80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 12:04:34

Title: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 12:04:34

I wonder how long they will continue to get away with their barbaric opression of the Palestinians? It makes me sick. Nothing will get done though will it? Boooo

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: adje on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 12:38:24
maybe Barack will sort it!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:02:19

I wonder how long they will continue to get away with their barbaric opression of the Palestinians? It makes me sick. Nothing will get done though will it? Boooo

I wonder how long idiots like you will continue to make stupid statements like this one?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:10:43
What is stupid about it? My stance on it is that what they are doing is wrong.

Also, i am not an idiot. My opinion just evidently is at odds with yours, which is something you have notoriously had a problem with.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:15:46
I thought they were all getting along anyway.

Obviuosly not.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:22:33
What is stupid about it? My stance on it is that what they are doing is wrong.

Explain to me why it is wrong for Israel to defend its citizens and its territory against rocket attacks?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:33:57
It's the building of a wall around them all, and the disproportionate amount of force used that is the problem... I'd be pretty peeved if me and my folks were put into a modern day ghetto, deprived of food, fuel and medicine (illegally), so some retaliation is to be expected. To then send in F16's and some such is a tad over the top in my eyes, and this has been happening for years.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Batch on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:42:46
maybe Barack will sort it!

Will he fuck. USA has their political head inserted into the arse of Israel. I can't see that changing  any time soon.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:48:37
It's the building of a wall around them all, and the disproportionate amount of force used that is the problem... I'd be pretty peeved if me and my folks were put into a modern day ghetto, deprived of food, fuel and medicine (illegally), so some retaliation is to be expected. To then send in F16's and some such is a tad over the top in my eyes, and this has been happening for years.

There you go, you're coming at the whole thing from the "Palestinians are victims" "Israel is evil" angle that the BBC uses.  It's very much removed from the truth.

You say the use of Airpower is dis-proportionate. Its not. Hamas would be using them themselves if they had them.  Would you expect the Israeli's to use the same tactics as Hamas instead? Perhaps they could use suicide bombers and random rocket attacks deliberately targeted at civilians, would that be proportionate?

As for the "wall", there's a third element to this and that is the Egyptian border with Gaza. This border is controlled by the gypo's and they have no intention of opening this border to allow aid into the strip, do you know why this is?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Gazza's Fat Mate on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:54:39
The Palestinians are as bad as Israel they are the ones who voted a terriost group as there fucking leaders that is like us voting in Osmas Binman instead of Tony Blair fuck the lot of them nuke the whole middle east problem solved and we would have lot lots of oil. nuke the arabs!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:56:25
Two sets of people who hate each other are not going to sort about just for a change the influential countrys in the middle east get together and try to help both sets of people,like Africa its about time these nations tried to help out in there own regions.
While i have sympathy for the Palestinians lets not forget that only 60 years ago the world watched while millions of Jewish people were slaughtered,and believe me with that nutcase in charge of Iran theres alot more trouble in store for Israel.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:57:46
The Palestinians are as bad as Israel they are the ones who voted a terriost group as there fucking leaders that is like us voting in Osmas Binman instead of Tony Blair fuck the lot of them nuke the whole middle east problem solved and we would have lot lots of oil. nuke the arabs!

dont nuke the arabs, i wont be able to go to dubai again!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Barry Scott on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:59:02
Just call in Team America.

I have a bit of a let 'em get on with it stance on these matters, because what right do we have to go policing shit, which isn't our business? Who polices the US? Look what the fuck we did to Iraq etc. Since we started that war - to get some oil - we've killed more than double the number of Iraqis that Sadam did in his entire "reign of terror", even going on the very highest speculative figures.

Besides unless there's money to be made, no country in their right mind is going to go to war for someone else, because war, from the west's angle, is money and exploitation, nothing more. War from any other is invariably religion.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 14:59:42
fuck yeah!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Gazza's Fat Mate on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 15:00:29
dont nuke the arabs, i wont be able to go to dubai again!

good. you will not poltue the earth by flying and you will have to holiday in england thus helping are small business last the downturn!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 15:04:00
A couple of Israelis get killed, so as a response, dozens of Palestinians get killed in the ongoing tit for tat killing. Thats the general story... the Palestinians although using perhaps not the most sensible of tactics, are just trying to get a little bit of their freedom back. I imagine they see little of option seeing as any kind of negotiation always appears to be steered to their detriment.

I dont think it's a coincidence that the UN Human Rights Council have condemned Israel for it's Human Rights violations on 15 occasions in the last 2 years with regard to the blockades etc. Notably it is only the US and Israel themselves who have boycotted these proceedings.

I assume the Gypo border is closed (on instruction from Israel) to step the supply of arms. Whereas the US just give Israel whatever they need...  :)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 15:06:30
While i have sympathy for the Palestinians lets not forget that only 60 years ago the world watched while millions of Jewish people were slaughtered,and believe me with that nutcase in charge of Iran theres alot more trouble in store for Israel.

I don't think that should really be used to justify anything... if that were the case, i imagine Jews should really be allowed to do pretty much whatever they want in order to make up for those atrocities for the forseeable future... which is of course not really the best way to go.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: tans on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 15:12:33
good. you will not poltue the earth by flying and you will have to holiday in England thus helping are small business last the downturn!

fuck that

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 15:25:59
A couple of Israelis get killed, so as a response, dozens of Palestinians get killed in the ongoing tit for tat killing. Thats the general story... the Palestinians although using perhaps not the most sensible of tactics, are just trying to get a little bit of their freedom back. I imagine they see little of option seeing as any kind of negotiation always appears to be steered to their detriment.

I dont think it's a coincidence that the UN Human Rights Council have condemned Israel for it's Human Rights violations on 15 occasions in the last 2 years with regard to the blockades etc. Notably it is only the US and Israel themselves who have boycotted these proceedings.

I assume the Gypo border is closed (on instruction from Israel) to step the supply of arms. Whereas the US just give Israel whatever they need...  :)

Ah the UN Human Rights Council, currently including those great bastions of civil rights in the world, Saudi Arabia, China and Angola to name but a few.  I find it difficult to the UN seriously in all fairness.

careful you don't fall off riding your bike backwards...

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Bennett on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:06:41
Ah the UN Human Rights Council, currently including those great bastions of civil rights in the world, Saudi Arabia, China and Angola to name but a few.  I find it difficult to the UN seriously in all fairness.

careful you don't fall off riding your bike backwards...

those countries in the UN that have sketchy human rights records have produced pamphlets on tell tale signs of abuse, that's why you can't discount the UN.

in short- israel has no right to that land, the brits gave it to them and that's one of numerous reasons i don't feel proud to be british (english etc)

free palestine!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:19:15
In the long run (and by that, I mean the next few centuries) the state of Israel simply isn't viable in its present form.  I hope that does not mark me out in the eyes of some as an anti-Semite, because I certainly am not.  I believe everyone should be able to get on with their own lives without interference from their others.

Unfortunately for Israel, the very existence of the state appears to offend a large number of its neighbours - and for that reason I doubt its continued long term existence.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:20:09
those countries in the UN that have sketchy human rights records have produced pamphlets on tell tale signs of abuse, that's why you can't discount the UN.

in short- israel has no right to that land, the brits gave it to them and that's one of numerous reasons i don't feel proud to be british (english etc)

free palestine!

Can you cunts please stop with your sixth form political views? What's the ethnic make up of the average Brit? German (Saxon) French (Norman) Italian (Roman) etc, etc, etc. Land belongs to whoever is strong enough to hold on to it.

Israel is a tiny country, with enemies on all sides and while I may not agree with all their actions I know enough about the turbulent history of that area to understand their reasons.

But hey, don't let your ignorance stop you from having an opinion.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:22:34
those countries in the UN that have sketchy human rights records have produced pamphlets on tell tale signs of abuse, that's why you can't discount the UN.

in short- israel has no right to that land, the brits gave it to them and that's one of numerous reasons i don't feel proud to be british (english etc)

free palestine!

They've produced a "pamphlet" !! what the fuck does that mean? utterly fucking bizarre.

So according to you, the fact that the Jew's pre-date the Arabs in that land means nothing and they're not entitled to a homeland? Fuck off.

Oh and it was a UN mandate that "gave" the Jew's that land, not Britain.  You actually beleive the proopganda it would seem.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:30:08
Britain couldn't keep control of the area and fucked off out there, Leaving (Amongst others) Jordan, Syria and Egypt to attack as soon as the UN passed their mandate, with no country actively supporting the Israelis. It's testament to Israel that they repelled those aggressors and have been fighting to keep their Homeland ever since.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:35:43
Ignorance, 6th form views, and cunts. I guess this amounts to 'having a view different from your own'?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:36:37
Ignorance, 6th form views, and cunts. I guess this amounts to 'having a view different from your own'?


Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Bennett on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:36:58
i'm confused why israel gets dibs on the land?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:37:29

Fair enough!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 16:45:48
i'm confused why israel gets dibs on the land?

Britain controlled Palestine and it was felt before and after WWII that the persecuted Jews from Europe should be allowed to settle there (Remember that Palestine has never been an independent Country) There was already a large Jewish community living there, as there had been for centuries.
Britain, initially, wanted to retain control but the jewish population wanted self rule and waged a guerilla war against us which we decided was not worth the hassle. At which point we gave the UN the problem and fucked off.

Why should the Palestinians get 'dibs' on the land Bennet?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Bennett on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 17:01:28
Britain controlled Palestine and it was felt before and after WWII that the persecuted Jews from Europe should be allowed to settle there (Remember that Palestine has never been an independent Country) There was already a large Jewish community living there, as there had been for centuries.
Britain, initially, wanted to retain control but the jewish population wanted self rule and waged a guerilla war against us which we decided was not worth the hassle. At which point we gave the UN the problem and fucked off.

Why should the Palestinians get 'dibs' on the land Bennet?

they don't have f 16's, if they want to fight for land they should dish out the land and weapons eqaully and let both sides go for it

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 17:13:42
they don't have f 16's, if they want to fight for land they should dish out the land and weapons eqaully and let both sides go for it

Name one conflict that has been fought like that. The strong usually win. I say usually because when Israel was attacked by virtually the whole of the arab world, who were much stronger militarily, the Israelis defended their new Homeland and actually gained land.

It's like fucking Grounhog Day with you Bennett, I'm sure we've had this debate before!

Let's just agree to disagree.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: axs on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 17:40:11
No, one of you is wrong and I want to know who it is.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 17:49:18
It's very hard for the Israelis to lose when Big Brother America supplies them with all the ammo they need. Even though publicly America is now trying to show itself as a peacemaker between Arabs and Jews, when the chips are down they will always back Israel.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: jonny72 on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 17:59:46
The problem I have with Israel is that they claim their actions are justified and are those of a modern, democratic, Western style government. Which is complete and utter bollocks, they should be condemned as terrorists and a rogue state the same as Palestine is (though Palestine isn't actually a country).

Anyone who thinks Israel are squeaky clean should try reading up on things and the history of the region. Again, I'm not saying they are worse that Palestine - they are as bad as each other.

Its the West that has caused the shit between Israel and Palestine, yet when it comes to sorting it out we turn a blind eye and ignore it and the only reason Israel is so strong is the massive support they get from the USA.

Still, the only thing that will stop the trouble is the same thing that stopped it in Northern Ireland - ordinary people getting sick of all the violence and killing, saying enough is enough and demanding peace. Unfortunately I think they are still a very long way away from that.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: billy the fish on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:16:14
the only winners are the AMERICAN'S who sell the weapons ,also for other countries to see what they are buying ,before they buy.its a war no one will win ::)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:19:18
Johnny, one of the main reasons the British government and the Irish (IRA) finally started to talk to each other, was the lack of funding coming in from America for the IRA.
New York was a major finance house for IRA terrorism in Britain.
It was only when America was hit by terrorism and their own people were killed on their own doorsteps, they realised they were also part of the real world as well and supporting terrorism wasn't as glamourous as there forefathers told them.

It's the same with Palestine, until the yanks keep out of it, nothing will ever be resolved.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:31:48
No one has said Israel are squeky clean far from it...and without the support of the USA they wouldve been wiped out years ago....none of the middle eastern countrys like Israel so its only the threat from the US stopping them attacking Israel.....and as i said the Jews recent history is riddled with horror,they really believe the world forgot about them during the holocaust,so Lucien that dosnt justify there agression but for me it sort of helps me understand there plight.....lets not forget if ime not mistaken Hamas called off the truce last week...and promply started lobbing rockets into Israeli positions....the Arabs wont win there war with Israel so why dont they try abit harder to broker a better deal for there people...instead of antagonising an Israel just waiting for an excuse to use force.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Bushey Boy on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:34:46
What I want to know is which cheese is more popular in Israil? cheddar or edam?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: THE FLASH on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:36:44

I wonder how long they will continue to get away with their barbaric opression of the Palestinians? It makes me sick. Nothing will get done though will it? Boooo

We stood by and watched it all happen in Yugoslavia...and that was mainland europe.

No oil or political gain there of course.

Yanks have a huge interest in Israel.

Mind you we (Brits) help set the fucking place up so we are partly to blame i suppose. :doh:

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: THE FLASH on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:37:20
What I want to know is which cheese is more popular in Israil? cheddar or edam?

cheeses of Nazareth!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:40:04
I should imagine any hard cheese...soft cheeses are not tolerated,the palestinians just want a bigger slice of it......whatever the cheese is.

Mine is double Gloster with chives.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:40:43
That was good Flash!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:56:35
No one has said Israel are squeky clean far from it...and without the support of the USA they wouldve been wiped out years ago....none of the middle eastern countrys like Israel so its only the threat from the US stopping them attacking Israel.....and as i said the Jews recent history is riddled with horror,they really believe the world forgot about them during the holocaust,so Lucien that dosnt justify there agression but for me it sort of helps me understand there plight.....lets not forget if ime not mistaken Hamas called off the truce last week...and promply started lobbing rockets into Israeli positions....the Arabs wont win there war with Israel so why dont they try abit harder to broker a better deal for there people...instead of antagonising an Israel just waiting for an excuse to use force.

The truce had consistently been broken by the Palestinians and they were targetting civilian positions as well as military.

I haven'y got a scooby how to solve the situation out there, the Muslims hate the Jews and vice-versa and there has to be an international solution because otherwise, they'll just end up murdering each other until the last man standing, if left to solve it themsleves.

The thing that pissed me off about this thread is the fact that Lucien when straight in with the BBC reference painting the Israeli's as the evil wrong doers and the poor little Palestinians as victims.  They consistently take this editorial line and in doing so, the never provide the audience with any balance to the view of the whole situation.  They always link the US backing to Israel and the sales of arms but they never tell you who's selling the Palestinians weapons, for example.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 18:59:40
Ive got a question for you Ironside...its a tough one for you though.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:01:35
Knock yourself out Leefer...

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:02:48
TEF wars will now continue on The General Discussion threads ... merry christmas.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:07:29
As someone who seems to lean towards the israelis on this one are you one of these hardliners who for some reason refuses to believe the attrocitys of WW2...its not an agresive questin just wondered what your stance is,as from what ie seen you seem very right wing...i know its an old story but its something that i study and read about i said its not meant to be antagonistic and certainly not personal.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:18:46
As someone who seems to lean towards the israelis on this one are you one of these hardliners who for some reason refuses to believe the attrocitys of WW2...its not an agresive questin just wondered what your stance is,as from what ie seen you seem very right wing...i know its an old story but its something that i study and read about i said its not meant to be antagonistic and certainly not personal.

Fair enough, I'll explain. I am more RW in my political views, that's a fact.

Did the holocaust happen? of course it fucking did and anyone who says otherwise is deluded.

Do I support Israel? Yes. They're doing what I would expect any government to do. They defend their citizens, jew, christian muslim and the rest, they defend their nations territorial integrity by whatever means are necessary.  I would expect our government to do the same in those circumstances.  Israel isn't perfect but now they have a formally recognised (UN) Nation State, they've got as much right as anyone to call it their homeland and defend it by whatever means thay have to.

Like I said earlier, I don't know what the fix is but people have been fighting over that land since the dawn of civilization and probably before.

