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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2258245 times)
Not a Batch

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« Reply #375 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 11:12:32 »

I'm going this route I think

Tories are probably the most credible big party, but I can't bring myself to vote for the self serving toff scum
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #376 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 11:17:53 »

I'm going this route I think

Tories are probably the most credible big party, but I can't bring myself to vote for the self serving toff scum

So like The DoB I'll ask you what you would like to see in place of our democratic process?
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #377 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 11:23:23 »

So like The DoB I'll ask you what you would like to see in place of our democratic process?
Being disillusioned with the current crop of self-serving arseholes doesn't mean people want rid of democracy. Most folks I talk to would like to see more democracy in the process, rather than the current five-year circular stitch-up between different shades of the elite.

« Reply #378 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 11:24:51 »

So like The DoB I'll ask you what you would like to see in place of our democratic process?

The most interesting thing for me about Homage To Catalonia was how the anarchist regiments all obeyed order, not because they had to, but because they realised it was necessary.

I can't even vote in this election, however, in the past it always irked me that I couldn't vote for a party of choice if they weren't standing in my constituency. Is that okay for a start?
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #379 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 11:27:01 »

Being disillusioned with the current crop of self-serving arseholes doesn't mean people want rid of democracy. Most folks I talk to would like to see more democracy in the process, rather than the current five-year circular stitch-up between different shades of the elite.

With respect, I'm asking Duke and Batch....I'd like to hear what they think first before assuming your analysis reflects their ideas.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #380 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 11:40:58 »

So like The DoB I'll ask you what you would like to see in place of our democratic process?

In my case its not a vote against the democratic process, its a protest against there being no real party that represents what I want to see.

I used to live in a very very safe Tory seat, so my vote was somewhat irrelevant then, so I used to think at least in PR my vote would count. Now I'm not so sure that's really relevant.

All I see are a load of career politicians, spouting the normal "lets be clear", "lessons have been learned" bland bollocks that doesn't seem to distinguish one from the other. The two main contenders, the Tories and Labour are the worst culprits.

Labour make some good noises, talk of helping families, talk of ending zero hours contracts (though Ed Balls has used the to employ people so..). But I seriously think they will fuck up the countries economy again. Plus Milliband doesn't seem up to it.

The Tories seem to make financial sense. But we all know how they have to pay for the cuts, and which section of society will be least hit by this financial necessity.

In any case what's the point. I voted Lib Dem last time around because of some key manifesto pledges. And look what happened to one of those. My kids will cost at least 54K in today's money to put through uni, and that's just fees. In any case Labour already fucked up further education before them with their "uni for all" saying this is a good thing, but leaving the government unable to properly assist funding it and providing dubious benefit to the countries future workforce.

So is voting for the least bad candidate a proper way to vote. Or should I be looking at who is best for Swindon - erm, no, the economy is far more important than that.

My real choices are don't vote or protest vote.

I'm sure someone will say, why not change things if you don't like them. Well, I can't quit my job, have no income and embark on a political crusade. We'd all starve and be homeless.

So I'm registering a protest vote. If 10 million people did the same, something will change. They won't, nothing will change, but I'd rather do that than vote for someone who doesn't represent me.
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #381 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 11:48:48 »

^^ I see. So you like democracy, but don't want to vote for anyone unless they agree with everything you think.... Hmmm
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #382 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 11:54:25 »

Being disillusioned with the current crop of self-serving arseholes doesn't mean people want rid of democracy. Most folks I talk to would like to see more democracy in the process, rather than the current five-year circular stitch-up between different shades of the elite.

OK, Batch has replied. OK so how do you propose to get more democracy into the system... ?
Not a Batch

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« Reply #383 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 11:58:06 »

^^ I see. So you like democracy, but don't want to vote for anyone unless they agree with everything you think.... Hmmm
no reg that's not exactly what it is. I disagree strongly with some of their policies. I'm not voting for them under those circumstances.

