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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2258090 times)

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« Reply #600 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 06:32:48 »

Never voted Labour in my life but I would rather support Oxford than vote Tory.

Doesn't matter who gets in we are all fucked and anybody who says different is deluded.

Makes no odds to me .... I live in Calne and a headless chimp would get in if it has a blue Rosette pinned on its chest. 'It's better to be fucked up the arse with a red hot poker by the Tories, because if Labour got in, I would have three hot pokers!".

Blaming Labour (who I'm not keen on) for a global economic meltdown is was Browns fault that America, Greece and Japan etc etc all went to rat shit!? IMO it was not.

Capitalism IS a failed system of boom and then bust (I wouldn't want to live in any other) so whoever is in power (Tories in the 90s, that everyone seems to have forgotten) gets to carry the can.

It's going to be a hung parliament for sure. I just hope that people get out and vote because I think everyone is fucked off with the attacks and lies and very little substance.

The lack of tax being paid by big corporations really concerns me and my hope whoever gets in will address this.......I think my hope will be in vain.

These words are just my I'm not right or wrong...just like everyone else on here, we are all different and we get a vote to 'speak' how we feel.


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« Reply #601 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 06:33:25 »

I still have't received my polling card. Is being on the electoral roll different from registering to vote? Have I left it too late now?

You'd only waste it on some lentil knitter....

It's All Good..............

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« Reply #602 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 06:44:23 » for the undecided
Pax Romana

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« Reply #603 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 06:56:31 »

Yes labour spent a lot of money, they completely pulled the nhs from its knees and turned it into the best healthcare system (that works for everyone) in the world, they put money into schools, sure start centres, housed the homeless, and people prospered. Does anyone remember just how shit this country was pre 1997?? They got things wrong, and the eu led to mass immigration, the banks fucked up because of American sub prime mortgages.

The Tories want to privatize the nhs and demolish the welfare state. There will be homeless people dying on our streets like America if they get in again, while millionaires pay no tax. Any working class person who votes for them betrays their own class. There are a lot of morons believing the right wing propaganda machine, it would be funny if it wasn't so fucking tragic.

The Labour party, without being perfect, seeks to act in the interests of the whole country and all its people, the weak as well as the strong, in a way that the Tories rarely do. The key swing voters are people who basically support those Labour principles but sometimes vote Tory not out of conviction but out of fear that the Labour party are not a credible alternative government.   Every rant, even on a tiny website, that portrays the Labour party as faultless (when they clearly aren't) and Tories as psychopathic monsters intent on destroying everyone who didn't go to Eton, contributes to that lack of credibility.

The morons aren't the working class Tory voters, it's the idiot section of the Labour Party with their absurdly overblown and insulting rhetoric.  The irony is that it's the very people who arrogantly believe that only they represent the true heart of the labour movement that in reality fatally undermine it.

Peter Venkman
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« Reply #604 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 07:40:53 »

Never voted Labour in my life but I would rather support Oxford than vote Tory.

Doesn't matter who gets in we are all fucked and anybody who says different is deluded.

Makes no odds to me .... I live in Calne and a headless chimp would get in if it has a blue Rosette pinned on its chest. 'It's better to be fucked up the arse with a red hot poker by the Tories, because if Labour got in, I would have three hot pokers!".

Blaming Labour (who I'm not keen on) for a global economic meltdown is was Browns fault that America, Greece and Japan etc etc all went to rat shit!? IMO it was not.

Capitalism IS a failed system of boom and then bust (I wouldn't want to live in any other) so whoever is in power (Tories in the 90s, that everyone seems to have forgotten) gets to carry the can.

It's going to be a hung parliament for sure. I just hope that people get out and vote because I think everyone is fucked off with the attacks and lies and very little substance.

The lack of tax being paid by big corporations really concerns me and my hope whoever gets in will address this.......I think my hope will be in vain.

These words are just my I'm not right or wrong...just like everyone else on here, we are all different and we get a vote to 'speak' how we feel.


Although down here in one of the Liberals strongest constituancies a vote for labour would be a wasted vote as the tories have ran David Laws and before him Paddy Ashdown close a few times.

So I have little choice but to vote Liberal as a tactical vote of keeping the Tories out of Yeovil and South Somerset.

I do not like to tactically vote but if it means keeping the Conservatives out then so be it.

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« Reply #605 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 08:07:10 »

The amount of tactical voting being considered on here is eye opening.  I can see a renewed - and a much more emphatic - push for Proportional Representation once the dust has settled.

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« Reply #606 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 08:17:46 »

The amount of tactical voting being considered on here is eye opening.  I can see a renewed - and a much more emphatic - push for Proportional Representation once the dust has settled.

Its a minefield though, to tactically vote I would have to vote for one of the big two and I am not sure I can bring myself to do that!

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« Reply #607 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 08:35:04 »

Never voted Labour in my life but I would rather support Oxford than vote Tory.

Doesn't matter who gets in we are all fucked and anybody who says different is deluded.

Makes no odds to me .... I live in Calne and a headless chimp would get in if it has a blue Rosette pinned on its chest. 'It's better to be fucked up the arse with a red hot poker by the Tories, because if Labour got in, I would have three hot pokers!".

Blaming Labour (who I'm not keen on) for a global economic meltdown is was Browns fault that America, Greece and Japan etc etc all went to rat shit!? IMO it was not.

Capitalism IS a failed system of boom and then bust (I wouldn't want to live in any other) so whoever is in power (Tories in the 90s, that everyone seems to have forgotten) gets to carry the can.