Edit: I should also add that some people's perceptions of Nationalist politics is stuck in their 1970's student haircuts.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:24:15
Thanks...refreshingly honest  anyway as ive said its all old hat,but for millions it isnt...lets just hope the new president of the US will show both sides that he can help sort out a solution....because its a problem that pretty soon may effect us all.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:38:32
I should also add that some people's perceptions of Nationalist politics is stuck in their 1970's student haircuts.

 I had some ace student haircuts in the 70's....a particular favourite, being the spiky, semi mullet, cut using a mirror, difficult to get round the back.
 My perceptions of the Nationalist politics in the 70's was of a group of people who didn't like foreigners very much, either inside or outside of Britain....I'm glad it's changed.

 It now seems you like the Jews..

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:41:17
Haircuts, what haircuts ... my hair went past my bum, the continental girls use to love guys with long hair.

I should have kept the off-cuts when it was all shaven off in the late 70s and stuck it back on in the 90s and thereafter.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Bennett on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:41:50
Name one conflict that has been fought like that. The strong usually win. I say usually because when Israel was attacked by virtually the whole of the arab world, who were much stronger militarily, the Israelis defended their new Homeland and actually gained land.

It's like fucking Grounhog Day with you Bennett, I'm sure we've had this debate before!

Let's just agree to disagree.

i was only mucking about with that bit....

i'll get you a kosher pint tomorrow babes xx

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:42:15
I had a feather cut...remember them.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: jonny72 on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:43:19
Do I support Israel? Yes. They're doing what I would expect any government to do. They defend their citizens, jew, christian muslim and the rest, they defend their nations territorial integrity by whatever means are necessary.  I would expect our government to do the same in those circumstances.  Israel isn't perfect but now they have a formally recognised (UN) Nation State, they've got as much right as anyone to call it their homeland and defend it by whatever means thay have to.

Lets put the Israeli actions in to context. They fire missiles at terrorists knowing that there will be civilian casualties - would you have accepted this from the British government during the Northern Ireland conflicts? For example, there is a car with four terrorists in it driving down a busy street, the British government launch a missile from a helicopter at the car taking it out and killing the occupants along with 10 innocent civilians walking down the same street. Would that have been ok? Of course not, yet the Israeli's do it on a regular basis.

Your point about Israel being a formally recognised country by the UN (and the rest of the world) is important and interesting as well. Because Palestine isn't and as far as I'm aware about the only body that does recognise it is FIFA. How do you think that makes Palestinians feel? If it was me, I'd be pissed.

Again though, I'm not saying either side is worse but you cannot defend the actions of Israel which are on a level with all of the other rogue, undemocratic and illegal states around the world. Given what they went through in WW2 you'd have thought the Israeli's would be a peaceful and tolerant state but they're not, they're just as bad as all the others and commit unlawful murder on a regular basis.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 19:48:32
Johny i was aware there was a fairly well observed truce untill a few days back...can you remind us who called that off...i seem to recall it was Hamas who incidently are not the face off all palestinians these days...most of them want peace.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 20:14:34
Leave them to it. Worry only about what you can directly influence.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: billy the fish on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 20:18:45
Leave them to it. Worry only about what you can directly influence.
the main worry is other middle east countries joining in, that will being problems to all of us

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 20:43:35
Lets put the Israeli actions in to context. They fire missiles at terrorists knowing that there will be civilian casualties - would you have accepted this from the British government during the Northern Ireland conflicts? For example, there is a car with four terrorists in it driving down a busy street, the British government launch a missile from a helicopter at the car taking it out and killing the occupants along with 10 innocent civilians walking down the same street. Would that have been ok? Of course not, yet the Israeli's do it on a regular basis.

The difference being of course that NI was an internal insurgency, this middle east problem isn't. I don't get this attitude some people have who moan about the Israeli's having better weapons. So fucking what? That show how restrained they really are because they could obliterate the west bank and gaza if they wanted to, along with most of their neighbouring countries.  The fact is that the two sides signed a ceasefire which wach was consistenly broken by Palistinians firing rockets at Israeli civilian and military targets.  Why shouldn't the Israeli's retaliate?

Your point about Israel being a formally recognised country by the UN (and the rest of the world) is important and interesting as well. Because Palestine isn't and as far as I'm aware about the only body that does recognise it is FIFA. How do you think that makes Palestinians feel? If it was me, I'd be pissed.

You do know that 80% of the territory known as "Palestine" prior to the creation of the State of Israel is still in Arab hands? The "Palestinians don't exist other than in propoganda. They're Arab's, same as the Iraqi's, Jordanese, Lebanese and Gypo's.

Again though, I'm not saying either side is worse but you cannot defend the actions of Israel which are on a level with all of the other rogue, undemocratic and illegal states around the world. Given what they went through in WW2 you'd have thought the Israeli's would be a peaceful and tolerant state but they're not, they're just as bad as all the others and commit unlawful murder on a regular basis.

So Israel is a rogue state now is it? On a par with North korea now is it? Do you work for the BBC or just believe the shite it serves up as news? 

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Gazza's Fat Mate on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 21:01:26
Didn't have all these problems when the british emprie was around cos then everyone hated one force, US BRITS! The worst thing that happened was the clopase of empire most former british enpire contry's are now fucked so it's there are fault just let them all die

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 21:05:17
Didn't have all these problems when the british emprie was around cos then everyone hated one force, US BRITS! The worst thing that happened was the clopase of empire most former british enpire contry's are now fucked so it's there are fault just let them all die

Shut up you fucking goon.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Gazza's Fat Mate on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 21:09:18
I find "goon" quite offesnive I would prefer cunt if thats okay

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Saturday, December 27, 2008, 22:50:59
I find "goon" quite offesnive I would prefer cunt if thats okay

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: jonny72 on Sunday, December 28, 2008, 14:05:10
The difference being of course that NI was an internal insurgency, this middle east problem isn't. I don't get this attitude some people have who moan about the Israeli's having better weapons. So fucking what? That show how restrained they really are because they could obliterate the west bank and gaza if they wanted to, along with most of their neighbouring countries.  The fact is that the two sides signed a ceasefire which wach was consistenly broken by Palistinians firing rockets at Israeli civilian and military targets.  Why shouldn't the Israeli's retaliate?

You do know that 80% of the territory known as "Palestine" prior to the creation of the State of Israel is still in Arab hands? The "Palestinians don't exist other than in propoganda. They're Arab's, same as the Iraqi's, Jordanese, Lebanese and Gypo's.

So Israel is a rogue state now is it? On a par with North korea now is it? Do you work for the BBC or just believe the shite it serves up as news?

Israel have broken plenty of ceasefires the same as the Palestinians have. Plus ceasefires never seem to get Palestine anywhere as nothing changes - the blockade stays in place, they are still not recognised as a state, Israel still withholds energy and money etc. All of which is made even worse by the West enforcing democracy on countries in the Middle East and then when they hold democratic elections and we don't like who they vote for we refuse to recognise the government.

Israel should never retaliate as no decent state would. The problem is that they do and they don't give a fuck who gets hurt as long as they get their pound of flesh. Sure Palestinians fire rockets but if you actually check up on that you'll find that the so called rockets that they fire aren't much more powerful or dangerous than a pea shooter.

As far as I'm concerned Israel is a rogue state on a par with all the others. I don't work for the BBC and they haven't brain washed me either - I actually spend a fair bit of time reading up on the Israel / Palestine conflict a while back as I could understand it more (though I'm not sure that I do as its so confusing). If anything I'd say the BBC are biased towards Israel.

But its not really about who is at fault - the important thing is putting an end to it.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 09:17:45
i'm further confused by isreal going into gaza with footsoldiers, what are they planning to do? occupy it again...because from memory this plan doesn't work out too well

(this is a genuine question and should not be taken as a wind up, steve)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 09:21:17
i'm further confused by isreal going into gaza with footsoldiers, what are they planning to do? occupy it again...because from memory this plan doesn't work out too well

(this is a genuine question and should not be taken as a wind up, steve)

If they bomb Gaza, they get condemned for doing so. If they don't bomb Gaza, the terrorists will continue to launch rockets against them. They need to do something.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 09:42:20
See the protestors in london yesterday throwing shoes and demanding downing st take action. These will be the same protestors who protested about going into afgan and iraq. Fuckin hypocrytes(sp)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 10:01:21
America didn't disappoint yesterday did they (George Bush) putting the blame squarely on the Palestinians.
So next day Israel goes in, and when they have finished the job and killed another 100 or so, then America will condemn it and call for a ceasefire.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: ghanimah on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 10:31:28
Not just the Americans who have condemned Hamas.

This from Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit last week on Egyptian TV:

The Israelis have been warning you that this was coming if you continue your cross border rocket attacks. Egypt has been imploring you to stop firing rockets into Israel, but you ignored our words. We have been urging you to renew the cease-fire with Israel, but you refused. You have brought this upon yourselves. You are responsible for what is happening to the people of Gaza.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: THE FLASH on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 10:40:26
I find "goon" quite offesnive I would prefer cunt if thats okay

This has cheered up my Sunday morning!!!!!!! :D

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Arnold.J.Rimmer on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:43:52
Can you cunts please stop with your sixth form political views? What's the ethnic make up of the average Brit? German (Saxon) French (Norman) Italian (Roman) etc, etc, etc. Land belongs to whoever is strong enough to hold on to it.

just to be pedantic, the normans were ethnically danish vikings and the few "romans" (mostly german auxiliary troops anyway)  that did decide to settle in Britain after the 7th century would have been ethnically cleansed along the rest of the Celts living in England.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:46:40
This tit for tat posturing(sp)by both sides is pathetic. They are as bad as eachother

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:56:40
I wouldn't say 400+ killed by Israel is merely posturing, but i get your point.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 12:23:57
just to be pedantic, the normans were ethnically danish vikings and the few "romans" (mostly german auxiliary troops anyway)  that did decide to settle in Britain after the 7th century would have been ethnically cleansed along the rest of the Celts living in England.

Thanks for that. If anything it reinforces my original point.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Sunday, January 4, 2009, 13:39:43
This tit for tat posturing(sp)by both sides is pathetic. They are as bad as eachother


Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Phil_S on Monday, January 5, 2009, 14:18:17
Historically Israel was occupied by the Jews about 1,500 BC.
Then the Romans occupied.
Then in the Middle Ages the Saracens.
Then it was part of the Turkish Empire
Then it was part of the British Empire after Turkey lost in WW1.
They fought us for Independence & won.
In the 60's the Arabs launched an all out attack on Israel & got their asses thrashed. After that Israel continued to occupy land from which those attcks were launched such as the Golan Heights.
The Arabs have continued ever since continued with terrorism to try to grab the land from them.
In by view the Israllis are only doing what we are doing in Afganistan. Going after the terrorists & THOSE THAT HARBOUR THE TERRORISTS.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 15:24:35
In by view the Israllis are only doing what we are doing in Afganistan. Going after the terrorists & THOSE THAT HARBOUR THE TERRORISTS.

Absolute load of bollocks.  So was launching an air attack against a Norweigian UN camp an attack against the terrorists a couple of years back????   I suppose they were hiding the missile launchers too.

Now I'm not saying that the Palestinians are in the right, and the Israelis are in the wrong, historically, but in my mind launching a full scale military campaign against residential areas is wrong, and is definitely not being carried out in my name.  It is over the top and will only lead to one thing, the next generation of suicide bomber ready to die for their land.

Israel need to be educated that this sort of heavy handed action will not lead to peace, it will just lead to more and more blood shed.  It's by no fluke that after the blood shed in the 70's in NI (by British troops and Irish terrorists) there was no peace.  But after years of diplomatically bashing a few heads together the NI troubles are (**touch wood**) behind us.

Since these troubles began  Palestinians dead 500+.  Israeli dead 5.  Injured  Palestinians 2,400+ Israel 500+.  This isn't a just military campaign, imo.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Phil_S on Monday, January 5, 2009, 15:47:31
I don't for one second believe that Israel deliberatly targetted the UN ?
I agree that it may lead to the next generation of terrorists too, but I fail to see what any other sovereign country would be expected to do.
From the Israelli point of view if the palestinians elected a Terrorist organisation to lead them then they should expect just such a response.
Hamas have been offered peace but persist in terrorism. If they are the good guys as the BBC seem to think, why don't they root out those who fire the rockets & put them on trial. If they did I am sure Israel would not be doing what they are doing now.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Monday, January 5, 2009, 15:51:21
There would be a greater chance of peace if Israel retreated from the land they have illegally occupied.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 15:51:58
I don't think anyone is making the Hamas terrorists out to be "the good guys", I think the BBC are just showing the compassion that most feel when they see women and little children killed or injured in the civilian areas blown up by persistant air strikes.  In times like these keeping the moral high ground can do you the world of good, and Israel have really let themselves down by going "route one".

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, January 5, 2009, 16:07:14
It's a holy war. Always has been, always will be.

The Muslims think the land is theirs, but the Jews think the land is theirs. Both sides will claim each other to be terrorists and in the eyes of the Western world it is Hamas who look like the terrorists, but in reality both sides are terrorists doing what they believe is right by their religious texts.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 16:11:10
The "funny" thing is Hamas terrorists have now got exactly what they want an Israeli invasion, now for more blood shed, proper guerilla (sp) warfare.  The Israeli military leaders have made a massive mistake here.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Monday, January 5, 2009, 16:13:09
The "funny" thing is Hamas terrorists have now got exactly what they want an Israeli invasion, now for more blood shed, proper guerilla (sp) warfare.  The Israeli military leaders have made a massive mistake here.

Shame the Israelis didn't come onto an internet football forum. You could all tell them where they're going wrong

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 16:29:02
Oh sorry for giving an opinion Hertha, silly me, thought I was just adding my voice to the debate.

 :china: :nonono:

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Monday, January 5, 2009, 16:36:45
It wasn't aimed at just you Jan.

We can all sit in our comfy, safe homes, pontificating about what's going on over there and voicing opinions like we're fucking experts.

It just annoys me a little.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: ghanimah on Monday, January 5, 2009, 16:47:08
It wasn't aimed at just you Jan.

We can all sit in our comfy, safe homes, pontificating about what's going on over there and voicing opinions like we're fucking experts.

It just annoys me a little.

Agree with that completely, 'nice' air-conditioned offices etc have a lot to answer for.

Israeli's only doing what any responsible Government should do as part of its core responsibilities i.e. defend its citizens.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 16:58:36
But that's what discussions are about aren't they?  Whether it be here, or a drunken putting the world to rights up the pub, telling her indoors what you think, or just shouting at the TV.  I don't consider myself an expert on many things but I'd have a chat and a debate about most things, good way of learning about the world I reckon.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 17:02:18
Agree with that completely, 'nice' air-conditioned offices etc have a lot to answer for.

Israeli's only doing what any responsible Government should do as part of its core responsibilities i.e. defend its citizens.

So be the end of all forums, keep your opinions to yourselves folks, unless you happen to have a Degree in the subject you wish to discuss.

If you don't want to read people's views on such a subject, you know what to do fella.

Also isn't your post contradicting itself.  You agree with "office opinion" then say Israel are only doing the right thing?  Unless you're posting that from the front line in Gaza?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: ghanimah on Monday, January 5, 2009, 17:31:29
So be the end of all forums, keep your opinions to yourselves folks, unless you happen to have a Degree in the subject you wish to discuss.

If you don't want to read people's views on such a subject, you know what to do fella.

Also isn't your post contradicting itself.  You agree with "office opinion" then say Israel are only doing the right thing?  Unless you're posting that from the front line in Gaza?

Sorry Jan, I think you misunderstand me. I wasn't saying I agreed with 'office opinion', I was just using that as an analogy to agree with herthab that pontificating about Israel is a lot easier when you don't have to face over 3000 rockets launched at your family in the last 6 months, despite an agreed ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, which only Israel has honoured.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: axs on Monday, January 5, 2009, 17:38:44
It wasn't aimed at just you Jan.

We can all sit in our comfy, safe homes, pontificating about what's going on over there and voicing opinions like we're fucking experts.

