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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290197 times)
Wobbly Bob

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« Reply #3735 on: Thursday, October 18, 2018, 17:54:02 »

Will be interesting to see Middle England up in arms if fracking becomes reality in the Home Counties.
Appendages set in concrete might not be just a Northern thing.

Suspect that the reality of test drilling, if it happens across the country, will end up falling some way short of potential though.

Our most precious resource will be water.
Squirting loads of it into rock strata might end up to be counter productive in the future.

Just knew that the failed sedimentology module of my geology degree would come in handy one day.  Smiley

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Wobbly Bob

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« Reply #3736 on: Thursday, October 18, 2018, 19:59:51 »

Oh and I wouldn't trust fracking to ever be properly regulated in this country.
The pound signs will always come before a community having its water supply contaminated.

There is a good reason why some countries have banned fracking in mainland Europe.

Seems a better long term bet to insist, via legislation, that all new developments are configured to allow for the placement of solar panels on every roof.
This would take advantage of our upcoming long hot summer's.
Would be even better if developer pays was applied as well.
Grabbing fuckers.

Even the Russkis and the all important Saudis would struggle to claim mineral rights from the sun.
The current sun king in the Whitehouse might send a manned mission to plant the flag and claim ownership though.

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« Reply #3737 on: Friday, October 19, 2018, 08:05:03 »

Yes it's madness not to be doing everything we can to be growing our production of the sustainable clean energy that we are going to need to avoid destroying our planet. We should also be doing a lot more to reduce our level of demand for that energy. 

But everyone (I think) recognises that we cannot eliminate our need for fossil fuel at this point.  And from an ecological, financial and political viewpoint I'd rather get that fuel from Lancashire than Russia.

I complete agree that we need to reduce our dependancy, I just don't agree that fracking is the best way to do that.

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Stirlingshire Reds

« Reply #3738 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 13:01:50 »

This feels significant.  Calls already for Brexit to be put on hold until the extent of the allegations are known.

Arron Banks Faces Brexit Referendum Spending Probe

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« Reply #3739 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 13:08:36 »

This feels significant.  Calls already for Brexit to be put on hold until the extent of the allegations are known.

Arron Banks Faces Brexit Referendum Spending Probe

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« Reply #3740 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 13:09:16 »

I have every confidence it'll quickly be swept under the carpet/findings delayed until after Brexit depending on the seriousness of the allogations.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #3741 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 13:42:59 »

This feels significant.  Calls already for Brexit to be put on hold until the extent of the allegations are known.

Arron Banks Faces Brexit Referendum Spending Probe
I hope it is significant in the sense that the scrote gets a long overdue comeuppance. But the calls to put Brexit on hold are just clutching at straws. The vote's been done, there were lies and deceit on both sides, as in all elections (albeit on a grander scale with some), overturning it now would just play into the hands of the likes of Banks
Sir red ken

« Reply #3742 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 14:07:53 »

This feels significant.  Calls already for Brexit to be put on hold until the extent of the allegations are known.

Arron Banks Faces Brexit Referendum Spending Probe
loosers clutching at straws,remian were worse but their friends at the electoral commission will not investigate. I remember STFC lost to Brighton in a playoff penalty shoot out. Perhaps they spent more on their squad than STFC so that should be re-run.The bbc get 20 million per year from the EU and are not a reliable news source for that reason. Yada yada yada cliff edge,second ref, let eu citizens and children vote next time. You lost get over it!
Sir red ken

« Reply #3743 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 14:12:00 »

Just so the loosers know their being played they might want to read this.
Only the high court. Cliff edge,Cliff edge,peoples vote, we've been robbed,give kids a vote ,the bbc said it ssoo it must be true.
Bogus Dave
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« Reply #3744 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 14:13:06 »

It’s not the electoral commission who are investigating him

Things get better but they never get good

« Reply #3745 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 14:14:08 »


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« Reply #3746 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 14:24:30 »

The bbc get 20 million per year from the EU and are not a reliable news source for that reason. Yada yada yada cliff edge,second ref, let eu citizens and children vote next time. You lost get over it!

Subsequently we're still waiting for the £350m+ that was promised by Leave campaigners, to the NHS. This was influential in many voters decision to 'vote leave', especially if they were a tad "on the fence".

I agree though, the remain vote lost and now the government has to act like a jolly responsible bunch of adults and sort this shitstorm out. However they have something like 5 months left to do so and have pretty much done fuck all. Except maybe passed the buck around several times and played the blame game. You know, like fucking kids in a playground do.

Surely if people can't agree on the EU referendum then they can agree that, as the days tick on, this becomes more and more frustrating, regardless of how one voted.

I voted remain. Probably not a shock but I've been pretty fed up of the constant "Remoaner" tag that many idiotic leave voters keep spewing out. If people want that level of debate then I suggest they either go back to infant school or get a job in parliament.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
Bogus Dave
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« Reply #3747 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 14:37:03 »

Don’t really buy into the argument that the result should stand if it is found that leave propaganda was funded from illegal sources. I don’t see how you can have trust in the democratic system if that is the case (and a part of me thinks that was the Intention all along)

Things get better but they never get good

« Reply #3748 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 14:51:09 »

I don't buy into it either and if other results have been down to cheating then they to should be rerun because they are also void. A bit late to do much about those in the past but people should stop accepting cheating, especially on the basis that 'everybody does it'. How is that a valid reason?

...It isn't, that's how. I'm surprised so many people use it. It's something that the likes of Trump would come out with.

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Stirlingshire Reds

« Reply #3749 on: Thursday, November 1, 2018, 15:11:52 »

I would be more inclined to accept the 'let's move on' argument if the margin of victory for Leave was such that Arron's alleged electoral naughtiness could not have affected the overall result.  If the Leave/Remain split was 65:35, for example, you could argue quite reasonably that the alleged cheating was inconsequential.

But the actual 52:48 split was much more even.  For every 27 voters, 14 voted Leave and 13 Remain.  It was a narrow win.  And if there was illegality, the validity of the result has to be questioned.  It's a horrible, painful matter to address - but you have to address it head on.
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