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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290680 times)
Not a Batch

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« Reply #12600 on: Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 10:16:34 »

Raab wants to be investigated/clear his name

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« Reply #12601 on: Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 10:20:14 »

There is only 3 years between them but there does seem a wider age gap. 'Sleepy' Joe does have a habit of falling asleep and getting lost on stage whereas Trump seems to have much more energy about him - if you ignore his ludicrous dad dancing on stage!

Really? I am far from a fan of Biden and he can be a bit dopey*, but don't forget Trump was equally adept at doing strange things and talking total bollocks.

Even Bannon when he was working for Trump believed Trump was suffering from early stage dementia and that there was a real possibility he would be removed from office by the 25th amendment, where the cabinet could vote that the president was no longer mentally capable of carrying out his duties.

I agree new blood probably needed, albeit I imagine the Dems will be hoping its Trump they are facing.

*Also worth bearing in mind we recently had a Prime Minister in office who struggled to find her way off a stage and out of a room with a single door... and she was younger than me!!
Bob's Orange
Has brain escape barriers

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« Reply #12602 on: Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 10:28:18 »

Really? I am far from a fan of Biden and he can be a bit dopey*, but don't forget Trump was equally adept at doing strange things and talking total bollocks.

Even Bannon when he was working for Trump believed Trump was suffering from early stage dementia and that there was a real possibility he would be removed from office by the 25th amendment, where the cabinet could vote that the president was no longer mentally capable of carrying out his duties.

I agree new blood probably needed, albeit I imagine the Dems will be hoping its Trump they are facing.

*Also worth bearing in mind we recently had a Prime Minister in office who struggled to find her way off a stage and out of a room with a single door... and she was younger than me!!

It's probably a perception Horlock. To me, Biden seems like the shuffly old grandad in his slippers and whilst Trump definitely isn't the peak of fitness, comes across as not quite being that level just yet and shows a bit more energy. It's probably a total front purely driven by adrenelin and as soon as he goes off stage probably falls asleep on a recliner.

we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise,
the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #12603 on: Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 10:50:33 »

An energetic nutjob or a sleepy sane person.

What a choice.
Shit Bacon

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« Reply #12604 on: Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 10:58:32 »

The age of US political leaders is properly mad.

Biden is 79, Trump is 76, Pelosi (speaker of the house) is 82, McConnell (Republican leader in the senate) is 80, Schumer (Democrat leader of the house) is 71. Kamala Harris, the absolute spring chicken in this field, is 58.

For comparison, John Major (who left power here 25 years ago) is 79. Tony Blair (who left power 15 years ago) is 69, younger than any of the above bar Harris. Rishi Sunak is 42!

I'm all for experience but they do seem to take it astonishingly far.

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« Reply #12605 on: Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 12:55:13 »

If Trump wins the Primaries, which is likely, I think the Democrats should take the opportunity to put up a younger, relatively inoffensive candidate to get a full reset.  Trump should lose on his own at the National level.
Should've gone to Specsavers

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« Reply #12606 on: Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 20:00:24 »

The age of US political leaders is properly mad.

Biden is 79, Trump is 76, Pelosi (speaker of the house) is 82, McConnell (Republican leader in the senate) is 80, Schumer (Democrat leader of the house) is 71. Kamala Harris, the absolute spring chicken in this field, is 58.

For comparison, John Major (who left power here 25 years ago) is 79. Tony Blair (who left power 15 years ago) is 69, younger than any of the above bar Harris. Rishi Sunak is 42!

I'm all for experience but they do seem to take it astonishingly far.

It's all a bit late-USSR isn't it? Just need someone hooked up to a dialysis machine now.

Even men with steel hearts love to see a dog on the pitch.
Shit Bacon

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« Reply #12607 on: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 08:35:57 »

I may be a simple space Hyper-Chicken, but I can't see how allowing energy bills to rise another 24% is an inflation-reduction measure.

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« Reply #12608 on: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 09:30:10 »

I may be a simple space Hyper-Chicken, but I can't see how allowing energy bills to rise another 24% is an inflation-reduction measure.

That's going to be offset by letting nurses take a real-time wages cut.

As with all things political one should just follow the money and specifically how much the government and plethora of RW think tanks in Tufton Street have benefited from fossil fuel companies.

Much as with the immigration 'crisis' this could b fairly easily solved by pretty simple government action, the question is why they won't take said action?
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« Reply #12609 on: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 11:19:11 »

Lots of fiddling with thresholds and allowances to bring more into higher tax rate bands - probably more saleable to the public than actual obvious tax rises, but the net effect is broadly the same.
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« Reply #12610 on: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 11:28:48 »


" and also, we didn't break our election manifesto"

well, technically correct. squeeezy squeeeze
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« Reply #12611 on: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 11:30:00 »


" and also, we didn't break our election manifesto"

well, technically correct. squeeezy squeeeze

"Will every young person leave school with the skills they would gain in Japan?"

Compulsory Japanese for all!

Health, Social Care & Education seem to be doing okay so far, which suggests everything else is  about to get a proper shoeing
« Last Edit: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 11:37:49 by Nemo » Logged
Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG

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« Reply #12612 on: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 13:47:01 »

The age of US political leaders is properly mad.

Biden is 79, Trump is 76, Pelosi (speaker of the house) is 82, McConnell (Republican leader in the senate) is 80, Schumer (Democrat leader of the house) is 71. Kamala Harris, the absolute spring chicken in this field, is 58.

For comparison, John Major (who left power here 25 years ago) is 79. Tony Blair (who left power 15 years ago) is 69, younger than any of the above bar Harris. Rishi Sunak is 42!

I'm all for experience but they do seem to take it astonishingly far.

Biden and John Major being the same age really puts it in perspective. Jesus.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #12613 on: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 14:09:07 »

"Will every young person leave school with the skills they would gain in Japan?"

Compulsory Japanese for all!


Plus, the schools 2bn increase in spending (over 2 years) ...Isn't most of that accounted for pay rises which the Government made schools fund out their budgets?

Add in inflation...and.....

Japanese lessons cancelled. That's right, I'm not turning Japanese, I think I'm not turning Japanese
I really think so

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« Reply #12614 on: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 14:14:18 »


Plus, the schools 2bn increase in spending (over 2 years) ...Isn't most of that accounted for pay rises which the Government made schools fund out their budgets?

Add in inflation...and.....

And the energy prices hikes, I see Martin Lewis was noting that the process for next Aprils increases starts today and it was being projected at another 45% hike this morning, although I think I read in all the guff about the budget that the cap is going to be limited again?
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