It just annoys me a little.

You've been fairly active in this debate, I therefore don't really understand your point. Do you annoy yourself?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 17:42:54
Sorry Jan, I think you misunderstand me. I wasn't saying I agreed with 'office opinion', I was just using that as an analogy to agree with herthab that pontificating about Israel is a lot easier when you don't have to face over 3000 rockets launched at your family in the last 6 months, despite an agreed ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, which only Israel has honoured.

Agree with that, of course it's easier typing a pro either side opinion when at the end of the day we're really not involved at all.  I'm not trying to Israel bash in this thread, at all, I just don't agree with their actions during recent weeks.  Not to say I agree with the terrorists launching missiles near schools and mosques knowing that Israel will attack, in that vicinity.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 5, 2009, 17:59:30
Absolute load of bollocks.  So was launching an air attack against a Norweigian UN camp an attack against the terrorists a couple of years back????   I suppose they were hiding the missile launchers too.
Phil orginally said (damn the lack of nested quoting) that what the Israelis are doing is similar to what we are doing in Afghanistan. Assuming by "we" he's including all Western forces over there, not just the UK, there's been a large amount of civilian casualties caused by NATO attacks on terrorists hiding among the civilian population in Afghanistan. That's pretty much a direct comparison to be fair. I shouldn't imagine the NATO forces *intend* to blow up civilian wedding parties etc any more than the Israelis *intended* to attack the UN base, or indeed kill civilians themselves. But in neither case, Israelis or NATO, are they being terribly careful about "collateral damage" (ie dead civilians). So I'd say Phil's point is pretty much bang on tbh - there's a direct comparison between how "we" as part of a joint NATO effort are going about our business in Afghanistan and how the Israelis are doing it in Gaza. I'm making no comment on the morality of either campaign, merely pointing out Phil was not talking "Absolute load of bollocks" but made a very fair comparison IMO

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Monday, January 5, 2009, 18:07:22
But that's what discussions are about aren't they?  Whether it be here, or a drunken putting the world to rights up the pub, telling her indoors what you think, or just shouting at the TV.  I don't consider myself an expert on many things but I'd have a chat and a debate about most things, good way of learning about the world I reckon.

Do you shout at the TV Jan?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Monday, January 5, 2009, 18:30:29
Do you shout at the TV Jan?

This thread, since it got ressurected today, has made me swear at my lap-top.

Phil talks arse by the way.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, January 5, 2009, 18:37:16
Fuck me this will win the longest thread. The fighting will go on for years. As long as the palestinians keep launching attacks then cowardly retreating to civilian spots then the innocent will die. Its war ,nothing new has happened for centurys.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Monday, January 5, 2009, 18:45:41
They where making some headway until Yasser died weren't they?

How in-considerate for him to die at such a time.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, January 5, 2009, 18:46:31
This thread, since it got ressurected today, has made me swear at my lap-top.

That's because you seem to be permanently angry.

I worry for you.  Seriously.  Could be bad for your health.  (By the you have a Wikipedia page?)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:09:12
Phil orginally said (damn the lack of nested quoting) that what the Israelis are doing is similar to what we are doing in Afghanistan. Assuming by "we" he's including all Western forces over there, not just the UK, there's been a large amount of civilian casualties caused by NATO attacks on terrorists hiding among the civilian population in Afghanistan. That's pretty much a direct comparison to be fair. I shouldn't imagine the NATO forces *intend* to blow up civilian wedding parties etc any more than the Israelis *intended* to attack the UN base, or indeed kill civilians themselves. But in neither case, Israelis or NATO, are they being terribly careful about "collateral damage" (ie dead civilians). So I'd say Phil's point is pretty much bang on tbh - there's a direct comparison between how "we" as part of a joint NATO effort are going about our business in Afghanistan and how the Israelis are doing it in Gaza. I'm making no comment on the morality of either campaign, merely pointing out Phil was not talking "Absolute load of bollocks" but made a very fair comparison IMO

If you want to be a "we" that includes the incapable yanks that please do  ;-)  I think the British forces, from what I've seen in Afghanistan would not launch a 10 day terror campain on say Kabul's residential areas.  If they did I'd be as disgusted as I am today.

And sorry I should have said "absolute load of bollocks imo", it's my view rather than fact, no offence Phil.

Could the Trust have this rather interesting topic on the next agenda?

And yeah from time to time I've been known to speak to the TV, only on highly emotional issues, like when Family Ties got pulled and Shaun from Eastenders casually climbed out the icey lake, without shivering.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:13:37
That's because you seem to be permanently angry.

I worry for you.  Seriously.  Could be bad for your health.  (By the you have a Wikipedia page?)

I'm not angry, people just talk a lot of shit and I feel it's my duty to point that out sometimes.

This me btw:,_1st_Baron_Ironside


Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:18:07
If you want to be a "we" that includes the incapable yanks that please do  ;-)  I think the British forces, from what I've seen in Afghanistan would not launch a 10 day terror campain on say Kabul's residential areas.  If they did I'd be as disgusted as I am today.

And sorry I should have said "absolute load of bollocks imo", it's my view rather than fact, no offence Phil.

Could the Trust have this rather interesting topic on the next agenda?

And yeah from time to time I've been known to speak to the TV, only on highly emotional issues, like when Family Ties got pulled and Shaun from Eastenders casually climbed out the icey lake, without shivering.

For fuck's sake! :doh:

The Israeli's are NOT carrying out a fucking TERROR campaign.

Honestly, some people seem to think that eveything's fucking terror since Sept 11th.

Get a fucking grip!


now i'm slightly angy...

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:21:48
By the way the so called innocent civilians are the ones who elected this terrorist group to run their country are they not

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:23:24
For fuck's sake! :doh:

The Israeli's are NOT carrying out a fucking TERROR campaign.

Honestly, some people seem to think that eveything's fucking terror since Sept 11th.

Get a fucking grip!


now i'm slightly angy...

The whole situation in the middle east could be sorted out?

Most countries surrounding Israel do not want further conflict, take out of the equation the fucking USA funding to Israel and both sides will have to come to the table on level playing fields.

Until the evil of the world goes away then the war will go on.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:28:41
By the way the so called innocent civilians are the ones who elected this terrorist group to run their country are they not

Yes that's right the two and 3 year olds are responsible for all of this, they deserve everything they get, well said DRS!!!!  Kill more of these terrorist electing toddlers!!!!!!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:32:25
Britain controlled Palestine and it was felt before and after WWII that the persecuted Jews from Europe should be allowed to settle there (Remember that Palestine has never been an independent Country) There was already a large Jewish community living there, as there had been for centuries.
Britain, initially, wanted to retain control but the jewish population wanted self rule and waged a guerilla war against us which we decided was not worth the hassle. At which point we gave the UN the problem and fucked off.

Why should the Palestinians get 'dibs' on the land Bennet?

Interesting use of language there. Jewish people fighting for a homeland, and planting bombs and carrying out political assassination to acheive it are undertaking a guerilla war. I take it you'd use the same terminology for the likes of Hamas today? Or are they terrorists? If so do give me an idea of how exactly you make the differentiation?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:33:56
Grow up jan did i say that? You go on about your right to argue points on a forum then behave like a childish tit
Yes that's right the two and 3 year olds are responsible for all of this, they deserve everything they get, well said DRS!!!!  Kill more of these terrorist electing toddlers!!!!!!
Yes that's right the two and 3 year olds are responsible for all of this, they deserve everything they get, well said DRS!!!!  Kill more of these terrorist electing toddlers!!!!!!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:35:56
Of course the kids are the innocent in this but you know fully well what my point was

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:39:51
Not really DRS, okay so Hamas got elected, but if the UK was bombed and I was seriously injured and people across the globe thought "oh well he shouldn't have elected Tony Blair/gordon Brown then" I'd be pretty fuckin savage.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:42:26
No but if we appointed a terror group who kept launching rockets during a ceasefire i would expect some backlash

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:43:18
You've been fairly active in this debate, I therefore don't really understand your point. Do you annoy yourself?

Yes. Yes I do. I'm not going to post on this thread anymore (Or even look at it) as everytime I do I get pissed off.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:46:59
For fuck's sake! :doh:
The Israeli's are NOT carrying out a fucking TERROR campaign.
Honestly, some people seem to think that eveything's fucking terror since Sept 11th.
Get a fucking grip!

Depends how you define terrorism I suppose. Apologists for imperialist superpowers generally like to use definitions that make a big deal out of the types of weapons used, blow up a bus load of civilians because they stray in front of your IED planted at a roadside waiting for a Humvee to drive past and that's terrorism, drop a stray Cruise Missile on them and it's collateral damage.

No one agrees on a definition but I go with:

"violence and the threat of violence which are intended to create fear as a means of coercion"

Judging by the leaflets that Israel is dropping in Gaza as detailed by CNN:

Israel also stepped up its psychological campaign Monday, trying to turn Gazans against Hamas.

"Urgent message, warning to the citizens of Gaza," said a recorded phone call to Gaza resident Moussa El-Hadad. "Hamas is using you as human shields. Do not listen to them. Hamas has abandoned you and are hiding in their shelters."

The Israeli military also dropped leaflets into the streets of Gaza warning residents that the IDF will continue using "full force against Hamas." It also warned that the military "also has other means to deal with Hamas."

"If the army uses them, the toll will be very painful," said the leaflet, signed by IDF command.

That seems to fit the definition to me

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:50:53
Interesting use of language there. Jewish people fighting for a homeland, and planting bombs and carrying out political assassination to acheive it are undertaking a guerilla war. I take it you'd use the same terminology for the likes of Hamas today? Or are they terrorists? If so do give me an idea of how exactly you make the differentiation?

Straight out of the BBC lexicon of double-speak.
Islamic Terrorist = "Militant" "guerilla" etc
Israeli Soldiers = Child Murderers
Recession = "Downturn"

I could go on..

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:51:37
Jan...Hamas and the Israelis had a pretty well observed truce up untill a couple of weeks ago....Hamas decided the truce was not for them,what did they expect?...theyve been lobbing rockets into Israel even during the really the side of the argument you support really depends on who you think has the right of way in Gazza...because believe me if the palestinians get the support of Iran and Iran decide to nuke Israel is it the fault of the thousands of innocent Israeli kids who will be killed.
And another thing ware are all of the Hammis allies during this there Arab comrades?..ile tell you there noware because no country will support a terror group that is recognised by no other country....basicly its like France supporting the IRA!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: LucienSanchez on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:57:25
Or the US supporting the IRA... oh wait.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 19:57:49
No but if we appointed a terror group who kept launching rockets during a ceasefire i would expect some backlash

What like the IRA exploding bombs in shopping centres?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:00:36
Depends how you define terrorism I suppose. Apologists for imperialist superpowers generally like to use definitions that make a big deal out of the types of weapons used, blow up a bus load of civilians because they stray in front of your IED planted at a roadside waiting for a Humvee to drive past and that's terrorism, drop a stray Cruise Missile on them and it's collateral damage.

No one agrees on a definition but I go with:

"violence and the threat of violence which are intended to create fear as a means of coercion"

Judging by the leaflets that Israel is dropping in Gaza as detailed by CNN:

Israel also stepped up its psychological campaign Monday, trying to turn Gazans against Hamas.

"Urgent message, warning to the citizens of Gaza," said a recorded phone call to Gaza resident Moussa El-Hadad. "Hamas is using you as human shields. Do not listen to them. Hamas has abandoned you and are hiding in their shelters."

The Israeli military also dropped leaflets into the streets of Gaza warning residents that the IDF will continue using "full force against Hamas." It also warned that the military "also has other means to deal with Hamas."

"If the army uses them, the toll will be very painful," said the leaflet, signed by IDF command.

That seems to fit the definition to me

So dropping a leaflet (not a bomb, a piece of paper) telling the local's that they'd best keep their heads down for a while because the local bovver boys have been asking for troube and have now got some, is terrorism?  :doh:

Your point about the weapons used is actually quite important but is garbage. There's a world of difference between a precision guided weapon malfunctioning and possibly missing its target and a fucking roadside bomb which is totally indiscriminate and could go off at any time.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:01:01
The US didnt support the IRA,,,idiotic mislead Irish Americans did.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:01:23
Jan...Hamas and the Israelis had a pretty well observed truce up untill a couple of weeks ago....Hamas decided the truce was not for them,what did they expect?...theyve been lobbing rockets into Israel even during the really the side of the argument you support really depends on who you think has the right of way in Gazza...because believe me if the palestinians get the support of Iran and Iran decide to nuke Israel is it the fault of the thousands of innocent Israeli kids who will be killed.
And another thing ware are all of the Hammis allies during this there Arab comrades?..ile tell you there noware because no country will support a terror group that is recognised by no other country....basicly its like France supporting the IRA!

Can I just say, the more this goes on and the more I read about it, the less I care for either side.  Without gettin all soft, corny, tree hugging (whatever you want to call it) the more I realise I'm against war.  Too much suffering of the innocent (on both sides).

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:01:49
Straight out of the BBC lexicon of double-speak.
Islamic Terrorist = "Militant" "guerilla" etc
Israeli Soldiers = Child Murderers
Recession = "Downturn"
I could go on..

That doesn't make any kind of fucking sense?

You've got irate about other people using the word "terror" elsewhere in the thread, I'm just pointing out some possible inconsistencies in the use of language here.

For the record I'm pretty fucking clear that Hamas is a terrorist organisation, I'm just also clear that because some violent actions were a long time ago and the people that carried them out are now in senior positions in a new nationa state, that doesn't stop them being terrorist actions. I'm also clear that nation states are also perfectly capable of carrying out actions that are terrorist in nature.

What the fuck that has to do with the BBC I don't know. Do you read the Daily Mail by any chance?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:02:29
Can I just say, the more this goes on and the more I read about it, the less I care for either side.  Without gettin all soft, corny, tree hugging (whatever you want to call it) the more I realise I'm against war.  Too much suffering of the innocent (on both sides).

Someone take this cunt outside and shoot him please...

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:04:21
We sent troops to northern ireland jan.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:06:36
Can I just say, the more this goes on and the more I read about it, the less I care for either side.  Without gettin all soft, corny, tree hugging (whatever you want to call it) the more I realise I'm against war.  Too much suffering of the innocent (on both sides).

Very true point...very well made.
On a different note i can recommend a true story called Somme Mud written by E,Lynch that really does confirm your point.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:07:32
Herthabs a bald prick

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:13:35
That doesn't make any kind of fucking sense?

You've got irate about other people using the word "terror" elsewhere in the thread, I'm just pointing out some possible inconsistencies in the use of language here.

For the record I'm pretty fucking clear that Hamas is a terrorist organisation, I'm just also clear that because some violent actions were a long time ago and the people that carried them out are now in senior positions in a new nationa state, that doesn't stop them being terrorist actions. I'm also clear that nation states are also perfectly capable of carrying out actions that are terrorist in nature.

What the fuck that has to do with the BBC I don't know. Do you read the Daily Mail by any chance?

Lumpy I was pointing out that auntie, and the rest of the media quite often lie.

When was the last time you heard auntie refer to the likes of Hamas/Hezbollah etc etc as terrorists? They don't, they refer to them as "militants".

Conflation of Hamas "militants" killed and "Palestinian" deaths giving the impression that all the deaths are those of "innocent civilians"

When was the last time you heard the BBC use the word recession? They don't, they refer to it as a "downturn".

BBC (and other media) double-speak.  Big fan of Auntie are you?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:19:11
We sent troops to northern ireland jan.

Yes we did and the Bloody Sunday style of reposnse to terrorist activities got the British forces no where.  All it did was breed contempt for the British.   It played no part in the eventual peace process. 

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:29:21
When was the last time you heard the BBC use the word recession? They don't, they refer to it as a "downturn".

To be fair, if the BBC started reporting 'the recession' before it had been formally called (as it will be when the Q4 2008 growth figures become available later this month), they would be accused of talking down the economy.  I would be very surprised if the BBC did not change the 'downturn' to 'recession' in their reporting when it becomes official.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: leefer on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:36:43
Personally i would of loved to see Moira Stuart ruffle her papers and say in her posh voice here is the news..its freezing in Britain and we are all fucked...Goodnight.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:37:18
In fact they often use the word "recession" as well as "downturn", in phrases like "expected recession", especially when talking about the growth figures, or even just the economy as a whole, "as we head into recession".