I'm not stupid enough to think there will be a 'batch party' that provides everything I think it should. in fact I wouldn't vote for that Wink
Shit Bacon

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« Reply #384 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 12:04:12 »

OK, Batch has replied. OK so how do you propose to get more democracy into the system... ?

An electoral system which actually makes most people's vote worth casting would be a start.
Red Frog
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« Reply #385 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 12:05:20 »

An electoral system which actually makes most people's vote worth casting would be a start.

Well you lot had the chance to vote for one of those and missed your opportunity. Typical British conservatism.

Tout ce que je sais de plus sūr ą propos de la moralité et des obligations des hommes, c'est au football que je le dois. - Albert Camus

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« Reply #386 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 12:11:27 »

^^ I see. So you like democracy, but don't want to vote for anyone unless they agree with everything you think.... Hmmm

If you think what we have is democracy, you are deluded. A true democracy would have no party whips directing MP's.

MP's would listen to there constituents and vote for what they wanted. An honourable thing to do in my book as it was those said constituents that elected them into the House in the First place.

People are fooled into believing we live in a democracy, when in fact all we have is a bit of paper to scribble on every 4 years.

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« Reply #387 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 12:20:00 »

I think we can define a process that gives you what you want though Batch.  Get rid of political parties, which have to be self interested or of someone else's self interest to survive.  Instead we already have Civil service, just employ some administrators to carry out the countries wishes.  Then potential individual policies can be voted on in an X-Factor style weekly vote on TV, replacing said programme on ITV.  You could probably get through 10 or so policies a week with a results show on Sunday's.  It'd be a right mash-up of right left and everything inbetween.

As it is, voting any which way based on the economic policies is pretty much flawed because Govts lost control of economic influence years ago with global business now all but dictating that.

I shan't be voting because currently no single party offers anything substantially different, and those that do are generally to a further extreme away from own views - UKIP for example who presume I give a shit about immigration.  Personally I'd vote for a party with a selection of right and left wing policies, hence my daft suggestion above.

I would vote for:

Very limited immigration control - I'm not very nationalistic and would love the freedom to choose where to live (if any area becomes shit people would soon move back out).
Free health and social care run by a central body with not interest in profits within the system
High tax on higher earners to fund the health, social and welfare policies needed, but a winding down of the need of charities to make me feel guilty about everything (this would be me voting for a financial impact on myself).
A welfare state that is flexible enough to change but protects a set% of the population ensuring every family has a base minimum regardless of circumstances, but a working family could earn more.  Part of this right now would be to extend retirement age due to the change in population demographics (far less children vs. pensioners).  Maybe a part time pension for a number of years for example.  To fit alongside my immigration shackles being removed this base amount is sufficient to give a an agreed minimum living standard and nothing more, so would do little to entice people.  I'd also probably break this into regions of the country, but haven't thought that through.
A single education system that all must attend, with private education as a supplemental offer once the base one has been completed.
Removal of nuclear deterrents (what a stupid term) - how do all the non nuclear countries possibly survive?
Defined sentences for criminals - behaviour in prison should be expected to be good, so no need for early release.  Sitting alongside this, some offences to be completely removed, certainly around drugs - it's already an offence to steal stuff, so if someone wishes to harm themselves that bit is up to them.

So, some of it is completely nuts, and hence I find nobody worth voting for.  If Labour or Conservatives or Lib Dems get in, it makes little overall difference to me.

Shit Bacon

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« Reply #388 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 12:22:25 »

Well you lot had the chance to vote for one of those and missed your opportunity. Typical British conservatism.

I voted for it, thank you. But AV really isn't much better, progress perhaps, but the moment it turned into a referendum on what people thought of Clegg it was sunk.

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« Reply #389 on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 12:33:30 »

Out of interest what would you like to replace the current democratic system with?

Nothing wrong with the Democratic system, the fabric with what this Country stands for.
Will start with fraudulent expenses claims for one.
These are the pillars of society that people put their trust in.
Absolute scum.
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