it greatly.
This thread is unbelievably political at all times and is almost solely used to highlight the shit side of things going on.

I'm not being sheltered and I am not being blind. I can see why we have got to this point and where fingers can be pointed. Whether its a football thread or this thread I try to look for ways out, solutions and try to be positive in general. That's just the way I like to look at things and how I deal with things.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 5, 2021, 10:38:27
I stand by everything I said.

Anybody that accuses people of 'twisting the story' when pointing out the insidious actions this government has been guilty of deserves to be ranted at.

If anything, I think I held back.

I think if anyone is twisting anything, it's you. See post #7295

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 5, 2021, 10:48:34
Yes, I'm having a crap day.  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, February 5, 2021, 10:59:50
Personally I'd fucking gulag loads of you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Friday, February 5, 2021, 14:46:11
Happy Friday guys!  :pint:

My dad is getting his first vaccine today.

My wife's sister lives in Australia and for a country that has been doing really well in keeping down COVID deaths with strict lockdowns etc, apparently they still haven't decided what vaccine they are going to use.

It's all right for them. They're not surrounded by water

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 16:22:40
Just heard from my sister in law that my older brother, 72, had his jab yesterday but felt unwell and he fell down the stairs today - top to bottom. She can’t get him to go to hospital as he’s more worried about the virus than any damage his fall may have done.

It’s times like these when I wish I wasn’t so far away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 11:49:21
The biggest part of all of this that bothers me the most is that no one seemed to be allowed a differing point of view to the hysteria narrative played out in the media and elsewhere. For example apparently a positive test result is a load of nonsense. The PCR test process is not developed for Covid 19 and is being used incorrectly, and this has been known since last December 2019...the only thing it is good for is producing false positives which obviously suits the governments rhetoric to gain compliance. Watch Dr Sam Bailey Behind Covid 19 PCR on YouTube...its quite technical but is quite disturbing really...and there`s plenty of other evidence out there.

Obviously there is a very nasty virus about and there are excess deaths which is no joke. HOWEVER, the underlying death rate per 1000 people in the UK over recent years has been about 10.3/1000. In 2020 the rate rose to 10.4/1000...for which we have shut down the country with massive debt and unemployment around the corner, destroyed thousands of kids education, created a huge wave of mental illness/stress and suicides. Additionally there are and will be many 100,000`s of premature deaths due to missed cancer treatments/heart issues and many other illnesses...way more than will die prematurely from Covid.

I really want the governments policies to be proven correct in order to justify the above, but I'm afraid there appears absolutely no balance or common sense...and we are just being fed lies and mistruths from the media and too many people seem to be willing to lap it all up, especially those who have more left wing liberal views...nothing liberal about house arrest though!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 11:52:27
The biggest part of all of this that bothers me the most is that no one seemed to be allowed a differing point of view to the hysteria narrative played out in the media and elsewhere. For example apparently a positive test result is a load of nonsense. The PCR test process is not developed for Covid 19 and is being used incorrectly, and this has been known since last December 2019...the only thing it is good for is producing false positives which obviously suits the governments rhetoric to gain compliance. Watch Dr Sam Bailey Behind Covid 19 PCR on YouTube...its quite technical but is quite disturbing really...and there`s plenty of other evidence out there.

Obviously there is a very nasty virus about and there are excess deaths which is no joke. HOWEVER, the underlying death rate per 1000 people in the UK over recent years has been about 10.3/1000. In 2020 the rate rose to 10.4/1000...for which we have shut down the country with massive debt and unemployment around the corner, destroyed thousands of kids education, created a huge wave of mental illness/stress and suicides. Additionally there are and will be many 100,000`s of premature deaths due to missed cancer treatments/heart issues and many other illnesses...way more than will die prematurely from Covid.

I really want the governments policies to be proven correct in order to justify the above, but I'm afraid there appears absolutely no balance or common sense...and we are just being fed lies and mistruths from the media and too many people seem to be willing to lap it all up, especially those who have more left wing liberal views...nothing liberal about house arrest though!

I'm sure someone with more time can deconstruct your sources, but can you explain what a Conservative government would gain by merrily tanking the economy and surging government spending over an overstated threat? It goes completely against their natural inclinations, which surely tells you something about the evidence they have (which I suspect has not come from a crank YouTube channel)

Edit: Here's a first page of Google post about Dr Sam Bailey's claims, in case you actually want to know more

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 12:18:10
Plus, what would the death rate have been if it was left unmanaged? A lot, lot more.
Also, 10.3 in a 1000 means the average life expectancy would be 97, which suggests the figure includes net migration and our population increase.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 12:35:16
YouTube. I'm convinced

the false positive rate of PCR tests is estimated to be at most 4%, but likely much lower.

 And this is supported by empirical evidence.

Take Australia for example, a fairly low incidence rate. As testing has become more and more widespread. if there was a high % of false positives. then the incidence rate would naturally be bigger in proportion. it isn't.

obviously if you think it's a big global conspiracy theory you can claim the figures are fudged. But who on earth would bring this on the population... why..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 13:01:29
Take Australia for example, a fairly low incidence rate.
Yebbut they are an island so they can control it better....

We will be getting onto earth being flat next....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 13:13:27
After looking at the Sam Bailey vid
pcr tests are not the only thing used to diagnose Covid, there are clinical signs. There are a lot of patients occupying hospital beds in the UK, not so many in NZ. Excess deaths are notable higher at this time, again not in NZ.
Also, if she feels that the sequence targeted is not unique then say so (with your working out clearly shown), the test detects the presence of and sequence of amino acids that are unique to the virus, that is the theory, it has not been disproved yet.
Just my view though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 14:14:42

Mrs Normy works with this consultant at GWH

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 14:56:58
I notice the case rate around me are back to August levels now and I see even Swindon isn't that far off. If things carry on with the same trend over the next couple of weeks its surely going to be hard to justify the lockdown continuing in certain areas at least.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 15:00:42
Not really hard to justify it at all considering a lockdown will help to keep those numbers down. Lifting the restrictions that were in place probably helped it get out of control again. If anything, that the numbers have fallen away are a good indicator that lockdowns work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 15:03:16
I notice the case rate around me are back to August levels now and I see even Swindon isn't that far off. If things carry on with the same trend over the next couple of weeks its surely going to be hard to justify the lockdown continuing in certain areas at least.

As an outsider observing, the hospital capacity will be a few weeks behind that it seems, so there could very well be a case in say a month to begin removing restrictions.  You'll have the cumulative impact of vaccination on top of the reduced spread as well.  Certainly moving in the right direction.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 15:30:29
Is it likely that the police would search their car? I don't accept a lot of the reasons that are given for these long trips. Like going for a burger, or posting a letter etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 15:36:18
Not really hard to justify it at all considering a lockdown will help to keep those numbers down. Lifting the restrictions that were in place probably helped it get out of control again. If anything, that the numbers have fallen away are a good indicator that lockdowns work.
Oh come off it, if cases in the south west carry on declining at there current rate then in 2 or 3 weeks the case rate will be that of June or July last year but with the vulnerable now having had a vaccine as well. There’s a few weeks lag with the decline in hospital numbers but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect the lockdown to be relaxed at the start of March at least for some areas.
Keeping a blanket lockdown in place to keep very low case rates very low would be impossible to justify, if you go down that route how long do you give it? Until there’s only a couple of cases a day across the whole country?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 15:41:08
Oh come off it,


Because there's no evidence that lockdowns reduce the number of cases and help prevent them from increasing again?

So, no, no justification at all!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 15:46:30
you have to be very careful until

1) everyone who is most vulnerable is vaccinated and this unlikely to need hospital treatment if they get it

2) there are no variants in the community that affect 1

especially given the Kent strain is more transmissable .

gradual lift starting with schools will happen. restrictions will be in place for a while yet

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 15:48:49
This has pissed off a lot of people up here....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 16:08:52
Oh come off it, if cases in the south west carry on declining at there current rate then in 2 or 3 weeks the case rate will be that of June or July last year but with the vulnerable now having had a vaccine as well. There’s a few weeks lag with the decline in hospital numbers but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect the lockdown to be relaxed at the start of March at least for some areas.
Keeping a blanket lockdown in place to keep very low case rates very low would be impossible to justify, if you go down that route how long do you give it? Until there’s only a couple of cases a day across the whole country?

It's almost as if some people have learned absolutely nothing from the last two spikes in infections. Sadly, a lot of them are in govt as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 16:21:52
I’m all for easing lockdown gradually, but at the same time I don’t think opportunities to unlock certain things at a different pace/order to last time if it is indeed safe to do so should be missed. This isn’t like the first time we unlocked. We are on the cusp of the weather improving and the vaccine, while not a foolproof key, does change the outlook for the better. Cautious optimism is what is needed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 17:19:09
Would prefer a more painful, longer lockdown so that we can have a freer summer with very few restrictions like in Aus and NZ. Govt will cave to their backbenchers though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 17:20:20
Many people are still dying. It would be utter lunacy to end lockdown for weeks if not months yet. Let's get the vaccines rolled out first eh! That's happening so a bit of patience is needed then hopefully we can have a nearly normal summer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 17:44:57
I'd just like the govt to actually listen to the advice given by their own scientific experts and act accordingly rather than ignore it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 18:16:57
Many people are still dying. It would be utter lunacy to end lockdown for weeks if not months yet. Let's get the vaccines rolled out first eh! That's happening so a bit of patience is needed then hopefully we can have a nearly normal summer.

My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 18:25:04
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..

Sorry to hear that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 18:25:16
Sorry to hear that mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 18:52:04
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..

Sorry to read this. You have my deepest sympathy and thoughts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 18:58:23
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..

Sorry fella.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 19:03:31
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..

Really sorry to hear that. I know somebody who was recently in the almost identical position, the care her old man received was absolutely phenomenal (and possibly from the very same people). Your Dad's will be too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 19:30:20
sorry to read that bathford

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 19:40:00
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..
That's really terrible, thoughts go out to you and your family.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 20:14:10
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..
Take care and thoughts are with all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 20:15:45
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..

Very sorry to hear that bathford.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Thursday, February 11, 2021, 06:38:03
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..
Words fail me, but like all others, I'm very sorry to hear what has happened to your father.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, February 11, 2021, 07:05:10
So sorry to hear that, Bathford.  Puts everything else in to perspective.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, February 11, 2021, 09:20:12
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..

Sorry about your news Bathford. Best wishes fella.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 11, 2021, 15:11:57
A bit of added context and realness brought to us all, unfortunately via Bathford's saddening news.

We all know (or bloody well should do) that it this bastard virus is every bit real and incredibly deadly, especially to the more vulnerable and seemingly from time to time quite randomly with the fit and well (undiagnosed conditions aside).

The same thoughts are mirrored here to you Bathy, as others shown in their own way. Sincerest of wishes mate.

Maybe some will be a little less selfish in their eagerness to come out of lockdown aggressively. I think many of us are bloody fed up whilst finding the detrimental impacts of "limiting choice" and our perceived freedom becoming reduced. I can see Theakston's frustrations and I don't think deep down they are as selfish as maybe their post's regarding covid comes across. They are generally an intelligent contributor but I do feel the restrictions are clouding their thought process slightly?! This is at no detriment to them or anyone else who feels this way but you have got to try and pull through this time; which is easier said than done. Think of those who genuinely haven't been able to go out when the lockdowns have been eased. I'm sure they are keener than the keenest mustard to go for a day trip somewhere or see and hug/kiss/hold the hands of their loved ones.

Of course, if you really must "tailor" your own set of lockdown restrictions to suit, then you're going to anyway. I'm sure you will do so with some form of tact, whereby it limits your interaction with complete strangers/those you know who are vulnerable (at least I bloody well hope so). To not, would be most selfish of all and then those people genuinely don't have any sympathy.

And this is where others here are then trying to get their point across, in terms of "doing as asked" or "sticking to the rules" (as best as can be interpreted). Unfortunately, there are a lot of our species that are incredibly stupid. Mixed with heightened selfishness, this makes a volatile cocktail. I don't think anyone puts the likes of theakston in that kind of bracket, that would be unfair but because there are a good chunk (I honestly don't know any figures but the amount "stupid" seen posted on social media, in public and in general is enough to tell me there is a 'good chunk' of stupid around. Even pre-covid) of idiots amongst our species then of course, there has to be some form of blueprint that comes with punishment if not adhered to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, February 12, 2021, 14:47:58
R number down to between 0.7 and 0.9:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, February 12, 2021, 14:55:31
Pleasingly our area has turned white on the inflections map.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Friday, February 12, 2021, 15:16:36
Sorry to hear your news, Bathford.  There is indeed a painfully real side to Covid that has not touched us all uniformly.  Thoughts are with you and your family.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, February 12, 2021, 17:46:38
R number down to between 0.7 and 0.9:

Sweet the lockdown is working. We should end the lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, February 12, 2021, 17:54:19
Swindon passes 10k positive tests (cumulitive).

the rate is indeed dropping fast

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, February 12, 2021, 18:19:42
Just watching the news about the hotel quarantine.

In Oz - not allowed out of your room
In UK - allowed out of your room to exercise

Just what is the fucking point if you are allowed out? 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, February 12, 2021, 19:57:19
My father went into the Great Western Hospital on the 9th December after a fall - he's getting on a bit so these things happen.

17 days ago, I was informed he had COVID 19.  Today my wife came with me to say goodbye to him. He's now getting palliative care from a superb team.  PLEASE, PLEASE EVERYONE take this seriously, it's here, it's not fake news and it's a killer..
Sorry to hear this mate

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 12:21:03
This govt never ever learns, even from the catastrophic mistakes of the last 12 months, all the deaths, all the suffering, all the hardship, all the damage to people's livelihoolds

So hope this isn't true

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 12:37:39
How long should we wait?

Edit. Not a loaded question. Interested in opinions. I've seen lots of criticism, but not many counter solutions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 13:09:07
This govt never ever learns, even from the catastrophic mistakes of the last 12 months, all the deaths, all the suffering, all the hardship, all the damage to people's livelihoolds

So hope this isn't true

I'm not saying I support all schools going back at once but we are in a very different place to the first lockdown. 

With the vaccine roll out being in place a lot less people will be at risk, as of now 6.8m of the most vunerable people are being protected against hospitalisation (3 weeks after vaccination), with it increasing by c3m a week.

Which will reduce the deaths/hospitalisation against what happened after the first lock down.  The number of people in hospital is reducing faster as a % in the last few weeks than in the first lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 14:21:01
Yes the hospital figures are coming down but no where near where they should be. If lockdown is eased too soon cases will rise again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 14:34:04
If lockdown is lifted at any point, cases are going to rise, so what was your point?  My point was that we can't use lock down 1 as the reference, as things are different

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 15:22:36
How long should we wait?

Edit. Not a loaded question. Interested in opinions. I've seen lots of criticism, but not many counter solutions.
It's not a time question. It needs to be driven by the data and the scientific advice, not arbitrary dates like "open up for Easter" and "saving Christmas" and that kind of bollocks. All that does is cost thousands of deaths, leads to further waves, greatly increases the chance of more vaccine-resistant variants developing and in the end leads to more and longer lockdowns anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 15:25:57
Schools will be first to open when they should be the last. Just look at the cases graph from September onwards to see why. Kids being kids will spread it again just like they did then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 15:29:29
Schools will be first to open when they should be the last. Just look at the cases graph from September onwards to see why. Kids being kids will spread it again just like they did then.
At the very least, they have to vaccinate teachers and school staff before they reopen schools surely? #JabSippo

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 15:36:49
I can't see why the schools couldn't wait to open until after Easter ass it seems pointless for two weeks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 15:37:00
At the very least, they have to vaccinate teachers and school staff before they reopen schools surely? #JabSippo

Why should school teachers get vacinated before they go back? The science is that teachers are no more at risk according to the ONS.  

I would much prefer that over 50's are vacinated and actually follow the science.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 15:43:06
Quote from: Jimmy Quinn
I can't see why the schools couldn't wait to open until after Easter ass it seems pointless for two weeks

Johnson opened them for 1 day after Christmas. Logic doesn't come into it.

politically they will say 'opened at the very earliest opportunity' as some kind of badge of honour.

I'd like to see the hospitalisation stats react to the virus program. It may be already, but not seen the stats anywhere

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 15:49:59
Why should school teachers get vacinated before they go back? The science is that teachers are no more at risk according to the ONS.  

I would much prefer that over 50's are vacinated and actually follow the science.

My take is that teachers should be vaccinated not because they are at personal risk of getting ill more than anyone else, but because they are in constant close contact with a vast number of children, who tend to be asymptotic and are notoriously terrible at personal hygiene. It’s about their risk of becoming super spreaders if they catch it and pass it on rather than because they are an ‘at risk’ group in and of themselves

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 15:54:06
I can't see why the schools couldn't wait to open until after Easter ass it seems pointless for two weeks

Agreed. Opening for one solitary day in January was a huge and completely avoidable blunder. We all knew schools were about to shut, even though it hadn’t been formally announced, yet they did it anyway. Is opening for two weeks in March really worth the risk?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 17:34:28
"A reverse ferret"...

Fucking dick. As has been said, it should be data driven not date driven. I'm beginning to wonder when these meetings with SAGE are actually conducted or when they are if the people who are meant to attend, actually are attending?!

He's so desperate to be seen as a national hero.

Signs on entering England will soon say...

Welcome to England - The Banana Republic & Perpetual Yo-Yo Nation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 17:43:09
What data? Hospitalisations the key metric I guess, given the whole goal is to reduce the strain on the NHS, not eradicate the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Sunday, February 14, 2021, 22:25:11
Agreed. Opening for one solitary day in January was a huge and completely avoidable blunder. We all knew schools were about to shut, even though it hadn’t been formally announced, yet they did it anyway. Is opening for two weeks in March really worth the risk?

You could argue to keep schools closed until Sept? We still have over 3 weeks until they might go back, so the data is likely to improve singificantly. 

In England we are below the 1st peek for people in hospital, which is a big drop from where we were.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Monday, February 15, 2021, 09:52:21
My other half works in childcare, their head office sent an email last week saying that early years staff had been added to the list of professions allowed to book their jab, so she's booked one for later in the week. Over the weekend, some other early years staff from elsewhere in the country have had their jab, and then been contacted to say they have jumped the queue and been fined £250, but many others haven't. No clear guidance, she's rung the booking number and they weren't sure either.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sgt.Slaughter on Monday, February 15, 2021, 10:21:09
We share our time between Tenerife and London, and I tested positive for Covid last March at our villa and tested positive again last month at our home in London, I had mild symptoms both times, whether this was down to different strains who knows, but I have since found quite a few reports of international travellers getting Covid twice, and personally I would not be relying on the vaccine in its current form to provide long term protection. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, February 15, 2021, 10:25:13
We share our time between Tenerife and London, and I tested positive for Covid last March at our villa and tested positive again last month at our home in London, I had mild symptoms both times, whether this was down to different strains who knows, but I have since found quite a few reports of international travellers getting Covid twice, and personally I would not be relying on the vaccine in its current form to provide long term protection. 

What were your symptoms

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, February 15, 2021, 10:38:11
We share our time between Tenerife and London, and I tested positive for Covid last March at our villa and tested positive again last month at our home in London, I had mild symptoms both times, whether this was down to different strains who knows, but I have since found quite a few reports of international travellers getting Covid twice, and personally I would not be relying on the vaccine in its current form to provide long term protection. 

The data, which was based on a study of 1,200,000 people – 600,000 who received the vaccine and 600,000 who did not – showed 94% fewer symptomatic coronavirus cases and 92% fewer cases of serious illness among those who were vaccinated.
we need the vaccines to reduce deaths. you had 10 months between infections which is actually quite good! may need 1 or 2 jabs a year

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sgt.Slaughter on Monday, February 15, 2021, 10:42:30

What were your symptoms

Mainly a cough, high temperature and an extraordinary need to sleep, a little bit like how you feel after reading one of JBZ’s posts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sgt.Slaughter on Monday, February 15, 2021, 10:43:41
The data, which was based on a study of 1,200,000 people – 600,000 who received the vaccine and 600,000 who did not – showed 94% fewer symptomatic coronavirus cases and 92% fewer cases of serious illness among those who were vaccinated.
we need the vaccines to reduce deaths. you had 10 months between infections which is actually quite good! may need 1 or 2 jabs a year

No, you are right, every one should be vaccinated, I’m just sharing my personal experience.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, February 15, 2021, 10:43:54
Mainly a cough, high temperature and an extraordinary need to sleep, a little bit like how you feel after reading one of JBZ’s posts.

No sore throats then?
Cheers Sgt 😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, February 15, 2021, 10:49:19

What were your symptoms

Posting shite on Internet forums.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sgt.Slaughter on Monday, February 15, 2021, 10:55:00
Posting shite on Internet forums.

Do you want to take this to the Sherdian IN thread?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 15, 2021, 12:30:43

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, February 15, 2021, 12:38:00

Must be the NHS's fault

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, February 15, 2021, 12:45:37
I think this seems reasonable.. Can't believe what I'm saying

cautious but irreversible easing of lockdown. I mean, we are vacciniating the nation, if that doesn't work because of variants or whatever then what else is left.

vaccines obviously can be changed in the same way as flu. so we are going to have to live with.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 15, 2021, 13:09:09
Must be the NHS's fault

I think this is what he is on about...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, February 15, 2021, 13:18:01
Isn't that down to it being more effective with a delay between doses? In the next month I would imagine our % will be around 25% mark.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Monday, February 15, 2021, 14:11:08
We share our time between Tenerife and London, and I tested positive for Covid last March at our villa and tested positive again last month at our home in London, I had mild symptoms both times, whether this was down to different strains who knows, but I have since found quite a few reports of international travellers getting Covid twice, and personally I would not be relying on the vaccine in its current form to provide long term protection. 
blimey,  that was an early test last March, did you have to pay for it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, February 15, 2021, 14:18:16
Isn't that down to it being more effective with a delay between doses? In the next month I would imagine our % will be around 25% mark.

Nobody really knows - none of the trials had varying delays in the second dose, so all we do know is what they tested at that time.  Using other vaccines, you often see long delays between the "Booster" jab, so the UK approach is probably OK.  Also, the UK has taken a calculated gamble here, to get the first does in to as many people as possible as quickly as possible, given it offer 60% plus efficacy.  The booster only adding another 20-30% on top means you actually get better "herd" coverage with the single dose strategy and it seems unlikely that the delay on the second dose will actually harm the increased efficacy.

Isreal is going to be the bell weather, given their deal with Pfizer to be the Canary in the mine.  Even off of the first dose I think they started reporting data that showed an impact.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, February 15, 2021, 14:22:17


they are confident 1 dose should be enough to prevent death (SA variant may change this? not seen the definitive data proving that's not true)

they know a longer gap on other vaccines doesn't decrease effectiveness, sometimes increases, and the is no reason to think think it won't be the same .

if they have got it right, is a fairly good call isn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 15, 2021, 14:31:02
I assume news vaxs will drop off a cliff somewhat come March and April when all those who have had start having another.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, February 15, 2021, 14:33:05
I assume news vaxs will drop off a cliff somewhat come March and April when all those who have had start having another.
I can't see anything else. they surely don't have capacity to double up second dose and new first dose

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 15, 2021, 14:35:38
I can't see anything else. they surely don't have capacity too double up second dose and new first dose

That's my assumption, and don't call me Shirley*

Missus wanted to watch something simple last night after our velntines meal and a few glasses, she put on Airplane! thats why she is a keeper! 

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, February 15, 2021, 14:40:30
good choice of brain out film.

we unfortunately went for horrible bosses 2, which was shit!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, February 15, 2021, 14:41:56
I can't see anything else. they surely don't have capacity to double up second dose and new first dose

Capacity is expanding all the time - new centres are opening and the existing ones are extending hours. I talked a bit earlier in this thread about volunteering for St John Ambulance - I've just got through the process and they've recruited and trained 30,000 volunteers who are becoming deployable around now - that's a mixture of vaccinators and stewards/patient care roles.

There will be a capacity issue at some point but I suspect the more likely things to slow down at this point are a) vaccine availability once we've used up our non-AZ/Oxford supplies and b) the sheer logistics of getting appointments booked etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sgt.Slaughter on Monday, February 15, 2021, 15:23:31
blimey,  that was an early test last March, did you have to pay for it?

The Canary Islands were overrun by mid-March, and tests were widely available, cost around 60 euros, although I think you can get one for free if you get a referral from the centro de salud (doctors)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, February 15, 2021, 16:51:47
I assume news vaxs will drop off a cliff somewhat come March and April when all those who have had start having another.
I dont think it will with the release of further vaccines that will be available soon. ones that are easier to store and 1 dose. plus once the main tiers are vaccinated that will be the end of the high death rate until a possible autumn dose for variants

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, February 15, 2021, 16:52:13
Capacity is expanding all the time - new centres are opening and the existing ones are extending hours. I talked a bit earlier in this thread about volunteering for St John Ambulance - I've just got through the process and they've recruited and trained 30,000 volunteers who are becoming deployable around now - that's a mixture of vaccinators and stewards/patient care roles.

There will be a capacity issue at some point but I suspect the more likely things to slow down at this point are a) vaccine availability once we've used up our non-AZ/Oxford supplies and b) the sheer logistics of getting appointments booked etc.

That's capacity to deliver, the supply side needs to be there as well, which is another positive aspect of the UK approach and the NHS.  Due to having such well designed test systems in place (I read that the NHS holds over 400k people on file to run clinical trials, which means they get the necessary number of volunteers quickly), several suppliers used the UK for trials.  That's also tied to the UK placing orders for 6 times the amount of vaccine needed and supporting those companies in setting up manufacture and distribution infrastructure ahead of time.

You have Novavax and Johnson & Johnson both going through the regulators now I think.  That will add considerable supply for 1st doses in March/April, meaning you can, in theory, keep the second doses going while not impacting the new vaccination numbers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, February 15, 2021, 17:53:01
Mainly a cough, high temperature and an extraordinary need to sleep, a little bit like how you feel after reading one of JBZ’s posts.

Mega lolz.  I would be interested to hear how one might feel after giving a cursory glance to one of Bamboo's missives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, February 15, 2021, 18:51:08
Mega lolz.  I would be interested to hear how one might feel after giving a cursory glance to one of Bamboo's missives.

Ohh, so now you're using Lieutenant Slaw Tor as an avenue to continue to have a dig at me, ha! How queer of you to do so. Especially when my "missive" on this thread was regarding great empathy at hearing Bathford's unfortunate news. Many others had shown equal sorrow also.

I'm not sure what is most sad really...your continued lack of ability to show any empathy towards anyone or your obsession with me; so much so, you're trying to claim that I am the Sgt him/herself?! Paranoia setting in JBZ ey?! Losing control of the situation, because you have no idea? You are old enough to know better.

That's very poor form considering how much you are careful with your words and your links to the Suits? I forget though, I'm the one having the mental breakdown obviously :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, February 15, 2021, 18:54:55

Ohh, so now you're using Lieutenant Slaw Tor as an avenue to continue to have a dig at me, ha! How queer of you to do so. Especially when my "missive" on this thread was regarding great empathy at hearing Bathford's unfortunate news. Many others had shown equal sorrow also.

I'm not sure what is most sad really...your continued lack of ability to show any empathy towards anyone or your obsession with me; so much so, you're trying to claim that I am the Sgt him/herself?! Paranoia setting in JBZ ey?! Losing control of the situation, because you have no idea? You are old enough to know better.

That's very poor form considering how much you are careful with your words and your links to the Suits? I forget though, I'm the one having the mental breakdown obviously :hmmm:

This caused me to chuckle.  You keep being you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, February 15, 2021, 19:17:50
This caused me to chuckle.  You keep being you.

Inability to apologize. Inability to show empathy. Noted.

You've incredibly poor judgement for a person who claims to be part of the law (or likes to appear so) though.

How wrong you are on your continued insistence. Quite bizarre, I've no idea why you chose the easy option?! It's made you look a little foolish "my friend"  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, February 15, 2021, 19:21:07
Get a room you two.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, February 15, 2021, 19:21:37
Quote from: Flashheart
Get a room you two.

lockdown breakers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, February 15, 2021, 19:24:26
Apparently the UK is soon to receive it's order of the Moderna vaccines. More crepuscular moments appearing as we edge closer back to something that resembles a normal way of life.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, February 15, 2021, 19:27:17
Get a room you two.

I did book one but he didn't show up  :shrug:

lockdown breakers

Bloody spoilsport!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, February 15, 2021, 19:30:07
Inability to apologize. Inability to show empathy. Noted.

You've incredibly poor judgement for a person who claims to be part of the law (or likes to appear so) though.

How wrong you are on your continued insistence. Quite bizarre, I've no idea why you chose the easy option?! It's made you look a little foolish "my friend"  :soapy tit wank:

Brilliant. You are the gift that keeps on giving.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, February 15, 2021, 19:36:13
Brilliant. You are the gift that keeps on giving.

Wow that's FHs favourite one liner usually! :D Your writing style and replies have become incredibly unoriginal Mr. JBZzz...

A "lawyer" effectively lost for words  :eek:

Anyway, this is the Coronavirus thread and most use this purely to talk about the "rona". Let's keep it on track ey Sgt? ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, February 15, 2021, 19:44:55
Wow that's FHs favourite one liner usually! :D Your writing style and replies have become incredibly unoriginal Mr. JBZzz...

A "lawyer" effectively lost for words  :eek:

Anyway, this is the Coronavirus thread and most use this purely to talk about the "rona". Let's keep it on track ey Sgt? ;)

 :girlgiggle: The "lawyer" rests his case.

Moving back on topic, my parents have had their first jabs which is good news.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, February 15, 2021, 19:45:08

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, February 15, 2021, 22:47:52
Is it just me, or these a bit "first world problems"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 00:23:10
Is it just me, or these a bit "first world problems"

What is more striking is the fact the UK government is making people pay for it. Which is in contrast to rules had I got stranded in Turkey or Greece last October. The rules/guidelines stated that had the countries moved from unrestricted to a restricted one, I'd be put in a government approved hotel, fed and watered, etc. to self isolate for upto 14 days...all at the expense of the government.

I'm not necessarily saying that the above was the correct way but it appears our Gov is being a bit cunty about it. Surely enforcing a person travelling from a restricted area into providing a negative covid test and then putting them up for a day or two (having to take another test on arrival) would be a better way? Then they have to self isolate with family/wherever they are staying for a further as long as is advised.

Unless this is the government's way of making a bit of pocket money?  :hmmm: c£1200 for 11 days is quite a fee and they should at least be placed in accomms fairly close or relevant to the persons travel.

Whatever happened to this being a "global effort"? That ethos appears to have soon disappeared, especially since regarding vaccines it really is anything but...Wealthy nations, that represent 13% of the world population have purchased 51% of the promised doses from the leading Covid-19 vaccine candidates. Protecting monopolies and profits of big pharma, favouring the privileged wealthy nations and leaving most of the world's population waiting longer than necessary. If there was ever any conspiracy regarding covid, this would be the most accurate one.

Why is it that the UK has purchased enough for 5 doses per head of population at the outset? Some may argue future proofing but I don't think we even have the data for that yet and the vaccine may need to evolve anyway. We simply don't need over double the amount of our population.

It's true that AstraZeneca could produce 38% of the World population but this is halved as two doses are needed. Meaning only they could cover 19% of World pop. For reference the cost of providing a Covid-19 vaccine program for everyone on Earth would be at a cost of less than 0.6% of the current cumulative loss to the global economy for 2020 and 2021 of $12 trillion.

There's reference to the global plight toward the bottom of this article, which does start out partly glamourising the effort. So far only AstraZeneca has committed but as stated above the efforts of just one Pharma (mostly) is not enough. OxFam also has some good articles on this. Surely we must maintain and recognise a global plight, otherwise we could be in an eternal cycle of "institutionalised annual vaccination program for industrialised countries but what will that appetite be for low income countries..."

I moved tack RobT but I thought it relevant in the "first world problems" category. Whilst our more privileged nations may have our own hurdles to negotiate, as always there is a much bigger picture. It's good to open that up to others and remember how fortunate we are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 08:58:30
Unless this is the government's way of making a bit of pocket money?
No it's their way of ensuring failing private enterprises trouser yet more cash from COVID: G4S in this case (remember them? Failed Olympics security etc) who are charging 900 quid of the £1750 charge, whereas it's Serco and Deloitte with the failed Track and Trace scheme. Seems the harder private contractors fail, the more money the Tories will shovel into their pockets.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 09:19:57
One for 4D to get irritated by.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 09:20:32
Anyone travelling from abroad for non essential reasons should rightly being paying those hotel costs IMO.

There will obviously be the some essential trips being undertaken but for the people who don’t really need to be travelling immediately I’ve got zero sympathy for them, charge them double

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 09:29:59
Anyone travelling from abroad for non essential reasons should rightly being paying those hotel costs IMO.

There will obviously be the some essential trips being undertaken but for the people who don’t really need to be travelling immediately I’ve got zero sympathy for them, charge them double
The problem is that it encourages people to evade the restrictions (which apparently is trivially easy to do). Much as with not providing adequate support for people who have been asked to self-isolate which is why there is such low compliance (c 20%) with self-isolation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 09:34:46
I struggle with the volumes of air passengers in and out of the uk the last few months. In the age of zoom etc why do so many people feel the need to travel.
There's fuck all chance you'd get me on a plane at the moment or hang around an airport even with 10 masks on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 09:47:23
The problem is that it encourages people to evade the restrictions (which apparently is trivially easy to do). Much as with not providing adequate support for people who have been asked to self-isolate which is why there is such low compliance (c 20%) with self-isolation.

Good point

I also caught something on the news, didn’t catch all the details, referring to additional possible loopholes with regard to differences between the rules in England/Scotland. I.e. if you live in one of them but land in the other (can’t remember which way round) you can avoid/shorten some of the quarantine measures

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 09:49:00
I struggle with the volumes of air passengers in and out of the uk the last few months. In the age of zoom etc why do so many people feel the need to travel.
There's fuck all chance you'd get me on a plane at the moment or hang around an airport even with 10 masks on.

I am aware of at least one family we know who have been to Dubai for a few weeks 'on business', its not remotely business the whole family went, it was a holiday.

Add into the mix that the quarantine only applies to the person who is travelling, so for instance if you come from a 'red' country but on the way back have to change flights at say Amsterdam, you then infect everyone on the Amsterdam- London flight but its only you who has to quarantine, plus when you get back to Heathrow you wander about the terminal for a bit infecting more until you get picked up.

I note it also covers travel, I wonder if they have thought about PPE for the coach drivers this year, this was the driver of the first coach taking people to quarantine last year...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 09:54:56

I note it also covers travel, I wonder if they have thought about PPE for the coach drivers this year, this was the driver of the first coach taking people to quarantine last year...


Gareth Thomas isn't aging well is he?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 10:37:44
Anyone who is thinking of risking passing it on dont. I've had it for 4 days now and it's brutal, can do little else but lie there groaning waiting for you next set of tablets. Worse bits are the constant cramps and the real bad taste of food and liquids on the rare occasion you feel hungry. In the last 24 hours I've managed a grand total of 30 minutes upright.

Anyone heard from Sutton?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 11:54:34
Lots of talk about the next round of jabs etc, but very little about the 2nd jab for those already received. What happens if they go longer than 12 weeks? Is the smart move not starting that group again, before worrying about the next lot?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 12:07:36
Lots of talk about the next round of jabs etc, but very little about the 2nd jab for those already received. What happens if they go longer than 12 weeks? Is the smart move not starting that group again, before worrying about the next lot?
When I asked about my 2nd jab I was told it will definately NOT be longer than 12 weeks for certain.

I see they are doing trials (not read back to see if mentioned) that they think better coverage will be got from 1 of each vaccine, I had the AstraZeneca so my booster in 10 weeks time could possibly be the Pfizer/Moderna.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 12:44:33
You schedule your second jab at the same time as you schedule your first.  I scheduled my mum's for her and booked both appointments - she had her first last week.  2nd is booked for the 30th April

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 12:52:54
You schedule your second jab at the same time as you schedule your first.  I scheduled my mum's for her and booked both appointments - she had her first last week.  2nd is booked for the 30th April
Not down here mate, my surgery said I they will contact me when its available.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 12:53:52
oh right, Mrs B was same as berni, book both at same time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 12:55:53
Not down here mate, my surgery said I they will contact me when its available.

I think it depends on whether you waited for the letter to tell you to schedule or not.  in the letter you are asked to book your appointments online, which allows both bookings.  If you were called, then they probably only book the first.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 13:23:52
I think it depends on whether you waited for the letter to tell you to schedule or not.  in the letter you are asked to book your appointments online, which allows both bookings.  If you were called, then they probably only book the first.

I think when my old man had his in Witney he was given a week to expect his second appointment to be, I think its the first week in April off the top of my head!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 13:41:42
I think it depends on whether you waited for the letter to tell you to schedule or not.  in the letter you are asked to book your appointments online, which allows both bookings.  If you were called, then they probably only book the first.
I was called in for the jab at short notice on the telephone, literally 10 mins from call to vaccine.

I have since been offered it twice by telephone call, once by txt and twice by letter!

I think when my old man had his in Witney he was given a week to expect his second appointment to be, I think its the first week in April off the top of my head!
Yeah I was told which week it would be but not the actual day or date etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 13:43:47
I was called in for the jab at short notice on the telephone, literally 10 mins from call to vaccine.

I have since been offered it twice by telephone call, once by txt and twice by letter!
Yeah I was told which week it would be but not the actual day or date etc.

Not been offered it once yet, but people down in Oxfordshire in the same group do seem to be getting it offered and we were allegedly ahead of the game up here so who bloody knows.

Not that it matters as I ain't going anywhere, albeit I am actually off out on site on Thursday to stand in a field with a client and an architect!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 13:51:34
Not been offered it once yet, but people down in Oxfordshire in the same group do seem to be getting it offered and we were allegedly ahead of the game up here so who bloody knows.

Not that it matters as I ain't going anywhere, albeit I am actually off out on site on Thursday to stand in a field with a client and an architect!
I don't know anyone else who has been offered it TBH yet, my wife hasn't and any of my relatives under 65 either, but then I am the only one of them with severe underlying health problems so naturally they do those first.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 14:07:47
You'll have two or three new vaccines being deployed by week 12 I'd imagine.  With extra resources coming online to deliver shots as well the UK is well positioned to get both the 2nd jab and 1st jabs done together and keep them separate.

The USA is not doing a bad job, but the splintered nature of private healthcare, the Federal/State separation and the demand being greater than supply is making it tricky to combine both first and second jabs so close together I think.  The admin burden must be horrific in keeping track of all that and despite each State moaning about under supply, none of them are remotely close to 100% used on any given day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 15:50:13
Had my Pfizer jab this morning at steam. A very well run smooth operation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 15:59:47
Had my Pfizer jab this morning at steam. A very well run smooth operation.
Got my letter this morning, went online, both stabbings booked,, day, date and time confirmed on both, all within a  couple of minutes,  whether it actually happens or not that's another thing.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 16:36:12
Had my Pfizer jab this morning at steam. A very well run smooth operation.
great stuff

@swindonmaniac, why wouldn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: wokinghamred on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 16:40:13
Had to drive 25 miles each way, but got jabbed today at Basingstoke Fire Station, of all the bizarre locations!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 19:56:41
Had my Pfizer jab this morning at steam. A very well run smooth operation.

Likewise. Slick, efficient and a friendly team.

Didn't feel the jab, only the anti-wipe clean up of the puncture afterwards !

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 20:09:40
Good to hear so many getting the vaccine and by the sounds of it the process is really smooth too

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 20:14:26
Bit peeved that as a healthyish 36 year old that It's gonna be a while until I get mine.

Maybe they could base it on usefulness/contributions to society - that way it'd would still be a while until I get mine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 20:24:16
You kids are gonna have to wait a bit longer  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 15:53:21

A study in Israel finds Pfizer's vaccine to be >95% effective.

0.1% of 602k vaccinated people tested positive compared to 3.9% of 528k unvaccinated people over same period.

Only 7 serious cases out of 602k vaccinated people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 16:21:38
great stuff

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 09:59:16
Just taken a call from hospital. Jabs lined up for me and Mrs chalkies shorts tomorrow. Second jabs booked in 30th April.
Hopefully don't get the scummer one. Nothing good can come from having anything from there in my body. It will fucking poison me.
Saying that during my family tree search my wife has a nest of ancestors in headington, pre football days though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: scillyred on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 10:06:38
Just taken a call from hospital. Jabs lined up for me and Mrs chalkies shorts tomorrow. Second jabs booked in 30th April.
Hopefully don't get the scummer one. Nothing good can come from having anything from there in my body. It will fucking poison me.
Saying that during my family tree search my wife has a nest of ancestors in headington, pre football days though.

I had the AstraZenica Oxford jab yesterday.
No lasting after effects other than a sore arm.

Come on you Yellows  :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 10:10:53

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 10:16:48
Just taken a call from hospital. Jabs lined up for me and Mrs chalkies shorts tomorrow. Second jabs booked in 30th April.
Hopefully don't get the scummer one. Nothing good can come from having anything from there in my body. It will fucking poison me.
Saying that during my family tree search my wife has a nest of ancestors in headington, pre football days though.
I pulled out of a house move a few years back when I realised Shrivenham was in Oxfordshire.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 11:02:08
Just taken a call from hospital. Jabs lined up for me and Mrs chalkies shorts tomorrow. Second jabs booked in 30th April.
Hopefully don't get the scummer one. Nothing good can come from having anything from there in my body. It will fucking poison me.
Saying that during my family tree search my wife has a nest of ancestors in headington, pre football days though.

The 1960s?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 11:22:51
I pulled out of a house move a few years back when I realised Shrivenham was in Oxfordshire.

The shire is not the problem, the pit in the middle of it is..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 11:46:39
The 1960s?
I thought someone might pick up on that. There was a big nest of them back in the 1850s. Her lot moved to Swindon early 1900s but a lot remained. Not that we have any contact with them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 12:07:49
Good news about dramatic fall in infection rates since Jan

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 12:13:56
Good news about dramatic fall in infection rates since Jan

Not just england but also substantially worldwide.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 12:16:45
Not just england but also substantially worldwide.
Not sure the "worldwide" measurment is terribly helpful. There's some places where they have effective zero Covid, some where it's running wild, some where the cases are declining, some where it's rapidly on the rise and some places where they have no meaningful tracking of case rates anyway. Trying to draw any conclusion from that is so vague as to be more or less meaningless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 13:53:43

Fine by me

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 19:18:06

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, February 18, 2021, 19:53:43
 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, February 19, 2021, 17:51:17
Good news on the Pfizer vaccine: Pfizer now saying it no longer needs to be stored at ultra-low temperatures and normal freezers will do. Which will greatly aid rollout and enable it to be used in countries where it previously wouldn't have been feasible

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, February 19, 2021, 18:00:45
But meanwhile back in Tory COVID Corruption news, the High Court have ruled Hancock acted unlawfully in the award of billions of pounds worth of COVID contracts

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Friday, February 19, 2021, 18:12:53
 Just had my first jab, the Pfizer one so still a scum fee zone. It was busy but pretty well organised at gwh.
Hancock is a tool and it's no surprise the contracts didn't come under scrutiny.
I think Boris is keeping him and Williamson in role for now as they are useful idiots to him. I also think Boris remains in power as a useful idiot to the Tory grandees. Once this crisis is over I'd expect a lot of movement prior to the next election.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Friday, February 19, 2021, 18:18:59
But meanwhile back in Tory COVID Corruption news, the High Court have ruled Hancock acted unlawfully in the award of billions of pounds worth of COVID contracts

Which we are not surprised in the slightest by.  However the next question is who paid the costs?  It's usual that the people who are ruled against also have costs awarded against them.  Who pays?  The government?  Is that our money?  This is a genuine question.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, February 20, 2021, 08:09:40
Good news on the Pfizer vaccine: Pfizer now saying it no longer needs to be stored at ultra-low temperatures and normal freezers will do. Which will greatly aid rollout and enable it to be used in countries where it previously wouldn't have been feasible

or where it previously wouldn't have been freezable :)

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, February 21, 2021, 22:37:35
looks like the 'leaks' have started ahead of tomorrow's announcements. (

All schools in England will reopen to all pupils on 8 March under the prime minister's roadmap out of lockdown to be announced tomorrow, with outdoor after-school sports and activities also allowed to restart.

And on the same date, outdoor recreation with one other person will also be permitted, meaning people will be allowed to sit together in a park with a coffee, drink or picnic.

From 29 March, larger groups will be able to meet outside - including in private gardens - up to a maximum of six people or two households.

Tennis courts, golf courses and other outdoor sport facilities will also reopen on 29 March, which is the first Monday of most schools' Easter holidays.

At the same time, organised adults and children's sport, including grassroots football, will restart.

The relaxation of measures is the first stage of a four-part roadmap expected to include the reopening of non-essential retail and hospitality in the coming months

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Sunday, February 21, 2021, 23:39:57
Which we are not surprised in the slightest by.  However the next question is who paid the costs?  It's usual that the people who are ruled against also have costs awarded against them.  Who pays?  The government?  Is that our money?  This is a genuine question.
Yes and it's something the judge commented on in his remarks, that if the government had been more candid about the lack of transparency (i.e. hadn't lied) they could have saved £1/4m in costs

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, February 22, 2021, 07:17:07
Its nice that you are allowed to meet someone outside AND sit down though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Monday, February 22, 2021, 09:03:53
I can meet one friend outside but my fiancée can meet with 33 households indoors. Awesome. Sound logic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, February 22, 2021, 11:02:54
So we're going to be led by data, not dates.

But also, here's the dates everything is going to open again over the next 6 months. Twats.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, February 22, 2021, 11:05:53
They aren't set in stone, but yeah.

Also, we are easing things gradually... everyone back to school on 8th

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, February 22, 2021, 11:06:47
The 8th March.

3 weeks after April, apparently.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, February 22, 2021, 11:36:49
So we're going to be led by data, not dates.

But also, here's the dates everything is going to open again over the next 6 months. Twats.

I thought this also. Would it have made sense to have aligned the staggering of the opening up of things when certain rates or numbers are hit, rather than dates?

Probably way too complicated, but if there was a section where Pubs and restaurants could open only when rates were xxxx then I know it would motivate me to continue to adhere to the rules. (not that I don't anyway)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Monday, February 22, 2021, 13:03:21
The dates are useful because businesses are able to work to a plan to re-open (or not). I suspect data from the 17m+ jabs we've done so far is going to show that the dates may actually be too risk averse (I am not a lockdown sceptic btw).

I see in Germany their vaccination program is stalling as the citizens are rejecting the AZ jab. Only 150,000 out of 1.5million doses have been used.

I didn't want to go to Germany anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, February 22, 2021, 13:12:13
All your hear from businesses is they want dates to be able to work towards, make the necessary preparations etc

A few days notice is no good, second guessing when they may able to open is no good

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 22, 2021, 13:19:37
The 8th March.

3 weeks after April, apparently.

It was not just a mistake either as he said exactly the same bollocks on the BBC as well!

Just imagine if Diane Abbott had come up with this.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, February 22, 2021, 13:32:11
Just saw the interview myself.

What on earth is he trying to say. I guess March 8th is 3 weeks after the top N priority groups (2?) were done. But he's obviously completly incapable of digesting that simple message, and wobbling on about the over 50s and a time machine.

edit: He's got a degree in chemical engineering hasn't he? Clearly not thick academically. Weird.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 22, 2021, 13:51:59
Just saw the interview myself.

What on earth is he trying to say. I guess March 8th is 3 weeks after the top N priority groups (2?) were done. But he's obviously completly incapable of digesting that simple message, and wobbling on about the over 50s and a time machine.

edit: He's got a degree in chemical engineering hasn't he? Clearly not thick academically. Weird.

As noted above, all I can put it down to is deliberately trying to mislead people, otherwise he wouldn't have made the same mistake twice?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, February 22, 2021, 14:01:05
but anyone with a basic understanding of months would be confused.

I think he got his brief in a twist, though you are right, you'd think he'd have been corrected between interviews

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, February 22, 2021, 14:11:31
all I can put it down to is deliberately trying to mislead people,

But about what?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, February 22, 2021, 14:17:26

edit: He's got a degree in chemical engineering hasn't he? Clearly not thick academically. Weird.

He probably purchased it using the money his newly setup company was awarded by the government for a favour nothing PPE

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, February 22, 2021, 14:18:15
But about what?
When March is? God knows. They've probably just got so used to lying about everything they do it on autopilot now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Monday, February 22, 2021, 15:47:45
Is he trying to style out a Hitler tash look?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 22, 2021, 15:50:04
But about what?

That the governments response to coronavirus includes time travel?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, February 22, 2021, 18:21:31
And on a more sensible note, pleased to see they do seem to be keen to keep to the "data not dates" approach, notwithstanding the presumed timetable. The proof of that though will come if the data doesn't align with the "pencilled in" dates set out today, can the govt hold the line against their lockdown-sceptic backbenchers and friends in the press?

A big fuck off to Rocco Forte who I've just heard on the radio saying we should all be spending money in his hotels from mid-March because most of the vulnerable groups will have been vaccinated by then and "only about" 7,000 people under the age of 60 have died from COVID. It's wankers like that who are the reason we will comfortably surpass "only about" 170,000 deaths from this awful disease.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 01:50:54
Estate I live on has now gone the surge testing route, and all adults are being told to go for a test because the South African variant has arrived

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 07:33:35
the South African variant has arrived

Earn the South African variants 'respect' by singing 'Men of Harlech' (if cinema has taught me anything).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 08:03:59
Estate I live on has now gone the surge testing route, and all adults are being told to go for a test because the South African variant has arrived
Run for the hills!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11:08:23
Government have shot themselves in the foot announcing dates.

I seriously do not think all restrictions will be lifted by June 21st, but because that date is out there everyone is excited about it and I've already had friends & family  trying to book stuff for that week / weekend (which is dumb anyway as EVERYTHING will be rammed - if all restrictions are lifted).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11:11:51
11A cynic might think it was just a distraction from Hancock breaking the law... 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11:34:30
11A cynic might think it was just a distraction from Hancock breaking the law... 

Quite the reach - it was scheduled for weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11:36:57
Quite the reach - it was scheduled for weeks.

I'd hazard a guess that the court case was also...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11:51:13
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.  Lots of people have been complaining for the past year that nobody understands the rules, nobody knows the plan, what is the timeline for lifting of restrictions.  The government constantly getting ridiculed (and sometimes quite rightly so) for the way that things are being handled.

Then they actually come out and produce a timeline for relaxing restrictions.

Some people think it's great and are getting excited and start making plans
Some people are totally sceptical and criticise the government for putting dates on things and raising expectations uneccessarily
Some people are complaing about certain dates not matching with their own specific needs

I agree that the handling of this whole debarcle has been pretty much a car crash from start to finish (bar the vaccine roll out) but this really is a case now of whatever they do they are going to get criticism from some sides and individuals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11:51:35
11A cynic might think it was just a distraction from Hancock breaking the law...  

They don't need to do that media re doing it for them...


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11:56:22
I really can't see how anyone can criticise last night's announcements, other than based on your own opinions re risk. If you think it's too quick, just keep hiding away til you're comfortable. We now have the harshest lockdown in the Western world. The walls have to start coming down.

The Scotland PHE research, the Bristol study... so much indicative data that the vaccine drive is indeed the silver bullet. My personal opinion is that we will indeed hit the milestones.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11:59:47
If you think it's too quick, just keep hiding away til you're comfortable.


Why must so many people keep on thinking of it in individual terms? It doesn't work like that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:02:34
I really can't see how anyone can criticise last night's announcements, other than based on your own opinions re risk. If you think it's too quick, just keep hiding away til you're comfortable. We now have the harshest lockdown in the Western world. The walls have to start coming down.

The Scotland PHE research, the Bristol study... so much indicative data that the vaccine drive is indeed the silver bullet. My personal opinion is that we will indeed hit the milestones.
Never understood how the UK lockdown is rated as harsh. No mandatory mask wearing, no curfew. Seems a bit namby pamby to me in comparison.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:15:28
Bernie speaks sense

All throughout the last year or so business has been rightly criticised the government for the lack of planning, dates and general forward thinking.  To put forward a plan without any dates to work towards would have been lunacy.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:16:20

Why must so many people keep on thinking of it in individual terms? It doesn't work like that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:21:07

Why must so many people keep on thinking of it in individual terms? It doesn't work like that.

It's the opposite of thinking about it in individual terms. It's thinking about it in big data terms, and actually analysing risk at the macro level across the population.

The way the data is currently tracking in real world studies all points towards huge leaps forward.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:24:12
I really can't see how anyone can criticise last night's announcements, other than based on your own opinions re risk. If you think it's too quick, just keep hiding away til you're comfortable. We now have the harshest lockdown in the Western world. The walls have to start coming down.

The Scotland PHE research, the Bristol study... so much indicative data that the vaccine drive is indeed the silver bullet. My personal opinion is that we will indeed hit the milestones.

Mainly based on the fact that the last time the kids went back to school, cases and deaths absolutely sky rocketed. Combine that with a relaxation in the latter stages of March and you've, potentially, got a recipe for disaster. If it follows a similar trend to last time, which it probably will but to a lesser degree thanks to the vaccinations, then can you honestly see the 2nd & 3rd steps being on time? It won't happen, and my fear is that if it does, the consequences will be grave. A two week delay in each step pushes that 21st June back quite a lot.

I could see, perhaps, August & September being realistic dates given the current timeline of vaccinations. I'm just concerned that we haven't learnt our lesson and we're gonna see another big wave. How many lives are worth it? I'd rather just do the lockdown right this time rather than fucking about and having Lockdown IV in May.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:27:11
The Scotland PHE research, the Bristol study... so much indicative data that the vaccine drive is indeed the silver bullet.
Vaccine effect is only just starting to come through in the data. And experience from other diseases indicate that vaccines alone cannot suppress a virus, you also need an effective public health response, including a functioning test, trace and isolate system. Without 100% efficacy and 100% take up vaccines cannot by definition be a "silver bullet"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:27:57
It's the opposite of thinking about it in individual terms. It's thinking about it in big data terms, and actually analysing risk at the macro level across the population.

The way the data is currently tracking in real world studies all points towards huge leaps forward.

That doesn't make sense.

I don't have to 'hide away' from it. I'm not even in Britain so I'm not coming from a matter of personal risk. But I still think it is wrong to open too soon (if it is too soon). And I think that because I really don't think having hospitals near breaking point is a good thing.

Some people 'hiding away' won't change that. People 'hiding away' won't stop cases surging again of the virus is still at large. The general public overall will still be out mingling and many won't have any choice in the matter even if the did want to 'hide away'. This is why lockdowns have to be ordered at ll.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:31:16

She's a nasty, selfish piece of work.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:31:59
That doesn't make sense.

I don't have to 'hide away' from it. I'm not even in Britain. But I still think it is wrong to open too soon (if it is too soon). And I think that because I really don't think having hospitals near breaking point is a good thing.

Some people 'hiding away' won't change that. People 'hiding away' won't stop cases surging again of the virus is still at large. The general public overall will still be out mingling and many won't have any choice in the matter even if the did want to 'hide away'. This is why lockdowns have to be ordered at ll.

It's fine that we see things differently. I don't understand how we can wait until every single person is comfortable with every single decision and loosening.

All of the releases are dependant on the direction of travel being positive. Every major KPI is coming down. What more can they do, or what should they be waiting for?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:33:00
She's a nasty, selfish piece of work.

I don't even need to look at that link, that's Julia Brewers-Droop isn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:34:18
Every major KPI is coming down.

And they are coming down because?... 

I know the vaccine is being rolled out, but that's not the only factor.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:34:34
I don't even need to look at that link, that's Julia Brewers-Droop isn't it?

Indeed it is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:36:36
Indeed it is.

What's she saying now, or just the old anti-lockdown rhetoric?

Ironic that she doesn't like wearing a mask given she has a face like a badly melted wellington boot.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:36:53
Mainly based on the fact that the last time the kids went back to school, cases and deaths absolutely sky rocketed. Combine that with a relaxation in the latter stages of March and you've, potentially, got a recipe for disaster. If it follows a similar trend to last time, which it probably will but to a lesser degree thanks to the vaccinations, then can you honestly see the 2nd & 3rd steps being on time? It won't happen, and my fear is that if it does, the consequences will be grave. A two week delay in each step pushes that 21st June back quite a lot.

Struggling a bit with the logic of "two people can meet outdoors if they stay 2m apart" being alongside "putting thirty children from different households in a room with adults who probably haven't been vaccinated yet" I don't understand why suggesting vaccinating school staff over the next 3 weeks seems to lead to so much pearl clutching!

She's a nasty, selfish piece of work.

Problem is a hell of a lot agree with her and think that getting through this is a matter of personal opinion and consideration rather than realising that the only way we get through is to work together.  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:37:45

I know the vaccine is being rolled out, but that's not the only factor.

Of course it's primarily because of lockdown. It doesn't mean we shouldn't be thinking about what's next. The vaccines are starting to impact, and their impact will only increase as numbers increase. Every early signal suggests the vaccines are working even more positively than hoped.

What's the alternative, and at what cost? How long do we wait?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:37:54
What's she saying now, or just the old anti-lockdown rhetoric?

Ironic that she doesn't like wearing a mask given she has a face like a badly melted wellington boot.

Sian Griffiths, emeritus professor of biology, says the wearing of face masks is likely to still be in place after June 21.

Julia disagrees: "Once you've had the vaccine what the hell has got to do with me to protect your public health wearing a mask?"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:39:50
Struggling a bit with the logic of "two people can meet outdoors if they stay 2m apart" being alongside "putting thirty children from different households in a room with adults who probably haven't been vaccinated yet" I don't understand why suggesting vaccinating school staff over the next 3 weeks seems to lead to so much pearl clutching!

And this is my main problem with the dates. If they waited an extra month, two months to send the kids back so that the teachers could be vaccinated then I'd think the dates were more realistic and I'd feel a lot more positive about it.

By Christmas, 50% of my fiancées school (staff and pupils) were self isolating. The virus spread in the surrounding areas of the school rapidly as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:40:47

What's the alternative, and at what cost? How long do we wait?

I don't know.

But the facts are quite straightforward. Open up too soon again and a lot (more) people will die unnecessarily. And telling people to 'hide away' is not a solution.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:43:36
I don't know.

But the facts are quite straightforward. Open up too soon again and a lot (more) people will die unnecessarily. And telling people to 'hide away' is not a solution.

I accept my comment that people should "hide away" wasn't the smartest. Apologies.

I guess there'll always be people who think it's too soon. There'll always be people who think it's too slow as well. And there'll always be cunts like that troll re masks.

I'm just not sure what more this current plan could have considered - lots of caveats, lots of opportunity to slow down but also lots of cause for optimism and lots of forewarning if things go as currently predicted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:45:06
I don't disagree with him, but herein lies the problem.

Johnson says one thing and then a little over 12 hours later Hancock says something contrary.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:48:12
well no, the dates Johnson gave were 'at the earliest'. so naturally it could be slower

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:49:28
I don't disagree with him, but herein lies the problem.

Johnson says one thing and then a little over 12 hours later Hancock says something contrary.

The plan BJ clearly outlined was that it could go slower at any point.

All dates are "no earlier than". It's the media's reporting that's the issue; PUBS OPEN MAY 17TH! No, if things go to plan, pubs will open May 17th at the earliest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:49:58
I think 'at the earliest' has slipped by a lot of people which was my original point a couple of pages ago!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:54:34
I think 'at the earliest' has slipped by a lot of people which was my original point a couple of pages ago!

Who reads the detail, and who reads the headlines on the front of the Mail, Sun etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:57:10
and who reads the headlines on the front of the Mail, Sun etc.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 13:03:51
I think 'at the earliest' has slipped by a lot of people which was my original point a couple of pages ago!

It's the same with MINIMUM added time at end of a football match.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 13:08:08
And this is my main problem with the dates. If they waited an extra month, two months to send the kids back so that the teachers could be vaccinated then I'd think the dates were more realistic and I'd feel a lot more positive about it.
Scotland had younger kids back in yesterday and are waiting to see the impact of that before fully reopening schools rather than going all out big bang. That might have been a better way for the rest of the UK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 13:09:44
I think 'at the earliest' has slipped by a lot of people which was my original point a couple of pages ago!
Agree, although as PP and horlock pointed out, a lot of it also has to do with how it is briefed (because that is how a lot of people will get the details) which may not always align with the actual plan.  I think the 5-week gap between each stage is a really positive aspect of the easing this time round, it allows enough time for the impact of each phase to be assessed before moving on to the next. In stark contrast to last summer's "Shit or Bust/Boris saved summer" approach. I very much hope they stick to it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 14:39:50
Given the shit show most Western countries have made of it, the vaccine effort by the UK and lesser extent USA, plus the more robust plan for moving towards 'normality' is actually quite refreshing.

I think they could have thrown a bit more weight around the tentative nature of the dates and focused in much more on the WHY those dates are tentative, but broadly speaking it actually looks coherent.

The vaccine data is giving the path out - the fact it seems to stop infection as well as serious illness even after just one dose.  That combined with getting the current level of infection under control have dove tailed well.  The logic seems sounds now - infection under control, ensure you can properly suppress outbreaks through mass testing (UK is doing a good job here now, still nothing like it over here) and then the vaccine distribution speed means you are getting the most at risk population covered quickly, followed by the rest.  The delays in opening are geared to stop rampant spread and provide enough time for the vaccine to continue reducing the transmission vectors.

Maybe in the future people in Western Govt's will watch Monsters Inc, "2319!"  Most of what they need for pandemic planning is covered there.  Treat it like it will go this way again, early.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 14:48:51
Treat it like it will go this way again, early.
Absolutely this. If nothing else comes of this shitshow, govts must now have proper plans in place to prepare for the next pandemic. And the next. And the next. Until we stop fucking up the natural world, this is going to be an ongoing and ever-worsening cycle. Still, at least if we wipe ourselves out with a supervirus, it will stop us wiping out the rest of the natural world with climate change.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 15:08:41
Absolutely this. If nothing else comes of this shitshow, govts must now take note of and adhere to the have proper plans they already have in place to prepare for the next pandemic. And the next. And the next. Until we stop fucking up the natural world, this is going to be an ongoing and ever-worsening cycle. Still, at least if we wipe ourselves out with a supervirus, it will stop us wiping out the rest of the natural world with climate change.

Corrected for you....

We already had a robust plan in place, other countries followed our blueprint and proved it worked very well, our shambles ignored it and killed a load of the population.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 15:54:49
Just one general thing which has popped up today via The New Statesman. After all the pictures of last year, no outbreaks were ever identified associated with people going to beaches last year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 16:32:16
Just one general thing which has popped up today via The New Statesman. After all the pictures of last year, no outbreaks were ever identified associated with people going to beaches last year.

Have often wondered the same about the other outdoor events which were attributed to CV outbreaks e.g Atalanta v Valencia, Liverpool v Atletico or even Cheltenham races. Suspect any transmission would have been in the crowded pubs, bars, transport, etc rather than in the open-air stadium watching the event itself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 18:35:03
Corrected for you....

We already had a robust plan in place, other countries followed our blueprint and proved it worked very well, our shambles ignored it and killed a load of the population.
Yes, although I was talking more generally really. As in globally, we should expect more pandemics, not necessarily coronavirus-based, unless and until we start to look at how and why there's been a rash of such outbreaks in the past few decades and change the way we interact with the natural world.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 16:16:37
Probably missing something here, but figures for January deaths, whilst high, are still less than those recorded in 2002 and 2003.

What happened in those years?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 16:26:55
Probably missing something here, but figures for January deaths, whilst high, are still less than those recorded in 2002 and 2003.

What happened in those years?

17/18 years of medical advances which have led to people fewer people dying in 2020/21 of things they would more likely have died of in 2003 perhaps? Just a complete guess but sounds plausible to me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 16:40:55
I think so, it's the point they make in this article.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 16:41:48
There's also zero flu this year, which probably kills 10,000pcm in the winter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 16:50:20
So, in the future, 10-20,000 Covid deaths would be an acceptable number as Covid becomes a virus we have to live with?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 16:55:31
I don't think we have much choice really.

if we can get it down at flu levels with vaccination and keeping up with mutations then that's probably all we can do.

can't go on like this last year

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 17:13:58
I expect both COVID deaths and flu deaths will go down (recorded as such) eventually, for a combined total roughly similar to the amount of flu deaths prior to 2020/21. If we carry on having the message of good personal hygiene such as washing hands rammed down our throats that’ll help too. I don’t know about anyone else but I get at least two or three bouts of pretty nasty head colds each year, and I can honestly say I haven’t been ill once since social distancing and a greater focus on day to day hygiene became prominent. It’s not a coincidence. Perhaps I was a particularly grubby little bugger pre-COVID, dunno.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 17:26:52
Yep, essentially we have been doing a lot of what we should do when Flu season hits.  The upside in the future may well be that we react to outbreaks of the Flu like Asians do to having a cold - pop a mask on, don't go out, keep you distance unless invited to come close etc.  Much like how spitting has become a proper insult these days once it became clear what it could spread.

I also hope employers get their heads around people being sick and making sure they stay well clear of physical workplace.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 20:27:21
Yep, essentially we have been doing a lot of what we should do when Flu season hits.  The upside in the future may well be that we react to outbreaks of the Flu like Asians do to having a cold - pop a mask on, don't go out, keep you distance unless invited to come close etc.  Much like how spitting has become a proper insult these days once it became clear what it could spread.

I also hope employers get their heads around people being sick and making sure they stay well clear of physical workplace.

Agree, I think the workplace attitudes do have to change too though, in terms of policy linked with behaviour. There is a fair bit of social workplace stigma if someone goes off work for having a cold (including mangement in that stigma too), yet people may think a little differently now.

There will always be folk that take the piss and throw sickies for the hell of it but in the main, most people are honest. In fact, I'm certain a lot of companies have it in their contingency to expect xyz number of "duvet" days. Funny, because those that do take a duvet day/throw a sickie, are likely also ones who will complain about "forinners takin aww rrr jobs tho innit".

Please, someone provide a Venn diagram on this.

Also, I'd much prefer to be punched than spat at *watches approx. fifteen TEFers prepare to line up and wait their turn*. It's bloody filthy, even just someone gobbing up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 20:42:59
Everyone's going to have to do their bit to change their behaviour


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 20:48:40
What a total sweetheart

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, February 25, 2021, 20:51:34
Everyone's going to have to do their bit to change their behaviour


What's the fucking point of opening up again?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, February 26, 2021, 09:10:17

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, February 26, 2021, 11:33:09
I believe he is a popular singing artiste, m'lud, in a genre considerably in vogue with the younger generation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Friday, February 26, 2021, 11:35:05
He is a British rapper who supports Northampton and apparently spits in peoples mouths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, February 26, 2021, 11:35:25
I believe he is a popular singing artiste, m'lud, in a genre considerably in vogue with the younger generation.

Was it the word 'gigs' in the headline and/or the fact he was standing in front of a Mercury Prize poster that led you to that deduction?

It's a shame that there is no library of information that could be utilised in order to answer the query.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, February 26, 2021, 11:36:23
What is the fucking point if we can no longer spit in other peoples mouths FFS, what a disgrace this country has become, taking away our rights and civil liberties like that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, February 26, 2021, 11:37:02
"Rapper" is very, very kind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, February 26, 2021, 15:12:11
Someone I know died from this yesterday. 57 years old with no underlying health issues. 3 weeks after contracting it- dead. Family members of his also currently in hospital with it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, February 26, 2021, 15:47:33
Someone I know died from this yesterday. 57 years old with no underlying health issues. 3 weeks after contracting it- dead. Family members of his also currently in hospital with it.

Scary isn't it. Thankfully just got call from GP and I am being done tomorrow afternoon which is a relief, especially with the small one going back to school!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, February 26, 2021, 16:36:48
over 40s after over 50s then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, February 26, 2021, 16:57:38
Scary isn't it. Thankfully just got call from GP and I am being done tomorrow afternoon which is a relief, especially with the small one going back to school!

Glad to hear it. Want mine asap.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, February 26, 2021, 17:37:17
Van Tam doing daily briefing and saying that rates are still high and are rising again in some places, urges people not to take their foot off the brake and uses an analogy I think we can all relate to "It’s exactly like being up 3-0 in a game and thinking: ‘we can’t possibly lose this now’. But how many times have you seen the other side take it 4-3. Do not wreck this now, it is too early to relax."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, February 26, 2021, 17:46:36
been following the Swindon number. While we are 1/6 the incidence rate we were at, it's certainly not going down further.

I guess that's ok too an extent  IF the hospital admission rate continues to fall due to vaccinations

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, February 26, 2021, 20:00:31
Van Tam doing daily briefing and saying that rates are still high and are rising again in some places, urges people not to take their foot off the brake and uses an analogy I think we can all relate to "It’s exactly like being up 3-0 in a game and thinking: ‘we can’t possibly lose this now’. But how many times have you seen the other side take it 4-3. Do not wreck this now, it is too early to relax."

Do we know who JVT supports? It’s got to be Swindon hasn’t it? All his references relate to STFC.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Friday, February 26, 2021, 20:39:45
Van Tam doing daily briefing and saying that rates are still high and are rising again in some places, urges people not to take their foot off the brake and uses an analogy I think we can all relate to "It’s exactly like being up 3-0 in a game and thinking: ‘we can’t possibly lose this now’. But how many times have you seen the other side take it 4-3. Do not wreck this now, it is too early to relax."

We never did get that fourth at Vale Park.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, February 26, 2021, 21:08:01
Had my first volunteering shift today on the vaccination programme. Was surprisingly emotional to see all the people coming through.

Good news is that there are far more volunteers than there are available shifts, at least in London. Should be able to speed up the delivery if the vaccines are there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Saturday, February 27, 2021, 08:53:25
Had my jab yesterday. It was a quick and simple process. Upper arm aches a bit, but other than that all good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Saturday, February 27, 2021, 14:22:57
Do we know who JVT supports? It’s got to be Swindon hasn’t it? All his references relate to STFC.
Boston Utd. He's done briefings with Boston programmes on his bookshelf and IIRC he did one in a Boston scarf

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, February 27, 2021, 14:24:09
Had my jab yesterday. It was a quick and simple process. Upper arm aches a bit, but other than that all good.
Thats all I had mate, 5 days of an achey arm no other side effects at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Saturday, February 27, 2021, 15:37:15
Boston Utd. He's done briefings with Boston programmes on his bookshelf and IIRC he did one in a Boston scarf
I like van tam. He always comes across well and I understand what he's saying. He also seems like the kind of bloke who would be good company over a pint or six.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 10:08:46
Very impressed with the "lateral flow test by post" delivery. Only ordered yesterday afternoon. Arriving today.

As you may know, households with links to people in school/college education (incl parents/guardians ) can now take LF tests twice weekly for free. OK the accuracy isn't great, but every little helps

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 10:20:59
Had my first volunteering shift today on the vaccination programme. Was surprisingly emotional to see all the people coming through.

Good news is that there are far more volunteers than there are available shifts, at least in London. Should be able to speed up the delivery if the vaccines are there.

It made me quite emotional to see so many people volunteering when I went for my jab, even at our small health centre there was a cast of thousands!

Had my jab yesterday. It was a quick and simple process. Upper arm aches a bit, but other than that all good.

Same here, arm pain was all I had after Saturday and its gone today. One thing was that I shattered afterwards and went to bed before 8 on Saturday night and slept for 10 hours but not sure whether that was two hard days on the bike or the vaccine!

Boston Utd. He's done briefings with Boston programmes on his bookshelf and IIRC he did one in a Boston scarf

Season ticket holder as well, not seen a scarf but he has a tie...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Monday, March 8, 2021, 15:00:39
Did anyone who has had their first jab book it online?
I'm assuming that by waiting a little longer a more local option will become available via a phone call?

The joy of receiving the letter today was tempered somewhat by seeing the Kassam Stadium at the top of the list of available sites online.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 8, 2021, 15:20:50
leave it until tomorrow 9pm. if all goes well you can book and swagger in wearing stfc merch

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Monday, March 8, 2021, 15:32:12
leave it until tomorrow 9pm. if all goes well you can book and swagger in wearing stfc merch


Could do with getting out of the house a bit further afield and the horseless carriage needs a run out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, March 8, 2021, 16:47:07
Did anyone who has had their first jab book it online?
I'm assuming that by waiting a little longer a more local option will become available via a phone call?

The joy of receiving the letter today was tempered somewhat by seeing the Kassam Stadium at the top of the list of available sites online.

I got a text from my surgery with a link which I followed easily and hey presto trotted off to Steam for said jab.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 8, 2021, 17:12:21
When's the 50+ jabs due to be done?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 8, 2021, 17:19:48
not long 4d, think they are just starting to get to 55-60 in some places

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 8, 2021, 17:46:34
Just asking for a friend   :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, March 8, 2021, 17:53:37
When's the 50+ jabs due to be done?

I rang my doctors today and they said they are not expecting to call me for another 7/10 days (im 57)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 8, 2021, 18:05:37
I rang my doctors today and they said they are not expecting to call me for another 7/10 days (im 57)
Its weird how it changed area to area, almost all the over 50s (20+ people who I personally know) have been done locally and all the others have a date in the next 2 weeks already.

I have an old girlfriend in Chippenham who has just turned 55 and she hasn't heard anything yet, and an old mate in Birmingham who is 54 and doesn't know a single person under 65 that has been done there yet, even the vulnerables.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, March 8, 2021, 18:09:48
Its weird how it changed area to area, almost all the over 50s (20+ people who I personally know) have been done locally and all the others have a date in the next 2 weeks already.

I have an old girlfriend in Chippenham who has just turned 55 and she hasn't heard anything yet, and an old mate in Birmingham who is 54 and doesn't know a single person under 65 that has been done there yet, even the vulnerables.

