Stark contrast to other religious ideology and certainly polar opposite to the message Jesus offered.
And THAT is what I was looking for. There was no whataboutery in my question whatsoever. I was looking to expose something and you've served up your ignorance on a plate.
You claim to know so much about Islam. If you were so knowledgeable you would be aware that Islamic fundamentals are based on the Pentateuch. The EXACT SAME Pentateuch that Christian fundamentals are based on. Do you even know what the Pentateuch is? Google is your friend. Islam just another Abrahamic faith, right alongside Christianity and Judaism. It's telling that you mention Jeebus as well because Muslims also believe in Jeebus, and his message, and that he was a prophet sent by god. Speak with Muslims about jeebus and they will use PBUH when mentioning his name, just as they do with Mo. I can only assume that you didn't know that, despite your claims of being so knowledgeable. I can't see why you would say something so stupid otherwise.
Jesus's message? Full of love and kittens, while also acting like a narcissistic prick AND, according to the bible, he endorsed the hateful old laws (old testament). The same stuff that helps fuel Islamic extremism. It's something that Christians tend to overlook and ignorant fuckwits that don't know nearly as much as they claim to are unaware of. All over the world people are persecuted by Christians that are acting in accordance with their doctrine. The Christian doctrine is just as, if not more, vile and intolerant than the Quran is. Thankfully, Christians tend to follow a nice and fluffy interpretation of it but guess what, Muslims also tend to follow a nice and fluffy interpretation of their particular flavour of Abrahamic nonsense. You, however, only choose to focus on Islam. Fuck off.
To claim that Islam is in stark contrast with Christianity shows that you have NO FUCKING IDEA what you are banging on about. It's a remarkably ignorant thing to say. It's laughable that you can claim to be so knowledgeable while being unaware of something so fundamental. I do know my onions, pal. If you really do know more than 99.8 percent of the people here as you claim, then I am part of the 0.2 percent that does know more than you do. The idiotic comment that I have quoted, however, tells me that you don't know nearly as much as you think you do.
I remember having a discussion with you before about immigration regarding Muslims. Proper sensationalist daily mail type stuff. You were fucking clueless in that as well. Regurgitating 'facts and figures' that you were clearly unable or unwilling to apply critical thinking toward. Stuff that was just plain factually incorrect. Again, proper daily mail type stuff. Also, once you do start mentioning immigration then you begin targeting Muslims as people and not just the doctrine, at which point you lose any right to claim that you are being reasonable.
You're right when you mention the left shouting down people being critical of Islam. As an antitheist myself, it gets on my fucking tits, and some people on here are guilty of it. The thing is, though, that these people are mostly responding as a reaction to those that are genuinely bigoted. Such as the Tommy Robinsons of the world that claim to be challenging the doctrine, which would be fair enough, but also standing in the street telling people that the Muslims living there want to kill them. Cunts like him, and yourself, are much of the reason that debate can't be had. Cunts like him, and yourself, are part of the problem.
Don't try to claim to be a centrist, I can see right through it. I debate with people on Islam (and other religions) on a daily basis. I debate with Muslims on a daily basis, the good and the bad. I encounter the regressive left on a daily basis, the far right and everything in between. As I said, I know my onions and it is glaringly obvious to me that you are fuelled by ignorance and intolerance.
So, in short, get fucked.
Actually, no. Don't get fucked. I look forward to your next instalment for another opportunity to laugh and point at your ignorant fuckwittery.
Polar opposite to Christianity? Christ on a fucking bike.