Posts: 793
« Reply #6675 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 13:08:35 » |
racist and Anti Semetist Views His extremist links His policies would drive businesses out of the UK Big foreign Businesses would not start up here due to his planned policies (Corbyns plans for massive corporation tax rises) Taking us back to the 1970s(Union power) Would you trust Corbyn with the economy - (get ready for boom and bust , givaway budgets then massive tax rises)
I could go On.....
Genuine question. You remember the 70s but not the 80s? Because the Tories were in power that whole decade where we saw interest rates hit 15%, unemployment hit 3-4 million, a stock market crash and significant ongoing strikes.
Posts: 3472
« Reply #6676 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 13:20:14 » |
Let’s face it they’re both counts and the UK is counted in either scenario.
Posts: 90
« Reply #6677 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 13:36:18 » |
One problem basing a political approach on selective statistics is the inability to see the other "sides" point of view. From the moment individual trade unions moved into dogmatic political objectives rather than a focus on their members daily needs the seeds of discontent were sown. The recent suggestion for example that workers should be able to strike in sympathy with others even if the issue was not in this country is laughable. I was a youngish adult during the "Red Robbo" era in Swindon and can assure you that it was not pretty. My father went on strike for about seven weeks to achieve parity with toolmakers in Cowley and at a mass meeting was told the workers had "won" as the Swindon plant was to shut down. He (and everyone else) went back to work the next day. He left the labour party and never voted labour again. I accept that there are right of centre dogmas which are as equally stupid but it's the lack of compromise and the spirit of "I am right everyone else is wrong" that in my opinion is doing the most damage these days. I think democracy in this country is dead and that it may be impossible to return to a more equitable approach. Don't even get me started on the opportunist non liberal non democratic party!
Posts: 730
« Reply #6678 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 13:37:05 » |
Genuine question. You remember the 70s but not the 80s? Because the Tories were in power that whole decade where we saw interest rates hit 15%, unemployment hit 3-4 million, a stock market crash and significant ongoing strikes.
yes I remember the 1980s... The reason the Interest rates hit 15%...... Was used to tackle the Inflation rate left by the Labour government 1975 it was at 25% - infact the lowest rate under Labour in the 1970s was 6.1% To tackle this the government had to increase interest rates , Increase taxes and utilise spending cuts..... This then led to a recession which led to increased Unemployment......
Wielder of the BANHAMMER
Posts: 12780
« Reply #6679 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 14:10:22 » |
Nothing ever changes then. People will blame Labour for a global recession no matter what decade we're in.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #6680 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 14:16:02 » |
Its like Rochdale on here today.... In other news.... 
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #6681 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 14:17:09 » |
Nothing ever changes then. People will blame Labour for a global recession no matter what decade we're in.
As noted, the saddest outcome which Brexit and now this proves is the complete lack of knowledge of history in this country.
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #6682 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 14:39:36 » |
Ivanka Trump has congratulated Johnson on becoming PM of the United "Kingston". All hail the new global Ignorocracy!
Posts: 90
« Reply #6683 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 14:44:40 » |
Wow. Blame Labour for anything and risk meltdown from virtue signallers. Perhaps it is time to stop blaming western democracies generally and America/the Donald specifically for all the problems in the world today.
For example a host of left wing interviewees over recent days have "blamed" the Donald for the interception of a British registered tanker in the gulf. Why are they unable to blame the state (Iran in this case) that commits state sanctioned piracy?
Posts: 20073
?Absolute Calamity!?
« Reply #6684 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 14:46:54 » |
Ivanka Trump has congratulated Johnson on becoming PM of the United "Kingston". All hail the new global Ignorocracy!
And congratulations to Donald Trump on being President of the United States of Armenia.
Posts: 90
« Reply #6685 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 14:48:56 » |
Kingston is a nice place.
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #6686 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 15:24:37 » |
Wow. Blame Labour for anything and risk meltdown from virtue signallers.
Or perhaps more accurately "make assertions with no supporting evidence and expect to get challenged for it"? For example a host of left wing interviewees over recent days have "blamed" the Donald for the interception of a British registered tanker in the gulf. Why are they unable to blame the state (Iran in this case) that commits state sanctioned piracy?
Well, that's clearly ridiculous. The blame should be shared between the Iranian govt for their act of "state sponsored piracy" and the UK govt for their previous act of "state sponsored piracy" a week earlier which was always going to lead to such retaliation. And ignoring the very explicit statements from the Iranians that they would take revenge. So probably slightly more blame to the the UK govt. Fortunately we are able to call on our European allies to get us out of this mess.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #6687 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 15:55:43 » |
Well, that's clearly ridiculous. The blame should be shared between the Iranian govt for their act of "state sponsored piracy" and the UK govt for their previous act of "state sponsored piracy" a week earlier which was always going to lead to such retaliation. And ignoring the very explicit statements from the Iranians that they would take revenge. So probably slightly more blame to the the UK govt.
Fortunately we are able to call on our European allies to get us out of this mess.
“if I were an Iranian politician... I think I might genuinely and not unreasonably believe that the possession of a nuclear bomb...was the only sure-fire means of protecting my country... from the possibility of an attack by America.” Boris Johnson, 2006, Daily Telegraph
ron dodgers
Posts: 2715
shaddap your face
« Reply #6688 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 19:30:50 » |
anyone for a game of whiff-whaff?
Mexicano Rojo
Posts: 11942
Demasiado no es demasiado
« Reply #6689 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 21:59:39 » |
Just to say I work in an international financial office in Malaga, I would say that 80% of the staff are right wing economists. They come from on last count 15 different countries. Every single one of them was taking the piss out of the Uk today. People are openly laughing at Boris.
The general perception is that the Uk has had it. Lots of the financial service industry has begun to leave London. Businesses in Gibraltar are packing up and moving to Malta. You can argue for or against Brexit but from where I’m standing looking in from outside , the uk is royally fucked and the world doesn’t give a shit and has moved or is moving on. A proper balls up.