Yes it's very odd JJ all I can think is there are less older people where you are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, March 8, 2021, 18:10:31

Yes it's very odd JJ all I can think is there are less older people where you are.
If anything its more likely the opposite mate, Devon/Dorset/Somerset border where lots of people come to retire.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, March 8, 2021, 18:12:29
If anything its more likely the opposite mate, Devon/Dorset/Somerset border where lots of people come to retire.

That's very true so no logic there then in my theory!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Monday, March 8, 2021, 18:14:35
I rang my doctors today and they said they are not expecting to call me for another 7/10 days (im 57)

Is your real name Heinz?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, March 8, 2021, 18:15:10
Is your real name Heinz?

Strange question

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, March 8, 2021, 18:20:17
Strange question

It's all in the number

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, March 8, 2021, 18:21:59
It's all in the number

Rivoting stuff

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, March 8, 2021, 19:40:00
Jeez, you're all old gits.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, March 8, 2021, 20:02:08
 Not all of us, i am a spring chicken, which i class as younger than 50  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, March 8, 2021, 20:03:12
Not all of us, i am a spring chicken, which i class as younger than 50  ;)

All down hill after 40😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:16:39
I had the immense pleasure in doing my first home administered Lateral Flow Test this morning, not the most pleasant experience and all in all a bit of a faff, but needs must. Uploading the results seemed to be more of a data gathering exercise about me.

In other covid news...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:19:47
In other covid news...

Better invest some more money into then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:23:09
In other covid news...
So we've already wasted £22bn on a failed track and trace system that has no impact on COVID, but instead of scrapping it and giving the responsibility (and funds) to the NHS or local public health teams where it should have been in the 1st place, the govt are going to spunk another £15bn on it with equally little result. Wonder how many public sector pay rises that £15bn could fund? That's nearly £350m a week - don't remember seeing that on the side of a bus "We're going to leave the EU so we can spunk £350m a week on our mates in the private sector for absolutely no return whatsoever". Massive corruption. But, Meghan and Morgan

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 14:09:39
Entire UK Primary Care budget - £9 Billion
Entire UK Police Budget - £15 Billion
Entire UK Fire Service Budget - £3 Billion
Cost of 5% pay rise for NHS nurses - £500 million
Money handed out to a retired jockey to run Test and Trace - £37 Billion.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 14:29:49
Entire UK Primary Care budget - £9 Billion
Entire UK Police Budget - £15 Billion
Entire UK Fire Service Budget - £3 Billion
Cost of 5% pay rise for NHS nurses - £500 million
Money handed out to a retired jockey to run Test and Trace - £37 Billion.

Those stats are staggering. Where on earth has that 37 billion gone??

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 14:34:50
And a 40% payrise for Dominic Cummings

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 14:39:07
Those stats are staggering. Where on earth has that 37 billion gone??
Well "only" £22bn of it has gone so far. The remaining £15bn is earmarked to be spent over the course of the next year according to the OBR's notes accompanying the budget. But still, it's eye-watering and I'd also like to know how they have managed to spend so much. Even if the damn system worked, which it doesn't, I just don't see how you can possibly spend that amount on some test sites, lab fees and a shit call centre operation. I know they've been paying consultants £7k a day, but even that doesn't amount to much more than a few 10s of millions. And £22bn is what they're admitting to. It begs the question what are they hiding behind that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 14:41:04
Where on earth has that 37 billion gone??

Tory mates pockets

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 14:50:25
3 month old article, but this shows the majority of it is earmarked for/has been spent on testing i.e. the bit that we actually seem to be getting right, not tracing which we are failing woefully at.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 14:55:03
Nightingale hospitals to close. A £532 million PR stunt to make it look as if the Govt were doing something. They ended up highlighting how ten years of austerity had cut staff so much in the NHS that even when you put more beds in place there was no one to look after patients

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Moss on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 15:15:26
Nightingale hospitals to close. A £532 million PR stunt to make it look as if the Govt were doing something. They ended up highlighting how ten years of austerity had cut staff so much in the NHS that even when you put more beds in place there was no one to look after patients
They would have moved staff around. There was genuine concern that we would run out of ventilated beds. The original predicted  death toll from the 1st wave this time last year was much higher than what actually happened thankfully.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 15:16:10
I don't agree it was a PR stunt.

More not planned properly response to a possible worse case scenarion that didn't happen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 15:21:46
3 month old article, but this shows the majority of it is earmarked for/has been spent on testing i.e. the bit that we actually seem to be getting right, not tracing which we are failing woefully at.
Thanks Samdy, that's very illuminating. Still not sure it adds up though - £22bn is amount expected to be spent in 2020-21, but according to the figures in there "only" £4bn had been spent by October 2020. Test and Trace started in May 2020, so they spent £4bn in 5 months, and then expected to spend £18bn in the remaining 6 months to April 2021.

According to PHE the UK has carried out some 94m PCR tests since April 2020 ( You can buy a test privately for £120 ( Given the govt have been buying them in bulk, you'd assume they're getting them for substantially less than that, but let's assume for the sake of argument they've made as shit a job of PCR test procurement as they have of everything else, and they're paying £120 each for them. That's £11.2bn, half of the annual £22bn, and likely to be more like half that. According to the full-fact article, which is using govt figures, around 70% of the cost of test and trace is testing i.e. £15bn is supposedly being spent on testing. So where is the other between £4bn - £9bn going? (lower end assumes £120 per test, upper end assumes around half that). And presumably there is similar featherbedding* in the contact tracing as well.

*theft, let's be honest

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 15:29:42
Rivoting stuff

Ravioliting stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 15:33:02
Entire UK Primary Care budget - £9 Billion
Entire UK Police Budget - £15 Billion
Entire UK Fire Service Budget - £3 Billion
Cost of 5% pay rise for NHS nurses - £500 million
Money handed out to a retired jockey to run Test and Trace - £37 Billion.

Jobs for the boys - Priceless. For everything else, there's corruption...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 15:45:38
Thanks Samdy, that's very illuminating. Still not sure it adds up though - £22bn is amount expected to be spent in 2020-21, but according to the figures in there "only" £4bn had been spent by October 2020. Test and Trace started in May 2020, so they spent £4bn in 5 months, and then expected to spend £18bn in the remaining 6 months to April 2021.

According to PHE the UK has carried out some 94m PCR tests since April 2020 ( You can buy a test privately for £120 ( Given the govt have been buying them in bulk, you'd assume they're getting them for substantially less than that, but let's assume for the sake of argument they've made as shit a job of PCR test procurement as they have of everything else, and they're paying £120 each for them. That's £11.2bn, half of the annual £22bn, and likely to be more like half that. According to the full-fact article, which is using govt figures, around 70% of the cost of test and trace is testing i.e. £15bn is supposedly being spent on testing. So where is the other between £4bn - £9bn going? (lower end assumes £120 per test, upper end assumes around half that). And presumably there is similar featherbedding* in the contact tracing as well.

*theft, let's be honest

Was reading apiece from a lass whose son works in the T&T programme. Gets paid 40 hrs a week, £10 an hour, has to provide his own lap top to use and had to buy own headset, pays for own Wi-Fi.

Wherever that cash has gone its not going to the people on the ground!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 15:22:55
Johnson finally admits he fucked up delaying the first lockdown but tries to blame it on the scientific advice. But no apology or acceptance of his own responsibility and no mention of all the very many fuckups and delays after that. That first delay is reckoned to have doubled the death toll in the first wave. Likely to be similar in subsequent delays.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 15:25:18
Their consistent ‘following the best advice’ mantra was always going to be their get out of jail card when things inevitably went tits up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 15:27:05
Their consistent ‘following the best advice’ mantra was always going to be their get out of jail card when things inevitably went tits up.
Yup. Even when they consistently didn't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 18:54:45
The decision amongst some EU countries to suspend the Oxford vaccine has left me completely and utterly baffled. From what I understand the number of blood clots amongst the millions who have been vaccinated is, if anything, less than you would expect amongst a random sample of the same size who haven’t had the vaccine. Anybody have any idea the rationale behind this as I’m thoroughly stumped.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 18:56:31
looks like supply issues are about to hit the UK in April.

so it's over 40s probably won't be done until may :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 19:04:26
Get the stuff from Europe that they don’t want to use.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 19:07:28
Get the stuff from Europe that they don’t want to use.

They won’t give them up, which suggests this is all political. Which, if true, is completely unacceptable

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 19:08:49
looks like supply issues are about to hit the UK in April.

so it's over 40s probably won't be done until may :(

Seems unlikely. Good job we’ve had such a successful rollout so far, hopefully will mitigate the damage done.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 19:10:40
The decision amongst some EU countries to suspend the Oxford vaccine has left me completely and utterly baffled. From what I understand the number of blood clots amongst the millions who have been vaccinated is, if anything, less than you would expect amongst a random sample of the same size who haven’t had the vaccine. Anybody have any idea the rationale behind this as I’m thoroughly stumped.

From what I’ve read, it’s the nature of the clots not the volume. And the thinking was it was a batch of the vaccines, rather than the vaccine itself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 19:13:55
From what I’ve read, it’s the nature of the clots not the volume. And the thinking was it was a batch of the vaccines, rather than the vaccine itself

Was not aware of either of those things, thanks. Really hope this doesn’t create distrust of the vaccine. I’d still get it in a heartbeat

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 19:21:13
Was not aware of either of those things, thanks. Really hope this doesn’t create distrust of the vaccine. I’d still get it in a heartbeat

I think they will probably just put it in your arm though I reckon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 19:22:14
Ooh, I wonder which vaccine I'm getting tomorrow?  :eek:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 19:27:54
I think they will probably just put it in your arm though I reckon.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 09:36:36
looks like supply issues are about to hit the UK in April.

so it's over 40s probably won't be done until may :(

The supply system is apparently all over the place at the moment, there was a surge last week as an unexpected batch was received with short expiry dates (which rather suggests that it was intended for elsewhere previously but then redirected to the UK) now some Trusts are not sure what they are getting or when.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 09:38:19
The decision amongst some EU countries to suspend the Oxford vaccine has left me completely and utterly baffled. From what I understand the number of blood clots amongst the millions who have been vaccinated is, if anything, less than you would expect amongst a random sample of the same size who haven’t had the vaccine. Anybody have any idea the rationale behind this as I’m thoroughly stumped.

This is a pretty good summary

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 10:12:18
The supply system is apparently all over the place at the moment, there was a surge last week as an unexpected batch was received with short expiry dates (which rather suggests that it was intended for elsewhere previously but then redirected to the UK) now some Trusts are not sure what they are getting or when.
TBF that was always going to be the case with a set of new vaccines that have been rushed into production all over the world. There were always going to be hiccups in supply, especially as demand massively outstrips availability. We're in a better position than most, having been in a position (i.e. rich enough) to pre-buy stocks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 15:00:37
The ONS has asked us to have blood tests every month for the next year, besides the swab tests research we're on. I don't fancy it, a lot of messing about and  pricking your finger(s)  to get 0.5 ml in a vial, warning of sore fingers and having to prick more than one, and my blood clots very easily. ( I can't give blood properly via cannula.) I'll let Mrs Normy do it as she's very keen and is a trained nurse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 15:28:50
I have a query.

Greece is opening up to tourists in May, come what may, if they have the green vaccine card.

Has it been determined yet that people who are vaccinated cannot still be carriers/transmitters of Covid?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 15:53:41
Pretty fucked off that my vaccine will now be delayed as I'm in the 40's bracket. Also Hancock's bare faced lying when he said there won't be a delay. Some of us have worked non stop the last year and want our fucking vaccine asap.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 15:55:36
I have a query.

Greece is opening up to tourists in May, come what may, if they have the green vaccine card.

Has it been determined yet that people who are vaccinated cannot still be carriers/transmitters of Covid?
there have been some suggestions it reduces transmission, but clear quantified data hasn't been released afaik

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 16:10:14
Great! Seeing as the vaccination programme here is slower than Caddis with his legs tied together it seems that it could be a recipe for disaster.

On the island they’re struggling to vaccinate anywhere near 100 per day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 16:19:29
I have a query.

Greece is opening up to tourists in May, come what may, if they have the green vaccine card.

Has it been determined yet that people who are vaccinated cannot still be carriers/transmitters of Covid?

I think some early data is suggesting at least 30-35% reduction in transmission, but likely well over 60% as they were tracking people in the NHS who are exposed to it far more regularly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 16:22:27
Pretty fucked off that my vaccine will now be delayed as I'm in the 40's bracket. Also Hancock's bare faced lying when he said there won't be a delay. Some of us have worked non stop the last year and want our fucking vaccine asap.

You should try living in other countries, the UK approach is a gold standard in comparison.

I think they fucked up yesterday by not just stating the facts - this week and next they got an unexpected delivery increasing supply, then the next 4 weeks they won't get some deliveries they were expecting for a few weeks so there will be a drop back off again.  It will come out in the wash over an 8 week period and we will still be on track with the dates provided previously.

The 1.7 that need retesting will likely be in supply at some point, and the stock sat in India will also likely come, just a bit later.

I think they've just got themselves into a pickle when it comes to messaging based on the past 12 months!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 16:25:04
You should try living in other countries, the UK approach is a gold standard in comparison.

I think they fucked up yesterday by not just stating the facts - this week and next they got an unexpected delivery increasing supply, then the next 4 weeks they won't get some deliveries they were expecting for a few weeks so there will be a drop back off again.  It will come out in the wash over an 8 week period and we will still be on track with the dates provided previously.

The 1.7 that need retesting will likely be in supply at some point, and the stock sat in India will also likely come, just a bit later.

I think they've just got themselves into a pickle when it comes to messaging based on the past 12 months!

That's a fair assessment. Just a bit miffed as I thought I'd be having it in the next few weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 16:42:40
ditto Arriba, though I'm not out and about as much as you

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Sunday, March 21, 2021, 20:48:06
A record 844,285 doses of the vaccine administered yesterday.

Absolutely superb  :clap:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 21, 2021, 21:22:30
A record 844,285 doses of the vaccine administered yesterday.

Absolutely superb  :clap:

Agreed and a massive well done to all the staff at Steam Museum yesterday where I had mine
 :clap: :clap:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, March 21, 2021, 21:27:06
A record 844,285 doses of the vaccine administered yesterday.

Absolutely superb  :clap:


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 22, 2021, 09:25:22
A record 844,285 doses of the vaccine administered yesterday.

Absolutely superb  :clap:
Indeed. Congratulations to the NHS

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 22, 2021, 09:37:47
World leading.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Monday, March 22, 2021, 09:55:45
World leading.
Finally (although actually both Israel and UAE are doing better than we are in terms of %age of population vaccinated, but yes it's nice to be among the top countries for a positive rather than deaths rates and economic damage)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, March 22, 2021, 10:16:46
I can't of been the only one smirking on Friday when the media were making much of Johnson getting his 'first dose', with his well documented history and lifestyle I cannot imagine its the first dose he has ever had....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 22, 2021, 10:38:00
Actually, with Bozza getting his jab it got me thinking, is a second infection a possibility, seeing as he's already had covid?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 22, 2021, 10:40:16
there are some cases catching covid twice, not very many. We also don't really know how long the antibodies will last.

Johnson's dose was a PR stunt for the Oxford vaccine. To reassure the public

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Monday, March 22, 2021, 11:24:01
there are some cases catching covid twice, not very many. We also don't really know how long the antibodies will last.

Johnson's dose was a PR stunt for the Oxford vaccine. To reassure the public
As he should do. It would be good if macron and Merkel did the same to reassure the European public they have scared into not taking it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 11:33:28
Some very good news: we are no longer experiencing excess deaths above the 5 year average for the first time since September.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 11:35:04
That's brilliant

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 20:13:09
Nice to see Johnson being honest, albeit predictably wrong, for once in his Gordon Gecko tribute act "Greed is good"

"The reason we have the vaccine success is because of capitalism, because of greed, my friends."

He is, as ever, wrong. The vaccine roll-out has been a success because of the NHS; the AZ vaccine was developed on a not-for-profit basis; in contract, the "Greed is good" model he so loves was used for the Serco/Deloitte Track and Trace system which has been a complete disaster. But he still doesn't learn. Interesting to see him show his true colours though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 20:25:05
Nice to see Johnson being honest, albeit predictably wrong, for once in his Gordon Gecko tribute act "Greed is good"

"The reason we have the vaccine success is because of capitalism, because of greed, my friends."

Is that a direct quote? It doesn't surprise but it's incredible what can be got away with in power these days. It's a rather scary statement, even if from the Clown in Chief.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 20:25:49
Is that a direct quote? It doesn't surprise but it's incredible what can be got away with in power these days. It's a rather scary statement, even if from the Clown in Chief.
Yup. Glorying in their corruption

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 22:33:35
On a brighter note, the Times are reporting SPI-M projecting numbers of COVID patients predicted to halve over the next fortnight

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 09:18:29
Going a bit FB Karen here to promote debate

Vaccine passports***. Specifically pubs.

Assuming that the adult population that wanted the vaccine has had it - what's the need. Those vaccinated are 100%* not going to get seriously ill. And those that haven't have done so and gone to the pub at own risk. So what's the problem **

Oh and don't leave it to landlords. Its either required, or not.

* According to the trials
** Other than extra NHS burden when they end up on a ventilator.
*** or recent negative test - yeah sure, that's not going to be open to abuse at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 09:30:28
Not sure I’m comfortable with the vaccine passport idea on the basis that it discriminates against those who have been unable to have it. There’s too many unknowns with vaccine supply at the moment for me to trust that every adult will have had their first jab by middle of June

And every adult is a misnomer anyway - what about those unable to take vaccines, the pregnant or otherwise health compromised. Effectively resigning them to second class citizens

The ‘or negative test’ end of the bargain just means that anyone not able to be vaccinated can’t arrange anything with any certainty

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 09:36:59
I'd share Dave's ethical concerns plus I suspect the rollout of a vaccine passport isn't as straightforward as people sometimes airily imagine in these discussions. The little bit of card they give you once you've been jabbed would take roughly two minutes to forge with a scanner and a copy of photoshop (other graphic editing tools are available). I've heard discussion of more ambitious digital id schemes but these are also fraught with dangers, not least around personal security and we don't have a good track record of producing these kinds of schemes, certainly not in time for the proposed reopening of pubs. And no, I don't have alternative suggestions.

Against that, I'd be more than happy ethically to see it be made a requirement for travel, definitely into the country as there's already precedent there that you need to have jabs to go to  certain parts of the world now (or before, I should perhaps say). The practical considerations might still apply though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 09:40:29
Surely it will fail under disability discrimination act. Someone can't have the vaccine but is then banned from pubs and holidays. How fair is that.
I get the other point but this should be decided by law not left to individuals. It's not often I want the government to interfere but in this case I do. It's unfair on publicans etc. Let's get clear guidance instead of putting the onus on individuals.
Also what's the cost of a fake vaccine document.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 09:42:44

And every adult is a misnomer anyway - what about those unable to take vaccines, the pregnant or otherwise health compromised. Effectively resigning them to second class citizens

I think it's surely a given that those legitimately unable to take it should be exempt? We can afford to not vaccinate those people and still have herd immunity.

As for the rest... I dunno.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 09:51:48
I think it's surely a given that those legitimately unable to take it should be exempt? We can afford to not vaccinate those people and still have herd immunity.

As for the rest... I dunno.
I guess that could be built into a vaccine passport in some way - i.e. all the venue/whatever sees is a green light status that says "OK". That could be because you've had the vaccine, or because you're exempt. So that's taken out of the venue's hands to discriminate/judge

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 10:08:01
Let's get clear guidance instead of putting the onus on individuals.

Considering this has been the thrust of the governments response to this for over a year, good luck with that!

Not sure why they need any sort of physical 'passport', just install scanners at pub entrances which can pick up the chip we have all been injected with and jobs a good 'un.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 10:26:38
Everyone SHOULD get the vaccinne and everyone should be encouraged to have it and educated about it.

Should it be mandatory? No. We still live in a free country with individual choice and rights.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 10:58:47
Everyone SHOULD get the vaccinne and everyone should be encouraged to have it and educated about it.

Should it be mandatory? No. We still live in a free country with individual choice and rights.

Individual choice that could potentially negatively affect (infect) the health of others, without their knowledge. Who is going to be living freely in that scenario ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:03:32
Quote from: jayohaitchenn
Everyone SHOULD get the vaccinne and everyone should be encouraged to have it and educated about it.

Should it be mandatory? No. We still live in a free country with individual choice and rights.

correct, nobody should be forced..

it's the consequences if you choose not to that's up for debate  -job, pubs, holidays, etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:05:44
It's a balance that we already try to strike in other areas, isn't it?

It feels a bit like the ban on smoking in pubs, workplaces etc, - banned inside because it affects the health of other patrons, but still allowed outdoors because of individual choice.

I think there are strong arguments for and against and obviously near-universal but free choice uptake is the ideal, but public health policy wrestles with these kinds of dilemmas all the time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:15:27
Surely it will fail under disability discrimination act. Someone can't have the vaccine but is then banned from pubs and holidays. How fair is that.
I get the other point but this should be decided by law not left to individuals. It's not often I want the government to interfere but in this case I do. It's unfair on publicans etc. Let's get clear guidance instead of putting the onus on individuals.
Also what's the cost of a fake vaccine document.

I am buggered if I can find it now, but I read somewhere that vaccine passports would break some sort of UN convention (it may have been some other international body) stopping people being injected with drugs against their will, I suspect this will fall like so much rhetoric from the occupiers of Westminster.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:21:20

it's the consequences if you choose not to that's up for debate  -job, pubs, holidays, etc.


It's not only the rights of the anti-vaxxers that need to be taken into consideration. It works both ways; I don't see why other people should have their health (and lives - literally) put at risk over the rights of ignorant dolts.

Are they a risk once the vaccine has been rolled out? I suppose that's something for the experts to work out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:22:02
I am buggered if I can find it now, but I read somewhere that vaccine passports would break some sort of UN convention (it may have been some other international body) stopping people being injected with drugs against their will, I suspect this will fall like so much rhetoric from the occupiers of Westminster.
On the face of it, that sounds like a load of bollocks, depending on what they're used for. If it's a case of "You can't go to the pub/theatre/holiday" without one, these are all optional activities and those refusing to have a vaccine can weigh up their choices, in much the same way they might choose not to go to certain countries where you need a jab to travel to them; if it was "You can't leave the house" then there might be more of a case for coercion. But this sounds like the standard Toby Young/Allison Pearson anti-vaxxers bullshit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:24:08
Individual choice that could potentially negatively affect (infect) the health of others, without their knowledge. Who is going to be living freely in that scenario ?

Well if you've had the vaccine what's the problem? If you haven't had it then you shouldn't be there either in that case if that's your view point!

It should come down to peoples choices, you can't insist on everyone being vaccinated as for all we know this could end requiring an annual jab due to mutations. With the volume of people to get through and the priority groups being what they are you'd end up with a lot of people spending months of the year where they can't go to a pub, restaurant, stadium because they don't get a jab as the virus is of little risk to them...ironically these would be the people working and paying for everything!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:28:30
Well if you've had the vaccine what's the problem? If you haven't had it then you shouldn't be there either in that case if that's your view point!

It should come down to peoples choices, you can't insist on everyone being vaccinated as for all we know this could end requiring an annual jab due to mutations. With the volume of people to get through and the priority groups being what they are you'd end up with a lot of people spending months of the year where they can't go to a pub, restaurant, stadium because they don't get a jab as the virus is of little risk to them...ironically these would be the people working and paying for everything!
Don't want lockdowns, don't want vaccinations but want the economy fully open as soon as possible. Can't have everything.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:29:44
I don't think I have seen any anti-vaxxers on here (not surprised - there are lot of us who are cunts on here including me, but not that cuntish  :D), but for the life of me I really do not understand why anyone would not have the jab.  It leaves me at a total loss.  I understand freedom of choice blah blah, but who would choose not to have a potentially life saving injection that has been massively tested and proven to work? 

I am getting my first one tomorrow, can't wait, and got the good news Mrs Chunkyhair gets her second next week.

I fucking hate Boris and this govt and they have mostly fucked up on COVID, but fuck me they have done a brilliant job with the vaccinations.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:32:26
Don't want lockdowns, don't want vaccinations but want the economy fully open as soon as possible. Can't have everything.
What part of that post said anything about not wanting vaccinations. I stated that it shouldn't be forced and a requirement to get into places, and this is especially applicable if it requires boosters or annual shots. People shouldn't be put into positions where they will effectively be banned from places for a period of time every year due to them not being high enough up the priority list that was my point!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:33:35
but for the life of me I really do not understand why anyone would not have the jab. 

Ignorance is the same one I reckon.

A common excuse I have seen is that it's been rushed - which is just not true. Too many people are happy to believe that rather than actually look it up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:36:33
What part of that post said anything about not wanting vaccinations. I stated that it shouldn't be forced and a requirement to get into places, and this is especially applicable if it requires boosters or annual shots. People shouldn't be put into positions where they will effectively be banned from places for a period of time every year due to them not being high enough up the priority list that was my point!
It amounts to the same thing. If the way we can open up is largely down to vaccinations, then that requires people to have been vaccinated. If you're going to say "well, you probably should be but don't worry if you're not" then we lose the %age coverage needed and we're back to "letting it rip". Like I say, can't have everything.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:40:57
It amounts to the same thing. If the way we can open up is largely down to vaccinations, then that requires people to have been vaccinated. If you're going to say "well, you probably should be but don't worry if you're not" then we lose the %age coverage needed and we're back to "letting it rip". Like I say, can't have everything.
So you'd have no problem if every year an element of the population are banned from pubs, stadiums etc for a period of time as they are down the pecking order in terms of getting the annual booster as that's the danger?!
Can invest all the money we want in a booster programme but it would still take months to do the whole population every year! At the moment they don't know how often boosters/new jabs will be required so its dangerous to set any precedents!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:41:52
Ignorance is the same one I reckon.

A common excuse I have seen is that it's been rushed - which is just not true. Too many people are happy to believe that rather than actually look it up.

I think many are missing many humans sheer bloody mindedness, I have certain acquaintances who will argue a toss about absolutely fucking anything, especially if it is advised/proposed by government. They make much about how stupid flat earthers are, but then bang on about all manner of conspiracy nonsense, vaccines being the most popular at the moment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:43:48
I don't think I have seen any anti-vaxxers on here (not surprised - there are lot of us who are cunts on here including me, but not that cuntish  :D), but for the life of me I really do not understand why anyone would not have the jab.  It leaves me at a total loss.  I understand freedom of choice blah blah, but who would choose not to have a potentially life saving injection that has been massively tested and proven to work? 

I am getting my first one tomorrow, can't wait, and got the good news Mrs Chunkyhair gets her second next week.

I fucking hate Boris and this govt and they have mostly fucked up on COVID, but fuck me they have done a brilliant job with the vaccinations.
Well, when some believe

a. Covid doesn’t even exist
b. 5G masts are responsible for it
c. Bill Gates has put a chip in the vaccine

Then it’s not difficult to think why some nutters people don’t want it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:48:45
I think many are missing many humans sheer bloody mindedness,

There is that.

I've been accused of being a know-all in a discussion about the topic. Except, it's not 'my' knowledge I am passing it on. It's just what I have read from the experts (but what would they know anyway?)

I get accused of being a know-all when going with the people who's job it is to actually know this stuff yet they, who are disagreeing with the experts, are somehow not the know-alls.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:52:22
Well, when some believe

a. Covid doesn’t even exist
b. 5G masts are responsible for it
c. Bill Gates has put a chip in the vaccine

Then it’s not difficult to think why some nutters people don’t want it.

Good point - but as youngsters say "I just don't geddit".  If nothing else I guess COVID has just shown what a fucked up world we live in.  Flatterfer's are one thing and harmless enough, but fucking hell the dangeorus madness we have seen recently beggars belief.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:56:50
So you'd have no problem if every year an element of the population are banned from pubs, stadiums etc for a period of time as they are down the pecking order in terms of getting the annual booster as that's the danger?!
Can invest all the money we want in a booster programme but it would still take months to do the whole population every year! At the moment they don't know how often boosters/new jabs will be required so its dangerous to set any precedents!
Fair point. If that does indeed turn out to be the case, it would need rethinking as a permanent thing. I was more thinking about how we start to reopen without undoing the good that has come from suppressing spread through lockdown and through the vaccination programme. I'd missed the point you were making about long term, my apologies.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:57:42
Good point - but as youngsters say "I just don't geddit".  If nothing else I guess COVID has just shown what a fucked up world we live in.  Flatterfer's are one thing and harmless enough, but fucking hell the dangeorus madness we have seen recently beggars belief.
Maybe instead of a "vaccine passport" to allow people to go to pubs etc some people should have to have a "dickhead passport" to allow them to use the internet?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:07:50
Maybe instead of a "vaccine passport" to allow people to go to pubs etc some people should have to have a "dickhead passport" to allow them to use the internet?

We'd miss you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:10:49
We'd miss you.
No you wouldn't. You wouldn't be on the internet either :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:12:41
There will be some people who will weigh up the pros and cons for them and decide to not have the vaccine, an educated choice for them. I respect that. I can see some young very fit people with no known medical issues to decide that getting covid is better than a vaccine.
The long term affacts are unknown and the older you are, the less likely you will be to give a fuck about it. I certainly don't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:18:14
There will be some people who will weigh up the pros and cons for them and decide to not have the vaccine, an educated choice for them.

What cons are there if the person has no medical reason not to take it?

It's not an educated choice if their reasons are fallacious - it would be more of a choice born out of ignorance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Chunkyhair on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:24:50
An analogy.

Where I work, pre-autoenrolment, we used to have 5% employer contribution pension scheme, no compulsory employee contributions.  One of our senior staff members (a fucking accountant) didn't sign up because he "didn't see the point".

I guess if there are folks who will walk away from literally free cash, then there are folks who won't be bothered about taking a life saving vaccination for what in their minds are good reasons (though what is a better reason than "life saving" I don't know).

Ho hum.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:34:33
What cons are there if the person has no medical reason not to take it?

It's not an educated choice if their reasons are fallacious - it would be more of a choice born out of ignorance.
People have a choice to be ignorant i suppose. People also have a right to deny entry into their places if they decline the vaccine

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:35:25
What cons are there if the person has no medical reason not to take it?

It's not an educated choice if their reasons are fallacious - it would be more of a choice born out of ignorance.
Its not a path I would choose but there are educated people out there who can come to an informed opinion we may disagree with.
If the reason is that theyre happy to take their chances with covid v potential.long term unknown affects of vaccination, is that uninformed?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:35:36
There will be some people who will weigh up the pros and cons for them and decide to not have the vaccine, an educated choice for them. I respect that. I can see some young very fit people with no known medical issues to decide that getting covid is better than a vaccine.
The long term affacts are unknown and the older you are, the less likely you will be to give a fuck about it. I certainly don't.

Equally the long term effects of Covid are also unknown. I'm not really seeing how risking getting Covid rather than getting a vaccine is an 'educated choice'? Unless they are educated in the school of Karen from Facebook.

That said, it is their choice whether most people agree or disagree.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:40:47
People have a choice to be ignorant i suppose. People also have a right to deny entry into their places if they decline the vaccine

This is true. Its not at all like when I think back on my time in Edinburgh when people were turned away from nightclubs/pubs because they were wearing trainers which seemed absolutely bonkers to me that a business would turn away money because of the type of shoes the clientelle were wearing.

However if that's the business' policy then you have to respect it. I wonder what the legal ramifications would be for a business to put into place procedure that could deny people that haven't had the vaccine entry? Because its down to Elf and Safety I can see it becoming messy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:41:59
Its not a path I would choose but there are educated people out there who can come to an informed opinion we may disagree with.

But if it is wrong then it is not informed, rather it's misinformed.

Take the 'it's been rushed' argument which appears to be one of the most common. It's just not true and that is not a matter of opinion. These vaccines have been given the same level of scrutiny as other vaccines and to argue otherwise is factually incorrect.

That makes it an ignorant decision not to get vaccinated on that basis - not an educated one.

That's just one example, there are others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 13:05:04
Being vaccinated does not stop you from carrying and transmitting the virus, so the whole "you can't come in unless you're vaccinated" is a bit ridiculous, it won't stop community spread.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Banker on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 13:17:36
Being vaccinated does not stop you from carrying and transmitting the virus, so the whole "you can't come in unless you're vaccinated" is a bit ridiculous, it won't stop community spread.

Still an unknown, but recent data for older (vaccinated) people is promising on that score.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 14:17:57
Being vaccinated does not stop you from carrying and transmitting the virus, so the whole "you can't come in unless you're vaccinated" is a bit ridiculous, it won't stop community spread.
We don't know that. It's not yet proven that the vaccines stop transmission, which is very different from being able to say definitively that they don't stop transmission. From what I have read and heard the expectation is that once studies have been more fully completed, the evidence is likely to show that at the very least all the vaccines significantly hamper transmission, if not halt it outright. Unless you've read something more recent than I have that definitively shows one way or the other, in which case I defer to your more diligent reading.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 14:41:08
But if it is wrong then it is not informed, rather it's misinformed.

Take the 'it's been rushed' argument which appears to be one of the most common. It's just not true and that is not a matter of opinion. These vaccines have been given the same level of scrutiny as other vaccines and to argue otherwise is factually incorrect.

That makes it an ignorant decision not to get vaccinated on that basis - not an educated one.

That's just one example, there are others.
So anyone who is worried about the long term affects of a new vaccine is wrong. I don't have a problem with the vaccines being rushed and under the same scouting as any other. I do think it's reasonable to be cautious about the long term affects though. Scientists can anticipate what the long term affects may be but they can't actually know until it's been in use 20 plus years.
People can make an informed educated decision based on the risks and decide not to be vaccinated. They are not wrong they just come up with a different conclusion based on the same facts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 15:10:10
They are not wrong they just come up with a different conclusion based on the same facts.

But they are not based on the same facts in most cases.

Again, using the example I gave, it IS NOT true that the vaccine has been rushed. That's not just my opinion or even the opinion of the experts. It's an objective fact according to the standards and frameworks used when it comes to making vaccines. People claiming it has been rushed ARE NOT using the same facts as those saying it has not. And they are just plain fucking wrong - according to the objective data involved.

I'm just repeating myself. I'll leave you to it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 15:18:38
I may heave dreamt this but I thought the vaccine was just a tweaked version of an existing one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 15:58:04
But they are not based on the same facts in most cases.

Again, using the example I gave, it IS NOT true that the vaccine has been rushed. That's not just my opinion or even the opinion of the experts. It's an objective fact according to the standards and frameworks used when it comes to making vaccines. People claiming it has been rushed ARE NOT using the same facts as those saying it has not. And they are just plain fucking wrong - according to the objective data involved.

I'm just repeating myself. I'll leave you to it.
I agree it's not been rushed and has gone through the same protocols.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 16:08:00
I just want to have the bloody vaccine asap.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 16:13:22
Got my first jab this week - in the Garden Centre section of s dodgy Walmart.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 17:42:33
you are Groot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 18:10:18
I may heave dreamt this but I thought the vaccine was just a tweaked version of an existing one.
There isn't one vaccine, there are several. AZ uses a long established vaccine technology (which may be what you're thinking of) but is an entirely new vaccine, same with the Johnstone and Johsntone one and the Chinese one. Moderna and Pfizer also use a new delivery mechanism, MRNA, which has been about a decade in development but one of the benefits of COVID is that it finally provided the incentive and the funds to finish off the development as MRNA could open the doors to some real breaktrhoughs in other areas of medical science as well.

The Russian Sputnik-V vaccine is just crushed up twigs and reindeer piss.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 18:26:07
We don't know that. It's not yet proven that the vaccines stop transmission, which is very different from being able to say definitively that they don't stop transmission. From what I have read and heard the expectation is that once studies have been more fully completed, the evidence is likely to show that at the very least all the vaccines significantly hamper transmission, if not halt it outright. Unless you've read something more recent than I have that definitively shows one way or the other, in which case I defer to your more diligent reading.
I heard it from an epidemiologist on BBC R2 the other day, he essentially said there are no data at the moment to show the vaccine prevents transmission.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 21:14:00
I heard it from an epidemiologist on BBC R2 the other day, he essentially said there are no data at the moment to show the vaccine prevents transmission.
Yes, that's what I said. No data to show it prevents transmission means just that - it may do, it may not, we don't have sufficient data yet to show it does or doesn't either way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 21:42:22

I fucking hate Boris and this govt and they have mostly fucked up on COVID, but fuck me they have done a brilliant job with the vaccinations.

That will our wonderful NHS to take credit for, the government has been a shambles throughout the pandemic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 21:44:12
That will our wonderful NHS to take credit for, the government has been a shambles throughout the pandemic.
TBF I think the govt does have to take credit for making the right decision to entrust the vaccination programme to the NHS rather than privatising it as they did with the Track and Trace shambles

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 21:56:08
That will our wonderful NHS to take credit for, the government has been a shambles throughout the pandemic.

Surely the government are the ones who procured the vaccines in the first place, as well as facilitating their development?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Thursday, March 25, 2021, 22:19:29
With the challenges now facing Europe with a 3rd wave and lockdowns reintroduced. Are any of you prepared to faced another lockdown here in the UK?

I mean mentally prepared to go through all of the closers and ‘stay at home’ issues again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Friday, March 26, 2021, 09:26:59
I just want to have the bloody vaccine asap.

You’ll feel shit for a couple of days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 26, 2021, 09:33:37
You’ll feel shit for a couple of days.

The wife had her vaccine on Wednesday midday. By the evening she couldn't stop shivering in bed and then yesterday woke up to a massive headache so spent the day in bed. I think she's pretty much back to full fitness today but has a sore arm now, that's pretty much all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, March 26, 2021, 09:47:32
Surely the government are the ones who procured the vaccines in the first place, as well as facilitating their development?

Don't let logic get in the way of a blinkered moan  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 11:47:06
With the challenges now facing Europe with a 3rd wave and lockdowns reintroduced. Are any of you prepared to faced another lockdown here in the UK?

I mean mentally prepared to go through all of the closers and ‘stay at home’ issues again.
Don't know if I'm mentally prepared for it, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised to see it happen again. Very much hoping it won't be necessary though, hopefully we won't be as cavalier in opening up this summer as we were last summer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 11:48:00
You’ll feel shit for a couple of days.
I had mine on Monday and felt fine, no side-effects at all. Although the signal on my phone's improved enormously

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 26, 2021, 11:55:48
I had mine on Monday and felt fine, no side-effects at all. Although the signal on my phone's improved enormously
Do you have the compelling urge to buy Microsoft products?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 12:06:59
Do you have the compelling urge to buy Microsoft products?
I'll let you know when I've restarted after I've installed this service pack (and the 48 associated patches)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 26, 2021, 12:12:58
I'll let you know when I've restarted after I've installed this service pack (and the 48 associated patches)
I don't expect to hear from you in the next 2 days....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Friday, March 26, 2021, 12:22:27
Some big festivals are still planning to go ahead this year. What could go wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, March 26, 2021, 12:33:12
Some big festivals are still planning to go ahead this year. What could go wrong.
We do need to come out of this at some stage though. We have to bite the bullet at some point and start allowing businesses to put these events on

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Friday, March 26, 2021, 12:46:01
We do need to come out of this at some stage though. We have to bite the bullet at some point and start allowing businesses to put these events on
It's a difficult balancing act but I feel this year is too soon. Once most are vaccinated makes better sense to me. Something like reading is a perfect breeding ground to spread the virus far and wide.
Agree though at some stage we've got to say fuck it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, March 26, 2021, 12:57:56
I had mine on Monday and felt fine, no side-effects at all. Although the signal on my phone's improved enormously


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 13:13:05
It's a difficult balancing act but I feel this year is too soon. Once most are vaccinated makes better sense to me. Something like reading is a perfect breeding ground to spread the virus far and wide.
Reading as traditionally done maybe. But there's loads of festivals (well some) that have been done across the world in the last year with pods or cubicles to keep different groups separate and given the lower risk of transmission outdoors, if you take out the cramming together in a crowd, you could do an outdoor festival with distancing at minimal risk. Probably less risk than going to an indoor supermarket

Agree though at some stage we've got to say fuck it.
That's the last thing we should do. We tried that last summer and it was catastrophic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 26, 2021, 13:13:26
We do need to come out of this at some stage though. We have to bite the bullet at some point and start allowing businesses to put these events on

I think that time should come when hospitals are unlikely to become overloaded. When that is, I have no idea.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, March 26, 2021, 13:26:01
Well hospital admissions and deaths are lowest they have been for months

Cases numbers have levelled off a bit on last week or but people aren’t getting as seriously ill as they once were

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 26, 2021, 13:30:03
Well hospital admissions and deaths are lowest they have been for months

...because restrictions are in place?

Where would they be without these restrictions? I think "a fuck-ton higher" is not an unreasonable assumption.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Friday, March 26, 2021, 13:30:25
Not sure if I am missing something here or not. Firstly, Reading is on the bank holiday weekend in August, 5 months away. By that point all adults will have, at the very least, been offered a jab. Most will have had both. Secondly, Reading festival is predominantly attended by the age ranges which, generally, are not affected too badly by the virus. Granted they will likely be mixing with more vulnerable age ranges afterwards, but those people should have some level of protection by then. Thirdly, the entire place absolutely stinks of teenage bedrooms and human shite, I can't imagine that any virus could survive there.

The info coming out of Israel, where almost everything is open now, is really positive (or should that be negative?).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, March 26, 2021, 13:42:57
Exactly, we are not talking next week here. Nearly half a year away

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 26, 2021, 13:57:26
I bought my son a reading ticket. I'll confirm him to the garage door 2 weeks after if it helps

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, March 26, 2021, 14:29:03
Some big festivals are still planning to go ahead this year. What could go wrong.
It's in 5 months time when everyone that is at risk should have been vaccinated... We've constantly been told that the vaccination programme is the way out of this so if it's not safe for this type of event once everyone has been vaccinated when exactly will it be?

The virus isn't just going to disappear, so if cases escalate after the vaccination programme it won't be due to events such as Reading it will be an inherent problem with the whole strategy towards the virus and the reliance on the vaccine which will result in tough decisions needing to be made.... 

There was lots of rhetoric about schools going back being a stupid idea but ultimately that has had little to no impact on case rates and hospital numbers are continuing to fall to the extent the NHS want to or have downgraded to level 3 now.

Hopefully over the coming months the treatments from SNG, interferon etc get signed off as ultimately if the virus can be treated and has minimal death rate case rates will no longer be much of an issue as you'll have broken the link between case numbers and deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 14:39:02
Hopefully over the coming months the treatments from SNG, interferon etc get signed off as ultimately if the virus can be treated and has minimal death rate case rates will no longer be much of an issue as you'll have broken the link between case numbers and deaths.
While I take your point overall, it's not just deaths, hospitals can still be overwhelmed even if we improve mortality rates among hosptial cases. And perhaps more important Covid isn't a binary die/not die disease, there are lots of people still extremely ill with Long Covid or suffering long-term effects after "recovering" from the virus itself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 26, 2021, 14:39:47
Bit early to declare case rates.

hospitalisations is the key now anyway, and they lag even more

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 26, 2021, 14:44:36

There was lots of rhetoric about schools going back being a stupid idea but ultimately that has had little to no impact on case rates and hospital numbers are continuing to fall to the extent the NHS want to or have downgraded to level 3 now.

The news at 2 on Radio 2 earlier stated that numbers in Scotland were going up. Given that they have been back in schools for longer than in England that suggests that it could be linked to the schools.

However the chart on google suggests that the rate has been more or less the same in Scotland for a while now so its probably gone up by a tiny amount rather than a worryingly large number.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, March 26, 2021, 14:48:21
It's going up because we're testing double the number of people. Only those between 6 and 18 are seeing that uptick, and they're at next-to-no risk of being seriously ill.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 26, 2021, 14:55:56
I find it hard to get the breakdown per age. most of the figures seem to be over 60 and under 60

the heat map here may show the vaccine at work, easy to draw to many conclusions on a small sample size

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, March 26, 2021, 14:57:16
I find it hard to get the breakdown per age. most of the figures seem to be over 60 and under 60

the heat map here may show the vaccine at work, easy to draw to many conclusions on a small sample size
Is that 15 positive tests in Swindon?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, March 26, 2021, 14:57:29
While I take your point overall, it's not just deaths, hospitals can still be overwhelmed even if we improve mortality rates among hosptial cases. And perhaps more important Covid isn't a binary die/not die disease, there are lots of people still extremely ill with Long Covid or suffering long-term effects after "recovering" from the virus itself.

This has to be explained to some people so many times that it makes one wonder if they choose to deliberately ignore it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:01:29
This has to be explained to some people so many times that it makes one wonder if they choose to deliberately ignore it.
A lot of said treatments actually being tested on and showing positive results on long covid so I include that in the generic treatment tag!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:08:32
A lot of said treatments actually being tested on and showing positive results on long covid so I include that in the generic treatment tag!
Might be helpful to say so then as your initial answer talked about breaking the link between case numbers and deaths, maybe breaking the link between case numbers and serious/long-term illness might have been a better way of putting it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:14:08
Hopefully, we can all agree that it does appear that rates are going down and so are hospital admissions. Lockdown of course plays a part but i think the vaccine is playing a bigger part.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:24:52
Is there any scientific basis that says Long Covid is anything other than standard viral fatigue that people commonly get after a heavy viral infection?? Not trying to downplay it, as it’s not something I’d particularly want, but I was under the impression it wasn’t some new unknown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:27:43
Hopefully, we can all agree that it does appear that rates are going down and so are hospital admissions. Lockdown of course plays a part but i think the vaccine is playing a bigger part.
Far too early to say on any of that. There's a contra story based on data from ONS today that rates have stopped falling and are instead now plateauing. Cue, then, an impassioned debate between two sides with equally little understanding of the stats that this is definitely due to schools reopening or isn't happening at all it's just a red herring from more testing etc etc

Overall direction of travel does look good, but it's just too early to be saying what's actually happening, whether it's a trend that will continue (or has already started to reverse) and what the causal factors are. All of which needs to be understood before determining next steps. Wait a couple of weeks for the smoke to clear and see where trends in data have gone then. And what the scientific advice is on which levers have been most important in that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:28:53
Rates look steady because we’re doing 1.8m tests a day - there must be a decent shout given the testing boom between now and last summer that there arent many more,
 cases in the country currently than there were in august

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:37:11
Far too early to say on any of that. There's a contra story based on data from ONS today that rates have stopped falling and are instead now plateauing. Cue, then, an impassioned debate between two sides with equally little understanding of the stats that this is definitely due to schools reopening or isn't happening at all it's just a red herring from more testing etc etc

Overall direction of travel does look good, but it's just too early to be saying what's actually happening, whether it's a trend that will continue (or has already started to reverse) and what the causal factors are. All of which needs to be understood before determining next steps. Wait a couple of weeks for the smoke to clear and see where trends in data have gone then. And what the scientific advice is on which levers have been most important in that.
This is where i struggle though, deaths and hospital admissions are going down week on week surely? I don't go to deep into everything because i am thick as fuck but surely if admissions and deaths are down and positive cases are down it's ok to be positive and say cases are down

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:37:21
Is there any scientific basis that says Long Covid is anything other than standard viral fatigue that people commonly get after a heavy viral infection?? Not trying to downplay it, as it’s not something I’d particularly want, but I was under the impression it wasn’t some new unknown
Whether it's new or not isn't the point so much as that a lot of people seem to treat COVID as a simple "two or three weeks of symptoms and then you either recover or die" binary and it's not as easy as that. Around 10% of those with serious infection go on to suffer for many months with symptoms and there are also cases where people have been asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic in the initial illness that have then suffered far more serious issues in the Long COVID phase. There are some people who got ill in the first wave of infections that still haven't recovered.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:38:16
This is where i struggle though, deaths and hospital admissions are going down week on week surely? I don't go to deep into everything because i am thick as fuck but surely if admissions and deaths are down and positive cases are down it's ok to be positive and say cases are down
They're three different indicators: cases, hospital admissions and deaths. It doesn't help to conflate the three.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, March 26, 2021, 15:46:08
But are they all going down. I know that is not what we should automatically be basing opening up on and not suggesting it but i do get confused when the 3 are going down but people say well it's not as simple as that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, March 26, 2021, 16:01:48
At some point, the number of cases becomes irrelevant. Hospital admissions and deaths are the key metrics I think.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, March 26, 2021, 16:05:43
True i said the same elsewhere and those 2 things are also coming down i believe

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 16:44:09
At some point, the number of cases becomes irrelevant. Hospital admissions and deaths are the key metrics I think.

I think you're largely right, that hospitalisations and deaths are more important factors than cases in absolute terms but that doesn't allow for
1) Lag: if deaths/hospitalisations were going down or flattening off and cases going up, that would be a cause for concern because it would mean the first two are likely to be about to start going back up again
2) Long COVID: sorry I know I keep saying this but it's not just a binary die/survive. And you can have debilitating life changing ongoing symptoms for months without needing to be hospitalised.

In broad brush terms, I'm minded to agree the direction of travel appears to be positive but as last summer showed it can easily flip back again. As Dean says "people say well it's not as simple as that" and that's probably because, well, it's not as simple as that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 26, 2021, 16:49:29
Is that 15 positive tests in Swindon?

yesterday's positive test total, just for that day.

Today's is 23.

@avds on twitter does some good number crunching on cases over the last 7 days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, March 26, 2021, 16:50:49
But last summer, we didn't have a vaccine that stopped the majority of hospitalizations and deaths.

Your point on lag is moot if the vaccine is as efficacious as it appears. Cases going up does not equal hospitalizations and deaths going up on delay because the vaccine literally stops that happening?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 26, 2021, 17:03:53
Missus getting her jab middle of next week, she is only 38 soi they seem to be getting on with it!

Funny how all the people the sceptics insisted were dying "with Covid, not from Covid" seem to have miraculously stopped dying from other causes now there is so much less Covid around.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 26, 2021, 17:05:10
But last summer, we didn't have a vaccine that stopped the majority of hospitalizations and deaths.

Your point on lag is moot if the vaccine is as efficacious as it appears. Cases going up does not equal hospitalizations and deaths going up on delay because the vaccine literally stops that happening?
Let's hope so. Look, I think you're probably right, I think we're on the cusp of really properly getting on top of this thing and putting it behind us, I just want to be cautious about not leaping to conclusions too quickly and opening up too much too quickly then finding out some of the assumptions we made were flawed and we're back at square one again. The thing that really concerns me is the prospect of some of the new variants that at the moment aren't really that prevalent, but are there in the community, turning out to be more resistant to the vaccine (and there is *some* evidence that some of them may be). If we open up too quickly and it turns out that it was lockdown that was keeping the new variants down not the vaccine and they then get a real foothold, we could be right back to where we started.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Friday, March 26, 2021, 18:00:26
Missus getting her jab middle of next week, she is only 38 soi they seem to be getting on with it!

Good news. Had mine yesterday, a bit tired today, but that's not necessarily the jab. AZ, btw.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Saturday, March 27, 2021, 12:32:03
Had my second jab yesterday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 11:59:25
With the nice weather it was always likely to happen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 12:37:38
Youngsters who don't give a shit shocker. Why can't the scumbags take their crap home with them too?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 13:06:49
Youngsters who don't give a shit shocker. Why can't the scumbags take their crap home with them too?

This was my bugbear last summer. My stroll around Battersea Park was always 'ruined' by having to view all the rubbish that people had left behind. No amount of tutting or shaking of head could fix it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 13:15:10
This was my bugbear last summer. My stroll around Battersea Park was always 'ruined' by having to view all the rubbish that people had left behind. No amount of tutting or shaking of head could fix it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 13:27:13
We need more people like this fella  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 15:46:32
We need more people like this fella  :)

I’m sure all of us litter at times. But I don’t understand how you can be so brazen about it with a queue of traffic behind you. Strange mindset

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 18:41:02
I’m sure all of us litter at times. But I don’t understand how you can be so brazen about it with a queue of traffic behind you. Strange mindset
Indeed. Totally disgraceful. I like the way the passenger strolls out into the road with his phone, even though there is a lorry coming the other way!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 08:50:28
The litter is a disgrace, but nothing new.

Other than that, we've locked up our young people for the majority of the last year with a completely unknown impact on them as a generation. It's no surprise they're grasping every given opportunity to reconnect with people.

We've had next to zero civil unrest caused by the lockdown, unlike many of our neighbours. Litter aside, I'm really not sure these kids are doing that much wrong at all, realistically.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 09:20:19
The litter is a disgrace, but nothing new.

Other than that, we\'ve locked up our young people for the majority of the last year with a completely unknown impact on them as a generation. It\'s no surprise they\'re grasping every given opportunity to reconnect with people.

We\'ve had next to zero civil unrest caused by the lockdown, unlike many of our neighbours. Litter aside, I\'m really not sure these kids are doing that much wrong at all, realistically.

It bloody is round here/in the lakes. Littering and fly tipping has gone through the roof since lock downs started last year, god only knows why but there has been a noticeable upturn.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 09:27:05
It bloody is round here/in the lakes. Littering and fly tipping has gone through the roof since lock downs started last year, god only knows why but there has been a noticeable upturn.
Same down here in deepest Somerset/Devon, fly tipping as gone mental in a lot of rural areas, often just dumped in the middle of roads with no care to anyone else at all, not even on the side of the roads.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 09:36:49
Same down here in deepest Somerset/Devon, fly tipping as gone mental in a lot of rural areas, often just dumped in the middle of roads with no care to anyone else at all, not even on the side of the roads.

List a place anywhere in the countryside and fly tipping has gone up massively.

I’m sure all of us litter at times. But I don’t understand how you can be so brazen about it with a queue of traffic behind you. Strange mindset
Really? Never before. That comes across as you have littered but never when there is a chance of being caught. Just can't understand the concept of dropping something on the floor instead of finding or waiting for a bin. Winds me up no end and every time the verges get cut back you can see the amount of rubbish is disgusting.
i blame townies.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 11:16:28
I went up into the Malvern Hills yesterday for and it was very busy but in the surrounding areas like Gloucester, the Cotswolds and Tewkesbury cases are right down into the low teens per 100,000 and hospitals are pretty much absent of Covid cases now so people should be out enjoying the sunshine as it will do wonders for mental health.

Despite trying to keep fit during the lockdown walking up the hills made me realise how much my general fitness has dropped off and I would imagine it will be even worse for a lot of people. Thankfully back to playing football next week so that should help!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 11:23:54
List a place anywhere in the countryside and fly tipping has gone up massively.
Really? Never before. That comes across as you have littered but never when there is a chance of being caught. Just can't understand the concept of dropping something on the floor instead of finding or waiting for a bin. Winds me up no end and every time the verges get cut back you can see the amount of rubbish is disgusting.
i blame townies.

I've never littered as an adult, and not for fear of getting caught but because, like you, I think its disgusting. Was less conscientious as a kid, however, and I'm sure I must have done it then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 11:26:12
List a place anywhere in the countryside and fly tipping has gone up massively.
Really? Never before. That comes across as you have littered but never when there is a chance of being caught. Just can't understand the concept of dropping something on the floor instead of finding or waiting for a bin. Winds me up no end and every time the verges get cut back you can see the amount of rubbish is disgusting.
i blame townies.

Having looked again, my first post should have said 'I'm sure we HAVE all littered at times'. Didn't mean to imply I still do

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 11:26:57
I went up into the Malvern Hills yesterday for and it was very busy but in the surrounding areas like Gloucester, the Cotswolds and Tewkesbury cases are right down into the low teens per 100,000 and hospitals are pretty much absent of Covid cases now so people should be out enjoying the sunshine as it will do wonders for mental health.

Despite trying to keep fit during the lockdown walking up the hills made me realise how much my general fitness has dropped off and I would imagine it will be even worse for a lot of people. Thankfully back to playing football next week so that should help!

Time for people to look forward now and start living life again rather than just existing

I had an afternoon round of golf yesterday followed by 5-a-side last night.  I can’t move today but Christ it was worth it, now just over 2 weeks until proper pints can be sunk again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Moss on Thursday, April 1, 2021, 21:41:13
Having looked again, my first post should have said 'I'm sure we HAVE all littered at times'. Didn't mean to imply I still do

All kids littered in the 70s and 80s as I recall it. These things are generational I think. I try and remember what an absolute little cunt I was when I get wound up by the thoughtlessness of teenagers now. And most of the ones I know deep down a re good kids, they have it much tougher than I did. Cut them some slack and get some furloughed
workers out with the bin bags I say.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, April 1, 2021, 22:30:16
All kids littered in the 70s and 80s as I recall it. These things are generational I think. I try and remember what an absolute little cunt I was when I get wound up by the thoughtlessness of teenagers now. And most of the ones I know deep down a re good kids, they have it much tougher than I did. Cut them some slack and get some furloughed
workers out with the bin bags I say.

Did they?! I think this generalisation of an attitude to such a topic is quite inaccurate. I'm pretty certain some didn't litter and not intentionally. There is a difference. If you're having a picnic or eating sweets on a park bench and your wrapper blows away, it's not intentional. If you chuck it on the ground like an ignorant little cunt then of course it is.

I'm with SingingIffy in that I have never knowingly littered intentionally - always looked for a bin and if not it stayed in my pocket or bag. It's probably more linked to people that are considered "townies" and don't give a fuck, so the attitude is probably generational in that sense but then the term "townie" didn't really exist then. Bokker and scrubber did - which if you littered back then (and I'm thinking of people mostly my Aunts  and Uncles age) you'd get called one of them - or a tramp. Something derogatory anyway.

BO touched on a good point about bottle returns though and although I'm only a tad younger than he, we still had the odd bottle return but also had "Al-Can" which you could take to the supermarket and get paid back for all the aluminium pop cans. Also still had milk collected/delivered in bottles too. These things tended to die out in the late 90s almost full term.

Maybe the bottle return/al can etc should literally return or at least be more prominent to kids etc. If they knew they could get a bit of money maybe that would reduce the littering?

Then again, when you can sell a bit of weed and get a fiver out of it, why the fuck would these kids want to go round collecting 100+ bottles for about £2.65? It's sad, in some way because the concept is great. Mind you, there shouldn't be an incentive for not littering.

Those chewing gum "signposts" that you see in some places are quite good mind.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 1, 2021, 22:50:31
I grew up in the 70s and 80s, I didn't litter. Perhaps a little respect for the World should be on the curriculum.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, April 1, 2021, 23:27:52
Same here although the only litter I remember seeing in the late 70's was bog rolls being chucked on the pitch from the Town end!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, April 2, 2021, 00:09:03
Having moved here and returned a few times, the amount of litter in the UK is insane, looks as messy as NYC can do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Friday, April 2, 2021, 07:25:25
Same here although the only litter I remember seeing in the late 70's was bog rolls being chucked on the pitch from the Town end!
Remember those days well, no good having a shit on a British Rail train on a Saturday, unless you brought your own paper. :moon: :moon:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, April 2, 2021, 08:20:54
Having moved here and returned a few times, the amount of litter in the UK is insane, looks as messy as NYC can do.

It's one of the first things I notice after pulling off the ferry at Dover.  So different the other side of the Channel.
Littering is a British disease, and I'll never understand why so many tolerate it here.  For a country that tends to take environmental matters seriously in general, it's rather surprising.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, April 2, 2021, 09:31:20
Interesting blog post on the BMJ site from Stephen Reicher and John Drury, two of the behavioural scientists who's work on SPI-B feeds into SAGE, which I think gives considerable weight to theakston's and Panda Paws' scepticism/reluctance about the introduction of "vaccine passports" as a way of opening things up and whether it would help or hinder the roll out

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 05:35:03
Interesting statistic from Piss Stain University. 23% of all reported Covid deaths were not actually caused by the virus. People died who had tested positive but from causes unrelated to the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 06:34:47
Interesting statistic from Piss Stain University. 23% of all reported Covid deaths were not actually caused by the virus. People died who had tested positive but from causes unrelated to the virus.

It is a blatant lie. The hard left zealots on this forum would love the total to be double what it is though they’d not admit it, just to hurl more bile, vitriol and hate towards the hard right facist government, it’s voters (😁) and that cunt Boris Johnson. Interestingly, where last year the screaming was at our death rate and poor preparedness and look how wonderfully every other country is doing has suddenly disappeared (🤔), I wonder why? I doubt very, very much all other countries have been wholly upfront about their death rates and systems to record this statistic. Anyway back to the OP, it is reported in the Daily Mail (dontcha, just love that bastion of truthfulness and quality journalism) so it has to be at best unreliable at worst a fucking lie. Happy Wednesday you lovely people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 06:56:34
It is a blatant lie. The hard left zealots on this forum would love the total to be double what it is though they’d not admit it, just to hurl more bile, vitriol and hate towards the hard right facist government, it’s voters (😁) and that cunt Boris Johnson. Interestingly, where last year the screaming was at our death rate and poor preparedness and look how wonderfully every other country is doing has suddenly disappeared (🤔), I wonder why? I doubt very, very much all other countries have been wholly upfront about their death rates and systems to record this statistic. Anyway back to the OP, it is reported in the Daily Mail (dontcha, just love that bastion of truthfulness and quality journalism) so it has to be at best unreliable at worst a fucking lie. Happy Wednesday you lovely people.
Brazil perhaps but western democracies?  Are you aware of any grounds for "other countries" not being as "upfront" as the UK?  

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 06:59:25
It is a blatant lie. The hard left zealots on this forum would love the total to be double what it is though they’d not admit it, just to hurl more bile, vitriol and hate towards the hard right facist government, it’s voters (😁) and that cunt Boris Johnson. Interestingly, where last year the screaming was at our death rate and poor preparedness and look how wonderfully every other country is doing has suddenly disappeared (🤔), I wonder why? I doubt very, very much all other countries have been wholly upfront about their death rates and systems to record this statistic. Anyway back to the OP, it is reported in the Daily Mail (dontcha, just love that bastion of truthfulness and quality journalism) so it has to be at best unreliable at worst a fucking lie. Happy Wednesday you lovely people.
You OK hun?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 07:04:24
Of course it’s a lie, if they didn’t massage the figures to make it look worse than it is it would be harder to spread fear and push ahead on the vaccine front.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 07:19:16
Surely that statistic makes the figures look a whole lot better not worse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 07:28:36
It is a blatant lie. The hard left zealots on this forum would love the total to be double what it is though they’d not admit it, just to hurl more bile, vitriol and hate towards the hard right facist government, it’s voters (😁) and that cunt Boris Johnson. Interestingly, where last year the screaming was at our death rate and poor preparedness and look how wonderfully every other country is doing has suddenly disappeared (🤔), I wonder why? I doubt very, very much all other countries have been wholly upfront about their death rates and systems to record this statistic. Anyway back to the OP, it is reported in the Daily Mail (dontcha, just love that bastion of truthfulness and quality journalism) so it has to be at best unreliable at worst a fucking lie. Happy Wednesday you lovely people.

I think you need to re-read what Audrey has put before going on the counter and defending your precious Tories  :doh:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 07:33:10
Strangely enough, I’m sure I read that this morning on Sky News website. It has since disappeared.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 08:15:19
Strangely enough, I’m sure I read that this morning on Sky News website. It has since disappeared.

I saw it too, not there now. At the risk of being called a conspiracy theorist I’d say someone at the government had it removed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 08:22:34
Found it. It’s The Telegraph

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 08:31:40
Found it. It’s The Telegraph

I'd take that with a pinch of salt, my guess is that the Torygraph is twisting it.

Nobody dies from aids. They die from diseases caused by aids (like pneumonia) but that doesn't mean aids is a killer. I suspect these figures are showing a similar thing and, although COVID may not be the cause itself, it's likely the person would not have died if not for COVID.

I did try and find the ONS report but it appears not to have been cited, which is also rather telling. The Torygraph is not the respectable (albeit biased) rag it used to be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 08:36:47
True, but there are loads of similar ‘causes of death’ which are misleading.

My dad had stomach cancer but actually died of a heart attack shortly after being sent home to die. On his death certificate it is down as heart attack. These kind of anomalies make a lot statistics meaningless - even dangerous if certain assumptions are being made falsely.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 08:40:39
True, but there are loads of similar ‘causes of death’ which are misleading.

My dad had stomach cancer but actually died of a heart attack shortly after being sent home to die. On his death certificate it is down as heart attack. These kind of anomalies make a lot statistics meaningless - even dangerous if certain assumptions are being made falsely.

Which is why so much of the focus has been paid to the number of excessive deaths - the increase in the number of people dying that is normal compared with previous years. And that number is significant. Significant enough to overload the hospitals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 11:17:34
The Office for National Stastics tally of deaths caused by Covid (so these are official govt figures) passed 150,000 last week, I believe excess deaths are broadly in line with that. It's marginally higher than the PHE figure the media quote because that has a 28-day cut off period. But both figures are quite devastating. The idea that this has been anything other than a national catastrophe is ludicrous.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 11:21:47
The Office for National Stastics tally of deaths caused by Covid (so these are official govt figures) passed 150,000 last week, I believe excess deaths are broadly in line with that. It's marginally higher than the PHE figure the media quote because that has a 28-day cut off period. But both figures are quite devastating. The idea that this has been anything other than a national catastrophe is ludicrous.

You would say that you *checks notes* 'hard left zealot'!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 11:40:19
Since the beginning of March excess deaths are lower than the 5 year average. Maybe the vaccinations are protecting against more than just Covid.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 12:09:27
Since the beginning of March excess deaths are lower than the 5 year average. Maybe the vaccinations are protecting against more than just Covid.

Or maybe covid killed all the people who were in elderly or poor health (and thus would have died in normal circumstances this year) last year....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 12:10:01
Since the beginning of March excess deaths are lower than the 5 year average. Maybe the vaccinations are protecting against more than just Covid.
No, it's down to lockdown and social distancing apparently
1) Less road deaths etc
2) Less flu deaths

(and horlock's reply above, forgot about that)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, April 15, 2021, 10:10:00
I see the vaccine is now open to people over 45. I'm in the next category so keeping a close eye on the NHS website so I can book mine.

Pretty sure a few people may now be eligible to get yourself booked up. (that's if you choose to get the vaccine of course)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, April 15, 2021, 10:24:07
Ordered the free lateral flow tests yesterday lunchtime, just got them in post now. Impressive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 10:16:12
Had my second Pfizer jab yesterday, and feel OK so far. Extremely well organised at Steam.

Good luck to all Townenders who are waiting for their jab.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 10:27:36
Had my second Pfizer jab yesterday, and feel OK so far. Extremely well organised at Steam.

Good luck to all Townenders who are waiting for their jab.
Glad it went well Normy, I am due my 2nd a week tomorrow, had the Astra 1st time, not sure if they are mix and matching down here or not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 10:42:50
not sure if they are mix and matching down here or not.

I think they are only just starting to trial whether 2 different flavours of vaccine is at least as effective 2 of the same type.

Got my AZ a week or so ago. Got lucky, sore arm was all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 11:56:50
Oh god, here she is again....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 13:23:17
"Ms Quinn had previously said on social media that she did not consent to or accept the fines."

I didn't know it worked like that, I feel so silly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 13:38:23
"Here's your parking fine 4D"

"Cars weren't around when the magna carta was drawn up, so I won't be paying"

You can't consent/not consent a law, you are bound by it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 14:47:27
"Ms Quinn had previously said on social media that she did not consent to or accept the fines."

I didn't know it worked like that, I feel so silly.

I think Ms Quinn needs to stop believing what she reads on Facebook.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 15:10:51
You have to laugh at these people who will take legal advice from social media and a trusty Google search

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 15:18:42
You have to laugh at these people who will take legal advice from social media and a trusty Google search

During the early days of Covid, what made me laugh was all the 'doctors/medical experts' recording videos on Youtube and sharing them on Facebook basically trying to poo poo the proper experts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 15:24:30
You have to laugh at these people who will take legal advice from social media and a trusty Google search

I presume it is like Googling your medical symptoms - headache or imminent death.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 21:25:55
Some of the bbc reporting of the India travel ban:

Kiran and Saumiya Philip travelled to Kerala in March to get married, but once the wedding was over they realised India's Covid cases were rising rapidly and they started looking for earlier flights back.

"I've been trying to get back to the UK since 12 April but there aren't any tickets available," says Kiran. "You get the odd one now and then, but the cost is upwards of £1,200 to travel from Kochi one way."

Are you allowed to fly places during national lockdown to get married?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 22:20:19
Some of the bbc reporting of the India travel ban:

Are you allowed to fly places during national lockdown to get married?  :hmmm:
Yes, ridiculous though it may seem

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 08:10:23

The examples being given weren't even in the UK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 08:48:30
The only time the word racism is used is in the title. There might be questions to be asked about the difference in uptake from black people, and I think a few are hinted at (black churches not engaged about promoting vaccines), but ultimately that's a dogshit article designed for outrage and clicks (obvious i know, but it seems reasonable to hammer home)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 08:57:49
The only time the word racism is used is in the title.


I was reading through it myself wondering where the 'racism' aspect came into it.

More click-baitery from the Beeb. Bloody leftist bias.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 09:24:12
It does seem generalised. Everyone who hasn't had the jab will have some reason I guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 09:32:57
I guess they are implying racism in the past has bred a distrust of the government now. Which is affecting vaccine take-up.

But you know that, and yes it's a bit click baity

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 14:15:08
Worked a treat though didn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 16:56:15
Worrying information from Seychelles on vaccinations not preventing resurgence of infection, especially in light of the govt's apparent determination to ignore scientists' warnings about dangers of sticking to the timetable for opening up in the face of the prevalence of the Indian variant in the UK. The govt may be right to ignore those warnings, I'm not qualified to say, but the experience of last summer, September and December doesn't inspire confidence. Hope they're right this time.

TBC, I want us to be able to open up properly as soon as we can. I don't want to see a repeat of the "Open up, lots of illness/deaths, impose restrictions again for even longer" cycle that's characterised this so far.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 17:22:00
53% of the Seychelles have be vaccinated with Sinopharm, the Chinese vaccine of which there has been a lot doubts about how effective it really is. 80% of the those needing hospital treatment haven’t had any vaccine so if anything supports the argument that the vaccine breaks the link between cases and hospital numbers & deaths.

Most COVID wards here are now empty, the schools reopening didn’t cause a spike, nor did opening non-essential retail so. I can’t see how sticking to the 5 weekly interval can be interpreted as rushing...  with all this in mind don’t we deserve the chance to now have as close to a normal life as possible?!

I’ve noticed a swell of ‘zerocovid’ nuts now who want to stay locked down and in restrictions until there are no more cases, never going to happen so they are going to have a fun life...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 17:26:13
53% of the Seychelles have be vaccinated with Sinopharm, the Chinese vaccine of which there has been a lot doubts about how effective it really is. 80% of the those needing hospital treatment haven’t had any vaccine so if anything supports the argument that the vaccine breaks the link between cases and hospital numbers & deaths.

Most COVID wards here are now empty, the schools reopening didn’t cause a spike, nor did opening non-essential retail so. I can’t see how sticking to the 5 weekly interval can be interpreted as rushing...  with all this in mind don’t we deserve the chance to now have as close to a normal life as possible?!
Yes of course. And I hope you're right. As I say I want us to be able to open up properly as soon as possible. I'm concerned by the number of scientists who seem to be expressing alarm that insufficient attention is being paid to the Indian variant. Hopefully they're erring on the side of caution and/or govt have plans in place to suppress these outbreaks. The concern appears to be that relying on vaccines alone runs the risk of allowing further variants to develop and spread that may prove to be vaccine resistant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 17:41:32
I seem to remember the Sinopharm one coming through at sub 60% efficacy, which could have some influence on proceedings.

On the Variants, I think the India one is not causing as much concern right now because the characteristics are known, and the existing Vaccines have shown to be effective against other variants with similarities.  Certainly in a petri dish world they work in a similar fashion as they do on other variants, aside from the one most prevalent in South Africa which does have some impact.

Fortunately, when it comes to Variants, it appears a lot can be understood once the genome is identified.  Real world data will obviously lag, but I presume we will reach a point of being able to spot the bad ones.

Looks to me like the UK and USA are both headed towards handling it as Endemic from the Autumn.  I do wonder if things like masks may start to take more hold, like they do in Asia.  Wouldn't be a bad thing in preventing the spread of all sorts of airborne diseases.  Like not spitting does these days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 19:47:39
I seem to remember the Sinopharm one coming through at sub 60% efficacy, which could have some influence on proceedings.

On the Variants, I think the India one is not causing as much concern right now because the characteristics are known, and the existing Vaccines have shown to be effective against other variants with similarities.  Certainly in a petri dish world they work in a similar fashion as they do on other variants, aside from the one most prevalent in South Africa which does have some impact.
It does seem that SAGE are still worried about the rapid spread of the Indian variant, possibly not so much for the variant in and of itself but because the more prevalent such variants are, the more likelihood is that they further mutate into something that can evade the vaccine or that vaccines are less effective against.

Looks to me like the UK and USA are both headed towards handling it as Endemic from the Autumn.  I do wonder if things like masks may start to take more hold, like they do in Asia.  Wouldn't be a bad thing in preventing the spread of all sorts of airborne diseases.  Like not spitting does these days.
Certainly hope so, on both counts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 20:00:56
The "India" variants knocking around in Bolton at the moment are largely in the un-vaccinated age groups, suggesting that the vaccine(s) are effective against it.

Surely at some point there will be a variant that is both infectious AND less deadly. If I was a virus I'd want my subject to stay alive. Maybe that is why I am a human and not a virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 20:11:31
The "India" variants knocking around in Bolton at the moment are largely in the un-vaccinated age groups, suggesting that the vaccine(s) are effective against it.

