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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2289941 times)
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #10095 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 09:27:24 »

Cummings has granted himself access to Britain's most secret defence intelligence installations to conduct an inspection tour so secret even the MoD haven't been told what it is about.

What could possibly go wrong? Incidentally, where's that Russia Report?

Meanwhile, Shit Penfold (aka Mark Francois) has been threatening the head of Britain's armed forces in a HoC committee that Cummings will "come down and sort you out".

Thank heavens we got free from those unelected bureaucrats dictating to us eh?

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« Reply #10096 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 10:05:18 »

Cummings has granted himself access to Britain's most secret defence intelligence installations to conduct an inspection tour so secret even the MoD haven't been told what it is about.

What could possibly go wrong? Incidentally, where's that Russia Report?

Meanwhile, Shit Penfold (aka Mark Francois) has been threatening the head of Britain's armed forces in a HoC committee that Cummings will "come down and sort you out".

Thank heavens we got free from those unelected bureaucrats dictating to us eh?

Looking at the response of the Chief of Staff to Francois's threat said it all really (BTW isn't it fairly common knowledge that Cummings things Francois is a twat and vice versa), hopefully this might be the catalyst for some change insofar as dictators normally learn not to piss the military off early in their dictatorship.
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« Reply #10097 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 12:00:47 »

Lots of giveaways as expected in the summer statement. Headlines being:

- No stamp duty until March 2021. This one will probably benefit me, but research shows stamp duty cuts tend to benefit sellers more than buyers. Propping up house prices?

- Eating out discounts Mon-Weds over the summer. Odd one.

- 5% VAT on hospitality & tourism

- £1000 per worker bonus for all firms who bring their furloughed staff back and retain them until at least January

Lots to chew over there, but in principle shows that they're going to spend to support the economy rather than leave it to the market.
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« Reply #10098 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 12:16:11 »

I do wonder whether companies may bin off their staff and use the cheap labour from the 16 - 24 years bracket

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« Reply #10099 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 12:29:13 »

Lots of giveaways as expected in the summer statement. Headlines being:

- No stamp duty until March 2021. This one will probably benefit me, but research shows stamp duty cuts tend to benefit sellers more than buyers. Propping up house prices?

- Eating out discounts Mon-Weds over the summer. Odd one.

- 5% VAT on hospitality & tourism

- £1000 per worker bonus for all firms who bring their furloughed staff back and retain them until at least January

Lots to chew over there, but in principle shows that they're going to spend to support the economy rather than leave it to the market.

I don't envy the government trying to negotiate the unknown, but from a personal point of view;

The stamp duty thing looks nice, but is essentially irrelevant if the mortgage lenders don't start lending again;

The hospitality and VAT thing, again this just seems a bit half arsed, many (including ourselves and friends) seem little disposed to go out to eat drink until a vaccine is found, this is based upon reports and anecdotal evidence that Jan/Feb next year looks like first potential sort of area, so this will peter out as it stands before that happens;

With the £!k the key issue is whether this is going to be enough to cover the costs of addressing the furlough reductions in the intervening period.

Seems sadly like a rather half hearted crack papering exercise really!

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« Reply #10100 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 12:45:15 »

Lots of giveaways as expected in the summer statement. Headlines being:

- No stamp duty until March 2021. This one will probably benefit me, but research shows stamp duty cuts tend to benefit sellers more than buyers. Propping up house prices?

It's going to save me thousands as a buyer, some of which we'll use to buy new furniture etc just like Mr Sunak wants
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #10101 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 12:50:15 »

Not sure a tenner off a Nandos 3 days a week is going to reboot the economy, the targetting seems reasonable but this looks more like a popular move than a serious economic measure. Job Retention Bonus looks like a reasonable idea, will save some jobs but won't be nearly enough to stop the massive wave of redundancies that's coming in Sept/Oct.
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« Reply #10102 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 13:34:16 »

Not sure a cheeky tenner off a Nandos 3 days a week is going to reboot the economy

Fixed for you
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #10103 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 13:37:07 »

Fixed for you
Cheesy You're very kind. Schoolboy error on my part
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« Reply #10104 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 19:07:59 »

I do wonder whether companies may bin off their staff and use the cheap labour from the 16 - 24 years bracket

That cheap labour bracket is even lower now days. Since cutting young adults between 21 and 24 from the old NMW, they now get less than the "NLW" but the target for low rate employment will be even narrower now. Likely to disregard even the 21-24 year olds and focus on 16-20. 16-17 get a ridiculous £4.55; 18-20 get a still rubbish £6.45.

I've never really understood (apart from the money saving measure by Gov) why for a certain bunch of jobs, that people who are younger get paid awfully less. Maybe a slightly lower rate for new employees should apply for younger workers in a probation period but after that just give them the same £9p/h (£8.70 or whatever it is)?

You can't tell me, after say working 6 months stacking shelves at Tesco's or picking orders at a warehouse, a 16/17 year old is any less qualified than a bloke who's been trundling around for the last 20 years. Especially when some of these (more so in the 18-20 bracket) might also study full time and don't have Mummy and/or Daddy to fall back on. Plenty of decent hardworking young adults, who certainly deserve the NLW that 25 and over receive.

I know some companies do choose to pay all employees the NLW (which is good of them) but even then, the rate the government set, is still pretty low.

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There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #10105 on: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 20:13:35 »

It's likely a hangover from a bygone age when people were rewarded for length of service, not always how good they were or well they performed.  I've come across quite a few people with that attitude.

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« Reply #10106 on: Thursday, July 9, 2020, 08:44:41 »

Strange that they were so reluctant to feed impoverished kids, but are happy to give restaurant vouchers to anyone and everyone at a much higher cost

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« Reply #10107 on: Thursday, July 9, 2020, 08:48:07 »

Strange that they were so reluctant to feed impoverished kids, but are happy to give restaurant vouchers to anyone and everyone at a much higher cost
Maybe they're trying to encourage impoverished kids back to McDonald's with their early week specials.

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« Reply #10108 on: Thursday, July 9, 2020, 08:54:47 »

Strange that they were so reluctant to feed impoverished kids, but are happy to give restaurant vouchers to anyone and everyone at a much higher cost

They already culled the elderly, now moving onto the kids?

Actually on that point they seem to be actively trying to piss of traditional Tory voters at the moment;

Already pissed the elderly off;
Now actively pissing farmers off;
Deliberately destroying the Union, thus pissing unionists off. (remember they are officially the Conservative and Unionist Party).

Johnson's legacy is looking like being a once in a century destruction of the economy, break up of the Union and destruction of our international status, whatever way you look at it, that's quite some achievement. 
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #10109 on: Thursday, July 9, 2020, 09:00:29 »

They already culled the elderly, now moving onto the kids?

Actually on that point they seem to be actively trying to piss of traditional Tory voters at the moment;

Already pissed the elderly off;
Now actively pissing farmers off;
Deliberately destroying the Union, thus pissing unionists off. (remember they are officially the Conservative and Unionist Party).

Johnson's legacy is looking like being a once in a century destruction of the economy, break up of the Union and destruction of our international status, whatever way you look at it, that's quite some achievement. 
That's because the main drivers of this govt aren't Tories, they're far-right English Nationalists (well, tbf some are Russian agents). They've created a far-right English Nationalist Party using the shell of the old Conservative Party as a parasitic host and are now set about attacking the major UK institutions - the civil service, the armed forces, the BBC, the judiciary - as fast as they can.
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