25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 06:57:20

Title: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 06:57:20
If Power actually gives a flying one about our L1 position, last night’s horror show should be the final nail in Sheridactyl’s managerial coffin. He’s only got 2 months left on his contract so finance shouldn’t be a consideration.

Most have accepted relegation after witnessing the dire performances week in week out - Mildenhall/Alan Mac couldn’t do any worse.

Hoofball has been labelled as one dimensional football. Well, the shite Sheridactyl is promoting must be non dimensional. He has an uncanny knack of making every player worse.

Got to feel sorry for the players who get a lot of stick purely by dint of being the physical manifestation of the Gruesome Twosome managerial duo.

Payne and Palmer, especially, are being asked to play in a way totally unsuited to their abilities.

Sheridactyl is a cowardly twat.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: welshred on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 07:05:24
If he was going to be sacked before the end of the season he would have been by now. For whatever reason, Power doesn’t want to/can’t sack him. Season is over.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: DV on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 07:07:02

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: tans on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 07:47:11
He wont be going anywhere, purely because the owner doesnt give a fuck.

‘But Shaunnn, i saved the club blah blah blah’

Fuck off

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 08:02:33
He ain't going anywhere. This slide is terminal unless Power goes.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Cowley38 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 08:04:36
He wont be going anywhere, purely because the owner doesnt give a fuck.

‘But Shaunnn, i saved the club blah blah blah’

Fuck off

Power has already gone..... In his mind...

He does not care what happens to the club or what league it's in..

Begs the question why Sheridan is still here though, the liklihood of him getting another management job after his performance and attitude here is minimal...

Why he hasn't tried to protect his career by leaving I don't understand...

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 08:15:21
Power has already gone..... In his mind...

He does not care what happens to the club or what league it's in..

Begs the question why Sheridan is still here though, the liklihood of him getting another management job after his performance and attitude here is minimal...

Why he hasn't tried to protect his career by leaving I don't understand...

He could have left ages ago and blamed his shortcomings on a lack of support from the chairman. If I was an outsider looking in, I'd struggle to come up with a solitary reason for Sheridan still being employed, its really weird. Maybe he's already decided to jack in this management lark after he's finally graced us with his exit.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: china red on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 08:16:35
The owner absolutely gives a fuck.....about his pay day.  Sheridan won’t walk, he’s getting paid and no one else is going to take him off our hands.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 08:19:44
It's never.........  as long as Power is here.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 08:22:58
As has already been said; poor performances are one thing, but his attitude is appalling.
If he is sacked, I'd expect to see Curran to be put in charge until the end of time the season

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: adje on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 08:51:12
It must be comforting to know that however badly you perform you know your job is secure. A privilege few of us will never know

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 08:52:39
It must be comforting to know that however badly you perform you know your job is secure. A privelige few of us will never know
About as safe as an MP.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 09:00:02
I've gone from accepting the inevitable yesterday to anger today

Not even got the outlet of the county ground to vent it.

social media ranting detox it is

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 09:16:44
I'm looking to the long term.

It's quite clear we're coming to the end of the Power era, one way or another. There's no way to be sure how it will go, but it could be rather good.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: tans on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 09:22:04
I think the club have forgotten yesterday even happened, they havent even done a match report on the website :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: stfcjack on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 09:27:03
The power situation needs to start getting some national attention IMO.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 09:27:17
I think the club have forgotten yesterday even happened, they havent even done a match report on the website :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

I think that's probably for the best.

Don't expect him to go, but would be perfectly happy to give it to Peacock or Mildenhall or anyone else around the club who is less of an obvious bellend until the end of the season. No point Power doing a long term appointment.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Super Hans on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 09:31:50
Woken up in a terrible mood! Idiot owner, disgraceful manager. Fans suffer.

Have thought about taking a step back and blanking STFC until things change but as supporters we'll always be there.

Just remember Power will be gone in a year or so - Kassam will always have a stranglehold on OUFC!

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 09:42:23
The power situation needs to start getting some national attention IMO.

But from a cold-hearted, neutral POV what is there to report? Club struggling during a pandemic but owner has them limping on, and the fans don't like the manager. Some sort of court case that can't really be reported on and can't be stood up because no one is talking. That's it.

EDIT: Maybe the Curran angle, but again, there's no way you can stand that up.

There is no story there. No one outside the small community of Town fans would find that remotely interesting.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 09:44:17
I'm really fed up with this club, yet again it's all about the boardroom. Been like that for donkeys years.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 09:57:30
The adver being banned from asking questions has been picked up by Henry Winter - hopefully a bit of national coverage will put some pressure on.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:00:47
I think that's probably for the best.

Don't expect him to go, but would be perfectly happy to give it to Peacock or Mildenhall or anyone else around the club who is less of an obvious bellend until the end of the season. No point Power doing a long term appointment.

I'm finding the way we've gone about playing football from the slick, pressing, passing game under Wellens to this absolute non-football hot potato type tactic really unpalatable. And if fans don't like it, what must the players think? You've got decent midfielders in Palmer and Payne who are totally unsuitable for this type of football. You could argue that our pitch is too bad to play a more posession based game, but Oxford managed it perfectly well last night, other sides have also come and passed the ball and looked more than competent. (probably as we play so horribly)

I agree that we should get rid of Sheridan, get one of the coaches from internal, change the style of play to something far more suited to the playing staff and give staying in league 1 a good go. At the moment its all a big waste of time for everyone.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Trashbat? on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:01:27
If fans were in stadiums Sheridan would have gone weeks ago, as I have no doubt there would have been protests and an unbearably toxic atmosphere.

