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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290828 times)
McGurk's Missus
Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Bleach

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« Reply #3990 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 15:02:20 »

I want my unicron

I want to know what a Cliffendge is? Is it like a Stonehenge but fashioned from the great British (oops, I mean "English") chalky cliffs of blighty?

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
McGurk's Missus
Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Bleach

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« Reply #3991 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 15:05:05 »

Does the parody page Britain Furst still post on Assbook?

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

« Reply #3992 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 15:12:48 »

Sir (D)red Ken is just a troll. If not, they're highly unhinged.
Sir Red Ken is just replying in kind to some of the comments made to Leavers. I take a slightly different approach but I like Sir Red Ken.

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« Reply #3993 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 15:18:43 »

Sir Red Ken is just replying in kind to some of the comments made to Leavers. I take a slightly different approach but I like Sir Red Ken.

But you do realise that Unicron's don't exist, right?  There would only be one of them of course, being a Transformer, so hoping for more would be forlorn.
McGurk's Missus
Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Bleach

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« Reply #3994 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 15:20:42 »

Sir Red Ken is just replying in kind to some of the comments made to Leavers. I take a slightly different approach but I like Sir Red Ken.

I don't see anyone on here really posting the way SRK does. SRK is complaining about something they voted for and won? Heaven forbid when this person loses at something.

I think if anything the posts are detrimental to the points yourself and a few other leave supporters are trying to get across. At least you are being democratic about it. SRK keeps banging on about "...and this is how easily democracy dies." Yet the approach is hardly democratic from SRK.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

« Reply #3995 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 15:38:28 »

I don't see anyone on here really posting the way SRK does. SRK is complaining about something they voted for and won? Heaven forbid when this person loses at something.

I think if anything the posts are detrimental to the points yourself and a few other leave supporters are trying to get across. At least you are being democratic about it. SRK keeps banging on about "...and this is how easily democracy dies." Yet the approach is hardly democratic from SRK.
I'll defend SRK - not that he needs it though. Its his viewpoint. Leave won a democratic vote and that's what should then be implemented. If it isn't then what point democracy. He has a good point but we'll all have our own viewpoints that's what makes forums like this interesting.
I don't agree with Remainers but I like to read the different views. It shows things from different angles - angles I would not think of. 
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #3996 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 15:47:15 »

I'll defend SRK - not that he needs it though. Its his viewpoint. Leave won a democratic vote and that's what should then be implemented. If it isn't then what point democracy. He has a good point but we'll all have our own viewpoints that's what makes forums like this interesting.
I don't agree with Remainers but I like to read the different views. It shows things from different angles - angles I would not think of. 

SRK is a complete loon... every forum should have one. Since Dosser disappeared Ken has stepped into the breech. I don't think they're the same person
TEF Travel

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« Reply #3997 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 15:50:31 »

I'll defend SRK - not that he needs it though. Its his viewpoint. Leave won a democratic vote and that's what should then be implemented. If it isn't then what point democracy. He has a good point but we'll all have our own viewpoints that's what makes forums like this interesting.
I don't agree with Remainers but I like to read the different views. It shows things from different angles - angles I would not think of. 
It wasn't constitutional democracy though, was it? It was more like passing the buck. And passing it to people who didn't have the full facts, or any idea of the difficulties and potential pitfalls.
Anyone who can still vote Tory after this clusterfuck needs their bumps felt.

It's All Good..............
Not a Batch

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« Reply #3998 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 15:58:16 »

lier lier pants on fire Amber Rudd is back in cabinet replacing Esther McVey
Sir red ken

« Reply #3999 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 16:07:53 »

SRK is a complete loon... every forum should have one. Since Dosser disappeared Ken has stepped into the breech. I don't think they're the same person
That's just it you don't think, your another hive brainwashed guardian,huffpost call everyone else a loon. Try some free independent thinking its quite uplifting or alternatively follow Branson who wants you to live in the eussr whilst he doesn't.
Pax Romana

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« Reply #4000 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 16:13:16 »

passing it to people who didn't have the full facts, or any idea of the difficulties and potential pitfalls.

I voted to remain and felt sick when the vote went the other way.  But in many ways I've been even more sickened by the following two years listening to people explain condescendingly that the vote shouldn't count because (stupid) people voted without understanding the facts when what they actually mean is that it shouldn't count because it didn't go the way that they (and I) wanted it to.

Do you really think that everyone who voted to remain understood the full facts either? Does anybody ever?

Do you dismiss every general election result on the basis that some people take a considered view before voting but other people vote for the nicest looking candidate so their votes shouldn't count?

Universal suffrage democracy sucks at times but it beats the shit out of the alternatives.
Sir red ken

« Reply #4001 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 16:19:52 »

I voted to remain and felt sick when the vote went the other way.  But in many ways I've been even more sickened by the following two years listening to people explain condescendingly that the vote shouldn't count because (stupid) people voted without understanding the facts when what they actually mean is that it shouldn't count because it didn't go the way that they (and I) wanted it to.

Do you really think that everyone who voted to remain understood the full facts either? Does anybody ever?

Do you dismiss every general election result on the basis that some people take a considered view before voting but other people vote for the nicest looking candidate so their votes shouldn't count?

Universal suffrage democracy sucks at times but it beats the shit out of the alternatives.
Bravo there speaks the voice of reason and intellegence. So refreshing after reading all the minority swivel eyed loons posting on here.
TEF Travel

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« Reply #4002 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 16:35:46 »

I voted to remain and felt sick when the vote went the other way.  But in many ways I've been even more sickened by the following two years listening to people explain condescendingly that the vote shouldn't count because (stupid) people voted without understanding the facts when what they actually mean is that it shouldn't count because it didn't go the way that they (and I) wanted it to.

Do you really think that everyone who voted to remain understood the full facts either? Does anybody ever?

Do you dismiss every general election result on the basis that some people take a considered view before voting but other people vote for the nicest looking candidate so their votes shouldn't count?

Universal suffrage democracy sucks at times but it beats the shit out of the alternatives.
I don't think I even suggested that remainers had the full facts. No one had that and I don't think anyone has now. I wasn't being condescending,  I include myself in the ignorant masses...
Our form of government relies on those elected to run the country and they are expected to understand the issues and vote accordingly.
I still maintain that calling a referendum had fuck all to do with giving the public a say and everything to do with appeasing sections of the Tory party.

It's All Good..............
Sir red ken

« Reply #4003 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 17:05:02 »

Interesting poll out today:- Just 8% of Brits support the idea of having a second referendum, according to the latest poll by YouGov. Added to the people who want to stop Brexit by other means, only 36% of voters would like to see the result of the referendum reversed. By contrast adding together the different Brexit options sees 64% of voters in favour of EU withdrawal.
The Dude Abides

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« Reply #4004 on: Friday, November 16, 2018, 17:20:25 »

Interesting poll out today:- Just 8% of Brits support the idea of having a second referendum, according to the latest poll by YouGov. Added to the people who want to stop Brexit by other means, only 36% of voters would like to see the result of the referendum reversed. By contrast adding together the different Brexit options sees 64% of voters in favour of EU withdrawal.
From the same survey, Britain backs TM's deal over No Deal by 60% to 40%.
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