As it happens she got 54% of the votes cast as well, due to the Abstentions. What was Leave vs. the total electorate?
Something like 36% rings a bell.
Boris was elected as an MP in a general election as per our un- written constitution.
The Conservative party with support from unionists was able to form a government.
The elected leader of the party forming the UK government is prime minister.
I recently voted for Boris to be the next leader of said party as I am a member.
Will he be able to command a majority, for that he needs to get the DUP on side again, in addition he really needs to hold Brecon, offset that against the fact that a number of Tory MP's have already suggested that they may resign the whip if he becomes PM?
There is possibly the case that Mrs May will have to go to Brenda and note that her party cannot show a parliamentary majority and allow Brenda to seek other options, of which there are none so likely an election beckons*.
Likewise if Johnson tries to suspend parliament (thankfully looking less likely after earlier) he would not have a cat in hells chance of getting a Queens Speech through when he finally agreed for democracy to start again so again we end up at an election*.
Finally if he cannot get May's deal through and he cannot get no deal through he wil have to go cap in hand to the EU for another extension (if they will consider that!) he has immediately pissed off both the hard brexiteers and the sensible wing of the Tory Party so can he command his own party, at which stage an election beckons.*
In all three scenarios will be very interesting to see what ticket re Brexit either of the blue or red sides fall on after the results of the EU's and locals earlier this year.
And no I don't think a GE would solve the brexit impasse.
I would have said that a month back, not so sure now? The remain parties do seem to have got their shit together in Brecon avoiding splitting the remain vote, if you look at the polling of Farage Ltd their gains seem to very closely follow Tory losses so there i possibly a battleground there which could cancel one another out Plus the kids are unlikely to fall for Corbyns ambiguity/bullshit a second time, add in natural demography suggests that the Brexit vote will have dropped by way of natural wastage offset by the younger mainly remain vote.
Its going to be interesting whatever happens, watching the death spiral of the Tories and Labour come to its conclusion.