The story in our current plight is how fans have no voice during this pandemic.

Other than shouting on social media there really is nothing at all we can do to get him out. It is the most helpless I have ever felt as a Town fan.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: JoeMezz on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:04:04
I think the club have forgotten yesterday even happened, they havent even done a match report on the website :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Writing club statement on the manager leaving?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: michael on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:09:34
Someone said he only has 2 months left on his contract, is that true??

Also something else I must have missed, what is all this stuff about a fight?!?!

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: DV on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:17:57
If fans were in stadiums Sheridan would have gone weeks ago, as I have no doubt there would have been protests and an unbearably toxic atmosphere.

The story in our current plight is how fans have no voice during this pandemic.

Other than shouting on social media there really is nothing at all we can do to get him out. It is the most helpless I have ever felt as a Town fan.

Even with crowds he wouldn’t have gone.
If the fans are turning up to rant about him - then they are still turning up thus paying

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:19:46
I know it probably wouldn’t make any difference what so ever - but I’d like to see some kind of joint statement from the Trust and Supporters Club asking for him to resign/be removed.
Almost as an official voice from the fans, as nothing else is working.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: JoeMezz on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:22:08
Someone said he only has 2 months left on his contract, is that true??

Also something else I must have missed, what is all this stuff about a fight?!?!

Contract up in May. Surely would only cost about 15k to remove him?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:23:16
Even with crowds he wouldn’t have gone.
If the fans are turning up to rant about him - then they are still turning up thus paying

This is it, under the present situation the only real thing the fans can do is not pay for the games online but then again most season ticket holders have paid already.

The only thing that's going to sort the crap with the club is Power and Standing sorting themselves out, as it stands they both have a depreciating asset, Power managed to keep the plates spinning for so long but has been royally rumbled by Standing, Clem and the general public though the court revelations.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:25:21
Sheridan is lucky there are no fans in the stadium, I would genuinely fear for his safety if there were Swindon fans there last night.

What he did was a disgrace and the players let him know that, banning the Adver as well, that shows the contempt the club has towards the fans desperate for news and the media, who Power has never liked anyway, he wants his cake and eat it when it comes down to the press, he will probably ban Hawes and Hartley next just to add to it.

Yesterday was a pathetic excuse for a derby performance, yes I know the derby is all about the fans but the Pox players gave a shit we didn't until Grant came on.

Its fairly common knowledge I think that we have a few interested prospective new owners so just fuck off now Power and save us all the embarressement of having this idiot in charge any longer.

Its obvious Power won't get rid of Sheridan as he loves him and its obvious Sheridan is too pig headed to walk and thus stopping his guaranteed monthly pay cheque, why would he resign? he has no face to ave as he knows he wont get another gig on the back of this tenure.

Power goes then Sheridactyl goes, until then we will have to endure this shit week in week out.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: JoeMezz on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:29:13
Sheridan is lucky there are no fans in the stadium, I would genuinely fear for his safety if there were Swindon fans there last night.

Watched the game with the old man last night and we said that Sheridan is the manager for an empty stadium. No way fans would have taken to that performance at all

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:31:15
Sheridan is lucky there are no fans in the stadium, I would genuinely fear for his safety if there were Swindon fans there last night.

What he did was a disgrace and the players let him know that, banning the Adver as well, that shows the contempt the club has towards the fans desperate for news and the media, who Power has never liked anyway, he wants his cake and eat it when it comes down to the press, he will probably ban Hawes and Hartley next just to add to it.

Yesterday was a pathetic excuse for a derby performance, yes I know the derby is all about the fans but the Pox players gave a shit we didn't until Grant came on.

Its fairly common knowledge I think that we have a few interested prospective new owners so just fuck off now Power and save us all the embarressement of having this idiot in charge any longer.

Its obvious Power won't get rid of Sheridan as he loves him and its obvious Sheridan is too pig headed to walk and thus stopping his guaranteed monthly pay cheque, why would he resign? he has no face to ave as he knows he wont get another gig on the back of this tenure.

Power goes then Sheridactyl goes, until then we will have to endure this shit week in week out.

Sadly I cannot see Power going until the whole Standing shit show comes to a conclusion*, add to that whilst the houses application which will make him a tidy few quid has passed committee, it still doesn't seem to have a Decision Notice so I imagine Power will try and stick around for that to maintain at least the illusion that the houses will pay for the training ground.

WRT prospective purchasers does anyone have any firm ideas who they are and probably as importantly whether they have a pot to piss in or are just 'music promoters'?

* Albeit I am not sure what he hopes to achieve really, the Court seems to accept that 50% of the club is held in Trust for someone who isn't Power (Standing says its him, Power suggests its Gary Barry) so it seems fairly well established that Power owes someone a fortune, I assume he is just dragging it out trying to muddy the waters and hoping something will happen. The fact that Standing seems to be throwing a lot more at the legals than Power does suggests to me, from experience, that he thinks he is unlikely to be covering all his legal costs!

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:32:05
Watched the game with the old man last night and we said that Sheridan is the manager for an empty stadium. No way fans would have taken to that performance at all

Probably the only bright spot was losing the derby in an empty stadium. At least we didn't have to hear their fans celebrating

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:42:30
Maybe getting relegated and disenfranchising the fan base are all part of Power’s plan to reduce the club’s worth, thereby the less he has to pay Standing.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:46:05
Maybe getting relegated and disenfranchising the fan base are all part of Power’s plan to reduce the club’s worth, thereby the less he has to pay Standing.

