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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290019 times)

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« Reply #3645 on: Sunday, September 23, 2018, 07:18:54 »

One sign off the mad world we now live in is that the Conservative & Unionist Party, or at least the right wing of it, now seems not only to be stridently anti-business but also working night & day to facilitate the break up of the UK.  This article puts it rather well.

I can't quite work out whether the likes of Rees-Mogg actually no longer give a sh#t about the union, or that they believe Scotland & NI will ultimately do as they're told anyway like good little colonies and come round to the idea of a hard Brexit they never voted for.

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« Reply #3646 on: Sunday, September 23, 2018, 09:26:42 »


Spitting Image should come back though...
Sadly, I don't think it could. I was watching the classic SI clip below and thinking that there's no way they would be able to get away with it in 2018. We supposedly live in the most liberal, open and free speaking of times ever but that is just not the case these days. Effectively, everything we see, hear or read is unofficially censored by the keyboard warriors on Twitter and other social media who are just waiting, trigger fingers poised, to be OFFENDED...

Just try to imagine the 'Twitter Storm' that would cause now. Forget fire, rain, snow, sand - 'The Twitter Storm' - it's the very worst kind of storm known to man. Hundreds of thousands of do gooders with too much time on their hands, striking fear into into the heart of every company, organization and news or media organization.

« Last Edit: Sunday, September 23, 2018, 09:45:25 by OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR » Logged

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« Reply #3647 on: Sunday, September 23, 2018, 10:20:00 »

Not as funny as Steve Hughes on being offended alas.

But has anyone been amused at the offence taken over the gentle "sorry, no cherries" ribbing?

Look at the evolution of Brit Foreign Secretaries:


French President (Hollande)  The UK cannot expect the same trade deal outside the UK as in inside it
Brit Foreign Secretary (Johnson):  responded by likening the French President to a WW2 Prison Camp Guard and spoke of punishment beatings.

Michael Gove:  People "offended" by The Foreign Secretary's comments today are humourless, deliberately obtuse, snowflakes-it's a witty metaphor.

  Bad Mood

EU  (Donald Tusk):  picture of May and Cake: "sorry, no cherries" metaphor
Brit Foreign Secretary (Hunt):  "an insult to the British People"  (and plenty more of what Gove calls "humourless snowflakes" willingly outing themselves).


« Last Edit: Sunday, September 23, 2018, 10:27:19 by RedRag » Logged

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« Reply #3648 on: Monday, September 24, 2018, 08:02:55 »

Oh and Boris Johnson, the lovable buffoon, isn't. He's a poisonous self serving cunt who'd stab his own mum in the back if it furthered his own ambitions. Can't believe people are taken in by him.

There are rumours surfacing that Johnson may switch sides seeing how the country is moving as it may offer an opportunity to further his ambitions by saving the day....
Peter Venkman
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« Reply #3649 on: Monday, September 24, 2018, 08:13:19 »

Love a bit of Mitch Benn, did you know he was Elvis on Steve Wrights "Ask Elvis" slot? nice bloke too, met him many times.

Past glories motivate us when times are bleak.

« Reply #3650 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 10:49:22 »

I'll put this here to keep politics out of other threads.

Found myself today blocking a 'friend' on FB for sharing 'Corbyn is an IRA sympathiser' stuff. That's one of the good things about FB, you can just block the gullible. A grown man, otherwise seemingly intelligent, just taking in whatever he's fed with an apparent inability or unwillingness to apply critical thinking. Nah!

Don't like Corbyn? Fine, I've no problem with that. We all have opinions. I'm hardly a massive fan myself. Buying into tabloid propaganda? Fuck off, you're not worth my time. Shoo, begone.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #3651 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 11:20:44 »

I've a couple of ex football teammates (ooh friend, football friend) that occasionally share the "this muslim has sponged off the state and killed 27 dogs and  was really mean to a girl guide, share if you agree with Tommy Robinson that they should be sent 'home' "  type messages.

I had to mute 1 because I'm too nice to de-friend them. To be honest they were good mates, thankfully didn't get into that kind of conversations back then.

« Reply #3652 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 11:29:14 »

It's odd how they often seem so intelligent/reasonable when you have the craic with them in a pub. Show them a daily mail headline, though, and they seem to regress. It's not even the right-wing bigotry I'm moaning at here (although I don't like it), it's peoples' gullibility when it comes to believing the press. (The left do it as well)

They do seem to be genuinely intelligent at times so it's baffling that the cognitive distortions are so effective.  
Barry Scott

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« Reply #3653 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 11:58:01 »

I worked with a company who’s MD occasionally retweeted insane Muslim/immigrant/Brexit type stuff on his company twitter.

