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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290595 times)
McGurk's Missus
Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Bleach

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« Reply #10920 on: Monday, January 4, 2021, 14:19:35 »

And several African players too. Although many of them tend to stay in several Eastern Bloc nations.

Always find that a strange sacrifice. I know they are sold the idea of moving on to a bigger European club bug considering a good chunk of those types of clubs have issues with racism, it is the last type of club I'd want to go to as an African (or anyone not white).

Then again, this country has enough issues with racism and increasing verbal stances. Doesn't reflect a whole club, granted but one of the benefits of not having fans (or too many fans) at present is our own doesn't have to put up with the Tommy Robinson chanting twats.

I'll put up with "Gerrrr iiiiiiiiiii faaaaarrrrrraaarrrddd" all day long if racism was eradicated from all sport - no in fact altogether.

I'd even put up with Rockin' Robin too. That too much?  Smiley

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
Not a Batch

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« Reply #10921 on: Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 20:49:19 »

Martin Lewis:

Congrats to the govt on its new free GLOBAL health insurance card (GHIC), which replaces the EUROPEAN (EHIC) one.

The EHIC covered the EU 27 countries plus Norway, Iceland, Switzerland & Liech'stein

The improved GHIC covers... well only the EU27. 

#Oops #misnamed #SayWhat?
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #10922 on: Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 22:49:10 »


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Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost

« Reply #10923 on: Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 12:12:24 »

He really is an arse...

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« Reply #10924 on: Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 19:28:28 »

Move along the bus, nothing to see here....

« Reply #10925 on: Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 19:34:36 »

This would (and should) usually be a scandal.

But now it's just the norm.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #10926 on: Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 19:53:11 »

outgoing president numb nuts seems to have insighted a riot across the pond.

Pence refused to get involved in overturning the college vote and it's kicking off as senate and the house are forced to recess.

surprisingly it looks like the Dems could take the senate today too
Formerly Drummer Boy

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« Reply #10927 on: Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 22:32:41 »

Looks like the Village People have arrived to protest against Biden's win...

Let's do this.... 5-6-7-8 YYYYYYYYYYYMCA!

I used to be that kid with the drum in the Nationwide and Town End - Be nice to me or I'll tell my Mum Smiley
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #10928 on: Monday, January 11, 2021, 12:28:59 »

But ... but ... but wasn't it all supposed to be all about the fish? Don't tell John Redwood, he'll be furious

The City will be pleased as well

« Reply #10929 on: Monday, January 11, 2021, 14:47:32 »

Not covid or Brexit related for once...

The government's answer to remedying the problem of flammable cladding. Have the landlords pay for it, right? After all they own the buildings, profit from them, have the capital, and were responsible for the problem in the first place.


The government expect tenants to pay for it by taking out loans.

And they will still get voted back in again.


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Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost

« Reply #10930 on: Monday, January 11, 2021, 15:26:11 »

Not covid or Brexit related for once...

The government's answer to remedying the problem of flammable cladding. Have the landlords pay for it, right? After all they own the buildings, profit from them, have the capital, and were responsible for the problem in the first place.


The government expect tenants to pay for it by taking out loans.

And they will still get voted back in again.

I don't disagree with the sentiment, however, just a small point of order.

In terms of the buildings so affected on the whole the landlords will not be responsible for the problem in the first place in that such buildings are very very rarely owned once complete by those who built them, on the whole they tend to be sold to investment companies (often pension companies) who then become landlords, off plan or at least before or at final completion.

Therein lies the problem, who is responsible, the person who built it, the person who owns it now, the person who leases a flat in it now, the person who signed the fire regs off, the government who are responsible for the building regs, there are a plethora of potentials and ultimately in the background are the insurance industry who I imagine are lobbying the hardest as they are going to get clobbered whoever end up being responsible.

Hence why at this stage the government are taking the easy option..... 
Not as likeable as Reg was, a fencesitting WUM

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« Reply #10931 on: Monday, January 11, 2021, 16:55:26 »

I don't think that saying let's just clobber the current landlords is the correct approach.

Nothing to see here

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Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost

« Reply #10932 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 09:17:48 »

Someone is doing very well out of this....

That someone is Chartwells UK the company that has been awarded the contract to supply the children's food parcels, its part of Compass Group, apparently they have donted quite a lot of cash to a political party, can you guess which one...
RWB Robin

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« Reply #10933 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:17:21 »

With regard to cladding costs, the one thing I am sure about is that having lived in rented or tied housing all my adult life until now, external repair and upkeep has never been the responsibility of the tenant.
Aaron Aardvark

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Absolute Calamity!

« Reply #10934 on: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:28:14 »

Someone is doing very well out of this....

That someone is Chartwells UK the company that has been awarded the contract to supply the children's food parcels, its part of Compass Group, apparently they have donted quite a lot of cash to a political party, can you guess which one...
And it's not a one-off error either, this is systemic by Chartwells
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