What is hilarious, is the rabid mob of unwashed lefties on here describing anyone they disagree with as 'far right'. Brexiteers and UKIP are now associated with the likes of combat 18 and Adolf Hitler Himself.
Ironically the ideologies Pauld and his ilk will go so far to defend, are far more patriarchal with fascist elements than any of these groups. We seem to be living in a paradoxical world, where the left and it's bed budy (islam) have become truly authoritarian and intolerant. A liberal society that nurtures and encourages the growth of anti liberal / authoritarian sentiment, is only going to produce a future of true fascism under the banner of 'anti fascism'. You know today's society is easy when all people do is complain about being offended, or my favourite lefty trick; when someone is offended on behalf of another who is not actually offended.
I can here the shotgun being loaded with those now meaningless and over used terms that the unwashed use. Racist. Islamaphobe. Nazi and so forth.....
What we know as Right and Left are modern constructs, they change, and are changing. As an example, where I am today, the "Left" party appears to be for those on welfare and the "elite", which makes no sense to me, and the "right" party seems to have shifted into appearing to be a party of the hard working country folk and beaten up factory workers/coal miners/Christian fanatics.
I'd happily call you far right or left, whichever label you fancy having. Your views, as expressed, are a relative minority view (even if closely associated with more mainstream). You don't particularly like foreigners (old right wing ideology) broadly speaking because they are not like you, specifically having an issue with anyone who associates with the Muslim faith, because a small % of that faith interpret the religion in ideological ways as being far more radical than the majority do. You believe, not fact, that our very "culture and way of life, whatever they may be, are under attack by their "invasion". You have some sort of issue with people of wealth, very left wing in old speak, and maybe (this is me taking a leap) think they have some shared goal of controlling the masses (again, very left wing paranoia, but based in some sort of reality I'd wager).
Populism, the new name given to this middle ground fear effort, a bad name as history suggests it broadly won't be more than 50% supported, is fear based. It's about blame. It's an inversion of the Crusaders approach. Instead of going out to convert and protect, we are inwardly pitching that some sort of war is upon us in the West, which Populism likes to suggest is a Judeo Christian faith based culture. Frankly I have no time for any religions based on my experiences of how they treat people outside their own faith (considering their faith teaches them they are the only ones who are right, that makes sense).
Our own history actually shows we can't even get along for more than a few decades with ourselves without having a fight about which branch of that religion is right. Bannon is pushing Catholicism as the supporting religion, which means Breitbart has plenty of anti-Semitic crap being posted, ironic as that is a UK issue for the left wing party of choice as well.
My understanding was that the West was about tolerance, about choice and freedoms, about allowing people to make the best of themselves within fair and reasonable laws. Where business was allowed to flourish and encourage Innovation, but, where we understood that sometimes has impacts in the short term on the people of our culture and we should be willing to give them support when times are hard. Personally, I'd do away with borders full stop, but that won't happen, they've been constructed since we saw another one of the same of us.
In conclusion, mine, Populism is a bad solution to current world problems. It is divisive by it's nature, just as Nazism and Communism have been in the past. Maybe not as openly hateful right now, but their is an end game it can lead to - what if those pesky elites won't give up their world domination? what if they really do come for their guns in the Wild West USA? what if the boats of Muslim Invaders really do seem to be showing up on the beaches?
On Fox there was an interesting piece from a right wing supporter explaining why the left didn't get what USA meant, where he used his Greek dad seeking a better life with no money and just hard work and desire, escaping Nazi Germany creating civil war in his country. The fact that this individual see's no parallel to the issue we created Syria is all I need to know that current Populism is a death march.