Can you imagine if we get relegated and any change of ownership doesn't happen? Our ST sales will be at an all time low, which is staggering given people haven't been to be able to see an STFC game live in over a year.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jimbob on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:49:30
Sheridan has a gambling debt with power. Why did Sheridan claim when he first came here that he didn’t know power? Didn’t he manage Waterford for him? Sauce is a mate of a mate of a mate etc that knows power. Seems feasible maybe 🤷‍♂️

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:50:51
Seems a weird way of paying him back

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Crackity Jones on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:55:07
Sheridan has a gambling debt with power. Why did Sheridan claim when he first came here that he didn’t know power? Didn’t he manage Waterford for him? Sauce is a mate of a mate of a mate etc that knows power. Seems feasible maybe 🤷‍♂️
This is my favourite conspiracy theory so far

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: DV on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:55:11
Wouldn’t it have to be the other way round?
Power has a gambling debt to Sheridan and is paying him back via a wage?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jimbob on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:56:36
Wouldn’t it have to be the other way round?
Power has a gambling debt to Sheridan and is paying him back via a wage?

Sheridan effectively working for nowt paying power back

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: THE FLASH on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:56:44
Strange season..

Would of been forced out by the fans by now.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jimbob on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:57:23
This is my favourite conspiracy theory so far

What you got then CJ??

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:00:13
Sheridan effectively working for nowt paying power back

But Power could give the job to somebody like Mildenhall instead. No extra wages and Sheridan will still owe him.

Not thought this one through much, have you?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:03:34
But Sheridan could give the job to somebody like Mildenhall instead. No extra wages and Sheridan will still owe him.

Not thought this one through much, have you?

Fuck me Sheridan is appointing the managers no wonder he isn't getting the elbow  ;) :D ;)

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jimbob on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:04:43
But Sheridan could give the job to somebody like Mildenhall instead. No extra wages and Sheridan will still owe him.

Not thought this one through much, have you?

More talking about how he was initially appointed tbh

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jimbob on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:05:00
Fuck me Sheridan is appointing the managers no wonder he isn't getting the elbow  ;) :D ;)


Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:08:00
Fuck me Sheridan is appointing the managers no wonder he isn't getting the elbow  ;) :D ;)



Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:08:30
More talking about how he was initially appointed tbh

Which would still make zero sense.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jimbob on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:12:41
Which would still make zero sense.


Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:14:24

How would it benefit Power when he could just give the job to an existing member of staff instead?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jimbob on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:20:13
Because his time was up with Wigan and he was available and had already managed Waterford? After wellens, and the fact that 5 months were still left of the season, he was never going to put someone from the back room in charge so opted for some failed journeyman manager who owed him?

Of course might be complete bullshit but this is Power and someone who has been brought in that doesn’t really seem to give a fuck?? Probably got a wager on somewhere too that we get relegated. Power is a crook end of.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:23:59
You are still making no sense.

I'll leave you to it.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: DV on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:36:46
Sheridan effectively working for nowt paying power back

That doesn’t even make sense.
Power could have just put Mildy in charge for no extra cost and then Sheridan would still owe him money.

This way Power is basically writing off Sheridans debt for no return.


Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: michael on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:39:37
It also assumes that Power would be paying Sheridan personally (or, as the rumour goes, not paying), as opposed to the club.

Despite the clear and obvious flaws, I do quite like it as a rumour.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: DV on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:41:32
I prefer it the other way round.

Sheridan has some major dirt on Power which is why he’s managed both us and Waterford

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jimbob on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:41:46
That doesn’t even make sense.
Power could have just put Mildy in charge for no extra cost and then Sheridan would still owe him money.

This way Power is basically writing off Sheridans debt for no return.


Whilst mildy might well seem a good option now, how would that have been received at the time?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: DV on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:42:12
Whilst mildy might well seem a good option now, how would that have been received at the time?

Better than Sheridan.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:04:09
I prefer it the other way round.

Sheridan has some major dirt on Power which is why he’s managed both us and Waterford

This would make more sense

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:16:04
This would make more sense

It would, cannot be arsed to look but do Power and Sheridan overlap at any stage in their playing careers to explain the relationship?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:19:18
It would, cannot be arsed to look but do Power and Sheridan overlap at any stage in their playing careers to explain the relationship?
They were both in or around the Eire squad in the early 90s, power making the B team with Shez in the A team.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:28:41
Isn't Paul Jewell the connection between Power and Sheridan. Jewell was helping Wellens at Oldham around the time of one of Sheridan's spells there.

I suspect Jewell recommended Sheridan for the Waterford job and he took that probably on the proviso that Sheridan could jump back into the EFL like when the Wigan job came up.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Power to people on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:41:28
Jewell also has a lot to answer for he is supposed to be DoF but hides away and never speaks to the press or puts his head above the parapet.

Anyone know how long Wright & Mildenhall have left on contracts ?

When we are relegated Sheridan will go, he will be asked his opinion on contracts who stays and who goes, due diligence will be completed for a new manager inviting applications, this will take time, thus saving more money close season.

New manager appointed and he needs to take time looking at existing squad to work out what is required, there will be no pre-season organised so will play local non league sides mostly.

