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Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 1290241 times)
Jimmy Quinn

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« Reply #9375 on: Sunday, November 20, 2022, 18:22:15 »

I suspect that your thought process was that you would take 24-48 hours mild discomfort in order to avoid the potential for contracting the real thing. As some people react badly to it, are hospitalised or contract long COVID.

I was always going to have the 4th jab as I had long Covid 12 months ago but was surprised how quick I had side effects and the severity of the chills throughout the night.

You just gotta keep livin man!
The Moral Majority

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« Reply #9376 on: Sunday, November 20, 2022, 18:22:51 »

I think a lot of people have become a vaccine sceptic over time. I realise it’s all too easy to blame a sudden change of personal health on it. I’ve developed a heart arrhythmia, this very week my brother in law has just found out he has tonsil cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes - devastating for all concerned. Is it a coincidence? Is it just bad luck?
Sorry to hear about your brother in law.

I would suggest if you are middle aged, drink, have ever smoked, are (or have been) overweight, don't exercise and have a poor diet then that is the more likely cause for the heart problems.

« Last Edit: Sunday, November 20, 2022, 18:27:20 by Nomoreheroes » Logged

You're my incurable malady. I miss the pleasure of your company.
The Grim Reaper

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« Reply #9377 on: Sunday, November 20, 2022, 18:31:28 »

I had the first 2 jabs then the first booster. Each time I felt worse than the one before. I made a personal decision that I’d not be having anymore. I’m neither a scientist and neither a conspiracy theorist but do like to look at all possibilities. I’m happy to ignore the theorists that think Bill Gates wants to microchip us all but I do get a little concerned that the equally qualified scientists that don’t approve of the vaccine are denied any platform to voice their concerns.

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« Reply #9378 on: Sunday, November 20, 2022, 19:13:00 »

Sorry to hear about your brother in law.

I would suggest if you are middle aged, drink, have ever smoked, are (or have been) overweight, don't exercise and have a poor diet then that is the more likely cause for the heart problems.

Guilty as to 2 of the above! Of course, you are correct. My only point, thin as it may be, is the timing and I have a healthy distrust of governments and big pharma.

I think Pfizer came out with the first statins to be taken for cholesterol. They were trumpeted as some sort of miracle cure - until their patent ran out and statins were produced by all and sundry for peanuts and the side effects then became known.
Peter Venkman

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« Reply #9379 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 09:56:40 »

Myself and my wife both caught Covid about 6 weeks or so ago and are still not fully over it with chest issues, we both were close to hopsital involvement with problems with our lungs but anti biotics have got on top of that now.

We both had out Covid booster this week as it was the first chance we could get after having it and had no after effects of it other than an achey arm for 2 days, there is no way I want to go through that Covid shit again as I think it will do me next time for sure with all my other health issues I have with my lungs and esophagis and now possible skin cancer too, its just not worth it for me to not have the jab.

Sorry to hear about your Bro in law Aud, these things seem to happen all at the same time.

My best mate who lives in Scotland had advanced liver cancer and starts his chemo today in Dundee and has been told if this does work (hes had 2 previous ops) then he has a year at most left, being nearly 600 miles away makes it difficult to see him but we ring weekly and speak, he saved my life in 85 and we have been mates from when we started school on the same day when we were 6.

I never had cancer until I hit 50 then all of a sudden you realise how mortal you are, the wife had no health issues until she hit 50, she was a fitness instructor and now shes wheelchair bound waiting on new knees and hips.

Enjoy life while you can, do what you can and regret nothing, life is way to fucking short. But try and prolong it as long as you can!

Only a fool does not know when to hold his tongue.

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« Reply #9380 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 10:17:39 »

Sounds like you and the wife did it hard recently.
Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery.
Sometimes things do get us all down but agree we all need to live life to the fullest.
Take care and good luck..
Bob's Orange
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« Reply #9381 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 10:19:10 »

Myself and my wife both caught Covid about 6 weeks or so ago and are still not fully over it with chest issues, we both were close to hopsital involvement with problems with our lungs but anti biotics have got on top of that now.

We both had out Covid booster this week as it was the first chance we could get after having it and had no after effects of it other than an achey arm for 2 days, there is no way I want to go through that Covid shit again as I think it will do me next time for sure with all my other health issues I have with my lungs and esophagis and now possible skin cancer too, its just not worth it for me to not have the jab.

Sorry to hear about your Bro in law Aud, these things seem to happen all at the same time.

My best mate who lives in Scotland had advanced liver cancer and starts his chemo today in Dundee and has been told if this does work (hes had 2 previous ops) then he has a year at most left, being nearly 600 miles away makes it difficult to see him but we ring weekly and speak, he saved my life in 85 and we have been mates from when we started school on the same day when we were 6.

I never had cancer until I hit 50 then all of a sudden you realise how mortal you are, the wife had no health issues until she hit 50, she was a fitness instructor and now shes wheelchair bound waiting on new knees and hips.

Enjoy life while you can, do what you can and regret nothing, life is way to fucking short. But try and prolong it as long as you can!

Keep positive JJ, hoping for better times ahead for you and your better half bud.

we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise,
the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.

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« Reply #9382 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 10:21:03 »

Too true! Seem to spend a lot of your life wishing away the years - 3 years til that loan ends, 10 years to the mortgage finishes - that sort of thing. There you are, toddling along all fine and dandy when some bug or disease comes up and kicks you in the nuts.

