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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290221 times)
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #7935 on: Friday, November 15, 2019, 19:36:28 »

By way of balance, Reg must be super excited at the Tories' promise to reopen some of the lines and stations closed by Beeching - enough to tempt you over to the dark side, Reg? Smiley

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« Reply #7936 on: Friday, November 15, 2019, 19:50:02 »

By way of balance, Reg must be super excited at the Tories' promise to reopen some of the lines and stations closed by Beeching - enough to tempt you over to the dark side, Reg? Smiley

If they were to reopen the line through Old Town, it might just about swing it.   Cheesy
Reg Smeeton
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« Reply #7937 on: Friday, November 15, 2019, 19:52:35 »

By way of balance, Reg must be super excited at the Tories' promise to reopen some of the lines and stations closed by Beeching - enough to tempt you over to the dark side, Reg? Smiley

I was going to post up something on this, but not until I'd read a bit more extensively on the subject.  On the surface seems a good idea.... there has to be a catch.
« Last Edit: Friday, November 15, 2019, 21:52:44 by Reg Smeeton » Logged
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #7938 on: Friday, November 15, 2019, 20:56:44 »

I was going to post up something on this, but not until I'd read a bit more extensively on the subject.  On the surface seems a good idea.... tenre has to be a catch.
Well, there's all the rest of their policies. And Johnson's complete inability to deliver anything he promises. I'd say those count as two fairly major hitches
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #7939 on: Friday, November 15, 2019, 21:40:59 »

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka "Tommy Robinson" when he's not in one of his frequent appearances in court) has joined Donald Trump, Victor Orban, Steve Bannon, Jair Balsanaro and other leading fascists in endorsing Johnson. Nothing Johnson can do about that of course, but if you have a list of extremist low-lifes like this endorsing a party and enthusiastically backing their ideas for the country, you have to wonder whether perhaps they're maybe a bit off course. Anyone really fancy being on the same side as this lot in backing the Trump-Farage-Johnson axis?
« Last Edit: Friday, November 15, 2019, 21:42:47 by pauld » Logged

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« Reply #7940 on: Friday, November 15, 2019, 21:45:34 »

Out of interest what are Labour saying about the many ordinary folks who have thousands invested in BT shares, currently paying about 7% according to one report, so many have pensions and retirement plans etc hanging off this.

Presumably Labour are saying nothing but expecting to say tough titty you dirty rich capitalists. I don't have BT shares, as it happens, so no axe near the grinding stone for me.

Will they will be compensated with UK government bonds?
Backed by a government which is running round expropriating private property.

Should be useful when the shops run out of bog roll.....
As I’ve said shares will be purchased using government valued bonds that are liable to be worth much less than current share prices and have people locked into a long duration for them to mature. The whole thing relies on investors funding these bonds which based on the premise that their whole nationalisation programme follows the same path seems far fetched and likely to lead to said bonds being practically worthless. The cynic inside me would say this is Labours plan and it would just be a paper exercise to pretend they compensated people and next time there is a recession they can just blame that on loss of value. Like I said they can fuck right off as it’s effectively theft!
Dr Pierre Chang
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« Reply #7941 on: Friday, November 15, 2019, 22:20:01 »

Paul, I admire your persistence but honestly mate, just take it easy for a couple of days. You really aren’t doing yourself any favours getting so worked up - just relax and enjoy the weekend which will hopefully bring 3 points for STFC  Smiley

On another note, I think we should get a poll going - what will Labour promise next from their never ending money tree? I’m hoping for a trip to the moon...

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« Reply #7942 on: Friday, November 15, 2019, 23:13:39 »

Paul, I admire your persistence but honestly mate, just take it easy for a couple of days. You really aren’t doing yourself any favours getting so worked up - just relax and enjoy the weekend which will hopefully bring 3 points for STFC  Smiley

On another note, I think we should get a poll going - what will Labour promise next from their never ending money tree? I’m hoping for a trip to the moon...

I'm hoping for a billion pounds for the DUP.

donkey tells the truth

I headed the ball.


« Reply #7943 on: Friday, November 15, 2019, 23:27:43 »

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka "Tommy Robinson" when he's not in one of his frequent appearances in court) has joined Donald Trump, Victor Orban, Steve Bannon, Jair Balsanaro and other leading fascists in endorsing Johnson. Nothing Johnson can do about that of course, but if you have a list of extremist low-lifes like this endorsing a party and enthusiastically backing their ideas for the country, you have to wonder whether perhaps they're maybe a bit off course. Anyone really fancy being on the same side as this lot in backing the Trump-Farage-Johnson axis?

It has crossed my mind that the blatant bigotry against Muslims in the Tory party might actually GAIN them votes.

Corbyn's just doing the wrong kind of racism (allegedly).
Mister Lorenzo
Dirk Diggler

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« Reply #7944 on: Saturday, November 16, 2019, 09:46:42 »

There are so many things wrong with this idiotic policy that it is hard to know where to start, but how about considering innovation? In case anyone hadn't noticed, IT infrastructure is continuing to develop rather quickly. The shit we invest in now is likely to be obsolete in a few years. If you've got one organisation providing the communications infrastructure, what's their motivation to keep up to date? What's their motivation to innovate? How are their "customers" able to encourage them to change?

"I'll give £50 to anyone who can give me this new service that is currently available in Germany, India, the States, etc."

"Sorry, we're the monopoly provider. No one else is allowed to provide you with the service."

"Well here's £50 if you'll give it me."

"Sorry, we can't take money from you. Our services are free."

"Will you give me the new service?"

"Why would we do that?"

If we want to pretty much guarantee we end up with the lowest common denominator, out-of-date infrastructure provided inefficiently and expensively, then sign up to this idiotic policy.

If you want to close the digital divide then use targeted subsidy. Put the money in the hands of consumers and let them buy the services they want.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #7945 on: Saturday, November 16, 2019, 13:02:37 »

If we want to pretty much guarantee we end up with the lowest common denominator, out-of-date infrastructure provided inefficiently and expensively, then sign up to this idiotic policy.

If you want to close the digital divide then use targeted subsidy. Put the money in the hands of consumers and let them buy the services they want.
That's pretty much the situation we have now. I would happily pay for fibre to the door but no-one is willing to install it (I've asked). I had BT's "superfast" (or whatever they call it) fibre to the cabinet and it was shit, like ADSL 2Mb shit, because the cabinet was miles away and openreach wouldn't install a cabinet nearer or upgrade the wiring between our road and the cab. The myth that the private sector is always more efficient and effective is just that, a myth. It might be for the 80% of low-hanging fruit, where it's easy, but they're just not interested for the other 20%.

« Reply #7946 on: Saturday, November 16, 2019, 13:17:10 »

I was surprised to find out that connectivity is so low in Britain. I think I get a better service here.

So, yeah, the private sector seem to be doing a sterling job over there.

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« Reply #7947 on: Saturday, November 16, 2019, 13:33:06 »

I live in upper stratton and its standard copper BT or Virgin. BT were shite despite the cabinet being close.
No plans to install fiber in the area either.

« Reply #7948 on: Saturday, November 16, 2019, 13:36:39 »

I have fiber.

Depending on the time of day, I can download a movie in 10-15 minutes.

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« Reply #7949 on: Saturday, November 16, 2019, 14:05:49 »

By way of balance, Reg must be super excited at the Tories' promise to reopen some of the lines and stations closed by Beeching - enough to tempt you over to the dark side, Reg? Smiley

£20 million a mile give or take so the promised 500 million wont go far
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