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Author Topic: Films films filmsy films.  (Read 1372496 times)

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« Reply #1035 on: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 16:22:52 »

The book is embellished isn't it?

Most recent film I watched was 'Into The Wild', directed by Sean Penn and starring an impressive Emile Hirsch.

I am a massive fan of Penn's recent work, movies such as '21 Grams', 'Mystic River', and 'The Assasination of Richard Nixon' were all superb, and a great run of films.

Haven't seen 'Milk' yet (Emile Hirsch is in that as well) but I shall endeavour to do so. I enjoy many of Gus Van Sant's movies, even if he is intentionally provocative at times.
have you seen the indian runner? it was penn's directorial debut. based on a springsteen song called highway patrolman which is from springsteen's best album, the delightful nebraska.
The Dude Abides

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« Reply #1036 on: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 17:51:44 »

have you seen the indian runner? it was penn's directorial debut. based on a springsteen song called highway patrolman which is from springsteen's best album, the delightful nebraska.

Haven't seen it, no. That would have been during his Madonna era.

Is it worth a watch?

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« Reply #1037 on: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 18:00:56 »

yeah, i think so - it's not a spectacularly memorable film but well worth a watch.

it seems to be expensive to buy though
Simon Pieman
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« Reply #1038 on: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 18:11:20 »

Mystic River is a really engrossing watch. I'd not heard much about it when I watched it and the blurb on the back of the dvd seemed a bit boring but it was anything but.
Rich Pullen

« Reply #1039 on: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 22:03:33 »

Went to an arts cinema last night and watched Charlie Chaplin's "The Kid" followed by a Serbian film called Život je čudo (Life is a Miracle).

The latter was a bit of a slog being just over 150 minutes long but was ultimately worth it.
Bogus Dave
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« Reply #1040 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 00:43:46 »

I just watched goodburger. Moo!

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« Reply #1041 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 12:42:54 »

I saw watchmen yesterday which is probably the worst film I've ever seen at the cinema. I thought about walking out after the first hour and wish I had but I thought it might get better. No interesting characters, schizophrenic plot that never goes anywhere and about 2 hours 40 minutes too long.

I was thinking of watching this but having now heard a couple of places its rubbish I won't bother spending money on the cinema. Will wait til its on DVD I think. Think one review said it captures none of the depth of character which is apparently in the graphic novel (I haven't read it).

Did anyone else watch that Hes the Man film on 4 last nigh?? How stupid was that?!? You have to laugh Soapy Tit Wank. ...and Vinnie Jones was in it!!!

Should've gone to Specsavers

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« Reply #1042 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 12:44:54 »

I'm either going to watch Saw 5 or Quarantine tonight. The former because I've just watched the first 4 and the latter because its got Dexter's oddly attractive sister in it.

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« Reply #1043 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 13:02:31 »

Has anyone seen Eden Lake?

I've got it but not watched it yet. Thought it sounded cool.
Simon Pieman
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« Reply #1044 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 13:38:58 »

Did anyone else watch that Hes the Man film on 4 last nigh?? How stupid was that?!? You have to laugh Soapy Tit Wank. ...and Vinnie Jones was in it!!!

That was amazingly bad.
Colin Todd

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« Reply #1045 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 14:20:42 »

I'm either going to watch Saw 5 or Quarantine tonight. The former because I've just watched the first 4 and the latter because its got Dexter's oddly attractive sister in it.

Have a word.  She looks like the singer from Kings of leon

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« Reply #1046 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 14:34:13 »

I watched 12 Monkeys yesterday, and thought it was thoroughly awful.

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« Reply #1047 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 15:28:32 »

What didn't you like about it?

Like Blade Runner I don't think I would have understood the plot completely if I hadn't read an explanation. Both films are very clever plot-wise, although Blade Runner has more depth.

Did you not think Brad Pitt was good in it? I think his character was pretty funny.

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Is this hospital called St. Croc of Shit?!

« Reply #1048 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 15:54:11 »

Brad Pitt's character (as well acted as it was) annoyed me. The film as a whole just didn't do a lot for me...

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« Reply #1049 on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 15:58:11 »

Ive been settling down with my inbetweeners DVD this weekend

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