police policy can change
Indeed, some of us are old enough to remember when Durham plod didn't even reinvestigate historic breaches.
Seems pretty win win for Labour, no FPN can fling mud at why Johnson hasn't resigned, gets a FPN resigns and its basically writing the election posters for the next election, plus you get someone like Cooper continuing to tear Johnson a new one every Wednesday lunchtime.
I'm not sure what is funnier, the right wing media who have spent a week demanding he resign and now clutching their pearls that God forbid he has said he will, or right wing social media suggesting that its wrong to put pressure on the police having been entirely silent whilst the government has done just that for the last week - equally some of us are old enough to remember their calm when government sources and media shrills were pressurising the police when FPN's were imminent from the Met.
Whatever the outcome of all this there are a lot of once respected commentators on the right who have totally trashed their reputations with ever more ludicrous and hypocritical takes, and for what, to protect a lame duck narcissistic prat who is destroying the country and Union and cares not one jot for anyone or anything but himself.
As an outsider not wedded to a rosette it is glorious to watch.