If Boris does manage to cobble together a deal with the EU it will be interesting to see what it looks like. Based on the assumption that he will have done whatever he believes is in the best interests of B Johnson Esq, I presume he will have capitulated as much as he needs to get a deal with the EU.
If reports are to be believed its looking like a customs border in the Irish Sea. Francois was not looking very happy after his meeting with Johnson yesterday (although that might just have been due to their being foreign food on the buffet or Johnson refusing to acknowledge his leading role in winning the Battle of Bosworth Field) whilst IDS apparently 'exploded'.
Assuming that it ties us much closer to the EU going forward, it will be interesting to see whether the ERG will hold their nerve and vote against it.
I suspect they won't as its becoming clearer that its essentially Johnson's deal or no Brexit, considering the way they suddenly swung behind Mays deal (which amusingly now looks like a better deal for them)when in the same situation I imagine same will happen again.
God knows what the DUP will do, something stupid and antagonistic presumably.
Its being reported that the bribe to the DUP now being prepared by the present government makes Mays £1bn look like petty cash. If this goes through, kudos to whoever predicted the DUP would use a rare moment of influence in govt to secure a border between GB and Northern Ireland.
Rather more difficult for the Labour Party. Having focussed on the "we won't screw the people of this country by allowing a disastrous no deal" line they run a huge potential electoral liability if they now vote down a deal. Effectively they will look like a gutless and dishonest version of the Lib Dems.
I think the honest answer is no idea regarding Labour, Corbyn wants out but now seems to see it could be electoral suicide to openly support such a dreadful deal (although that rather falls into the trap of assuming he could win any sort of election), there are the Labour MP's in leave seats who would support just about anything to save their seats (Flint being the most vocal example), but then you have Starmers lot?