Surely at some point there will be a variant that is both infectious AND less deadly. If I was a virus I'd want my subject to stay alive. Maybe that is why I am a human and not a virus.

when the subject of variants first appeared in the news i heard that as viruses mutate it significantly weakens, seems like the complete on all of them in the news. every variant is more deadly and more transmissible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 20:15:09
The "India" variants knocking around in Bolton at the moment are largely in the un-vaccinated age groups, suggesting that the vaccine(s) are effective against it.
Yes, but as I understand it, the concern is that it's rapid spread (cases grown 3x in the last week) is what is causing concern; that it might become sufficiently prevalent among the unvaccinated to allow it to also mutate into something that is more vaccine resistant. SAGE are the ones sounding the alarm apparently. That seems like something worth listening to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 20:16:50
when the subject of variants first appeared in the news i heard that as viruses mutate it significantly weakens, seems like the complete on all of them in the news. every variant is more deadly and more transmissible.
Not at all. There's thousands of variants. The ones that get talked about are the Variants of Concern. They become Variants of Concern because they are more widespread/transmissible/harmful. You don't hear about the thousands that aren't, you hear about the handful that are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 20:46:43
Yes, but as I understand it, the concern is that it's rapid spread (cases grown 3x in the last week) is what is causing concern; that it might become sufficiently prevalent among the unvaccinated to allow it to also mutate into something that is more vaccine resistant. SAGE are the ones sounding the alarm apparently. That seems like something worth listening to.
I thought SAGE only yesterday massively downgraded their third wave estimates? I get caution is in their nature but they are now starting to run the risk of being the ‘boy that cried wolf’ as since the vaccine roll out they’ve kept predicting spikes that just aren’t materialising.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 21:35:02
I thought SAGE only yesterday massively downgraded their third wave estimates? I get caution is in their nature but they are now starting to run the risk of being the ‘boy that cried wolf’ as since the vaccine roll out they’ve kept predicting spikes that just aren’t materialising.

That isn’t a bad thing in of its self in the context that as this is an unknown or was an unknown viral entity to relax the ‘lockdown’ MK2 when the new variants were starting to rear up notably the Kent strain. During the two lockdowns there have been many people ignoring the rules and or guidelines if you will. In my way of thinking if SAGE had down played their predictions from the start, in effect saying it’ll all be ok nothing much to worry about wouldn’t it have had a detrimental effect on the effectiveness of lockdown MK3 and the vaccine rollout making it easier for those who didn’t believe how serious this was in the first place. The risk of unknown variants as you say suddenly exploding from nowhere is still a risk, all be it a diminishing one but a risk none the less. If as I have tried to explain down played everything and it all went tits up they’d be crucified. They’ve gone the other way out of caution IMHO rightly so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 02:07:48
The upturn in cases in Bolton, for example, has been down to travel to/from India. You have to question why travel is/was allowed to a place saturated with the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 07:10:13
Could someone if possible lead me to where i can find the infection rates for areas like bolton for example

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 07:20:21

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:05:05
I’ve noticed a swell of ‘zerocovid’ nuts now who want to stay locked down and in restrictions until there are no more cases, never going to happen so they are going to have a fun life...

There is definitely some form of Stockholm Syndrome that is affecting a small minority, probably tied into the general anxiety that some people are feeling about the prospect of getting out and about and mixing with people again on a regular basis

Will be interesting to see the reaction if masks/social distancing is no longer required from June 21st

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:23:18
Worrying information from Seychelles on vaccinations not preventing resurgence of infection, especially in light of the govt's apparent determination to ignore scientists' warnings about dangers of sticking to the timetable for opening up in the face of the prevalence of the Indian variant in the UK. The govt may be right to ignore those warnings, I'm not qualified to say, but the experience of last summer, September and December doesn't inspire confidence. Hope they're right this time.

TBC, I want us to be able to open up properly as soon as we can. I don't want to see a repeat of the "Open up, lots of illness/deaths, impose restrictions again for even longer" cycle that's characterised this so far.

Also worth keeping an eye on Chile, who were up with us on vaccinations yet has now experienced a surge in infections higher that at its pre-vaccination peak. 

Seems to be due to easing lock down too quickly (apparently 70-90% of the population have to be fully vaxxed to have a shot at herd immunity) plus using a vax which is less effective after one dose, albeit on the upside fewer seem to be dying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:28:33
There is definitely some form of Stockholm Syndrome that is affecting a small minority, probably tied into the general anxiety that some people are feeling about the prospect of getting out and about and mixing with people again on a regular basis

Will be interesting to see the reaction if masks/social distancing is no longer required from June 21st

Agreed, personally I think from June 21st masks and social distancing will no longer be necessary thank god, however I’m sure there will be a small percentage of people who will still want to wear masks in supermarkets and insist everyone stays 2 meters from them. Going to be interesting for sure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:29:13
Where are we now on numbers vaxxed?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:32:53
Could someone if possible lead me to where i can find the infection rates for areas like bolton for example
PHE data by local authority

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:33:35
Where are we now on numbers vaxxed?
35m 1st dose
18m both

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:36:53
Had my first yesterday and I'm 31 - islands are definitely ahead of most areas (sensibly as the healthcare provision isn't the same) but first doses are still happening even if with the focus being on seconds.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:38:52
35m 1st dose
18m both

18,000,001 I had my second yesterday!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:43:40
35m 1st dose
18m both

That is fucking awesome, how well we are doing with the vaccine

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 08:51:26
Had my 2nd dose Tuesday morning. Although I had absolutely no reaction to the first jab, the second one floored me. Spent all day in bed Wednesday feeling rougher than a badgers arse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 09:10:55
Sorry to hear that Grim. I had my second jab last week and had no side-effects with either of them. It's pot luck, I guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Crispy on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 09:28:43
I'm in for the 2nd this afternoon, hopefuly I'm more of a Fraser than a Reaper!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Moss on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:23:22
Had my 2nd dose Tuesday morning. Although I had absolutely no reaction to the first jab, the second one floored me. Spent all day in bed Wednesday feeling rougher than a badgers arse.

Assuming that was Phizer? I had 2nd AZ yesterday and feeling pretty ok

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:27:15
To those who have had either their first or second jab of any of the ones available. If you felt rough, imagine how you’d actually feel if you had the full fat Corona virus. Assuming you survived the infection that is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:27:35
Cheers for the links guys

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:31:33
I had my first jab Saturday (Oxford one) felt like shit Sunday and have had a niggly headache on and off since. Arm ached until yesterday too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:39:57
I had my first jab Saturday (Oxford one) felt like shit Sunday and have had a niggly headache on and off since. Arm ached until yesterday too.

Same, although I had mine in March. Second jab in about 4 weeks but not confirmed yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:40:52
That is fucking awesome, how well we are doing with the vaccine
Yep, the NHS has done a terrific job, hats off to you and your colleagues! (And everyone else on here who works in the NHS, I think there's a few from memory)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:42:25
My age group available from today.

Let me book both jabs online last night surprisingly, booked in for tuesday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:47:23
Same, although I had mine in March. Second jab in about 4 weeks but not confirmed yet.
Mine's on 30th July in Devizes but hoping to bring it forward/have it in Swindon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:47:46
Assuming that was Phizer? I had 2nd AZ yesterday and feeling pretty ok

Yes, both jabs Pfizer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:49:04
My age group available from today.

Let me book both jabs online last night surprisingly, booked in for tuesday

That's how it works when you book it yourself. You're lucky to get it that soon though especially if local to you. Swindon has been mixed according to who your doctor is. When doing it myself it was not giving me anything local.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:52:46
To those who have had either their first or second jab of any of the ones available. If you felt rough, imagine how you’d actually feel if you had the full fat Corona virus. Assuming you survived the infection that is.

Luckily it has a 99% survival rate then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:52:52
2nd Pfizer yesterday, arm a lot more sore than 1st one, and feeling quite ropey today!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 10:58:35
Yep, the NHS has done a terrific job, hats off to you and your colleagues! (And everyone else on here who works in the NHS, I think there's a few from memory)

Not me, I had my jabs and fucked off to Nationwide :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:03:11
That's how it works when you book it yourself. You're lucky to get it that soon though especially if local to you. Swindon has been mixed according to who your doctor is. When doing it myself it was not giving me anything local.

10 mins walk from my house so lovely jubbly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:09:34
Not me, I had my jabs and fucked off to Nationwide :D
Ah well, fuck you then :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:10:22

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:43:56
Got a choice of vaccine - AstraZeneca or Pfizer. Much of a muchness?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:46:59
Got a choice of vaccine - AstraZeneca or Pfizer. Much of a muchness?
Pfizer has a higher efficacy rate (works better in more people). Both work well though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:48:46
Probably, but I wouldn't mix the two. As in one for the first and the other for the second.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:49:50
Pfizer has a higher efficacy rate (works better in more people). Both work well though

95% I read, but AZ is something like 100% against severe covid/hospitalization.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:55:40
Pfizer is less clottty too. But the odds of that happening are very remote

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 11:56:31
95% I read, but AZ is something like 100% against severe covid/hospitalization.
As are Pfizer, Moderna and J&J:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 12:09:05
Cheers. If I go for AstraZeneca I can get it Saturday. Pfizer I’d have to wait til 4 June.

Think I’ll go Astra

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 12:33:54
Oxford. Keeping Audrey safe.  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 13, 2021, 12:36:41
Oxford. Keeping Audrey safe.  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 14, 2021, 14:08:50
Emerging that most of those being hospitalised in Bolton are eligible to have been vaxxed, but haven't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 14, 2021, 14:30:56
Emerging that most of those being hospitalised in Bolton are eligible to have been vaxxed, but haven't.

Without wanting to wish harm to people, one can't help but to raise a wry smile. Provided there's no legitimate reason for them not to have been jabbed yet, of course.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 14, 2021, 14:33:44
Emerging that most of those being hospitalised in Bolton are eligible to have been vaxxed, but haven't.
That's grim, but hopefully some good may come of it in terms of encouraging those still wavering to now get vaccinated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, May 14, 2021, 14:37:41
A perfect storm of cultural issues. British Indians (the biggest diaspora in the country) have a well below average 56% vaccine uptake of those eligible apparently, according to the beeb.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, May 14, 2021, 15:18:35
Emerging that most of those being hospitalised in Bolton are eligible to have been vaxxed, but haven't.

I don’t think anyone should be surprised by your comment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, May 14, 2021, 15:22:21
Without wanting to wish harm to people, one can't help but to raise a wry smile. Provided there's no legitimate reason for them not to have been jabbed yet, of course.

I don’t think you’re alone there. Someone in an authoritative healthcare position should be asking them why they have not been vaccinated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, May 14, 2021, 19:39:31
Explain like I'm 5.

Sage are now predicting 1000 deaths a day if this Indian variant is as transmissable as they think.

But who would be dying? The vaccine has broken the chain between infection and death? Almost every single person at genuine risk of dying is vaccinated and the vaccine data proves its almost completely effective.

What am I not seeing?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, May 14, 2021, 19:52:15
Or they have been fiddling the figures in order to make it look better as they release restrictions - and with the inevitable rise due to restrictions releasing starts to show, they use the variant as a way of deflecting

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Friday, May 14, 2021, 19:59:58
Or they have been fiddling the figures in order to make it look better as they release restrictions - and with the inevitable rise due to restrictions releasing starts to show, they use the variant as a way of deflecting
And with this government's track record with the truth, is this not a reasonable view?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, May 14, 2021, 20:02:19
For arguments sake, let's say the PHE and 10s of independent research stats are accurate... Who's dying in this predicted 4th wave?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, May 14, 2021, 20:06:42
People who've turned down (or not taken up, if the nuance matters) the vaccine I guess? I've not really seen any published figures on the uptake rate amongst say 50+ folks, only really the percentage of the population - but if most of the growth there is amongst younger people then maybe there are still a decent sized rump of people vulnerable?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Friday, May 14, 2021, 20:14:55
People who've turned down (or not taken up, if the nuance matters) the vaccine I guess? I've not really seen any published figures on the uptake rate amongst say 50+ folks, only really the percentage of the population - but if most of the growth there is amongst younger people then maybe there are still a decent sized rump of people vulnerable?

95% of over 50s vaccinated according to the beeb on April 22 and the ONS too if I'm interpreting right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, May 14, 2021, 21:06:55
Explain like I'm 5.

Sage are now predicting 1000 deaths a day if this Indian variant is as transmissable as they think.

But who would be dying? The vaccine has broken the chain between infection and death? Almost every single person at genuine risk of dying is vaccinated and the vaccine data proves its almost completely effective.

What am I not seeing?
Which SAGE? The real SAGE or independent SAGE that just seem like a bunch of individuals enjoying their bit of fame a little too much.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Friday, May 14, 2021, 21:10:21
Explain like I'm 5.

Sage are now predicting 1000 deaths a day if this Indian variant is as transmissable as they think.

But who would be dying? The vaccine has broken the chain between infection and death? Almost every single person at genuine risk of dying is vaccinated and the vaccine data proves its almost completely effective.

What am I not seeing?

What you are not seeing is the bigger picture. They don’t want you going abroad on holiday, they never did but they constantly dangle the carrot. Follow the rules, take the vaccine and all will be well. There will always be another another variant of some sort to suit them. So yes I agree, we’ve had our jabs so why are we being threatened again with a potential pause of the roadmap. As far as I’m concerned the government could have just stopped all flights immediately from India as soon as the variant was identified, not give them 4 or 5 days notice to get back first. Just another clusterfuck that everyone seems happy to go along with. I’m fed up with it all and even more fed up that everyone just seems happy to go along with it all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Friday, May 14, 2021, 22:52:20
who is they Grim?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 16:40:59
Had my first jab today (Pfizer). I've got a sore arm.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 16:50:11
Had the piss stains one last Saturday. No side effects at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 16:57:12
Had my first jab today (Pfizer). I've got a sore arm.

Wait until tomorrow 😀

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 17:52:11
Had my first jab today (Pfizer). I've got a sore arm.
Fingers crossed, had both mine and bar being absolutely shattered the evening if each one had no real issues, albeit our Internet is now incredible whenever I am in the room 😀

Sent from my SM-A125F

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 08:10:24
Second jab tomorrow  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 08:37:30
Had my first jab yesterday, apart from a not reallg sore arm thats it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 09:20:38
Quote from: tans
Had my first jab yesterday, apart from a not reallg sore arm thats it

good news!

seems to be luck of the draw. A mate was floored for a couple of days with it. The rest of us just got a sore arm.

wonder if that means the second jab will be the same..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 09:24:18
good news!

seems to be luck of the draw. A mate was floored for a couple of days with it. The rest of us just got a sore arm.

wonder if that means the second jab will be the same..

Also depends on what model you get, I have had Pfizer x2 and apart from being shattered both times been fine. My missus has had AZ x1 and was flattened for nearly a week by what appeared to be essentially the flu, colleague at work had both AZ and whilst 1st was fine second one made her blood pressure go through the roof!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 09:25:49
oh bugger.

AZ - was hoping as first was ok, second would be

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 09:36:54
Had my first jab yesterday, apart from a not reallg sore arm thats it

Yeah same, had mine yesterday (Pfizer) and had a sore arm. Feel absolutely fine today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 10:09:15
oh bugger.

AZ - was hoping as first was ok, second would be

Its a complete lottery I think, TBF my missus always seems to have reactions to jabs, even the yearly flu one can fuck her up, on the other hand both my old man and his missus (both 80+) have had 2x AZ with not a dicky bird of side effects.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 10:09:27
I'll report back tomorrow  :)
First gave me a sore arm, a headache and a day feeling a bit rough (like you do the day after a session).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 10:10:22
I died after my 2nd dose.

I got better though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 10:24:56
I died after my 2nd dose.

I got better though.

Thoughts and Prayers.....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 10:30:22
Thoughts and Prayers.....
And I thought my 2nd dose was bad, it was mayhem after the first one! mayhem I tell ya!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 11:15:09
Got the text saying I can book my jab.

At a list of inconvenient locations & inconvenient times.
I assume if I don’t book anything ASAP more dates / locations open up? 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 11:41:38
Got the text saying I can book my jab.

At a list of inconvenient locations & inconvenient times.
I assume if I don’t book anything ASAP more dates / locations open up? 

Yeah, when I got my text, i tried several times a day for over a week and it was coming up with Reading, Basingstoke, Yeovil, Newbury, etc.

Then eventually Steam appeared, I booked it but then you have to book your second one at the same time, but there were no available slots so it basically cancelled the first one!
Several days later I eventually got Steam again and managed to get my 2nd one booked too for 3rd August.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 11:47:11
Quote from: DV Canio
Got the text saying I can book my jab.

At a list of inconvenient locations & inconvenient times.
I assume if I don’t book anything ASAP more dates / locations open up? 

keep checking.

was this the NHS text? if your doctors is also handling bookings you can wait for them to contact you and that should be local

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:10:40
It was the NHS text.

Closest is Ciren & Wednesday during the day. I’m on parental duties during the day and important work duties all night!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cowley38 on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:14:24
It was the NHS text.

Closest is Ciren & Wednesday during the day. I’m on parental duties during the day and important work duties all night!!

Just booked my 2nd via the text from my doctors ...

Booked into Steam..

Been looking on the NHS website closest I got was Abingdon..

But keep trying on the website while waiting for the text from your doctors..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 21:32:02

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Friday, May 21, 2021, 05:42:57
They must indeed be very worried, it has caused their hair to turn a god awful colour. Unless that is also a side effect of AstraZenca

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: scillyred on Friday, May 21, 2021, 10:18:46
It may be a coincidence but I have been really ill since my second jab.
A really bad throat and ear infection started a couple of days later.
On Monday I was seen by the paramedics, who thought I had had a stroke and I got as far as the helicopter to be flown to the mainland before the critical care paramedic decided it was not a stroke but Bell's Palsy.
I now have partial facial paralysis which makes drinking a bit difficult and my smile is lopsided - not that I smile much according to my wife !
Again, might be a coincidence but this is usually triggered by the cold sore virus - all seems a bit strange.

Recovery time is 3 weeks/3 months/9 months/never - joy !

Any of you guys had it for a bit of moral support or advice ?

What I need is a bit of good STFC news  :pint:

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 21, 2021, 10:27:16
sorry to read that Scilly.

I guess it could just be coincidence. as you've probably read, it was reported in trials but the incidence rate was as expected without the vaccine.

er, support, right, you are the prediction League champion! yay

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:17:39
Get well soon, Scilly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:37:06
Booked my first. Next Wednesday at the Madejski. Obviously would have preferred closer but I'm not at all bothered, just want to get it done and out of the way now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, May 21, 2021, 13:46:52
The nearest place it told me was Newbury, but someone mentioned that if you go back and check again at different times you get other choices. Occasionally I had the Kassam and Ashton Gate pop up, then finally managed to get booked in at Steam for next week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, May 21, 2021, 13:51:11
It may be a coincidence but I have been really ill since my second jab.
A really bad throat and ear infection started a couple of days later.
On Monday I was seen by the paramedics, who thought I had had a stroke and I got as far as the helicopter to be flown to the mainland before the critical care paramedic decided it was not a stroke but Bell's Palsy.
I now have partial facial paralysis which makes drinking a bit difficult and my smile is lopsided - not that I smile much according to my wife !
Again, might be a coincidence but this is usually triggered by the cold sore virus - all seems a bit strange.

Recovery time is 3 weeks/3 months/9 months/never - joy !

Any of you guys had it for a bit of moral support or advice ?

What I need is a bit of good STFC news  :pint:

Well, you are in good company. Former World's Strongest Man and Game of Thrones star Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (The Mountain) has also suffered with it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, May 21, 2021, 13:52:12
Second AZ for me next Friday. Planning to do lots of exercise after to try to take my mind off it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Friday, May 21, 2021, 13:52:17
The nearest place it told me was Newbury, but someone mentioned that if you go back and check again at different times you get other choices. Occasionally I had the Kassam and Ashton Gate pop up, then finally managed to get booked in at Steam for next week.

iv gone with the kassam on tuesday for my first :( at least i wont see town lose this time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, May 21, 2021, 16:23:50
Sorry to hear Sillcyred, hope things get better. :(

Had the Pzifer this week, felt fine for the first 24 hours, then bang, all my energy was zapped for a day and a half.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 21, 2021, 16:26:12
Both the wife and I have managed to bring forward our second jabs. Mine has also moved to 5 miles closer so a double result!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: REDBUCK on Friday, May 21, 2021, 17:34:43
It may be a coincidence but I have been really ill since my second jab.
A really bad throat and ear infection started a couple of days later.
On Monday I was seen by the paramedics, who thought I had had a stroke and I got as far as the helicopter to be flown to the mainland before the critical care paramedic decided it was not a stroke but Bell's Palsy.
I now have partial facial paralysis which makes drinking a bit difficult and my smile is lopsided - not that I smile much according to my wife !
Again, might be a coincidence but this is usually triggered by the cold sore virus - all seems a bit strange.

Recovery time is 3 weeks/3 months/9 months/never - joy !

Any of you guys had it for a bit of moral support or advice ?

What I need is a bit of good STFC news  :pint:

HI Scillyred

Not sure if it helps but i had very similar symptoms all but less severe and different time scales.

My sore throat and ear infection a couple of months after first jab. Couldn't shake it off so saw GP who was undecided between Stroke and Bells. He refered me and i was seen at the Stroke clinic for an MRI scan and ECG etc.

Mild Bells was the conclusion nothing to do but wait for nerve endings to fix themselves.

3 weeks on, improving slightly but still have ear issue. In the meantime have had second jab with no issue.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 21, 2021, 17:54:35
Get well soon, Scilly.

My Nan had the paramedics out after her second jab. They didn't take her in but spent a few hours with her. She's OK now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 21, 2021, 18:11:32
Look at this way, it could be that Covid itself would have provided far worse symptoms if the vaccine created such a reaction.  You may just have saved your own life.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, May 21, 2021, 20:00:55
Both the wife and I have managed to bring forward our second jabs. Mine has also moved to 5 miles closer so a double result!

Well at least they won’t have to throw them like darts now you’re a bit closer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: scillyred on Saturday, May 22, 2021, 19:40:17
HI Scillyred

Not sure if it helps but i had very similar symptoms all but less severe and different time scales.

My sore throat and ear infection a couple of months after first jab. Couldn't shake it off so saw GP who was undecided between Stroke and Bells. He refered me and i was seen at the Stroke clinic for an MRI scan and ECG etc.

Mild Bells was the conclusion nothing to do but wait for nerve endings to fix themselves.

3 weeks on, improving slightly but still have ear issue. In the meantime have had second jab with no issue.

Throat and ear much better but I have now developed a continual dry cough which is driving me mad !
Still no sense of taste.
Hope it doesn't go on too much longer  :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 06:59:28
Lots of squawking going on on Twitter from scientists about how the Indian variant being the dominant strain and reduced vaccine efficacy means were in for a real shit time of it again

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 08:10:39
Quote from: Bogus Dave
Lots of squawking going on on Twitter from scientists about how the Indian variant being the dominant strain and reduced vaccine efficacy means were in for a real shit time of it again

and as if by magic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 08:17:37
Still no rise in hospitisations or deaths though... I'm sure SAGE will keep up their bizarre record of doom and the media will continue to go from one extreme to the other and back again. Fear sells.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 08:19:00
bit early for the hospital deaths to show yet?

but encouraging. Though that article says  efficiecy is only 33% after 1 jab, so you kind of need both.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 08:25:11
Still no rise in hospitisations or deaths though... I'm sure SAGE will keep up their bizarre record of doom and the media will continue to go from one extreme to the other and back again. Fear sells.

Yep, saw on Sky news earlier that only 31 people with Indian variant have required an overnight hospital stay.

The fear around this variant is pretty odd so far

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, May 24, 2021, 11:16:55
I had my first vaccination two weeks before my wife, and her second is two weeks before mine. Is there a deliberate gender difference in the time between vaccinations or is this just a quirk of availability? (I did ask the NHS booking line and they told me they couldn't tell me like it was some sort of state secret...)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, May 24, 2021, 11:23:20
Me and my missus booked ours at the same time, first and second time round. It's a quirk of the system, and who/how you booked it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, May 24, 2021, 11:48:56
Yep, saw on Sky news earlier that only 31 people with Indian variant have required an overnight hospital stay.

The fear around this variant is pretty odd so far
Main hysteria seems to stem from (not very) Independent Stage and the media jump on their comments..... frauds like Christina Pagel (mathematician) and Zubaida Haque (professor of philosophy) seem to get unwarranted amount of air time on the likes of Sky considering their background isn't even medical and have become the poster girls for the Zero Covid loons. There are too many taking advantage of the situation to advance their own names and don't want to give up their 5 minutes of fame so seem to want to drag this out as long as possible.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: scillyred on Monday, May 24, 2021, 12:05:30
HI Scillyred

Not sure if it helps but i had very similar symptoms all but less severe and different time scales.

My sore throat and ear infection a couple of months after first jab. Couldn't shake it off so saw GP who was undecided between Stroke and Bells. He refered me and i was seen at the Stroke clinic for an MRI scan and ECG etc.

Mild Bells was the conclusion nothing to do but wait for nerve endings to fix themselves.

3 weeks on, improving slightly but still have ear issue. In the meantime have had second jab with no issue.

Hi there

I have been asked to register my post vaccine symptoms/reactions etc on the Government's Yellow Card Scheme - it's reasonably straightforward to complete, if a bit time consuming.

My throat and ear are a lot better but I now have a really annoying dry cough !
The face has not yet returned to it's full magnificence but we live in hope  :D

Hope you are improving too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 28, 2021, 11:50:07
"We still don't have a COVID suppression plan from this government and that's why everything is being left late."
Dr Haque continued: "The government is still having an ad-hoc, whack-a-mole approach to this virus, instead of having a plan and strategy to suppress the virus."

Now, this person is on the Independent Sage group who are bit OTT I think, BUT, the point is valid.  It speaks to the wider issue many Western Govts have faced - not having a defined plan means they keep getting into holes they need to dig themselves out of and has often meant they are backed up against a public opinion wall.  Some things work out well (Vaccines) some not so well (Care Homes).

The UK exit plan alongside Vaccine distribution both look pretty good, but they are defined independently of any strategy it seems, made clear by the reaction to the situation with the Indian Variant in Bolton.  That ad-hoc approach is back on full display - you cannot travel, we'll vaccinate everyone, well, not the under 30's, well yes we will and so on.

I hope that once this is largely behind us, someone pulls together the original Pandemic response Plan, gives it a proper update from real life experience and ensures it is pinned to the Govts fucking foreheads this time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Friday, May 28, 2021, 16:58:59
Main hysteria seems to stem from (not very) Independent Stage and the media jump on their comments..... frauds like Christina Pagel (mathematician) and Zubaida Haque (professor of philosophy) seem to get unwarranted amount of air time on the likes of Sky considering their background isn't even medical and have become the poster girls for the Zero Covid loons. There are too many taking advantage of the situation to advance their own names and don't want to give up their 5 minutes of fame so seem to want to drag this out as long as possible.
Add Neal Ferguson to that list

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, May 28, 2021, 18:41:06
Add Neal Ferguson to that list
Is he the one that ignored lockdown rules?

All I’m hearing is doom and gloom again this week and that the easing on the 21st of June shouldn’t happen. There seems to a complete absence in reporting the fact that despite the slight increase in cases there are now less than 900 people in hospital with COVID for the fist time in 6+ months. The correlation between cases and significant ill health has now almost certainly been broken and that’s what matters, case numbers become largely irrelevant at that point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, May 28, 2021, 18:53:47
I think the UK is about 4 weeks behind Israel based on the Vaccine data - the numbers there look very hopeful.  I think the USA is another 4 weeks or so behind that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Friday, May 28, 2021, 21:20:29
Is he the one that ignored lockdown rules?

All I’m hearing is doom and gloom again this week and that the easing on the 21st of June shouldn’t happen. There seems to a complete absence in reporting the fact that despite the slight increase in cases there are now less than 900 people in hospital with COVID for the fist time in 6+ months. The correlation between cases and significant ill health has now almost certainly been broken and that’s what matters, case numbers become largely irrelevant at that point.
Yep, that's him. Gets a colossal amount of air time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, May 28, 2021, 22:05:29
Isnt he also the one that predicted millions would get killed by SARS and it turned out to be not so many

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Saturday, May 29, 2021, 12:58:55
Isnt he also the one that predicted millions would get killed by SARS and it turned out to be not so many
Yeah, the bloke's been wrong so many times yet never a day goes by without his "expert" opinion, especially on Radio 4

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, May 29, 2021, 17:04:27
Yeah, the bloke's been wrong so many times yet never a day goes by without his "expert" opinion, especially on Radio 4
I’m sick to death of all the supposed experts plugging themselves daily in the press. Yesterday was all doom and gloom as cases went up to 4K. Today there was a drop of 800 odd but of course there’s not a positive response to that as good news doesn’t get themselves the spotlight they crave!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 3, 2021, 10:12:31
4,000 new cases a day out here now and rising. Yet the government is dithering with the vaccine roll-out. They're too busy building up their military.

You'd expect a military government to be good at logistics, but there are people dying in their homes because what few ambulances there are are at full stretch (and affordable beds are very limited).

And I live slap-bang in the epicentre (Samut Prakan)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, June 3, 2021, 10:14:55
Do they have any type of lockdown where you are

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 3, 2021, 10:15:07
Had your jab yet?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 3, 2021, 10:17:27
Do they have any type of lockdown where you are

Pubs have been shut for months. Gagging for a pint.

Shops and stuff are still open.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 3, 2021, 10:18:04
Had your jab yet?

Nope, and being a foreigner I'm way down on the list. It could be months before I can get one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, June 3, 2021, 10:19:47
Pubs have been shut for months. Gagging for a pint.

Shops and stuff are still open.

Cheers, and probably not made easier as it's constantly hot where you are

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 3, 2021, 10:20:48
It's the hottest time of year right now. (Which makes it very fucking hot degrees celsius)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, June 3, 2021, 10:41:55
I struggle with the temperature in the mid 70's

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: otanswell on Friday, June 4, 2021, 00:16:05
soapy tit wank @ Michael gove
Who conveniently doesn’t have to self isolate as part of some ‘trial’
Must be for him only then cos I’ve not heard of this ‘trial’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, June 4, 2021, 17:31:06
I noted that the BBC reported the number of Covid cases (which have increased drastically) and deaths but not the number of hospitalisations, which remains low. Surely the way out of this is to keep people out of hospital and the vaccinations does this?

The public seeing case numbers rising isn't telling the real picture is it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, June 4, 2021, 18:10:20
It's now down to the 18-40 age group to get vaccinated once they get called up as they will be the ones carrying the virus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, June 4, 2021, 19:44:07
I noted that the BBC reported the number of Covid cases (which have increased drastically) and deaths but not the number of hospitalisations, which remains low. Surely the way out of this is to keep people out of hospital and the vaccinations does this?

The public seeing case numbers rising isn't telling the real picture is it?

I thought I saw reporting that confirmed that Hospitalisations were increasing (the Delta variant has higher transmission and impact) but people were younger that were coming in so were being treated much quicker as a result.  They need a while longer to track the data to see if that holds true.  If it does, it can probably be managed just like Flu would be.  The worry is the lag we always see - could it keep increasing?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 4, 2021, 21:00:12
Bolton, as a case study, had a higher peak in cases in may than in January, but that translated into a lower amount of hospitalisations. The peak was also over sooner than the peaks in january

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 4, 2021, 21:02:25
It's now down to the 18-40 age group to get vaccinated once they get called up as they will be the ones carrying the virus

That’s not true. You can still have and transmit the virus once you’ve been double vaccinated

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, June 4, 2021, 21:04:20
Fair point but the majority of new cases will be from anyone who hasn't had the vaccine

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: otanswell on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 01:05:45
21st June not happening then.

Sacrifice summer to save winter it seems
Load of bollocks IMO

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 04:46:43
Full crowds back for the new season?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 05:54:46
And the great scamdemic continues. What happened to getting back to normal when the elderly and vulnerable were all double jabbed? If June 21st don’t happen that will be another nail in Bojo’s coffin.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:32:32
And the great scamdemic continues. What happened to getting back to normal when the elderly and vulnerable were all double jabbed? If June 21st don’t happen that will be another nail in Bojo’s coffin.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:34:48
yeah, it's hardly a scam

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:36:15
I guess GR is part of some weird deep state narrative.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:36:16
What the fuck would the world get out of being scammed by it?

The only people making money are thos ewho make PPE and possibly Bitcoin miners.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:37:06
What the fuck would the world get out of being scammed by it?

The only people making money are thos ewho make PPE and possibly Bitcoin miners.

And youtube conspiracy theorists?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:37:28
It's a massive worldwide conspiracy run by our lizard overlords, sheeple.

All lin the name of achieving - something or other.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:39:50
And youtube conspiracy theorists?
And Facebook and Twitterati.

I had the jab and instantly wanted to buy Microsoft products! take me to your leader.....

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:40:38
yeah but the magna carta says I should be able to go on holiday to Tenerife.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:42:00
yeah but the magna carta says I should be able to go on holiday to Tenerife.
Its infringement of out basic human rights!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:46:44
Surely the chances are higher of a the virus being spread across the UK by UK citizens holidaying in all corners of the country than getting vaccinated and holidaying abroad.

Are Boris and his chums just forcing people to spend their holiday fund in the UK instead of putting it in Johnny Foreigner’s pocket?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:48:42
The problem is you now have the greedy bas*ards charging £1500 for seven days in a static caravan

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, June 6, 2021, 09:36:17
I think the scam part comes from the cost of alot of things now not the actual virus. Why should you have to pay so much for tests on return from Portugal for example when we are being told we can have as many free tests we want for everything else

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, June 6, 2021, 14:04:25
I think the scam part comes from the cost of alot of things now not the actual virus. Why should you have to pay so much for tests on return from Portugal for example when we are being told we can have as many free tests we want for everything else

This is what I was trying to allude to when I said scamdemic. Not the virus itself but all the money making being made out of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, June 6, 2021, 14:25:01
ah yes, in that case as you were

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, June 11, 2021, 22:43:02
Looks like the 21st June will be put back 4 weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, June 11, 2021, 22:58:20
There will be over 100,000 sun worshipers on Bournemouth beaches over the week end😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, June 11, 2021, 22:59:49
Teressa summed it up well

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 08:49:12
Quote from: tans
Looks like the 21st June will be put back 4 weeks.

Ouch, but in time for summer holidays

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 10:17:54
Looks like the 21st June will be put back 4 weeks.

I personally think this is sensible. Get the vast majority of adults their second vaccines and then lift restrictions. (obviously keeping an eye on data)

I know the general public have been very patient with this and some are going to stamp their feet and sqwwweem and sqwwweem about freedoms etc but aside from having to wear masks and social distance there is plenty we can do. (aside from going abroad, which is a luxury anyway)

I of course feel massively for people that struggle with mental health issues and really crave normality and hope that this disappointing news doesn't have negative effects.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 10:21:52
I personally think this is sensible. Get the vast majority of adults their second vaccines and then lift restrictions. (obviously keeping an eye on data)

I know the general public have been very patient with this and some are going to stamp their feet and sqwwweem and sqwwweem about freedoms etc but aside from having to wear masks and social distance there is plenty we can do. (aside from going abroad, which is a luxury anyway)

I of course feel massively for people that struggle with mental health issues and really crave normality and hope that this disappointing news doesn't have negative effects.
My problem with this is isn't this what they were supposed to have done this time round and that is wht we had the 21st date

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 10:26:43
I personally think this is sensible. Get the vast majority of adults their second vaccines and then lift restrictions. (obviously keeping an eye on data)

I know the general public have been very patient with this and some are going to stamp their feet and sqwwweem and sqwwweem about freedoms etc but aside from having to wear masks and social distance there is plenty we can do. (aside from going abroad, which is a luxury anyway)

I of course feel massively for people that struggle with mental health issues and really crave normality and hope that this disappointing news doesn't have negative effects.

I think they also need to vaccine the 18-30 age group as well before opening up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 10:28:27
My problem with this is isn't this what they were supposed to have done this time round and that is wht we had the 21st date

I assume the delta variant has forced the goal posts to be moved? Or is it just being used as an excuse?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Leggett on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 11:31:19
Anyone agreeing with what Darren Grimes has to say or promotes needs to take a good long hard look at themselves, he is an atrocious human being.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 11:53:55
Makes you wonder if the reticence to put the major holiday destination countries on the green list is to keep the money tourists would have spent there in the UK yo boost the economy. It could be the end of cheap flights. Overseas holidays for the rich only and less flights helps reduce pollution.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 11:57:01
There goes my holiday to Kos😡

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 12:10:07
Anyone agreeing with what Darren Grimes has to say or promotes needs to take a good long hard look at themselves, he is an atrocious human being.

He's also not particularly bright.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 13:05:25
It looked a couple of weeks back like the UK was about 4-5 weeks behind the original vaccination curve of Israel.  If that was the case, and Israel's infection and mortality numbers would be replicated, then that would place that around the 28th, give it a week or two to confirm and you'd be in mid July with solid data to support a full opening.  Israel still gets some infections and deaths, but it is likely they are replacing other causes of death from things such as Pneumonia.  People will eventually die of something.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 13:58:40
I wouldn’t read to much in media speculation. Bojo’s preference would be to come out as planned. Personally I’m looking forward to peoples reactions if the 21st goes ahead as planned. To be back to normal. No more masks and walking around people in supermarkets as if they’ve just dropped their guts. I actually think we’ve reached the point that people will moan whichever way the decision goes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 14:24:33
If they delay it a couple of weeks to get a few more vaccinated then I can just about accept that, but that should be the only consideration in any extension and a firm target % of population should be set.

The variants shouldn’t come into the decision as whether the vaccine works against it or doesn’t should make no difference to decision making. We’ve always been told that’s the vaccine is the way out of this, if it is effective against the delta variant then it’s all good and if it isn’t then we’ll just have accept it as part of every day life like the flu. There are always going to be new variants and we can’t keep avoiding a return to normality based on what ifs, larger data sets and waiting for new improved vaccines!.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 15:16:09
If they delay it a couple of weeks to get a few more vaccinated then I can just about accept that, but that should be the only consideration in any extension and a firm target % of population should be set.

How many have actually had their initial vaccination now?

I know JQ keeps on bangin on about 18-30 year olds but I read something the other day saying that they are now offering the vaccines to non adults too.

Got to be at around 40m with the first jab? Likely half the population are fully jabbed on top I'd guess? Pretty much got to be getting close to all adults vaccinated (or a least offered/invited) at least once.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 15:30:55
How many have actually had their initial vaccination now?

I know JQ keeps on bangin on about 18-30 year olds but I read something the other day saying that they are now offering the vaccines to non adults too.

Got to be at around 40m with the first jab? Likely half the population are fully jabbed on top I'd guess? Pretty much got to be getting close to all adults vaccinated (or a least offered/invited) at least once.

It's the second dose that is critical for the final stage I think.  The first dose was more effective against the original variants and getting a quick start broke the back of the original rate of infection from January.  Now it's the second dose that will break the back of the current infection rate I think.  Israel is the canary in the mine, they got that second dose to over 50% of total population quickly thanks to Pfizer offering them a deal.  The UK is a couple of weeks away from hitting that same mark, maybe a little less.

Assuming the same impact occurs, that second dose will begin to reduce the ability of the virus to replicate.   The recent increase is a result of opening up - but Bolton showed it's likely a quick surge as people spread it, but the surge testing combined with vaccination and previous infection means it quickly starts to hit a brick wall.  Complete vaccination appears to have the same impact as a lockdown - so the more people vaccinated, the bigger the impact on replication.

For those reasons, I think a few weeks delay would be good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 15:44:37
It's the second dose that is critical for the final stage I think.  The first dose was more effective against the original variants and getting a quick start broke the back of the original rate of infection from January.  Now it's the second dose that will break the back of the current infection rate I think.  Israel is the canary in the mine, they got that second dose to over 50% of total population quickly thanks to Pfizer offering them a deal.  The UK is a couple of weeks away from hitting that same mark, maybe a little less.

Assuming the same impact occurs, that second dose will begin to reduce the ability of the virus to replicate.   The recent increase is a result of opening up - but Bolton showed it's likely a quick surge as people spread it, but the surge testing combined with vaccination and previous infection means it quickly starts to hit a brick wall.  Complete vaccination appears to have the same impact as a lockdown - so the more people vaccinated, the bigger the impact on replication.

For those reasons, I think a few weeks delay would be good.

I keep banging on about the 18-30 year olds because that's the age that will socially be meeting in large numbers plus they Mmmm will be the ones carrying the virus if they haven't even had one of the vaccines. Logic really

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 22:11:28

I keep banging on about the 18-30 year olds because that's the age that will socially be meeting in large numbers plus they Mmmm will be the ones carrying the virus if they haven't even had one of the vaccines. Logic really

Quoted the wrong dude I think JQ...but regardless of having vaccine or not...anyone can still be a carrier of covid-19. There's not enough data yet on whether the vaccine prevents someone getting and carrying/spreading covid. I'm sure someone else said this to you earlier fella  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 22:14:19
For those reasons, I think a few weeks delay would be good.

Agree with the rest your had posted but in the words of Reg "for good housekeeping", I trimmed it down.

Yep, what is three weeks to a month in the grand scheme of things?

Answer: around 26 days *boom tish*

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 22:17:38
Quoted the wrong dude I think JQ...but regardless of having vaccine or not...anyone can still be a carrier of covid-19. There's not enough data yet on whether the vaccine prevents someone getting and carrying/spreading covid. I'm sure someone else said this to you earlier fella  ;)

I'm pretty sure a few months ago the numbers dropped significantly once the first vaccines were rolled so I would expect them to drop even more one the 18-30 year olds have theirs. Barking on or not😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, June 12, 2021, 22:33:04
I'm pretty sure a few months ago the numbers dropped significantly once the first vaccines were rolled so I would expect them to drop even more one the 18-30 year olds have theirs. Barking on or not😀

For sure, but everyone could still be carrying the virus. The major difference is by that stage it will be largely irrelevant to joe public, as we'll all be protected and "free" again.

Although I'm sure the scientists and lab techs will want to figure out if there is a solution, as in how to eradicate the virus rather than just live with it (albeit protected). They might never get there in our lifetime but it'd be nice to see one day world science be able to release a statement saying they have done so (along with many other viruses, diseases, infections etc) :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 06:43:52

Although I'm sure the scientists and lab techs will want to figure out if there is a solution, as in how to eradicate the virus rather than just live with it (albeit protected).

Like with the common cold or influenza? 🤔

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 14:34:35
Just had my second jab, was quite amusing that there were two queues as I approached and it became quite obvious that one was for people having their first jab (young people) and those having their second (old gits like me 😄)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 14:52:21
Has my second last week😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 15:06:22
got mine on 22nd, which is nice

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 16:51:38
Like with the common cold or influenza? 🤔

The former doesn't cause enough impact to invest the necessary money, the latter has vaccines created every year in order to keep deaths and Healthcare impact to a minimum.  I'd wager the long term output here is a combined vaccine with Flu every year for those at risk, once the level of infection is under control.  Flu is a top underlying cause of death every year, even with vaccines in play.  Hopefully these past 18 months or so will cause more people to get their Flu vaccine when available as well (it's been quite interesting to see the world basically adopt South East Asian "common sense" during a normal flu season for them, or when they are ill).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 16:55:18
Only small numbers at the moment but still a worrying statistic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 17:35:15
Not really, non of them are 100% effective.  People with underlying conditions are at risk even after vaccination, just the risk is much lower.  People will die of something, the question is whether this has managed to reduce that risk sufficiently.  Israel and now the UK seem to be showing (for now) that the death rate can be cut massively through vaccination.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 18:09:35
I agree that's what I suggested they vacinate the 18-30 age group before opening the country up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 21:21:00
Kuenssberg reporting 4 week delay from ‘government sources’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, June 13, 2021, 21:25:43
I agree that's what I suggested they vacinate the 18-30 age group before opening the country up.

Think we’ve passed that point. Watched the football in the pub today and I think the staff gave up trying to manage the numbers because inside it was like watching the last World Cup. Actually made for a decent atmosphere.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 06:34:39
Quote from: tans
Kuenssberg reporting 4 week delay from ‘government sources’

now being run on all major news outlets.

They said the date conditional, no point morning about it.

Might be more of a backlash if they extend again into summer

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, June 14, 2021, 07:26:05
As long as things stay the sams as they are now and they dont restrict stuff again for the 4 week period

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:08:48

though Johnson says it's irreversible

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:09:27
As long as things stay the sams as they are now and they dont restrict stuff again for the 4 week period
If they have to they have to! But, it would appear that things are manageable with a pause rather than going backward. In the grand scheme of things, 4 weeks is insignificant.

I must admit, the interview I was taken with over the weekend, was when some young chap was asked his opinion on the delay. He was outraged and couldn't understand why the government were doing this. He said there was no reason that everything should go back to normal being as the number of infections were low and going down - The interviewer had to point out that that they were actually going up.

I was a little shocked that 'anyone' could be under the misapprehension that it was all over - Especially given the incessant TV news and reporting online about Delta variant concerns.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:09:35
got mine on 22nd, which is nice

Mine is a day later. I had booked on the NHS app for the 25th in Northampton, but then by chance called up my local surgery to see when I could get it done with them and they had availability 2 days earlier so happy days. Means I can walk to the surgery rather than schlep over to Northampton and back. (about 10 miles away)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:15:21
This has to be the final 4 weeks now, and like I said the other day they need to give a target % vaccinated number that will allow the restrictions to be removed.

The effectiveness of the vaccine against the delta or any other variant is irrelevant, we were told the vaccine was the way out of this and once enough people have had it then that promise needs to be kept. If it isn’t effective against some variants then that is unfortunate but people can’t be expected to wait around for a revised vaccine as it’ll just become a never ending set of restrictions as variants emerge which shouldn’t be acceptable to no one. One final 4 week delay and after that there is absolutely no excuse not to allow normality to resume!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:19:23
I just had my jab, completely missed the giant exit signs and ended up walking lost around the steam museum afterwards

Not sure I can attribute that to the vaccine, rather than sheer dumbassery

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:19:56
Quote from: Bogus Dave
I just had my jab, completely missed the giant exit signs and ended up walking lost around the steam museum afterwards

Not sure I can attribute that to the vaccine, rather than sheer dumbassery

it's not listed in the side effects :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:23:42
This has to be the final 4 weeks now, and like I said the other day they need to give a target % vaccinated number that will allow the restrictions to be removed.

The effectiveness of the vaccine against the delta or any other variant is irrelevant, we were told the vaccine was the way out of this and once enough people have had it then that promise needs to be kept. If it isn’t effective against some variants then that is unfortunate but people can’t be expected to wait around for a revised vaccine as it’ll just become a never ending set of restrictions as variants emerge which shouldn’t be acceptable to no one. One final 4 week delay and after that there is absolutely no excuse not to allow normality to resume!
Patience young man not patients!

Did you not see this:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:26:39
This has to be the final 4 weeks now, and like I said the other day they need to give a target % vaccinated number that will allow the restrictions to be removed.

The effectiveness of the vaccine against the delta or any other variant is irrelevant, we were told the vaccine was the way out of this and once enough people have had it then that promise needs to be kept. If it isn’t effective against some variants then that is unfortunate but people can’t be expected to wait around for a revised vaccine as it’ll just become a never ending set of restrictions as variants emerge which shouldn’t be acceptable to no one. One final 4 week delay and after that there is absolutely no excuse not to allow normality to resume!

I think there still has to be an element of caution around the variants. What if in 2 weeks a new variant is discovered that has mutated and now causes 100% of heart failure for example? (I suspect it's highly unlikely however) I do agree with you that there has to be a line drawn and that time comes when all of the adult population has been offered the vaccine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:27:40
Patience young man not patients!

Did you not see this:

Cases might be high, but hospitalisations could remain low, which is what the Govt was targeting, keeping the NHS from being put under strain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:34:49
Cases might be high, but hospitalisations could remain low, which is what the Govt was targeting, keeping the NHS from being put under strain.
But isn't the worry that the more infections there are, the more likely there will be mutations, which may eventually render the vaccines ineffective? If that happens we will be back to square one with all of us at risk and no way out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:40:29
But isn't the worry that the more infections there are, the more likely there will be mutations, which may eventually render the vaccines ineffective? If that happens we will be back to square one with all of us at risk and no way out.

That is a fair point and something I hadn't really properly considered. In all honesty I don't know how easily the virus can and would mutate, but given we have had what 3 large variants so far I guess it's a consideration.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:40:46
the issue is that the hospitalisations are rising.

That so far not many with a double dose of vaccine are hospitalised is exactly the point of the delay.

delay = more people being double dosed - + 2/3 weeks it takes to become effective, over 50s have only just been done.

it'll also give time for better data on how many vaccinated are becoming hospitalised.
But it's right. we have to live with it sooner rather than later

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:46:42
Surely they will have to extend some form of furlough past September. Has there been an updated figures as to how many people are still on it, haven't seen any for a while.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:47:02
Slightly off topic but Pauld hasn't posted on here for a while, I hope that he is ok?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 08:53:19
Slightly off topic but Pauld hasn't posted on here for a while, I hope that he is ok?

He's always been a bit 'lumpy' with his posts on here. He was re-tweeting stuff on Twitter yesterday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 14, 2021, 09:07:20
He's always been a bit 'lumpy' with his posts on here. He was re-tweeting stuff on Twitter yesterday

Ah ok, that's good news then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, June 14, 2021, 09:48:22
Patience young man not patients!

Did you not see this:
Again I stand by my point that that is irrelevant. We’ve been told the vaccine is the way out, if when a target number of vaccinations is hit then there should be no reason not to end restrictions. If case numbers and variants continue to be a driving factor then there is a danger we’ll never meet the criteria to end restrictions and that’s not acceptable IMO.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 14, 2021, 09:52:16
Hospitalizations is the key figure now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, June 14, 2021, 09:54:36
We all have opinions. I guess that I am happy with flexibility. Setting target dates and reviewing based upon the latest information seems a sensible approach to me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 10:04:43
Quote from: 4D
Hospitalizations is the key figure now.

yeah. especially those that have been fully vaccinated

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Monday, June 14, 2021, 13:18:10
Hospitalizations is the key figure now.

Yeah, and fatalities.   (and as Batch says how many of those have been fully vaccinated)

To be fair if they listed how many cases of any disease on a daily basis it would be quite scary

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: THE FLASH on Monday, June 14, 2021, 13:44:46
Again I stand by my point that that is irrelevant. We’ve been told the vaccine is the way out, if when a target number of vaccinations is hit then there should be no reason not to end restrictions. If case numbers and variants continue to be a driving factor then there is a danger we’ll never meet the criteria to end restrictions and that’s not acceptable IMO.

So, after the extra four weeks, we will all be good, no varients, NHS all good blah blah?


This fucking thing will be around for many a year and we better get used to it.

Get as many jabbed and then run with it.

Like delaying the sun rising......its going to happen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, June 14, 2021, 14:21:33
So, after the extra four weeks, we will all be good, no varients, NHS all good blah blah?


This fucking thing will be around for many a year and we better get used to it.

Get as many jabbed and then run with it.

Like delaying the sun rising......its going to happen.
That’s what I’m saying, set a target % to have a second dose and then just get on with life and return to normality. It’s not going anywhere and we can’t live under restrictions indefinitely. There needs to be a clear target this time with it all being about vaccinated numbers, not some wish washy statement saying we’ll see what numbers are like in 4 weeks or if there’s any new variant blah blah blah.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Monday, June 14, 2021, 14:29:58
That’s what I’m saying, set a target % to have a second dose and then just get on with life and return to normality. It’s not going anywhere and we can’t live under restrictions indefinitely. There needs to be a clear target this time with it all being about vaccinated numbers, not some wish washy statement saying we’ll see what numbers are like in 4 weeks or if there’s any new variant blah blah blah.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, June 14, 2021, 15:44:57
What’s going on. It’s just over an hour to the announcement and Peston hasn’t come out and said what all the details are

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 14, 2021, 15:46:35
What’s going on. It’s just over an hour to the announcement and Peston hasn’t come out and said what all the details are

I dunno, Hoyle has just lost his shit in the house with the government releasing this to the press before telling parliament so that might be holding it up!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 16:31:26
Quote from: Bogus Dave
What’s going on. It’s just over an hour to the announcement and Peston hasn’t come out and said what all the details are

no need this time, it's been in the news all day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:11:32
So if all adults of this company are jabbed then things can open up by 29th July. Thanks Boris

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:14:58
So the goal posts have moved again. Absolute cockwomble.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:28:26
Quote from: Bogus Dave
So if all adults of this company are jabbed then things can open up by 29th July. Thanks Boris

it's like he hasn't slept for a week

Rambling and full of bollocks even more than normal

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:28:51
So the goal posts have moved again. Absolute cockwomble.
no they haven't, they were always provisional

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:41:23
So the goal posts have moved again. Absolute cockwomble.

It was originally "On or after" a specific date, wasn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:45:19
Is there an argument to make the vaccine compulsory before lifting restrictions

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:50:03
It was originally "On or after" a specific date, wasn't it?

Yep. My comment is not in reference to the dates.

We were told lockdown was to protect the NHS. Now, it's to jab every adult. The NHS is absolutely not under pressure.

The jabs work, against every known variant.

Every vulnerable person who wants to be jabbed has been.

Zero reason to prolong this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:52:35
They also had Variants as one of the data points to consider and potential risk to Hospitalisations and Deaths.  Early indications are that the Delta variant will be protected against, at least by a second dose, so it does make sense to pause for a couple of weeks and verify that is the case, twice bitten thrice shy I guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boy About Town on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:54:37
Yep. My comment is not in reference to the dates.

We were told lockdown was to protect the NHS. Now, it's to jab every adult. The NHS is absolutely not under pressure.

The jabs work, against every known variant.

Every vulnerable person who wants to be jabbed has been.

Zero reason to prolong this.

Do you live in Swindon? Our hospital is under exponential levels of duress. It’s not Covid patients but if we were to see another spike we’d be in major trouble. The hospital is currently overwhelmed since measures have been relaxed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, June 14, 2021, 17:58:56
The NHS is absolutely not under pressure.


Surely it would be best to keep it that way?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:02:26
Have you all applied to SAGE or to become special advisers to the government?

They are obviously getting it wrong and need direction from Swindon Town fans who post on a forum that is supposed to be (and often more than) 85% bollocks!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:26:02
It's not beyond the realms of possibility that some people who post on here are actually a little bit intelligent you know.  It's also not that tricky to do basic research and post based upon that, as opposed to having first hand insider knowledge.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:26:52
Well said  :clap: :clap:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:31:29
Have you all applied to SAGE or to become special advisers to the government?

They are obviously getting it wrong and need direction from Swindon Town fans who post on a forum that is supposed to be (and often more than) 85% bollocks!

Because SAGE have a phenomenal record so far in their predictions?


Surely it would be best to keep it that way?

Lockdown for ever then? They'll defo not put pressure on the NHS that way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:33:58
Funny you should say that, the UK had the inverse of excess deaths a few weeks back.  I assume people not getting in car crashes or exposing themselves to other nasties like Flu.  Less pollution I imagine as well.

I'm not suggesting lockdowns are "good" but there could be plenty to learn from the past 18 months when we get out of the handling it phases.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:34:07
I don't really understand why it's referred to as lockdown anymore, it's not as if people are actually being forced into their basements or anything. Restrictions maybe, but why must it keep being referred to as a lockdown?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:34:52
The simplest one of course - don't create a culture at work that makes people come in when ill.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:36:23
Lockdown for ever then?

Textbook strawman. Did I say lockdown should last forever? (The answer is no, I didn't)

Of course there will be a time where lockdown will have to be lifted, but that time is surely not when cases are surging again and there's a fuck ton of people still left to be jabbed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:38:37
The UK gets between 10-20,000 flu deaths every year with, presumably, a much larger number of people who shrug it off at home. How does that compare to the present situation?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:43:01
The UK gets between 10-20,000 flu deaths every year with, presumably, a much larger number of people who shrug it off at home. How does that compare to the present situation?

At 55 per day for the upper range, the current trend would be below that number.  You'd expect it to increase a little after all restrictions are lifted and the UK is running around 10-15 right now.

That's why I think a combined vaccine would be a good project to get working on, given they seem to have followed similar paths in the past 18 months.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:49:04
Textbook strawman. Did I say lockdown should last forever? (The answer is no, I didn't)

Of course there will be a time where lockdown will have to be lifted, but that time is surely not when cases are surging again and there's a fuck ton of people still left to be jabbed.

I've no idea what a strawman is. I also in no way suggested you said we should lock down forever.

The vaccines work (90% plus for both major suppliers). Everyone who is vulnerable to covid is protected (or as much as they can be). Another month of restrictions, another month of decimating huge swathes of industry for something that's about as dangerous as hay fever at this point.

Edit: To clarify I don't know the number of deaths of hay fever. It was tongue-in-cheek, before anyone suggests I should join SAGE.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:54:05
I don't really understand why it's referred to as lockdown anymore, it's not as if people are actually being forced into their basements or anything. Restrictions maybe, but why must it keep being referred to as a lockdown?
There are still a shit ton of people still too scared to venture outside. Vaccines, data, Boris telling them all is well, isn’t going to get them outside any time soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:55:45
I've no idea what a strawman is. I also in no way suggested you said we should lock down forever.

The vaccines work (90% plus for both major suppliers). Everyone who is vulnerable to covid is protected (or as much as they can be). Another month of restrictions, another month of decimating huge swathes of industry for something that's about as dangerous as hay fever at this point.

That's the point, early data is suggesting somewhere between 60% and 88% efficacy for the Delta Variant, but the latest report suggested it wasn't yet to be relied upon.  I assume because insufficient time has passed to confirm those numbers to be true (they could drop lower if people keep rocking up at hospitals).  If they do hold true, then it's likely back to the original plan.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:57:48
It would be interesting to know if any of the new cases have had a vaccine or is that too sensitive information

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 14, 2021, 18:58:22
That's the point, early data is suggesting somewhere between 60% and 88% efficacy for the Delta Variant, but the latest report suggested it wasn't yet to be relied upon.  I assume because insufficient time has passed to confirm those numbers to be true (they could drop lower if people keep rocking up at hospitals).  If they do hold true, then it's likely back to the original plan.

This seems conclusive?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 19:17:20
after 2 doses + 3 weeks..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 14, 2021, 19:18:45
after 2 doses + 3 weeks..

So everyone at increased risk should be well and truly protected by now. Great.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 19:23:43
they only did the over 50s recently
did you watch the press conference?

it basically said in the North West hospitalisations are rising, which is expected to follow elsewhere

 The pause is to limit social contract while getting the vaccine rollout to effective levels .

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 14, 2021, 19:31:16
they only did the over 50s recently
did you watch the press conference?

Listened to it.

Since when were the over 50s deemed vulnerable to this, unless they have other health conditions (and therefore would have been jabbed earlier)?

I suppose we all have different opinions, but the toll this is taking in people is extreme and the risk/reward is miles off now. We've paralyzed millions with fear, destroyed the lives of young people for months and months.

I get that others see it differently.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 20:00:36
over 50s were always part of the 9 vulnerable groups .

I get it's crushing for those suffering mentally beyond the normal. 21st was always conditional though

 There has to be an end, which I suggest is 19th..

I don't think we'll go back to life exactly as before for some time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Monday, June 14, 2021, 20:05:15
How is this 4 weeks going to affect you really?

I agree with why they're doing it. Cases are rising and they can review again in 4 weeks when more have had the 2nd vaccine.

But, apart from nightclubs not being open and having to book to go to places, we're almost back to normal anyway.

Apart from working from home (and having to wear masks in shops) my life is no different now to normal.
I'll still be socially distancing from a lot of people when back to normal to be honest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 14, 2021, 20:11:28
Spot on and go in any supermarket now and you won't see any limitations on numbers in store

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 20:14:34
working from home is a biggie in not getting out.

did go to the pub the other weekend though. happy days

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, June 14, 2021, 20:19:18
It's right to delay. It wouldn't be necessary if they didn't let people in and out like they have though. They got it wrong last year with Spain/Italy and have done so again with India. An island nation for fucks sake. Unforgivable. Boris and Hancock etc should all be in prison.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 14, 2021, 20:30:14
How is this 4 weeks going to affect you really?

I agree with why they're doing it. Cases are rising and they can review again in 4 weeks when more have had the 2nd vaccine.

But, apart from nightclubs not being open and having to book to go to places, we're almost back to normal anyway.

Apart from working from home (and having to wear masks in shops) my life is no different now to normal.
I'll still be socially distancing from a lot of people when back to normal to be honest.

Go and ask a wedding photographer, or a DJ, or a set builder, or cabin crew, or a musician, or a publican etc etc etc...

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 20:33:53
wtaf. (

I mean it's good news, but I thought we were just told we had to wait

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Monday, June 14, 2021, 20:50:37
wtaf. (

I mean it's good news, but I thought we were just told we had to wait
Certainly mixed messages! Who knows what tomorrow will bring

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, June 14, 2021, 21:23:19
wtaf. (

I mean it's good news, but I thought we were just told we had to wait

Load of fucking horseshit. One rule for the toffs, one for the plebs

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 14, 2021, 21:26:07
Strawberrys and cream washed down with a glass of Pimms. You're so right

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 14, 2021, 21:30:02
I've been to Wimbledon. Am I a toff?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 14, 2021, 21:31:29
Wimbledon speedway don't count😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: otanswell on Monday, June 14, 2021, 23:39:06
Go and ask a wedding photographer, or a DJ, or a set builder, or cabin crew, or a musician, or a publican etc etc etc...

This. Many friends have done no work for a year, I’ve run club nights and I DJ myself, it’s a fucking pisstake

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: otanswell on Monday, June 14, 2021, 23:45:35
Played a private party which had bouncers the other week, no dancing, was a load of shit
Then you got boris and merkel getting pissed up on the beach
Fuck this shit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 06:51:40
Played a private party which had bouncers the other week, no dancing, was a load of shit
Then you got boris and merkel getting pissed up on the beach
Fuck this shit

Well you know what to do next General Election 👍

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 07:01:41
Go and ask a wedding photographer, or a DJ, or a set builder, or cabin crew, or a musician, or a publican etc etc etc...
Absolutely this.... I am seeing a lot of the well it doesn't really affect me argument and it's a bit out of order really. I have a fair few bookings that i have to cancel now because it is more than the amount of people that are currently allowed . I have not earnt a penny in the last 16 months, 4 weeks really does make a huge difference

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 07:37:42
Very easy for those in a position of privilege (me included) that can carry on as if very little has changed to basically say "suck it up, it's only another 4 weeks".

Sure, I can still work. Me and the missus can still go out for dinner. Fine. But millions of people are literally banned from working, or restricted in such a way it's impossible to make money, for something that has a proven preventative measure and all those most vulnerable to it are protected, if they want to be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 07:56:31
Go and ask a wedding photographer, or a DJ, or a set builder, or cabin crew, or a musician, or a publican etc etc etc...

Totally get what you mean, but bizarrely weddings appear to be fair game from 21st June according to the news last night.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 08:02:12
Totally get what you mean, but bizarrely weddings appear to be fair game from 21st June according to the news last night.

Nope - still heavily restricted and if anything, couples are in a tougher spot than before in terms of the decision to proceed or not. My brother in law is meant to be getting married July 3 - this is their 3rd attempt. Still hugely restricted in how they can celebrate.

I'm not one to compare x and y - it should all be allowed at this point - but a sickener that they can't have a drinks reception yet 11k at Wimbledon the same day. Madness.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 08:04:44
Nope - still heavily restricted and if anything, couples are in a tougher spot than before in terms of the decision to proceed or not. My brother in law is meant to be getting married July 3 - this is their 3rd attempt. Still hugely restricted in how they can celebrate.

I'm not one to compare x and y - it should all be allowed at this point - but a sickener that they can't have a drinks reception yet 11k at Wimbledon the same day. Madness.

That's odd then because on the news last night they broke the news to a couple who were due to get married in a few weeks with 140 guests and they told them they can still get married, although social distancing rules would have to apply which makes things tough I imagine!

The Wimbledon thing just sounds plain wrong. Far too many inconsistencies.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 08:09:08
That's odd then because on the news last night they broke the news to a couple who were due to get married in a few weeks with 140 guests and they told them they can still get married, although social distancing rules would have to apply which makes things tough I imagine!

The Wimbledon thing just sounds plain wrong. Far too many inconsistencies.

They can still get married. They've always been able to get married.

They're still extremely restricted in how they can celebrate though.

No drinks reception. No dancing. Masks during the ceremony. No bar.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 08:14:45
Sounds like a fun way to celebrate, no dancing, you can’t make this up at times

All because there are still more hospitals in this country than actual people in hospital with COVID (can’t find source of that statistic now)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 08:16:47
They can still get married. They've always been able to get married.

They're still extremely restricted in how they can celebrate though.

No drinks reception. No dancing. Masks during the ceremony. No bar.

Ah got you now. I assume that the people they interviewed were happy to go along with that then. Doesn't sound a lot of fun, I don't think I would have bothered given those restrictions, perhaps these 2 just wanted to get on TV!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 08:41:29
Did the laughable phrase 'Freedom Day' come from the Government or it is some media slop?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 09:56:55
Things are getting scary out there, very Trumpian!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 12:40:58
Things are getting scary out there, very Trumpian!
I couldn't make out who was getting hounded and why

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 12:43:47
I couldn't make out who was getting hounded and why

Me neither.

But whatever was going on, the police just stood by and watched.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 12:46:35
what's that all about. A BBC journo? what did he do/say?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 12:47:30
Nick Watt, BBC journalist on Newsnight.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 13:05:02
Ah right... Fuckwits on the rampage now:

Video footage posted online shows demonstrators filming and haranging Newsnight political editor Nicholas Watt on Monday.

Watt was forced to run past anti-lockdown protesters as they shouted "traitor" at him and accused him of "lying" about lockdowns being legal.

The crowd had gathered on Monday to oppose the government's decision to delay the final stage of the roadmap out of lockdown by four weeks, amid rising cases of the Delta variant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 09:10:51
,"Covid vaccinations are to become compulsory for staff in care homes for older people in England,"

Part of me thinks it's outrageous, part of me thinks it's entirely reasonable.

I'm not for compulsory vaccination. I don't have a problem with restrictions with those who decide not to have one.

This just seems like a step too far

But old people have the right to be protected too

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 10:44:52
I may be mistaken, but aren't social care employees already required to get a hep b jab by law, if they're frontline? Is this any different?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 11:09:56
I don't know that, and no I guess it isn't

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 11:13:51
Got a call earlier to go and get my second vaccine as they had cancellations. So as of 11:30am I have completed my vaccination program!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 11:27:21
I don't know that, and no I guess it isn't

I'm sure it's more nuanced than I've presented it there, but there does seem to be some legislation in place that enables employers to ensure staff have the hep b jab.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 14:41:27
this may help

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, June 18, 2021, 09:11:03
After having my second jab on Wednesday morning, yesterday I couldn't stop sneezing and my nose was running like a fountain! No acheyness like the first jab but it was pretty uncomfortable/annoying.

Feel right as rain today!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 21:02:50
BREAKING: The Government has caved in to Uefa and will allow thousands of football VIPs to attend the Euro 2020 finals without quarantining.

Fuck this.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 21:28:43
It is not bad that they have done that. It is bad they still stop millions of people from living their lives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 21:30:28
But VIPs don't spread viruses  :sherlock:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 22:56:34
They can stick their quarantine up their arse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 06:42:14
Quote from: tans
They can stick their quarantine up their arse.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 06:50:23
BREAKING: The Government has caved in to Uefa and will allow thousands of football VIPs to attend the Euro 2020 finals without quarantining.

Fuck this.

Absolutely disgusting

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 08:11:44
BREAKING: The Government has caved in to Uefa and will allow thousands of football VIPs to attend the Euro 2020 finals without quarantining.

Fuck this.

They had to otherwise UEFA were taking the games to Hungary.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 08:13:36

The are rules or there aren't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 08:18:23

The are rules or there aren't.

There was no 'and', UEFA made the threat and the government buckled. I assume they will just dress it up as a test event as they seem to be doing whenever thy want to piss around with things.   

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 08:29:03
They had to otherwise UEFA were taking the games to Hungary.

Would Katniss be there?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 08:50:31
In other news, everyone in Cumbria under 30 has been asked to take a test.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, June 24, 2021, 10:19:47
I've managed to get an appointment for my second jab at the gwh. A pleasant surprise. Still availability if anyone's interested.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, June 24, 2021, 11:52:19
I see there is an open day at Steam tomorrow for the Astra jab, you can just walk up (queue).  Anyone over 40 that hasn't had their 1st, anyone that has had their 1st longer than 8 weeks ago for their 2nd.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, June 24, 2021, 12:02:36

There will be an AstraZeneca vaccine 💉walk-in clinic (no need to book) at the STEAM Museum Vaccination Centre tomorrow (24 June) from 11.30am - 12.30pm and 2.30pm - 3.30pm.

This clinic will be open to:
✅over 40s who haven't had their first dose
✅people who had their first AstraZeneca dose over 8 weeks ago

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, June 24, 2021, 12:05:15
Silverstone F1 allowed a full capacity crowd. 140k 😲

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, June 24, 2021, 12:58:48
Silverstone F1 allowed a full capacity crowd. 140k 😲

Good. It's a day before all other restrictions are lifted so would be shame to not be full for the sake of one arbitrary day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, June 24, 2021, 16:09:02

Ah, I read it this morning and didn't look at the date :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, June 24, 2021, 16:28:30
Quote from: Berniman

Ah, I read it this morning and didn't look at the date :D

I did the same thing at first

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, June 27, 2021, 20:15:21
This is an abridged excerpt from the book by the two leading ladies who helped develop the vaccine. Well worth five minutes of your time. I bet the full version of the book is a good read too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:07:30
Had to log a lateral flow test today to get into Wembley tomorrow. Didn't realise how stupid the system is.

My mate had a spare test at home. Sent me the ID. I went online and logged the test as negative.

How completely pointless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:24:43
Had to log a lateral flow test today to get into Wembley tomorrow. Didn't realise how stupid the system is.

My mate had a spare test at home. Sent me the ID. I went online and logged the test as negative.

How completely pointless.
Had to log a lateral flow test today to get into Wembley tomorrow. Didn't realise how stupid the system is.

My mate had a spare test at home. Sent me the ID. I went online and logged the test as negative.

How completely pointless.

Like so many systems its only as good as the data being inserted, it people are going to bullshit on it then it falls over.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:34:05
Had to log a lateral flow test today to get into Wembley tomorrow. Didn't realise how stupid the system is.

My mate had a spare test at home. Sent me the ID. I went online and logged the test as negative.

How completely pointless.

Obviously there is a degree of personal responsibility and if you feel like you want to take the risk of being positive despite the venue asking for a test that is your decision. One that I hope not everyone takes

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:37:50
Of course, there's a degree of personal responsibility. A degree I chose to ignore on this occasion, probably for the first time during this whole thing.

That doesn't mean the system isn't inherently flawed though.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:44:00
sounds  irresponsible to me.

you can get an LFT test very easily. I'd be amazed if you couldn't pick one up today

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:44:32
Had to log a lateral flow test today to get into Wembley tomorrow. Didn't realise how stupid the system is.

My mate had a spare test at home. Sent me the ID. I went online and logged the test as negative.

How completely pointless.

Most of my mates have done the same to be honest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:45:37
Of course, there's a degree of personal responsibility. A degree I chose to ignore on this occasion, probably for the first time during this whole thing.

That doesn't mean the system isn't inherently flawed though.

I'm more interested as to why you didn't just take a test yourself PP? I know going to the match will be great but what were you worried about? Not being negative and missing the match?

This isn't a dig btw and I know I'm repeating my opening sentence but, I'm just wondering why you didn't want to take a test yourself?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:45:48
This is why we have laws and systems in place to make sure people do stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:48:35
Most of my mates have done the same to be honest.

Again, also struggling to understand why? Are they all frightened of testing positive - thus missing the match?

It's not a dig but from the outset it appears pretty selfish.

Especially when some of these will also be lambasting government ministers for not following correct protocols/bending rules etc  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:49:51
I'm more interested as to why you didn't just take a test yourself PP? I know going to the match will be great but what were you worried about? Not being negative and missing the match?

This isn't a dig btw and I know I'm repeating my opening sentence but, I'm just wondering why you didn't want to take a test yourself?

Because it was infinitely easier to sit and do that in about 2 mins than try and find some time in my working day to go and get a test.

I get people disagree with it. That's life.

I assumed it'd be a stricter, and was surprised it wasn't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:52:56
Again, also struggling to understand why? Are they all frightened of testing positive - thus missing the match?

It's not a dig but from the outset it appears pretty selfish.

Especially when some of these will also be lambasting government ministers for not following correct protocols/bending rules etc  :hmmm:

But the point is, it almost doesn’t even matter if you do test positive, because you can mark yourself down as negative anyway if you are still desperate to watch the match, making the whole thing pretty pointless which was PP’s original point.

I was negative anyway, so I’m alright, but a lot of my mates didn’t even bother with the test.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:53:02
I might get pissed and go for a drive later.

I get people disagree with it, but that's life.

I'm not really trying to have a dig on anyone here, believe it or not, it's more the system that's fucked up. People can't be trusted and their actions often have consequences on other people, not just themselves.

Which is why systems should be in place to stop it from happening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:57:45
Because it was infinitely easier to sit and do that in about 2 mins than try and find some time in my working day to go and get a test.

I get people disagree with it. That's life.

I assumed it'd be a stricter, and was surprised it wasn't.

Ahh but it was easy enough to get a very sought after ticket for the match though?

I'll leave it there but you can see the contrast in your own actions surely? Due to one benefiting you more than potentially another.

