Question: Which Party Will You Be Voting For?
Conservative - 54 (30.5%)
Labour - 63 (35.6%)
Liberal Democrat - 29 (16.4%)
UKIP - 6 (3.4%)
Green - 5 (2.8%)
SNP - 0 (0%)
Plaid Cymru - 0 (0%)
Other - 2 (1.1%)
Not Voting - 9 (5.1%)
Spoiled Ballot - 9 (5.1%)
Total Voters: 153

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Author Topic: General Election - Who's Getting Your Vote?  (Read 202868 times)

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« Reply #165 on: Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 19:11:08 »

That doesn't answer the question. Unless the answer is that people are voting Tory whilst not agreeing with what they will do, or have already done, which is a bit baffling.

Granted, I was just trying to help. Pax merely responded but not to the direct request of your question. So it still stands...no one has answer your question on Tory policy.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #166 on: Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 21:38:42 »

You can argue until you're blue (perhaps red) in the face about that being down to the main stream media coverage, but until he learns to play the media game (unlikely after three decades in politics) then he's got as much chance of being elected Prime Minister as I have.

I think you have to consider that it is also a case of not being allowed to play the game, rather than not being able to, wanting to, or learning to.

Of course he wants to make positive contributions in his media appearances, for himself and the party, in print and on television. He regularly gives interviews, as many as you would expect, and receives front page news. He speaks well, as I would hope a politician to; without triviality or any facade. I do not want a showman/woman to represent us, I would rather someone who has worked their arse off for the public for 30+ years, with steadfast values of a compassionate nature.

However, the tone and selectivity of the material printed and screened gives a subtly distorted message, distributed via his opponent-owned agencies who paint a carefully tainted picture. So careful and gradual that it's sometimes hard to detect. Sometimes, quite obvious, like in the majority of clips supposed to show his 'angry' nature.

For me, that he is not willing to compromise his values and integrity by going a bit extreme/populist/'motivational speaker' is a good thing. The general pomp/pathetic theatre of the House of Commons is utterly embarrassing and a true reflection of some of the people that sit in there. Cameron loved it and I recall Blair and Hague possibly pioneering such 'banter' (urghhh), which is about the limit of my historic knowledge of televised politics, other than some great Benn/Skinner clips.

I do not believe there is any tactic Corbyn could employ that would garner a significantly more positive level of coverage by media. They would simply ignore it or try to somehow turn it against him. It is not only not in their interest, but completely against their firm preservationist mentalities. There are examples of recent years of huge protests not being covered or barely being mentioned by the media, pre-Corbyn (rise of), showing their bias to anything paricularly anti-establishment.

Combined with the fact that many Labour MP's and those at the top of the party seem reluctant 'supporters', or opposed to many of his values, despite the overwhelming mandate in the membership vote, his ability to get across his messages and PR are being limited.

That new Wikipedia independent news website looks interesting.


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« Reply #167 on: Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 21:55:20 »

The problem with Corbyn is that he stands, very firmly, for an ideology that is loved by a small % of the overall population.  He is the opposite almost of a Farage.  Those that love that ideology will love Corbyn and have no idea how other people can think the other way.

Hertha - I'm guessing rhetoric on immigration, a view that they the tax people less from their pay packets (people will always vote for income tax reductions, even if the party promised to increase indirect taxation by the equal amount), reduction in the size of government (I include welfare in this).  Now, the last point is always an odd one to me as very few actual ideas will reduce the burden on this front because it's pensions that consume the vast majority of spending, but some people love to vote for a party that says they'll stop scroungers!

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« Reply #168 on: Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 22:07:27 »

The problem with Corbyn is that he stands, very firmly, for an ideology that is loved by a small % of the overall population.  He is the opposite almost of a Farage.  Those that love that ideology will love Corbyn and have no idea how other people can think the other way.

Hold your horses with Farage there!

Not sure he's that extreme, especially in contrast to the way both Labour and the Tories have both crept towards basically the same middle ground over the last 15 or so years?

Agree though that he could be perceived as a bit niche, again amplified. This is quite alarming:

"If you get your information about politics from the newspapers or the television you are allowing yourself to be misled.

Only 11% of newspaper stories about Jeremy Corbyn accurately state a single one of his actual policies. In the extreme-right Daily Mail and Express that figure falls to 0% ...

And if you think the BBC are unbiased, just remember that they let Laura Kuenssberg keep her job despite their own report admitting that she fabricated a fake story about Jeremy Corbyn in order to launch a political attack on him.
Wielder of the BANHAMMER

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« Reply #169 on: Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 00:31:15 »

The last couple of pages of this thread have been excellent.

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« Reply #170 on: Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 15:22:49 »

Peter Lilley, a member of the Tory Lunatic Fringe, is not standing again. Good news which indicates further that advocates of the disastrous WTO Brexit option are losing their power.


"We perform the duties of freemen; we must have the privileges of freemen ..."

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« Reply #171 on: Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 20:22:36 »

I could never vote for a PM who would scrap our nuclear deterrent. This is why Corbyn will have NO chance of winning...


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« Reply #172 on: Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 22:39:01 »

I'd vote for him on the basis of scrapping trident.

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« Reply #173 on: Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 23:22:04 »

France is the only other European country with nuclear weapons. If we need them, why doesn't anyone else, like Germany?

I could never vote for a PM who would scrap our nuclear deterrent. This is why Corbyn will have NO chance of winning...

