Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #11625 on: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 13:10:04 » |
Bobby Buckland seems to be being reshuffled out of the government, for people who want the local angle.
Rumour being that he has been shunted out to create a space for Raab. Williamson sacked from education and offered NI (I am not joking!)
« Reply #11626 on: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 13:21:28 » |
Williamson sacked from education and offered NI (I am not joking!)
What could possibly go wrong?
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #11627 on: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 13:45:46 » |
What could possibly go wrong?
I think he turned it down (understandably as its a bit of a graveyard for careers) but rather illustrates how little interest the govt have in NI.
Not a Batch
Posts: 57297
« Reply #11628 on: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 14:23:29 » |
Unlucky Fuckland
Posts: 7084
He headed a football.
« Reply #11629 on: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 15:15:29 » |
Unlucky Fuckland
Calling him that, reminded me of this...
donkey tells the truth
I headed the ball. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee-aaaaaaaawwwwwww
Posts: 21302
« Reply #11630 on: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 16:35:40 » |
Glad to see Brown Nosed Bobby Buckland got the boot. Party line towing twat.
Not a Batch
Posts: 57297
« Reply #11631 on: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 16:55:59 » |
"Nadine Dorries is secretary of state for culture, media and sport"
Jesus wept.
Posts: 8719
Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this
« Reply #11632 on: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 19:27:44 » |
Just thought I’d pop in with a bowl of popcorn to see how things are going. Glad to see normality has resumed after the worst of the pandemic appears to be over.
Posts: 3472
« Reply #11633 on: Thursday, September 16, 2021, 08:00:36 » |
I think something needs to be done about Social Care; it's not fair or consistent for Health to be free at the point of need but Social Care to be means tested for everything. You can end up with ridiculous situations in the grey area between the two (e.g. dementia care) where if it's classed as 'health' it costs £0 but if not £,00000s. NI is probably the worst choice, as it isnt paid on Pensions (even generous final salary ones). The thing that upsets and concerns most elderly home owners is the random chance factor, 2 out of 3 people will pass pretty much their whole home to their kids, 1 out 3 almost nothing. Pot luck. I think most (not all, some people are greedy selfish bastards) elderly home owners would actually be quite happy for a big increase in Inheritance Tax if it meant that were protected from losing it all. That seems fairest to me. I think T May tried to suggest something like that, the media crucified her for it and it was binned. Boris is far too much of a populist to do the right , difficult thing here (or, indeed, ever)
Interesting comments. Your IHT suggestion would be a wonderfully fair way of tackling the random inequities of the dementia fee burden. It will not of course happen. At present, with no particular planning, the survivor of a married couple can leave circa £650k free of IHT (The balance is taxed at 40%). Thus the type of "capitalist" twatted by the Dementia Tax is the League 1 or 2 capitalist owning an average home with modest savings. That capitalist risks wipeout. Meanwhile the less prudent or less fortunate receive their care for free whilst the wealthier are easily able to fund their care from investments, immediate care plans purchased (// an annuity) and where any capital diminishment is effectively saving them the 40% IHT it would otherwise have suffered. I'm against all tax but let's be clear the Tories will always prefer to tax the aspirational small savers and home owners ahead of the wealthy. IMO, it's about time that more of Thatcher's Council House home owners and other prudent, hard working but unprivileged voters realised the Tories (as well as Labour) are not their true friends.
Bogus Dave
Ate my own dick
Posts: 16440
« Reply #11634 on: Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 10:43:44 » |
I see the Labour Party are heading into conference season focussing on the real enemies hurting this country - the other side of the Labour Party
It’s so fucking frustrating. This current government continually prove themselves dangerously inept (based on competence at governing, not even ideologically speaking), but huge parts of the largest opposition party would rather not win at all if the win wasn’t completely ‘pure’, so continually eat themselves. Daft student politics morons
Things get better but they never get good
Barry Scott
Posts: 9134
« Reply #11635 on: Monday, September 27, 2021, 13:19:30 » |
I see the Labour Party are heading into conference season focussing on the real enemies hurting this country - the other side of the Labour Party
It’s so fucking frustrating. This current government continually prove themselves dangerously inept (based on competence at governing, not even ideologically speaking), but huge parts of the largest opposition party would rather not win at all if the win wasn’t completely ‘pure’, so continually eat themselves. Daft student politics morons
Couldn't agree more. It makes my blood boil. I can't help but feel that in the current climate, if someone was to have an actual fucking opinion and dare oppose or speak against the current regime, they'd be electable and, I think, have a huge majority were it possible to bypass the media machine. Better to stand for something, put it out there and be both loved and hated, than just be a small half-glass of flat tonic.
Posts: 11570
Stirlingshire Reds
« Reply #11636 on: Monday, September 27, 2021, 18:46:06 » |
I share your disillusion. It's so disappointing.
There can't be any precedent for this. The Conservatives have been in power for 11+ years, failing to deliver the basics on so many levels - and yet the Opposition are nowhere.
Labour have 12 to 18 months, at best, to get a grip. Otherwise, another Tory win in 2024 looks like the most likely outcome - which takes them out to 2029. Another 8 yrs of this?! Fucking hell.
Not a Batch
Posts: 57297
« Reply #11637 on: Monday, September 27, 2021, 18:55:22 » |
I'm no corbynite. But he pointed out that there are now more food banks than McDonald's.
I don't care which measure you use, that's failing the basics
Posts: 11570
Stirlingshire Reds
« Reply #11638 on: Monday, September 27, 2021, 20:16:53 » |
I supported Starmer when he became Labour leader, and wanted him to succeed. But two developments today have been the final straw(s) for me. First, Rachel Reeves confirmed Labour wouldn't argue for a return to Free Movement - even though Starmer campaigned on that platform during the leadership election. And now the party has reaffirmed it's commitment to the FPTP status quo - despite the party membership being in favour of PR.
Difficult to see where they go from here. The divisions are just too deep. The Tories managed to remove their own divisions by purging their pro-EU wing in 2019. One way or another, Labour needs to do something similar.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #11639 on: Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 08:08:57 » |
I supported Starmer when he became Labour leader, and wanted him to succeed. But two developments today have been the final straw(s) for me. First, Rachel Reeves confirmed Labour wouldn't argue for a return to Free Movement - even though Starmer campaigned on that platform during the leadership election. And now the party has reaffirmed it's commitment to the FPTP status quo - despite the party membership being in favour of PR.
Difficult to see where they go from here. The divisions are just too deep. The Tories managed to remove their own divisions by purging their pro-EU wing in 2019. One way or another, Labour needs to do something similar.
Its a mess, they have seemed to (in electoral terms) swung to the complete polar opposite of the Corbyn years in that they are vying only for the votes of the 52% and ignoring their core base and the centre. So much as Corbyn and his supporters seemed (and appear to still seem) unable to grasp that appealing to c.400k members won't get you elected under the system we have, likewise now the battle ground seems to have shifted to the red wall voters and looking at polling for now Johnson could place forward a policy of murdering your first born and that won't shift voters away from him. The Tory purge started after 2016 and was helped by all the macerations after that, just a pity its cost the country so many billions to address their internal problems.