Enjoy the match  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:58:09
But the point is, it almost doesn’t even matter if you do test positive, because you can mark yourself down as negative anyway if you are still desperate to watch the match, making the whole thing pretty pointless which was PP’s original point.

I was negative anyway, so I’m alright, but a lot of my mates didn’t even bother with the test.

I don't think there would be an easier system available to guarantee people are telling the truth. An on the spot test at a doctors and nhs app upload? imagine the logistics in that.

its the same as isolating when in contact- isolating after holidays. there is a huge degree of trust on people and impossible to enforce

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Broadbents Tackle on Monday, June 28, 2021, 10:58:36
Because it was infinitely easier to sit and do that in about 2 mins than try and find some time in my working day to go and get a test.

I get people disagree with it. That's life.

I assumed it'd be a stricter, and was surprised it wasn't.

You put your name and address in the government website and they arrive at your door in one or two days. Tricky.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:02:15
But the point is, it almost doesn’t even matter if you do test positive, because you can mark yourself down as negative anyway if you are still desperate to watch the match, making the whole thing pretty pointless which was PP’s original point.

I was negative anyway, so I’m alright, but a lot of my mates didn’t even bother with the test.

Yeah I get it's flawed as with many things.

I just don't get why people (especially our 30s age group) wouldn't just be honest about their tests/results. Can you imagine the uproar if PHE had fudged a bunch of flow tests/data etc?

Anyway, after all, there will be other football tournaments and no doubt big matches at Wembley in the future.

As with PP. Enjoy the match :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:03:46
Yeah, I get people disagree and frankly, I knew what I was doing wasn't morally right, but there are some hilarious faux outrage reactions here from people who have never done anything wrong. Equivalating it to drink driving is my personal favorite. Not sure the risk profile is the same...

Every single one of us has broken guidelines at some point. I've got nothing else to say.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:06:08
You put your name and address in the government website and they arrive at your door in one or two days. Tricky.

Even easier than that, you can pick them up from the chemists.

Yeah I get it's flawed as with many things.

Its only flawed if people lie, so the flaw is human beings than the system.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:07:27
Yeah, I get people disagree and frankly, I knew what I was doing wasn't morally right, but there are some hilarious faux outrage reactions here from people who have never done anything wrong. Equivalating it to drink driving is my personal favorite. Not sure the risk profile is the same...

Every single one of us has broken guidelines at some point. I've got nothing else to say.

I think it's because the covid thing is something where we've all collectively been asked to, and most of us have, changed our lives and made an effort. So when some prick is like hahaha faked neg test gonna go wembley I think it wrangles quite a lot.

Does that make sense you absolute fucking bellend.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:10:03
Equivalating it to drink driving is my personal favorite. Not sure the risk profile is the same...

Faux outrage? fuck off.

People are pointing out to you that your actions are irresponsible to say the least. (And that the system is clearly flawed) We've even tried to do so in a reasonable manner.

And it compares very well with drink driving. Both drink drivers and people who are infected with a disease are at risk of causing real harm to other people. Both are avoidable.

You could LITERALLY Be killing or hurting people. That is not an exaggeration.

Ah well, it must just be faux outrage.

Enjoy the match.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:10:47
this shows how easy it is to superspread the Indian variant of covid. And how vaccines while not 100% are bloody good at the moment.

If the results of trials are that people are lying about the LFT and they make it 'vaccinated only' for big events - fine by me

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:11:29
Yeah, I get people disagree and frankly, I knew what I was doing wasn't morally right, but there are some hilarious faux outrage reactions here from people who have never done anything wrong. Equivalating it to drink driving is my personal favorite. Not sure the risk profile is the same...

Every single one of us has broken guidelines at some point. I've got nothing else to say.

I think it's more because it conflicts with you saying that you didn't have time...I'm sure if you were trying to get tickets to the match (which you managed) then you probably should have been ordering some flow tests too no?

Not trying to kill your vibe or anyones as I'm sure you're incredibly excited. No doubt when England last played Germany at Wembley in a major tournament was 1996 and we both would've been around 10 years old. How I fucking cried. Emotional match, for all.

Let's hope this one is a little easier on the drama. A boring 1-0 (either way) will do and I prefer if it is in England's favour.

One other note, I hope we're not playing in a fucking grey/silver monstrosity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:16:58
Yeah, I get people disagree and frankly, I knew what I was doing wasn't morally right, but there are some hilarious faux outrage reactions here from people who have never done anything wrong. Equivalating it to drink driving is my personal favorite. Not sure the risk profile is the same...

Every single one of us has broken guidelines at some point. I've got nothing else to say.
You came on here wanting that reaction don't kid yourself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:25:18
You came on here wanting that reaction don't kid yourself

Honestly, I was just chatting to a mate about it and made the point that I have no idea why I posted it, or pretty much anything else on here.

Something to think about and reflect on, that's for sure.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:28:50
Honestly, I was just chatting to a mate about it and made the point that I have no idea why I posted it, or pretty much anything else on here.

Something to think about and reflect on, that's for sure.

I'm... surprised that you're surprised you got a negative reaction to essentially saying you were going to a mandatory testing event having pretended to take a test, when it's pretty well established at this point that you can be asymptomatic and still spread the virus. Particularly when it's an event that lots of people would saw their arm off to go to.

I'm absolutely certain that you're not the only one doing this - many will - but to post it on a public forum and blame the system suggests you don't think you're doing anything even a bit sneaky? This forum isn't averse to an overreaction, but you know you're not exactly on the moral highground here, surely?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:29:48

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:30:27
A lateral flow test is easy to access, it takes 2 mins to do (apart from waiting 30 mins for the result), and it's free. Why wouldn't you?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:32:10
Honestly, I was just chatting to a mate about it and made the point that I have no idea why I posted it, or pretty much anything else on here.

Something to think about and reflect on, that's for sure.

Probably a good idea. Seems like you could do with quite a bit of practice at thinking and reflecting.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:33:46
I'm absolutely certain that you're not the only one doing this - many will - but to post it on a public forum and blame the system suggests you don't think you're doing anything even a bit sneaky? This forum isn't averse to an overreaction, but you know you're not exactly on the moral highground here, surely?

Yeah for sure Nemo - you're dead on. Apart from I know I was being sneaky (a very polite word to use, btw).

I'll probably think about why I posted it for a while and then go back to trying to post less, maybe successfully and maybe unsuccessfully.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:35:16
Instead of thinking about why you posted it why don't you just think about doing a fucking test?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:43:16
We're told the vaccine is effective and continues to be effective against known variants, all the high risk and vulnerable groups are pretty much double dosed so I think that takes the moral angle away somewhat personally.  

Ultimately it's not surprising it seems a bit half arsed, the country is going back to normal in 3 weeks as there are no legitimate reasons for further delays so all this will be ignored thereafter as there will no longer be any legal restrictions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:49:22
The virus doesn't know that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:50:21
Why is it fine to book events with certainty if you’re double vaccinated, but not if you have to rely on a negative test?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 28, 2021, 11:58:04
Quote from: Bogus Dave
Why is it fine to book events with certainty if you’re double vaccinated, but not if you have to rely on a negative test?

because it's harder to fake double vaccinated status

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:05:05
But morally,

There was a lot of outrage at the start of spring when the idea was floated that once people have been double vaccinated they can do as they please. Argument being society has stopped to protect the elderly, and to let those elderly get back to normal would be hugely unfair

If you haven’t been double vaccinated but want to go to an event you can’t guarantee your ability to attend until days before, so you could be risking huge sums of money on tickets and events you can’t attend. How is that fair?? We know you can still contract and spread the virus despite being vaccinated

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:08:42
because it's harder to fake double vaccinated status

Although when they say proof of double vaccination is required, is it as simple as showing those shitty little cards?

Already know of few anti-vaxer whack jobs who have got fake ones

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:10:05
Although when they say proof of double vaccination is required, is it as simple as showing those shitty little cards?

Already know of few anti-vaxer whack jobs who have got fake ones

Surely its via the NHS app? Although obviously if people don't have smart phones this won't be possible so perhaps the shitty little cards could then become acceptable?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:15:13
Although when they say proof of double vaccination is required, is it as simple as showing those shitty little cards?

Already know of few anti-vaxer whack jobs who have got fake ones

This is the problem, whilst you can (rightly in my humble opinion) criticise the government for their handling of things, they are in certain areas entirely dependent upon the morality and honesty of the general public expecting them to act in the best interests of all.

We have been doing LFT's twice a week as requested for a while now, however, I know of others who also have school age kids where it seems to be almost a badge of honour that they have never taken a test!

Surely its via the NHS app? Although obviously if people don't have smart phones this won't be possible so perhaps the shitty little cards could then become acceptable?

I don't think the App has that capability and as with anything else you would be dependent upon the information entered. Perhaps you could add capacity, but at the going rate that's probably another £10bn into some donors pocket. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:17:52
Although when they say proof of double vaccination is required, is it as simple as showing those shitty little cards?

Already know of few anti-vaxer whack jobs who have got fake ones

No, the "shitty little cards" are not enough.

Here's the guff from the website:

"For ticket holders based in England:

    Proof of a negative Lateral Flow Test (LFT), reported and demonstrated via your NHS COVID Pass on the NHS app, or a text message or email from NHS Test and Trace. This can be on your device (including a screenshot) or a printout. The test needs to be taken within 48 hours of the time stadium gates open (meaning three hours before match kick-off).
Or proof of full vaccination - both doses received at least 14 days prior to the match. It must be demonstrated either via your NHS COVID Pass on the NHS App or the English vaccination letter. ❗ Your vaccination card will not be accepted.
Or proof of natural immunity, demonstrated via your NHS COVID Pass on the NHS App."

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:19:04
NHS app (not the covid 19 one) does have the ability to show vaccine status.

not only that, it is data obtained via the vaccination centre and not via user input.
Dave I quite agree that testing should be used as an alternative to vaccine status

my point was if it is mass abused, then it's fine by me to switch to vaccinated only.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:23:38
No, the "shitty little cards" are not enough.

Here's the guff from the website:

"For ticket holders based in England:

    Proof of a negative Lateral Flow Test (LFT), reported and demonstrated via your NHS COVID Pass on the NHS app, or a text message or email from NHS Test and Trace. This can be on your device (including a screenshot) or a printout. The test needs to be taken within 48 hours of the time stadium gates open (meaning three hours before match kick-off).
Or proof of full vaccination - both doses received at least 14 days prior to the match. It must be demonstrated either via your NHS COVID Pass on the NHS App or the English vaccination letter. ❗ Your vaccination card will not be accepted.
Or proof of natural immunity, demonstrated via your NHS COVID Pass on the NHS App."

Ah right that makes sense

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:24:45
So we have a position where the only people who can plan things with any certainty (or even at all) are those old or sick enough to be double vaccinated?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:25:04
NHS app (not the covid 19 one) does have the ability to show vaccine status.

not only that, it is data obtained via the vaccination centre and not via user input.

I didn't even know there was an NHS App, every day is a school day!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:27:55
I didn't even know there was an NHS App, every day is a school day!

I didn’t until it was on the One Show… really handy if vaccination status becomes a condition of entry

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:35:03
I didn’t until it was on the One Show… really handy if vaccination status becomes a condition of entry

Owning up to watching the One Show, fair play to you

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:37:06
I didn't realize that you needed a LFT OR proof of double vaxx for Wembley. My immoral behaviour was all for nothing as I've had both jabs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:38:35
Quote from: Bogus Dave
So we have a position where the only people who can plan things with any certainty (or even at all) are those old or sick enough to be double vaccinated?

I'm saying there may not be a choice if it testing is abused and shown to have a significant impact on community spread.

Hopefully by 19th the vaccination status will mean the risk of hospitalisation is vastly reduced and it's a non issue

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Costanza on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:38:48
I didn't realize that you needed a LFT OR proof of double vaxx for Wembley. My immoral behaviour was all for nothing as I've had both jabs.

Good save!


Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:39:15
I didn't realize that you needed a LFT OR proof of double vaxx for Wembley. My immoral behaviour was all for nothing as I've had both jabs.
youre just morally dubious, but law abiding then :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:40:29
Quote from: horlock07
I didn't even know there was an NHS App, every day is a school day! [/quote]

it's handy for ordering repeat prescriptions too

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:41:08
youre just morally dubious, but law abiding then :)

Aren't we all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: LucienSanchez on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:41:20
Owning up to watching the One Show, fair play to you

I may have messed up there…

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, June 28, 2021, 12:44:31
I didn't even know there was an NHS App, every day is a school day!

it's handy for ordering repeat prescriptions too

Oh I have got a link on my laptop for doing that. Seem to be doing it constantly, not helped by the fact that when we moved over here the GP stopped giving me 2 months meds at a time so I ned a prescription each month!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 28, 2021, 13:25:40
I may have messed up there…

Lou Macari was on the one show fairly recently (not in the studio, it was on one of the VT pieces) talking about sustainable holiday homes. I was vacuuming the stairs and saw him on the TV sans sound so it might have been about something completely different!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, June 28, 2021, 14:04:17
Lou Macari was on the one show fairly recently (not in the studio, it was on one of the VT pieces) talking about sustainable holiday homes. I was vacuuming the stairs and saw him on the TV sans sound so it might have been about something completely different!

I like the way that you intimate that it was on in the background while you were busy, must have been the Mrs watching eh? ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, June 28, 2021, 14:24:24
I like the way that you intimate that it was on in the background while you were busy, must have been the Mrs watching eh? ;)

She has a habit of leaving the bloody TV on, I think she might have been in the garden, or kitchen.

I will admit that we've sat down of an evening and had a bit of the One Show on. Something to relax the brain a bit!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, June 28, 2021, 15:44:09
The Greek government are offering 18-25 year olds €150 to get vaccinated!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bedford Red on Monday, June 28, 2021, 17:10:08
Lou Macari was on the one show fairly recently (not in the studio, it was on one of the VT pieces) talking about sustainable holiday homes. I was vacuuming the stairs and saw him on the TV sans sound so it might have been about something completely different!

I thought that was about the homeless people he does a fantastic job helping; i saw that on there a few weeks ago. He does glamping pods for them (see link below)

He should get a knighthood for what he does....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 28, 2021, 17:11:32
The Greek government are offering 18-25 year olds €150 to get vaccinated!

Robbing fuckers >:(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 28, 2021, 17:22:01
Robbing fuckers >:(

Lolz how are they?!

They are going to GIVE 18-25yr olds €150 for having the jab.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, June 28, 2021, 17:23:32
Just seeing if you're paying attention!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Monday, June 28, 2021, 20:43:12
Aren't we all.

Think that got a little out of hand to say the least! Can guarantee everyone on this forum has broken some law or rule at some point. I include myself in that as I broke isolation rules a couple of times after my last trip to Tenerife. July 19th can’t come quick enough as it’s sad to see how the population is divided.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 28, 2021, 20:45:24
The population were long divided well before Covid. July 19th won't change that unfortunately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Monday, June 28, 2021, 20:52:32
The population were long divided well before Covid. July 19th won't change that unfortunately.

Sadly I think you are right there. Last week in the staff room two women employees were in a semi heated discussion over what July 19th would look like. One said she was looking forward to not wearing masks anymore yet the other said she would still wear hers and expect anyone near her to do so as well. I always grab a coffee at the wrong time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Monday, June 28, 2021, 20:56:21
Sadly I think you are right there. Last week in the staff room two women employees were in a semi heated discussion over what July 19th would look like. One said she was looking forward to not wearing masks anymore yet the other said she would still wear hers and expect anyone near her to do so as well. I always grab a coffee at the wrong time.

I think that I will continue to wear a face covering for some time, even if they are no longer required.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, June 28, 2021, 20:59:47
Sadly I think you are right there. Last week in the staff room two women employees were in a semi heated discussion over what July 19th would look like. One said she was looking forward to not wearing masks anymore yet the other said she would still wear hers and expect anyone near her to do so as well. I always grab a coffee at the wrong time.

There's still a lot of good out there and people doing good things. There always will be but it does sadden me how nationally (poss internationally) divided we are.

Dispite my petty arguments on here from time to time, I'm genuinely all about the unity.

Back to earlier, I was genuinely more intrigued as to why the evasion of taking a test. I still hope PP enjoys the match though :-[

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Monday, June 28, 2021, 21:13:55
There's still a lot of good out there and people doing good things. There always will be but it does sadden me how nationally (poss internationally) divided we are.

Dispite my petty arguments on here from time to time, I'm genuinely all about the unity.

Back to earlier, I was genuinely more intrigued as to why the evasion of taking a test. I still hope PP enjoys the match though :-[

I guess he like many are fed up with it all now. Last Sunday I was in Asda West Swindon and was able to walk around mingling with masses without any issues. Stopped at the McDonald’s on the way out to grab some breakfast takeaway but was told couldn’t take my trolley in so had to leave it by the entrance while I ordered and collected my stuff. Walked back to my trolley only to be told by a member of McDonald’s staff that I couldn’t exit that way and I had to leave via the other set of doors at the far side, walk around and re-enter Asda and collect my trolley. With my hands full I just said politely don’t be so bloody ridiculous. My trolley was literally right in front of me and other than the McDonald’s staff member there was no one else stood near us. I’m just longing for sanity to return.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Monday, June 28, 2021, 21:16:19
I think that I will continue to wear a face covering for some time, even if they are no longer required.

Personally I won’t but I’ll respect those that will. Personal choice at the end of the day I guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Monday, June 28, 2021, 21:18:16
It’s going to be around for a while. We had a two year 7 positive cases over the weekend. Means the whole year is out and about 6 teachers isolating. This means 6 supply teachers costing approx £800 per day each.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, June 28, 2021, 22:10:41
Personally I won’t but I’ll respect those that will. Personal choice at the end of the day I guess.

And that is a good attitude to take because it is not unreasonable for some people to still be very cautious about a virus that has managed to usurp all but Cancer and Heart Disease in the past 18 months (even out pacing them at peak times).  Imagine if you could catch Cancer by someone sneezing on you!!!!

I said last year that if this produced something far more visible, like Leprosy, as well as the mortality impact (of Covid), then people would have been in Hazmat suits.

As it is, the Vaccinations do seem to have offered substantial protection, to the point we can probably begin to manage the impact as a society in the same way we do from other airborne viruses and diseases, like Flu.  Even then though, it's very common in SE Asia to see people mask up during peak season or when they know they are ill or possibly ill.   Quite why people in the West have reacted to people wearing another item of clothing the way they have is beyond me.  Maybe humans got this reaction the first time they slipped a loin cloth on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 06:39:09
Quote from: JBZ
I think that I will continue to wear a face covering for some time, even if they are no longer required.

I completely get that.

But I thought the mask was primarily to prevent you spreading it to others.

Which is good. But if as I suspect most people bin them, then it's not going to protect you.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 06:50:50
I completely get that.

But I thought the mask was primarily to prevent you spreading it to others.

Which is good. But if as I suspect most people bin them, then it's not going to protect you.

It appears that a FFP3 grade mask may provide protection (see for example the brief report on the BBC website today).

That aside, I don't mind wearing one. It will be interesting to see if petrol stations etc revert back to asking customers to remove them, as was often the case with helmets.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 06:58:41
My niece in her early 20’s has just contracted it. Likely caught it in the pub where she works. Everyone who works in the pub has tested negative so probably given to her by a customer who wasn’t aware they carried it. No idea what’s happened to the patrons in the pub vis a vis the track & trace system they operate. One would assume they swung that into action. She said she feels really, really rough, flu ++ as she described it with no taste or sense of smell.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 07:10:02
It appears that a FFP3 grade mask may provide protection (see for example the brief report on the BBC website today).

That aside, I don't mind wearing one. It will be interesting to see if petrol stations etc revert back to asking customers to remove them, as was often the case with helmets.

FFP3 is what they use in hospitals. They have to be fitted correctly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 07:26:53
My niece in her early 20’s has just contracted it. Likely caught it in the pub where she works. Everyone who works in the pub has tested negative so probably given to her by a customer who wasn’t aware they carried it. No idea what’s happened to the patrons in the pub vis a vis the track & trace system they operate. One would assume they swung that into action. She said she feels really, really rough, flu ++ as she described it with no taste or sense of smell.
The whole thing is a mess to be honest. I was called by test and trace and told that i had been in contact with someone and had to self isolate, i asked how long and they said 1 day as it was 9 days ago i was in contact with them. Brilliant

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 07:35:03
The whole thing is a mess to be honest. I was called by test and trace and told that i had been in contact with someone and had to self isolate, i asked how long and they said 1 day as it was 9 days ago i was in contact with them. Brilliant

It does work, of sorts, however, I have read of people giving false numbers out if they don't scan a t&t app. She’s at her BF place in another county far, far away. But works in a Swindon pub serving food, which is where she’s adamant she caught it as she didn’t really go out socialising and mingling with her peers. Her mums in the clear too which is a relief. It’s out there people, it’s out there. Had the jabs?, very little to worry about. Not had the jabs?, plenty to worry about.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 07:56:39
Even if you have had the jabs, doesn't mean you cannot catch it. Everyone needs to take precautions.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 08:06:33
Even if you have had the jabs, doesn't mean you cannot catch it. Everyone needs to take precautions.
true, and just because you are ok doesn't mean the person you pass it on to is.

but as things stand you'd be bloody unlucky to die from covid after being double jabbed. which is kind of incredible.

mutations withstanding, can we really get this down to bring flu like in risks? I hopev we are on that path

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 08:55:59
Even if you have had the jabs, doesn't mean you cannot catch it. Everyone needs to take precautions.

I've had the jabs. Those are my precautions.

Once enough of us are jabbed, life has to return to normal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 09:06:41
I've had the jabs. Those are my precautions.

Once enough of us are jabbed, life has to return to normal.
This. Mental health is a bigger danger to the population now than Covid and for the good of the majority normality is needed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 09:09:07
Yep. Second jab to go, but after that I’m happy to take any supposed risk and those that don’t want to get vaccinated can do the same. Fuck ‘em.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 09:11:41
I've had the jabs. Those are my precautions.

Once enough of us are jabbed, life has to return to normal.


People can carry on living in fear if they wish but not for me, normality beckons when everyone who wants to be double jabbed has been done

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 09:50:43

People can carry on living in fear if they wish but not for me, normality beckons when everyone who wants to be double jabbed has been done

This is where unconcious division is rife at the moment and what we are going to see more of as we come out of this.  Not a criticism but why do you think that people that want to continue taking precautions are "living in fear"?  The majority of those people will see it as doing the responsible thing, better safe than sorry for the slight inconvenience of wearing a mask or observing social distancing occaisionally.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 09:58:50
This is where unconcious division is rife at the moment and what we are going to see more of as we come out of this.  Not a criticism but why do you think that people that want to continue taking precautions are "living in fear"?  The majority of those people will see it as doing the responsible thing, better safe than sorry for the slight inconvenience of wearing a mask or observing social distancing occaisionally.

This appears to be the way of the world at the moment these days. It's similar to the 'woke/snowflake' vs 'gammon' division.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 09:59:16
I don't live in fear. I do all the things I would usually do, only with a mask on.

I might avoid certain places if there's likely to be large crowds, but even then I'm not living in fear. I'm just choosing to do something else instead.

'Living in fear' is a term that's been created to try and belittle people who wear masks. It's actually quite childish.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 10:03:39
Well it’s not because wearing a mask currently is very sensible until everyone is jabbed and it hopefully just becomes another virus that is just knocking around in the background with minimal impact

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 10:06:08
I don't live in fear. I do all the things I would usually do, only with a mask on.

I might avoid certain places if there's likely to be large crowds, but even then I'm not living in fear. I'm just choosing to do something else instead.

'Living in fear' is a term that's been created to try and belittle people who wear masks. It's actually quite childish.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 10:07:20

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 10:29:23
I don't like the "living in fear" argument I would just personally rather not distance or wear masks. For me that's not living. If people want to continue to do that I'm fine with it, I can live life my way and they can do theirs. I was happy with lockdown, stayed inside, wore masks and distanced but now its nearly done we need some sanity back. The vulnerable and elderly are vaccinated, most adults will be vaccinated very soon. Some normality please!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 10:36:44
I don't like the "living in fear" argument I would just personally rather not distance or wear masks. For me that's not living. If people want to continue to do that I'm fine with it, I can live life my way and they can do theirs. I was happy with lockdown, stayed inside, wore masks and distanced but now its nearly done we need some sanity back. The vulnerable and elderly are vaccinated, most adults will be vaccinated very soon. Some normality please!

Exactly, and I agree.  Just pointing out that peoples views are very devisive at the moment, even if they don't realise it.  I don't get why it matters so much to people that some folks want to act in a differnet way to them, and if they don't they get accused of living in fear or being irresponsible.  In the same way that we need to get used to living with the virus, I think some people need to remember how to live with each other also..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 11:40:12
Living in fear and living cautiously are two different things.

It’s certainly around for a while yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 12:24:53
Well it’s not because wearing a mask currently is very sensible until everyone is jabbed and it hopefully just becomes another virus that is just knocking around in the background with minimal impact

This was my point about people in SE.  Flu causes somewhere around 500k deaths a year Globally and Respiratory diseases account for top numbers in most countries every year.  Even with everyone vaccinated, which will take a couple of years globally, "normal" is twice as more likely to die of a respiratory disease/virus than it was before, so people wearing masks may actually be a sensible societal norm for the future.  Like not spitting or shitting in the street - two changes in Western Societal behaviour that had impacts on life expectancy - Cholera, Diphtheria, TB etc.

Why would we want to go back to "normal"?  Why can't people adapt and continue life in new ways if they so choose, many for the better of humanity.

I've not had to drive 45 miles to an office for over a year, loved it.  No intention of reverting to my half and half working weeks as it was before.

Some people may well decide wearing a mask when a little ill but able to carry on as "normal" is a good idea to protect others.  What you have may not kill someone, but it  might, and even if it didn't, isn't it polite not to give it to them?

Workplaces may wake-up to the idea that creating cultures where sick people come to work is not a good idea.  Even if they don't allow full time Work from Home, why not if people are a bit sick but could still work and have the ability to do that from home, or better yet, people take time off to avoid passing shit on.  Again, I dare people to show me a workplace that would want someone in the office with Leprosy (despite it being perfectly treatable these days).

Also, you'd like to think we've learned some stuff about personal space and hygiene - some people feel really uncomfortable when you stand under their nose even without a Pandemic and washing your hands when you have the gift of free flowing clean water in your country is just polite.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 15:36:34
I’ll continue to wear a mask even when it’s not required. In a normal year I get three nasty colds like clockwork, and yet since the pandemic I’ve not had as much as a sniffle which cannot be coincidence. But I won’t be looking down on people that choose not to either. Although I do think the message of considering ones own personal hygiene as an extension of other people’s safety should remain strong (such as religiously washing hands to an extent that was not the norm before). Hopefully the non-mandating of these kind of things won’t stop us learning certain lessons. But, people are free to live their lives in their own way as long as they aren’t breaking any laws in doing so

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 15:51:22
I’ll continue to wear a mask even when it’s not required. In a normal year I get three nasty colds like clockwork, and yet since the pandemic I’ve not had as much as a sniffle which cannot be coincidence. But I won’t be looking down on people that choose not to either. Although I do think the message of considering ones own personal hygiene as an extension of other people’s safety should remain strong (such as religiously washing hands to an extent that was not the norm before). Hopefully the non-mandating of these kind of things won’t stop us learning certain lessons. But, people are free to live their lives in their own way as long as they aren’t breaking any laws in doing so

This is the thing, when we lived in Lancaster, Lancaster Uni had a pretty large student population originating from the far east, the vast majority of whom wore masks every day (years before COVID times), I think its something that has been given some credit for the way its been contained over there compared to here is that there was no fighting social norms to deal with. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 19:19:16
Even if you have had the jabs, doesn't mean you cannot catch it. Everyone needs to take precautions.

Yes, we know you can still catch it. We also know before the jabs the best part of the adult population would either die or take up much needed ICU beds before they died or be totally fucked for weeks once they recovered from something that turned out to be more than ‘just flu’. We now know that if you’re double jabbed you are less likely to pass it on too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 12:33:22
Well who would 'ave thunk it...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 18:00:56
Wait until England win the Euros... Covid heaven.

I've had the text to bring forward my 2nd jab to 8 weeks after the 1st jab rather than 12 weeks so I'll be able to get it done before the planned 'freedom day' nonsense which is a relief. My area still only has only 35% of adults double jabbed so a long way to go yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, July 3, 2021, 07:27:33
I’ve just had two lft come back with incredibly weak positives (there’s not even any pink, you can just barely see a line). Waiting on pcr results now. Has anybody else experienced a weak positive, and if so, how did it pan out?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, July 3, 2021, 07:51:40
I’ve just had two lft come back with incredibly weak positives (there’s not even any pink, you can just barely see a line). Waiting on pcr results now. Has anybody else experienced a weak positive, and if so, how did it pan out?
No, but I know there have been a few 'false positives'. If the tests are out of the same box, that is a possibility. Doing the pcr is the right next step. If it shows negative, I personally would ditch the rest of the lfts in that box and get another set.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, July 3, 2021, 08:28:28
No, but I know there have been a few 'false positives'. If the tests are out of the same box, that is a possibility. Doing the pcr is the right next step. If it shows negative, I personally would ditch the rest of the lfts in that box and get another set.

Both out of the same box. I’m quietly confident my pcr will come back negative and these lft tests will turn out to be duds

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 10:12:53
PCR came back positive. Knew in my water it would

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 10:24:32
I’m quietly confident my pcr will come back negative and these lft tests will turn out to be duds

PCR came back positive. Knew in my water it would


how you feeling?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 10:37:10


how you feeling?

When I posted that I was confident it’d come back negative I was fibbing to myself. Feel like a bit of a wally for that, and rightly so.

As yesterday drew on I started feeling a bit shit and stopped with the wishful thinking, although the stress of not knowing may have added to the shittiness. Feel a bit rough today, but not as bad as I’ve felt with many a common cold. Thankyou for asking 👍

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 10:39:14


how you feeling?

And to be clear, seeing as I thoroughly contradicted myself, my PCR result was positive

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:00:08
glad it's not so bad for you.

as a matter of interest, have your been vaccinated/one or two doses?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:00:43
And what age group are you in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:12:01
glad it's not so bad for you.

as a matter of interest, have your been vaccinated/one or two doses?

One, over two weeks ago. Had the moderna

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:12:17
And what age group are you in

I’m 35

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:14:25
You're quite young in that sense and unlucky to have it. I hope that you recover quickly and are able to get your second jab within the next couple of months

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:15:34
You're quite young in that sense and unlucky to have it. I hope that you recover quickly and are able to get your second jab within the next couple of months

Thankyou, appreciate it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boy About Town on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:22:14
Thankyou, appreciate it.

You’ve bought it on yourself.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:26:38
Quote from: Boy About Town
Thankyou, appreciate it.
You’ve bought it on yourself.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:30:30
Thankyou, appreciate it.

On the flip side you’d likely had a small level of protection but obviously not like two weeks after the second jab.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:38:46
You’ve bought it on yourself.

What a strange thing to post and just a tad insensitive don't you think?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:47:41
What a strange thing to post and just a tad insensitive don't you think?

Pay no heed, he’s trying to wind me up 😉

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:49:12
On the flip side you’d likely had a small level of protection but obviously not like two weeks after the second jab.

Working in education I’m potentially exposed to it a lot. It’s a wonder I’ve managed to go this long without catching it imo.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boy About Town on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 11:52:27
Pay no heed, he’s trying to wind me up 😉

On a serious note if you need any supplies from the shop  :toocool:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 12:06:52
Working in education I’m potentially exposed to it a lot. It’s a wonder I’ve managed to go this long without catching it imo.

I’m in transport, nationwide transport and still had to work through the lockdown last year, I’m surprised I didn’t get it either. Keep rolling six dice and you’ll eventually get six sixes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 12:19:50
Likewise, I kept toiling away throughout 2020.  I had to self isolate at the start of 2021 but, as far as I am aware,  did not catch it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 13:12:30
Likewise, I kept toiling away throughout 2020.  I had to self isolate at the start of 2021 but, as far as I am aware,  did not catch it.

I’ve had to self isolate twice since September thanks to being pinged by track and trace. Also when I came back from the US in December. Those were all doddles as I wasn’t ill. Looking forward to the next ten days like a hole in the head.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 13:13:32
Think I’ll write a novel

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 13:14:30
Got pinged by track and trace last night but only have to isolate for 3 days. Most annoying

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 13:33:30
Got pinged by track and trace last night but only have to isolate for 3 days. Most annoying
My other half had the same, would appear it was because tourists were outside the front of her work taking pictures for 20 or 30 minutes and because windows and doors of her work were open the Bluetooth signal wouldn’t have been sufficiently reduced. She’s now deleted the app as an absolute nonsense having to isolate for reasons such as that, roll on the 19th when all this goes!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 13:38:40
Went out with work last friday, however only 3 of us have been pinged.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 13:46:07
It's a joke the track and trace thing. I've deleted the app now. For instance, my Mrs workplace had someone have Rona months ago. None of her colleagues who had the track and trace app on got told to isolate.

After the antics of our abysmal government I have no goodwill for them at all. I'm doing what's right for me and just being sensible like I've been from the outset really.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 13:47:29
Went out with work last friday, however only 3 of us have been pinged.
It appears really hit and miss, I’ve never got pinged but had texts from UK_Gov. Sounds like all isolation etc will go on the 19th and wearing masks will be up to the individual so all seems a bit pointless now, I’ll probably delete the app in the week before the 19th as Sod’s law I’d get pinged on the 18th.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 13:53:00
It’s an app that certainly has flaws. Many of us at our workplace have deleted it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 14:56:45
sounds like me tans. went out with two mates to the pub for the first time since it kicked off.

was with them all evening on the same outdoor table. went to piss, Nobody else in there.

got pinged 6 days later to isolate 4 days. the only one of us that did.

a nonsense may be a bit strong, but it's obviously technology limited

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 16:44:12
PCR came back positive. Knew in my water it would
Sorry to hear that.  :( Hope you only get mild symptoms and recover quickly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 16:46:01
Think I’ll write a novel
Well, how about a daily journal documenting your experiences?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 17:08:08
Well, how about a daily journal documenting your experiences?

I could do, but if the average day is anything like today it’ll make tiresome reading:

‘Woke up. Thought about getting up. Didn’t. Slept. Thought about getting up again. Didn’t again. Slept some more’.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 17:09:39
Sorry to hear that.  :( Hope you only get mild symptoms and recover quickly.

Thanks 👍 nothing more than mild symptoms as of yet. Just feeling a bit run down and a bit of a cough

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 17:11:28
Don't let the forum run you down!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, July 4, 2021, 17:25:36
Knew the app was a joke when my Mum who works on the hospital wards was told right from the beginning to turn hers off at work

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, July 5, 2021, 11:14:36
Know of a couple of people who've tested positive in the last week, and isolation pings are going everywhere around Swindon. Really frustrating as we seemed to be so near the end.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Monday, July 5, 2021, 11:28:09
Knew the app was a joke when my Mum who works on the hospital wards was told right from the beginning to turn hers off at work
Turning it off if you work in a hospital seems like a pretty sensible idea to me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, July 5, 2021, 11:51:58
Turning it off if you work in a hospital seems like a pretty sensible idea to me.
Sorry i should of been clearer, just turn it off was the request for work not at

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boy About Town on Monday, July 5, 2021, 13:19:29
Turning it off if you work in a hospital seems like a pretty sensible idea to me.

Its what we are drilled to do!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, July 5, 2021, 16:07:52
Everything opening
Face masks not mandatory
Full Stadiums
Double jabbed to under 40’s being reduced to 8 weeks
No need for covid passes to enter places

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, July 5, 2021, 16:49:06

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:33:53
Just took a LFT as I have felt decidedly ropey last 24 hours (not necessarily Covid symptoms just shattered and run down), thankfully negative, but every time I report one they seem to want more and more personal info seems more like a sodding data gathering exercises!

Reflecting on yesterdays presser, personal responsibility being preached by a man who has never taken personal responsibility for his own actions sticks in the throat rather. The whole press conference sounded like Johnson saying how all restrictions are to be lifted on the 19th & Chris Whitty laying out in detail all the reasons why that shouldn’t be happening, I note he said "These decisions are made by ministers and not the scientists".

Mask wearing is primarily to protect other people, so is an inherently selfless act. For whatever reason the government have decided that such actions are not compatible with that part of the electorate who support them and have decided to scrap it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:42:00
There's an argument for letting people get back to life and whatnot.

But there's no reason for people to not wear masks. None. It makes absolutely zero fucking difference to anything at all whatsoever. So it can be a little uncomfortable. I find them uncomfortable, but my discomfort when wearing a mask is just a fraction of that experienced by people on ventilators etc - so I just fucking wear one. And it has zero impact on how I live my life. There *might* be a few exceptions, but in general, just fucking do it! 

And I noticed that Right said Fred are moaning about people choosing to wear masks. First banging on that it should be a choice, and then moaning about people who do exactly that - make a choice. Twats.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:43:50
The government have given the public the green light to act in the same way they do. Selfishly and ignorantly. Seems obvious to me that ending all restrictions is madness at this time. Surely waiting until the majority of people were double jabbed would have been the common sense approach?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:44:29
Its going to be "interesting" for a bit

Some people will understandably want to continue with masks
Some people wil understandable not want to

I say put the mask wearers at the back of the bus and leave the others at the front. The non mask wearers should give up their seat to a mask wearer.

OK Ok. But it seems silly to have such "own choice". Is there even going to be a health benefit to wearing one if not many others do.  Thinking I probably won't bother.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:46:22
Watch the panic set in when Autumn arrives and new cases soar!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:47:35
There's an argument for letting people get back to life and whatnot.

But there's no reason for people to not wear masks. None. It makes absolutely zero fucking difference to anything at all whatsoever. So it can be a little uncomfortable. I find them uncomfortable, but my discomfort when wearing a mask is just a fraction of that experienced by people on ventilators etc - so I just fucking wear one. And it has zero impact on how I live my life. There *might* be a few exceptions, but in general, just fucking do it!  

And I noticed that Right said Fred are moaning about people choosing to wear masks. First banging on that it should be a choice, and then moaning about people who do exactly that - make a choice. Twats.

How prevalent was mask wearing in your neck of the woods before all this shit show kicked off, I only ask as in Lancaster there are a hell of a lot of students from Eastern Asia at the uni and mask wearing was pretty wide spread way before Covid times.

Former WHO and now Independent SAGE member is not a happy bunny...  

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:48:02
If you enforce masks things like nightclubs and what not won’t be able to open. You can’t say you have to wear masks indoors, on transport etc but make things like nightclubs exempt that would be even more shambolic.

If you aren’t wearing a proper fitted mask then the gains are marginal, it’s time for people to make there own decisions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:48:59
I say put the mask wearers at the back of the bus and leave the others at the front. The non mask wearers should give up their seat to a mask wearer.

Not really fair on bus drivers who have already been disproportionately affected by deaths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:50:36
Fave masks obviously obviously worked as Flu and the common cold literally disappeared last winter

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:52:05
If you aren’t wearing a proper fitted mask then the gains are marginal, it’s time for people to make there own decisions.

Are they?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 10:56:34
How prevalent was mask wearing in your neck of the woods before all this shit show kicked off,

It was already fairly common. Now everybody wears them. And why not? It's extremely easy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:06:09
The fucking state of this cunt.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:17:12
The fucking state of this cunt.

I know Fred Fairbrass quite well, had a few beers with him and hes a decent bloke.

I have spoken to him about his views and had arguments as I very much disagree with most of the shit he comes out with, he seems to have taken on the mantra of being the head "anti masker" in the public eye.

No idea why he thinks there is such a conspiracy but he does and it annoys me a fair bit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:18:26
Does he still talk to you if you wear a mask?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:20:04
Went to the dentist yesterday and sitting in the quite warm waiting room for 10/15 mins with a mask on was moderately unpleasant, I have a great respect for people that have to wear them all day, so if they are making that sacrifice, I’m damn sure that I should do so for short periods

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:21:52
I know Fred Fairbrass quite well, had a few beers with him and hes a decent bloke.

I have spoken to him about his views and had arguments as I very much disagree with most of the shit he comes out with, he seems to have taken on the mantra of being the head "anti masker" in the public eye.

No idea why he thinks there is such a conspiracy but he does and it annoys me a fair bit.

This is bringing out the inner conspiracy theorist in a hell of a lot of people, from my social media circle alone the paranoia and tin foil hat wearing is reaching almost flat earth proportions from people who were previously pretty benign on most matters.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:33:08
I see that they have both become quite fat, perhaps if they had worn masks more often they wouldn't be able to put so much cake or chips into their grotesque mouths.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:34:30
I see that they have both become quite fat, perhaps if they had worn masks more often they wouldn't be able to put so much cake or chips into their grotesque mouths.

So not too sexy any more?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:37:49
Does he still talk to you if you wear a mask?
Nope, he blanks any mask wearers, I won't chat to him again until this has all blown over, I have no need for confrontation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:38:09
I have been wearing masks every day for work and I fucking hate it, the day I don’t have to I will be taking it off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:39:28
Nope, he blanks any mask wearers, I won't chat to him again until this has all blown over, I have no need for confrontation.

That appears to be very odd behaviour.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:48:47
I see that they have both become quite fat, perhaps if they had worn masks more often they wouldn't be able to put so much cake or chips into their grotesque mouths.

That actually made me laugh out loud

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:53:01
That appears to be very odd behaviour.
Odd is indeed one way of saying it, he can get very aggressive at times too, he never used to be this much of a twat pre lockdown.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 11:58:01
Odd is indeed one way of saying it, he can get very aggressive at times too, he never used to be this much of a twat pre lockdown.

All joking aside, he could be suffering mentally so probably need to cut him some slack. Hopefully if that is the case he gets the help he needs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 12:55:22
I noted some Doctors have started suggesting that mask wearing should be common place in medical settings in the future.  There is plenty to take from the SE Asian cultures, and as previously noted, they are really not that different from the Western world deciding to stop chucking it's piss and shit on the street or spitting near other people.  It's a common courtesy thing - don't spread what you have/might have.

You can be sensible with it - clearly wearing them in private establishments is not something that can be Govt determined in the future, and if a worry about catching something is your primary concern you'd probably give a nightclub a miss anyway.  However, public transport is there for the common good and as such, it's not too much to ask for a bit, and certainly not an issue if some people feel the need to travel wearing one, surely?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 13:02:51
I don't get why people get so angry and abusive about people wearing masks, labelling them as sheep etc.  You have people wearing other genders clothes, inflatable dinousar outfits and even ridiculous things like Oxford Shirts and people don't even bat an eyelid these days...  why is it a problem if somebody chooses to wear a covering over their mouths and noses..

The world has gone bonkers

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 13:09:33
People are generally quite dismissive of Nudists as well, odd.  Either cover everything up or not at all, in-between stages of clothing are purely subjective and pointless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 13:12:40
Been doing regular tests this week after half of old town pinged to isolate over the weekend, and know of at least two positive cases.

Same weekend one of my bar staff friends got lumped for telling some cunt he had to wear a mask whilst walking round the pub. She's fine but what a prick.

Obviously anyone who lumps barstaff is a cunt, but if these people have to work in these situations, anyone giving any hassle for being made to wear a mask in a pub can absolutely cunt off.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 13:14:50
At a guess I reckon half the people will continue to wear masks and the other half will stop. As long as everyone respects each other’s choice there will be no problem.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 13:45:40
At a guess I reckon half the people will continue to wear masks and the other half will stop. As long as everyone respects each other’s choice there will be no problem.

I think Mr Fred shows that this won't be the case - although an isolated example, you see more and more examples of it every day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 13:50:11
I think Mr Fred shows that this won't be the case - although an isolated example, you see more and more examples of it every day

True. That said from a personal point of view I don’t understand why people get upset over other’s choices. I go in Asda etc and don’t spend anytime checking on who’s wearing a mask or not, simply not my business. I do recall one guy shouting out another guy for not wearing a mask and it got quite heated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Maidenhead Red on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 13:57:28

You can be sensible with it - clearly wearing them in private establishments is not something that can be Govt determined in the future, and if a worry about catching something is your primary concern you'd probably give a nightclub a miss anyway.  However, public transport is there for the common good and as such, it's not too much to ask for a bit, and certainly not an issue if some people feel the need to travel wearing one, surely?

Agree with this. On Trains/Tubes/Buses, it's a bit of a no brainer. In a pub after the 19th, where you sit at a table without your mask on, would you put it on to go to the bar? Personally I wouldn't bother as you're already inside and I'm not sure it makes that much of a  difference if you're standing inside a pub or sitting inside a pub, sans mask. (I may be wrong on that, happy to be proven wrong)

However I understand if you want to wear a mask and you'll get no judgement from me. Do what makes you feel safe.

Are people going to wear them in stadiums do you think? Maybe a mix?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 14:00:11
What do people care if someone else wants to wear a mask? I couldn't give a shit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 14:01:44
What do people care if someone else wants to wear a mask? I couldn't give a shit.

Why do you think people care if you give a shit about if someone wears a mask or not? Do you think you are god or something?  :sherlock:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 14:08:44
I don't care.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 15:49:26
Same weekend one of my bar staff friends got lumped for telling some cunt he had to wear a mask whilst walking round the pub. She's fine but what a prick.

Where was that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: magicroundabout on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 17:18:19
I met my first genuine Covid no believer last night.

She was requiring to be admitted to the hospital I work at and point blank refused a POCT swab, siting her reasons as it's all made up. The people who actually carry the virus are now the ones who are vaccinated and she has "read a lot of information on the internet".

She even informed myself at one point, that the swab going up the nose can affect the brain and she has seen videos of this happening!!!!

I was absolutely astonished at the bullshit which she was speaking. I remained professional and respected her wishes but informed her she might need to reflect on some of the information she is reading on the internet and actually read some of the COVID statistics surrounding infection rates and unfortunate COVID related deaths before dismissing the pandemic as a "Hoax" as she called it.

She dismissed this again and said the government are releasing these figures just to scare us!!

I wish she'd have been in my shoes for the last 18 months as she'd soon realise this shit is real

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 17:34:11
Pubs and restaurants having to close and growing all the time as staff have to isolate. When everything goes stupid after 19th July this is bound to go through the roof until 16th August when that changes to not having to isolate if you've had 2 jabs. They really haven't thought this through have they?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AldbourneRed on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 17:39:30
I met my first genuine Covid no believer last night.

She was requiring to be admitted to the hospital I work at and point blank refused a POCT swab, siting her reasons as it's all made up. The people who actually carry the virus are now the ones who are vaccinated and she has "read a lot of information on the internet".

She even informed myself at one point, that the swab going up the nose can affect the brain and she has seen videos of this happening!!!!

I was absolutely astonished at the bullshit which she was speaking. I remained professional and respected her wishes but informed her she might need to reflect on some of the information she is reading on the internet and actually read some of the COVID statistics surrounding infection rates and unfortunate COVID related deaths before dismissing the pandemic as a "Hoax" as she called it.

She dismissed this again and said the government are releasing these figures just to scare us!!

I wish she'd have been in my shoes for the last 18 months as she'd soon realise this shit is real

For someone to spout that bollocks in public is the definition of moronic. For someone to spout it at a hospital, surrounded by people who will have seen the devastation of the last 18 months first hand, is cuntery of the highest order.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 17:40:43
I met my first genuine Covid no believer last night.

She was requiring to be admitted to the hospital I work at and point blank refused a POCT swab, siting her reasons as it's all made up. The people who actually carry the virus are now the ones who are vaccinated and she has "read a lot of information on the internet".

She even informed myself at one point, that the swab going up the nose can affect the brain and she has seen videos of this happening!!!!

I was absolutely astonished at the bullshit which she was speaking. I remained professional and respected her wishes but informed her she might need to reflect on some of the information she is reading on the internet and actually read some of the COVID statistics surrounding infection rates and unfortunate COVID related deaths before dismissing the pandemic as a "Hoax" as she called it.

She dismissed this again and said the government are releasing these figures just to scare us!!

I wish she'd have been in my shoes for the last 18 months as she'd soon realise this shit is real

That must have been galling.  Well done for keeping it professional.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 18:14:57
Pubs and restaurants having to close and growing all the time as staff have to isolate. When everything goes stupid after 19th July this is bound to go through the roof until 16th August when that changes to not having to isolate if you've had 2 jabs. They really haven't thought this through have they?

They really haven't thought this through have they?

Ooohhhhh nooooooo of course they haven’t. Dick. You come across as being related in some ways to the woman magicroundabout was describing.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 18:27:50
They really haven't thought this through have they?

Ooohhhhh nooooooo of course they haven’t. Dick. You come across as being related in some ways to the woman magicroundabout was describing.

Save the abuse for someone else. Not interested. I'm nothing like that woman though as my views are the total opposite. By they I mean the government and the rate pubs and restaurants are closing back that up as they have staffing issues now. If they thought it through then they've fucked up just like at every other hurdle through this. Have a lovely evening

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 18:29:03
I met my first genuine Covid no believer last night.

She was requiring to be admitted to the hospital I work at and point blank refused a POCT swab, siting her reasons as it's all made up. The people who actually carry the virus are now the ones who are vaccinated and she has "read a lot of information on the internet".

She even informed myself at one point, that the swab going up the nose can affect the brain and she has seen videos of this happening!!!!

I was absolutely astonished at the bullshit which she was speaking. I remained professional and respected her wishes but informed her she might need to reflect on some of the information she is reading on the internet and actually read some of the COVID statistics surrounding infection rates and unfortunate COVID related deaths before dismissing the pandemic as a "Hoax" as she called it.

She dismissed this again and said the government are releasing these figures just to scare us!!

I wish she'd have been in my shoes for the last 18 months as she'd soon realise this shit is real

It’s astonishing how stupid some people can be. I can’t even begin to imagine how somebody winds up being so dense. Hope you are repeatedly reminded how vital a job you do and how much it’s appreciated by the vast majority of us to mitigate cunts like your woman last night

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, 11:52:38
I see that they have both become quite fat, perhaps if they had worn masks more often they wouldn't be able to put so much cake or chips into their grotesque mouths.

Aye he is looking quite rough these days.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, 11:59:51
Isn't that bamboo sans chapeau?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, 14:04:01
Isn't that bamboo sans chapeau?

Hahaha not quite, wouldn't see me dead in fucking sheepskin jacket. I have a mate who looks very similar (in attire and physical look) to him though.

Plus, I do own hair under mon chapeau  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, 14:22:03
Isn't that bamboo sans chapeau?

I worry about him (Wiggins not Bamboo!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, 14:22:55
I worry about him (Wiggins not Bamboo!)

Hang on, the picture of that bald fella with the ginger beard is Bradley Wiggins?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, 15:00:43
Bloody hell I’m deeply dippy now. At first I thought it was Right said Fred, then bamboo, but now I read the bombshell it’s Bradley Wiggins, for some reason!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, 15:25:50
Bloody hell I’m deeply dippy now. At first I thought it was Right said Fred, then bamboo, but now I read the bombshell it’s Bradley Wiggins, for some reason!

And he's clearly too sexy for a shirt either!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, July 9, 2021, 09:15:26
My kids school sent home another year today.

In work, yr 8s and yr 9s off. Two thirds of year 7 only in.

The number of cases in youngsters is definitely rising. We have had more cases in the last week than the whole 18 months or so before.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: pantomime dame on Friday, July 9, 2021, 13:28:29
GWH just shut down one ward for possible 14 days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Friday, July 9, 2021, 17:38:17
At risk of being called a Dick again, I have seen quite a few pubs and restaurants closing today due to having to quarantine in South Devon. This is bound to escalate in the coming days/weeks I'd guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, July 15, 2021, 09:49:09
Childrens ward nurses are being re-trained and enhanced training for Respiratory devices. They predict the childrens ward to go to black in august. Scary times.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, July 15, 2021, 09:58:03
What do you mean by 'go black'?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, July 15, 2021, 10:01:36
They have escalation ratings. Black means full to capacity, with turning people away.

it's scary. There seems to be more yoof affected, yet no news on vaccinating them.

And i'm not trying to scare monger, just stating the facts. i personally think, the restrictions are being lifted too soon but that's my opinion.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, July 15, 2021, 10:05:10

That does not sound at all good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Thursday, July 15, 2021, 10:45:36
My kids school sent home another year today.

In work, yr 8s and yr 9s off. Two thirds of year 7 only in.

The number of cases in youngsters is definitely rising. We have had more cases in the last week than the whole 18 months or so before.

Same with my fiancees school. Pretty much 70% of them isolating including teachers.

Worth noting that none of them are seriously ill at all, and almost all of them have no symptoms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Thursday, July 15, 2021, 10:57:27
Just see what is currently happening in Fiji when is situation simply gets out of control.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, July 15, 2021, 12:46:06
They have escalation ratings. Black means full to capacity, with turning people away.

it's scary. There seems to be more yoof affected, yet no news on vaccinating them.

And i'm not trying to scare monger, just stating the facts. i personally think, the restrictions are being lifted too soon but that's my opinion.
Surely a big part of this is the immunity debt that has built up to other virus and diseases that people haven't had over the last 18 months as much as COVID as lockdowns and reduced social contact has consequences.  There was always going to be a spike when opening, it's unfortunate the delta variant has made the spike bigger but if you can get it out of the way by the end of August before schools go back and autumn/winter sets in where colds and flu become an issue then it does seem the right call.

If we don't do it now it'll end up being Spring 2022 at the earliest and then it's in excess of 2 years living under restrictions which is unfair on the majority and that's not factoring in any new variant that could come along and drag things out further. Supressing it just delays the inevitable, the EU is a good example of that where they kept tighter restrictions in place to try and keep out the delta variant but it course still got in and now all their case rates are rising.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, July 16, 2021, 07:33:53
50k cases yesterday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, July 16, 2021, 07:38:06
This is the important bit out of that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, July 16, 2021, 07:52:32
When the hospitals are full again in a few weeks, and people are saying restrictions were lifted too soon, they will be accused of speaking in hindsight. Despite the fact that it's being said now - before it actually happens. (which makes it the opposite of hindsight)

It's one of the cycles that has borne out throughout the pandemic so far.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 08:04:05
And when you come back from France you now need to self isolate for 10 days. even if double jabbed.

but wait,  France are amber so .

oh didn't we tell you about the amber plus.


I'm not saying it's the wrong thing to do. But FFS,  how is the travel industry meant to survive this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 09:00:41
When the hospitals are full again in a few weeks, and people are saying restrictions were lifted too soon, they will be accused of speaking in hindsight. Despite the fact that it's being said now - before it actually happens. (which makes it the opposite of hindsight)

It's one of the cycles that has borne out throughout the pandemic so far.

For people in my business, or what used to be my business, live music it's difficult.  We've been treated like shit by this government.  We're desperate to get back to doing gigs.  Now we're being allowed to but I really don't think we should be.

Next week Im running a warm up show for Bombay Bicycle Club in Northampton.  Last shows I did with them were 2 nights sold out at Ally Pally in Jan 2020.  Im thrilled to be doing the show but cant help feeling that this is stupidity from the government.  In theory I have a couple of small shows in August with Amber run and Sigrid and then in September I'm back properly.    17 shows mainly on a tour with Black Stone Cherry.  Then it's non stop until Christmas.

If we continue without a break I'll be amazed.  But if we do have to be locked down again, surely the current clowns running the show will shot out of the cannon.  And then the next clown comes in.  Enter your next prime minister Pob (Gove).

So like FH, I don't want to be accused of hindsight.  Despite getting back to doing the things I love, I think it's a stupid idea.

I hope Im wrong.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 09:04:43
It's worth checking whether you can bring forward your 2nd jab. I brought mine forward from 12 August to next Thursday which is exactly 8 weeks from my first jab. You just need to go to manage bookings on the website.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 10:09:42
I managed to get my 2nd jab on Tuesday, exactly 8 weeks from the first one, there was a walk in for the Pfizer jab at Steam.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 10:52:50
Double jabbed now so if nothing else it means I don’t have to isolate after my holiday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 10:54:21
Unless you get pinged on your mobile  :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 11:04:07
Unless you get pinged on your mobile  :pint:

I don’t have that app!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 12:15:10
Quote from: The Grim Reaper
Double jabbed now so if nothing else it means I don’t have to isolate after my holiday.

unless you go to France

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 13:00:08
I see the new health secretary has Covid, days before dropping the rules.

This is going to make quite the Tim Shipman book one day, isn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 13:04:30
And he's been vaccinated twice😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 14:21:04
And he's been vaccinated twice😀

So have 2/3 of the adult population. So?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 14:51:01
And he's been vaccinated twice😀
Just reinforces the point that case numbers are now irrelevant and that opening up is the right thing to do as vaccinations aren’t going to stop everyone getting it, they’ll just reduce the severity in the majority of cases.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 15:14:19
Just reinforces the point that case numbers are now irrelevant and that opening up is the right thing to do as vaccinations aren’t going to stop everyone getting it, they’ll just reduce the severity in the majority of cases.


I’d like to add something I was told a week ago. This from a very good and honest friend who is my age and lives in another part of the country. His daughter is a doctor, very qualified doctor in a hospital. He asked me if I thought the govt were right regarding the 19th. I replied yes 100%. He then relayed this to me.

If you’re a fertile woman who takes the pill you are x 10 more likely to get a blood clot from the pill than the AZ vaccine, this also applies to males in this age group though (before one of you smart arsed wankers say it) clearly they do not obviously take the pill. Whatever the stats are for blood clots from the pill the AZ is clearly a more than viable vaccine. Further more, deaths from double jabbed adults who have taken the AZ jab currently is 0, a big fat zero. The Pfizer is jab is 97% effectiveagainst covid death and the Moderna 95%. So in essence somewhere between 3 & 5% of deaths from covid are from Double jabbed adults. Clearly, being double jabbed won’t stop you getting it but if you think that’s not good enough and you’d rather take your chances and not get jabbed, tough shit if you die, no sympathy from me whatsoever. No excuse not to be jabbed, end of, unless their is a medical reason obviously.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 15:58:20
it's good its this far mild for him too. If the very vast majority of those that are double jabbed get mildish symptoms, job done

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 16:34:10
Personally I think they should stop reporting case numbers now as they are misleading and open to too much scaremongering, it should be restricted to hospital numbers and deaths now but then those numbers are far less dramatic for the headline makers now people are vaccinated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 16:39:53
Bonus payments for making appearance 😀👍

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 07:25:04
Both the PM and Chancellor have joined a handy pilot and been randomly selected to join a group which means they won't have to self isolate.

Pull the other one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Crackity Jones on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 07:52:34
It's good to see that the link between infection, hospitalisation and death has been weakened by the Vaccination program. So in that context it makes sense to open up the country fully.

But on the flip side, with infections rapidly increasing, we increase the potential for new variants to emerge and also we increase the potential for the variants of the virus to "learn" to deal with the vaccine potentially rendering them less effective.

Also its clear that something needs to be done with the test and trace system. With increasing pings businesses and services will grind to a halt because people are self isolating, possibly unnecessarily. Here's hoping the pilot scheme Johnson and Sunak were randomly (yeah right) chosen to participate in is a success.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Processed Beats on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 07:55:39
Both the PM and Chancellor have been randomly selected to join a pilot which means they won't have to self isolate.

Pull the other one.

All animals are equal but those in the Tory party are more equal than others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 07:57:12
You never know who's shagging who either :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 08:09:55
Both the PM and Chancellor have been randomly selected to join a pilot which means they won't have to self isolate.

Pull the other one.
Fake news bro!

They have signed up to a 'pilot programme'.

Something you would expect a leadership team to do if you are trying to encourage change amongst the workforce or in this case the general populous.

There is nothing I can see anywhere about membership of the pilot involving random selection, other than in your post.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 08:12:23
Rules are for the peasants. The government can do what the fuck they like and lie lie lie continually. Good luck herd.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 08:18:55
There's been a positive case in my lads year so now the whole year has to isolate until Friday, meaning he'll miss his last week in Reception. Try explaining to a 5 year old why we can't go to the football field or the park because one of his friends has coronavirus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 08:22:07
Fake news bro!

They have signed up to a 'pilot programme'.

Something you would expect a leadership team to do if you are trying to encourage change amongst the workforce or in this case the general populous.

There is nothing I can see anywhere about membership of the pilot involving random selection, other than in your post.

Randomly joining the pilot is the wrong phrasing yes, you're right - the randomness comes from the pilot scheme randomly allocating participants between self-isolate and don't self-isolate groups (so far, Gove, Johnson and Sunak all came out on the don't self isolate side, which isn't vanishingly long odds but certainly helpful).

But the ability to join the pilot scheme does not appear to open to all, does it? It's not that they're trying to encourage everyone to join this new scheme, because everyone can't. It looks like a dodge of the rules, which at a time when they're asking 500k+ people a week to self-isolate is... well, risky.

It might well, as you suggest, encourage a change amongst the general populace. But not a change that the rules recommend just yet.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 08:24:22
There's been a positive case in my lads year so now the whole year has to isolate until Friday, meaning he'll miss his last week in Reception. Try explaining to a 5 year old why we can't go to the football field or the park because one of his friends has coronavirus.
'Your mate is poorly and you might be poorly too. So, to make sure you are OK, you have to stay at home. I know you might feel ok, but that's because you are really strong. If you went to the football field or park, you might pass it on to someone who isn't as fit and strong as you. Hey! How about we spend some time doing X, Y or Z?'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 08:36:56
Randomly joining the pilot is the wrong phrasing yes, you're right - the randomness comes from the pilot scheme randomly allocating participants between self-isolate and don't self-isolate groups (so far, Gove, Johnson and Sunak all came out on the don't self isolate side, which isn't vanishingly long odds but certainly helpful).

But the ability to join the pilot scheme does not appear to open to all, does it? It's not that they're trying to encourage everyone to join this new scheme, because everyone can't. It looks like a dodge of the rules, which at a time when they're asking 500k+ people a week to self-isolate is... well, risky.
I know someone who spent much of last week trying to 'encourage' people to come back in to the work place, which has a plethora of covid-secure rules in place. Their staff didn't feel 'comfortable' sitting near someone who's child had to stay home because there was someone in their class that had tested positive. They said that another person has allegedly been close to a someone a week ago that has now tested positive - so felt they should isolate for the good of the team!

We have to get the country back on its feet. The vaccination programme is all about protecting those who are most vulnerable so that we can start trying to let everyone lead more normal lives. We can't flick a switch, but we can transition. The self isolation thing is an extreme precaution. We have to look for other, less risk averse measures, now the most vulnerable parts of our community have had the opportunity to protect themselves (don't get me on to anti-vaxers).

To be honest, if we are looking for 'guinea pigs' then I can't think of many more odious men that I would want to test something out on than BJ!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 08:45:13
Both my girls are having to self-isolate because of positive cases in their classes. The eldest is in year 6 and will miss the end of school stuff because of this. I previously respected the self-isolating rules and why they were needed, but now we're actually having to do it it's all a bit farcical given that me and the wife can carry on as usual but the kids aren't allowed to leave home.

Whether there actually are positive cases in school, or whether some unscrupulous parents just want to get away for their summer holiday a bit early is something that crossed my mind.

Cases rising is only a worry for me if hospitals start to get overwhelmed again. Child no.3 is due in three weeks time and I could do without the hospital being in crisis mode.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 09:27:57
I don't think the NHS app is working as it can be manipulated to suit depending on your morals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 09:56:23
They are now self isolating.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 09:58:34
A bloke at work said his mates he watched football with got pinged so he deleted the app because he wanted to work overtime this week end and didn't want to be sent home and miss out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 10:28:44
They are now self isolating.
The fact that BJ and Rishi have now decided not to be part of the pilot shows a LACK of leadership in my book!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 11:25:35
A bloke at work said his mates he watched football with got pinged so he deleted the app because he wanted to work overtime this week end and didn't want to be sent home and miss out.

Problem with the app is that it is not reliable enough. To many people are being pinged when in reality they probably haven’t been in close contact with anyone with it. Others like myself were pinged at work randomly but luckily we have Covid testing kits on site. We all tested negative so ignored the ping. Does that make us morally wrong? Some of us based on that experience decided to delete the app as there is a danger of people self isolating for no reason, especially troublesome when you only get paid SSP at the company I work for. I’m double jabbed and if we all exercise common sense we will get through this. There was a great program on the Jeremy Vine Radio 2 last week about phantom pings.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 11:44:36
Agreed, also there have been a few younger lads who couldn't wait to get sent home even though they were fine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, July 18, 2021, 12:03:12
soapy tit wank at the u turn. Fucking chancers. Was there really a "pilot scheme" in the first place?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, July 19, 2021, 16:18:16
Boris Johnson says “some of life’s most important pleasures and opportunities are likely to be increasingly dependent on vaccination”

Basically telling to people to have ir or they wont be able to do things

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, July 19, 2021, 16:23:08
Boris Johnson says “some of life’s most important pleasures and opportunities are likely to be increasingly dependent on vaccination”

Basically telling to people to have ir or they wont be able to do things

Was always going to happen unfortunately.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, July 19, 2021, 16:37:24
everyone can go clubbing up to September.

From then you need to be double jabbed.

it's unfortunate, but it's not compulsory to be vaccinated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Monday, July 19, 2021, 19:17:00
SBC kerbside recycling going to monthly collections instead of fortnightly from today due to staff having to isolate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, July 19, 2021, 20:16:12
Great, that's why my full recycling boxes are still sat at the roadside. Have to bin it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 06:41:43
Great, that's why my full recycling boxes are still sat at the roadside. Have to bin it.

Some people's will have got collected as normal. If yours didn't, try again in 2 weeks, then it goes monthly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 06:50:44
I'll put them back out in a fortnight. Trouble is the boxes are pretty much brimmed every 2 weeks, 4 weeks will need bigger boxes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 07:05:33
I'll put them back out in a fortnight. Trouble is the boxes are pretty much brimmed every 2 weeks, 4 weeks will need bigger boxes.

It’s an inconvenience that’s for sure. However, on the flip side, maybe there is an opportunity for ALL of us to look carefully about what we buy and the consequences of the waste we have to dispose of. For instance, wine boxes instead of bottles, still produces waste but the volume to dispose of is less. Bottles of fizzy drinks instead of cans, cheaper and less waste. In our house I meticulously crush all cans and as best I can plastic bottles. Plain brown cardboard boxes the type Amazon deliver and such like I rip up and they go in my compost bin. All shredded documents too. We have a Britta water filter and the water bottles I take in my van get filled repeatedly for very little cost. Tea and coffee is nicer too. Just need to think outside the box sometimes. Did you know that cardboard can generally be recycled only seven times before the fibres breakdown and are rendered useless?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 07:20:37
Here's a copy of the text from the email I received.....

Swindon Borough Council

Temporary changes to recycling collections in Swindon   View in browser
Important information about your waste and recycling collections
Due to a surge in staff shortages because of the continued impacts of COVID-19 and current staff sickness, alongside a national shortage of HGV drivers, we’re currently unable to provide our standard recycling service.

From today (19 July) all households across the Borough will move to a temporary four weekly recycling box collection (paper, cardboard, tins, glass). All other waste collections remain unchanged.

Due to the complicated nature of the collection rounds, please read the below information carefully.

If your recycling collection is due this week (week commencing 19 July), you should put your recycling boxes out as normal. If your recycling is collected, your next collection will take place in four weeks’ time (week commencing 16 August). If your recycling is not collected within 24 hours, please bring it in and put it back out on your next collection day in two weeks’ time (week commencing 2 August).

If your recycling collection is due next week (week commencing 26 July), you should put your recycling boxes out as normal next week. If your recycling is collected, your next collection will take place in four weeks’ time (week commencing 23 August). If your recycling is not collected within 24 hours, please bring it in and put it back out on your next collection day (week commencing 9 August).

We will keep this under regular review and will return to our normal service as soon as possible. We’ll let you know as soon as anything changes and our website is currently being updated with further advice.

During this period the recycling crews will be collecting additional recycling, providing it is presented in sturdy containers. Excess cardboard must be broken down into manageable pieces and bundled neatly next to recycling boxes ready for collection.

Please note these changes don’t affect black wheelie bin, blue bag, plastic recycling, food waste, garden waste or clinical waste collections. If you receive any of these services, these will continue as normal.

Thank you for your understanding and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please share this message with friends, family and neighbours in Swindon Borough, as well as those you know don’t have internet access.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 07:28:11
I assume we will get a small percentage of our council tax refunded - rather than the council allowing us to fully pay for services they do not provide

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 07:29:32
I'll put them back out in a fortnight. Trouble is the boxes are pretty much brimmed every 2 weeks, 4 weeks will need bigger boxes.

Yeah mine too, I'm lucky enough to have some spare boxes though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 07:31:07
I assume we will get a small percentage of our council tax refunded - rather than the council allowing us to fully pay for services they do not provide

Refuse collection accounts for about £2 a month of your council tax. The rest is social care.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 07:33:18
Refuse collection accounts for about £2 a month of your council tax. The rest is social care.

Bit of an exaggeration. Here's the real figures:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 07:33:47
Two quid is two quid  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 07:37:16
They'll maybe create parishes within the already ridiculous parishes? Grass cutting has gone to pot too this year which they were created to tackle. I get the wild grass areas for butterflies and bees etc and that should be encouraged (if that's even why some areas are not being cut regularly) I'm on about the other areas neglected like they were prior to the parishes being created.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 08:21:23
Come on you lot, prime time to get together for a picture with your arms folded looking fumin' which can go in the Advertiser.

On recycling can't you just take it to the local place, we live in a little village and everything bar glass can be disposed of in large bins at the recycling spot in the village? Don't know why this isn't adopted in the UK, in France they don't do kerbside, just have bins in various locations that people take it to as and when required.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 08:31:09
Trouble is going to the tip is like going through airport security these days. I'd take it to the tip local to where I work as it's a smaller set up than the Swindon one, but because I don't live nearby I can't. Bloody stupid if you ask me.

Actually, I could take it to Asda or Sainsbury as they have the recycling bins outside.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 08:33:15
It’s quite simple, once the recycle bins are full the rest goes in the wheelie bin 🤷‍♂️

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 08:38:01
I did think the last page or so sounded like it should have been in a 1st world problems thread..

Won't somebody think of the kids...

I guess everybody is running out of things to get angry about now that the Grand prix result has died down..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 08:41:15
At least any lazy fuckers will only have to get off the sofa once a month to put the bins out instead of twice!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 08:47:04
I did think the last page or so sounded like it should have been in a 1st world problems thread..

Won't somebody think of the kids...

I guess everybody is running out of things to get angry about now that the Grand prix result has died down..

I was thinking more mumsnet.....  ;) ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 08:52:26
The way things are going he will still be playing a similar standard to us!

Who Boris?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 08:54:44
You highlighted my mistake😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 09:07:17

Actually, I could take it to Asda or Sainsbury as they have the recycling bins outside.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 09:10:52
I'll still recycle and will just bundle it up and crush the cans etc. No biggy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 09:16:05
I'll still recycle and will just bundle it up and crush the cans etc. No biggy.

Or drink less beer?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 09:22:48
Or drink less beer?  :)

Absolutely not :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 09:29:53
Just out of interest how big are these recycling boxes?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 09:59:17
They should be 55 litres. Most councils use 240 litre bins fortnightly so the average family would need 8 boxes per month or a fat bastard to squash everything.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 10:04:04
They should be 55 litres. Most councils use 240 litre bins fortnightly so the average family would need 8 boxes per month or a fat bastard to squash everything.

West Northants just uses the 240 litre bins fortnightly also and we just put all acceptable recycling straight into that, our recycling bin is generally pretty full after the 2 weeks so I think we'd struggle if this was stretched to a month. Are the boxes so you separate the different recycling types? Just trying to ascertain the point of the boxes if you have the bin anyway?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 10:10:07
One box for cardboard, another for cans and bottles. The plastic is bagged up separately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cookie on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 10:11:16
I think swindon still sort at the kerbside into compartments on the truck so it does help the crews if people sort into different boxes but I don't think it's a requirement. Kerbside sort is the best method for quality, less rejections etc. But it is bloody hard work and is relatively slow.

Disruption in waste services is becoming a problem in a lot of places because of covid and brexit.

That's a Have I got news for you industry news site contender although no paper version unfortunately.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 10:13:58
I think swindon still sort at the kerbside into compartments on the truck so it does help the crews if people sort into different boxes but I don't think it's a requirement. Kerbside sort is the best method for quality, less rejections etc. But it is bloody hard work and is relatively slow.

Disruption in waste services is becoming a problem in a lot of places because of covid and brexit.

That's a Have I got news for you industry news site contender although no paper version unfortunately.

Thanks. That explains why our Council Tax is so bloody high then that us minions don't need to sort our recycling!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 10:23:54
I have now jumped over to Vale of White Horse from Swindon Council - I don't miss the numerous small recycling boxes that I used to use in Swindon - now put all recycling in one large wheelie stlye bin - much easier.  And we have a seperate foodwaste/composte bin which is great as well - our rubbish bin now smells much better than when food waste was all in..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 10:32:55
I have now jumped over to Vale of White Horse from Swindon Council - I don't miss the numerous small recycling boxes that I used to use in Swindon - now put all recycling in one large wheelie stlye bin - much easier.  And we have a seperate foodwaste/composte bin which is great as well - our rubbish bin now smells much better than when food waste was all in..

Sounds the same as us. Recycling bin, garden waste bin, general waste bin and then a smaller food waste bin. It seems to work well.

In London we had no bins at all (Wandsworth) so on Tuesday nights our flat would have bags upon bags of recycling and rubbish outside the front of it. Foxes and other wildlife would have a field day and the street would stink in summer on bin day. I used to hate that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 11:17:07
Sounds the same as us. Recycling bin, garden waste bin, general waste bin and then a smaller food waste bin. It seems to work well.