He was a really nice bloke and he ran a good company, but why you’d want to shit on your customer base, potential or otherwise, is mind boggling.

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« Reply #3654 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 12:05:46 »

I'll put this here to keep politics out of other threads.

Found myself today blocking a 'friend' on FB for sharing 'Corbyn is an IRA sympathiser' stuff. That's one of the good things about FB, you can just block the gullible. A grown man, otherwise seemingly intelligent, just taking in whatever he's fed with an apparent inability or unwillingness to apply critical thinking. Nah!

Don't like Corbyn? Fine, I've no problem with that. We all have opinions. I'm hardly a massive fan myself. Buying into tabloid propaganda? Fuck off, you're not worth my time. Shoo, begone.

Corbyn is the worst thing that could have happened to the Labour party and I know those that disagree will do so with vigour - it is precisely that response which is the issue.  He is a leader that retreats a party into a much more ideological base of supporters, the same as a Trump, or imagine for a second, Redwood for the Conservatives.  I have no issue with people having passionate beliefs, but that;s not what Government is about.

On the Johnny Foreigner stuff, I have this debate with my parents, which is fun.

« Reply #3655 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 12:11:31 »

Corbyn is the worst thing that could have happened to the Labour party and I know those that disagree will do so with vigour - it is precisely that response which is the issue.  He is a leader that retreats a party into a much more ideological base of supporters, the same as a Trump, or imagine for a second, Redwood for the Conservatives.  I have no issue with people having passionate beliefs, but that's not what Government is about.

Which is fine, I'm not going to argue for not against that. My intention is not really to discuss politics, I just put it in here because it would inevitably go that way.

My problem is with those that lap up the tabloid propaganda. That he's a commie, IRA sympathiser, antisemetic pro-Muslim terrorist fanboy traitor Brit hater. (I've probably missed something).

And all because the tabloids say so.  


« Reply #3656 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 12:12:05 »

I worked with a company who’s MD occasionally retweeted insane Muslim/immigrant/Brexit type stuff on his company twitter.

He was a really nice bloke and he ran a good company, but why you’d want to shit on your customer base, potential or otherwise, is mind boggling.


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« Reply #3657 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 12:58:21 »

It's odd how they often seem so intelligent/reasonable when you have the craic with them in a pub. Show them a daily mail headline, though, and they seem to regress. It's not even the right-wing bigotry I'm moaning at here (although I don't like it), it's peoples' gullibility when it comes to believing the press. (The left do it as well)

They do seem to be genuinely intelligent at times so it's baffling that the cognitive distortions are so effective.  
But just where does anybody go to get unbiased opinion, let alone facts.   If you are left leading you'll head for The Grauniad which will just spout their agenda as any other paper will do

You can't use the internet for facts or TV. Its why countries get one useless government after another. Everything is smoke and mirrors.

I've lived through nationalised railways, water companies etc and I don't want that. I've also lived through uncaring, I'm alright Jack politics and I don't want that either. I'm too old in the tooth now for any of the twats to affect me much but politics can't carry on like this
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #3658 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 13:13:23 »

But just where does anybody go to get unbiased opinion, let alone facts.   If you are left leading you'll head for The Grauniad which will just spout their agenda as any other paper will do

You can't use the internet for facts or TV. Its why countries get one useless government after another. Everything is smoke and mirrors.

I've lived through nationalised railways, water companies etc and I don't want that. I've also lived through uncaring, I'm alright Jack politics and I don't want that either. I'm too old in the tooth now for any of the twats to affect me much but politics can't carry on like this

Try a decent pub.  FWIW the Guardian is hardly left leaning, it does however try to be a forum for a wide range of opinions, trying to keep within the spirit of CP Scott's founding principles. However, there will always be an editorial slant, and for today's Graun that is a pro feminist, anti Corbyn bias.

« Reply #3659 on: Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 13:22:57 »

But just where does anybody go to get unbiased opinion, let alone facts. 

I don't think there is such a place, although there are sources that claim to be impartial in regard to facts.

I just wish that people were able to process the 'information' themselves. Is X right because the mail or the guardian says so? Have they presented all the facts? Is this really fact or just an attention-grabbing headline?... and so on.

I think it's something that should be taught in schools.
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