Posts: 1186
« Reply #10935 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:29:18 » |
Someone is doing very well out of this....  That someone is Chartwells UK the company that has been awarded the contract to supply the children's food parcels, its part of Compass Group, apparently they have donted quite a lot of cash to a political party, can you guess which one... Another absolute disgrace !
Not as likeable as Reg was, a fencesitting WUM
Posts: 3264
Allegedly, not a Swindon Town supporter
« Reply #10936 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:55:29 » |
With regard to cladding costs, the one thing I am sure about is that having lived in rented or tied housing all my adult life until now, external repair and upkeep has never been the responsibility of the tenant.
Repair of the building and common parts will usually fall under the service charge under a long lease.
Nothing to see here
Bob's Orange
Has brain escape barriers
Posts: 29537
« Reply #10937 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:00:34 » |
Someone is doing very well out of this....  That someone is Chartwells UK the company that has been awarded the contract to supply the children's food parcels, its part of Compass Group, apparently they have donted quite a lot of cash to a political party, can you guess which one... Can you imagine if you sent your spouse or partner out with £30 to pick up a few bits and she came back with that monstrosity on the right? What's in that bag at the bottom next to the spuds? All joking aside there is something seriously wrong if they is actually what the company provided, surely someone somewhere must have said 'we can't possibly send this out can we'?
we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise, the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
Not a Batch
Posts: 57297
« Reply #10938 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 11:19:39 » |
OK, we know costs (staff, distribution) will be bigger for a private company, but that looks pathetic.
I'd like to see the breakdown on where that £30 went.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #10939 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 12:49:50 » |
OK, we know costs (staff, distribution) will be bigger for a private company, but that looks pathetic.
I'd like to see the breakdown on where that £30 went.
On the flipside, buying in bulk for such a large contract will provide the company with huge buying power and thus cheaper prices. Someone has priced the stuff on Asda and its c.£5 at straight retail prices.
Posts: 10124
Git facked
« Reply #10940 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 13:35:24 » |
That is disgusting. I feel like I've become numb to a lot of the nonsense the current government spews out week after week but this really pissed me off. My weekly shop is usually £20-£25 and is significantly better than that.
Not surprising to read it's another contract handed to a private company ran by a friend-of-a-tory.
Honestly I'm so sick of how this government is never held to account to anything.
« Reply #10941 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 13:44:29 » |
And they'll still get voted back in again.
« Reply #10942 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 14:20:42 » |
Some of the photos I've seen of these 'packages' are disgraceful. That's if they're real, of course, and I suspect most are.
One had 5 bottles of water (among a few other things).
Why include bottled water when drinking water literally comes out of the fucking tap in Britain? It looks like gross incompetence on top of the arseholery. (No surprise there).
« Reply #10943 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 14:21:14 » |
And they will still get voted in again.
That was definately my last game, honest
Posts: 23241
I can't bear it 🙄
« Reply #10944 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 14:24:14 » |
Can you imagine if you sent your spouse or partner out with £30 to pick up a few bits and she came back with that monstrosity on the right? What's in that bag at the bottom next to the spuds?
All joking aside there is something seriously wrong if they is actually what the company provided, surely someone somewhere must have said 'we can't possibly send this out can we'?
Looks like penne Bobby
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #10945 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 15:53:57 » |
Some of the photos I've seen of these 'packages' are disgraceful. That's if they're real, of course, and I suspect most are.
One had 5 bottles of water (among a few other things).
Why include bottled water when drinking water literally comes out of the fucking tap in Britain? It looks like gross incompetence on top of the arseholery. (No surprise there).
The most depressing this is that in some cases they seem to have employed someone to cut a carrot in half so each box only includes half a carrot (same with tomato's and peppers), that's taking the bottom line to extremes - I imagine the poor sod cutting the veg is also on zero hours etc.
That was definately my last game, honest
Posts: 23241
I can't bear it 🙄
« Reply #10946 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 16:01:56 » |
A rough price check guess then -
Beans £0.60 Loaf £1.00 Cheese slices £0.80 3 apples £1.20 2 carrots £0.20 2 malt loaf snacks £0.40 2 bananas £0.30 2 spuds £0.40 3 fruit tube thingies £1.00 1 tomato £0.20 penne pasta £1.20
That's around £7.30
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #10947 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 16:05:59 » |
A rough price check guess then -
Beans £0.60 Loaf £1.00 Cheese slices £0.80 3 apples £1.20 2 carrots £0.20 2 malt loaf snacks £0.40 2 bananas £0.30 2 spuds £0.40 3 fruit tube thingies £1.00 1 tomato £0.20 penne pasta £1.20
That's around £7.30
The Mum who received this absolute fucking insult price checked it with her local ASDA. It came out at £5.22. That's retail price, so allowing for bulk discounts and wholesale prices, you can probably reckon this cost Chartwells about 3 quid tops. The other 27 quid will have gone to help fund the CEO's £4.7m pay, shareholder dividends and the donations to the Tory party
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #10948 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 16:13:57 » |
The Mum who received this absolute fucking insult price checked it with her local ASDA. It came out at £5.22. That's retail price, so allowing for bulk discounts and wholesale prices, you can probably reckon this cost Chartwells about 3 quid tops. The other 27 quid will have gone to help fund the CEO's £4.7m pay, shareholder dividends and the donations to the Tory party
Note (as I made the same error earlier) the donations to the Tory Party are from the CEO directly so they will be coming out of the £4.7m, so that's alright then. I see its not just Chartwells as those provided by others have also been shown and they are equally as shite, we really have become a second world country.
« Reply #10949 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 16:17:56 » |
And they will still get voted in again.