In London we had no bins at all (Wandsworth) so on Tuesday nights our flat would have bags upon bags of recycling and rubbish outside the front of it. Foxes and other wildlife would have a field day and the street would stink in summer on bin day. I used to hate that.

Apart from the Garden Waste (which you have to pay for separately) we don't have bins. Black bags for General waste (including food) & Green for Recycling.

At our previous house it was much the same, except we had bins rather than bags.

It seems a bit bonkers that every council seems to do it a different way, you would think they'd have worked out by now what is best & all do it that way

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 11:19:32
The old metal Dusnins in the 70's worked just fine!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 11:45:01
I have now jumped over to Vale of White Horse from Swindon Council - I don't miss the numerous small recycling boxes that I used to use in Swindon - now put all recycling in one large wheelie stlye bin - much easier.  And we have a seperate foodwaste/composte bin which is great as well - our rubbish bin now smells much better than when food waste was all in..
ditto, I quite enjoy the foodwaste caddy too

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 11:47:11
The old metal Dusnins in the 70's worked just fine!

Noisy though, and the lid never fitted properly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 12:13:40
The app is useless.

We have staff being told to isolate, as they were in classes on a different floor. They didn't even see the other member of staff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 12:14:52
Only cost the taxpayer 37 billion quid though....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, July 22, 2021, 08:56:26
My son went back to school last week after a student tested positive. Now a member of staff has tested positive and he maybe off again. Another period of isolation!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, July 22, 2021, 09:05:33
The app is useless.

We have staff being told to isolate, as they were in classes on a different floor. They didn't even see the other member of staff.

Is the app useless, or is it just that a shit load of people are getting the Rona at the moment. The app is the same as it was previously, the proliferation of pings (good band name that) is because of the proliferation of cases, not the app.

My son went back to school last week after a student tested positive. Now a member of staff has tested positive and he maybe off again. Another period of isolation!

When do they finish, all broke up for summer up here last week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, July 22, 2021, 09:29:38
finished Tuesday/Wednesday for the most part.

I know because both my sons and my teacher wife tell me constantly they are on holiday

"get a full time job" is not a wise response

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, July 22, 2021, 09:44:18
Swindon Primaries finish tomorrow unless they have inset. Oxfordshire schools finish today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, July 23, 2021, 15:38:05
I see cases are steadily declining now, we should be touching 70k according to all the doom and gloom models yet we are half that and had a 30% drop in cases in the last 7 days. Speaks volumes about the media that there’s very little coverage of what is very positive news instead they are  only wanting to focus on the negative constantly!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, July 23, 2021, 15:41:38
I see cases are steadily declining now, we should be touching 70k according to all the doom and gloom models yet we are half that and had a 30% drop in cases in the last 7 days. Speaks volumes about the media that there’s very little coverage of what is very positive news instead they are  only wanting to focus on the negative constantly!

Fingers crossed it continues to fall, but the numbers now won't reflect the easing of restrictions on Monday just yet, right? Assuming it takes ~10 days or so to incubate, the next week or two will be crucial.

A bit odd that cases seem to be dropping and yet people pinged on the app continues to rise? Would expect those to be in line with each other.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, July 23, 2021, 15:48:07
Fingers crossed it continues to fall, but the numbers now won't reflect the easing of restrictions on Monday just yet, right? Assuming it takes ~10 days or so to incubate, the next week or two will be crucial.

A bit odd that cases seem to be dropping and yet people pinged on the app continues to rise? Would expect those to be in line with each other.
But then the schools being out will probably largely negate that hopefully. The BBC for example are barely mentioning the reduction in cases, it’s just irritating that unless it’s negativity they don’t want to report it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Friday, July 23, 2021, 18:09:38
But then the schools being out will probably largely negate that hopefully. The BBC for example are barely mentioning the reduction in cases, it’s just irritating that unless it’s negativity they don’t want to report it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 05:58:53
For balance, hospitalisations of people with covid are rising.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 11:30:12
Quote from: Arriba
For balance, hospitalisations of people with covid are rising.
was inevitable I suppose.

I assume though that it's a massively lower rate than last peak?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mister Lorenzo on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 11:41:11
For balance, hospitalisations of people with covid are rising.

What we don't know is how many of them have been double vaccinated?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 11:49:12
For balance, hospitalisations of people with covid are rising.

But then if cases continue to fall then by definition they will drop back down as well. It would just be nice to see a potential positive move downwards get the same coverage as the rises and doom and gloom. All we seem to get a attempts to put a negative slant on the fall from pathetic self proclaimed experts like independent sage who have been wrong throughout but still get National coverage.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 12:16:18
was inevitable I suppose.

I assume though that it's a massively lower rate than last peak?

Nowhere near. The peak in January was over 4000 daily hospitalisation, currently around the 800 mark.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 12:37:31
What we don't know is how many of them have been double vaccinated?

According to Sir Patrick Vallance - 60% are from unvaccinated

Sir Patrick Vallance
Jul 19
Correcting a statistic I gave at the press conference today, 19 July. About 60% of hospitalisations from covid are not from double vaccinated people, rather 60% of hospitalisations from covid are currently from unvaccinated people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 13:38:06

It just gets better….

Oh and another drop in number new cases by 5k today, over 40% lower than last Saturday!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 16:54:06
Must have been related to the Euros & Wimbledon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 18:07:46
Went to the Ibiza Classic Event at Bowood last night. Was great to see thousands of people dancing in front of the stage and enjoying themselves again. Brilliant night, would throughly recommend next year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 18:34:21
Been a slight decrease in those being tested too, which you’d expect with a decrease in cases if it really is spreading less

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 18:55:48
Been a slight decrease in those being tested too, which you’d expect with a decrease in cases if it really is spreading less

Testing is down about 5% or something like that isn’t it so doesn’t really cancel out the fact cases are down 40%+ compared to last Saturday. Not that it seems to stop the doom and gloomers trying to use it as an excuse. There are too many that seem to want cases to go up just so they can say the government were wrong to relax restrictions, I just don’t get that mentality….

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, July 24, 2021, 19:11:47

Testing is down about 5% or something like that isn’t it so doesn’t really cancel out the fact cases are down 40%+ compared to last Saturday. Not that it seems to stop the doom and gloomers trying to use it as an excuse. There are too many that seem to want cases to go up just so they can say the government were wrong to relax restrictions, I just don’t get that mentality….

The doom and gloomers are misunderstanding the stats. Testing goes down because there are fewer people getting symptoms (because the virus is spreading less) and thus fewer tests are required. Completely agree with your views on the BBC coverage too, by the way. They seem to revel in cases climbing but are much quieter when they fall

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nick Bamosomi on Monday, July 26, 2021, 14:17:05

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, July 26, 2021, 14:24:17

I fucking hate people sometimes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ginginho on Monday, July 26, 2021, 14:28:44

Even her son thinks she's a cunt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, July 26, 2021, 14:31:30
Even her son thinks she's a cunt

Feel for the guy. Must be difficult to speak out so strongly against your own mother even if she’s so clearly wrong

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, July 26, 2021, 15:00:40
Bit milfy though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, July 26, 2021, 15:10:51
Bit milfy though

From a distance. Close up, naaaah

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, July 26, 2021, 15:20:43
People never cease to amaze me at how dumb they are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, July 26, 2021, 16:00:20
People never cease to amaze me at how dumb they are.
Well, Darwin's theory will take care of this lot in time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, July 26, 2021, 17:20:40
Well, Darwin's theory will take care of this lot in time.

This is the problem with the modern world, Darwin's theory no longer holds as true as it once did - really stupid people can live a long life and provide the world with little stupid people.  The marvel of modern medicine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Monday, July 26, 2021, 19:13:38
She's got attention, she's got an audience. Doesn't matter what shit comes out of the mouth. She's got what she wanted. Go public, talk shit and the power of social media will seek out followers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, July 26, 2021, 19:45:36
She's got attention, she's got an audience. Doesn't matter what shit comes out of the mouth. She's got what she wanted. Go public, talk shit and the power of social media will seek out followers.

Exactly this. She'll be making a fortune off this too.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 06:15:03
Is getting people vaccinated a back door approach to national ID schemes?

Will we now be eternally controlled about what we can and cannot do?

I’ve gone all conspiracy theorist!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 06:41:32
Is getting people vaccinated a back door approach to national ID schemes?

Will we now be eternally controlled about what we can and cannot do?

I’ve gone all conspiracy theorist!

Well seeing as Bambo can apparently hack my account on here and you live in a foreign country with dubious scruples I’d have thought that was the least of your worries.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 06:44:20
Wtf have I got to be worried about. All good here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 07:00:34
Wtf have I got to be worried about. All good here.

Nearer the equator the more corrupt the governments are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 07:17:48
Like Putin, then?  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 07:56:02
Like Putin, then?  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Putin? Corrupt?, that bastion of socialism and democracy? Nooooo.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 08:36:40
Well seeing as Bambo can apparently hack my account on here and you live in a foreign country with dubious scruples I’d have thought that was the least of your worries.

You do realise he was making a joke due to the length of your post right?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 09:09:53
You do realise he was making a joke due to the length of your post right?

Yes I do. Sometimes it’s fun to play along.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 09:39:33
Exactly this. She'll be making a fortune off this too.

It's the same with the flat earthers and the global warming deniers. Get enough nonsense spread through social media and you get hits onto your youtube channel. I'm susprised people can't see through this. It's basically scamming.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 10:06:10
It's the same with the flat earthers and the global warming deniers. Get enough nonsense spread through social media and you get hits onto your youtube channel. I'm susprised people can't see through this. It's basically scamming.

The same thing goes for Yaxley-Lennon and his ilk. I bet he's making a small fortune after claiming he's gone bankrupt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, August 1, 2021, 11:36:44
It's all going very pear-shaped out here.

Hospitals are full and not taking emergency cases. One of my wife's friends suffered a leg fracture and had to wait for 3 days before seeing a doctor. Some people are dying at home, or even in the street - literally. There's likely to be a full lockdown in the next week or two if cases keep on rising.

My pig is sick and I couldn't get him to the usual vet because it's been turned into a makeshift void hospital. They're literally treating people at vets.

Getting my first jab on Saturday, and I'll try not to have a heart attack or something for a while.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, August 1, 2021, 12:23:29
bloody hell flash.

try and stay safe mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, August 1, 2021, 15:08:25
Not long back from a 3 day break to Covent Garden in London and it was like it was pre pandemic, all hustle and bustle, all the bars and cafes busy. Was good to see and be part of. Mask wearing virtual non existent. Stopped at Asda on way back to get a few essentials and noticed a huge shift towards non mask wearing too compared to last weekend, I’d say as much as 70/30 split .

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: @mwooly63 on Sunday, August 1, 2021, 17:25:27
Workmate went to Birmingham last weekend on a stag do and said the same.
Tested positive tuesday at home then the same wednesday at the park and ride.
As we spend break times together its 10 days off for me, thru work not the T&T.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Sunday, August 1, 2021, 19:15:54
I was at westfield white city yesterday. Most were wearing masks and keeping their distance.  The problem is, if not everyone is wearing masks it makes a mockery of the process. Masks only reduce the flow of 'air' not completely stop it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, August 1, 2021, 19:48:12
My sister and her husband have covid. Both double jabbed and quite ill with it. Herd immunity is what we have here in the UK. Plenty more people will die or get long covid yet. It didn't have to be this way.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, August 1, 2021, 19:48:51
we don't have herd immunity

I hope they are better soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, August 1, 2021, 19:58:36
I was at westfield white city yesterday. Most were wearing masks and keeping their distance.  The problem is, if not everyone is wearing masks it makes a mockery of the process. Masks only reduce the flow of 'air' not completely stop it.

When I had covid both my lodgers self isolated with me and neither caught it during that time. Having said that, I religiously went into any room other than my bedroom, which I left twice a day tops, with two masks on and my hands thoroughly sanitised, so it can work on a small scale with a minority strictly doing those two things. But I'd agree that on a larger scale like a shopping centre 'most' probably doesn't cut it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, August 1, 2021, 20:24:54

This is an interesting read regarding herd immunity. While we aren’t there yet, we may well be approaching. This is taking into account factors such as the Euros and its effect on the ‘pingdemic’ and a general rise in cases, alongside the drop in cases we’ve seen in the last ten or so days. Overall it paints a relatively rosy picture

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, August 2, 2021, 08:25:00
I don’t get why herd immunity and striving for it appears to be such a bad thing for some. Ultimately herd immunity through a combination of the vaccine and natural antibodies is the only way out of this long term. All other measures only suppress it and delay the inevitable so unless you carry on with the measures forever we’ll never get back to normal.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, August 2, 2021, 09:13:51
It's not herd immunity per se that's that people have had a problem with - it's the means that some people were willing to use to achieve it.

But I suspect you knew that already. Strawmen are easier to attack, after all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, August 2, 2021, 13:21:00
I don’t get why herd immunity and striving for it appears to be such a bad thing for some. Ultimately herd immunity through a combination of the vaccine and natural antibodies is the only way out of this long term. All other measures only suppress it and delay the inevitable so unless you carry on with the measures forever we’ll never get back to normal.

Well, not really.  Right now that does appear to be the only way out of this because of the faff for the original 3 months that enabled it to become so widespread.  We most certainly never reached herd immunity for SARS-Covid 1, we suppressed the spread.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 08:55:50
About to start my internal flight from Washington to Atlanta having flown from Heathrow to Washington yesterday. Showed my required documents at Heathrow (proof of Covid recovery, test certificates for my kids etc) but have had to show absolutely nothing to prove either mine or my kid’s Covid status going through customs yesterday or today Stateside. I had about eight pages of things I was told I’d need but we’ve just breezed through it all without requiring any of it. It’s seemed incredibly lax. Might be part of the reason that the US’s Covid comeback seems to stalling

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 12:35:17
Yes US doesn't have any great effort on checking Covid related things - mainly because it's so disparate over here in terms of providers and documentation I imagine.  Immigration paper though, that's another thing.

Wave at me when you get here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 15:02:37
Just got back from the States and I need to have a little rant about the testing:

I had to take a test before I came back, no complaints there. Now that I'm home I have to take a test on day 2, a test to release on day 5 (again I understand the reasoning for that) but then I still have to take another on day 8 even though I'm deemed ok to re enter the world when my day 5 comes back negative (which it will unless I get a false positive). Can somebody explain why I'm safe to leave the house on day 5 but still have to pay for a test 3 days later which, to me, seems utterly pointless? I cannot see the reasoning at all. It didn't cost me too much money but I had to search high and low for the best deals; some testing companies are charging two or three times what I've paid and I'm sure there are plenty that will have been suckered into paying those inflated prices. Seems like this testing regime is open to profiteering at best, a racket at worse. What have I missed that makes this a reasonable way to do things?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 15:17:25
What have I missed that makes this a reasonable way to do things?

The death of the welfare state and the victory of ultraliberal capitalism.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 15:19:22
While I’m moaning, I might as well do something useful. If anyone needs testing kits for travel and doesn’t want to get totally ripped off, here’s where I got my 2 and 8:

And here was where I got my pre departure tests and my day 5:

Those were the cheapest I could find

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 15:21:46
Just as we’d gone a week with no Covid posts!

I presume cronyism is rearing it’s head so Boris’ chums can keep their snouts in the trough.

Been a licence to print money for some.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 15:27:57
Just got back from the States and I need to have a little rant about the testing:

I had to take a test before I came back, no complaints there. Now that I'm home I have to take a test on day 2, a test to release on day 5 (again I understand the reasoning for that) but then I still have to take another on day 8 even though I'm deemed ok to re enter the world when my day 5 comes back negative (which it will unless I get a false positive). Can somebody explain why I'm safe to leave the house on day 5 but still have to pay for a test 3 days later which, to me, seems utterly pointless? I cannot see the reasoning at all. It didn't cost me too much money but I had to search high and low for the best deals; some testing companies are charging two or three times what I've paid and I'm sure there are plenty that will have been suckered into paying those inflated prices. Seems like this testing regime is open to profiteering at best, a racket at worse. What have I missed that makes this a reasonable way to do things?

'Cos there is money to be made, one only has to compare the price of tests over here with the price in just about every other country and note someone is making a fortune.

Speaking to my mate who is heavily involved in vaccination roll out and delivery, apparently the take up in under 30's is absolutely shocking and under 40's isn't much better.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 15:41:44
While I’m moaning, I might as well do something useful. If anyone needs testing kits for travel and doesn’t want to get totally ripped off, here’s where I got my 2 and 8: (

And here was where I got my pre departure tests and my day 5: (

Those were the cheapest I could find
easyjet2021 code for randox discount ;)

day 8 as you could still show as late as then then. it's a fail-safe to stop people slipping through the day 5 then bring infectious.

that said, with amber and fully vaccinated only need to do a day 2 test. yay

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 16:04:28
or For 10% off individual kits and packages, enter discount code TRAVELCOUNSELLORS in the coupon code box at checkout.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 17:00:18

Speaking to my mate who is heavily involved in vaccination roll out and delivery, apparently the take up in under 30's is absolutely shocking and under 40's isn't much better.

about 57 % first dose and 40% 2nd dose for 19-40 year olds

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, August 20, 2021, 19:27:59
deeply dickhead

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, August 20, 2021, 19:50:36
‘But full credit to the NHS, they were non-judgemental and very open to how you wanted to be treated – and my treatment was just keeping my oxygen levels up for a week.’

This really fucked me off. Of course they are non judgemental, because they are super professionals who genuinely want to help people even in the face of people like you who refuse to help themselves or others. He’s a fucking idiot

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, August 20, 2021, 20:35:19
What a cunt. Go and spend 14 hours with a nurse on a night shift for fuck all money.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, August 23, 2021, 08:44:50
The South west is now the coronavirus hotspot of the UK

A guy in Twitter @avds number crunches the last 7 days numbers.

As you can see from the south-West attachment, the cases seem to concentrate around holiday hotspots. Glad I went abroad!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, August 23, 2021, 13:59:51
What is wrong with these idiots? If you don't want the jab then fine, but storming a building and battling police. Morons.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, August 23, 2021, 14:05:05
What is wrong with these idiots? If you don't want the jab then fine, but storming a building and battling police. Morons.

I assume they are trying to intimidate the MSM (main stream media) who they believe are propagating fear around the 'scandemic'. Total whelks the lot of them. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, August 23, 2021, 14:10:26
Some of them stormed BBC HQ a few weeks back.

That is, the BBC HQ that hasn't been the BBC HQ for years.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, August 23, 2021, 14:11:01
Some of them stormed BBC HQ a few weeks back.

That is, the BBC HQ that hasn't been the BBC HQ for years.

haha, yeah I saw that. It was moved up to Salford from London some time ago wasn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, August 23, 2021, 14:27:41
Some of them stormed BBC HQ a few weeks back.

That is, the BBC HQ that hasn't been the BBC HQ for years.

Irony being they are the ones who will challenge everyone to "do their own research" :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Friday, September 3, 2021, 17:52:02
A pity that we don't have separate orifices for breathing & communicating and ingesting food and more importantly drink.
Could then keep a face covering & quaff an ale or two at the same time.
Then again a lot more people in recent times sound a lot more muffled when they are talking and sat down. So maybe they know something I don't.

Anyway, I'm assuming that there are more nasties out there at the moment that are finishing off greater than the hundred odd a day that Covid is managing?
Is there any mileage in still publishing the death toll?
Of much more interest would be a detailed breakdown in terms of no jabs, single jab, doubled jabbed and age range.
All for a third jab for the over 50's and most vulnerable & don't understand the dithering over a final decision.
Appreciate that the potential impact of having a flu jab plus another Covid jab in close proximity time wise might need to be looked into.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, September 3, 2021, 18:02:22
My daughter's been jabbed.

Partly because she has pre-existing conditions, and partly because it's been subsidized by the British government so our spawn gets priority out here.

Good thing I had the foresight to be born in Britain.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Friday, September 3, 2021, 18:18:22
Learn something new everyday FH.
Cambodia looks to to be leading the way in your part of the world.

The UK will be giving 4m jabs to Australia apparently.
I guess that helping to free up movement is seen as being in the national interest.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, September 3, 2021, 18:29:38
I guess that helping to free up movement is seen as being in the national interest.

Oh, yeah. They're not doing it out of altruism.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, September 20, 2021, 20:16:24
US to allow fully vaccinated passengers to travel from the beginning of November.

While this is obviously big news for people like me who have a stake in the issue of US/UK travel, it’s also a sign that we may be reaching a new world where the stark realities of Covid are accepted. Covid is still a genuine issue but we’ve probably reached a point where it and it’s consequences are accepted as something we have to deal with; I can’t imagine the decision to reverse the closing of the trans-Atlantic corridor is something that Covid will be affect in the future

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 08:38:50
I agree

The fact that there have been 18 days between posts regarding covid on here speaks volumes as well

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 08:45:28
When do we think the news will stop their daily Covid numbers updates?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 09:18:06
When do we think the news will stop their daily Covid numbers updates?

Unfortunately I can't see that happening in the near future with winter looming. If flu deaths and covid deaths even each other out by, let's say Feb, then I think that'll be when they stop.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 09:23:04
Unfortunately I can't see that happening in the near future with winter looming. If flu deaths and covid deaths even each other out by, let's say Feb, then I think that'll be when they stop.

That's what I think also Hunk.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Friday, October 8, 2021, 07:34:20
My wife had her 3rd booster jab yesterday, and her arm is worse after this one over the previous two.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, October 8, 2021, 08:29:45
My dad's got his on Saturday.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, October 8, 2021, 09:10:37
luck of the draw I'd say

first stab, didn't even know she's done it. genuinly.

second stab, bled a bit, needed a plaster and it bruised up. But I did get a sticker for being a 'brave boy'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, October 8, 2021, 11:40:15
I've had the Moderna jabs. First one my arm really hurt for a good 5 days afterwards but other than that, no side effects. Second jab I was worried about as I'd heard that if you've had covid between the first and the second (as I did) the side effects can be worse. And so it proved. Arm didn't hurt but two days after the jab I felt the same as when I had covid. Only lasted 12 or so hours but it was a bit scary. Got over it quickly though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, October 8, 2021, 11:45:36
the good thing is you should now be better protected than just having jabs

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, October 8, 2021, 11:46:46
the good thing is you should now be better protected than just having jabs

I'm as thoroughly protected as is possible, I'd say

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, October 8, 2021, 11:53:08
Waiting for my 3rd jab being on the "more at risk" group, 1st jab made my arm ache for a few days and felt fine, the 2nd jab I had no ache and no reaction, I had the Astra Zeneca both times.

I am still waiting for my flu jab which normally I have had at this stage of October.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bedford Red on Friday, October 8, 2021, 11:57:21
I had my flu jab last week; my 3rd jab will be a few weeks yet as had my 2nd Covid Jab on 21 May.

1st Covid Jab made me feel awful for 24 hours, 2nd jab no issues at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Friday, October 8, 2021, 12:07:48
I think it was Clarkson who compared the AZ vaccine to a session ale, in that you need lots of it for any effect!

Booster not due until end of November.
Seemed to have had a constant head cold for more than 3 weeks now. Nasty stuff, ears are bunged now up plus coughing fits to start with. Inevitable with the general mingling I guess.

Never considered a flu jab before until getting the call last September.
Will get one booked soon.
We're all going to have a right old vaccine cocktail sloshing around as year end approaches.
Just have to trust and get on with life.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 08:04:00
me and the Mrs have the 'rona

must have picked it up in Tenerife.

all good so far

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 10:26:40
How did you find coming back to the UK batch. They didn't check anything at Bristol.

Randox App was a pain in the arse. Someone is making a back hander for the lateral flow tests...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 10:30:47
went from Luton this time

airline checked passenger locator forms and Vax status

only checked passports coming in.

didn't have a problem with randox last time. just about to do day 2 tests today (even though we have PCR results, nobody can tell us if they are still needed to prevent fine hammer descending)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 13:29:43
me and the Mrs have the 'rona

must have picked it up in Tenerife.

all good so far
Don't say that!

Two weeks til I go and am paranoid about getting it before I go!

P.S. Get well soon!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 13:45:11
there is massively more chance of picking it up here than tenerife.

so far worse symptoms are a bit like a cold, not a particularly bad one either. if it doesn't worsen we have got away very lightly indeed

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 14:06:15
there is massively more chance of picking it up here than tenerife.

so far worse symptoms are a bit like a cold, not a particularly bad one either. if it doesn't worsen we have got away very lightly indeed

We have colds and feel lethargic but tests came back negative. Guess it’s the come down of a week on all inclusive - sugar, salt and alcohol.

On the mask front, the Greeks were very strict. If you didn’t wear one you were asked why. Wouldn’t happen in this country.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 14:26:00
me and the Mrs have the 'rona

must have picked it up in Tenerife.

all good so far

What symptoms you got

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 15:59:53
Quote from: Jimmy Quimm
What symptoms you got

me: loose bowels, slight on and off headache, very occasionally cough - I mean a single cough once or twice an hour, starting to feel tired but had two nights of not much sleep so could be that.

Mrs: slightly worse cough, sniffle, headache (going now), dodgy tummy and slight nausea. much like a cold

not your usual loss of taste/hacking cough, etc.

@sippo - very much like spain in terms of being strict indoors, etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 16:05:44
Batch & Mrs Batch, hope you both get well soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 16:32:35
me: loose bowels, slight on and off headache, very occasionally cough - I mean a single cough once or twice an hour, starting to feel tired but had two nights of not much sleep so could be that.

Mrs: slightly worse cough, sniffle, headache (going now), dodgy tummy and slight nausea. much like a cold

not your usual loss of taste/hacking cough, etc.

@sippo - very much like spain in terms of being strict indoors, etc

Do you take anything for it or donyou just have to let nature take its course. Also as already state department hope you both recover quickly.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 16:38:39
I had a couple of paracetamol earlier, didn't really need it but it's taken the background headace away.

if it stays like this, no problem whatsoever. I'll be working Monday as normal

Mrs B however is a teacher....

you only need more if it gets serious. I guess that's when you need medical treatment

I know a few on here have had it bad and I am currently crossing fingers and counting my lucky stars .

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 17:37:03
Fingers crossed Batch!

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 17:53:51
can't get the randox app to work at all

no Android version.
no windows version

some version dumps me to sign in after trying to register, then won't let me sign in

looks like a call to CS in the morning.

since we've already done PCR, and will do day 2 and photo everything tonight it'll hopefully be ok

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: normy on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 18:10:00
Had my booster jab last week, no side effects at all this time After the first two jabs I felt ill the next day.

Flu jab, can't get one until 23rd November.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 18:15:11
Flu jab ached abit fior a few hours on the day but no side effects

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 18:36:05
yay, found the Android app version

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 21:38:33
yay, found the Android app version

It’s still crap. Don’t even think they check the photos.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 21:57:47
How far in advance of travel do you have to be Covid clear?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 08:13:00
Depends on your destination I believe. Although on the passenger locator form for Spain I’m sure it stipulates 14 days.

You also need to be mindful if relying on the app for the covid pass that this is showing as active as people have reported multiple timeframes for this being returned after testing positive. Of course if you already have the letter form you’d be fine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 11:00:18
Depends on your destination I believe. Although on the passenger locator form for Spain I’m sure it stipulates 14 days.

You also need to be mindful if relying on the app for the covid pass that this is showing as active as people have reported multiple timeframes for this being returned after testing positive. Of course if you already have the letter form you’d be fine.
Thanks - Fortunately wife's PCR negative, but less than 14 days to go!

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 12:04:43
How far in advance of travel do you have to be Covid clear?
you can happily travel to Spain with covid, they only check you are double jabbed!

kids and those needing PCR (I guess the unvaxed) had to have (private) PCR within 72 hours of travel.

it's different per country, as Chang says.

France I believe was 24 hours. which is causing a mate who was supposed to be going skiing in boxing Day a bit of a problem (well not him, but a child in the party)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 12:27:31
I'm trying to read all the stuff online - How confusing!

At one point it says we have to have tests and in others it says not!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 12:28:17
where are you going?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 12:37:49
Tenerife. One double and one triple jabbed.

Think I need:
- NHS app each to show jabs
- LFT 48 hours before
- Completed Spanish form
- LFT when I get back

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 12:45:29
Tenerife. One double and one triple jabbed.
right, so it's simple.
in summary;

out- Spanish health form (48 hrs before v travel) and vaccine status (NHS app)

in - UK locator form  48 hours before return (needs day 2 lat flow booking ref). do lateral flow test on day 2 of return and report through whatever system the company you buy from has

might be easier to print out what you can  - e.g. NHS app lets you download travel vaccine thing as pdf..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 12:46:50
right, so it's simple.
in summary;

out- Spanish health form (48 hrs before v travel) and vaccine status (NHS app)

in - UK locator form  48 hours before return (needs day 2 lat flow booking ref). do lateral flow test on day 2 of return and report through whatever system the company you buy from has
Awesome. Thanks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 12:47:50
right, so it's simple.
in summary;

out- Spanish health form (48 hrs before v travel) and vaccine status (NHS app)

in - UK locator form  48 hours before return (needs day 2 lat flow booking ref). do lateral flow test on day 2 of return and report through whatever system the company you buy from has

might be easier to print out what you can  - e.g. NHS app lets you download travel vaccine thing as pdf..
I shuddered reading these words batch. I feel i have written this 50 times a day the last 2 months

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 12:54:07

really feel for you Dean. I hope it gets better soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, October 31, 2021, 13:00:36
It's great now tbf really picked up but the testing side is absolute crazy still. Cheers Batch, we will get there but it's certainly taken it's toll on my mental health at times that's for sure

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, November 1, 2021, 12:34:10
I thought you did a great job in explaining for me Dean - was fairly straight forward apart from those pesky airlines throwing spanners in the works.  Hopefully I didn't tax you too much other than the obvious :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, November 1, 2021, 13:02:55
No not at all Berni it was fairly easy  :) Hope we can catch up maybe soon to discuss next years for You

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, 21:06:07
Greece has got tough on the unvaccinated.

Must show Covid passport to enter any shop or institution, other than a supermarket or pharmacy. Unvaccinated employees, private or public, must have 2 tests per week. Any shop or premises found to have an unauthorised, unvaccinated person inside will be fined €10,000

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 07:54:22
Greece has got tough on the unvaccinated.

Must show Covid passport to enter any shop or institution, other than a supermarket or pharmacy. Unvaccinated employees, private or public, must have 2 tests per week. Any shop or premises found to have an unauthorised, unvaccinated person inside will be fined €10,000
That’s all well and good but how sustainable is that? I think it’s pretty much accepted that the vaccine protection reduces over time so are they soon going shun anyone that had both jabs a year ago or hasn’t had a booster?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 07:57:04
Same as every other country, I presume. They’ll hope it’ll eventually just go away!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 09:07:39
Same as every other country, I presume. They’ll hope it’ll eventually just go away!

This might be a ridiculous statement but won't the Virus' effect weaken through time? It's never really going to go away is it, like flu?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 09:24:53
I think that’s what everyone is hoping for. Never ending vaccine boosters aren’t the answer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 09:37:18
No not at all Berni it was fairly easy  :) Hope we can catch up maybe soon to discuss next years for You

Yep - we are around the right date now to get things booked up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 10:43:51
me and the Mrs have the 'rona

must have picked it up in Tenerife.

all good so far

Had confirmation today that I have the virus hence me asking about what symptoms you had.
I felt pretty rough on Sunday & Monday but slightly better now.
For those interested in what symptoms I had incase they get ill are as follows, Continuous dry cough, no taste, tight chest, banging headache, slightly runny nose and feeling hot and cold like you have the Flu.
I'm double jabbed and had the Flu jab a couple of weeks ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 10:59:36
sounds worse than what we have symptom wise.

rest up, don't underestimate how knackered even a mild dose can make you

hope you feel better soon

as I said, the initial symptoms for us I would have put a wedge on it being a simple cold. though since yesterday I've now list taste/smell..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 11:11:54
Cheers Batch, it's an interesting thread to see what symptoms other posters have and to be able to compare. I did notice a good week ago I was getting a tight chest so that may have been the first signs of it attacking my immune system.

Lack of taste is damn annoying as you try and eat the foods you normally find tasty to make you feel better but get no flavour at all😡

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 11:29:06
Cheers Batch, it's an interesting thread to see what symptoms other posters have and to be able to compare. I did notice a good week ago I was getting a tight chest so that may have been the first signs of it attacking my immune system.

Lack of taste is damn annoying as you try and eat the foods you normally find tasty to make you feel better but get no flavour at all😡

Why don't you eat the foods you normally hate, as in theory with no flavour you will find them as appetising as the tastier foods?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 11:31:38
It's all in the mind and texture & colour is everything😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 11:37:24
It's all in the mind and texture & colour is everything😀

Yeah I hear ya!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 11:41:14
Good luck to you both.
Would be good to now your progress in getting better especially as you have had two jabs.
How you are feeling over what time frame and especially how long it takes for you to get back to full health etc.  
We are currently experiencing an ongoing lock down here in Auckland with very little news of what to expect when the country opens up from hibernation and delta spreads to vaccinated people who catch it.  
Take care

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 11:44:32
Good luck to you both.
Would be good to now your progress in getting better especially as you have had two jabs.
How you are feeling over what time frame and especially how long it takes for you to get back to full health etc.  
We are currently experiencing an ongoing lock down here in Auckland with very little news of what to expect when the country opens up from hibernation and delta spreads to vaccinated people who catch it.  
Take care

Cheers Robinz I will keep you updated as I assume Batch will do the same.
Just for the record Ive just turned 58, reasonably fit and have not had any symptoms in the 18+ months the virus has been around here in the U.K. 

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 11:57:22
48 here . double stabbed.

initially sniffle, headache, very very slight wheeze. nothing unusual for me this time of year as I have mild asthma. very occasionally tickle/cough.

later, congestion around sinus, fuzzy head, slightly tired (bed at 10:30 is well early for me). disrupted sleep

now. better sleep. headache/fuzz  subsiding, less tired, cough/wheeze nearly gone. taste/smell went yesterday. back hurts round back of lung area when I do cough (like muscular ache)

all over 4 or 5 days

will be interesting to see how long taste takes to return. I'm trying to lose weight so it's an advantage for now!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 12:02:22
Interesting you mention the sinus inflammation as I also have that quite bad and it dosen't normally get a mention.
Do you work from home as I don't so will have another ten days staying at home.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 12:14:20
I do work from home

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 12:18:10
I'm guessing you've carried on working then if a little less productive😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 12:35:28
yes. I exceeded expectations by being even less productive than normal..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 13:19:11
yes. I exceeded expectations by being even less productive than normal..

 :clap: :clap:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 16:01:25
later, congestion around sinus, fuzzy head, slightly tired (bed at 10:30 is well early for me). disrupted sleep

Bloody hell on that diagnosis I have had the 'rona for about the last 15 years!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 16:57:34
OMG. You know "plastic cheese", the cheap pre-packaged stuff you put on burgers.

Don't try this with no sense of taste. Its ugggggh.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 16:59:45
How many days we got no taste for😡

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 17:07:41
Quote from: Jimmy Quimm
How many days we got no taste for😡


should be "within 12 weeks" for cough/taste

In most cases, the loss of smell and taste due to COVID-19 is temporary.

The researchers behind a multicenter studyTrusted Source found that at 2 months, 75–80% of people had regained their taste and smell, with 95% having regained these senses at 6 months. They further noted that people who lost their taste and smell also experienced milder COVID-19 symptoms.

In rarerTrusted Source cases, people may require ongoing treatment and monitoring of their taste and smell.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 17:19:51
OMG. You know "plastic cheese", the cheap pre-packaged stuff you put on burgers.

Don't try this with no sense of taste. Its ugggggh.

I loves a bit of dirty cheese....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 17:23:14
so do I... with flavour

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 17:39:52

should be "within 12 weeks" for cough/taste

That's a miserable thought😂

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 17:53:06
Was just over a week for me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 17:56:01
Cheers Jay I don't remember you posting that you had the virus but If it's only around a week I'll take that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 17:59:26
Not sure I have posted about it. Got it off my lad a couple of weeks ago and spent half term in isolation. Went for my first post covid run today and that was a big struggle.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 18:01:53
Not sure I have posted about it. Got it off my lad a couple of weeks ago and spent half term in isolation. Went for my first post covid run today and that was a big struggle.

Looking back a week or so ago I noticed I was getting slightly out of breath walking up stairs so that may have been the start.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 18:23:11
So once vaccinated if you get Delta it seems like a mild dose of the traditional flu and generally you get over it in 9 to15 day Right
Hope you all are feeling better soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 18:25:12
I had the Astra x2 with no side effects other than a sore arm.
How has life been in Auckland during your winter months?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 18:31:02
Quote from: jayohaitchenn
Not sure I have posted about it. Got it off my lad a couple of weeks ago and spent half term in isolation. Went for my first post covid run today and that was a big struggle.

good that you were up to feeling like trying though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 19:09:15
Thank you for asking
Auckland went into lock down3 months ago when a chap arrived back from Sydney with Delta and this got transmitted into society 12 weeks later local businesses are on their knees although there is a building boom
Big retail providers are doing well as home owners think they are 25% better off due to the inflated prices for houses.
Suspect the same as Britain but without Boris.
That said would welcome Boris as opposed to Cindy the tooth fairy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 19:24:47
Thank you for asking
Auckland went into lock down3 months ago when a chap arrived back from Sydney with Delta and this got transmitted into society 12 weeks later local businesses are on their knees although there is a building boom
Big retail providers are doing well as home owners think they are 25% better off due to the inflated prices for houses.
Suspect the same as Britain but without Boris.
That said would welcome Boris as opposed to Cindy the tooth fairy

FFS be very careful what you wish for.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 19:57:30
good that you were up to feeling like trying though

I didn't feel so hot after 4km, but was doing a circular route so couldn't bottle it :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 19:59:39
I didn't feel so hot after 4km, but was doing a circular route so couldn't bottle it :D

Did you have bad symptoms or mild?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 02:28:40
RF............ Yes, it seems that Boris can make decisions even if they are wrong on many occasions.

Cindy the tooth fairy just doesn't make decisions and the current "woke" world we are all living in allows this to happen. 

The world and especially the West really needs a Trump now to move forward. Just not Donald  :bye:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 06:26:44
RF............ Yes, it seems that Boris can make decisions even if they are wrong on many occasions.

Cindy the tooth fairy just doesn't make decisions and the current "woke" world we are all living in allows this to happen. 

The world and especially the West really needs a Trump now to move forward. Just not Donald  :bye:

Good god man. Remind me the number of COVID deaths per hundred thousand in NZ and the US.

There’s being woke and there’s just being awake.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 06:53:05
We in NZ are living in a cocoon. In fact a country where we can observe the decisions being made elsewhere and seeing what impact they have.
When I mentioned the world needs a Trump I
 really mean it. Just not Donald Trump and surely not Sleepy Joe Bindeneither.
Stay well

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Moss on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 08:06:11
Thank you for asking
Auckland went into lock down3 months ago when a chap arrived back from Sydney with Delta and this got transmitted into society 12 weeks later local businesses are on their knees although there is a building boom
Big retail providers are doing well as home owners think they are 25% better off due to the inflated prices for houses.
Suspect the same as Britain but without Boris.
That said would welcome Boris as opposed to Cindy the tooth fairy

You would rather have a morally corrupt festering sleaze turd like Johnson in charge than who I think is probably the most admired world leader outside her own Country? Wow.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 08:10:29
Did you have bad symptoms or mild?

Not too bad, bit like having the flu. Runny nose, achy, tired and then later the smell/taste loss.

I have lost significant fitness though. Did 17km run just before I got it, and yesterday really struggled to hit 10km at a slower pace.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 08:41:14
Does anyone know if a teenage child needs parental attendance when going to Steam for their jab?
Can't find any info, all I can find is about consent.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 08:52:15
I really don't think we should be debating this topic here under Coronavirus.
But, you must be very a fool if you believe the total bollocks that is being said about Cindy as a well respected leader.
I would debate she is a confidence trickster who by chance become a prime minister by default. NZ has gone back 30 years in a matter of4 years my friend.
Boris Johnson might not be the bees knees but We have a real bad lemon here.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 09:34:46
Not too bad, bit like having the flu. Runny nose, achy, tired and then later the smell/taste loss.

I have lost significant fitness though. Did 17km run just before I got it, and yesterday really struggled to hit 10km at a slower pace.

Cheers Jay and thanks for sharing your Covid details.
Last week end when I started getting symtons I felt like I had the Flu along with a persistent headache for two days, a contious dry cough which I've still got now but not quite as bad and have completely lost all taste.
I'm surprised you were still able to run 10km so soon as no doubts your lungs have taken a battering over the last coulple of weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 10:10:32
When I had covid I completely lost my taste for 24 hours, then it came back as quickly as it went. Really weird how varied the experiences of people with 'rona are especially with regard to taste

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 10:11:37
When I had covid I completely lost my taste for 24 hours, then it came back completely. Really weird how varied the experiences of people with 'rona are especially with regard to taste

No taste now for 4 days 😅

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 10:43:28
No taste now for 4 days 😅
I have had little taste for 55 years so far....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 10:46:59
I have had little taste for 55 years so far....

Wow what's caused that?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 10:56:52

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 11:24:53
Wow what's caused that?

Alcohol and a kilt I think.
Good news :

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 11:31:00
Alcohol and a kilt I think.
Good news :

Wow, great news. Could temper worries about the winter

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 11:32:09
I mean its not foolproof, but if a 50% reduction in hospitalisation/death is upheld then wow indeed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 5, 2021, 10:50:03
3rd Covid jab booked for 30th November, nice.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 5, 2021, 11:00:17
3rd Covid jab booked for 30th November, nice.

What's the deal, do they contact you or do you have to contact them, I coincidentally had my second one 6 months ago next week so am in window for the booster but have heard nothing?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 5, 2021, 11:18:05
I went through my Doctors for the first two but I'm not due the booster for another month so will call them nearer the time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 5, 2021, 11:27:03
Thing is I had mine earlier than my age group as I was in the 'underlying medical issues' tranche, they seem to have now changed that and my condition is not in those covered any more, will have to see if I can talk to a human being at the GP's?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Friday, November 5, 2021, 12:06:47
What's the deal, do they contact you or do you have to contact them, I coincidentally had my second one 6 months ago next week so am in window for the booster but have heard nothing?

My 6-month date was 1 November. Got the text with the booking link yesterday, so you'll probably hear soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, November 5, 2021, 12:22:21
Ooh, my six month date is in a couple of weeks, so I'll be getting an invite soon?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 5, 2021, 13:02:50
What's the deal, do they contact you or do you have to contact them, I coincidentally had my second one 6 months ago next week so am in window for the booster but have heard nothing?
They txt me, you have to have a clear spell of 6 months and 1 week since the previous jab before they contact you, which mine was exactly today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, November 5, 2021, 13:10:39
Got my text this morning. Booked for next Tuesday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 5, 2021, 13:28:33

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, November 5, 2021, 22:50:30
Got sent a link today, which is 6 month minus 1 week, so looks like they are bringing people forward slightly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 5, 2021, 23:29:56
You've just pinched my week as I now have to week six months and one week due to having the virus now and I was due my booster in the first week of December 😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 11:35:40
You got any taste back yet and are you still coughing🤔
no taste.

coughing - I never really had in the first place, just the odd tickle/cough - seems ok now.

last day of isolating

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 11:38:42
Ive still got a dry cough on & off throughout the day and I'm isolating until Wednesday. No taste but notice if you have sweet things like ice cream you will notice a change within your taste buds and there is a little flavour there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 16:11:40
For the last 7 days its been my turn for covid. Allowed out to play on Wednesday.

Tuesday (Day 4) was my very bad day. I rarely get ill so hard to relate to normal headaches etc but i couldn't move my neck and the pain in my head was unreal. Every day since has improved but its a crazy illness of constant up and downs. Sometimes you feel ok, next minute your completely gone again.

Not going out doesn't help things and if i feel like this on wednesday i will be going outside and just getting on with it. Get some fresh air and try to shake it off. Sat in every day is boring and doesn't feel healthy at all.

Never had a cough but the 1st day i knew straight away I had covid, it was also the 3rd day since close positive contact. Feeling fine one minute then out of nowhere the whole throat just went and i started to feel exactly like i did when i had my 2nd jab. Hungover like.

Can still taste and smell everything. unlike the wife who has given up on nice food as its wasted.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 16:27:06
Sorry to hear that you are also suffering with Covid and like me have to stay in until Wednesday which is unbelievably boring.
I can relate to everything you have written but I would also add that your fortunate to still have your taste as it's quite miserable not being able to taste anything at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 18:30:53
get well soon iffy/Mrs iffy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 18:34:02
get well soon iffy/Mrs iffy

Have you had a couple of calls from the NHS?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 18:45:45
get well soon iffy/Mrs iffy

Cheers but I don't think we need it. Its just general unwell nothing serious.
I had no issues with getting covid as long as you get through it and then move on. Still so many bad cases out there and I wouldn't like to be having it without jabs.

Yes had lots of track and trace. Almost to the point of getting pissed off because Im a sensible person and don't feel like I need so many reminders but I can see why some do. The plus side of the phone calls is there are asking you how you feel and if you didn't it's it's direct access to help.

For all test and trace criticisms it is an impressive platform to work through this. Lateral flow, pcr with results within 24 hours even on a Sunday. Immediate calls and texts confirming isolation period and whether you need assistance etc. I'd rather too much than too little

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 19:20:28
yeah, the track and trace tried to call me at 9:30 this morning.. not happening.

had 4 or 5 calls now

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 19:21:53
Well said, fantastic service the NHS offer and can't do enough for you. I posted my PCR sample at 4.30pm on Tuesday and has the result back by 09.15am on the Wednesday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 7, 2021, 19:23:23
yeah, the track and trace tried to call me at 9:30 this morning.. not happening.

had 4 or 5 calls now

I've had 2 calls already and the guy said someone will call me on my last isolation day on the Wednesday that's on top of the online stuff you have to do!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 07:06:22
Booster booked.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 08:34:58
Booster booked.

Same here Dec 10th

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 08:39:53
Less than 2 weeks for me  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 08:41:35
My six months wasn't up until then or were you able to book sooner

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 09:05:17
I'm sure it mentioned 5 months on the site? Mine's 6 months anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 09:31:49
Batch -  you get your final phone call yesterday from the NHS or did you ignore?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 10:13:03
Quote from: Jimmy Quimm
Batch -  you get your final phone call yesterday from the NHS or did you ignore?

got it Sunday, was allowed out yesterday

I'm free. freeeeeeeeee

also think I've got a bit of smell coming back. very weak and sort of fleeting

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 10:15:55
I'm not free until Thursday!

I haven't had the fatigue but no taste and still annoying dry cough throughout the day. Have you tried any salty or sweet food as there is a little flavour there!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 11:13:01
got it Sunday, was allowed out yesterday

I'm free. freeeeeeeeee

also think I've got a bit of smell coming back. very weak and sort of fleeting

Some deodorant?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 11:29:52
Booked in for a covid booster flu jab double header next week!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 12:01:02
Booked booster.
Six months to the day.
23rd Nov @ Steam.

Jab, possibly followed by some refreshment, then a home win in the evening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, November 12, 2021, 12:13:24
Forcing underpaid and underfunded NHS and Care staff to have the jab or pretty much lose their job really doesn’t sit right with me, we spent the last year saying how brilliant they are now we are almost blackmailing them.

The more and read and hear about it the more it angers me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 12, 2021, 12:26:14
Forcing underpaid and underfunded NHS and Care staff to have the jab or pretty much lose their job really doesn’t sit right with me, we spent the last year saying how brilliant they are now we are almost blackmailing them.

The more and read and hear about it the more it angers me.

I think I started in a similar position, but I've sort of softened since. I think it's quite hard to square working with the NHS with essentially standing against science and medicine (assuming there are reasonable exemptions if anyone is medically advised against it). Not really comfortable with either position really, but evidence seems to be that mandates do actually work, and the numbers that will walk out/quite are dramatically overstated compared to what you end up with.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Honkytonk on Friday, November 12, 2021, 12:32:51
Not aimed at you Quagmire, so apologies for the term 'you', but if you work in the NHS/Care and don't want the jab, then what the hell are you doing there? You'll have seen yourself the difference vaccinations have made to the number and severity of cases, first hand. Rejecting it for yourself is either mind bogglingly daft or you're in the wrong profession.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, November 12, 2021, 12:43:56
I believe most, if not all, NHS Trusts already require quite a few Immunisations for their staff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, November 12, 2021, 12:45:55
'Stay home, save lives, protect the NHS'

Isn't the jab there for a reason?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 12, 2021, 12:48:06
If they aren’t vaccinated it would make it difficult to ever pedal out the ‘protect the NHS’ line again if they aren’t even protecting themselves…

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Friday, November 12, 2021, 15:09:12
Im confused as to why they are waiting till April? Reeks to me of using the staff for the busy period then fucking them off to be honest

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 12, 2021, 15:21:02
Quote from: tans
Im confused as to why they are waiting till April? Reeks to me of using the staff for the busy period then fucking them off to be honest

to allow them to get both jabs with the 12 week gap

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Moss on Friday, November 12, 2021, 15:40:46
Forcing underpaid and underfunded NHS and Care staff to have the jab or pretty much lose their job really doesn’t sit right with me, we spent the last year saying how brilliant they are now we are almost blackmailing them.

The more and read and hear about it the more it angers me.

Not having the jab is basically saying fuck you to the rest of society. All those twats who didn't let their kids have the NMR didn't have to face the hundreds of parents whose kids died of measles. If you work for the NHS - get with the programme. The vaccine has saved thousands of lives, if you don't want the jab, fine, but you aren't going to be able to spread it in hospitals or care homes. Get another job.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, November 12, 2021, 19:44:46
Not having the jab is basically saying fuck you to the rest of society. All those twats who didn't let their kids have the NMR didn't have to face the hundreds of parents whose kids died of measles. If you work for the NHS - get with the programme. The vaccine has saved thousands of lives, if you don't want the jab, fine, but you aren't going to be able to spread it in hospitals or care homes. Get another job.

This 100%. Ignorant selfish fucking bastards all of them. This country, no, the world has suffered enough at the hands of this fucking virus, irrespective of where it originated from. Every country, yes every country has made errors in their own attempts to put out the fire of an indiscriminate microscopic killer. For individuals working in our health, care and allied services to shun this life changing get out of jail or parachute harness of a safety net is despicable.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 19:51:35
We have one at work a guy mind 40's refuses to get vaccinated because he dosen't know what's going into his body, smokes like a trooper and been self isolating on nine separate occasions because he's been pinged or even taking the mick.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: magicroundabout on Friday, November 12, 2021, 19:57:26
Forcing underpaid and underfunded NHS and Care staff to have the jab or pretty much lose their job really doesn’t sit right with me, we spent the last year saying how brilliant they are now we are almost blackmailing them.

The more and read and hear about it the more it angers me.

As a front line NHS worker myself I do and don't agree.
I do believe every individual should have the choice to get the vaccine and no it shouldn't be forced upon them BUT in the same breath WHY aren't they having it? Some say I've had covid I'm fine. Some don't believe in the vaccine yet deliver antibiotics everyday. All in all when they're working with very sick people, some with covid and all they're continuing to do is put others at risk and at harm of this deadly virus.

The flip side is all this bullshit spread from the anti-vaxers. The lies they've spread regarding what the vaccine can do to you etc. This has scared the many into not receiving the vaccines.

Numbers which are being put into the press should really be broken down into facts.
Such as the week leading upto Oct half term, 90% of new covid cases were children aged 11 to 18. Over 90% of deaths in the same week were the un-vaccinated. Yet these numbers are not published and I don't know why??

Hospitalisations. Why not publish the figures of people being admitted to hospital for Covid reasons that are vaccinated or not. These are the figures I would like to see.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 20:00:30
I've just had the virus like a few on here, double vaccinated and so glad I was as who knows how ill I may have become.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: magicroundabout on Friday, November 12, 2021, 20:04:51
I've just had the virus like a few on here, double vaccinated and so glad I was as who knows how ill I may have become.

We've had so many come into ED for other minor cases and with each admission get swabbed as routine and they come back positive yet completely asymptomatic because they've been jabbed.
who knows what would happen if they hadn't have been?!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 20:08:05
We had a big outbreak at work and many were late 50's getting close to their booster jab. Maybe the vaccine was getting weak within our immune system but I guess we will never know

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, November 12, 2021, 20:15:19
We had a big outbreak at work and many were late 50's getting close to their booster jab. Maybe the vaccine was getting weak within our immune system but I guess we will never know

The "vaccine" is actually designed to stop replication, so it doesn't necessarily prevent infection (although by stopping replication it can do a good job of preventing the virus reaching any sort of level that shows up as an infection).

Data must be piling through by now....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: magicroundabout on Friday, November 12, 2021, 20:15:29
yes as time goes obviously more data will appear.
A good study was done in France recently though which is interesting regarding vaccines and immunity levels

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 20:18:15
Good post guys appreciate sharing the data

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 12, 2021, 20:20:45
I see Netherlands are going close to a full lockdown again, if they try that here I’d like to think everyone would rebel against it.

Usual doom mongers like Independent SAGE are demanding Plan B here but looking at the likes of Germany and the other home nations shows that’s utterly pointless so hope Boris shows some balls for once and stands his ground. Going back to the vaccine I don’t see how we can do anything but carry on with Plan A, we were told the vaccination was the way out of this, that’s why I accepted it, if they start introducing restrictions again people will be less inclined to get jabbed as they’ll see it as pointless and there’s no end game.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, November 12, 2021, 21:21:54
Absolute nightmare of a Spanish travel form!

All sorts of problems as the NHS app details didnt have details of wife's booster jab. Also, she had to have PCR test due (negative) due to being pinged 14 days before travel! Tried all sorts of combinations of stuff just to get it filled in!

Also, after buying bloody LFT tests and taking them less than 48 hours before travel, in accordance with what we read a couple of weeks ago, we notice that it says not to do them before 2100 the day before flying (ie Tomorrow night!) So what the fuck do I do now!

Finally, I cant fill in the sodding Spanish form as I dont have a sodding seat number and the check in is locked out!

Am starting to think it wasnt worth the hassle!

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 12, 2021, 21:42:58
you don't need lft to travel to Spain?

I doubt the seat numbers matter.. how will they know? I bet it's for contact tracing in case of a later possible passive test.

I don't get the bit about being pinged needing PCR test either. The track and trace app isn't linked to the NHS app, it can't be as it's anonymous data collection

lastly I hadn't heard that there had been a rule change regarding needing proof of booster jab to show full vaccination status. afaik it's still 14 days since second jab = fully vaccinated

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 21:44:25
you don't need lft to travel to Spain?

You got any taste back yet🤔

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 12, 2021, 21:45:08
Quote from: Jimmy Quimm
got any taste back yet🤔

yup, not full taste though, muted

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 03:40:29
I see Netherlands are going close to a full lockdown again, if they try that here I’d like to think everyone would rebel against it.

Usual doom mongers like Independent SAGE are demanding Plan B here but looking at the likes of Germany and the other home nations shows that’s utterly pointless so hope Boris shows some balls for once and stands his ground. Going back to the vaccine I don’t see how we can do anything but carry on with Plan A, we were told the vaccination was the way out of this, that’s why I accepted it, if they start introducing restrictions again people will be less inclined to get jabbed as they’ll see it as pointless and there’s no end game.
The problem for Boris is that every disastrous decision they made during the crisis was always branded as ‘following the scientific advice’. To now ignore it when it suits him lays those decisions bare.

No matter how hopeless the opposition, I can’t see Bozo getting re-elected. Surely the people have seen through the bombast.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 06:58:01
The opposition have never been as weak but who is there to topple Borris even though he's a loose cannon!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: NotHarryAgombar on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 09:39:29
I suspect his own party will sack him at some point - plenty of traditional tories are getting cheesed off about the way they are trying to keep the 2019 “red wall” lot onside, and a lot of the 2019 intake were unhappy about the Paterson vote business.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 09:40:49
Yes you're probably right and plenty of unrest within the party simmering away!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 11:34:15
yup, not full taste though, muted

I think I'm getting a little taste back but I'm a few days behind now you!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 11:38:53
I see Netherlands are going close to a full lockdown again, if they try that here I’d like to think everyone would rebel against it.

Usual doom mongers like Independent SAGE are demanding Plan B here but looking at the likes of Germany and the other home nations shows that’s utterly pointless so hope Boris shows some balls for once and stands his ground. Going back to the vaccine I don’t see how we can do anything but carry on with Plan A, we were told the vaccination was the way out of this, that’s why I accepted it, if they start introducing restrictions again people will be less inclined to get jabbed as they’ll see it as pointless and there’s no end game.

Chaos on the streets in Holland as total lockdown enforced!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 14:35:05
The problem for Boris is that every disastrous decision they made during the crisis was always branded as ‘following the scientific advice’. To now ignore it when it suits him lays those decisions bare.

No matter how hopeless the opposition, I can’t see Bozo getting re-elected. Surely the people have seen through the bombast.
Starmer has come across as even more incompetent than Boris though and with Labour so divided they have zero chance at the next election. As for scientific advice, which version? A lot of the NHS problems now are as a result of lockdowns and restrictions so bringing in restrictions because of the compounds effect of restrictions is beyond nonsensical.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 14:41:19
Chaos on the streets in Holland as total lockdown enforced!

Likely not the only mainland European club member to face this prospect shortly. However, had they been a bit quicker out the blocks with vaccine procurement, development and so blinded by jealousy over the AZ vaccine they’d not be facing another winter of discontent.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 15:52:57
Very true LL. what was the secret behind Swedens low infection rate as im pretty sure they never went into any lockdown over the past 18 months or have I got that wrong?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 16:04:22
Germany didn't welcome AZ with open arms and has a far lower death rate than we do

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 16:30:12
Absolute nightmare of a Spanish travel form!

All sorts of problems as the NHS app details didnt have details of wife's booster jab. Also, she had to have PCR test due (negative) due to being pinged 14 days before travel! Tried all sorts of combinations of stuff just to get it filled in!

Also, after buying bloody LFT tests and taking them less than 48 hours before travel, in accordance with what we read a couple of weeks ago, we notice that it says not to do them before 2100 the day before flying (ie Tomorrow night!) So what the fuck do I do now!

Finally, I cant fill in the sodding Spanish form as I dont have a sodding seat number and the check in is locked out!

Am starting to think it wasnt worth the hassle!

Kinell, you're not wrong about the Spanish form. Complete shite. More than an hour and I still can't get it completed. Still slightly less painful than coming to the UK, but not much.

Travel is hardly worth the fucking hassle right now.  :crash:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 17:16:47
Very true LL. what was the secret behind Swedens low infection rate as im pretty sure they never went into any lockdown over the past 18 months or have I got that wrong?

Not sure about the Swedes situation but without vaccination eventually you’ll get and be fucked. Of course, yes you can still get it with vaccination though as we know and you’ve found out the effects are massively reduced.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 17:20:15
Yes good points you make and I can understand anyone declining the vaccination unless of course they've been brain washed by David Icke. Did you get any side effects from the booster?

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 20:49:49
Likely not the only mainland European club member to face this prospect shortly. However, had they been a bit quicker out the blocks with vaccine procurement, development and so blinded by jealousy over the AZ vaccine they’d not be facing another winter of discontent.

Which would be a lovely theory if the Netherlands didn't have a higher percentage of people vaxxed than the UK...

Sent from my SM-A125F

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 21:03:21
Which would be a lovely theory if the Netherlands didn't have a higher percentage of people vaxxed than the UK...

Sent from my SM-A125F

Do they? Well woopy fucking Doo. Still having a lockdown though are they not? Let’s see what happens to other members of the club.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 21:23:39
Which would be a lovely theory if the Netherlands didn't have a higher percentage of people vaxxed than the UK...

Sent from my SM-A125F

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 21:24:33
Kinell, you're not wrong about the Spanish form. Complete shite. More than an hour and I still can't get it completed. Still slightly less painful than coming to the UK, but not much.

Travel is hardly worth the fucking hassle right now.  :crash:

I beg to differ. I had no problems with the forms going in or out to Tenerife last month. Probably 10 minutes either time, hardly a hassle to stop you going on holiday!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 21:55:31
Kinell, you're not wrong about the Spanish form. Complete shite. More than an hour and I still can't get it completed. Still slightly less painful than coming to the UK, but not much.

Travel is hardly worth the fucking hassle right now.  :crash:
No matter what you won't be able to verify your vaccination record. I found that if I attached it and then chose the option of being unable to upload and gave the date (and type) of my final jab it would verify.

Then put 1a as your seat if you can't check in.

If you bugger it up, start a new one with a new email address.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 12:16:49
Those who have had COVID after being double jabbed - what symptoms did you have?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 12:24:32
For me it started with a tickly dry cough now and again but got progressively worse throughout the day, hot and cold Flu like symptons which lasted a couple of days along with a banging headache and tight feeling chest. The lack of taste & smell was within a couple of days of having my other symptons.

PS if you called 119 this afternoon you could have a PCR delivered to your home tomorrow first thing with results by Tuesday morning.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 12:40:43
I’m booked in for a PCT test at half two.

Left work Saturday morning with a headache. Went to sleep for a few hours Saturday afternoon, had a blocked nose so poor sleep and since then I’ve had a cough and a slight headache. That’s it.

Due to the cough wife suggested I take a LFT and I have a very faint second line…but genuinely feel no worse then if I had a cold and the cough in the only symptom and it’s more annoying than anything else

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 12:49:50
I would say that the cough is the most annoying thing and if it gets worse it will make your chest really sore. I also had the runny nose but I would say keep an eye on your taste buds as that's the clear sign.
Hope that you test negative as it's no fun being stuck in for ten days!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Red Frog on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 13:07:43
I beg to differ. I had no problems with the forms going in or out to Tenerife last month. Probably 10 minutes either time, hardly a hassle to stop you going on holiday!

I was just too stubborn because a colleague got their vaccine pass photo accepted straight off - I tried 4 different photos and scans at six different definitions - nada. My life improved when I just gave up and ticked the box that I couldn't upload a doc.

Lesson right there.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 13:13:22
I would say that the cough is the most annoying thing and if it gets worse it will make your chest really sore. I also had the runny nose but I would say keep an eye on your taste buds as that's the clear sign.
Hope that you test negative as it's no fun being stuck in for ten days!

On one hand 10 days off work sounds great and I’d actually get 3 days annual leave back because I’m off week of the 22nd. I have have plans for that weekend 25/26/27 so luckily my self isolation will be done by then.

However, the logistics of avoiding my family, the wife working and having a 3 year old to look after could prove extremely problematic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 13:16:37
I agree with family stuff it's not ideal. Bizarrely there's some information online that states any family member living with someone that has tested positive only have a 12% chance of getting it themselves. No idea how that works!

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 13:17:22
Those who have had COVID after being double jabbed - what symptoms did you have?
-slight head ache/fuzzy head.
-congestion & sniffles & sneeze
-very slight right chest, exactly like I get when my asthma kicks in. even responded to my inhaler

that's it. no cough or temperature . very much like a mild cold tbh.

after 3 or 4 days of being confirmed positive, I lost my taste/smell. I have also been knackered the last 2 weeks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 13:40:13
-slight head ache/fuzzy head.
-congestion & sniffles & sneeze
-very slight right chest, exactly like I get when my asthma kicks in. even responded to my inhaler

that's it. no cough or temperature . very much like a mild cold tbh.

after 3 or 4 days of being confirmed positive, I lost my taste/smell. I have also been knackered the last 2 weeks

Very similar to how I’ve been the last 24 hours the first two points
No temperature either.

Wife says she doesn’t know of anyone whose had a positive LFT but a negative PCR, so likely I have it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 13:41:35
Are there many positive cases at your work as there was lots where I am

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 13:43:56
Are there many positive cases at your work as there was lots where I am

We had a bit of a spike a couple of weeks back but those who had it then are all towards the end of their self isolation and no one I’d work directly with.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 13:45:16
Very similar to me but they reckon we can carry the virus for upto 14 days without symptoms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 15:43:44
Quote from: DiV
Wife says she doesn’t know of anyone whose had a positive LFT but a negative PCR, so likely I have it.

there were thousands. ok it was because of the dodgy test centre..but..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 15:44:46
Do you suffer badly with Ashma and what brings it on?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 16:14:19

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 16:18:33
Quote from: Jimmy Quimm
Do you suffer badly with Ashma and what brings it on?

nope, extremely mild and has got better in recent years.

I tend to noticed it in dusty conditions and sometimes cold/damp. it's just a bit harder to breathe. 

but I was still a bit nervous with the 'rona. initially I got told to shield, as did anyone on the Swindon asthma list. But that was revoked when they realised it was not severe enough to be an issue

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 16:21:03
Cheers Batch must appreciated. I also get it mildly in them damp cold weather but have never taken any medication was was inquisitive if it worked or not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 16:23:00
ventolin (blue) inhaler certainly eases things

when I used to run i generally didn't take it. Then, when doing an effort or race I did and if felt like a turbo boost!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 16:29:41
What symptoms would now make you take it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 17:47:16
Quote from: Jimmy Quimm
What symptoms would now make you take it

just a thight chest, uncomfortable breathing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 17:50:53

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 21:56:02
Are there many positive cases at your work as there was lots where I am

I personally think it’s quite plausible that most of the population have probably been exposed to the virus by now. Not everyone gets symptoms so those people probably unlikely to test, especially if they are unaware of being in contact with someone who is positive etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 22:13:30
I would agree with you and in my case many of the ones who've recently tested positive at work are all mid 50's and coming up to their booster dates. Coincidence maybe maybe not but it could be that the vaccine had significantly weakened and that's what caused a spike in my age group.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 22:36:58
I would agree with you and in my case many of the ones who've recently tested positive at work are all mid 50's and coming up to their booster dates. Coincidence maybe maybe not but it could be that the vaccine had significantly weakened and that's what caused a spike in my age group.

I’m 48 and had my booster invite on Tuesday gone. Despite having both my jabs at Steam (5 minutes from my house) I’m being invited to Corsham or Stroud for the boost. Work that one out. Perhaps I need to ask my GP surgery where I claim travel expenses?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 23:13:45
I booked online for next month and steam came up nearest so I have no idea why you've been asked to travel which seems very strange.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 15, 2021, 09:24:41
Good grief....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 15, 2021, 10:30:57
@reaper - presume you are 'at risk' as I thought it was 50 and over for boosters

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Monday, November 15, 2021, 10:46:54
I’m 48 and had my booster invite on Tuesday gone. Despite having both my jabs at Steam (5 minutes from my house) I’m being invited to Corsham or Stroud for the boost. Work that one out. Perhaps I need to ask my GP surgery where I claim travel expenses?

With my original jabs I found my options change pretty much every time I searched for availability.

My PCR test was positive. Wife & boy negative.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 15, 2021, 10:52:43
@reaper - presume you are 'at risk' as I thought it was 50 and over for boosters

Its over 40's now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, November 15, 2021, 10:58:44
Getting jabbed this weekend  :nurse:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Monday, November 15, 2021, 11:03:04
Me and Mrs cs got our boosters at steam on Thursday. No issues getting booked at steam. Day after we got a text from abbeymeads surgery saying we could book into moredon to get them done.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 15, 2021, 12:32:38
Its over 40's now.
is it? when did that happen?!

edit: ok, saw the news

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Monday, November 15, 2021, 14:43:18
@reaper - presume you are 'at risk' as I thought it was 50 and over for boosters

I am in a particular category at risk, so yes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 15, 2021, 19:38:14
This might explain the spike at work in the over 50's who were double jabbed like myself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, November 15, 2021, 21:10:10
This might explain the spike at work in the over 50's who were double jabbed like myself

Looks that way.

I expect this time next year we’ll see a combined flu/19 jab to get the most vulnerable through the winter and let it take its natural course through the milder months

I had the flu while at uni. Was 19 and it was ten times more horrific than Covid. Virtually an entire month it put me out of action for

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 15, 2021, 21:13:14
I think you could be right depending on what happens early next summer when the booster vaccines will be getting weaker.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 15, 2021, 21:27:30
I assume that's protection from infection that decreases.

it doesn't really say how much protection against serious cases (hospitalisation) decreases though.

I'll be getting the booster as soon as

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 15, 2021, 21:29:11
Same here earliest I can have it is mid December or in our case 28 days after testing positive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, November 15, 2021, 21:29:43
I assume that's protection from infection that decreases.

it doesn't really say how much protection against serious cases (hospitalisation) decreases though.

I'll be getting the booster as soon as

We might see any reduction in protection against serious illness/hospitalisation offset by these drug treatments they were very happy about recently

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 09:54:11
Speaking to my mate who works in a hospital the other night, their ICU is busier now than it was at any time last year, this is the fear, the NHS just don't have the beds or staff to cope.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 10:00:11
Speaking to my mate who works in a hospital the other night, their ICU is busier now than it was at any time last year, this is the fear, the NHS just don't have the beds or staff to cope.

The childrens ward today is at 31 patients for a 26 bed ward...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 10:05:14
Speaking to my mate who works in a hospital the other night, their ICU is busier now than it was at any time last year, this is the fear, the NHS just don't have the beds or staff to cope.
When you look at the breakdown though most of it is non-covid this time. This was always going to be the issue with lockdowns and what not, you just create a bow wave of other conditions that need urgent treatment as the preventative care got put on the back burner due to the Covidcentric approach. That’s why I don’t get the constant call for more restrictions or even lockdowns from some, it’s completely nonsensical.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 10:10:03
if you need a hospital bed then it's quite serious . you can't wait it out unless it's elective surgery

adding in extra covid patients on top isn't exactly going to help.

since people are back to mingling though you'd think flu will be on the up ..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 10:14:16
When you look at the breakdown though most of it is non-covid this time. This was always going to be the issue with lockdowns and what not, you just create a bow wave of other conditions that need urgent treatment as the preventative care got put on the back burner due to the Covidcentric approach. That’s why I don’t get the constant call for more restrictions or even lockdowns from some, it’s completely nonsensical.

In his hospital its 80%+ covid, the vax is good at reducing deaths (assuming you have both doses and boosters) but it has a lessor effect on reducing hospitalisations, added to which the new treatments are keeping people alive, but whilst they are being treated they are taking up beds, hence the shit in the NHS at the moment.

Is there an issue with other conditions, I have friends who have had (or have family members who have had) things like Cancer diagnosis and heart attacks etc in the last 18 months and they have all been treated broadly within timetables extant pre covid, its the people like my old man who needs back surgery that are caught up in the system as understandably non critical stuff has been delayed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Broadbents Tackle on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 10:21:37
In his hospital its 80%+ covid, the vax is good at reducing deaths (assuming you have both doses and boosters) but it has a lessor effect on reducing hospitalisations, added to which the new treatments are keeping people alive, but whilst they are being treated they are taking up beds, hence the shit in the NHS at the moment.

I'd take that with the same pinch of salt as I took in the first lockdown, when people told me BRI covid wards were virtually empty. Nationally there are about 20% of the numbers hospitalised that we saw at the peak.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 10:22:22
In his hospital its 80%+ covid, the vax is good at reducing deaths (assuming you have both doses and boosters) but it has a lessor effect on reducing hospitalisations, added to which the new treatments are keeping people alive, but whilst they are being treated they are taking up beds, hence the shit in the NHS at the moment.

Is there an issue with other conditions, I have friends who have had (or have family members who have had) things like Cancer diagnosis and heart attacks etc in the last 18 months and they have all been treated broadly within timetables extant pre covid, its the people like my old man who needs back surgery that are caught up in the system as understandably non critical stuff has been delayed.
The BBC put this graph up today:

It basically shows there are 20k less Covid patients in hospital than January but 25,000 more with other conditions so a net increase hence the strain.

Reduced social contact and lockdowns is going to have negatively impacted peoples immune systems so this winter, next winter or whenever restrictions went was always going to be painful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 13:57:04
How you feeling Batch post Covid and any taste yet?

Back to about 80% now I think. Some things still tasting a bit 'muted'. Mrs B says tomatoes don't taste the same as they used to for her.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, November 18, 2021, 10:55:38
Just been to steam for booster. Fantastic organisation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 19, 2021, 07:56:58
Am I missing something here. They reckon5 million people in the UK have not been vaccinated.

Cases are going at about 40,000 per day - so, nearly 1.5 million per month.

In 4 months then surely everybody will either be vaccinated or have contracted Covid and have antibodies.

Realise a small number of people are vaccinated and still catch it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, November 19, 2021, 08:24:21
As the vaccines are wanning and were never 100% effective, a lot of the cases are within the vast majority of people who have been vaccinateed.  The vaccines are though keeping people out of hospital and worse though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 09:01:05
As the vaccines are wanning and were never 100% effective, a lot of the cases are within the vast majority of people who have been vaccinateed.  The vaccines are though keeping people out of hospital and worse though.

Exactly that and me included. Many of the positive cases at work are all people in their 50's close to their booster dates so maybw six months in between was too long a gap.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 12:14:13
Austria makes vaccines mandatory as it goes into full lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, November 19, 2021, 13:16:00
As the vaccines are wanning and were never 100% effective, a lot of the cases are within the vast majority of people who have been vaccinateed.  The vaccines are though keeping people out of hospital and worse though.

Which is their job - they are not designed to prevent infection, they are designed to prevent infection taking hold of the body.  By doing so they reduce some positive cases simply because the viral load remains too low, but their main job is to prevent serious infections, which they do.

We now have the option to add a booster shot (probably going to be annual combined with flu in the years to come I imagine) and medications designed to do a similar job once infected.  It won't mean nobody ever dies of this, but it will bring the impact down considerably so that you manage your resources accordingly.  If a the healthcare system seems stretched, you start pushing advertising for the Boosters, just like they push hard on flu jabs when it's a bad season.

