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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290099 times)

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« Reply #6570 on: Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 17:18:02 »

As it happens she got 54% of the votes cast as well, due to the Abstentions.  What was Leave vs. the total electorate?

I'm not suggesting the Leave vote isn't legitimate by the way, just supporting the fact he is a cunt.

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« Reply #6571 on: Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 17:45:35 »

At least in the UK referendum we had a choice of two options.
I thought only banana republics were given a choice of one despot to vote for?
Those who have not/do not accept the result of the referendum should be very careful what they wish for with the EU moving more quickly towards a federal state.
I voted remain in the referendum but accept the desire of the majority.
We must leave or accept no future election has legitimacy.
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« Reply #6572 on: Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 19:47:56 »

or in the choice of Boris, no vote

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« Reply #6573 on: Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 20:09:59 »

Boris was elected as an MP in a general election as per our un- written constitution.
The Conservative party with support from unionists was able to form a government.
The elected leader of the party forming the UK government is prime minister.
I recently voted for Boris to be the next leader of said party as I am a member.

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« Reply #6574 on: Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 20:12:53 »

Actually, doesn't the Leader of the Majority seek the PM role from the Queen.  She has the right to say no and ask someone else if she likes.  She hasn't wielded this power in over 40 years mind.
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« Reply #6575 on: Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 20:24:51 »

I'm not arguing it's not constitutionally correct. I'm saying he has no mandate.

You can protest you vote for the party, not the leader. But a) that's balls (also see Labour) and b) the shift towards no deal away from negotiations means things have somewhat changed since the last GE. Boris can pretend he wants a deal, but there's no time before his bs deadline.

And no I don't think a GE would solve the brexit impass.

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« Reply #6576 on: Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 20:56:02 »

I voted remain for personal reasons not because of project fear.
Much of the focus on no deal and the Irish backstop is a construct by those members of the establishment who have never accepted the result of the referendum and wish to find a way to reverse Brexit.
In truth we do not know the effect a clean break from the EU will have until it happens.

I have lost all faith in our form of parliamentary democracy and self serving members of both houses of parliament.

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« Reply #6577 on: Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 20:57:29 »

Don't even get me started on Sir Vince Cable or Lord Adonis! Ha Ha.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #6578 on: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 13:14:52 »

I have lost all faith in our form of parliamentary democracy and self serving members of both houses of parliament.
No wonder you voted for Johnson then, he's made it very clear he's quite happy to break our parliamentary democracy to get his own way. Our democracy is far from perfect but it's better than rule of diktat according to one man's whims.

Speaking of which, I see he's still at his old shtick where he started his career, making up shit about EU "red tape" that isn't:

From bendy bananas to refrigerated fish, Boris just can't help making shit up. The sad thing is I don't think he even knows or cares what's true any more.

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« Reply #6579 on: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 13:29:26 »

As it happens she got 54% of the votes cast as well, due to the Abstentions.  What was Leave vs. the total electorate?

Something like 36% rings a bell.

Boris was elected as an MP in a general election as per our un- written constitution.
The Conservative party with support from unionists was able to form a government.
The elected leader of the party forming the UK government is prime minister.
I recently voted for Boris to be the next leader of said party as I am a member.

Will he be able to command a majority, for that he needs to get the DUP on side again, in addition he really needs to hold Brecon, offset that against the fact that a number of Tory MP's have already suggested that they may resign the whip if he becomes PM?

There is possibly the case that Mrs May will have to go to Brenda and note that her party cannot show a parliamentary majority and allow Brenda to seek other options, of which there are none so likely an election beckons*.

Likewise if Johnson tries to suspend parliament (thankfully looking less likely after earlier) he would not have a cat in hells chance of getting a Queens Speech through when he finally agreed for democracy to start again so again we end up at an election*.

Finally if he cannot get May's deal through and he cannot get no deal through he wil have to go cap in hand to the EU for another extension (if they will consider that!) he has immediately pissed off both the hard brexiteers and the sensible wing of the Tory Party so can he command his own party, at which stage an election beckons.*

In all three scenarios will be very interesting to see what ticket re Brexit either of the blue or red sides fall on after the results of the EU's and locals earlier this year.

And no I don't think a GE would solve the brexit impasse.

I would have said that a month back, not so sure now? The remain parties do seem to have got their shit together in Brecon avoiding splitting the remain vote, if you look at the polling of Farage Ltd their gains seem to very closely follow Tory losses so there i possibly a battleground there which could cancel one another out Plus the kids are unlikely to fall for Corbyns ambiguity/bullshit a second time, add in natural demography suggests that the Brexit vote will have dropped by way of natural wastage offset by the younger mainly remain vote.

Its going to be interesting whatever happens, watching the death spiral of the Tories and Labour come to its conclusion.
« Last Edit: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 13:40:58 by horlock07 » Logged

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« Reply #6580 on: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 13:41:11 »

Speaking of which, I see he's still at his old shtick where he started his career, making up shit about EU "red tape" that isn't:

From bendy bananas to refrigerated fish, Boris just can't help making shit up. The sad thing is I don't think he even knows or cares what's true any more.
Point is that if the 52% consists of (often willing) morons that believe the lying liar that UK RED TAPE is something imposed on us by Martians or the EU or whoever, then the lie becomes true - in today's Brexitocracy

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« Reply #6581 on: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 14:24:23 »

What about offering a balanced view of politicians ability to lie? One issue I have with virtue signallers(among many others) is their selective choice of comments/statements to criticise.
Anyone remember these hum dingers? :-
Cleggy and co "will never agree to increase tuition fees"
All remoaner mp's "  I accept the result of the referendum but ...."
Corbyns crew of Marxists " all our spending promises are fully costed...."
I accept I have unpopular views(on here) but I always try to listen to other points of view. Maybe others could try to be more equable!
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #6582 on: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 14:44:39 »

So "My proven liar is better than the other liars". Not a great way to choose the PM is it?

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« Reply #6583 on: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 15:19:32 »

What about offering a balanced view of politicians ability to lie? One issue I have with virtue signallers(among many others) is their selective choice of comments/statements to criticise.
Anyone remember these hum dingers? :-
Cleggy and co "will never agree to increase tuition fees"
All remoaner mp's "  I accept the result of the referendum but ...."
Corbyns crew of Marxists " all our spending promises are fully costed...."
I accept I have unpopular views(on here) but I always try to listen to other points of view. Maybe others could try to be more equable!
That election promise was made before the Lib Dem Treasury Secretary, David Laws, picked up the note by his outgoing Labour counterpart, Liam Byrne:

Dear chief secretary, I'm afraid there is no money. Kind regards – and good luck! Liam

The tuition fees pledge was unwise and turned out to be an inaccurate prediction or broken promise, for sure.  It was not the type of factual lie beloved of Brexiters with Johnson's kipper nonsense being untrue as he uttered it.  Cheered to the rafters as he uttered it by the ignorant, the credulous or, these days, by those who care not one jot whether any statement is true or not, so long as it suits their Brexitist narrative.
« Last Edit: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 15:22:36 by RedRag » Logged

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« Reply #6584 on: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 15:21:10 »

That's why I fear democracy as I knew it is dead. I have lived through some pretty dark times but always felt the electorate had power. What a twat I am for not realising mp's and the political elite don't care about ordinary people.
This relates to Marxists, Racists and Far Righters.
Anarchy rules ok? Ps must have seen garden tax coming that would replace council tax as I live in a flat!
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