Other L2 teams will have jump on us with new players

New manager will be appointed, will be given a lower L2 budget we will struggle to attract decent players

Scot Twine will be sold with no money going to manager, Power will need it for his court case

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:56:33
I feel sorry for Mildy. Had a nice hands on job was learning and doing well and now resigned to being slumped in the corner listening to those 2 old cunts

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Riddick on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 13:50:10
Interesting article about Barnsley.

Oh to be a club with a plan. Though Barnsley once a passing team like us have adapted to a different way of playing with younger players to get results.

I always feel like too many teams try to do the same thing.

Makes the way Sheridan has us playing look just ridiculous as well. Why do more teams with lower budgets not adjust to play this way? To think how good our press under Wellens was to this shit we have now. So sad.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 16:46:49
Interesting article about Barnsley.

Oh to be a club with a plan. Though Barnsley once a passing team like us have adapted to a different way of playing with younger players to get results.

I always feel like too many teams try to do the same thing.

Makes the way Sheridan has us playing look just ridiculous as well. Why do more teams with lower budgets not adjust to play this way? To think how good our press under Wellens was to this shit we have now. So sad.

Barnsley are playing some suoerb football and are the form team in the championship and we're also unlucky getting beat by Chelsea in the FA Cup

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 17:18:31
Am I misremembering or was there a similar Adver ban a few years ago? And if so was it Mcrawwwry or Power?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: tans on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 17:19:28
Fitton time wasnt it? Didnt they use Subbuteo for the match reports

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 17:21:15
That was very early Power right? Hence Morshead's ongoing (and I suspect not unfair) emnity.

Title: It’s now or never
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 17:38:59
no, Southampton were the ones that banned photographers, which led to subbuteo

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Frigby Daser on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 18:14:26
Just listened to Jonny Leighfield’s clip on the Adver site with Sheridan after Accrington.

Fair play to Leighfield. Sheridan - what a dick. A prize dick.

His lack of care and professionalism almost match his lack of ability. I also feel for all of those at the club who worked tirelessly last year to create the buzz on and off the pitch, watching the house they built being burned down. Danny Lee, the social media lot, etc. It’s really a sad tale. What’s happening on the pitch (if you can still call it that) is the product of an abysmally managed business desperately in need of TLC.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: JoeMezz on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 19:02:51
Just been listening to the Tommy wright interview last night - just because Broadbent is 6 foot 5, doesn’t mean that he is strong mentally. The view that he’s a man and can take that is as ancient as their football philosophies. I hope the two players haven’t taken it too personally, could really be career threatening what happened last night and I hope they just realise the decision was made by two people with no clue.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 19:03:53
I believe there was some mention of Emmental by Jonny before the clip that incensed Sheridaneratops as he hates anything swiss and is very dairy intolerant.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 22:56:14
If any of you really, really want the Power regime to end, don’t spend any money at the club. Starve the serpent of the oxygen that it thrives on, money. Let’s face it, we’re down and even a L2 club needs money, clearly Poundland Power doesn’t have any and the vultures are circling anything spent at the club prolongs the slow agonising death spiral of the serpent.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 23:01:28
Don't think there will be many paying for ifollow this Saturday,  my tenners staying in my pocket for sure.  Don't think I will be the only one.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 23:08:03
Don't think there will be many paying for ifollow this Saturday,  my tenners staying in my pocket for sure.  Don't think I will be the only one.

Ditto. TBF I doubt I’ll bother for the rest of the season, it’s not as if my screaming and shouting can be heard at the theatre of despair. As for next season, well that depends.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 23:28:52
Ditto. TBF I doubt I’ll bother for the rest of the season, it’s not as if my screaming and shouting can be heard at the theatre of despair. As for next season, well that depends.
The trouble is that after a few shit games we say this,   we then get a couple of results (deserved or not),  possible light at the end of the tunnel and we just can't stay away !!!!.  It's the hope that kills us !!.   We've thrown away our 'free hits' and now can't even win the games we were predicting as 'wins',  yet a couple of results and everything looks rosey again, next couple of games will be good pointers but I think  we've already thrown our last dice with this pair of pricks,  as said, I won't be contributing to Powers pockets.   It's all in the life of a Swindon fan, we all know we will be back once the gates reopen, no matter what division we are in, hopefully with new management/owners.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 06:30:13
The thing that worries me most about this week, other than the absolutely awful performance against Oxford and the embarrassing interview from Wright plus the ridiculous press release about the Adver, is the fact that Rovers dispatched Accrington with apparent ease. We made them look like Brazil at our place and a difficult side to beat at theirs. Rovers ripped their defence apart and kept shooting at their dodgy keeper - and won 4-1.

Our league of 8 has reduced to a league of 7 with Shrews having escaped. Burton seem to have done the same making it 6. If Rovers can win a game 4-1, and have games in hand, does that mean we are down to a league of 5?

As for the title of the thread - I think we all know its going to be 'never'.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 07:02:36
It’s definitely not ‘never’. It’s just ‘when’ and whether that will be too late. Not for this season but the next.

No matter how shitty it is the moment, we need to cling on to the realisation that it won’t be forever.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: normy on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 07:47:17
Same here. Would rather attend to my wife and keep her sweet for next season (if there is one).

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 07:55:44
It’s definitely not ‘never’. It’s just ‘when’ and whether that will be too late. Not for this season but the next.

You wrote the title, you plum ;)

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 08:07:41
That ‘never’ was about this season. ‘Never’ isn’t an option per se.

