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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290109 times)
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #4515 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 16:08:02 »

Pointed out by some, and flatly rejected by others.  The loudest message was that we would be £350m/week better off as a result of contributions saved.  So your following point ('Quite radical...') doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Technically in the long run contributions saved could be put into the domestic pot... you'd have to have been pretty stupid to have thought that even when the likes of Farage and Mogg said there would be a financial hit, but would argue about how deep and how long, that all the money would flow one way... and I'm sure you're not calling Brexiteers like SRK stupid  Hmmm
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« Reply #4516 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 16:15:24 »

Yippee. The currently pointless meaningful vote has been moved to the week of 14th January.

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Stirlingshire Reds

« Reply #4517 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 16:18:47 »

Yippee. The currently pointless meaningful vote has been moved to the week of 14th January.

We do not have a government at the moment.  Theresa May is no more in control than I am.
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #4518 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 16:32:53 »

We do not have a government at the moment.  Theresa May is no more in control than I am.

THis does at least have the advantage that they can't do any more damage....

« Reply #4519 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 17:00:55 »

May just said that: "Avoiding ‘no deal’ is only possible if we can reach an agreement or if we abandon Brexit entirely."

Well I don't think the former is going to happen Theresa, do you?

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Stirlingshire Reds

« Reply #4520 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 17:39:21 »

Taken from the Guardian feed of the debate in parliament:

17:37 Labour’s Ruth George says she has surveyed thousands of leave voters in her constituency. She says half of them want to stay in the customs union or the single market. May should listen to them, she says.

If true, this does undermine the claims you hear from some quarters that the Leave vote is implicitly also a vote to leave the Single Market & Customs Union.

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« Reply #4521 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 18:10:03 »

17:37 Labour’s Ruth George says she has surveyed thousands of leave voters in her constituency. She says half of them want to stay in the customs union or the single market. May should listen to them, she says.

If true, this does undermine the claims you hear from some quarters that the Leave vote is implicitly also a vote to leave the Single Market & Customs Union.

I wonder if she told the voters she surveyed that staying in the single market would require free movement of people, which is against her own party's stated policy?

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« Reply #4522 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 22:10:55 »

Taken from the Guardian feed of the debate in parliament:

17:37 Labour’s Ruth George says she has surveyed thousands of leave voters in her constituency. She says half of them want to stay in the customs union or the single market. May should listen to them, she says.

If true, this does undermine the claims you hear from some quarters that the Leave vote is implicitly also a vote to leave the Single Market & Customs Union.

That’s a load of codswallop. Leave voters knew full well that leaving meant leaving the single market and customs union- even Cameron said it.

She’s another MP trying desperately to over ride a Democratic vote for her own ends

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Stirlingshire Reds

« Reply #4523 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 22:38:07 »

That’s a load of codswallop. Leave voters knew full well that leaving meant leaving the single market and customs union- even Cameron said it.

This is factually incorrect.  Some Leave voters 'knew' voting Leave meant exiting the SM & CU, while others 'knew' that it meant the opposite.  There was no consensus then, just as there is no consensus now.  It's completely fucked up.

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« Reply #4524 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 22:42:29 »

This is factually incorrect.  Some Leave voters 'knew' voting Leave meant exiting the SM & CU, while others 'knew' that it meant the opposite.  There was no consensus then, just as there is no consensus now.  It's completely fucked up.

Oh come on they never knew it meant the opposite. All key figures in both campaigns said it you’re really clutching at straws here

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Stirlingshire Reds

« Reply #4525 on: Monday, December 17, 2018, 22:49:19 »

Not at all.  The idea that there was anything approaching a consensus on this is a complete fallacy.  It's one of the reasons we're in the mess we're now in...Leave was never defined.
Combe Up

« Reply #4526 on: Tuesday, December 18, 2018, 06:18:04 »

I believe in democracy, even if some people using an STFC former manager's name do not. The referendum for the UK to leave the EU was clearly won by a majority of 1,269,501.

Let's start counting one of those people per second as we imagine they walk by us. That would take over two weeks, i.e. on New Year's Day we would still be counting those people. Let's bear that in mind as we continue to debate this into 2019.

Some people are bad losers; get over it!

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Stirlingshire Reds

« Reply #4527 on: Tuesday, December 18, 2018, 07:06:55 »

I believe in democracy...

You believe in your own interpretation of democracy, and nothing more.  We've been round this point so many times now that it's getting boring...but SM & CU membership were never on the ballot.  This is a fact.

The rest of your post is irrelevant and meaningless.
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« Reply #4528 on: Tuesday, December 18, 2018, 07:10:25 »

I believe in being able to change a result of a shit decision. imagine applying a 'can't change your mind' rule to every day life. good grief.

In any case, if parliament can't agree a withdrawl agreement and rightly block 'no deal' where does that leave us? Extend article 50 .. then if still deadlocked... Peoples vote...

think it's a bit dangerous to assume remain would win under such circumstances though.

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« Reply #4529 on: Tuesday, December 18, 2018, 07:31:49 »

Can’t see how the result of a democratic vote being ‘dangerous’ - no matter which side of the debate you’re on.

If people are still convinced being out is what they want, so be it.
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