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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290180 times)

« Reply #2475 on: Monday, July 3, 2017, 11:13:03 »

The term 'snowflake' when used in this context is inherently ironic.

It is used to complain about people because they are complaining about people...

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« Reply #2476 on: Monday, July 3, 2017, 18:48:02 »

Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #2477 on: Tuesday, July 4, 2017, 15:02:19 »

You can get the results by contacting the Environmental Protection section at SBC. Should disclose without an FOI.  A few years ago, Kingshill Rd was an area causing concern and there was some talk of rerouting buses to alleviate. Talk being the operative word. Doubt much has changed

I think it should be incumbent on SBC to reveal the information so that citizens can take it into consideration when planning journeys etc.

Yesterday, I saw a fella, oriental, so guessing Japanese, probably attached to Honda, wandering around with one of those face masks on in OT, that they wear in Beijing, Tokyo etc.  Perhaps he's contacted environmental protection.

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« Reply #2478 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 16:30:22 »

We've all got a few old phrases we use. But would you drop the old classic, "the real nigger in the woodpile" in parliament, or are you perhaps living in the 21st century, or back end of the 20th even, and are not institutionally racist?
Barry Scott

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« Reply #2479 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 16:46:18 »

What is this I don't even...

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« Reply #2480 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 17:33:52 »

It's certainly one of those phrases that just occasionally slips out during debate.  In fact, I am sure it probably happens more regularly to those of us who have lots of black friends.................
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #2481 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 17:50:31 »

We've all got a few old phrases we use. But would you drop the old classic, "the real nigger in the woodpile" in parliament, or are you perhaps living in the 21st century, or back end of the 20th even, and are not institutionally racist?

There are more important things to worry about. It's not really news that a Tory MP might not realise what is inappropriate, whether racist or not.
Shit Bacon

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« Reply #2482 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 19:13:41 »

I've literally never heard the phrase used. I'm not sure I even get it, is the implication just that you wouldn't be able to see someone with dark skin against dark (presumably burnt) wood or is it more weird and sinister than that?

Mind you, I didn't even realise that eenie meanie miney mo had a racist origin. Different times to a point, but it doesn't excuse anyone being thick enough to use it.

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« Reply #2483 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 19:32:20 »

I'd suggest Corbynistas calling a fellow labour MP a'fucking Jew bitch' is hardly PC. But, hey, who wants to hear about that

« Reply #2484 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 19:42:34 »

I've literally never heard the phrase used. I'm not sure I even get it, is the implication just that you wouldn't be able to see someone with dark skin against dark (presumably burnt) wood or is it more weird and sinister than that?

Mind you, I didn't even realise that eenie meanie miney mo had a racist origin. Different times to a point, but it doesn't excuse anyone being thick enough to use it.
I think the next line of the rhyme give that one away Nemo, although me being a tad bit older, they may well have changed it.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #2485 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 19:53:28 »

think its tiger these days Chalkie
Bob's Orange
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« Reply #2486 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 20:12:57 »

Yeah like the old nursery rhyme baa baa black sheep do you have a knife has now been replaced with 'wool'

PC gone mad!

we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise,
the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #2487 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 21:58:23 »

I've literally never heard the phrase used. I'm not sure I even get it, is the implication just that you wouldn't be able to see someone with dark skin against dark (presumably burnt) wood or is it more weird and sinister than that?.
Allegedly, it refers back to the days of escaped slaves in the US, i.e. that a slave on the run might literally hide in a wood pile, outhouse, barn etc. And then passed into more general use to mean a (usually unpleasant) unexpected surprise. Astonishing that anyone could use the n-word these days. Cue the usual apologists giving it "Oh but rappers do" like that makes anything acceptable.

What's more interesting about this story is that it further tightens the knot on Teresa's already waffer-thin majority, even with the mad gunrunners

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« Reply #2488 on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 22:26:04 »

This is why people like me are turned off politics. Someone says something and you get responses like "yeah, but it's to be expected from those cunts" or "yeah but the opposition said worse"

Someone said something fucking disgusting. It's not acceptable. It doesn't matter if she was a Tory MP or a fucking Clanger.

If Don Rogers were alive today, he'd be turning in his grave

« Reply #2489 on: Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 07:15:44 »

This is why people like me are turned off politics. Someone says something and you get responses like "yeah, but it's to be expected from those cunts" or "yeah but the opposition said worse"

Someone said something fucking disgusting. It's not acceptable. It doesn't matter if she was a Tory MP or a fucking Clanger.

Well dear, it is because the Tories are more likely to be Racist, or chauvinistic, as that is what right wing really means, most of them are Racist under the surface so it's unsurprising people commenting when they show their true colours.

You really should take more interest in politics,  men like that in a young lady.
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