We had the opportunity to prevent infection and stop the thing from becoming endemic, we didn't take it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 13:20:37
Good point so you make. I do wonderi if we will need a booser next summer as the vaccines seem to lose their strength within 5 months.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, November 19, 2021, 13:26:07
Yes, the way they work, it is likely we will need annual top-ups for a few years.  There are plenty of Countries with small %'s of infection still.  This thing has the legs to keep rattling around for a few years still before eventually moving to seasonal (a possibility, not saying I know).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 13:28:09
I don't think even the experts really know it's a case of month by month and seeing what happens.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 19, 2021, 15:55:45
We had the opportunity to prevent infection and stop the thing from becoming endemic, we didn't take it.
Oh come on that opportunity never really existed, it had spread all over the world before China admitted it was even an issue. Every attempt at ‘zero covid’ has failed miserably even New Zealand & Australia are giving up on that approach. To stop it becoming endemic would have required the whole world to have an absolutely brutal lockdown for months at the very beginning which would have been impossible to implement in a practical sense.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 19, 2021, 15:58:19
agreed there theakston, though I'm not sure the dithering helped much

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 16:01:02
We don't hear anything from Spain & Italy anymore are we to assume they both have the virus under control.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 19, 2021, 16:18:39
Oh come on that opportunity never really existed, it had spread all over the world before China admitted it was even an issue. Every attempt at ‘zero covid’ has failed miserably even New Zealand & Australia are giving up on that approach. To stop it becoming endemic would have required the whole world to have an absolutely brutal lockdown for months at the very beginning which would have been impossible to implement in a practical sense.

Agree that it was spreading making containment difficult, but the Chinese were working with the WHO on it back end of December 2019 and we didn't have  confirmed case in the UK till 29th January so the government had at least nearly a month to try and get ducks in some sort of row!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 19, 2021, 17:12:21
We don't hear anything from Spain & Italy anymore are we to assume they both have the virus under control.
Not at all, both have significantly increased in the last couple of weeks. God knows what’s gone on in Germany, their daily case numbers are significantly above the U.K. now and have 16% positivity rate on tests which is mental when you compare it to our 4%. Germany have maintained masks and even dictated mask types so shows how little effect our ‘Plan B’ would have had here. Maybe our approach since July has been right all along….

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JoeMezz on Friday, November 19, 2021, 17:20:00
Maybe our approach since July has been right all along….

The main thing that's helping is that the majority of Europe double jabbed people with both jabs close together. We decided to build immunity between jabs by having longer between the two jabs. Now, their immunity is dropping, ours will drop after 5/6 months but that's where the boosters come in. They've been very effective at widening the gap in the risk of hospitalisation between those vaccinated and unvaccinated. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 19, 2021, 17:34:03
The main thing that's helping is that the majority of Europe double jabbed people with both jabs close together. We decided to build immunity between jabs by having longer between the two jabs. Now, their immunity is dropping, ours will drop after 5/6 months but that's where the boosters come in. They've been very effective at widening the gap in the risk of hospitalisation between those vaccinated and unvaccinated. 
I also don’t think allowing a high but relatively stable number of cases over the last few months has been a bad thing. Hopefully it will prevent the spikes and will have built up the natural immunity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 17:39:04
Not at all, both have significantly increased in the last couple of weeks. God knows what’s gone on in Germany, their daily case numbers are significantly above the U.K. now and have 16% positivity rate on tests which is mental when you compare it to our 4%. Germany have maintained masks and even dictated mask types so shows how little effect our ‘Plan B’ would have had here. Maybe our approach since July has been right all along….

That's pretty much most of Europe then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, November 19, 2021, 17:44:37
The main thing that's helping is that the majority of Europe double jabbed people with both jabs close together. We decided to build immunity between jabs by having longer between the two jabs. Now, their immunity is dropping, ours will drop after 5/6 months but that's where the boosters come in. They've been very effective at widening the gap in the risk of hospitalisation between those vaccinated and unvaccinated. 

This is a very good point and seems to be often overlooked. The UK went against the grain in allowing such a gap between jabs and whether through luck or judgement could conceivably be a reason that we are on, in general, a better course than the rest of Europe seems to be. We also started jabbing earlier if I recall and surely this helped to contribute to us being in a position where cases aren’t alarmingly high going into the winter months.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 17:47:32
I can't remember how Sweden have kept their death rate so low

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Friday, November 19, 2021, 18:39:20
I can't remember how Sweden have kept their death rate so low

By a trusting approach that relied on the population being sensible &  following the advice & doing the right thing to avoid lockdowns.
That approach would never have worked over here or in any of the more populous countries in Europe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 18:40:35
Defiantly not Bob

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:16:33
Had my booster yesterday, sore arm today. Wasn't prepared for the 15 minute sit down after the jab.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:24:14
Like the German health minister today.

‘By Xmas all Germans will either be jabbed, had Covid and recovered, or died.’

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:26:49
Had my booster yesterday, sore arm today. Wasn't prepared for the 15 minute sit down after the jab.
I had to wait 15 mins after both my first 2 jabs, have my 3rd next week, standard procedure I thought?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:28:34
Depends which vaccine you have i think

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:30:51
The 15 mins is only Pfizer I think.

Has my third dose of Pfizer last Wednesday and had a flu jab in the other arm, felt a bit shitty Thursday but main issue was sleeping with both arms bruised!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:32:45
The 15 mins is only Pfizer I think.

Has my third dose of Pfizer last Wednesday and had a flu jab in the other arm, felt a bit shitty Thursday but main issue was sleeping with both arms bruised!
I had 2 doses of Astra Zeneca so it can't be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:36:45
I had AZ for the first jabs, no wait. Pfizer for the booster, 15 min wait. I think it's just for the Pfizer. Are you a special case JJ?  :)

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:37:39
in the leaflet it said you are supposed to sit for 15, but I was told don't drive for 15 after they pricked me - AZ, steam

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:38:15
I had to wait 15 mins after both my first 2 jabs, have my 3rd next week, standard procedure I thought?

I believe so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:38:24
I sat in the children's section by mistake and was asked to move  :D
I don't take much notice of what's going on around me tbh.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:39:10
I had AZ for the first jabs, no wait. Pfizer for the booster, 15 min wait. I think it's just for the Pfizer. Are you a special case JJ?  :)
No mate nothign special about me!

in the leaflet it said you are supposed to sit for 15, but I was told don't drive for 15 after they pricked me - AZ
Exactly this for me, don't drive or do anything for 15 mins in case there was a reaction.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, November 22, 2021, 13:56:06
By a trusting approach that relied on the population being sensible &  following the advice & doing the right thing to avoid lockdowns.
That approach would never have worked over here or in any of the more populous countries in Europe.

More likely, given that the best comparison would be other Nordic Countries, they actually faired quite badly.  They were likely helped by the les Latin style approach to personal space in the Nordics and the colder weather, plus they already have a very high percentage of people who work from home relative to other regions of the world.  I believe the Fins and Danes faired much better.  The also tend to be far more compliant, as you mention.  It all adds together for better overall Pandemic protection, but their less strict approach still saw them not do as well as neighbours.

I guess the real question is how many deaths is OK?  Zero is unrealistic, somewhere above that was too many.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, November 22, 2021, 14:14:45
I was in Belfast last weekend and the entrance to the Christmas Markets stated you had to show your vaccine confirmation or a negative test etc. Due to the amount of people barely anything was checked. The fella behind me got in by just saying 'I don't have my pass today'. I do get that's its tough to 'police' these things but it's clear that it's too much hassle for most places. There was a massive anto-vax/fake Covid protest on the Saturday so maybe they just decided not to bother with checks etc for a quiet life.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, November 25, 2021, 19:26:55
Oh fuck!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Thursday, November 25, 2021, 20:06:09
Was finally able to get my booster done yesterday at some pop up site on Commercial Road. Had the jab at 3pm and went straight back to work. Felt fine this morning but as the day went on I started to feel more rough by the hour to the point that I was sent home just after 2. Been in bed since and struggling to sleep. Feel bloody awful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Thursday, November 25, 2021, 20:40:55
Oh fuck!
It's a bit early to worry about that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Thursday, November 25, 2021, 20:54:17
Well they’re acting quickly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, November 25, 2021, 20:59:54
Oh fuck!
Bit early to worry isn’t it?! The article even says there have been loads of variants ‘scary’ on paper but came to very little.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Thursday, November 25, 2021, 21:07:53
Let's hope it's contained and eradicated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 26, 2021, 09:51:03
Well they’re acting quickly.

Which considering the normal sedate pace the government have acted at suggests they are rather hitting themselves about this one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 26, 2021, 09:59:35
Apart from Africa the new strain has already been detected in Israel Germany & Italy now watch the panic set in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 26, 2021, 10:01:02
Good job the AFCON is being held in North Africa next month. Still not sure how this may affect the tournament, though.

The WC being held in November next year - albeit in Qatar - hardly seems the right time of year now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 26, 2021, 10:03:13
It may end up a World Cup without any fans.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 26, 2021, 10:09:43
Not much point in that.

Not that it would stop FIFA from making millions.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 26, 2021, 10:17:27
Exactly it's all about the money!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 19:19:52
Face coverings mandatory in shops and on public transport again from next week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 19:46:15
Mandatory in England not the same as mandatory in Spain for example. In Spain it’s simply No Mask No Entry. None of these exceptions lanyards available to all off eBay or Amazon for a fiver that suddenly everyone will start wearing again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 19:47:52
It annoys me that the majority of Asda staff never wore a mask last time so it's unlikely they will this time.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 20:05:35
Quote from: Quagmire
Face coverings mandatory in shops and on public transport again from next week.

proper already moaning about it. it's not much of a hardship

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 20:22:23
Mask wearing has never stopped being mandatory here in Scotland.  And, in my experience, compliance with the rules is good.

I'd be interested to know whether the stricter rules have had a beneficial effect on infection rates etc.  It's not easy to find a recent comparison vs experience in other UK nations.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 20:34:49
proper already moaning about it. it's not much of a hardship

I never stopped wearing one but still got the virus😅

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 20:35:49
Meh. A minor inconvenience in those settings really, having been abroad recently with even stricter rules it’s really not much of a hardship and at least it’s not necessary in hospitality at the moment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 20:45:48
Quote from: Jimmy Quimm
I never stopped wearing one but still got the virus😅

the main reason to wear one is to lessen the chances of the infected transmitting it

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 20:47:08
That's why I get annoyed when I see shop workers not wearing them who mix with tonnes of different people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 21:18:26
I never stopped wearing one but still got the virus😅
It's not about stopping you getting it, it's about stopping you spreading it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 21:19:27
I know😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 21:20:46
Mandatory in England not the same as mandatory in Spain for example. In Spain it’s simply No Mask No Entry. None of these exceptions lanyards available to all off eBay or Amazon for a fiver that suddenly everyone will start wearing again.
Yes, even in a gym you have to wear a mask.  Makes treamill difficult

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, November 28, 2021, 13:40:28
Masks compulsory from Tuesday (not immediately as some people are spreading misinformation on social media websites). Done a big shop this morning and easily 70% people unmasked in the supermarket.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 28, 2021, 13:47:01
I've no idea why Borris didn't enforce it straight away why wait until Tuesday🤔

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, November 28, 2021, 14:29:21
To give people the chance to go to shops on Monday to buy masks 😂

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 28, 2021, 14:34:09
More than likely😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, November 29, 2021, 15:30:25
Yesterday was 6 months exactly since my 2nd jab - Not received a txt for the booster yet. Wonder whether I should just rock up somewhere and get one or wait to be asked?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 29, 2021, 15:41:51
just book it yourself online.

if there isn't anywhere local, keep trying for a few days.

I think they'll probably text, especially now the booster has been opened for over 18s

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, November 29, 2021, 15:50:29
just book it yourself online.

if there isn't anywhere local, keep trying for a few days.

I think they'll probably text, especially now the booster has been opened for over 18s

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 29, 2021, 15:53:20
should also say it won't give you days you aren't eligible for.

mine is December 21st at Steam, that's when my 6 months are up. happy Christmas me

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, November 29, 2021, 15:56:07
I fly back in three weeks (well, currently I do) and Omicron has just cost me the best part of three hundred quid in needing the full PCR test and isolation until negative test received.

Got to love the naming convention for the Variants though, much better than Hurricanes.  Imagine the world having to handle a Pandemic with a virus called something like Janet or Iris.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 29, 2021, 16:02:16
just book it yourself online.

if there isn't anywhere local, keep trying for a few days.

I think they'll probably text, especially now the booster has been opened for over 18s

I had a text inviting me for it today, despite me actually having it 2 weeks back, unless they want to give me a 4th dose!

Got to love the naming convention for the Variants though, much better than Hurricanes.  Imagine the world having to handle a Pandemic with a virus called something like Janet or Iris.

Just remember sheeple that Omicron as an anagram of moronic?  Having been away from social media (or in fact any form of contact with the outside world) for the weekend, on my return yesterday the new variant seemed to have rather boosted the number of conspiracy theorists popping up on my various feeds, people who had been measured before were losing their shit.

Frankly if being asked to wear a mask in some places during a global pandemic is really the greatest "oppression" you've ever faced in your life, you seriously do not know how charmed a life you've had, listening to the frantic protestations of some people one wonders why Stalin even bothered with the Gulag when he could have achieved the same result with fixed penalty tickets on people not wearing masks in shops.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, November 29, 2021, 16:29:40
I fly back in three weeks (well, currently I do) and Omicron has just cost me the best part of three hundred quid in needing the full PCR test and isolation until negative test received.

Got to love the naming convention for the Variants though, much better than Hurricanes.  Imagine the world having to handle a Pandemic with a virus called something like Janet or Iris.

One of the Covid is fake gang has noticed that Omicron is an anagram of moronic which is 100% proof that it doesn't exist. Yada yada.

Edit - didn't read Horlock's message above.

I booked my booster last week for the 15th December. In other Covid news, I got pinged by the NHS app when I was in Belfast. Went to a walk in PCR test centre in town but it was negative, as I suspected as I had zero Symptoms. (Yes fully aware you can have it without symptoms)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 29, 2021, 16:36:36
Quite a few of us on here have have the virus!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 29, 2021, 16:38:02

Edit - didn't read Horlock's message above.

People rarely do unless they want planning advice  :D :D ;)

Seriously though the fucking conspiracy lot were out in force yesterday and its spreading like wild fire.

Its also worth bearing in mind (And this actually predates the most recent variant and the new rules) that the vocal ones seem to actually be in the minority, albeit noisy!


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, November 29, 2021, 16:55:53
It is the most British thing imaginable that the least popular thing is closing the pubs. Less popular than full lockdown!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 06:36:06
Happy ‘Back To Wearing a Mask Day’ everyone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 07:05:46
And there’s even a Town fan on twitter still saying it’s all a hoax.

Take him round a Covid Ward unmasked and see if he fancies that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 09:07:53
And there’s even a Town fan on twitter still saying it’s all a hoax.

Take him round a Covid Ward unmasked and see if he fancies that.

You are saying it as if it's a surprise.

I can just about understand why people might not want to get any vaccine, perhaps they have had bad experiences in the past with vaccines, are afraid of getting something that hasn't had years of testing etc (even though effectively it has) and are waiting to see longer term results etc. But the whole Covid is a hoax thing, I just can't get my head around. It would have to have been mind bogglingly well planned with billions of people in on the it for it to be a hoax. Surely the people that are going down the hoax route are just messing about?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 12:25:26
And there’s even a Town fan on twitter still saying it’s all a hoax.

Take him round a Covid Ward unmasked and see if he fancies that.

I have seen a few on there, I just unfollow them because they end up liking and retweeting garbage from all of the usual suspects and clogging up my timeline with conspiricy theories..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 12:37:42
You are saying it as if it's a surprise.

I can just about understand why people might not want to get any vaccine, perhaps they have had bad experiences in the past with vaccines, are afraid of getting something that hasn't had years of testing etc (even though effectively it has) and are waiting to see longer term results etc. But the whole Covid is a hoax thing, I just can't get my head around. It would have to have been mind bogglingly well planned with billions of people in on the it for it to be a hoax. Surely the people that are going down the hoax route are just messing about?

Those that peddle it and ensure it continues are usually doing do for money - hence why a couple of low cost random drugs have been thrown into the mix at times.  Just enough of a link to a shred of truth that you can then weave a ridiculous lie around.  There isn't any irony that you have a combination of conspiracy theories being pushed that can't/co-exist - it's all a hoax as part of some new world order, and there are cheap drugs available to cure it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 18:01:04
Vaccinations now mandatory in Greece for the over 60s. €100 per month fine until vaccinated.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 18:40:56
Quote from: The Artist Formerly Known as Audrey
Vaccinations now mandatory in Greece for the over 60s. €100 per month fine until vaccinated.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 18:43:02
Just thinking about the media jizzing over the new variant.

Wouldn’t it be good if they reported how many, if any, of those who’ve contracted it were vaccinated and, more importantly, how they are.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 18:46:32
does the vaccine still prevent most hospitalisations?

if it does, report that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Broadbents Tackle on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 18:52:54
They're waiting until they've got enough data to be sure. There's a danger in jumping the gun, particularly if it gives people a false sense of security.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 18:56:33
Don’t seem to mind scaring the shit out of people with the same lack of data, though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 18:59:35
This was quite a comforting read:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 09:06:51
Bit of advice really. Due to the change of rules for travelling, we need to get the mother and father in-law tested before they fly back to the Republic of Ireland next Sunday. I believe they both require a negative PCR test before they can travel. I've done a bit of research and there are PCR centres fairly local in Coventry and Northampton but also believe Boots have a facility to do tests as well. Prices seem to be £100+

Anyone needed to do anything recently for travelling that might be able to share wisdom?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 09:11:29
Bit of advice really. Due to the change of rules for travelling, we need to get the mother and father in-law tested before they fly back to the Republic of Ireland next Sunday. I believe they both require a negative PCR test before they can travel. I've done a bit of research and there are PCR centres fairly local in Coventry and Northampton but also believe Boots have a facility to do tests as well. Prices seem to be £100+

Anyone needed to do anything recently for travelling that might be able to share wisdom?

When I travelled to and from the states in august I had to shop around to get a good deal, and paid a lot less than a hundred knicker.

Does this help?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 09:18:12
When I travelled to and from the states in august I had to shop around to get a good deal, and paid a lot less than a hundred knicker.

Does this help?

Thanks Hunk, appreciate that. £64.99 for a fit to fly test is easily the cheapest I have seen.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 09:23:18
Thanks Hunk, appreciate that. £64.99 for a fit to fly test is easily the cheapest I have seen.

No problem! I wouldn't stop there though, I'd be surprised if you can't find it even cheaper

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 09:25:10
Anyone needed to do anything recently for travelling that might be able to share wisdom?

We just used these guys (Swindon, but other "branches" (huts) available).

You pop to the mini hut, do the test, then they take to the lab. Results within 24 hours of lab receipt. I assume they still use a courier to get the sample there - they used to.

We did that at the time because the post service was hit by Covid and we were paranoid it would get delayed :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 09:28:45
We just used these guys (Swindon, but other "branches" (huts) available).

You pop to the mini hut, do the test, then they take to the lab. Results within 24 hours of lab receipt. I assume they still use a courier to get the sample there - they used to.

We did that at the time because the post service was hit by Covid and we were paranoid it would get delayed :)

Thanks Batch - looks like the pods are not that local for us unfortunately. Nearest looks like Leicester or Cambridge which is a bit of a trip. Thanks for sharing though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 09:35:04
Yeah, we wouldn't have travelled outside Swindon for it either

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 15:04:41
Officially told today our annual works party has been cancelled. The company went along with the corporate line that they ‘are protecting us from unnecessary socialising’. Which is odd seeing as we work in a building where you can’t help avoiding other people in close contact. Seems to have backfired a bit for the company an an unofficial night out around Old Town by some of the workers. Surely companies know this will happen so would be better off sticking with the Xmas do in a hotel function room where they have some level of control as opposed to their staff mingling with the masses of Swindon. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just a convienient to save money!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 15:08:15
I guess they do want to be responsible for fucking your Christmas over if it should happen.

it's a shame, but there you go. Won't be the only company doing this.

I'm sure you'll have a good night out anyway

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 15:22:06
Ours was canceled months ago 😔

Sent from my XQ-AD51

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 15:34:06
Companies will be worried about ruining people's Christmases because of the stricter isolation rules with the new variant. They don't want you blaming them for not being able to visit family on Christmas day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 17:39:09
I see Downing Street are failing to deny that they had a whole bunch of Christmas parties *last* year when everyone was told to cancel everything. I really do try to have a slightly more nuanced political outlook than "they're a bunch of enormous cunts" but my god do they make it difficult.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 18:05:57
I see Downing Street are failing to deny that they had a whole bunch of Christmas parties *last* year when everyone was told to cancel everything. I really do try to have a slightly more nuanced political outlook than "they're a bunch of enormous cunts" but my god do they make it difficult.
Well said. Total contempt for the electorate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 18:32:48
I see Downing Street are failing to deny that they had a whole bunch of Christmas parties *last* year when everyone was told to cancel everything. I really do try to have a slightly more nuanced political outlook than "they're a bunch of enormous cunts" but my god do they make it difficult.

Complete arrogance from them as per, but my question would be why is this information only coming to light nearly a year after the fact?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 19:59:33
Complete arrogance from them as per, but my question would be why is this information only coming to light nearly a year after the fact?

In no way am I defending this and have given up reading news articles from any source. But, they’re not the only ones and to be fair in all walks of life, age groups etc people were flouting the rules and or guidelines. Two wrongs do not make a right but it’s hard to point a finger at anyone or group in this instance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, December 2, 2021, 20:17:03
I see Downing Street are failing to deny that they had a whole bunch of Christmas parties *last* year when everyone was told to cancel everything. I really do try to have a slightly more nuanced political outlook than "they're a bunch of enormous cunts" but my god do they make it difficult.

As a cynic, I’m wondering what shit is about to hit the fan, or should have, that this is trying to mask. As BO says, it’s a year late, why?

In no way am I defending this and have given up reading news articles from any source. But, they’re not the only ones and to be fair in all walks of life, age groups etc people were flouting the rules and or guidelines. Two wrongs do not make a right but it’s hard to point a finger at anyone or group in this instance.

But we don’t make the rules. They should be leading the country and setting good examples, no?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Friday, December 3, 2021, 06:41:57
If I recall correctly anyone found breaking the rules were liable for a £10K fine, except if your an MP it would appear. Oddly enough Boris has come out yesterday as saying there is no need to cancel parties this year. Mixed messages again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Friday, December 3, 2021, 08:11:41
If Omicron takes a further hold and additional restrictions are placed on clubs re numbers. How many clubs across all divisions will go to the wall? 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, December 3, 2021, 08:44:33
Omicron is an anagram of Moronic.

I have little else to contribute to this thread today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, December 3, 2021, 08:58:02
Omicron is an anagram of Moronic.

I have little else to contribute to this thread today.

As mentioned twice 2 pages back.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, December 3, 2021, 09:08:55
As mentioned twice 2 pages back.
I have a memory like a goldfish....

Did you know that Omicron is an anagram of moronic ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, December 3, 2021, 09:18:04
I have a memory like a goldfish....

Did you know that Omicron is an anagram of moronic ?

 :clap: :soapy tit wank:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Saturday, December 4, 2021, 20:04:12
A fair bit of rail travel today.
Noticed a goodly number of people who must have medical exemptions for the dreaded face covering.
Can't think of any other reason for not wanting to show a bit of consideration for their fellow citizens.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 4, 2021, 20:20:33
Probably wearing those exempt lanyards that anyone can buy from amazon for a couple of quid no doubt

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, December 4, 2021, 23:38:30
Out of curiosity those of you that get annoyed by those who choose not to wear masks in shops etc, do you wear masks inside football stadiums when in the concourse areas? Half time against Harrogate last Saturday in The DRS concourse while getting a hot drink with a mate we counted a handful of mask wearers out of the hundreds mingling below to escape the cold. Just goes to show the nonsense of it all, you can be the only customer in a small shop but have to wear a mask, go to a rammed bar or in this case football and the rule not required.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 09:28:10
Or even sit next to somebody at the back of a packed stand holding thousands for 90+ minutes literally a couple of feet apart.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 09:49:46
Out of curiosity those of you that get annoyed by those who choose not to wear masks in shops etc, do you wear masks inside football stadiums when in the concourse areas? Half time against Harrogate last Saturday in The DRS concourse while getting a hot drink with a mate we counted a handful of mask wearers out of the hundreds mingling below to escape the cold. Just goes to show the nonsense of it all, you can be the only customer in a small shop but have to wear a mask, go to a rammed bar or in this case football and the rule not required.

You make a valid point, however, sporting events outside are a different aspect than an enclosed space of a retail establishment. You’ll counter with the concourse situation of course and TBF you’re right to do so. Playing devils advocate, how does a government in this situation produce uncomplicated legislation for a multitude of different situations? Each and everyone of those places will scream and shout that their place of ‘business’ should have special considerations to the importance of the business pertaining to that environment. Not an easy task. One size fits all clearly is not right, thousands of other variants, confusing laws equal chaos. Not helped by the MSM trying to hype up hysteria in the masses over a new variant that looks like it is no worse that what has been dealt with already by the current vaccine rollout.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 09:57:29
Out of curiosity those of you that get annoyed by those who choose not to wear masks in shops etc

Anyone who 'chooses' to not wear a mask in a shop when the current rules make it mandatory is a fucking moron.

I know you've made it quite clear you're an anti-masker, so that includes you.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 10:05:39
Anyone who 'chooses' to not wear a mask in a shop when the current rules make it mandatory is a fucking moron.

I know you've made it quite clear you're an anti-masker, so that includes you.


So because I ask a question that makes me an anti-masker? You don’t even know me! For your information I’m triple jabbed and have complied with all requirements so far but I’m the sort of person that likes to ask questions when I feel things make no sense. The ‘morons’ are the ones wearing masks when driving cars on their own etc because they’ve been made to feel scared by MSM etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: cheltred69 on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 10:06:36
Everyone will make their own assessments of how much risk they want to take but should also be aware of others. In a shop or public transport, both indoor settings where people need to go to live their lives, it is reasonable to expect masks to be worn for the safety of all.
Outdoor settings have been shown to have much lower transmission risk so less call for compulsory mask wearing. Also, in places where there is more choice about whether to put yourselves there, I think less of a case.
When I attend a match I accept the risk that I will be sitting next to or in front of a few people for the best part of a couple of hours but look to minimise any time spent in concourses where there will be many more people mingling. Similarly if I go to a pub I accept that I will spend some time near to people but again try to minimise the time that I’m in close contact with anyone other than those in my group.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 10:08:55
I went into two supermarkets yesterday with no hand sanitizer in sight!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 10:35:56
I went to Walsall on the train yesterday, I reckon you had less than 20% of people on it wearing masks and even less around Grand Central and the Bull Ring. Rightly or wrongly despite what polls say it looks like the majority of the population who are actually out and about are just doing their own thing now. Whitty is right when he says he has doubts the public would ever comply with another lockdown for this especially if restrictions are just seemingly delaying the inevitable and it’s here to stay.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 11:05:46
Everyone will make their own assessments of how much risk they want to take but should also be aware of others. In a shop or public transport, both indoor settings where people need to go to live their lives, it is reasonable to expect masks to be worn for the safety of all.
Outdoor settings have been shown to have much lower transmission risk so less call for compulsory mask wearing. Also, in places where there is more choice about whether to put yourselves there, I think less of a case.
When I attend a match I accept the risk that I will be sitting next to or in front of a few people for the best part of a couple of hours but look to minimise any time spent in concourses where there will be many more people mingling. Similarly if I go to a pub I accept that I will spend some time near to people but again try to minimise the time that I’m in close contact with anyone other than those in my group.

This is what I was trying to say in a roundabout way. Personally I never felt at risk in a supermarket but that’s simply because I shop after I finish work which is usually 8pm so easy to stay 2m away from the few people shopping at that time. I did however feel more concerned at football halftime in the concourse as it was packed and very few had masks which surprised me especially as there was a lot of older people about. I get that when sat in your seats it’s outside but in the concourse for all intents and purpose you are inside. Anyway as you say everyone should take the appropriate measures they deem fit. May you all stay safe this Christmas from the dreaded virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 11:06:28
It’s a false argument. The mask rules are never meant to be 100% effective at stopping the spread. But if you enforce them in certain high volume situations (which are also essentials for some), then you apply some level of restriction which may work to slow any spread to a degree. Some impact being seen as better than no impact

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 11:44:16
True, and no doubt we will be raising the same concerns again at the end of the 3 weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 15:50:24
Masks reduce, not prevent, transmission by stopping your breath from pushing out the virus in all directions.  You could be infected without knowing, so it adds a layer of protection, but is not infallible.

You may be in a shop on your own, and your risk in that situation is far reduced.  The mask will reduce that risk a little.  The shop assistant however has been in there all day.  Every person thinking they don't need a mask is adding more risk to that shop assistant.  You are doing it for them, not you.

This is why Asian cultures have taken to this year's ago around prevention of spreading flu.  It's also why we find spitting socially unacceptable, following the realization we were spreading disease to each other.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 16:01:25
Masks reduce, not prevent, transmission by stopping your breath from pushing out the virus in all directions.  You could be infected without knowing, so it adds a layer of protection, but is not infallible.

You may be in a shop on your own, and your risk in that situation is far reduced.  The mask will reduce that risk a little.  The shop assistant however has been in there all day.  Every person thinking they don't need a mask is adding more risk to that shop assistant.  You are doing it for them, not you.

This is why Asian cultures have taken to this year's ago around prevention of spreading flu.  It's also why we find spitting socially unacceptable, following the realization we were spreading disease to each other.

To back up what you are saying, I have two lodgers who self isolated with me when I had Covid, and neither caught it during those ten days where I wore masks and religiously washed my hands whenever I left my room. I very much doubt that would have been the case had a taken no precautions and breathed everywhere maskless  while touching surfaces with my virus ridden mitts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 16:38:01
To back up what you are saying, I have two lodgers who self isolated with me when I had Covid, and neither caught it during those ten days where I wore masks and religiously washed my hands whenever I left my room. I very much doubt that would have been the case had a taken no precautions and breathed everywhere maskless  while touching surfaces with my virus ridden mitts.

Further to your post and Robert T’s? post. Your mask, reduces you and others chances of getting it from you, equally if they wear one too then you both benefit from double protection from getting it. It is not 109% fool proof but If no one wears them them we’re all likely to be fucked at some point. It is more infectious than ordinary flu and more deadlier, what part of that don’t people understand?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 16:43:16
That's why I'm amazed lots Asda shop floor workers weren't wearing them yesterday considering how many shoppers they get close to.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 21:54:26
It’s a false argument. The mask rules are never meant to be 100% effective at stopping the spread. But if you enforce them in certain high volume situations (which are also essentials for some), then you apply some level of restriction which may work to slow any spread to a degree. Some impact being seen as better than no impact
Problem is who or how do we enforce them ?.   Went to Cribbs Causeway yesterday,  probably at least 95% of older people wore masks and behaved properly and respectfully, but the younger generation, probably under 20's I would estimate less than 70% were taking any notice at all and were just carrying on as though the virus didn't exist.  Until someone is able to enforce the wearing of masks think I'll be staying away from major shopping malls.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, December 5, 2021, 22:58:50
apologies if discussed on here before but I think there are some frequent travellers on here.

iv been looking into a short Norway trip between xmas/new years.

Double jabbed and tested positive on 1st Nov. I have travel qr code to show recovered from covid valid until 4th Jan. With the new rules asking for tests on arrival/departure are we exempt from this? As guidance says not to test again with 90 days as it may show positive.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, December 6, 2021, 00:58:30
Problem is who or how do we enforce them ?.   Went to Cribbs Causeway yesterday,  probably at least 95% of older people wore masks and behaved properly and respectfully, but the younger generation, probably under 20's I would estimate less than 70% were taking any notice at all and were just carrying on as though the virus didn't exist.  Until someone is able to enforce the wearing of masks think I'll be staying away from major shopping malls.

I don't need a pandemic to stay away from shopping centres.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, December 6, 2021, 09:27:17
apologies if discussed on here before but I think there are some frequent travellers on here.

iv been looking into a short Norway trip between xmas/new years.

Double jabbed and tested positive on 1st Nov. I have travel qr code to show recovered from covid valid until 4th Jan. With the new rules asking for tests on arrival/departure are we exempt from this? As guidance says not to test again with 90 days as it may show positive.

In August when I travelled the fact that I had recently recovered from Covid didn't matter to the UK or Iceland, but it did in the States. I transited through Iceland where I had to show a negative result, and just had to show my recently recovered status in the States. I then had to take another test before leaving the States, which neither the Iceland or UK authorities looked at, but required. It's a big, ridiculous tangle of rules depending on where you are going and when

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, December 6, 2021, 09:44:32
In August when I travelled the fact that I had recently recovered from Covid didn't matter to the UK or Iceland, but it did in the States. I transited through Iceland where I had to show a negative result, and just had to show my recently recovered status in the States. I then had to take another test before leaving the States, which neither the Iceland or UK authorities looked at, but required. It's a big, ridiculous tangle of rules depending on where you are going and when

Thanks, surely the risk is there if i test positive though... even though I wouldn't be. i was hoping for 90 days of travel freedom after recovering!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 6, 2021, 09:47:22
Very conflicting as I also tested positive at the start of November and the NHS definitely make it clear there's no point in doing another PCR test within 90 days as we would fail.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, December 6, 2021, 12:37:40
Thanks, surely the risk is there if i test positive though... even though I wouldn't be. i was hoping for 90 days of travel freedom after recovering!

I was also told that I would be significantly more likely to get a false positive after had covid, and I travelled only two weeks after I'd officially 'recovered'. I just kept my fingers crossed that I didn't get a false positive, and luckily for me I didn't. I've just remembered, although I had to take a test before going to Iceland, because I'd had Covid I could present a lateral flow rather than PCR test. These are the kind of different nuances that could change between places. It's a proper pain in the ass

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, 21:50:40
The gift that keeps on giving.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, 22:18:43
The gift that keeps on giving.

Beneath contempt.  Sickening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 06:36:11
Beneath contempt.  Sickening.

And yet there are people who will still listen and follow any Christmas guidelines Boris may give next week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 07:16:45
And vote for them

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:00:31
I'm sure the spokeswoman will be thrown to the wolves, but she doesn't act like that if her bosses aren't acting the same way off camera.

Just a phenomenal degree of arrogance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:17:11
PMQ should be fun. If the government impose another lockdown I can see civil disobedience at new levels. If labour can't get traction now they never will. Maybe it's time for a new party to establish itself as a credible opposition because starmers lot are as crap as the Tories are disgustingly contemptible of the electorate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:19:08
A few years back Mr Farage was making in roads then disappeared :soapy tit wank:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:22:17
Their ratings are starting to slip. Expect Boris to be thrown under the bus any time now, get replaced and then back to normal service CON +4.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:26:39
And vote for them
I will not be voting for them and never will but what is the alternative at the moment :no: We are fucked

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:28:40
I will not be voting for them and never will but what is the alternative at the moment :no: We are fucked

I see a lot of this and don't really get it - as much as Starmer is a pretty uninspiring guy without much in the way of political sparkle, he's a serious person who'll do his best and not take the piss at every turn like the current incumbent.

I'd have a lot of sympathy for "he's not that different to May" but he's clearly different to Johnson.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:37:42
I'm sure the spokeswoman will be thrown to the wolves, but she doesn't act like that if her bosses aren't acting the same way off camera.

Just a phenomenal degree of arrogance.

She is already not the spokeswoman, she was appointed in October 2020, the briefings never happened and then she was shunted off to a similar role on  the COP26 thingy, albeit she seems to have been very silent on that as well.

Seems to be something of a nothing job albeit paying c.£100k a year, I am sure that the fact that she is married to James Forsyth, Political Editor of The Spectator with Rishi Sunak being best man at their wedding, and they and Sunak are godparents to each other's children is of course entirely coincidental.

FWIW she comes accross as being pissed in that clip anyway.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:43:36
It's time for change

You may not be able to get behind labour. I'm pretty undecided on that myself.

But if Johnson or those succeeding him carry on getting into power, nothing will change. they'll have their mandate.

unfortunately it does seem Labour or Tory are the only choices that can obtain office.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JoeMezz on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:48:17
Restrictions to be tightened just in time for us to miss playing Man City

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:58:32
I see a lot of this and don't really get it - as much as Starmer is a pretty uninspiring guy without much in the way of political sparkle, he's a serious person who'll do his best and not take the piss at every turn like the current incumbent.

I'd have a lot of sympathy for "he's not that different to May" but he's clearly different to Johnson.
Unfortunately if you are seeing it alot that speaks volumes. He is a serious guy but if Boris resigned today he will not be in Power will he, it's not Starmer i am talking about it's who will replace Boris if he did walk today for example

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 09:59:23
Quote from: JoeMezz
Restrictions to be tightened just in time for us to miss playing Man City

don't .. even...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 10:05:55
We all know that the the last election was about Brexit, not a great deal more.  Not saying that the other lot would have got in without it, but it pretty much sealed the election before it even started.  If you wanted Brexit then you had to vote tories, even if you didn't agree with their policies..

Dominic Cummings might be a dick, but he is not a stupid dick..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 10:12:25
The state of politics in the country now.  How anybody can put their hand on their heart and vote for anyone of them.
Sure, there are individual backbenchers on all sides that do a fine job for their constituents but the clowns supposedly in charge . . .

How will it ever change? The leading Tories will always come up from the same sort of backgrounds with the same allegiances and ditto Labour.

The quality of individual politicians is dreadful overall.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 10:15:07
It's time for change

It is, clearly.  But how?

A point probably better for the Politics thread, so apols for taking briefly off topic.  What we are witnessing now is a direct consequence of the disastrous First Past the Post (FPTP) electoral system - used by the Westminster parliament and almost nowhere else.  It’s a system that awarded a landslide 80 seat majority - and with it, a licence to do as they pleased with few checks or balances - to a political party captured by populists that won just 43.6% of the popular vote.

The power that the Johnson government has been able to exercise over the last 2 years is completely disproportionate to their support in the country.  Everyone knows that Johnson believes the rules should not apply to him.  This is a catastrofuck that’s been on the cards from Day 1.

Dispense with FPTP, or this will happen again.  And again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 10:28:39
Current rumour going round is that we're going to get tougher COVID restrictions imminently as a distraction. Can't see that going down well...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 10:29:34
What restrictions

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 10:37:04
Current rumour going round is that we're going to get tougher COVID restrictions imminently as a distraction. Can't see that going down well...

Johnson's government has lost all authority to enforce COVID restrictions.  Pointless.  Any future restrictions will have to be advisory only.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 10:53:13
Is there a chance they'll put restrictions in place for footy? Want to get a half season ticket but will be cheesed off if they stop us going.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 10:54:13
Unfortunately if you are seeing it alot that speaks volumes. He is a serious guy but if Boris resigned today he will not be in Power will he, it's not Starmer i am talking about it's who will replace Boris if he did walk today for example

From reading between the lines in the populist right wing press they seem to think Sunak is pretty much a shoe in for it.

Dispense with FPTP, or this will happen again.  And again.

Problem is that parties who have just been elected by the system are loathe to see it changed, the LD's had a go in their post 2010 fuck up, but by the time Cameron had diluted the option to something barely workable it was never going to get passed, added to which the media are never going to support something that risks their chosen party not getting elected.

What are the odds Carrie goes into labour or Johnson tests positive before 12 o'clock today!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 10:56:40
Is there a chance they'll put restrictions in place for footy? Want to get a half season ticket but will be cheesed off if they stop us going.

FT reckons vaccine passports similar to the Newport game a few weeks back (already in place in Wales & Scotland), but not restricted attendance. But a long way to go...

It would be very Swindon to get a plum draw and then have the ground closed, wouldn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 11:05:28
It would be very Swindon to get a plum draw and then have the ground closed, wouldn't it?

It would! I had the same conversation the other week with my NUFC supporting mate that it was very NUFC for them to appoint Howe with big fan fare and then him test positive and miss his first game!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 11:12:19

What are the odds Carrie goes into labour or Johnson tests positive before 12 o'clock today!

I can't see her defecting to the other side, it might cause a few arguements at home..

I know that is not what you meant :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 11:15:17
Plan B coming in

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 12:58:09
Not my choice of musician but could be a better PM than BoJo.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 13:12:19
Not my choice of musician but could be a better PM than BoJo.

This tickled me more than it should have.  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 13:13:55
Quote from: tans
Plan B coming in

if it brings in vaccine passports for sport it should make getting a Man City ticket easier*

* based on the Newport bitching

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 13:25:41
soapy tit wank, for that match I expect we’ll see them u turn faster than Boris usually does

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 13:30:29
Quote from: Dr Pierre Chang
soapy tit wank, for that match I expect we’ll see them u turn faster than Boris usually does

oh yes!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 13:45:55
Not my choice of musician but could be a better PM than BoJo.

Good work sir, I spent ages trying to shoehorn a similar gag in and failed!
if it brings in vaccine passports for sport it should make getting a Man City ticket easier*

* based on the Newport bitching

TBH who knows, Hoyle was fuming about it all after PMQ's again plus plenty of reporting that Tory MP's generally expected any announcement to be next week so no idea why they seem to be rushing it out this afternoon?

Add into the equation the pretty large anti measures Tory contingent and its a risky strategy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 15:24:51
hmmm, can't imagine why they are rushing it in today

they better not cancel my blues brothers Xmas thing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 15:31:49
I originally booked tickets for my parents to fly over to us for Christmas, assuming the USA would have opened up to UK visitors by then.  BY September this was beginning to look quite dodgy and we knew we could at least enter the UK and return thanks to being UK Citizens and having Perm Residency in the USA now, so we moved their flights to 2022 and booked ourselves to come back instead.  A week later the USA opened up and ever since the UK has gradually become more of a pain to return to.  Sods law.

"Can everyone stop getting shot!"

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 16:04:47
PM out clubbing  :) (not UK).

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 16:36:21
Getting my booster tomorrow. It’s all been very un-Greek like, though. Everything organised and smooth running!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 17:11:03
Covid news conference to be held at 18:00
The prime minister will hold a Covid news conference at 18:00 GMT, a No 10 spokesperson says.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:00:08
- work from home if you can (from Monday)
- legal requirement to wear facemask in most indoor places (theatres/cinema)
- covid passes needed for large gatherings *unseated*   > 4000 outdoors , 10k any venue (and less indoor, 500???). lat flow tests accepted

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:00:35
How does this work for pubs and restaurants then?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:01:08
Quote from: Quagmire
How does this work for pubs and restaurants then?

he said some exemptions like when eating and drinking

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:04:20
Does he mean venues that have a capacity over 10,000 no matter how many people actually attend or venues that have 10,000 in attendance.

Obviously now, the Man City game will be for those vaccinated only.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:05:39
The unvaxxed will just put the liquid on the lat flow test without shoving it up their hooter anyway

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:09:20
so I think it may be 4000 unseated outdoors, and 10k for any venue seated or unseated

so it's a bit of a nightmare for stfc, as some games have hovered around 10k

I assume it's attendance not capacity!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:10:10
Quote from: tans
The unvaxxed will just put the liquid on the lat flow test without shoving it up their hooter anyway

why go that far. scan the code and say 'negitive'. no photos required.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:10:53
Good point

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:22:00
so I think it may be 4000 unseated outdoors, and 10k for any venue seated or unseated

so it's a bit of a nightmare for stfc, as some games have hovered around 10k

I assume it's attendance not capacity!
Restrict ticket sales to 10,000. Simples.

Imagine the queues with having to produce and get checked your Covid status.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:23:00
Anti vaxxers won't be in attendance then?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:26:49
Quote from: 4D
Anti vaxxers won't be in attendance then?  :)

they can just fake a lateral flow test

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:30:22
Anti vaxxers won't be in attendance then?  :)
They can if the attendance is limited to 10,000.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:31:32
so I think it may be 4000 unseated outdoors, and 10k for any venue seated or unseated

so it's a bit of a nightmare for stfc, as some games have hovered around 10k

I assume it's attendance not capacity!

I assume capacity as it will need to be implemented knowing there would be on the day/real time sales of tickets.  You can't hit 10k and then go back around checking everyone.  I presume a legal boffin could determine that a capacity limit could be applied below 10k to ensure hitting that number.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:39:05
City apart, how many league games are likely to be above 10,000? Exeter? Rovers? FGR?

Mug off the away fans.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:42:33
Plan B coming in
Is hoofing it long to Simpson really the answer?

Sent from my SM-A125F

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Mr Stevens on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 18:44:49
If there are any anti-vacccination, season ticket holders, I need two for the City game.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 19:22:12
they can just fake a lateral flow test
Imagine a screen shot of someone else’s Covid app will work as well. Completely pointless and just puts further strain on thee hospitality and entertainment sectors who will get all the flack if they try and enforce them.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 19:25:13
well yeah, but most people have a sense of duty to those around them and will comply.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 19:38:30
City apart, how many league games are likely to be above 10,000? Exeter? Rovers? FGR?

Mug off the away fans.
If the gate for FGR is above 10,000 it will be because of the home fans

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 19:38:37
well yeah, but most people have a sense of duty to those around them and will comply.
Doubt it. If you’ve deliberately not had a vaccine they’ll just do all they can to circumvent the system I’d imagine. The people with a ‘sense of duty’ will have double jabbed… Just puts unnecessary pressure on businesses for minimal benefit with such high vaccination numbers, imagine if your phone breaks, has a flat battery or you lose it when out or going somewhere it’ll be an absolute nightmare and if people are pissed up customer facing staff are going to get unfair stick when they refuse entry.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 20:11:31
City apart, how many league games are likely to be above 10,000? Exeter? Rovers? FGR?

Mug off the away fans.

I’d imagine the 3 home games leading up to Man City will be over 10k.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 02:49:07
I wouldn’t stress, I’d imagine the likelihood of the club (or many enterprises) enforcing the checks with much rigour is slim at best

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 09:29:17
Quote from: Bogus Dave
I wouldn’t stress, I’d imagine the likelihood of the club (or many enterprises) enforcing the checks with much rigour is slim at best

quite, went to a gig in Wales they already has the rule in place.

cursory glance was all they could do really, no scanning, no check to see person going in matched person on vaccine pass.

didn't hold the queue up

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 11:17:27
Plenty of people in Asda including staff not earring masks. Mostly young and with shit eating grins on their faces waiting to be challenged. The older gits tend to have chinstraps.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 11:26:01
Plenty of people in Asda including staff not earring masks. Mostly young and with shit eating grins on their faces waiting to be challenged. The older gits tend to have chinstraps.

I rarely go to supermarkets but on the rare occasions I do its invariably Asda and throughout this shit show the staff seem to have rarely worn masks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 11:44:36
I agree the staff at my Asda very rarely wear a mask and you think it would be mandory unless they are exempt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 12:13:32
Anyone found in a store here unmasked - the store gets fined €10,000 and shut down for 10 days. Individuals €500 fine.

Unvavccinated only allowed in supermarkets and pharmacies. That will also apply to double vaccinated people who haven’t got the booster.

Don’t fuck about here!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 14:56:23
I agree the staff at my Asda very rarely wear a mask and you think it would be mandory unless they are exempt.

Let’s not turn this into a pick on the supermarket workers who’ve worked wonders throughout the pandemic. It’s one thing to wear a mask for 10 minutes as you stroll around getting a few bits as opposed to wearing one for an 8 hour shift while doing physical work. I don’t work in retail but I do work for a large company who’s management have left mask wearing at your own descretion, I’m guessing that’s the same with Asda.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 15:43:56
Restrict ticket sales to 10,000. Simples.

Imagine the queues with having to produce and get checked your Covid status.
They did it at Newport with only minimal delays.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 16:57:01
I wouldn’t stress, I’d imagine the likelihood of the club (or many enterprises) enforcing the checks with much rigour is slim at best

Agreed. Went to Ibiza Classics at Bowood, MFor at Lydiard, Live @ Lydiard and most recently a Butlins Ibiza weekender. All required a Covid pass but all that happened was someone in a hi-viz looking bored having a glance at your phone. Could have been anyones Covid pass which is why it’s such a mockery.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Thursday, December 9, 2021, 17:30:16
They did it at Newport with only minimal delays.
That was still far quicker than entry to the CG!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, December 10, 2021, 10:09:43
This Covid outbreak is leaving Spurs in a bit of a pickle

The earliest possible date for Spurs rearranged Rennes tie is 18th December. The tie must be completed by 1st January. In this 14 day window Spurs have 5 games already. So either Spurs must forfeit their place in Europa Conference League..or play 6 games in 14 days. What’s more the only possible dates not both immediately preceding or succeeding a day of another spurs game are… Christmas eve - Friday 24th December or the 30th December. In both cases involving 3 games in 4 days. Be interesting to see how this situation is resolved… But a problem. Like most European countries Christmas eve in France is more important than in UK where Christmas Day is priority. Also ligue 1 is on it’s winter break - it seems unlikely UEFA could force a club to play on this day - so 30th December seems only date possible.

This would make Spurs fixtures:
26 December - Crystal Palace
28 December - Southampton
30 December - Rennes
1st January - Watford

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Friday, December 10, 2021, 10:11:48
Spurs must forfeit their place in Europa Conference League...

Oh no

(I do understand your point, this bit just amused me)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, December 10, 2021, 10:18:35
What's the gain by staying in the pointless competition

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, December 10, 2021, 10:22:44
Oh no

(I do understand your point, this bit just amused me)

Oh I know, as you might have gathered I copied it from another source rather than researching it myself.  ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, December 10, 2021, 10:26:11
What's the gain by staying in the pointless competition

Absolutely none. Anton's Dad doesn't even know what it is

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, December 10, 2021, 10:27:41
That did make me chuckle😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Friday, December 10, 2021, 10:34:28
They constantly bitch about their younger players not getting proper games, well now it's their chance. Unless they can only gain experience on loan or in the Mickey mouse cup. That's what the squad is for.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, December 10, 2021, 19:26:21
Not seen it mentioned previously on here but Angus was briefly interviewed for a section on points west last night and said we will be requiring vaccine passports/lateral flow to enter each match (so clearly expecting some good crowds in the coming weeks).

He said they’ll be recruiting further staff to ensure that in his words ‘the queues won’t be even longer’ (with a cheeky grin on his face)  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 07:36:08
Has anybody had the Moderna Vaccine recently as I had mine yesterday and it completely messed me up. I've never had the chills or burning feeling like that before as well as a headache.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 09:42:49
booster in 21st, I'll let you know

since having Coronavirus my taste is different. some things taste fine. some taste mild

and I can't smell poo. which makes knowing whether to squeeze out a second fart more difficult to guage if you are on polite company

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 12:25:44
Has anybody had the Moderna Vaccine recently as I had mine yesterday and it completely messed me up. I've never had the chills or burning feeling like that before as well as a headache.

Both of my first two were moderna. First one my arm hurt like a motherfucker but nothing else. Second one I felt really rough too. It was like having Covid but only really lasted a day or two and then I was ok

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 12:28:51
My 1st 2 were Astra Zeneca and had no problems at all, my booster 2 weeks ago was Moderna and my arm felt like I was hit by a cricket bat for 4 or 5 days, no other problems at all from it though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 12:34:45
Had my 2 AZ followed by Pfizer booster. No reactions from any of them.

Bring it on!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 13:16:32
booster in 21st, I'll let you know

since having Coronavirus my taste is different. some things taste fine. some taste mild

and I can't smell poo. which makes knowing whether to squeeze out a second fart more difficult to guage if you are on polite company

Yesterday was worse than any Covid symptons either freezing and the whole body shaking or feeling like I was on fire. As JJ says the injection point is really sore & tender and worse than the other two vaccines.
I still don't have any smell and really only taste things that are really sweet or salty although I was craving a bottle of sprite this morning at 3.30 and that was the best tasting thing I've had in six weeks

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 13:20:37
You're tough as old boots Auld :eek:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 15:07:16
Had my 2 AZ followed by Pfizer booster. No reactions from any of them.

Bring it on!

Same cocktail as me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 16:24:03
I had my 3rd Pfizer a few weeks ago and my bicep tendon snapped WTF?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 16:29:44
Are you sure your not a body builder and injected something else :noway:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 17:15:13
nah, just snapped and I went deaf!!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 17:17:13
They don't inject in the bicep

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Sunday, December 12, 2021, 17:58:41
I know, not far off from the long head tendon though, I look like Popeye now, where's me spinach Olive!!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, December 13, 2021, 09:01:21
Good this isnt it, tell everyone to book the booster but the fucking website doesnt work

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 13, 2021, 09:23:32
Could be worse, my missus has asthma and a history of chest infections. She has had  a stinking cold the last week so the GP asked her to take a precautionary PCR, which came back negative on Friday, however despite being called for her booster she cannot have it for 4 weeks after a PCR (positive or negative), so its fingers crossed time!

What I have also learnt is that if you have any symptoms a LFT is basically less than useless.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Monday, December 13, 2021, 11:15:07
Good this isnt it, tell everyone to book the booster but the fucking website doesnt work

Blame Boris, not the NHS

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 13, 2021, 12:35:47
Blame Boris, not the NHS

Indeed, its now emerging that they only gave the NHS 4 hours notice of what they were going to announce last night, despite the plan being in place for months. And listening to ministers some are saying all will get a booster others that all will be offered a booster by end December.

I see that we also seem to have run out of LFT's   

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AMayesIng on Monday, December 13, 2021, 13:16:17
I don't think the 'speeding up' plan was in place for months (it couldn't have been). I do have some sympathy with the Govt. when things can change so quickly. Where my sympathy ends is basic message management, or lack of. E.g. Confusing 'Offered by end Dec' with 'Jabbed by end Dec'. These are 2 completely different things, and an obvious question someone should have clarified before any comms. The fact no one did suggests a culture of piss poor management and/or people in the organisation afraid to speak up. Neither is good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 13, 2021, 13:21:10
I don't think the 'speeding up' plan was in place for months (it couldn't have been). I do have some sympathy with the Govt. when things can change so quickly. Where my sympathy ends is basic message management, or lack of. E.g. Confusing 'Offered by end Dec' with 'Jabbed by end Dec'. These are 2 completely different things, and an obvious question someone should have clarified before any comms. The fact no one did suggests a culture of piss poor management and/or people in the organisation afraid to speak up. Neither is good.

There has been a plan in place in case of a rapid escalation for at least 6 months, as there has always been a fear of a new lively variant emerging as is the case here, source - mate of mine who is in the lead delivery group of vaccination programme at an NHS Trust.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AMayesIng on Monday, December 13, 2021, 13:26:21
Fair enough, your point stands then. They're fucking useless

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 13, 2021, 13:32:42
however despite being called for her booster she cannot have it for 4 weeks after a PCR (positive or negative), so its fingers crossed time!

What the actual f....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Monday, December 13, 2021, 13:48:22
Thought it was just 28 days after a Positive test? Taking the test itself does nothing that would interfere with the jab and how it works.  Taking the jab while having the virus could cause a problem in getting it to work effectively, given the body is already producing a reaction.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, December 13, 2021, 13:58:50
Could be worse, my missus has asthma and a history of chest infections. She has had  a stinking cold the last week so the GP asked her to take a precautionary PCR, which came back negative on Friday, however despite being called for her booster she cannot have it for 4 weeks after a PCR (positive or negative), so its fingers crossed time!

What I have also learnt is that if you have any symptoms a LFT is basically less than useless.

Really? I had a negative PCR test on the 25th November (due to being pinged, not symptoms based) and I am going for my Booster on Wednesday morning. Which is 3 weeks and 1 day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 13, 2021, 14:18:43
That's what she has been told when she tried to book the booster. TBH I am trying to persuade her just to try and get a walk up one from somewhere.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 13, 2021, 14:30:04
Jesus they need to get a grip on themselves.[post+type]

Although to be fair the parallels are truly alarming. For example, in Nazi Germany they built concentration camps, whereas in pandemic Britain, we must put a tiny cloth on our faces in Tesco so people with asthma don't die.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Monday, December 13, 2021, 14:31:38
If this version is easily spread and less virulent, is there an argument for letting it rip and encourage it to be the dominant one thereby building up immunity. I realise there will be pressure on the NHS and some people will die but just a thought for the long term.
Will we get a better opportunity.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, December 13, 2021, 15:06:54

What I have also learnt is that if you have any symptoms a LFT is basically less than useless.

Not entirely useless, just less effective. I took one each day when I was isolating with Covid and they all came back positive until day eight. I wanted to test their effectiveness with symptoms. Obviously that’s just one person but they are capable of working with symptoms

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, December 13, 2021, 15:42:16
I can not believe that they are still at the stage where they don't know how severe this 'tidal wave of omicron will be'. Exceptionally quick to say its more transmissible but there must be live data out there on its effects.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, December 13, 2021, 15:56:36
There is. All the signs from South Africa suggest it’s much less serious (but not *not* serious)

Usual caveats apply

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AMayesIng on Monday, December 13, 2021, 15:57:57
Jesus they need to get a grip on themselves.[post+type]

Although to be fair the parallels are truly alarming. For example, in Nazi Germany they built concentration camps, whereas in pandemic Britain, we must put a tiny cloth on our faces in Tesco so people with asthma don't die.

Godwins Law applies. Also a bit odd that this MP is arguing against a 'papers based society'; having just voted to change the law so that you need to produce Papers to vote in Elections...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Super Hans on Monday, December 13, 2021, 18:10:14
Anyone know of anywhere in Swindon I can walk in for a second jab? 32 years old. Everywhere i've looked seems to be 40+ or wait approx 4 weeks for an appointment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 13, 2021, 18:16:40
Ive just checked the NHS site and apart from Sanford street which is over 40+ It looks like Bristol is the nearest

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, December 13, 2021, 18:43:47
There is. All the signs from South Africa suggest it’s much less serious (but not *not* serious)

Usual caveats apply

agreed there are- but the government won't say it was more ny point.

It is now clear that two doses of vaccine are simply not enough to give the level of protection we all need. But the good news is that our scientists are confident that with a third dose, a booster dose, we can all bring our level of protection back up."

He added: "At this point our scientists cannot say that Omicron is less severe.

it is clear that 2 doses isn't enough against the unclear effects.  :hmmm: iv been on board throughout but genuinely losing the will to follow any more potential restrictions. People have had enough opportunity to get jabs, enough of the vulnerable should have had their booster by now. if they go any further with restrictions without evidence then il be done.

I know people were crying out for more reaction at the every start of pandemic but its a very different scenario now in terms of protection of vulnerable etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 13, 2021, 19:13:57
It's a numbers game. Highly transmissible but less deadly but still has as much or more change of clogging the NHS .

The thing is. what about the next variant. or the one after? if we can get it down to one booster a year fair enough. we can't do it every 3 or 6 months

What's the exit strategy

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, December 13, 2021, 19:25:19
It's a numbers game. Highly transmissible but less deadly but still has as much or more change of clogging the NHS .

The thing is. what about the next variant. or the one after? if we can get it down to one booster a year fair enough. we can't do it every 3 or 6 months

What's the exit strategy

I'd have no issue personally with a 6 monthly jab or even 3 monthly if it means just cracking on which it rightly should

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Monday, December 13, 2021, 19:48:09
It's a numbers game. Highly transmissible but less deadly but still has as much or more change of clogging the NHS .

The thing is. what about the next variant. or the one after? if we can get it down to one booster a year fair enough. we can't do it every 3 or 6 months

What's the exit strategy

We do it every 12 months for flu, so its not really that different?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, December 13, 2021, 20:02:12
Really interesting the way that people are putting their points over.

I've waited patiently for my booster, because there are people more vulnerable than me that need it before me. I'll be relieved when I get it at the end of the week.

Exit strategy? Patience, time and tolerance would be a good start! We need 'clever people' to keep working on vaccines and better ways to treat infections. I think from the start 'clever people' were talking about this taking 4 years or so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 13, 2021, 20:21:42
Quote from: singingiiiffy
I'd have no issue personally with a 6 monthly jab or even 3 monthly if it means just cracking on which it rightly should

if get mine too, but at the moment it's not getting us to normality. I've been working from home for nearly 2 years now.

Guess I'm frustrated at that. yeah it's probably impatience in my part.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 13, 2021, 20:23:16
if get mine too, but at the moment it's not getting us to normality. I've been working from home for nearly 2 years now.

Guess I'm frustrated at that. yeah it's probably impatience in my part.

Up until this week could you have gone back to work or have they always wanted you working from home?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 13, 2021, 20:30:46
The company has looked at a return after Xmas. obviously that's out now.

I suppose that's not all government mandated.

The good thing is I think if we do go back it'll only be one or two days a week. best of both worlds

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 13, 2021, 20:34:26
You can't beat a bit of office gossip😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, December 13, 2021, 21:21:07
Exit strategy? Patience, time and tolerance would be a good start! We need 'clever people' to keep working on vaccines and better ways to treat infections. I think from the start 'clever people' were talking about this taking 4 years or so.

Patience? How long do you really give it though, 4 years would be ridiculous we can’t have 2 more winters of panic like this. Pretty much everyone I know has said they’d ignore any further tightening of restrictions or a lockdown now. This booster campaign and associated restrictions until the magic number is hit needs to be the final big push and after that normality needs to return. We can’t continue like this as it’s currently impossible to make any long term plans as they are constantly subject to the whims of politicians.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, December 13, 2021, 22:01:48
Patience? How long do you really give it though, 4 years would be ridiculous we can’t have 2 more winters of panic like this. Pretty much everyone I know has said they’d ignore any further tightening of restrictions or a lockdown now. This booster campaign and associated restrictions until the magic number is hit needs to be the final big push and after that normality needs to return. We can’t continue like this as it’s currently impossible to make any long term plans as they are constantly subject to the whims of politicians.
But, normality (as it was) can't resume as there is an infectious disease out there that we don't have a cure for. So, no matter how much we would rather it wasn't, we have to change. We can all take a 'fuck you' attitude, but I don't see it achieving a swifter route to normality.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, December 13, 2021, 22:12:55
But, normality (as it was) can't resume as there is an infectious disease out there that we don't have a cure for. So, no matter how much we would rather it wasn't, we have to change. We can all take a 'fuck you' attitude, but I don't see it achieving a swifter route to normality.
I’d say rightly or wrongly that will be exactly the attitude that gets adopted next year for many  For the last lockdown we were told vaccines were the light at the end of the tunnel so people put up with it on that basis. Now we are being told boosters are the light at the end of the tunnel and people are putting up with the restrictions on that basis. If we get post booster campaign and the goal posts change again I think the majority of people will say fuck it and choose to get on with their lives as the promised light never arrives. An annual booster programme should be the limit of restrictions beyond this year IMO.

There’s no precedent other than the EU referendum but I’d say it would need to go to some kind of public vote over how we should continue to proceed if this goes on into the summer next year as this is all way beyond what someone would have considered when voting in elections and what not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Moss on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 00:45:02
I’d say rightly or wrongly that will be exactly the attitude that gets adopted next year for many  For the last lockdown we were told vaccines were the light at the end of the tunnel so people put up with it on that basis. Now we are being told boosters are the light at the end of the tunnel and people are putting up with the restrictions on that basis. If we get post booster campaign and the goal posts change again I think the majority of people will say fuck it and choose to get on with their lives as the promised light never arrives. An annual booster programme should be the limit of restrictions beyond this year IMO.

There’s no precedent other than the EU referendum but I’d say it would need to go to some kind of public vote over how we should continue to proceed if this goes on into the summer next year as this is all way beyond what someone would have considered when voting in elections and what not.

Fuck me ive heard it all now. Put our public health response to a pandemic that’s killed millions to the public vote. Are you serious? What are you proposing a saturday night vote on the weekends restrictions? There are 60 ambulances queueing outside A&E departments already. If it gets out of hand it means the nhs stops working for everything and everyone

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 06:49:54
I’d say rightly or wrongly that will be exactly the attitude that gets adopted next year for many  For the last lockdown we were told vaccines were the light at the end of the tunnel so people put up with it on that basis. Now we are being told boosters are the light at the end of the tunnel and people are putting up with the restrictions on that basis. If we get post booster campaign and the goal posts change again I think the majority of people will say fuck it and choose to get on with their lives as the promised light never arrives. An annual booster programme should be the limit of restrictions beyond this year IMO.

There’s no precedent other than the EU referendum but I’d say it would need to go to some kind of public vote over how we should continue to proceed if this goes on into the summer next year as this is all way beyond what someone would have considered when voting in elections and what not.
Apologies, but when I read it, I thought your first para cames across all 'Kevin the teenager' insomuch as I read it as you saying 'Its so unfair!' Unfortunately, things change, and politicians (good and bad ones) have to put out a simple message to dumb things down for the masses.

As for a vote - The last national referendum worked out rather well didn't it! Country divided, polarised and hostility abounded. If we had a vote on how to proceed I'd expect Boaty McBoatface to be selected as the Chief Medical Officer and Scotland to become a Principality of an Independent Wales!

Leaving things in the hands of the people has always been a recipe for 'disaster dahling'! (Said in a Craig Revell Horwood voice

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 10:01:01
encouraging news from SA that Omicron seems so far less severe

South African scientists say they have yet to see any indication that the Omicron variant is as severe as previous waves in the country.

One of the country’s leading Covid-19 experts, Prof Salim Karim, pointed to hospital data from the area where Omicron was first detected.

He said that in comparison with previous waves of the pandemic, far fewer patients needed oxygen or admission to intensive care.

"In the current wave right now, we have only one out of four cases that is severe - a marked difference. And this is not merely an impact of vaccines, because this reduction in severity goes across all ages, including ages we didn't vaccinate."

A similar pattern is now being detected in mortality figures.

Prof Marta Nunes, a vaccine expert at Wits University, also said the mortality rate was lower than in previous waves.

However, scientists and doctors agree they need more data before they can be sure of Omicron’s impact. And it is not yet clear how Omicron will affect other countries.

The variant is spreading remarkably fast. And comparisons with previous waves are only helpful up to a point.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 10:13:45
I’d say rightly or wrongly that will be exactly the attitude that gets adopted next year for many  For the last lockdown we were told vaccines were the light at the end of the tunnel so people put up with it on that basis. Now we are being told boosters are the light at the end of the tunnel and people are putting up with the restrictions on that basis. If we get post booster campaign and the goal posts change again I think the majority of people will say fuck it and choose to get on with their lives as the promised light never arrives. An annual booster programme should be the limit of restrictions beyond this year IMO.

There’s no precedent other than the EU referendum but I’d say it would need to go to some kind of public vote over how we should continue to proceed if this goes on into the summer next year as this is all way beyond what someone would have considered when voting in elections and what not.

I do understand what you are saying and you are correct that were told that the vaccine program would be the 'silver bullet'. However I don't think these things can really be so black and white in a pandemic. The mutation of a virus could be absolutely catastrophic and whilst the news that Omicron doesn't sound as bad as it is feared I do think you have to take a bit of a worst case scenario until we know the full picture and how the vaccine's work against it.

In theory given how much the virus is spreading across the UK, shouldn't it become weaker in time?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 12:39:31
I do understand what you are saying and you are correct that were told that the vaccine program would be the 'silver bullet'. However I don't think these things can really be so black and white in a pandemic. The mutation of a virus could be absolutely catastrophic and whilst the news that Omicron doesn't sound as bad as it is feared I do think you have to take a bit of a worst case scenario until we know the full picture and how the vaccine's work against it.

In theory given how much the virus is spreading across the UK, shouldn't it become weaker in time?

I’ve done a little bit of reading about virus mutations, and there are very few instances where mutations result in a more deadly virus, although they frequently become more transmissible. Ebola mutated to become more deadly and so did Spanish Flu but these are the exceptions to the rule, as far as I can tell. I think the answer to your question is probably ‘yes’ but there are still so many unknowns. Even if it’s technically weaker, that wouldn’t necessarily mean fewer deaths or hospitalisation if it spreads in the winter rather than summer when the elderly are more vulnerable.

Or I could just be chatting shit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AMayesIng on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 13:19:29
encouraging news from SA that Omicron seems so far less severe

Early days, but sounds hopeful; lets keep our fingers crossed :D. Am I the only one that read the Uni as 'Wilts University'? soapy tit wank

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 23:18:40
I see some pictures have emerged of a Tory Party whilst the nation was in lockdown.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 23:29:38
what a shock

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 09:11:17
got my booster this morning - Pfizer to add to my 2 AZ shots. Should I expect any side effects with this cocktail?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 09:13:11
I’ve just had the same cocktail. No effects at all.

Shame my booster isn’t showing on my Covid passport. Something else to sort out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 09:13:58
I see some pictures have emerged of a Tory Party whilst the nation was in lockdown.


This was Shaun Bailey's London mayoral campaign, a campaign so organised and switched on that they spent several days campaigning in places that don't vote for the mayor like Brentwood. It in no way surprises me that they were stupid enough to take pictures.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 09:17:09
I’ve just had the same cocktail. No effects at all.

Shame my booster isn’t showing on my Covid passport. Something else to sort out.

I believe I need to show my Covid passport on Saturday at the CG - do you just get this from the NHS App?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 09:25:11
No idea on the UK procedure. I can either get a paper passport with the QR code on it or have that downloaded onto my phone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 09:28:19
yes you can Bob (if you have been double jabbed)

you can also do a lat flow and report it through NHS, you will be sent a text & email - if you do this through your account you will also see the 'domestic' QR code through the app.

The club haven't said what they'll accept yet though - or whether we definitely need to show anything. deffo NHS app. And you'd expect the text or email to be an acceptable alternative but I guess we'll see

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 09:30:59
yes you can Bob (if you have been double jabbed)

you can also do a lat flow and report it through NHS, you will be sent a text & email - if you do this through your account you will also see the 'domestic' QR code through the app.

The club haven't said what they'll accept yet though - or whether we definitely need to show anything. deffo NHS app. And you'd expect the text or email to be an acceptable alternative but I guess we'll see

Thanks Batch - I did a LFT yesterday and have a text. (which presumably will have expired by Saturday but willing to do another as have them in the house) I'm double jabbed so will have a look at the app to get the passport ready. I am going to the CG early on Saturday anyway so don't have too many worries personally.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 15:59:33
78,000 cases today. Highest number since the start of the pandemic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:02:17
78,000 cases today. Highest number since the start of the pandemic

That's a big jump. What about hospital numbers? I notice they appear to have remained fairly steadily around 7k haven't they?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:02:43
Lockdown for January or straight after Xmas the way it's going

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:16:53
Lockdown for January or straight after Xmas the way it's going
Don't worry, the government will get us to spend as much as they can over Christmas and New year, then lock us down once we're skint !!.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:17:40
I think you could be right😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:20:39
The one day jump isn’t as big as it seems, there’s been a reporting lag. But obviously it’s still a big jump in average number of cases.

I went to a gospel choir on Saturday to watch my friend sing. She got a text in the morning from the girl singing next to her saying she’d tested positive. Since then everyone else around us has got a positive too. Most of us were double jabbed but I’m the only one who’s had it in the last six months. I’ve had no symptoms and have tested negative on an lft every day since

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:22:37
The one day jump isn’t as big as it seems, there’s been a reporting lag. But obviously it’s still a big jump in average number of cases.

Yeah, think it was 50k-59k-78k? Won't be long before it's back over 100k cases per day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:23:22
Quote from: tans
78,000 cases today. Highest number since the start of the pandemic

they say omicron is doubling every 2 days.

exponential growth of that speed is frightening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 17:04:40
Boris has just multiplied the cases by ten in his update, so it really is out of control now...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 17:07:36
Boris has just multiplied the cases by ten in his update, so it really is out of control now...

About all he did say, anyone would think there was a by-election tomorrow.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 17:09:03
Thick twat couldnt even get the figures right

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 17:32:03
so the whole point of the news conference

-omicron spreads easily
- get a booster

40 minutes of drivel and nothing new

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 17:44:31
I missed it shame it's not on iPlayer!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 03:13:17
I’m confused by the bleak outlook from Whitty and Co.

He says 35% of present Covid cases are now via Omicron. So, 60,000 yesterday = 22,000 Omicron cases. Yet there are only 10 people hospitalised with it. With all the piss and panic I’d be expecting people to be dropping like flies - especially as I’d imagine Omicron has been circulating longer than before they identified it.

I do wish they’d stop using case numbers as their scare factor.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 06:39:35
People don't drop like flies with covid though. Hospitalisations lag cases by 2 weeks.
Deaths lag hospitalisations by another 2 weeks.

Problem is if the government wait to find out what % of yesterday's cases will be hospitalised then millions more will have been infected. Absolute gamble with no good options for them to take

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 06:40:58
I’m confused by the bleak outlook from Whitty and Co.

He says 35% of present Covid cases are now via Omicron. So, 60,000 yesterday = 22,000 Omicron cases. Yet there are only 10 people hospitalised with it. With all the piss and panic I’d be expecting people to be dropping like flies - especially as I’d imagine Omicron has been circulating longer than before they identified it.

I do wish they’d stop using case numbers as their scare factor.

I sort of understand your point but from my perspective I see it as a non win situation from the scientists/government who like the rest of us will only know the real outcome after it has peaked and with the measures they put in place. Even with widespread vaccinations it turns out to be like the plague with people dropping like flies the spit storm will unimaginable. Now with certain ‘curbs’ in place such as they are we head towards what? We don’t know 100%, when I say we I mean the scientists and the government. Hopefully it turns out to be a damp squib but they’re IMHO obviously not sure, this thing is mutating all time and sadly having to play catch up until they can nail it. It’s not good that’s for sure so who’d want to be in their shoes trying to second guess nature and keep the country safe and financially secure all at the same time?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 06:49:03
With the (relative) lack of data for Omicron at the moment, a lot of the figures banded about are extrapolated from very small data sets which can appear misleading. Take the 1 million cases per day by Xmas day. Yes, that's how exponential growth works but actually by that point almost the whole population would need to have been infected (cumulatively). In reality there would be a slowing at some point.

