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 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 09:11:38 
Started by Power to people - Last post by Peter Venkman
Sure the club said last season they were going to put some display cases and cabinets in the concourses!
Apparently Dick has literally hundreds of items of interest that were basically being thrown out by the club in the 80s that he grabbed hold of and kept safe.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 09:10:28 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Bob1978
He must be half decent then

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 09:04:37 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by tans
He’s gone to Stevenage now

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 08:52:54 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR
Tyreece was far too nice in my opinion. He should have used his rugby player physique to far greater effect to make life miserable for defenders. He didn't do that at all and I thought he should have been better in the air as well for his size. Not a bad player by any means but a lot of room for improvement with the right coaching...

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 08:19:17 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by DV
Simpsons was probably a bit rawer than Davison was but had a higher ceiling.

I liked Davison but kinda felt he was at the ceiling with us. I could see him carving out a good L2 career but couldn’t envision him going much higher - maybe L1 at a push.

Where as I looked at Simpson and thought he’s got the potential attributes to make it at least in the Championship.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 08:02:10 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Bob's Orange
I think maybe that because Simpson was absolutely atrocious in the air it counted against him with some fans. We certainly played more to his strengths and he seemed to be getting better and better before his recall.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 07:57:01 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Riddick
Harsh, thought he was a lot better than Davison

I think Davison was better in the air, but that Simpson had the better potential.

Huddersfield buying him on the back of that season was a gamble on that potential. Even if its never realized he was decent in league 2 then and can only of got better with experience.

I just think we need someone with some pace up top as an option and this kid has potential as well.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 07:51:52 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Bob's Orange
(Taking these stats from Wiki so they may not be correct) Tyrese scored 11 in 30 in all comps that season. Granted it was in an upwardly mobile team and he formed a lovely partnership with H. Their performance at Crewe in the FA Cup sticks in the memory. I thought he was pretty raw but was definitely an asset. I wonder because of his baulk and frame etc, 'traditional' football coaching may actually make him worse, hence why it hasn't really worked out at Huddersfield.

I'd have him back. I reckon Peterborough may have a go, 22 year old striker, they are the kind of club that turns these guys into goal scoring machines.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 07:45:25 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by iParadise
Harsh, thought he was a lot better than Davison

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 06:33:23 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Pericardinho
All the gear and no idea.

I thought he was crap.

Powerful yes. But had no idea how to use it really.

He was very fortunate to get a starting gig for an EFL side at the time as we were desperate.

Had a creative midfield behind him, but imo was no better than Davison.

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