I would be inclined to agree on both these points, therefore I will ask a simple question that many have refused/been unable to answer. Can you please provide evidenced examples whereby it can be shown that Brexit will bring a positive benefit to the population of this country.
No I can't. Two reasons.
1. I do accept that there are some potential advantages to Brexit of which the most easily measureable is probably the elimination of our (net) EU contribution, a much quoted one is the increased autonomy it gives us, a more speculative one is avoiding the gradual move to a Federal Europe and my own favourite which is to ensure we stay out of the euro which I believe (but have no evidence to prove) is an accident waiting to happen. However I don't believe that it is likely that Brexit will "bring a
[net] positive benefit to the population of this country". The biggest myth, I believe, is the EU contribution which I think will be dwarfed by the underlying cost of going it alone, in particular wrt our ability to negotiate equally advantageous trade deals when we have a fraction of the financial muscle of the EU.
2. All of the above is riddled with "I believe" this and "I think" that which is all it can be because opinions are all we have right now. Anyone who claims they can "provide evidenced examples whereby it can be shown that Brexit will
[anything] " before it actually happens doesn't understand the difference between fact and projection. Furthermore Brexit has no real historical equivalence (that I can think of) so it is not like, say, projecting that it will rain in Wales in 2020 based on historical rainfall data.
I think that you & I probably have reasonably similar views on the (un)desirability of Brexit. I think that we have very different views on how much the strength with which we hold those views entitle us to deride those who disagree.
The world seems to be increasingly dominated by people who believe that it is not just their right but their patriotic duty to decry anyone who appears to disagree with them (however marginally) as a fascist/commie, homophobe/faggot, misogynist/feminazi, sjw/alt-right who deserves to be insulted, intimidated, milk-shaked, fired, assaulted, threatened with rape, shot dead all in the name of ….. whatever. By Any Means Necessary as one US group proudly titles itself.
I think (rather pompously) that this is uncivilised and more importantly that it is counter-productive. How many people, having been called a moron, have ever clapped their hand to their forehead and exclaimed “By god you’re right, I’ll come around to your way of thinking immediately”?
You describe SRK as “like those girls who get groomed, desperately believing the nonsense they are told as it makes them feel special.”
PaulD believes that this demonstrates that you have “considerably more consideration”. I struggle with that.