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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290015 times)

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« Reply #6660 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:04:05 »

Because you think things are bad now?

If Corbyn gets in Power multiply that by 100..........

FFS how, for someone who loves to mock Reginald for not giving facts to support his POV, this is a little bit rich!

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« Reply #6661 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:04:37 »

Neither are exactly great candidates for the job, unfortunately none of that matters

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« Reply #6662 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:12:21 »

Yes, it's democratic in so much that it's aligned with the UK's version of democracy.

Fair point 👍

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« Reply #6663 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:12:32 »

Name one politician of whatever persuasion that would make a good PM?

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« Reply #6664 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:19:02 »

FFS how, for someone who loves to mock Reginald for not giving facts to support his POV, this is a little bit rich!

racist and Anti Semetist Views
His extremist links
His policies would drive businesses out of the UK
Big foreign Businesses would not start up here due to his planned policies (Corbyns plans for massive corporation tax rises)
Taking us back to the 1970s(Union power)
Would you trust Corbyn with the economy - (get ready for boom and bust , givaway budgets then massive tax rises)

I could go On.....

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« Reply #6665 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:19:07 »

Name one politician of whatever persuasion that would make a good PM?

Ken Clarke?
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #6666 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:19:55 »

Are you telling me people didn't vote for Tony Blair the man? I'm 100% sure they did. The same as people did for Maggie Thatcher. They would just look for the Labour/Tory candidate on the form for that purpose.

The same system was in place when Gordon Brown was made PM. I personally don't agree with it regardless of the political party in power.

Of course the leader of the party has an impact on voting intentions, but they are still in our system considered 1st among equals (primus inter pares) as I'm sure Johnson knows.

Therefore elements within the party removing the PM, or making their stay untenable for a variety of reasons, happens. 

Johnson is my 14th PM.... of those 8 have been removed by events dear boy. 5 by the electorate
Not a Batch

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« Reply #6667 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:20:07 »

Great, we have gone from an inept PM to an idiot PM.
(Notso)Great Britain
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« Reply #6668 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:21:43 »

racist and Anti Semetist Views
His extremist links
His policies would drive businesses out of the UK
Big foreign Businesses would not start up here due to his planned policies (Corbyns plans for massive corporation tax rises)
Taking us back to the 1970s(Union power)
Would you trust Corbyn with the economy - (get ready for boom and bust , givaway budgets then massive tax rises)

I could go On.....

Problem is, most of those could be about Boris too. That's how screwed we are.

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« Reply #6669 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:26:32 »

Name one politician of whatever persuasion that would make a good PM?

There will be plenty of backbenchers, both sides of the aisle, who would be good leaders

Problem is they do the job to serve the best interests of their constituents and the country, in order to get top jobs you need to put your own interests ahead of the greater good so they never get a sniff of the top jobs

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Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost

« Reply #6670 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:27:19 »

racist and Anti Semetist Views
His extremist links
His policies would drive businesses out of the UK
Big foreign Businesses would not start up here due to his planned policies (Corbyns plans for massive corporation tax rises)
Taking us back to the 1970s(Union power)
Would you trust Corbyn with the economy - (get ready for boom and bust , givaway budgets then massive tax rises)

I could go On.....

racist and Anti Semetist Views - So much like Johnson then and his views on Muslim women etc?
His extremist links - So much like Johnson then and his close relationship to Bannon and Putin??
His policies would drive businesses out of the UK - So much like Johnson who stated fuck business and is pursuing a hard Brexit which is already driving businesses out of the UK?
Big foreign Businesses would not start up here due to his planned policies (Corbyns plans for massive corporation tax rises) - So much like Johnson who stated fuck business and is pursuing a hard Brexit which is already causing foreign businesses to relocate elsewhere in the EU?
Taking us back to the 1970s(Union power) - So much like Johnson who is taking us back to 1970's where racism and xeophobia were normalised??
Would you trust Corbyn with the economy - (get ready for boom and bust , givaway budgets then massive tax rises) - No its obviously much better for us to have tax breaks for the rich, ensure that Amazon etc avoid tax payments and who would want a budget that aids public services and the disabled and disadvantaged? Equally when considering boom and bust, in his campaign to become leader, Boris Johnson boasted he was the biggest defender of the bankers who crashed the economy.

FWIW I think Corbyn would be a disaster as PM, however I would be more confident that he is unlikely to cause the deaths of thousands of his own population which to me (I am probably wrong here) should (and I cannot believe I am having to say this about the UK) be the starting point.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:34:19 by horlock07 » Logged
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #6671 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:32:14 »

racist and Anti Semetist* Views
*anti-Semitic. The concept is anti-Semitism, the adjective describing the views or a person holding them is anti-Semitic, the adjectival noun for a person who is anti-Semitic is anti-Semite.

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« Reply #6672 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:33:10 »

racist and Anti Semetist Views
His extremist links
His policies would drive businesses out of the UK
Big foreign Businesses would not start up here due to his planned policies (Corbyns plans for massive corporation tax rises)
Taking us back to the 1970s(Union power)
Would you trust Corbyn with the economy - (get ready for boom and bust , givaway budgets then massive tax rises)

I could go On.....

What racist and anti semitic views?
What extremist links?
What policies?
What massive corporation tax rises?
How would we go back to the 1970's?

« Last Edit: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:40:31 by Arriba » Logged

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« Reply #6673 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:40:35 »

What racist and anti semitic views?
What policies?
What massive corporation tax rises?
How would we go back to the 1970's?

Jesus you been under a rock for the last 3-4 years........

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« Reply #6674 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 12:47:54 »

Jesus you been under a rock for the last 3-4 years........

Well enlighten me then.

What are Jeremy Corbyn's racist and anti semitic views?
What policies are you referring to?
Who are the extremists and how are they extremists?
What are the rises and how much are they and how would they be som damaging?
How would we go back to the 1970's?
« Last Edit: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 13:07:07 by Arriba » Logged
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