You spin me right round baby right round
Posts: 26472
« Reply #1665 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 15:38:03 » |
I guess their argument is : More revenue=more they can do, and they can't go on losing 1M a year.
To me that just means they haven't got the funds other than to try and keep heads above water.
They cant even sell out the current hospitality anyway can they? Also losing business of people now going elsewhere for conferences and events Even Bushey Boy (Asher) uses somewhere else now instead of the club for his events
That was definately my last game, honest
Posts: 23251
I can't bear it 🙄
« Reply #1666 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 15:47:21 » |
Sort out the bank so it's usable when we get promoted, oh wait
Posts: 18970
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #1667 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 15:50:34 » |
I suspect that the argument is little more than doing enough to address the potential (highly unlikely but would be a brave lawyer to put their PI on the line and say it won't happen) exercise of the buy back clause by the Council, which in turn will also put the trust in quite a tricky situation as and when a decision needs to be reached.
As Morfuni seems to have no commercial presence left in the UK I don't see how he can have a vehicle to get any second bite at the cherry (FWIW I think that was always a red herring anyway as he never remotely appeared to have the scale in this country to deliver a project much above installing service into buildings anyway so not sure any lender would have lent him the cash he would have needed to scale up/sub contract what would be needed based on a single job), hasn't it always been common knowledge that using the mythical second concourse the hospitality in the DRS was always the easy win, and unsurprisingly that’s what they are going for.
Matchworn Shirts
For Sale
Posts: 7317
« Reply #1668 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 15:52:20 » |
They are going to ruin the one decent stand we have aren't they
Posts: 12172
« Reply #1669 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 15:58:30 » |
I am not against the concept, just the worry about the people involved given the output of their work thus far. If you think about the business of STFC, we are shockingly bad at using the one thing we have at stupidly low commercial rent levels - square footage for retail/hospitality.
This need not even be a big lift and shift project - simply adding hospitality facilities in that concourse and providing some access to seating (not boxes) would likely be a worthwhile endeavour. Ultimately though, you need an operating plan to make use of this - something shown to be lacking with the existing facilities, not least in terms of maintenance, but also in terms of marketing, selling, operating etc.
Posts: 12172
« Reply #1670 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 16:02:31 » |
What it would show, if that is all they have proposed, is a comprehensive lack of a strategy and vision. All the work carried out so far is either existing projects or items already proposed by others (either external parties or through our history of owners). It would not have taken much effort with architects and experienced ground development companies to pick out this idea. You know, the ones they dismissed as not having good enough plans. To end up here is basically stealing a single page from some other kids homework when it turns out you hit the deadline when you decided to play rather than listen to the geeky kid who offered to help.
That was definately my last game, honest
Posts: 23251
I can't bear it 🙄
« Reply #1671 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 16:17:54 » |
The one stand that doesn't really need anything doing to it, who's going to use it for starters and how many years to recoup the cost? Crazy.
Posts: 5722
« Reply #1672 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 16:54:54 » |
Where are this lot really going to get £2m or £3m from?! That’s what it’ll will realistically cost just to do exec boxes. You’ve got the boxes themselves, front of house, access, kitchens etc to do it properly. It’s either going to be a complete bodge job or never finished.
Even if it gets done we will end up having to split our corporate hosts between the DRS and Arkell’s thus doubling up on staff which is bit stupid business wise in itself. It just shows the poor business acumen of this lot, they probably haven’t even thought about the operational logistics yet.
Will any legitimate contractors even deal with Morfuni in the UK with the history of the U.K. arm of Axis?
Not a Batch
Posts: 57309
« Reply #1673 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 17:04:40 » |
Where are this lot really going to get £2m or £3m from?! That’s what it’ll will realistically cost just to do exec boxes. You’ve got the boxes themselves, front of house, access, kitchens etc to do it properly. It’s either going to be a complete bodge job or never finished.
Well quite. I mean what are they going to do, cart the food from the Arkells or serve sludgeage rolls? Whats the current occupancy of hospitality and who is wanting to use these instead? We should really wait until the plans and business case are presented tbf. I think Fitton also talked about doing this, maybe there's something in it if its done right (soapy tit wank).
Shit Bacon
Posts: 23242
« Reply #1674 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 17:11:00 » |
Is there money left in the Eady fund?
Dr Pierre Chang
ITK Curran lover
Posts: 3043
« Reply #1675 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 17:11:25 » |
I don’t think the proposal is for boxes (correct me if im wrong, Bennett!), so at least we shouldn’t see a substantial loss of seating capacity.
Without meaning to sound ungrateful; the Don Rogers is our only stand which is fit for modern times, so it’s a shame there appears to be no progress elsewhere bar updating the bogs.
Heck, even a roofed temporary structure in place of the Bank would do at this point!
Posts: 970
« Reply #1676 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 17:14:10 » |
I don’t think the proposal is for boxes (correct me if im wrong, Bennett!), so at least we shouldn’t see a substantial loss of seating capacity.
Without meaning to sound ungrateful; the Don Rogers is our only stand which is fit for modern times, so it’s a shame there appears to be no progress elsewhere bar updating the bogs.
Heck, even a roofed temporary structure in place of the Bank would do at this point!
The Moonraker article mentioned glass fronted executive boxes but unsure if those point inwards towards the pitch or outwards (you’d expect pitch side)
Posts: 8726
Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this
« Reply #1677 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 17:14:26 » |
Any kosher and viable contractors around will to forego payment for services rendered?
Boy About Town
Posts: 1097
Often outnumbered, never outgunned.
« Reply #1678 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 17:16:35 » |
I suspect that the argument is little more than doing enough to address the potential (highly unlikely but would be a brave lawyer to put their PI on the line and say it won't happen) exercise of the buy back clause by the Council, which in turn will also put the trust in quite a tricky situation as and when a decision needs to be reached.
As Morfuni seems to have no commercial presence left in the UK I don't see how he can have a vehicle to get any second bite at the cherry (FWIW I think that was always a red herring anyway as he never remotely appeared to have the scale in this country to deliver a project much above installing service into buildings anyway so not sure any lender would have lent him the cash he would have needed to scale up/sub contract what would be needed based on a single job), hasn't it always been common knowledge that using the mythical second concourse the hospitality in the DRS was always the easy win, and unsurprisingly that’s what they are going for.
It’s not a myth. I’ve walked it.
Now, ain't that just like me?
Dr Pierre Chang
ITK Curran lover
Posts: 3043
« Reply #1679 on: Monday, February 17, 2025, 17:17:09 » |
The Moonraker article mentioned glass fronted executive boxes but unsure if those point inwards towards the pitch or outwards (you’d expect pitch side)
Fair enough, in which case assuming those are across the length of the stand I expect there won’t be far off a four figure capacity reduction…