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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290125 times)
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #10560 on: Friday, October 23, 2020, 10:33:46 »

And for those who doubt that our own govt are not that far behind following Trump's playbook, Priti Patel is being criticised for inciting a far right terrorist knife attack on an immigration lawyer with her anti-lawyer rhetoric recently. The Law Society asked her to rein in the rhetoric in the wake of the attack, but instead she just increased it

Interestingly, the police aren't describing this as a terrorist attack even though it's clearly (by their own description) a politically motivated attempted murder and it's not been widely reported. If this had been a Muslim with an Islamist agenda attacking a lawyer with knives, it would have been all over the BBC, Daily Mail etc as a terrorist attack.

In any reasonable country, a Home Secretary using language so incendiary as to incite terrorist attacks would be a national scandal and would be forced to resign. In the new Trumpian UK, it's not even news
The attacker has now appeared in court charged with preparing acts of terror and racially motivated violence. Not that you'd know that from the press, only being reported in the Times (which calls him a "knifeman" rather than the Nazi terrorist he actually is) and the Independent. Wonder if this would have had more coverage if he'd been brown?

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« Reply #10561 on: Friday, October 23, 2020, 10:39:23 »

The attacker has now appeared in court charged with preparing acts of terror and racially motivated violence. Not that you'd know that from the press, only being reported in the Times (which calls him a "knifeman" rather than the Nazi terrorist he actually is) and the Independent. Wonder if this would have had more coverage if he'd been brown?

TBF the Mail is also reporting it, slightly sinisterly the BBC appear not to be?

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« Reply #10562 on: Friday, October 23, 2020, 11:46:20 »

Ironic that the Tory faithful are defending them on the meals disgrace, yet earlier used to trot out that we should be helping our own.

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« Reply #10563 on: Friday, October 23, 2020, 11:51:18 »

Yeah, let's confirm we're scum. That'll show em!!!
Aaron Aardvark

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Absolute Calamity!

« Reply #10564 on: Friday, October 23, 2020, 13:28:36 »

TBF the Mail is also reporting it, slightly sinisterly the BBC appear not to be?
They weren't when I posted. BBC are reporting it now, but it's buried in London local news. It would be their lead story if the terrorist was Muslim.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #10565 on: Friday, October 23, 2020, 13:29:32 »

Ironic that the Tory faithful are defending them on the meals disgrace, yet earlier used to trot out that we should be helping our own.
So all lives don't matter after all then? So they were just being racist after all?

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« Reply #10566 on: Friday, October 23, 2020, 19:19:26 »

As sinister as this recent debacle has been, it has at least resulted in a heart-warming outcome.

On Rasford's twitter feed there is example after example of restaurants and other businesses offering to provide free packed lunches and/or meals. Also of local councils promising to ensure kids are not left going hungry.

It's a big fuck you to the government and really helps to make then look like a bunch of vile cunts. Not as though they needed any help with that. Rayner was right.

This is starting to play very badly.  Looking a bit Poll Taxy for the Tories.

« Reply #10567 on: Friday, October 23, 2020, 19:58:12 »

This is starting to play very badly.  Looking a bit Poll Taxy for the Tories.

It must be simmering over there.

What makes it worse for them is that they are clueless as to how to manage the backlash. There was wasserface yesterday blaming it on Rayner for calling a tory 'scum'. So, tens of thousands of kids can go hungry because a tory MP was called a bad name?

How long before Moggy comes along and says something that really makes it boil over?

« Reply #10568 on: Saturday, October 24, 2020, 11:38:38 »

Tories on twitter: "We're getting abuse because Rayner called us scum"

So, nothing to do with you voting against feeding hungry kids?

Fuck off.
brocklesby red

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« Reply #10569 on: Saturday, October 24, 2020, 13:01:25 »

I think Angela Rayners apology could go something like this,” I recently used the term Tory scum during a debate. I would like to apologise for using the term,Tory scum, i should  not have said Tory scum and I won’t be saying Tory scum again. Hopefully that will satisfy the 100 Tory mps who are demanding an apology from her.
It does amaze me that the party led by a man who can use terms like water melon smiles and pickaninny can get so upset with name calling.

« Reply #10570 on: Monday, October 26, 2020, 11:58:36 »

Rumblings of (yet another) U-turn.

Apparently, a lot of tories are unhappy that the result is 'out of touch' with the mood of the nation. That would be the same result they that was reached with help from their votes.
Bob's Orange
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« Reply #10571 on: Monday, October 26, 2020, 12:07:50 »

Rumblings of (yet another) U-turn.

Apparently, a lot of tories are unhappy that the result is 'out of touch' with the mood of the nation. That would be the same result they that was reached with help from their votes.

Isn't the whole point of these clowns that their job is to be 'in touch' with the mood of the nation?

we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise,
the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.

« Reply #10572 on: Monday, October 26, 2020, 12:14:32 »

Probably labour's fault Wink
Aaron Aardvark

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Absolute Calamity!

« Reply #10573 on: Monday, October 26, 2020, 12:30:28 »

Isn't the whole point of these clowns that their job is to be 'in touch' with the mood of the nation?
Dom said the focus groups all hated kids though. Probably shouldn't have used Tory backbenchers as the focus group candidates
Bob's Orange
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« Reply #10574 on: Monday, October 26, 2020, 12:38:36 »

Probably labour's fault Wink

Fucking Corbyn!

we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise,
the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
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