They also use the word "terrorist", especially when reporting about the Israeli reasons behind there current actions. They do also use the term "militant" when reporting from a more neutral view though, it's less of a loaded term, either way.

I've definitely never heard them use the term "Child Murderers".

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, January 5, 2009, 20:49:13
A recession is just a temporary economic downturn anyway.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Monday, January 5, 2009, 22:06:20
Are you watching News at 10 FB?

George Alighia didn't use the frase "child murderers" but he bloody well implied it. Jeremy Al Bowen's report just re-said it.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: spacey on Monday, January 5, 2009, 22:48:05
Maybe it was the coverage of the child that had been murdered that influenced them?  If an innocent person is killed whether it be a child or an adult, it can't be just dismissed as an unfortunate consequence of war. I don't give a fuck what side fired the missile and I don't give a fuck about their reasons. It's murder! Now if you don't mind, I have some trees in my garden in serious need of a hug, so I'll bid you good day.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 5, 2009, 22:49:02
Spacey you knob. I'm going to have to go cut down some trees to restore balance to the universe. It's fucking cold outside.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 5, 2009, 22:58:11
If you want to be a "we" that includes the incapable yanks that please do  ;-)  I think the British forces, from what I've seen in Afghanistan would not launch a 10 day terror campain on say Kabul's residential areas.  If they did I'd be as disgusted as I am today.
You may want to start being disgusted then and perhaps a little less smug about "the incapable yanks" versus our own troops who've also been responsible for civilian deaths in Afghanistan. To pick just a couple of headlines from just the first page of a brief googling:

Sorry, but this idea that you can have "clean" wars that don't kill civilians is just bullshit, particularly in the kind of assymetric warfare that fighting terrorists/insurgents/militants who necessarily blend in with the civilian population. And the British smugness that our lads manage to surgically take out only the bad hats while those crazy cowboy yanks blow the shit out of all and sundry bears equally little examination. And no I'm not having a go at the British troops serving in Afghanistan - I'm damn sure they take every step they can to avoid civilian casualties, but the fact is, you can't conduct this kind of war without civilian casualties and deaths. This idea of "clean wars" is, I'm afraid, one more piece of bullshit the politicians dreamed up so we wouldn't feel so bad about cheering on our boys.

Even if you were right in the "ooh, don't worry it's only the cowboy yanks, our hands are clean" I think you'll find most Afghan civilians don't differentiate between British carelessness, NATO carelessness or US carelessness when it comes to killing civilians - they just see Western forces killing their kids, wives etc.

So unless you're arguing for total pacifism (and fair play if you are - not a view I agree with, but I'll respect it), I think you're being a bit smug tbh in dismissing Phil's comparison with Afghanistan. In fact, you could argue the Israelis have considerably more justification in chasing down terrorists/insurgents/militants right on their borders than we do chasing them down half a world away.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Monday, January 5, 2009, 23:00:12
Do you read the Daily Mail by any chance?
No-on reads the Daily Mail - they have it read to them

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Reeves for King on Monday, January 5, 2009, 23:19:01
Politics on the te... this is mint.

I am inclined to side with the Palestinians, but neither side is blameless. Israel did not keep to the terms and land it was given when the state was created (about half and half between Israel and Palestine and Jerusalem as an independent city). Furthermore I am pretty disgusted by the US and France - one sides with Israel, one with Palestine - do they not realize that in an area as volatile as this they need to use pacifying words?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 01:44:55
Politics on the te... this is mint.

I am inclined to side with the Palestinians, but neither side is blameless. Israel did not keep to the terms and land it was given when the state was created (about half and half between Israel and Palestine and Jerusalem as an independent city).
And to play devil's avocado, if the Arab states who cry such bitter crocodile tears for the plight of the Palestinians were that concerned, they could of course have carved out a Palestinian homeland out of their own land. For example, Jordan as a large chunk of Jordanian territory is historically "Palestinian", but they couldn't kick the Palestinians out into refugee camps in Lebanon etc quick enough. The Palestinian plight (and it genuinely is a plight) should be a problem for the whole region but the Arab states have played politics with the Palestinians just as much as the Israelis, arguably more so given how often the Palestinians have been used as a frontline proxy by Arab League states for a war they daren't declare on Israel directly. And now the Palestinian civilians are being used as human shields by their own terrorist government.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 08:53:31
I'm always amused by this Israeli "human shield" argument.

I'm not sure what the Israeli's, or anybody else for that matter expects Hamas to do. They're living in a massive ghetto with a population of over 1.5 million, all jammed into a narrow strip of land with an area of about 145 sq miles, meaning it's got a population density similar to the inner London boroughs.

So there's not a whole load of fucking room for these people to be that isn't in a civilian populated area.

There is a narrow strip of land immediately inside the 1950 Armistice Line between the Gaza city suburb of Kuba and Bureij that's a bit more rural. But that's basically saying "can the people we're trying to kill please come and stand in the open in front of this border so that we can shoot them".

By the same argument Hamas could argue that if only the IDF would assemble a few thousand troops each day to stand around in the fields between Kfar Azaz and Mfelsim, for them to aim their rockets at then the Israeli civilian population local to the border would be a lot safer.

Anyway a lot of the Israeli's targets are not military in nature, but are members of the Hamas leadership. In other words the government of the Gaza Strip region. So saying that they're using the civilian population as "human shields" is like saying that the British Government are risking the lives civilians by basing themselves in London. They are after all terrorist targets, surely they should be living and working in an area well away from the rest of us.

It's a load of old propaganda bollocks basically.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 08:56:17
Can't they hide in the underground bunkers they have made or maybe just stop launching rockets.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 09:04:25
I'm always amused by this Israeli "human shield" argument.

I'm not sure what the Israeli's, or anybody else for that matter expects Hamas to do
Stop firing rockets into civilian areas, stop sending suicide bombers onto buses, restaurants, discos, stop sending raiding parties over the border to slit the throats of little children (see I can do emotive too). Just an idea like.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 09:37:28
You may want to start being disgusted then and perhaps a little less smug about "the incapable yanks" versus our own troops who've also been responsible for civilian deaths in Afghanistan. To pick just a couple of headlines from just the first page of a brief googling:

Sorry, but this idea that you can have "clean" wars that don't kill civilians is just bullshit, particularly in the kind of assymetric warfare that fighting terrorists/insurgents/militants who necessarily blend in with the civilian population. And the British smugness that our lads manage to surgically take out only the bad hats while those crazy cowboy yanks blow the shit out of all and sundry bears equally little examination. And no I'm not having a go at the British troops serving in Afghanistan - I'm damn sure they take every step they can to avoid civilian casualties, but the fact is, you can't conduct this kind of war without civilian casualties and deaths. This idea of "clean wars" is, I'm afraid, one more piece of bullshit the politicians dreamed up so we wouldn't feel so bad about cheering on our boys.

Even if you were right in the "ooh, don't worry it's only the cowboy yanks, our hands are clean" I think you'll find most Afghan civilians don't differentiate between British carelessness, NATO carelessness or US carelessness when it comes to killing civilians - they just see Western forces killing their kids, wives etc.

So unless you're arguing for total pacifism (and fair play if you are - not a view I agree with, but I'll respect it), I think you're being a bit smug tbh in dismissing Phil's comparison with Afghanistan. In fact, you could argue the Israelis have considerably more justification in chasing down terrorists/insurgents/militants right on their borders than we do chasing them down half a world away.

Paul coming from a family with military connections I'm well aware that on occasions our own forces have killed innocent cilivians as has most armys (if not all) in the world.  However I'm not personally aware of a sustained attack on residential areas via our air force as seen in the middle east.  Think it's very easy to say "oh that situation is just like "x", when I don't think it is".  Not being smug about anything, don't really think this is the kind of topic to be smug.

Watching the news each day, unlike Ironside I don't rely upon the BBC for updates, prefer the far superior (imo) Al Jazeera Eng, who despite reputation have very good analysis of the situation, before work today they had about 20 mins of Israeli government ministers on there explaining their side of things.  It's a sad but fascinating subject I reckon.

As I've said before though, I'm not pro either side, just dismayed at seeing dead children being carried away by their parents.  Would be the same if the Iranians decided enough was enough and bombed the residential Israeli areas, it'd be wrong.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 09:56:00
Stop firing rockets into civilian areas, stop sending suicide bombers onto buses, restaurants, discos, stop sending raiding parties over the border to slit the throats of little children (see I can do emotive too). Just an idea like.

So basically just sit back in your over-crowded ghetto with no operational infrastructure and rot. Accept that your life and those of over 1.5m others are going to be living in ruined cities and refugee camps surviving on food aid for the indefinate future. I can sort of understand why young Palestinians might think "fuck that I'd rather die fighting".

It's fucking easy for people sitting in comfortable homes to wonder why Hamas broke the ceasefire after about six months and started lobbing rockets in earnest again. But the situation was getting increasingly desperate in Gaza. Despite the ceasefire having been largley respected for that 6 months the Israeli blockade of Gaza was maintained, the bare minimum of food aid being allowed through, and virtually nothing was allowed in that would have let the authority start rebuilding the local infrastucture. And the worlds attention had shifted to the financial crisis, Afghanistan, Iraq and whatever else.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:02:09
It's funny that people who defend the Palestinians are accused of being anti Israel, when it seems to me a few people on here are, by the looks of it, just anti-Palestinian.

I can't understand how people can defend the killing of little'uns, no matter their nationality.  I wasn't being childish yesterday in response to DRS' post, i was just making a point that's all.  Even the women (and some of the blokes) that are being killed, if they're anything like some of the women (and some of the blokes) in this country they probably don't give a monkeys about politics, so the fact they live in the Gaza strip they deserve to die or live in terrible conditions due to the ruling political party?  That doesn't make sense to me.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Sussex on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:05:17
Religion and politics, a guaranteed 10 pager on the TEF!

Yes I do have a view on this topic but can't be arsed to contribute. Man flu sucks.

Where's ironside?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:31:55
I don't want people to think that I've got any time for the Hamas leadership or that of the Israeli's. My sympathies are entirely with the people of the region on both sides who are living in such appalling circumstances. However, whilst I'm as sympathetic to the Israeli families that have lost loved ones as I am for the Palestinians, it has to be faced that there are a lot less of them, and I'm beginning to get annoyed by the parade of Israeli civilians appearing on screen who constantly represent themselves as the victims in this whole situation. Yes, the populations living near the Armistice line most live in fear a lot of the time, but the teenage tourists from Tel Aviv that are pitching up in the area to watch the attacks, bleating on about how they're constantly under attack just piss me off.

They don't have to hide from bombs, they get to go to school, their electricity works, they have hospitals with power, drugs and other medical supplies, and sufficient trained staff. They're defended by the largest, most well equipped armed forces in the region, they're backed by the most powerful nation on earth and are the regions only nuclear power.

They don't seem to even consider what might provoke a young arab kid to strap on a bomb belt and climb onto a bus. The fact that an entire population has been driven out of Israel and several generations have grown up in refugee camps and ghetto's with none of the advantages and opportunities they have and little hope for the future doesn't seem to register with them at all.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Colin Todd on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:33:59
It looks warm over there, they dont know how good they've got it.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:40:23
I don't want people to think that I've got any time for the Hamas leadership or that of the Israeli's. My sympathies are entirely with the people of the region on both sides who are living in such appalling circumstances. However, whilst I'm as sympathetic to the Israeli families that have lost loved ones as I am for the Palestinians, it has to be faced that there are a lot less of them, and I'm beginning to get annoyed by the parade of Israeli civilians appearing on screen who constantly represent themselves as the victims in this whole situation. Yes, the populations living near the Armistice line most live in fear a lot of the time, but the teenage tourists from Tel Aviv that are pitching up in the area to watch the attacks, bleating on about how they're constantly under attack just piss me off.

They don't have to hide from bombs, they get to go to school, their electricity works, they have hospitals with power, drugs and other medical supplies, and sufficient trained staff. They're defended by the largest, most well equipped armed forces in the region, they're backed by the most powerful nation on earth and are the regions only nuclear power.

They don't seem to even consider what might provoke a young arab kid to strap on a bomb belt and climb onto a bus. The fact that an entire population has been driven out of Israel and several generations have grown up in refugee camps and ghetto's with none of the advantages and opportunities they have and little hope for the future doesn't seem to register with them at all.


The Palestinian Authority has received hundreds of millions of EU funding over the years. Where did that money go? (apart from on guns & rockets).  Like the Africans, the've spunked the lot on weapons and Swiss bank accounts.  That arguement about being skint and would rather die fighting is nonsense.

I'm busy today so won't be contributing much.  Enjoy the debate gents.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 11:02:52
I'm busy today so won't be contributing much.  Enjoy the debate gents.

I think Ironside's trying to have the last word here, chaps.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 11:04:29
Would be the same if the Iranians decided enough was enough and bombed the residential Israeli areas, it'd be wrong.
That's effectively what they are doing - Hamas is funded and armed by Iran, you can just as easily see this as a proxy war between Iran and Israel. I've got a lot of sympathy for the Palestinians at large and despite playing devil's advocate to some extent in this debate, I feel the same as anyone else when I see pictures of women and kids fleeing military attacks. And I share Lumps' concerns about the effects of the Israeli blockade of Gaza. But Hamas are solely interested in concentrating their own power and serving Iran's interests in the region - Hamas and Iran have shown as little regard for Palestinian civilians in all this as have the IDF and must take their share of the blame for using their own people as pawns.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 11:30:12
Definitely agree there Paul the way the Hamas "missile launchers", who themselves a pawns of the wiider situation, are toying with the lives and welfare of the "ordinary" Palestinian people's lives is disgusting.  Someone, somehow needs to get it into there thick heads that this needs to end.

Other than Hulk Hogan, early to mid-90's, I can't think of a human being able to do just that. 

The US' view on this whole situation is not helping matters though, I think a slightly more sympathetic view on the people of Palestine's situation would help.  That's not to say they have to not be "on Israel's side" but the constant verbal backing of Israel's actions will not be helping the US' reputation in Iraq/Afghanistan.

PS On the Iran point, I meant if Iran was bombing Israel in a similar fashion to the Israeli bombing of Gaza, although I take your point.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 12:32:47
Thing is this seems to be a never ending situation.

The Hamas leaders will never be seen to "relent" to the Israel leaders.

The Israel leaders will not offer any realistic concessions to the Palestinians - as was shown during the last "ceasefire"

Hamas will fire rockets until they run out - this will not happen as Iran seems to be supplying.  They are totally cowardly to place these launchers within the grounds of schools and hospitals - then complain when Israel retaliates, takes out the launchers and unavoidably kills innocent people

Israel sends in planes, tanks and bombs, kills anyone who gets in their path and then uses the Palastinian rocket placements as a defence for killing anyone they want.

Israel is backed up by the USA
Palastine is backed up by Iran

How the hell do you ever stop this ?  I thought Northern Ireland was never going to end (not saying the situation there is ideal by the way - just a damn sight better than it was) but people changed it.

Without the will of the common people on BOTH sides this will simply never stop.  Anyone from the west with an ounce of intelligence can see both right and wrong on both sides.

The trouble is there are decades and decades of resentment and hatred built up and unfortunately it is somewhat impossible to break down those barriers when Israel keeps killing innocent people, when Palastinians keep shelling Israel, when Israel stops all supplies to Palastine, and when Palastinians keep sending suicide bombers into Israel.

I am sure there are a lot of other things happening / happened that the majority of us will never know about but these fundemental things need to change before there is even the slightest possibility of a shift in thinking over there....

