Sits in front of JFW
Posts: 11236
Miserable cnut (AKA Happy Clapper)
« Reply #5565 on: Thursday, March 28, 2019, 15:26:42 » |
The holw point of this was to return control to the UK Parliament, not to make it somehow a bastion of democracies worldwide. You get what you vote for - we voted to tell them to leave, we voted for our MP''s to represent us. If they can't decide what to vote FOR then the default is a hard Brexit, just let it happen. They can then get on with making new laws as they see fit and the electorate can vote for replacements at the next GE if they think they've made a mess of it.
As much as I hate to say it, being a remainer, but I have to agree. To stay in now in any other form would be a bigger cluster than no deal. We are so far beyond the point of return now we are closer being USA 2 than being taken seriously as part of the EU IMO.
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ― Marcus Aurelius
When somebody shouts STOP! I never know if it's in the name of love, if it's HAMMER TIME, or if I should collaborate and listen...
Posts: 3472
« Reply #5566 on: Thursday, March 28, 2019, 15:33:38 » |
In case there was any doubt in this....
How they see us: European press and commentators switched on the TV, pulled out the popcorn and sat back to watch the latest preposterous episode in Britain’s Brexit psychodrama with a mixture of disbelief and resignation. “Most series start getting dull after a second or third season, but Brexit’s different,” said Germany’s Die Zeit. “The longer it lasts, the better the plot gets. Yesterday’s twist was the best yet: first the unloved PM offers to go, then MPs seize the initiative and it seems the tide may be turning. “But wait … In the end, it turns out they can agree on – absolutely nothing. So, cue uproar in the house, and the credits start running. ‘Order,’ roars John Bercow. Please do not adjust your set: we’ll be back right after the break.”
Posts: 12168
« Reply #5567 on: Thursday, March 28, 2019, 16:39:50 » |
To Ardiles, it's not a complete cliff. At worst, the default Hard Brexit is half a cliff, and not really even that.
The EU has already had countries working on how to deal with us in the event of a Hard Brexit. Therefore, things like travel, financial dealings etc. are already being cared for for US. The other way around, we don't have to change any laws on day 1. We could still continue pretending for a bit, giving the Eastern Europeans a wink as they come through customs to take all our benefits off us, while simultaneously taking our jobs as well. Saying, we could stop you, but we haven't figured out how to yet, so on you go old boy.
For everyone who voted Out, the paperwork is done. For everyone who voted Remain, it won't be worth the paper it is written on until Parliament figures out how to pass laws and negotiate deals again.
In fact, that might work better especially as the EU has shown zero interest in just punishing us. Gradual introduction of laws that begin to chart our own path.
The biggest impact is likely on the costs of trade, business will soon suck it up and pass it on and figure out the new rules.
I'm not saying it will be amazing (I am pro EU, not just Remain), just that we hold 50% of the cards on how bad we want it to be, and the EU has already played most of their cards for this eventuality - apart from Spain I think, who said they;ll get around to it later. As is their will in life I guess.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #5568 on: Thursday, March 28, 2019, 17:12:46 » |
To Ardiles, it's not a complete cliff. At worst, the default Hard Brexit is half a cliff, and not really even that.
The EU has already had countries working on how to deal with us in the event of a Hard Brexit. Therefore, things like travel, financial dealings etc. are already being cared for for US. The other way around, we don't have to change any laws on day 1. We could still continue pretending for a bit, giving the Eastern Europeans a wink as they come through customs to take all our benefits off us, while simultaneously taking our jobs as well. Saying, we could stop you, but we haven't figured out how to yet, so on you go old boy.
For everyone who voted Out, the paperwork is done. For everyone who voted Remain, it won't be worth the paper it is written on until Parliament figures out how to pass laws and negotiate deals again.
In fact, that might work better especially as the EU has shown zero interest in just punishing us. Gradual introduction of laws that begin to chart our own path.
The biggest impact is likely on the costs of trade, business will soon suck it up and pass it on and figure out the new rules.
I'm not saying it will be amazing (I am pro EU, not just Remain), just that we hold 50% of the cards on how bad we want it to be, and the EU has already played most of their cards for this eventuality - apart from Spain I think, who said they;ll get around to it later. As is their will in life I guess.
All sounds very nice if I had one iota of confidence in our politicians to act in the best interests of the population post departure. The blue side will continue to bicker and bitch doing nothing to solve the real problems that affect the people (and which actually led to much of the vote to leave in the first place) whilst the red side will just continue to play student politics from the 1940's again barely giving a toss beyond scoring points against one another. I am evermore veering to the opinion that I hope there is an absolute civil shitstorm if it goes belly up, its all very well fearing the yellow vests if they don't get the utopia they have been promised, however there are millions of leave voters who are going to be very unhappy and whilst they possibly won't be punching people in the street there are plenty of other means to cause chaos and civil unrest. Add to the fun the Scots possibly buggering off (good luck to them) and the re ignition of the troubles in NI, bumpy times ahead. The one positive outcome is hopefully that neither red nor blue side are let anywhere near running this god forsaken shit hole of a country again in my lifetime.
Posts: 12168
« Reply #5569 on: Thursday, March 28, 2019, 18:26:26 » |
Then people vote for new people. Time to grow-up as a country after running to the EU to bail us out 40 +years ago without ever really buying into the membership of the club we'd joined.
It's interesting looking at who voted to leave when you consider that the EU is behind things like the minimum wage, maximum working hours etc.
Posts: 3472
« Reply #5570 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 10:08:13 » |
Combe Up
« Reply #5571 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 10:39:30 » |
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #5572 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 10:53:21 » |
THANK YOU FOR RUINING OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY Independence from what just out of interest?
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia
Posts: 34913
« Reply #5573 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 11:08:51 » |
Independence from what just out of interest?
The Faragist Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group in the European Parliament.
Posts: 3472
« Reply #5574 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 11:33:49 » |
Posts: 11570
Stirlingshire Reds
« Reply #5575 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 11:43:26 » |
We now have the spectacle of a series of Tory MPs who previously rallied against May's deal performing a 180o U-turn and grudgingly supporting it. This tells you everything you need to know about the reality of Brexit. By their own admission, it's rubbish. And not what anyone voted for. Still, if they manage to taint the Tory brand for the next few decades (because this is very much now a Tory Brexit), there could at least be one silver lining to this unfolding disaster.
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #5576 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 12:06:39 » |
THANK YOU FOR RUINING OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY We did that did we? Wow. TEF Pressure Group is more powerful than I thought. 
Posts: 12168
« Reply #5577 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 12:13:19 » |
The EU can sort this out for us, you know, like Mum would. Just tell us no extensions, time to decide what we want to do when we grow up and live by our own decisions and mistakes.
Not a Batch
Posts: 57297
« Reply #5578 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 13:01:40 » |
We did that did we? Wow. TEF Pressure Group is more powerful than I thought.  I don't think your humour is softening the blow of all the commemorative March 29th T-Shirts that will be wasted.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #5579 on: Friday, March 29, 2019, 13:20:24 » |
I think don't think your humour is softening the blow of all the commemorative March 29th T-Shirts that will be wasted.
Think yourself lucky I've got three cases of Champagne I have got to drink now! 