I’ve just made some lemon curd!

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 09:33:54
The thing that worries me most about this week, other than the absolutely awful performance against Oxford and the embarrassing interview from Wright plus the ridiculous press release about the Adver, is the fact that Rovers dispatched Accrington with apparent ease. We made them look like Brazil at our place and a difficult side to beat at theirs. Rovers ripped their defence apart and kept shooting at their dodgy keeper - and won 4-1.

Our league of 8 has reduced to a league of 7 with Shrews having escaped. Burton seem to have done the same making it 6. If Rovers can win a game 4-1, and have games in hand, does that mean we are down to a league of 5?

As for the title of the thread - I think we all know its going to be 'never'.

I know its not a guaranteed way of doing it but lets look at the evidence;

Shrewsbury sacked their manager bringing in a proven manager at this level and are now comfortably away from the relegation zone.
Burton Albion changed their manager bringing in a proven manager at this level and have gone on a record run and are pulling away from the relegation zone.
Northampton sacked their manager and promoted internally to the end of the season. Their results are mixed but have definitely shown signs of improvement on the field giving them a chance of pulling away from the relegation zone.
Bristol Rovers sacked their manager bringing in a proven manager at this level and whilst its early days, look to have a bit of a bounce and have a chance of pulling away from the relegtion zone.

We on the other hand, have just stuck with the same sour old lemon, playing miserable anti-posession hopeful football that is so far from working its painful. Literally our ONLY chance of getting something out of this season and staying in this division is to get rid of Sheridan and Wright and, because i'm well aware of money being tight, get someone internally to take charge, put joint managers in charge - see Bradford City for how well that is going for them currently - just put SOMEONE ELSE in charge, tell the players to get the ball on the ground, press the opponents, play the game positively. Its got to be better that we give it a go and lose games 3-2 than surrendering meekly setting up not to lose and conceding a goal within the first 5 minutes and remain with the mindset of not to lose. Its painful we're being dragged through the mire in this way.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 09:57:49
Facing one of my biggest decisions supporting Swindon.
Contemplating not renewing 3 season tickets for the first time ever as don’t want line Power’s pockets.
Equally not supporting 2 corporate games.
Who is this hurting though?
The Club, my kids who incidentally will go back at whatever level we find our club in.
The last 2 weeks have simply made me angry. We know the club will not die but it’s in what form that is a concern.
I didn’t want to go back to League Two so quickly but a formality and then the National League a possibility.

However the crumb of comfort is that there could be an alternative on the horizon. Scrap due diligence absolute desperate just to have some hope back because right now like most I am on empty.
Can’t even voice my anger towards these two dinosaurs.
The lows make the highs even greater right?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Quagmire on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 10:11:44
Is there actually an alternative close to taking over though?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 10:13:28
The lows make the highs even greater right?
Its the hope that kills you.

Fingers crossed that any deal can be struck asap with Power well before its too late.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 10:14:37
Its the hope that kills you.

Fingers crossed that any deal can be struck asap with Power well before its too late.

Is there anyone talking the talk?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 10:17:29
Is there anyone talking the talk?
I have heard rumours that we have a few interested parties, but at what state of proceedings they are at is anyones guess.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 10:21:07
I have heard rumours that we have a few interested parties, but at what state of proceedings they are at is anyones guess.

If it’s anyone Power Knows that could be like having the Sword of Damocles hanging over the place.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 10:22:40
If it’s anyone Power Knowsthat could be like having the Sword of Damocles hanging over the place.
Always the risk when any club gets new owners though really, whether Power knows them or not, but I do fully understand what you mean.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 10:27:04
I keep thinking of cornettos everytime I look at this thread.

And with that, the sun has come out!!

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 10:29:52
I keep thinking of cornettos everytime I look at this thread.

And with that, the sun has come out!!
I always sing it to myself to the tune of "Oh Sole Mio" too :)

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 10:45:33
Will Power actually get much off of any sale? He either owns 85% or 42.5% of the club. There are 4 outstanding debentures over the club - 1 x Andrew Black and 3 x Martin Arbib(?). Once these are settled he could end up with the square root of fuck all.

If it makes little financial difference to him why doesn’t he just fuck off now?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Cowley38 on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:17:15
There is light at the end of a very long dark tunnel..  :D

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:23:34
Just wish they would fuck off and stop cunting around to be honest

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Lethbridge70 on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:26:23
Will Power actually get much off of any sale? He either owns 85% or 42.5% of the club. There are 4 outstanding debentures over the club - 1 x Andrew Black and 3 x Martin Arbib(?). Once these are settled he could end up with the square root of fuck all.

If it makes little financial difference to him why doesn’t he just fuck off now?

I know about the Black debenture of 2 million,but never knew it was Arbib too.How much is the one to Arbib??

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:27:18
Just wish they would fuck off and stop cunting around to be honest
You have such a poetic way with words :)

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:33:03
I know about the Black debenture of 2 million,but never knew it was Arbib too.How much is the one to Arbib??
Dunno. On the Companies House website says there are 4 outstanding debentures. A whole host of others have been satisfied over the years.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Crackity Jones on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:33:18
There is light at the end of a very long dark tunnel..  :D
Fed up of hearing this to be honest (not directed at you specifically Cowley). I'll believe it when I see it.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:35:11
What if the light just turns out to be another train coming and we are all going to get squashed

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:37:43
Then, we’ll all be free!