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: ghanimah on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 12:34:39
No-on reads the Daily Mail - they have it read to them

Not quite true, I know of at least one person who 'reads' it, a stuck-up switchboard operator who used to work near my IT dept some years ago. But would you believe she did actually read most of the paper out loud for the other 4 operators, every morning. Though not sure whether this was a pleasure they wanted or not.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Phil_S on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 12:45:49
You may want to start being disgusted then and perhaps a little less smug about "the incapable yanks" versus our own troops who've also been responsible for civilian deaths in Afghanistan. To pick just a couple of headlines from just the first page of a brief googling:

Sorry, but this idea that you can have "clean" wars that don't kill civilians is just bullshit, particularly in the kind of assymetric warfare that fighting terrorists/insurgents/militants who necessarily blend in with the civilian population. And the British smugness that our lads manage to surgically take out only the bad hats while those crazy cowboy yanks blow the shit out of all and sundry bears equally little examination. And no I'm not having a go at the British troops serving in Afghanistan - I'm damn sure they take every step they can to avoid civilian casualties, but the fact is, you can't conduct this kind of war without civilian casualties and deaths. This idea of "clean wars" is, I'm afraid, one more piece of bullshit the politicians dreamed up so we wouldn't feel so bad about cheering on our boys.

Even if you were right in the "ooh, don't worry it's only the cowboy yanks, our hands are clean" I think you'll find most Afghan civilians don't differentiate between British carelessness, NATO carelessness or US carelessness when it comes to killing civilians - they just see Western forces killing their kids, wives etc.

Agree with those points Paul, but by way of illustration the Yanks & British armed forces do have a different attitude when shooting. My brother used to be in the Navy & whilst his ship was in the US was sent to one of their weapons training courses.
The brit philosphy is / was take aim & fire. The yank philosophy just spray as many bullets in the general direction.
The Israelli attitude is probably more like the Americans

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 12:46:25
FWIW. Below is a post taken from a local forum, written by a Thai that is living out there:

i can tell u that im proud of my son; he managed to get a hold of people from the pikud ha orif (the civilian body that functions in time of war) to deal with the thai workers at least in the moshav near netivot: beit hagedi

since a friend of anon told us that they were working there as usual, and didnt go anywhere protected, nor know what to do, when the sirens sound; they are just sitting and listening to the booms etc... so today, 10 days later, my son found someone that would go in to the moshav at least there, and arrange a 'safe room' for them to go to, when there is a siren... and to talk with the employers to make sure they remember that thai workers are people also... of course thai news doesnt mention this either - the treatment of the workers during times of war... havent seen any official statements from high places about thai people (workers) coming back to thailand; or any other advisories... the thai in the north here havent a clue what's going on here in the southwest area either. and from anon's reaction, it doesnt seem to to matter to them either... it seems to matter more to me than to him (my husband who is a fatalist anyhow)

the thais that we spoke with on the phone say they are mostly drinking and working and ignoring the siutuation; maximum, they will go home for free (in a body bag)... that is the thai black humour of the day....

dont see that that interests most people here on the board either... or maybe they are hoping they will have less relatives to support back in the village... rolleyes.gif

i heard one thai got killed; wasnt exactly on the front pages though; and the guy that was helping my son organize the stuff for the thais, got called back to family as his nephew was KIA new guy, starting all over again with the organizing stuff

my own thoughts: everyone has made their beds, now we are laying in them...


in point: the arab guys i work with at the hotel, well, most really dont seem to care what happens there either... these guys are well off, educated, a bit more assimilated and mainstream, and are still going to clubs, hanging out, and ignoring the political situation altogether, or maybe just wishing it would go away as it is interfereing with their daily lives of 20+ yr old males.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 12:52:11
Two things:

Paul is speaking increasingly as if the membership of Hamas is in some way separate from the Palestinian population. He's verging on an "outside agitators" type of argument. Hamas may be funded and armed by Iran but it's membership is Palestinian, it's leadership drawn mainly from the veterans of the Intafada (in fact the whole organisation was formed out of the Intafada).

And I'm not sure what Paul means by Hamas being "solely interested in concentrating their own power" surely if that was what they were interested in they'd have backed off a bit, called off the rocket attacks, taken what international funding they could and built themselves a bit of a power base. Pretty much what Fatah have been doing for years. Instead they've thrown themselves into what I agree is a fairly futile attempt to destroy Israel. When they say they want to get rid of Israel and replace it with an Islamic Palestinian state I think they fucking mean it.

As for Ironside's rather odd assumption that hundreds of millions of pounds of aid to the Palestinian Authority over the period of several years means that everything would be alright in West Bank and Gaza if they hadn't spent it all on weapons, this is a slightly confused argument.

For a start, the point is irrelevant, I was arguing that the shit conditions in which these people are forced to live give rise to support for Hamas and for the attacks on Israel. Now if those conditions do exist, and they do, you can see them on the news every day, does it matter that they could have been avoided?

More importantly, whilst I accept that the Fatah leadership were fairly notorous for their levels of corruption, the same isn't usually held to be true of Hamas, who have built their support by their opposition to corruption, and their investment in social programmes, hospitals etc. But over the last year, since the last widespread Israeli incursions, they've had very little financial aid, and more importantly the blockade's been in place blocking anything but essential short term supplies getting into the place.

In any case "hundreds of millions" may sound like a lot of money, but for an area under a total blockade, who's economy is consequently crippled and which therefore has a population largely dependent on aid to survive, it's fuck all. Sheffield spends over £800m a year on healthcare alone for a population of about a million. Providing even basic puplic amenities for a population of 4m across Gaza and West Bank would cost at least that every year.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:23:14
Agree with those points Paul, but by way of illustration the Yanks & British armed forces do have a different attitude when shooting. My brother used to be in the Navy & whilst his ship was in the US was sent to one of their weapons training courses.
The brit philosphy is / was take aim & fire. The yank philosophy just spray as many bullets in the general direction.
The Israelli attitude is probably more like the Americans

true, especially for the British.  The British doctrine has always been to give each man a certain amount of ammunition and no more.  That way they're a little bit more careful with their targets.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Phil_S on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:35:04
So where is Blair in all of this. Wasn't he appointed a special middle east envoy or something. (No doubt on some huge salary paid for by us tax payer mugs)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Fred Elliot on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:35:32
So where is Blair in all of this. Wasn't he appointed a special middle east envoy or something. (No doubt on some huge salary paid for by us tax payer mugs)

In the reserves

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:42:09
Boom boom!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Fred Elliot on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:43:31

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:44:04
Two things:

Paul is speaking increasingly as if the membership of Hamas is in some way separate from the Palestinian population. He's verging on an "outside agitators" type of argument. Hamas may be funded and armed by Iran but it's membership is Palestinian, it's leadership drawn mainly from the veterans of the Intafada (in fact the whole organisation was formed out of the Intafada).

And I'm not sure what Paul means by Hamas being "solely interested in concentrating their own power" surely if that was what they were interested in they'd have backed off a bit, called off the rocket attacks, taken what international funding they could and built themselves a bit of a power base. Pretty much what Fatah have been doing for years. Instead they've thrown themselves into what I agree is a fairly futile attempt to destroy Israel. When they say they want to get rid of Israel and replace it with an Islamic Palestinian state I think they fucking mean it.
Fair point Lumps, I think I got carried away with my own argument a little and was talking bollocks on the second point. The Iranians are certainly manipulating the situation as an outside force and using it for their own ends. Hamas are just fucking nutters.

On the first point, I accept they're "part of" the Palestinian population in that they are Palestinians but would see them as separate from the general larger population in that they're a smaller subset. And the point I was trying to make, is that the suicidal course of action chosen by this smaller subset has inevitably dragged in the more general Palestinian population at large.

Hence my overall conclusion that Iran, as manipulators of the situation to conduct a war against Israel by proxy, and Hamas, as fucking nutters, must share the blame for the suffering of the general civilian Palestinian population at large who are suffering because of their actions. Hopefully that's a bit clearer. No nearer a solution, mind, and I suspect you'll still disagree with some of it, but hopefully clearer.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:44:49
Boom boom!

Very topical Sam (if that was an intended pun)!!

That reminds me of Baldrick's poem from Blackadder Goes Forth, that does.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Fred Elliot on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:47:19
So where is Blair in all of this. Wasn't he appointed a special middle east envoy or something. (No doubt on some huge salary paid for by us tax payer mugs)

In all seriousness, he is in Washington recieving an award from Bush for all his sterling work

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:49:39
In all seriousness, he is in Washington recieving an award from Bush for all his sterling work

What kind of "award"?


Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 13:51:31
Very topical Sam (if that was an intended pun)!!

It wasn't, but I will claim the credit.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 14:01:21
Paul, I agree with a lot of your points BUT surely Israel need to take some responsibility here as well - its all very good saying it is Iran's fault and the Hamas "nutters" - but Israel are still killing innocent people at an alarming rate.....

Hamas are certainly not helping the situation with their positioning of the rocket launchers - but there is a whole lot more to it than that - that is a bloody good excuse for Israel to hide behind.......

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 14:18:48
Fair point Lumps, I think I got carried away with my own argument a little and was talking bollocks on the second point. The Iranians are certainly manipulating the situation as an outside force and using it for their own ends. Hamas are just fucking nutters.

On the first point, I accept they're "part of" the Palestinian population in that they are Palestinians but would see them as separate from the general larger population in that they're a smaller subset. And the point I was trying to make, is that the suicidal course of action chosen by this smaller subset has inevitably dragged in the more general Palestinian population at large.

Hence my overall conclusion that Iran, as manipulators of the situation to conduct a war against Israel by proxy, and Hamas, as fucking nutters, must share the blame for the suffering of the general civilian Palestinian population at large who are suffering because of their actions. Hopefully that's a bit clearer. No nearer a solution, mind, and I suspect you'll still disagree with some of it, but hopefully clearer.

I still think you're missing the point that there's a fairly large pool of support for Hamas within Gaza, both in electoral terms and in the number of volunteers queueing up to man the rocket launchers and strap on the bomb vests.

Hamas has said fairly plainly that their plans were to take the war to the Israelis by whatever means they could, and the people elected them on that basis. These attacks, whilst clearly designed to drive a wedge between the Hamas leadership and the people are quite likely to do just the reverse and provoke more young men to take up arms. And when they do that lets face it they're going to go to Hamas as there's a complete vacuum of credible alternative leadership.

As for the term "nutters", well I've made it clear my feelings about anyone who claims any kind of rights or moral authority based on their religion, so I have to agree that there are clearly some fundamentalist religious maniacs at the head of Hamas. However, there are plenty of senior Israeli figures that see the land of Israel as being the property of the Jews on an Old Testament basis, complete with God's authority to smite any other bastard that gets in the way, and as long as the monkey boy is still in the hot seat in the White House there's an equal level of fundamentalist idiocy there.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 15:39:21
The Obamessiah will not change things either Lumpy. He's not powerful enough.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 16:17:59
I'm sorry - but the Israelies fucking bombing a UN ran school !

That is WELL above and beyond any excuses as far as I am concerned.

The usual excuses will come out - "there was a militant holed up there" - so fucking what !

Poor innocent kids were in that building and are now dead as a result - both fucking sides should be totally ashamed of themselves - complete tossers !

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: ghanimah on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 16:34:47
What kind of "award"?


 :D I think Sky sum up Blair's award quite nicely

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 16:38:32
Zurich are paying him a nice six-figure sum to advise them on climate change as well, which is laughable.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 16:41:39
Dana Perino is pretty damned nice.  I think it's because she often gets herself in a bit of a sticky situation with the US journalists, I feel a bit sorry for the girl, although she must get paid a fortune to do the job she does, which is pretty much put herself in the firing line between the journo's and George W.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: axs on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 17:04:26
Blair was in Jerusalem earlier on the TV.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:11:38
I see the BBC is relentlessly quoting "500 deaths" without any effort to tell us how many of those killed are Hamas terrorists or, how many others were killed because of Hamas.

Just one big bite-sized media friendly number that cannott be independently verified and has come directly from...Hamas.

The BBC, terrorist propoganda peddler.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:15:26
On the other hand Israel death toll up to an enormous total of 8, 3 of which were killed by the Israelis. 

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Bennett on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:16:09
i can hear ironside cackling at getting a bite

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:17:50

In any case "hundreds of millions" may sound like a lot of money, but for an area under a total blockade, who's economy is consequently crippled and which therefore has a population largely dependent on aid to survive, it's fuck all. Sheffield spends over £800m a year on healthcare alone for a population of about a million. Providing even basic puplic amenities for a population of 4m across Gaza and West Bank would cost at least that every year.

Tel-Aviv is more densly populated than Gaza.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:18:07
Who's bitten?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:18:45
On the other hand Israel death toll up to an enormous total of 8, 3 of which were killed by the Israelis. 

So its a number game?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:22:39
Of course it isn't fella.  Not sure why you see this as a "side" issue.  A death's a death, especially when it counts for nothing.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: ghanimah on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:28:26
I see the BBC is relentlessly quoting "500 deaths" without any effort to tell us how many of those killed are Hamas terrorists or, how many others were killed because of Hamas.

Just one big bite-sized media friendly number that cannott be independently verified and has come directly from...Hamas.

The BBC, terrorist propoganda peddler.

I see you're an avid reader of the Biased-BBC blog - plagiarist. At least try to quote your sources:

Moving on to other matters Gazan, I see the BBC is relentlessly quoting "500 deaths" without any effort to tell us how many of those killed are Hamas terrorists and how many other were killed because of Hamas. Just one big bite-sized media friendly number, natch.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:32:51
I don't get what you mean by the "side issue" bit, I do however agree that that these deaths are pointless.

I was just pointing out again that the BBC is at the forefront of the propganda war and is consistently and unashamedly pushing whole "palestinians are the most oppressed people on earth" line ad nauseum.  The rest of the media is just as bad except they don't have a charter that require them to provide factual, impartial new reports, not journalist opinion and speculation.  All paid for by your good-selves (i don't have a TV licence so don't contribute to the lying scum)

The propganda was is the thing that pisses me off more than the rest of it.  

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:34:08
I see you're an avid reader of the Biased-BBC blog - plagiarist. At least try to quote your sources:

oooh good find.

David Vance - Biased BBC - I agree with every word of it.

Edit: BTW, I think I might have read it at work but don't recall the actual words. Must have a photographic memory!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:35:34
oooh good find.

David Vance - Biased BBC - I agree with every word of it.

Just like this conflict Ironside, you need to find middle ground otherwise your arguments do not hold water.

Take two steps back before you take one forward, and then start negotiating all over again.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:39:41
Tel-Aviv is more densly populated than Gaza.

And? You quote my comment that £800m per annum is probably the minimum it would cost to provide basic services to Gaza and the West Bank, and then start providing population density figures for random middle eastern cities? What relevance is that FFS?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Simon Pieman on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:40:35
I blame Michael Buffer.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:54:02
I see the BBC is relentlessly quoting "500 deaths" without any effort to tell us how many of those killed are Hamas terrorists or, how many others were killed because of Hamas.

Just one big bite-sized media friendly number that cannott be independently verified and has come directly from...Hamas.

The BBC, terrorist propoganda peddler.

It's quite difficult to indepedently verify casualty figures on either side in this conflict what with the massive restrictions on independent reporting that have been put in place by the Israelis.

The whole fucking world is quoting a figure of about 500, and that's hardly unlikely considering the amount of ordanence that's been chucked into Gaza in the last week.

One thing we do know is that one fucking Israeli shell killed an entire family of 14 yesterday morning, at one stroke outstripping the declared death toll on the other side of the border from the "year long rocket terror" that the supposedly biased BBC tells us about every 30 minutes or so.

And the BBC did manage to interview a trauma surgeon in one of the Gaza hospitals who said quite clearly that at least 45% of the injured he'd treated had been women and children, and that he could count the number of Hamas combatants that had gone through his unit on the fingers of one hand.

He was a bleeding heart liberal, I think from Sweden or Norway, so obviously you can't trust a word he says, not compared to the trite opinions of some middle aged neo-nazi posting on a football website from his spare room.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:55:23
Actually I withdraw that last comment. This whole conflict must be difficult for your lot, Muslims on one side and Jews on the other.

