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Author Topic: BNP  (Read 17244 times)

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« Reply #165 on: Friday, April 21, 2006, 22:51:16 »

thing with marx was he had some nice ideas but all the end results he predicted ended up being complete bollocks
Simon Pieman
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« Reply #166 on: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 02:18:26 »

Quote from: "dazzza"
Much prefer the work of Howard Marks myself.

Must admit the BNP do make me chuckle.  Take away the media hype and they are the equivalent ideals of a minibus full of Morris Dancers on a day-trip to Blackpool.

Their manifestos are pretty inoffensive .  Most people would be hard pushed reading through it to find anything in principal that they disagree with.  Alright the solutions raise a smirk with the simplicity and their ‘I’m not racist but I’m alright Jack *wink*’ approach but in an ironic twist of fate what was once the most extreme political party has become so middle of the road it makes New Labour’s Mondeo Man look like a naked Dutch lesbian sucking a cat off on her trike.

The BNP been around for years in one guise or another and will continue to do so many more.  They’re nowhere near as extreme or as offensive as they once were, take away the hoo-haa and they’re the equivalent to earth in the Hitchhikers.  If you wanted the non-offensive British equivalent to your racier European models the BNP are the Austin Maestro of political parties.

Yes they attract an ‘element’ but as my old Nan used to say ‘at least it keeps the kids off the streets’.   I’d rather read/listen/watch some monkey in a suit try and play at politics than have him on the Streets taking things into his own hands.

Yes they talk claptrap and add two and two together to make six but what political party doesn’t?   Take away the media publicity and the only people to ever bother listening will be a half empty town hall in Bury on a Wednesday night.  

If people really buy into and believe in it all look no further than your Morris dancer on his day-trip to Blackpool.  Unfathomable but it exists and while they’re not hurting anyone let them get on with it and the rest of us can point and laugh at the beardy men with their sticks.

Beats the skin heads with their baseball bats any day of the week.

Now where’s my McArtney gone?

Ebony and Ivory……..

It's precisely that view that could see them take more seats in the future. I'm not saying you would vote for the (or maybe you would) but if people don't see them as much of a threat the vote to put pressure on other parties could get them more seats.
Simon Pieman
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« Reply #167 on: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 02:19:54 »

Quote from: "pauld"
Quote from: "SwindonStevo"
to be honest i cant even be bothered to carry on this argument so unless someone says something completely outrageous and i just cant help myself this will be my last post.

Fair play Stevo, you've stood up for yourself despite taking flak from all sides. Partly I think because you misrepresented your own position to some extent

the basis of it all is that im not a racist....but im pissed off with the state of this country.

Aren't we all?

the reason i vote bnp is so hopefully they can have a say and change afew things for the better.

And that's where the problem is - voting BNP can only make things significantly worse. "Tactical voting" just doesn't apply to scum that far off the scale - would you "tactically vote" for al-Qaeda? No chance, because you'd never want to give them the slightest encouragement. So how are the Nazis any better? OK, you say you don't think they'll get into power, but every vote for them, tactical or not, encourages them in their vile views, spreads fear in ethnic communities, and massively increases racial tension. Bottom line, Stevo, like I said earlier is if you don't want a Nazi government don't fucking vote for one.

Yeah I thought he meant a bit more than what he did.

« Reply #168 on: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 21:12:34 »

Quote from: "dave_m_russell"
Quote from: "sonicyouth"
xbennettx- V for Vendetta says:
london blacks are just scum mate

2 "london blacks" hacked a bloke to pieces and set their dogs on a bloke today.

Yeah? And two "London Whites" have just been arrested for being part of a gang of 15 that dragged an Asian bloke from his car and kicked him to death.

What exactly does any of that prove? I tell you now for every crime you come up with with a black protaganist I can list 50 committed by white people.

It means FUCK ALL.

Are you to blame for the actions of the Yorkshire Ripper because he happens to also be white?

No, i didn't think so.

« Reply #169 on: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 22:23:28 »

im not saying this to prove im not racist or anything as i dont really have to prove anything to anyone - i know myself.

that quote about london blacks is outrageous. i dont think colour is the issue....if were going to be in the slightest bit racist here lets make it to londoners (and im not even doing that) cause i think the problem is the place not the colour.

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« Reply #170 on: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 22:39:28 »

Quote from: "simon pieman"
Quote from: "dazzza"
Much prefer the work of Howard Marks myself.

Must admit the BNP do make me chuckle.  Take away the media hype and they are the equivalent ideals of a minibus full of Morris Dancers on a day-trip to Blackpool.

Their manifestos are pretty inoffensive .  Most people would be hard pushed reading through it to find anything in principal that they disagree with.  Alright the solutions raise a smirk with the simplicity and their ‘I’m not racist but I’m alright Jack *wink*’ approach but in an ironic twist of fate what was once the most extreme political party has become so middle of the road it makes New Labour’s Mondeo Man look like a naked Dutch lesbian sucking a cat off on her trike.