Ed Conway at Sky is a stats guy and someone worth listening to IMO.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 11:37:32
The current number of hospitalisations with Omicron is 15

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 12:19:09
The current number of hospitalisations with Omicron is 15
indeed, but with the caveat that hospital numbers usually a couple of weeks behind case increases..

let's hope it stays low and we can have a proper Christmas

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 12:23:00
The current number of hospitalisations with Omicron is 15

Because almost no one had Omicron 2 weeks ago.

The question is how many of yesterday's 80k will be in hospital in 2 weeks. And how many from todays higher figure, tomorrow's higher figure and so on. And no one knows.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 12:29:44
According to my daughter (who's researching COVID at Uni), the virus could be mutating itself into oblivion. Let's hope so.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 12:31:09
Not an expert, but the risk doesn't seem to be people dying directly of Omicron so much as so many people having it/isolating as a result that normal services break down and more people die of everything else who wouldn't normally.

Which is a pretty grim scenario.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 12:31:50
80k yesterday, but omicron 'only' at 20% a couple of days ago.

the problem is estimates of the real number already up to 200k a day

as whitty said about hospitalisation, a smaller % of a large number could be worse than a larger % of a small number

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 12:31:54
Because almost no one had Omicron 2 weeks ago.

The question is how many of yesterday's 80k will be in hospital in 2 weeks. And how many from todays higher figure, tomorrow's higher figure and so on. And no one knows.
Of course they did. It just wasn’t identified until 27 November - so it had probably been circulating for well before that. 15 hospitalisations and 1 death.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 12:48:18
It was clear a year ago plus that the Western world simply didn't have the stomach to do what would have been needed to prevent rapid spread.

The Omicron variant could indeed be the beginning of the virus mutating towards the endemic version we live with.

If ever there was a time where you'd go all field hospital style, separating the Covid patients from the normal population, especially as the vast majority are vaccinated, now was that time.  In fact, some of the stuff the UK Govt did in 2020 would now be good policy.  Rely on the vaccine to protect the majority, protect the vulnerable for a few months and let the virus have it's way.  Get the field hospitals up and running with anti virals now approved as treatment and shove them down everyones throat who gets it - people seem far less stupid at accepting treatment than taking a vaccine.

The original reason for not doing it what way was that you didn't have vaccinations in place or any known treatments.

I'm not saying that is the best way we could have handled this, just accepting the stupidity of the Western World has got us to where we are now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 13:37:35
Boris says no locking down.

Expect lockdown announcement tomorrow then

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 14:36:31
They've already said don't cancel Christmas parties.  Then said consider very carefully going to Christmas parties with people you don't know/don't normally spend time with.

Its almost like they know they should put further restrictions in place, but know the damage that would cause. I know, they can blame us...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 15:24:30
Boris says no locking down.

Expect lockdown announcement tomorrow then

The country cannot afford it, also he has probably spent the last of the countrys' furlough budget on a new pram and the baby shower

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 15:52:36
They've already said don't cancel Christmas parties.  Then said consider very carefully going to Christmas parties with people you don't know/don't normally spend time with.

Its almost like they know they should put further restrictions in place, but know the damage that would cause. I know, they can blame us...

So strangers are more likely to pass it on than people you know. How does that work? Same as all his other shite I suppose

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:13:50
They've already said don't cancel Christmas parties.  Then said consider very carefully going to Christmas parties with people you don't know/don't normally spend time with.

Its almost like they know they should put further restrictions in place, but know the damage that would cause. I know, they can blame us...

Well, I went to a Christmas party on Saturday and I'm now feeling like shit and waiting for a PCR test result...

Maybe I should've listened to Boris.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:18:42
88,000 cases today and 146 deaths reported today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:26:18
They've already said don't cancel Christmas parties.  Then said consider very carefully going to Christmas parties with people you don't know/don't normally spend time with.

Its almost like they know they should put further restrictions in place, but know the damage that would cause. I know, they can blame us...

They’re not cancelling events because otherwise They’d have to support the hospitality trade so instead they’re relying on the usual mixed messaging to simultaneously confuse people & bleed businesses without taking responsibility for either our lack of action or our lack of support

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:37:59
I have kind of reached a point where I wonder what the Public Health and interest benefits are in publishing daily infection numbers.  We have probably reached a point where that data is useful for the people reviewing the trends, tracking variants etc.  For the public, I would imagine Severe infection is now the key measure - which is likely Hospitalisations, people in Hospital, capacity being used etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:40:35
88,000 cases today and 146 deaths reported today.
Just over a month ago - 11 Nov - there were 195 deaths. So even going deeper into winter and Omicron, the rate is falling.

I’m convinced Omicron has been circulating way before it was identified at the end of November.

No doubt cases will spiral, but doubtful hospitalisations/deaths will follow at the same rate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:41:54
Just over a month ago - 11 Nov - there were 195 deaths. So even going deeper into winter and Omicron, the rate is falling.

I’m convinced Omicron has been circulating way before it was identified at the end of November.

No doubt cases will spiral, but doubtful hospitalisations/deaths will follow at the same rate.

It almost certainly has been circulating for a while - they've found it in waste samples here before they even had anyone tested positive with the variant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:43:11
I have kind of reached a point where I wonder what the Public Health and interest benefits are in publishing daily infection numbers.  We have probably reached a point where that data is useful for the people reviewing the trends, tracking variants etc.  For the public, I would imagine Severe infection is now the key measure - which is likely Hospitalisations, people in Hospital, capacity being used etc.

I agree and it's the only number/graph I really focus on when they do the numbers on the news.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:45:08
They’re using the huge infection numbers as the fear factor - saying the follow on of hospitalisations/deaths will be after Xmas.

The problem with Boris et al is he’s used up his stockpile of deceit and lies so it’s to be expected people are listening to him with a pinch of salt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 17:07:27
25% of EFL players have no intention of getting the jab.

I suppose that may be in line with age demographic

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 17:43:26
No point in them listening to any government/scientists advice then!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 19:41:09
Quote from: Samdy Gray
Well, I went to a Christmas party on Saturday and I'm now feeling like shit and waiting for a PCR test result...

Maybe I should've listened to Boris.

Hope it's all good Sam, and that you recover quickly whatever it is

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 19:56:42
25% of EFL players have no intention of getting the jab.

I suppose that may be in line with age demographic

Trust me if they were in their 50’s or over they’d be squealing like stuck pigs at their entitlement  to get one. Anyway, can you imagine the scenes when after getting a jab they’d be rolling around on the floor clutching their shins in the foetal position or their face, not a good look.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 20:12:22
 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 20:41:48
Well at the current rate of growth it could rip through the country in 2 or 3 weeks and then what? Would that really be a bad thing as surely cases would fall off a cliff at that point as a combination of natural immunity and boosters will leave it nowhere to go. Hopefully the first step of it burning out.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 20:44:34
Wont it just mutate and the cycle will start all over again later next year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 20:46:57
Wont it just mutate and the cycle will start all over again later next year.
Wouldn’t matter unless the mutation is more transmissible and evasive than the current dominant variant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 20:49:38
That's the thing none of the experts know how it's going to change in the future.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boy About Town on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 20:54:09
Trust me if they were in their 50’s or over they’d be squealing like stuck pigs at their entitlement  to get one. Anyway, can you imagine the scenes when after getting a jab they’d be rolling around on the floor clutching their shins in the foetal position or their face, not a good look.

I am concerned by the amount of players suffering cardiac or chest complaints. In fact, athletes in general.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 20:55:50
Even more bizarre that the modern player is supposed to be super fit and and every part of their fitness is monitored on a daily basis.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boy About Town on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 20:59:17
Even more bizarre that the modern player is supposed to be super fit and and every part of their fitness is monitored on a daily basis.

What’s your view point?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 21:02:21
I haven't given it any thought until now but off the cuff maybe newer training methods are pushing their bodies too hard to get to the ultimate fitness

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boy About Town on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 21:04:39
I haven't given it any thought until now but off the cuff maybe newer training methods are pushing their bodies too hard to get to the ultimate fitness

That could be the case, I also have heard a lot about players having had time out because of the first wave but I’m sceptical. I’m no way an anti vaxer but I don’t go running alone anymore.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 21:16:03
I am concerned by the amount of players suffering cardiac or chest complaints. In fact, athletes in general.

And everyone else in their place of work too?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 22:18:37
That could be the case, I also have heard a lot about players having had time out because of the first wave but I’m sceptical. I’m no way an anti vaxer but I don’t go running alone anymore.

It’s more likely to be Covid related than vaccine related.

Title: Exerer Game
Post by: magicroundaboutred on Friday, December 17, 2021, 09:00:38
Surely if it is 10 days in isolation, the Exeter game is off as well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, December 17, 2021, 09:07:45
Rules say we have to have 14 players and 1 keeper fit, these were only really enforced yesterday so going forward we could be ok and obviously it's from when you got symptoms etc

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hyabb17 on Friday, December 17, 2021, 09:10:18
Rules say we have to have 14 players and 1 keeper fit, these were only really enforced yesterday so going forward we could be ok and obviously it's from when you got symptoms etc

I guess it depends on how many were positive & when from. We are only allowed 23 players bc of the financials so this could put Exeter in doubt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Friday, December 17, 2021, 12:53:38
It’s more likely to be Covid related than vaccine related.

Yep, the Long Covid  phenomenon suggests that we may have a long term health issue facing us from people infected that thought they just had a mild dose.  It clearly plays havoc with the organs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: bathford on Friday, December 17, 2021, 14:47:04
With only three games still on in our league this weekend, are we facing another sustained period of games behind closed doors or the cessation of the season for a few months?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, December 17, 2021, 19:02:19
Have the club mentioned who actually tested positive and when the ten days isolation period started and are there any of the first team squad still training.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 09:30:54
Rumours of a 2 week circuit breaker after xmas
Indoor mixing banned
Rule of 6
Restaurants and pubs - outside only
Shops and schools still open

There goes your big money cup tie

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 09:34:06
Imagine if the cup tie was live on TV without any fans.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 10:07:08
Imagine if the cup tie was live on TV without any fans.

Unfortunately it's probably not going to take a lot of imagination given the rumours going around.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 10:41:29
Plus side - and I know this isn't ideal, but it's something - at least (a) we'll be able to watch it (on TV); and (b) we'll make some money from the tie from ITV.  If we'd not been chosen, we'd have neither of those.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 10:45:22
Quote from: tans
Rumours of a 2 week circuit breaker after xmas
Indoor mixing banned
Rule of 6
Restaurants and pubs - outside only
Shops and schools still open

There goes your big money cup tie


they can go fuck themselves

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 10:46:21
Quote from: Ardiles
Plus side - and I know this isn't ideal, but it's something - at least (a) we'll be able to watch it (on TV); and (b) we'll make some money from the tie from ITV.  If we'd not been chosen, we'd have neither of those.

but people do have the dilemma of buying tickets... in case Mr u turn, u turns

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 10:56:14
but people do have the dilemma of buying tickets... in case Mr u turn, u turns

Will they not just postpone it?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 11:07:08
that's a possibility and that would be great

however with the TV being involved it may not be so simple (see fgr).

in any case, tickets on sale Monday.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 11:26:04
Rumours of a 2 week circuit breaker after xmas
Indoor mixing banned
Rule of 6
Restaurants and pubs - outside only
Shops and schools still open

There goes your big money cup tie
At least we know from politicians actions that the following of any ‘rules’ are optional now so can choose which to follow and which to ignore ourselves. The rule of 6 and indoor mixing will instantly get ignored by a significant section of the population this time I’d imagine.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 11:30:35
Much talk from political journalists of an emergency cabinet call at some stage today with announcements afterwards, not sure we are going to make it to Christmas without further restrictions at this rate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: blinkpip on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 11:43:43
Doesn't say anything about outside Sports. So fingers crossed.

I was a bit surprised to hear that 95% of Serie A players has been double jab.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 12:09:37
It's tough but it feels like more measures are probably necessary, but it's almost impossible for this government to do that. It's a terrible moment for the government to have a crisis of credibility.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 14:09:50
At least we know from politicians actions that the following of any ‘rules’ are optional now so can choose which to follow and which to ignore ourselves. The rule of 6 and indoor mixing will instantly get ignored by a significant section of the population this time I’d imagine.
Yep, two wrongs have always made a right.

I will be doing the 'right' thing - Including at the ballot box when the time comes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 14:31:31
Yep, two wrongs have always made a right.

I will be doing the 'right' thing - Including at the ballot box when the time comes.

That’s 3 years away, quite a long time away to show what you think or make a stance.

Where I draw the line is restrictions on people seeing people this time or how many you can have in your house. Take New Year’s Eve for example, after last year where we were in lockdown a lot of people will be having friends and family over this year. If the government put restrictions in people will still have these get togethers, I’ve got plans New Year’s Eve which will be happening regardless of any new restrictions. Yeah some will tut tut that but the fact remains millions will do the same thus making a ‘circuit breaker’ pretty much pointless. The government know this will be the case so other than being able to point the finger at the general public it serves no purpose.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 15:27:01
What's the point of a circuit breakers if the schools etc stay open?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 15:33:10
What's the point of a circuit breakers if the schools etc stay open?
the idea is reducing contacts reduces speed of spread.

it doesn't have to be absolute, some reduction is better than no reduction.

will it work, I'd say Johnson is backed into a corner and desperately trying to avoid being accused of a lockdown after saying we were irrevocably stopping them earlier in the year

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 15:35:17
I see that Stephen Reicher is demanding the circuit breaker before Christmas as after is too late. Good luck with stopping people getting together on Christmas day!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 15:47:39
Using the excuse that our government are dicks (which we already knew way before any of this shit) so any rules that are introduced don't need to be followed is pretty nonsensical , but each to their own.  Those with common sense will continue do the right thing - that's the divided world we live in these days.

You just have to read the tweets from people refusing to wear masks in Supermarkets, talking as if they are some kind of superheroes leading the revolution to know that people will do what they do, and that's upto them.  I personally will be doing everything I can to protect my grandaughter and elderly mother, especially after losing my dad in the past year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 17:29:54
I think even the Democrats over here are done now.  Suggestions that they are switching messaging to get vaccinated to be safe and fuck you if you don't.  Which seems fair enough now to an extent.  With a prevention of serious illness, for most, and treatments being approved, that looks like the transition to dealing with an endemic virus.

Also looking to push Serious illness data rather than  infections.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 18:11:15
Using the excuse that our government are dicks (which we already knew way before any of this shit) so any rules that are introduced don't need to be followed is pretty nonsensical , but each to their own.  Those with common sense will continue do the right thing - that's the divided world we live in these days.

You just have to read the tweets from people refusing to wear masks in Supermarkets, talking as if they are some kind of superheroes leading the revolution to know that people will do what they do, and that's upto them.  I personally will be doing everything I can to protect my grandaughter and elderly mother, especially after losing my dad in the past year.
I think thats the bit the pisses me off most - Facemasks protect everyone else from the wearer. Therefore, all that non-wearers are doing is putting everyone else at risk. Selfish beyond belief.

I'm with you Berni. I'd rather see my 80+ year old parents over Zoom for the next couple of years than never be able to see them again. That day will come, but we are all doing our best to make sure that is as far into the future as possible. Christmas, New Year, Easter, Birthdays are all irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 18:13:06
the Dutch are going into lockdown, it's started

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 18:19:10
Been vaccinated and will get my booster, don’t have a problem with masks and don’t have a problem with people choosing to isolate and distance. But I’ll continue seeing friends and family now despite whatever rules come in, which wasn’t the case in earlier lockdowns

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 18:23:01
I have a problem with supermarket staff not wearing a face mask considering how many people they come in contact with and today was no exception in the big Asda and can't understand why It isn't mandatory to those who aren't exempt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 18:34:34
I have a problem with supermarket staff not wearing a face mask considering how many people they come in contact with and today was no exception in the big Asda and can't understand why It isn't mandatory to those who aren't exempt.

Possibly if they did, staff could arguably with justification say to the customers you have to also, no exceptions unless medically exempt. You all know and have seen how people can escalate being unreasonable to assault in seconds. Who is going to police it and be responsible. If the government adopted some of the stuff being implemented in Europe can you imagine the uproar, the MSM, the unions, the left wing agitators, uncle aTom Cobbly and all creating fucking Merry hell? Stammer would be down to the local DIY store for a pallet of glee to rub his hands in.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 18:42:23
To be fair most shoppers today were wearing a mask

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 18:49:03
It doesn’t bother me if supermarket staff have masks on or not. They’ve had one on for near on 2 years, fuck that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 19:08:30
Apparently 15 at the club have coronavirus

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 19:12:06
It doesn’t bother me if supermarket staff have masks on or not. They’ve had one on for near on 2 years, fuck that.

If they don't bother why should anyone else

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 19:31:41
If they don't bother why should anyone else

100’s of different people are going in their place of work every day, they’re key workers, we should be wearing masks to protect them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 19:34:46
That's my point, shop workers & till staff in large supermarkets are in contact with hundreds of people each day so by wearing a mask can only enhance extra protection for everyone even though I appreciate it's not ideal for them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 19:36:54
I really don't understand why someone in such a job would choose not to wear one. Comfort issues aside, they're putting their own health at risk.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 19:40:24
Exactly this

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 20:14:11
Interestingly the NFL are changing its testing rules, from weekly testing for all to testing symptomatic cases only (off the back of a week where three games have had to be rescheduled and some teams have over 30 players testing positive)

Marks a pretty big shift to getting on with life / putting fingers in ears (depending on your outlook). Be interesting to see if similar takes off here in the normal football

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Saturday, December 18, 2021, 20:17:46
I have a problem with supermarket staff not wearing a face mask considering how many people they come in contact with and today was no exception in the big Asda and can't understand why It isn't mandatory to those who aren't exempt.
Exactly the same in our local Morrisons,  doesn’t exactly encourage the shoppers to wear one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 03:48:02
There’s a good article in The Telegraph.

‘The artist Pablo Picasso said “youth has no age” and we baby boomers have always liked the sound of that. We can remain forever young; it’s what we do and feel that’s important - and woe betide anyone who says otherwise.
Trouble is, over the past two years, much of this faux youth and privilege has been lived at the expense of the biologically young. They’ve sacrificed freedoms and learning in the prime of their lives to keep us over 50s safe despite hardly being touched by the virus themselves.
It’s a generational sacrifice on a par with only a few before it, and with omicron it needs to end - for their sake and ultimately the nation’s. It was one thing to ask the young to hunker down when there was no protection, but quite another to do so now.
The difference in mortality risk between old and young is startling and a merciful inversion of what happened in the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, when mortality peaked at just 28 years.
With Covid, the mortality charts show a low and relatively flat line all the way up to age 50. Only then does the case fatality rate swing up rapidly, climbing from less than one per cent at age 49 to around 15 percent at 80.
According to the QCovid risk calculator run by the University of Oxford, a male aged 60 with no risk factors has a 2.3 percent chance of dying of Covid following a positive test. For an 80-year-old man, it’s 16 per cent (one in six).
But the odds of falling a cropper to Covid as a youth are miniscule. For a healthy 19-year-old, the risk of dying after a positive test drops to just 0.01 per cent. And the risk of that teenager catching covid in the first or second waves and then dying was literally one in a million, according to QCovid.
A one in a million chance of death is called a “micromort” - a jolly little unit of measurement that is useful for comparing the riskiness of various day-to-day activities.
A trained scuba diver stares down five micromorts with every dive, while a single sky dive will cost you eight micromorts, for example.
On the more mundane side of life, a 230-mile drive equates one micromort. That’s the same tiny risk our 19-year-old runs from Covid. His 80-year-old grandad, on the other hand, runs a Covid risk which is 1,000 times greater.
The 19-year-old would need to drive 230,000 miles - equivalent to lapping the globe nine times - to clock up the same number of micromorts on a road trip.
None of this is to minimise the threat of Covid. The omicron wave, which is rapidly enveloping the country, is deadly serious. Unless this variant turns out to be very considerably less lethal than those before it, it's a good bet that hospitals up and down the country will find themselves overwhelmed in the next three to four weeks.
If the worst transpires, there will no doubt be calls for another lockdown. People will say a developed democracy cannot operate without a functioning health system, and you may agree with them - especially if you think you may have a call to use it.
But we boomers have had almost two years to fix the roof. If Covid overwhelms the NHS this winter it will be because we have not done enough to expand its capacity, control the virus or to make sure all adults (not just some of them) were double jabbed and boosted.
The American physician Dr Anthony Fauci has called the young “vehicles of spread” and they do indeed carry the virus. But can we really close their schools and universities once again in order to protect ourselves given the damage we know that would bring?
I would say not. In the spirit of Picasso, we oldies embraced Freedom Day and, in doing so, opted to live with the virus rather than suppress it.
If that turns out to be more of a base jump (450 micromorts) than a gentle stroll in the park, we’re just going to have to live with it, or not.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 08:44:45
The article makes a lot of sense comparing the risk of death between the young and old and I completely agree with the sentiment.

But any restrictions that are put in place due to Omicron won't be to stop people dying with COVID necessarily, it's to stop the health service being overwhelmed so that people don't die of other things.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 08:55:06
Yeah it's quite disingenuous to write as if you either die or are totally fine when you get Covid, there's a pretty significant range of outcomes and as Samdy said, the indirect deaths from the NHS not having the capacity to cope also need to be considered. Totally understand that people are weary and that, but the last three days have been the highest Covid level we've ever had - more than before any of the previous lockdowns.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 09:24:50
I think Sadiq Khan mentioned the other factor about this. The NHS and other emergency services in London are struggling to cope with large swathes of their own staff being off sick.

Different type of work, but I work with a team in London where 10 out of 13 are all out sick with positive pcrs. Put it into perspective for me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 09:53:08
A Christmas party in central London mixing with thousands and presumably not many were vaccinated....not the best idea considering the new variant was known to be spreading fast then.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 10:26:32
My daughter has now tested positive. The trouble is, she was the last to leave her uni flat and is now isolating on her own, 100 miles from home. Worst case scenario for us  :(

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 10:28:53
Sorry to hear that and having isolated myself a few weeks ago I know how miserable it can be so I feel for you and your family. When did her symptons first start and when will the 10 days finish.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 10:32:33
My daughter has now tested positive. The trouble is, she was the last to leave her uni flat and is now isolating on her own, 100 miles from home. Worst case scenario for us  :(
oh no. sorry to hear that. proper shit

hope she is ok with symptoms, can always do another Christmas meal and do pressies when she is better. not ideal I know

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 10:49:04
oh no. sorry to hear that. proper shit

how she she is ok with symptoms, can always do another Christmas meal and do pressies when she is better. not ideal I know

Thanks Batch. She has a temperature and a cough, but feeling a little better today. She's double jabbed so hopefully she'll be on the mend soon.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 11:03:46
can they announce anything today please....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 11:09:57
can they announce anything today please....
They’d have to be really stupid to put something in place that would try and prevent family get togethers on Christmas Day….

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 11:11:23
You can see it happening from the 27th tho

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 11:12:31
they won't do that on Christmas Day in your own home.

they may well close things again, and I'm thinking of football tickets being selfish

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 11:14:19
I wonder if the Exeter ticket sales have slowed down as I'm not aware that we've already sold out our allocation

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 11:20:23
Quote from: Jimmy Quimm
I wonder if the Exeter ticket sales have slowed down as I'm not aware that we've already sold out our allocation

that one is already in doubt due to our own outbreak.

absolute nightmare on the horizon for the club. let's hope if omicron burns bright, it burns briefly

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 11:22:34
It may be easier calling games off for two weeks now rather than trying to play any behind closed doors

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 12:18:55
To think eighteen months ago we were all saying this will be over in a couple of months ............

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 12:33:13
Quote from: swindonmaniac
To think eighteen months ago we were all saying this will be over in a couple of months ............

"it'll be like SARS, stop panicking" - Batch, March 2020

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 12:42:29
Whatever they attempt they better not close Gym’s and ban outdoor competitive sport this time. Being fit and healthy is probably the biggest defence you have against anything not just Covid, including mental health so to effectively put restrictions on peoples exercise again would just be a farce.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 12:47:21
it's all guesswork, suspect if it happens they'll go after indoor spaces - wouldn't be surprised if gyms were in that.

but as I say, hopefully it's much shorter this time of it does come

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JoeMezz on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 12:48:52
Whatever they attempt they better not close Gym’s and ban outdoor competitive sport this time. Being fit and healthy is probably the biggest defence you have against anything not just Covid, including mental health so to effectively put restrictions on peoples exercise again would just be a farce.

100%. Gyms are very sterile, you're not within 2 metres of anyone for long enough. Machines and equipment are constantly cleaned - the long-term impacts of supressing people's regular exercise habits are damaging for people's mental and physical health as you say.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 12:55:46
it's all guesswork, suspect if it happens they'll go after indoor spaces - wouldn't be surprised if gyms were in that.

but as I say, hopefully it's much shorter this time of it does come
Will just prove how one dimensional their thinking and that of the ‘experts’ really is then. After the last lockdown where the crap weather and short daylight hours meant it was hard to do much outside I noticed how much my fitness did drop off. It’s taken a long time to get back to my base fitness level. Keeping exercise facilities open is important for so many reasons so if they close again then they are basically ignoring the long term wellbeing of people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 14:45:05
Will just prove how one dimensional their thinking and that of the ‘experts’ really is then. After the last lockdown where the crap weather and short daylight hours meant it was hard to do much outside I noticed how much my fitness did drop off. It’s taken a long time to get back to my base fitness level. Keeping exercise facilities open is important for so many reasons so if they close again then they are basically ignoring the long term wellbeing of people.
Agreed and outdoor sport is also probably the best thing you can do in these circumstances. If our local football shuts down again that will be ridiculous in my opinion

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 21:55:43
I see photos of a party in May have now been released. Boris there


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 22:01:44
Funny how they have taken 20 months to show these photos. Suitable timing I guess.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 22:03:41

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, December 19, 2021, 22:27:02
I don't see anything wrong at what he says, and also states it doesn't look like the source of the outbreak anyway.

things moved bloody quickly over 7 days.

we've gone from official advice to "party on", through "go with caution" to the verge of another lockdown

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, December 20, 2021, 06:56:29
When I first read it I thought they went on Saturday  :D, didn't see it was actually earlier in the week.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, December 20, 2021, 08:49:07
Funny how they have taken 20 months to show these photos. Suitable timing I guess.

Yep, I've questioned this as well. Clearly been timed to irritate enough of the electorate to attempt to make a difference. For me personally I'm disappointed but really not surprised at all they broke the rules

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, December 20, 2021, 08:50:19

ugh, Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. Went there about 4 years ago now. Absolute hell on earth.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 20, 2021, 08:57:30
And the club weren't aware of the new omicron outbreak in London then....what planet we're they on😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: joeydubya on Monday, December 20, 2021, 09:05:58
I don't see anything wrong at what he says, and also states it doesn't look like the source of the outbreak anyway.

things moved bloody quickly over 7 days.

we've gone from official advice to "party on", through "go with caution" to the verge of another lockdown

Exactly - risk was less substantial. Plus these boys are following the official advice which is 'crack on'.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 20, 2021, 11:55:52
Cabinet to meet this afternoon

Ministers will be holding a virtual cabinet meeting this afternoon, the BBC understands.

They're due to hold the discussions at 14:00 GMT.

The BBC has been told three different options of possible Covid measures are currently being considered.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 20, 2021, 12:06:36
Option 1 would be the sensible one at this short notice but wouldn't surprise me if option 2 ones into play next week before the New Year.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, December 20, 2021, 12:07:24
Cabinet to meet this afternoon

Ministers will be holding a virtual cabinet meeting this afternoon, the BBC understands.

They're due to hold the discussions at 14:00 GMT.

The BBC has been told three different options of possible Covid measures are currently being considered.

Cheese and Wine optional I assume?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, December 20, 2021, 12:41:21
Option 1 would be the sensible one at this short notice but wouldn't surprise me if option 2 ones into play next week before the New Year.
Do we get to know what the options are before choosing one?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 20, 2021, 12:52:26
The front page of everybody's favourite the Daily Mail😀

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, December 20, 2021, 14:51:41
Cabinet to meet this afternoon

Ministers will be holding a virtual cabinet meeting this afternoon, the BBC understands.

They're due to hold the discussions at 14:00 GMT.

The BBC has been told three different options of possible Covid measures are currently being considered.
Don't you mean Cabernet?

Sent from my SM-A125F

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 20, 2021, 14:52:35

+ Caberet and camembert, yes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 20, 2021, 14:55:07
A lovely sunny day just right for afternoon tea :pint:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, December 20, 2021, 14:56:32

+ Caberet and camembert, yes.
Cabinet, Caberet, Camembert and Cabernet. Sounds good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, December 20, 2021, 15:13:56
The front page of everybody's favourite the Daily Mail😀

You won't believe what I read in the paper this morning,
But it's true, there's no smoke without fire, their reporting never fails,
I just can't wait till it drops through the box in the morning,
It's my treat for the day, with the wife, she's still yawning,
As we read everyday, it's the truth, no distorting, never tales,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
But you don't understand,
Some people knock it, I know, but for me it's the bible,
I believe every word guarantees my survival, I'm a fan,
I just don't care what the say, just be sure I don't listen,
To the lies that they say, that the paper's on a mission,
Cause the wife and me agree to ignore all the negatives we can,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
But you don't understand,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
But you don't understand,
I never read all the rest, it's a test of my loyalty,
Don't need any more, I get bored with variety I'm sure,
You know I've read every day, come what may, since my puberty,
My Ma and my Pa used to swear it's validity,
How can you suggest, or molest, it's sincerity is pure,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
But you don't understand,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
Stuck in Daily Mail Land,
But you don't understand.

P.S. Very clever song and very energetic version. Clem Burke (Blondie) is absolutely superb on the drums - So much energy!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 20, 2021, 15:14:37
 :clap: :clap:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Monday, December 20, 2021, 16:57:25
No new measures. That’s a surprise

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, December 20, 2021, 17:03:49
Quote from: Hunk
No new measures. That’s a surprise

it is, but it's fast moving so let's hope it stays as such

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, December 20, 2021, 17:16:34
Show us the data. What are they hiding?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, December 20, 2021, 18:15:46
Going back to step 2 seems to be the rumour everywhere. Good luck with that as it bans indoor mixing and what not, like anyone is going to comply with that again I’ll certainly carry on see friends and family.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: chalkies shorts on Monday, December 20, 2021, 18:48:49
Show us the data. What are they hiding?
The wine and cheese ?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, December 20, 2021, 21:41:47
Having been very careful and tested regularly to keep family Christmas on the road, we arrived at my in-laws this morning just in time for my father-in-law to test positive. Grand.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 20, 2021, 21:43:33
What happens next does he have to stay in a room on his own for a few days or you all going to mix

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, December 20, 2021, 21:44:54
Having been very careful and tested regularly to keep family Christmas on the road, we arrived at my in-laws this morning just in time for my father-in-law to test positive. Grand.
For me would be a perfect excuse to come home.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, December 20, 2021, 21:45:16
Not really sure tbh. House isn't big enough for the amount of us here to avoid eachother and if he got it a few days ago, he's been sleeping next to his wife and mixing with the rest of the household since then. Think we're pretty much fucked tbh, so hoping the PCR comes back clean...

Perfect excuse to come home but for the fact that home is 700 miles and two flights away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, December 20, 2021, 21:47:21
Not an easy one to overcome and sorry to hear that.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, December 20, 2021, 21:56:03
Ahhhh,   Not quite so easy then mate.     Stay Safe,   Hope you’ll be ok.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 00:13:20
Xmas No. 1

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 00:21:03
Football matches in Wales to be behind closed doors from Boxing day

Drakeford announced it at midnight

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 02:13:51
Quote from: tans
Football matches in Wales to be behind closed doors from Boxing day

Drakeford announced it at midnight

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 07:05:52
What’s the logic about closing nightclubs at midnight on Xmas Eve? The same people will be there, just earlier. How is it less safe at 1 minute past midnight?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 08:48:56
What’s the logic about closing nightclubs at midnight on Xmas Eve? The same people will be there, just earlier. How is it less safe at 1 minute past midnight?
To stop everybody from turning into pumpkins, of course!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 08:50:59
What’s the logic about closing nightclubs at midnight on Xmas Eve? The same people will be there, just earlier. How is it less safe at 1 minute past midnight?

Not a lot of the decisions over the last couple of years have made much sense. Lockdowns but still allowing kids to go to school being one of them.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 09:47:12
Not a lot of the decisions over the last couple of years have made much sense. Lockdowns but still allowing kids to go to school being one of them.

The problem is at the moment  Johnson is trying to keep various completely diverse plates spinning to keep the party together, a good chunk of our governing party - including we're told a third of the Cabinet - have devoted themselves to fighting the safety measures instead of the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 10:17:07
How come fans are banned from every sporting event in Wales - inside and outside - yet the Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff is still open for scheduled shows with 6000 people attending?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: kirky69 on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 14:28:51
How come fans are banned from every sporting event in Wales - inside and outside - yet the Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff is still open for scheduled shows with 6000 people attending?

Its complete nonsense isn't it. Scotland now following with no spectators at sports events for 3 weeks from Boxing day. Sure we will do similar post xmas. What was the point in getting double jabbed and having the booster? Surely the answer is to let fans attend as long as they have had the vaccines.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 14:30:03
Scotland have just announced no spectators at football from Boxing Day.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 14:43:40
Its complete nonsense isn't it. Scotland now following with no spectators at sports events for 3 weeks from Boxing day. Sure we will do similar post xmas. What was the point in getting double jabbed and having the booster? Surely the answer is to let fans attend as long as they have had the vaccines.
It’s just a constant changing of goalposts and it’s beyond frustrating now, we were told hospitalisations and deaths would be the measure and despite both being at their lowest levels for months we are still getting all this nonsense coming in. They openly admit they don’t know how it will effect a heavily vaccinated population so in the absence of info the assumption seems to be just assume the worst and pedal doom and gloom.  It’s starting to feel like we serve the NHS rather than it serving the population as it seems to be prioritise that and to hell with everything else.

I’ll openly admit I’ll defy any mixing restrictions and still see friends and family including in their houses and significant portion of population will do the same and government surely know that. My football team have said we’ll carry on training regardless as some of the older players have really struggled to get back into it and get their match fitness back and they don’t want to be back in that position again.

This time with such high levels of vaccinations and what not the benefit of restrictions is much less but the cost is still the same and they will basically just be punishing people and business for minimal benefit IMO. Other than a few more people getting boosters what’s actually going to change in the next few weeks? Once under tighter restrictions what’s actually going to change in the near term to allow them to be relaxed?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 15:09:19
Either do a full bastard lockdown or do nothing. I hate the half measures, where groups are discouraged in some situations but not others.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 15:54:51
It’s just a constant changing of goalposts and it’s beyond frustrating now,

Agree there, though obviously new variants take time to work out.

we were told hospitalisations and deaths would be the measure and despite both being at their lowest levels for months we are still getting all this nonsense coming in]

The worry isn't about now, its about 2-4 weeks time. If you act then you are too late by a mile.
I'm not saying their modelling or approach is right though.

They openly admit they don’t know how it will effect a heavily vaccinated population so in the absence of info the assumption seems to be just assume the worst and pedal doom and gloom.
I thought they a booster + 2 jabs was extremely effective?

It’s starting to feel like we serve the NHS rather than it serving the population as it seems to be prioritise that and to hell with everything else.
But what's the alternative? Just let people suffer at home because the beds are full?

I’ll openly admit I’ll defy any mixing restrictions and still see friends and family including in their houses and significant portion of population will do the same and government surely know that.

This time with such high levels of vaccinations and what not the benefit of restrictions is much less but the cost is still the same and they will basically just be punishing people and business for minimal benefit IMO. Other than a few more people getting boosters what’s actually going to change in the next few weeks? Once under tighter restrictions what’s actually going to change in the near term to allow them to be relaxed?
Good questions.

On the boosters, it takes 2 weeks to become maximum strength - so I can see why they are trying to buy time. But at what point do we say 'we can do no more'.

We are all pissed off with things.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 16:00:57
But what's the alternative? Just let people suffer at home because the beds are full?

Just a small thing, beds aren't the problem, if they were the nightingale hospitals would have worked instead of being a massive money wasting PR effort! Its vacancies which are buggering up the NHS, there are now getting on for 100k vacancies in the NHS, added to which they are dropping like flies (like everyone else is) with Omicron.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 16:08:50
well yes ok, attended beds

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 06:35:48
Just read on BBC news that the elderly and vulnerable will be offended a 4th jab. Wonder once we’ve had 6 jabs we get a free hot drink like Greggs do?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 06:42:12
So it’s at least 6 weeks since Omicron and hospitalisations in London - with by far the highest Omicron rate - have remained the same at around 700.

Those who have been infected have reported symptoms as a croaky cough and a runny nose. That’s a fucking cold!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 08:31:27
Its looking cautiously optimistic at the moment.

Bi early to say "Phew" and carry on though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 08:54:28
So it’s at least 6 weeks since Omicron and hospitalisations in London - with by far the highest Omicron rate - have remained the same at around 700.

Those who have been infected have reported symptoms as a croaky cough and a runny nose. That’s a fucking cold!

Which if true, and again I'm not speaking with a scientific or medical background suggests that whilst the virus is far more transmissible, it sounds like it could be weakening given the latest variant in theory sounds far less deadly than Delta?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 10:23:56
Dropping isolation period from 10 days down to 7 whilst all this time they've told us were contagious for up to 10 days. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Oldwembley69 on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 10:25:16
Just a small thing, beds aren't the problem, if they were the nightingale hospitals would have worked instead of being a massive money wasting PR effort! Its vacancies which are buggering up the NHS, there are now getting on for 100k vacancies in the NHS, added to which they are dropping like flies (like everyone else is) with Omicron.

Well they could be. For example GWH had 80 patients bed blocking in the last few weeks, ready to go home but nowhere to send them as no care package could be arrange as no capacity/staff/care homes . That's the issue that always affects the NHS

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 10:27:49
So it’s at least 6 weeks since Omicron and hospitalisations in London - with by far the highest Omicron rate - have remained the same at around 700.

Those who have been infected have reported symptoms as a croaky cough and a runny nose. That’s a fucking cold!

Well, given that the Common Cold is a Coronavirus, that wouldn't be an unexpected path for this to eventually take.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 10:34:13
I see France have said they aren’t going to bother to try and slow the pace of the spread as they say it is too contagious for any major restrictions to make a difference, they are just focusing on their own booster programme. Hopefully we continue to pursue that path.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 10:54:28
Dropping isolation period from 10 days down to 7 whilst all this time they've told us were contagious for up to 10 days. 

You should be more worried about STI’s than Covid with your antics.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 10:54:59
 Excellent post :clap: :clap:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 12:09:28
Dropping isolation period from 10 days down to 7 whilst all this time they've told us were contagious for up to 10 days. 

the important factor you missed was that you have to have a negative test at day 6 and 7 otherwise full 10 days is still in play.

i still dont understand how you could test positive on pcr for 90 days after but not LFT though. weird shit

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 12:33:14
the important factor you missed was that you have to have a negative test at day 6 and 7 otherwise full 10 days is still in play.

i still dont understand how you could test positive on pcr for 90 days after but not LFT though. weird shit

The way I understand it after my daughter was positive is that the PCR test picks up even the slightest trace of the virus, whereas the LFT doesn't. She is now at the end of her isolation period, her LFT's are reporting negative for the past 3-4 days, but she did a PCR test a few days ago and it still said positive.  She is going for her "Freedom PCR test" tomorrow as that will be 10 days up - hopefully it now shows negative.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 12:35:39
the important factor you missed was that you have to have a negative test at day 6 and 7 otherwise full 10 days is still in play.

i still dont understand how you could test positive on pcr for 90 days after but not LFT though. weird shit

LFT's are not very sensitive at all, their main purpose is to pick up asymptomatic people through sheer weight of testing rather than sensitivity of test.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 12:39:09
The way I understand it after my daughter was positive is that the PCR test picks up even the slightest trace of the virus, whereas the LFT doesn't. She is now at the end of her isolation period, her LFT's are reporting negative for the past 3-4 days, but she did a PCR test a few days ago and it still said positive.  She is going for her "Freedom PCR test" tomorrow as that will be 10 days up - hopefully it now shows negative.

thanks, is a "freedom" pcr required though? can't she just go about as normal after 10 days without the need for any more tests?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 12:44:44
the important factor you missed was that you have to have a negative test at day 6 and 7 otherwise full 10 days is still in play.

i still dont understand how you could test positive on pcr for 90 days after but not LFT though. weird shit

Having had Covid six weeks ago the NHS will tell you there is no point in doing a PCR test for 90 days as it will somehow stay in your blood stream. They also said there was no point in doing any lateral flow test within that period unless new symptons developed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 12:49:20
yeah, what's a 'freedom pcr'

has she been abroad or something?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 13:06:15
Did you get any symptoms from your booster jab?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 13:11:30
nope. not yet. only had it yesterday.

well, the obvious sore arm aside

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 13:11:58
Wales joins Scotland in getting tough

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 13:16:01
nope. not yet. only had it yesterday.

well, the obvious sore arm aside

You may be ok then as I had really bad shivers and high temperature within 15 hours

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 13:51:22
nope. not yet. only had it yesterday.

well, the obvious sore arm aside

I had Pfizer booster last week and only had a sore arm also.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 13:53:15
I had Pfizer booster last week and only had a sore arm also.

Likewise, albeit it was a couple of weeks back. The main problem I had is that if you have the flu one at the same time, they won't jab you twice in the same arm so you end up unable to sleep on either side for a couple of nights!  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 14:10:29
Wales joins Scotland in getting tough
It’s purely so that they can one up England isn’t it?!

For Scotland especially it would be interesting to see what they would be doing if they were independent and paying for everything themselves….

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 14:15:02
Aren't they one downing us :)
I doubt the sweaties are too chuffed that hogmany is effectively cancelled.

I suppose we'll see on 27th where England will go.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: JoeMezz on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 14:15:07
the important factor you missed was that you have to have a negative test at day 6 and 7 otherwise full 10 days is still in play.

i still dont understand how you could test positive on pcr for 90 days after but not LFT though. weird shit

I know with a PCR it can pick up "dead virus" that's still in your nose. I'm presuming as others have said that LFT doesn't pick that up, as sensitivity is lower. Maybe to do with thresholds for positivity

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 14:20:39
You should be more worried about STI’s than Covid with your antics.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 15:05:50
Dunno if posted before, but this is interesting

TL/DR in short Lateral flows are not as sensitive as PCR so tend to under report cases. PCR will report a positive with lower amounts of virus in your system. LFT's are good at finding bonus cases where people have no symptoms and prompt them to get a PCR/isolate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 16:03:43
Over 100k cases today

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 16:26:09
Over 100k cases today

Also getting up to £1.5m tests a day, for context.

Cases still not doubling every two days as they predicted. Still nowhere near 400k by the weekend like they've been saying. Scientists saying may be at the peak already and past it in London.

They'll still lock us down.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 16:30:40
cases were doubling every 2 days

they were taking about omicron cases not total cases.

lost track if that's still true over the last 2 or 3 days though. It was a few days ago.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 16:31:26
Even at that rate surely in a few weeks everyone will either be vaccinated or contracted the virus. If vaccinated people are getting it well, that’s tough but probably very mild.

Forgetting Covid, approx 10-15,000 people die each year of seasonal flu. If you take the winter period for that, say 4 months thats 125 deaths per day. Not that far off the daily rate now.

It’s time to put all this behind us and get on with life. Everyone knows the risks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 16:38:20
In South Africa the cases seem to be dropping already so hopefully it spreads so easily and quickly it just leads to a short sharp peak then falls off a Cliff. Hopefully this is the case and happens without any further lockdowns or restrictions coming in here so that the doom and gloom brigade can’t claim they ‘saved’ us again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 16:51:35
Latest figures. Cases up, deaths down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 16:59:37
Latest figures. Cases up, deaths down.
If this trend continues much longer and there’s proof it is a mild variable it will be interesting to see at what point we are happy to just let it rip without any restrictions and hope it becomes the endemic strain.

I know the usual suspects would probably cry it might mutate again and become more dangerous but that could effectively be true for the rest of time so we can’t just continue on that basis.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 17:02:41
Which is just what France is doing

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 17:13:36
Small study, but very encouraging

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 17:15:33
two thirds lower is only good if it stops spreading as quickly as it is

Let's hope we follow the South Africa trend

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 17:17:43
cases were doubling every 2 days

they were taking about omicron cases not total cases.

lost track if that's still true over the last 2 or 3 days though. It was a few days ago.

69,147 today, 41,250 2 days ago. Rate of growth is definitely slowing in Omicron.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 17:21:29
great news! guess we have to be a bit cautious because we don't know what the test result delay is now v a few days ago.

anyway, the link is here (

74k v 45 2 days ago? so not doubled but higher than your figures?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 18:16:13
I got tested yesterday and got the result today, but a couple of others I know have not, so it's clearly not always within 24 hours. We were told not to chase until 4 days had elapsed.

Now locked in an absolute farce of NHS bureaucracy to prove to Test and Trace Wales that we've been vaccinated by NHS Scotland. Called five different agencies today and none of them seem to have the slightest idea how to let eachother know anything.

Generally painfully rule following but pretty close to just giving up and going about my life. I have the Covid pass to prove my status, but for whatever reason the test and trace people can't see that on their computers and have, as you'd expect, zero ability to work with anything outside their normal process.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 23:28:41
If this trend continues much longer and there’s proof it is a mild variable it will be interesting to see at what point we are happy to just let it rip without any restrictions and hope it becomes the endemic strain.

I know the usual suspects would probably cry it might mutate again and become more dangerous but that could effectively be true for the rest of time so we can’t just continue on that basis.

Keeping it all crossed.  If true, this is how pandemics usually resolve themselves.  Mutation to a less harmful variant (as predicted by laws of natural selection) which we all then get exposed to & immunised against.  That's certainly how the Spanish Flu epidemic finished up.

Still to early to say for sure, but let's hope the early data stands up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 09:46:38
yeah, what's a 'freedom pcr'

has she been abroad or something?

It's not a thing, just a term of phrase I used to say that she would be finally free from isolation

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: michael on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 10:06:42
Some good news is that some brands of the Lateral Flow tests now come with the fluid already dispensed into the test tube/pipette. To my eye it looks like a bit more fluid as well. Great innovation. They still haven't sorted out the problem where the hole (in the box) to put the test tube/pipette in only really works if you empty the box completely, but at least progress is being made.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 10:24:26
Some good news is that some brands of the Lateral Flow tests now come with the fluid already dispensed into the test tube/pipette. To my eye it looks like a bit more fluid as well. Great innovation. They still haven't sorted out the problem where the hole (in the box) to put the test tube/pipette in only really works if you empty the box completely, but at least progress is being made.
Some of them have been like that for ages.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 10:37:30
yeah, it's moved on from making me gag on throat swabs to now making me sneeze with nose only swabs :)

much better now tbf

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 11:46:25
no covid announcements before Christmas. ... in England

so one assumes 27th then, given Johnson isn't going to work on a Sunday

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 11:58:31
South African cases are coming down rapidly. Hoping they hold off long enough to see the same happen here. If they don't they'll just claim it was because they locked us down.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 12:10:10
Quote from: ChalkyWhiteIsGod
South African cases are coming down rapidly. Hoping they hold off long enough to see the same happen here. If they don't they'll just claim it was because they locked us down.

yeah. hopefully we follow SA and we get to carry on BAU

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 12:55:46
yeah, it's moved on from making me gag on throat swabs to now making me sneeze with nose only swabs :)

much better now tbf

ha - yeah they are sneeze inducing aren't they!!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 14:23:23
South African cases are coming down rapidly. Hoping they hold off long enough to see the same happen here. If they don't they'll just claim it was because they locked us down.
That’s the key, we really need it to spike and fall before they put anymore NPI’s in place so that the likes of ‘Independent SAGE’ can’t claim credit and future calls for restrictions will be even less likely to be acted on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 14:45:19
That’s the key, we really need it to spike and fall before they put anymore NPI’s in place so that the likes of ‘Independent SAGE’ can’t claim credit and future calls for restrictions will be even less likely to be acted on.

I mean they're wrong on virtually everything. At this point I'm not sure how they have any credibility left. My personal favourite was when they gave about 6 different options of modeling and we were better than the best case scenario and they still delayed removing restrictions by two weeks.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 15:14:25
I mean they're wrong on virtually everything. At this point I'm not sure how they have any credibility left. My personal favourite was when they gave about 6 different options of modeling and we were better than the best case scenario and they still delayed removing restrictions by two weeks.
The modelling is an interesting one, it came out the other day that SAGE only model scenarios where a decision needs to be made. JP Morgan did a model that assumed the virus had lower virulence and SAGE were asked why wasn’t that model included for completeness to give a full range of results. Their response was that there is no point as people aren’t interested in scenarios where no decisions need to be made.

So it appears the decision makers only get scenarios that have bad outcomes with no context of probability so it’s hardly surprising we keep lurching towards restrictions if decision makers only ever see ‘bad’ models. At the start modelling was much more accurate as the virus behaviour was more predictable, but with vaccinations and natural immunity it’s now much harder to predict and the ‘modellers’ admit this. I think that is why this time there has been a push back from some of the cabinet as to the accuracy of the models.

It’s also a sad reflection of the media that they’ve used these models to spread doom and gloom with headline grabbing figures but haven’t provided the context that these are just scenarios and not necessarily high probability scenarios.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: SleafordRobin on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 16:46:05
So been extremely careful in recent weeks as my son & his missus are over from the States for Christmas, he's not been home for 3 years & desperate to be here for the festive period. Today get a message from someone my missus & I met up with briefly on Tues to say she'd returned a possitive LFT & off to do a PCR.

We all took LFT's & I have come back positive! To reduce the risk to my son & his wife and my missus they've all gone to stay with my daughter (same village) so at least my wife can spend some time with our son, but I'm sat at home on my own, PCR booked for tomorrow morning, but unlikely to get result til boxing day, so braced for Christmas on my own! Shit times indeed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 16:53:34
So been extremely careful in recent weeks as my son & his missus are over from the States for Christmas, he's not been home for 3 years & desperate to be here for the festive period. Today get a message from someone my missus & I met up with briefly on Tues to say she'd returned a possitive LFT & off to do a PCR.

We all took LFT's & I have come back positive! To reduce the risk to my son & his wife and my missus they've all gone to stay with my daughter (same village) so at least my wife can spend some time with our son, but I'm sat at home on my own, PCR booked for tomorrow morning, but unlikely to get result til boxing day, so braced for Christmas on my own! Shit times indeed.

That’s rotten luck SR!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AMayesIng on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 16:58:36
Thats shit SR, sorry to hear that. We've also had COVID disruption over Christmas; but at least our family all live in the UK so we can try again at 1/2 term/Easter/whenever. Fingers crossed the news on severity of Omicron continues to be good.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 17:05:29
that's shit SR. hope you are asymptomatic or only getting mild symptoms.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: SleafordRobin on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 17:20:51
that's shit SR. hope you are asymptomatic or only getting mild symptoms.

Bit of a cough, nothing more than you'd asociate with a cold. Wouldn't have done the LFT if it wasn't for friend's message. Christmas has taken meticulous planning & been stressful as fuck for my son & his missus to get here, now in total disarray, but can't afford to risk them catching it.  Sad thing is, he flies home the day I'm out of isolation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 17:22:25
Bit of a cough, nothing more than you'd asociate with a cold. Wouldn't have done the LFT if it wasn't for friend's message. Christmas has taken meticulous planning & been stressful as fuck for my son & his missus to get here, now in total disarray, but can't afford to risk them catching it.  Sad thing is, he flies home the day I'm out of isolation.
That's shit.   Bad luck mate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 17:22:49
Sorry to hear of your bad luck SR.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Thursday, December 23, 2021, 17:25:17
I mean they're wrong on virtually everything. At this point I'm not sure how they have any credibility left. My personal favourite was when they gave about 6 different options of modeling and we were better than the best case scenario and they still delayed removing restrictions by two weeks.
So, what should we do? Totally disregards experts and listen to experts on Social Media instead?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, December 24, 2021, 02:07:00
I’ve noticed that on the daily uk summary the ‘number of people hospitalised’ bit is always a few days behind. Is this because they are struggling to tell the difference between those hospitalised BECAUSE OF Covid v people who are in hospital with something else who happen to have it? That’s the only reason I can think of

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, December 24, 2021, 07:53:32
I’ve noticed that on the daily uk summary the ‘number of people hospitalised’ bit is always a few days behind. Is this because they are struggling to tell the difference between those hospitalised BECAUSE OF Covid v people who are in hospital with something else who happen to have it? That’s the only reason I can think of

I don't think they split out the reason people are in hospital. It's because some Nations only update every few days, England normally has it every day apart from the weekend.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Friday, December 24, 2021, 07:58:46
The good lady indoors gets COVID so I do a few lateral flows over course of 24 hours (ish) and they are all negative, I feel 100% fine but decide to get PCR anyway, while waiting for PCR result to come back another lateral flow comes back negative. Obviously PCR then comes back positive!!

I’ve now got my serious doubts over accuracy of these home tests, as I feel fine I could have taken the word of the lateral flow and been giving COVID to every fucker I came in contact with!!

Anyway an isolation Xmas will be interesting!  Thankfully I’m not on my own as she also has it and doesn’t need to pack her kids off as long as they continue to lateral flow negative.

Thoughts are with the likes of Sleaford and those who will have to isolate alone, I’ve got somewhat lucky with regards to that

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Friday, December 24, 2021, 09:20:48
PCR tests pick up any trace cells of Covid, LFT's don't - they indicate only if it is prominant in your system - so it's hardly surprising the PCR test has picked up cells if you have been living with a somebody that has it. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Friday, December 24, 2021, 09:23:02
Wife has just tested positive (after being negative earlier in the week).

Looks like we caught it going to get our boosters on Wednesday, fucking great news :(

Thought the symptoms were the side effects of the booster, cough & cold with a back ache

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, December 24, 2021, 09:37:55
I’ve noticed that on the daily uk summary the ‘number of people hospitalised’ bit is always a few days behind. Is this because they are struggling to tell the difference between those hospitalised BECAUSE OF Covid v people who are in hospital with something else who happen to have it? That’s the only reason I can think of

They generally don't seem to report it as much but recently they did say on the news that the majority of people in ICU in hospital with Covid are unvaccinated. I think as others have said, the case numbers really need to be taken with a pinch of salt now given so many people are testing.

That said, whilst of course it's fantastic that people being admitted to hospital isn't rising anywhere near case number - if at all, it should be remembered that NHS staff that do test positive will have to isolate and therefore this reduces the amount of staff available in hospitals. Given that hospital admissions remains low I suspect this isn't too much of an issue currently but hopefully that doesn't change.

Politically I actually think the govt have done the right thing by not introducing the restrictions that Scotland and Wales have yet. They appear to be using the known data from South Africa and obviously know that their behaviour which has come to light recently during previous lockdowns means that even if they did introduce measures, many would flaunt them anyway. It's a bit of a gamble I suppose by Boris that if he doesn't bring in restrictions and Omicron doesn't cause the 'havoc' that some predicted, that he will get praised for his reaction.

Finally, all the best to those that have tested positive, I hope you make the very best that you can over Christmas.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, December 24, 2021, 10:14:06
Don't think I have seen this elsewhere, but an interesting excerpt from the drongos that 'assaulted' Chris Whitty earlier this year.

"“The law is that I have the right for him to come,” Chew (the defendant) told the court. “I want Chris Whitty there.”

“I suspect I know a bit more about the law than you do,” Goldspring (the judge) replied, explaining that Prof Whitty does not legally have to attend court as the facts of the case had been agreed between the prosecution and defence.

But Chew responded: “You’re getting it all wrong. I’ve been in court. I’ve agreed that Chris Whitty has to be in court.

“I feel like I’m innocent. I’m answering an assault charge which I don’t think I’ve done.”

Goldspring replied: “A remarkable recovery, I might say, from where you were two minutes ago.”

Chew, however, said that he had “diagnosed coronavirus”, adding to the judge: “Are you saying corona is not real now? Feel like what you’re doing now is victimising me. You’re calling me a liar.”

Goldspring said: “Your cavalier approach to the severity of these proceedings is breathtaking.”

“What does cavalier mean?” Chew interjected.

Now, I am no expert on the law, but trying to be clever with a judge is unlikely to be helpful. Hope the silly dick gets a prison sentence.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, December 24, 2021, 10:50:38
Is he defending himself? If he has a brief surely he’s explained to him what the situation is.

Chew?  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC no2 fan on Friday, December 24, 2021, 11:46:01
All this moaning from Prem managers and footballers about having to play games slightly injured/tired….their egos are out of control and they don’t seem to appreciate that their jobs are totally non-essential in the grander scheme of things and purely dependent on people paying to see them play, be that on TV or in person.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Friday, December 24, 2021, 11:51:25
Is he defending himself? If he has a brief surely he’s explained to him what the situation is.

Chew?  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

His defence resigned at the start of the hearing I think.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, December 24, 2021, 11:54:23
the untied caretaker is already calling for talks on the league cup (and scrapping of).

what's the point of massive squads if the reserves don't play. not like that doesn't happen in the league cup these days anyway

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC no2 fan on Friday, December 24, 2021, 11:58:03
Exactly, I guess linking to this thread, my thoughts were that if some players are refusing to get jabbed then they will have a greater chance of catching it and hence reserves/tired players will have to play. Otherwise no pro sport.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, December 24, 2021, 11:58:34
the untied caretaker

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC no2 fan on Friday, December 24, 2021, 12:04:54
Been hanging around with Jimmy?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Gnasher on Friday, December 24, 2021, 12:07:28
Lucky the Govnt reduced the isolation period from 10 to 7 days, so after two negative tests, my daughter is finally home in time for Christmas!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Friday, December 24, 2021, 12:29:22
It’s clear that if there are too many games for the big 6 clubs then the answer is to revert back to a straight knockout European Cup.

Remember it was this lot that wanted to add another competition and even more games.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, December 24, 2021, 12:41:03
Is he defending himself? If he has a brief surely he’s explained to him what the situation is.

Chew?  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Here's the full story.

Needless to say the guy sounds like a right walloper.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, December 24, 2021, 13:09:47
Here's the full story.

Needless to say the guy sounds like a right walloper.

I genuinely have no idea how somebody manages to survive past their teenage years being as stupid as this guy is. He’s a walking argument against evolution.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Friday, December 24, 2021, 16:08:49
Here's the full story.

Needless to say the guy sounds like a right walloper.

Comment at the bottom. By Stewie  :clap:

Embarrassing, a grown man acting like a 6 year old.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Friday, December 24, 2021, 20:24:28
The daily Covid deaths this week have fallen day on day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, December 24, 2021, 21:28:50
The daily Covid deaths this week have fallen day on day
It’s ok the goal posts are changing again, from that Jenny Harries it sounds like we are being warmed up for more restrictions due to the number in the NHS that are off self isolating. So it’s not the number of cases or number in hospital now that’s the issue, it’s the impact of the restrictions we put on anyone testing positive for or coming into contact with someone that is positive. If we genuinely go under further restrictions for that then I can see a significant push back happening.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: STFC_Manc on Friday, December 24, 2021, 21:53:58
It’s ok the goal posts are changing again, from that Jenny Harries it sounds like we are being warmed up for more restrictions due to the number in the NHS that are off self isolating. So it’s not the number of cases or number in hospital now that’s the issue, it’s the impact of the restrictions we put on anyone testing positive for or coming into contact with someone that is positive. If we genuinely go under further restrictions for that then I can see a significant push back happening.

The whole point of restrictions is to not overwhelm the capacity of the NHS, if the capacity due to lower staff is going to cause problems, then that is the same reason, so not moving the 'goal posts'.

Now, I'm not saying that is likely or right but just pointing out the issue with your agrument.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, December 24, 2021, 23:40:14
Could NHS staff who have tested positive just work with patients that have also tested positive for Covid (assuming they are well enough, of course)? Where would the harm be in that? Not only are they still working rather than isolating at home, their only priority will be the patients struggling with Covid, which can only be to their advantage

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, December 24, 2021, 23:44:25
Could NHS staff who have tested positive just work with patients that have also tested positive for Covid (assuming they are well enough, of course)? Where would the harm be in that? Not only are they still working rather than isolating at home, their only priority will be the patients struggling with Covid, which can only be to their advantage

How do you plan on getting the staff who have tested positive in and out of a hospital without coming into contact with anyone other than a Covid patient?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Friday, December 24, 2021, 23:53:49
How do you plan on getting the staff who have tested positive in and out of a hospital without coming into contact with anyone other than a Covid patient?

I’m sure it would be possible. Would never be risk free, but if the potential benefits outweigh the potential risk then it would be worth it.

If the Nightingale hospitals still existed I think this would be a no-brainer. Alas

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, December 25, 2021, 03:36:48
I think they should work from home. Each member of NHS nursing staff should be allocated 3 or 4 patients that they could position in various spots around their home - 1 in the kitchen, a couple in a spare bedroom for example.

Why has nobody thought of this before!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Monday, December 27, 2021, 13:01:50
Sky believe Boris wont announce anything today

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, December 27, 2021, 13:02:53
Sky believe Boris wont announce anything today
Common sense seems to be prevailing. Puts the devolved nations on shaky ground though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, December 27, 2021, 14:01:30
Very efficient jabbing at Steam this morning. I reckon I was in and out in less than two minutes.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, December 27, 2021, 14:10:39
Man City (more importantly, the associated income) looks on a bit firmer ground.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, December 27, 2021, 15:32:11
Very efficient jabbing at Steam this morning. I reckon I was in and out in less than two minutes.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro

Should you be discussing your sex life on here?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, 19:03:07
18 deaths reported today. If that’s accurate and not a reporting lag, that’s a ridiculously low number

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Cheltred on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, 22:13:04
18 deaths reported today. If that’s accurate and not a reporting lag, that’s a ridiculously low number
Weekends are generally lower (and presumably bank holidays too) but that's still very low by recent standards

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, 03:29:47
Weekends are generally lower (and presumably bank holidays too) but that's still very low by recent standards

While there are lots of different variables at play here, it will be very hard to justify restrictions based on these stats. If we had 100000+ cases a day last year we’d be looking at enormous hospitalisations/deaths. The vaccines and the treatment drugs appear to have done their job.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, 06:48:15
yeah, fingers crossed that holds.

London are below the 400 admissions a day threshold, but it is close and rising. Hopefully they are close to the peak

But put into context in London, 3,074 hospitalisations now v 7,917 peak during second wave

London is the highest incidence rate in the country, and has a pretty poor vaccine take up too.

looking promising, but not quite out the woods yet

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, 10:34:38
Did you get a new phone for Xmas Batch?  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, 10:39:39
Quote from: 4D
Did you get a new phone for Xmas Batch?  :)

woke up with ingestion indigestion in the early hours

my brain doesn't work until 9am.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, 09:00:15
Then I saw the name Icke  ;D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, 09:13:28
Woke up to a text saying dental app at 8.30 was cancelled due to a positive test.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 10:54:49
Two positive last flow tests this morning, feeling a bit rough, waiting for pcr result but 99% sure I have covid. Other than the Northampton game I have been nowhere so that I wouldn’t catch covid and miss the city game!!!, gutted!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 11:00:00
Two positive last flow tests this morning, feeling a bit rough, waiting for pcr result but 99% sure I have covid. Other than the Northampton game I have been nowhere so that I wouldn’t catch covid and miss the city game!!!, gutted!

Oh no...

Can I have your ticket please? :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 11:29:18
Quote from: china red
Two positive last flow tests this morning, feeling a bit rough, waiting for pcr result but 99% sure I have covid. Other than the Northampton game I have been nowhere so that I wouldn’t catch covid and miss the city game!!!, gutted!

bummer. not much more you could have done

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 13:30:36
Yeah there may be a spare ticket, sitting next to Bobs Orange

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 13:41:03
Did I see the news correctly that the US had over 1 million positive cases reported in a day?

Don’t know if this is new cases or positive results, but that’s a lot of cases

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 13:42:42
Yeah there may be a spare ticket, sitting next to Bobs Orange

Jayo and BO  :)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 15:45:09
Yeah there may be a spare ticket, sitting next to Bobs Orange

Sadly the spare has been secured already. I am absolutely gutted for you China Red after taking all the precautions to avoid Covid as well! As I said on Watsapp at least you'll have Liverpool away to look forward to in Round 4!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: china red on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 16:11:57
I cannot believe you offered to do all the house work for a year to your wife so she would join you and prevent anyone on here sitting next to you  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 16:22:02
Did I see the news correctly that the US had over 1 million positive cases reported in a day?

Don’t know if this is new cases or positive results, but that’s a lot of cases

Yes, but it's pretty similar to the UK when you adjust for population.  Both world leading (if you just looked at cases)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 16:26:38
I cannot believe you offered to do all the house work for a year to your wife so she would join you and prevent anyone on here sitting next to you  :D

 :clap: Kudos!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 08:43:01
Sadly the spare has been secured already.

Fuck you, Gareth!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 12:38:25
So it transpires we have probably had Covid in the house but not known about it. Other half was rough before Christmas and GP suggested she take a PCR, which she did and it came back clear. She slowly got better over Christmas (well more new year really) and is not so bad now although she still has a thumping sore throat and is knackered, so back to the doctors this morning. Long and short Doc cannot see any evidence of a throat infection or anything and has now concluded that she probably has had it but the PCR gave a false negative so who knows - main (only in fact) thing is that she is OK!

On small persons return to school it seems most of the village was isolating over Christmas, but thankfully all seem to be OK.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 12:53:33
False negative rate on PCR is so low as to be unlikely isn't it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 13:16:15
False negative rate on PCR is so low as to be unlikely isn't it?

Who knows, from the interweb...

'Sensitivity of PCR testing in the real world (taking into consideration the likelihood of the virus getting onto the swab) is only of the order of 70%. It misses (gives false negative results) in about 30% of people who do actually have the virus, and who may be contagious.'

Also worth bearing in mind that its very dependent upon getting the swab right, my missus is very diligent but she was still an amateur sticking a swab down her own throat.

Thing is, both our little lass and I (after she had tested negative) had mild same albeit only for a day or two, and in each case and just put it down to having what she had which as she had tested negtive we assumed was just a crappy cold (LFT's were clear for us all over xmas on the incredibly rare occasions we mixed and that was only with wifes family who seemed similarly coldy and are Ok). Who knows, I do wonder if the kids have spread it around at school as it seems to have rattled through the parents over Christmas!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Tails on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 14:56:04
Was a bit sniffly while I was in Florida. Decided to get a lateral flow test, which took a few days, and was positive. Got a PCR the next day confirming it, but by that time 5 days had past which the CDC recommends from when symptoms start. The next day had another lateral flow and it was negative, confirmed by another one the day after.

Really strange. My wife was with me the whole time and didn't test positive. I was with 20+ people on Christmas day and only 1 has tested positive since. If it was Omnicron then it was really very mild.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 15:55:14
...but she was still an amateur sticking a swab down her own throat.

Must resist witty comeback...

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 16:08:37
Must resist witty comeback...

TBF I was going to add in the original post that she has a very easily triggered gag reflex which makes taking such tests a bit tricky (she does, even when the doc put the lolly stick thing in her mouth earlier to check her throat she gagged!) and could explain a dodgy swab, but thought the better of it!  :D

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 16:15:47
Must resist witty comeback...

Whitty comeback surely?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 16:27:17
Whitty comeback surely?


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 16:27:52
Whitty comeback surely?

Next pun please.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, January 6, 2022, 16:57:19
Sorry to hear your wife doesn't like things in the back of her throat.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Saturday, January 8, 2022, 11:33:21

I really, really cannot stand this little weasel. And for all the attention Whitty gets for the shape of his head, I don’t think he’s got anything on Cummings

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 10:06:35
Novak Djokovic admits to breaching isolation rules after testing positive for Covid including taking part in  interviews. Now I don't admit to knowing the full facts and i'm being very judgmental here but he seems like a total selfish cunt in all this. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 14:20:16
this is both tragic and a Darwin contender at the same time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 14:30:23
Novak Djokovic admits to breaching isolation rules after testing positive for Covid including taking part in  interviews. Now I don't admit to knowing the full facts and i'm being very judgmental here but he seems like a total selfish cunt in all this. 

Last week was pretty tough for rich blokes who think they are beyond the law.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 15:25:14
this is both tragic and a Darwin contender at the same time

Likely to be remembered in history as a silly cow.
Sadly not the first, male or female, and probably not the last.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, January 20, 2022, 08:52:35
this is both tragic and a Darwin contender at the same time

The Herman Cain Award

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Thursday, January 20, 2022, 09:27:48
Had a PCR test done yesterday. Negative.

Quick turn around though, i had the test done at 1230 and got the results at 1645

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Saturday, January 22, 2022, 10:08:52
Why do they keep changing the lateral flow test kit?
Was squeezing away to get the 4th drop out this morning and the top flew off & the gubbins spilled out all over the place.

Should just let gravity take its course with this version by the look of it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RedRag on Saturday, January 22, 2022, 10:27:39
this is both tragic and a Darwin contender at the same time
I had a laugh at first.

Then I have to say I recognised the cunt in me.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 12:21:25
Missus woke up this morning heavily showing all the symptoms so not long back from the Wroughton park and ride test centre. Currently awaiting her result but have to say I was impressed with the efficiency of the on-site operation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 13:42:17
Don’t build your hopes up of a quick turnaround on the result. We had our DNA tested last Saturday and were advised that it would be one to two days, had to chase them on Thursday for the result which we were certain was + and so it turned out to be. He’ll be out of bedroom quarantine later today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 13:46:52
I got my PCR result back in 4 hours the other day

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 14:03:37
Don’t build your hopes up of a quick turnaround on the result. We had our DNA tested last Saturday and were advised that it would be one to two days, had to chase them on Thursday for the result which we were certain was + and so it turned out to be. He’ll be out of bedroom quarantine later today.

They did say 48-72 hours to be fair but have heard others say they had a same day result, what will be will be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 14:08:59
They did say 48-72 hours to be fair but have heard others say they had a same day result, what will be will be.

Indeed, interestingly when we chased up the result we told that Broad Green test centre ‘should not’ have told us one to two days, however my Mrs thinks it was the telephone handler covering tracks as it seemed a glib throwaway comment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 14:13:35
We’ve had all of ours from Wroughton back within 24 hours apart from the very first which was very early days and that took about 36 hours

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 14:40:45
Just out of curiosity has anyone received a positive test result and what is the procedure should she be positive?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 14:44:39
Just out of curiosity has anyone received a positive test result and what is the procedure should she be positive?

I was positive in November and house bound for 10 days but it's now changed.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: DV on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 14:50:22
Just out of curiosity has anyone received a positive test result and what is the procedure should she be positive?

Put my test results on the COVID app.
They then called and asked me about who I lived with and who I’d been in close contact with
Then called me few days later to see how I was feeling
Then called me again but I didn’t answer at that point.

Had to stay isolated for 10 days as was the restrictions at the time

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 15:51:00
We tested positive on Xmas Eve, and isolated until the 2nd Jan, having tested negative on the 1st & 2nd.

Son tested positive a day later than us, and was negative a day earlier

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 17:48:15
Had a little spike in our school pre-Christmas with a total of about 45 children and adults (from about 650) testing positive.

Now we have a bigger one. Not sure of the numbers but many more isolating than ever before.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 18:33:12
ditto at Mrs B primary

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 19:12:10
With cases starting to become irrelevant in terms of hospitalisations and deaths hopefully at the end of March when the Coronavirus legislation expires they decide to drop all the isolation stuff as well. Seems like a lot of the disruption is becoming unnecessary now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AMayesIng on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 19:21:54
Same at Mrs Mayes' Infant school; feels like 25% of the kids in some classes are off with Covod or isolating right now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, January 23, 2022, 20:04:07
Same at Mrs Mayes' Infant school; feels like 25% of the kids in some classes are off with Covod or isolating right now.

And yet at the infant school I work at there is not a single child or member of staff off with Covid! Goes to show how disparate the stats around this disease can be

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 24, 2022, 18:29:33
I mean... just....

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, January 24, 2022, 18:31:13
I think that's both legs and and least one arm under the bus now.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Monday, January 24, 2022, 18:44:03
It would have been a bigger story of he'd have followed the rules.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Monday, January 24, 2022, 18:53:31
Surely he can't survive a vote of no confidence now? Not much point in dragging this out much longer.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, January 24, 2022, 19:00:31
never underestimate a cockroach's ability to survive.

suspect it's the beginning of the end though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AMayesIng on Monday, January 24, 2022, 19:14:15
Yep, he's pretty much toast, you'd think. The one thing that no one seems to be questioning or commenting on is how all these stories are coming to light; i.e. a regular drip feed of a new one every week or so. Someone on the inside has really got it in for Boris.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, January 24, 2022, 19:31:32
My money's on Gove. Snidey looking fucker.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, January 24, 2022, 19:34:06
Looks like a weasel

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 09:01:27
Yep, he's pretty much toast, you'd think. The one thing that no one seems to be questioning or commenting on is how all these stories are coming to light; i.e. a regular drip feed of a new one every week or so. Someone on the inside has really got it in for Boris.

Surely this is the work of Big bad Dom?