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:38:04
I find myself rapidly losing interest in the whole situation. Regardless of division I currently won't be renewing for the first time since 95/96 reasons being I don't know where the money will be going, the manager and the whole Curran situation having really turned me off the whole club. When a club starts having spats with the local press on the official website then you know things are up shit creek.

If there is a step change in direction and ownership for next season then I'll change my mind in an instant but currently I'd rather do anything but attend a Town game.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Power to people on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 12:20:23
I saw on FB someone mentioned that Fraser Digby is taking either stfc or Power to court over unpaid fees for the work he done finding the land for the training ground and Power's horse stables etc, not sure how much truth there is in it.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 12:35:57
I saw on FB someone mentioned that Fraser Digby is taking either stfc or Power to court over unpaid fees for the work he done finding the land for the training ground and Power's horse stables etc, not sure how much truth there is in it.

I doubt anyone would be surprised if true. Equally there are plenty of opportunities for people to make stuff up.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 14:10:07
Will Power actually get much off of any sale? He either owns 85% or 42.5% of the club. There are 4 outstanding debentures over the club - 1 x Andrew Black and 3 x Martin Arbib(?). Once these are settled he could end up with the square root of fuck all.

If it makes little financial difference to him why doesn’t he just fuck off now?

Will Power actually get much off of any sale? He either owns 85% or 42.5% of the club. There are 4 outstanding debentures over the club - 1 x Andrew Black and 3 x Martin Arbib(?). Once these are settled he could end up with the square root of fuck all.

If it makes little financial difference to him why doesn’t he just fuck off now?

It could be considerably less than 42% of the Club and this is the bigger challenge regarding what Power wants out of this (Training Facility, Planning Permission, Stables etc = How much does he want in return for walking away from his cash cow.
Let’s face it all of the family silver is gone, Could get something for Twine but DJ was his final pay cheque.
The other issue remains is the skeletons and who has he borrowed money from and likely repayable.
His actual stake ownership in the club after Court hearings could be as little as 20%.

If he plays nicely he could be out within a few months maximum but this is Lee Power the messiah that saved the club Shawn.

Title: It’s now or never
Post by: Batch on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 14:30:10
you think months not week (s)


fear for the session ticket sales

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 15:44:59
It could be considerably less than 42% of the Club and this is the bigger challenge regarding what Power wants out of this (Training Facility, Planning Permission, Stables etc = How much does he want in return for walking away from his cash cow.
Let’s face it all of the family silver is gone, Could get something for Twine but DJ was his final pay cheque.
The other issue remains is the skeletons and who has he borrowed money from and likely repayable.
His actual stake ownership in the club after Court hearings could be as little as 20%.

If he plays nicely he could be out within a few months maximum but this is Lee Power the messiah that saved the club Shawn.

The planning permission is held by whoever holds the land, looking at the forms they submitted yesterday when I was seeing is the DN's had been issued, whilst the applicant was STFC they completed Certificate B and stated that the land owner was L Power.

FWIW I just cannot see the training ground happening unless whoever buys the club buys the land with permission off Power, the housing site will be worth a fair few millions so my best hope is he takes that and his stables and walks with that, albeit there is still the fact that he owes Standing/Barry a few millions, but hopefully the housing income might focus his mind a bit.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: pauld on Thursday, March 11, 2021, 20:41:31
The planning permission is held by whoever holds the land, looking at the forms they submitted yesterday when I was seeing is the DN's had been issued, whilst the applicant was STFC they completed Certificate B and stated that the land owner was L Power.

FWIW I just cannot see the training ground happening unless whoever buys the club buys the land with permission off Power, the housing site will be worth a fair few millions so my best hope is he takes that and his stables and walks with that, albeit there is still the fact that he owes Standing/Barry a few millions, but hopefully the housing income might focus his mind a bit.

And then we're back to square one with a training ground which we do actually need. FFS

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, March 12, 2021, 07:43:57
I'd take that sacrifice. The clubs relationships with surrounding clubs is half the reason we have to travel so far now to train

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 12, 2021, 08:27:24
I'd take that sacrifice. The clubs relationships with surrounding clubs is half the reason we have to travel so far now to train
It shouldn't be a trade off between the two, was more my point.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 12, 2021, 09:27:02
I'd take that sacrifice. The clubs relationships with surrounding clubs is half the reason we have to travel so far now to train

Actually gives Power quite the bargaining chip, hello new buyer you can have the club for £1m (shared between Power, Standing, Clem), I'll chuck the training ground site in for £9m (all Powers!)

It's only going to get muddier.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, March 12, 2021, 09:40:28
Actually gives Power quite the bargaining chip, hello new buyer you can have the club for £1m (shared between Power, Standing, Clem), I'll chuck the training ground site in for £9m (all Powers!)

It's only going to get muddier.

Never a truer word typed.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, March 12, 2021, 11:25:54
It shouldn't be a trade off between the two, was more my point.
Wasn't arguing your point was just continuing a conversation

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:03:43

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:04:29

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:18:07

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Cowley38 on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:20:42

No suprise Power is ignoring him.

After the court case Power is unlikely to entertain the bid

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:21:40
No suprise Power is ignoring him.

After the court case Power is unlikely to entertain the bid

The court case is a year away! Clem is clearly trying to force the issue here.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:23:15
Here’s the follow up

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:25:18
It's a start I suppose......

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Cowley38 on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:25:45
The court case is a year away! Clem is clearly trying to force the issue here.