It's going to be a hung parliament for sure. I just hope that people get out and vote because I think everyone is fucked off with the attacks and lies and very little substance.

The lack of tax being paid by big corporations really concerns me and my hope whoever gets in will address this.......I think my hope will be in vain.

These words are just my I'm not right or wrong...just like everyone else on here, we are all different and we get a vote to 'speak' how we feel.

I don't think many directly blame Labour for the meltdown, however it grates somewhat when they bang on about the Tories not regulating banking and tax matters when they had equally opportunity to sort the issue between 1997-2010 and chose not to - so the banking crash was a global not Labour issue, however the boom before that was also a global not Labour driven boom yet they try to take credit for that bit.

Equally for every Royal Mail, you have selling off the gold at the bottom of the market etc, etc etc - politics is cyclical - the interesting thing here is that the SNP and others have rolled up and upset the apple cart!

The NHS is an interesting one, the privitisation of elements started under the last government as did the rush to PFI which has left the whole system financially hamstrung for the next 20-30 years. I am not convinced that even the Tories would have had the balls to start that process, however as it was commenced under their predecessors they have grasped the bullet to drive it forward and adapt to their ideology, having had dealings directly with the NHS over the last year is is a bloody mess, I just don't accept that the only solution is to throw more money at it, it needs a proper (and entirely independent) review by people who know what they are doing and not dulled by political ideology of any colour.

Until recently my Father lived in France and had quite serious back trouble, saw doctor, MRI 2 days later and operation within a fortnight! His friend lives in Oxfordshire with same trouble - took 18 months for MRI and consultant appointment! People rightly point out that in France its an insurance system, but people also forget its supposed to be a state run insurance system here - National Insurance! We need to stop thinking the NHS is a scared cow, allowing it to be used as a pawn within political debate instead coming up with something that works in the 21st century!
Barry Scott

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« Reply #608 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 08:49:15 »

One of the biggest problems with the NHS, is like almost everything in the public sector, there's a total lack of accountability and it appears no one actually watches where the money is going.

For instance, I have something prescribed which costs £250 every 6 months + £8 a day. I won't describe these items but if you saw them your eyes would water at how they couldn't cost anymore than £2-£3 + 50p respectively. The company that provides them encourages me to use it more. They even send me more shit, paid for by the NHS, without asking.

Everyone involved in it from top to bottom, apart from GPs, has said, in a manner of speaking, "it might be expensive, but you're not paying for it." Well, I fucking am. My taxes cunting well pay for it, and I'll be damned if I'm lining some cunt's pockets because they deem it should be used a certain way and believe it should be priced that high without question. I have a feeling the fact in a year I've only used £362 of goods, yet have been posted another £100+ on top (still unused) will start to cause problems.

People need to stop treating these things like a free for all buffet, and be a bit more conscientious. We're a huge part of the problem, and the mates of various politicians that have the hands in the cookie jars are even worse. The public sector's waste, lack of accountability and open cheque book makes my blood boil.

« Reply #609 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 08:53:49 »

We need to stop thinking the NHS is a scared cow, allowing it to be used as a pawn within political debate instead coming up with something that works in the 21st century!

This same should also apply to education which becomes a football every 5 years.
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« Reply #610 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 09:01:24 » for the undecided

that's just confirmed what I suspected. That'll do!


Fuck you Leggett, fuck you.
kerry red

« Reply #611 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 09:27:00 »

When you go to a pharmacy to pick up your prescription you should be asked if you pay for your prescription.

If you say no, you SHOULD provide a card showinf you are exempt.

Should be NO CARD. NO MEDICINE but people just say no pay, tick a box saying under what rule they are exempt knowing the chances of anyone checking whether this is true or not is minute.

You would not believe the amount of medicine that is sent back 'home' to relatives.

It's a scandal

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« Reply #612 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 09:39:52 »

Some of today's front pages.  So much for a free press.

Why is it that the multi-billionaire owners of these newspapers openly hate the top-rate-tax-rising, non-dom-abolishing, mansion-taxing, Leveson-supporting Labour party...

Just cannot understand why any normal, working person would vote Tory over any of the alternatives.

* front pages.jpg (158.32 KB, 706x948 - viewed 332 times.)

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« Reply #613 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 10:59:08 »

As far as drug companies go they are hugely exploitative of the NHS. In exactly the same manner that arms manufacturers are exploitative of government contracts. We should do a China and go 'fuck you' to the big companies and just copy their shit for use in the NHS so we can make it ourselves at a fraction of the cost. If they complain about how sick people are getting better for free instead of lining their pockets well then fuck 'em. The government in general really needs to take a stand against big businesses operating with no moral compass or interest in the national good.

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Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost

« Reply #614 on: Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 11:30:44 »

Some of today's front pages.  So much for a free press.

Why is it that the multi-billionaire owners of these newspapers openly hate the top-rate-tax-rising, non-dom-abolishing, mansion-taxing, Leveson-supporting Labour party...

Just cannot understand why any normal, working person would vote Tory over any of the alternatives.

Has there ever been a 'free' press in this or any country, whenever the media is privately owned its angles will reflect the position of the owners, who often reflect and follow the direction their readership were following.

Nothing has changed and rightly or wrongly I don't recall there being this outcry from the left between 1997 and 2010 when Labour were on good terms with News International and such luminaries as the Sun were coming out and supporting Blair.
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