Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #9375 on: Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 16:51:28 » |
She's also now said that "only the brightest and the best" would get into Britain under the new skin colour- points-based immigration system. So presumably the half of the cabinet she's not locking up she'll be deporting?
TBH if the background to this is an aspiration based upon skin colour they are going to get a god awful shock. Many of the countries in Asia with much bigger markets than us (and thus the upper hand in any trade talks, India being the most outspoken so far) have been saying that if we want a trade deal they want visa requirements for their citizens to work in the UK to be seriously relaxed. Someone is going to have to do the low paid jobs that brits have not wanted to take previously. Its also interesting to note that the new rules suggest anyone earning less than £25.6k is an unskilled worker. NHS starting salaries: Nurse £24.2k Paramedic 24.2k Midwife £24.2k Radiographer £24.2k Care assistant £17.6k Physiotherapist £24.2k Occupational therapist £24.2k One stat doing the rounds up here is that there are c.20,000 non-UK staff working in 'unskilled roles' in the Lakes but only 200 people unemployed locally. Doesn't take a genius to work out the devastating impact this will have on Britain's 2nd biggest tourist destination and the economy here in Cumbria. Once again they really haven't though this through.
« Last Edit: Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 16:54:11 by horlock07 »
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #9376 on: Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 18:03:49 » |
One of the sectors that will be hardest hit is the social care sector. Patel has suggested companies in that sector will have to pay more to recruit British workers. Sounds great, but will the govt then match that by spending more on an already massively underfunded care sector? Or will the elderly and disabled in care be the ones who pay the price (literally and metaphorically) for a govt that has incoherent policies? Can't have it all ways
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #9377 on: Thursday, February 20, 2020, 10:24:36 » |
I would imagine that footballl is going to be hit hard if they expect every new signing to be fluent in English before they are allowed in to sign?,
« Reply #9378 on: Friday, February 21, 2020, 17:37:16 » |
Do I have this right?
A certain number of unskilled jobs will need to be filled because unskilled foreign workers are not going to be allowed in to take them.
However, the government plans to fill those unskilled vacancies by training up the unemployed to give them the skills required to fill those unskilled positions.
Have I missed something?
Posts: 12168
« Reply #9379 on: Friday, February 21, 2020, 17:56:37 » |
There is a specific classification on education levels that gives you skilled or unskilled. Currently skilled requires a degree but they are dropping it to A Level, so I guess GCSE passes still leaves you in the unskilled bracket. Therefore there must be a wide range of jobs at that level and below.
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia
Posts: 34913
« Reply #9380 on: Friday, February 21, 2020, 18:28:43 » |
Do I have this right?
A certain number of unskilled jobs will need to be filled because unskilled foreign workers are not going to be allowed in to take them.
However, the government plans to fill those unskilled vacancies by training up the unemployed to give them the skills required to fill those unskilled positions.
Have I missed something?
It's estimated that there are 8 million people who don't work.... that's the disabled, ill, pensioners, students, illegal immigrants and asylum seekers etc. The idea is to get them into work... not so much training for the job as training for the skills of working... like getting out of bed in the morning etc. The Tories have been working on the disabled and sick for a few years now with their sanctions regimes and work fitness assessments. Pensioners not so much straight away but the idea is to raise the pension age to 75, phased in so that those currently in their 30's and 40's will have to work rather than receive a pension, unless sorted privately. Students always used to work in the holidays, as did footballers during the close season.... when I was a student, the thing was Post Office at Christmas, also there were factories who'd always take you... or it could be as I once did grape picking in the S of France or a kibbutz if adventurous. Wise's cake factory in Swindon was always handy, when in Pompey it was Smith's crisps and Shiphams fish paste factory. Soon it will carrot picking in Lincs.
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #9381 on: Sunday, February 23, 2020, 16:31:33 » |
So according to today's Times (two separate pieces, both written by openly Tory journalists), civil servants have been ordered to limit briefing papers to Johnson to no more than 2 sides of A4 because he can't concentrate on anything longer. And MI5 are limiting the intelligence passed to Priti Patel because they consider her to be a security risk. #TrumpBritain
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #9382 on: Sunday, February 23, 2020, 16:41:43 » |
Meanwhile on the Far Right, Britain First leader Paul Golding has just been stopped at Heathrow by anti-terror police returning from a trip to the Russian parliament, while Yaxley Lennon (aka "Tommy Robinson") is over there presenting his own TV show. Both following in a long line of right-wing figures to have received aid, support and hard cash from the Russian gangster state. What can it possibly be that the Russians find so endearing about all these right wing figures in their long campaign to undermine Western democracies?
Valid Pint
« Reply #9383 on: Monday, February 24, 2020, 06:36:11 » |
So according to today's Times (two separate pieces, both written by openly Tory journalists), civil servants have been ordered to limit briefing papers to Johnson to no more than 2 sides of A4 because he can't concentrate on anything longer. And MI5 are limiting the intelligence passed to Priti Patel because they consider her to be a security risk. #TrumpBritain
Concerning the briefings, the description is an "executive summary". Commonly used over many decades, but if it suits your conspiracy theory...
Posts: 20073
?Absolute Calamity!?
« Reply #9384 on: Monday, February 24, 2020, 07:21:52 » |
It's estimated that there are 8 million people who don't work.... that's the disabled, ill, pensioners, students, illegal immigrants and asylum seekers etc. The idea is to get them into work... not so much training for the job as training for the skills of working... like getting out of bed in the morning etc.
I’d suggest the majority of those 8 million are lazy arsed Brits. Get those into work and the money saved can go to increase the benefits of those that actually need them.
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #9385 on: Monday, February 24, 2020, 09:02:00 » |
Concerning the briefings, the description is an "executive summary". Commonly used over many decades, but if it suits your conspiracy theory...
There's summaries and summaries, other ministers, and previous PMs, were capable of consuming more in-depth briefings than Johnson, according to the civil servants leaking in the piece. It's hardly a conspiracy theory, or indeed even news come to that, that Johnson is massively lazy with a very low attention threshold. He was widely derided for it as Mayor of London, and was described as the laziest Foreign Secretary the FO had ever known when he held that office.
Not a Batch
Posts: 57297
« Reply #9387 on: Monday, February 24, 2020, 09:32:13 » |
Posts: 4851
A legitimate dude sighting
« Reply #9388 on: Monday, February 24, 2020, 09:49:53 » |
I’d suggest the majority of those 8 million are lazy arsed Brits. Get those into work and the money saved can go to increase the benefits of those that actually need them.
You've gone a bit Daily Mail there Audrey
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #9389 on: Monday, February 24, 2020, 09:55:19 » |
But its common knowledge that the stated unemployment figure is complete nonsense as one only has to work an hour a week to be considered 'in employment'. I understand the majority of the 8m are students, followed by those caring for family members. Just another sound bite for the groomed to grasp.