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Author Topic: The Squad List (2024/25 Edition)  (Read 547475 times)

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« Reply #1560 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 15:04:58 »

It was time to move on, but a good servant to the club and deserves to go with our best wishes. Thank you Ellis.

Pretty much this.

He was relentlessly targeted when he was played at LB, though.

By other teams or his own supporters?   Wink

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« Reply #1561 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 15:05:56 »

Definitely think his Jack of all trades role has his hurt his career.

When he initially broke through it was as an attacking midfielder, and he showed some promise.  In those 170+ games, he never really improved, just became more versatile.  It certainly didn't help him develop as a player though.  

File under the Pook folder.

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« Reply #1562 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 15:17:12 »


I think you are possibly right!

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« Reply #1563 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 15:19:14 »

He was criminally one footed as well.

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« Reply #1564 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 15:24:15 »

He was criminally one footed as well.

Much as with defenders and keepers who can pass a ball, in the main decent two footed players don't tend to stay in the basement division very long.

« Reply #1565 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 15:41:46 »

"Ellis Landolo" according to Flynn!
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« Reply #1566 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 15:50:47 »

I wish Ellis well. Can still improve and go on to have a decent career.
Another club will get to see the best of him I suspect, which is a shame.

He wasn't that bad and the level of negative critique was disproportionate when compared with worse players that have donned the shirt.
Or maybe that was just the cumulative effect of more of less the same people piping up every week.

Yeah, one good season and held back by injuries and pigeonholed as a utility player which maybe didn't help with development. Time to move on.

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« Reply #1567 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 15:52:22 »

Always thought the same thing about Iandolo. Fine squad player for a LGE2 side but if you want to go up and he’s starting regularly then your squad balance isn’t right.

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« Reply #1568 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 15:58:17 »

I wish Ellis well. Can still improve and go on to have a decent career.
Another club will get to see the best of him I suspect, which is a shame.

He wasn't that bad and the level of negative critique was disproportionate when compared with worse players that have donned the shirt.
Or maybe that was just the cumulative effect of more of less the same people piping up every week.

Yeah, one good season and held back by injuries and pigeonholed as a utility player which maybe didn't help with development. Time to move on.
I echo all of the above... some people get it in their heads they don't like a player and they will never change their minds, that's how it's always been and I'm sure always will.

He was our longest seving player by a country mile, not too many players around all four divisions have been with their Clubs since 2015...wonder who it is now? Not Charlie as I mean uninterrupted service...

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« Reply #1569 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 16:00:32 »

Aguiar (Aug 2021) as a pro. Minturn if you include youth team spells (he's been with us since 2011 or so but only turned pro in Mar 2022). Those two and Dworzak are literally the only two players who were at this club as long ago as May 2022 I believe - every other member of the squad was signed last summer or later.

I know player turnover is incredible these days but we've shed the Garner team with unseemly haste.

Even if you only count Minturn's pro career he's already second 
Peter Venkman
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« Reply #1570 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 16:03:34 »

Sorry but Iandolo was a massively limited player who cant tackle or defend and is positionally clueless but when pressed can attack down the wing and can cross, has a half decent shot when he uses it.

No loss IMO, fill his slot with a youngster on the bench to save a wage.

We all have our own opinions of him and many of us seem to disagree...thats football.

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« Reply #1571 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 16:05:09 »

Indeed, just referred to the conveniently placed and regularly updated squad list on page 1....

Bloody hell🤣

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« Reply #1572 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 16:12:50 »

Sorry but Iandolo was a massively limited player who cant tackle or defend and is positionally clueless but when pressed can attack down the wing and can cross, has a half decent shot when he uses it.

No loss IMO, fill his slot with a youngster on the bench to save a wage.

We all have our own opinions of him and many of us seem to disagree...thats football.
Is he a world beater?
Is he as bad as some make him out to be?

The answer to both, at least to me is clearly NO and reality lies.somewhere between the two.

I find this to be the case in most situations more often than not...

There's nothing wrong witb disagreeing... Shows independent thought, which is a very good thing... 😉
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« Reply #1573 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 16:15:49 »

Is he a world beater?
Is he as bad as some make him out to be?

The answer to both, at least to me is clearly NO and reality lies.somewhere between the two.

I find this to be the case in most situations more often than not...

There's nothing wrong witb disagreeing... Shows independent thought, which is a very good thing... 😉

Past glories motivate us when times are bleak.

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« Reply #1574 on: Friday, June 23, 2023, 16:23:00 »

Sad to see a long serving player go. A versatile one at that.

However, I don't consider him to be first team quality. A liability positionally in defence, and doesn't make up for it enough going forward in perhaps the same way Hutton might.

As a midfielder, he doesn't do anything well enough to justify being in a team expected to challenge the right end of the table. He's not an enforcer, goal scorer or creator.

Wish him well but we can do better.
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