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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290245 times)

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Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost

« Reply #11460 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 10:00:30 »

In the articles I've read about the proposed voter ID law I can't see a benefit case being quoted or an issue being sized and addressed. I do feel slightly gaslit that this is an immediate issue for the government

Govt's own figures suggest that this will knock 2m+ out of the electorate immediately unless they apply for a passport.

So apparently because of covid its no time for a democratically mandated Scottish referendum, but is time to piss around with electoral rules which aren't broke?
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #11461 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 10:32:16 »

Govt's own figures suggest that this will knock 2m+ out of the electorate immediately unless they apply for a passport.

So apparently because of covid its no time for a democratically mandated Scottish referendum, but is time to piss around with electoral rules which aren't broke?
They've looked at the "success" of similar gerrymandering schemes by the Republicans in the US to further disenfranchise already marginalised voters and said "Yep, we'll have some of that". Massively anti-democratic, expect it to sail through the Commons with stirring articles from all the usual suspects in the press on the "perils" of virtually non-existent voter fraud.

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Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost

« Reply #11462 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 10:39:24 »

They've looked at the "success" of similar gerrymandering schemes by the Republicans in the US to further disenfranchise already marginalised voters and said "Yep, we'll have some of that". Massively anti-democratic, expect it to sail through the Commons with stirring articles from all the usual suspects in the press on the "perils" of virtually non-existent voter fraud.

Talking of the potential for voter fraud, I wonder whether the Electoral Commission are going to look at the massive uplift in turnout in the Tees Mayoral election and the fact that they nearly all the uplift seem to have mysteriously voted Tory.
Aaron Aardvark

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Absolute Calamity!

« Reply #11463 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 10:57:50 »

Oops! Tory candidate for Wiltshire PCC has been barred after the Tories failed to disclose his drink driving conviction:

With the count due to be done today, does it proceed or does the election have to be re-run? If it is the latter, I trust the Tory Party will pay the full cost of the re-run as it is their error (or dishonesty?) that has caused the issue
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« Reply #11464 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 11:15:56 »

If Seed wins, there'll be a re-run

This is the water.
And this is the well.
Drink full and descend.
The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.
Aaron Aardvark

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Absolute Calamity!

« Reply #11465 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 11:52:43 »

If Seed wins, there'll be a re-run
And will the Tory party who's incompetence/dishonesty caused the need for a re-run pay for it or will they expect the taxpayer to stump up for their fuck-up/deceit? (largely rhetorical question, obviously)
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« Reply #11466 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:35:33 »

It seems as if Seed decided he was pulling out of the race and the party were of the opinion they removed him. I'd be happy if they split the costs tbh...

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And this is the well.
Drink full and descend.
The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

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« Reply #11467 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 15:51:31 »

Seed is a particularly vile piece of shit. A truly horrible man.

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« Reply #11468 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 17:09:29 »

And will the Tory party who's incompetence/dishonesty caused the need for a re-run pay for it or will they expect the taxpayer to stump up for their fuck-up/deceit? (largely rhetorical question, obviously)

Let’s hope they do. It will set a president for everyone else to follow. Which could hurt some of the more skint political parties. 

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Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #11469 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 17:24:51 »

Seed is a particularly vile piece of shit. A truly horrible man.

Phew, luckily I did not vote for him. So can you tell me/us how lucky we were not voting for him by enlightening us to your view of what an unsavoury individual he apparently is? Aside to his 30 year old conviction for drink driving.
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« Reply #11470 on: Monday, May 10, 2021, 18:18:15 »

I didn't like Seed as he was a hunt master and was on record as saying the current hunting laws ought to be done away with entirely. He didn't say the laws ought to be taken away due to being utterly ineffective, he just wanted to legally hunt foxes instead of "trails"

This is the water.
And this is the well.
Drink full and descend.
The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #11471 on: Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:17:54 »

He was also charged with offences under the Hunting Act and lied about it when questioned. Several of his heavies were arrested for assaults on protestors during his time as Master. He certainly seems to have plenty of experience of commissioning crime although I'm not entirely sure that's what the title of Police and Crime Commissioner is supposed to mean.

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Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost

« Reply #11472 on: Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 15:33:40 »
Aaron Aardvark

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Absolute Calamity!

« Reply #11473 on: Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 15:40:16 »

And for the TLDRs:

"Quite the Queen's Speech

Making it possible for the Prime minister to control when a general election takes place, making it harder for people to vote, making it harder to challenge government decisions, and making it harder for anyone to protest about any of this"

The assaults on democracy continue apace.

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Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #11474 on: Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 16:06:38 »

The far left must be fucking livid with envy.
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