Clem won his case and 15%

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:27:26
Offered more than £7.5m? Blimey!

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:27:44
No suprise Power is ignoring him.

After the court case Power is unlikely to entertain the bid

After the Court case it may have very little to do with Power....

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:33:59
However can I just thank Clem for releasing these statements now, its the nearest we can get to Statement Friday in the present circumstances with the present incumbent.

Lovely to see that Clem is aware of and adopting our traditions.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:35:13
Clem won his case and 15%

Ah got you, sorry I misunderstood.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:35:20
‘Change in management structure’

Taxi for Sheridactyl

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Nemo on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:39:57
Statement Fridays! The man gets us. I'm firmly on TeamClem now.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:41:52
ABP syndrome

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, March 12, 2021, 17:48:37
He's saying all the right things but the proof of the pudding isn't talking about it. But I do thing change is needed and this appears to be a step in the right direction.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Crackity Jones on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:04:39
Nice wish list. Mine would have been very similar. I'm skint though. I guess after being ignored by Lee "sole owner of the club" Power for 6 weeks he has decided to go public and attempt to force the issue. At the very least it detracts from the shit on the pitch. Interesting times.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:15:40
The court case is a year away! Clem is clearly trying to force the issue here.

Second sentence, this.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:18:34
well this is huge news.

I don't profess to know if Clem has the wherewithal and cash to succeed. But I do know the direction we are currently headed...

wonder if he's the only show in town?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:21:04
Clem's come across as a bit amateur in the past, but tbh I'm not gonna trust anybody who wants to buy the club not to have some other nefarious intentions.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: china red on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:22:26
The fact that Power has been ignoring Clem is probably all the answer he needs.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:23:08
Statement Fridays! The man gets us. I'm firmly on TeamClem now.

Plastic glory hunter. 😁😉

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:24:38
Statement Fridays! The man gets us. I'm firmly on TeamClem now.

Good point I didn't consider! GO CLEM

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Batch on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:25:38
storm the boardroom Ben

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: pauld on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:46:14
Ignored for two months probably tells it's own story about whether Power wants to accept the bid, and the fact he's now gone public presumably means Morfuni accepts his bid is dead in the water. So in those circumstances he can say what he likes about his proposals as he's unlikely to be asked to back them up. So the question is why has he gone public? Put some pressure on Power for the sake of it or a stalking horse to flush someone else out?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Friday, March 12, 2021, 18:50:53
Is Power likely to get an offer in excess of what Morfuni claims he has offered?

I’d imagine Power needs a mighty chunk of time to clear his skeletons before any sale.

At least it’s the first knockings of a new beginning. If that happens to be in L2, so be it.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: ron dodgers on Friday, March 12, 2021, 19:06:57
Will Clem insist Taylor Curran plays every week?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, March 12, 2021, 19:10:48
Will Clem insist Taylor Curran plays every week?

Clem=Currans dad, haven't you put 2+2 together yet? ;)

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, March 12, 2021, 19:28:16
Is Power likely to get an offer in excess of what Morfuni claims he has offered?

I’d imagine Power needs a mighty chunk of time to clear his skeletons before any sale.

At least it’s the first knockings of a new beginning. If that happens to be in L2, so be it.

1) possibly, if there are multiple interested parties. Or the purchaser offers to pay off powers creditors. As it stands, Barry and Standing are not ‘officially’ anything to do with club so a potential purchaser can pay them off outside the official deal to buy the club.

2) no doubt about that and that maybe why Clem has heard nothing back. Of course Clem may have out flanked Power by engaging them first...

3) this IMHO is or are the opening salvos of public ‘briefing’ to garner support and as has been said flush out potential suitors, a stalking horse if you like.

What could be significant is Clem disclosing ‘monies’ that he knows have come Powers way. Let’s not forget there could be as you suggest legitimately skeletons Clems not aware of regarding monies in and debtors ‘owed’ a pound of flesh outside the Standing/Barry circle, think Curran. Might come as a surprise to possible lenders of last resort how much he actually has been paid during the last year and by whom.

‘What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive’ Maybe concrete overcoats are coming back. After all, there’s a gunman loose in the Alps..

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Freddies Ferret 2.0 on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 06:44:32
What is clems net worth?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 07:19:53
Here’s an overview of the Axis Group worldwide. As a taster Axis Plumbing in Australia has a turnover of approx £25m in 2018, so the group in total would be well in excess of that. Obviously, turnover gives little idea about actual profitability but I’d say it is miles away from Lee ‘where does his money come from’ Power..

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 07:42:47
What is clems net worth?
From memory, I think there's a quote in the court case document that Axis group is worth ~£200mn.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jevs on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 09:34:18
Ignored for two months probably tells it's own story about whether Power wants to accept the bid, and the fact he's now gone public presumably means Morfuni accepts his bid is dead in the water. So in those circumstances he can say what he likes about his proposals as he's unlikely to be asked to back them up. So the question is why has he gone public? Put some pressure on Power for the sake of it or a stalking horse to flush someone else out?

Given the ongoing court case, is Power actually allowed to make the decision to sell the club without agreement from the other parties? I'd assume not unless Standing/Barry agree, or settle. 

