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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2289978 times)

« Reply #3360 on: Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 05:52:05 »

It baffles me that people can't see through the bullshit of the Daily Mail, and other publications for that matter.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #3361 on: Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 08:51:58 »

But you then went on to talk about how toxic the Mail is and that it may change it’s referendum stance with a new guy in charge.

And then on this forum you all spoke about it detoxifying the mail brand.
Nope, that was all part of what the BBC's media correspondent had discussed as being possible rationale for the rejig and in particular the lop-sided reporting chain. "Detoxifying" was verbatim by the way
Truth is you hate anyone who does not share your opinions and views
That might be your perception, but I'm afraid it's bollocks. For one thing, you don't know what my opinions and views are and secondly, as this episode clearly illustrates, your perception of that might well be down to how you're (mis)reading what I've posted, not what I actually said.

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« Reply #3362 on: Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 09:49:08 »

Which is fine. But it's got fuck all to do with the BBC's media correspondent's take on what replacing Dacre with Greig might indicate in terms of the Mail's future stance, which I thought was quite interesting. You might too if you'd read the post properly instead of knee-jerking

I imagine it will make little difference bar possibly a toning down of some of the inflammatory stuff(Traitors etc) Dacre has peddled, remember the Express has now been sold on by Dirty Desmond to Trinity Mirror who generally have a remain stance but the Express has just continued to print what sells it to the readership and fuels the need for someone to blame for your own shortcomings.

If you are interested in such things the most interesting fact about Dacre being moved upstairs is that Greig will be answering directly to Rothermere and Dacre has been sidelined entirely, which rather supports the rumours that his departure was at the request of Lady Rothermere who was finding it rather awkward with her sell healed friends whilst their paper was attacking them with venom.

Ultimately the print media is dying on its arse and will continue to do so, I like papers but I probably only buy about once a month, once the senior generations start to die off in greater numbers cannot see many of them continuing, who buys a paper bar 60 year old Doris who only buys one as its a habit she has done for years, I know my mum still bought the Mail until she went into care as she had always done so....


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« Reply #3363 on: Monday, June 18, 2018, 15:53:13 »

So actually the mythical Brexit Dividend (which the governments own analysis already shows is bollocks) will not actually be paying for this??

Looking at what Jeremy Hunt suggests is going to pay for it, Brexit, economic growth and the taxation system. The governments own forecasts show that Brexit is going to cost rather than save cash, economic growth is dying on its arse meaning less corporate tax take - so its looking like tax rises, now the government will never tax high income earners so it looks like you and I who will be funding this, proportionally the less well off most substantially....

I won't mention the suggestion that Parliament should not be able to control the goverbnment.....

But we are getting unicorns yeah!
« Last Edit: Monday, June 18, 2018, 15:56:15 by horlock07 » Logged
Sir red ken

« Reply #3364 on: Monday, June 18, 2018, 18:51:49 »

So actually the mythical Brexit Dividend (which the governments own analysis already shows is bollocks) will not actually be paying for this??

Looking at what Jeremy Hunt suggests is going to pay for it, Brexit, economic growth and the taxation system. The governments own forecasts show that Brexit is going to cost rather than save cash, economic growth is dying on its arse meaning less corporate tax take - so its looking like tax rises, now the government will never tax high income earners so it looks like you and I who will be funding this, proportionally the less well off most substantially....

I won't mention the suggestion that Parliament should not be able to control the goverbnment.....

But we are getting unicorns yeah!

Is that a fact! we're all getting Unicrons,I've always wanted one and there's pleanty of room in the field for them. The only thing is at no time did the ballot paper or any pundit/politician promise a unicorn. That's brilliant news. Or did you just make that last sentence up?
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #3365 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 09:27:45 »

So actually the mythical Brexit Dividend (which the governments own analysis already shows is bollocks) will not actually be paying for this??

Looking at what Jeremy Hunt suggests is going to pay for it, Brexit, economic growth and the taxation system. The governments own forecasts show that Brexit is going to cost rather than save cash, economic growth is dying on its arse meaning less corporate tax take - so its looking like tax rises, now the government will never tax high income earners so it looks like you and I who will be funding this, proportionally the less well off most substantially....

I won't mention the suggestion that Parliament should not be able to control the goverbnment.....

But we are getting unicorns yeah!

In order for there to be more money for the NHS, then people will need to pay for it through increased taxation. The last 10 years since us taxpayers had to bail out the bankers, has been about finding a point whereby austerity cuts, don't cause a collapse of society, into a 1930's style depression.  

The NHS is now starting to look like it has reached the critical stage and so needs rescuing for political expediency.

The 30's depression caused the rise of fascism.... which is again looming in Europe, the US, and the TEF.  There's a certain irony, that England players should be subject to racsim, after a game in Stalingrad, a place where the heroic struggle of Soviet comrades did so much to defeat fascism.

« Last Edit: Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 09:35:50 by Reg Smeeton » Logged
ron dodgers

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« Reply #3366 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 17:44:39 »

Poland is looking worrying, attacking the judiciary is never a good sign
Sir red ken

« Reply #3367 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 20:00:52 »

Poland is looking worrying, attacking the judiciary is never a good sign
Fuck Poland and the daily Mail, Horlock said I'd get a Unicorn. I'm now switching to being a commie thinker so I can call everyone else stupid.  Unicorn please.
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« Reply #3368 on: Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 20:05:08 »

It's the old problem, please complain about the NHS, the taxes go up to try & improve it then people moan about that.
While the NHS is not good, please should realise that they pay very little towards it
Sir red ken

« Reply #3369 on: Thursday, June 21, 2018, 10:43:31 »

Cliff edge,cliff edge,stupid people didn't know what they were voting for. Racists,xenophobes, Unicorns for everyone.

« Reply #3370 on: Thursday, June 21, 2018, 11:06:22 »

I am apparently a gammon and consequently a xenophobe and racist who didn't know what I was voting for. I am not a unicorn though.
Sir red ken

« Reply #3371 on: Thursday, June 21, 2018, 12:24:01 »

I am apparently a gammon and consequently a xenophobe and racist who didn't know what I was voting for. I am not a unicorn though.

Your not a Unicorn, but I keep reading posts by very intelligent people, that Gamons who voted for Brexit were promised Unicorns for voting leave. If you did vote leave then you are both stupid and a xenophobic racist. Loook out for the cliff edge.

« Reply #3372 on: Thursday, June 21, 2018, 13:04:11 »

I didn't know I was promised unicorns. I will look out of them as well as cliff edges. Hopefully the unicorns will not go over the cliff edge, that would make me sad.........................unless obviously  they were an ethnic minority and / or foreign unicorn.

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« Reply #3373 on: Friday, June 22, 2018, 10:39:48 »

Cliff edge,cliff edge,stupid people didn't know what they were voting for. Racists,xenophobes, Unicorns for everyone.

I am sure that the 110,000 people in danger of losing their jobs in Wales alone if Airbus fuck off will welcome your grown up response.
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #3374 on: Friday, June 22, 2018, 11:36:09 »

I am sure that the 110,000 people in danger of losing their jobs in Wales alone if Airbus fuck off will welcome your grown up response.

But Wales voted for Brexit... it was made abundantly clear at the time, there would be a financial hit.

Bristol on the other hand voted Remain.....

A decision no doubt somewhat driven by tbe desire to keep their high end manufacturing jobs.
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