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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290862 times)

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« Reply #8895 on: Monday, December 16, 2019, 10:09:47 »

On a lighter note its been amusing to read some of the issues with polling stations and counts due to the short notice and venue problems;

The Cornwall count had to be moved as there was a delay in getting the boxes in from the Scilly Isles due to the weather, and someone had booked the hall for Badminton at mid day on Friday;

Somewhere in south Wales they had to move the polling station as the local WI had the village hall booked for their Christmas Party and told them to do one when they tried to cancel the booking;

Apparently the Leeds? result was announced so quickly as the counters were told to get a move on as they had to get the hall cleared to set up for a Venga Boys gig (Insert gag about buses here).

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Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #8896 on: Monday, December 16, 2019, 11:05:48 »

Woo hoo! Xmas is back on!

See, every cloud has a silver lining 🤣🤣

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« Reply #8897 on: Monday, December 16, 2019, 12:06:17 »

Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #8898 on: Monday, December 16, 2019, 12:10:33 »

That "period of reflection" is going well then

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« Reply #8899 on: Monday, December 16, 2019, 12:49:55 »
Pax Romana

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« Reply #8900 on: Monday, December 16, 2019, 17:03:53 »

That "period of reflection" is going well then

None of us know the truth obviously, but surely if she had said it then she would have laid low rather than raise the stakes and put it on tomorrow's front pages?  She's not that stupid; if she calls Flint a liar, sues and the "colleague" confirms Flint's story then that's her political career over.

Assuming that it is a lie then I have a lot of sympathy for Thornberry.  If she let's it go then it's there on record every time someone wants to have a pop at her, but even if she goes to court and wins then it damages her.  The "no smoke without fire" brigade have that Rochester white van tweet to point to. 

And let's be honest, is there anyone who voted Remain who hasn't at some point called leave voters stupid or equivalent?
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #8901 on: Monday, December 16, 2019, 17:25:01 »

No privatisation of the NHS?

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« Reply #8902 on: Monday, December 16, 2019, 19:28:30 »

None of us know the truth obviously, but surely if she had said it then she would have laid low rather than raise the stakes and put it on tomorrow's front pages?  She's not that stupid; if she calls Flint a liar, sues and the "colleague" confirms Flint's story then that's her political career over.

Assuming that it is a lie then I have a lot of sympathy for Thornberry.  If she let's it go then it's there on record every time someone wants to have a pop at her, but even if she goes to court and wins then it damages her.  The "no smoke without fire" brigade have that Rochester white van tweet to point to. 

And let's be honest, is there anyone who voted Remain who hasn't at some point called leave voters stupid or equivalent?
The adjectives "stupid" and also "racist" exist.  They could be applied to robots but I suspect also to humans.  Remainers and Leavers. 

Isaac Asimov said something about if a lie is repeated often enough it will come to be believed.  I don't know whether Asimov was right but his theory has certainly been tested these past few years,

With 2 decades of Euro-lies in the tabloids, I am suspicious that the critical faculties of some Brexit believers in particular  have not been overly exercised.  Although tbf both Corbyn's and also  Osborne's predictions did stretch credulity too and, as you say, Thornberry's white van man comment would ensure that her reputation has not been overly damaged.

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« Reply #8903 on: Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 07:14:17 »

Next Labour leader? Wes Streeting. Young, spoke very well when interviewed post election.

« Reply #8904 on: Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 08:03:37 »

I think Barry Gardiner made a good account for himself. I don't knnow much else about him, though. Or any of them for that matter.
Panda Paws

« Reply #8905 on: Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 08:41:14 »

Next Labour leader? Wes Streeting. Young, spoke very well when interviewed post election.

My local MP - seems nice enough.
Shit Bacon

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« Reply #8906 on: Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 08:48:02 »

Next Labour leader? Wes Streeting. Young, spoke very well when interviewed post election.

The left of the party absolutely hates him, so I wouldn't bank on that.

I'd vote for Jess Phillips. Might even join to vote for her, but suspect it's already a done deal for Long-Bailey with Rayner as deputy, which feels the wrong way round but there you go. It's interesting that Corbyn got a lot of stick for not understanding how to play politics, but internally in the Labour party the people around him have done a lot of quiet work to ensure the succession vote includes one or more of their chosen candidates.
Red Frog
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« Reply #8907 on: Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 09:50:43 »

Labour's whole problem is their entirely inward-looking selection process, and indeed membership. The people who are sufficiently committed to sign up are typically some way to the left of the population. If they simply think the figurehead was wrong and select someone close to the Momentum wing of the party again, they'll have learnt nothing and will spend another decade arguing among themselves in the wilderness. Like the Tories, a lot of popular centrists were disenfranchised or kicked out under Corbyn - the current political landscape is crying out for a sensible centre-left alternative to emphasise and counterbalance the Tories' lurch to the right.

Tout ce que je sais de plus sūr ą propos de la moralité et des obligations des hommes, c'est au football que je le dois. - Albert Camus
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #8908 on: Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 10:23:04 »

The nonsense of the BBC reporting that Johnson will amend his Withdrawal Bill to make an extension to trade negotiations "illegal". Any law made by parliament can be repealed or amended by parliament later. This amendment is a political gesture, nothing more, nothing less. But fair play to the BBC for continuing their role during the campaign of simply being an uncritical mouthpiece for the Johnson project. I presume they hope it will save them from the axe. It won't

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« Reply #8909 on: Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 10:24:14 »

£1.20 v €

Hows that £ looking now?
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