Associating King with any sort of financial assistance to the club is ludicrous considering he was taking us to cleaners while we were in administration hence his re-appointment.
I’m sick of it and I wouldn’t care if we appointed either Jan Molby or Bobby Gould both would be a ten fold improvement on King and lest we forget these pair of jokers have achieved far more than King has ever done in management.
It’s not just the current situation it’s year on year we seem to plummet to these depths and it’s not healthy for the club, fans and long term future.
Attendances are dropping because of results and I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that’s down to the manager’s inability.
I can't quite help but think that the past few years have been the Sam Parkin show with a few supporting lead actors and an unspectacular enable of bit players. No player should ever be defined as bigger than a club or the side however I do wonder if one player has been head and shoulders over a certain manager’s regime.
If he doesn’t do the decent thing on Monday and walk or the board don’t sack the man then external protests seem like the only way to go.
Dazzza that is irrelevant any manager would've done the same in the same position. Associating King with helping the club financially is far from ludicrous but in fact absolutely true.
Without the Parkin money the club would've been wound up as we'd have no way of paying this summers cva payment.
To suggest Jan Molby or Gould would be an improvement is laughable and I can't believe you seriously think they've achieved more than King.

If by an achievement you mean sending Kidderminster down to the conference then sure.
Talk sense.