This means we can be very binary in our approach, and the trust need to be more nuanced. We respect that totally, while as individuals, may disagree with the intricacies of some of those interactions.
If the SO69 entity has a single purpose, it should only have an opinion on that one subject. How the Trust, OSC or any other fan organisation or individuals fans behave towards that single purpose, it shouldn’t be of concern to the SO69 if it’s to maintain its good start.
I would suggest if you want to maintain a respectful visibility between Trust and SO69, if you have any pointed questions, discuss them directly and offline. It’s critical that where SO69 has allies, there shouldn’t be any air between what is visible.
The SO69 entity can not turn into another STFC Questions account under a different name… That won’t help the cause to unite fans in the slightest!
IMO of course. Pinch of salt SO69 guys, take or leave the feedback. It’s a stage you guys have built so use it how you see fit until no one is following anymore.