Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #9345 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 15:50:49 » |
The man who thinks it's OK to appoint racist eugenicists to a paid position advising the govt is very much still around and is running the country. I notice you ducked the question on that. So is that something you are OK with?
One advantage of living in these times is you learn something new everyday. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1229310805189054464.htmlTL/DR Cummings and Sabisky seem to like the idea but really have no idea what they are talking about.
« Last Edit: Monday, February 17, 2020, 15:55:16 by horlock07 »
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #9346 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 15:51:50 » |
I see GR doesn't post here too often. PaulD is sweaty and a naughty boy  Sweaty? Nah, I'm like Prince Andrew
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #9347 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 15:52:04 » |
I see GR doesn't post here too often. PaulD is sweaty and a naughty boy  How can you tell he is dsweaty, perhaps its something that can be bred out of him through eugenics
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #9348 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 15:55:11 » |
Not nearly as clever as they think they are, but just clever enough to be really dangerous.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #9349 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 15:55:50 » |
Not nearly as clever as they think they are, but just clever enough to be really dangerous.
Its just another dog whistle.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #9350 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 15:59:54 » |
That was definately my last game, honest
Posts: 23241
I can't bear it 🙄
« Reply #9351 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 16:07:37 » |
Ha, sweary. My phone is a pain in the arris
Posts: 90
« Reply #9352 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 16:09:20 » |
I'm Gosport Rob and I'll post when I want to....... quality not quantity! In my first post I reluctantly agreed that the critism of Cummings was justified. The point I was trying to make was Milne has a similar influence on Corbyn. I do not support racism in any form including anti semetism. I had hoped my point about special advisors would tweak a nerve. I confess I was at one time a labour supporter. I confess I was at one time a Liberal party supporter. I confess I am truly fucked up. I don't see any evidence that Stalinism, Leninism or Communism has provided wealth for many ordinary people. I don't think fascism is the answer although a lot of German and French voters seem to think it is!
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #9353 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 16:27:24 » |
I'm Gosport Rob and I'll post when I want to....... quality not quantity! In my first post I reluctantly agreed that the critism of Cummings was justified. The point I was trying to make was Milne has a similar influence on Corbyn. I do not support racism in any form including anti semetism. I had hoped my point about special advisors would tweak a nerve. I confess I was at one time a labour supporter. I confess I was at one time a Liberal party supporter. I confess I am truly fucked up. I don't see any evidence that Stalinism, Leninism or Communism has provided wealth for many ordinary people. I don't think fascism is the answer although a lot of German and French voters seem to think it is!
All of which is fascinating. But you still haven't answered whether you are happy with the govt you voted for using taxpayers' money to appoint a self-confessed eugenicist and racist as a paid advisor? And Johnson's refusal to comment on whether he shares these views? Surely that should be a pretty straightforward question for any normal decent person to answer (the question posed of Johnson, I mean)?
« Last Edit: Monday, February 17, 2020, 16:32:26 by pauld »
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #9354 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 16:27:59 » |
Ha, sweary. My phone is a pain in the arris
Probably a typo due to your sweary fingers 
Bob's Orange
Has brain escape barriers
Posts: 29537
« Reply #9355 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 16:36:08 » |
All of which is fascinating. But you still haven't answered whether you are happy with the govt you voted for using taxpayers' money to appoint a self-confessed eugenicist and racist as a paid advisor? And Johnson's refusal to comment on whether he shares these views? Surely that should be a pretty straightforward question for any normal decent person to answer (the question posed of Johnson, I mean)?
I think this line probably answers your question. "I confess I am truly fucked up."
we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise, the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #9356 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 17:18:07 » |
Posts: 90
« Reply #9357 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 17:37:09 » |
Ok one last time on this subject:-
What part of "I do not support racism of any kind" not answer your repeated question about Cummings/Boris?
Why did you not pick up on my mention of anti semetism?
Why did you not pick up on my "I agree with the critism of Cummings?
In my view it's not possible to live this life with one tunnel vision approach to politics. Every point of view will have strengths and weaknesses but the inability to accept when another viewpoint has merit leads to a shallow argument.
Is it acceptable to argue that every ill in this world leads directly to America (I know many of them do) without criticising leaders of left wing oligarchies?
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #9358 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 17:58:51 » |
Ok one last time on this subject:-
What part of "I do not support racism of any kind" not answer your repeated question about Cummings/Boris?
Good, so you think they're in the wrong and regret voting them into power. Great. Why did you not pick up on my mention of anti semetism?
Because you didn't make any mention of anti-sem itism. But for the record, I've repeatedly condemned Corbyn's failure to tackle it decisively and been attacked by Corbynites for doing so. Look back through the thread. Is it acceptable to argue that every ill in this world leads directly to America (I know many of them do) without criticising leaders of left wing oligarchies?
Nobody was talking about America. Irrelevant.
Not a Batch
Posts: 57297
« Reply #9359 on: Monday, February 17, 2020, 22:15:15 » |
Sabisky has gone