I made it two sentences into that idiotic voiceover. Who is this and what authority or knowledge do they have on the subject?! It's really dumb.

"Right, so he's just looking for the power."

As someone has mentioned in the recent pages of this thread, you don't sit among your party for 34 years, then become leader due to a sudden realisation of your hunger for power, and this is clearly not in his character. Absolute nonsense.

"We don't want to see a very different country. We like our country. Our country is the way it is because we made it this way and that's the way we like it."

Yeah we love the way the NHS is being murdered, firefighters are in desperation, the disabled are being run into poverty, mentally ill people are having their help and support significantly reduced or withdrawn, schools are facing a huge funding crisis and budget shortfall, some were tricked into Brexit voting by huge lies, empty promises and misinformation, record numbers of people are having to use food banks, nobody new can get on the housing market because of landlords and foreign investors with huge portfolios, prisons run by private companies are rife with drugs and violence, turning criminals into hardened repeat offenders and relatively normal people into drug addicts.

All this whilst corporation tax has been reduced and May and her cabinet expand their £70m of personal wealth by promoting and making decisions in their own interests.

This country is being run really well, with real concern and care for its citizens, and most people have benefited from the brilliant leadership and decisions made by our current government (none of whom you may notice are around any more, except Boris who they hide at the back now, because he is too pertinent a reminder of all that cuntishness). We are represented by people who are experts in their fields, passionate about helping the public they represent, and readily make impartial decisions without any motivation towards their many business interests and greed for more personal wealth, for the benefit of the electorate.

« Reply #174 on: Thursday, April 27, 2017, 05:02:54 »

France is the only other European country with nuclear weapons. If we need them, why doesn't anyone else, like Germany?

I made it two sentences into that idiotic voiceover. Who is this and what authority or knowledge do they have on the subject?! It's really dumb.

As someone has mentioned in the recent pages of this thread, you don't sit among your party for 34 years, then become leader due to a sudden realisation of your hunger for power, and this is clearly not in his character. Absolute nonsense.

Yeah we love the way the NHS is being murdered, firefighters are in desperation, the disabled are being run into poverty, mentally ill people are having their help and support significantly reduced or withdrawn, schools are facing a huge funding crisis and budget shortfall, some were tricked into Brexit voting by huge lies, empty promises and misinformation, record numbers of people are having to use food banks, nobody new can get on the housing market because of landlords and foreign investors with huge portfolios, prisons run by private companies are rife with drugs and violence, turning criminals into hardened repeat offenders and relatively normal people into drug addicts.

All this whilst corporation tax has been reduced and May and her cabinet expand their £70m of personal wealth by promoting and making decisions in their own interests.

This country is being run really well, with real concern and care for its citizens, and most people have benefited from the brilliant leadership and decisions made by our current government (none of whom you may notice are around any more, except Boris who they hide at the back now, because he is too pertinent a reminder of all that cuntishness). We are represented by people who are experts in their fields, passionate about helping the public they represent, and readily make impartial decisions without any motivation towards their many business interests and greed for more personal wealth, for the benefit of the electorate.

You hit the nail on the head directly with this, these issues have been bouncing between red and blue for years now and Corbyn has certainly rufled a few feathers.
My stance on trident is we need a deterrent. Without it would be like going into conflict armed only with a paint balling gun.
My stance with Corbyn is, he us so anti this country, he has publicly refused to acknowledge the monarchy, has publicly let known his support for many faces of terrorism whilst attending rallies for dead IRA murdering scum,. Yet he has stated we should scrap our own remembrance parades.
Its good the government is being hunted down but i don't think this is the man who should be in charge of our country. Corporations need holding to account for tax avoidance raise money that way, to booster the NHS/schools/police/fire not cut the Armed Forces anymore, or use the £300,000,000 or so we give the EU each week to do it.

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« Reply #175 on: Thursday, April 27, 2017, 07:14:34 »

Why do people need an 'authority' to voice an opinion? The guy has a channel called 'Sargon of Akkad', in fairness he's a very clever guy and has very realistic political views for a liberal as he describes himself.
I don't disagree with some of Corbyn's anti globalist views, but the guy has some ridiculous ideas. Like scrapping trident. He's also said he'd like us to have no military. Total crackpot....
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #176 on: Thursday, April 27, 2017, 07:35:41 »

He's also said he'd like us to have no military. Total crackpot....
Really? When/where did he say that? Not saying he didn't, just curious if this is genuine
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« Reply #177 on: Thursday, April 27, 2017, 07:41:03 »

I see the Tories have let Boris out of whichever cupboard they had him locked up in. They must be confident.

Oh, and Zac Goldsmith is standing again in Richmond... for the Conservatives, the party he resigned from on a point of principle over Heathrow less than a year ago, which hasn't since changed. Entertainingly he could now lose a third election inside 12 months. What a champ.
« Last Edit: Thursday, April 27, 2017, 07:42:58 by Nemo » Logged
Wielder of the BANHAMMER

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« Reply #178 on: Thursday, April 27, 2017, 08:26:56 »

Sargon of Akkad. He's a mate of mine, very successful youtube channel and a flaming liberal. He just doesn't like Jeremy Corbyn. We've had some great chats about it.

Here's another video from before he was so famous:


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« Reply #179 on: Thursday, April 27, 2017, 09:11:30 »

I'd vote for him on the basis of scrapping trident.

Yep same.

The more the media go after Corbyn the more inclined I feel to vote for him.
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