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 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 21:38:02 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Boydy
Wouldn't surprise me if we see Johnston go out on loan?

I don't think they'll risk it with Hall & Delaney's histories. Maybe in the 2nd half of the season if he's not played much but not before then.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 21:32:17 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by iParadise
Wouldn't surprise me if we see Johnston go out on loan?

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 20:34:09 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by UTR
CB slots finished then, overall seems better than last year but a lot hinges on Delaney and Hall being on the pitch. Thought we might see Johnson break out a bit this season with that in mind as the left sided CB but this new lad seems to be of similar type.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 19:46:49 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Anonymous77
Sheff United seem suprised he’s not gone to League One. Signed a new two year deal with them last week.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 19:46:17 
Started by Bob's Orange - Last post by Leggett
... more features for the club's concrete nightmare Doncentration Camp proposal

I do like the idea of a statue in his seat. Almost certainly a logistical nightmare though!

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 19:23:14 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Posh Red
Looks like he can play CB or LB so will add some depth in both positions.
Not sure he’s a LWB though

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 19:23:02 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Audrey
Have we ever had so many giants? We should score a bundle from corners/free kicks/long throws.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 18:29:48 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Processed Beats
Another left sided defender. Makes sense for him to step up I guess.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 18:27:22 
Started by Don Rogers Shop - Last post by Nemo
Well that one didn't leak at all, fair play.

More Miguels at STFC please, I liked Comminges.

Hopefully a sensible depth move and not a sign that Delaney is more injured than they're letting on.

 on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 18:22:22 
Started by Bob's Orange - Last post by Legends-Lounge
Nice touch.

I've no problem with it being a year but something more permanent after would be nice. Even if it's naming a hospitality suite or something.

Anyone seen any plans for what they are doing in the leg ends lounge?

Bust, next to the DR bust. Coming in a decade or three.

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