Posts: 21302
« Reply #1620 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 11:52:12 » |
I'm steering towards a spoilt vote I think. Subject to change....
Posts: 10517
« Reply #1621 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 11:56:02 » |
It's funny how the concentration is all on the negative, be nice to hear what the positives/benefits are to remain in.
This is what annoys me. All you seem to hear are both sides pointing out the negatives of the opposition but not the positives of their own.
« Reply #1622 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:00:10 » |
To me its quite simple. I'm not listening to the politicians or looking at any figures because I don't trust either side. both sides are acting like complete morons and Saxondale's suggestion of having the referendum taken away is quite a good one until they can behave. I just ask myself one question and its about control. Do I want to be controlled by Government which I can vote out or do I want to be controlled by 28 and possibly more Governments. I'd rather take the one so I'm out. There have been some good things come out of the EU and some bad things but there is no doubt they are headed to a United States of Europe with single army, single taxation etc etc. So my further worry is the green light this sends to the EU for future and what else they may do. I couldn't care less about immigration or the Monarchy - both are side issues for me
« Reply #1623 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:01:15 » |
Oh and I reckon we will vote to stay in by a minimum of 55-45 but more likely 60-40.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #1624 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:01:56 » |
I'm steering towards a spoilt vote I think. Subject to change....
I am seriously considering voting to leave the UK considering the degree of sheer fuckwittedness, prejudice and blind allegiance being shown by many of the UK in this 'debate', its been embarrassing!
Posts: 8598
« Reply #1625 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:02:59 » |
The EU is anti-democratic. It is run by 27 Commissioners (not elected by the public), and it's MEP's have less power than our House of Lords.
They have failed to continually get their accounts signed off for 21 years, due to high levels of fraud.
Time to leave, so we can get rid of paying for MEP's and their hangers on, and make our MP's actually do some work for a change instead of saying 'I can't do anything about that because of EU law'.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #1626 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:08:56 » |
but there is no doubt they are headed to a United States of Europe with single army,
Just to pick up one thing..... But you makes your own choices, that SHOULD be the whole point of a referendum (and the idea of another one if we stay in and then choose to look at military integration fills me with so much joy - assuming that every other EU state votes for it, I can just seem certain EU countries voting to share an army with Turkey!) The fact that what we now have is a Tory leadership battle masquerading as a referendum is insulting to the population, although be interesting what a cabinet of Boris, Farage, IDS and Gove come up with?
Posts: 12510
« Reply #1627 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:19:05 » |
Oh and I reckon we will vote to stay in by a minimum of 55-45 but more likely 60-40.
Be closer than that if not the reverse. I don't think I've spoken to a person who's said remain in my day to day life, couple of undecideds that's about as good as I've come across for remain, and I reckon i've heard 20-30 opinions last couple of weeks. Small straw poll but heavily weighted one way, and most of those have come from work where we're within a ftse 100 company in Surrey which traditionally I would have thought would have Tory/remain leanings.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #1629 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:25:52 » |
Its hardly unbiased that is it, its written by Louise Mensch for gods sake.... As for the EU Army as stated above unless all countries vote in favour of it, plus a UK referendum also supports it, it isn't going to happen.
Posts: 4851
A legitimate dude sighting
« Reply #1630 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:27:47 » |
Be closer than that if not the reverse. I don't think I've spoken to a person who's said remain in my day to day life, couple of undecideds that's about as good as I've come across for remain, and I reckon i've heard 20-30 opinions last couple of weeks. Small straw poll but heavily weighted one way, and most of those have come from work where we're within a ftse 100 company in Surrey which traditionally I would have thought would have Tory/remain leanings.
The bookies don't get elections/referendums wrong these days, unlike pollsters. Remain is heavy odds on favourite
Posts: 4004
We fucking love you Gumbo!
« Reply #1631 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:28:03 » |
What annoys me is that the "In" campaign seems to be all about how worse off we'll be financially if we leave.
What I want to know is if we leave how will services like the NHS, doctors, transport and public spending be affected ? What about access to schools ? The lack of housing ?
This is well worth a listen :
Posts: 12510
« Reply #1632 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:33:42 » |
The bookies don't get elections/referendums wrong these days, unlike pollsters.
Remain is heavy odds on favourite
Stay is Man city, leave is Leicester City 
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #1633 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:37:56 » |
What annoys me is that the "In" campaign seems to be all about how worse off we'll be financially if we leave.
What I want to know is if we leave how will services like the NHS, doctors, transport and public spending be affected ? What about access to schools ? The lack of housing ?
This is well worth a listen :
Good grief that guy takes an age to get to the point - is he suggesting that if we leave the EU foreign companies should not be allowed to invest in the UK then?! I agree about the lack of facts , however should it not be up to the Brexit side to tell us how things like the NHS etc will be when we leave as to stay is essentially retaining the Status Quo? I can tell you that from professional knowledge the lack of housing in the UK has fuck all to do with the EU whatever Michael Gove may claim, which has made me immediately somewhat suspicious of other claims made?
« Last Edit: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:41:35 by horlock07 »
Posts: 20074
?Absolute Calamity!?
« Reply #1634 on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:39:44 » |
Read a good stat yesterday. Apparently the amount of benefit money Brits living in other European countries claim is almost equal to the amount European immigrants are handed out in the UK