Or Michael Standing himself.
Well I was trying to leave the *ahem* question up for interpretation
Edit: Which has been glossed over and ignored.
Why do I feel like the Trust has become more of a sort of "yes man" to the club? Just a hunch, don't slaughter me for it but it seems all rather nodding of heads and all is rosy when it really isn't.
The club (and Trust) can't expect us to just roll over when a statement is made (as nice as that is) and accept everything that is said. There has been this lingering vibe about the club since Clem (and possible A N Other(s) ) took over that they are the only ones going through tough financial situations. Well hell-to the fucking-o, just about every human has felt the impact of the last couple of years (and continue to do so). Did they forget that when shamelessly pleading with folk to defer season ticket refunds? When they didn't they put a pressing vibe across that made those people feel guilty for not doing so - dug their heels in when issuing said refunds and had more stalls than the Royal Albert Hall. Like for fuck sake. Fans have still come out in numbers and yet STFC have still been quite cunty about things like this.
Contrasting STFC quotes that follow mean is it any wonder folk still are concerned:
"You need to do your bit to help turn it around" (granted but don't guilt trip your core support)
"We can pay £7m to cover all debts" (Well...
"We're asking fans to defer ST refunds - we'll give you the equivalent discount of a roll of PTFE tape from Clem's Overstocks"*
"You've got your Club back" (hmm, have we?!)
Some people can just see through stuff and anyone buying this club should be aware that STFC fans whilst loyal to their club will not put up with another owner that puts them through a load more shite; more importantly so - they can see when things aren't quite "right" due to years of mismanagement/poor ownership.
Anyway, I agree with Sir Batchio though that this should maybe wait until after the POs but the Trust shouldn't be continually defending the club every time someone asks a pressing question, just because one of their main buddies now happens to be CEO - otherwise your role as Trust becomes rather pointless; a bit like those
Tick Box Advisory Board Meetings...
The second part of this was made up. It's actually 3 rolls