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 09:06:19
yeah, you'd think Cummings is going to drip drip this out until he's gone. or until he runs out

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 09:07:19
yeah, you'd think Cummings is going to drip drip this out until he's gone. it until he runs out

That's what I think at least. Revenge of course being a dish best served on a party platter.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 09:46:52
thing is, just because Cummings is a vindictive cunt hell bent on revenge didn't make it false!

mind you, he should have gone himself

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 10:02:33
thing is, just because Cummings is a vindictive cunt hell bent on revenge didn't make it false!

mind you, he should have gone himself

As I have oft said. Politics is a dirty, dirty business and if any of you think one side is worse than the the other then IMHO you’re deluded. What makes a difference is keeping a lid on ALL or ANY perceived indiscretions. They ALL have dirt on each other both sides of the house, make no mistake about that. If you think I’m defending Bozza then you are very much mistaken. Infact I’m fucking fuming TBH, however I am trying to keep a lid on my feelings because like the ‘accusations’ against individuals and parties from the last few elections and indeed the EU vote, nothing much gets proven 100% and no-one held to account in any discernible way or prosecuted. Furthermore again, the media make the news with spurious stories with only a micron of ‘evidence’ and cover their arses with screaming statements encased in punctuation marks to avoid litigation. That beady eyed, short arsed, nasty vindictive weasel, Cummings is not to be trusted. Notice how he has refused to attend Greys committee and instead wishes to submit something in writing. I wonder why and I doubt it has anything to do with Bozza making a rambling smokescreen and incoherent statement. To me it shows Cummings doesn’t want to be picked apart or called to account on anything he has said and have it on record.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 10:05:32
I'm not for a second suggesting every other politician is squeaky clean, but it's hardly a stretch to imagine Johnson is unusually flippant about the rules, conventions and other people's safety, is it? He's behaved like this his whole life, it's just that before lockdown, enough people found him to be a charming rogue rather than clearly a bit of a dick that it got him elected.

All other issues aside, you don't seriously think Theresa May holds parties in lockdown, do you? (or indeed, holds parties when it's totally legitimate to do so!)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 10:07:59
well yes you have some points there

Johnson is a prime twat though, the worst prime minister in my lifetime? probably that still goes  to Cameron for getting us into this situation. Hell, I'd probably take Blair over him, and he's a war criminal.

anyway that's all subjective, but you reap what you sow

politics is broken fundamentally

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 10:22:53
I am a stuck record on this, but people didn't vote for Boris, they were hell bent on voting for Brexit and didn't give a shit who the Prime Minister was going to be - Boris/Cummings knew this and probably saw it as their only opportunity to get him in there.

The outrage from some is a little laughable when the public voted for him (Brexit) not really giving a shit that he was going to be PM, knowing exactly the sort of history he had and now are incredulous that these things are now happening..  this is what you knowingly voted for, so don't be so outraged when these things come to fruition..

Disclaimer:  This is not aimed at anyone on here - just the great British public in general

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 10:26:24
Yep, he's pretty much toast, you'd think. The one thing that no one seems to be questioning or commenting on is how all these stories are coming to light; i.e. a regular drip feed of a new one every week or so. Someone on the inside has really got it in for Boris.

I don't think its necessarily being drip fed, more that as each bit unravels more people are coming forward to confirm what journo's already knew but providing enough corroboration to allow them to run the story. The lass from the Mirror who has broken a lot of it has previously said she had been aware of most of it for ages (at least this time last year) but until it could be confirmed by a couple of independent sources it could never get through the lawyering at the paper and get run.

The issue is going to be who else is this going to bring down, the Met knew about it and were thus complicit so who do they work for the public as we thought, or the government which is all a bit authoritarian state, likewise many journalists apparently attended so less of a fearless independent press more client journalism, again all rather 1984.

I see right wing twitter are losing their shit this morning, bizarrely at the BBC (who have little to do with breaking this story) and suggesting that Boris's enemies are leaking stories to the press, which must be an absolute shocker for them. Deeply ironic that those tweeting about the ScumMedia are the ones who’ve been lapping up lies from the Sun, Express and Mail for years.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 10:32:02
police in doing their job shocker

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 10:35:58
I am a stuck record on this, but people didn't vote for Boris, they were hell bent on voting for Brexit and didn't give a shit who the Prime Minister was going to be - Boris/Cummings knew this and probably saw it as their only opportunity to get him in there.

The outrage from some is a little laughable when the public voted for him (Brexit) not really giving a shit that he was going to be PM, knowing exactly the sort of history he had and now are incredulous that these things are now happening..  this is what you knowingly voted for, so don't be so outraged when these things come to fruition..

Disclaimer:  This is not aimed at anyone on here - just the great British public in general

Agree with most of this apart from it just being Brexit, the Tories could have put up Michael Fabricant and he would still have beaten Corbyn, because long and short a substantial part of the electorate just didn't like him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 10:56:27
I don't particularly like the tories, the problem is there is bugger all alternative that appeals.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 11:03:50
politics is broken fundamentally

Apols for banging the drum yet again, but it will continue to be broken until we dispense with FPTP.  Until that happens, we're stuck with the existing duopoly.  FPTP strangles smaller political groupings and fledgling political movements at birth, and disproportionately rewards the largest party with too much power.  It enables the likes of Johnson.

Sadly, there appears to be no appetite in the country for an alternative.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 11:16:13
I'm not for a second suggesting every other politician is squeaky clean, but it's hardly a stretch to imagine Johnson is unusually flippant about the rules, conventions and other people's safety, is it? He's behaved like this his whole life, it's just that before lockdown, enough people found him to be a charming rogue rather than clearly a bit of a dick that it got him elected.

All other issues aside, you don't seriously think Theresa May holds parties in lockdown, do you? (or indeed, holds parties when it's totally legitimate to do so!)

That may be true but to me she was duplicitous in her dealing with the EU. She boxed herself and the country into a corner by triggering article 50 when she was advised to hold fire a bit then as a staunch europhile tried to secure a Brexit deal that fundamentally kept us tied to a club we’re trying to get out of. Whilst tell ing us is was the best we could hope for, lying fucking cow. And so it goes on.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 11:24:21
Seeing as they lead the Leave campaign maybe Boris or Gove should have stepped up after Cameron, you might have got the Brexit deal that you hoped for!

Nope they just hid in the corner and left to May to deal with all the shit that followed

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 11:29:07
nobody saw this coming ... oh wait

BREAKING: Sue Gray will not publish her partygate report while the Met police investigate. So it will not be published this week and probably not for many weeks. This is some kind of reprieve for the prime minister. She will continue her investigation though

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 11:32:07
That may be true but to me she was duplicitous in her dealing with the EU. She boxed herself and the country into a corner by triggering article 50 when she was advised to hold fire a bit then as a staunch europhile tried to secure a Brexit deal that fundamentally kept us tied to a club we’re trying to get out of. Whilst tell ing us is was the best we could hope for, lying fucking cow. And so it goes on.

This is really not the place, but hey ho...

Fuck me, if we are totally re- writing history I hated the bit where she invaded France...

A50 was invoked (in March 2017 as she had promised to do to see off another revolt at the back end of 2016 - remember Enemies of the People, Citizens of Nowhere and other such nationalistic bollocks) as if she didn't the nut jobs in the ERG and most Brexiteers would have burned her at the stake, as for her being advised not to, by whom, considering every Tory MP bar Ken Clarke voted for it!

As for it 'going on', nothing goes on we are (entirely at our own request) a third party to the EU and will be treated thus, you won, own it!

nobody saw this coming ... oh wait

BREAKING: Sue Gray will not publish her partygate report while the Met police investigate. So it will not be published this week and probably not for many weeks. This is some kind of reprieve for the prime minister. She will continue her investigation though

Don't think it means much in the scheme of things, albeit could be the strange world where a Met investigation into the Pm actually buys him some time. I recall the last time the Met investigated no.10 was under Blair re honours and it accelerated his departure, so fingers crossed again.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 11:38:01
No it is not and I am not saying anymore on the subject. It only encourages people and I really cannot be arsed. What will be will be.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 12:45:11
The Secret Barrister on twitter:
Even in the event of prosecutions, alleged offences under the Covid regulations cannot be tried at the Crown Court, and so there is absolutely no risk at all of any potential jury being influenced.

As I read it - there's no justification for not publishing Sue's report, given the popo will be doing their own stuff anyway

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 18:40:33
Apols for banging the drum yet again, but it will continue to be broken until we dispense with FPTP.  Until that happens, we're stuck with the existing duopoly.  FPTP strangles smaller political groupings and fledgling political movements at birth, and disproportionately rewards the largest party with too much power.  It enables the likes of Johnson.

Sadly, there appears to be no appetite in the country for an alternative.

No apologies necessary.  It's the simple truth. This whole mess is down to fptp.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 18:45:03
No apologies necessary.  It's the simple truth. This whole mess is down to fptp.

We had a vote on that. Anyway the weasel that instigated that is doing alright now so fuck you you little people, I’m alright Jack.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 19:34:13
We had a vote on that. Anyway the weasel that instigated that is doing alright now so fuck you you little people, I’m alright Jack.

We did.  That doesn't mean our current system is for for purpose.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: cheltred69 on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 19:44:53
When we had the vote there was little discernible difference between the 2 main parties, both vying for the centre ground, so many people didn’t really see how a pr system would bring any real difference in outcome.
Fast forward a decade or so and many feel that neither of the 2 main parties reflect their views, with 2 extremist choices at the last election.
Sadly though I couldn’t see a rerun of that referendum having a different outcome because I think too many have unsurprisingly formed opinion is that all politicians are morally bankrupt, so would view this as simply tinkering with a broken system.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 20:41:38
 :bye: :bye:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 20:48:45
When we had the vote there was little discernible difference between the 2 main parties, both vying for the centre ground, so many people didn’t really see how a pr system would bring any real difference in outcome.
Fast forward a decade or so and many feel that neither of the 2 main parties reflect their views, with 2 extremist choices at the last election.
Sadly though I couldn’t see a rerun of that referendum having a different outcome because I think too many have unsurprisingly formed opinion is that all politicians are morally bankrupt, so would view this as simply tinkering with a broken system.

The Italian PR system has since the war given them political and economic constipation.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 21:09:05
The Italian PR system has since the war given them political and economic constipation.

But every country in Europe uses a version of PR - bar two: the UK & Belarus.  We're outliers sticking with FPTP.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 21:24:17
But every country in Europe uses a version of PR - bar two: the UK & Belarus.  We're outliers sticking with FPTP.

Why change what works?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 22:18:34
Why change what works?

😲 you think this shower of shitcunts is working?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 22:35:21
😲 you think this shower of shitcunts is working?

The system is. Your problem appears to be with the winning party, like all losers, the rules are shit when you’re not getting your own way. If Labour were in you’d be saying it works well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 23:54:30
Meanwhile, at a government think tank in Whitehall - more revelations to why the government incumbent has used Covid-19 to suit it's own real agenda...*

*Yep this is sarcasm before anyone jizzes their knickers, in a Tory leaning fit of misunderstanding

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 09:21:56
But every country in Europe uses a version of PR - bar two: the UK & Belarus.  We're outliers sticking with FPTP.

Two which have rapidly fallen into quasi authoritarian state status!

The system is. Your problem appears to be with the winning party, like all losers, the rules are shit when you’re not getting your own way. If Labour were in you’d be saying it works well.

Hence why various posters have noted that it suits the two big parties and not any sort of basic representation, as it stands we have a virtual dictatorship based on receiving 43.63% of the vote.

To illustrate the absurdity of the system the Tory vote went up 1.2% on 2019 (so not the massive groundswell for the messiah that many lie to portray yet they gained 48 seats), likewise the Labour vote dropped 7.9% and they lost 60. LD vote actually went up 4.2% yet they lost a seat in total and don't even start with the SNP. The Greens only got c.400k less votes that the SNP overall yet the SNP have 48 seats the Greens 1, likewise Farage's lot!

From a personal point of view I am easily pleased, I would like a government that at least gives the basic impression that it has the remotest interest in the well being, health, safety of all of the population, has a basic moral compass, is not in the pocket of the Russians, wealthy and media barons, is not funded by dark money, does not take 1984 as a template for the governance of the county, is not actively eroding my rights, takes an interest (beyond basic lip service) in ensuring that there is a planet for my daughter and her successors to actually occupy and does not see the public as a cash cow to enrich itself and its mates.

The colour of the rosette being worn by those who seek to lead the country is of fuck all relevance, what is relevant is them having a plan for the benefit of all not seeking to screw the less privileged over and keeping to it. Is that too much to ask - apparently so?

Meanwhile, at a government think tank in Whitehall - more revelations to why the government incumbent has used Covid-19 to suit it's own real agenda...*

*Yep this is sarcasm before anyone jizzes their knickers, in a Tory leaning fit of misunderstanding

I don't think they would be that bothered, kept the commie libtards wokists out didn't it and as long as it doesn't affect me....

But again this doesn't really have much to do with Covid, however what does is our further descent into an episode of The Thick of It which was never shown as it was just too absurd and cringe worthy!

Albeit who of us cannot say we have never been ambushed by a cake!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 09:25:10
The system is. Your problem appears to be with the winning party, like all losers, the rules are shit when you’re not getting your own way. If Labour were in you’d be saying it works well.
Unpicking whether the system perpetuates the shitcunts or the shitcunts perpetuate the system ought to be fun!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 09:26:35
The system is. Your problem appears to be with the winning party, like all losers, the rules are shit when you’re not getting your own way. If Labour were in you’d be saying it works well.

I don't like the party at all, but the best example of the foibles of FPTP was the 2015 election in which UKIP won one vote in 8 across the entire country (12.6%), came third on vote share and got one seat - whilst the SNP got 56 seats from less than half the votes. Requiring all your supporters to live near each other seems like a strange requirement for a democracy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 12:08:13
The system is. Your problem appears to be with the winning party, like all losers, the rules are shit when you’re not getting your own way. If Labour were in you’d be saying it works well.

How does the system work, we lurch from one shower of shite to another, with each trying to undo what the previous mob did.

How often (and I don’t know the answer) have we had a majority government who had less than 50% of the vote?

My guess is it’s very rare

PS. I don’t like the current lot, but be honest who in their right mind does

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 12:14:39
The Cameron/Clegg coalition had nearly 60% between them, but for a single party getting over 50% you're literally going pre-WW2. The Con governments of the 50s got very close, low 40s is pretty much the standard these days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: dalumpimunki on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 17:43:59
We had a vote on that. Anyway the weasel that instigated that is doing alright now so fuck you you little people, I’m alright Jack.

People repeatedly argue this despite it not being true.

The UK has never had a referendum on PR.

The arse that used to be my MP sold the soul of his party to  Cameron and didn't even manage to negotiate a referendum on his preferred voting system in exchange for it. Instead he compromised on a vote on the Alternative Vote, PRs ugly, fucking useless little brother.

Nobody voted for it because it's shit. Under PR you get a parliament that accurately (as possible) represents the votes of the population. 20% of the population votes for a left party, that party gets about 20% of the seats. FPTP gets you government's that most of the country doesn't want pretty much every time.

AV doesn't solve that. It just disguises it.It doesn't remove the incentive to vote for candidates you don't support to avoid someone  you hate more getting in, it just formalises it. Worse it ends up making all the major parties select candidates designed to attract the second preference votes of other parties voters. Rather than increase the range of political opinion represented in parliament, to better reflect that in the population, it narrows it towards the centre. You can understand why the Liberals could live with it.

It's a reasonable way to elect an individual leader, but a suit way to elect a representative body.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 18:09:16
STV at the 2019 General Election would have led to 88% of voters living in a constituency represented by their first choice party.  FPTP gave us only 55%

Let's not pretend a system in which 60% of voters didn't vote for the government it's democratic. The winning party is irrelevant, it's simply a failed system.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: dalumpimunki on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 18:37:23
STV at the 2019 General Election would have led to 88% of voters living in a constituency represented by their first choice party.  FPTP gave us only 55%

Let's not pretend a system in which 60% of voters didn't vote for the government it's democratic. The winning party is irrelevant, it's simply a failed system.

Yes but STV was also not the option offered in the 2011 referendum. Only an undefined alternative vote was. And you can get your life they'd have used the secondary vote system they use for elected majors.I

I'm not saying FPTP isn't shit. But if I'm replacing it I want a properly proportional replacement. I could live with the STV and supplementary party list system they use in Scotland, but ideally I'd go the whole hog and change the entire system.

1 An elected head of state - Seriously one skiing accident 30 hrs ago and we'd be risking king Andrew ffs. Limited role though - no presidential powers - sits in the upper chamber not the legislature.
2 Elected upper chamber using STV. Use this as the constituency based representatives and lift constituents businesses from the MPS
3 Fully PR legislature

Add a written constitution and rules of accountability that don't have reports on ministers transgressions being reported and considered by the transgressors themelves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 18:44:11

Yes but STV was also not the option offered in the 2011 referendum. Only an undefined alternative vote was. And you can get your life they'd have used the secondary vote system they use for elected majors.I

I'm not saying FPTP isn't shit. But if I'm replacing it I want a properly proportional replacement. I could live with the STV and supplementary party list system they use in Scotland, but ideally I'd go the whole hog and change the entire system.

1 An elected head of state - Seriously one skiing accident 30 hrs ago and we'd be risking king Andrew ffs. Limited role though - no presidential powers - sits in the upper chamber not the legislature.
2 Elected upper chamber using STV. Use this as the constituency based representatives and lift constituents businesses from the MPS
3 Fully PR legislature

Add a written constitution and rules of accountability that don't have reports on ministers transgressions being reported and considered by the transgressors themelves.

Indeed. FPTP is like a shit sandwich.  AV was like they'd scraped the shit out, but given you back the bread.

What would be your preference to STV?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 20:27:46
Indeed. FPTP is like a shit sandwich.  AV was like they'd scraped the shit out, but given you back the bread.

What would be your preference to STV?

Labour didn’t squeal the FPTP was a bad thing when that cunt Bliar sweep all before him did he? As I said if you’re in the driving seat with FPTP then there is no need to even think about any other system.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 20:32:46
no motivation for the major parties to change it. agreed.

As a voter I'm stuck of my vote ultimately being pointless.

I don't have any particular party loyalty. But I do know what I don't want right now. so I'm forced into wasting my vote, spoiling my vote or voting tactically.

that said, assuming a single party got in under PR would things be different. probably not

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 20:51:30
Transfer Rumours people, keep on topic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 20:52:28
omicron on a free to half the population

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 22:57:14
Labour didn’t squeal the FPTP was a bad thing when that cunt Bliar sweep all before him did he? As I said if you’re in the driving seat with FPTP then there is no need to even think about any other system.

It's a shit system, no matter who gets elected as a result.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 07:38:07
It's a shit system, no matter who gets elected as a result.

I disagree, the voting system works fine, it is the shite that gets elected that is the problem. Next is the central  government and local government machines.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 08:27:50
What's all this shite? Is coronavirus finished?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 08:35:38
I did test as negative today so maybe it is all over

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 08:57:19
What's all this shite? Is coronavirus finished?

As the mask rules have gone and care homes opening apparently so.

In other unrelated news we have all had to test this morning as now a close relative we saw at the weekend has it, and its rampaging through all the schools round here!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 10:13:20
Middle child tested positive yesterday and confirmed by PCR this morning.

The rest of us in the house are still negative, but it'll only be a matter of time now I'm sure.

Glad to be getting it out of the way tbh.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 10:24:25
Middle child tested positive yesterday and confirmed by PCR this morning.

The rest of us in the house are still negative, but it'll only be a matter of time now I'm sure.

Glad to be getting it out of the way tbh.

Do you still have to confirm a LFT with a PCR, the rules seem to change by the hour at the sodding moment.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 10:29:23
No you don't, but the school still asked us to get one done. I decided I may as well get tested too, but mine was negative.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 10:33:51
No you don't, but the school still asked us to get one done. I decided I may as well get tested too, but mine was negative.

Ah, makes sense. Not sure amusingly is the word, but amusingly literally minutes after Johnson announced the relaxation of everything last week we had a letter from school tightening things up again so if anyone in the house tests positive they don't want any kids from the house in for 5 days and only after a negative LFT on day 5!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 10:38:25
No you don't, but the school still asked us to get one done. I decided I may as well get tested too, but mine was negative.

It's quite something when schools and retail businesses are having to make their own rules - because the Government has thrown the towel in.  'Do what you like.  We're past caring.'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 10:43:04
It's quite something when schools and retail businesses are having to make their own rules - because the Government has thrown the towel in.  'Do what you like.  We're past caring.'

For quite some time Cumbria CC have been working to advice/rules more stringent than those advised by the DfE, and I assume even more divergent now its open house.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 11:33:52
Why are the daily deaths still so high if Omicron isn’t so deadly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 11:37:23
Why are the daily deaths still so high if Omicron isn’t so deadly.

I meant to ask about deaths actually. Why do they do reported deaths within 28 days of a positive test? Surely it's a completely inaccurate way of reporting the number of people that actually die of Covid, as the numbers will include people that had Covid and died of completely different causes. So if you get run over, or murdered within 28 days of a positive Covid test you are included in the stats? Why can't they just report the actual number of people who have died as a result of Covid?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 11:43:19
I’m sure I’m not alone, but I think most people have got Covid stats fatigue.

The figures are meaningless without context. The number of daily cases means nothing. All that counts is the number being hospitalised and how many people are dying of Covid and Covid alone.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 11:56:54
My thoughts are that the omicron variant is prevelant in a much bigger number of people now, just because the daily deaths figure has increased it doesn't mean they died of covid. They've just had it in the previous month.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 12:00:26
similarly it doesn't mean they'd still have died without catching covid within that month.

as Aud says, it's about hospitals ability to cope, which they be doing.

number of cases are still important in order to predict likely strain on hospitals - given the lag. but agree people are probably treating them as 'noise'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: adje on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 12:09:52
I meant to ask about deaths actually. Why do they do reported deaths within 28 days of a positive test? Surely it's a completely inaccurate way of reporting the number of people that actually die of Covid, as the numbers will include people that had Covid and died of completely different causes. So if you get run over, or murdered within 28 days of a positive Covid test you are included in the stats? Why can't they just report the actual number of people who have died as a result of Covid?
I've been asking this in my mind for 2 years

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 12:26:56
I meant to ask about deaths actually. Why do they do reported deaths within 28 days of a positive test? Surely it's a completely inaccurate way of reporting the number of people that actually die of Covid, as the numbers will include people that had Covid and died of completely different causes. So if you get run over, or murdered within 28 days of a positive Covid test you are included in the stats? Why can't they just report the actual number of people who have died as a result of Covid?

Because often the cause of death is heart attack or other issues with organs which have failed due to contracting Covid, however the person no longer tests positive.

I read something recently from a lady whose father was still on a ventilator and fighting for his life more than 30 days after testing negative.

There’s not a perfect way of measuring, but clearly if someone is hit by a bus that’s unlikely to be Covid related

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 12:37:33
I believe it is similar with Flu - nobody really dies of Flu, they die of something caused by having Flu like Pneumonia.

Deaths, even if not caused by Covid, are always a measure of a Pandemic - if it cripples your healthcare system or weakens people then you can still get an excess in deaths for other reasons.  The next time this happens you want to know that data to prepare, but for now you need to have an idea to understand how to react in the healthcare system.  Lets say we see a rise in Cancer deaths - we may well get an idea that Covid is somehow impacting Cancer treatments - maybe the patients don't come in anymore, maybe the staff are too drained, maybe the staff are off sick etc.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 12:48:12
Because often the cause of death is heart attack or other issues with organs which have failed due to contracting Covid, however the person no longer tests positive.

I read something recently from a lady whose father was still on a ventilator and fighting for his life more than 30 days after testing negative.

There’s not a perfect way of measuring, but clearly if someone is hit by a bus that’s unlikely to be Covid related

And I completely understand that if someone has or had Covid and it has caused the body to shut down in such a way that they die, for example by a heart attack then that should be a Covid death, 100%.

Am I right in saying the way they report deaths is simply ALL deaths of people that have died within 28 days of a positive test, or are they actually only reporting deaths by Covid or heavily caused by Covid? Because if it's just a capture all then that doesn't sound right, as you get the people that have died having been run over, or fallen down the stairs, murdered etc?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BrightonRed on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 12:48:37
I meant to ask about deaths actually. Why do they do reported deaths within 28 days of a positive test? Surely it's a completely inaccurate way of reporting the number of people that actually die of Covid, as the numbers will include people that had Covid and died of completely different causes. So if you get run over, or murdered within 28 days of a positive Covid test you are included in the stats? Why can't they just report the actual number of people who have died as a result of Covid?

I believe it boils down to the speed with which the data is available. The 'deaths within 28 days' statistic is available and updated on a daily basis on the Government dashboard, whilst the 'deaths where COVID was the underlying cause' data is published by the ONS with a delay of a couple of weeks.

People want instant information these days so seem happy to accept the quick but less informative statistic.

For what it's worth in the week ending 14 January 2022 in England & Wales there were 1,070 deaths where COVID-19 was recorded as the underlying cause of death. By my calculation during the same period 1,601 deaths were recorded within 28 days of a positive test.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 12:50:40
I believe it boils down to the speed with which the data is available. The 'deaths within 28 days' statistic is available and updated on a daily basis on the Government dashboard, whilst the 'deaths where COVID was the underlying cause' data is published by the ONS with a delay of a couple of weeks.

People want instant information these days so seem happy to accept the quick but less informative statistic.

For what it's worth in the week ending 14 January 2022 in England & Wales there were 1,070 deaths where COVID-19 was recorded as the underlying cause of death. By my calculation during the same period 1,601 deaths were recorded within 28 days of a positive test.

Thanks BR, that's very useful and I guess supports my thinking that the way they report currently is misleading.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Broadbents Tackle on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 12:54:02
What I don't understand currently (to add to the long list of things that have confused me about the pandemic), is why this time deaths and hospitalisations have increased, but the number of people on ventilators hasn't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 13:16:27
There are a lot of people in hospital who incidentally have Covid - it's not the cause of them being in hospital.  That is different this time around because this is a milder but more transmissible variant.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 13:26:08
Why are the daily deaths still so high if Omicron isn’t so deadly.

Simply because whilst it is potentially less deadly, loads more people are getting it than got it in previous waves therefore whilst the proportion dying is lower that's rather offset by the numbers of cases being much so much higher higher!

Its something the media seem unable to get their heads round.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Broadbents Tackle on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 13:30:28
There are a lot of people in hospital who incidentally have Covid - it's not the cause of them being in hospital.  That is different this time around because this is a milder but more transmissible variant.

I get that point but if you say there are around 1,800 deaths on an average day, and we assume a high 5% of the population(or about 3 million) have had covid in the last 28 days, that should only account for about 90 incidental deaths. I just can't seem to square that circle, unless there is a massive spread within hospitals for example.

Edit - unless whatever is killing people doesn't require ventilation to combat it?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 14:34:51
Went for a PCR last night and got a positive result this morning. Very slight cold but nothing else so far thankfully.

A mixture of wake & bake, Football Manager and lots of housework/rearranging (I sadly love doing this) has made isolation day 1 very enjoyable!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 14:45:40
There are a lot of people in hospital who incidentally have Covid - it's not the cause of them being in hospital.  That is different this time around because this is a milder but more transmissible variant.

Over half the reported covid hopitalisations are not in hospital because of covid, they are in hospital for something else and happen to have covid as well. Reported today.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 15:10:28
Went for a PCR last night and got a positive result this morning. Very slight cold but nothing else so far thankfully.

A mixture of wake & bake, Football Manager and lots of housework/rearranging (I sadly love doing this) has made isolation day 1 very enjoyable!

My sister caught it about a week ago.  Rather pleased on Day 1 that she would be isolating away from the rest of the family.  Feet up, R&R, plenty of TV and reading.  The following day, her 3 kids went down with it as well.  Peace & quiet didn't last long.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 15:42:25
Went for a PCR last night and got a positive result this morning. Very slight cold but nothing else so far thankfully.

A mixture of wake & bake, Football Manager and lots of housework/rearranging (I sadly love doing this) has made isolation day 1 very enjoyable!

I should add that before going for a PCR on Wednesday evening, I have been taking daily LFTs and all negative. I've just taken another now and it's still negative - they aren't effective.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: WEBBERhyde on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 16:01:48
I meant to ask about deaths actually. Why do they do reported deaths within 28 days of a positive test? Surely it's a completely inaccurate way of reporting the number of people that actually die of Covid, as the numbers will include people that had Covid and died of completely different causes. So if you get run over, or murdered within 28 days of a positive Covid test you are included in the stats? Why can't they just report the actual number of people who have died as a result of Covid?

The BBC podcast/Radio 4 show "More or Less" covered this this week in response to GB News and other reporting that actual numbers of deaths purely with COVID was only 17k.

Essentially, as others have said, in most cases, there are other causes at play resulting in death, such as pneumonia caused by COVID etc. They recon 80-90% of deaths with COVID mentioned, COVID would be the root cause. So that 17k figure that usually morally bankrupt news and twitter reporters were all jumping bollocks.

Can't remember exactly where i read or heard it but there would be a delay of a couple of weeks in the reporting of "true" covid death figures, where as the "within 28 days" figure is much quicker and more accessible to report whilst still giving a relatively accurate picture of what's going on.

TLDR - its easy for people to pick out the oddities of people being hit by a bus etc, but it's still a largely accurate and immediate way of getting an idea of the trends.

EDIT - didnt see it first time but BrightonRed has mentioned the speed of the ONS data also. glad it wasnt something i dreamt up.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 16:18:25
Thanks Webber, appreciate the information. Very useful.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: donkey on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 18:06:32
I disagree, the voting system works fine, it is the shite that gets elected that is the problem. Next is the central  government and local government machines.

In my opinion it's the voting system itself that leads to a lot of the shite that gets elected.  Too many safe seats, no need to appeal outside your core vote, low voter turnout, all part of the problem.

Anyway, apologies for being part of a thread derailment (although that's a TEF standard). I all with Covid have a lesser variant and recover.  Stay safe.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: AMayesIng on Thursday, January 27, 2022, 18:59:20
The BBC podcast/Radio 4 show "More or Less" covered this this week in response to GB News and other reporting that actual numbers of deaths purely with COVID was only 17k.

Essentially, as others have said, in most cases, there are other causes at play resulting in death, such as pneumonia caused by COVID etc. They recon 80-90% of deaths with COVID mentioned, COVID would be the root cause. So that 17k figure that usually morally bankrupt news and twitter reporters were all jumping bollocks.

Can't remember exactly where i read or heard it but there would be a delay of a couple of weeks in the reporting of "true" covid death figures, where as the "within 28 days" figure is much quicker and more accessible to report whilst still giving a relatively accurate picture of what's going on.

TLDR - its easy for people to pick out the oddities of people being hit by a bus etc, but it's still a largely accurate and immediate way of getting an idea of the trends.

EDIT - didnt see it first time but BrightonRed has mentioned the speed of the ONS data also. glad it wasnt something i dreamt up.

Thanks Webb; nailed it. To save you the bother next time, you can just jump from 'GB News reported' to 'is bollocks'. 100% correlation between those two variables.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Friday, January 28, 2022, 09:22:26
I call Shenanigans! (Djokovic)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, January 28, 2022, 14:09:40
Predictably, my eldest child has tested positive today too.

Despite having a bit of a scratchy throat and feeling really tired, I'm still testing negative. I assume that's just the vaccine doing it's job and the viral load is too low to pick up?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Friday, January 28, 2022, 14:27:18
Predictably, my eldest child has tested positive today too.

Despite having a bit of a scratchy throat and feeling really tired, I'm still testing negative. I assume that's just the vaccine doing it's job and the viral load is too low to pick up?

More likely you have a cold or another virus and are negative, as you'd be more likely to be asymptomatic and positive than have symptoms and test negative.

Or you just haven't had it long enough to test positive yet. Or a false negative.

Worth trying again tomorrow, I would say.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Moss on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 17:14:33
Two positive LFT for me now - so a PCR on its way.

I feel like I've got a bit of flu, tired, low energy, feeling dizzy (which is not like flu)

Important question is: Given I work from home, and I'm triple vaccinated, how much sick leave can I claim before people think I'm taking the piss?

All I hear is how mild Omicron is. I feel like shite!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Boeta on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 17:20:09
Predictably, my eldest child has tested positive today too.

Despite having a bit of a scratchy throat and feeling really tired, I'm still testing negative. I assume that's just the vaccine doing it's job and the viral load is too low to pick up?

Keep testing for another few days, sounds very similar to my sister-in-law who tested positive around 3 days after symptoms started.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 17:20:50
If you are sick you are sick

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Hunk on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 17:21:59
Two positive LFT for me now - so a PCR on its way.

I feel like I've got a bit of flu, tired, low energy, feeling dizzy (which is not like flu)

Important question is: Given I work from home, and I'm triple vaccinated, how much sick leave can I claim before people think I'm taking the piss?

All I hear is how mild Omicron is. I feel like shite!

At its worst I found omnicron as bad as delta. Difference was the worse was shorter

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 18:01:50
Quote from: Moss
Two positive LFT for me now - so a PCR on its way.

I feel like I've got a bit of flu, tired, low energy, feeling dizzy (which is not like flu)

Important question is: Given I work from home, and I'm triple vaccinated, how much sick leave can I claim before people think I'm taking the piss?

All I hear is how mild Omicron is. I feel like shite!

mild means less people end up in hospital or dead. But not no people.

agree with Tans, if you're ill you're ill. take as long as you need

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 19:07:21
I tested positive on Sunday. Don't really have any symptoms now apart from being tired. I only had my booster 4 weeks ago so I guess that helps.

The wife has so far remained negative, although I'm wondering whether she was the vector because prior to this week she's not been testing as regularly.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Moss on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 19:15:49
Its been coming in waves - just when I think I'm over it my head spins and I have zero energy. Weird feeling.

Feel very lucky to be 3x vaccinated and able to moan on here about it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 08:50:59
Has anyone had all the symptoms of covid but the lat flow tests come back negative, only to get a positive pcr test? Feel like shit at the moment, headache, cough, wheezing, loss of taste and appetite.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 09:08:38
Has anyone had all the symptoms of covid but the lat flow tests come back negative, only to get a positive pcr test? Feel like shit at the moment, headache, cough, wheezing, loss of taste and appetite.

Not personally, but that's par for the course, that's why they don't (or at least didn't - fuck knows these days) recommend LFT's if you have symptoms as they are not particularly accurate.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: mystical_goat on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 00:01:16
Has anyone had all the symptoms of covid but the lat flow tests come back negative, only to get a positive pcr test? Feel like shit at the moment, headache, cough, wheezing, loss of taste and appetite.

Did you swab your throat with the LFT or just nose?

My place of work swapped from the long, throat & nose swabs to short, nose-only ones a few months ago. I had Covid approx. 3 weeks ago - went for a PCR on a hunch as I was working in the same room as approx. 6 people who had then tested positive. The same day I got the positive PCR, I did another LFT and it was negative - there seems to be a lag. In the middle of my isoaltion period I swabbed my throat only, and nose only. Nose came back negative, throat positive.

I had no symptoms at the beginning, then, after a day or two, a cold, followed by a chesty cough as the cold went away. I felt fine though, the kind of cold/cough that I would still go to work with. I'm now left with a bit of a chesty/phlegmy cough that seems to be going away slowly. The worst I've felt in the whole time was yesterday when I went to work, had a really sore throat, then slept basically from 4pm until 7am.

It's been a good reason to stop smoking. Might start again once the chest clears though.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 09:14:29
Did you swab your throat with the LFT or just nose?

My place of work swapped from the long, throat & nose swabs to short, nose-only ones a few months ago. I had Covid approx. 3 weeks ago - went for a PCR on a hunch as I was working in the same room as approx. 6 people who had then tested positive. The same day I got the positive PCR, I did another LFT and it was negative - there seems to be a lag. In the middle of my isoaltion period I swabbed my throat only, and nose only. Nose came back negative, throat positive.

I had no symptoms at the beginning, then, after a day or two, a cold, followed by a chesty cough as the cold went away. I felt fine though, the kind of cold/cough that I would still go to work with. I'm now left with a bit of a chesty/phlegmy cough that seems to be going away slowly. The worst I've felt in the whole time was yesterday when I went to work, had a really sore throat, then slept basically from 4pm until 7am.

It's been a good reason to stop smoking. Might start again once the chest clears though.

There has been some informal testing of the LFT's. A scientist guy on twitter tested negative with the nose only one but followed that with a positive PCR. So for his own interest he tested with the nose only LFT (from the same box) but also swabbed his throat at the same time as you do with the other ones and in that case it came back positive, suggesting (as many scientists always suspected) that moving to the nose only tests immediately reduced the number of positive LFT's as the throat is a much better environment to get a sample from.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, February 27, 2022, 17:14:58
John Toshak not great

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, February 27, 2022, 17:21:49
John Toshak not great

That’s not good at all. Especially if he has had three jabs.. I don’t know about anyone on here but I do know a number of you have had it, before jabs, after one, after two and after three jabs. For me I’m into day three after three jabs. Ok, I’m a bit overweight, I have had my little coronary run in and I am soon to be 61. That said I have always considered myself healthy in as much as rarely a winter sniffle. But this bastard has knocked me for six and I know I will get over it shortly. If I hadn’t had the jabs I reckon I’d be fucked royally.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, February 27, 2022, 17:25:34
Hope you read on the mend soon LL. I had mine in November when I was due my booster jab. Like you it knocked me back and I suffered with a dry cough for ages and even now haven't got my full taste & smell back. Had my booster in mid December and that also made me ill for a couple of days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, February 27, 2022, 17:35:13
I'm nearly better, got it in October after 2 jabs. had 3 now. if it gets you it gets you :(

one thing, I still can't smell farts. which takes away the pleasure of inflicting it on others

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, February 27, 2022, 17:36:56
I'm nearly better, got it in October after 2 jabs. had 3 now. if it gets you it gets you :(

one thing, I still can't smell farts. which takes away the pleasure of inflicting it on others

It's still nice to let one go and walk away and let someone else take the blame!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, February 27, 2022, 18:02:30
I have my taste and smell.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, February 27, 2022, 21:24:59
How's Queenie getting on? Not heard much from Buckfast House of late  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, February 27, 2022, 21:50:59
Who's Queenie🤔

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, February 28, 2022, 10:56:24
Who's Queenie🤔

I assume he means Brenda.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, February 28, 2022, 10:59:16
I assume he means Brenda.

Oh :eek: :eek:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Monday, February 28, 2022, 11:05:58
How's Queenie getting on? Not heard much from Buckfast House of late  :hmmm:

In the nicest possible way Bamboo, you've got so far into the habit of nicknaming anything and everyone that some of your posts have started to resemble cryptic crossword clues.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Broadbents Tackle on Monday, February 28, 2022, 13:13:55
Who's Queenie🤔

There can be only one answer to that question.


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, February 28, 2022, 13:27:09
In the nicest possible way Bamboo, you've got so far into the habit of nicknaming anything and everyone that some of your posts have started to resemble cryptic crossword clues.

Thanks for being "nice" about it Nemo and whilst it is partly granted, is it really that difficult to correlate "Queenie", a Coronavirus thread and recent current affairs regarding a Royal who is ill?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, February 28, 2022, 22:18:40
Thanks for being "nice" about it Nemo and whilst it is partly granted, is it really that difficult to correlate "Queenie", a Coronavirus thread and recent current affairs regarding a Royal who is ill?

I'm guessing the clue is in the word ill if you take away the I

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, February 28, 2022, 22:43:39
I'm guessing the clue is in the word ill if you take away the I

Correct JQ, 10pts.

I bet you can solve this now too!]

6 across (5, 9) Royal rock band gets long serving monarch to pay £12m bill ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Sunday, March 6, 2022, 08:58:24
Bastard got me finally.

Sent from my SM-A125F

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Sunday, March 6, 2022, 09:39:34
UL Horlock, get well soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Sunday, March 6, 2022, 09:53:28
Wife's got it. Still reckon I'm immune.

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Sunday, March 6, 2022, 13:39:38
UL Horlock, get well soon
Ta, feeling pretty shitty but could be worse. We have a full house now, daughter tested positive Friday (on her birthday poor little sod) me Saturday and wife just tested positive, better get the black cross painted on the front door!

Sent from my SM-A125F

Title: Re: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, March 6, 2022, 13:54:40
Ta, feeling pretty shitty but could be worse. We have a full house now, daughter tested positive Friday (on her birthday poor little sod) me Saturday and wife just tested positive, better get the black cross painted on the front door!

Sent from my SM-A125F

I still haven't got full taste and smell back and it's been 4 months😡

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, March 7, 2022, 10:03:13
I still haven't got full taste and smell back and it's been 4 months😡

That much is evident with the Simply Red input on the 'songs you love' thread! ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Moss on Monday, March 7, 2022, 10:40:25
That much is evident with the Simply Red input on the 'songs you love' thread! ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, March 7, 2022, 12:27:34
That much is evident with the Simply Red input on the 'songs you love' thread! ;)

That might be far too much wit for the TEF. They struggle to decipher who "Queenie" was but hey ho, some people like to be awkward ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 7, 2022, 12:38:17
Something got you started?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, March 7, 2022, 12:43:38
he said 'if you don't know me by now'

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, March 7, 2022, 14:48:22
That might be far too much wit for the TEF. They struggle to decipher who "Queenie" was but hey ho, some people like to be awkward ;)

Not all did😀

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 10, 2022, 12:27:40
It’s official. Covid is now less lethal than the normal flu virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 10, 2022, 12:55:35
Quote from: The Artist Formerly Known as Audrey
It’s official. Covid is now less lethal than the normal flu virus.

fucking brilliant.

let's hope it can't mutate the wrong way.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 07:59:47
I feel very uncool getting this two years after everyone else did. Mild symptoms but mostly just annoyed at having to stay in the moment the weather turned!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 22:44:49
I feel very uncool getting this two years after everyone else did. Mild symptoms but mostly just annoyed at having to stay in the moment the weather turned!
I'm still hanging on - coughing, spluttering, sneezing, headache, etc etc But still testing negative!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Monday, March 28, 2022, 11:29:18
Just out of interest is anyone still bothering with the NHS Covid-19 app?

A close contact notification (from 5 days ago) came with an isolation exemption message.
As a prompt to get a lft sorted just in case, then I guess it still has it's uses?
Plus a forlorn element of eeking out some value for money from the hard earned taxes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, March 28, 2022, 11:35:31
I’m coming back to the UK next week. I’m dreading running into any of you Pox-ridden fuckers!

Got me tickets for Newport and looking forward to a few in The Merlin. I’ll be the one in the hazmat suit.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Monday, March 28, 2022, 19:29:40
Just out of interest is anyone still bothering with the NHS Covid-19 app?

A close contact notification (from 5 days ago) came with an isolation exemption message.
As a prompt to get a lft sorted just in case, then I guess it still has it's uses?
Plus a forlorn element of eeking out some value for money from the hard earned taxes.

Nope, deleted long time ago, the first freedom day whenever that was!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: 4D on Monday, March 28, 2022, 19:40:53
I’m coming back to the UK next week. I’m dreading running into any of you Pox-ridden fuckers!

Got me tickets for Newport and looking forward to a few in The Merlin. I’ll be the one in the hazmat suit.

Be full of Newport. Tap and the County, in that order.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, March 31, 2022, 09:10:39
Both Mrs Bob and I felt rank on Monday so did LFTs. She was positive and I was negative. However I've been in bed for a couple of days as I absolutely ached all over, have a runny nose and now have an irritating chesty cough. The wife has the same symptoms. We did PCR tests yesterday so I assume we'll get results today. Not been properly ill in 2 years so this is hitting home this week!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, June 9, 2022, 13:42:26
Not had much experience personally of C19 so need a bit of advice.

Some friends have come over with their 10 month old daughter and their Mum and Dad as well. We saw them 2 evenings ago and we’ve just found out the poor little thing has been taken to hospital with Covid. Mum’s staying in with her. Supposed to have BBQ Saturday - would it be best to cancel or swerve.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, June 9, 2022, 13:49:33
When I got it a few months back, I developed symptoms three days after catching it (I think anyway), but didn't test positive until the morning of the fourth day. Symptoms at their most severe days 3-6 or so, then tailed off after that, taking about 14 days from infection to test negative again.

But that's one experience, sure it varies.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, June 9, 2022, 16:32:51
Not had much experience personally of C19 so need a bit of advice.

Some friends have come over with their 10 month old daughter and their Mum and Dad as well. We saw them 2 evenings ago and we’ve just found out the poor little thing has been taken to hospital with Covid. Mum’s staying in with her. Supposed to have BBQ Saturday - would it be best to cancel or swerve.

I would test yourself tomorrow night, and if negative go ahead.  Bearing in mind that a BBQ is outside so there is a low chance of infection anyway.  My daughter tested positive (for the 2nd time) about 10 days ago, she lives with us but confined herself to her room.  I have tested regularly over the past 10 days and have remained negative so have carried on as normal.  She tested negative today for the first time.

As long as you are being responsible and testing regularly, I wouldn’t change anything, unless you get a positive obviously.  I really don’t think the airborne transmission is as high as was previously thought, unless you are in peoples faces who have it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 14:09:08
I had my 4th vaccine yesterday hardly slept all night because of beating headache and severe chills😡

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:01:10
That's not good
Just wondering what the future holds for all of us that have had these vaccines
My neighbour is totally convinced that it is the cause of  his heart issues..
Suppose it can't be proven either way.
Strange why the Chinese are still keeping to their zero infection policy or is that a completely different reason all together
Hope you are feeling better soon

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:04:40
The thing is, even if it were to be the case the vaccine caused heart issues you'd have to compare that to a control group who may well have worse rates after catching COVID.

But in any case I'll listen to the scientists not the mystics.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:05:05
I have been questioning myself why I had the 4th one. I'm like the living dead today.

Title: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:05:34
I had my 4th vaccine yesterday hardly slept all night because of beating headache and severe chills😡
hope you feel better soon. which flavour did you have?

Quote from: Jimmy QuitMoaning
I have been questioning myself why I had the 4th one. I'm like the living dead today.

well, what if you got COVID. You could be the actual dead without the vaccine

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:09:01
hope you feel better soon. which flavour did you have?

Cheers Batch I had comfirnaty which is mainly Pfizer and I think a few extras added in to counteract new variants.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:10:25
I think a lot of people have become a vaccine sceptic over time. I realise it’s all too easy to blame a sudden change of personal health on it. I’ve developed a heart arrhythmia, this very week my brother in law has just found out he has tonsil cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes - devastating for all concerned. Is it a coincidence? Is it just bad luck?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:11:49
hope you feel better soon. which flavour did you have?

well, what if you got COVID. You could be the actual dead without the vaccine

You're right as we both had Covid 12 months ago but when you don't feel great you wonder why you put yourself through the it even though it was the right thing to do.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:13:39
I think a lot of people have become a vaccine sceptic over time. I realise it’s all too easy to blame a sudden change of personal health on it. I’ve developed a heart arrhythmia, this very week my brother in law has just found out he has tonsil cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes - devastating for all concerned. Is it a coincidence? Is it just bad luck?

Sorry to hear that Aud.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:18:26
Quote from: The Artist Formerly Known as Audrey
I  Is it a coincidence? Is it just bad luck?


They is I've not seen a study that provides any link between a rise in a specific illness and the vaccine. At least not from outside the tinfoil hat community

The vaccine (s) can obviously have an adverse affect in some people. As shown by the AZ in a massively small number of older people dying. Not denying that.

it's a risk/reward benefit for that. Are you more likely to die from COVID.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 15:24:54
99.9% of people didn’t die of Covid.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 16:09:31
Agee with all above
Hope you feel better soon.
And a real shame about Saturdays result😞

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 18:19:21
I have been questioning myself why I had the 4th one. I'm like the living dead today.
I suspect that your thought process was that you would take 24-48 hours mild discomfort in order to avoid the potential for contracting the real thing. As some people react badly to it, are hospitalised or contract long COVID.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 18:22:15
I suspect that your thought process was that you would take 24-48 hours mild discomfort in order to avoid the potential for contracting the real thing. As some people react badly to it, are hospitalised or contract long COVID.

I was always going to have the 4th jab as I had long Covid 12 months ago but was surprised how quick I had side effects and the severity of the chills throughout the night.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 18:22:51
I think a lot of people have become a vaccine sceptic over time. I realise it’s all too easy to blame a sudden change of personal health on it. I’ve developed a heart arrhythmia, this very week my brother in law has just found out he has tonsil cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes - devastating for all concerned. Is it a coincidence? Is it just bad luck?
Sorry to hear about your brother in law.

I would suggest if you are middle aged, drink, have ever smoked, are (or have been) overweight, don't exercise and have a poor diet then that is the more likely cause for the heart problems.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 18:31:28
I had the first 2 jabs then the first booster. Each time I felt worse than the one before. I made a personal decision that I’d not be having anymore. I’m neither a scientist and neither a conspiracy theorist but do like to look at all possibilities. I’m happy to ignore the theorists that think Bill Gates wants to microchip us all but I do get a little concerned that the equally qualified scientists that don’t approve of the vaccine are denied any platform to voice their concerns.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, November 20, 2022, 19:13:00
Sorry to hear about your brother in law.

I would suggest if you are middle aged, drink, have ever smoked, are (or have been) overweight, don't exercise and have a poor diet then that is the more likely cause for the heart problems.

Guilty as to 2 of the above! Of course, you are correct. My only point, thin as it may be, is the timing and I have a healthy distrust of governments and big pharma.

I think Pfizer came out with the first statins to be taken for cholesterol. They were trumpeted as some sort of miracle cure - until their patent ran out and statins were produced by all and sundry for peanuts and the side effects then became known.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 21, 2022, 09:56:40
Myself and my wife both caught Covid about 6 weeks or so ago and are still not fully over it with chest issues, we both were close to hopsital involvement with problems with our lungs but anti biotics have got on top of that now.

We both had out Covid booster this week as it was the first chance we could get after having it and had no after effects of it other than an achey arm for 2 days, there is no way I want to go through that Covid shit again as I think it will do me next time for sure with all my other health issues I have with my lungs and esophagis and now possible skin cancer too, its just not worth it for me to not have the jab.

Sorry to hear about your Bro in law Aud, these things seem to happen all at the same time.

My best mate who lives in Scotland had advanced liver cancer and starts his chemo today in Dundee and has been told if this does work (hes had 2 previous ops) then he has a year at most left, being nearly 600 miles away makes it difficult to see him but we ring weekly and speak, he saved my life in 85 and we have been mates from when we started school on the same day when we were 6.

I never had cancer until I hit 50 then all of a sudden you realise how mortal you are, the wife had no health issues until she hit 50, she was a fitness instructor and now shes wheelchair bound waiting on new knees and hips.

Enjoy life while you can, do what you can and regret nothing, life is way to fucking short. But try and prolong it as long as you can!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Monday, November 21, 2022, 10:17:39
Sounds like you and the wife did it hard recently.
Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery.
Sometimes things do get us all down but agree we all need to live life to the fullest.
Take care and good luck..

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, November 21, 2022, 10:19:10
Myself and my wife both caught Covid about 6 weeks or so ago and are still not fully over it with chest issues, we both were close to hopsital involvement with problems with our lungs but anti biotics have got on top of that now.

We both had out Covid booster this week as it was the first chance we could get after having it and had no after effects of it other than an achey arm for 2 days, there is no way I want to go through that Covid shit again as I think it will do me next time for sure with all my other health issues I have with my lungs and esophagis and now possible skin cancer too, its just not worth it for me to not have the jab.

Sorry to hear about your Bro in law Aud, these things seem to happen all at the same time.

My best mate who lives in Scotland had advanced liver cancer and starts his chemo today in Dundee and has been told if this does work (hes had 2 previous ops) then he has a year at most left, being nearly 600 miles away makes it difficult to see him but we ring weekly and speak, he saved my life in 85 and we have been mates from when we started school on the same day when we were 6.

I never had cancer until I hit 50 then all of a sudden you realise how mortal you are, the wife had no health issues until she hit 50, she was a fitness instructor and now shes wheelchair bound waiting on new knees and hips.

Enjoy life while you can, do what you can and regret nothing, life is way to fucking short. But try and prolong it as long as you can!

Keep positive JJ, hoping for better times ahead for you and your better half bud.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Audrey on Monday, November 21, 2022, 10:21:03
Too true! Seem to spend a lot of your life wishing away the years - 3 years til that loan ends, 10 years to the mortgage finishes - that sort of thing. There you are, toddling along all fine and dandy when some bug or disease comes up and kicks you in the nuts.

I’ve never been much of a ‘saving for a rainy day’ kind of person - if I’ve got it, I spend it. Luckily Mrs Audrey is the same.

We’ve pretty much fucked ourselves up financially by moving here 4 years ago, but hey ho. It’ll be a struggle moving back to the UK now but it’s where I want to be to see out my days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 21, 2022, 12:05:20
Sounds like you and the wife did it hard recently.
Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery.
Sometimes things do get us all down but agree we all need to live life to the fullest.
Take care and good luck..

Keep positive JJ, hoping for better times ahead for you and your better half bud.
Thank you gentlemen, its been tough but we are getting there, I hope :)

Life is too short as Aud says to worry too much, so just get on and do your best and enjoy what you have.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 21, 2022, 12:06:19
Myself and my wife both caught Covid about 6 weeks or so ago and are still not fully over it with chest issues, we both were close to hopsital involvement with problems with our lungs but anti biotics have got on top of that now.

We both had out Covid booster this week as it was the first chance we could get after having it and had no after effects of it other than an achey arm for 2 days, there is no way I want to go through that Covid shit again as I think it will do me next time for sure with all my other health issues I have with my lungs and esophagis and now possible skin cancer too, its just not worth it for me to not have the jab.

Sorry to hear about your Bro in law Aud, these things seem to happen all at the same time.

My best mate who lives in Scotland had advanced liver cancer and starts his chemo today in Dundee and has been told if this does work (hes had 2 previous ops) then he has a year at most left, being nearly 600 miles away makes it difficult to see him but we ring weekly and speak, he saved my life in 85 and we have been mates from when we started school on the same day when we were 6.

I never had cancer until I hit 50 then all of a sudden you realise how mortal you are, the wife had no health issues until she hit 50, she was a fitness instructor and now shes wheelchair bound waiting on new knees and hips.

Enjoy life while you can, do what you can and regret nothing, life is way to fucking short. But try and prolong it as long as you can!

Glad you're on the mend mate as I had long Covid last November so know what you both went through.
Good point about enjoying life when you can as I had a skin cancer removed when I was 50 and lost my dad suddenly in August which certainly knocks you back in life.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Monday, November 21, 2022, 18:45:20
Myself and my wife both caught Covid about 6 weeks or so ago and are still not fully over it with chest issues, we both were close to hopsital involvement with problems with our lungs but anti biotics have got on top of that now.

We both had out Covid booster this week as it was the first chance we could get after having it and had no after effects of it other than an achey arm for 2 days, there is no way I want to go through that Covid shit again as I think it will do me next time for sure with all my other health issues I have with my lungs and esophagis and now possible skin cancer too, its just not worth it for me to not have the jab.

Sorry to hear about your Bro in law Aud, these things seem to happen all at the same time.

My best mate who lives in Scotland had advanced liver cancer and starts his chemo today in Dundee and has been told if this does work (hes had 2 previous ops) then he has a year at most left, being nearly 600 miles away makes it difficult to see him but we ring weekly and speak, he saved my life in 85 and we have been mates from when we started school on the same day when we were 6.

I never had cancer until I hit 50 then all of a sudden you realise how mortal you are, the wife had no health issues until she hit 50, she was a fitness instructor and now shes wheelchair bound waiting on new knees and hips.

Enjoy life while you can, do what you can and regret nothing, life is way to fucking short. But try and prolong it as long as you can!

My thoughts go out to you Mate, I’ve known you for a fair amount of years now and you are a cracking lad. Can only hope you get through all of this and lead a healthy life the best you can.

Struggling myself at present with different circumstances, losing 2 friends in a case of 4 weeks.
Both self inflicted and differing circumstances.
Taking a massive reflection on life right now, changing a few things for sure.
Life is fucking cruel and good memories precious.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Monday, November 21, 2022, 19:12:39
Life can be cruel at times, when I lost my wife to MND 6 years ago it was a really hard time, partly because watching her deterioration over the last couple of years.

But things can get better, I was fortunate enough to meet someone else & have now remarried and we are enjoying retirement.

I wish you both (JJ & DOB) all the best and hope things improve for you

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Monday, November 21, 2022, 20:56:18
Life can be cruel at times, when I lost my wife to MND 6 years ago it was a really hard time, partly because watching her deterioration over the last couple of years.

But things can get better, I was fortunate enough to meet someone else & have now remarried and we are enjoying retirement.

I wish you both (JJ & DOB) all the best and hope things improve for you

Some comeback that Posh.
Emotions must have been all over the place. Bless you Mate, best wishes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 21, 2022, 20:57:52
seconded. So glad you've found the second love of your life.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 08:58:00
Life can be cruel at times, when I lost my wife to MND 6 years ago it was a really hard time, partly because watching her deterioration over the last couple of years.

But things can get better, I was fortunate enough to meet someone else & have now remarried and we are enjoying retirement.

I wish you both (JJ & DOB) all the best and hope things improve for you

I've been watching a fair amount (thanks to Kevin Sinfield's amazing charity work) about MND and it truly is a heart wrenching and cruel disease. I can't begin to imagine what you and your first wife (RIP) had to go through.

I'm also thrilled to read you found love again and are enjoying the companionship during retirement. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, January 6, 2023, 19:30:06
Who knew🤔

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: WEBBERhyde on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 01:16:54
I’d be questioning those base numbers a lot.

1 in 14 people in Swindon went to GWH as “emergency attendances” with heart problems in 2022 alone? Is that what that’s supposed to be saying? I think it is? I’m no medical professional but that seems extraordinarily high. Sum up the 4 years, that’s 1 in 7 going to gwh due to heart issues in the last few years.

Looks more like dodgy data to me.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 03:34:13
He has 2.6 million subscribers and a decent medical background so he must be confident in what he is posting.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 07:07:55
He has 2.6 million subscribers and a decent medical background so he must be confident in what he is posting.
Or he's enjoying the attention

I started writing a lot more but I think I can summarise as: That wasn't a good use of statistics (and the catchment area link is at least 7 years out of date)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Steak supper on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 07:57:01
Who knew🤔

I didn't know that you watch videos like this.

 It looks like he could do with help making his videos - scribbling on paper is a bit rubbish.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: WEBBERhyde on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 10:09:46
He has 2.6 million subscribers and a decent medical background so he must be confident in what he is posting.

Having a decent following and being a doctor doesn’t necessarily make you a good analyst.

If you were digging into these numbers, anyone with any kind of credibility would be looking for data further back to check pre pandemic numbers (was one year pre pandemic representative generally? A few more years data would help) to make better sense of the supposed huge increase in the last few years and questioning whether that was a legit rise or not. Rather than essentially saying ‘here’s a very select set of data that “someone” has given me, look at the increase…hmmm’.

Then you’d sense check those numbers and think “1 in 7 of the population going to hospital for heart trouble in the last few years, does feel right”? As I said, I’m no doctor, but just thinking about the street I live on, has someone from every 3rd household been in hospital for a heart problem recently? Absolutely not. Do people go to hospital at that kind of rate for any reason at all? I really doubt it.

So you’d question those numbers…there’s so many variables in how those kind of things could be counted, collated and reported that you don’t know from that at all, that again, anyone worth their salt would be looking into much more deeply before suggesting anything, first.

I feel the grift is strong with this one.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Steak supper on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 10:19:24
 I assume that watching shit like this stands as 'doing your own research ' which crackpots in town centres encourage us to do

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 10:30:31
I assume that watching shit like this stands as 'doing your own research ' which crackpots in town centres encourage us to do

Why not pass on the thread then if you're not happy or maybe post something alternative yourself to try and make the forum more interesting rather constantly critising my content which some might find it Interesting. Whether his content is factual or not I have no idea but I'm sure he's contactable if you want to doubt what he's saying.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 10:32:42
Having a decent following and being a doctor doesn’t necessarily make you a good analyst.

If you were digging into these numbers, anyone with any kind of credibility would be looking for data further back to check pre pandemic numbers (was one year pre pandemic representative generally? A few more years data would help) to make better sense of the supposed huge increase in the last few years and questioning whether that was a legit rise or not. Rather than essentially saying ‘here’s a very select set of data that “someone” has given me, look at the increase…hmmm’.

Then you’d sense check those numbers and think “1 in 7 of the population going to hospital for heart trouble in the last few years, does feel right”? As I said, I’m no doctor, but just thinking about the street I live on, has someone from every 3rd household been in hospital for a heart problem recently? Absolutely not. Do people go to hospital at that kind of rate for any reason at all? I really doubt it.

So you’d question those numbers…there’s so many variables in how those kind of things could be counted, collated and reported that you don’t know from that at all, that again, anyone worth their salt would be looking into much more deeply before suggesting anything, first.

I feel the grift is strong with this one.

Like you I find the data hard to believe but he'd be foolish to spout a load of information which wasn't factual.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 10:45:16
The data can both be factual and be misleading due to it lacking any context.
As Webber says - a single year isn't a baseline.

The data he's shown leads people to "just ask questions", which isn't inherently bad but just leaves a void to be filled with conspiracy.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Steak supper on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 10:45:32
Why not pass on the thread then if you're not happy or maybe post something alternative yourself to try and make the forum more interesting rather constantly critising my content which some might find it Interesting. Whether his content is factual or not I have no idea but I'm sure he's contactable if you want to doubt what he's saying.

You are a sensitive lad/lass.  I wasnt specifically referring to you.

Is it your content? Are you the person in the video?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 12:04:31
did he say that Swindon people don't get heart disease from wagon wheels and His Majesty's Revenue and Customs like us to give yellow cards?
I would say that his data analysis is a bit soft and he needs to put his figures into context
Otherwise, good effort, 6/10

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Steak supper on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 12:06:13
 I thought he said HMRC . Could not be arsed to rewind to check. I hope he has his tax returns in hand

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 12:17:16
I assume that watching shit like this stands as 'doing your own research ' which crackpots in town centres encourage us to do

Doing your own research doesn’t make you a crackpot though. I’m more concerned that all information presented to us only comes from government approved sources and anything else is shouted down, removed from social media sites or simply branded as tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Steak supper on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 12:56:36
But what does that research consist of ? I have had many chats with people who when pressed admit that their research consisted of watching a YouTube video. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 13:03:38
But what does that research consist of ? I have had many chats with people who when pressed admit that their research consisted of watching a YouTube video. 

Agreed me too, although someone said we should only listen to the government approved scientists as they were medically trained at Oxford/Cambridge, have degrees and postnominals after their names, and I understand that, but surely if another bunch of scientists with the same education and the same degrees with the same postnominals have a different view surely we should be allowed to hear that too?

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: WEBBERhyde on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 13:10:26

Gonna leave this here whilst I go and laugh my cock off. Fuck me COVID conspirators are even more fucking stupid than I thought.  :suicide:

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: WEBBERhyde on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 13:18:33
Of course flagshagger general Andrew Bridgen MP is all over trumpeting this stuff… of course he is.

My contempt for these fucking clowns knows no bounds.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Steak supper on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 13:29:19
Agreed me too, although someone said we should only listen to the government approved scientists as they were medically trained at Oxford/Cambridge, have degrees and postnominals after their names, and I understand that, but surely if another bunch of scientists with the same education and the same degrees with the same postnominals have a different view surely we should be allowed to hear that too?

Thats fine. My point was just that if your view has come from watching the odd video or reading something tell it how it is . Just say I read this the other day ...... Dont dress that up as research or suggest you have reached a superior level of knowledge or understanding

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Posh Red on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 13:40:34

Gonna leave this here whilst I go and laugh my cock off. Fuck me COVID conspirators are even more fucking stupid than I thought.  :suicide:

You do know that Water gives you COVID, after all everybody that caught COVID has drunk water in some way....FACT   ;)

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: tans on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 14:30:07

Gonna leave this here whilst I go and laugh my cock off. Fuck me COVID conspirators are even more fucking stupid than I thought.  :suicide:

Haha. I was having a debate the other day with a covid conspiracy theorist. Its all a hoax, government speal to take control of you etc - all that crap.

BIL gets covid - fully jabbed. Said nutter then says isnt it a coincidence everyone getting jabbed has contracted the virus. I say it doesnt stop you catching it, it aims to make symptoms less severe.

He says covid isnt real, and he knows so because he has done anti body test. I then say if its not real, why do an antibody test?

His response was as follows:

I personally think it’s more about how easily we can be controlled as people. My antibody test is based on frequency its something that I do every month to stay healthy it’s just in the programs. I didn’t specifically search for it as I’m not Ill very often. There is defiantly something out there as in covid. But what it actually is,is still open to interpretation. Is so much information contradicting each other. So it’s best to go with facts based on people we interact with and have confirmations of that information.
Plus based on the fact my friend knows the guy from the WHO. They went to school together. Which is the global head of PR for them. funnily enough they had a wedding in the height of covid 47 people at the wedding when you could only have 25 or whatever rubbish it was. No one doing any social distancing or masks. No one jabbed either.
Does that not make you wonder? If they know something we don’t.
My logic is why would I put something into my body when I’m healthy.


I gave up in the end, cant teach fucking stupid.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: WEBBERhyde on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 14:56:25
Haha. I was having a debate the other day with a covid conspiracy theorist. Its all a hoax, government speal to take control of you etc - all that crap.

BIL gets covid - fully jabbed. Said nutter then says isnt it a coincidence everyone getting jabbed has contracted the virus. I say it doesnt stop you catching it, it aims to make symptoms less severe.

He says covid isnt real, and he knows so because he has done anti body test. I then say if its not real, why do an antibody test?

His response was as follows:


I gave up in the end, cant teach fucking stupid.


Intrigued to see if local news outlets pick up on this (can’t see any so far but not checked extensively) and whether they just put it out there “as is” or actually practice some journalistic integrity (50 thousand people going to hospital in Swindon alone in the last few years should be setting off so many red flags, I still can’t believe how “normal” people miss it) to go alongside it to debunk it, along with the corrected data.

I’ll make it easy for them. Here it is.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 15:00:33
I think it’s perfectly reasonable to have healthy debate with other people over any given subject but just because you don’t agree with their opinion doesn’t make them stupid. My own opinion is that we the subjects are given information from the government and scientists but they themselves are not 100% sure as it’s a relatively new virus. I’m sure in years to come we will know if the right action was taken or if it was a huge overreaction or not. Can’t speak for everyone but I get the impression that most people have lost interest in it all, most people had the initial 2 jabs but not bothering with the boosters now that restrictions have been lifted for flights. As for mask wearing it’s literally one of 2 you see in a supermarket these days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 16:44:59
I guess the freedom of information data is there for all to see rather than him making up stuff.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Robinz on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 16:59:28
Trouble is... this Covid situation is far from over and possibly won't be for generations to come.
Didnt the advantage of geþing a 2nd Booster a couple of months ago.
 Reason a neighbour told me the experience that had including heart issues.
Several weeks later and catch Covid.
Been as sick as  dog...., yes far worse that previous Flu bouts that I have had in previous year's.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 17:06:23
I guess the freedom of information data is there for all to see rather than him making up stuff.
Information without context is useless.

As Webber said previously - a single year baseline isn't suitable to infer anything meaningful.
We haven't seen whether 2019 was a particularly low year for heart issues.
We don't know if those numbers include double counts (ie having to go back month after month for checkups).
There's a level of data quality that I'm afraid Dr John hasn't gotten close to addressing.

and as I said previously - asking questions is good. Leaving a void in the absence of causation, leads to conspiracy theories

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 17:11:59
Information without context is useless.

As Webber said previously - a single year baseline isn't suitable to infer anything meaningful.
We haven't seen whether 2019 was a particularly low year for heart issues.
We don't know if those numbers include double counts (ie having to go back month after month for checkups).
There's a level of data quality that I'm afraid Dr John hasn't gotten close to addressing.

and as I said previously - asking questions is good. Leaving a void in the absence of causation, leads to conspiracy theories

Fair points.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: WEBBERhyde on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 19:30:50
Information without context is useless.

As Webber said previously - a single year baseline isn't suitable to infer anything meaningful.
We haven't seen whether 2019 was a particularly low year for heart issues.
We don't know if those numbers include double counts (ie having to go back month after month for checkups).
There's a level of data quality that I'm afraid Dr John hasn't gotten close to addressing.

and as I said previously - asking questions is good. Leaving a void in the absence of causation, leads to conspiracy theories

The data is categorically and laughably wrong. Here’s the corrected data, which is a minute fraction of the bungled numbers that bloke talked through, without batting an eyelid. Not only are they tiny, they’re not even going in the right direction to support their theory.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: WEBBERhyde on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 20:22:36
Exciting news. He’s uploaded another video addressing the original and new data!! With absolutely no contrition on how he managed to miss such an obvious data fuck up. Now he’s questioning how suspiciously low the new figures are  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:.

The responsible thing to do would be to remove the original video, but no, it still sits there. His act is so transparent, repeating that he’s “really pleased” that people of Swindon are not all dying of heart disease any more, and that it’s “excellent news”.

What a weapons-grade moron.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 20:44:35
Far from moron, clicks mean money.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: I JBZelieve We Will Win on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 21:06:20
So, what did we learn from this? 

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 21:08:53
A you tuber who is selective in what information he provides and makes lots of money through viewing figures!

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: WEBBERhyde on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 21:21:49
Far from moron, clicks mean money.

Of course. Which is what is so tragic about this kind of grift. If these two are anything to go by, he knowingly makes nonsense videos out of absolutely nothing, veiled under a cloak of credibility by being a “dr” (sounds like that is up for debate), which his deluded disciples lap up because it confirms their ill founded suspicions that Covid is a global cover up.

In which case…maybe weapons grade cunt is more apt.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: dalumpimunki on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 22:20:56
Having a decent following and being a doctor doesn’t necessarily make you a good analyst.

If you were digging into these numbers, anyone with any kind of credibility would be looking for data further back to check pre pandemic numbers (was one year pre pandemic representative generally? A few more years data would help) to make better sense of the supposed huge increase in the last few years and questioning whether that was a legit rise or not. Rather than essentially saying ‘here’s a very select set of data that “someone” has given me, look at the increase…hmmm’.

Then you’d sense check those numbers and think “1 in 7 of the population going to hospital for heart trouble in the last few years, does feel right”? As I said, I’m no doctor, but just thinking about the street I live on, has someone from every 3rd household been in hospital for a heart problem recently? Absolutely not. Do people go to hospital at that kind of rate for any reason at all? I really doubt it.

So you’d question those numbers…there’s so many variables in how those kind of things could be counted, collated and reported that you don’t know from that at all, that again, anyone worth their salt would be looking into much more deeply before suggesting anything, first.

I feel the grift is strong with this one.

As someone who spent part of my career as an analyst in a clinical audit and research team at an acute hospital trust, helping doctors and other clinicians design date collection tools and analyse and present data, I can confirm that a medical degree is no guarantee whatsoever of having any grasp of statistics (particularly around probability as several overturned infanticide verdicts based on expert medical testimony shows).

Public health consultants are generally lots better as they have to have some grasp of epidemiology. Hospital consultants (particularly surgeons for some reason) the worst. I think it's to do with specialising into a very narrow field of expertise.

Matey in the video has seized gleefully on something that seems to confirm a pre-conceived idea and not at any stage thought, "Hold on that  looks a bit odd? Are we sure tens of thousands of people locally are arriving at hospital with heart failure each year and only a couple of hundred are getting discharged. WTF happened to the rest of them?"

A bit embarrassing for the Trust that issued the response to the FOI. The BI team want their arses kicking for not sense checking their outputs.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 22:34:03
As someone who spent part of my career as an analyst in a clinical audit and research team at an acute hospital trust, helping doctors and other clinicians design date collection tools and analyse and present data, I can confirm that a medical degree is no guarantee whatsoever of having any grasp of statistics (particularly around probability as several overturned infanticide verdicts based on expert medical testimony shows).

Public health consultants are generally lots better as they have to have some grasp of epidemiology. Hospital consultants (particularly surgeons for some reason) the worst. I think it's to do with specialising into a very narrow field of expertise.

Matey in the video has seized gleefully on something that seems to confirm a pre-conceived idea and not at any stage thought, "Hold on that  looks a bit odd? Are we sure tens of thousands of people locally are arriving at hospital with heart failure each year and only a couple of hundred are getting discharged. WTF happened to the rest of them?"

A bit embarrassing for the Trust that issued the response to the FOI. The BI team want their arses kicking for not sense checking their outputs.

GIGO. Pay peanuts.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: ron dodgers on Sunday, January 8, 2023, 01:56:20
He seems to get rather confused when presenting, he's earning a living out of it so it's not all bad for him.

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, January 8, 2023, 07:11:42
A you tuber who is selective in what information he provides and makes lots of money through viewing figures!
viewing figures and a donation operation to allow him to keep doing this top level research.
It's annoyingly close to Alex Jones perpetual "there's a war on, give me money to help expose them" and the escalation of issues from there

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, January 8, 2023, 07:12:57
The data is categorically and laughably wrong. Here’s the corrected data, which is a minute fraction of the bungled numbers that bloke talked through, without batting an eyelid. Not only are they tiny, they’re not even going in the right direction to support their theory.
I was going for a best case scenario tbh. Even if the numbers he's saying may be true, you cannot infer anything meaningful from them

Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, January 9, 2023, 09:40:25
viewing figures and a donation operation to allow him to keep doing this top level research.
It's annoyingly close to Alex Jones perpetual "there's a war on, give me money to help expose them" and the escalation of issues from there

Its how conspiracy grifters work though isn't it, don't really say anything new instead feed into the ingrained fears and suspicions that some people already hold and just tickle them along for personal gain. Its how people like Jones and Yaxley Lennon have, and continue to, make small fortunes and covid is just another opportunity.

An acquaintance* of mines brother is deep into flat earth stuff and its quite scary some of the stuff he believes and shares on social media.

* He moved from friend to acquaintance when he himself descended deep into what our Tommee was spouting, he seems to have rather rowed back on that now.