It's not suprising you're sounding a bit confused.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 19:59:52
Alright Lumpy, I might have quoted the wrong wrong post, calm down.  You were going on somewhere about if being densly populated.  There are plenty of places on earth with a higher population density that Gaza, one of which is Tel-Aviv.  The point was that you can't use it and axcuse to lob rockets at your neighbours.

Let's have a look at the financial stats though:

The PA says it needs some $170 million per month to meet its financial obligations, including $115 million to pay the salaries of thousands of government employees. These include teachers, police, and members of the bloated Palestinian security forces, which have been plagued by cronyism and corruption. The PA collects only about $34 million per month from taxes and other charges.

How much aid came from the EU?

The EU is withholding more than $600 million it used to give annually to the PA. This included:

    * $262 in donations from member states;
    * $85 million distributed through the World Bank;
    * $72 million for infrastructure;
    * $35 million for food aid;
    * $33 for humanitarian aid;
    * $24 for special projects; and
    * $12 million for Israeli-Palestinian integration.

How much aid came from the United States?

    * $160 million in current or planned projects;
    * $130 in infrastructure projects, including road and building construction;
    * $45 million in direct assistance to the PA;
    * $20 million for private enterprise development;
    * $17 million in political support programs;
    * $13 in civil society development;
    * $10 million in judicial reform programs;
    * $7 million in vocational training; and
    * $4 million for community policing.

I make $929m + in donations

+ $408m in taxes collected
=$1337m just from what I found with a quick search (2006 figures)

Population of Gaza 406k (2006)

Population of Sheffield 502k (2005)

If they weren't busy lobbing rockets at Israel and generally pissing of the Gypo's on the other side, they might actually be able to build the country up instead of spunking other people's taxes up the wall

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 20:04:46
Actually I withdraw that last comment. This whole conflict must be difficult for your lot, Muslims on one side and Jews on the other.

It's not suprising you're sounding a bit confused.

I'm not confused Lumpy, I know exactly where I stand on this whole situation.

Neither side is doing anything to help themselves.
Hamas is provoking Israel and the people proclaims to be representing are the ones who suffer.
Israel is within its rights to do what its doing - defending itself.
The media seems to be peddling propoganda and not reporting facts.
I don't hate anyone..except moron's like your good-self.

i hope that is simple enough for you to understand.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 20:42:42
You've just posted the population of Gaza city, not the entire Gaza strip which is over 1.5m. The source you've referenced clearly states that the wider urban area of Gaza city has a population of 1.4m, so I can't help but think you're being a bit disengenuous.

You've also quoted the budgets for the PA, which you'll know administers the West Bank with its population of between 2 and 2.5 million as well as the Gaza strip.

All in all that means you've understated the population served by a factor of about 10. And you moan about the BBC not being sure enough of its figures.

Dear oh dear.

More to the point the whole fucking isssue around funds is irrelevant as I posted fucking pages back. The fundamental issue is that the Israeli blockade has prevented any significant import of materials and supplies into an urban conurbation of around 1.5m people for the best part of a year. They bombed the fuck out of the place about a year ago and have not allowed anything in to rebuild since.

All the fucking money in the world doesn't solve that one.

So those people live in slums and refugee camps and are a bit pissed off. Who can blame them.


Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 21:03:23
And you are SERIOUSLY
I'm not confused Lumpy, I know exactly where I stand on this whole situation.

Neither side is doing anything to help themselves.
Hamas is provoking Israel and the people proclaims to be representing are the ones who suffer.
Israel is within its rights to do what its doing - defending itself.
The media seems to be peddling propoganda and not reporting facts.
I don't hate anyone..except moron's like your good-self.

i hope that is simple enough for you to understand.

And you are seriously going to defend Israel for 'defending itself" ???

what a load of horse shit !

I think the official Israel death toll figure published today was 8 - 4 of which were killed by their own soldiers !

So what do they do ?  Go and bomb a fucking UN run school - and kill untold amounts of INNOCENT kids....

Anyone who can seriously defend them after this - using the "we are only defending ourselves" argument has a fucking screw loose in my opinion....

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 21:28:49
Lumps, I get bored reading your rants so skip through them I dan't actually give a fuck anymore.

Sheepshagger, I defend Israel's right to defend itself so fuck off.


Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 21:29:41
prick - you cannot defend anyones right to kill innocent kids .....

If you can you are some sort of weirdo !

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 21:37:02
Tell that to victims of Islamic terrorist you fucking womble.

"A chat with you and somehow death loses it's sting"
Edmund Blackadder

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 21:49:03
you bloody fool !

Those "islamic terrorists" were in the UN run school today were they ?

If you had half a fucking brain and actually read some of my earlier posts on this subject you wouldn't think I was just having a dig at you - in fact there are big problems on BOTH sides which is obvious to anyone with an ounce of intelligence....

But no-one can defend bombing a school and killing innocent kids - in the name of "defending my country" - it is the biggest bollocks argument that is being spouted by the Israelies to hide behind some of the attrocities that they are carrying out !

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 21:52:05
you bloody fool !

Those "islamic terrorists" were in the UN run school today were they ?

If you had half a fucking brain and actually read some of my earlier posts on this subject you wouldn't think I was just having a dig at you - in fact there are big problems on BOTH sides which is obvious to anyone with an ounce of intelligence....

But no-one can defend bombing a school and killing innocent kids - in the name of "defending my country" - it is the biggest bollocks argument that is being spouted by the Israelies to hide behind some of the attrocities that they are carrying out !


I tend not read your posts either Sheepshagger because you come across as an aggressive lout with the intelligence of a four-year-old, and the sexual sophistication of a donkey.  Please fuck off. :bye:

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: spacey on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 21:53:49
Tell that to victims of Islamic terrorist you fucking womble.

So the victims of Islamic terrorists can defend the right to kill innocent children? I'd like to hear that argument.

This is all depressing stuff. I saw Iggy Pop on the telly earlier selling insurance. We're all going to hell in a handcart, not in my name etc, etc

I bet you read my posts, because I'm great.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 22:46:49

I tend not read your posts either Sheepshagger because you come across as an aggressive lout with the intelligence of a four-year-old, and the sexual sophistication of a donkey.  Please fuck off. :bye:

Ah the usual answer from you - nothing sensible to say - cant have the debate - so just try to put me down :)

Nicely true to form Ironside...........

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 23:38:51
This is all depressing stuff. I saw Iggy Pop on the telly earlier selling insurance. We're all going to hell in a handcart, not in my name etc, etc

I'm fucking glad someone else found that as disturbing as I did.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: jonny72 on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 23:39:43
I see the BBC is relentlessly quoting "500 deaths" without any effort to tell us how many of those killed are Hamas terrorists or, how many others were killed because of Hamas.

Just one big bite-sized media friendly number that cannott be independently verified and has come directly from...Hamas.

The BBC, terrorist propoganda peddler.

I don't know what the BBC TV coverage is like, but all the articles on their website come across as balanced especially when it comes to the numbers of casualties being quoted. The numbers that they quote all come from specific sources which they state and those sources are from both sides (Israel and Hamas / Palestine) and independents (such as the UN). As regards how many of the 500 are Hamas terrorists, they have quoted various percentages (from different quoted sources) all of which have been in the range of 75% to 80%.

Its funny but if anything I find the BBC coverage to be biased towards Israel in that they don't condemn their actions or label them as terrorists (as they do Hamas). I'd also question the sources that you use to support claims of bias at the BBC, as a lot of those sources are far from independent themselves. Its easy to forget that the BBC are the number one competitors for pretty much every other news provider in the UK, most of whom have a big problem with the BBC as a result.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 23:48:27
Ah the usual answer from you - nothing sensible to say - cant have the debate - so just try to put me down :)

Nicely true to form Ironside...........

Fuck a duck.

I've had the debate already with bigger brains than you sheepy.  You've missed the party and now your looking at the fucking passed out drunken girl laying in the garden and wondering whether slip her a length and hope she doesn't notice.

As I stated, I think they're both as bad as each other.
As I stated, i am bored of this.
As I stated I think you're a cunt.

I really can't make it any clearer than this:

Stop stalking me you freaky snot gobbling little shit stain.


PS I like Spacey because he makes me could learn a lot from him sheepy.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 23:51:05
Paul, I agree with a lot of your points BUT surely Israel need to take some responsibility here as well - its all very good saying it is Iran's fault and the Hamas "nutters" - but Israel are still killing innocent people at an alarming rate.....
Well obviously. What I think I said (can't be arsed to check and if I didn't certainly what I meant to say) is that Hamas and Iran have to take a hefty share of the blame for the whole sorry mess. That doesn't absolve the Israelis, by a long chalk, but they're not solely to blame.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: billy the fish on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 23:54:51
the way i see it is israel has told them they where coming if it was here i would take my kids /family away for the area ,not saying its the people  of gaza fault but i would get well out of the way both sides are as bad as the other .get your family to safe grounds now

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 00:01:07
the way i see it is israel has told them they where coming if it was here i would take my kids /family away for the area ,not saying its the people  of gaza fault but i would get well out of the way both sides are as bad as the other .get your family to safe grounds now
Erm, they can't. The Israelis have blockaded them in.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: billy the fish on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 00:25:40
Erm, they can't. The Israelis have blockaded them in.
did they not drop leaflets before they moved in?? ,thats what i was told ,i might be wrong here

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 01:27:13
Fuck a duck.

I've had the debate already with bigger brains than you sheepy.  You've missed the party and now your looking at the fucking passed out drunken girl laying in the garden and wondering whether slip her a length and hope she doesn't notice.

As I stated, I think they're both as bad as each other.
As I stated, i am bored of this.
As I stated I think you're a cunt.

I really can't make it any clearer than this:

Stop stalking me you freaky snot gobbling little shit stain.


PS I like Spacey because he makes me could learn a lot from him sheepy.

What a nice fella you are.......

Why the fuck would I want to make you laugh ?  And as for stalking you......not my cup of tea matey - to be honest 99.9% of what you say is completely irrelevant to me - but just annoys me when you back up people killing innocent kids - I am pretty sure up until that point I raised a couple of issues (not with you) and stated a pretty balanced opinion - far more fucking balanced than you could be bothered with ....

Your paranoia is getting the better of you Ironside - to me you are neither important or relevant - but when you spout shit on an open football forum expect to have shit spouted back at you...

Enjoy your evening :)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: jonny72 on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 01:58:10
did they not drop leaflets before they moved in?? ,thats what i was told ,i might be wrong here

Yeah, they dropped leaflets warning of an attack. So everyone moved to the safety of a UN school, which the Israeli's then bombed.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 10:03:54
Not that in any way it defends Israeli actions, I heard on Al Jazeera today that Palestinian eye witnesses have said prior to the strike on the UN school there was a group of young men firing rockets, from that area.  What a sad state of affairs this really is. 

Also Al Jazeera have said so far only a handful of the dead are presumed to be "terrorists", something around the 40 mark (I think).  So 600 dead to kill 40 terrorists and many more Palestinians will be up for the role of "terrorist" now, methinks.  Vicious circle or what?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 10:38:38
What a nice fella you are.......

Why the fuck would I want to make you laugh ?  And as for stalking you......not my cup of tea matey - to be honest 99.9% of what you say is completely irrelevant to me - but just annoys me when you back up people killing innocent kids - I am pretty sure up until that point I raised a couple of issues (not with you) and stated a pretty balanced opinion - far more fucking balanced than you could be bothered with ....

Your paranoia is getting the better of you Ironside - to me you are neither important or relevant - but when you spout shit on an open football forum expect to have shit spouted back at you...

Enjoy your evening :)

But yet you keep replying to my posts?

I'm not backing "killing innocent kids" I'm backing the right for Israel to defend itself.  I'm also saying that most of the media coverage always paints the Israeli's as baddies and "Palestinians" as goodies.

You call your posts "balanced but having read through them again, you come across as being a complete retard who simply follow the the aforementioned media stance.

If anyones posts in this thread has been blanced, I'd say it was PaulD's, which is a little bit suprising in itself because he's got a very liberal political viewpoint and I would have expected him to follow the same line as you and others have.

You really are an utter cunt, Why don't you and go and put yourself in the Gaza strip and support your poor oppressed "Palestinian" friends.  Hopefully the Israeli's will do us all a favour and remove you from the gene pool.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: spacey on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 10:49:21
Why can't they just settle things with a game or something? Wouldn't it be great if you turned on the news and the headline was 'reports are coming in that a game of football has broken out in the Middle East.' Get that bald italian fella out of retirement to referee, send Motson and Lawrenson out to report and we can all sit back and enjoy the action.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Saxondale on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 10:57:19
Ironside and sheepshagger captaining each side.  With the referee cracking down on language, I dont think it'd last long!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Fred Elliot on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 10:58:52
If anyones posts in this thread has been blanced, I'd say it was PaulD's, which is a little bit suprising in itself because he's got a very liberal political viewpoint


Undoubtedly the best post of 2009 so far !

Just goes to show how you pidgeonhole people without even knowing them Ironside.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:00:58
Why can't they just settle things with a game or something? Wouldn't it be great if you turned on the news and the headline was 'reports are coming in that a game of football has broken out in the Middle East.' Get that bald italian fella out of retirement to referee, send Motson and Lawrenson out to report and we can all sit back and enjoy the action.

They could have a mini olympics. Whovere get the most gold medals wins.  Not sure that the clay pigeon shooting and archery should be included though, they'll probably end up taking pot shots at each other.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:02:15

Undoubtedly the best post of 2009 so far !

Just goes to show how you pidgeonhole people without even knowing them Ironside.

Ive been debating with Paul since before TEF existed fred, on the old old old Thisis.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Fred Elliot on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:22:50
Then you should know better then than to call his political views "liberal"

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:27:06
If you stand at the North Pole, every direction is south.  In much the same way, isn't everyone (incl the media, apparently) liberal if you happen to be Ironside?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:29:52
He seems pretty liberal to me, unless he's just playing the role because I happen to have right wing views and he likes to argue.  i may be wrong.

Ardiles, you just called me an extremist. Go fuck yourself.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Fred Elliot on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:32:10
He seems pretty liberal to me, unless he's just playing the role because I happen to have right wing views and he likes to argue.  i may be wrong.

Ardiles, you just called me an extremist. Go fuck yourself.

I think I'll leave it for Paul to pick up on that one

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:35:26
I don't think I did actually.

As I have said on previous occasions, you do appear to be angry much of the exemplified by the way you sign off some of your messages.  Do you think your political views might be the cause of this anger, or an effect?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:36:10
This is all too confusing for me. I don't remember debating with Ironside on the old thisis tbh (although I may well have done). But I do remember him calling me a commie and a socialist on here even though I always thought I was a bit of an old liberal. And not just him, I was always assumed to be a "lefty" by most here. Now Ironside thinks I'm a liberal and Fred doesn't. But I suspect that's probably because I have very intolerant views on his hats. The only thing I do know is if Ironside's agreeing with me, I must be wrong :) And the Israelis should leave the Palestinians alone and bomb Fred's hat collection.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Fred Elliot on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:38:14
Leave my hats out of it

The new one is a class act !

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:40:29
Leave my hats out of it

The new one is a class act !
We'll be the judge of that - you said the same about your old one. You are clearly no judge of hats. In fact, I call for an international hat tribunal to be convened to try you for crimes against titferdom

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Fred Elliot on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:53:24
or tifterdom

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:58:56
Hehe. The "Genius" in ironside's signature is still spelt wrong.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:59:20
or tifterdom
It's rhyming slang from tit-for-tat, hence titfer. I win :)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Fred Elliot on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 12:07:38
certainly is


Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 12:13:01
Hehe. The "Genius" in ironside's signature is still spelt wrong.

You always manage to deal with the big issues in such an intelligent manner FB.  i actually prefer that spelling, it reflects my rebellious personality.

Ardiles, you did, just not in those exact words.  I'm not "angry" I just like insulting people.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 12:19:20
I agree that it reflects something about you, certainly. Keep up that insultin' Iron-y.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 12:46:04
I agree that it reflects something about you, certainly. Keep up that insultin' Iron-y.

okay, I will, thanks Ben.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: ghanimah on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 14:39:17
If you stand at the North Pole, every direction is south.  In much the same way, isn't everyone (incl the media, apparently) liberal if you happen to be Ironside?