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 09:50:13
Surely the easiest thing to do is for Clem and Power/Standing to agree a price and that money is then held in a solicitor’s account until it is decided who is entitled to what. No waiting for the court case and Clem/whoever can get on with putting the club back together again.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 09:57:19
Now that Clem has come out fighting and there are no ‘other’ suitors I did mention that we could help expedite the removal of the current incumbent by withdrawing our ‘bangers and mash’, clearly Power has more than he’s letting on, wherever he’s finding the dosh, so I won’t be adding to the agony.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 10:03:09
indeed legends. Power clearly not in his knees.

however I don't think it's clear cut the are no other suitors. If there are this may flush them our

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: jevs on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 10:13:35
Surely the easiest thing to do is for Clem and Power/Standing to agree a price and that money is then held in a solicitor’s account until it is decided who is entitled to what. No waiting for the court case and Clem/whoever can get on with putting the club back together again.

Yes, I agree. If we were professionally run by straightforward business people that would be the most sensible option, so there's no chance. I was neutral on Power for years but more and more facts emerging just shows the whole way we're run as being shifty.  I suppose Clem & co reputedly being willing to stump up £7m plus makes some sense of the court case, which seemed an expensive way to argue over a loss making liability without any assets (from what we've been told). I'm more than willing to give the new group the benefit of any doubt for the meantime.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 10:15:37
and there are no ‘other’ suitors

How do you know that?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 10:58:50
How many times have we had a saviour in the wings to take the club over?  I don't trust anyone to be honest. We'll be in the shit again eventually. That's what stfc have done since I can remember

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 11:06:58
Is there any reason why Clem, as a 15% shareholder in STFC, hasn’t got access to the club’s financial information?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 11:24:11
Quote from: Arriba
  I don't trust anyone to be honest.

I think that's healthy given our history.

i think it's time for change though.

Title: It’s now or never
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 11:25:33
Is there any reason why Clem, as a 15% shareholder in STFC, hasn’t got access to the club’s financial information?
Power won't give him access.

The question is as minor shareholder and signatory is 'does he have any legal right to access'. Which I think it's what you were asking.


Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Simon Pieman on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 11:52:58
A shareholder has rights to see annual reports/accounts, they won't have access to other financial information.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Batch on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 11:56:16
Quote from: Simon Pieman
A shareholder has rights to see annual reports/accounts, they won't have access to other financial information.

the full accounts, or the abbreviated ones in the public domain

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Ticker45 on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 12:04:16
........I was neutral on Power for years but more and more facts emerging just shows the whole way we're run as being shifty....... 

This in a nutshell.

Mr Morfuni talks the talk and on the face of it could be good for the club, but as we have never ever really been able to get solid information on the actual monetary side of things in all the years I have been a supporter, will things change?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Red Frog on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 12:21:44
Power was always secretive and dodgy with finances, but we gave him some latitude because he always backed recruitment in previous years. Now he has no credit left in the bank, his behaviour has left him with no equity with the fans either.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 12:30:06
Power was always secretive and dodgy with finances, but we gave him some latitude because he always backed recruitment in previous years. Now he has no credit left in the bank, his behaviour has left him with no equity with the fans either.
Pretty much this, it was always better the devil you know, but I no longer feel that way after hearing so many bad things and Power himself saying he cant fund us any longer yet ignores a very acceptable bid, so either Clem is lying or Power is not as broke as he says or even he does not want to sell to Clem.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 12:37:27
A shareholder has rights to see annual reports/accounts, they won't have access to other financial information.
But STFC is a privately owned company - not a public one. We can only see what accounts Power decides to publish, but Clem is a partner, albeit a minority one, and surely should be granted full access to see the financial position his investment is in.

If not, what has his £1.1m investment actually bought him.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 13:54:40
How do you know that?

I don’t obviously. Equally there are ‘publicly’ no other suitors are there? So in the absence of anything tangible my comment stands. Of course if others come to light then it puts everything we know back in the melting pot with more possibilities. Should keep us at our keyboards for a while don’t ya think?

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 13:56:02
So in the absence of anything tangible my comment stands.

It doesn't.

What does stand is that they may or may not be other suitors.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 13:57:11
It doesn't.

What does stand is that they may or may not be other suitors.

‘there’ if you want to be a nit picking tit.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: RedRag on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 15:20:24
We don't know if there are other suitors.

But if there were to be any, it would be sniffing around in a "fire sale" situation.  For the "nth" time in STFC history.  The only sheikh we would attract now  would be the fake sheikh.

I have no idea but Clem has at least had a medium term interest in the club.  On that basis alone, he is leader of the pack for now.  If the Trust were to back his interest, that would be good enough for me, even if Clem's means seem less than stellar.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: Cowley38 on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 15:22:44
It doesn't.

What does stand is that they may or may not be other suitors.

And that's the bottom line, because constable Flash heart says so!!!!

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 17:03:56
But STFC is a privately owned company - not a public one. We can only see what accounts Power decides to publish, but Clem is a partner, albeit a minority one, and surely should be granted full access to see the financial position his investment is in.

If not, what has his £1.1m investment actually bought him.

Next to nothing.

No dividends are being paid.

No profits are made to distribute,

He is not on the Board so doesn't receive any salary.

Power could, under normal circumstances, just sell up the remaining 85% and give control to someone else.

Basically 15% buys you very little actual control of anything.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 17:05:26
There is a lot of free info on the net explaining the position of a minority shareholder.

Title: Re: It’s now or never
Post by: RedRag on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 17:41:14
There is a lot of free info on the net explaining the position of a minority shareholder.
This summary by City lawyers Fox Williams is as succinct as any.