Bogus Dave
Ate my own dick
Posts: 16440
« Reply #6840 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 13:35:46 » |
Plus enough people have died in the meantime that the 1.8% margin of victory is pretty much wiped out
Things get better but they never get good
Sir red ken
« Reply #6841 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 13:39:26 » |
Freudian moment? That sounds like what this period may subsequently be known as.
You may be right but at least its not boring. Since treason May jumped ship in a flood of tears things have moved on quickly. The woman had one thing to do and couldn't because she was like many and still is,an EU fedralist. I wounder how history will view what's happening (that depends on who writes it not the truth) a brave victory for democracy, independency and patriotism or a national capitulation to unaccountable, unelected, federalism?
Red Frog
Not a Dave
Posts: 9047
« Reply #6842 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 13:51:10 » |
You may be right but at least its not boring. Since treason May jumped ship in a flood of tears things have moved on quickly. The woman had one thing to do and couldn't because she was like many and still is,an EU fedralist. I wounder how history will view what's happening (that depends on who writes it not the truth) a brave victory for democracy, independency and patriotism or a national capitulation to unaccountable, unelected, federalism?
Well, like you say, the words anyone uses will depend on their viewpoint, but time will be the biggest influence on how this episode is recounted in history. The last three years have already added quite a bit to what people know, yet you don't want anyone to be allowed to take account of that.
Tout ce que je sais de plus sūr ą propos de la moralité et des obligations des hommes, c'est au football que je le dois. - Albert Camus
That was definately my last game, honest
Posts: 23241
I can't bear it 🙄
« Reply #6843 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 13:57:35 » |
People voted for better or more independent circumstances, a clean break; not the shitshow of a deal negotiated by May/tweaked by Johnson.
Since you are in favour of democracy and respecting votes, you'll be happy to endorse a binding public vote on the final deal/no deal outcome?
Nobody can seriously suggest that in the vote held 3 years ago people understood the effects of Brexit anywhere near as well as they do now. Understanding has improved and opinions have changed.
What effects of Brexit, we haven't left yet. 
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #6844 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 14:00:05 » |
You may be right but at least its not boring.
What an incredibly stupid thing to say. Even by the very high standard already set on this topic.
Sir red ken
« Reply #6845 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 14:31:55 » |
Well, like you say, the words anyone uses will depend on their viewpoint, but time will be the biggest influence on how this episode is recounted in history. The last three years have already added quite a bit to what people know, yet you don't want anyone to be allowed to take account of that.
We had 40 years to find out that the free trade area we joined was a political federal alliance not a business opp. Despite the 2016 ref. during that period those on the make, shut down any discussion as to what we saw in reality. 3 years has shown us that those who didn't like the result have tried everything to stop it. There was a simple choice accept dave's shitty deal or leave, no amount of new ideas has changed that and because of non democratic remainers we still haven't left, so we don't know whether brexit has working or not.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #6846 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 14:48:44 » |
We had 40 years to find out that the free trade area we joined was a political federal alliance not a business opp. Despite the 2016 ref. during that period those on the make, shut down any discussion as to what we saw in reality. 3 years has shown us that those who didn't like the result have tried everything to stop it. There was a simple choice accept dave's shitty deal or leave, no amount of new ideas has changed that and because of non democratic remainers we still haven't left, so we don't know whether brexit has working or not.
Just out of interest, taking note of the projections of Yellowhammer (written by a pro no deal government as the most likely scenario in the last month, so none of your Project fear evasive bullshit please) just how many jobs lost, or people died through lack of medicines or food shortages would be too many?
Sir red ken
« Reply #6847 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 14:56:59 » |
Just out of interest, taking note of the projections of Yellowhammer (written by a pro no deal government as the most likely scenario in the last month, so none of your Project fear evasive bullshit please) just how many jobs lost, or people died through lack of medicines or food shortages would be too many.
Pro No deal government? what one was that, the May government! it spent years coming up with a new remain treaty. Try and keep up. The commies are going mad today talking about civil war because its not going their way. Tin foil hat time and a lie down in a safe space, while think of more ways to twist the truth.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #6848 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 15:02:50 » |
Pro No deal government? what one was that, the May government! it spent years coming up with a new remain treaty. Try and keep up. The commies are going mad today talking about civil war because its not going their way. Tin foil hat time and a lie down in a safe space, while think of more ways to twist the truth.
I cannot decide whether you are just gloriously barking or a troll merchant or 6. So I will keep it simple for you.... a) Johnson govt started 24th July this year and despite various bullshit witterings about renegotiation (on points which are not up for debate as the EU have been saying since 2017) has since that date been lining up for no deal; b) Yellowhammer document (despite the best efforts of the Mail and Express to spin otherwise) was prepared in August 2019, under the JOhnson government. c) Yellowhammer predicts a shitshow of drugs and food shortages, job losses etc. So again, how bad is acceptable to you?
Sir red ken
« Reply #6849 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 15:23:34 » |
I cannot decide whether you are just gloriously barking or a troll merchant or 6. So I will keep it simple for you....
a) Johnson govt started 24th July this year and despite various bullshit witterings about renegotiation (on points which are not up for debate as the EU have been saying since 2017) has since that date been lining up for no deal; b) Yellowhammer document (despite the best efforts of the Mail and Express to spin otherwise) was prepared in August 2019, under the JOhnson government. c) Yellowhammer predicts a shitshow of drugs and food shortages, job losses etc.
So again, how bad is acceptable to you?
It was leaked in August not produced, its a worst case scenario drawn up by remain civil servants and TM's remain government. There's no need to quote any of it because i saw a bloke with a sign that said the world will end tomorrow. Were all doomed I tell ya.
« Reply #6850 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 15:25:21 » |
You're not going to get an answer to your question, Horlock.
Red Frog
Not a Dave
Posts: 9047
« Reply #6851 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 15:28:35 » |
You're not going to get an answer to your question, Horlock.
Well at least his last sentence is right. But hey, it won't be boring! 
Tout ce que je sais de plus sūr ą propos de la moralité et des obligations des hommes, c'est au football que je le dois. - Albert Camus
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #6852 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 15:39:12 » |
You're not going to get an answer to your question, Horlock.
I will once the Express write one for him in short words.  Its like those girls who get groomed, desperately believing the nonsense they are told as it makes them feel special.
« Last Edit: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 15:51:35 by horlock07 »
Posts: 1465
« Reply #6853 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 15:48:36 » |
It was leaked in August not produced
It was leaked in mid-August, it was produced at the beginning of August.
Red Frog
Not a Dave
Posts: 9047
« Reply #6854 on: Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 15:52:24 » |
It's reading exchanges like this that makes me feel especially sad I wasn't allowed a vote in the referendum, despite spending a lifetime making money for British companies in Europe. 
Tout ce que je sais de plus sūr ą propos de la moralité et des obligations des hommes, c'est au football que je le dois. - Albert Camus