Which kinda proves Ironside's point, it's only your opinion that he stands at the North Pole. Who's to say that it's not you at the South Pole and every direction is North. The implication here is that the media (I think he's only criticised the BBC) can't be biased - because Ironside doesn't agree with it but you do.

For all the BBC's redeeming factors, it clearly struggles with impartiality on certain issues - the EU, Israel, Climate change, George Bush, Sarah Palin etc etc. If the BBC had instead a consistent anti-Labour bias, then similar criticism would have sprung up to identify it. But of course there hasn't, because it doesn’t exist.

In much the same way, Fox News doesn’t have people complaining about anti-republican bias because its obvious where it is coming from.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 14:52:09
In much the same way, Fox News doesn't have people complaining about anti-republican bias because its obvious where it is coming from.

I love Fox news, for all the wrong reasons.  It's terrible "news" channel.  Bill O'Reilly can't wait for Obama to take over so he can get stuck into him.  Should be fun to watch, the old irish-american kj.

Actually thinking about it I bet Ironside would enjoy watching "The O'Reilly Factor"

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 15:03:31
Which kinda proves Ironside's point, it's only your opinion that he stands at the North Pole. Who's to say that it's not you at the South Pole and every direction is North. The implication here is that the media (I think he's only criticised the BBC) can't be biased - because Ironside doesn't agree with it but you do.

For all the BBC's redeeming factors, it clearly struggles with impartiality on certain issues - the EU, Israel, Climate change, George Bush, Sarah Palin etc etc. If the BBC had instead a consistent anti-Labour bias, then similar criticism would have sprung up to identify it. But of course there hasn't, because it doesn’t exist.

In much the same way, Fox News doesn’t have people complaining about anti-republican bias because its obvious where it is coming from.

I disagree.  There's more of a concensus than you indicate, I think.  I think Ironside himself would acknowledge that his views are well to the right of the mainstream, and my point simply alluded to the fact that his constant railing against and frustration with those he regarded as being too liberal is, surely, due to his being well to the right of the mainstream.

It's all relative.  I'm not saying who is right and who is wrong (or even that anyone is right or wrong).  But in my humble view, maybe he should try not to get so chopsy with people who don't share his views when, to be frank, his views are on the periphary in the first place.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: ghanimah on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 15:15:12
I disagree.  There's more of a concensus than you indicate, I think.  I think Ironside himself would acknowledge that his views are well to the right of the mainstream, and my point simply alluded to the fact that his constant railing against and frustration with those he regarded as being too liberal is, surely, due to his being well to the right of the mainstream.

It's all relative.  I'm not saying who is right and who is wrong (or even that anyone is right or wrong).  But in my humble view, maybe he should try not to get so chopsy with people who don't share his views when, to be frank, his views are on the periphary in the first place.

Nice edit ;)

A consensus doesn't prove anything (the Germans voted Hitler into power).

I'm not agreeing with Ironside here, but just because (in my opinion) some of his views are 'strong' doesn't automatically make all of his views wrong which I think tends to happen on here

Agree about the chopsy bit though, but I think he takes it as well as he gives it out

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: spacey on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 15:42:11
  but I think he takes it as well as he gives it

Yeah, I've heard that rumour.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 15:48:12
Hopefully one day Palestine and Israel will unite, through Adam Sandlers love of making people's hair silky smooth.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 15:48:56
They'll replace religious fundamentalism, with fundamental funky disco. Fuck yeah.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: normy on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 16:01:29
From a position of relative ignorance, I seem to remember that at one time many thought that Israel was foolish and provocative to continually expand it's settlements in to land which was not theirs by right. Was, and is, ownership of disputed land the main problem between the parties, or have I got it wrong? Someone who knows the truth please educate me

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 16:04:49
A consensus doesn't prove anything (the Germans voted Hitler into power).

You might want to check your history there mate. Hitler never won a presidential election, the best he managed was second place with about 37% of the vote.
In the March 13, 1932, election there were four candidates: the incumbent, Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler, and two minor candidates, Ernst Thaelmann and Theodore Duesterberg. The results were:

Hindenburg 49.6 percent
Hitler 30.1 percent
Thaelmann 13.2 percent
Duesterberg 6.8 percent

A runoff election on April 19, 1932, gave the results:

Hindenburg 53.0 percent
Hitler 36.8 percent
Thaelmann 10.2 percent

The Nazis embarked on a campaign of violence and political assassination and general mayhem, resulting in martial law in Berlin, and eventually the disolution of the Reichstag, and new elections in July 1932.

The Nazis became the largest party, with a couple of hundred seats, but even that was only about the same number of seats that the communists and socialists held. The socialist and communist vote held up but the centre parties collapsed almost completely with the Nazi making all the gains from the middle class votes.

Hitler failed to persuade President Hindenberg to make him Chancellor, but after a further period of unrest, (and a further election, where the Nazi share of the vote and number of seats dropped) he was eventually bullied in to the appiontment in January 1933.

A month later the Reichstag was set on fire by a single Dutch communist. The government made a big deal about this being the opening salvo in the German communist revolution, and produced material that suggested that it was part of a string of planned attacks on state property, (plans that had been conveniently left at the scene of the fire but handily had not burned, and that strangely never actually seemed to translate into any actual attacks).

The reichstag were persuaded to pass an enabling bill to to give emergency powers to Hitler to counter this "threat", and presto, Hitler was the German dictator.

Never won an election, never had a parliamentary majority. Never acheived as much of 40% of the popular vote.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 16:12:59
You might want to check your history there mate. Hitler never won a presidential election, the best he managed was second place with about 37% of the vote.
In the March 13, 1932, election there were four candidates: the incumbent, Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler, and two minor candidates, Ernst Thaelmann and Theodore Duesterberg. The results were:

Hindenburg 49.6 percent
Hitler 30.1 percent
Thaelmann 13.2 percent
Duesterberg 6.8 percent

A runoff election on April 19, 1932, gave the results:

Hindenburg 53.0 percent
Hitler 36.8 percent
Thaelmann 10.2 percent

The Nazis embarked on a campaign of violence and political assassination and general mayhem, resulting in martial law in Berlin, and eventually the disolution of the Reichstag, and new elections in July 1932.

The Nazis became the largest party, with a couple of hundred seats, but even that was only about the same number of seats that the communists and socialists held. The socialist and communist vote held up but the centre parties collapsed almost completely with the Nazi making all the gains from the middle class votes.

Hitler failed to persuade President Hindenberg to make him Chancellor, but after a further period of unrest, (and a further election, where the Nazi share of the vote and number of seats dropped) he was eventually bullied in to the appiontment in January 1933.

A month later the Reichstag was set on fire by a single Dutch communist. The government made a big deal about this being the opening salvo in the German communist revolution, and produced material that suggested that it was part of a string of planned attacks on state property, (plans that had been conveniently left at the scene of the fire but handily had not burned, and that strangely never actually seemed to translate into any actual attacks).

The reichstag were persuaded to pass an enabling bill to to give emergency powers to Hitler to counter this "threat", and presto, Hitler was the German dictator.

Never won an election, never had a parliamentary majority. Never acheived as much of 40% of the popular vote.

Now that is pretty impressive knowledge!!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: spacey on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 16:16:28
From a position of relative ignorance, I seem to remember that at one time many thought that Israel was foolish and provocative to continually expand it's settlements in to land which was not theirs by right. Was, and is, ownership of disputed land the main problem between the parties, or have I got it wrong? Someone who knows the truth please educate me

I'll field this one.

What happened was that some Palestinians and Israelis were playing conkers. The Palestinian champ was taking on the Israeli champ with what he claimed was a 94er. Now the rules of conkers clearly state that you can't play conkers with a conker that has been hardened using illegal methods, a bit similar to ball tampering in cricket. The Palestinian won the game, but Israel claimed that he'd soaked his conker in vinegar and then popped it in the oven to make it super hard. The Palestinians were having none of this and claimed that Israel were nothing but sore losers. They've been at it ever since.

Impressive knowledge I'm sure you'll agree.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 16:19:35
i thought the same as normy really.thanks spacey for educating me with the truth

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 16:25:42
I haven't read this through...but looks like a manageable, bite sized summary.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 16:38:27
I'm intrigued by Ironside in his "Self-confessed BNP jackboot licker in not an extremist shock". Ironside, if you don't think you're an extremist, what would classify as a (right-wing) extremist, in your spectrum? Having been pleasantly surprised by your liberal views on Israel in this thread (must confess, I'd suspected you wouldn't have been pro-Israeli) would you, for example, categorise someone as extremist if they actively pursued Holocaust denial? Or published anti-Semitic material? Or would they have to actively attack Jews/Muslims etc to qualify as extremist? Or maybe attacked with weapons/fire/explosives?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 16:44:34
Now that is pretty impressive knowledge!!

I'll admit I googled to get the exact percentages of the votes.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: donkey on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 17:54:57

I tend not read your posts either Sheepshagger because you come across as an aggressive lout with the intelligence of a four-year-old, and the sexual sophistication of a donkey.  Please fuck off. :bye:

Keep me out of this. :fear:

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 18:20:46
Keep me out of this. :fear:

hee hee  - sorry to get you involved Donkey :):):)

Makes me laugh that I am being accused by the "liberal middle of the road" Ironside of being an agressive lout :):):)

Just a few of his choice comments on this thread alone - not even all aimed at me I might add .........

"Ardiles, you just called me an extremist. Go fuck yourself."
"you come across as being a complete retard"
"You really are an utter cunt, Why don't you and go and put yourself in the Gaza strip and support your poor oppressed "Palestinian" friends.  Hopefully the Israeli's will do us all a favour and remove you from the gene pool."
"As I stated I think you're a cunt"
"Stop stalking me you freaky snot gobbling little shit stain"
"you fucking womble"
"Lumps, I get bored reading your rants so skip through them I dan't actually give a fuck anymore"
"Sheepshagger, I defend Israel's right to defend itself so fuck off."
"I don't hate anyone..except moron's like your good-self."
"Someone take this cunt outside and shoot him please..."
"Shut up you fucking goon"

These are just the insults on this thread - hmmmm I am not sure I am the agressive one Ironside - I think that might sit squarely in your domain.........

Have a lovely evening wont you :)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 18:33:23
Cant believe how many pages have been posted about this dispute.

At the end of the day if you want to come at me with superior armed troops, tanks, helicopters, planes which the opposition cannot defend themselves against, then in the word of freedom - Churchill - we will fight you on the beaches, etc
If you think it is right to kill mums, dads, and kids under the banner of UN protection, then for goodess sake the world should sit up and take action, or should I say America for fuck sake call a stop to this.

Israel you are so wrong with your actions, anybody who argues there case in there favour must be a total moron.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 18:39:42
Cant believe how many pages have been posted about this dispute.

At the end of the day if you want to come at me with superior armed troops, tanks, helicopters, planes which the opposition cannot defend themselves against, then in the word of freedom - Churchill - we will fight you on the beaches, etc
If you think it is right to kill mums, dads, and kids under the banner of UN protection, then for goodess sake the world should sit up and take action, or should I say America for fuck sake call a stop to this.

Israel you are so wrong with your actions, anybody who argues there case in there favour must be a total moron.

I must be a moron.

Blanket bombing of innocent civilians; woman and children.

Sounds like the Churchill endorsed bombing of major German cities in WW2..........

Not everything is black and white Dell.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 18:44:29
Herthab, for me to lose my rag is completely out of character.
If you take offence from comments, then I apologise.

If we have two powers say like - Iran/Iraq 15 years ago with equal abilities to hurt each other then that is a fair war, if there can be such a thing.

The present situation with Israle/Palaestine is a massacre, probably put my point across poorly I suppose.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 18:45:28
hee hee  - sorry to get you involved Donkey :):):)

Makes me laugh that I am being accused by the "liberal middle of the road" Ironside of being an agressive lout :):):)

Just a few of his choice comments on this thread alone - not even all aimed at me I might add .........

"Ardiles, you just called me an extremist. Go fuck yourself."
"you come across as being a complete retard"
"You really are an utter cunt, Why don't you and go and put yourself in the Gaza strip and support your poor oppressed "Palestinian" friends.  Hopefully the Israeli's will do us all a favour and remove you from the gene pool."
"As I stated I think you're a cunt"
"Stop stalking me you freaky snot gobbling little shit stain"
"you fucking womble"
"Lumps, I get bored reading your rants so skip through them I dan't actually give a fuck anymore"
"Sheepshagger, I defend Israel's right to defend itself so fuck off."
"I don't hate anyone..except moron's like your good-self."
"Someone take this cunt outside and shoot him please..."
"Shut up you fucking goon"

These are just the insults on this thread - hmmmm I am not sure I am the agressive one Ironside - I think that might sit squarely in your domain.........

Have a lovely evening wont you :)

Sheepy, did you not pick up the bit about the donkey was actually a quote from Edmund Blackadder? I'd been watching a few episodes and I quoted him previously in  reply to you. Oh well.

I've only insulted people, not threatened them, that doesn't seem like agression from where I'm sat, just being rude.

I hope you have a shit evening and I stand by every insult that have directed towards you and will continue to insult as long you keep stalking me.  I don't like you, fuck off.

I'm now going post a sensible, considered response to PaulD's post in little while.

PS. Does anyone find that it can be difficult to detect tone when reading t'internet?  I do think that half the time on here arguements break out because someone's got hold of the wrong end of the stick.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 18:50:18
Herthab, for me to lose my rag is completely out of character.
If you take offence from comments, then I apologise.

If we have two powers say like - Iran/Iraq 15 years ago with equal abilities to hurt each other then that is a fair war, if there can be such a thing.

The present situation with Israle/Palaestine is a massacre, probably put my point across poorly I suppose.

I can see both points of view and obviously the alledged deliberate attempt to kill innocent people should be condemned if proven.

All I would say is that not everything is as it's portrayed in the media.

It's also blatently obvious that I have a bias toward Israel, which is why I've tried (And failed) to stay out of this debate, as I know I don't look at it objectively.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 18:52:43
Cant believe how many pages have been posted about this dispute.

At the end of the day if you want to come at me with superior armed troops, tanks, helicopters, planes which the opposition cannot defend themselves against, then in the word of freedom - Churchill - we will fight you on the beaches, etc
If you think it is right to kill mums, dads, and kids under the banner of UN protection, then for goodess sake the world should sit up and take action, or should I say America for fuck sake call a stop to this.

Israel you are so wrong with your actions, anybody who argues there case in there favour must be a total moron.


People aren't saying (I'm certainly not) that they're cool with killing women and children, and both sides are guilty of killing women and children.  My arguement is that Israel has every right to defend itself if attacked. That is all.  

When I switch on the telly or I read a paper (or look at an internet forum), I see a lot of anti-Israel hysteria being banded around and whilst a lot of people mean well with their condemnation of Israel, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. They just don't see the bigger picture.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 18:57:21
When the fighting stops, who wins?
Israel, they have stopped the rocket attacks on there cities for now.
Hamas, another 10,000 soldiers recruited to start all over again after the slaughter of their love ones.

And so we go round and round and round.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 18:57:50

PS. Does anyone find that it can be difficult to detect tone when reading t'internet?  I do think that half the time on here arguements break out because someone's got hold of the wrong end of the stick.

It can be, but not that often. I think it's more that you've got a cycle of talking bollocks and then insulting people when you get called out on it. You can pretend it's all good natured afterwards, but if it is then you're not doing a very good job of making it come across that way. Maybe you should spend more time working on your written English, aren't you nationalists proud of your language?

You also seem very fond of saying you're not going to talk about something anymore. Fine if you're not going to, but don't do it in a vain attempt at getting the last word.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 19:49:02

PS. Does anyone find that it can be difficult to detect tone when reading t'internet?  I do think that half the time on here arguements break out because someone's got hold of the wrong end of the stick.

Not really Ironside - most people seem to be able to come on here and have an active discussion without worrying that anything they write will be slagged off immediately - unfortunately then you came along....

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 20:39:15
Not really Ironside - most people seem to be able to come on here and have an active discussion without worrying that anything they write will be slagged off immediately - unfortunately then you came along....

