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Author Topic: School Teachers, The Good The Bad And The Down Right Nasty Fuckers.  (Read 17828 times)

« Reply #75 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 06:24:04 »

ExiledEric, Les Ayers had a hidden talent in that he could write gags based on experiences - he actually co-wrote a book (unpublished) with a fellow teacher at Park who you might know, Dave Churchill, who was another great guy. in fact the ones I knew socially were all decent drinking, sociable, genuine people who had the kids interests at heart despite having to put up with Coggin etc. They were appalled at the fact the careers guy could keep a job there despite being absolutely useless. Can't recall his name.

Final anecdote about Les. One Christmas morning he knocked on our front door and just said 'guess what I had for Christmas?'

He was wearing 3 neatly knotted ties around his neck.

Mr. Churchill my old english teacher, nice bloke. Mr. Bell was a decent egg too. Headmaster Coggins was a drip and couldn't wait to emigrate to the antipedes, overall our gain their loss!

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« Reply #76 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 07:00:14 »

I went to Matravers in Westbury (1995-2000). Despite having to wear light blue ties covered with itty-bitty letter M's, all was fine.

Among the many good memories I have of my time there includes a teacher (Mr. Allison I think) calling a troublesome classmate 'a bag of shit with a ribbon tied around'. She did not and could not argue with that statement.

Did you go to school in a yellow bus?

Some kids used to go to Kingdown and then catch such vehicle to Matravers 'special unit'.

We called them 'the A level kids'....


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« Reply #77 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 07:25:55 »

What about fellow pupils in this analogy? There used to be jockeying (known as wedging now?). On your birthday, you were thrown down the bank on the sports field (one big bump). One kid got jockeyed and hung by his pants on the coat hooks.

I didn't condone any of this and never took part!

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« Reply #78 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 12:20:37 »

Back on Bradon, Mr Booy was mentioned- he was indeed a brilliant supply.

A lot of the best teachers there were getting on for retirement- Mr Scott, Mr Kirkland etc. so wouldn't surprise me if it's all a bit shit now.

One for Tails though possibly- remember Miss Miller the art teacher? Unusually fit (and not just fit for a teacher, properly) and fond of low cut tops. Sadly, she left after my first year, I suspect I may have taken more interest in art if she'd stayed...

Haha I was slightly in love with her mate!

You would have missed out on Miss Bolitho as well, who I believed moved on to Bassett after my first year. She was mint!
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« Reply #79 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 12:53:40 »

You would have missed out on Miss Bolitho as well, who I believed moved on to Bassett after my first year. She was mint!

The only reason that I took an interest in Religious Studies.
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« Reply #80 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 13:07:12 »

St. Augustines in Trowbridge..

Drama teacher was 10/10. The Graphics Teacher was decent to look at too.. that's about it. My Form teacher Mr. O'Mahony was a top bloke!

They've got muslamic rayguns, muslamic rayguns..

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« Reply #81 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 13:11:19 »

I went to Warneford in Highworth, I was never taught by any  particularly bad teachers, there was one, Mr Potter who would fly off the handle at the smallest things but I never had him in my 5 years there. He used to chuck chairs and desks around at his worst and was generally shouty as fuck. There were a couple of female teachers that couldn't handle us at our worst, breaking down and being locked in cupboards... Not that I had any part in that!

Is your cat making too much noise all the time?

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« Reply #82 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 14:19:12 »

Yeah, my ex-wife teaches at Commonweal - surprised nobody has mentioned a fire-breathing dragon yet

My mum taught at Commonweal, and she breathed fire.  Dad, is this you?

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« Reply #83 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 15:19:58 »

We had a geography teacher who could hit anyone square between the eyes with his chalk whom he thought was not paying attention! His other trick was to bang the board rubber on your head if you got a question wrong the class could prematurely age in one lesson from spotty teens with black heads to grey heads  No
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« Reply #84 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 21:53:29 »

my biology teacher (Mr H R Pufnstuf) killed me,dissected me, turned me into a frog, brought me back to life and got me a pint of light and bitter - all in one day !!! Kelsey Grammar was a hard school.

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« Reply #85 on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 22:19:53 »

My mum taught at Commonweal, and she breathed fire.  Dad, is this you?

No Jan, I am your father.

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« Reply #86 on: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 09:21:41 »

Worst teachers for me had to be the nuns, all of them seemed to take their obvious frustrations out on the kids, mostly the boys.
In a special way ?

I'm ex St Joes, had one or two nuns teaching us. One once told my mate who being bored out of his skull during the mandatory RK / RI lesson that if he didn't stop looking out of the window (open to let some air in) she'd shut it !

Thought pretty much all the teachers we had were OK. I also just remember Wadsworth being the hard man - good bloke though.

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« Reply #87 on: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 09:23:54 »

St. Augustines in Trowbridge..

Drama teacher was 10/10. The Graphics Teacher was decent to look at too.. that's about it. My Form teacher Mr. O'Mahony was a top bloke!

Crispy the catholic boy!

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« Reply #88 on: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 09:26:16 »

I liked all my teachers at Greendown. Some were better than others, but I got a good bunch in general. New College had some idiots, but again, nothing too bad. In my experience, all my history teachers over both institutions were ace, with special mention to Mr Denley at Greendown and Michael Law at New College. Probably a big part of why I just did it at Uni.

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« Reply #89 on: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 10:07:34 »

I'm ex St Joes, had one or two nuns teaching us. One once told my mate who being bored out of his skull during the mandatory RK / RI lesson that if he didn't stop looking out of the window (open to let some air in) she'd shut it !

That's quite an anecdote. Thanks for sharing.  Wink

Tout ce que je sais de plus sūr ą propos de la moralité et des obligations des hommes, c'est au football que je le dois. - Albert Camus
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