The BNP been around for years in one guise or another and will continue to do so many more.  They’re nowhere near as extreme or as offensive as they once were, take away the hoo-haa and they’re the equivalent to earth in the Hitchhikers.  If you wanted the non-offensive British equivalent to your racier European models the BNP are the Austin Maestro of political parties.

Yes they attract an ‘element’ but as my old Nan used to say ‘at least it keeps the kids off the streets’.   I’d rather read/listen/watch some monkey in a suit try and play at politics than have him on the Streets taking things into his own hands.

Yes they talk claptrap and add two and two together to make six but what political party doesn’t?   Take away the media publicity and the only people to ever bother listening will be a half empty town hall in Bury on a Wednesday night.  

If people really buy into and believe in it all look no further than your Morris dancer on his day-trip to Blackpool.  Unfathomable but it exists and while they’re not hurting anyone let them get on with it and the rest of us can point and laugh at the beardy men with their sticks.

Beats the skin heads with their baseball bats any day of the week.

Now where’s my McArtney gone?

Ebony and Ivory……..

It's precisely that view that could see them take more seats in the future. I'm not saying you would vote for the (or maybe you would) but if people don't see them as much of a threat the vote to put pressure on other parties could get them more seats.

Give me some credit Si  Cheesy

What they’re preaching may be in some respects thinly veiled stuff but on the surface it’s very much Morris Dancers on Blackpool beach.

It’s the hoo-haa in the media that gives them the voice and the exposure that leads to voters using them as a lever on the Government and other parties.

Had they been left to get on with spouting their drivel and not been the centre of the media circus they wouldn’t have a fraction of the backing they have now and more than likely gone the same way as UKIP.

Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #171 on: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 23:46:22 »

Dazza, you're being naive. I'm pretty sure Hitler's manifesto in the 1933 elections didn't mention gas chambers - everyone should know what the BNP stands for, they're racist thugs from top to bottom, and the fact they've tried to dress it up by squeezing a few of them into suits and putting out a bland manifesto is neither here nor there.
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« Reply #172 on: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 23:55:02 »

Quote from: "SwindonStevo"
im not saying this to prove im not racist or anything as i dont really have to prove anything to anyone - i know myself.

that quote about london blacks is outrageous. i dont think colour is the issue....if were going to be in the slightest bit racist here lets make it to londoners (and im not even doing that) cause i think the problem is the place not the colour.

i made a close to the bone joke on msn, i've since clarified.

you'll never convict me

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And this is the well.
Drink full and descend.
The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

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« Reply #173 on: Sunday, April 23, 2006, 00:05:26 »

My point is though Paul they may be racist thugs and have an agenda and I’m not saying they should be left to get on with it, far from it.  But all of the time, hype and attention given to ridiculous policies like the 'one school meal for all' are absurd.

Yes it’s aimed right at religious groups who can’t eat your bangers and mash and what not, but unless they say as much directly why give them the airtime?  All it does is lead to more publicity and more support from the aggravated.

Calling them the root of all evil plays right into their hands,  If they want to play at flag waving politics treat it as the drivel it is and pull them up when it counts and then make them look like the bunch of inarticulate monkeys they are.

Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #174 on: Sunday, April 23, 2006, 00:30:02 »

OK, I see your point, but it's like not cleaning up that dirty corner of your kitchen - leave it to quietly fester and pretty soon you'll be overrun with rats. Wherever the BNP go, violence and intimidation follows and more often than not race riots (Oldham a couple of years back, Bradford late 80s etc etc). They might be inarticulate monkeys, but they also have a fair amount of dangerous psychos attached to them who if allowed to breed will attract other inarticulate dangerous psycho monkeys to their banner and that is how they grow. They're currently trying to break out of the bovver boy ghetto by appearing to be (to paraphrase) no more offensive than Morris Dancers, and it seems to be working to some extent - it's fooled those who started this thread and have argued the "I'm not racist but...." line in this thread hasn't it? The BNP are shitheads and should be exposed as such at every opportunity.

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« Reply #175 on: Sunday, April 23, 2006, 01:14:24 »

Fully agree chief, but I've seen more grief caused over the past couple of years by the unnecessary exposure the BNP have been given than they would have ever got by preaching in village halls

I’m not saying they should be left to fester at all.  But those being swayed possibly like the posters at the start of this thread would in all likelihood not given a rats arse had the BNP not been given the opportunity to play the ‘I’m not racist I’m British and standing up for Britain’ card to such an extent in the mainstream media.

On the flip side I’ve seen friends and colleagues who had always learnt to deal with the handful of idiots with a loose tongue become increasingly edgy over the rubbish printed in the press.  There are those not far off taking things into their own hands and some that already have done and will do again.

All of the dread being dirged up is simply opening a divide that plays into both extreme’s hands.


« Reply #176 on: Sunday, April 23, 2006, 10:21:49 »

Everyone stop talking shit about the fucking BNP.

They are no marks end of.
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