Fuck off. virtually every post I've made on here has been attacked by someone, you, PaulD, Lumpy, the old cunt etc etc. Doesn't matter what the subject was or what the post contained, you all attack it. Forgive me for defending myself, but I supposeI'm lucky I'm not an Israeli defending myself though eh...cunt.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: mexico red on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 20:43:17
Fuck off. virtually every post I've made on here has been attacked by someone, you, PaulD, Lumpy, the old cunt etc etc. Doesn't matter what the subject was or what the post contained, you all attack it. Forgive me for defending myself, but I supposeI'm lucky I'm not an Israeli defending myself though eh...cunt.

I feel offended that you havent singled me out for vitriolic abuse. Until you do I will concur to move further and further to the left.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 20:44:12
A bit luckier than the poor innocent palastinian kids who were bombed and killed while sitting defenceless in a UN school by your pals the Israelies - yes I would say you were lucky....

Some defence of their country that was.......

Isn't it also interesting that others have actively made posts that support Israels actions - yet they managed to do it without being ultra rude and offensive - and funnily enough they managed to have the debate without being "attacked"

I'm sure there is a lesson to be learned there somewhere - but you will only choose to ignore it and slag me off as usual....

Have a lovely evening :)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 20:49:15
I think they should settle it with a game of rock, scissor and paper, only the Israelis should definitely use real rocks and scissors as weapons.

Oh and sheepshagger is a cunt.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: spacey on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 21:04:38

 Does anyone find that it can be difficult to detect tone when reading t'internet?  I do think that half the time on here arguements break out because someone's got hold of the wrong end of the stick.

Yeah, it's great isn't it. I like it best when you call someone a cunt and they don't even realise you've done it. That fillls me with much joy.

To be honest I don't mind Ironside. I find the arguments that he becomes involved in quite interesting to read. I don't agree with him mind. I'm a proper lefty, I even like gays!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 21:44:56
I feel offended that you havent singled me out for vitriolic abuse. Until you do I will concur to move further and further to the left.

that'll be because I don't recall you ever having a pop at one of my posts. The odd sarky comment maybe but if it makes you fell better, you're a cunt too...

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 21:48:58
I feel offended that you havent singled me out for vitriolic abuse. Until you do I will concur to move further and further to the left.

I thought you were the old cunt..

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 22:12:08
I thought you were the old cunt..


Check out this vid SHEepy

The terrorist haven't got a history of this sort of thing at all eh?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 22:31:16
Reg - as it goes that would have been you :)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 22:35:29
Ironside - I am pretty sure in my earlier posts I condemned the Palastinians for this - however that wasn't a UN run school now was it ???  With innocent kids sat inside sheltering and frightened out of their wits before being blown to pieces.....

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 22:43:25
in the video the terrorist are launching mortars from a UN run school.  Double click the vid and it'll take to the youtube page.  So yes, they were using small, innoccent children, as human shields while the conducted a terrorist attack using unguided, indiscriminate mortars.  What a brave bunch they are.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 22:48:32
I really don't know why anyone bothers about arguing with Ironside. He ain't going to change his opinion, whether he's right or wrong. I do find his abusive comments quite amusing in a playground sort of way.
Can anyone remember Spitting Image's piss take of Boy George doing War?

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Bennett on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 22:55:29
I really don't know why anyone bothers about arguing with Ironside. He ain't going to change his opinion, whether he's right or wrong. I do find his abusive comments quite amusing in a playground sort of way.
Can anyone remember Spitting Image's piss take of Boy George doing War?

no, but if you find it on youtube i may reconsider this to a yes

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: pauld on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 00:37:04
I'm intrigued by Ironside in his "Self-confessed BNP jackboot licker in not an extremist shock". Ironside, if you don't think you're an extremist, what would classify as a (right-wing) extremist, in your spectrum? Having been pleasantly surprised by your liberal views on Israel in this thread (must confess, I'd suspected you wouldn't have been pro-Israeli) would you, for example, categorise someone as extremist if they actively pursued Holocaust denial? Or published anti-Semitic material? Or would they have to actively attack Jews/Muslims etc to qualify as extremist? Or maybe attacked with weapons/fire/explosives?
Another question you can't answer Ironside? Our midfield ducks out of a challenge less often than you do

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 00:38:29
Ironside's point seems to be that Hamas are terrorists and act as such. Something that I'm pretty surre nobody's disputing.

Terrorists act with little concern for civilian casualties? No shit! What other revelations have you got for us?

All the rest of us are saying is that you can't claim the moral highground, condemning your enemies as terrorists, and portraying yourself as a legitimate democratic state unless you act in a way that is morally superior to those enemies.

I know our friendly neighbourhood fascist gets wound up by "the numbers game" but the fact remains that the civilian casualties in this conflict have been ovewhelmingly Palestinian.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: sheepshagger on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 08:26:19
Exactly - and looking in to me it seems like the Israelies are acting more like terrorists now than the Palastinians...

Their argument that they are just "defending their country" simply does not add up or stand up to scrutiny...

Unfortunately Ironside will never see anyone elses standpoint as anything other than cunting ridiculous....

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 09:05:14
Lebanon getting in on the act as well now then.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 09:15:33
Lebanon is a quality name

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Ironside on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 10:56:28
Another question you can't answer Ironside? Our midfield ducks out of a challenge less often than you do

Just busy Paul. I will reply, don't worry princess, I'm not ignoring you! XxX

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Phil_S on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 12:58:52
I tend to side with the Israelli's as historically they only took land when they were attcked from it by their neighbours. It's is a country that has from day 1 been under threat, & has / will only survive by being as tough as those who wish to obliterate them.
Irans president wants to wipe them off the face of the earth, & I suspect a lot off other arab countries have similar views. That's why Sadaam Hussien launched scuds at them, to try & get the Arabs on his side.
Hamas are a bunch of terrorists, who must know that they can't defeat Israel by launching some rockets at them, but persist in doing so. I conclude that the reason is that they want to get a response from Israel, get some civilians killed, gain sympathy & get other Arab states to join in with an all out war on Israel.
Israel of course HAS to respond. As a democracy, their Government would be kicked out pretty sharp if they did nothing. Unfortunately that makes civilian casualties almost inevitable. "Clean War" can only exist if you have two armies drawn up against each other in the desert.
Of course the other thing that should be bourne in mind is that they have Nuclear weapons. I believe that is why Iran (or any other Arab state) will not be openly involved. (Israel would use them as a last resort I am sure).
The problem with trying to find a solution is that a lot of the Arabs tend to believe the ONLY solution is the removal of the state of Israel in a similar vein to Hitler's Final Solution.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 13:02:25
Interesting article here -

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 13:05:35

You must be fucking joking Jan! They make the BBC look well balanced and impartial. I'm sure I could dig up a polar opposite of that article if I looked through the Israeli media.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 13:08:06
Another interesting article here, from Haaretz.  Is it me though but this article is making a lot of assumptions, it's like an article from WWII (as sad as it sounds when I was younger I used to get the old WWII magazine collections which included replica war time newspapers) where it's safe to ASSUME things about the enemy rather than report facts, propaganda imo.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Dazzza on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 13:12:01
I love the Lebanese absolutely stonking set of people and have gone through all manner of hell and still come out of it smiling.  I spoke to a customer out there yesterday and he’s cracking jokes about it all!

I suspect Israel are about to open Pandora’s box, which will not be shut for a very, very long time.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 13:12:56

You must be fucking joking Jan! They make the BBC look well balanced and impartial. I'm sure I could dig up a polar opposite of that article if I looked through the Israeli media.

Hertha are you fishin or what?  You need to spend sometime watching Al Jazeera, it's not the Islamic mouthpiece that some believe.  There's an interesting book out about the channel, who's motto goes something along the lines of "one view and then the other", explains why and who founded the channel (A Qatari I believe) and the trouble they faced in the Arab world in the early years for their impartiality.  I've watched a fair amount of AJ recently it's good.  This morning like yesterday they had a discussion on the troubles, the guests were Claire Short, some Arab journalist and an Israeli ex Major, all given time to explain there take on things.  Very good channel, watch without prejudice (as George Michael nearly sang once).

Al Jazeera is less biaised than Sky or the Beeb from what I have seen. 

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: janaage on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 13:19:07
Also Hertha did you read the article?  All it was talking about was that some Israeli's don't back the action.  So if you can find an Israeli article interviewing Palestinians who back the Israeli's actions then go ahead and post it, it would be an interesting read.

(that's wasn't intended as a pop in any way btw)

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 13:25:51
Aljazeera are are a quite well respected Media source. They report alot on the political problems here and they are on of the most balanced sources out there.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 17:00:16
Another post from a Thai living in the area, from a local (Thai) forum:

since i can respond here, joy o joy...

while u all bat about with words, i know have two kids in the southern areas helping out (and my son was able to get help for the thais in the area, good for him, he was really pushing the organizations that are helping to pay attention to the silent foreign workers)

and then, b. , an arab guy whom i raised practically as my son came to work distraught: good horse back riding friend of his was the soldier that was killed last week... and one soldier killed was druze.

now how does all that fit in your all kettle of fish?

we watch the news every evening, and get first hand reports from our kids (we have five guys on the kibbutz in gaza that are in the regular army i.e. 18/19 yr olds) and older guys that are in miluim (reserve duty)...

it is not easy for an 19 yr old to sit in a broken up house with a child's carriage, mattresses and blankets strewn around, sleep there, and wait for orders to proceed... knowing that enemy fire can come out of any house behind any child's carriage (the tunnels are hidden under childrens beds, behind closets, tunnels are everywhere. and who dug the tunnels? palestinian kids desparate for money for their families, they are small and can dig and are less noticed than older guys and a lot of them were injured in the process when tunnels collpased)...
i have to tell u, we are all awfully awfully tired. we sympethize with the families in gaza w/o water, milk, heating (its cold and miserable the past few days)electricity, and the humanitarian help israel sent over was caught up in the black market to be resold at high prices instead of being handed out; only small amounts of food etc is actually being handed out for free. this we know from the guys that are there (the soldiers). we sympathize, but also, we are really sick of being kassemed and GRADDED (the missiles being shot over); and also, last nite the army dropped fliers down on the civiliians to get out of a certain area, but they (the civilians) had no where to go as egypt wont open its borders, and we certainly wouldnt, and hamas wouldnt let them out anyhow...
so how do u think my best friend's son as a commander feels when he knows that some palestinian child his sister's age is shot by him? our kids are told by us over and over again that these people are human. we dont want our kids to lose their humanity even in a war. what price do u think some of these kids pay to keep their humanity in a time of war?
everywhere we go now, u see an arab guy come towards u, u check for an alternative route... that is sick. it makes u not trust anyone.
combat in gaza is difficult as living areas are super crowded houses and narrow streets with plenty of places for trapping the soldiers in dead ends. because of the conditions, four israeli soldiers were killed by friendly fire. yesterday there was a cease fire until 1600. at 1600 precisely, the hamas started up again. like a group of small children in a kindergarten. u all are getting the reports from news reporters. we are getting the reports from our kids.

i asked my son (not in main army in pre army) where he was: answer: bombshelter 49 in netivot. he's been there for the past 12 days (we are counting every day, trust me) and will come home tomorrow to shit shower shave and sleep for the weekend.
the gazans are like cornered animals and will fight to the last woman and child for something they think they want; their backs are to the sea, and borders by people who dont want them. the arabs here in the villages dont want them, they consider them vermin (poor, uneducated primitive breeding like rabbits-- some of the ways the guys from the villages here describe the gazans)...

sometimes it is better to give a good hard hit and finish the whole thing all at once, then to have something drag out. non of us wanted this. now we just want it to finish. hopefully forever (yeah right). if the gazans would just go about their business and we could go about ours, then i and others certainly wouldnt be writing what i wrote. but for purposes of their own, with their own agendas, other poeople have made us (israelis and gazans) get sucked in to yet an other war.

forgot to add; lots of goat rustling now that every one is busy with gaza, the other areas, instead of rushing in and helping their brethren, are busy stealing our goats (from decent arab villages also, 150 head of expensive goats got stolen yesterday from friends in valley) and rushing off to the 'other' areas.

dont see them helping in any way shape or form. lots of arab protesting but no help from their either. just verbal diahreaa and some tire burning for their brothers.

well my rant for the weekend, i guess non of u can really understand what is going on here unless u live here (on either side, arab or israeli jew) but we are certainly just very very tired. in thai i guess its called : nui jai.


First off, if anybody thinks that bad grammar and spelling dismisses this post then think again because the person posting is not a native English speaker.

Also, some may pick out certain points and say "Oooh, that is biased", well fuck that. This is from somebody who is pretty much in the thick of it all and they are pretty much stating that both sides are pretty much sick of it.

This person had almost 3,000 posts and has been a member of this Thai forum for nearly 5 years, meaning that they are not a troll.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Bennett on Thursday, January 8, 2009, 17:34:42
Lebanon getting in on the act as well now then.

that'd be my uncle then!

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Lumps on Friday, January 9, 2009, 00:08:06
I tend to side with the Israelli's as historically they only took land when they were attcked from it by their neighbours. It's is a country that has from day 1 been under threat, & has / will only survive by being as tough as those who wish to obliterate them.
Irans president wants to wipe them off the face of the earth, & I suspect a lot off other arab countries have similar views. That's why Sadaam Hussien launched scuds at them, to try & get the Arabs on his side.
Hamas are a bunch of terrorists, who must know that they can't defeat Israel by launching some rockets at them, but persist in doing so. I conclude that the reason is that they want to get a response from Israel, get some civilians killed, gain sympathy & get other Arab states to join in with an all out war on Israel.
Israel of course HAS to respond. As a democracy, their Government would be kicked out pretty sharp if they did nothing. Unfortunately that makes civilian casualties almost inevitable. "Clean War" can only exist if you have two armies drawn up against each other in the desert.
Of course the other thing that should be bourne in mind is that they have Nuclear weapons. I believe that is why Iran (or any other Arab state) will not be openly involved. (Israel would use them as a last resort I am sure).
The problem with trying to find a solution is that a lot of the Arabs tend to believe the ONLY solution is the removal of the state of Israel in a similar vein to Hitler's Final Solution.

Whilst there's a kernal of historical truth in your first point about the areas that Israel has seized by military means, it does kind of skip over the several decades of creeping incursion carried out by Israeli "settlers" that have gradually pushed borders back throughout the region.

Your second point about the uselessness of the rocket attacks isn't really adding anything to the debate. 3000 rockets in the last year and Israeli deaths just about into double figures doesn't make it sound like a hugely successful military tactic, I think we all agree. But I refer you back to my several posts about the blockade; the situation in Gaza is getting desperate and they've really got no other fucking way to fight.

Your final point is pretty questionable. Even the majority of the population of Gaza, including a sizable chunk that voted for Hamas don't agree with their stated position tha Israel should be swept from the map. Most of the Arab and other muslim governments don't either. That's why there's always a huge fucking fuss whenever some politico in the region ever makes a remark along these lines. Iran I think is pretty much the only nation who's regime publically supports that position, and I've seen plenty of vox -pop interview on the "oh so biased" BBC to suggest that even there it's not anything like a universal opinion.

Most of the Arab peoples and states see the ideal as a two state solution. Unfortunately, they are entirely wedded to the restoration of the original borders at the time of partition, although a load of them go a bit quiet when anyone mentions the territories some of the Arab states grabbed from the Palestinian lands during the Arab Israeli war, and Israel aren't prepared to give up anything more than those lands currently behind the existing Armistice Lines.

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, January 16, 2009, 18:55:48
Hehe, this made I larf...

[url width=476 height=491][/url]

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: dell boy on Friday, January 16, 2009, 18:58:36
Hehe, this made I larf...

[url width=476 height=491][/url]

Bloody hell  :D

Title: Re: Israel, getting away with it again...
Post by: herthab on Friday, January 16, 2009, 19:28:04
So he's trying to say Death To All Jews?

That's a well balanced argument. I've never met a jew who wanted the total eradication of all arabs.