Open your eyes and look at the state of the eu ponzi scheme. Greece broke, Spain broke, Italy basket case, France burning and Germany in recession. The future is bright but its not failed communisum.
It is ironic that you see the EU as a Ponzi Scheme, SRK whilst being a cheerleader against regulation.
By 2008 banks and bankers were earning amazing, booming returns by trading derivatives pregnant with junk property bonds. That was the bubble, the Ponzi scheme if you like. Greed (human nature) allied to
lack of regulation.. Who wouldn't bet for free if someone else would pay the stake and the taxpayer was there to underwite disaster?
I'm no saint and, in that position, I could well be condemning
regulation and anti the EU's predisposition towards it
The losers were comfortable and wealthier private investors, ordinary hard working Joes investing in pensions, taxpayers funding bank bail outs, users of depleted public services such as the NHS as well as the most vulnerable. Most of us are in that category. Like you, I like economic freedom but there is a tipping point where liking it makes you personally no more than a cap doffer to the elite.
As for Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Greece, I give you Northern Ireland, West Wales and the North East in the UK and Wyoming, Louisiana, West Virginia etc in the USA. Not sure why