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 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:42:05 
Started by Bob's Orange - Last post by Legends-Lounge
This looks like it might be a bit of pre-season amusement.


 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:41:43 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by UTR
The whole Kahn to Chesterfield thing has gone very quiet too. I guess if that move is off, the Bostock deal is unlikely to happen? I can't imagine there's room for both in the midfield.

I’m not sure, you’d like to think there would be room. If we’re going to play with 2 deeper midfielders and 1 further forward then Ofoborh, Clarke, Khan and Bostock is the sufficient experienced options you’d expect in that area, 2 for each position and the 4 of them cover a range of roles (Ofoborh more destroyer, Bostock more possession based from deep, Clarke and Khan box to box) and all a range of energy.

Cains the one I’d let go to allow another first team quality CAM to compete with McGurk.

Although all of that is applied to a squad being built to challenge for promotion like they’ve claimed, if that’s not true and we’re going to middle again then it doesn’t matter.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:41:11 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Riddick
The whole Kahn to Chesterfield thing has gone very quiet too. I guess if that move is off, the Bostock deal is unlikely to happen? I can't imagine there's room for both in the midfield.

Kind of should be though right? 2 players per position. If we say Cain and +1 as the more creative spot in the midfield three. Then we need 4 players for the other 2 positions. Thats Clarke, Ofoborh, khan and +1 right? I guess we have Dworzak, Mitchell and Brown, but i dont know what to think about those 3.

Dworzak was not close last year. Mitchell i have no idea about. Brown you would expect to go out on loan right?

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:37:43 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Batch
Yeah can't disagree with that really.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:35:47 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by iParadise
The whole Kahn to Chesterfield thing has gone very quiet too. I guess if that move is off, the Bostock deal is unlikely to happen? I can't imagine there's room for both in the midfield.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:35:16 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Nemo
It definitely started better than usual, it's just got bogged down a bit since.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:33:18 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Riddick
Is it better than usual?

I guess we got players in a bit quicker and they have experience of the league. But then we needed more players than this time last year.

SM does at least seem to think there is a genuine willingness to change from the club.

But it hasn't really (to my eyes).

Well we brought in more players earlier than last year. The players we have brought in have more experience and physicality. I was just thinking of that element as being better.

But nothing in the last 2 weeks.

Lack of spark as Joe Acklam in Adver identifies, and a light squad (same as last year) remain worries.

I would like Hawes to press Kennedy on Sunday (post Eastleigh) as Kennedy said lets chat in 10 days ref transfers, and then repeated that to Shawn 10 days later. So at this point some more details are needed. They don't need to tell us everything, but its about managing expectations and bringing the fan base along with you.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:29:04 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Batch
Is it better than usual?

I guess we got players in a bit quicker and they have experience of the league. But then we needed more players than this time last year.

SM does at least seem to think there is a genuine willingness to change from the club.

But it hasn't really (to my eyes).

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:18:28 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Riddick
It becomes more clear next week i guess. I assume its not just Sam meeting Russell on Monday, and is another round of media items? There is the fan event with Russell and Kennedy as well right? So i guess we may get some more idea of whats the plan.

I think we need to have a little more faith based on work to date being better than usual, but yeah the fear is still there.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:13:14 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Batch
I didn't read that as Sam hinting itk, more that at a normal club you either get the deal done quickly or the player looks for other options.

It's certainly not panic stations, but it does make you wonder if (ab)normal service is resumed. And you do wonder if they are viewing the likes of Hart and brown as first team squad ready and included in numbers.

 But that's crazy and I don't think that will be the case. Then I remembered we still owe the ambulance service money so..

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