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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2289976 times)
That was definately my last game, honest

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I can't bear it 🙄

« Reply #2175 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 08:56:35 »

The World has been crazy for a few years now.

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« Reply #2176 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 08:57:08 »

The World has been crazy for a few years now.

About 13000!
Don Rogers Sock

« Reply #2177 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 09:11:24 »

Fixed it for you. I'd be shitting myself right now if I was Ukrainian, Georgian or a citizen of any of the Baltic states. The Middle East is about to get a whole lot worse too
Not a Trump fan at all but how is it going to get worse ? I keep reading that but is that based on assumption rather than facts?
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #2178 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 09:37:58 »

Not a Trump fan at all but how is it going to get worse ? I keep reading that but is that based on assumption rather than facts?
Yes, it's based on an assumption as to how Putin will behave, rather than Trump, looking at what has happened in Syria since Russia intervened, the fault lines that are already drawn throughout the rest of the region and the strong likelihood that Putin will seek to use a weakend Europe and isolationist US to expand his sphere of influence. He has amply demonstrated his preferred way of doing that, in Chechnya, Ukraine, Georgia and Syria. So yes it's an assumption, as any prediction of future events will be, but it is based on the facts of his behaviour over the last decade.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #2179 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 09:38:44 »

About 13000!
Didn't know you were a Creationist? Wink

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« Reply #2180 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 09:38:55 »

Not a Trump fan at all but how is it going to get worse ? I keep reading that but is that based on assumption rather than facts?

The Republicans have control of Congress and the Senate, they can do what the fuck they like now

Although that is assuming that elected Republicans come flocking back to Trump after a lot of them distanced themselves in the election
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #2181 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 09:57:56 »

Farage has had an interesting year....looks like his campaigning for Trump has paid dividends.  Could Trump be any worse than George W ?...... Popcorn
Peter Venkman
Is totally unexceptional

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« Reply #2182 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 09:59:19 »

I went into Costa earlier and the barista said to me...."white Americano?"

I said "too soon"....

Past glories motivate us when times are bleak.
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #2183 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 10:01:03 »

I went into Costa earlier and the barista said to me...."white Americano?"

I said "too soon"....

Peter Venkman
Is totally unexceptional

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« Reply #2184 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 13:12:01 »

Past glories motivate us when times are bleak.

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« Reply #2185 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 13:21:46 »

The Republicans have control of Congress and the Senate, they can do what the fuck they like now

Although that is assuming that elected Republicans come flocking back to Trump after a lot of them distanced themselves in the election

If I was a republican who publicly went against Trump, I'd be having checks done on the locks and CCTV at home. Backfired on them big time, they might get a job building a wall, but that will be about the best they can hope for..

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« Reply #2186 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 13:21:56 »

Its the death of the opinion poll.Labour has a chance after all

quot;Molten memories splashing down
 upon the rooves of Swindon Town"

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« Reply #2187 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 15:33:59 »

It is interesting to see up close the parallels with the Brexit vote - he has essentially won by getting low paid and unemployed people in the Northern states to break ranks from either voting Democrat, or just not bothering for years.  There was an interesting stat, that got next to zero airtime until this started coming through, that half of the USA is still paid less than 19 years ago (the median income still sits below the level it was in 1997).  So, although growth figures showed the economy was in good health, and more people are technically in work than ever before, a growing level of frustration was coming through from those below half way and the figure of blame was put squarely at Politicians and Globalisation.  Odd that it took a Billionaire with a dubious track record in those exact areas to spot it and call it out.
Don Rogers Sock

« Reply #2188 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 15:43:23 »

It is interesting to see up close the parallels with the Brexit vote - he has essentially won by getting low paid and unemployed people in the Northern states to break ranks from either voting Democrat, or just not bothering for years.  There was an interesting stat, that got next to zero airtime until this started coming through, that half of the USA is still paid less than 19 years ago (the median income still sits below the level it was in 1997).  So, although growth figures showed the economy was in good health, and more people are technically in work than ever before, a growing level of frustration was coming through from those below half way and the figure of blame was put squarely at Politicians and Globalisation.  Odd that it took a Billionaire with a dubious track record in those exact areas to spot it and call it out.
Come on he won it based on alot more than that Rob. Infact the only parallels i am seeing in regards to brexit are the way the voters are all being pigeon holed into uneducated or racist types again.

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« Reply #2189 on: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 16:21:37 »

No, if you look at the voting, the really key area that changed it's voting and mattered was in the Mid West to North East area.  Heavily populated by people who used to be employed in heavy industry and equally full of massive rural areas which are still largely impoverished after these jobs left town.  In the cities in these states, Hilary held up - they have new jobs in media, IT, finance etc.  However is the smaller towns and rural districts people have low paid work or none at all - it is this group that used to vote Democrat - the Unions would pretty much do the job for the party.  They turned this time and many probably didn't even vote last time around.  His talks of bringing back industry by raising tariff's resonated here.  To back that up, he did worse in traditional Republican states in the South but they were so far Republican that he still held them easily enough and the West and East Coast will probably mean the popular vote goes to Clinton.  Trump targeted a group of people and hit them the message they wanted to hear.  Clinton didn't even visit Wisconsan in the campaign - she also lost to Sanders in the places she lost to Trump (or they were close) because Sanders gave a similar message on restricting trade.
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