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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290001 times)
McGurk's Missus
Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Bleach

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« Reply #11025 on: Monday, January 25, 2021, 18:27:16 »

With the government set to remove their boosted payment to Universal Credit, the nation is set to see some 6m people in the UK impacted by this measure. Whilst still in an ongoing pandemic it seems a strange move to remove at this time. Surely an extension for another year would make more sense.

For reflection the £6bn cost to be covered would total a 1p increase in Income Tax and 5p in Fuel Duty. I'd personally be more than happy to pay the miniscule rise in order to continue helping the most poor people in our country. With so much uncertainty in employment to come, even post-pandemic some might be wise to think their initial answer whilst possibly still in a job currently. We know a lot of "i'm alright Jack" is prevalent in much of the UK but I can't see how several people can be cock sure of that attitude in these uncertain times.

Apologies that the following is the currant bun. It appears Sunak is trying to get around this with a one off payment...but hang on, wasn't it this government that barely trusted the great unwashed with paying £30 a week for food for kids, as they might spend it on junk. Yet here they are offering to pay £1k one off to largely many of those same people...Not certain of the detail (the Sun lacks here, shock) but it may also be an "advance" style payment that is repaid so I'm not sure that really helps anyone.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #11026 on: Monday, January 25, 2021, 20:20:53 »

And you think UK politics is murky:

<see link below in another post>

Fair warning, people who like < 240 characters may not want to click and read - it's a bit lengthy.
« Last Edit: Monday, January 25, 2021, 21:06:38 by RobertT » Logged
McGurk's Missus
Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Bleach

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Has A Hardon For McGurk


« Reply #11027 on: Monday, January 25, 2021, 20:54:39 »

And you think UK politics is murky:

Fair warning, people who like < 240 characters may not want to click and read - it's a bit lengthy.

XML File Error keeps coming up for this one Rob.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #11028 on: Monday, January 25, 2021, 21:06:02 »

It was in here
McGurk's Missus
Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Bleach

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Has A Hardon For McGurk


« Reply #11029 on: Monday, January 25, 2021, 21:13:05 »

Trump will be looking for those "missing Georgia votes" for a long time. His ardent supporters on the tweety bird might be waiting even longer.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
Wielder of the BANHAMMER

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« Reply #11030 on: Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 11:04:10 »

With the government set to remove their boosted payment to Universal Credit, the nation is set to see some 6m people in the UK impacted by this measure. Whilst still in an ongoing pandemic it seems a strange move to remove at this time. Surely an extension for another year would make more sense.

For reflection the £6bn cost to be covered would total a 1p increase in Income Tax and 5p in Fuel Duty. I'd personally be more than happy to pay the miniscule rise in order to continue helping the most poor people in our country. With so much uncertainty in employment to come, even post-pandemic some might be wise to think their initial answer whilst possibly still in a job currently. We know a lot of "i'm alright Jack" is prevalent in much of the UK but I can't see how several people can be cock sure of that attitude in these uncertain times.

Apologies that the following is the currant bun. It appears Sunak is trying to get around this with a one off payment...but hang on, wasn't it this government that barely trusted the great unwashed with paying £30 a week for food for kids, as they might spend it on junk. Yet here they are offering to pay £1k one off to largely many of those same people...Not certain of the detail (the Sun lacks here, shock) but it may also be an "advance" style payment that is repaid so I'm not sure that really helps anyone.

Interesting point about what £6 billion is worth. What I find more interesting, is that sort of comparison is often made made talking about benefits payments, but never when talking about £22 billion for a failed track and trace or £120 + billion for a new nuclear weapons system.

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« Reply #11031 on: Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 12:03:50 »

Interesting point about what £6 billion is worth. What I find more interesting, is that sort of comparison is often made made talking about benefits payments, but never when talking about £22 billion for a failed track and trace or £120 + billion for a new nuclear weapons system.

Someone has noted that Germany’s Test & Trace cost £50 million and works; U.K. cost £22,000 million and doesn’t work.

To put that into some sort of context, its been calculated that ten grand a day, every day, since the end of the Bronze Age. That's how much this government handed over to Dido Harding to deliver a Test & Trace system that doesn't work'

« Reply #11032 on: Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 12:07:27 »

World beating

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« Reply #11033 on: Thursday, January 28, 2021, 10:11:36 »

So Johnson is off to Scotland today to shore up the Union, that's going to help  Cheesy
You spin me right round baby right round

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« Reply #11034 on: Thursday, January 28, 2021, 10:19:50 »

Essential trip of course.

I see Sturgeon is kicking up about it, to be fair she is right

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« Reply #11035 on: Thursday, January 28, 2021, 14:45:38 »

Not in the public interest I see...
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« Reply #11036 on: Thursday, January 28, 2021, 15:06:01 »

Someone has noted that Germany’s Test & Trace cost £50 million and works; U.K. cost £22,000 million and doesn’t work.

To put that into some sort of context, its been calculated that ten grand a day, every day, since the end of the Bronze Age. That's how much this government handed over to Dido Harding to deliver a Test & Trace system that doesn't work'

But Johnson says they have done all they can to line the pockets of their mates
McGurk's Missus
Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Bleach

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Posts: 10573

Has A Hardon For McGurk


« Reply #11037 on: Thursday, January 28, 2021, 18:49:08 »

Interesting point about what £6 billion is worth. What I find more interesting, is that sort of comparison is often made made talking about benefits payments, but never when talking about £22 billion for a failed track and trace or £120 + billion for a new nuclear weapons system.

As well as benefits payments, you can also throw the "immigration problem" (there isn't one, people are racist) into that 'comparison' element too. Which works out even less of a cost "burden" on the public purse. Also like the world aid budget too. Strange ey?!

As for "new nuclear weapons system", haha don't be silly...they'll get the money but it'll only be spent on maintaining the current weapons (and systems) anyway.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
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« Reply #11038 on: Friday, January 29, 2021, 08:18:39 »

This is fucking maddening

This is the water.
And this is the well.
Drink full and descend.
The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.
Wielder of the BANHAMMER

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« Reply #11039 on: Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:05:01 »

"You won, get over it"
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