I’ve never been much of a ‘saving for a rainy day’ kind of person - if I’ve got it, I spend it. Luckily Mrs Audrey is the same.

We’ve pretty much fucked ourselves up financially by moving here 4 years ago, but hey ho. It’ll be a struggle moving back to the UK now but it’s where I want to be to see out my days.
Peter Venkman

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« Reply #9383 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 12:05:20 »

Sounds like you and the wife did it hard recently.
Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery.
Sometimes things do get us all down but agree we all need to live life to the fullest.
Take care and good luck..

Keep positive JJ, hoping for better times ahead for you and your better half bud.
Thank you gentlemen, its been tough but we are getting there, I hope Smiley

Life is too short as Aud says to worry too much, so just get on and do your best and enjoy what you have.

Only a fool does not know when to hold his tongue.
Jimmy Quinn

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« Reply #9384 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 12:06:19 »

Myself and my wife both caught Covid about 6 weeks or so ago and are still not fully over it with chest issues, we both were close to hopsital involvement with problems with our lungs but anti biotics have got on top of that now.

We both had out Covid booster this week as it was the first chance we could get after having it and had no after effects of it other than an achey arm for 2 days, there is no way I want to go through that Covid shit again as I think it will do me next time for sure with all my other health issues I have with my lungs and esophagis and now possible skin cancer too, its just not worth it for me to not have the jab.

Sorry to hear about your Bro in law Aud, these things seem to happen all at the same time.

My best mate who lives in Scotland had advanced liver cancer and starts his chemo today in Dundee and has been told if this does work (hes had 2 previous ops) then he has a year at most left, being nearly 600 miles away makes it difficult to see him but we ring weekly and speak, he saved my life in 85 and we have been mates from when we started school on the same day when we were 6.

I never had cancer until I hit 50 then all of a sudden you realise how mortal you are, the wife had no health issues until she hit 50, she was a fitness instructor and now shes wheelchair bound waiting on new knees and hips.

Enjoy life while you can, do what you can and regret nothing, life is way to fucking short. But try and prolong it as long as you can!

Glad you're on the mend mate as I had long Covid last November so know what you both went through.
Good point about enjoying life when you can as I had a skin cancer removed when I was 50 and lost my dad suddenly in August which certainly knocks you back in life.

You just gotta keep livin man!

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« Reply #9385 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 18:45:20 »

Myself and my wife both caught Covid about 6 weeks or so ago and are still not fully over it with chest issues, we both were close to hopsital involvement with problems with our lungs but anti biotics have got on top of that now.

We both had out Covid booster this week as it was the first chance we could get after having it and had no after effects of it other than an achey arm for 2 days, there is no way I want to go through that Covid shit again as I think it will do me next time for sure with all my other health issues I have with my lungs and esophagis and now possible skin cancer too, its just not worth it for me to not have the jab.

Sorry to hear about your Bro in law Aud, these things seem to happen all at the same time.

My best mate who lives in Scotland had advanced liver cancer and starts his chemo today in Dundee and has been told if this does work (hes had 2 previous ops) then he has a year at most left, being nearly 600 miles away makes it difficult to see him but we ring weekly and speak, he saved my life in 85 and we have been mates from when we started school on the same day when we were 6.

I never had cancer until I hit 50 then all of a sudden you realise how mortal you are, the wife had no health issues until she hit 50, she was a fitness instructor and now shes wheelchair bound waiting on new knees and hips.

Enjoy life while you can, do what you can and regret nothing, life is way to fucking short. But try and prolong it as long as you can!

My thoughts go out to you Mate, I’ve known you for a fair amount of years now and you are a cracking lad. Can only hope you get through all of this and lead a healthy life the best you can.

Struggling myself at present with different circumstances, losing 2 friends in a case of 4 weeks.
Both self inflicted and differing circumstances.
Taking a massive reflection on life right now, changing a few things for sure.
Life is fucking cruel and good memories precious.
Posh Red
Posh by name, Posh by nature

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« Reply #9386 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 19:12:39 »

Life can be cruel at times, when I lost my wife to MND 6 years ago it was a really hard time, partly because watching her deterioration over the last couple of years.

But things can get better, I was fortunate enough to meet someone else & have now remarried and we are enjoying retirement.

I wish you both (JJ & DOB) all the best and hope things improve for you

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« Reply #9387 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 20:56:18 »

Life can be cruel at times, when I lost my wife to MND 6 years ago it was a really hard time, partly because watching her deterioration over the last couple of years.

But things can get better, I was fortunate enough to meet someone else & have now remarried and we are enjoying retirement.

I wish you both (JJ & DOB) all the best and hope things improve for you

Some comeback that Posh.
Emotions must have been all over the place. Bless you Mate, best wishes.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #9388 on: Monday, November 21, 2022, 20:57:52 »

seconded. So glad you've found the second love of your life.
Bob's Orange
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« Reply #9389 on: Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 08:58:00 »

Life can be cruel at times, when I lost my wife to MND 6 years ago it was a really hard time, partly because watching her deterioration over the last couple of years.

But things can get better, I was fortunate enough to meet someone else & have now remarried and we are enjoying retirement.

I wish you both (JJ & DOB) all the best and hope things improve for you

I've been watching a fair amount (thanks to Kevin Sinfield's amazing charity work) about MND and it truly is a heart wrenching and cruel disease. I can't begin to imagine what you and your first wife (RIP) had to go through.

I'm also thrilled to read you found love again and are enjoying the companionship during retirement. 

we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise,
the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
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