On a day after they have voted down an amendment which would stop the NHS being sold off during trade deals with the us.
Its not only the NHS, the amendments voted down last night basically give the executive the right to do what they want in forthcoming trade negotiations (so chlorinated chicken, trashing environmental regs, sacking off labour rights), our elected members (outside government) quite literally have less ability to scrutinise trade negotiations than they did when it was the EU doing the negotiating. Taking back control...
On a day when the Russia report is finally coming out.
From the leaks floating around I suspect there will be no smoking gun in the RR, suspect it will make some noises about Russian funding to political parties and campaigns (much of which was already in the public domain if one cared to look), but there will be much crowing of left wing whinging and paranoia and it will disappear under the carpet.
Lets announce something to take the proles attention away shall we?
As always its smoke and mirrors, the pay rise is going to have to be funded via existing budgets so its just less money to go round really.
It will be lapped up by those who also turn a blind eye to the Russians buying our political parties whilst claiming that they are the true patriots.